biometrics aff and neg - northwestern 2015 sophomores

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  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    Biometrics AfAKON Lab

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores



  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    ContentsBiometrics AfAKON Lab..........................................................................................1

    Index.......................................................................................................................... 2

    ***AFF***.................................................................................................................... 4

    1AC.......................................................................................................................... 5

    2AC!r"ei##ance Bad.......................................................................................... 12

    !r"ei##ance Bad$enera#................................................................................. 1%

    !r"ei##ance BadB#ac&ness..............................................................................1'

    !r"ei##ance Bad(isco!rse Indict....................................................................2)

    !r"ei##ance Bad$o"ernmenta#it...................................................................21

    !r"ei##ance BadLe+a#ism Inefecti"e..............................................................22

    !r"ei##ance BadNeo#ibera#ism........................................................................25

    2ACBiometrics Bad.............................................................................................2,

    Biometrics Bad$enera#...................................................................................2'

    Biometrics BadB#ac&ness................................................................................%%

    Biometrics Bad-!rocentrismec!riti/ation....................................................%0



    Is#amoobia(etacment Lin&........................................................................41

    Is#amoobia3Is#amoobia Indict.................................................................42

    Is#amoobiaKa# Indict..............................................................................4%

    Is#amoobia3Orienta#ism Indict....................................................................44


    Is#amoobia6atriotism Lin&...........................................................................4'

    Is#amoobiatereotes Bad.........................................................................47

    Is#amoobia8ra"e# Narrati"es Lin&.................................................................5)

    Is#amoobia9ni"ersa#ism Bad.......................................................................51

    2AC:!eerness.................................................................................................... 52:!eerness!r"ei##ance....................................................................................5%


  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores





    2AC>!man ?i+ts..............................................................................................0,

    >!man ?i+ts(isco!rse-istemo#o+ Indict..................................................0'


    A8 8!r"ei##ance..............................................................................................,)


    A8 KFo!ca!#t................................................................................................... ,2

    ***N-$***................................................................................................................. ,,

    Case...................................................................................................................... ,'

    Biometrics $oodB#ac&ness..............................................................................,7

    Biometrics $ood8errorism...............................................................................'%tate $ood$ender..........................................................................................7)




    N!c#ear 8errorism............................................................................................... 7'

    6ra+matism $ood.............................................................................................1))

    B#ac& Nii#ism K................................................................................................... 1)2

    1NC.................................................................................................................. 1)%K Lin&s................................................................................................................. 1)0



  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores



  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    1ACCivil society thrives on the ability to render blac!end" bodiesab#ect $biometric a%thenti&cation has been central to that'rocess $ only (oc%sin) on the history o( s%rveillance can erethin the ays bodies are ma''ed on the +biometricborders,Brone -. @(r. imone Brone 3(i+ita# -iderma#i/ation ?ace Identit and Biometrics 1%'D1%7

    (a"id Lon s!++ests tat bodily s%rveillance is not a ne 'henomenon. >e as i##!trated o the'se%do/science o( criminal anthro'ometry 0claimed that body sha'eses'ecially the head co%ld s'ontaneo%sly reveal the %nla(%l 'roclivitieso( the 'erson2E2))1 271. It is ort notin+ ere tat the 0statistical noled)e o(anthro'ometry2ELi et a#. 2))4 1,% is still bein) invoed in biometric technolo)y 345 .As Li et a#. s!++est Gte diference oH ?aces is ob"io!s and it is te core e#d oH researc oH antroo#o+. Antroometr is a &e tecniJ!e to nd o!t tis diference and abstract tere+!#ation Hrom tis diference E2))4 1,%. As te teoretica# basis Hrom ic to de"e#o a Hacia# com!tationa# mode# tat co!#d J!a#iH diference to a##o Hor identit a!tenticationLi et a#. c#aim Gas a res!#t oH !sin+ te statistica# inHormation oH te =on+o#ian ?aces Heat!re o!r metod is s!itab#e to be !sed in te nort oH Cina E2))4 1,'. C#aims s!c as tese

    demonstrate tat some advnances i biometric a%thenti&cation are or)ani6ed aro%nd

    the idea o( race or e'idermal thinin) . imi#ar to Lon in assertin+ tat bodi# s!r"ei##ance is b no means a ne occ!rrence

    Cristian7arenti disc%sses the s%rveillance system o( the 'lantation o( theAntebell%m 8o%th o( the 9nited 8tatesand names the in(ormation technolo)ieso( the ritten slave 'ass or)ani6ed slave 'atrols and anted 'osters (orr%naays as ey (eat%res o( the s%rveillance 'ractices o( this system E2))%.7arenti sit%ates 'lantation s%rveillance as the earliest (orm o( s%rveillance'ractices in the Americas. 8e Ho##oin+ to excerts Hrom Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers Project, 1936193! detai# tedisci#inar ractices oH te s#a"e ass sstem. In te #antation sstem mobi#it and its restriction Hor ens#a"ed AHricans ser"ed as an exercise oH oer. $i"en tis mobi#it needed tobe ti+t# re+!#ated b s#a"e oners in order Hor te oners to maintain contro# B 1'45 tere ere man #as on te tat!te boo&s oH $eor+ia concernin+ te d!ties oH atro#s ... -"ermember oH te atro# as reJ!ired to arrest a## s#a"es Ho!nd o!tside teir masters domain ito!t a ass or o as not in coman it some ite erson. >e as emoered toi s!c s#a"e it tent #ases. @$eor+ia Narrati"es E;or& 6roMects Administration 1741a %22 8e attieDro##ers as sometin+ e#se. I eard Ho#&s sa te o!#d beat te da#i+ts

    a#most o!t oH o! iH te ca!+t o! ito!t no ass. @$eor+ia Narrati"es E;or& 6roMects Administration 1741b 241 8lave brandin) as one o(the ey technolo)ies o( the trans/Atlantic slave trade. As >ortense i##ers emasi/es tistra:cin) mared a violent 0theft o( the body2 renderin) the ca'tive body0a territory o( c%lt%ral and 'olitical mane%ver E2))% 2)0. Brandin) as a 'racticeand borroin+ Hrom >a## an en%nciative strate)y thro%)h hich enslaved 'eo'le eresi)ni&ed as 'ro'erty and commodities to be bo%)ht and sold. At te sca#e oH s&in te cati"ebod as made site oH o#itica# and economic mane!"er tro!+ te !se oH ot irons to sear te es. 8e brand oHten te crest oH te so"erei+n as a stam oH commodit a si+nieroH bonda+e and oH te re#ation oH te bod to its said oner. For te (!tc ;est India Coman tese mar&s oH identication ere !sed to identiH tose o ere ens#a"eddistin+!isin+ tem Hrom tose ens#a"ed b te -n+#is te Frenc or oter s#a"eo#din+ entities E>artman 2)),. -ns#a"ed ersons ere mar&ed it n!mbers and #etters tat

    identied tem as bein+ art oH a artic!#ar sis car+o. 8is ractice a#so or&ed as a sstem oH identication tat enab#ed s!r"ei##ance. o ith this'ermanent marin) on the ;esh one co%ld hardly esca'e the identity)iven to them as commodity strictly in an economic sense .

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    travellers 'risoners and others are havin) their bodies in(ormationali6edby ay o( biometric s%rveillance sometimes "o#!ntari# and sometimes ito!t consent or aareness and ten stored in #ar+eDsca#edatabases some oned b te state and some oned b ri"ate interests e can &nd histories o( these acco%ntin)sand inventories o( the bodies in slave re)isters slave brandin) and theslave vessel mani(ests that served ins%rance '%r'oses. = s!++estion ere is tat

    ?%estionin) the historically 'resent orin)s o( brandin) the body andrace 'artic%larly in re)ard to biometrics co%ld allo (or a criticalrethinin) o( o%r moments o( contact ith o%r increasin)ly technolo)icalborder=

    3aciali6ation is the (o%ndation (or neer biometric techni?%es$ (rom brandin) &n)er 'rintin) emer)es as the nemechanism (or colonial 'oers to +ma' )overn and control,the Blac@a)%ire 1 @=ar& =a+!ire 3Biooer racia#i/ation and ne sec!rit tecno#o+ 570D57'

    ;i##iam >ersce#s

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    conditions (or the 'ossibility o( &n)er'rintin) hich as itsel( amechanism (or ca't%rin) the individ%al ithin broader eforts to ma'no and )overn colonial 'o'%lations. >oe"er it is a#so ossib#e to ar+!e tat tere is a deeer set oH re#ationsisbeteen ca#c!#ation indi"id!a# identit and Grace. >ersce#s exeriD ments in n+errintin+ ere ret!rned to -!roe and to te scientic +a/e oH (arins co!sin Francis $a#ton

    as ere >ersce#s on rints ic o!#d stand as an exam#e oH te ersistenc oH atterns tro!+o!t te #iHe oH an indi"id!a#. For alton thecore ?%estion in the science o( &n)er'rintin) as hether it co%ld be

    %sed to distin)%ish a man (rom his (ellos and not #%st on the level o(the individ%al= From te 1'')s onards $a#ton examined te rints oH diferent -n+#is c#asses ;e#s Hrom te remotest districts NORsi+V-o&/odJnM76H'DK$ats#D)YIR#VenRsaVZR"edV)C(-:0A-A2o[C=IrcC9c6Jx+I[98$IC)[=:be\"Vonea+eRJRHVHa#se (!&e9ni"ersit 6ress me

    A Heminist aroac to s!r"ei##ance st!dies i+#i+ts te as tat s!r"ei##ance is inte+ra# to man oH o!r Ho!ndationa# str!ct!ra# sstems ones tat breed disenHrancisement and tat

    contin!e to be instit!tiona#i/ed. In an extension o( Bell ooss notion o( hite s%'remacistca'italist 'atriarchyEoo&s 177, e s%))est theEc#!ms b!t i## !strati"eterm +hite
  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    s%'remacist ca'italist hetero'atriarchal s%rveillanceG the %se o(s%rveillance 'ractices and technolo)ies to normali6e and maintainhiteness able/bodiedness ca'italism and heterosex%ality 'racticesinte)ral to the (o%ndation o( the modern state. mitUs contrib!tion to tis co##ection reminds tat hilethe modern b%rea%cratic state is o(ten the (oc%s o( s%rveillance st%dies

    the s%rveillance o( native 'eo'les is a ey (o%ndational strate)y o(colonialismGtechnolo)ies o( s%rveillance ere inte)ral to settlercolonialism=mit ca##s Hor te centerin+ oH an antico#onia# Heminist ana#sis itin te e#d oH s!r"ei##ance st!dies as se reco!nts o the violenceo( s%rveillance thro%)h or)ani6ed settler colonial 'ractices trans(ormedFirst 7eo'les into raciali6ed comm%nities th%s (acilitatin) theb%rea%cratically mana)ed ra'e o( indi)eno%s 'eo'le main) themra'eable= 8tate s%rveillance 'ractices ic e mi+t sim# ca## state ractices Esince s!r"ei##ance is so seam#ess#embeddedare 'rocesses that are sim%ltaneo%sly abo%t seein) and not/seein)//that is some bodies are made invisible hile others are madehy'ervisibleEsee mit =oore a## tis "o#!me.

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    sex%ali6ed ays o( seein)=

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    hen its calibrated to detect Blac omen A(rican classi&er2s betters%ited as classi(yin) Asian omen as ell as Ca!casian omen or Hhite omen. o !sin+ actor ;i##mits Hace as a mode# Hor +eneric B#ac& masc!#init te st!ds a!tors are #eHt to conc#!de tat 3the acc%racy o( )ender classi&eron A(ricans is not as hi)h as on G=on+o#oid or GCa!casoid. Anoter st!dIm +oin+ to ta#& a # itt#e bit abo!t Hai#!re to enro##tis came o!t in2))7 a Ni&on camera and te idea tat some bodies Hai# to enro## in tese tecno#o+ies. And tese tin+s can+e once tese Hai#!res re"ea# temse#"es and sometimes tro!+ titter

    and !b#ic as #i&e tis. In anoter st!de can see ho e'idermali6ationand at I mean b tat is the

    im'osition o( race on the sinis 'resent Hor exam#e in comarati"e testin+ it contro# +ro!s it i+er Hai#!re to enro##rates tan oters. 8e st!d statesIm M!st +oin+ to read.

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    8%rveillance normali6es deviant bodies and im'oses sel(/re)%lationConrad -. EKatrn Conrad 3Notin+ to >ide _ Notin+ to Fear (iscriminator !r"ei##ance and :!eer[isibi#it in $reat Britain and Nortern Ire#and. As+ate ?esearc Comanion to :!eer 8eor ed. Noreen $ifneand =icae# O?o!r&e. !rre 9K As+ate 6!b#isin+ Ltd 2))7

    ]Indeeds%rveillance technolo)ies seem to have become a common'lace (ormany ho are re)%larly s%b#ected to them (adin) into the bac)ro%ndand o%t o( the conscio%sness o( most 'eo'le !n#ess te are conHronted it tem direct# Eas en and iH Horinstance te are arrested. B!t the Fo%ca%ldian thesis as I ill s%))est may be morea''licable to those (or hom the notion o( visibility is already char)edGthat is those ho (all o%tside the realm o( the normative and ho areth%s more liely to be sensitive to the 'ossibility o( ex'os%re. 8e ractice oHs%rveillance as I ill s%))est normalises visibility hich in t%rn hel's tosha'e and rein(orce the very narratives o( normality and the s'aces inhich normative and non/normative behavio%r is alloed> and'artici'atin) in those narratives o( normality can be as Harner s%))ests


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  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    AC8%rveillance Bad

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    8%rveillance Badeneral@ass s%rveillance stems (rom Otheri6ationthey sti;e theability to rebel a)ainst 'roblematic systemsLocton -J E[ance =aster oH cience in te Fac!#t oH $rad!ate t!dies 38e 8ecno#o+ica# Assa!#t on

    Anonmit 8e 9ni"ersit oH Britis Co#!mbia October 2))7

    ;i#e it ma not a#as be intentiona#s%rveillance breeds control. 8is is te core oH eac oH te etica# iss!es s!rro!ndin+ its !se.8%rveillance it i## be son can create '%blic discom(ort >tis is beca!se the '%blic !ri)htly"does not tr%st the motives o( those exertin) this control over them= I(each )overnment a)ency cor'oration and individ%al that chose to installa s%rveillance system ere tr%sted not to ab%se the in(ormation bein))athered there o%ld be no discom(ort. imi#ar# s%rveillance can be %sed tocontrol and silence '%blic dissent. enry 5avid they be)in by bein) (oc%sed on societys eaest mostmar)inali6ed )ro%'s and then thro%)h (%nction cree' mae their ayinto the mainstream. @Lon 1774

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    8%rveillance tactics s%ch as COIN

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    march=U 0 inder the ability o( tar)eted individ%als to 'artici'ate in )ro%'activities as a 6( in socio#o+ EcoDs!er"ised in +eo+ra Hrom te London coo# oH-conomics and is a roHessor in te $#oba# Libera# t!dies 6ro+ram at Ne Yor& 9ni"ersit. >is #atest boo& 8roic oHCaos C#imate Can+e and te Ne $eo+ra oH [io#ence E2)11 ex#ores o c#imate can+e is a#read ca!sin+"io#ence as it interacts it te #e+acies oH economic neo#ibera#ism and co#dDar mi#itarism. 8e boo& in"o#"edse"era# ears oH tra"e# and researc in conict /ones oH te $#oba# o!t. 38e oHt Ca+e !r"ei##ance in AmericaHrom #a"er to te ;ar on 8error etember22))%

    8e H!t!re is a#read ere. O"er te #ast tree decades te re"a#ence oH ro!tine everyday s%rveillance has increased tosci/& 'ro'ortions=

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    netors once distinct s'aces o( noled)ecredit records here medicalrecords there criminal records elsehereno (orm a sin)le coherentin(ormational landsca'e that is easily ma''ed and controlled by)overnment and b%siness=1 -"erere one #ea"es a trai# oH di+ita# inHormation a## dai# tas&sor&in+ dri"in+ soin+ tendin+ to ea#tno create retrie"ab#e records. Consider tis @ore than 111 million Americans carry mobile 'hones

    each o( hich creates a ro%)h electronic acco%nt o( the %ser2s location intime and s'ace= Cell 'hones comm%nicate ith netors o( transmission'oints that monitor and note a 'hone2s location henever it is on=

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    inter'ersonal crimes= Hith re(erence to terrorism this %tility o(ten shi(tsto the 'ost/event context= It is th%s %nliely in the extreme that cameras'atrol %rban s'aces ith e?%al e:cacy across these diver)ent tass=

    8%rveillance is not efective in deterrence $ reactionarymeas%res and stron) sense o( )overnmentality lead tootheri6ation=F%ssey and Coafee 1 E6ete R !man ?i+ts andInHormation 8ecno#o+ in te -ra oH Bi+ (ata. is researc Hoc!ses !on te inter#a oHsica# and socioDo#itica# asects oH !rban resi#ience and e as a#so !b#ised ide# esecia## on te imact oHterrorism and oter sec!rit concerns on te H!nctionin+ oH !rban areas. b. 9rban saces oH s!r"ei##ance ?o!t#ed+e>andboo& oH !r"ei##ance t!dies Ari#2,2)12

    A#to!+ te criminolo)ical literat%re is sat%rated ith debate over the

    deterrence val%e o( s%ch visible sec%rity meas%res ith no de&nitiveconsens%s one clear (%nction is to 'atrol the s'atial and moral borders o(these )eo)ra'hies=In addition to excl%din) those ho do not belon)re'eated ex'erience relates ho the inhabitants o( ne and )entri&ed+'added b%ners, demand 'rotection (rom the heavily stereoty'edinc%mbent 'o'%lations=8%rveillance is emblematic that these sec%rityconcerns are bein) addressed and th%s enhances the attractiveness andcommercial val%e o( s%ch develo'ments= In s%ch )eo)ra'hiess%rveillance/based sec%rity is hi)hly symbolic=!c rinci#es and rocesses extend Har beond te +#oba# Nort tobecome a +#oba#i/ed #in+!a Hranca oH sec!rit #annin+. OH te ab!ndant otentia# candidates it is eras te +ated A#a"i##e de"e#oment `o 6a!#o tat most c#ose# resemb#es te

    aoteosis oH tis aroac. In te9K the most hi)h/'ro&le massin) o( s%rveillance

    technolo)ies occ%rs ithin the central &nancial 6ones o( London as adirect res'onse to (ears o( terrorist attac= Fo##oin+ te 6ro"isiona# Iris ?e!b#ican Arm E6I?A bombin+s oH Londonsnancia# eart in 1772 and 177% a soDca##ed 3?in+ oH tee# as created to Homent a tecno#o+ica## de#ineated sec!riti/ed /one redicated on monitorin+ and restrictin+ access ECoafee

    2))7.Hhilst tar)et/hardenin) meas%res !s%ch as sec%rity bollards andbarriers" altered the %rban landsca'e it as camera s%rveillance that'olice considered the most im'ortant (eat%re= An additional 'hase o(ex'ansion intensi&cation and +hardenin), s%bse?%ently occ%rred d%rin)the late 1..-s ith the introd%ction o( AN73 and (%rther camera netor%')rades renderin) the +8?%are @ile, area the most intensely monitoreds'ace in the 9K !Coafee --." and at that time %ro'e=

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    8%rveillance BadBlacnessAmerica %ses 'ro)rams to s%rveil the blac comm%nity in orderto ee' them o''ressed in the c%rrent system=Cyril 1J E=a#&ia Ama#a Cri# 15 Fo!nder and exec!ti"e director oH te Center Hor =edia

    Ho!nder oH te =edia Action $rassroots Netor& Ari# 2)15 3B#ac& Americas tate oH !r"ei##ance 8e6ro+ressi"e"e.or+nes2)15)%1''),4b#ac&DamericasDstateDs!r"ei##ance\stas.a=F(r!-.d!H

    8en ears a+o on =artin L!ter Kin+

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    s%rveillance technolo)ies they %se them in three 'rimary aysG to listenin on s'eci&c conversations on and oUine> to observe daily movements o(individ%als and )ro%'s> and to observe data trends. 6o#ice deartments #i&e Brattons aim to !se soisticatedtecno#o+ies to do a## tree. 8e i## !se tecno#o+ies #i&e #icense #ate readers ic te -#ectronic Frontier Fo!ndation Ho!nd to be disroortionate# !sed in comm!nities oH co#orand comm!nities in te rocess oH bein+ +entried. 8e i## !se Hacia# reco+nition biometric scannin+ soHtare ic te FBI as no ro##ed o!t as a nationa# sstem to be adoted b#oca# o#ice deartments Hor an crimina# M!stice !rose. 8e intend to !se bod and dasboard cameras ic a"e been to!ted as an efecti"e ste toard acco!ntabi#it based onte res!#ts oH one st!d et stora+e and arci"in+ roced!res amon+ man oter i ss!es remain !nc#ear. 8e i## !se tin+ra ce##one intercetors. Accordin+ to te ACL9 tin+ratecno#o+ is an in"asi"e ce##one s!r"ei##ance de"ice tat mimics ce##one toers and sends o!t si+na#s to tric& ce##ones in te area into transmittin+ teir #ocations and identiHin+inHormation. ;en !sed to trac& a s!sects ce##one te a#so +ater inHormation abo!t te ones oH co!nt#ess bstanders o aen to be nearb. 8e same is tr!e oH domestic

    drones ic are in increasin+ !se b 9.. #a enHorcement to cond!ct ro!tine aeria# s!r"ei##ance. ;i#e drones are c!rrent# !narmed drone man!Hact!rers are considerin+ armin+tese remoteDcontro##ed aircraHt it eaons #i&e r!bber b!##ets tasers and tear +as. 8e i## !se H!sion centers. Ori+ina## desi+ned to increase intera+enc co##aboration Hor te!roses oH co!nterterrorism tese a"e instead become te #oca# arm oH te inte##i+ence comm!nit. Accordin+ to -#ectronic Frontier Fo!ndation tere are c!rrent# se"entDei+t onrecord. 8e are te c#earin+o!se Hor increasin+# !sed 3s!sicio!s acti"it reortsdescribed as 3oPcia# doc!mentation oH obser"ed bea"ior reasonab# indicati"e oH reDoerationa##annin+ re#ated to terrorism or oter crimina# acti"it. 8ese reorts and oter co##ected data are oHten stored in massi"e databases #i&e eD[eriH and 6rism. As anbod os e"er dea#t

    it +an+ databases &nos its a#most imossib#e to +et of a Hedera# or state database e"en en te data co##ected is incorrect or no #on+er tr!e. 7redictive'olicin) doesn2t #%st lead to racial and reli)io%s 'ro&lin)it relies on it=

    8ere is no nationa# sec!rit reason to ro#e a## =!s#ims. At te same time a#most 45)))) mi+rants are in detention Haci#ities tro!+o!t te 9nited tates inc#!din+ s!r"i"ors oHtort!re as#!m see&ers Hami#ies it sma## ci#dren and te e#der#. 9ndoc!mented mi+rant comm!nities enMo He #e+a# rotections and are tereHore s!bMect to br!ta# o#icin+

    ractices inc#!din+ i##e+a# s!r"ei##ance ractices. Accordin+ to te entencin+ 6roMect oH te more tan 2 mi##ion eo#e incarcerated in te 9nited tates more tan 0) ercent are

    racia# and etnic minorities. B!t b Har the idest net is cast over blac comm%nities= Blac'eo'le alone re'resent Q- 'ercent o( those incarcerated==ore b#ac& men are incarcerated tan eree#d in s#a"er in 1'5) on te e"e oH te Ci"i# ;ar. Lest some misinterret tat statistic as e"idence oH +reater crimina#it a 2)12 st!d conrms tat b#ac& deHendants are at #east %)

    ercent more #i&e# to be imrisoned tan ites Hor te same crime.

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    8%rveillance Bad5isco%rse Indict3e#ect disco%rses o( national sa(ety $ that2s hy e )ot here inthe &rst 'lace= 7l%s s%rveillance hasn2t sto''ed terror at all=@onahan E8orin =onaan 6roHessor oH Comm!nication t!dies at 8e 9ni"ersit oH Nort Caro#ina at

    Cae# >i## 3!r"ei##ance and terrorism 2)12 6rint 6+ 47)

    8is cater ex#ored te role o( s%rveillance in 'ost/.11 instit%tional arran)ementsle)islation 'olicin) 'ractices and '%blic res'onses it a Hoc!s on te 9A. instead to te 3intensication or 3s!r+e oH a#read resent b!t #ar+e# idden Horms oH sstematic monitorin+ trac&in+ ana#sis and contro# b o#ice and oter state a+ents EBa## and;ebster 2))% Lon 2))% ;ood et a#. 2))%. B te time oH te terrorist bombin+s in London on ,

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    8%rveillance BadLe)alism InefectiveLe)al a''roaches don2t or/ es'ecially in cases o( sex%alob#ecti&cationCona)han and 3%ssell 1QE

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    excl%des the (eminine and re/entrenches the im'acts o( theaf=

    %nter 1ME?osemar >!nter roHessor #a and #e+a# st!dies at te 9ni"ersit oH :!een =ar in London3Contestin+ te (ominant 6aradi+m Feminist CritiJ!es oH Libera# Le+a#ism 2)1%tts&ar.&!&%50,71As+ate^2)Comanion^2)>!nter^2)cater.dH

    5es'ite the a''earance o( ne%trality and )enderlessness hoever(eminist criti?%es o( the liberal le)al 'erson have noted its inherentmasc%linity=8is ar+!ment is sometimes istorica# and emirica# and sometimes smbo#ic and normati"e. In te rst acco!nt 'rivile)ed hitemen have 'o'%lated la sha'ed it in their on ima)e and instated theirex'erience and vie o( the orld as the le)al norm hich has then cometo be seen as %niversal ne%tral ob#ective inevitable and com'leteEFin#e 17'7 '72(a"ies 1770 ,2. 8e second symbolic acco%nt dras attention to the systematicassociations ithin the Hestern ima)inary beteen the characteristics o(the le)al 'erson $ rationality a%tonomy sel(/interest ob#ectivityassertiveness sel(/s%:ciency sel(/'ossession $ and masc%linity Esee Hor exam#e NaPne

    2))2 '1. He can see this masc%line norm in the reasonable man o( tort la andsel(/de(ence doctrine> the rational sel(/interested actor o( contract la>the res'onsible 'erson o( criminal la> the %nenc%mbered orer o(labo%r la> the ri)htsbearin) individ%al o( h%man ri)hts> and the standardcom'arator o( e?%ality la EFin#e 17'7 '7% '70.

