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  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook



    AN%ELES, respondent%.R. N&. '()*+'. Oct&e- ', '//+

    Facts: Bn A''st 30, 19;9, t(e ad)inistrative order no. B:PF:;9-0;-01 "as iss'ed t(e P(ilippine International :oporationPI:

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook



    HONORA0LE 0ENAMIN "E%A, respondents.=.. No. 105364. !'ne 2;, 2001

    FactsG Bn !an'ar# 24, 1992, President :or# A'ino sined intola" *An A%t to e(a&ilitate (e P(ilippine eterans 7an :reatedJnder A%t. No. 351; Providin (e e%(anis)s (erefor, And@or Bt(er P'rposes A 169

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    #AO 1EEpetitionervs. S#2%ONZALES respondentL-55960 Nove)&er 24, 19;;

    Facts:#-Kiat, a :(inese national, died on !an. 1, 19 in

    :aloo%an :it# leavin &e(ind real and personal properties (ere int(e P(ilippines "ort( P300, 000.00 )ore or less. (ereafter, Aida#-=on>ales, an'el #, eresita #-7erna&e and odolfo #filed a petition for t(e rant of letters of ad)inistration in saidpetition, t(e# alleed a)on ot(ers t(at a< t(e# are t(e %(ildren oft(e de%eased "it( As'n%ion =illao &< t(e# do not a%no"lede#-Kiat8s )arriae to ao-Kee. (e petition "as opposed ao-Kee, >e oo +an, >e Lai :(o and # 'n Kiat. After t(e(earin, t(e pro&ate %o'rt affir)ed t(at #-Kiat "as leall#)arried to ao-Kee. Bn appeal, t(e :A (eld t(at respondents aret(e a%no"leded nat'ral %(ildren of #-Kiat and t(at #-Kiat8s)arriae "it( ao-Kee (ad not &een proven to &e valid in t(e &ot(t(e P(ilippine and :(inese la"s. As testified ao-Kee, s(e "as)arried to #-Kiat on !an. 19, 1931, in @ooien, :(ina t(at s(e isnot in possession of t(eir )arriae %ertifi%ate t(at t(eir )arriae"as an aree)ent of t(eir parents "(o "ere as "ell t(esinatories of t(e %ertifi%ate t(at t(e# "ere "ed a villaeleader t(at s(e %annot provide t(e said do%')ent %ontainin t(esinat'res of t(e %o'ple8s parents and t(at s(e %annot provide an#leal do%')ent provin t(at t(eir "eddin "as indeed part of:(ina8s %'sto) or :(ina8s la"s.

    Issue:+(et(er or not t(e fa%t of )arriae in a%%ordan%e "it(

    :(inese la" "as d'l# proven

    Ruling:+ell-esta&lis(ed in t(is C'risdi%tion is t(e prin%iple t(at

    P(ilippine %o'rts %annot tae C'di%ial noti%e of forein la"s. (e#

    )'st &e alleed and proved as an# ot(er fa%t. A%%ordinl#, in t(ea&sen%e of proof of t(e :(inese la" on )arriae, it s(o'ld &epres')ed t(at it is t(e sa)e as o'rs. @or fail're to prove t(eforein la" or %'sto), and %onse'entl# t(e validit# of t(e)arriae in a%%ordan%e "it( said la" or %'sto), t(e )arriae&et"een ao-Kee and #-Kiat %annot &e re%oni>ed in t(isC'risdi%tion.

    +(erefore, t(e de%ision of t(e :A is (ere affir)ed.

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook



    respondents.=.. No. 1146. @e&r'ar# 2, 2000.

    Facts:In 19;, plaintiff enandro 7. La'reano, t(en Dire%tor of

    @li(t Bperations and :(ief Pilot of Air anila, applied fore)plo#)ent "it( defendant %o)pan# t(ro'( its Area anaer inanila. Plaintiff8s appoint)ent "as %onfir)ed effe%tive !'l# 21,199. Bn t(e said date, t(e defendant also offered plaintiff ane$tension of (is t"o-#ear %ontra%t to five 5< #ears effe%tive!an'ar# 21, 199 to !an'ar# 20, 19;4 s'&Ce%t to t(e ter)s and%onditions set fort( in t(e %ontra%t of e)plo#)ent, "(i%( t(elatter a%%epted.

    o)eti)e in 19;2, defendant initiated %ost-%'ttin)eas'res d'e to re%ession. eventeen 1< e$patriate %aptains int(e Air&'s fleet "ere fo'nd in e$%ess of t(e defendant8sre'ire)ents. Defendant infor)ed its e$patriate pilots in%l'dinplaintiff of t(e sit'ation and advised t(e) to tae advan%e leaves.It did not (o"ever i))ediatel# ter)inate A-300 pilots. Itrevie"ed t(eir 'alifi%ations for possi&le pro)otion to t(e 7-4fleet. A)on t(e 1 Air&'s pilots revie"ed, 12 "ere fo'nd'alified. Jnfort'natel#, plaintiff "as not one of t(e 12. BnB%to&er 5, 19;2, defendant infor)ed plaintiff of (is ter)inationeffe%tive Nove)&er 1, 19;2 and t(at (e "ill &e paid t(ree 3 . @a&ian. (e %o)plaint pra#ed for anorder pra#in t(at Antonia and Fvel#n &e de%lared t(e illeiti)ate%(ildren of !ose Ar'eo, r. "(o died on ar%( 30, 19;2 t(at t(epetitioners &e %o)pelled to re%oni>e and a%no"lede t(e) ast(e %o)p'lsor# (eirs of t(e de%eased and t(at t(eir s(are andparti%ipation in t(e estate of t(eir de%eased fat(er &e deter)inedand ordered delivered to t(e). (e )ain &asis of t(e a%tion for%o)p'lsor# re%onition is t(eir alleed *open and %ontin'o'spossession of t(e stat's of illeiti)ate %(ildren./

    Bn !'ne 15, 1992, t(e trial %o'rt rendered C'd)ent infavor of Antonia Ar'eo, de%larin (er as t(e illeiti)ate da'(terof t(e de%eased. Petitioners filed a )otion for partialre%onsideration of t(e de%ision allein loss of C'risdi%tion on t(epart of t(e trial %o'rt over t(e %o)plaint virt'e of t(e passaeof F.B. No. 209 or t(e @a)il# :ode of t(e P(ilippines. aid)otion "as denied. Anot(er petition to t(e :o'rt of Appeals "aslie"ise denied. en%e, t(is petition.

    Issue:+(et(er or not t(e @a)il# :ode of t(e P(ilippines or F.B.

    209 &e iven retroa%tive effe%t.

    Ruling:No. (e present la" %annot &e iven retroa%tive effe%t

    insofar as t(e instant %ase is %on%erned, as its appli%ation "illpreC'di%e t(e vested ri(t of t(e respondent, Antonia Ar'eo, to(ave (er %ase de%ided 'nder Arti%le 2;5 of t(e :ivil :ode. (eri(t "as vested to (er t(e fa%t t(at s(e filed (er a%tion 'ndert(e rei)e of t(e :ivil :ode.

    (e trial %o'rt, "(i%( a%'ired C'risdi%tion over t(e %ase t(e filin of t(e %o)plaint, never lost C'risdi%tion over t(esa)e despite t(e passae of F.B. No. 209. (e r'lin reinfor%est(e prin%iple t(at t(e C'risdi%tion of a %o'rt, "(et(er in %ri)inal or%ivil %ases, on%e atta%(ed %annot &e o'sted s'&se'ent(appenins or events. (e 'pre)e :o'rt denied t(e petition andaffir)ed t(e de%ision of t(e trial %o'rt.

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    ERNESTO 0ERNA0E,plaintiff4s. !AROLINA ALEO,defendant

    =.. No. 140500. !an'ar# 21, 2002

    Facts:(e late @is%al Frnesto 7erna&e alleedl# fat(ered a son

    "it( (is se%retar# of t"ent#-t(ree23< #ears, (erein plaintiff-appellant :arolina AleCo. (e son "as &orn on epte)&er 1;,19;1 and "as na)ed Adrian 7erna&e. @is%al 7erna&e died onA''st 13, 1993, "(ile (is "ife osalina died on De%e)&er 3 oft(e sa)e #ear, leavin Frnestina as t(e sole s'rvivin (eir. Bna# 16, 1994, :arolina on &e(alf of Adrian filed t(e aforesaid%o)plaint pra#in t(at Adrian &e de%lared an a%no"lededilleiti)ate son of @is%al 7erna&e and as s'%( (e &e iven (iss(are in @is%al 7erna&e8s estate, "(i%( is no" &ein (eld Frnestine as t(e sole s'rvivin (eir.


    +(et(er or not respondent (as a %a'se of a%tion to file a %aseaainst petitioner, t(e leiti)ate da'(ter of t(e p'tative fat(er,for re%onition and partition "it( a%%o'ntin after t(e p'tativefat(er8s deat( in t(e a&sen%e of an# "ritten a%no"lede)ent ofpaternit# t(e latter.

    II+(et(er or not t(e onora&le :o'rt of Appeals erred in r'lin

    t(at respondents (a fo'r #ears fro) t(e attain)ent of )inorit# tofile an a%tion for re%onition as provided in Art. 2;5 of t(e :ivil:ode, in %o)plete disreard of its repeal t(e provision of t(e@a)il# :ode and t(e appli%a&le C'rispr'den%e as (eld t(eonora&le :o'rt of Appeals.

    III+(et(er or not t(e petition for %ertiorari filed t(e petitioner isf t ll d f ti f f il t i l d t( : t f A l

    RulingGAppl#in t(e foreoin C'rispr'den%e, t(e 'pre)e :o'rt

    (old t(at Arti%le 2;5 of t(e %ivil :ode is a s'&stantive la", as itives Adrian t(e ri(t to file (is petition for re%onition "it(info'r #ears fro) attainin )aCorit# ae. (erefore, t(e @a)il#:ode %annot i)pair or tae Adrian8s ri(t to file an a%tion forre%onition, &e%a'se t(at ri(t (ad alread# vested prior to itsena%t)ent. 7orn in 19;1, Adrian "as onl# seven #ears old "(ent(e @a)il# :ode too effe%t and onl# t"elve "(en (is alleedfat(er died in 1993. (e )inor )'st &e iven (is da# in %o'rt. (efail're of t(e petitioner to i)plead t(e :o'rt of Appeal as a part#is not a reversi&le error it is in fa%t t(e %orre%t pro%ed're.

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    %U#,petitioner 4s. !OURT OF APPEALS, defendant=.. No. 1630. epte)&er 15, 2006

    Facts:Bn !'ne 13, 199, private respondent M )inors Karen and

    Ka)ille Banes +ei represented t(eir )ot(er e)edios Banes,filed a pertition for letters of ad)inistration &efore t(e eionaltrial %o'rt of aati.

    Private respondents alleed t(at t(e# are t(e d'l#a%no"lede illeiti)ate %(ildren of i)a +ei, "(o died intestatein aati :it# on B%to&er 29, 1992, leavin an estate val'ed at10, 000, 000. 00 %onsistin of real and personal properties. isno"n (eirs are s'rvivin spo'se ='#, %(ildren F)#, !eanne,:ristina, =eore and i%(ael all s'rna)ed ='#. Petitionersar'ed t(at private respondents s(o'ld (ave esta&lis(ed t(eirstat's as illeiti)ate %(ildren d'rin t(e lifeti)e of i)a +eip'rs'ant to Arti%le 15 of t(e @a)il# :ode, t(e# f'rt(er alleedt(at private respondents8 %lai) (ad &een paid, "aived, a&andoned,e$tin'is(ed reason of e)edios8 !'ne , 1993 elease and+aiver of :lai) statin t(at in e$%(ane for t(e finan%ial anded'%ational assistan%e re%eived fro) petitioner, e)edios and (er)inor %(ildren dis%(are t(e estate of i)a +ei fro) an# and alllia&ilities.

    Issue:+(et(er t(e elease and +aiver of :lai) pre%l'des

    private respondents fro) %lai)in t(eir (ereditar# ri(ts

    Ruling:e)edios8 elease and +aiver of %lai) does not &ar

    private respondents fro) %lai)in s'%%ession ri(ts. o &e validand effe%tive, a "aiver )'st &e %o'%(ed in %lear and e'ivo%alter)s "(i%( leave no do'&t as to t(e intention of a part# to ive

    i (t & fit (i ( l ll t i t (i F i

    :ode re'ires C'di%ial a't(ori>ation of t(e said "aiver "(i%( itla%s. in%e t(e affiliation of t(e private respondents as %o (eirs toi)a +ei8s Fstates, it "o'ld t('s &e in%onsistent to r'le t(at t(e#"aived t(eir (ereditar# ri(ts "(en t(e# do not (ave s'%( ri(t.

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    =.. No. 129295. A''st 15, 2001

    Facts:Bn t(e 6t(da# of !an'ar# 1996, t(e a&ove na)ed a%%'sed

    %onspirin, %onfederatin and )'t'all# (elpin one anot(er, "it(intent to ill and "it( intent to ain entered into t(e (o'se ofPa'la 7andipas and 7enCa)in orial. Bn%e inside did t(en andt(ere "illf'll# and felonio'sl# sta& Pa'la 7andipas and Al&ert7andipas "it( t(e 'se of a pointed "eapon and stones "(i%( "as'sed t(e a%%'sed in infli%tin )ortal "o'nds "(i%( %a'sedt(eir instantaneo's deat(, said a%%'sed too and stole P11, 000.00

    (e ne$t da#, t(e a%%'sed "ent "it( t(e poli%e offi%ers tot(e poli%e station. (ere Leonardo orial "as for%ed to %onfessa&o't t(e deat( of Pa'la 7andipas and Al&ert 7andipas.Leonardo8s state)ents "ere t(en red'%ed into "ritin. Apoli%e)an infor)ed (i) t(at t(e# "ere oin to %onta%t t(ela"#er to assist (i) d'rin t(e investiation &'t in tr't(,Leonardo "as not infor)ed of (is ri(ts even &efore t(einvestiation started.

