shewebe combination ptk no

Pentarkan Range Product Name Composition Indications Aconitum Pentarkan® Ptk. 2 1 tablet contains: Aconitum 3X 25 mg; Belladonna 3X 25 mg; Bryonia 3X 25 mg; Ferrum phosphoricum 2X 25 mg; Gelsemium 3X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg. Traditionally used for the treatme of acute feverish infections of t respiratory tract. Aesculus Pentarkan® Ptk. 3 100 g contain: Aesculus 1X 30 g; Calcium fluoratum 6X 10 g; Arnica 2X 10 g; Carduus marianus 1X 10 g; Collinsonia canadensis 1X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 60 % (V/V). Traditionally used for the treatme of varicose veins; such as piles. Asa foetida Pentarkan® Ptk. 12 100 g contain: Asa foetida 2X 10 g; Ignatia 3X 10 g; Nux moschata 3X 10 g; Zincum valerianicum 5X 10 g; Leonurus cardiaca 1X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 68 % (V/V). Traditionally used for the treatme of nervous dysfunctions of t digestive organs or cardiovascu system; nervous exhaustion a anxiety- or stress-relat conditions. Aurum jodatum Pentarkan® Ptk. 13 1 tablet contains: Aurum jodatum 3X 25 mg; Barium carbonicum 3X 25 mg; Calcium fluoratum 3X 25 mg; Arnica 2X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg. Traditionally used for the treatme of complaints caused arteriosclerosis. Berberis Pentarkan® Ptk. 15 1 tablet contains: Berberis Ø 25 mg; Lycopodium 2X 25 mg; Urtica Ø 50 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg. Traditionally used for the treatme of gout and complaints caused gout-related kidney stone formatio Bismutum Pentarkan® Ptk. 16 1 tablet contains: Bismutum subnitricum 2X 25 mg; Capsicum 5X 25 mg; Robinia pseudacacia 5X 25 mg; Iris 3X 25 mg; Arsenicum album 5X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg. Traditionally used for the treatme of gastric hyperacidity (too mu acid in the stomach) associat with heartburn; ructus (belchin and stomachache. Carbo vegetabilis Pentarkan® Ptk. 22 1 tablet contains: Carbo vegetabilis 3X 25 mg; Asa foetida 3X 25 mg; Lycopodium 5X 25 mg; Nux vomica 5X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg. Traditionally used for the treatme of meteorism (flatulency). Carduus marianus Pentarkan® Ptk. 23 100 g contain: Acidum hydrofluoricum 5X 10 g; Aurum chloratum 4X 10 g; Carduus marianus Ø 30 g; Quassia amara Ø 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 46 % (V/V). Traditionally used to accompa individual treatment of chronic liv disease. Cinnabaris Pentarkan® Ptk. 31 1 tablet contains: Cinnabaris 3X 25 mg; Hydrastis 3X 25 mg; Kalium bichromicum 3X 25 mg; Echinacea 1X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg. Traditionally used for the treatme of acute and chronic sinusitis.

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Post on 24-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Shewebe Combination Ptk No

Pentarkan Range

Product Name Composition Indications

Aconitum Pentarkan® Ptk. 2 1 tablet contains: Aconitum 3X 25 mg; Belladonna 3X 25 mg; Bryonia 3X 25 mg; Ferrum phosphoricum 2X 25 mg; Gelsemium 3X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used for the treatment of acute feverish infections of the respiratory tract.

Aesculus Pentarkan® Ptk. 3 100 g contain: Aesculus 1X 30 g; Calcium fluoratum 6X 10 g; Arnica 2X 10 g; Carduus marianus 1X 10 g; Collinsonia canadensis 1X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 60 % (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of varicose veins; such as piles.

Asa foetida Pentarkan® Ptk. 12 100 g contain: Asa foetida 2X 10 g; Ignatia 3X 10 g; Nux moschata 3X 10 g; Zincum valerianicum 5X 10 g; Leonurus cardiaca 1X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 68 % (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of nervous dysfunctions of the digestive organs or cardiovascular system; nervous exhaustion and anxiety- or stress-related conditions.

Aurum jodatum Pentarkan® Ptk. 13 1 tablet contains: Aurum jodatum 3X 25 mg; Barium carbonicum 3X 25 mg; Calcium fluoratum 3X 25 mg; Arnica 2X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used for the treatment of complaints caused by arteriosclerosis.

Berberis Pentarkan® Ptk. 15 1 tablet contains: Berberis Ø 25 mg; Lycopodium 2X 25 mg; Urtica Ø 50 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used for the treatment of gout and complaints caused by gout-related kidney stone formation.

Bismutum Pentarkan® Ptk. 16 1 tablet contains: Bismutum subnitricum 2X 25 mg; Capsicum 5X 25 mg; Robinia pseudacacia 5X 25 mg; Iris 3X 25 mg; Arsenicum album 5X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used for the treatment of gastric hyperacidity (too much acid in the stomach) associated with heartburn; ructus (belching) and stomachache.

Carbo vegetabilis Pentarkan® Ptk. 22 1 tablet contains: Carbo vegetabilis 3X 25 mg; Asa foetida 3X 25 mg; Lycopodium 5X 25 mg; Nux vomica 5X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used for the treatment of meteorism (flatulency).

Carduus marianus Pentarkan® Ptk. 23 100 g contain: Acidum hydrofluoricum 5X 10 g; Aurum chloratum 4X 10 g; Carduus marianus Ø 30 g; Quassia amara Ø 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 46 % (V/V).

Traditionally used to accompany individual treatment of chronic liver disease.

Cinnabaris Pentarkan® Ptk. 31 1 tablet contains: Cinnabaris 3X 25 mg; Hydrastis 3X 25 mg; Kalium bichromicum 3X 25 mg; Echinacea 1X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis.