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    Fina##'ostmodern (eminists have criti?%ed the ay in hich liberal le)alism2sacco%nt o( the le)al 'erson does not merely (%nction as a re'resentationo( reality b%t actively contrib%tes to the constr%ction o( )ender as abinary system and o( limited meanin)s and characteristics (or 0masc%line2and 0(eminine2 s%b#ects and s%b#ectivity Esee Hor exam#e Amed 1775 5' (a"ies 1770 4 >!nter 1770 10) NaPne2))4. =ar

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    8%rveillance BadNeoliberalism8%rveillance is rooted in neoliberalism $ em'irical data 'roves=F%ssey and Coafee 1E6ete R !man ?i+ts andInHormation 8ecno#o+ in te -ra oH Bi+ (ata. is researc Hoc!ses !on te inter#a oHsica# and socioDo#itica# asects oH !rban resi#ience and e as a#so !b#ised ide# esecia## on te imact oHterrorism and oter sec!rit concerns on te H!nctionin+ oH !rban areas. b. 9rban saces oH s!r"ei##ance ?o!t#ed+e>andboo& oH !r"ei##ance t!dies Ari#2,2)12

    8e enetration oH s!r"ei##ance cameras into Britis tons and cities as not entire# d!e to te Hear oH crime or terrorism.

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    d!rin+ 2)15 as art oH a sma## team oH coDin"esti+ators aarded an -?C Lar+e $rant on >!man ?i+ts andInHormation 8ecno#o+ in te -ra oH Bi+ (ata. is researc Hoc!ses !on te inter#a oHsica# and socioDo#itica# asects oH !rban resi#ience and e as a#so !b#ised ide# esecia## on te imact oHterrorism and oter sec!rit concerns on te H!nctionin+ oH !rban areas. b. 9rban saces oH s!r"ei##ance ?o!t#ed+e>andboo& oH !r"ei##ance t!dies Ari#2,2)12

    ;i#st tere is broad consens!s tat raid exansion oH camera s!r"ei##ance occ!rred aro!nd tis time tere is #ess a+reement o"er tis too& #ace.From anadministrative 'ractice/oriented 'ers'ective s%rveillance cameras are'ortrayed as a rational evidence/based res'onse to crime and disorder'roblems = By contrast critical sociolo)ical conce't%ali6ations 'resent aider ran)e o( ex'lanations= as an exem'lar o( embedded disci'linary technolo)ies> as 'arto( a ider shi(t toards societies o( control> and as a com'onent o( aconver)in) +s%rveillant assembla)e,> and notions o( technolo)ical'er(ection and +hy'ercontrol=, A#to!+ tese acco!nts a"e m!c to sa abo!t te H!nctiona#it oH s!r"ei##ance cameras onceoerationa# #ess attention as been #aced on te a tose interests ma be mediated and transmitted tro!+ te rocesses oH insta##in+ cameras in te rst instance. Amon+ tose

    st!dies tat a"e centeredon the dissemination o( cameras across %rban s'aces a centra# ar+!ment asbeen tats'eci&c con&)%rations o( crime and disorder 'olicy environmentshave 'roved cr%cial in 'ro'ellin) the ex'ansion o( s%rveillance cameranetors !F%ssey --D"= Indeed in the 9K as the then Conservative)overnment2s ;a)shi' +to%)h, la and order a)enda o( the 1.-s andearly 1..-s as matched by s'iralin) crime rates seemin)ly noveltechnolo)ical res'onses to crime became more desirable= From the 1..-sonards in the 9K s%rveillance cameras held 'rivile)ed stat%s amon)stthe assortment o( ome O:ce crime 'revention strate)ies= 7%blicartic%lations o( their efectiveness belie( in risin) crime hi)h rates o( the(ear o( crime and the coalescence o( video s%rveillance into existin)dominant administrative disco%rses o( crime control in;%enced its

    'o'%larity in 'olicy circles = 5es'ite the contem'oraneo%s 'o'%larity o(Orellian Fo%ca%ldian or mali)n interest/based ex'lanations o(s%rveillance camera de'loyment across the 9K the ra'id develo'ment o(this strate)y can be seen as a 'rod%ct o( ei)ht years o( )overnmentlar)ess in the (orm o( %n'aralleled stat%tory (%ndin) (or camerainstallation=

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    ACBiometrics Bad

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    s%blime in the (orm o( advanced telecomm%nication technolo)ies that'er(orm the or o( remote sensin) and the identi&cation o( bodies andes'ecially o( (aces= e is a crimino#o+ist secia#i/in+ in a n!mber oH areas inc#!din+ s!r"ei##ance and societ terrorism and co!nterDterrorism critica# st!dies oH resi#ience maMorDe"ent sec!rit or+ani/ed crime and !rban socio#o+. 6roHessor F!sse

    as !b#ised extensi"e# in tese areas as recent# e#ected a director oH te !r"ei##ance t!dies Netor& andd!rin+ 2)15 as art oH a sma## team oH coDin"esti+ators aarded an -?C Lar+e $rant on >!man ?i+ts andInHormation 8ecno#o+ in te -ra oH Bi+ (ata. is researc Hoc!ses !on te inter#a oHsica# and socioDo#itica# asects oH !rban resi#ience and e as a#so !b#ised ide# esecia## on te imact oHterrorism and oter sec!rit concerns on te H!nctionin+ oH !rban areas. b. 9rban saces oH s!r"ei##ance ?o!t#ed+e>andboo& oH !r"ei##ance t!dies Ari#2,2)12

    In London s!c initiati"es a"e cret into ne territories and ne ro#es. AN73 cameras once the c%ttin) ed)e o(s%rveillance camera technolo)y have since become a ro%tine 'art o(tra:c s%rveillance across the 9K 'artic%larly ithin densely 'o'%lated%rban m%nici'alities. OH co!rse AN6? is M!st one oH a +roin+ s!ite oH "ideoDana#tic aroaces desi+ned to a!+ment and o"ercome !man Ha##ibi#ities ininterretin+ "ideo Heeds Hrom te cameras.In the 9K three ma#or %rban sites have been re'eatedly

    selected (or s%ch ex'erimentationG Bel(ast !'artic%larly 'rior to the 1..+ood Friday A)reement," ast London and to a lesser extentBirmin)ham= Amon) these d%rin) the 1..-s the ast London boro%)h o(Neham as one o( the &rst '%blic s'aces in the orld to a''ly Face3eco)nition cameras and the area has contin%ed the tradition o(de'loyin) novel technolo)ical (orms o( control= 8%bse?%ent initiativesincl%de Intelli)ent 7assen)er 8%rveillance de'loyed to a%tomatically alerts%rveillance camera o'erators to %nattended l%))a)e or lin)erin)

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    'assen)ers in London 9nder)ro%nd stations 'rivate sector micro'hone/e?%i''ed cameras in 8horeditch !acney" and the develo'ment o(+behavio%r analytics=, =ost recent# te 9K as a#so become an imorter oH !rban s!r"ei##ance strate+ies. Amon+ oter notab#e exam#es is terecent a#ication oH +!nsot sensor tecno#o+ Eessentia## microones atten!ated to te secic HreJ!enc ran+es oH +!nsot so!nds and #in&ed to $6 tecno#o+ies in order to e#

    estab#is te #ocation oH rearms discar+es c!rrent# de#oed to tace +an+ "io#ence across n!mero!s 9 cities and no Birmin)ham 9K=Altho%)h this cha'ter dras heavily on the 9K and London models o(

    %rban s%rveillance extreme versions o( these a''roaches are noemer)in) )lobally= In the )lobal 'oerho%se o( cons%mer )oods'rod%ction the Chinese city o( 8hen6henlabeled 7olice state =-thelatest tracin) technolo)ies are re'orted to be atchin) the 1=Q millioninhabitants ith a massive netor o( s%rveillance cameras hich illover a short time rise to million in n%mber renderin) it the mostcamera/s%rveiled city on the 'lanet !Klein --"= Aside Hrom ead#ineDcatcin+ disc!ssion on te sca#e andsoistication oH s!r"ei##ance tecno#o+ies anoter maMor area oH debate as centered on the ty'e o( order im'osed by s%chmeas%res= 9K 3esearch in 'artic%lar has hi)hli)hted ho ne 'olicies onanti/social behavior %se s%rveillance cameras to )a6e selectively on thecond%ct o( s'eci&c )ro%'s o( 'eo'le to ee' city centers (ree o( visible

    less aU%ent andor +non/desirable, %sers= Indeed s%rveillance camerasincreasin)ly became a ey 'art o( a ider narrative o( %rban renaissanceand o( systematically and ro%tinely embedded ithin city centrere)eneration schemes !see Coleman --Q"= 8ome have re(erred to this asa broader strate)y o( ne (orms o( )overnmentality here res'onsibility(or sa(ety and sec%rity is decentrali6ed to co/o'ted instit%tions to embedris mana)ement (eat%res into everyday li(e=

