meet yp adrian morales

Meet YP

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Meet YP Adrian Morales

Meet YP

Page 2: Meet YP Adrian Morales

When you were little, what did you want to be?

Ever since I was a young boy, I always said I wanted to be a scientist! All I knew about being a scientist is that they would investigate and experiment, and I always loved learning more about my surroundings. I remember looking at the sky and wondering what clouds were, taking apart radios and looking inside even though I had no idea what was going on. The fundamental curiosity about nature has always been there.

Who has influenced you the most?

I believe my mother, Aleida Hockenberry, has influenced me the most. She is a very hard working and dedicated woman, excellent mother and has always been there when I needed help. She taught me much about responsibilities and being a strong independent man.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

I would love to go to a small island like Kho Phi Phi or the very iconic Bai Tu Long Bay. I love the ocean, it is always so full of adventure. Besides adventure, I love seafood and traveling to new exotic places, I don’t mind getting lost along the way!

What is your favorite thing about your job?

Learning and exploring. I believe being challenged is a very important part of any job. This could manifest itself in mental challenges, physical, endurance, etc. which all have been tested during my career at Schlumberger. Starting from the field, all the way up to my technical role at the moment, I am sure my professional life will keep presenting ever more entertaining trials for me in the future! A manager once told me, “Just enjoy the ride, you’ll get there, don’t rush yourself”.


Morales Production Engineer at
