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* Your life’s Sankranti must have this aim 4* You consider death as life, and know not what life is! 6*

Why keep the burden on your head! 7* God Himself secures what they lack

and preserves what they have 8*

Why perform the rite of sipping water thrice? 10* Worshipping ‘Tulsi’ helps in attaining material

and spiritual progress 11* Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is the World-Mother 12*

The Guru-Disciple Relationship is greaterthan every other relationship 14

* You can also emancipate your 21 generations 18*

Attain Immortal knowledge 19*

Attain the state of Liberation 19* Your Efforts Must Be Constant 20* Like Sitaji, follow Dharma with devotion 20*

What is the sign of Reality? 22* Know the signs of a man of good

knowledge and imbibe them 23* If you want to destroy the mind… 24* Life becomes relaxed and sorrow-free,

with such insight from Satsang 25* Benedictory experiential words of Saints 26* The fruit of meditation 27* Ikke Te Sab Hota Hai, Sab Te Ik Na Hoi 28* You believe your SatGuru to be a Tattvajna

– Swami Akhandanandaji 29* Strengthening and Nourishing Sesame 30* How to cure constipation? 30* Simple, easy and effective health measures 31* Beware if you snore whilst sleeping! 31* Guru SevÍ- the mother of all good fortune

– Madhulika Shrivastava 32* I behold only Him with a form in all beings

– Sant Pathikji 32* A measure to remove strife, ailments

and mental maladies 33*

Where does the Goddess of poverty stay? 33* Get extra benefits of bathing 33* Questions and Answers 34

Owner : Sant Shri Asharamji AshramPublisher : Dharmesh Jagram Singh ChauhanPrinter : Raghavendra Subhashchandra GadaPlace of Publication : Sant Shri AsharamjiAshram, Motera, Sant Shri Asharamji BapuAshram Marg, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad-380005 (Gujarat).Printed At : Hari Om Manufactureres, KunjaMatralion, Paonta Sahib, Sirmour (H.P.) - 173025.Editor : Shrinivas R. KulkarniCo-Editor : Dr. P.K. MakwanaPatron: Shri Surendranath Bhargava, Former ChiefJustice, Sikkim High Court, Former Chairperson,Human Rights Commission (Assam & Manipur),Former Justice, Rajasthan High Court

Year: 20

Issue: 10Continuing Issue: 336Language: English Price:


7Publication Date: 1st December 2020Number of pages: 36 (including cover pages)

Opinions expressed in this publicationare not necessarily of the editorial board.Subject to Ahmedabad Jurisdiction.

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In This Issue...

Page 4: In This Issue - Rishi Prasad

Your life’s Sankranti must have this aimMakar Sankranti: 14th JanuaryThe sun’s transit across the sky has been

divided into 12 sections by both ancientastronomers and modern scientists. Eachsection is called a zodiac. The transitionof the sun from one zodiac to the nextis called SankrÍnti .The event of SankrÍntioccurs every month,but UttarÍyaÔa is animportant festival amongthe natural festivals. Onthis day, the sun entersthe zodiac of Makar(Capricorn) and is thuscalled Makar SankrÍnti.

The spiritual secret of SankrÍntiMany people are capable of causing a

KrÍnti (revolution) in their lives, yet evenafter causing a revolution, their cycle of lifeand death continues. Makar SankrÍnti givesa sign to make the right revolution.

If a mentally conceived revolution takesplace, it will induce jealousy, hatred, fear,and anxiety. If one becomes successful, oneis inflated by egoism. Instead, if the rightrevolution takes place, then! There is not atrace of egoism, not even of being satisfied.

Sage Ashtavakra says:AH$V¥©Ëd_^moŠV¥Ëd§ ñdmË_Zmo _Ý`Vo `Xm &

“All modifications of the mind aredestroyed when a man realises that hehimself is neither the doer nor the enjoyer.”

(Ashtavakra Gita: 18.51)The right revolution occurs in a person’s

life when one fully realises his true natureof being a non-doer and non-enjoyer andidentifies himself with that essence. I loveheartily those enlightened men, the men ofKnowledge who realised the Self as a resultof right revolution.