    Issue:+(et(er or not t(e %'stodial investiation %ond'%ted to

    Leonardo orial "it(o't a %o'nsel a valid "aiver of%onstit'tional ri(t

    Ruling:A person 'nder %'stodial investiation enCo#s t(e ri(t to

    %o'nsel fro) its in%eption so does (e enCo# s'%( ri(t 'ntil itster)ination. Fven rantin t(at a%%'sed %onsented to Att#. A'ilard'rin t(e investiation and to ans"er 'estions d'rin t(ela"#ers8 a&sen%e, s'%( %onsent "as an invalid "aiver of (is ri(tto %o'nsel and (is ri(t to re)ain silent. (e ri(t %annot &e"aived 'nless t(e sa)e is )ade in "ritin and "it( t(e presen%ef l

    Not"it(standin t(e inad)issi&ilit# of t(e e$tra C'di%ial%onfession e$e%'ted Leonard orial, t(e %onvi%tion of a%%'sedis f'll# s'pported ot(er pie%es of eviden%e. (e a%%'sed is tr'l#'ilt# and nevert(eless fa%es %onvi%tion.

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    Petitioner Lorna =. Pes%a and osi)o A. Pes%a ot)arried on ar%( 195. And t(eir 'nion &eot fo'r %(ildren. Itstarted in 19;;, t(e petitioner said, "(en s(e noti%ed t(atrespondent s'rprisinl# s(o"ed sins of ps#%(oloi%al tr'e %olors of e)otionall# i))at're and irresponsi&le('s&and &e%a)e apparent. (e respondent alleedl# "o'ld slap,&eat and i% (er and one ti)e "it( a loaded s(ot'n t(reatenedto ill (er in t(e presen%e of t(eir %(ildren. After so)e ot(er&eatin, a %ase "as filed aainst t(e respondent for sli(t p(#si%alinC'ries and "as senten%ed to eleven da#s of i)prison)ent. BnNove)&er 15, 1995, follo"in (earins %ond'%ted it, t(e trial%o'rt rendered its de%ision de%larin t(e )arriae &et"eenpetitioner and respondent to &e n'll and void a& initio on t(e &asis

    of ps#%(oloi%al in%apa%it# on t(e part of t(e respondent andordered a li'idation of %onC'al partners(ip. (e respondentappealed t(e a&ove de%ision to t(e :o'rt of Appeals, %ontendint(at t(e trial %o'rt erred, and parti%'larl# in (oldin t(at t(ere "asleal &asis to de%lare t(e )arriae n'll and void. (e :o'rt ofAppeals reversed t(e de%ision of t(e trial %o'rt and de%lared t(e)arriae &et"een t(e petitioner and respondent valid ands'&sistin.


    +(et(er or not t(e )arriae is n'll and void for t(ero'nd of ps#%(oloi%al in%apa%it#


    (e 'pre)e :o'rt affir)ed t(e de%ision of t(e appellatet t( & di i i t( titi ( titi ( tt l

    %ontra%t, so as to "arrant a de%laration of )arriae. F)otionali))at'rit# and irresponsi&ilit# %annot &e e'ated "it(ps#%(oloi%al in%apa%it#. (e petitioner also failed to follo"pro%ed'ral 'idelines in tr#in %ases for n'llit# of, t(at is t(ene%essit# for )edi%al and %lini%al identified s'ffi%ientl# proven e$perts for &ot( parties to deter)ine t(e presen%e of ps#%(oloi%alin%apa%it#.

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook



    De%e)&er 1, 2000

    Facts:Petitioner A#ala :orporation (ereinafter referred to as

    A#ala< "as t(e reistered o"ner of a par%el of land lo%ated inAlfaro treet, al%edo illae, aati :it# "it( an area of ;40s'are )eters, )ore or less and %overed ransfer :ertifi%ate ofitle :< No. 233435 of t(e eister of Deeds of i>al. A#alasold t(e lot to an'el # )arried to il)a Po and # Ka Kien)arried to osa :(an. (e Deed of ale e$e%'ted &et"een A#alaand t(e &'#ers %ontained pe%ial :onditions of ale and Deedestri%tions "(i%( t(en sell t(e lot to respondent osa-Dianaealt# and Develop)ent :orporation "it( A#ala8s approval.(ereafter, osa-Diana s'&)itted to t(e &'ildin offi%ial of

    aati anot(er set of &'ildin plans for *(e Pea/ "(i%( "eres'&stantiall# different fro) t(ose t(at it earlier s'&)itted to A#alafor approval.D'rin t(e %onstr'%tion of osa-Diana8s %ondo)ini') proCe%t,A#ala filed an a%tion "it( t(e eional rial :o'rt :< ofaati, 7ran%( 139 for spe%ifi% perfor)an%e, "it( appli%ation fora "rit of preli)inar# inC'n%tionte)porar# restrainin orderaainst osa-Diana ealt# seein to %o)pel t(e latter to %o)pl#"it( t(e %ontra%t'al o&liations 'nder t(e deed of restri%tions. (elo"er %o'rt denied A#ala8s pra#er for inC'n%tive relief, t('s

    ena&lin osa-Diana to %o)plete t(e %onstr'%tion of t(e &'ildin.In t(e )eanti)e, A#ala %o)pleted its presentation of

    eviden%e &efore t(e trial %o'rt. osa-Diana filed a De)'rrer toFviden%e averrin t(at A#ala failed to esta&lis( its ri(t to t(erelief so'(t.(e :o'rt of Appeals also %ited :.A. =.. :.. No. 464;;entitled, *A#ala :orporation vs. a# 7'rton Develop)ent: ti / (i ( li d : A = P N 2915 i li

    petitioner, t(e :o'rt of Appeals %larified t(at *t(e %itation of t(ede%ision in A#ala :orporation vs. a# 7'rton Develop)ent:orporation, :.A. =.. :.. No. 464;;, @e&r'ar# 2, 1996, "as)ade not &e%a'se said de%ision is res judicatato t(e %ase at &ar&'t rat(er &e%a'se it is pre%edential 'nder t(e do%trine of staredecisis.

    Petitioner reiterates its %ontention t(at t(e trial %o'rt8sfindins t(at A#ala (as "aived its ri(t to enfor%e t(e deed ofrestri%tions is not s'pported la" and eviden%e.In its assailed de%ision of @e&r'ar# 4, 1994, t(e trial %o'rt, r'led infavor of respondent osa-Diana ealt# on t(e ro'nd t(at A#ala(ad not a%ted fairl# "(en it did not instit'te an a%tion aainst t(eoriinal vendees despite t(e latter8s violation of t(e pe%ial:onditions of ale &'t %(ose instead to file an a%tion aainst(erein respondent osa-Diana.

    espondent osa-Diana, (o"ever, )isses t(e point

    inas)'%( as it (as freel# %onsented to &e &o'nd t(e deedrestri%tions "(en it entered into a %ontra%t of sale "it( spo'sesan'el # and # Ka Kien.

    Issue:*An e$a)ination of t(e de%ision in t(e said osa-Diana

    %ase reveals t(at t(e sole iss'e raised &efore t(e appellate %o'rt"as t(e propriet# of t(e lis pendens annotation. o"ever, t(eappellate %o'rt "ent &e#ond t(e sole iss'e and )ade fa%t'alfindins &ereft of an# &asis in t(e re%ord to inappropriatel# r'le

    t(at AALA is in estoppel and (as "aived its ri(t to enfor%e t(es'&Ce%t restri%tions. '%( r'lin "as i))aterial to t(e resol'tionof t(e iss'e of t(e propriet# of t(e annotation of t(e lis pendens.(e findin of estoppel "as t('s i)proper and )ade in e$%ess ofC'risdi%tion./

    Ruling:F l d i t( f P2 500 000 00

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    &'ildin plans in %onfor)it# "it( t(e deed restri%tions topetitioner A#ala for t(e sole p'rpose of o&tainin title to t(epropert#. Petitioner A#ala is lie"ise entitled to an a"ard ofattorne#8s fees in t(e s') of P250,000.00.(e assailed De%ision of t(e :o'rt of Appeals dated De%e)&er 4,199 and its esol'tion dated !'ne 19, 199; , :.A. =.. :.. No.459;, are FFFD and F AIDF.

    FRAN!IS!O N. "ILLANUE"A, R.,petitioner, vs.THE HON. !OURT OF APPEALS an3 RO5UE

    "ILLADORES, 19, 2002

    Facts:Petitioner illan'eva, !r. filed a %o)plaint for illeal

    dis)issal aainst several parties, a)on t(e), I7: 13. +(en t(ela&or ar&iter r'led in favor of petitioner illan'eva, !r., I7: 13appealed to t(e National La&or elations :o))ission NL:

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook



    PETILLA an3 ERNESTO !ORDERO, respondents.=.. Nos. 1199;-;; B%to&er 12, 1995


    Bn t(e &asis of s"orn state)ents of "itnesses, &ooins(eets, arrest reports and t(e ne%rops# report of t(e vi%ti),A&'ndio La'nda#, a..a. !r. !eofre# of no fi$ed address, andenr# Laarto # Petilla, of 2;; Area . Parola :o)po'nd, ondo,anila "ere later %(ared "it( t(e %ri)e of ape "it( o)i%idein an Infor)ation dated A''st ;, 1994 filed "it( t(e eionalrial :o'rt of anila, National :apital !'di%ial eion. aidInfor)ation, do%eted as :ri)inal :ase No. 94-13;01. After trialand presentation of t(e eviden%e of t(e prose%'tion and t(e

    defense, t(e trial %o'rt rendered a de%ision on !an'ar# 31, 1995findin t(e defendants enr# Laarto # Petilla and Frnesto:ordero # aristela 'ilt# &e#ond reasona&le do'&t of t(e %ri)eof ape "it( o)i%ide and senten%ed &ot( a%%'sed "it( t(epenalt# of reclusion perpetua "it( all t(e a%%essories providedfor la". Disareein "it( t(e senten%e i)posed, t(e :it#Prose%'tor of anila on @e&r'ar# ;, 1995, filed a otion fore%onsideration, pra#in t(at t(e De%ision &e )odified in t(att(e penalt# of deat( &e i)posed aainst respondents Laarto and:ordero, in pla%e of t(e oriinal penalt# reclusion perpetua

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    =.. No. 11210. April 10,1996.

    Facts:Petitioner :esario Jrs'a, a :o))'nit# Fnviron)ent and

    Nat'ral eso'r%es Bfii%er assined in Kidapa"an, :ota&ato, (ada %o)plaint aainst (i) for &ri&er#, dis(onest#, a&'se of a't(orit#and ivin of 'n"arranted &enefits.

    Bn A''st 1 19;, Att#. @ran%is Pal)ores, %o'nsel of t(epetitioner re'ested to t(e Bffi%e of t(e B)&'ds)an in anilat(at (e &e f'rnis(ed a %op# of t(e %o)plaint aainst petitioner. et(en ased (is %lient Jrs'a to tae (is letter re'est to t(e offi%eof t(e B)&'ds)an &e%a'se (is la" fir)8s )essener, Bs%arPere>, (ad to attend to so)e personal )atters.

    +(en petitioner arrived at t(e Bffi%e of t(e B)&'ds)an,

    (e "rote t(e na)e *Bs%ar Pere>/ on t(e visitor8s lo&oo and'pon re%eipt of t(e a%no"leded "ritin. Loida Ka('l'an,"(o (anded t(e %op# of %o)plaint, learned t(at t(e person "(ointrod'%ed (i)self as Bs%ar Pere> "as a%t'all# t(e petitioner,:esario Jrs'a. (e reported t(e )atter to t(e Dep't# B)&'ds)an"(o re%o))ended t(at petitioner &e %(ared.

    (e trial %o'rt fo'nd (i) 'ilt# of violatin e%. 1 of :.A.No. 142 as a)ended .A. No. 60;5. (e :o'rt of Appealsaffir)ed t(e de%ision on a# 31, 1993. (e petitioner ass forrevie" on (is %onvi%tion in 'pre)e :o'rt.

    Issue:+(et(er t(e petitioner violated :.A. No. 142 as a)ended

    .A. No. 60;5 ot(er"ise no"n as *An A%t to e'late t(eJse of Alias.

    Ruling::esario Jrs'a is a%'itted of t(e %ri)e %(ared. :.A No.

    142, approved on Nove)&er , 1936 entitled *An A%t to e'latet(e Jse of Aliases/, "as a)ended .A. No. 60;5on A''st 41969. :.A. No. 142 as a)ended "as )ade pri)aril# to penali>et(e a%t of 'sin an alias na)e p'&li%l# and in &'siness

    transa%tions in addition to (is real na)e 'nless s'%( alias "as d'l#a't(ori>ed proper C'di%ial pro%eedin.