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Damiana Pentarkan® Ptk. 40 100 g contain: Acidum phosphoricum 2X 10 g; Ambra 3X 10 g; Damiana Ø 30 g;

Traditionally used for the treatment of conditions involving nervous exhaustion; including neurasthenia; poor libido and impotence.

Echinacea Pentarkan® Ptk. 42 100 g contain: Echinacea purpurea Ø 30 g; Lachesis 9X 10 g; Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni 8X 10 g; Thuja 1X 10 g; Phytolacca 4X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 62 % (V/V).

Traditionally used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes; e.g. infections of the respiratory or urinary tract; and to boost the body’s resistance.

Eupatorium Pentarkan® Ptk. 43 100 g contain: Eupatorium perfoliatum Ø 20 g; Eucalyptus 2X 10 g; Dulcamara 1X 10 g; Gelsemium 3X 10 g; Phosphorus 5X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 65 % (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of flu-like infections.

Ferrum Pentarkan® Ptk. 45 1 tablet contains: Ferrum metallicum 2X 25 mg; Chininum arsenicosum 5X 25 mg; Manganum aceticum 5X 25 mg; Acidum phosphoricum 1X 2.5 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used for the treatment of debility (feelings of weakness).

Gnaphalium Pentarkan® Ptk. 49 100 g contain: Gnaphalium polycephalum 1X 10 g; Phytolacca 1X 10 g; Aconitum 3X 10 g; Dulcamara 2X 10 g; Rhus toxicodendron 3X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 55 % (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of pain conditions associated with sciatica (lumbar sciatica).

Graphites Pentarkan® Ptk. 50 1 tablet contains: Graphites 3X 25 mg; Sulfur 4X 25 mg; Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni 8X 25 mg; CausticumHahnemanni 3X 25 mg; Arsenicum album 5X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used for the treatment of eczema.

Grindelia Pentarkan® Ptk. 51 100 g contain: Ephedra vulgaris Ø 30 g; Grindelia robusta Ø 3 g; Ipecacuanha 3X 10 g; Justica adhatoda 1X 10 g; Lobelia inflata 3X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 66 % (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Magnesium phosphoricum Pentarkan® Ptk. 60

1 tablet contains: Magnesium phosphoricum 2X 25 mg; Chamomilla 2X 25 mg; Colocynthis 3X 25 mg; Potentilla anserina Ø 100 mg; Aesculus 1X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used in painful menstrual bleeding (functional dysmenorrhoea).

Nux vomica Pentarkan® Ptk. 63 100 g contain: Anacardium 4X 10 g; Arsenicum album 5X 10 g; Centaurium erythraea e planta tota recente 1X 10 g; Leonurus cardiaca 1X 10 g; Nux vomica 3X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 58 % (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of stomach complaints; such as gastritis.

Passiflora Pentarkan® Ptk. 66 100 g contain: Passiflora incarnata Ø 30 g; Zincum metallicum 6X 1 g; Lupulus Ø 30 g; Eschscholzia californica ex herba flor. rec. Ø 25 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 64 % (V/V).

Traditionally used in insomnia (difficulty in falling asleep and/or maintaining sleep) due to nervous tension.

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Rhus toxicodendron Pentarkan® Ptk. 73 100 g contain: Rhus toxicodendron 3X 10 g; Bryonia 1X 10 g; Spiraea ulmaria Ø 30 g; Cimicifuga 2X 10 g; Urtica 1X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 62 % (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases; such as muscular rheumatism.

Sabal Pentarkan® Ptk. 75 100 g contain: Sabal serrulatum Ø 40 g; Echinacea purpurea Ø 30 g; Cantharis 4X 10 g; Mercurius bijodatus 8X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 63 % (V/V).

Traditionally used to treat inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder.

Senega Pentarkan® Ptk. 77 1 tablet contains: Senega Ø 125 mg; Antimonium sulfuratum aurantiacum 3X 25 mg; Hepar sulfuris 3X 25 mg; Naphthalinum 4X 25 mg; Stannum jodatum 3X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Traditionally used for the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Solidago Pentarkan® Ptk. 79 100 g contain: Solidago virgaurea Ø 30 g; Ononis spinosa Ø 30 g; Equisetum hiemale Ø 20 g; Petroselinum 1X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 58% (V/V).

Traditionally used to accompany individual treatment of oedema caused by kidney diseases.

Spigelia Pentarkan® Ptk. 81 100 g contain: Spigelia 3X 10 g; Belladonna 3X 10 g; Glonoinum 5X 10 g; Nux vomica 3X 10 g; Secale cornutum 3X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to100 g. Ethanol 70% (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of headache.

Sticta Pentarkan® Ptk. 82 100 g contain: Sticta Ø 10 g; Bryonia 2X 10 g; Ipecacuanha 3X 10 g; Rumex 1X 10 g; Spongia 2X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 59% (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of acute bronchitis.

Urtica Pentarkan® Ptk. 86 100 g contain: Apis melifica 2X 10 g; Belladonna 3X 10 g; Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni 6X 1 g; Dulcamara 2X 10 g; Urtica 2X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 55% (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of itchy skin rashes; such as urticaria.

Veratrum Pentarkan® Ptk. 87 100 g contain: Veratrum 3X 10 g; Arsenicum album 5X 10 g; Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus 8X 10 g; Xysmalobium undulatum e radice siccata 2X 20 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 55% (V/V).

Traditionally used for the treatment of diarrhoea.

Viscum Pentarkan® Ptk. 89 100 g contain: Viscum album Ø 40 g; Secale cornutum 3X 10 g; Arnica 2X 10 g; Crataegus Ø 1 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 55% (V/V).

Traditionally used to accompany treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure).