potential applications of nanotechnology in major agriculture divisions...

Potential applications of nanotechnology in major agriculture divisions - A Review D. Kanjana Central Ins tute for Co on Research, Regional Sta on, Coimbatore – 641 003, Tamil Nadu, India. Corresponding author: [email protected] Paper No. 363 Received: 7 August 2014 Accepted: 23 August 2015 Abstract Nanotechnology, a promising interdisciplinary science has already been adopted by various sectors like medicine, pharmaceuticals, electronics and energy. But, recently, agriculture and food science door has been opened up for allowing nanoscience and technology to revolutionize them. Due to small size, large surface to volume ratio, chemical reactivity, enhanced solubility and unique magnetic and optical properties of nanoparticles, the long term positive effects on agriculture production including enhanced germination percentage, rapid and accurate gene delivery system, timely and controlled agrochemicals delivery system for be er plant growth and effective monitoring of pest and disease occurrence by using nanosensor can be achieved. Additionally, this nanotechnology also helps to increase the span of life, freshness and quality of food by resisting the gas penetration, increasing the tensile strength and enhancing micronutrient and antioxidant absorption through food packaging and preserving nanomaterials. In this paper, recent research, development and potential applications of nanotechnology in major agricultural divisions like crop improvement, crop management, crop protection and food science have been reviewed. Highlights Nanotechnology is a new emerging technology because of having unique properties such as nano meter size of the particle, higher surface to volume ratio, greater surface reactivity with unique quantum size effects which offers great potential to renovate the science and technology. Nowadays, nanotechnology has opened up a large scope to revolutionize the agriculture and food sectors with new concepts, ideas and tools by maximising the productivity and reduce the poverty in coming years. Recent research, development and potential applications of nanotechnology in major agricultural divisions like crop improvement, crop management, crop protection and food science has been reviewed in this paper. Keywords: Disciplinary, revolution, nanotechnology, antioxidant Since time immemorial, Agriculture is the backbone of national economy particularly in developing countries, with more than 60% of the population reliant on it for their livelihood (Brock et al. 2011). Now days, it’s facing numerous challenges such as climate change, reduction of agricultural land due to urbanisation and low productivity of agricultural crops with higher resource cost that leads to poverty and malnutrition. Food security is the major concern for all developing countries of the world. Even International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology Citation: IJAEB: 8(3): 699-714 September 2015 DOI Number: 10.5958/2230-732X.2015.00078.9 ©2015 New Delhi Publishers. All rights reserved ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE

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Potential applications of nanotechnology in majoragriculture divisions - A ReviewD. Kanjana

Central Ins tute for Co on Research, Regional Sta on, Coimbatore – 641 003, Tamil Nadu, India.

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Paper No. 363 Received: 7 August 2014 Accepted: 23 August 2015


Nanotechnology, a promising interdisciplinary science has already been adopted by various sectorslike medicine, pharmaceuticals, electronics and energy. But, recently, agriculture and food science doorhas been opened up for allowing nanoscience and technology to revolutionize them. Due to small size,large surface to volume ratio, chemical reactivity, enhanced solubility and unique magnetic and opticalproperties of nanoparticles, the long term positive eff ects on agriculture production including enhancedgermination percentage, rapid and accurate gene delivery system, timely and controlled agrochemicalsdelivery system for be er plant growth and eff ective monitoring of pest and disease occurrence byusing nanosensor can be achieved. Additionally, this nanotechnology also helps to increase the spanof life, freshness and quality of food by resisting the gas penetration, increasing the tensile strengthand enhancing micronutrient and antioxidant absorption through food packaging and preservingnanomaterials. In this paper, recent research, development and potential applications of nanotechnologyin major agricultural divisions like crop improvement, crop management, crop protection and foodscience have been reviewed.


● Nanotechnology is a new emerging technology because of having unique properties such as nanometer size of the particle, higher surface to volume ratio, greater surface reactivity with uniquequantum size eff ects which off ers great potential to renovate the science and technology.● Nowadays, nanotechnology has opened up a large scope to revolutionize the agriculture and food

sectors with new concepts, ideas and tools by maximising the productivity and reduce the povertyin coming years.● Recent research, development and potential applications of nanotechnology in major agricultural

divisions like crop improvement, crop management, crop protection and food science has beenreviewed in this paper.

Keywords: Disciplinary, revolution, nanotechnology, antioxidant

Since time immemorial, Agriculture is the backboneof national economy particularly in developingcountries, with more than 60% of the populationreliant on it for their livelihood (Brock et al. 2011).Now days, it’s facing numerous challenges such as

climate change, reduction of agricultural land dueto urbanisation and low productivity of agriculturalcrops with higher resource cost that leads to povertyand malnutrition. Food security is the major concernfor all developing countries of the world. Even

International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and BiotechnologyCitation: IJAEB: 8(3): 699-714 September 2015DOI Number: 10.5958/2230-732X.2015.00078.9

©2015 New Delhi Publishers. All rights reserved ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE

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though we a ained the highest food surplus forfeeding every individual with the help of technologyadvancement like Green revolution, but in comingyears, we could not feed the burgeoning populationadequately due to stagnant crop productivity. Thisplateau level of food grain production should beincreased around 1.5 % per annum (Robert et al.1999). Moreover, by 2050, the world population isexpected to be 9.1 billion people and hence, 50 - 70% of more food needs to be produced to feed themenough (Naderi and Shahraki 2013). Therefore, toincrease the productivity from stagnant level and toovercome the chronic hunger owing to food crisis,urgent need is required for alternate advancedtechnology to revolutionize the agriculture.

Recently, Nanotechnology has stepped intoagriculture to revolutionize the fi eld with newconcepts, ideas and tools for maximising theproductivity and reduce the poverty (Norman andHongda 2013). Royal Society and Royal Academy ofEngineering (2004) defi ned that “Nanotechnologyis the Design, Fabrication and Utilization ofmaterials, Structures, devices and systems throughcontrol of ma er on the nanometer length scale andexploitation of novel phenomena and properties(physical, chemical, biological) at that length scale inAt Least One Dimension”. Nanotechnology employsnanoparticles (NPs) having one or more dimensionsin the order of 100 nm or less (Auff an et al. 2009). Otherauthors refer to nanoparticles as colloidal particulatesystems with size ranging between 10 and 1000 nm(Nakache et al.1999). Nature and manmade macroand nano scale level things are depicted in Figure 1.Nanoparticles are having wonderful properties likesmaller size ie., nanometer scale, higher surface tovolume ratio, greater surface reactivity with uniquequantum size eff ects like mechanical, electrical,optical, magnetic, thermal stability and catalyticactivity (Ghormade et al. 2011). The nanoparticlesdiff er substantially from bulk materials, in fact, atthis scale, ma er behaves diff erently from the laws ofapplied quantum physics creating new objects withdiff erent properties (Maurice and Hochella 2008).

There are two approaches for nanoparticle synthesis,one is top down approach such as milling, highpressure homogenization and sonication, second isbo om up approach involves reactive precipitationand solvent displacement (Sasson et al.2007). Diff erenttype of nanomaterials like metal, metal oxide,silicates and polymeric nanoparticles, quantum dots,nanobarcode, nanotube, nanoemulsions, nanofi bres,nanoliposomes, nanosensor and others have beenused as building blocks to create novel structuresand introduce new properties in the nanoscale levelfor developing the agriculture and food market inthe world. During the 21st century, nanotechnologywill make a signifi cant impact on World’s economy,industry and people’s lives (Di a 2012).

Applications of nanotechnology in agriculture is inthe nascent stage and theoretical, but it has the powerto change the whole agriculture and food systemsin coming years. This novel scientifi c approach hasthe potential to advance agricultural productivitythrough crop improvement, crop management,crop protection by involving genetic improvementof plants, delivery of genes and drug molecules tospecifi c sites at cellular levels, nano-array basedgene-technologies for gene expressions in plants andanimals under stress conditions, protect the seedfrom diseases and pathogen, separate the unviableand infected seed and maintain the genetic purityduring seed production, early and rapid diseaseand pest detection by using nanosensors, controlledand smart delivery systems for agrochemicals likefertilizers and pesticides (Cinnamuthu and Boopathi2009). In food sector, fortifi cation of nutrients,antioxidants, vitamins and food supplements infood, identifi cation and detection of presence ofany number and kind of bacteria and pathogensrapidly and accurately to keep the food fresh forlong time can also be achieved by small particulatenanotechnology. So, this review has been prepared tofocus on recent research, development and potentialapplications of nanotechnology in major agriculturaldivisions like crop improvement, crop management,crop protection and food science (Figure 2).

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Potential Applications of Nanotechnology in Major Agriculture Divisions - A Review


Macro level Nano level

Human 1 m Plant andanimal cell

100 µm Hydrogen atom 0.1 nm Quantum Dots (ofCdSe)

8.0 nm

Mouse 10 cm Human hair 60 -120µm


1.0 nm Dip pen nanolithography

10-15 nm

Fly 1 cm Fly ash 10- 20 µm DNA (width) 2.0 nm Dendrimers 10 nm

Ant 5 mm Red blood cellwith white cell

2-5 µm Nanotube 3-30 nm Ribosome 25 nm

Head of a pin 1-2 mm Proteins 5-50 nm Quantum Dots 8.0 nm

Fig. 1. Scale of Things - Macro and nanometer level - Nature vs. Fabrication

Fig. 2. Applications of Nanotechnology in Agriculture

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Food Science

Crop Improvement

Nano biotechnology

Biotechnological research has been focusingon improving plant resilience against variousenvironmental stresses such as drought, salinity,diseases, and others. Nanotechnology has thepotential to advance agricultural productivitythrough genetic improvement of plants, modifyingthe genetic constitution of the crop plants, deliveryof genes and drug molecules to the specifi c sitesat cellular levels, and nano-array based genetechnologies for gene expressions in plants andanimals under stress conditions.

Recently, Nano biotechnology has been popularizedas a new arena in cellular and molecular biology, theterm was given by Lynn W. Jelinski, biophysicist atcornell university which off ers a new set of tools tomanipulate the genes using nanoparticles, nanofi bersand nano capsules. DNA (Deoxyribosome NucleicAcid) molecule i.e. genetic material which hasbeen highly used in nanobiotechnology studies fordevelopment of pest, pathogen and stress resistantstrains of crop plants through gene delivery system(Gelvin 2003; Price and Gatehouse 2008) and alsoused to build nanostructures and nanomachines.

Plant genetic transformation through viral genedelivery vector, microinjection, Agrobacteriummediated transformation and microprojectilebombardment (Gelvin 2003) face some obstacles likelow use effi ciency of transportation or can be appliedonly for dicotyledons (Sivamani et al. 2009). Hence,to overcome these obstacles, properly functionalizednanomaterial can be used as a vehicle and couldcarry a larger number of genes as well as substancesable to trigger gene expression or to control therelease of genetic material throughout time in plants(Nair et al. 2010 and Gutiérrez et al. 2011) particularlyin both dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous.DNA coated nanoparticles can able to enter easilyinto the plant cell due to smaller size and increased

transformation effi ciency. Also cell damage willbe minimum with increased plant regeneration innanoparticle applied plants (Ghormade et al. 2011).For delivery of DNA genetic material into plantcell, gold nanoparticles (5-25 nm) embedded carbonmatrices (Vij ayakumar et al. 2010), honeycombsurface-functionalized mesoporous silica NP systemwith 3 nm pores capped with disulphide bond heldgold NPs (10–15 nm) using gene gun (Torney et al.2007) and starch NPs (50–100 nm) conjugated withfl uorescent material Tris-(2,2′-bipyridine) ruthenium— (Ru (bpy)3)2+ Liu et al. (2008) were employed.

Apart from these genetic transformations includingcationic liposome gene transfer, polymer andbiobeads based gene transfer are pursued asalternatives for DNA delivery due to formationof more stable polymer/ DNA complex, in whichcationic polymer interact electrostatically withnegatively charged DNA (Borchard 2001). Cationicpolymers such as chitosan nanoparticles (100 – 250nm) are used to condense and deliver DNA bothin vitro and in vivo (Kim et al. 2007) due to itsbiocompatibility, low immunogenicity and minimalcytotoxicity nature. The discovery of RNA-basedsilencing has given new vision to crop improvementby allowing specifi c control of insect pests that feedupon the double stranded RNA(dsRNA) producingplants (Auer and Frederick 2009; Price and Gatehouse2008). Chitosan NPs could prove to be effi cient indsRNA delivery due to their effi cient binding withRNA, protection and the ability to penetrate throughthe cell membrane. NPs based siRNA formulationsmay contribute to insect pest control while avoidingthe lengthy process of plant transformations.Micrometer-sized calcium alginate beads referredto as “bio-beads” that encapsulate plasmid DNAmolecules carrying a reporter gene for effi cient genetransformation in plants (Srilatha 2011).

Miller and Kinnear (2007) opined that nanotechnologyis heading towards taking the genetic engineering ofagriculture to the next level of atomic engineering,which can enable the DNA of seeds to be rearrangedin order to obtain diff erent plant properties includingcolour, growth and yield. They reported that

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controlled biochemical manipulations in cells havebeen achieved through the integration of carbonnanofi bers which are surface modifi ed with plasmidDNA. Nowadays, gene gun or particle bombardmentis being used for direct delivery of DNA into intactplant cells. Particles used for bombardment aretypically made of gold since they readily adsorb DNAand are non-toxic to cells. Experiments showed thatthe plasmid DNA transferred by gene gun methodusing gold capped nanoparticles was successfullyexpressed in intact tobacco and maize tissues. Themajor advantage is the simultaneous delivery of bothDNA and eff ector molecules to the specifi c sites thatresults in site targeted delivery and expression ofchemicals and genes respectively (Nair et al. 2010).

Mutations both natural and induced have long sinceplayed an important role in crop improvement.Instead of using certain chemical compounds likeEMS, MMS and physical mutagens like X-ray,gamma ray, etc. for conventionally inducedmutation studies, nanotechnology has showed anew dimension in mutation research. In Thailand,Chiang Mai University’s Nuclear Physics Laboratoryhas come up with a new white-grained rice varietyfrom a traditional purple coloured rice varietycalled Khao Kam through nanotechnology. Usingnanotechnology, the scientists changed the colour ofthe leaves and stems of Khao Kam from purple togreen and the grain became whitish (ETC 2004). Theresearch involves drilling a nano-sized hole throughthe wall and membrane of a rice cell in order toinsert a nitrogen atom, using a particle beam and thenitrogen atom is shot through the hole to stimulaterearrangement of the rice’s DNA. This newly derivedorganism through the change at the atomic levelis designated as ‘Atomically Modifi ed Organism(AMO) (Chinnamuthu and Boopathi 2009).

Seed management

In recent years, various researchers have studiedthe eff ects of diff erent types of nanomaterials onseed germination and plant growth with the aimof be er production of the crop. Metal and metaloxide nanoparticles like zinc, titanium, gold, copper,

aluminium and silver are highly infl uencing the seedgermination and plant growth, that can be eitherpositive or negative (Monica and Cremonini 2009).Positively, Khodakovskaya et al. (2009) reportedthat multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) canpenetrate tomato seeds and increase the germinationrate by increasing water uptake. The MWCNTsincreased the seed germination (90 %) as comparedto control (71%) and plant biomass (20 days old).Similarly, Zheng et al. (2005) reported that nanoTiO2 treated spinach seeds produced plants (30 daysold) had 73 % more dry weight, three times higherphotosynthetic rate and 45 % increased chlorophyll ‘a’formation as compared to control. This spinach seedgermination and growth rate was be er in smallersize of the nanomaterials. The authors concurred thatthe nano size of TiO2 might have increased the seedstress resistance and promote capsule penetrationfor intake of water and oxygen needed for fastgermination. Likewise, Metal nanoparticles viz.,silica (Si), palladium (Pd), gold (Au) and copper (Cu)on le uce seed germination by Shah and Belozerova(2009) and they reported that nanoparticles of Pdand Au at lower concentrations, Si and Cu at higherconcentrations and combinations of Au and Cu hada positive infl uence on seed germination and rootshoot ratio of le uce seedlings. But, Lin and Xing(2007) evaluated the phytotoxicity of nanomaterials,ie., negative eff ect (Multiwalled carbon nanotubes,Al2O3, ZnO, Al and Zn) on germination of radish,rape, canola, ryegrass, le uce, corn and cucumber.They revealed that higher concentrations of (2000mg/L) of nano sized Zn (35 nm) and ZnO (20 nm)inhibited the germination in ryegrass and cornrespectively. Root length of studied species was alsoinhibited with use of 200 mg/L nano Zn and ZnO.Similarly, nano Al and Al2O3 aff ected root elongationof rye grass and corn respectively, whereas nano Alfacilitated the radish and rape root growth.

Toxicity of nanomaterials could possibly be reducedby coating them with biocompatible productsbefore their application to seeds, increasing theireff ectiveness for plant germination and growthwhile avoiding negative impacts on seedlings (Khot

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et al. 2012). Lu et al. (2010) reported that citratecoated colloidal Ag nanoparticles were not genotoxic(genetic), cytotoxic (cell) and phototoxic (toxicityphoto degradation) to humans however, powderform of citrate coated Ag nanoparticles throughwere toxic. But the author strongly recommendedthat powdered Ag nanoparticles toxicity can bereduced when coated with biocompatible polymerslike polyvinylpyrrole. Hence, research is needed toinvestigate the eff ect of coating nano materials forcontrolled release of active ingredients like nutrientson seed germination and plant growth.

The other nanomaterials like nanobarcode,nanobiosensor and quantum dots are also used toprotect the seeds from contamination, diseases andpests. Nanobarcodes, that are encodable, machine -readable, durable and sub-micron sized taggants aremuch useful for tracking of novel genes incorporatedseeds in the market (Nicewarner Pena et al. 2001).Su and Li (2004) developed a technique knownas quantum dots (QDs) as a fl ourescence markercoupled with immuno-magnetic separation for E coli0157:H7, which will be useful to separate unviableand infected seeds. Similarly, use of bionanosensorshelps to alert the possible contamination of pollenand reduces the contamination to maintain thegenetic purity of the crop.

Crop Production

Nutrient management

Fertilizer plays a pivotal role for enhancing theagricultural production but their nutrient useeffi ciency is still very low due to numerous pathwayof losses such as leaching, denitrifi cation, microbialimmobilisation, fi xation and runoff . Generally, about40 -70 % of nitrogen, 80 – 90 % phosphorus and 50 -70% potassium of the applied normal fertilizers is lost tothe environment and cannot be abosorbed by plants,which causes not only large economic and resourcelosses but also very serious environmental pollution(Wu and Liu 2008). Hence, nanotechnology has cometo revolutionize the fertilizer industry by making thefertilizer as ‘smart fertilizer’ through smart delivery

systems, in which slow or controlled fertilizerscan be developed by using nanoencapsulationtechnique. Earlier, literature on nanotechnology insoil science and plant nutrition was reported scantilybut in recent times, various concepts like slow releasefertilizers by using clay minerals, polymers andnanocomposites, insoluble fertilizer converted intosoluble fertilizer through nanoscience, smart sensingtechniques to assess the soil moisture, temperatureand nutrient defi ciency under precision farming canbe collected.

Now a days, clay minerals particularly zeolite basednanofertilizer are very popular among researchersand fertilizer industries. Zeolites are crystalline,hydrated aluminosilicates of alkali and alkaline earthcations, with a three-dimensional la ice, furrowedby an inner network of pores and channels. Zeoliteshave a high cation exchange capacity and haveo en been used as inexpensive cation exchangersfor various applications (Breck 1974). This naturalsuper porous mineral (part of group of hydratedalumina silicates) carrying a negative charge can beused to trap positive cations such as ammonium andpotassium for slow and steady releasing of nutrientduring the crop nutrient requirement. Zeolite surfacecharge modifi cation can be achieved by addition ofsurfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide(HDTMABr) to ensure the negatively chargedelements like sulphate and phosphate entrapment(Preetha et al. 2014).

Slow release fertilizers are excellent alternative tosoluble fertilizers which can reduce the applicaionrate and frequency by releasing their nutrientgradually to coincide with the nutrient requirementof the plant. Recently, coating of polymers eitherthrough synthetic or natural have got an a raction inslow delivery technique of agrochemicals. Wu et al.(2008) prepared the double-coated slow-release NPKcompound fertilizer with superabsorbent and water-retention by crosslinked poly(acrylic acid)/diatomite- containing urea (the outer coating), chitosan(the inner coating), and water-soluble granularfertilizer NPK (the core). This product with excellentslow release and water-retention capacity, being

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nontoxic in soil and environmental friendly, couldbe especially useful in agricultural and horticulturalapplications. Corradini et al. (2010) studied theincorporation of NPK fertilizer sources such as urea,calcium phosphate and potassium chloride intochitoson with methacrylic acid (MAA) nanoparticlesfor controlled release of nitrogen, phosphorus andpotassium nutrients. Encapsulation of urea andphosphorus fertilizers with sulfur nanocoating (≤100nm layer) are useful slow release fertilizers, also thesulfur contents are benefi cial especially for sulfurdefi cient soils (Brady and Weil 1999). The stabilityof the coating reduced the rate of dissolution ofthe fertilizer and allowed slow sustained release ofsulfur coated fertilizer.

As per the defi nition of nanotechnology,nanoparticles are having 100 nm or less in sizeatleast in any one of the dimension of the particle butin colloidal particulate system, the size is rangingbetween 10-1000 nm (Mukhopadhyay and Nirmal2014). So, another potential area and concept of slowrelease fertilizer is polymer- clay nanocomposite,which is prepared by hybridization of inorganic clayminerals viz., montmorillonite, bentonite, kaolinitewith organic superabsorbent polymer that leads tochanges in composition and structure of the productwhich impart higher water-holding capacity,swelling rate and slow-release property. Studies withpillared clay-modifi ed phosphate fertilizers reporteddecreased fi xation and increased bioavailabilityof soil phosphorus (Basak et al. 2012). Coating andcementing of nano and subnano-composites arecapable of regulating the release of nutrients fromthe fertlizer capsule (Liu et al. 2006). A patentednano-composite consists of N, P, K, micronutrients,mannose and amino acids that increase the uptakeand utilization of nutrients by grain crops has beenreported (Jinghua 2004).

Apart from the various researches on sorptionand release characteristics of the nutrients fromslow or controlled release nano fertilizers in soil,penetration and transportation of nanoparticles hasbeen discussed now a days by applying the nanonutrients through foliar spray which can also be

enabled as a promising nanofertilizer applicationmethod for increasing the crop productivity. Raliyaand Tarafdar (2013) biologically synthesized zincoxide nanoparticle with the average diameter of 3.8nm in atleast one dimension by using extracellularfungus Aspergillus fumigatus TFR-8 and theyfound that greater improvement in shoot–rootgrowth, chlorophyll (photosynthetic pigment),total soluble leaf protein content, rhizosphericmicrobial population, and P nutrient-mobilizingenzymes (phytase, acid and alkaline phosphatase)by the application of biologically synthesized ZnOnanoparticle at 10 mg L-1 concentration on 2-week-old plants. The gum content and its viscosity in seedsof clusterbean at crop harvest were also signifi cantlyimproved by application of nano ZnO. Applicationof titanium dioxide (TiO2) on food crops has beenreported to promote plant growth, increase thephotosynthetic rate, reduce disease severity andenhanced yield by 30% (Agarwal and Rathore 2014).

The fi rst nano-organic-iron chelated fertilizer inthe world produced in Iran is reported to haveunique features like ultra high absorption, increasesproduction from 20 to 200 percent, results in riseof photosynthetic rate by 3.5 times and 70 percentexpansion of the leaves. Commercially, Lithovit ie.,naturally occurring CO2 foliar spray made fromLimestone deposits is available to enhance the plantgrowth and productivity by increasing the naturalphotosynthesis on supplying carbon dioxide (CO2)at optimum concentration. Likewise, NanoGro is aplant growth regulator and immunity enhancer, it isnot a source of nutrients and hormones, but here theactive ingredient is coded with sugar pellets (Kumar2011).

Precision farming

Precision farming is one of the most importantareas for increasing the productivity of crops byapplying inputs in preciously required quantity andin required time (USDA 2002). Tiny sensors andmonitoring systems enabled by nano technologywill have a large impact on future precision farmingmethodologies. Precision farming has been a

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long-felt goal to maximise output (ie. crop yields)while minimising input (ie. fertilizers, pesticides,herbicides, etc) through monitoring environmentalvariables which helps to reduce the agriculturalwaste and keep environmental pollution to aminimum (Chinnamuthu and Boopathi 2009). Themajor role for Nanotechnology enabled devicesis the use of autonomous nano sensors linked intothe GPS system. Networks of wireless nanosensorspositioned across cultivated fi elds provide essentialdata leading to best agronomic intelligenceprocesses with aim to minimize resource inputs andmaximizing output and yield (Sco and Chen 2003).Such information and signals include the optimaltimes for planting and harvesting crops and the timeand level of water, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides,and other treatments that need to be administeredgiven specifi c plant physiology, pathology, andenvironmental conditions. For diagnosing thenutrient defi ciency in plants, nano sensors areimpregnated with nanoparticles that can be usedto determine the nutrient status and defi ciency ofthe plants, which assist in taking up appropriateand timely corrective measures to reduce the yieldreduction.

USA and Australia have already exploited thistechnology. Certain vineyards in California haveinstalled WiFi technology with the help of ITCompany, Accenture. Although the initial cost ofinstalling such a system is high but it is justifi ed bythe fact that it enables the best grapes to be grownwhich in turn produce fi ner wines, which commanda premium price. With these nanosensors accurateinformation about crop growth and fi eld conditionsincluding moisture level, soil fertility, temperature,crop nutrient status, insects, plant diseases, weeds,etc., farmer can able to enhance the crop productivityby making be er decisions (Kumar 2011).

Weed management

In agriculture, weed management is a very bigproblem due to ineffi cacy of herbicides for multiweed species removal and emergence of herbicideresistance weeds due to continuous exposure of

single herbicide. This enables the crop loss of morethan 40 % as compared to other environmentalfactors such as pests, diseases, soil related factorsand crop related conditions etc., Mostly, herbicidesare applied through foliar spray, which does notkill them completely particularly perennial weedssuch as Cynodan dactylon, Cyperus sp. and Solanumelaeagnifolium, but these herbicides destructsthe structure and function of the plant-specifi cchloroplast, inhibits lipid biosynthesis, interferencewith cell-division by disrupting the mitotic sequenceor inhibiting the plants (Wakabayashi and Peter Böger2004). Hence, application of encapsulated herbicidemolecule via root absorption is a simple process ascompared to foliar absorption because roots do nothave cuticles like leaves. Eventhough there is somebarriers for herbicide absorption through roots, butliphophilic based herbicide molecules can be easilyabsorbed since it’s having liphophilic structure.Chinnamuthu and Kokiladevei (2007) reported thattarget specifi c herbicide molecule encapsulatedwith nanoparticle aims for specifi c receptor in theroots of target weeds, which enter into system andtranslocated to parts that inhibit glycosis of foodreserve in the root system and it makes the specifi cweed plant to starve for food and gets killed. Inrainfed farming, nano encapsulated herbicide willget the dispersement a er it receives the suffi cientmoisture level. So that the weed seeds with the receiptof rain will get killed by the immediate release ofnew herbicides molecule. Gruere et al. 2011 claimedthat nano surfactant based on soybean micelles makeglyphosate resistant crops into susceptible.