    (e fa%t t(at t(e petitioner introd'%ed (i)self in t(e Bffi%eof t(e B)&'ds)an as *Bs%ar Pere>/ served onl# t(e re'est of (isla"#er to o&tain a %op# of t(e %o)plaint in "(i%( t(e petitioner"as a respondent. (ere is no eviden%e s(o"in t(at (e (ad 'sedor "as intendin to 'se t(at na)e as (is se%ond na)e in additionto (is real na)e. en%e, t(e 'se of a fi%titio's na)e or a differentna)e &elonin to anot(er person in a sinle instan%e "it(o't an#sin or indi%ation t(at t(e 'ser intends to &e no"n t(is na)e

    in addition to (is real na)e fro) t(at da# fort( does not fall"it(in t(e pro(i&ition %ontained in :.A. No. 142 as a)ended .A. 60;5. (ere e$ists a valid pres')ption t(at 'ndesira&le%onse'en%es "ere never intended a leislative )eas're andt(at a %onstr'%tion of "(i%( t(e stat'e is fairl# s's%epti&le isfavored.


  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    =.. No. 162155. A''st 2;,200.

    Facts:Bn a# 11, 1999, =il&ert ap, vi%e %(air of respondent

    Pri)eto"n Propert# =ro'p In%., applied for t(e ref'nd or %redit ofin%o)e ta$ respondent paid in 199. e e$plained in (is letter to

    t(e petitioner even'e Distri%t Bffi%er Art'ro Par%ero of even'eDistri%t No. 049 aati< of t(e 7'rea' of Internal even'e 7Ia&et( antosre'ired t(e respondent to s'&)it additional do%')ents to s'pportits %lai). espondents %o)plied &'t its %lai) "as not a%ted 'pon.('s on April 14, 2000, it filed a petition for revie" in t(e :o'rtof a$ Appeal :A< &'t "as dis)issed &e%a'se it "as filed&e#ond t"o-#ear pres%ription period for filin a C'di%ial %lai) forta$ ref'nd &ased on e%. 229 of t(e National Internal even'e

    :ode NI:< and Art. 13 of t(e :ivil :ode.espondent )oved for re%onsideration &'t it "as denied.

    en%e, it filed an appeal in t(e :o'rt of Appeal "(i%( reversedt(e de%ision of :o'rt of a$ Appeal &e%a'se Art. 13 of t(e :ivil:ode did not distin'is( &et"een a leap #ear and a re'lar #ear.

    Petitioners )oved for re%onsideration &'t "as denied,t('s, petitioners as for revie" on %ertiorari to 'pre)e :o'rt.

    Issue:+(et(er t(e respondent filed its petition for revie" in t(e

    :A "it(in t(e t"o-#ear pres%riptive period provided in e%. 229of t(e NI:.

    R li

    "(en t(e la" speas of a #ear, it is 'nderstood to &e e'ivalent to365 da#s reardless of "(et(er it is a re'lar #ear or a leap #ear.o"ever, FB 292 or t(e Ad)inistrative :ode of 19; "asena%ted. e%tion 31, :(apter III, 7oo 1 provides t(at *#ear/s(all &e 'nderstood to &e t"elve %alendar )ont(s. 7ot( deal "it(t(e sa)e s'&Ce%t )atter- t(e %o)p'tation of leal periods. (ere

    o&vio'sl# e$ists in%o)pati&ilit# in t(e )anner of %o)p'tin lealperiods 'nder t(e :ivil :ode and t(e Ad)inistrative :ode of19;. @or t(is reason, "e (old t(at e%tion 31, :(apter III, 7oo1 of t(e Ad)inistrative :ode of 19;, &ein t(e )ore re%ent la",overns t(e %o)p'tation of leal periods.

    Appl#in e%tion 31,:(apter III, 7oo 1 ofAd)inistrative :ode of 19;, t(e respondent8s petition filed onApril 14, 2000< "as filed on t(e last da# of t(e 24 t( %alendar)ont( fro) t(e da# respondent filed its final adC'sted ret'rn.en%e, it "as filed "it(in t(e rele)entar# period.

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    HONORA0LE !OURT OF APPEALS, -es8&n3ents.No. L-2901. ar%( 16,19;.

    Facts:Bn A''st 24, 1960, a'rino inson filed a %o)plaint

    aainst P(ilippine a&&it 7's Lines In%. for s'stainin )'ltipleserio's p(#si%al inC'ries "(en t(e &'s %ras(ed aainst an a%a%iatree. (e %ase "as set for trial on De%e)&er 25, 1965 &'t 'pon t(e)otion of &ot( %o'nsel, it "as transferred to @e&r'ar# 3 and 41966. No pre-trial (as ever &een %ond'%ted, 'ntil "(en April 29,196, onl# t(e defendant P(ilippine a&&it appeared and 'pon)otion of its %o'nsel, t(e %o'rt dis)issed t(e %ase for non-appearan%e of plaintiff.

    (e order of dis)issal of April 29, 196 all'ded to "as

    sent to Att#. :onstante Pi)entel, %o'nsel for plaintiff, reistered )ail on a# 3, 196 and "as re%eived on a# 6, 196.Bn !'l# 6, 196 61 da#s fro) re%eipt of dis)issal

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    =. . No. 139665. A''st 9, 2001.

    Facts:Petitioner "as a pro&ationar# fa%'lt# )e)&er of t(e

    Jniversit# of o't(eastern P(ilippines (ereafter respondented A'stralian %iti>en,sole)ni>ed on !an'ar# 12, 1994 at :a&anat'an :it# as dissolvedand &ot( parties %an no" re)arr# 'nder e$istin and appli%a&lela"s to an# andor &ot( parties.

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    LORENZO LLORENTE, petitioner vs. !OURT OFAPPEALS, respondent

    =.. NB. 12431. Nove)&er 23, 2000

    Facts:Bn @e&r'ar# 22, 193, Loren>o Llorente and petitioner

    Pa'la Llorente "ere )arried in Na&'a, :a)arines 'r. BnNove)&er 30, 1943, Loren>o "as ad)itted to Jnited tates%iti>ens(ip and :ertifia%te of Nat'rali>ation No. 559;16 "asiss'ed in (is favor t(e Jnited tates Distri%t :o'rt, o't(ernDistri%t of Ne" or. In 1945, (e dis%overed t(at (is "ife Pa'la"as prenant and "as *livin in/ and (avin an ad'ltero'srelations(ip "it( (is &rot(er, :eferino Llorente. Bn @e&r'ar# 2,1946, t(e %o'ple dre" a "ritten aree)ent to t(e effe%t t(atLlorente "o'ld not s'pport Pa'la, t(e dissol'tion of t(eir )arital'nion, and t(at Loren>o "o'ld not prose%'te Pa'la for (er

    ad'ltero's a%t. Bn Nove)&er 2, 1951, Loren>o o&tained adivor%e in :alifornia. Bn De%e)&er 4, 1952, t(e divor%e de%ree&e%a)e final. Bn !an'ar# 16, 195;, Loren>o )arried Ali%ia @.Llorente in anila and &eot t(ree %(ildren in (is later #ears.

    Issue::an forein la"s &e )ade appli%a&le in t(e P(ilippines

    Ruling:(e 'pre)e :o'rt reversed t(e de%ision of t(e eional

    rial :o'rt and re%oni>ed t(e validit# of t(e divor%e ranted infavor of Loren>o. (e :o'rt also re)anded t(e %ases to t(e %o'rtof oriin for deter)ination of s'%%essional ri(ts allo"in proofof forein la".

    ALI!E RE#ES "AN DORN,petitioner, v. HON. MANUEL ".ROMILLO, R. AND RI!HARD UPTON, respondents.

    No. L-6;40. B%to&er ;, 19;5.

    Facts:Petitioner Ali%e e#es an Dorn is a %iti>en of t(e

    P(ilippines "(ile private respondent i%(ard Jpton is a %iti>en oft(e Jnited tates. (e# "ere )arried in onon in 192 andesta&lis(ed residen%e in t(e P(ilippines after"ards. (e parties"ere divor%ed in Nevada, Jnited tates in 19;2. Petitioner re-)arried also in Nevada "it( (eodore an Dorn. Dated !'ne ;,19;3, private respondents filed s'it aainst petitioner %lai)int(at t(e latter8s properties in anila "ere %onC'al and t(at privaterespondent (ad a ri(tf'l %lai) to its )anae)ent. Petitioner)oved to dis)iss t(e s'it %lai)in t(at t(e private respondenta%no"leded t(at (e and petitioner (ad no *%o))'nit#

    propert#/ in t(e divor%e pro%eedins. (e eional rial :o'rtdenied t(e dis)issal on t(e ro'nd t(at t(e propert# involved islo%ated in t(e P(ilippines so t(at t(e Divor%e De%ree (as no&earin in t(e %ase. (e denial is no" t(e s'&Ce%t of t(is %ertioraripro%eedin.

    Issues:a. +(en is a %ertiorari pro%eedin C'stifia&le&. :an t(e P(ilippines re%oni>e divor%e

    Ruling:a. (e petition "as ranted, and respondent C'de

    "as (ere ordered to dis)iss t(e %o)plaint filed "(ererespondent C'de denied (er )otion to dis)iss said %ase, and (er)otion for re%onsideration of t(e dis)issal order. +(en t(e lo"er%o'rt a%ts in a )anner e'ivalent to a la% of C'risdi%tion t(en itdevolves 'pon t(e 'pre)e :o'rt in a %ertiorari pro%eedin to

    i it i t( it d t t t(

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    &. B"in to t(e nationalit# prin%iple e)&odied inarti%le 15 of t(e :ivil :ode, onl# P(ilippines nationals are %overed t(e poli%# aainst a&sol'te divor%es. Aliens )a# o&taindivor%es a&road, "(i%( )a# &e re%oni>ed in t(e P(ilippines,provided t(e# are valid a%%ordin to t(eir national la". A divor%ede%ree ranted a J.. :o'rt &et"een a @ilipina and (er

    A)eri%an ('s&and is &indin on t(e A)eri%an ('s&and. in%e t(e%o'ple (ad o&tained a divor%ed in Nevada, t(e ('s&and isestopped fro) assertin (is ri(ts over s'pposed %onC'alpropert#. (e A)eri%an ('s&and in t(is instan%e "(o "as ranteda&sol'te divor%e "it( (is @ilipina "ife is %'t off fro) )arital ands'%%essional ri(ts "it( t(e latter.

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    APPELLEES, vs. HELEN !HRISTENSEN %AR!IA,oppositor-appellant.

    No. L-1649. !an'ar# 31, 1963.

    FactsGFd"ard F. :(ristensen, t(e de%eased, "(o do)i%iled in

    t(e P(ilippines and&'t a %iti>en of :alifornia, )ade a "ille$e%'ted in anila on ar%( 5, 1951 statin t(at aria L'%#:(ristensen "as (is onl# %(ild and t(at a %ertain aria elen:(ristensen, t(o'( &apti>ed as :(ristensen, "as not in an# "a#related nor adopted (i). +it( t(is, aria elen :(ristensen

    "as C'st ranted "it( 3,000 pesos, P(ilippine %'rren%# to &edeposited in tr'st "it( t(e Davao 7ran%( of t(e P(ilippineNational 7an and paid to (er at t(e rate of Bne 'ndred Pesos,P(ilippine %'rren%# per )ont( 'ntil t(e prin%ipal t(ereof as "ellas an# interest "(i%( )a# (ave a%%r'ed t(ereon, "as e$(a'sted"(ile all t(at "as left t(e de%eased &e iven to aria L'%#:(ristensen.

    in%e aria elen :(ristensen "as de%lared t(e :o'rtin =.. Nos. L-114;3-;4 an a%no"leded nat'ral %(ild of t(ede%eased Fd"ard :(ristensen, opposition to t(e approval of t(e

    proCe%t of partition "as filed elen, insofar as it deprives (erleiti)e as an a%no"leded nat'ral %(ild.

    o"ever, t(e %o'rt r'led t(at as Fd"ard F. :(ristensen"as a %iti>en of t(e Jnited tates and of t(e ate of :alifornia att(e ti)e of (is deat(, t(e s'%%essional ri(ts and intrinsi% validit#of t(e provisions in (is "ill are to &e overned t(e la" of:alifornia. Bppositor elen :(ristensen, t(ro'( %o'nsel, filed

    i ti f id ti & t d i d f

    re%oni>in t(e %allin for t(e appli%ation of International La"re%oni>in t(at t(e validit# of t(e testa)entar# disposition of t(edistri&'tion of estate s(o'ld &e overned t(e P(ilippine la"sde%larin t(e s%(ed'le of distri&'tion "as %ontrar# to P(ilippinela"s.

    Issue:+(at la" "ill deter)ine and re%oni>e t(e validit# of

    testa)entar# provisions and t(e disposition of t(e &e'eat(ed oft(e de%eased iven t(at (is do)i%ile "as t(e P(ilippines &'t (is%iti>ens(ip is in :alifornia t(e reper%'ssion of "(i%( is t(edeter)inin fa%tor of "(et(er aria elen :(ristensen8s appealfor Q s(are of t(e properties &e ranted or not.

    RulingGArt. 16 of t(e P(ilippine :ivil :ode states t(at *Rintestate

    and testa)entar# s'%%essionsRs(all &e re'lated t(e nationalla" of t(e person "(ose s'%%ession is 'nder %onsideration,"(atever )a# &e t(e nat're of t(e propert# and reardless of t(e%o'ntr# "(ere said propert# )a# &e fo'nd. in%e Fd"ard:(ristensen "as a :alifornia %iti>en, t(e P(ilippines "(ere (ee$e%'ted (is testa)ent referred &a% to t(e la"s of "(i%( (e "as a%iti>en of M :alifornia, JA. o"ever, no sinle A)eri%an la"overnin t(e validit# of testa)entar# provisions "as fo'nd,

    t(erefore it referred to no ot(er t(an t(e private la" of t(e state of"(i%( t(e de%edent "as a %iti>en M tate of :alifornia. eferrint(en to :alifornia :ivil :ode, Arti%le 946 a't(ori>es t(e referen%eor ret'rn of t(e 'estion to t(e la" of t(e testator8s do)i%ile.@indin t(erefore t(at P(ilippines is t(e do)i%ile of t(e de%eased,t(e validit# of t(e provisions of (is "ill deprivin (isa%no"leded nat'ral %(ild, t(e appellant, s(o'ld &e overned t( P(ili i L t t t( :i il : d f : lif i t

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    !'d)ent is t(erefore reversed and t(e %ase ret'rned to t(elo"er %o'rt "it( instr'%tions t(at t(e partition &e )ade as t(eP(ilippine La" on s'%%ession provides.



    0ELLIS AND MIRIAM PALMA 0ELLIS,oppositors-appellants, vs.

    ED7ARD A. 0ELLIS, ET AL., (eirs-appellees.No. L-236;. !'ne 6, 196.

    FactsGA)os =. 7ellis "as &orn in e$as and a %iti>en of t(e

    tate of e$as and of t(e Jnited tates. At t(e ti)e of (is deat(,(e "as a resident t(ereof. 7efore (e died, (e )ade t"o "ills, onedisposin of (is e$as properties, t(e ot(er, disposin of (isP(ilippine properties. In &ot( "ills, (is re%oni>ed illeiti)ate%(ildren "ere not iven an#t(in. e$as (as no %onfli%ts r'le Mr'le of Private International La" M overnin s'%%essional ri(ts.@'rt(er)ore, 'nder e$as La", t(ere are no %o)p'lsor# (eirs andt(erefore no leiti)es. (e illeiti)ate %(ildren opposed t(e "ills

    on t(e ro'nd t(at t(e# (ave &een denied of t(eir ri(t to in(erit to"(i%( t(e# "o'ld &e entitled if P(ilippine la" "ere to &e applied.

    Issue:Are t(e# entitled to t(eir leiti)es

    RulingG( id (ild t titl d t t( i l iti f

    (e renvoi do%trine, applied in estate Fstate of Fd"ard:(ristensen, Adolfo A>nar v. :(ristensen =ar%ia %annot &eapplied. aid do%trine is 's'all# pertinent "(ere t(e de%edent is anational of one %o'ntr# and a do)i%iliar# of e$as at t(e ti)e of(is deat(. o t(at even ass')in t(at e$as (as a %onfli%ts of la"r'le providin t(at t(e la" of t(e do)i%ile s(o'ld overn, t(e

    sa)e "o'ld not res'lt in a renvoi to P(ilippine la", &'t "o'ld stillrefer to e$as la" &e%a'se t(e de%eased "as &ot( a %iti>en and ado)i%iliar# of e$as.

    (e %ontention t(at t(e national la" of t(e de%easeds(o'ld &e disrearded &e%a'se of Arti%le 1 "(i%( in effe%t statest(at o'r pro(i&itive la"s s(o'ld not &e rendered n'ator# forein la"s, is "ron. (is is &e%a'se Arti%le 16 and Arti%le 1039are spe%ial provisions "(ile Arti%le 1 is )erel# a eneralprovision. oreover, &e%a'se :onress deleted t(e p(rase*not"it(standin t(e provisions of t(is and t(e ne$t pre%edin

    arti%le/ "(en it in%orporated Arti%le 11 of t(e old :ivil :ode asArti%le 1 of t(e ne" :ivil :ode, "(ile reprod'%in "it(o'ts'&stantial %(ane, t(e se%ond pararap( of Arti%le 10 of t(e old:ivil :ode as Arti%le 16 of t(e ne".

    Pointed o't t(e oppositor t(at t(e de%edent, e$e%'tint"o "ills intended P(ilippine La" to overn (is P(ilippine estate.Ass')in t(at s'%( "as t(e de%edent8s intention, a provision in aforeiner8s "ill in a%%ordan%e "it( t(e P(ilippine la" and not"it( (is national la" is illeal and void for (is national la".

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook



    vs. "ENI!IO ES!OLIN, ET AL., respondent56 266


    Bn a# 23, 195, Linnie !ane odes died in Iloilo :it#leavin a "ill. Bn a# 2, 195, (er "ido"er- odes, (ad &eenappointed as pe%ialAd)inistrator. 7arel# fo'r )ont(s &efore (isdeat(, (e e$e%'ted an affidavit "(erein (e ratified and %onfir)edall t(at (e stated in (is estate ta$ ret'rns as to (is (avinreno'n%ed "(at "as iven (i) &' (is "ife8s "ill. (ereafter, Att#.Leon =ellada, "(o (ad &een previo'sl# a%tin as %o'nsel forodes in (is %apa%it# as spe%ial e$e%'tor of (is "ife8s estate, andas s'%( (ad filed t(e afore'oted )otions and )anifestations t(att(e )ost tr'sted e)plo#ee of &ot( spo'ses Linnie !ane odes

    and :.N odes, "(o (ad &een e)plo#ed for aro'nd 30 #ears, int(e person of iss Avelina ano, s(o'ld &e appointed asad)inistrator of t(e estate and at t(e sa)e ti)e, a spe%ialad)inistrator of t(e estate of :(arles Ne"ton odes.

    Bn !an'ar# 24, 1964, virt'all# al of t(e (eirs of :.Nodes, "(o %lai) to &e t(e sole &enefi%iaries of t(e estate ofLinnie !ane odes and vario's leal %o'nsel representin t(eafore)entioned parties, entered into ana)i%a&lesettle)ent,"(erein t(e partied t(ereto areed t(at %ertain s')s of )one#"ere to &e paid in settle)ent of different %lai)s aainst t(e 2

    estates and t(at t(e asets of &ot( estates "o'ld &e ad)inistreredCointl# t(e P:I7 as ad)inistrator of t(e estate of Linnie !aneodes, s'&Ce%t, (o"ever, t(at P:I78s %lai) to e$%l'sivepossession and o"ners(ip of 100H of all assets o"ned :(arlesNe"ton odes or Linnie !ane odes sit'ated (ere in t(eP(ilippines.


    Ruling:Appl#in t(e *renvoi do%trine,/ asen'n%iated and applied

    t(is (onora&le %o'rt in t(e %ase of *In re:(ristensen,/ t(ere %an&e no 'estion t(at P(ilippine la" overns t(e testa)entar#provisions in t(e Last +ill and esta)ent of t(e de%eased Linnie

    !ane odes, as "ell as t(e s'%%essional ri(ts to (er estate, &ot("it( respe%t to )ova&les, as "ell as i))ova&les in t(eP(ilippines.

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook




    =. No. 116044-45. ar%( 9, 2000

    Facts:It is 'ndisp'ted t(at t(e private respondent p'r%(ased fro)

    inapore Airlines in anila %onC'n%tion ti%ets for anila-inapore-At(ens-Larna%a-o)e-'rin-=eneva-:open(aen-Ne" or. A)eri%an Airlines "as not a parti%ipatin airline inan# of t(e se)ents. In =eneva, private respondent de%ided toforeo (is trip to :open(aen and to o strai(t to Ne" or andin t(e a&sen%e of a dire%t fli(t 'nder (is %onC'n%tion ti%ets fro)=eneva to Ne" or t(e private respondent on !'ne , 19;9e$%(aned t(e 'n'sed portion of t(e %onC'n%tion ti%et for a one-

    "a# ti%et to Ne" or fro) A)eri%an Airlines. A). Airlinesiss'ed its o"n ti%et to t(e private respondent in =eneva and%lai)ed t(e val'e of t(e 'n'sed portion of t(e %onC'n%tion ti%etfro) t(e %learin (o'se in =eneva. In ept. 19;9, privaterespondent filed an a%tion for da)aes &efore t(e : of :e&'for t(e alleed e)&arrass)ent and )ental an'is( (e s'ffered att(e =eneva Airport "(en t(e A). Airline8s se%'rit# offi%ersprevented (i) fro) &oardin t(e plane onl# after all t(e ot(erpasseners (ave &oarded. (e petitioner filed a )otion to dis)issfor la% of C'risdi%tion of P(ilippine %o'rts to entertain t(e said

    pro%eedins 'nder Art. 2; of t(e +arsa" :onvention. (epetitioner %ontends t(at sin%e t(e P(ilippines is not t(e pla%e"(ere t(e %ontra%t of %arriae "as )ade &et"een t(e parties(erein, P(ilippine %o'rts do not (ave C'risdi%tion over t(is a%tionfor da)aes. Petitioner la#s stress on t(e fa%t t(at t(e plane ti%etfor a dire%t fli(t fro) =eneva to Ne" or "as p'r%(ased t(eprivate respondent fro) t(e petitioner *e$%(ane and %as(/

    (i ( i ifi t( t t( t t f i it( i

    (ave &een an e$tension of t(e first as t(e petitioner airline is not aparti%ipatin airline in an# of t(e destinations 'nder t(e first%ontra%t. (e : denied t(e )otion. (e order of denial "aselevated to t(e :o'rt of Appeals "(i%( affir)ed t(e r'lin of t(e:. 7ot( : and :A (eld t(at t(e s'it )a# &e &ro'(t in t(eP(ilippines 'nder t(e pool partners(ip a)on t(e IAA

    International Air ransport Asso%iation< )e)&ers, "(i%( in%l'deinapore Airlines and A)eri%an Airlines, "(erein t(e )e)&ersa%t as aents of ea%( ot(er in t(e iss'an%e of ti%ets to t(ose "(o)a# need t(eir servi%es.

    Issue:+(et(er or not t(e P(ilippines (as C'risdi%tion to tae

    %oni>an%e of t(e a%tion for da)aes filed t(e privaterespondent aainst petitioner in vie" of Art 2; 1< of t(e +arsa":onvention

    Ruling:(e +arsa" :onvention to "(i%( t(e P(ilippines is a

    part# and "(i%( (as t(e for%e and effe%t of la" in t(is %o'ntr#applies to all international transportation of persons, &aae, oroods perfor)ed an air%raft rat'ito'sl# or for (ire. (et(res(old iss'e of C'risdi%tion of P(ilippine %o'rts 'nder Art. 2;)'st first &e resolved &efore an# prono'n%e)ents )a# &e )adeon t(e lia&ilit# of t(e %arrier t(ere'nder. Art. 3 of t(e +arsa":onvention %learl# states t(at a %ontra%t of air transportation is

    taen as a sinle operation "(et(er it is fo'nded on a sinle%ontra%t or a series of %ontra%ts. (e n')&er of ti%ets iss'ed doesnot detra%t fro) t(e oneness of t(e %ontra%t of %arriae as lon ast(e parties reard t(e %ontra%t as a sinle operation. (e t(irdoption of t(e plaintiff 'nder Art. 2; of t(e +arsa" :onventione.., to s'e in t(e pla%e of &'siness of t(e %arrier "(erein t(e%ontra%t "as )ade, is t(erefore, anila, and P(ilippine %o'rts arel t( d it( C i di ti t(i + t t( t (il t(i

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    PU0LI! ESTATES AUTHORIT#,petitioner, vs. ROSARIO%ANA! !HU respondent.

    =.. No. 14521. epte)&er 21, 2005


    A %o)plaint for da)aes "it( pra#er for t(e iss'an%e of a"rit of inC'n%tion and te)porar# restrainin order filed respondent aainst petitioner and t(e National o'sin A't(orit#NAed t(e land destro#in(er &la% pepper plantation, %a'sin da)ae to (er operation anddeprivin (er of (er )eans of liveli(ood. espondent appeared%lai)in t(at petitioner (ad en%roa%(ed 'pon (er propert#.espondent failed to prove (er o"ners(ip t(ereof.

    (e partial de%ision of t(e trial %o'rt favored t(erespondent. Bn t(e ot(er (and, t(e petitioner filed an appeal to t(e:A. t(e %o'rt s'stained t(e fa%t'al findins of t(e trial %o'rt.

    Issue:Is t(e respondent entitled for t(e pa#)ent of da)aesDid t(e petitioner a%ted in &ad fait(

    Ruling:It "as (eld in t(e )odified de%ision of t(e 'pre)e :o'rt

    t(at in lie' of t(e a%t'al da)aes, te)perate da)aes s(o'ld (ave&een a"arded t(e trial %o'rt %onsiderin t(at respondent (ads'ffered so)e pe%'niar# loss &'t its a)o'nt %annot &e proved"it(o't %ertaint#.

    espondent8s o"ners(ip of t(e propert# on "(i%( t(epepper tree stand is i))aterial to t(e %ase. (ere is no disp'te t(atrespondent o"ned t(e pepper trees t(at "ere destro#ed t(e

    titi F i t( t titi t( t t( t

    ('s t(e petitioner a%ted in &ad fait( in vie" of t(e destro#edtrees.

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    HILARIO SORIANO, respondents=.. No. 16025. De%e)&er 19, 2005


    Bn C'ne 25, 2001, respondent ilarion P. oraino,president and sto% (older of t(e 'ral 7an of an i'el In%.,filed an affidavit-%o)plaint aainst petitioner "it( t(e offi%e oft(e B)&'ds)an for violation of e%tion 3 e< of ep'&li% A%t3019. espondent alleed t(at petitioner, t(ro'( )anifestpartialit#, evident &ad fait( and ross nelien%e, %a'sed 'nd'einC'r# to 7I reportin t(at t(e &an in%'rred leal reservedefi%ien%ies, and re%o))endin t(e i)position of a fine "(i%("as adopted t(e onetar# 7oard.

