st. aloysius church rectory, 66 fleming avenue newark, nj...

Saint Aloysius Church St. Aloysius church Rectory, 66 Fleming Avenue Newark, NJ 07105 Phone: (973) 344 4736 Fax: (973) 522 1169 Emrgncy (862) 588-5188 St. Benedicts: (973) 589-7930 Rev. Elky Reyes, Pastor Rev. Brian González, Parochial Vicar Paulo & Paula Correia, Family Life Rectory office hours: Monday through Saturday From 10:00 am. to 12:30 pm From 3:00 pm. to 6:00 pm. Masses / Misas / Missas Saturday: 5:00PM - English 8:00PM - Neocatechumenal Way Sunday: 8:30 AM (English) 9:30 AM (Português) 11:30 AM (Español) Daily Mass-Misa Diaria 7:00 PM - Miércoles (Español) 7:00PM - Quinta-feira (Português) Neocatechumenal Way Martes & Miércoles—8:00PM SACRAMENTS OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION For Children: Saturdays. 3:30PM - 4:45PM CCD REGISTRATION— Re-Registration: Until June 30 New Students: Until August 31 New registration requirements: Birth & Baptismal records For Adults: Call the rectory CATECISMO (CCD) Para los niños hasta los 13 años: Saturdays / Sábados - Grades/Grados: All Grades : 3:30PM-4:45PM Para los adultos:contactar la rectoría SACRAMENTS Baptism (Bautismo - Batismo) Baptisms are to be booked 2 weeks in advance. Los bautismos deberán ser registrados con con 2 semanas de anticipación. Baptisms scheduled: Sundays at 1:00 PM Reconciliation (Confesiones - Confissões) .Saturday (Sábado): 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM . At request any time. . A pedido cuando necesario. Marriage (Matrimonio) call the rectory one year in advance llamar a la rectoría con un año de anticipación ligar para a reitoria com um ano de antecipação Exposition/Blessed Sacrament (Santissimo) Every 1st Thursday of the Month -1°Jueve de cada mes -1 as . Quintas-feiras do mês Time: 7:30PM Place: Chapel (45 Freeman St) Prayer Group/Grupo de Oração Quintas-feiras 8:00PM (Thursdays) Capela/Centro Paroquial—45 Freeman St Communion Calls & Anointing of the Sick Please, contact the rectory Unción y visita a los enfermos Favor contactar la rectoría PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN Any person who wishes to report an incident of sexual misconduct by a member of the clergy, religious or lay staff of the Archdiocese of Newark should contact the Archdiocese as follows: By Mail: Director, Office of Child and Youth Protection, Archdiocese of Newark 171 Clifton Avenue Newark, NJ 07104 By Phone: 201-407-3256 - By Fax: 973-497-4001

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Page 1: St. Aloysius church Rectory, 66 Fleming Avenue Newark, NJ SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 05, 2017 Sunday,


t A


s C


h St. Aloysius church

Rectory, 66 Fleming Avenue

Newark, NJ 07105

Phone: (973) 344 4736

Fax: (973) 522 1169

Emrgncy (862) 588-5188

St. Benedicts: (973) 589-7930 Rev. Elky Reyes, Pastor

Rev. Brian González, Parochial Vicar

Paulo & Paula Correia, Family Life

Rectory office hours: Monday through Saturday

From 10:00 am. to 12:30 pm From 3:00 pm. to 6:00 pm.

Masses / Misas / Missas

Saturday: 5:00PM - English

8:00PM - Neocatechumenal Way Sunday: 8:30 AM (English) 9:30 AM (Português) 11:30 AM (Español)

Daily Mass-Misa Diaria

7:00 PM - Miércoles (Español) 7:00PM - Quinta-feira (Português)

Neocatechumenal Way Martes & Miércoles—8:00PM



For Children: Saturdays. 3:30PM - 4:45PM

CCD REGISTRATION— Re-Registration: Until June 30 New Students: Until August 31

New registration requirements: Birth & Baptismal records

For Adults: Call the rectory


Para los niños hasta los 13 años:

Saturdays / Sábados - Grades/Grados: All Grades : 3:30PM-4:45PM

Para los adultos:contactar la rectoría


Baptism (Bautismo - Batismo) Baptisms are to be booked 2 weeks in advance.

Los bautismos deberán ser registrados con con 2 semanas de anticipación.