    Biometrics are %sed as tools to %'hold systematic o''ressionbene&tin) the %niversal s%b#ect5%bro(sy and @a)net 1JE?ace# Associate 6roHessor in te (eartments oH >!manities RC!#t!ra# t!dies and ;omenUs R $ender t!dies at te 9ni"ersit oH o!tern F#ordia osana Amie##e Associate6roHessor in te Instit!te oH Feminist and $ender st!dies at te 9ni"ersit oH Ottaa 5152)15 3Feminist!r"ei##ance t!diesttsboo&s.+oo+#e.comboo&sQidV",WFC:AA:BAa## i##!strates tat biotechnolo)ies are de'loyed tot%rn these bodies inside o%t and mae them trans'arent in ays thatintensi(y systemic (orms o( violence already in;icted on mar)inali6edcomm%nities. In er disc!ssion oH H!##Dbod scanners in 9.. airortsall loos at the centerin) o( the

    notion that hite middle/class able/bodied heterosex%al 'assen)erssho%ld not have their bodily 'rivacy invaded by

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    )ender 'ro&lin) that e:ciently and ?%icly sorts 'eo'le %sin) criteria thato(ten ex'licitly incl%de race and )ender= For exam#e in order to "eriH te identit oH a artic!#ar indi"id!a# ito%ld be (aster to scan the individ%al a)ainst a smaller )ro%' o( 'eo'leith lie characteristics rather than a)ainst an entire database. For man biometrictecno#o+ies ]lie characteristics incl%de race and )ender identities. 3ei(yin) race

    and )ender in this ay thro%)h their biometric cate)ori6ation only servesto intensi(y existin) (orms o( biolo)ical racialism and sexism in hich raceand )ender are ima)ined as stable biolo)ical 'ro'erties that can bereliably read of the body=

    Biometrics cate)ori6e 'eo'le into (actions that are treateddiferently=

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    in(ormants claim to hiteness as valid rather than acce'tin) at (aceval%e the in(ormants sel(/identi&cation as hite= It as not !nti# 174) en bot te =exican +o"ernment andte 9 tate (eartment inter"ened tat te cate+or ]=exican] became Horma#i/ed as ite.

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    5isc%ssions aren2t ha''enin) in the 8Ycom'lete re#ection isey8alaita -S Ete"en $eor+e a#aita [ir+inia 6o#tecnic Instit!te and tate 9ni"ersit B#ac&b!r+ 3BeondOrienta#ism and Is#amoobia 711 AntiDArab ?acism and te =tos oH Nationa# 6ride 8e Ne Centennia#?e"ie [o#!me 0 N!mber 2 Fa## 2))0

    8is essa as been Hramed b ana#sis oH nationa# ride in te 9nited tates. N%mero%s ex'ressions o( national 'rideexist oH co!rse b%t the 'redominant ex'ression symbiotic ith the 'revailin)version o( 'atriotism has rendered both im'erialism and @essianismsynonymo%s ith American identity.

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    Islamo'hobia5etachment Lin5etachment orsens racism8alaita -S Ete"en $eor+e a#aita [ir+inia 6o#tecnic Instit!te and tate 9ni"ersit B#ac&b!r+ 3BeondOrienta#ism and Is#amoobia 711 AntiDArab ?acism and te =tos oH Nationa# 6ride 8e Ne Centennia#?e"ie [o#!me 0 N!mber 2 Fa## 2))0

    Indeed I o!#d ar+!e that (ei)nin) ob#ectivity in any criti?%e o( antiArab racism merelystren)thens the racism =IH c!#t!ra# criticism tro!+o!t te tentiet cent!r as i##!strated antin+ oH "a#!e it is tat racism andits modes o( ex'loitation are interconnected ith a host o( ancillaryconcerns ca'italist voracity reli)io%s disco%rse sex%al anxiety historicalcom'etitionthat both cons%me and s%bstantiate the racism=

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    in notions o( American exce'tionalism and its excl%sionary reality. Li&eiseArabs in the 9nited 8tates a"e inherited a 'ec%liar history o( excl%sionary sel(/ima)in) develo'ed d%rin) h%ndreds o( years o( dis'ossession and ethniccleansin) in North America that )athered (%rther moment%m (rom ithinthe instit%tions o( slavery se)re)ation and an es'ecially resilient anti/

    immi)ration mentality. In teori/in+ antiDArab racism as sometin+ oH a correcti"e to or e"en a re#acement Hor Orienta#ism and Is#amoobia I am

    tas&ed it examinin+ otentia# ea&nesses or inadeJ!acies oH tose terms in man as a mon!menta# tas& o!tside te !r"ie oH m metodo#o+. Yet I o!#d be remiss not to Hoc!sin some a on te i#osoica# saces Arabs eiter inabit or are ima+ined to inabit in order to #ocate a context Hor te M!stication oH a re"ised termino#o+ in contem#atin+ teinteraction oH Arabism and Americanaor to be more recise te essentia#i/ation or HreJ!ent misreresentation oH Arabism b Americana. 8is Hoc!s sea&s to te tit#e I a"e cosen

    Hor tis essa beca!se to some de+ree te reosition beond ic can be read Hortri+t# as ad"ocatin+ re#acement is bot descriti"e and acc!sati"e the mediatreatment o( Arabs in the 9nited 8tates has )one beyond Orientalism andIslamo'hobia and e 'recl%de o%rselves (rom %nderstandin) thattreatment s%:ciently %nless e examine ho racism alternately in(ormsand ins'ires it = EBeond a#so exresses a oe tat American societ i## s!ersede its ne+ati"e menta#ities no matter at e name tem. !c an aroacintends to name a #on+standin+ enomenon antiDArab racism and sit!ate it in ana#/ab#e Hrameor&s tat tra"erse disci#inar constraints= I am not ar)%in)ten (or the elimination o( Orientalism or Islamo'hobia b%t (or theirs%bs%mation into disc%ssions that conscio%sly ex'lore ho racism ith itsm%lti'le sociohistorical connotations in;%ences Arab America and the

    develo'ment o( an Arab American critical a''arat%s . Beca!se oH m metodo#o+ and rater narro Hoc!s Ii## Hore+o o#emica# assertions as e## as sstematic resentation oH te !nHort!nate ea#t oH exam#es oH antiDArab racism in "ario!s American media. I i## ass!me tat te sco#ar#m!#tietnic a!dience I am addressin+ is aare oH te attit!de I ca## antiDArab racism and is ab#e to detect it re+!#ar# ito!t m +!idance. Instead I o!#d #i&e to +i"e ana#sis to tisracism and ex#ore at it te##s !s abo!t te 9nited tates it is so easi# rein"ented and mar&eted as resonsib#e and most imortant o e mi+t efecti"e# name it. I ri"i#e+e

    te namin+ oH anti/Arab racismHor te sim#e reason tat it is so in(re?%ently named in bothacademic disco%rse and 'o'%lar c%lt%re =And desite te ob"io!s existence oH a bi+otr a+ainst Arabs in te 9nited tatesbased on istorica# circ!mstance and +eoo#itica# necessit it is not as eas as it aears to a# te term antiDArab racism to te enomenon beca!se oH oter istorica#circ!mstances te inscrition oH te term Orienta#ism into sco#ar# and acti"ist "ocab!#aries and te o!#arit oH Is#amoobia as a descritor Hor bi+otr a+ainst Arabs and =!s#ims inBritain and te 9nited tates. Orienta#ism is !sed to describe te st!d in te ;est oH te Orient artic!#ar# te Arab ;or#d a e#d ose most Hamo!s sco#ar Bernard Leis sti##ar+!es tat te term so!#d be considered descriti"e oH inte##ect!a# !rs!it rater tan reM!dicia#. 8e #ate -dard aid oH co!rse interro+ated te term in is boo& oH te same name

    and i##!strated o a 'lethora o( Orientalists had created a stereoty'ed ima)e o( theast in order to better mana)e it th%s 'rovoin) a connotativetrans(ormation in hich Orientalism came to be synonymo%s ithstereoty'e misre'resentation and essentialism= Islamo'hobia on te oter and is a #essistorica## #oaded ord a"in+ acie"ed some o!#arit aHter 711 artic!#ar# in Britain ere it has become 'art o( collo?%ial

    'arlance. ?o!+# sea&in+ Is#amoobia is to =!s#ims at antiDemitism is to

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    Islamo'hobia7atriotism Lin+7atriotism, is %sed as a mas (or Anti/Arab violence8alaita -S Ete"en $eor+e a#aita [ir+inia 6o#tecnic Instit!te and tate 9ni"ersit B#ac&b!r+ 3BeondOrienta#ism and Is#amoobia 711 AntiDArab ?acism and te =tos oH Nationa# 6ride 8e Ne Centennia#?e"ie [o#!me 0 N!mber 2 Fa## 2))0

    Anti/Arab racism no is symbiotic ith )eo'olitics=

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    Islamo'hobia8tereoty'es Bad8tereoty'in) h%rts Arabs8alaita -S Ete"en $eor+e a#aita [ir+inia 6o#tecnic Instit!te and tate 9ni"ersit B#ac&b!r+ 3BeondOrienta#ism and Is#amoobia 711 AntiDArab ?acism and te =tos oH Nationa# 6ride 8e Ne Centennia#?e"ie [o#!me 0 N!mber 2 Fa## 2))0