Crop Protection

Pest management

In Today’s agriculture, pest management is achallenging program due to poor diagnosis of pestoccurrence, ineffi cacy of pesticides on plants, spraydri , resistance to the prevalent group of pesticideto control pests and emerging of new pests. For this,viable alternative technology ie., Nanotechnologywill be helpful to overcome these problems and to

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enhance the effi cacy of conventional agrochemicalsdue to higher surface area, higher solubility,induction of systemic acitivity, higher mobility andlower toxicity of nanoparticles (Sasson et al. 2007).In the normal spray of pesticides application, highvolume and low value preparation of agrochemicalsare involved but in nanotechnology basedpreparations, low volume and high value chemicalsare involved (Ghormade et al. 2011). So, Controlledor smart delivery system is inevitable for targetedpesticide application which aims towards measurethe release of necessary and suffi cient amounts ofagrochemicals over a period of time, to obtain thefullest biological effi cacy and to minimize the harmfuleff ects (Tsuji 2001). Potential nanomaterials like clay,polymeric particles and silica capsules possess goodbiocompatibility, biodegradability and low toxicitybehaviour with controlled release properties (BinHussein et al. 2002; Choy et al. 2007). Kaolin a white,non-swelling, plate-shaped alumina silicate mineralis widely used in agriculture as a bio-pesticide anda repellent (Eigenbrode et al. 2006) by masking thevisual cues. Similarly, Montmorillonite (MMT),hydrophilic and swelling type of clay having highercation exchange capacity, which can be modifi ed withcationic surfactant and render them hydrophobic(de Paiva et al. 2008) , then encapsulate the varioustypes of pesticides in both hydrophilic (Mishael et al.2002) and hydrophobic MMT clays (Celis et al. 2005).By encapsulation, the effi ciency of the insecticidesdiazinon and chlorpyrifos has been shown to improvefrom 4 weeks in the commercial formulation to ashigh as 20 weeks using the MMT clay (Choudaryet al. 1989). Several polymeric nanoparticles aredesigned for effi cient release of agrochemicals. Liuet al. (2008) studied on encapsulation of Bifenthrinby using polymers such as poly (acrylic acid)-b-poly (butyl acrylate), polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH). Byfollowing the health care industrial applications,mesoporous silica nanoparticles are being used inagriculture sector to encapsulate the agrochemicalsand deliver the active ingredient in controlledmanner. Surface functionalized hydrophobic silicacan act as an insecticide by ge ing adsorbed into thecuticular lipids of insects and causing death of insects

by desiccation (Mewis and Ulrichs 2001). A similareff ect was shown recently by Debnath et al againstrice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (Debnath et al. 2011).Water soluble pesticide validamycin encapsulatedin porous hollow silica nanoparticles (PHSN) with aloading capacity of 36% is shown to last for 800 min asopposed to instantaneous release of free validamycin(Liu et al, 2006). Similarly, Li et al. (2007) reportedthat porous hollow silica nanoparticles with shellthickness of ~15 nm and a pore diameter of 4–5 nmencapsulated the avermectin with an encapsulationcapacity of 625 g kg-1 slowly released for 30 days byprotecting them from UV radiation.

Other than pesticides coating technology(nanoencapsulates, nanocontainers and nanocages)for slow or controlled delivery of active ingredients,nanoemulsion delivery technique is potentiallybe er pesticides delivery medium due to their be erkinetic stability, smaller size, low viscosity andoptical transparency (Xu et al. 2010). Nanoemulsioncan be defi ned as non-equilibrium colloidal systemcomprising multiple phases, simplest being oil andwater, which is visibly translucent and kineticallystable within the range of 20 – 200 nm in size (Solanset al. 2005). Nanoemulsion can improve the solubilityand bioavailability of nanopesiticides, also it enablesuniform spreading on the plant leaves and improvesinternalization in insects (Ebert et al. 1999). Wangand coworkers demonstrated that the nanoemulsionof a water-insoluble model pesticide -cypermethrinwas highly stable and did not form a precipitatewhen diluted from the concentrated solution (Wanget al. 2007). Similarly, a study on the neem oilnanoemulsions concluded that the larvicidal eff ectincreased with decreasing droplet size (Anjali et al.2012).

Many of the world’s leading agrochemical fi rmsare conducting research on development of newnano-scale formulations of pesticides. The world’sfourth ranking agrochemical corporation, BASFof Germany has applied for a patent on pesticideformulation , in which active ingredient ideal particlesize is 10-150 nm. Similarly, Bayer Crop Science ofGermany company has also applied a patent for their

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invention of nanoemulsion concentrate, in which theactive ingredient is made up of nanoscale dropletsin the range of 10-400 nm. Syngenta prepared twonanoemulsion product ie., Banner MAXX (fungicide)and Primo MAXX (plant growth regulator) with theaverage particle size of 100 nm (Cinnamuthu andBoopathi 2009).

Timely detection of the pests through continuousmonitoring of pest occurrence is considered as atime consuming process, but it helps to solve theproblem of pest damage in crops by combiningwith eff ective diagnosis of insects, fungal, bacterialor viral pathogens, or nutritional stress problems.Diagnosis of pests and pesticide residues helps thefarmers and the food manufacturers to ensure thatthe product meets the criteria for the quality andsafety before despatch (Grunert 2005). Biosensors aresuch devices which can not only detect the pests andthe pesticide residues, but are also capable of doingit more accurately and faster than the conventionaldevices with much smaller sample sizes.

