tygerburger tableview 20150204

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: [email protected] | www.tygerburger.co.za TABLEVIEW CATERWARE • GIFTWARE • TOYS ON SPECIAL R38.50 R38.50 Braai Grids Braai Grids X1PFDKTW-AL191114 Tel. 021 5515790 • www.plasticsforafrica.com Long Burning Candles Long Burning Candles R155 R155 from from R120 R120 Solar Lights Solar Lights 3 Montague Drive | Montague Gardens Wireless Bluetooth SELFIE STICKS Wireless Bluetooth SELFIE STICKS BEAT THE POWER CUT BLUES X1PP1NMT-AL040215 CRIME PREVENTION: FEARS CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP WON’T BRING END TO POLITICKING Watch swops chairs ANDRÉ BAKKES @andrebakkes P arklands Neighbourhood Watch (PNW) chairperson Bjorn Harrison Sa- gar has been replaced by an interim chairperson, Gary le Roux. Last week a meeting was called by PNW members, who voted to oust Sagar. According to Sagar, 31 members attended and 28 voted in favour of an interim chair- person to take over the reins. The latest developments follow an ex- tremely rocky period for the young neigh- bourhood watch, with the difficulties start- ing shortly after its inception at the begin- ning of last year. TygerBurger has on several occasions re- ported on the friction between the Table View Community Police Forum (CPF) and PNW. Members of the community have been caught in the crossfire, and didn’t know where to turn, or which watch to join – PNW or Table View Neighbourhood Watch (TVNW). Table View police’s station com- mander Col Dirk Vosloo echoes the feeling of many when he says those who suffer most are the community members. “This must be sorted out as soon as possible. The communi- ty isn’t interested in the politics,” he stated. With Sagar now replaced, many hope the “political” quarrels will come to an end, but this appears not to be the case. An anonymous source from TVNW told TygerBurger that Le Roux himself is not the ideal replacement, and listed several rea- sons. Le Roux says he will be the interim chair- person until April, when the committee will have PNW’s annual general meeting and de- cide who should lead them. Apart from this bit of information, Le Roux refuses to elaborate on matters. “PNW doesn’t have a media liaison officer at the moment, and the committee has decid- ed that when we speak to the media, we must do it together. All I can currently confirm is that PNW is still operating in the communi- ty. All we’ve had is a change in manage- ment,” he says. V To page 2. A long time ago, Milnerton beach was connected to Woodstock beach by one long, magnificent stretch of white sand. But since then, development has changed the nature of the shoreline. These days the stretch of beach has been replaced with dollose, a harbour and blocks of flats. PHOTO: DAVE COLINS Shifting shoreline

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Tygerburger Tableview 20150204


Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: [email protected] | www.tygerburger.co.za



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Watch swops chairsANDRÉ BAKKES


Parklands Neighbourhood Watch(PNW) chairpersonBjornHarrison Sa-gar has been replaced by an interim

chairperson, Gary le Roux.Last week a meeting was called by PNW

members, who voted to oust Sagar.According to Sagar, 31 members attended

and 28 voted in favour of an interim chair-person to take over the reins.The latest developments follow an ex-

tremely rocky period for the young neigh-bourhood watch, with the difficulties start-ing shortly after its inception at the begin-ning of last year.TygerBurger has on several occasions re-

ported on the friction between the TableView Community Police Forum (CPF) andPNW.Members of the community have been

caught in the crossfire, and didn’t knowwhere to turn, or whichwatch to join – PNWor Table View Neighbourhood Watch(TVNW). Table View police’s station com-

mander Col Dirk Vosloo echoes the feelingof manywhen he says those who suffermostare the communitymembers. “Thismust besorted out as soonaspossible. The communi-ty isn’t interested in the politics,” he stated.With Sagar now replaced, many hope the

“political” quarrels will come to an end, butthis appears not to be the case.An anonymous source from TVNW told

TygerBurger that Le Roux himself is not theideal replacement, and listed several rea-sons.Le Roux says he will be the interim chair-

person until April, when the committee willhave PNW’s annual general meeting and de-cide who should lead them.Apart from this bit of information, Le

Roux refuses to elaborate on matters.“PNWdoesn’t have amedia liaison officer

at themoment, and the committee has decid-ed thatwhenwe speak to themedia, wemustdo it together. All I can currently confirm isthat PNW is still operating in the communi-ty. All we’ve had is a change in manage-ment,” he says.

V To page 2.

A long time ago, Milnerton beach was connected to Woodstock beach by one long, magnificent stretch of white sand. But since then, development has changed the nature of the shoreline.These days the stretch of beach has been replaced with dollose, a harbour and blocks of flats. PHOTO: DAVE COLINS

Shifting shoreline

2 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015NUUS


Photo gallery

67 Blankets for Madiba celebrated its firstbirthday in the Company Gardens on 27January.

CompetitionUp for grabs this week: tickets to AlistairIzobell’s one­man production, Let’s Make Music;tickets to the McLaren Circus in Table View;and vouchers for the Magnum Pleasure Storein Cavendish.

Photo gallery

A passenger train derailed close to theBrackenfell train station on Thursday shortlybefore 14:00.





Sagar insists he is “at peace”with the decisi-on, but adds he will not be joining a neigh-bourhood watch ever again.

“This is anorganisationbasedon theworkof volunteers, and over the last year me andmy family have been under serious strain.It’s just not worth it. I just wanted to do so-mething for the community,” says Sagar.

“Gary is a good guy,whohashis own ideashow to run PNW. His whole heart is in it,

so I wish him success.”Sagar says he and his family will be mo-

ving out of Parklands soon, because he is fe-arful of the crime in the area.

“I see bad times ahead for Parklands. Ta-ble View police are understaffed, underqua-lified and undermotivated, and law enforce-ment is in disarray. Crime has increased alot. The CPF should be focusing on crime,”he concludes.

Wake up call: Learners, parents and staff members were surprised when SunningdalePrimary School principal Estelle de Wit accepted the ice bucket challenge during Mondaymorning assembly, and later the same day, at a parent evening held at school. Here thesports coordinator Hanno Huisamen performs the ritual with Grade 2 teacher ZerinaHuisamen looking on.

The Oyster Catcher breeding season isnow well underway and the birds nestingalong the coastal stretch of the Blaauw-berg Nature Reserve are as busy as anyo-ne else.

On 24 January, the team of learnerswho participated in the continuing fort-nightlyOysterCatcher countwere rewar-ded by locating four nests, each with twoeggs.

The first batch of hatchlings are gro-wing beautifully and the counting teamwere able to track a family from when theeggs were laid in November to when thegrowing chicks were taken down to thewater’s edge to learn to foragemid-Janua-ry.

Interested high school learners whowish to participate in any of the remai-ning counts during this summer season,and possibly boost their community ser-vice hours, should contact Heinz Geigerof the Friends of the Blaauwberg Conser-vation Area at [email protected] fordetails. The counts will continue to be ta-ken every second Saturday to the end ofMarch.

Oyster Catcher counters richly rewarded

Sam Smith, Resego Tabane, Sarah Metellerkamp, Shaun Nothard, Tashwell Josephs, IlseBögringer participated in the last count.

Eskom Western Cape’s new load shed-ding schedules, now in place, follows afour-day rotational pattern.

Over a four day pattern, customers will beshed at different time slots. “Load sheddingshould be a fair and equal experience andour new schedules will provide a balancebetween equity and predictability” indica-tes Alwie Lester, Eskom’s provincial head.

Eskom in the Western Cape has taken intoaccount the customer feedback. “We haveengaged regularly with different segmentsof our customer base and as much as we aretrying to avoid load shedding, when it is im-plemented we want to give our customers abetter experience therefore rotating the loadfairly across all our customers” Lester ex-plains.

The previous load shedding schedules we-re from 06:00 to 22:00 in stage 1 and stage 2.“Our new schedules are designed to accom-modate a 24-hour cycle in all three stages,”Lester clarifies.

The new schedules provide more frequentrotation and are to be implemented in accor-dance with the days of the month followinga four day pattern. The schedules are alsodesigned to ensure where the City of CapeTown and Eskom have shared networks, thecustomers will not experience different loadshedding time slots.

How to interpret the new load sheddingschedules:

1. Identify your area block number usingthealphabetical list of theEskomsupplyare-as;

2. Identify the load shedding stage that hasbeen declared;

3. Look at the day of themonth for the rele-vant stage declared;

4. Find your block number in the time slotthat you will be shed in;

The new load shedding schedule and thealphabetical Eskom supply area list can befound in this week’s newspaper.

Customers are requested to keep theseschedules and be prepared in the event of lo-ad shedding. Customers can also access theEskom website or Eskom Western Capewalk-in-centres for the schedules.

Stages of load shedding:Stage 1 allows for up to 1000 MW of the na-

tional load to be shed.Stage 2 allows for up to 2000 MW of the na-

tional load to be shedStage 3a allows for up to 3000 MW of the

national load to be shed.Stage 3b allows for up to 4000 MW of the

national load to be shed.Customers should please treat all electri-

cal installations as live for the full durationof the load shedding period.V For more information about load shedding go tohttp://loadshedding.eskom.co.za, follow them onTwitter (@Eskom_SA), go to the facebook page Es­kom Hld SOC Ltd or contact 08600 37566.

Eskom rotatesload shedding

Table View police Station Commander, Co-lonel Dirk Vosloo and the Table View Com-munity Police Forum (CPF), invite commu-nity members to an Imbizo Thursday 26 Fe-bruary at 19:00.

It will be hosted by CPF Sector 3 and beheld at Kingsgate Fellowship, on the cornerof Study and Athens roads in Table View.

Residents of Big Bay, Bloubergstrand,Blouberg Sands, Bloubergrandt, West Be-ach, Blouberg Rise, Waves Edge, Parklands,Sunningdale, Table View, Sunridge, WestRiding, Flamingo Vlei, Doornbach will dis-cuss crime and how to combat it.V Any further enquiries please contact 072 648 7332or mail [email protected].

Combating crime on cards at CPF meeting

’n Tronkvoël wat Maandag vrygelaat is, wasskaars op vrye voet toe is sy vlerkies weergeknip.

Die man, vermoedelik onder die invloedvan dwelms, het gister (Donderdag) om-streeks 12:00 oor ’n heining gespring in ’n ag-terplaas van ’n huis in Hyacinth-straat, ’ndoodloopstraat uit Hibiscusstraat agter dieMediclinic Durbanville, toe die slaaplushom oorval het.

Die 65-jarige huiseienaar, wat in daardie

stadium in sy kantoor sit en werk het, het’n geluid in sy slaapkamer gehoor en dievreemde man in sy bed aangetref. Die manhet toegang verkry deur die agterdeur watoopgestaan het.

Die huiseienaar het die man uit sy bed ge-boender en by die agterdeur uitgestoot. Dieman kon egter nie weer oor die heining komnie, en is weer die huis in.

Hy het ’n mes uitgehaal en ’n skermutse-ling het tussen hom en die huiseienaar ont-

staan.Die huiseienaar het hom egter oorrompel

en die polisie ontbied. Die huiseienaar het’n ligte snywond op sy regterhand opgedoen.

Die verdagte, na bewering ’n ou bekendemisdadiger in die dorp, is op ’n klag van be-treding in hegtenis geneem.

Dis onbekend waarvoor hy tronkstraf uit-gedien het, maar hy was veral bekend virdiefstal uit motorvoertuie, volgens ’n poli-siewoordvoerder.

Klaas Vakie knip gou inbreker se vlerkies

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Table View 3




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Eerste matrieks mik hoogDie graad 12’s van 2015 by die Hoërskool Melkbosstrand is die eerste matrieks van hierdie skool.

Dit is met groot opgewondenheid dat dieHoërskool Melkbosstrand se eerste graad12’s hul gewone skooluniforms verruil hetvir die 2015-matriekuniforms.

Die jong skool het vanjaar sy eerste graad12-groep en die skoolhoof, Daneil Ross, is be-hoorlik trots.

“Hier by die Hoërskool Melkbosstrandgaan ons met niks minder tevrede wees as’n 100%-slaagsyfer nie. Daar word gesê datnuwe skole selde ’n 100%-slaagsyfer met huleerste matriekgroep behaal, maar ons gaanalles in ons vermoë doen om ons leerders teondersteun en te motiveer. Ons streef na

uitnemendheid en met toegewyde, goed op-geleide onderwysers en ’n wonderlike graad12-groep, is ek daarvan oortuig dat ons leer-ders dit gaan regkry.

“Ons glo in ons leerders en ons sien gewel-dig uit na die jaar en al die uitdagings watvoorlê,” sê Ross.

Please come and meet ourbeautiful dogs, puppies,

cats and kittens.

Should you be missingyour pet or wanting toadopt one, phone theAACL on 074 575 7737

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Doyoustruggle to resist gambling?

Volunteers needed for a clinical, genetics andbrain-imaging study!The MRC Unit on Anxiety & Stress Disorders atthe Universities of Stellenbosch and Cape Townis conducting a study on gambling disorder.Gambling disorder is a psychiatric disordercharacterised by the uncontrollable urge togamble despite serious consequences, such asfinancial or relationship difficulties. Individualswith gambling disorder may continually chasebets, hide their behaviour, tell lies about wherethey go, how much they spend or owe,accumulate debt or even resort to fraud or theft inorder to continue gambling.The research team is looking for persons withgambling problems and healthy controls who areright-handed and between 18-65 years.

For more information or to participate,Contact Prof. Christine Lochner,

021 – 938 [email protected]

4 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015NUUS

Publieke Deelname Proses

Bestuursplan vir die Koeberg Natuurreservaat,

Wes-Kaap Provinsie

Eskom Verwysingsnommer: KNRMP 1.1/01/2015

Die Koeberg Privaat Natuurreservaat was in 1991 geproklameer kragtens die KaapseProvinsiale Natuur en Omgewingsbewaring Ordinansie, Ordinansie 19 van 1974. DieOmgewingsbestuurswet vir Beskermde Gebiede van April 2013, vereis dat 'n bestuursplan virverklaarde natuurreservate ontwikkel word.

Kennis word hiermee gegee kragtens artikel 39(9) van die bogenoemde wet dat dit Eskom sevoorneme is om 'n Bestuursplan vir die Koeberg Natuurreservaat te ontwikkel. DieBestuursplan is 'n strategiese dokument wat die bestuursraamwerk vir die natuurreservaatuiteensit. Dit sluit onder andere die strategiese en operasionele bestuursraamwerk,operasionele bestuurstelsel enmoniteringsmaatreëls in.

Die finale Bestuursplan vir die Koeberg Natuurreservaat sal aan die Lid van die UitvoerendeRaad van die Departement van Omgewing- en Ontwikkelingsbeplanning gestuur word virgoedkeuring.

Lede van die publiek word genooi om deel te neem aan hierdie publieke deelnameproses. Diebestuursplan is beskikbaar vir openbare oorsig en kommentaar by:• DieEskomwebtuiste:http://www.eskom.co.za/Whatweredoing/ElectricityGeneration/KoebergNuclearPowerStation/Pages/MangmtPlan.aspx

• DieKoebergPubliekeBiblioteek –MerchantWalk, Duynefontein,Melkbosstrand(+27 21 553 4009).

• Die Koeberg Natuurreservaat Besoekersentrum, Koeberg Kragsentrale, Melkbosstrand( 21 550 4021).

Vir enige navrae raadpleeg ons gerus, of rig u kommentaar rakende die bestuursplan, tesamemet die bogenoemde verwysingsnommer, u naam en kontakbesonderhede aan DeonJeannes, telefonies by tel. +27 21 550 5027, of by wyse van 'n e-pos [email protected] teen 9Maart 2015.


Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Reg No 2002/015527/30







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Caption correction: In last week’s TygerBurger the following photo was used with thearticle entitled “Czechs hand over cheque”. The caption stated that everyone in the photorepresented the donors, but Harry Morton and Kay Bailey (third and fourth from the left)acually represent one of the beneficiaries – St Luke’s Hospice.

Awe inspiring:McLaren Circus iscelebrating its 10thanniversary with theirmost spectacular showto date. South Africa’smost traditional circuswill be at the TableView Football Club inPentz Drive fromThursday 5 untilSaturday 15 February.Tickets cost betweenR80 and R130. Call 082747 5726 or emailbookings@mclarencir­cus.co.za to book. WIN!WIN! WIN! Five readerscan each win doubleringside seats for theperformance onThursday 12 February.Visit www.tygerbur­ger.co.za to enter.

A personal trainer from Durbanville waschosen as the first runner-up for Mr SouthAfrica in the grand finale last week at theEngedi Lodge in Johannesburg.Morné Marais (28), who also works as a

health and safety advisor, said he wants tomake a bigger difference, to be an inspirati-on and role model.He started an anti-bullying campaign in

September last year and has already spokenabout bullying at eight different schools anduniversities in three provinces.He was the only finalist from the Western

Cape.“I want to thank each and everyone for

their amazing support, kind words, phonecalls, messages and posts – it truly means somuch. I could not have done this without allof you.“I am truly so grateful. It was a year of

hardwork and dedication,with greatmemo-ries and people. But it does not end here, itis only the beginning,” he said.He plans to register his anti-bullying cam-

paign as an non-profitable organisation andwork full force to create awareness on thistopic and to complete his book on bullyingand launch it as soon as possible.Previous titles he has won include MrWi-

nelands,Mr Perfect andMrWinelands Sum-merbody in 2013. Hewas also in the top threeof the Men’s Health Cover Search 2013.