    Bn epte)&er 26, 2002, t(e Bffi%e of t(e B)&'ds)an

    iss'ed a resol'tion findin pro&a&le %a'se to indi%t petitioner forviolation of t(e said ep'&li% A%t. Bn Nove)&er 12, 2002, andinfor)ation "as filed aainst t(e petitioner "it( t(e : anila.

    Bn Nove)&er 26, 2002, petitioner filed a )otion forre%onsideration "(i%( "as denied t(e Bffi%e of t(eB)&'ds)an on t(e ro'nd t(at t(e infor)ation (ad &een alread#filed in t(e %o'rt.

    (e petitioner filed a )otion "it( t(e trial %o'rt pra#int(at t(e )otion for re%onsideration filed "it( t(e Bffi%e of t(eB)&'ds)an &e iven d'e %o'rse and t(ereafter, to r'le t(at no

    pro&a&le %a'se e$ist.Bn De%e)&er 3, 2003, t(e trial %o'rt denied petitioner8s

    )otion to ive d'e %o'rse to (is )otion for re%onsideration and todefer pro%eedins 'ntil resol'tion of t(e pendin iss'es. It alsos'spended petitioner fro) offi%e for a period of 60 da#s. is)otion for re%onsideration "as denied on !an'ar# 2, 2004.

    Petitioner t('s filed a petition for %ertiorari "it( t(e :o'rtf A l i f t( l t f d t C d B d

    "it( rave a&'se of dis%retion a)o'ntin to la% or e$%ess ofC'risdi%tion.

    Issue:+(et(er t(e petitioner a%ted in &ad fait(.

    Ruling:It "as (eld t(at t(e B)&'ds)an %annot i)p'te &ad fait(

    on t(e part of t(e petitioner on t(e ass')ption t(at (e, toet(er"it( ot(er 7P offi%ials, "as part of t(e %a&al to appl# press're on7I to sell o't s'&Ce%tin it to )an# i)positions t(ro'(t(e onetar# 7oard. 7ad fait( is never pres')ed, "(ile oodfait( is al"a#s pres')ed. (e B)&'ds)an s(o'ld (ave firstdeter)ined t(e fa%ts indi%atin &ad fait( instead of rel#in on t(eten'o's ass')ption t(at t(ere "as an or%(estrated atte)pted tofor%e 7I to sell o't.

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    AND DEPORTATIONens. =loria and @ran%is%o and da'(ter and son,

    respe%tivel#, of antiao "(ile +illia) and !o(nson are t(e sonsof @ran%is%o.

    After investiation, t(e &oard of pe%ial In'ir# No. 1rendered a de%ision dated !'l# 6, 1961, ad)ittin +illia)=at%(alian and (is %o)panions as @ilipino %iti>ens. As a%onse'en%e t(ereof, +illia) =at%(alian "as iss'ed Identifi%ation:ertifi%ate t(e i))iration a't(orities on A''st 16, 1961.

    Bn !an'ar# 24, 1962, e)orand') No. 9 "as iss'ed t(e se%retar# of !'sti%e settin aside all de%isions p'rportinrendered t(e 7oard of :o))issioners on appeal or revie"

    )ot' propio of t(e 7oard of spe%ial In'ir#. (e sa)e)e)orand') dire%ted t(e 7oard of %o))issioners to revie" all%ases "(ere entr# "as allo"ed on t(e ro'nd t(at t(e entrant "asa P(ilippine %iti>en.

    Bn !'l# 6, 1962, t(e Ne" 7oard of :o))issioners after arevie" )ot' propio of t(e pro%eedins in t(e 7oard of pe%ialIn'ir#, reversed t(e de%ision of t(e latter and ordered t(e

    l i f t( d t = t ( li A t f

    of t(e 7oard of :o))issioners dated !'l# 6, 1962 (as no"&e%o)e final and e$e%'tor#.

    o)eti)e in 193, respondent =at%(alian, as "ell as t(eot(ers %overed !'l# 6, 1962 "arrant of e$%l'sion, filed a)otion for re-(earin "it( t(e 7oard of spe%ial In'ir# "(ere t(edeportation %ase aainst t(e) "as assined.

    Bn ar%( 14, 193, t(e &oard of pe%ial In'ir#re%o))ended to t(e t(en A%tin :o))issioner Nit'da iss'ed anorder reaffir)in t(e !'l# 6, 1961 de%ision of t(e 7oard of pe%ialIn'ir# t(ere ad)ittin respondent =at%(alian as a @ilipino%iti>en and re%alled t(e "arrant of arrest iss'ed aainst (i).

    Bn !'ne , 1990, t(e a%tin dire%tor of t(e national 7'rea'of Investiation "rote t(e !'sti%e e%retar# re%o))endin t(atrespondent =at%(alian alon "it( ot(er appli%ants %overed t(e"arrant of e$%l'sion dated !'l# 6, 1962 &e %(ared "it( violationof :o). A%t No. 613, as a)ended, also no"n as t(e I))iration

    A%t of 1940.Bn A''st 1, 1990, t(e e%retar# of !'sti%e indorsed t(e

    re%o))endation of t(e N7I to t(e :I for investiation andi))ediate a%tion.

    Bn A''st 15, 1990, petitioner :o))issioner Do)ino oft(e :o))ission of I))iration and Deportation iss'ed a )issionorder %o))andin t(e arrest of +illia) =at%(alian.

    Bn A''st 29, 1990, +illia) =at%(alian filed a petitionfor %ertiorari and pro(i&ition "it( inC'%tion &efore t(e : ofanila.

    Bn epte)&er 4, 1990, petitioners filed a )otion todis)iss allein t(at respondent C'de (as no C'risdi%tion over t(e&oard of :o))issioners. Nonet(eless, respondent C'de iss'edt(e assailed order dated epte)&er , 1990, den#in t(e )otion todis)iss.

    In a %o'nter-petition, +illia) =at%(alian allees a)onot(ers t(atG 1< ass')in t(at t(e eviden%e on re%ord is not

    ffi i t t d l (i @ili i iti titi (

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    no loner C'di%io'sl# and fairl# resolve respondent8s %iti>ens(ip int(e deportation %ase &e%a'se of t(eir &ias, pre-C'd)ent andpreC'di%e aainst (i) and 3< t(e ro'nd for "(i%( (e so'(t to&e deported (as alread# pres%ri&ed.

    Issues:+(et(er or not t(e "arrant of arrest iss'ed t(e

    :o))issioner of I))iration valid+(et(er or not +illia) =at%(alian a @ilipino %iti>en

    Hel3:It "as (eld t(at t(e "arrant of arrest iss'ed t(e

    :o))issioner of i))iration s(o'ld &e for investiation

    p'rposes onl#. ('s, t(e "arrant of arrest t(at "as iss'ed is n'lland void for &ein 'n%onstit'tional. 7ased on t(e I))irationA%t, it is %lear t(at t(e :o))issioner of I))iration )a# iss'e"arrant of arrest onl# after a deter)ination t(e 7oard of:o))issioners of t(e e$isten%e of t(e ro'nd for deportation as%(ared aainst t(e alien. In ot(er "ords, a "arrant of arrestiss'ed t(e :o))issioner of i))iration, to &e valid, )'st &efor t(e sole p'rpose of e$e%'tin a final order of deportation.

    As to t(e %iti>ens(ip of +illia) =at%(alian, it "as (eldt(at +illia) =at%(alian follo"s t(e %iti>ens(ip of (is fat(er

    @ran%is%o, a @ilipino, as a leiti)ate %(ild of t(e latter. @ran%is%o,in t'rn, is lie"ise a @ilipino &ein t(e leiti)ate %(ild ofantiao =at%(alian "(o is ad)ittedl# a @ilipino %iti>en "(ose@ilipino %iti>ens(ip "as re%oni>ed t(e 7'rea' of I))irationin an order dated !'l# 12, 1960. ('s, +illia) at%(alian &elonsto t(e @ilipino %lass of %iti>ens as %onte)plated 'nder e%. 1Arti%le I of t(e :onstit'tion, "(i%( providesG *e%tion 1. t(ef ll i iti f t( P(ili i 1< ( (

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    UNI"ERSIT# OF THE EAST, petitioner, vs. ROMEO A.ADER, respondent.

    =.. No. 132344. @e&r'ar# 1, 2000.

    Facts:Plaintiff o)eo A. !ader "as enrolled in t(e defendant8s

    :ollee of La" fro) 19;4 'p to 19;;. In t(e first se)ester of (islast #ear 19;-19;;

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook



    IN!., OSE RAMIRO A. !ARPIO, R., 7ESSIE5UISUM0IN%, an3 ELIZALDE AMPALA#O, respondents.,

    =.. No. 1163;4, 2000 @e&r'ar# , 2000.

    Facts:espondent Noris Distri&'tor, In%., a do)esti%

    %orporation "it( prin%ipal offi%e and &'siness address at A. .@ort'na treet, anda'e :it#, :e&', is enaed in t(e &'siness ofsellin )otor%#%les and (o'se(old applian%es, "it( &ran%(es allover t(e %o'ntr#. Bne of t(e &ran%(es is in alen%ia, 7'idnon"(ere petitioner iola :r'> "as e)plo#ed as %as(ier &ooeeper.@or (er lo#alt# and dedi%ation to t(e %o)pan#, petitioner :r'>"as iven %o)pensatin salar# adC'st)ent of Bne 'ndred

    P100.00< Pesos, effe%tive !'l# 1, 1990.In B%to&er 14, 1990, "(ile petitioner and (er %o-

    e)plo#ees "ere &'s# pa%in 'p and )ain inventor# of t(et(ins to &e )oved &e%a'se of a s%(ed'led transfer of t(e alen%ia&ran%(, t(e petitioner s'ddenl# %ollapsed. (e "as r's(ed to t(eonsanto =eneral ospital in alen%ia, 7'idnon and "as lateron transferred to t(e :apitol :ollee =eneral ospital in :aa#ande Bro :it# on B%to&er 1, 1990. (e "as dianosed to &es'fferin fro) *:N Infe%tionG 7 eninitis vs. :r#pto%o%%aleninitis./ (e "as later transferred to t(e aria e#na

    ospital, "(ere s(e "as %onfined fro) B%to&er 25 to De%e)&er5, 1990, and treated for * :r#pto%o%%al eninitis, Pott8s Disease,and Dia&etes ellit's #pe II.

    tartin B%to&er 15, 1990, t(e petitioner stopped reportinfor "or. "o da#s after petitioner8s %ollapse, respondent Noris"as a&le to re%r'it a repla%e)ent %as(ier &ooeeper in t(eperson of ernando !'a)an.

    B D & 2; 1990 titi t l tt t

    ans"er, s(e re%eived a ter)ination latter dated Nove)&er 2, 1990%itin (ealt( reasons as t(e %a'se for (er dis)issal.

    Bn ar%( 1;, 1991, petitioner loded a %o)plaint forilleal dis)issal aainst private respondents &efore t(e Ar&itration7ran%( of t(e NL: in :aa#an De Bro :it#. Bn a# 2;, 1993,La&or Ar&iter Leon P. 'rillo rendered a de%ision &'t &ot( parties

    appealed to t(e NL:.

    Issue:+(et(er or not petitioner "as illeall# dis)issed

    private respondents on ro'nd of illness and so s(e "as entitled tore%over )oral and e$e)plar# da)aes.

    Ruling:Private respondents illeall# dis)issed t(e petitioner

    &e%a'se t(e# failed to %o)pl# "it( t(e re'ire)ent t(at an

    e)plo#ee to &e dis)issed s(o'ld &e iven t"o "ritten noti%es.(e first noti%e is to apprise t(e e)plo#ee of t(e parti%'lar a%ts oro)issions reason of "(i%( (er dis)issal (as &een de%ided'pon and t(e se%ond is to infor) t(e e)plo#ee of t(e e)plo#er8sde%ision to dis)iss (i). avin failed to do t(e re'ire)ent,respondents (ave not iven t(e petitioner d'e pro%ess "(i%()aes t(eir a%t illeal and void. @or t(is, petitioner is entitled tore%over )oral and e$e)plar# da)aes.

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    !RUZ20ARRIOS, respondentsNo. L-60;59. De%e)&er 2, 19;2

    Facts:(e petitioner %a&le %o)pan# failed to deliver to

    respondent-spo'ses, &ot( p(#si%ians, a %a&lera) fro) er%#ospital, 7'ffalo, Ne" or, ad)ittin respondent-"ife for arotatin interns(ip in said (ospital. As a %onse'en%e of "(i%(,s(e "as 'na&le to sinif# (er a%%eptan%e and t(e position "asiven to so)eone else. (e rial :o'rt and t(e :o'rt of appealsfo'nd t(at t(e petitioner "as rossl# nelient in (avinad)ittedl# failed to deliver t(e %a&lera) "(i%( %a'sed

    respondents finan%ial diffi%'lties in Ne" or, d'e to loss ofearnins for appro$i)atel# si$ )ont(s, serio's an$iet#, andsleepless ni(ts, for "(i%( t(e petitioner s(o'ld &e (eld lia&le, and"(i%( s(o'ld &e %orre%ted for t(e p'&li% ood.

    Issue:+(et(er or not t(e a"ard of da)aes is e$%essive.