Disease management

Diseases are one of the major factors in limitingcrop productivity. Most of the times pesticides andfungicides are applied as a precautionary measurethat results in residual toxicity and environmentalhazards and on the other hand application offungicides a er the appearance of disease leads tosome amount of crop yield losses (Cinnamuthu andBoopathi 2009). Currently, plant disease managementby using nanotechnology has been considered as analternative and eff ective method for control of plantpathogens. For controlling the plant diseases, someof the nanoparticles viz., carbon, silver, silica andalumina silicates can be used because of having greatpotentiality as compared to systemic fungicides(Prasad et al. 2014). Normally, silver displays diff erentmodes of inhibitory action to microorganisms(Young 2009), it aff ects many biochemical processesin the microorganisms including the changes inroutine functions and plasma membrane (Pal etal. 2007) and also prevent the expression of ATPproduction associated proteins (Yamanka et al. 2005).

Though, in an ionic state silver exhibits antimicrobialactivity but it is unstable due to its high reactivityand thus gets easily oxidized or reduced into ametal depending on the surrounding media and itdoes not continuously exert antimicrobial activity(Agarwal and Rathore 2014). So, Nano silver hasbeen considered as a strong bactericidal and broadspectrum antimicrobial agent to reduce variousplant diseases caused by spore producing fungalpathogens. Silver nanoparticles, which have highsurface area and high fraction of surface atoms,have high antimicrobial eff ect compared to thebulk (Suman et al. 2010). Mostly eff ectiveness ofsilver nanoparticles are depends upon the detectionof penetration and colonization of fungal sporeswithin the plant tissues and size of the nanoparticle.The smaller size of the Ag nanoparticles ie., 1-5 nmeff ectively controlled the powdery mildew diseases.Nair et al. (2010) studied the harmful eff ects of Agnanoparticles on conidial formation of unidentifi edfungal species of the genus Raff aelea causingmortality of oak trees and extending the vase life ofgerbera fl owers by inhibiting the microbial growthand reduced vascular blockage for increasing thewater uptake and maintaining the turgidity ofgerbera fl owers.

Silicon (Si) is known to be absorbed by plants toincrease disease resistance and stress resistance bypromoting the physiological activity and growthof plants. Aqueous silicate solution is reported toexhibit exceptional preventive eff ects on pathogenicmicroorganisms causing powdery mildew ordowny mildew in plants. Additionally, it promotesthe physiological activity and growth of plantsand induces disease and stress resistance in plants(Agarwal and Rathore 2014). Combination ofnanosized silica and silver has the great potentialto control the plant diseases (Sharon et al. 2010).Similarly, Zinc oxide (ZnO) and Magnesium oxide(MgO) nanoparticles are eff ective antibacterial andantiodour agents (Shah and Towkeer, 2010). ZnOnanoparticles inhibited the fungal growth of Botrytiscinerea by infl uencing cellular functions, whichcaused deformation in mycelia mats. In addition,

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Zinc oxide nanoparticles inhibited the growth ofconidiophores and conidia of Penicillium expansum,which fi nally led to the death of fungal mats asreported by Abd-elsalam (2013). TiO2 not only hasthe growth promoting eff ect but also has an excellentproperty of antibacterial and antifungal activity,which has been found to show their eff ectivenesson controlling of Curvularia leaf spot and bacterialleaf blight disease in maize, blast disease in riceand tomato spray mold with a correspondent 20%increase in grain weight due to the growth promotingeff ect of TiO2 nanoparticles (Mahmoodzadehet al. 2000). A combination of titanium dioxide,aluminium and silica was reported to be eff ective incontrolling downy and powdery mildew of grapesby Bowen et al. (1992), possibly through direct actionon the hyphae, interference with recognition ofplant surface and stimulation of plant physiologicaldefences.

Another alternative strategy in disease managementprogram is invention of nanobased diagnostic kitto detect the molecular defects either at genomicor biochemical level, exact strain of virus and stageof application. Generally, Disease diagnosis isdiffi cult mainly because of the exceptionally lowconcentrations of biochemical and also due to thepresence of very low amount of detectable virusand many fungal or bacterial infections (Misra et al.2013). Detection and utilization of biomarkers thataccurately indicate disease stages with diff erentialprotein production in both healthy and diseasedstates lead to the identifi cation of the developmentof several proteins during the infection cycle. Thesenano-based diagnostic kits not only increase thespeed of detection but also increase the power ofthe detection (Cinnamuthu and Boopathi 2009). Bio-systems are endowed with functional nanometricdevices such as enzymes, proteins, and nucleic acids,which detect vital processes in plants.

Food Science Sector

Food packaging

In the food industry, novel applications of

nanotechnology have become apparent, includingthe use of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles,nanoemulsions, biopolymeric nanoparticles,nanocomposites and nanosensor, which are aimedat ensuring food safety. Most important problemin food packaging sector is oxygen entry into thefood and spoils the fat in meat and cheese and turnsthem pale. Therefore, nowadays, nanocompositematerials are developed by thin fi lm coatingtechnology for food packaging not only protectsthe food by preventing the oxygen enters into foodand increases its shelf life but can also be consideredas a more environment friendly solution because itreduces the requirement to use plastics as packagingmaterials (Sozer and Kokini 2009). Researchersat Bayer Polymers developed the nanocompositefood packaging material by using polyamide 6 (thebase polymer Bayer uses for Durethan®) plasticand layered silicates (clay) that reduces entry ofoxygen and other gases and exit of moisture thuspreventing food from spoilage. Similarly, Nanocor, asubsidiary of Amcol International Corporation, USAhas developed a nanocomposite called Imperm thatis used as a substitute for glass bo les to store beerand to minimize the loss of carbon dioxide and entryof oxygen into the bo les for increase the shelf lifearound 6 weeks (Sekhon 2010).