Dapper Durbanvillelad opposes bullying

Morné Marais

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Table View 5

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Spooks addmystery toDie Damhuis

Die Damhuis, a restaurant in Melkbosstrand, has a rich history (and might be haunted!) PHOTOS:SUPPLIED

ANDRÉ BAKKES@andrebakkes

Scratch… Scratch…If you are very quiet you will hear

me scraping at the walls of Die Dam-huis storeroom.The susceptible will, every once in a

while, see my haggard figure fluttering inthe air like a flapping sail.I died more than 200 years ago.I am told Paranormal Research Investi-

gators of Pretoria (PRIP) reckon Die Dam-huis restaurant, the first built structure inMelkbosstrand,might be haunted by an oldwoman.If someone was in the pitch black store-

room with me, they would’ve noticed aghostly figure grinning mischievously.Scratch… Scratch…The PRIP Facebook post was shared by

many a sceptical soul, mostly because theyfind the history of Die Damhuis so interest-ing.So for nowmyname is not important, but

rather what I have seen.This empty piece of land was given to

Christiaan Brand in 1781 and he and hisfamily settled here.Die Damhuis, known back then as the

Visschuur, was built with stone and plas-tered with a mixture of cow manure, sandand hay.Master Christiaan hunted whales, and I

clearly remember the dayhedecided tomixsome of the whale bones into the walls.Even today parts of the walls have been

left unplastered for visitors to view thesewhale bones.Fish were originally cleaned, salted and

dried in theVisschuur, which later becameknown as Die Damhuis.Yes, present day Beach Road used to be

a dam.Oh! The tragic tales I can recount!It was a dreary day when the sea claimed

the life of one of Master Christiaan’s tensons. His wife, Gesina Maria, was particu-larly distraught.

On occasion I look at the painting in therestaurant, which depicts that calamitousday. Sometimes, when you are very quiet,you can hear me sobbing in the dark.I prefer scraping at the walls though.It is far less conspicuous.One day in January 1806, a British fleet

of 60 ships arrived on the coast.A smaller boat was sent ashore and land-

ed right in front of Die Damhuis, but theDutch farmers were waiting for them be-hind the sand dunes.Dutch snipers on horseback and British

cannons fired at one another furiously, butin the end the snipers could not prevent theBritish ships from landing.The invaders took over Die Damhuis for

its dried fish and claimed the adjacent damas a fresh water source.The troops ravaged De Melkbosch and

soon the 9000 men rounded BlaauwbergHills with one target in mind – the Cape de-fenders – which included Dutch troops,burgher militia, a regiment of Waldeckers,some French soldiers, and the well-trainedHottentot Corps.I still laugh when I think of the Scottish

Highlanders, who fought with the British,dragging those heavy field cannons overthe sand dunes in the summer heat!Approximately a 1000 people were killed

during the Battle of Blaauwberg.The defenders surrendered and a treaty

was signed under a tree in Woodstock – orso I was told.So many things have happened in and

around my final resting place (or perhapsI should say my final manifesting place?)I have heard that a book entitled Die

Damhuis – resepte en herinneringe aan ’nhuis, written by Dirk en Reinet Nagtegaaland StefanMeintjes, will be published laterthis year. Perhaps the authorswill dedicatea chapter to me?Regardless, my scratch-scratching will

continue as long as I love to prank the liv-ing daylights out of unsuspecting souls.In retrospect, perhapsDieDamhuis ismy

final jesting place?

6 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015NUUS

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Petrol heads protest proposal

Proposed new regulations to stamp out illegal racing have been met with disbelief by themodified motoring fraternity. Many claim it will be difficult to enforce and say they’re beingvictimised because of the assumption that all modified cars are used in illegal races. PHOTO:CHEVON BOOYSEN

CHEVON BOOYSEN@chevonbooysen

Proposed regulations to clamp down on“illegal modifications and illegal

racers” has suffered a false start.The new regulation, made public two

weeks ago and which is to be added to theTraffic Regulations Act, caused an uproaramong the motoring fraternity. The pro-posed regulation seeks to “impose stricterfines on illegal racers and cars that aremodi-fied”, says a media release.Enthusiasts are taking a stand against the

proposed regulation.Meanwhile, City of Cape Town safety and

security mayco member JP Smith said histeam will impose stricter fines on driversfound guilty of illegal racing.He saidmedia reports that he andhis team

“plan to target drivers of modified vehicles”are “worryingly inaccurate”.“For the record, the City’s Traffic Service

is mandated to enforce the provisions of theNational Road Traffic Act No. 93 of 1996.[This is] a national piece of legislationwhichstates that anymodification of or tamperingwith a vehicle’s safety design renders the ve-hicle unroadworthyunless done by theman-ufacturer or a registered body builder,”Smith says.But car enthusiasts and the after-market

industry want clarity on what this regula-tion will mean in practical terms.Cape TownCar Enthusiasts (CTCE) repre-

sentative Kersten Greybe says confusionhas many motorists driving in fear.“People are scared to even just drive their

cars to the corner shops since the announce-ment. Nobody knowswhat is happening andno answers have been given and we need toknow exactly what this means for the CapeTown car culture,” she says.Greybe says more people in the modified

car circle are selling their cars. “People are

opting to sell their cars because they don’twant criminal records or to pay steep finesthat may land them in court eventually. Theproposed [regulation] is ridiculous and willnever work.”She agrees it is good to clamp down on ille-

gal racing as it “endangers the car culturein the province”. “Clamping down on illegalracers I can understand as they are a hazardon the road. But to paint everybody with thesame brush is horribly unfair.”She says many motorists take part in

events atKillarneyRaceway, but afterwards“we find ourselves in a roadblock, just out-side the venue. What is the point of practis-ing your sport legally but you’re victimisedanyway?”She started an online petition to prevent

the proposed regulation being passed. At thetime of the interview she had 20 000 signa-tures. “For too longwe have been underdogsand we have now decided to educate our-selves with regard to the proposed [regula-tion].Wearen’t artistswith canvasses so ourmasterpieces are our cars,” she says.Online posts have been buzzing with inci-

dents of clampdowns.It is alleged Ghost Squad officers have

been fining drivers of modified vehicles andeven confiscating their car licence discs.According to a Facebook post, two drivers

en route to Killarneywere arrested for alleg-edly speeding. The officers also took theircar licence discs. One driverwas finedR4000for “inconsiderate driving and wheelspin-ning”. He posted that an officer said he

would “make an example of us because weare the people talking bad [sic] of them onsocial media”.He posted: “We spent our legal race night

with real criminals. TheGhost Squad officerdid everything in his ability to lock us upalthough the police at the police station didnot want him to do so.”Anothermotorist, who does notwant to be

named, says the proposed regulation isdoomed. “Itwill neverwork,” he says. “Theyhaven’t thought this through. The motoringindustry is huge and understandably peopleare in uproar. We feel victimised and haveno clarity as Smith changes his story everyother day.”He says he is afraid to drive his car be-

cause the Ghost Squad is instilling fear indrivers. “I had lots of modifications done tomy car. I spent a lot of time and money onit only to now not be sure if I can drivearound with it.”Registered tuner shops say they fear the

after-market industry will be under threatshould the bylaw impose stricter laws onanybody with a modified vehicle.Yaseen Abrahams, of CPi Performance In-

novation Cape Town, says they are “highlyconcerned”with theoutlawingof carmodifi-cations.“CPi only engages in legal modification of

cars and ourwork is of the highest standard.Outlawing modifications will have a hugeimpact on the industry. Surely if individualsabide by the law it is their right to modifytheir cars as they wish,” Abrahams says.The regulations are to be in effect inApril,

but Smith adds the enactment of the regula-tions is the responsibility of the provincialtransport division.He said the City has lobbied for illegal rac-

ers’ vehicles to be impounded, for spectatorsof illegal races to be penalised andstricterpenalties for motorists included in the Act,says Smith.

There is a safer option for motoring enthu-siasts to sate their need for speed.Aftermedia reports about stricter law en-

forcement against modified cars and illegalroad racing, Killarney will avail its facili-ties so the public may race and test theircars under safe and controlled conditions.“Killarney is not only a top racing venue.

It is also a place of family entertainmentand the opportunity to enjoy speed and per-formance under safe conditions,” said Kil-larney executive manager Des EasomKillarney, home of the Western Province

Motor Club, hosts Club Drags, Street2Strip

(S2S) and Streetcar Track day events eachmonth. Street2Strip is an event where roadgoing cars use the drag strip and the full cir-cuit is used in Streetcar track days.Drivers fromas far asGeorge andKnysna

participate. Entry for the Street2Strip isR50.Easom says safety takes top priority at

the facility and safety precautions are tak-en with all drivers before they race.The vehicles are also required to pass a

safety check.Visit www.wpmc.co.za or the Killarney

Facebook page for more information.

Killarney offers safer route for speed freaks

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Table View 7

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Ribbons of Joy hosts a Valentine’s danceon 14 February at the Martin Adams Hallin Ysterplaat. It starts at 20:00 and goes ontill late. Tickets cost R30 each. Bring yourown refreshments and snacks. No personunder 18 allowed.

This is a fund-raising event and all pro-ceeds will be put back in the community.

As tickets are limited, it is important tobook the tickets before hand.V To book or buy tickets please contact Amandaon 071 424 4624.

Valentine’s dance in aid of communityTheVissershokRoad inDurbanvillewill bepartially closed when the 99er cycle tourand MTB challenge takes place this Satur-day 7 February from 07:00 to 13:00.

The road will be closed from the N7 to theMeerendal wine estate turn off. The roadclosure will be from the N7 towards Dur-banville only.

Thiswill allowcyclists to safely negotiateVissershok Road for the last stretch to thefinish on Odendaal Road in Aurora.

Tygerberg Road (M13) will serve as alter-native route into Durbanville.

Motorists can expect delays on St John’sRoad, Vissershok Road, Main Road andWellington Road in Durbanville from 06:00until 08:00.

This year, live entertainment, fun ridesfor children and food stalls will provide fun

for the whole family. The new kiddies ridefor under seven-year-olds will take place onthe track going around the inside circle ofthe Durbanville race course.

Tickets can be purchased at the racecourse at R20 a ticket. Ticket sales will endjust before 12:00.

The 99er is organised and hosted by theEl Shaddai Christian School, with over 350volunteers.

Over R10 000 was raised for charity fromonline donations by the cyclists last year.In addition, R30 000 from the profits of therace was donated to Partners for Possibili-ty, Inside Out and the ESCS ScholarshipFund.V Full details on the race are available on the websitewww.99er.co.za or send an email to in­[email protected].

Road closures for 99er race

8 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015NUUS


Call: [email protected]







Sy boek oor Madiba ’n topverkoper

Die brief wat Mandela aan Christo Brand sevrou geskryf het om te kla oor hy nie woustudeer nie. FOTO’S: BRENDEN RUITER

BRENDEN RUITER@ruitervaniewind

Die onwaarskynlike vriendskap tussen’n Afrikaner en die apartheidsrege-ring se nommer een vyand het die wê-

reld gaande.Christo Brand van Ruyterwacht was een

van oudpresident Nelson Mandela se tronk-bewaarders op Robbeneiland en by die Poll-smoor-gevangenis. Hy het verlede jaar ’nboek die lig laat sien oor sy vriendskap metMandela. Dié boek is in 16 lande en 10 taleversprei en in sommige lande is dit reeds 4

keer herdruk. In sekere dele van Amerikawas die boek 4 weke lank die topverkoper.Maar terwyl mense in onder meer Ameri-

ka, Engeland en Duitsland hulle verwonderaan die storie, bly Brand rustig in sy huis inRuyterwacht regoor die Elsiesrivier-polisie-kantoor. “Ek verwyl my vryetyd deur motorswat in ongelukke was te restoureer en dan teverkoop. Dit is vir my lekker ommetmy han-de tewerk,” sêBrand,wat steeds op die eilandwerk. Hy bestuur die winkels.Volgens hom wou hy nooit ’n boek skryf

nie, maar Mandela het volgehou. “Elke keeras ek hom besoek het, het hy gevra wanneerek dan die boek skryf. Hy het gevoel ek vertelons storie oor en oor en ander mense maakgeld daaruit. Daarna het hy verskeie mensenamygestuuromtehelpmetdie boek.Uitein-delik het dit ses jaar geneemvandat ek vir dieeerste keer my notas bymekaar gemaak het.”

Uitgestel“Die druk van die boek moes ook uitgestel

word toe Mandela siek word en weer toe hysterf. Hy het darem die geleentheid gehad omdie eerste drie hoofstukke te lees voor hy ge-sterf het en was baie tevrede. Toe hulle dievoorbeelde van die voorblaaie aan hom voor-lê het hy van alles gehou, al het die uitgewersgesê hulle kan nie verskillende voorblaaiemaaknie. Uiteindelik het elke boek in die ver-skillende lande sy eie voorblad,” lag Brand.Hy sê dit is vandag vir hom maklik om oor

syverhoudingmetMandela te praat,maar toehy sy tronkbewaarder was, het die mense naaan hom net geweet hy werk vir korrektiewedienste. “Ons het nie daai tyd oor ons werkgepraat nie. Toe ek op die eiland kom, het eknie eens geweetwieMandela is nie. Ons is netvertel dit is baie gevaarlike misdadigers.“Die eerste dingwatmy, as plaaskind, opge-

val het, was dat die ou manne op sulke dunmatjies moes lê. Ek het sommige dae in myetensuur in ’n sel op van die matjies gaan lêen sal nooit vergeet hoe hard en koud dit was

nie.”Mandela het volgens Brand nooit ver-ander in die tyd wat hy hom geken het nie.“Hy was veronderstel om wit mense te

haat, maar hy was lief vir hulle. Al was hyNelson Mandela, het hy nooit geweier om’n vloer te was as iemand hom gevra hetom dit te doen nie.”Net om te illustreer hoeveel waarde

Mandela aan mense geheg het, vertelBrand die staaltjie van ’n besoek deur homen Ahmed Kathrada aan die destydsestaatspresident. “Toe ons inkom is hy nognie in die vertrek nie en Kathrada sê ekmoet nie op ’n sekere stoel sit nie, want ditis Mandela s’n. Ek gaan sit toe maar op dierusbank. Ná ’n rukkie het Mandela inge-stap gekom en gesê: ‘Meneer Brand, komsit jy op dié stoel, want jy is vandag die be-langrikste gas hier’. Dit was asof hymenseen situasies kon lees.”In al die jare wat hulle op die eiland was,

het BrandMadiba net twee keer kwaad ge-sien en die een keer was dit oor ’n misver-standmet syRapport – susterskoerant vanTygerBurger. “Hywas daardie tyd in isola-sie, maar was toegelaat om in te teken opDie Burger en Rapport. Hy het die Sondagso bietjie gelees en gaan slaap. ’n Andertronkbewaarder het sy koerant geleen entoe hy wakker word, kry hy nie sy koerantnie. Dit het ’n geskarrel afgegee omdie koe-rant op te spoor,maar ekmoes later beloweek sal vir hom ’nander eenbring. Sókwaad

was Mandela dat hy die tronkbewaarderwou klap en ons moes net keer!”

VriendBrand sê Mandela was sy vriend.“Ons het mekaar gereeld gesien ná sy vry-

lating en hy het my gesin ontmoet. Hy hetselfs verwysings vir my oorlede seun ge-skryf toe hy werk soek.”Dan onthou Brand van die brief wat Man-

dela uit die tronk vir Brand se vrou gestuurhet. “Hy was bekommerd oor ek nie verderstudeer nie. Toe ek op die eiland kom, wasMandela reeds sestig, maar hy het vir almalomgegee. In die brief sê hy vir my vrou hyhet al baie met my gepraat, maar ek luisternie. Eers ná sy vrylating het sy vir my diebriefie gewys en ons het dit steeds.”Die brief is nie al wat Brand het van sy

vriend nie.“Ek het nog sy tennisrakette en sy oefen-

fiets. Toe hy vrygelaat word, het hy gesê ekmoet dit vir my kinders gee. Jy sal nie glohoe fiks hy op daardie ouderdom was nie.”Brand wou aanvanklik ’n elektrisiën

word,maarmoes eersweermag toe gaan. Hywou nie en het as alternatief by korrektiewedienste beginwerk. “Ek dink dit was bestemdat ek op Robbeneiland moes wees. My lewekon so anders uitgedraai het, maar my ont-moetingmetMandela het dit in ’n hele nuwerigting gestuur. Hy het my geleer van nede-righeid en om ander te help.”

Christo Brandmet drie vandie voorblaaievan sy boek.

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Table View 9

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GARY VAN DYK@gvdcapejazz

While Western Province Aquaticsare continually trying to promoteand grow swimming as a sport,

they’re also on a mission to make peopleaware that swimming is a vital life skill.Briane Reynolds, president of Western

Province Aquatics, says swimming can bea healthy pastime but it is more importantin relation to safety.“We are on a mission to make people

aware of the importance of safety in water,at pools and beaches,” he said.“Many parents are becoming aware of

this and are taking steps to get their chil-dren swimming, but we want to highlighta few vital steps one should take when en-rolling your child into a swimming pro-gramme.”

Correct standardsHe explained there are many swim

schools available, but not all are certifiedto the correct standards, or registered toWestern Province Aquatics. “We as thecustodiansof the sportare vigilantwith re-gards to therequire-ments oneneeds in or-der to openlearn-to-swim pro-grammes.“There

are variousregulationsthat need tobe put inplace in or-der to getregisteredand accredited with WP.”A few very important criteria needed for

swim teachers/coaches to be registered toWP Aquatics/Swim South Africa are:

. Level 1 first aid certificate;

. Official police clearance;

. Swim South Africa and WP certifica-tion (completed learn-to-swim instructor’scourse);

. Proof of annual registration to WPA/Swimming SA; and

. The learn-to-swim school be regis-tered to WPA.“Many swim schools don’t comply with

the necessary safety and qualification re-quirements,” continued Reynolds.

Registration“It is therefore imperative for all parents

to request the instructor to present proofof current registration to WP Aquatics.“Parents can also check the Western

Province website for registered learn-to-swim instructors and coaches.“Over the years, WPA has been trying to

grow and develop the sport and take swim-ming to all our communities.“We have some fantastic projects in

place to teach and educate coaches withinthe communities and to put safe, fun swimprogrammes in place.“There are numerous initiatives, like

the porta pool school project. These areportable pools that are set up at variousschool locations, in order to get childreneducated on the importance of this vitallife skill.“Regular water safety talks are also held

and we encourage the importance of get-ting people water safe.“Through aquatics, we will continue to

strive to better our communities in theWestern Cape where making every child aswimmer is our number one priority.”V For more information about the organisation goto www.wpaquatics.org.

Ability toswim maysave yourchild’s life

Teaching children to swim is askill that can ensure theirsafety in the water.

10 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015HOOFARTIKELBLAD

’n Oog vir ’n oog,maak net diewêreld blind.­Mohandas Ghan­


Balancing act: Ladies walking in Scottsdene last week Tuesday carry their bags in the age­old African tradition.PHOTO: CARINA ROUX

[email protected]|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woordenie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

Ek as inwoner kan nie andersnie as om kommentaar te lewerop die berig in die TygerBurgervan 28 Januarie onder dieopskrif “Laerskool skok leiers”.

Dit is baie duidelik dat diedepartement van onderwyseensydig ’n besluit geneem hetsonder om op demokratiesewyse die gemeenskap te raad-pleeg en sodoende grondwetlikop te tree.

Ek sluk dit nie dat daar opdie nippertjie besluit is om baiekinders van ander gebiede indie Proteahoogte Akademie aslaerskoolleerders te akkommo-deer nie; dit is duidelik dat dit’n goed beplande skuif van diedepartement was.


Sluk nie aan diéskoolstorie

It is a pity that Koert Meyer,in his letter of 17 December,makes sweeping statementswith many assumptions.

To write that someone, whobelieves in protecting innocentvictims, ‘seems to have anoutlook of anger, hatred andvengeance’ is pretty presump-tuous.

After I’ve reached out to theSt James attackers and labou-red as a missionary in highrisk areas like the Congo, tohelp the poor and marginali-sed, this is truly a fascinatingidea.

Yes, God does stop evil. ButHe uses men and women onearth to do His will; it does nothappen in a vacuum.

I’ve never argued that ‘wemust all’ carry guns, althoughit is a helpful idea. Let the lawabiding who want to carry,carry.

Jesus told Peter he would becommitting suicide to choose afight in trying to fight soldiers– as well as undermining God’splan to allow Jesus’ death onthe cross and resurrection.

So, Jesus told Peter to puthis sword in its place. Hedidn’t tell Peter to get rid of it.He had earlier ordered thedisciples to arm themselves.The reason for the swords wasto protect the lives of thedisciples, not the life of the Sonof God. Jesus was saying thatit was not the right time for afight.

Meyer appears to haveadopted the pagan fallacy ofanimism – that evil lurks inthings (guns), rather thanpeople. Demonizing inanimateobjects (guns) makes no sense!Guns can be used for good orevil. The heart of the handleris what makes the difference.

The only person, who canstop a bad guy with a gun, is agood guy with a gun. Unarmedvictims are pretty helpless.

I abhor violence i.e. the‘immoral use of force’. Defen-ding the innocent is therighteous use of force. Killing

is the taking of life - murder isthe taking of an ‘innocent’ life.

To label someone a ‘murde-rer’ when he uses lethal forceto protect his family, is incor-rect word usage. Call him a‘hero’.

‘Cowards’ are those who willnot protect their loved onesfrom a murderous thug.

CHARL VAN WYKDurbanville

‘Murder’ and ‘killing’are not the same

I am writing to you with greathappiness and appreciation forthe wonderful public servicewhich a few City traffic officersand members of the SAPSflying squad performed on 29January.

I was attending church inMitchell’s Plain at about 21:00when I received a call that mydaughter’s car broke down onthe notorious R300. One cannothelp but think of the recentincidents of motorists attackedwhile stranded on this road. Itis a sad state of affairs.

My wife logged a call withthe emergency services, and Iam happy to report that theCity’s traffic services and theSAPS flying squad respondedalmost immediately. My familyand I were happy about thisgood public service rendered, asour daughter was alone andstranded far from where wewere at that time.

As a fellow public servant Ihave great appreciation for themen and women in blue whosometimes place themselves atrisk in order to aid others inneed. There may be many whodo not appreciate the emergen-cy services, particularly thepolice and law enforcement, butmy family and I are veryappreciative of the kind deedthey performed for our daugh-ter.

I am aware we cannot rewardthem for doing their duty, butwe want to recognise the greatselfless work they do. As ataxpayer, it makes me proud tosee our taxes being put to gooduse when the emergency

services respond to even minorrequests from the public.

I want to acknowledge a fewofficers in particular whostayed with my daughter untilthe breakdown truck arrived totake her home. Her safety wasour main concern. Our daugh-ter sometimes has to work latedue to newspaper articles to beready for printing at People’sPost based in Tygervalley. Wefeel much more relaxed nowthat we know there are trafficofficers and SAPS memberspatrolling the R300 and canrespond in cases of emergency.

As a family we want torecognise the following officers:

. Sergeant Clifton Botha

. Constable ChristopherLudick

. Constable Leon April

. Traffic officer LorenzoLackay

. Traffic officer Glen OppelThese officers also ensured

traffic flow was unhindered andsafe for all when the car wasrecovered by the breakdowntruck. The whole activity was asuccess because of their helpand assistance. Thank you onceagain!


Kudos to officers forR300 rescue

Publisher:TygerBurger is published byWP Media, a subsidiary ofMedia24

Distribution:A total of 28 310 copies ofTygerBurger Table View aredistributed every Wednesdayin the following areas:Blouberg Rise, BloubergSands, Bloubergrant,Bloubergstrand, Big Bay, TableView, Flamingovlei, Duinefon­tein, Melkbosstrand, VanRiebeeckstrand, Koeberg,Atlantic Beach, Parklands,Sunningdale, Sunridge, WestBeach, West Riding, SunsetBeach, Sunset Links, KillarneyGardens.

TygerBurger has the followingstand­alone editions: Bellville,Parow, Goodwood, Durbanvil­le, Kraaifontein, Kuils River,Brackenfell, Milnerton, TableView, Eerste River/BlueDowns, Ravensmead/Belharand Elsies River.

Total distribution: 285 531

For any distribution com­plaints phone 021 910 6500or e­mail: verspreiding@tyger­burger.co.za

Contact us:Editor:Marita Meyer0021 910 [email protected]:André Bakkes0021 910 6556andré.bakkes@tygerbur­ger.co.zaAdvertising Manager:Garth Hewitt0021 910 [email protected] representative:Tanya Slabbert0021 910 6528 of0083 497 [email protected]:00860 11 7520www.tygerburger.co.za

Corrections:According to the editorialpolicy of TygerBurger weinvite readers to commentabout the newspaper’scontents, and we correctsignificant errors as soon aspossible. Please sendinformation about correctionof mistakes in the newspaperto the ombudsman ofMedia24’s Community Press,George Claassen, atgeorge.claassen@me­dia24.com, or call him on 021851 3232 or 083 543 2471.Readers can also complainabout the contents to theSouth African PressOmbudsman, Mr Joe Thloloe.In that case, please phone 011484 3612/8, send a fax to 011484 3619 or e­mail [email protected] [email protected]


Is mensdomregtig beter afas in verlede?Die eerste maand van 2015 het in ’noogwink verbygesnel – dalk tekenend vandie vinnige pas van die hedendaagse lewevan kitsantwoorde en kitskos.

Niks gebeur meer stadig in dié inlig-tingseeu nie. Mense bestee al minder tydaan takies wat in die verlede baie tyd inbeslag geneem het.

Jy hoef nie meer by die bank in rye tegaan staan om jou banksake af te handelnie. Die internet sorg nou dat jy dit enigetyd binne enkele minute kan doen.

Geen boodskap word meer via ’n briefaan iemand gestuur nie. Daarvoor hetdie SMS en WhatsApp gesorg.

Studente sit nie meer ure lank in ’nbiblioteek om navorsing uit boeke tedoen vir ’n taak of verhandeling nie. Omte “copy”en “paste” uit Google is daremnet te gerieflik.

Vriende kom deesdae selde byeen omnet lekker te gesels, want Facebook isbesig om daardie rol te vervul.

Al minder mense lees koerante entydskrifte, want die elektroniese ensosiale media maak alles soveel maklikeren vinniger met kitsnuus.

Op die oog af het die gehalte van onslewe dus in terme van sekondes enminute aansienlik verbeter, maar onge-lukkig op ander terreine ernstig versleg.

Baie min jongmense kan nog spel ofhul eie huistaal suiwer praat. En sonderdie hulp van ’n blikbrein kan niemandmeer net met gesonde verstand ’n aftrek-of optelsom doen nie.

Dít laat ’n mens soms wonder of onsregtig beter af is as in die verlede?


SMSV Help! Die verkeer in Kuilsrivier is ’n nag­merrie, wat reggestel kan word met meerpaaie asb. - Anoniem

V Het Verwey by Richmondpark die grondgekoop waarop hy ’n eis het? Betaal hyerfbelasting, water, ens.? Ander betaalten duurste vir als, dan kan almal gaanplak en nog vergoeding ook kry. - Keelvol

V To the people protesting against the sel­ling of animal skins ­ go hug a tree. Oh yesthe tree was killed to make your posters.- Anonymous

V Eskom, skakel net steelkrag af en waarstraatligte en kragtoerusting onekono­mies gebruik word in plakkerskampe. Ek’smoeg betaal! - Moeg betaal

V Mense word daagliks in Voor trekkerwegberoof, gehinder en aangeval. Sigbare po­lisie is nou uiters belangrik of word daargeensins in die inwoners se veiligheid be­langgestel nie? Van beloftes het ons ge­noeg gehad. - Eben

V Dalk moet Anoniem van Disasingel bydie buurtwag aansluit om meer patrolliesmoontlik te maak. - Patrolleerder

V Ons is vakansiegangers in Melkbos. Naaanleiding van die berig “Lone burglarprowls Melkbos” en dat snaakse aktiwi­teite aan die Melkbos­polisie gerappor­teer moet word, wonder ek of daar nog le­de in die polisie se aanklagkantore sit?Telkens sien ons hulle eet by Spur of Wim­py of doen hul inkopies by Pick n Pay. -Wonder Net

V It is so sad when a loyal hard worker whorefuses to do something not in their sco­pe ends up getting a verbal warning forunacceptable behavior. What’s happe­ning to fair practice? - Anonymous

V Years ago I saw advice that the rear ofa chicken is not the cleanest. After hea­ring that, I wash my eggs. - C Stevenons

) SMS’e kos R1,50 elk. Stuur die woord“Tyger”, gevolg deur jou boodskap na 45527.

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Table View 11

V Clean C, the team that heads up CapeTown Beach Cleanup and Blouberg BeachCleanup, would like to invite everyone totheir Beach Run Series on 7, 14 and 28 Febru-ary. The runs will take place at Big Bay onthe beach and start at 09:00. There arethree distances for people to do. A 2.5km,5km fun run/walk and a 10km run. It is 100%beach running so it’s good, healthy, safe, funfor the family and more serious athletes.This is a fundraiser for the Blouberg BeachCleanup team to help keep our beach clea-nups going strong in 2015. People can enteronline on www.cleanc.co.za or call GregoryPlayer on 082 873 1962 for more details.There is over R14 000 prize money up forgrabs.

V The African Oyster Catcher survey walkfor young people, from Blaauwberg to Melk-bosstrand, are invited by the Friends of theBlaauwberg Conservation Area to an eventon Saturday 7 February beginning at 08:00and lasting about three hours. Interested lo-cal high school students and young visitorsto Cape Town should sign up. For more de-tails email Heinz Geiger on [email protected].

V Blouberg Rotary Club invites you to beinspired as you listen to the amazing ac-counts of David Grier – adventurer, chef andphilanthropist extraordinaire. All profits rai-sed on the evening will be allocated to Zus-akhe Crèche in Dunoon where the club isbuilding pre-fab classrooms for underprivi-leged children. The event will take place onthe 26 February at the Italian Club. Ticketscost R150, which includes dinner and can bepurchased from Helene on 021 557 1124 oron 082 574 9257.

V A new food market will be opening on 1March at Aunty Sysie’s Coffee Shop atSandown Nursery on the corner Sandownand West Coast roads in West Beach from10:00 to 15:00. There will be loads of home-made foods and delicacies as well as face-painting and entertainment for the kiddies.For more information, contact ChereanMayers on 073 649 3909.

V The second­hand clothing shop at EricMiles Cheshire Home (open on Mon, Wedand Fri from 10:00 to 15:00 and the first Satof the month from 10:00 to 13:00) needsvolunteers. The shop is located at 18 CorsairRoad in Sandrift. Call Mel on 083 543 6272.

V A line dancing event will be held everyWednesday from 19:15 at Time-Out ZoneSport and Receation in Duynefontein at R30per person. Contact Mieky on083 264 4876.

V CIC Trauma Training will be held in thebeginning of February, The Community In-tervention Centre (CIC), the local traumasupport, a non-governmental organisation,are waiting for applications. For more infor-mation phone 021 528 3037/3005 between08:30 and 13:00 or visit www.cic-cape-town.org.za.

V Huis Zonnekus’ white elephant tablewill be held on the last Thursday of everymonth from 10:00 to 13:00. Call021 552 2074/5.

V An indoor flea market will be held everySunday from 10:00 at Time-Out Zone Sportand Recreation in Duynefontein. R50 tobook a stall, contact Mieky on083 264 4876.

V The Parklands Saturday La Leche Lea­gue meeting will also be held on the secondSaturday of every month at 14:00.

VThe Parklands Intercare La Leche Lea­gue meets on the fourth Wednesday of eve-ry month at 10:00. Contact Simela on021 553 1664 or Juliet on 021 556 0693 orgo to www.lalecheleague.org.

V The Living Legends Table View SeniorsClub meet on the last Wednesday of themonth from 10:30 – 13:00. Contact Lizetteon 072 648 7332 or Betz on 073 430 9281.

V West Coast Cape Jewish Seniors meetin the clubhouse at Norton Square in ShortStreet on the first and third Thursday of themonth at 11:30; and on the second andfourth Thursday of the month at 10:30. CallMelanie van Emmenes on 074 405 5186 oremail [email protected].

What’s up?| Wat’s Waar?

12 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015NUUS

Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge regulasie 26 van die Munisipale Regulasies oor Begrotingen Verslagdoening, 2008, saamgelees met die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels,Wet 32 van 2000, en die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, Wet 56 van2003, dat die dokumente oor die Stad se aansuiweringsbegroting vir 2014/15, wat op28 Januarie 2015 deur die Raad goedgekeur is, ter insae beskikbaar is op die Stad Kaapstadse webwerf by www.capetown.gov.za/en/Budget.



Knitwits bitten by the blanket bug

Johan Beetge from Plattekloof says he worksmonths to crochet one blanket.PHOTOS: MAGRIETTHERON


“Mymother is 91 anddespite arthri-tis, she started knitting blanketsfor the 67 Blankets for Madiba

drive and it has given her a new lease on life,says Terry Milne from Fish Hoek. “Shecould not be here today, because she is sofrail, she’ll get blown over by the wind.”Terry spoke toTygerBurger at the celebra-

tion of 67 Blankets for Madiba’s firstbirthday in the Company Gardens on 27 Ja-nuary. Since the launch of the cause in Jo-hannesburg last year, it has gained supportfrom across the world and has over 2 000

Facebook members who call themselvesKnitwits, and several groups in Cape Townwho regularlymeet tomake blankets for thepoor.Youdonot need to be awoman to be aKnit-

wit. Johan Beetge from Plattekloof says hebecame so attached to the crocheted blankethe worked on for months last year, he sleptunder it the night before he donated it to thecause.“My husband took up looming and he ma-

de an enormous blanket. He is a perfectio-nist and has become proficient in the quali-ties of wool, so 67 Blankets has become awhole industry in our household,” says Ter-ry Milne.Terry is also involved with a group of wo-

men in Masiphumelele in Kommetjie whoknit squares, and she teaches childrenat pri-mary schools to loom and knit, as part oftheir life skills curriculum. These squaresare then sewn together by volunteers tomake blankets.The original 67 Blankets’ aimwas to make

67 blankets to hand over to charity on Man-delaDay in 2014. They exceeded that numberby hundreds.Now they are taking the challenge to the

next level, because, saysBryoniDawson, theCape Town ambassador, people will alwaysneed blankets.“We are on deadline. We need 21 000 blan-

kets from all around South Africa to placeat the feet of Madiba’s statue at the UnionBuildings on 21 April, to celebrate our 21 ye-ars of democracy,” says Carolyn Steyn, thedriving force behind the group.“Even inmates in Zonderwater and Diep-

sloot prisons are knitting,” says Bryoni.She says this drive has grown into a huge

outpouring of goodwill.“We are a group of six women who get to-

gether twice a month to consolidate, bringdonations, share out and knit. We socialiseand talk about other projectswewant to do,”

says Cathy Dippnall.“Most of the women in our group did not

knoweach other before 67Blanketswas esta-blished and now we have become closefriends.“There are a lot of very enthusisatic peo-

ple. There are groups across all the suburbswho meet every week, get sponsorship anddeliver.”Charmaine Damstra from Plumstead is

working on her eighth blanket this year.“Our group meet every last Wednesday of

the month from 19:00 to late, or until all the

champagne is finished. We get very thirsty,it’s hard work you know,” she says with awink.“This project is like a bug that bit us and

we cannot get rid of it,” says Florence ReddyfromGrassy Park. “Housework and cookinghas become secondary. I takemy crochetingeverywhere I go, and if I can’t take it along,I won’t go,” she says.V Visit the 67 Blankets for Madiba Facebook pageto become involved or donate wool. The organisationdoes not have a bank account and does not acceptmoney as donations.

Cathy Farmer from Durbanville shows Nwabisa Mayema from the Waterfront the crochet ropes.

The Chevron Cape Town Refinery in Mil-nertonwill undergo a routinemaintenanceand safety inspection from 13 February un-til March.Annual maintenance and safety inspecti-

ons maintain high safety and reliable ope-ration standards at the refinery. Supplyconstraints are mitigated through buildingup strategic fuel supplies prior to the plan-ned maintenance and safety inspection.“Investing in themaintenance of the refi-

nery ensures adequate product supplyacross all our markets,” says Doug Potten-ger, general manager at the refinery.“This year, Chevron will invest approx-

imately R412million, themajority of whichwill be directly injected into the WesternCape economy. Furthermore, approximate-ly 3 000 additional contractors are employ-ed during this safety inspection and main-tenance period, including artisans, semi-skilled and unskilled workers.”The refinery contributes substantially to

the provincial and national economythrough the disbursement of its annual ca-

pital and operational expenditure budgets.According to an independent economic

impact report conducted by Econex, the re-finery procures R2billion worth of goodsand services annually, of which 70% arefrom theWestern Cape. Furthermore, 3.3%of the Western Cape’s GDP and 2.4% of em-ployment in the province can be tracedback to the ripple effects of Chevron’s ope-rations in the Western Cape.A recent significant capital investment

was the construction of a multi-pointground flare and a new 100 meter elevatedflare to replace the refinery’s high-level fla-re. This R450 million investment, which re-sulted in work for 500 local residents.“The ground flare is of world class tech-

nology and forms part of Chevron’s conti-nued efforts to minimise the refinery’s en-vironmental footprint,” says Pottenger.V Local businesses and community members whowould like further information relating to the sche­duled inspection and maintenance can contactDonna Fata at Chevron on 021 508 3911 or SMS Infoto 30786.

Refinery inspection createsjobs and safer environment

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Table View 13

• Dial 107 (Landline) and 0214807700(Cell) for fire emergencies.

• Remain calm.• Turn the electricity or gas supplyoff. If you cannot turn the gas off,get out.

• Use a blanket or wet towelto smother the fire.

• Close all windows and doors behindyou to cut off the air supply.

• Use water to put out wood, paperand material fires. Use sand toput out paraffin or oil fires.

• Crawl below the smoke and hold awet cloth over your mouth and nose.

• If your clothing catches fire – stop,drop and roll on the ground.

• Help those who you can to get out.Forget about your belongings.Once you’re out, stay out.





The University of the Western Cape iscelebrating another award to a facultymember.

Professor Lindsay Clowes, NRF-ratedscholar in UWC’s women’s and gender stud-ies department, believes education is funda-mentally a shared project - and her effortsto empower students through technologyhave earned her a Heltasa/CHEC NationalExcellence in Teaching and LearningAward in 2014.It’s the fifth time in as many years that

UWC lecturers have been honoured in thisway.“As a method for transmitting informa-

tion and knowledge, the traditional lectureis pretty much dead. The revolution in in-formation and communication technologyand social media offers us the chance tocompletely reinvent the way we teach – weneed to take the plunge,” says Clowes.

“I think that one of themain changes – andwe are al-ready seeing this – will bearoundmethods of communi-cation between and amongstteachers and learners.“The formal classroom en-

vironment, including virtualclassrooms, will remain im-portant as an opportunity toshare ideas and thinking onspecific issues – but stereo-typical lecture monologuewon’t be the default method of course deliv-ery anymore.”Clowes earned her PhD in historical stud-

ies from the University of Cape Town, andhas taught in Europe and America as wellas in South Africa. Her work draws on femi-nist and queer theory as well as discursivepsychology, sociology and critical men’s

studies to discuss power ine-qualities and the ways inwhich subject positionsstructured around biologicalsex, gender, race, sexualityand class constrain humanchoices.She took a CHEC short

course on teaching usingemerging technologies in2012 and experimented withe-learning, Google Drive,blogs and other technological

tools, supplementing course readings withfilms and digitalmedia, using discussion fo-rums, and Twitter to highlight reading ma-terials and drive engagement, placing moreemphasis on student participation.“What really matters to me is getting stu-

dents to engage with the content of mycourses,” she says.

UWC prof moves with the times

Professor Lindsay Clowes

V The Sea­Change Exhibition of large for-mat photographs along the sea wall on theSea Point promenade will be on display untilApril. Visit www.seachangeproject.com formore.

V The Dinos Alive Playpark is on at the RedShed at the V&A Waterfront with nine life-sized animatronic dinosaur models and acti-vities for all ages. The park, which runs untilSaturday 28 February, will be open from10:00 to 19:00 every day. Tickets cost R50.Visit www.dinosalive.co.za for more.

V The takealot.com Cape Town Tens rugbytournament takes place at Hamilton’s RugbyClub in Green Point on Friday 6 and Saturday7 February with over 100 rugby teams and50 netball teams from 11 provinces and abro-ad, live entertainment, a celebrity rugby

team and plenty of food options. Visitwww.capetowntens.com for more.

V D’Aria Function Venue will be hosting aValentine’s Midnight Feast on Friday 13 Fe-bruary from 22:00. The romantic picnic in-cludes pre-drinks, a three-course picnic sty-le menu, complimentary D’Aria wine andgifts and a performance by a guest artist.Tickets cost R1295 per couple. [email protected] or call 082 0741269 to book.

V The first Museum Night takes place from17:00 at Iziko SA Museum and Planetarium,Iziko SA National Gallery, Iziko Slave Lodge,Iziko Old Town House, and the South AfricanJewish Museum on 26 February as part ofthe Cape Town Art Fair. Visitors will be trea-ted to lively music, dance and other perfor-mances along with food trucks. The muse-ums will be open until 21:00 with free entran-ce. Visit www.iziko.org.za for more.

V The Cape Town Art Fair will be on at TheV&A Waterfront from Thursday 26 Februaryto Sunday 1 March. The fair includes art in-stallations and a series of talks covering a wi-de variety of art-related topics. Visitwww.capetownartfair.co.za for tickets.

V Grand Provence Wine Heritage Estatewill celebrate the 2015 grape harvest withtheir Harvest Festival on Saturday 28 Febru-ary. Guests can enjoy grape picking, stom-ping, wine tasting, food and live entertain-ment. Tickets cost R650 or R350 for childrenyounger than 12. Call 021 876 8600 or [email protected].

V A new food market will open at Aunty Sy-sie’s Coffee Shop at Sandown Nursery (cor-ner Sandown and West Coast Roads) from10:00 to 15:00 on Sunday 1 March. There willalso be entertainment for children of offer.Call Cherean Mayers on 073 649 3909 formore information.

What’s Up | Wat’s Waar

14 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015ADVERTENSIE

PLEASE NOTEEskom Western Cape will be implementing new load shedding schedules from 1 February 2015. The new schedules will follow a four

day rotational pattern. What this means is that over a four day pattern, customers will be shed in different time slots.The new schedules will provide a balance between equity and predictability.

Customers should please treat all electrical installations as live for the full duration of the load shedding period.

Interpreting the new load shedding schedules:1. Identify your area block number using the alphabetical list of the Eskom supply areas.2. Identify the load shedding stage.3. Look at the day of the month for the relevant stage declared.4. Find your block number in the time slot that you will be shed in.

For more information about load shedding contact:* Eskom website link for Load Shedding schedules: http://loadshedding.eskom.co.za* EskomTwitter account:@Eskom_SA* Eskom Facebook page:Eskom Hld SOC Ltd* Eskom Contact Centre:08600 37566

Stages of Load Shedding:Stage 1 allows for up to 1000 MW of the national load to be shed.Stage 2 allows for up to 2000 MW of the national load to be shed.Stage 3a allows for up to 3000 MW of the national load to be shedStage 3b allows for up to 4000 MW of the national load to be shed.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3a

Stage 3b

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Time From Time To

00:00 02:30 1 13 9 5 1 13 9 5 1 13 9 5 1 13 9 5

02:00 04:30 2 14 10 6 2 14 10 6 2 14 10 6 2 14 10 6

04:00 06:30 3 15 11 7 3 15 11 7 3 15 11 7 3 15 11 7

06:00 08:30 4 16 12 8 4 16 12 8 4 16 12 8 4 16 12 8

08:00 10:30 5 1 13 9 5 1 13 9 5 1 13 9 5 1 13 9

10:00 12:30 6 2 14 10 6 2 14 10 6 2 14 10 6 2 14 10

12:00 14:30 7 3 15 11 7 3 15 11 7 3 15 11 7 3 15 11

14:00 16:30 8 4 16 12 8 4 16 12 8 4 16 12 8 4 16 12

16:00 18:30 9 5 1 13 9 5 1 13 9 5 1 13 9 5 1 13

18:00 20:30 10 6 2 14 10 6 2 14 10 6 2 14 10 6 2 14

20:00 22:30 11 7 3 15 11 7 3 15 11 7 3 15 11 7 3 15

22:00 00:30 12 8 4 16 12 8 4 16 12 8 4 16 12 8 4 16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Time From Time To

00:00 02: 30 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13

02:00 04: 30 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14

04:00 06: 30 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15

06:00 08: 30 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16

08:00 10: 30 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1

10:00 12: 30 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2

12:00 14: 30 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3

14:00 16: 30 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4

16:00 18: 30 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5 9,1 5,13 1,9 13,5

18:00 20: 30 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6 10,2 6,14 2,10 14,6

20:00 22: 30 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7 11,3 7,15 3,11 15,7

22:00 00: 30 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8 12,4 8,16 4,12 16,8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Time From Time To

00:00 02: 30 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9 ,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1

02: 00 04: 30 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2

04: 00 06: 30 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7 7,15,3 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7 7,15,3 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7 7,1 5,3 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7 7,15,3

06: 00 08: 30 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4

08: 00 10: 30 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5

10: 00 12: 30 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6

12: 00 14: 30 7,15,3 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7 7,15,3 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7 7,15,3 3,11,15 15, 7,11 11,3,7 7,15,3 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7

14: 00 16: 30 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8

16: 00 18: 30 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9 9,1,5 5,13,1 1,9,13 13,5,9

18: 00 20: 30 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10 10,2,6 6,14,2 2,10,14 14,6,10

20: 00 22: 30 11,3,7 7,15,3 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7 7,15,3 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7 7,1 5,3 3,11,15 15,7,11 11,3,7 7,15,3 3,11,15 15,7,11

22: 00 00: 30 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12 12,4,8 8,16,4 4,12,16 16,8,12

Day of the month

Day of the month

Day of the month

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Time From Time To

00:00 02:30 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9

02:00 04:30 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10

04:00 06:30 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15 ,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15,3,11

06:00 08:30 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16 8,16,4, 12

08:00 10:30 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13

10:00 12:30 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,1 4,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14

12:00 14:30 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15

14:00 16:30 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16

16:00 18:30 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1, 5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1 9,1,5,13 5,13,1,9 1,9,13,5 13,5,9,1

18:00 20:30 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2 10,2,6,14 6,14,2,10 2,10,14,6 14,6,10,2

20:00 22:30 11 ,3,7,15 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3 11,3,7,15 7,15,3,11 3,11,15,7 15,7,11,3

22:00 00:30 12,4,8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4, 8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4 12,4,8,16 8,16,4,12 4,12,16,8 16,8,12,4

Implemented from 1st February 2015

Eskom Load Shedding Schedule

Day of the month

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Table View 15

Alphabetical List

AbbotsdaleAdmiral's ParkAdriaanseAECI siteAgter PaarlAgulhasAirport CityAirport IndustriaAlbertiniaAlexander BayAlgeriaAlheitAlkantrantAmcorArabellaArnistonAshtonAskraalAtlantis ruralAtlas ParkAugrabiesAuroraAvonwoodBarandasBarrydaleBeaufort WestBelharBellinghamBelrailBereavilleBetties BayBishop Lavis (Nooitgedacht, Sydneyvale)Bishop LavisBitterfonteinBlaauwbergBlackheath IndustrialBlancoBloekombosBloemsmondBlouputsBoegoebergBoegoeberg damBoggomsbaaiBon ChretienBonnievaleBoplaasBotfonteinBothasigBotrivierBrandvleiBredasdorpBreerivierBrentwood ParkBritannia BayBroadlandsBroodkraalBuffelsjagrivierBuffelspoortBuitensingelBulletrapBurchellBynaboCaledonCalitzdorpCalviniaCapexCarnarvonCarolusbergCeresChatsworthChavonnesCitrusdalClanwilliamClarkesCloetesvilleClub MykonosConcordiaConnaught EstateContermanskloofCoppertonCounty FairCravenbyCrossroadsCroydonCuprumDanabaaiDarlingDassenbergDe DamDe DoornsDe GrendalDe Hoek


De RustDe ZalzeDelftDias StrandDoringbaaiDoringwaterDu NoonDuinzichtDuiwelsnekDysselsdorpEbenhaeserEendekuilEersterivierElandsbaaiElandskloofElimElsiesriverEsethuEsterhofFaureFibreFirgroveFirlandsFisantekraalFisherhavenForest HeightsFranschhoekFraserburgFriersdaleGamsbergGansbaaiGanzekraalGariesGenadendalGeorgeGoedverwaghtGoodhouseGordon's BayGoudaGoudini SpaGouritsmondGraafwaterGrabouwGreen Valley NutsGreytonGroblershoopGroenbankGroot BrakGrootdrinkGrottobaaiGydoHagleyHammanshofHawstonHeidelbergHeiderandHeilbotHelderberg Industrial ParkHeliosHemel & AardeHenkriesHerbertsdaleHermanusHermonHet KruisHexHillcrestHopefieldHouhoekHoumoedHugoInfantaJagersbosJakkalsfonteinJamestownJongensfonteinJoostenbergvlakteKakamasKalbaskraalKalkwerfKamieskroonKanoneilandKarataraKarooKarosKeimoes MunicKenhardtKeurboomstrandKhayelitshaKhayelitsha Site CKillarney GardensKillarney Industria


KlaarstroomKlapmutsKlawerKlein BrakKlein PellaKleinbeginKleinmondKlipdaleKlipheuwelKliprandKliprugKnysnaKoegasKoekenaapKoekoebKoelenhofKomaggasKoringbergKotzehoopKrantshoekKrantzkopKuilsrivierKurlandKwadouwsbergKwaggaskloofKwanonqabaKylemoreLa MotteLadismithLaingsburgLambertsbaaiLangebaanLangefonteinLanguedocLeeu GamkaLeeurivierLeipoldtvilleLeliefonteinLoeriesfonteinLourensford EstateLoxtonLoxtonvaleLutzvilleLutzville WesLuzuku ParkLwandleLynedochMacassarMacassar BeachMacassar VillageMalgasMalibu VillageMalmesburyMandalayMarchandMarydaleMatroosfonteinMcGregorMeiringspoortMelkbos Pump StationMerwevilleMfuleniMfuleni (Munic)MiddelposMidwayMolsvleiMontaguMontague GardensMooidraaiMoorreesburgMoraviaMossdustriaMossel BayMoutonsdriftMpiloMuishoekMuldersvleiNababeepNaboNapierNature's ValleyNeilersdriftNelspoortNeusNiekerkshoopNieuwoudtvilleNomzanoNoord/Suid OewerNoordhoekNoreeNuwerusNuy