    Anti/Arab racism sometimes has the ability to red%ce Arabs to tro'es thatare invoed to rationali6e or mysti(y vario%s 'olitical a)endas. In todas +#oba#i/edmar&et#ace EoH bot nances and ideas Arabs o(ten hold an irresistible a''eal to those ishin)to dis)%ise their on interests as 'ra)matism or constr%e them as%niversally bene&cial=

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    Y%eernessHalter Eenins

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    AC%man 3i)hts

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    Biometrics oodBlacnessBiometrics can be strate)ically %sed to challen)e raciali6eds%rveillanceBrone 1Eimone Associate 6roHessor oH socio#o+ at te 9ni"ersit oH 8exas secia#i/in+ in s!r"ei##ance

    and tecno#o+ AP#iated 6roHessor in AHrican and AHrican (iasora st!dies 2)12 3?o!t#ed+e >andboo& oH!r"ei##ance t!diesttsboo&s.+oo+#e.comboo&sQ#VenR#rVRidVF'nCHr9am-CRoiVHndR+V6A,2RdJVbe##Xoo&sXs!r"ei##anceRotsVWc>i#T95Rsi+Vi8%YeFrJB%b("MaAI\"Vonea+eRJVbe##^2)oo&s^2)s!r"ei##anceRHVHa#se me

    A#to!+ tese reorts are tro!b#in+ it m%st be noted that biometric technolo)y canalso be %sed in ays that challen)e raciali6in) s%rveillance= i+ Commissiono:cials met ith her the (olloin) mornin) told her yo% are not 8%aadand con&scated her 'ass'ort=@oham%d ase#d in te airort Hor Ho!r das !nti# se asre#eased on a bond tased ith 'rovin) her identity ithin to ees. 8o ro"e eridentit to oPcia#s at te Canadian >i+ Commission in Nairobi @oham%d bared the contents o(her allet shoin) them her Canadian citi6enshi' card drivers licensehealth card and other identity doc%ments=

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    Biometric systems aren2t 'er(ect b%t no technolo)y isit2s thebest o'tion e have

    Hoodard -J E;aman as stressed tat there is a )reat deal o( room (or im'rovement in both the

    al)orithms %sed to match sam'led (aces and in databases o( &le ima)es=

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    Facial reco)nition systems are )ood and le)al

    Hoodard -J E

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    O%tdated sec%rity meas%res allo (or terrorists to hi#ac'lanes or ;y anyherebiometrics are vitalKe'hart 1Q E+ 8ince the early 1.D-s n%mero%s terrorist or)ani6ations have 'rovidedtheir o'eratives ith a ide variety o( s'%rio%s doc%ments = A(ter shoin)their s'%rio%s 'ass'orts and 'a'ers at border control these terroristo'eratives have 'roceeded to hi#ac air'lanes 'lant bombs and carry o%tassassination= %,) &noin+ tat at #east to indi"id!a#s boarded onsto#en assorts and no te nes o!t oH A!stra#ia tat once more another 'ass'ort as %sed (ra%d%lently thistime (or non terrorist '%r'oses=In =arc IBA iss!ed a ress re#ease ex#ainin+ Hra!d!#ent assorts so!#d ne"er a"e beenart oH te concern o"er te # oss oH =>%,) c#ariHin+ tat biometric borders o%ld have ;a))ed the toIranians as not le)itimate holders o( the A%strian and Italian stolen'ass'orts each s%ccess(%lly %sed to board that (ated ;i)ht =>oe"er te nes o!t oH A!stra#iaear#ier tis ee& bears reeatin+ as a rime exam#e oH biometric exit controls are e?%ally as im'ortantas biometric entry controls es'ecially in a orld )roin) more %nstableand interde'endent daily= In --. Khaled 8harro%( 'led )%ilty to theA%stralian 8%'reme Co%rt to 'ossessin) )oods in 're'aration (or aterrorist act and as #ailed (or almost (o%r years = A%stralia2s Forei)n@inister E%lie Bisho' con&rmed that %'on release (rom 'rison 8harro%(le(t A%stralia +on his brother2s PA%stralianR 'ass'ort, and initially traveledto 8yria be(ore #oinin) in massacres o( Ira?i civilians. 8e sad nes is arro!H co!#d a"e been stoed.F%lly biometric 'ass'orts and readers can 'revent stolen 'ass'ort holders(rom by'assin) immi)ration a%thorities = @oreover biometric borders areno cost/efective extremely (ast and are c%rrently enablin) co%ntriesacross the )lobe s%ch as Ne Wealand Latvia Colombia and Yatar toincor'orate airline chec/in ith immi)ration chec/o%t b%ildin) seamlessconvenience (or the traveler 'revention (rom identity the(t sa(er sies

    and a sa(er orld. Not a## tese sstems incororate cec&s it rea# time atc#ists #i&e Indonesia does b!t it is not hard to do te9 does it on entr no and "ia its ec!re F#i+t sstem at air# ine cec&Din. As te CIA stated in its tra"e# doc!ment man!a# 8e ?edboo& in 1772 screenin) alltravelers and their 'ass'orts hel's sto' international terrorism = 8e ?edboo& ro"ideddetai#ed exam#es oH "e tes oH tra"e# doc!ment Hra!d &non to be committed b terrorists inc#!din+ 3+en!ine !na#tered assorts s!c as !sed b aro!f in #ea"in+ A!stra#ia onis broters assort. B 1772 te boo& boasted it ad a#read identied 32)) eo#e carrin+ Hor+ed assorts ro"ided b terrorist +ro!s_ beHore te en+a+e@d in terrorist acts.

    8at as #on+ beHore todas cber caabi#ities assort standards and biometric tecno#o+ies.

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    a!tenticate o!r c#aimed identit J!ic and acc!rate#. 8ese biometric tecno#o+ies ma seem exotic b!t teir !se is becomin+ increasin+# common. In

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    As the criminal investi)ation o( the 8e'tember 11th attacs a''ears todemonstrate some o( the terrorists ere able to enter the 9nited 8tates%sin) valid travel doc%ments %nder their tr%e identities 'assin) ith littledi:c%lty thro%)h immi)ration 'roced%res at 9=8= 'orts o( entry . Once in te co!ntr teatient# contin!ed teir #annin+ rearation trainin+ and re#ated oerationa# or& Hor monts and in some cases ears !nti# tat HateH!# da. Once inside te 9nited tates the

    terrorists cleverly too advanta)e o( American (reedoms to hel' carry o%ttheir attacs = Accordin+ to media reorts oe"er at least three o( the s%icide attacers erenon to 9=8= a%thorities as s%s'ected terrorists = In late A%)%st --1 the Centra# Inte##i+ence A+enc ECIA 'assed in(ormation to the IN8 to be on the looo%t (or tomen s%s'ected o( involvement in terrorist activities=

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  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    -i+t ears #ater the toolit %sed to identi(y Osama bin Laden in his 7aistanihideo%t as 'robably a lot lie one o( the handheld devices that are noro%tinely %sed by tho%sands o( 9=8= soldiers thro%)ho%t the orld tocom'are 'eo'les (aces a)ainst the ima)es o( many non or s%s'ectedterrorists=(!bbed te >II(- Hor >ande#d Intera+enc Identit (etection -J!iment te instr!ment #oo&s #i&e an o"er+ron camera and ei+s beteen 2 and %o!nds. In addition so#diers too& tiss!e sam#es Hor !se in (NA ana#sis tat #ater conrmed te master terroristUs identit it near# 1)) ercent acc!rac.

    i##. B te #ate 177)s te FBI ad com!teri/ed te rocess oH matcin+ n+errints a##oin+ res!#ts in a matter oH o!rs. 8e#a enHorcement a+enc is no in te rocess oH adotin+ a ne sstem tat can ret!rn res!#ts in min!tes accordin+ to 6eter >i++ins o e#ed te FBI a!tomate its n+errintin+

    rocess 15 ears a+o and is no a cons!#tant in te biometrics ind!str.