Just as the sun’s chariotmoves northwards from the south, in thesame manner, make the downwardtendencies of your mind move upwards.It is the day to make the resolve, “Maythe chariot of my life move upwards

(towards the north). Ishall entertain noblethoughts and remove thethoughts of fear andanxiety by self-inquiry.I shall consider thethoughts of satisfactionand dissatisfaction amere play of the mind.

I shall consider the feelings of successand failure a dream.”

What you consider worldly success,achievement or revolutions is nothing buta change of dr eam from a difficult,strange, dreadful and astounding dream.

‘Owning a shop, begetting a son,conducting the tonsure ceremony of yourson… Aha!’

All these are simply changes

occurring in the illusion of samsara.All your expressions, such as ‘Aha’ and

‘Uh’ are childish gestures in the eyes ofgreat men, Lord Krishna and Lord Rama.So gracious Lord! Have mercy on yourself.Cause the right revolution in your life. Don’tcause a revolution which is fraught withwar, conflict, violence, fear and makes oneconceited if one succeeds, but the rightrevolution does not make one conceited ofsuccess or dejected in failure. In it, there isno place for violence or terror.The secret of sesame seeds and jaggery

This festival is celebrated in differentways by people across India as per Puranictradition. People give Til (sesame seeds) andjaggery to one another. Sesame is unctuous

– Pujya Bapuji

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If one worships orprays to any one of

the five gods ofSanatan Dharma and

does not desireworldly things, andlongs for libera�on,

then these godsmake him meet aSelf-realised Guru.

God Himself secures what they lack andpreserves what they have – Pujya Bapuji

(Continued from the previous issue)AZÝ`m{íMÝV`ÝVmo _m§ o OZm… n w©nmgVo &Vofm§ {ZË`m{^ wŠVmZm§ `moJjo_§ dhmå`h_² &&“To those men who worship Me alone,

thinking of no other, to those ever self-controlled, I secure for them that which isnot already possessed (Yoga) by them, andpreserve for them what they alreadypossess (Kshema).” (The Gita: 9.22)

This verse of the Bhagavad Gita makesdevotees of God free from worry. And themore one becomes free from worry within,the more brilliant onebecomes. Freedom fromworry makes one intelligent.Freedom from worry doesnot mean laziness orcarelessness. Rightunderstanding is calledfreedom from worry. In theGita, Lord Krishna said,

AZÝ`m{íMÝV`ÝVmo _m§...One who remembers and

adores Me (all-pervadingNÍrÍyaÔa) with exclusive devotion, shouldnot worry about securing what they lackand preserving what they have. In thistoo, there are two paths: one is the pathof the inquisitive aspirant of Self-knowledge and the other is of worldlydevotees. The aspirants of Self-knowledgesay that if we worship God with exclusivedevotion, then God Himself will guide uswhen and how to perform which sÍdhanaand God will provide the spiritual means,Shastras and Gurus as per requirementby creating the necessary circumstances.And this does happen, as we have heardand seen.

God changed the course of a horsefor a devotee connected to Him.A naïve aspirant of Self-knowledge

was sitting on the bank of a river topractice sÍdhanÍ.

~¡R>o h¢ Voao Xa no, Hw$N> H$aHo$ CR>|Jo &`m dñb hr hmo Om`Jm, `m _a Ho$ CR>|Jo &&

“I am sitting at Your Door, and will getup only after doing something. Either Ishall meet You or I will get up after death.”

Though he was not seeing the pathclearly, yet he had firm faith that: ‘He is

Ananya (Absolute Brahman)’by whom, all paths areillumined. He worshiped andmeditated there for few days,according to the methodwhich he knew. He was notable to see the path ahead(how to proceed further) buthe had full faith in theUnique. One day SaintHazrat Junaid, a renownedSufi mystic from Baghdad

was going to avail his horse of drinkingwater, but on that day, the horse was notready to move towards the ghÍt on whichhe used to go daily. Hazart Junaid said: ‘Allthe land belongs to my Allah, go where everyou want to go.’