NyangaOCCOkiepOlyfenhoutOmdraaiOngegundOnrusrivierOntseepkansOp die BergOsplaasOTBOudtshoornOuteniqua FarmersPaardevleiPaarlPadkloofPaleisheuwelPanoramaPapendorpParklandsPaternosterPaulputsPearly BeachPella EstatesPelladriftPenhillPerdeberg FarmersPerdekopPhiladelphiaPhilippiPhilippi EastPhilippi IndustrialPiketbergPinetownPlattekloofPlettenberg BayPnielPofadderPort BeaufortPortervillePrieska MunicPrince AlbertPrince Alfred HamletPringle BayProtemProteus farmersRaap & SkraapRavensmeadRawsonvilleRedelinghuysRemhoogteRenosterkopRheenendalRiebeek KasteelRiebeek WesRietRietbronRietfonteinRietpoortRiverlandsRiversdaleRivertonRiviersonderendRobbergRoberts valleyRobertsonRoggeveldRooielsRooipadRustdalRusticanaRuyterwachtSack's CircleSalberauSaldanha BaySandhillsSappiSaronSchuitdriftScottsdeneSedgefieldSilversandsSir Lowry's Pass Village and surrounding farmsSkuifraamSlagboomSlotSoetendalSomerset West Business ParkSpineSpringbokSt Helena BayStanford


StarkingSteinkopfStellenbosch farmersStellenbosch MunicSteyrkraalStikland farmersStilbaaiStofkraalStompneus BayStorageStormsvleiStrandfonteinStrausburgStruisbaaiSun CitySunningdaleSutherlandSuurbraakSwartbergSwartdraaiSwellendamTaaiputTableviewTeslaarsdalThe CragsTheewaterskloofTierfonteinTouws RiverTrans HexTransnet Marshalling YardTroilapspanTruterTulbaghTuscany GlenUitdraaiUitsigUniversity of StellenboschUpingtonVaalhoekValhallaVan RhynsdorpVan RooisvleiVan WyksdorpVan WyksvleiVelddriftVergelegenVermontVictor VersterViljoenshooppadVilliersdorpVioolsdrifVissershokVlakteVleesbaaiVolopVoorbaaiVosburgVredenburgVredendalVryheid FarmersVyeboomWaenhuiskransWallacedeneWarmsandWaterkloofWegdraaiWelgelegenWellingtonWemmershoekWildernessWillistonWindmeulWithoogteWitsandWittedriftWittewaterWitzenbergWolseleyWolseley FarmersWolwedansWoodvilleWorcesterWupperthalYzerfonteinZandbergZoar


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16 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015NUUS

Making progress possible. Together.




The City of Cape Town spends nearly R350 million every year clearing away rubbish from illegaldumping spots ranging from empty land to sewers and blocked toilets. That’s money taken away fromthe development of things like parks, clinics and libraries in Cape Town. So help us by dumping yourwaste at one of 25 legal drop off sites around the city.

To find your nearest site or to report illegal dumping, call 0860 103 089.


Trees4Schools are not only planting treesand educating learners on the importance oftrees for the environment, they are also hel-ping plant sustainable vegetable gardens.

To date 2 600 trees and 160 veggie gardenshave been planted – all made possiblethrough fund-raising initiatives like the oneby Stodels Nurseries.

Late last year StodelsNurseriesmanagingdirectorNickStodel handeda cheque forR32232 to Trees4Schools for their projects.

Trees4Schools is a local initiative whichstarted off planting trees at schools.

According toSuziNortje ofTrees4Schools,they realised that helping teachers feed lear-ners was just as important, and the veggieplanting took off.

Stodels raised the money over six monthsby donating R2 from each sale from a widerange of promotional plants.

Suzi said the donation will make a consi-derable difference to their project.

Nick said they regularly receive requests

from various schools and charities askingfor assistance.

“By partnering with Trees4Schools, weare able tomake sure the projects are sustai-nable and the best use of the money is made.

“This means monthly check ups on pro-jects to ensure the trees and vegetables arebeing maintained. The fact thatTrees4Schools also feeds 1500 children dailyis absolutely wonderful.”

Part of the Trees4Schools ethos is sustai-nability. “We understand the onlyway theseprojects are going to be successful is if wefollow-up and ensure on-going educationhappens with the children,” Suzi said.

Nick said they are excited aboutTrees4Schools plan to create a commercialgarden to obtain income so that more treesand vegetables can be planted.

If youwant to help, look for productsmar-ked Trees4Schools at Stodels nurseries.V Visit www.stodels.com orwww.trees4schools.org.za for more information.

Veggies grow on tree project

Here at the handover of the cheque for R32 232 to Trees4Schools are (from left) Suzi Nortje andMark Mhlongo, both from Trees4Schools, with Nick Stodel (right), managing director of StodelsNurseries.

Milnerton Players will be hosting auditi-ons for their next production at the Mil-nerton Playhouse on Saturday 14 Februa-ry.Wait until Darkwill be directed byBru-

ce Sanderson and tells the story of SusyHendrix, a recently blinded housewifewho unwittingly possesses a doll filledwith illicit drugs. Harry Roat, a brutaland sophisticated criminal, coerces twosmall-time thugs (Mike andCroaker) intohelping him con Susy into giving up thedoll. A battle of wits ensues as Susy andthe young girl upstairs (Gloria) launch acounterplot against the thieves.

Frederick Knott’s thriller requires sixactors. Lead character Suzy needs to beplayed by someone between the ages of 25and 34 while Roat, also a lead, needs to

be between the ages of 35 and 49.Mike, who should be between the ages

of 31 and 45, is roughandunsophisticated,but plays the nice guy well, his co-conspi-rator, Croaker, roughly the same age,plays the “bad cop”.

Gloria should be somewhere betweenthe ages of 10 and 14 while an actor bet-ween the ages of 25 and 34 is needed toplay the minor role of Sam Hendrix, Su-zy’s husband.

Auditions will start at 13:30 for 14:00with call backs on Saturday 21 February.The cast will be required to rehearsethree times aweek until opening night onFriday 29 May.V Call Bruce Sanderson on 083 501 0887 or [email protected] for more informa­tion or audition requirements.

Players stage auditions

Penguins mate for life and are a universalsymbol of true and lasting love, so showyourlove this Valentine’s month by adopting apair of African penguins that are being ca-red for by the Southern African Foundationfor the Conservation of Coastal Birds (Sanc-cob).

For only R500 you can say “I love you” tothat someone special and help the TableView organisation continue to save Africanpenguins from extinction.

Sadly, despite their ability to remain hap-pilymarried, these truly iconic birds are en-dangered and not even 2% of the populationremains living free in the wild today.

As part of the adoption process you get toname your penguins and receive a specialadoption pack including a picture, certifica-te anda thankyou letter. Toget yourValenti-ne’s pair winging its way to you, visit

www.sanccob.co.za.You can choose Sanccob’s new “green

adoption option” and have it delivered rightto your email box or choose delivery via thepost office (delivery takes seven workingsdays within South Africa).

Hurry as this special promotion is only va-lid until 28 February.

Adopt a Valentine’s penguin

Adopt a penguin this Valentine’s Day.

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Table View 17

18 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015VERMAAK

Saterdag 21 Maart 2015

BESPREKINGS BESPREKINGScultivaria.com of online.computicket.com/0861 915 8000


Theuns JordaanGarth Taylor

Dr Victor and the Rasta Rebels

Jy het gestem!


, &


Veteran entertainer Alistair Izobellbrings his latest one-man production,Let’s Make Music, to the Roxy Revue Barat GrandWest in February.Expertly weaving together songs such

as the Commodores’ She’s a Brick House,Eric Clapton’s Leila and Air Supply’sTwo Less Lonely People in the Worldwithhis own material, Alistair plans to havehis audiences singing along from start tofinish.Alistair has traveled theworldwith the

musical, Kat and the Kings, for which hereceived a Sir Laurence Olivier Awardfor his role asMagoo on theWest End andOn Broadway in New York.During hismusic career, which started

back to the early 1980s, he has workedwith some of the most talented and suc-cessful recording artists in South Africaincluding the late Brenda Fassie, PJ Po-wers, Dr Victor and the Rasta Rebels,Walk This Way and Ringo Madlingozi.Alistair was also one of the lead voca-

lists of the renowned group, The Rockets,before embarking on anew journeywhenhe opened his own production company,Alistair Izobell Productions. One of hisfirstmajor achievements in this newven-ture was securing the exclusive Africanrights to a wonderful and acclaimed NewYork musical, Three Mo Tenors.V Let’s make Music will run at the Roxy RevueBar from 6 February 2015 to 4 April 2015, with

four shows per week. Tickets cost R90 and areavailable from Computicket.

WIN! WIN! WIN!V 10 readers can each win double tickets to seethe show. Visit www.tygerburger.co.za to enter.

Musical magic from Alistair

Alistair Izobell is set to get feet tapping atthe Roxy Revue Bar. PHOTO: JESSE KRAMER


With lyrics about Cape Town suburbsand the use of colloquial terms, in-ternational artist Charl “Babyboy”

Pilwan is celebrating his hometown in hisnew single.Raised in Retreat, Babyboy has spent the

past 13 years in China and America, wherehe works as a performer and promoter.He’s worked with some of the industry’s

biggest international acts, such as ChrisBrown,Nelly andNe-Yo, andachieved consi-derable success with his ownmusic in coun-tries like England andPortugal. But now thesinger is ready to come home.Babyboy plans to do this by promoting his

music locally and creating a fan base, whichwill allow him to work in Cape Town again.He will be visiting the Mother City to pro-

mote his new single, Apple Green Datsunwhich features Afrikaans rapper Die Bar-heid and saxophonist Donveno Prins.“I wrote Apple Green Datsun, in just one

eveningabroadwhen Iwas incrediblyhome-sick,” Babyboy explains.He says he knew he wanted “a full horn

section with a vibrant Kaapse Klopse soundthat evoked and brought to life good memo-ries of Cape Town”.Babyboy met Die Barheid when they per-

formed on the CTV show, Hip Hop Avenue.As soon as they finished filming he took DieBarheid to the studio to let him listen to thenew music he has been working on.“The moment Die Barheid heard Apple

GreenDatsun, we both knew it was the trackI would feature him on.”Babyboy rates Donveno as a consummate

professional and says he immediately un-derstood his vision.

“Onceyouhave experienced thebrillianceof Donveno you understand how he is inspi-red by the music and he came up with hissax solo on Apple Green Datsun in the mo-ment.“Although Babyboy has already performed

Apple Green Datsun at the V&A WaterfrontAmphitheatre inDecember, the songwill getits official launch this weekend.Babyboy will be at the African Drum Café

inElsies River on Saturday. Tickets cost R40at the door, but can also be booked on 079785 2233.He’ll also be at Mzoli’s from 15:00 on Sun-

day 8 February. Entrance is free as long asyou purchase meat at the venue.The song will be available on iTunes fans

canalso requestAppleGreenDatsunon theirfavourite local radio stations. Since the songis for Cape Town, he also plans to distributethe single at taxi ranks and busy intersecti-ons after the launch.V Visit www.tygerburger.co.za to listen to AppleGreen Datsun.

Babyboy paves theway for homecoming

Charl “Baby­boy” Pilwan’snew single is acelebration ofall things Cape­tonion.

JupiterAscendingwill be released at Ster-Ki-nekor theatres this weekend.The sci-fi/action film tells the story of Ju-

piter Jones, whose DNAmarks her as poten-tially being the universe’s next leader. Whi-le earning a living as a cleaner, she gets trac-ked down by a genetically engineered ex-

military hunter who takes her back to hisplanet where she begins to glimpse the fatethat has been waiting for her all along.The movie stars Channing Tatum andMi-

la Kunis.V Visit www.sterkinekor.com or call Ticketline on0861 668 437 for more info.

From cleaner to world leader at Ster­Kinekor

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 ENTERTAINMENT TYGERBURGER Table View 19

V ‘80s Rewind ­ The Total ‘80s Party ison at Barnyard Theatre Willowbridge untilSaturday 8 March. Visit www.barnyard-theatre.co.za to book.

V Lizz Meiring is vanaand (Woensdag) inLangpad en Lipstieks by Die Boer te sien.R120. Bespreek by www.dieboer.com of021 979 1911.

V Fokokfpolisiekar and De Wallen will beat Klein Libertas Theatre in Stellenboschtonight (Wednesday). Tickets are availa-ble at www.webtickets.co.za.

V Aviva Pelham will be performing Santa’sStory in aid of the Motor Neurone DiseaseAssociation at Theatre on the Bay inCamps Bay tonight (Wednesday). Call 072326 4477 or 083 658 1156 to book.

V Macbeth.slapeloos met Anna­Martvan der Merwe, Jana Cilliers, AntoinetteKellermann en Dawid Minnaar is vanWoensdag 4 tot Saterdag 21 Februarie indie Baxter-teater te sien. Bespreek byComputicket.

V The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra willperform with violinist Yi­Jia Susanne Houunder the baton of Martin Panteleev atCape Town City Hall on Thursday 5 Febru-ary. Tickets are available through Compu-ticket.

V The Taros, Michael Lowman and ChrisWerge will be at Assembly on Thursday 5February. R30 before 22:00 and R40 the-reafter at the door.

V Patrick Canovi will be at Quay Four from20:00 on Friday 6 February with Dean,Belinda and Natalie. Call 021 419 2008 formore.

V Kurt Darren kuier Vrydag in die All Star-

teater. R150. Bespreek by 083 227 3658 [email protected].

V Blotchy, Dunn Kidda, SLEWDADA, JYDand Growl will be at Assembly on Friday6 February. Entrance is free before 22:30and R30 thereafter.

V Rhythm India will be on stage at Artsca-pe Theatre on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 Fe-bruary. Tickets are availableat Computicket.

V Grandslam, a dance thea-tre production performed byCondors, a male Japaneseperformance company, willbe on stage at the Oude Li-bertas Amphitheatre on Fri-day 6 and Saturday 7 Febru-ary. Tickets are available atComputicket.

V Bieber and Buddies will beon stage at Barnyard Thea-tre Willowbridge on Satur-day 7, 14 and 28 February at14:00. Visit www.barnyard-theatre.co.za to book.

V The Plastics, The Noma­dic Orchestra, Early Hoursand Forefront will be at As-sembly on Saturday 7 Febru-ary. Tickets are available at www.webtic-kets.co.za.

V Christo en Cobus Snyman is Saterdag7 Februarie by Die Boer te sien. R120. Be-spreek by www.dieboer.com of 021 9791911.

V BlackByrd will be at the Oude LibertasAmphitheatre from 18:30 on Sunday 8 Fe-bruary. Tickets are available at Computic-ket.

V The Barleycorn Music Club meets onMondays at 20:00 at Villager Football

Club, 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont. En-trance is (usually) R20 for members andR30 for non-members. Visit www.barley-corn.org.za for more.

V Shadows Tribute will be at LondonTown Pub in Milnerton on Tuesday 10 Fe-bruary form 19:00. Entrance is free. CallDanny on 079 266 2440 or Gill on 021 5513460 for more information.

V Crimson House Duo(blues/rock duo), ConradKoch (ventriloquist), KyleLouw (poet) and Nur Felix(singer/songwriter) will be atMercury Live on Tuesday 10February for The Swing CaféVariety Show. Entrance is freefrom 19:30 to 20:00 and R40thereafter. Visit www.face-book.com/TheSwingCafe formore.

V Mathys Roets en Anna Da­vel is Dindsdag 10 en Woens-dag 11 Februarie met Jaco­nell Mouton op klavier by DieBoer te sien. R150. Bespreekby www.dieboer.com of 021979 1911.

V Albert Frost, Toya Delazyand Lee Thomson will be at

Straight No Chaser in CBD on Wednesday11 February for two sets at 20:00 and22:00. R100 per session. Call 076 679 2697or email [email protected] to book.

V Patrick Canovi and Dean will be at QuayFour on Wednesday 11 February from20:00. Call 021 419 2008 for more.

V Amanda Strydom will be at the OudeLibertas Amphitheatre on Wednesday 11and Thursday 12 February in ScatteredThunder. Tickets are available at Compu-ticket.

What’s On | Wat’s Waar

Op reis: Jak de Priesteren Altus Muller isDonderdag en Vrydag inReis na Gister by DieBoer te sien. R130.Bespreek by www.die­boer.com of 021 979 1911.

Milnerton Players take tothe boards with romanceThe Milnerton Players will start theirtheatrical events for the year with theirfirst social evening of 2015 at MilnertonPlayhouse on Friday 6 February.

The evening, which starts at 20:00, willhave a romantic theme and first timedirector Robyn Bensch will present twoshort play readings of apocalyptic lovearound the theme ‘The Last …’. This willbe followed by a musical performnce bysinger and guitarist Stephen Winter andhis band.V Entrance costs R10 for non­members and R5 formember at the door. Call 082 443 5853 or [email protected] for more informati­on.