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    hittled the n%mber don to #%st one man ho as later arrested and'ositively identi&ed as the (%)itive=

    Biometric data can lead to the ca't%re o( terroristsilmore -SE$err $. $i#more 3Biometric (ata Kees Cat!red 8errorists Beind Bars American Forces

    6ress er"ice =arc 2))0tt.deHense.+o"nesnesartic#e.asxQidV15171

    ;A>IN$8ON =arc 1% 2))0 A hi)h/tech 5e(ense 5e'artment identi&cation system haslined some ca't%red terrorists to 'revio%s crimes and 'revented theirrelease (rom overseas detention (acilities senior deHense oPcia#s said at a enate Armed er"ices Committee earin+ ere=arc 1). ]I !nderstand tat the !de(ense" de'artment is collectin) biometric in(ormation(rom individ%als detained in Ira? and (or (orensic investi)ations o(!im'rovised ex'losive device" attacs] 8exas en. a#e assistant secretar oH deHense Hor ome#and sec!rit. ]Consistent it a#icab#e #a e are a++ressi"e# !sin+ biometrics Hor te !roses tat o!

    described enator] =c>a#e ansered. 5o5 established standard 'roced%res (or collectin)biometrics in(ormation abo%t a year and a hal( a)o and 'rovided thatsystem to overseas 9=8= combatant commands =c>a#e said. Biometrics is dened as meas!rab#e sica# orbea"iora# caracteristics tat can be !sed to identiH eo#e.
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  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores



  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    Bioterror8mall'ox biolo)ical ea'ons are still a threatBloc -1 Ete"en =. B#oc& roHessor oH bio#o+ica# sciences and a#ied sics at tanHord 9ni"ersit 38e$roin+ 8reat oH Bio#o+ica# ;eaons American cientist [o#. '7 No. 1 ea#t er"ice recommends reD"accination e"er 1) ears b!t since ro!tine "accination oH te 9.. o!#ation ended near# 25ears a+o He Americans retain imm!nit toda. 8e c!rrent stoc&s oH te "accine are ne+#i+ib#e. Fort!nate# tere as been some recent action to correct tis state oH afairs. As oH #astetember te 9.. Centers Hor (isease Contro# and 6re"ention EC(C a"e contracted Hor a 4)Dmi##ionDdose stoc&i#e oH te "accine. 8e rst batces oH te "accine are s#ated to be

    read b 2))4. >oe"er some !b#icDea#t scientists a"e J!estioned eter s!c a ]sma##] stoc&i#e is adeJ!ate. In the event o( asim%ltaneo%s terrorist attac on several ma#or cities h%ndreds o( millionso( doses mi)ht be re?%ired to 'revent the disease (rom s'readin). ;eter terroristsco!#d +et access to te sma##ox "ir!s is sti## an oen J!estion. At the end o( the heroic HO cam'ai)n (ro6enstocs o( the variola vir%s ere maintained in tr%st by to or)ani6ationsGthe C5C and Xector the 3%ssian 8tate 3esearch Center o( Xirolo)y andBiotechnolo)yin Ko#tso"o No"osibirs& ?!ssia.

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    dysentery and ty'hoid. OH co!rse te ne inHormation is critica# Hor anserin+ H!ndamenta# and ractica# J!estions in bio#o+ and medicine and i## be!t to direct ractica# !se in a mriad oH ea#tDre#ated a#ications. B!t at abo!t ]b#ac& bio#o+]Q Co!#d biotecno#o+ be !sed to rod!ce a ne +eneration oH bioarHare a+entsit !nrecedented oer to destroQ Or is tis M!st a#armist eQ No one can sa Hor s!re b!t man mo#ec!#ar bio#o+ists Hami#iar it te re#e"ant tecno#o+ies seem inc#ined to aessimistic "ie. A &e reason Hor essimism is te ease it ic +enetic mani!#ations are no accom#ised. Bac& in te s!mmer oH 177,

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    xtinctionBostromxtinction is 'robable're(er o%r methodolo)y beca%se itcombines 'hiloso'hy and mathematicsAnderson 1 E?oss Anderson de!t director oH Aeon =a+a/ine 3;ere 9nderestimatin+ te ?is& oH

    >!man -xtinction 8e At#antic =arc 2)12 tt.teat#antic.comtecno#o+arci"e2)12)%ereD!nderestimatin+DteDris&DoHD!manDextinction25%'21

    9nthinable as it may be h%manity every last 'erson co%ld someday bei'ed (rom the (ace o( the arth. ;e a"e #earned to orr abo!t asteroids and s!er"o#canoes b!t te moreD#i&e# scenario accordin+to Nic& Bostrom a roHessor oH i#oso at OxHord is tat e h%mans ill destroy o%rselves. Bostrom o directs OxHordUs F!t!re oH>!manit Instit!te as ar+!ed o"er te co!rse oH se"era# aers tat h%man extinction riss are 'oorly %nderstoodand orse sti## severely %nderestimated by society= 8ome o( these existentialriss are (airly ell non es'ecially the nat%ral ones= B%t others areobsc%re or even exotic = @ost orryin) to Bostrom is the s%bset o(existential riss that arise (rom h%man technolo)y a s!bset tat e exects to +ro in n!mber and otenco"er te next cent!r. (esite is concerns abo!t te ris&s osed to !mans b tecno#o+ica# ro+ress Bostromis no #!ddite. In Hact e is a lon)time

    advocate o( transh%manism///the efort to im'rove the h%man conditionand even h%man nat%re itsel( thro%)h technolo)ical means= In the lon)r%n he sees technolo)y as a brid)e a brid)e e h%mans m%st cross ith)reat care in order to reach ne and better modes o( bein)= In is or& Bostrom%ses the tools o( 'hiloso'hy and mathematics in 'artic%lar 'robabilitytheory to try and determine ho e as a s'ecies mi)ht achieve this sa(e'assa)e. ;at Ho##os is m con"ersation it Bostrom abo!t some oH te most interestin+ and orrin+ existentia# ris&s tat !manit mi+t enco!nter in te decades andcent!ries to come and abo!t at e can do to ma&e s!re e o!t#ast tem.

    Anthro'o)enic existential riss are 'robable and co%ld destroythe 'ossibility o( h%man develo'mentAnderson 1 E?oss Anderson de!t director oH Aeon =a+a/ine 3;ere 9nderestimatin+ te ?is& oH>!man -xtinction 8e At#antic =arc 2)12 tt.teat#antic.comtecno#o+arci"e2)12)%ereD!nderestimatin+DteDris&DoHD!manDextinction25%'21

    In te sort term o! donUt seem esecia## orried abo!t existentia# ris&s tat ori+inate in nat!re #i&e asteroid stri&es s!er"o#canoes and so Hort. Instead o! a"e ar+!ed tat

    the ma#ority o( (%t%re existential riss to h%manity are anthro'o)enic meanin+tat te arise Hrom !man acti"it. N!c#ear ar srin+s to mind as an ob"io!s exam#e oH tis &ind oH ris& b!t tatUs been it !s Hor some time no. ;at are some oH te more

    H!t!ristic or co!nterint!iti"e as tat e mi+t brin+ abo!t o!r on extinctionQ Bostrom I thin the bi))est existential rissrelate to certain (%t%re technolo)ical ca'abilities that e mi)ht develo'eras #ater tis cent!r. For exam'le machine intelli)ence or advanced molec%larnanotechnolo)y co%ld lead to the develo'ment o( certain inds o(ea'ons systems = To% co%ld also have riss associated ith certainadvancements in synthetic biolo)y. OH co!rse there are also existential riss thatare not extinction riss =

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    And so!#dnUt e be as orried abo!t nat!ra# existentia# ris&s in te sort termQ Bostrom One a oH ma&in+ tat ar+!ment is to sa tat eve s%rvived(or over 1-- tho%sand years so it seems 'rima (acie %nliely that anynat%ral existential riss o%ld do %s in here in the short term in the nexth%ndred years (or instance= Hhereas by contrast e are )oin) tointrod%ce entirely ne ris (actors in this cent%ry thro%)h o%r

    technolo)ical innovations and e dont have any trac record o( s%rvivin)those =No anoter a oH arri"in+ at tis is toloo at these 'artic%lar riss (rom nat%re and tonotice that the 'robability o( them occ%rrin) is small = For instance e canestimate asteroid riss by looin) at the distrib%tion o( craters that e&nd on arth or on the moon in order to )ive %s an idea o( ho (re?%entim'acts o( certain ma)nit%des are and they seem to indicate that the risthere is ?%ite small=;e can a#so st!d asteroids tro!+ te#escoes and see iH an are on a co##ision co!rse it -art and so Har e a"enUt Ho!nd an#ar+e asteroids on a co##ision co!rse it -art and e a"e #oo&ed at te maMorit oH te bi+ ones a#read.

    !man -xtinction 8e At#antic =arc 2)12 tt.teat#antic.comtecno#o+arci"e2)12)%ereD!nderestimatin+DteDris&DoHD!manDextinction25%'21

    Yo! a"e ar+!ed tat e %nderrate existential riss beca%se o( a 'artic%lar ind o( biascalled observation selection efect. Can o! ex#ain a bit more abo!t tatQ Bostrom 8e idea oH an obser"ation se#ection efect ismabe best ex#ained b rst considerin+ te sim#er concet oH a se#ection efect. Lets say yo%re tryin) to estimate holar)e the lar)est &sh in a )iven 'ond is and yo% %se a net to catch ah%ndred &sh and the bi))est &sh yo% &nd is three inches lon)= To% mi)htbe tem'ted to in(er that the bi))est &sh in this 'ond is not m%ch bi))erthan three inches beca%se yo%ve ca%)ht a h%ndred o( them and none o(them are bi))er than three inches= B%t i( it t%rns o%t that yo%r net co%ldonly catch &sh %' to a certain len)th then the meas%rin) instr%ment that

    yo% %sed o%ld introd%ce a selection efectG it o%ld only select (rom as%bset o( the domain yo% ere tryin) to sam'le= No thats a ind o(standard (act o( statistics and tere are metods Hor trin+ to correct Hor it and o! ob"io!s# a"e to ta&e tat into acco!nt en considerin+ tes distrib!tion in o!r ond. An observation selection efect is a selection efect introd%cednot b #imitations in o!r meas!rement instr!ment b!t rater by the (act that all observations re?%ire theexistence o( an observer=8is becomes imortant Hor instance in e"o#!tionar bio#o+. For instance e &no tat inte##i+ent #iHe e"o#"ed on -art.Nai"e# one mi+t tin& tat tis iece oH e"idence s!++ests tat #iHe is #i&e# to e"o#"e on most -artD#i&e #anets. B!t tat o!#d be to o"er#oo& an obser"ation se#ection efect. For nomatter o sma## te roortion oH a## -artD#i&e #anets tat e"o#"e inte##i+ent #iHe e i## nd o!rse#"es on a #anet tat did. O!r data ointDtat inte##i+ent #iHe arose on o!r #anetDisredicted eJ!a## e## b te otesis tat inte##i+ent #iHe is "er imrobab#e e"en on -artD#i&e #anets as b te otesis tat inte##i+ent #iHe is i+# robab#e on -artD#i&e #anets.