Those who are firmly established inTruth are not excessively stubborn. Theyare inspired by Truth and go where evertruth leads. The Truth-nature God cancause an event to happen even througha horse. He went. So the horse ran offand arrived at exactly the same placewhere that boy was practicing meditationand devotion.

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Worshipping ‘Tulsi’ helps in attaining materialand spiritual progress

(Tulsi Worship Day – 25th December)

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) spreads sattvicvibes in the atmosphere. If one sits infront of Tulsi and reads, contemplates orlights a lamp and does ‘parikrama’(circumambulation), it helps to alleviatethe passions of the ten sense organs, andone obtains mental peace.

The glory of Tulsi Worship“A man having devoutly worshipped the

auspicious Tulsi with durvÍs, sacred ricegrains, flowers, offerings of eatables, willobtain the fruit of the worship (offered) toLord Vishnu.”

(Padma PurÍna, KriyÍ Khanda: 24.29)We hear in the ambrosial

satsang discourses delivered byPujya Bapuji, “According tothe scripture Padma PurÍna,just by having darshan of Tulsi,all sins perish. By touching Tulsi,one gets purified and if one salutesher, one gets rid of all disease. Byoffering water, even Lord Yamarajbecomes afraid of coming near.

Tulsi bestows longevity, healthand strength. One must keep at least2-4 Tulsi plants in the house. If one plantsTulsi in the house, the members of the housewill remain disease free. The presence ofTulsi plants also pleases Goddess Lakshmiand Lord Vishnu. Tulsi gives more oxygenwhich in turn creates vibes conducive tosÍdhanÍ. If you place a Tulsi leaf on a plateof food and of fer it to God, that foodbecomes ‘prasÍda’. The person eating itwill kindle a longing for God in his mind.”What is the need for Tulsi Worship?

Around 75-100 years ago, every Hinduhad at least one Tulsi plant in their house.The wholesome volatile oil present in the

plant spread around the house. Afterbathing, members of the house would offerwater to Tulsi and eat its leaves. Womenwould light a lamp during sunset andworship Tulsi like a form of deity. Thisprotected them from many diseases. Tulsiis the only plant in the world which spreadsthe medicinal oil present in its five parts tothe surrounding environment through wind.

The blind followers of modernisationexiled Tulsi from their homes resulting ina manifold increase in disease, squabblesand unrest.

Pujya Bapuji, an ocean of compassioncould not bear to see this agony

of human society. So Pujyashripropagated the glory and utilityof Tulsi to the masses over the

past 50 years explaining thegreatness of Tulsi. He mentioned

the greatness of Tulsi as describedin scriptures, tested remedies andutility to society. Considering the need

of the hour, Pujya Bapuji initiated alsothe tradition of celebrating ‘Tulsi

Worship Day’ on 25th December.The campaign assumed giant

proportionsSociety has started to recognise the glory

and utility of Tulsi due to this campaignlaunched by Pujya Bapuji. Tulsi, whichstarted to disappear from even thecourtyards in villages, has started appearingin skyscrapers in cities. The change isvisible in society. ‘Tulsi Worship Day’ isbeing celebrated across the world.

Many famous personalities have startedsupporting the Tulsi Poojan campaignthrough social media, particularly Twitter.Many doctors, thinkers, etc., have started

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For StudentsFor StudentsFor StudentsYou can also emancipate your 21 generations

This is a old story. At the origin of theNarmadÍ in the Amarkantak region, therelived a Brahmin named SomasharmÍ. Hiswife’s name was SumanÍ. SumanÍ’s sonwas Suvrata. The Principal and teachersof the Gurukul in which he studied weresuch virtuous souls that they taught himthe science of Yoga and God’s worship,along with secular knowledge. WhenSuvrata played with his neighbor friendshe called them Govinda, Mohan,Murlidhara, Gurumukh, Gurucharan orHaricharan. He played with the childrenby calling them by such beautiful namesof God, and after some time He said,“Playing this game has given somephysical exercise to the body, now playthe real game, by which the mind andintellect will get exercise & divine power.Come, take a deep breath in and chantGod’s name.”

