rome sec2 a

Part Two: Part Two: From Republic From Republic To Empire To Empire

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World History, Roman Empire, Rome, Social Studies


Page 1: Rome Sec2 A

Part Two:Part Two: From Republic From Republic

To EmpireTo Empire

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•1. For all its success – Rome was unstable

•2. Power switches from the many to the few

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Growing Inequality & Unrest

•Landed aristocracy governed Rome

•Wealthy, powerful families

•Senate & political offices

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•Small farmers losing land to large, wealthy landowners

•New urban class of landless poor

•Latifundia – Large Landed Estates (like Plantation)

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•Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus, reform-minded aristocrats

•Called for laws giving public land back to the landless poor

•Both brothers eventually killed

•Discontent & unrest grew

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VIDEO: Rise of Tiberius

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Video: Tiberius Champions the Poor

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• S.P.Q.R. is an initialism of a Latin noun phrase, Senatus Populusque Romanus ("The Senate and the Roman People")

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Video: Cicero Takes the Lead

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The Collapse of the Republic

•Civil Wars 82 - 31 B.C.•Crassus, Pompey & Julius Caesar emerged as victors

•combined wealth & power to dominate the political scene

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The First The First TriumvirateTriumvirate

•60 B.C. •Crassus, Pompey Crassus, Pompey & Caesar& Caesar

•Crassus killed in 53 B.C.

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Video: Caesar’s Leadership

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•Caesar crossed the Rubicon, the river

•Caesar and Pompey start a civil war

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•Caesar defeats Pompey’s forces

•Caesar become a dictator – an absolute ruler

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Video: Caesar Starts Civil War

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Julius Julius CaesarCaesar

•44 B.C. a group of leading senators assassinated him

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The Second TriumvirateThe Second Triumvirate

•Octavian, Antony & Lepidus

•Octavian took the west & Antony, the east

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•Antony allied himself with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII

•Like Caesar before him, Antony had fallen in love with her

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Mark Anthony

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•Battle of ActiumBattle of Actium: Octavian’s forces smashed the army & the navy of Antony & Cleopatra

•Both committed suicide a year later

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The Age of Augustus•27 B.C. Octavian became “Augustus” the revered one

•Maintained a huge army•Becomes Golden Age of Literature - Virgil

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Emperors of the Early Emperors of the Early EmpireEmpire

•Nero: had people killed if he wanted them out of the way - including his mother

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Roman legions revoltedNero committed suicide by stabbing himself in the throat

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Video: The Horror of Nero’s Reign

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Emperors of the Early Emperors of the Early EmpireEmpire

•5 good emperors:

Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius & Marcus Aurelius

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Pax RomanaPax Romana = Roman Peace100 Years of Peace