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Melissa LewisInformation Literacy Lesson Plan

Information Literacy Lesson PlanMelissa Lewis

Practicum March 4, 2009

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Melissa LewisInformation Literacy Lesson Plan

Action Example Template

GRADE: 1st Grade

TEACHER(S): Melissa Graham


CONTENT TOPIC: Social Studies


1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations,

and create new knowledge.

Skills Indicator(s): 1.1.6: Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g. textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.2.1.2: Organize knowledge so that it is useful.2.1.5: Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, real-world situations, and further investigations.

Benchmark(s): 1.1.2

- Connect ideas to own interests.- Identify one or two keywords about a topic, problem, or question.- Share what is known about a topic, problem, or question.

1.1.6- Use simple note-taking strategies as demonstrated by SLMS.- Write, draw or verbalize the main idea and supporting details.

Dispositions Indicator(s): 1.2.1

- Display initiative and engagement by posing and investigating the answers beyond the collection of superficial facts.

Responsibilities Indicator(s): 1.3.2

- Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information.

1.3.4- Contribute to the exchange of ideas within the learning community.

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Melissa LewisInformation Literacy Lesson Plan

Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s): - 1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own

inquiry process.

CONNECTION TO LOCAL OR STATE STANDARDS GPS: SS1G3- The student will locate major topographical features of the earth’s surface. c. Identify and describe landforms (mountains, deserts, valleys, plains, plateaus, and coasts).

OVERVIEW: Essential Question- What are the names of the landforms? What are some words to describe each one?

This is the first lesson of the first grade unit on landforms. This lesson will serve as a catalyst to introduce all of the landforms and give a brief overview of each one. The students will know the names each landform including: mountains, deserts, valleys, plains, plateaus, and coasts. By the end of the lesson the students will be able to identify a picture of each landform and give a descriptive word for each.

FINAL PRODUCT: By the end of the lesson the students will know the names of all six landforms. They will have general knowledge of each and be able to identify and describe them correctly.

LIBRARY LESSON(S): ASSESSMENT The librarian and teacher will use a checklist to assess each student’s knowledge about landforms. The media specialist and teacher will be able to notably see the knowledge that each student has regarding each landform and the checklist will be the tool to record that progress. They will both have a checklist and walk around assessing the students’ work. After the lesson they will review each others’ checklist to discuss student progress seen and then complete a final checklist using both individuals’ data.

• Product The students will create a flip book of landforms. On each page of the book the students will draw a picture of the landform and write descriptive words or sentences about each depending on their ability level.

• Process 1. Activating Strategy:The media specialist will begin by showing pictures of different types of landforms. As each picture is shown the media specialist will ask the students if they know what that particular picture is called. As each landform is identified the teacher will write it on a piece of chart paper that is created into a T-chart. Once all of the landforms are identified and written down for the students then the media specialist will introduce the

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term landforms. She will explain that all of these terms that are in nature are called land forms because they are pieces of land that are made into a certain form.

2. Activity One:The media specialist and teacher will then show the powerpoint that goes through and describes each landform. The media specialist and teacher will each take three of the slides to teach the students. As each landform is discussed during the powerpoint the individual teaching that slide will lead the students to think of descriptive words for each one and the individual not teaching will write the words on the second part of the T-chart. Once descriptive words are written down for the landform covered on the powerpoint the media specialist will lead the students to create a motion that represents that landform. Then both teachers will model saying the name of the landform as they create the motion for it with their bodies. This will be repeated for all six of the landforms.

3. Activity Two:The students will now be asked to put their knowledge about landforms to the test. The media specialist will explain that each student will create a flip book that has six different pages. On each page is the name of one of the landforms. They are to draw an accurate picture of the landform, as well as write a sentence that describes it. The media specialist and teacher will then hand out the booklets and instruct the students to use their crayons at their desk to complete the book. The MS and teacher will each walk around with an assessment chart, give any assistance and prompting that is necessary, as well as record each student’s progress. After the students are finished they will be given a chance to share their books with the class by showing their pictures and reading their descriptive sentences/words for each landform.

4. Summarizer:As a class the media specialist will review the essential questions and have students assist in developing answers for each. Then the students will have to complete a 3-2-1. They will write the names of three landforms, two words to describe them (one for each), and one sentence that summarizes what they learned during the lesson.