He asked them to chant God’s name for5-10 minutes, then said, “Sit down. Watchthe incoming breaths and count theoutgoing breaths.” By doing this, he made

the children develop thehabit of meditation on God. Consequently,the neighboring children who studied indifferent Gurukuls started gettingdelighted in the company of Suvrata, andtheir parents also began to love Suvrata.

Suvrata learned that there are threetypes of knowledge (VidyÍs). One istaught in schools, secular knowledge. Thesecond is the science of Yoga, and third isthe AtmavidyÍ or knowledge of Atman(Self-knowledge). I have attained theknowledge taught in schools; now I haveto learn the science of Yoga and makeprogress in AtmavidyÍ. With this thoughtin his mind, Suvrata determined firmly toattain God. He told his parents, “I havereceived secular knowledge in theGurukul; now I want to learn the scienceof Yoga and Self-knowledge.”

He engaged himself in sÍdhanÍ in ahut near Siddheshwara on mountVaidurya. Doing this, he removed someblemishes from his mind and wasabsorbed in deep meditation. With thepractice of deep meditation, his intellectwas illuminated with the light of divineknowledge and he had a vision of LordNÍrÍyana (Vishnu). He received a boonfrom Him: ‘May my parents go to theabode of Lord (Vishnu); may I have visionof Lord Hari’s form with attributes andrealization of his attributes being. May Inot consider anything real in this worldwhile living in it. Everything is abandoned

– Pujya Bapuji

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Benedictory experiential words of Saints

Who crossed andwho drowned?

– Sant Tulasi SahibZrM ZrM g~ V[a J`o,

g§V MaZ bm¡ brZ &Om{V{h Ho$ A{^_mZ V|, Sy>~| ~hþV Hw$brZ &&The glory of loving the lotus feet (their

words of Self-realization) is so great thateven those of the lowest caste crossed theocean of saÒsÍra, whereas people proud oftheir high caste who did not develop lovetowards the Saint’s feet were drowned inthe ocean of saÒsÍra.

Unbroken Bhakti throughthe company of SatGuru

– Sant Dadu DayaljigmMm gX²Jwé gmo{Y bo,

gmMo brOo gmY &gmMm gm{h~ gmo{Y H$a,

XmXy ^{ŠV AJmY &&First of all search for a true Self-realised

SatGuru. Then attain the knowledge of truesÍdhana by living in his company. Thenseek the Supreme Self of the nature of Truthby developing discrimination anddispassion. Then perform unbrokendevotion through non-dual realization ofyour Brahman-nature, which means to attainthe realization of Brahman by being of thecertitude that I am undivided Brahman.

Don’t kindle this re– Sheikh Sadi

Lust is a fire; - from itthyself keep well; Nor kindleagainst thyself the flames ofhell. Thou hast not patience to

endure that flame, I throw; With patience,as with water, quench it now.

In all ways of liberation, Guru’sgrace is the principal factor

– Swami MuktanandaMuktananda holds with firm

conviction that in all knowledge,in all ways of liberation(becoming an ascetic, a yogi or

a devotee) and all inquiries into the nature ofSelf, the Guru’s grace is the principal factor.

There is no Giver asgreat as the Guru

– Guru RamdasjiA Giver as great as the

SatGuru, as great as the SatGuru – I cannot seeany other. He blesses me with the gift of theLord’s Name, the gift of the Lord’s Name; Heis the Immaculate Lord God. Those whoworship in adoration the Name of the LordHari, – their pain, doubts and fears aredispelled. Through their loving service, thosevery fortunate ones, whose minds are attachedto the SatGuru’s Feet, meet Him. Says Nanak,the Lord Himself causes us to meet the Guru;meeting the Almighty SatGuru, peace isobtained. A Giver as great as the SatGuru, asgreat as the Guru – I cannot see any other.

The difference between theManmukh and the Gurumukh

– Sant Thanedarji (Thakur Ramsinghji)The Gurumukh, not the

manmukh, follows the order ofGuru alone. Guru is the onlypresiding deity of theGurumukh. He performs every

action only for the pleasure of Guru. Themind is the presiding deity of the manmukh.He does every action for his own pleasure.This is the only difference between theGurumukh and the manmukh.

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