Baptisms scheduled: Sundays at 1:00 PM

Reconciliation (Confesiones - Confissões)

.Saturday (Sábado): 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM . At request any time. . A pedido cuando necesario.

Marriage (Matrimonio) call the rectory one year in advance

llamar a la rectoría con un año de anticipación

ligar para a reitoria com um ano de antecipação

Exposition/Blessed Sacrament (Santissimo)

Every 1st Thursday of the Month -1°Jueve de cada mes -1as. Quintas-feiras do mês

Time: 7:30PM Place: Chapel (45 Freeman St)

Prayer Group/Grupo de Oração Quintas-feiras 8:00PM (Thursdays) Capela/Centro Paroquial—45 Freeman St

Communion Calls & Anointing of the Sick Please, contact the rectory

Unción y visita a los enfermos Favor contactar la rectoría


Any person who wishes to report an incident of sexual misconduct by a member of the clergy, religious or lay staff of the Archdiocese of Newark should contact the Archdiocese as follows: By Mail: Director, Office of Child and Youth Protection, Archdiocese of Newark 171 Clifton Avenue Newark, NJ 07104 By Phone: 201-407-3256 - By Fax: 973-497-4001

Page 2: St. Aloysius church Rectory, 66 Fleming Avenue Newark, NJ SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 05, 2017 Sunday,


November 05, 2017

Pastoral of the Sick Remember, particularly: Saul Figueroa, Jessica Plaza, Dolores Hayes, José & Maria Valdez, Raymond Chrobot. Pray for the deceased priests, nuns and parishioners of St. Aloysius Parish; also, pray for the souls who have no one to pray for them.

Gifts for the week From November 04th to November 10th

Blessed Mother & St. Joseph Candles



Parish Support

Last Weekends Collection amounted to: $909.00 Coffee after Masses amounted to: $74.00

Thank you for your generosity.

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions November 2017

Universal: That Chr istians in Asia, bear ing witness to the Gospel in word and deed, may promote dialogue, peace, and mutual understanding, especially with those of other religions.


You have but one Father in heaven and one master, the Christ. Mt 23: 9b.10b

Un solo Padre tienen: el que está en el cie-lo; y para ustedes Cristo es el maestro úni-

co. Mt 23: 9b.10b

Um só é o vosso pai, o Pai celeste; um só é o vosso mestre, Jesus Cristo.

Mt 23: 9b.10b



Saturday, November 04th:

5:00 PM (English)

Michael & Helen Gerrity Dolores Hayes

Sunday, November 05th:

8:30 AM (+) (English) r/b

Ed Norton Kathleen Gray Rodriguez

9:30 AM (Portuguese)

11:00 AM (Spa/Port)

Agostino Matos, Rosa Correa Villalta & Miguel Conde Peña; José Antonio Peña

Wednesday, November 08th:

7:00 PM (Spanish)

Misa Comunitaria

Thursday November 09th

7:00 PM (Portuguese)

Missa Comunitaria


Saturday, November 11th:

5:00 PM (English)

William Hayes Sr. Dolores Hayes

Sunday, November 12th:

8:30 AM (+) (English) r/b

Felix Perez Kathleen Gray Rodriguez

9:30 AM (Portuguese)

11:00 AM (Spa/Port)

Rosa Correa Villalta & Miguel Conde Peña; José Antonio Peña

Page 3: St. Aloysius church Rectory, 66 Fleming Avenue Newark, NJ SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 05, 2017 Sunday,

St. Aloysius: Terço das Mulheres

Todas as mulheres são cordialmente convidadas a participar do grupo do Terco das Mulheres.

Dia: Toda Segunda-feira; Hora:20h Para mais informações ligue a reitoria:

(973) 344-4736




Thursday November 9 after 7:00 pm Mass in the Chap-el (65 Freeman St.)

Jueves 9 de Noviembre despues de la Misa de 7 pm en

la Capilla (65 Freeman St.)

Quinta Feira 9 de Novembro depois da Missa ás 7 horas na Capela (65 Freeman St.)

St. Aloysius: Terço dos Homens

Todos estão convidados a juntar-se ao Terço dos Homens: terças-feiras às 20:00 na capela ( 45 Freeman

St.) de nossa Igreja depois da Missa.


DECEMBER 06, 2017

On Wednesday December 6, 2017 we are all invited to celebrate Mass with our Archbishop Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin at 7:30 PM at St. James (143 Madison St., Newark, NJ 07105) followed with light refreshments

and a Town Hall meeting with the Cardinal. Wednesday’s Mass at St. Aloysius will be replaced by the Mass with the Cardinal. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend and to bring something to eat.

Na Quarta-Feira, 6 de Dezembro de 2017, todos somos convidados a celebrar a Missa com o nosso Arcebispo,

o Cardeal Joseph W. Tobin, às 19h30, em St. James (143 Madison St., Newark, NJ 07105) seguido de re-

frescos e encontro com o Cardeal. A Missa de Quarta-Feira em St. Aloysius será sub-

stituída pela Missa com o Cardeal. Todos são convida-dos e encorajados a participar e a trazer algo para

comer. El Miércoles 6 de Diciembre del 2017, todos estamos

invitados a celebrar la Misa con nuestro Arzobispo Cardenal Joseph W. Tobin a las 7:30 p.m. en St. James (143 Madison St., Newark, NJ 07105) seguido de re-

frigerios ligeros y una reunión de preguntas y respuestas con el Cardenal.

La Misa del Miércoles en St. Aloysius será remplazada por la Misa con el Cardenal. Todos están invitados y

animados a asistir y traer algo para comer.

Page 4: St. Aloysius church Rectory, 66 Fleming Avenue Newark, NJ SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 05, 2017 Sunday,



“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church)

The nature of the family 2201 The conjugal community is established upon the consent of the spouses. Marriage and the family are ordered to the good of the spouses and to the procreation and education of children. the love of the spouses and the begetting of children create among members of the same family personal relationships and primordial responsibilities. 2202 A man and a woman united in marriage, together with their children, form a family. This institution is prior to any recogni-tion by public authority, which has an obligation to recognize it. It should be considered the normal reference point by which the different forms of family relationship are to be evaluated. 2203 In creating man and woman, God instituted the human family and endowed it with its fundamental constitution. Its mem-bers are persons equal in dignity. For the common good of its members and of society, the family necessarily has manifold re-sponsibilities, rights, and duties.

EL CUARTO MANDAMIENTO «Honra a tu padre y a tu madre, para que se prolonguen tus días sobre la tierra que el Señor, tu Dios, te va a dar»

(Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica)

La Naturaleza de la Familia: 2201 La comunidad conyugal está establecida sobre el consentimiento de los esposos. El matrimonio y la familia están or-denados al bien de los esposos y a la procreación y educación de los hijos. El amor de los esposos y la generación de los hijos establecen entre los miembros de una familia relaciones personales y responsabilidades primordiales. 2202 Un hombre y una mujer unidos en matrimonio forman con sus hijos una familia. Esta disposición es anterior a todo reconocimiento por la autoridad pública; se impone a ella. Se la considerará como la referencia normal en función de la cual deben ser apreciadas las diversas formas de parentesco. 2203 Al crear al hombre y a la mujer, Dios instituyó la familia humana y la dotó de su constitución fundamental. Sus miembros son personas iguales en dignidad. Para el bien común de sus miembros y de la sociedad, la familia implica una diversidad de responsabilidades, de derechos y de deberes.


«Honra pai e mãe, a fim de prolongares os teus dias na terra que o Senhor teu Deus te vai dar». (Catecismo da Igreja Católica)

Natureza Da Familia 2201. A comunidade conjugal assenta sobre o consentimento dos esposos. O matrimónio e a família estão ordenados para o bem dos esposos e para a procriação e educação dos filhos. O amor dos esposos e a geração dos filhos estabelecem, entre os mem-bros duma mesma família, relações pessoais e responsabilidades primordiais. 2202. Um homem e uma mulher, unidos em matrimónio, formam com os seus filhos uma família. Esta disposição precede todo e qualquer reconhecimento por parte da autoridade pública e impõe-se a ela. Deverá ser considerada como a referência normal, em função da qual serão apreciadas as diversas formas de parentesco. 2203. Ao criar o homem e a mulher, Deus instituiu a família humana e dotou-a da sua constituição fundamental. Os seus mem-bros são pessoas iguais em dignidade. Para o bem comum dos seus membros e da sociedade, a família implica uma diversidade de responsabilidades, de direitos de deveres.