    Ruling:es. A telerap( %o)pan# is a p'&li% servi%e %orporation

    o"in d'ties to t(e eneral p'&li% ands is lia&le to an# )e)&er oft(e p'&li% "(o) it o"es a d't# for da)aes pro$i)atel# flo"infro) a violation of t(at d't#. o"ever, t(e petitioner is a 'asi-p'&li% %orporation also affe%ted "it( p'&li% interest and t(e a"ardof da)aes )ade t(e rial :o'rt and affir)ed t(e :o'rt ofAppeals "as fo'nd t(e 'pre)e :o'rt to &e e$%essive. (ede%ision of t(e 'pre)e :o'rt )odified t(at of t(e lo"er %o'rts& d i t( d

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    FRAN!IS!O HERMOSSISIMA,plaintiff 4s.!OURT OF APPEALS,, defendant

    No.L-1462;. epte)&er 30, 1960

    Facts:in%e 1950, oledad :aias "as t(en a tea%(er in t(e

    i&ona Provin%ial i( %(ool in :e&', and @ran%is%oer)osi)a, "(o "as al)ost 10 #ears #o'ner t(an s(e "as (er&o#friend. (e# "ere rearded as enaed alt(o'( (e (ad )adeno pro)ise of )arriae prior t(ereto. In 1951, s(e ave 'ptea%(in and &e%a)e a life ins'ran%e 'nder"riter in t(e :it# of:e&', "(ere inti)a%# &et"een t(e) developed. Bne evenin in1953, after %o)in fro) t(e )ovie (o'se, t(e# (ad se$'alinter%o'rse in (is %a&in on &oard *Fs%ana/ to "(i%( (e "ast(en atta%(ed as apprenti%e pilot. In @e&r'ar# 1954, s(e "as in t(efa)il# "a#, "(ere'pon (e pro)ised to )arr# (er. (eir %(ild

    :(ris er)osi)a "as &orn on !'ne 1,1954, in a private)aternit# and %lini%. o"ever on !'l#24, 1954, @ran%is%o )arriedo)anita Pere>. en%e, t(e present a%tion "as %o))en%ed on ora&o't B%to&er 4 1954.

    Issue:+(et(er or not )oral da)aes are re%overa&le 'nder o'r

    la"s for &rea%( of pro)ise to )arr#


    (e 'pre)e :o'rt (eld t(at 'nder t(e :ivil :ode, t(ere%an &e no re%over# of )oral da)aes for a &rea%( of pro)ise to)arr#, as s'%( t(e o)ission in t(e :ivil :ode of t(e proposed:(apter on &rea%( of Pro)ise 'its is a %lear )anifestation ofleislative intent not to san%tion as s'%(, s'its for &rea%( ofpro)ise to )arr#, ot(er"ise *)an# inno%ent )an )a# &e%o)e t(evi%ti)s of desinin and 'ns%r'p'lo's fe)ales./ o"ever, ift( & d ti l d & d d A t

    "(o "as 10 #ears older, s'rrendered (erself to (i) &e%a'seover"(el)ed (er love for (i) s(e "anted to &ind (i) (avin a fr'it of t(eir enae)ent even &efore t(e# (ad t(e&enefit of t(e %ler#. e "as, t(erefore, ordered to pa# a )ont(l#pension of P30.00 for t(e s'pport of t(e %(ild P4500.00representin t(e in%o)e t(at %o)plainant (ad alleedl# failed to

    earn d'rin (er prenan%# and s(ortl# after t(e &irt( of t(e %(ildas a%t'al %o)pensator# da)aes P5000.00 as )oral da)aesand P500.00 as attorne#8s fees.

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    0EATRIZ %ALAN%,petitioner4s. !OURT OF APPEALS,respondent

    NB.L-124;.!an'ar# 29, 1962

    Facts:7eatri> =alan and odrio S'init "ere &ot( fro) t(e

    sa)e to"n of ison, Panasinan, and "ere enaed &'t odrio8sparents "ere stronl# opposed to t(eir )arriae. e "anted t(e)arriae to tae pla%e after (is rad'ation "(ile t(e appellee "asi)patient and "anted t(e )arriae to &e (eld at an earlier date. BnApril 26, 1955, odrio8s parents told (i) to leave t(e parental(o)e in vie" of (is %ontin'ed relations "it( 7eatri>. Bn April 2,1955, t(e %o'ple lived as ('s&and and "ife in t(e (o'se of AdolfoDaa"an at :olorado @alls, '&a, o'ntain Provin%e 'ntil a# 9"(en odrio left and never ret'rned.

    Issue: +(et(er or not )oral da)aes are re%overa&le 'nder o'rla"s for &rea%( of pro)ise to )arr#

    Hel3:(e :o'rt of @irst Instan%e of 7a'io, rendered a de%ision

    senten%in t(e defendants Cointl# and severall# to pa# s')s ofP25.00 "a# of a%t'al da)aes P5000.00 as )oral da)aesand P500.00 as attorne#8s fees, apart fro t(e %osts. Bn appealtaen t(e defendants, t(e :o'rt of Appeals a&solved a$i)o

    S'init, and a%%ordinl# reversed said de%ision insofar as (e is%on%erned, and )odified it as reards odrio S'init eli)inatin t(e a"ards for )oral da)aes and attorne#8s fees. (e'pre)e :o'rt affir)ed t(e de%ision of :o'rt of Appeals. oralda)aes for &rea%( of pro)ise to )arr# are not %olle%ti&le.

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    =. . No. 9336. @e&r'ar# 19, 1993

    Facts:arilo' . =on>ales, a 22 #ear old @ilipina filed on

    eional rial :o'rt of Panasinan in Lina#en for a %o)plaintfor da)aes aainst t(e petitioner, =as(e) (ooat 7as( an

    Iranian %iti>en residin at t(e Lo>ano Apart)ents in ='ili,Da'pan :it# and is an e$%(nae st'dent tain a )edi%al %o'rseat t(e L#%e') Nort("estern :ollees

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    Facts:@ran%is%o ele> and 7eatri>, foll"in t(eir pro)ise to

    love, de%ided to et )arried. "o da#s &efore t(eir )arriae@ran%is%o "rote 7eatri> tellin (er t(at t(eir )arriae (ad to &epostponed as (is )ot(er opposes it. A da# &efore (is )arriae (e

    sent a telera) infor)in (er *not(in %(aned rest ass'redret'rnin soon./ Despite t(e fa%t t(at ever#t(in "as alread#prepared, fro) invitations to )atri)onial &ed and ot(era%%essories, and in fa%t &ridal s(o"ers "ere iven and iftsalread# re%eived, @ran%is%o "as never (eard fro) aain. 7eatri>s'ed for da)aes for &rea%( of pro)ise to )arr#.

    Issue:Is &rea%( of pro)ise to )arr# an a%tiona&le "ron

    Ruling:(e e$tent to "(i%( a%ts not %ontrar# to la" )a# &eperpetrated "it( i)p'nit#, is not li)itless for Arti%le 21 of t(e:ivil :ode provides t(at *an# person "(o "illf'll# %a'ses loss orinC'r# to anot(er in a )anner t(at is %ontrar# to )orals, ood%'sto)s or p'&li% poli%# s(all %o)pensate t(e latter for t(eda)aes.

    (is is not a %ase of )ere &rea%( to )arr#. As stated, )ere&rea%( of pro)ise to )arr# is not an a%tiona&le "ron. 7't tofor)all# set a "eddin and o t(ro'( all t(e preparation and

    p'&li%it#, onl# to "al o't of it "(en t(e )atri)on# is a&o't to &esole)ni>ed, is 'ite different.(is is palpa&l# and 'nC'stifia&l# %ontrar# to ood

    %'sto)s for "(i%( defendant )'st &e (eld ans"era&le in da)aesin a%%ordan%e "it( Arti%le 21 of t(e :ivil :ode.

    +(en a &rea%( of pro)ise to )arr# is a%tiona&le 'nderArti%le 21 of t(e :ivil :ode, )oral da)aes )a# &e a"arded

    d A ti l 221910< f t( id : d F l d

    proven t(at t(e defendant %learl# a%ted in a "anton, re%less andoppressive )anner.

    !AR !OOL PHILIPPINES, IN!.,represented in t(is a%t itsPresident and =eneral anaer "IR%ILIO DELA ROSA,


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    Facts:Bn De%e)&er 19, 1995, Js(io ealt# and Develop)ent

    :orporations Js(io ealt#< filed an eCe%t)ent %ase aainst :ar:ool P(ilippines, In%. :A :BBL< to re%over possession of apar%el of land propert#< lo%ated at No. 2 13< S'e>on Aven'e

    %orner of i%tor# Aven'e, S'e>on :it#.JIB ealt# allees t(at t(e for)er o"ners of t(epropert#, spo'ses e%tor and =loria i>on Lope> *po'sesLope>/

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    Bn 24 !an'ar# 1994, on a&arte, t(e respondent,%o))en%ed an a%tion to enfor%e t(e )one# C'd)ent rendered t(e 'perior :o'rt for t(e tate of :alifornia, :o'nt# of :ontra:osta, J..A.

    Bn 1 A''st 1994, t(e respondent filed a otion for'))ar# !'d)ent 'nder 'le 34 of t(e 'les of :o'rt allein

    t(at t(e Ans"er filed petitioner failed to tender an# en'ineiss'e as to t(e )aterial fa%ts.Bn 6 April 1995, t(e %o'rt a 'o iss'ed an Brder rantin

    respondent8s otion for '))ar# !'d)ent. Lie"ise, it rantedt(e petitioner ten 10< da#s to s'&)it opposin affidavits. (epetitioner filed a otion for e%onsideration of t(e a&ove-statedorder and otion to Dis)iss on t(e ro'nd t(at it la%sC'risdi%tion over t(e s'&Ce%t )atter. o"ever, t(e lo"er dis)issedt(ese t"o )otions. (e : t(en rendered its de%ision orderint(e petitioner to pa# t(e respondent t(e a)o'nt of JT 241,991.33

    "it( t(e leal interest P30, 000.00 as attorne#8s fees and to pa#t(e %osts s'it. (is later on, affir)ed t(e :o'rt of Appeals.Issue

    +(et(er or not t(e C'd)ent8s %onfor)it# to P(ilippinela"s, p'&li% poli%#, %anons of )oralit#, and nor)s aainst 'nC'stenri%()ent

    Ruling(is is not a %ase of 'nC'st enri%()ent. JnC'st enri%()ent

    orsolutio indebiti %onte)plates pa#)ent "(en t(ere is no d't# topa#, and t(e person "(o re%eives t(e pa#)ent (as no ri(t tore%eive it. (e petitioner )erel# ar'es t(at t(e ot(er t"odefendants "(o) (e represented "ere lia&le toet(er "it( (i).Lie"ise, t(ere is no forein C'd)ent t(at is %ontrar# to la",)orals, p'&li% poli%# or t(e %anons of )oralit# o&tainin in t(e%ontrar#. (e petition, t(erefore, is (ere denied. Do'&le %osts

    i t titiSER%IO AMONO#,petitioner, v.SPOUSES OSE


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    Facts:A)ono#, t(e petitioner, "as t(e %o'nsel of @ran%is%a

    :atolos, Anes :atolos, As'n%ion Pasa)&a and Alfonso@or)ilda, for t(e settle)ent of t(e estate of t(e de%eased !'lio:antolos. '%( estate involves si$ 6< par%els of land sit'ated inana#, i>al. (e ProCe%t of Partition "as approved on 12 !an'ar#

    1965 and t"o of t(e said lots "ere adC'di%ated to As'n%ionPasa)&a and Alfonso @or)ilda. +it( reard to t(e attorne#8s fees,A)ono# %(ared P2, 600.00. o se%'re t(e pa#)ent of s'%(, on20 !an'ar# 1965, As'n%ion Pasa)&a and Alfonso @or)ildae$e%'ted a deed of real estate )ortae on t(e said t"o lotsadC'di%ated to t(e).

    As'n%ion Pasa)&a and Alfonso @or)ilda passed a"a# on24 @e&r'ar# 1969 and on 2 !'l# 1969, respe%tivel#. A)on t(e(eirs of Alfonso "as (is da'(ter, plaintiff-appellant Anela='tierre>.

    Bn 21 !an'ar# 190, A)ono# filed for t(eir fore%los're&efore in t(e :@I of Pasi, i>al, sin%e (is attorne#8s fees se%'red t(e t"o lots "ere not paid. (e (eirs opposed. o"ever, on 2;epte)&er 192 C'de)ent, it "as rendered in favo'r of A)ono#re'irin t(e (eirs to pa# t(e P2,600.00 t(e )ortae,P11,;;0.00 as a val'e of t(e (arvests, and P9,654.00 as anot(erro'nd of attorne#8s fees "it(in 90 da#s. @ailin in t(at, t(e t"o 2 spo'ses "as sit'ated, "aspart of t(e said par%el of land to &e possessed A)ono#.

    Bn 2 epte)&er 19;5 a petition "as filed t(epetitioners in%l'din Anela ='tierre>< &efore t(e 'pre)e:o'rt. A De%ision rendered settin aside t(e +rit of Possessionand t(e e)porar# estrainin Brder "as )ade per)anent, andorderin t(at t(e si$ 6< par%els of land are ret'rned to petitioners. t( id d lli ( d l d & d t d (

    de%ision, rat(er ordered petitioner A)ono# to pa# P250, 000 asa%t'al da)aes.

    Issue:+(et(er or not t(e :o'rt of Appeals "as %orre%t in

    de%idin t(at t(e petitioner "as lia&le to t(e respondents for


    Ruling: (e petition (as no )erit. (e Latin p(rase damnum

    absque injuria M t(at da)ae res'ltin fro) t(e leiti)atee$er%ise of a person8s ri(ts is a loss "it(o't inC'r# finds noappli%ation to t(is %ase. (o'( petitioner, 'nder t(e +rit ofDe)olition iss'ed t(e :, %o))en%ed t(e de)olition, t(ere"as a %ontin'ation t(e sa)e after t(e iss'an%e of a e)porar#estrainin Brder, enCoinin t(e de)olition of respondents8 (o'se,

    "as iss'ed t(e 'pre)e :o'rt. ('s, %osts aainst petitioner.