Love songs: Alvon Collison will present LoveChanges Everything with Shannon Lewis (pictu­red here with Alvon), Janine Pick and FariedSwartz at Alvon’s Home Theatre on Saturday 14and Sunday 15 February from 17:00. These fourvocalists will combine their vocal talents toperform the music from some of Andrew LloydWebber’s popular musicals. Snacks and refresh­ments are included in the ticket price of R100.Call 021 551 0969 for bookings and moreinformation.

20 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD

Geklassifiseerd: 0860 11 75 20 - [email protected]

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Waar koper en verkopers mekaar ontmoet


Valid till end of Feb’ 2015







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Men problems,evil spirits.

For more information081 005 6120 or063 006 0073


MUJJIBI THE HEALER* Troubled relationships

* Ring of luck & oil* Financial problems* Badluck & evil spirits063 112 9807


WOMAN DOCTOR* Bring back lost lover

* Lucky stick* Magic Wallet - R350* I give good luck &fight bad luck

* Clear all bad debts* Marriage problemsCall 073 648 5115




Attorney: Divorce,Criminal Matters0219493619 Rob v.d. Linde


BOEDELSTestamente, egskeidings,voorhuwelikse kontrakte.Bel Gideon 0219484872Meyer Nel Prokureurs

.EGSKEIDINGS, Boedels, ens.Cap van Tonder 021 930 5721





A BRIDGING LOANWaiting for Pen-

sion/Package payouts?SMS or send"please call me"082 301 7856Ph: 0860 105 546

.AA PAWN ANY VEHICLELowest interest 5%.( 0820589735)

.AANBOD: Pawn your vehicle021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726

.AANBOD: Verpand motors by ons!% 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836


Are u waiting on aPENSION /PROVIDENTpayout? Lump sum only.Sms/Call: 0768867655



CASH LOANS ONGOLD JEWELLERYAre u a little short thismonth with your cash?

ContactGolden Rewards082 354 7696


Debt Consolidationup to R250,000Bad credit [email protected] 435 4737


.LOANS approved in 5 minutes.Blacklisted and garnishee welcome.SMS name, surname & ID number,net & gross salary and companyname to Pinky 083 330 5607

.NEED A LOAN? Call/Sms orWhatsapp: Felix on 073 385 7669


SKULD KONSOLIDASIEOns reël 'n bekostigbare paaiement.

Swak krediet rekords enswart lys welkom.

Tel. 021 910 4743 / 061 460 6669




Let us help you get peaceof mind and financialstability in one easypayment for ALL your

debt.We offer:

-Advice, guidance andaffordable solutions

-Protection against legalaction

-Negotiations with yourcreditors on your behalf

-Clear ALL debtFor immediate

assistance pleasecontact one of ourconsultants on:(T) 021 556 5945Sean: 072 442 7289Marita: 083 659 0405(F) 086 732 4382Unit 4, 13 Senna St,Killarney Gardens






Safe, fast and effective.Minimum of 8 - 10kg's fatloss during 40 day hCGINJECTION PROGRAM. [email protected]






BELASTINGOpgawe en konsultasieIndividue enklein besighedeQuantum Portefeuljes082 498 3738 of021 975 1615


BADISA Tygerbergis op soek na dievolgende persone:

- Prospur GugulethuMaseko- Chrizelda Klink- Deirdre Felix- Gail De Wet- Nicole Louw- Elthea Fischer- Andre Patterson- Liezel Pietersen enWilfred- Mina Solomons- Hilton Lesch- Candice Franks- Phillip Claasen- Valencia PetronellaAdams- Susarha Dam- Ashley Isaacs- Magdalena Plaatjies- Riaan Gideon JacobusKontak Me Zeelie by021 939 9120

Deanne MorenzaCollins

Elizabeth SwanepoelAnieke Nicolenevan der MerweJacob Willemvan der MerweAbdul Kariem

Kontak Mev Visser021 939 9120

Martine BrandOlivia HoornCarlene Koen

Petronella MeintjiesKontak Mnr Campher

021 939 9120.

PSYCHIC MIAFor accurate answers to allproblems, SMS your name,date of birth and a specificquestion to 38381.R10 per sms



SIENER / PSYCHIC% Pieter 021 910 3499

.Sonskynvriendskapklub: Alle een-same enkellinge. Vir liefde & vriendskap. Tel. 074 296 0639

.VOLMAAN-vriendskapsklub.(Sedert 1994). Enkel en alleen, opsoek na jou sielsgenoot? % Elize,021 801 0580 / 071 340 2290




Extra MathsDo you want to improvelast years maths mark?

Experienced maths teacheravailable in Bellville

Oak Glen area.Call: 083 782 4926





Matric Supplementary exams.* IEB Maths Centre.* Individual tuition* Excellent Results

* Grade 4 - 12Durbanville 021 975 2845Brackenfell 021 982 8145Email: [email protected]


MUSIEKSKOOL. Klavier,klawerbord, kitaar, blokfluit,orrel, viool, tjello, teorie.

021 981 2696 / 083 261 5854




WISKUNDE KLASSE* Persoonlike aandag* Graad 8 tot 12Skakel Johan 0219308098





VIR ALLE 2DE-HANDSEmeubels, beddens,sitkamerstelle,

yskaste, stowe, elektrieseware, kombuisware,breekgoed, beddegoed,

klere, ens.Tel. 021 558 7546 /082 4100 405


Home Contents. 074 554 6614




Beds, lounge suits, stoves,fridges & bric a brac.Tel. 021 558 7546 /082 4100 405


Fridges and Freezerswanted for cash, workingor faulty. We collect.SMS "Sell" to

083 4250 447 Peter


URGENT!!We need your unwanted

furniture083 565 1685/078 150 1702




A MARRIAGE OFFICERGet married anytime,anywhere. Phone0219305119 / 0828524571






AK WENDY'SCash D.I.Y. 3 x 6 - R50003 x 9 - R69003 x 3 - R33003 x 7 - toilet + basin R7 500082 621 4441/021 3935475


JR WENDYS3 X 6m R7900FLAT ROOFGratis Voering

AFBETALING WELKOMTel: 021 905 8097072 870 6973


Vibracrete walls,houses, raisers, spikesand Carports & Paving,Steel Gates & Motors.Call: 021 908 0012/082 299 9111




EK KOOP BOEKE enlangspeelplate. 0826708987




Ek koop antiekeware,juweliersware ,speelgoed, kombuisware, linne,skilderye, ornamente & meubelsSkakel Anita 082 963 8877




2ND HANDBUILDING MATERIALTel 021 932 7200081 395 5696

We buy & sell baths,toilets, basins, pedestals,

cisterns, doors,windows, safety

gates, burgular bars, PVCfittings, roof sheets, etc.



Bruinklip, Rivierklip, Kompos,Topsoil. Klein en Grootmaat.Teerwerk, Plaveisel, Bouwerk.Skakel: 021 930 5411





CLOTHING, ETC.We collect Monday to Sunday.Contact Ian, 078 452 1976

[email protected]

.A Cash Deal on All Goods

Cash paid for all your unwanted goodquality ladies, mens, kids clothing.Shoes, linen, bric 'n brac etc.

Christelle 0844081437

.Amanda Tel. 021 939 7839082 221 8014. Beste kontantvir goeie dames-, mans-, kinderklereen -skoene. Gordyne en beddegoedasook kombuis-ware. Ek kom haal.




A1 FURNITURE SHOPKoop alle tweedehandse


KOM DADELIK0835651685/0219824176

078 150 1702.

AANDAG: Barend soekdringend 2de HandseMeubels, Beddens, kaste& yskaste om te koop.Betaal kontant en kom

haal self.Skakel 082 848 2880


Home Contents. 074 554 6614.


alle bruikbare meubels.KOM DADELIK.ALLE AREAS

WERNER083 5651685/0219824176

078 150 1702.

Beautiful 6-seater dining roomsuite R4,950, large couch,

TVcabinet, coffee table, loungechair, dresser & washingmachine, all immaculate !

Ph 021 9811683 or 082 8119681



'There In a Flash'Ons Koop Alle 2dehandse meubels,yskaste & stowe021 591 5708076 017 0630


THEOKOOP2de Handse Meubels.

% 083 310 1081.

22 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD



Eienaar toesig. Free quotes

Willie 073 228 3929www.centralflooring.co.za




AANDAG ALMAL:ALLE GROOTMENS-DOEKEbeskikbaar. Laagste pryse in dieWes-Kaap. Skakel Vera of Dian

Tel: 021 5911104.




Saterdaemiddae:KuilsrivierVolgende groep: middel-Februarie. Bel Chris

021 8514303/082 590 7660


MOBILE DOG WASH & DIPGood service, low rates.Hennie ( 0762201607


ROTWIELERSBeskikbaar 14 Feb. 2015. Ontwurm

en ingeënt, ouer KUSA gereg.,R2500 elk.

Skakel: 072 926 0062




Ek betaal KONTANTVir 2de handse en nuweklere, skoene, beddegoed,gordyne, breekgoed, potte,panne,kombuisware &meubels, alle elektriese

ware,ensovoorts.$ HARDE $ KONTANT $!Tel: Johan 074 474 4275

.WANTED. ALL MILITARY ITEMSMedals, swords, old watches, coins,banknotes, old cameras & stamps.

%082 7033 719






A SPECIAL CARPET CLEANINGSPECIAL3 Bdrms for R3406 Seater Couches for R340Beds, Curtains & CarsContact Rob 078 556 6708web [email protected]


ALLE WEER DROOG - Matte& Skoonmaak van bekleedsel /Matrasse-nat. Deon 084 5648225


CARPETCLEANING2 Bedroom - R3503 Bedroom - R3804 Bedroom - R450

Lounge suiteKelim

Call 071 081 3404.


Marius 0720923875

.CARPETS, COUCHES CLEANEDA deep wash at best rates.021 592 0626/082 428 7163



3 Standard rooms R350In all weather,90% dry carpets, nopowder or steam. Using quality

carpet shampoo, personalsupervision, affordable pricing, also

upholstery cleaningNorthern [email protected]

0215920487 / 0832896674




All renovations &additionsCraig Goodchild082 698 1853

.ALLE Plaveisel. Goeie verwysing.0761244713


AVENANTResidential ServicesBadkamer OpgraderingKombuis/SlaapkamerKaste ALLE BOUWERK

% Deon 084 983 9979.


Best prices for the bestquality from reputable22 year old business.083 414 8103/021 858 1873


GENERAL BUILDING MAINTE-NANCE, Renovation & Alterations,Carpentry, hanging of doors, roofing,B.I.C., tiling, painting & brick paving,carports, Vibracrete reg. with NHBRC

ANDREW 082 935 2251 /021 903 9563





Alle BouplanneVir nuwe huise en

aanbouings.Skakel Louis0219033730


BOUPLANNEBillike fooie.

Flink, kundige diens.30 jaar ondervindingestetiese ontwerpe.

SACAP - Reg.Goedkeuring.

Alle Ure: 021 903 8063Mike 083 564 7227


BOUPLANNETeken & ontwerp van

nuwe huise & aanbouings.REG. MET SACAP.Skakel Riaan

% 082 415 9696.

Building Plans /Bouplanne

Karel 021 9814788 /0724465054



BUILDINGPLANSWe will beat any writtenquote. www.jvharch.co.za

021 9171127




A MOBILE CAR VALETInterior cleaning service from R350

Turbo Kleen0845932223




available.0219499082/074 3096830



24 HOUR SERVICE!Contact: Tiaan Louw083 297 5204






* No Signal?* Picture breaking up?* Re-installations?

We do: Home Theatre, Extra Points,TOP TV install

Call Vincent 0822689339Same day response.



Dstv packages for R599HD PVR installationsR1999. Cctv & HomeTheatre. Service callrepair charge of R150Call: 0832882757





.Airconditioning and fridges.Repairs & Installations .021 917 1384 / 072 787 6582

.#1 AIR-CON & FRIDGE Services ,Repairs,Installations,Fridges wan-ted. 021 945 1376/ 078 901 1594



REPAIR: Fridges, Stoves,Washing machines,TumbleDryers,Aircons,Dishwasher

ONSITE REPAIRS.Tiaan 082 776 2393 /

021 917 1620



Fridges, stoves, washing machineswith guarantee and regas from R180Skakel Francois 0798381851


ALTYD KONTANTVir jou yskas, vrieskas.

werkend of nie - werkend0820864752

.Appliance at all - Herstel by uhuis! ysvrieskaste, wasmasjiene,stowe, mikrogolfoonde,tuimeldroërs. Tel. 071 755 3390


BESTE PRYSE VIRYSKASTEVrieskaste -Werkend of nie.Tel. 072 493 9332



FRIDGEUp to R1000, we collectCall 071 710 9299




For fast, efficient, quality personalservice

Call Coenie at 072 365 3622


Registered and QualifiedPower Failure, Rewiring, Stove

Connections. Issue C.O.C.Patrick 0828368051/0796444087


ELECTRICIANMichael 021 939 2543/

082 479 6083

.Fridges & Deep Freezers wanted

Working or notWILL PAY CASH!Tel: 072 592 2507

.FRIDGES WANTEDDead or alive. We will collect. Cashoffer. Tel. 071 710 9299

.FRIDGES, tv's & double / singlebeds URGENTLY WANTED!(021) 911 3366 /083 377 7223

.GESOEK LEWENDIG OF DOODYs en Vrieskaste, stowe, wasmas-

jiene, mikrogolfoonde ens.Skakel 073 608 4652



guaranteed.083 6415038/0219528471

.Wasmasjiene, Yskaste & Stowe .Herstel deur mobiele werkswinkel.Tel. 021 939 9338074 608 2411


WE DO REPAIRSOn all appliances.Regassing done on all

types of fridges @ R180.Tel. 0782128078

3 months' guarantee!












Stump RemovalGarden & Rubble removal

Garage Clean UpsR450 per load

Selwyn 0832676181



TREEFELLERSAfsaag en snoei

van bome en palmsHannes 082 082 3116



SKOONMAAK VAN TUINESkakel Fred 076 874 9682


Trellises, plants, pots, pavers, waterfeatures, stone, bark & roll-on lawn.

New & up-grading of irrigationsystems. I beat any written quote.

Anton 082 729 3811.

BENNO - TUINETuinuitleg, algeheleskoonmaak, afsaag vanbome, snoeiwerk.

*PERSOONLIKE TOESIG*Tel: 021 903 1272Tel: 082 775 0977

.Boomsloop,snoei verwyder021 930 1258 / 074 789 2176


DIE ROMMELMANTuinvullis verwydering.

Tel 083 458 3416/988-0374


Die Vullis KlongTuin / Garage vullis verwydering,

vanaf R350 per vrag.Snoei van bome, roll on lawn.Gawie 084 060 6688



trimming, rubble removal,garden clean-ups & irriga-tion. Call me for a freequote. Fully insured.Nick 072 279 6915



%082 856 4578.



ALUMINIUM windows, doors,b.bars, gates & glass repairs.Call: 073 429 7856





Built-in CupboardsVir beste prys, kwaliteit, inalle areas. Tel:Brian by

0219 495 001/082 8546051


Built-In CupboardsKitchen & Bathroom

CupboardsAffordable prices

High quality finishing3D - Designs

For free quote contactSteven 073 495 1223



FreeQUOTESOnSiteColour 3DDesigns

Call Erica 084 611 2037.


% GLENTON 072 409 5224.

RITTER PAVING,PRECAST & CIVILSPaving, tar, Vibrecretewalls, civils, steelwork,

garage door/gateinstallations &automations,

gas installation &maintenance.(Authorisedinstaller.)

Electric fencing.Quality service

assured.086 055 6666082 899 5682





BUDGET PAVEAffordable PavingCall 0215596148


BUILDING & ROOFINGPaving, braai rms, boundary walls,

bathrms, plumbing, garages,carportsNHBRC 24/7. Plans guaranteed.Tel: 082 956 7776 / 021 982 1309

.CARPORT REPAIRS & [email protected] 422 6787


PVC FencingMAINTENANCE FREEwww.maxifencing.co.za30Years Guarantee

Contact usfor a free quote:083 407 4577 /021 945 2153Pool Fencing&Picket Fencing

Find us on Facebook.

TAR AND PAVING0792896737


UNIVERSAL PAVINGGratis kwotasie vir alle

areasSkakel 021 94544550732631191

(Mnr Boonzaaier)


WATERPROOFINGFlat roof Specialist

Repairs, Re Roofing, BoxGutters, Roof Windows

2 Year Guarantee0768452182





A BEST TILERAll tiling wall and floor,

from R30 m2

Call Desmond021 988 3295/072 566 1281

.AHA Burglar Bars & Gates

Tel: 021 933 1647083 542 1097 of 021 909 1807

.ALL HRS HANDY MAN4 efficient home maintenance% David 072 422 6787E-mail: [email protected]


ALL TILINGDo work myself, Mike

076 9364153 / 0219307015


Burglar Bars Gates,Fencing&Balustrade.Call Alex @ ABBG for a

free quote.T:082 496 8760www.abbg.co.za



%08330255590219489479 k.u.




1872.ABRIE VERF/PAINT021 981 6805 / 083 328 3628

.ALLE VERFWERK.Billik met toesig

Frikkie 076 973 9100




PEST CONTROLCockroaches, fleas, lice, ants and allcarpet bugs. Best prices guaranteed.