Polymeric nanoparticles are important component infood packaging industry to increase the gas barrierproperties along with its biodegradable nature.Zein, a prolamine and the major component ofcorn protein has been considered as an importantpolymeric material in food industry owing to itsunique properties and molecular structure which canbe used as fl avour compounds or for encapsulationof nutraceuticals as well as to improve the strength ofplastic and bioactive food packages (Sozer and Kokini2009). Likewise, chitosan based nanocompositesfi lms especially silver-containing ones, showed apromising range of antimicrobial Activity. PEG(poly ethylene glycol) coating nanoparticles loadedwith garlic essential oil could be used to controlthe store-product pests. Phytoglycogen octenylsuccinate nanoparticles with ε-polylysine increased

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the shelf life of the product signifi cantly. Here, thenanoparticle created a stronger defense againstoxygen, free radical and metal ions that cause lipidoxidation.

Recently, carbon nanotubes have been discoveredas part of the food packaging material, it exhibitspowerful antimicrobial eff ects on E. coli bacteria.Similarly, metal oxide nanoparticles like nanozincoxide and nano magnesium oxide are also using ina food packaging due to its antimicrobial properties.Nano wheels, nanofi bers and nanotubes are beinginvestigated as a means to improve the properties offood packages. Nanoemulsions have been developedfor decontamination of food packaging equipmentand food. Nanoemulsions are eff ective against avariety of food pathogens, including Gram-negativebacteria. The growth of Salmonella typhimuriumcolonies has been eliminated by treatment withnanoemulsion (Sekhon 2010).

Recent studies have shown that nanoscale cellulosicnanomaterials obtained from crops and trees, opensup a whole new market for novel and value-addednano biomaterials and products of crops and forest.For example, cellulosic nano crystals can be used aslight weight reinforcement in polymeric matrix asnanocomposite, which would be further used for(Laborie 2009; Chen and Yada 2011) food and otherpackaging, construction, and transportation vehiclebody structures. The cellulosic nano whiskers(CNW) from wheat straw would be used to makebiocomposites that could substitute for fi berglass andplastics in many applications, including automotiveparts (Leistritz et al. 2007).

Post harvest and food preservation

In addition to food packaging, food preservationhas also got importance in the food industry.Food spoilage leads to food poisoning thatcreates sensitivity for people lives and health careexpenditures. Nanomaterials help to keep productsfresh for a longer period of time by using nanosensorsplaced in food production and distributionfacilities, food packaging or the food itself whichcan detect all kinds of food pathogens like E.coli,

Campylobactor and Salmonella by a aching themselvesto the pathogens (Chinnamuthu and Boopathi 2009).Hence, nanosensor could be placed directly intothe packaging material, where they would serve aselectronic tongue or noses by detecting chemicalsreleased during food spoilage. Nanosensors canwork by diff erent methods ie. nanosensors can betailor-made to fl uoresce into diff erent colours or canbe made out of magnetic materials. Diff erent types ofnanosensors such as electronic nose, array biosensors,microfl uidic divices, nano electro mechanicalsystems (NEMS) and carbon nanotube biosensorsare used in the food industry to detect compounds ofinterest rapidly and monitor any adulteration in foodpackaging and food preservation. Nanocantilversbiosensors have already had tremendous success instudies of molecular interactions and in the detectionof contaminant chemicals, pathogens, toxins andantibiotic residues in food products. (Sozer andKokini 2009).

In food and beverage industry, a empts have beenmade to add micronutrients and antioxidants intofood substances. Nanoliposomes, archaesomesand nanocochelates are some of the mostpromising lipid based carriers for antioxidants,which help in preventing the degradation of foodduring manufacturing, processing and storage.Nanocochleates solve early oxidation by individuallycapturing and wrapping them in a phospholipidswrap and maintaining the internal nutrients securefrom water and oxygen. Bio Delivery SciencesInternational have developed nanocochleates, whichare 50 nm coiled nanoparticles and can be used todeliver nutrients such as vitamins, lycopene andomega 3 fa y acids more effi ciently to cells, withoutaff ecting the colour or taste of food. The deliveryvehicle is made of soy phosphatidyl serine whichis 100% safe and provides a protective coat forrange of nutrient additives (Narayanan et al. 2013).Microencapsulation is one of the potent methods tomaintain the high viability and stability of probioticbacteria during the food processing and storage time(Das et al. 2014). Apart from the polymeric coatingmaterials such as gums, carbohydrates, cellulose andproteins for encapsulation of probiotics, nowdays,

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agrowaste based nanofi bre is considered as a novelencapsulant of probiotics (Fung et al. 2011).


This review has focused on applications ofnanomaterials in agriculture divisions like cropimprovement, crop management, crop protectionand food sciences. Nanotechnology has thetremendous potential to change the agriculturescenario ie., enhancement of crop production andproductivity from confi ned land areas which couldbe achieved by managing the inputs through smartdelivery system, nanoscale coatings, nanosensorsand other nanomaterials. So, agricultural sectormay be energized by introduction of second greenrevolution due to the acceleration of nanotechnologyin the coming years and also this technology willbecome the fortune of every country. Though thisinteresting and promising technology has the powerto shower the benefi ts not only to agriculture andfood sciences but also for other sectors, but it hasbeen apprehended with unforeseen risks. Therefore,creating the awareness about the advantages andchallenges of nanotechnology for be er acceptanceof people and society along with extensive studiesare required to understand the mechanismof nanoparticles, toxicity and their impact onenvironment.


The research work was funded by Central Institutefor Co on Research (ICAR), Nagpur

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