    NI!OLAS, respondents.=.. No. 12006. !an'ar# 31, 2000

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    (e spo'ses Nestor Ni%olas and Alle) Ni%olas, t(erespondents, "ere residin in an apart)ent leased to t(e) t(eo"ner @loren%e *7in/ :on%ep%ion at Pasi :it#. Nestor Ni%olas"as enaed in t(e &'siness of s'ppl#in overn)ent aen%iesand private entities "it( offi%e e'ip)ent, applian%es and ot(erfi$t'res. @loren%e :on%ep%ion Coined after %ontri&'tin %apital

    "it( t(e %ondition t(at s(e "ill re%eive (alf of t(e profit earned.odrio :on%ep%ion, t(e petitioner and &rot(er of t(ede%eased ('s&and of @loren%e, "ent to Nestor8s apart)ent anda%%'sed (i) of %o))ittin ad'ltero's relations(ip "it( @loren%e.

    Nestor felt e$tre)e e)&arrass)ent and s(a)e. @loren%eeven %eased to do &'siness "it( t(e spo'ses. (e spo'ses startedto 'arrel as Alle) &e%a)e do'&tf'l of (er ('s&and8s fidelit#.Nestor for%ed t(en odrio de)andin p'&li% apolo# andpa#)ent of da)aes. (e latter inored t(at triered t(e spo'sesto file %ivil s'it aainst odrio for da)aes. e reasoned o't t(at(e did s'%( to prote%t t(e na)e and rep'tation of t(e :on%ep%ionfa)il#.

    Issue:+(et(er t(ere is &asis in la" for t(e a"ard of da)aes to

    private respondents, spo'ses Ni%olas

    Ruling:(e petitionerOs post're t(at t(ere is no leal provision t(at

    s'pports s'%( a"ard of da)aes (as &een reCe%ted. Arti%le 26 oft(e ne" :ivil :ode stressed t(e sa%redness of (')an personalit#,"(i%( is a %on%o)itant %onsideration of ever# plan for (')ana)elioration. (e ri(ts of persons are a)pl# prote%ted, andda)aes are provided for violations of a person8s dinit#,personalit#, priva%# and pea%e of )ind. ('s, t(e petitioner islia&le to t(e spo'ses for P50, 000 as )oral da)aes, P25, 000 fore$e)plar# da)aes, P10, 000 for attorne#8s fees, pl's %osts of


    PEOPLE OF TH E PHILIPPINES,plaintiff-appellee, vs.RO%ELIO 0A#OTAS 6 !ORDO"A, accused-appellant

    =.. No. 10220. epte)&er 2, 1994

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    oelio 7a#otas "as %(ared "it( rape and event'all#%onvi%ted t(ereof on !'ne 19, 1991. Pendin appeal of (is%onvi%tion, 7a#otas died on @e&r'ar# 4, 1992. :onse'entl#, t(e'pre)e :o'rt dis)issed t(e %ri)inal aspe%t of t(e appeal.o"ever, it re'ired t(e oli%itor =eneral to file its %o))ent "it(reard to 7a#otas8 %ivil lia&ilit# arisin fro) (is %o))ission of

    t(e offense %(ared. In (is %o))ent, t(e oli%itor =enerale$pressed (is vie" t(at t(e deat( of a%%'sed-appellant did note$tin'is( (is %ivil lia&ilit# as a res'lt of (is %o))ission of t(eoffense %(ared. (e %o'nsel of 7a#otas, (o"ever, opposed t(evie" of t(e oli%itor =eneral ar'in t(at t(e deat( of t(e a%%'sed"(ile C'd)ent of %onvi%tion is pendin appeal e$tin'is(es &ot((is %ri)inal and %ivil penalties.

    Issue:Does deat( of t(e a%%'sed pendin appeal of (is

    %onvi%tion e$tin'is( (is %ivil lia&ilit#

    Ruling:Arti%le ;9 of t(e evised Penal :ode is t(e %ontrollin

    stat'te. It reads, in partGArt. ;9.Ho criminal liabilit! is totall! extinguished:ri)inal lia&ilit# is totall# e$tin'is(edG1. 7# t(e deat( of t(e %onvi%t, as to t(e personal penalties

    and as to t(e pe%'niar# penalties lia&ilit# t(erefor is e$tin'is(edonl# "(en t(e deat( of t(e offender o%%'rs &efore final C'd)ent

    Deat( of t(e a%%'sed pendin appeal of (is %onvi%tione$tin'is(es (is %ri)inal lia&ilit# as "ell as t(e %ivil lia&ilit#&ased solel# t(ereon. As opined !'sti%e ealado, in t(isreard, t(e deat( of t(e a%%'sed prior to final C'd)entter)inates (is %ri)inal lia&ilit# and onl! t(e %ivil lia&ilit# directl!

    i i f d & d l l t( ff itt d i i il

    :orollaril#, t(e %lai) for %ivil lia&ilit# s'rvivesnot"it(standin t(e deat( of a%%'sed, if t(e sa)e )a# also &epredi%ated on a so'r%e of o&liation ot(er t(an deli%t. Arti%le 115of t(e :ivil :ode en')erates t(ese ot(er so'r%es of o&liationfro) "(i%( t(e %ivil lia&ilit# )a# arise as a res'lt of t(e sa)e a%tor o)issionG a< La" &< :ontra%ts %< S'asi-%ontra%ts d< S'asi-

    deli%ts. +(ere t(e %ivil lia&ilit# s'rvives, as e$plained in N')&er2 a&ove, an a%tion for re%over# t(erefor )a# &e p'rs'ed &'t onl# "a# of filin a separate %ivil a%tion and s'&Ce%t to e%tion 1,'le 111 of t(e 19;5 'les on :ri)inal Pro%ed're as a)ended.(is separate %ivil a%tion )a# &e enfor%ed eit(er aainst t(ee$e%'torad)inistrator or t(e estate of t(e a%%'sed, dependin ont(e so'r%e of o&liation 'pon "(i%( t(e sa)e is &ased ase$plained a&ove.

    @inall#, t(e private offended part# need not fear aforfeit're of (is ri(t to file t(is separate %ivil a%tion pres%ription, in %ases "(ere d'rin t(e prose%'tion of t(e %ri)inala%tion and prior to its e$tin%tion, t(e private-offended part#instit'ted toet(er t(ere"it( t(e %ivil a%tion. In s'%( %ase, t(estat'te of li)itations on t(e %ivil lia&ilit# is dee)ed interr'ptedd'rin t(e penden%# of t(e %ri)inal %ase, %onfor)a&l# "it(provisions of Arti%le 1155of t(e :ivil :ode t(at s(o'ld t(ereavoid an# appre(ension on a possi&le privation of ri(t pres%ription.

    Appl#in t(is set of r'les to t(e %ase at &en%(, t(e'pre)e :o'rt (eld t(at t(e deat( of appellant 7a#otase$tin'is(ed (is %ri)inal lia&ilit# and t(e %ivil lia&ilit# &asedsolel# on t(e a%t %o)plained of, i.e., rape. :onse'entl#, t(eappeal is dis)issed "it(o't 'alifi%ation.


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    =.. No. 11939;. !'l# 2, 1999

    Facts:Fd'ardo :oC'an%o, a no"n &'seness)an-sports)an,

    "on a total of P1,020,00.00 on vario's (orse-ra%in. e t(ensent a letter de)andin to t(e defendants t(e %olle%tion of t(epri>es d'e to (i). o"ever, t(e de)anded pri>es "ere &ein"it((eld on advi%e of :o))issioner a)on Dia> of t(ePresidential :o))ission on =ood =overnan%e (eedin to t(enPresident :ora>on A'ino8s F$e%'tive Brder No. 2 free>in allproperties of for)er Presidet ar%os, (is i))ediate fa)ilies,%lose asso%iates and %ronies, in "(i%( :oC'an%o is a friend of t(efor)er President ar%os. @inall#, @e&r'ar# , 1991, t(e P:==advised defendants t(at it poses no )ore o&Ce%tion to t(ere)ittan%e of t(e pri>e "innins. I))ediatel#, t(is "as%o))'ni%ated to Att#. endo>a :arras%oso, !r.

    As %'lled fro) t(e pleadins of t(e parties, Att#. endo>a,petitioner8s %o'nsel, ref'sed to a%%ept t(e pri>es at t(is point,reasonin t(at t(e )atter (ad alread# &een &ro'(t to %o'rt.

    Issue:a< +(et(er t(e :o'rt of Appeals (ad C'risdi%tion over t(e

    appeal of respondent P(ilippine :(arit# "eepstaesBffi%e

    &< +(et(er t(e appeal of respondent :arras%oso, !r. s(o'ld(ave &een dis)issed for (is fail're to file an appeal &rief

    %< +(et(er t(e :o'rt of Appeals (ad C'risdi%tion to revie"and reverse t(e C'd)ent on a %a'se of a%tion "(i%( "asnot appealed fro) t(e respondents

    d< +(et(er t(e a"ard for da)aes aainst respondent:arras%oso, !r. is "arranted eviden%e and t(e la"

    R li

    P:B and r. :arras%oso is p'rs'ant to its &asi% f'n%tion to a%tas prin%ipal la" offi%e of all overn)ent-o"ned or %ontrolled%orporations.

    +it( reards t(e alleed fail're of r. :arras%oso to filean appeal &rief, (is filin is not an a&sol'te re'ire)ent for t(eperfe%tion of an appeal. +(at is i)portant is t(at respondent:arras%oso filed (is noti%e of appeal on ti)e and t(at (is %o'nsel&efore t(e lo"er %o'rt (ad filed an appeal &rief on (is &e(alf.

    As to t(e t(ird iss'e, respondent %o'rt %o'ld not reverseand set aside t(e : de%ision in its entiret# and dis)iss t(eoriinal %o)plaint "it(o't tra)plin 'pon t(e ri(ts t(at t(ea%%'sed a%%r'ed to t(e petitioner fro) t(e 'nappealed portion oft(e de%ision. It is "ell-settled t(at onl# t(e errors assined andproperl# ar'ed in t(e &rief, and t(ose ne%essaril# related t(ereto,)a# &e %onsidered t(e appellate %o'rt in resolvin an appeal ina %ivil %ase.

    (e %ontrollin arti%le reardin t(e fo'rt( iss'e is Arti%le32 of t(e :ivil :ode "(i%( states t(atG An# p'&li% offi%er ore)plo#ee, or an# private individ'al, "(o dire%tl# or indire%tl#o&str'%ts, defeats, violates, i)pedes or i)pairs an# of t(efollo"in ri(ts and li&erties of anot(er person s(all &e lia&le tot(e latter for da)aesG $$$ $$$ $$$ 6< (e deprivationof propert#"it(o't d'e pro%ess of la". o &e lia&le, it is eno'( t(at t(ere"as a violation of t(e %onstit'tional ri(ts of petitioner, even oft(e prete$t of C'stifia&le )otives or ood fait( in t(e perfor)an%eof one8s d'ties. (e "it((oldin of t(e pri>e "innins ofpetitioner "it(o't a properl# iss'ed sea'estration order %learl#spoe of a violation of (is propert# ri(ts "it(o't d'e pro%ess ofla". r. :arras%oso is t(ere ordered to pa# petitioner no)inalda)aes.


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    Facts:A&o't 2a) on April 14, 19;, respondent orales, a

    reporter of People8s !o'rnal oni(t, "as at t(e +estern Poli%eDistri%t ead'arters "(ere F)elita Desp'i, and e)plo#ee oft(e National Instit'te at At)osp(eri% %ien%es NIAed staler and serialrapist. espondents pra#ed for t(e dis)issal of t(e %o)plaintallein t(at t(e ne"s ite), (avin &een so'r%ed o't of t(e Poli%e7lotter "(i%( is an offi%ial p'&li% do%')ent and &olstered apersonal intervie" is t(erefore privileed and falls "it(in t(eprote%tive %onstit'tional freedo) of t(e press. : de%ided inf f t( titi ( :A ( f d t( t titi

    Issue:+(et(er or not t(e :A erred in (oldin t(at t(e

    p'&li%ation of t(e ne"s ite) "as not attended "it( )ali%e to t('sfree respondents of lia&ilit# for da)aes

    Ruling:Arti%le 33 %onte)plates a %ivil a%tion for t(e re%over# of

    da)aes t(at is entirel# 'nrelated to t(e p'rel# %ri)inal aspe%t oft(e %ase. A %ivil a%tion for li&el 'nder t(is arti%le s(all &einstit'ted and prose%'ted to final C'd)ent and provedpreponderan%e of eviden%e separatel# fro) and entirel#independent of t(e instit'tion, penden%# or res'lt of t(e %ri)inala%tion &e%a'se it is overned t(e provisions of t(e Ne" :ivil:ode and not t(e evised Penal :ode overnin t(e %ri)inaloffense %(ared and t(e %ivil lia&ilit# arisin t(erefro).