Bennie 084 510 4715




AQUAPLUMBERDiens en vervang

alle geysers,toilette,krane.Versekerings eise.www.aquaplumber.co.zaELMSLEY 0712548500



JOHNNY'S PLUMBINGTel. 072 1033 946



PLUMBING24/7 SERVICETel: 021 948 3070Tel: 083 326 5009


SERVICE & MAINTENANCE% Quinton 084 564 2451



1860.1.3-ton bakkie A2Z

Transport anything. % 083 783 9458.

BOU-/TUIN-/MOTORHUIS-rommel. Tel: 0790259221


.Call Martin 084 907 5513RUBBLE REMOVAL

Garden Refuse, RenovationRubble, Garage junk,treefelling


REFUSE CLEAN UPGarden, garage and yard refuseclean ups. R400 per bakkie load.Bennie 084 510 4715



RUBBLE8-ton truck

CALL 0828459998


The JunktruckersRubble, garden waste,junk and tree removal.Tel. 079 256 7667



VERWYDERINGvan alle vullis en bourommelasook skoonmaak van erwe.

Louw, % 083 413 0701Eienaartoesig.






*Pompe *Filters *LekkeTel: DJ 072 589 2802


POOLBLUBeste Pryse en Diens% 083 610 1211


For all your pool equipment andservicing needs.

Jaco Visser 082 336 9984




.1.3 Ton Bakkie met Drywer inBellville area - 0799954815


4 All Goods and FurnitureRemovels using anenclosed 4 ton truck.Contact Ronnie083 441 9060 or021 939 2831


A2B Afford-A-MoveEnclosed truck

Pierre 083 255 [email protected]



[email protected]

Skakel: 083 231 2964


AMAZING MOVES( 0219310328/0837230263




.MEUBELVERVOERmet persoonlike toesig.021 945 1376 / 083 303 8684



MINI VERVOEREnige tyd beskikbaar Gratis kwotasie

Eienaar bestuur selfAnthonie 082 611 5631/021 930 4565


Nolen's TransportHome&Office Removals

Enclosed TruckTel: 021 903 3013






TREE FELLING/PRUNINGClean-ups, irrigation, wellpoints.

Phone Kevin:0219825111 or 0829514078








EARN EXTRA INCOMEselling Avon products.SMS NAME & AREA to

084 470 9888.

EKSTRA GELD!Verkoop van Avon - ProdukteSMS naam na: 0829333986

.Like to earn extra with JUSTINECall: M Blom 0833914754 [email protected]


NEED EXTRA INCOME?Are you employed or

unemployed looking to earnextra income Parttime / fulltime. Contact us ASAP [email protected]

074 609 7654




.ALL ACCOUNTING, tax,payroll & all Reg.0219305310


COMPUTER DATARECOVERY ComputerData Recovery/BackupSolutions-083 250 1024

.LTM ACCOUNTING SERVICESAccounting, Tax & Payroll Services

Financial Services,Vat,Paye/Uif &SDL

Registrations & Submissionsand so much more....







.GORDONS Bay S/catering holidayaccom. 6&8 sleeperfrom R1000p/n 0795224309.

.KLEINMOND(Erika 082 550 5585)Sec. self-cat. units. Avail. any time,from R350 p/n (2-4ppl)

.'n Nag op 'n slag. R350 - R430 /2 persone. Parow 081 536 7430

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Table View 23

CAREER OPPORTUNITYwith a well known and respected company.

If you have a burning ambition to play a positive rolein people’s lives, this position could be yours!


as a

be computer literate, enjoy marketing, sales

and admin, be strong in client service, be able tofunction on your own, have own transport and a

driver’s licence.

Fax CV to 086 524 4614Deadline: 7 February 2015




(Potential income R12 000+ pm) R6 000 basic + Commission








.ALL CANOPIES: Sell or Pawn.Instant Cash. Phone 082 058 9735

.GESOEK: Canopies, trailers, cars& bakkies. Pawn as well.021 987 2277/082 558 [email protected]





Bakkie RentalsR475/day. T&C Apply.

Tel. 021 986 0016/ 072 803 8144




.GESOEK: Karavane, Campers,Motorhomes om te koop.Skakel: 082 771 2213




.ALLE DIESEL-ENJINS:Herstelwerk. Billike tariewe.Skakel 073 092 7128

.ALLE HERSTELWERK, diensteaan alle voertuie in alle areas.Billike tariewe. Tel. 083 529 9972





AANBODAan alle bakkie/motoreienaars. Ek benodigvoertuie, enige modelwelkom. Skakel

Marius 079 442 5550


Ons koop nie-lopende ofbeskadigde voertuie virkontant. Beste pryse.Ons verwyder gratis.Skakel 083 294 8428of 021 949 9083


AANBODEk soek nie-lopende,stukkende of ongeluk-beskadigde voertuie.

Ek betaal kontant en verwyder uvoertuig gratis uit enige gebied

Tel 021 949 6066 / 076 211 1620

."ALL Bakkies, Cars, Micro Busses

and Bikes Wanted."PHONE 082 058 9735

.Alle bakkies / motors gesoek.082 558 4836 /021 987 [email protected]

.Alle bakkies / motors gesoek.021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726









Kiddies Play Place /Coffee Shop for SaleContact 082 482 0678





Durbanville, Sonstraal2 slpk., o.plan kombuis, TV-k., bal-kon, 24 uur alarm, DStv skottel, lug-versorging, priv. parkering. Uitste-kende area. Geen diere. Nie-rook.

Geen kinders. R5 950 p.m.Kontak Dot 083 550 1840


Goodwood, Daffke Court:Two x1- Bedroom flat available from01 Feb and 01 Mar@ monthly rentalof R3,850, suitable for a single pro-fessional person or mature coupleonly.Goodwood, MoredouTwo x 2--Bedroom flats availablefrom 01 Feb and 15 Feb. in wellmaintained block @ R5,000 withstunning view of Table Mountain andeasy access to transport..Parkingmay be available on request.Rugby, Cecelia CourtWe have a 1-Bedroom coming avail.on 15 Feb @ R4,130 including agarage.Brooklyn, BetaniehofWe have a 1-Bedroom coming avail.on 15 Feb. R3950.Bellville, Batts CourtNewly renovated 1 bedroom flat @R5,900 avail. 15 Feb, garage omrequestBellville, Karoo Court1 Bed Flats available 01 Feb. @R4,000Bellville Rosemary2- Bedroom flat avail 01 Feb @R5,000 with garage included in rentalParow, Marshlou Court:Spacious 2 - bedroom flat @ R5,000available 01 Feb in well maintained,secure block, suitable for youngworking couple starting out ormature/single professional persononly.Strand, Rosarum MansionsLovely, secure block in quiet area ofStrand but close enough to beach, wehave a 3- Bedroom avail @ onlyR4,550. There is also a garageavailable @ an additional cost ofR480

See something you areinterested in? Call our office at

021 426 1184/1185 toschedule a viewing!

Office hours only between 08:00and 16:45 Mon-FriVisit our websitewww.steer.co.za

.TE HUUR: TYGERFALLS - 2 slpk.woonstel, 1 badk., i.g.k., oond/stoofnaby Tygervallei, besk 1 Feb 2015 -R6,050 p.m., 24 uur sek., CCTV,DStv, onderdak parkering.Belinda – [email protected],SMS: 072 533 0743





Kraaifontein - Viking Villas2 Bed Flat 1 March R4250Lisalet 079 367 6930

Brackenfell - Figaro Burgundy3 Bed House New 2 b/r d/g braai

available imm. R13,000Kraaifontein

2 Bed House near Aristea Primary1 March R4900Brackenfell

2 Bed Flat 1 March R4700Kenilworth

2 Bed Flat No pets 1 April R6200Woodstock

2 Bed Flat No pets 1.5 b/r 2 P/baysSecurity Guard, Avail. Imm, R7500

KensingtonStudio Flat 1 March R3300Chrizane 082 417 2487

Uitzicht2 Bed Flat Avail. Imm. R4250Candice 083 771 52987

Strand - Grasso (Beach Road)3 Bed Apartment avail. Imm. R7500

Sonja 082 964 3432

o/h 021 975 1770www.landlords.sa.com





Koop direk by ontwikkelaar 2/3 slpk.Vanaf R499,900 alle koste ingesluit.

24 uur sekuriteit.Skakel Susan 081 5111 250





KUILSRIVIER/SONEIKE3 slpk., dmh. R9 500 p.m.Tel. 082 538 6320





DURBANVILLEKamer onmiddellik beskikbaar in2 slpk. woonstel - sekuriteitskom-pleks. Badkamer, kombuis, leefarea

en balkon met braai. Veiligeparkering. R2,100 + elektrisiteit.IAN VENTER 084 699 8757


Looking for House mate - Klein-bron Estate. R3 000 + elec. Roomto rent. Furniture, shared bathr.,garage, 5 km from Cape Gate & N1.Age: 21 - 29. Tel. 084 838 2400





Kamer met ensuite, eie ingang.Enkelwerkende dame,

R1800pm + Dep.0823960875







Elmarie 083 233 [email protected]




2015 – Jou Jaar!!!Klaar met skool! Reg om tebegin werk! Begin NOUwerk aan jou toekoms!!!

Begin met ‘n inkomste vanR5000 p.m. plus vervoer,

sel en behuisings-toelae!

Jy moet vol energie weesen ‘n liefde hê om met

mense te werk.Skakel onmiddellik vir

Casandra by021 949 2929


BUYERWe seek the services of aBuyer with a min of 3 to5 years’ experience in asimilar position. Must

have matric and an afterschool qualification will be

to your advantage.Computer Literate

Must be of an organisednature, good

communicator and be akeen negotiator.

Salary will be commensu-rate with the experience.

E-mail:[email protected]



ASSISTANTSrequired for Pick 'n PayPanorama. Experience is

an advantage.E-mail CV to: [email protected] Fax 021 939 2273




Earn extra money byselling Avon Products.SMS name & area to084 516 3353.


Employer:Evolution Trust

•To do relevant requiredmaintenance work•To perform asset

maintenance duties i.e.replacement of electricalbulbs, plumbing , tiling,paint work and the repair

of doors, etc.;•Repair faulty furniture on

an ongoing basis;• Ensure that all tools arekept safe and in good

working order as well astool register to be updated•Accompany maintenance

contractors whileperforming maintenance

duties and verify quality ofwork;

•Perform maintenanceduties wherever services

are required;• Obtain necessarymaterials, whenever

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3601.AFIKA is looking for domestic work.Hard worker. 7 yrs. exp. Cell. 073 2930758.

.AKA is looking for domestic work.Mon. - Fridays. Cell. 078 030 3610.

.ALICE is looking for char work 2 daysa week.Wed. & Fri. Cell. 073 337 3272.

.ALICIA is looking for domestic work.Mon. - Fri. Cell. 073 337 3272.

.ALIDA is looking for domestic work.Everyday. Cell. 078 544 8849.

24 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD

.BULELWA is looking for domesticwork. Everyday. Cell. 073 098 5069.

.ANELISA is looking for domesticwork. Hard working 24 yr old. 2 yrsexp. Cell. 073 027 4486.

.BANDLAKERI is looking for dome-stic work/general. I have a security.certificate. Cell. 061 349 3030.

.BELLINDA is looking for domesticwork. Everyday. Cell. 072 886 8265.

.BONGIWE is looking for cleanerwork/tea lady. Cell. 071 913 5673.

.BONSILE is looking for domesticwork. Cell. 071 307 2658.

.CAROLINE is looking for char work.Mon., Wed. & Fri. Cell. 078 224 6937.

.CAROLINE is looking for domesticwork. Mon., Wed. & Friday. Cell. 078224 6937.

.CHRISTINA is looking for domesticwork. Ref. Cell. 061 936 9790.

.CINDY is looking domestic workeveryday. Sleep-in. Nanny exp. Ref.avail. Cell. 073 377 9817.

.CONNIE is looking for domesticwork. Everyday. Cell. 073 729 9010.

.CYNTHIA is looking for char work.Mon. - Thurs. Cell. 073 499 0940, Ref.-nr. 083 244 0373.

.CYNTHIA is looking for domesticwork. Everyday. Cell. 073 316 3156.

.CYNTHIA is looking for domesticwork. Sleep-in/out. Cell. 071 7842798.

.CYNTIA is looking for domesticwork. Everyday. Sleep-in/out. Ref.avail. Cell. 072 466 7561.

.ELIZABETH is looking for char work2 days a week. Good reference. Cell.083 565 4491.

.ELLIE is looking for domestic work.Mon. - Fri. Cell. 078 038 0125. Ref. nr.021 824 5290.

.ELSIE is looking for char work.Mon., Wed. & Thurs. Cell. 079 8606475. Ref. Mrs Rumble 021 559 7811.

.EMELDA is looking for domesticwork. Everday. 12 yrs exp. Always ontime. Cell. 072 471 3400.

.IREEN is looking for domesticwork/cleaner/baby care. 2 yrs exp.Cell. 073 497 9559.

.JOHN is looking for domesticwork/gardening. Mon. - Fri. Cell. 073823 8509.

.KAMBONA is looking for garde-ning/painting work. 4 yrs exp. Cell.073 496 2971.

.KHAYA is looking for domesticwork/cleaner/handyman. Cell. 073818 9730.

.KHOLISWA is looking for domesticwork. Tues. - Fridays. Hard worker,calm and honest. Cell. 073 372 9196.

.LEAH is looking for domestic work.Everyday. Cell. 073 895 2037.

.LONWABO is looking for domesticwork/general, I have matric. Avail.anytime. Cell. 083 608 3761.

.LYNETTE is looking for char work.3 days. Reliable. Cell. 082 365 4179.

.MANDLA is looking for domesticwork/excavator operator. Cell. 083770 0465.

.MANDLA is looking for domesticwork/excavator operator. Cell. 083770 0465.

.MATFEO is looking for domesticwork/gardening. Ref. Mon. - Sat. Cell.061 814 7704.

.MAVIS is looking for char work.Tues., Fri. & Saturdays. Cell. 073 0578602. Ref.-nr. 082 770 9776.

.MFUNEKO is looking for work incleaning industry/general. Exp. Cell.074 776 8491.

.MIRANDA, domestic worker. Relia-ble. Cell. 073 168 1027.

.MIRIAM is looking for domesticwork. 35 yrs old. Fluent in English.Good with babies. Cell. 071 975 0625.

.MOREEN is looking for char work. 4days. Cell. 063 279 2001.

.NANDIPHA is looking for charwork/cleaner. Hard worker. Cell. 073946 3407.

.NATASHA is looking for char work.Mon., Tues. & Fri. Cell. 079 799 0988.Ref.-nr. 082 897 3863.

.NELISIWE is looking for domesticwork. Hard worker. Cell. 074 0695592.

.NELY is looking for domesticwork/nanny. 1 yr exp. Cell. 063 2522320.

.NOEDIWE is looking for domesticwork. Ref. avail. Cell. 079 031 3816.

.NOLITHA is looking for char. Mon.,Tues., Wed. & Fri. 36 yrs old. Cell. 073351 0203. Ref.-nr. 081 401 3030.

.NOLITHA is looking for domesticwork. 36 yrs old. Everyday. Cell. 063140 8631, Ref. nr. 073 731 7619.

.NOLITHA is looking for domesticwork. Everyday. 36 yrs old. Cell. 063140 8631. Ref. nr. 073 731 7619.

.NOLUNTU is looking for char work.Mon., Fri., Sat. Ref. Cell. 083 755 7751.

.NOMAWETHU is looking for dome-stic work. Everyday. Cell. 078 4165872.

.NOMPUNEKO is looking for dome-stic work. Everyday. Exp. Cell. 073459 5347.

.NOMSE is looking for domesticwork/char. Everyday. Sleep-in. Goodref. Cell. 060 350 1163.

.NONIE is looking for char work.Mon., Wed. & Fri. Cell. 073 914 8220.

.NORIE is looking for char work. Cell.073 914 8220.

.NOSIPHO is looking for domesticwork. Everyday. 30 yrs old. Hard wor-king. Cell. 073 966 0328.

.NOZABELO is looking for domesticwork. 5 days. 10 yrs exp. Cell. 073232 5537.

.NTOMBETHEMBA is looking forchar work/general. Cell. 073 8398938.

.NTOMBI is looking for domesticwork/nanny. 29 yrs old. Ref. avail. Cell.073 866 3009.

.OLIVIA, char worker. 3 days a week.Hard worker. Cell. 073 742 6599.

.NTOMBI is looking for domesticwork. Every day. Sleep-in. Cell 078903 5896.

.NYAMEKA is looking for domesticwork/nanny. 40 yrs old. Ref. avail. Cell.078 642 9901.

.PAM is looking for char work. Every-day. Good exp. Cell. 073 918 4298.

.PAUL is looking for painting/garde-ning work. Cell. 084 528 9815, Ref. nr.061 119 5125.

.PEGGY is looking for domesticwork. Tues., Wed. & Saturdays. Cell.083 366 2706.

.PHUMEZA is looking for domesticwork/general. Sleep-in. Cell. 076 6147192.