• Student self-questioning


• Resources students will use: - Crayons- Flip Book- Pencil

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• Instruction/activities

o Direct instruction: The powerpoint will be used for direct instruction. The media specialist and teacher will lead the students through the powerpoint and teach the names, definitions, and characteristics of each landform.

o Modeling and guided practice: As the media specialist and teacher go through the powerpoint they will model how to identify the characteristics and how to write them underneath the correct landform heading. As this process goes along they will guide the students to begin giving her the information and instructing her where to put it in the chart. Also, the media specialist will model how to create the flip book.

o Independent practice: The students will make their own personal flip book which will give them a chance to demonstrate what they have learned. They will draw an illustration and write a description for each landform.

o Sharing and reflecting: After the students have finished their books they will be given an opportunity to share their flip book with the class. They will be asked to get up in front of the class and show everyone their illustrations and written descriptions.


This was one of the toughest assignments I have had to complete during this program so far. I knew that it would be challenging, but I did not understand the extent of difficulty. True collaboration, although immensely effective, takes immense effort. I am not working as a teacher right now and the county I live in has very strict policies about outside individuals coming in to teach. Since I have no connections with teachers in this district yet I was not able to get approved to teach this lesson in the district I live in, therefore I had to go back to the district I taught in last year to collaborate with a former colleague. This meant that I had to collaborate with the classroom teacher long distance. We did most of our collaboration through emails and phone calls which was helpful overall due to the time constraints that teachers face on a daily basis. However, a face to face meeting would have been ideal, but it is hard to find time to do that realistically.

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We were able to develop the body of the lesson and assessment activity together. She told me what kind of activities the students excel in, and with that information I suggested a few activities that I thought would be good for this content. We then continued to suggest ideas back and forth until each part of the lesson was developed. This experience really taught me what it will take to truly collaborate as a media specialist. I will have to establish to the teachers that although it may take a little effort on their part and add one more thing to their already crowded agenda, that developing and implementing lessons together is an effective way to spend their time. I will have to show them, by gaining their trust, that by collaborating with me it will enrich their students’ learning experience and ultimately give them another person to help with teaching the GPS.

Also, as a classroom teacher I am very used to teaching students that I know extremely well. When you have your own class you know what each student is capable of, what works best, and what doesn’t work at all. As the media specialist, although you may know these students names and interact with them occasionally, you are not as knowledgeable about all of their academic tendencies. This aspect of not knowing the students as well as the teacher made it difficult when planning the lesson activities because I wasn’t sure if the students would be capable of doing the tasks I wanted to include. The teacher was very helpful with this information during out collaboration conversations, but it was still difficult because I had never been around these students before. Another thing that gave me some difficulty was the fact that I have never taught first grade. I have taught second and fourth, and found myself constantly asking the teacher whether or not first graders could do the activities that had worked for me before. This truly made me realize how adaptable a media specialist has to be. They have to be an expert in all of the grade-levels that they work in regards to their capabilities and their particular standards.

The implementation of the lesson went really well! Overall each activity was a success. The students were able to gain a significant amount of knowledge through the powerpoint regarding each landform. However, next time I collaborate I will definitely encourage the teacher and I to split up activities. It became hard for both of us to go back and fourth teaching the landforms during the powerpoint. Instead, I would suggest that I take lead on one activity, while she assists student learning, and then she take lead on the next activity while I assist and reinforce. I think this would make the lesson run more smoothly. Also, I with first graders I would make the direct instruction about five minutes shorter, and then have the work and share time longer. We ran out of time during the lesson and there wasn’t as much time for students to share as I would have liked. I felt that the assessment tool was very effective. The students loved completing the flip books, and you could truly tell if they understood the content by walking around and watching them fill in the books. Due to the fact that they are first graders some of them did need assistance and reminding about some of the content, but each student was able to correctly identify and describe each landform. Below is the final checklist that assesses each student on their performance. Both the teacher and I collaborated on this section by observing individually and then discussing our findings to create one chart.

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Student Number Number of Landforms Correctly Identified/Drawn (out of 6)

Number of Correct Descriptive Words for Landforms (out of 6)

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Although this experience had its challenges, it truly allowed me to understand collaboration realistically. I enjoyed this experience and grew professionally as well.