    (e presentation of t(e ne"s ite) s'&Ce%t of petitioner8s%o)plaint )a# (ave &een in a sensational )anner, &'t it is not perse illeal. espondents %o'ld of %o'rse (ave &een )ore%ir%')spe%t in t(eir %(oi%e of "ords as t(e (eadline and first pararap(s of t(e ne"s ite) ive t(e i)pression t(at a %ertaindire%tor of t(e NIA a%t'all# %o))itted t(e %ri)es %o)plained Desp'i. (e s'%%eedin pararap(s s'ffi%ientl# %onve#ed tot(e readers, (o"ever, t(at t(e narration of events "as onl# ana%%o'nt of "(at Desp'i (ad reported at t(e poli%e (ead'arters.In deter)inin t(e )anner in "(i%( a iven event s(o'ld &epresented as a ne"s ite) and t(e i)portan%e to &e atta%(edt(ereto, ne"spapers )'st enCo# a %ertain deree of dis%retion.

    In fine, t(is %o'rt finds t(at %ase aainst respondents (asnot &een s'ffi%ientl# esta&lis(ed preponderan%e of eviden%e.

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    0-anc> ET AL, respondentsNo. L-6353. a# 2, 19;;

    Facts:Petitioners are all &onafide st'dents of t(e P(ilippine

    %(ool of 7'siness Ad)inistration, S'e>on :it#, "(ilerespondents areG P(ilippine %(oll of 7'siness Ad)inistrationS'e>on :it# 7ran%(, a non-sto% instit'tion of (i(er learninorani>ed and e$istin 'nder t(e la"s of t(e P(ilippines, !'an D.Li), President and :(air)an of t(e 7oard of P7A 7enCa)in P.Pa'lino, i%e-president for ad)ission and reistration of P7A'&en Fstrella, Bffi%er-in-%(are and a)on Aapa#, dire%tor oft(e Bffi%e of t'dent Affairs and o)eo afer, %(ief se%'rit# ofP7A.

    As earl# as ar%( 22, 19;6, t(e st'dents of t(e respondents%(ool and t(e respondent P7A (ad alread# areed on %ertain)atters "(i%( "o'ld overn t(eir a%tivities "it(in t(e s%(ool. Inspite of t(e aree)ent, petitioners felt t(e need to (old dialo'es.A)on ot(ers t(e# de)anded t(e neotiation of a ne" aree)ent,"(i%( de)and "as t'rned do"n t(e s%(ool, res'ltin in )assasse)&lies and &arri%ades of s%(ool entran%es. D'rin t(e re'larenroll)ent period, petitioners and ot(er st'dents si)ilarl# sit'ated"ere alleedl# &la%listed and denied ad)ission for t(e s%(ool#ear 19;6-19;. Bn B%t. 2;, 19;6, t(e president of t(e st'dent%o'n%il filed a %o)plaint aainst P7A. ean"(ile, a )otion for

    intervention "as filed on Nov. 10, 19;6, t(e P7A @a%'lt#Jnion representin t(e fa%'lt# )e)&ers (ereinafter referred to asintervenors on t(e ro'nd of si)ilarit# of iss'es and %a'se "it(t(at of t(e petitioners. (ereafter, an investiatin %o))ittee "asesta&lis(ed. (e %o))ittee s'&)its t(e follo"inre%o))endationG t(at enato Pal)a, 7ernadette An, oelio t & t d f ll ( t( t (i Al &

    t(at everinon :ortes, also a fa%'lt#-intervenor, &e ranted non-rene"al of (is se)ester appoint)ent and t(at Asser a)a#o andene Fn%arna%ion, also fa%'lt#-intervenors, &e ter)inated.espondents adopted t(e afrestated re%o))endations and pra#edt(at t(e %ase &e dis)issed.

    Issue:+(et(er or not t(ere (as &een deprivation of d'e pro%ess

    for petitioners-st'dents "(o (ave &een &arred fro) enroll)entand for intervenors-fa%'lt# "(ose servi%es (ave &een ter)inated

    Ruling:It is &e#ond disp'te t(at a st'dent on%e ad)itted t(e

    s%(ool is %onsidered enrolled for one se)ester. It is provided inPar 13 an'al of e'lations for Private %(ools, t(at "(en a%ollee st'dent reisters in a s%(ool, it is 'nderstood t(at (e isenrollin for t(e entire se)ester. Lie"ise, it is provided in t(e)an'al t(at t(e *"ritten %ontra%ts/ re'ired for %ollee tea%(ersare for *one se)ester/. It is t('s evident t(at after t(e %lose of t(efirst se)ester, t(e P7A-S: no loner (as an# e$istin %ontra%teit(er "it( t(e st'dent or "it( t(ee intervenin tea%(ers. '%(&ein t(e %ase, t(e %(are of denial of d'e pro%ess is 'ntena&le. Itis a ti)e-(onored prin%iple t(at %ontra%ts are respe%ted as t(e la"&et"een t(e %ontra%tin parties. (is %o'rt )oreover stressed t(atd'e pro%ess in dis%iplinar# %ases involvin st'dents does notentail pro%eedins and (earins si)ilar to t(ose pres%ri&ed fora%tions and pro%eedins in %o'rt. @'rt(er)ore, t(e %o'rt fo'nd o't

    t(at petitioners "ere a%ade)i%all# defi%ient "(ile t(e intervenintea%(ers apart fro) parti%ipatin in a%ts of illealit# aainst t(es%(ool %o))itted vario's a%ts of )is%ond'%t. (e ri(t of t(es%(ool to ref'se re-enroll)ent of st'dents for a%ade)i%delin'en%# and violation of dis%iplinar# re'lation (as al"a#s&een re%oni>ed t(is %o'rt.

    P i id d t( titi i ( & di i d

    ( i l ( d i d i i (

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    ARIEL NON ET.AL.,petitioners. vs. HON. SAN!HO DAMESII, in >is ca8acit6 as t>e P-esi3ing u3ge &@ t>e t>Regi&nal

    T-ail !&u-t, 0-. B), an3MA0INI !OLLE%ES, IN!., respondents

    =.. No. ;931. a# 20, 1990

    Facts:Petitioners, st'dents in private respondent a&ini :ollees

    In%., in Daet "ere not allo"ed to re-enroll t(e s%(ool for t(ea%ade)i% #ear 19;;-19;9 for leadin or parti%ipatin in st'dent)ass a%tions aainst t(e s%(ool in t(e pre%edin se)ester.Petitioners filed a petition in t(e %o'rt seein t(eir re-ad)issionto t(e s%(ool, &'t t(e trail %o'rt dis)issed t(e petition 'sin t(er'lin in t(e Al%'a> vs. P7A as t(e &asis. en%e, petitioners filedt(e instant petition for %ertiorari. (e %ase "as assined to t(e 3 rd

    division of t(e %o'rt, "(i%( t(en transferred it to t(e :o'rt en&an% on A'. 21, 19;9 %onsiderin t(at t(e iss'es raised areC'risdi%tional.

    espondent s%(ool C'stified t(eir a%tion of non-read)ission d'e to t(e fa%t t(at t(e petitioners in%'rred a%ade)i%defi%ien%#. Petitioners 'sed t(e follo"in as defenseG t(at 3 oft(e) "ere rad'atin t(at t(eir a%ade)i% defi%ien%ies do not"arrant re-ad)ission t(at t(eir &rea%( of dis%ipline "as notserio's t(at t(e i)proper %ond'%t attri&'ted to t(e) "as d'rint(e e$er%ise of t(e %onate ri(ts of free spee%( and pea%ea&leasse)&l# t(at t(ere "as no d'e investiation t(at respondents%(ool is t(eir %(oi%e instit'tion near t(eir pla%es of residen%e

    "(i%( t(e# %an afford to pa# for tertiar# ed'%ation, of "(i%( t(e#(ave alread# lost one-and-a-(alf s%(ool-#ears-in itself p'nis()enteno'(.

    Issue:+(et(er or not t(e r'lin in t(e Al%'a> vs. P7A &e

    &i di i t(i

    (e %o'rt in Al%'a>, an%(ored its de%ision on t(e*ter)ination of %ontra%t/ t(eor#. 7't it )'st &e repeatedl#e)p(asi>ed t(at t(e %ontra%t &et"een t(e s%(ool and t(e st'dent isnot an ordinar# %ontra%t. espondent s%(ool %annot C'stif# itsa%tions rel#in on Par. 13 of t(e )an'al of e'lations forPrivate %(ools. Bn t(e ot(er (and, t(e )an'al re%oni>es t(eri(t of t(e st'dent to &e enrolled in (is %o'rse for t(e entireperiod (e is e$pe%ted to %o)plete it.

    It is not denied t(at "(at in%'rred t(e ire of t(e s%(oola't(orities "ere t(e st'dent )ass a%tions %ond'%ted in @e&. 19;;and "(i%( led andor parti%ipated t(e petitioners. :ertainl#,e$%l'din st'dents &e%a'se of failin rades "(en t(e %a'se fort(e a%tion taen aainst t(e) 'ndenia&l# related to possi&le&rea%(es of dis%ipline not onl# is a denial of d'e pro%ess &'t also%onstit'tes a violation of t(e &asis tenets of fair pla#.

    Petitioners, "(o (ave &een ref'sed read)ission and "(o(ave &een effe%tivel# e$%l'ded fro) respondent s%(ool for 4se)esters, (ave alread# &een )ore t(an s'ffi%ientl# penali>ed foran# &rea%( of dis%ipline t(e# )i(t (ave %o))itted "(en t(e# ledand parti%ipated in t(e )ass a%tions t(at, a%%ordin torespondents, res'lted in t(e disr'ption of %lasses. o still s'&Ce%tt(e) to dis%iplinar# pro%eedins "o'ld serve no 'sef'l p'rposeand "o'ld onl# f'rt(er aravate t(e strained relations &et"eenpetitioners and t(e offi%ials of t(e respondent s%(ool.

    +(erefore, t(e petition is ranted. (e orders ofrespondent C'de are (er ann'lled. espondent a&ini :olleeis ordered to re-ad)it and to allo" t(e re-enroll)ent of



  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    %. ESUS 0. RUIZ,petitioner, vs.EN!ARNA!ION U!OLand THE !OURT OF APPEALS, respondents.

    No. L-45404. A''st , 19;Facts:

    A'stina aa%a, la'ndr# "o)an for petitioner Att#. !es's'i> filed an ad)inistrative %(are aainst respondentFn%arna%ion J%ol. In t(e ans"er of t(e respondent to t(e %(arefiled aainst (er, s(e alleed t(at aa%a "as )erel# 'sed as a tool 'i> "(o "anted to et &a% at t(e J%ol8s &e%a'se of a %asefiled Fn%arna%ion J%ols8 ('s&and aainst 'i>. (e alsoalleed to (ave )ade re)ards t(at 'i> instiated t(e %o)plaintand fa&ri%ated t(e %(are.

    (e ad)inistrative %ase "as dis)issed. 'i> de%ided tofile (is o"n %ri)inal %o)plaint for li&el aainst J%ol on t(ero'nd t(at (er 'ilt "as not esta&lis(ed &e#ond reasona&ledo'&t. No prono'n%e)ent "as )ade t(e trial %o'rt as to t(e%ivil lia&ilit# of t(e a%%'sed.

    'i> filed a separate %o)plaint for da)aes &ased on t(esa)e fa%ts 'pon "(i%( t(e li&el %ase "as fo'nded.

    J%ol filed a )otion to dis)iss statin t(at t(e a%tion (adpres%ri&e and t(at t(e %ase of a%tion "as &arred t(e de%ision int(e %ri)inal %ase for li&el.

    Issue:+(et(er t(e %ivil %ase "as &arred t(e de%ision in t(e

    %ri)inal %ase for li&el.

    Ruling:It "as (eld t(at t(e trial %o'rt dis)issed t(e %ase filed

    Att#. 'i> aainst J%ol &e%a'se (er 'ilt &e#ond reasona&le do'&t"as not esta&lis(ed. And in t(e revie" of t(e findins t(e%o'rt, t(e disp'ted ans"er of J%ol in t(e ad)inistrative %ase%ontains no li&el. (e %o'rt fo'nd t(e %(ares aainst J%ol, if not

    li i t l t l i t( f f f t d INTERNATIONAL FLA"ORS AND FRA%RAN!ES ;PHIL<

    = N 130362 t & 10 2001

  • 8/9/2019 Pfr Case Notebook


    =.. No. 130362. epte)&er 10, 2001Facts:

    I@@I is a %orporation orani>ed and e$istin 'nderP(ilippine la"s. Aros and Pineda respondents< are t(e eneral)anaer and %o))er%ial dire%tor respe%tivel# of t(e @raran%eDivision of I@@I.

    In 1992, t(e offi%e of anain Dire%tor "as %reated to(ead t(e %orporation8s operations in t(e P(ilippines. :osta "asappointed as t(e anain Dire%tor. Aros and Pineda as eneral)anaers (ave to report dire%tl# to :osta.

    7e%a'se of serio's differen%es &et"een t(e anainDire%tor and t(e =eneral anaer, t(e latter areed to ter)inatet(eir servi%es. (e# sined a *elease +aiver and S'it :lai)/ onDe%e)&er 10, 1993. Bn t(e sa)e date, :osta iss'ed a *PersonnelAnno'n%e)ent/ "(i%( des%ri&ed respondents as Upersona nonrata8 and 'red e)plo#ees not to (ave f'rt(er dealins "it(t(e).

    (e respondents filed a li&el %ase in etropolitan rial:o'rt of a'i, etro anila. Bn ar%( 31, 1995, respondentsfiled a %ivil %ase for da)aes at eional rial :o'rt of Pasiaainst :osta and I@@I in its s'&sidiar# %apa%it# as e)plo#er. I@@I)oved to dis)iss t(e %o)plaint.

    Bn B%to&er 1995, t(e : ranted t(e )otion to dis)issfor t(e respondents fail're to reserve ri(t to instit'te a separate%ivil %ase.

    A )otion f