.PHUMLA is looking for char work. 4days a week. Exp. Cell. 078 181 2901.

.PHUMLA is looking for domesticwork. Mon. - Fridays. Sleep-in optio-nal. Cell. 083 684 4345.

.PORTIA is looking for domesticwork/cleaner. Everyday. Cell. 073 8189730.

.PORTIA, domestic work/cleaner.Mon. - Fri. Ref. Cell. 073 818 9730.

.PRINCESS is looking for char work.Mon., Wed. & Fri. Cell. 063 055 4547.

.PRINCESS is looking for char work.Mon., Wed. & Fri. Cell. 063 055 4547.

.PRISCILLA is looking for char work.Ref. & cert. avail. Cell. 073 524 3602.

.PUMZA is looking for domesticwork/nanny. Ref. avail. Cell. 072 1061572.

.SELLINA is looking for domesticwork. Mon. - Fridays. Cell. 073 3661264.

.SHIELA is looking for domestic work.Cell. 060 301 0310. Ref. nr. 083 7083221.

.SITHANDAZILE is looking for charwork. Tues. & Thurs. Cell. 073 8577851.

.SIZEKA is looking for domestic work.Everyday. Grade 11 & 24 yrs old. Relia-ble & honest. Cell. 081 064 4440.

.SYLVIA is looking for domesticwork. Everyday. Cell. 073 179 4768.

.THABISA is looking for domesticwork/chars. Cell. 078 248 6946, 078848 4210.

.THANDI is looking for char work. 4days a week. Exp. Cell. 076 032 9559.

.THEMBAKAZI is looking for dome-stic work. 33 yrs old. Exp. Cell. 073621 0668.

.THOBEKA is looking for domesticwork. Good ref. Cell. 078 729 3355.

.THOZAMA is looking for domesticwork. Everyday. Sleep-in. Cell. 078902 5896.

.TIMOTHY is looking for domesticwork/gardener. 3 yrs exp. Hard wor-ker. Cell 078 396 7641.

.TINTILIZA is looking for domesticwork/general, I have matric. 20 yrsold. Cell. 063 067 3467.

.VALENCIA is looking for char work.Avail. Mon., Tues., Thur. & Fridays.Ref. avail. Cell. 071 995 2114.

.VUYISEKA is looking for domesticwork/char. 5 days a week. Cell. 073953 1599.

.WISDOM is looking for domesticwork/cleaner/gardener. Sleep in orout. 1 yr exp. Cell. 073 867 1060.

.XOLISA is looking for domestic work.Reliable. Cell. 084 665 8149.

.YOUNGER is looking for gardeningwork/painter. Cell. 074 069 5592.

.ZANELE is looking for domesticwork. 34 yrs old. 5 yrs exp. Cell. 078254 1804 or 073 036 0842.

.ZINE is looking for domestic work.Everyday. Sleep-in. Cell. 078 9025896.

.ZINE is looking for domestic work.Everday. Sleep-in. Cell. 078 902 5896.

.ZINE is looking for domestic work.Everyday. Sleep-in. Cell. 078 9025896.

.ZUKISWA is looking for charwork/general. Cell 078 300 2741.






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Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Table View 25










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26 TYGERBURGER Table View Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD

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Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 SPORT TYGERBURGER Table View 27


Wanneer Bellville se senior krieketspan naalle waarskynlikheid eerskomende Sater-dag ’n oorwinning in sy tweedaagse kragme-ting teen die Universiteit van Kaapstad be-klink, sal daar nie onsekerheid by die klub-beamptes wees oor wie om as die speler vandie wedstryd aan te wys nie.

Met die wegspring in die jongste reekswedstryde die afgelope naweek het Luke Pe-tersen die merkwaardige boulsyfers van9/27 behaal en daarmee grootliks daartoe by-gedra dat die Ikeys vir ’n skamele 57 lopiesuitgehaal is. Petersen het daarna met 42 lo-pies ook die beste met die kolf gevaar in Bell-ville se eerste beurt.

Schaughn van Greunen (32) het ook gehelpdat die Bellvilliete (233/8, gesl.) ’n eerste-beurt-voorsprong van 176 lopies verkry het.UK kolf in sy tweede beurt voort op 54/3.

Durbanville (227/7 gesl.) en WP-klub (237),die twee voorlopers op die punteleer in dietopafdeling van die eerste liga, is in ’n kwaai

tweestryd gewikkel. Indien Pieter Malan(119), Tinashe Chimbambo (49) en Mark deStadler (5/73) beter ondersteuning van hulspanmaats gekry het, sou die Durbies niehierdie geringe eerstebeurt-agterstand ge-had het nie. Edgemead (101 en 6/1) voer ’nopdraande stryd teen St. Augustine (227).Nadat Milnerton (43) ’n vrotsige begin teenHelderberg (177/8, gesl.) gehad het, baklei hydarem nou terug met sy tweede beurt op117/4. Matthew Snyman (53*) en Ryan Kar-sten (33) het hul bes gedoen om Milnertonweer te laat stem dikmaak.

Die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (155/9gesl., en 93/2) het sy wedstryd teen Tyger-berg-klub (57 en 190) reeds Sondag met ’n agt-paaltjie-sege beklink.

Shaun Gomes (45*), Nkululeko Serame(5/58) en Esmund van Wyk (3/7) was dieUWK-uitblinkers, terwyl Shaun Agulhas(52), Neil Abrahams 30*) en Luwaaz Septem-ber (4/62) probeer walgooi het vir die besoe-kers. Kuilsrivier (102) is tot ’n opvolgbeurtgedwing deur Montrose (235/6 gesl.).

Luke (9/27) laatIkeys bontstaan

Die senior krieketspan van Brackenfell(222/9) het met sy sege van 81 lopies die afge-lope naweek oor Paarl verseker dat hy binnetrefafstand bly van die Maties, voorloper opdie punteleer in die Boland se Premierliga-kompetisie.

Grant Edmeades (64), Wiaan Smit (54 en

3/12) en Brendon Adams (47) was die Brakkewat grootliks vir die oorwinning verant-woordelik was.

Kraaifontein se Oostelikes (166/5) was ookte sterk vir Darling (126) ná veral stewige by-draes deur Helvin Manuel (37*) en CliveBooysen (30 en 3/14). – (Sarel Burger).

Brakke bly binne trefafstand van trofee

Daar is verkeerdelik berig in 28 Januarie sekoerant “Neem teen bestes in wêreld deel –skuts mik hoog” dat die vier junior Protea-pistoolskuts wat aan vanjaar se The HagueIntershoot (Nederland) gaan deelnaam, lede

is van die Durbanville-teikengeweer(DTR)-klub.

Die skuts is wel almal lede van die Bellvil-le-pistoolklub en geaffilieer by SAPA (SouthAfrican Pistol Association).

Junior pistoolskuts is van Bellville­klub

The 2015 Old Mutual Two Oceans Mara-thon substitution entry window openedon Friday and closes on Tuesday 3 March.

The substitution entry process allowsthose who can no longer participate to“hand over” their entry to another run-ner.

Carol Vosloo, General Manager of theTwo Oceans Marathon NPC, said run-ners withdraw for a number of reasons,“but it’s not just a small matter of hand-ing your race number over to a friend”.“Each runner’s personal profile – whichincludes important medical and emer-gency information – is linked to his/herrace number, and the substitution proc-ess facilitates the linking of a newly-is-sued number to the new participant.”

The substitution entry process* The withdrawing runner must log in-

to the online system and click the “substi-tute” button. A voucher number will bedisplayed and an email containing thisvoucher number will be sent.

* This voucher number and your racenumber must be forwarded to the newrunner who intends to take your entry.

* The withdrawing runner ONLY gives

up his/her entry. The RaceTec Chip andextra purchases must still be collected bythe runner.

* The original entry fee is not refunda-ble.

* The new runner must take the vouch-er number, log into the online system andclick “Substitution”. The withdrawingrunner’s original race number must alsobe captured.

* Once the substitution has been vali-dated, the system will prompt the newrunner for personal and medical informa-tion.

* The cost for a substitution entry isR80. However, other costs may still apply.

Substitution entries for the ultra mara-thon will only become active once entriesfor the event fill up. There are currentlyjust over 1 500 entries available.

Athletes withdrawing their entries areencouraged to post messages on theevent’s social network pages, www.face-book.com/TwoOceansMarathon, or@2OceansMarathon on Twitter.V For more information, send an email to in­[email protected] or visitwww.twooceansmarathon.org.za.

Two Oceans window opens

The takealot.com Cape Town 10’s, theworld’s biggest Tens rugby tournament, willtake place on 6 and 7 February at Hamilton’sRugby Club in Green Point, and is set to bethe biggest social rugby and netball event ofthe year.

Over 100 rugby and 50 netball teams from11 provinces and abroad will be in action.

A celebrity rugby team captained by SivNgesi, takes to the field with Jack Parow,Rob van Vuuren, Graeme Richards, AidanBennetts, Ryan O’Connor, Ryan Botha, Ali-stair Moulton Black, Bjorn Steinbach andRobert de Bruyn.

International sporting legends includingChristian Cullen, Carlos Spencer, GraemeSmith, Bobby Skinstad, Robbie Fleck, ButchJames, James Dalton, Justin Kemp andBreyton Paulse are eager to show theirskills.

Live music by Jack Parow, GoodLuck,Kurt Darren, The Kiffness, Brent Harris andThee Jam, Me & Mr Brown and DJ Sox willkeep the vibe alive.

The massive festival takes place for the 7thconsecutive year and has been shortlistedfor Best Live Experience in the DiscoverySport Industry Awards 2015.

Celebs gear up for world’s biggest rugby Tens

Bosman has 50 year karate bash

Hennie Bosman has made many special appearances in Japan during major tournaments.


Fifty years ago, when Hennie Bosmanattended his first karate class he hadno idea what a remarkable impact this

ancient martial art would have on his life.The first evening he walked into the dojo

where everyone was fighting and shouting,retains its freshness in his memory.

In 1975 he opened his first dojo in LoopStreet, Cape Town while still in the SA Po-lice Service, and in 1978, after resigningfrom the police, he opened dojos in Durban-ville, Brackenfell, Kuils River andWelgemoed.

Bosman, who is the chairman of Kyok-ushin-kan Africa and owner of theWelgemoed Kyokushin-kan dojo with 38branches in the northern suburbs, livesand breathes karate.

Being the African chairman is not aneasy job. He has over 30 000 karateka in 10countries under his guidance. Poverty,lack of training facilities, funds and equip-ment, as well as challenges in respect oftravelling, make things very difficult.

Celebrations“We have big things planned for this

year to celebrate my 50 years of involve-ment in karate. We are going to have an in-ternational tournament, an internationalcamp, a gala dinner and host a golf day.Kancho Royama, our international chair-man, will visit South Africa in May to at-tend the international camp in Stellen-bosch and an international tournament.

“I have met so many remarkable peoplein life and whether they are still doing ka-rate or not, I invite everyone to get in touchand be part of the celebrations with me andmy family, as well as my students.

“I calculated that I must have taughtabout 15 000 students during the 40 yearsof teaching in the northern suburbs. It willbe so good to see people that I shared a lotof time with on the dojo floor,” said Bos-

man.It was his mother who sent him to karate

classes. “She wanted me to learn how to de-fend myself as I was bullied at school. Thatdecision set the tone for the rest of my life.”

He has represented South Africa in tradi-tional karate, kickboxing and Kyokushin.

“It was difficult times as we had to sneakinto overseas countries and sometimestake part in secret. I also represented Alge-ria and Botswana in Japan as South Africawas not allowed to compete. In Dublin, Ire-land we had a tournament in a snookerroom in a hotel,” recalls Bosman.

One of his highlights were when he wonthe world senior karate championships inOsaka, Japan in 2001. “I was so proud!”

Movie stars“Karate has opened so many doors for

me. I’ve played in numerous movies locallyand internationally, working with starslike Clint Eastwood, Wesley Snipes, MattDamon and Morgan Freeman to name afew. In March this year, the film Momen-tumwill be released, where I had the privi-lege to torture the James Bond girl, OlgaKurylenko. Unfortunately I mostly have

the part of the bad guy. I have also travelledextensively and seen a lot of this beautifulplanet.”

Bosman has also worked with the othersportsmen including the Sharks rugbyteam where he assist them with new ideason tackling and defence.

“I also had the honour of working withthe Springboks for one session in CapeTown under Peter De Villiers and assistedthe Springboks Sevens under Paul Treu.”

Bosman has always had the interests ofhis karateka at heart and at any given timehas students in Japan on a training course.

Romano Mento and Matthys Laubscherare currently undergoing an intense three-year training course and when they returnnext year, will share their knowledge withthe junior students.

Big plansShihan Hennie has big plans for his jun-

ior karateka this year. He invited hisfriend Sensei Chinone from Japan, whowill visit the Welgemoed dojo in Februaryto help prepare the karateka for the upcom-ing provincial and national champion-ships.

Bosman will also attend the annual in-structors’ camp in Japan from 6-8 March.The top instructors in the world meet hereto further their knowledge.

“I have dedicated my life to karate andit gives me great satisfaction see the talentthe youngsters show in class. It gives mea sense of relief to see that the future of ka-rate is alive and well,” said Bosman.

Kyokushin now has separate recogni-tion from traditional karate at Sascoc andhe is the representative for Africa in theKyokushin World Union. They are in theprocess of including Kyokushin in the 2024Olympic Games.

All his old karateka and new studentsare invited to join the celebrations. Phonethe dojo on 021 913 1600 or join the facebookgroup www.facebook.com/kyokushinsa.

SportPage 28 | Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015Onder redaksie van Stehan SchoemanTel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: [email protected]

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Two residents from Table View, Gary Muller (28), left, and Rohan Kennedy (34) achievedexcellent results at the annual Ironman 70.3 Triathlon in East London over the weekend.Muller finished fifth in the 25­29 age category and 40th overall in a time of 05:01:45.Kennedy finished third in the 35­39 age category and 50th overall in a time of 05:05:57.

Local iron men


With Formula 1 and F2 cars joiningmany of the great racers of the pastinvolved in the international Passi-

on for Speed meeting at Killarney on Satur-day, the level of excitement is palpable.

Pride of place among the single seatersbelongs to the ex-Jody Scheckter F1 TyrrellCosworth V8 which carried the South Afri-can to victory in the British and SwedishGrands Prix in 1974. Other cars in the con-tingent include the ex-Sam Tingle F1 RepcoLDS as well as an F2 Team Gunston Che-vron and a Formula At-lantic March/Ford 78B.While not officially ra-cing, the cars are goingto complete a series ofhigh speed demo laps.

Prominent entries in-clude a pair of Lola T-70V8’s, several Ford GT40’s and Chevron B8’sand B19’s, a Porsche 917replica, an E-Type Jaguar and an extremelyrare single seater Cooper Maserati. A Fer-rari 430 and an Audi X-Bow are hot modernentries in the Extreme Supercar events.

Among the drivers, Sarel van der Merwereturns in his seven-litre Ford Galaxie, re-putedly now faster than before, while vete-ran Larry Wilford will be seen in a similar-ly powered Ford Fairlane.

While the bikers include former worldchampion Jim Redman and multiple Isle ofMan TT winner Mick Grant, local interestis certain to be centred on Table View’s Da-nie Maritz. “Danie van Killarney” has ente-red a Suzuki GSX-R against over 30 top ri-ders in the Isle of Man TT events.

The meeting is rapidly acquiring a nostal-gic carnival atmosphere as more static his-toric events are added to the programme.These include a Classic Car Show featuringmany of the great - but now, sadly rare - roadand sports cars of the past, which is beingorganized by the Cape Jaguar Club on a sec-tion of the infield adjacent to their clubhou-se. Naturally there is going to be a displayof historic Jaguars, as well as GSM Darts,Flamingo GT’s and a variety of other mo-dels. The clubhouse facilities, including thebraai fires, will be available to everyone.

There will be Fan Walk during the lunchbreak that will includethe entries in the Le-gends of the nine-Hourevents, as well as theClassic and TT motorcy-cle events.

The programme ofevents includes:

V Pre 1966/’68 LeMans, Sebring Sportsand GT and SA TT.

V Pre 1977 Classic and pre 1984 invitationcars.

V Isle of Man TT motorcycles.V Pre 1966 Legends of the 9-Hour, Produc-

tion Cars and “little giants.”V Formula1 and F2 racing cars high speed

demo.V Extreme Supercars.V Grand Prix cars of the “50’s and ‘60’s.V Pre ’74 International Sports Prototypes

and pre ’74 Trans-Ams.The first of the 18 races on the programme

spin off at 09.45. Admission is R90 for adultsand R40 for scholars under 16. There is nocharge for kiddies under 12. Pre-race ticketsare also available from Computicket.


Killarneycarnivalof racing

“Among the drivers,Sarel van der Merwe is

to return in his seven­li­tre Ford Galaxie”

Could you be our nextsports star of the month?It’s time to submit your sportingachievements to TygerBurger sports-tar of the month competition open tohigh school learners. Let’s Playaward gift packages to the monthlywinner, Bosman, McNulty and DuToit Optometrists award a pair of sun-glasses and Shihan Hennie Bosmanaward R1 000 cash. Submit entries [email protected].