    ;en it comes to !man extinction and existentia# ris& tere are certain contro"ersia# as tat obser"ation se#ection efects mi+t be re#e"ant. >o soQ Bostrom Hellone 'rinci'le (or ho to reason hen there are these observationselection efects is called the sel(/sam'lin) ass%m'tion hich saysro%)hly that yo% sho%ld thin o( yo%rsel( as i( yo% ere a randomly

    selected observer o( some lar)er re(erence class o( observers =

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    hy'othesis is that -- trillion h%mans ill have ever existed= Lets say thatinitially yo% thin that each o( these hy'otheses is e?%ally liely yo% thenhave to tae into acco%nt the sel(/sam'lin) ass%m'tion and yo%r onbirth ran yo%r 'osition in the se?%ence o( 'eo'le ho have lived andho ill ever live= He estimate c%rrently that there have to date been

    1-- billion h%mans=

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    biolo)ical limitations ic #imit te &inds oH "a#!es tat e can instantiate in o!r #iHeDDDo%r li(es'ans are limitedo%r co)nitive abilities are limited o%r emotional constit%tion is s%ch thateven %nder very )ood conditions e mi)ht not be com'letely ha''y. And e"en at temore m!ndane #e"e# te or#d toda contains a #ot oH a"oidab#e miser and s!ferin+ and o"ert and disease and I tin& te or#d co!#d be a #ot better bot in te trans!man a

    b!t a#so in tis more economic a. !man -xtinction 8e At#antic =arc 2)12 tt.teat#antic.comtecno#o+arci"e2)12)%ereD!nderestimatin+DteDris&DoHD!manDextinction25%'21

    ;at tecno#o+ or otentia# tecno#o+ orries o! te mostQ Bostrom ;e## I can mention a He. In te nearer term I tin& vario%s develo'ments

    in biotechnolo)y and synthetic biolo)y are ?%ite disconcertin)= He are)ainin) the ability to create desi)ner 'atho)ens and there are thesebl%e'rints o( vario%s disease or)anisms that are in the '%blic domain///yo% can donload the )ene se?%ence (or small'ox or the 1.1 ;% vir%s(rom the Internet= 8o (ar the ordinary 'erson ill only have a di)italre'resentation o( it on their com'%ter screen b%t ere also develo'in)better and better 5NA synthesis machines hich are machines that cantae one o( these di)ital bl%e'rints as an in'%t and then 'rint o%t theact%al 3NA strin) or 5NA strin)= 8oon they ill become 'oer(%l eno%)hthat they can act%ally 'rint o%t these inds o( vir%ses= 8o already thereyo% have a ind o( 'redictable ris and then once yo% can start modi(yin)

    these or)anisms in certain inds o( ays there is a hole additional(rontier o( dan)er that yo% can (oresee = In the lon)er r%n I tin& arti&cialintelli)enceDDDonce it +ains !man and ten s!er!man caabi#itiesDDDill 'resent %s ith a ma#or ris area=

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    andor Cina or iH te ere conHrontin+ eac oter Hrom a distance in a rox ar as !n#i&e# as tese de"e#oments ma seem at te resent time. 8e re"erse mi+t e## a# tooso!#d a n!c#ear terrorist attac& occ!r in ?!ssia or Cina d!rin+ a eriod oH ei+tened tension or e"en #imited conict it te 9nited tates co!#d =osco and BeiMin+ resist te

    ress!res tat mi+t rise domestica## to consider te 9nited tates as a ossib#e eretrator or enco!ra+er oH te attac&Q Hashin)ton2s earlyres'onseto a terrorist n!c#ear attac& on its on soi# mi)hta#so raise the 'ossibility o( an %nantedEandn!c#ear aided con(rontationit ?!ssia andor Cina. For exam#e in te noise and conH!sion d!rin+ te immediate aHtermat oH te terrorist n!c#ear attac&the 9=8= 'resident mi)ht be ex'ected to 'lace the co%ntry2sarmed Horces inc#!din+ its

    n%clear arsenal on a hi)her sta)e o( alert. In s!c a tense en"ironment en careH!# #annin+ r!ns ! a+ainst te Hriction

    oH rea#it it is M!st 'ossible that @osco andor China mi)ht mistaenly read thisas a si)n o( 9=8= intentions to %se (orceEand ossib# n!c#ear Horce a+ainst tem. In tat sit!ation tetem'tations to 'reem't s!c actions mi+t)ro a#to!+ it m!st be admitted tat an reemtion o!#d robab# sti## meet it ade"astatin+ resonse. As art oH its initia# resonse to te act oH n!c#ear terrorism Eas disc!ssed ear#ier ;asin+ton mi+t decide to order a si+nicant con"entiona# Eor n!c#earreta#iator or disarmin+ attac& a+ainst te #eadersi oH te terrorist +ro! andor states seen to s!ort tat +ro!. (eendin+ on te identit and esecia## te #ocation oH tesetar+ets ?!ssia andor Cina mi+t interret s!c action as bein+ Har too c#ose Hor teir comHort and otentia## as an inHrin+ement on teir seres oH in!ence and e"en on teirso"erei+nt. One HarDHetced b!t eras not imossib#e scenario mi+t stem Hrom a M!d+ment in ;asin+ton tat some oH te main aiders and abetters oH te terrorist action residedsomeere s!c as Cecna eras in connection it at A##ison c#aims is te 3Cecen ins!r+ents _ #on+Dstandin+ interest in a## tin+s n!c#ear.42 American ress!re on tatart oH te or#d o!#d a#most certain# raise a#arms in =osco tat mi+t reJ!ire a de+ree oH ad"anced cons!#tation Hrom ;asin+ton tat te #atter Ho!nd itse#H !nab#e or !ni##in+ toro"ide. 8ere is a#so te J!estion oH o oter n!c#earDarmed states resond to te act oH n!c#ear terrorism on anoter member oH tat secia# c#!b. It co!#d reasonab# be exectedtat Ho##oin+ a n!c#ear terrorist attac& on te 9nited tates bot?!ssia and Cina o!#d extend immediate smat and s!ort to ;asin+ton and o!#d or& a#on+side te 9nitedtates in te ec!rit Co!nci#. B!t tere is M!st a cance a#beit a s#im one ere te s!ort oH ?!ssia andor Cina is #ess a!tomatic in some cases tan in oters. For exam#e ato!#d aen iH te 9nited tates ised to disc!ss its ri+t to reta#iate a+ainst +ro!s based in teir territorQ IH Hor some reason ;asin+ton Ho!nd te resonses oH ?!ssia and Cinadee# !ndere#min+ Eneiter 3Hor !s or a+ainst !s mi+t it a#so s!sect tat te secret# ere in caoots it te +ro! increasin+ Ea+ain eras e"er so s#i+t# te cances oHa maMor excan+e. IH te terrorist +ro! ad some connections to +ro!s in ?!ssia and Cina or existed in areas oH te or#d o"er ic ?!ssia and Cina e#d sa and iH ;asin+tonHe#t tat =osco or BeiMin+ ere #acin+ a c!rio!s# modest #e"e# oH ress!re on tem at conc#!sions mi+t it ten dra abo!t teir c!#abi#it

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    7ra)matism ood5eliberation is ey to efective 'olitical en)a)emento%rmodel o( debate allos (or efective contestation that b%ildsbetter 'olitics

    8anderson -. EIan anderson director oH researc at Leeds 9ni"ersit 3Inte##i+ent 6o#ic =a&in+ Hor aCom#ex ;or#d 6ra+matism -"idence and Learnin+ 6o#itica# t!dies [o#!me 5, Iss!e 4 a+es 077D,17(ecember 2))7

    I a"e ar+!ed tereHore tat ideas (rom 'ra)matism and (rom the st%dy o( com'lexdynamic systems 'rovide %s ith a so%nd basis (or a 0neo/modernist2a:rmation o( the role o( intelli)ence in 'olicy main )=Faced it an increasin+ areciation oH tecom#exit oH socia# rob#ems tro!+ or& in nonD#inear dnamics e need to reconcile the 'ress%re (or radicaland innovative 'olicy sol%tions to s%ch 'roblems ith the entreaty to beca%tio%s and modest in o%r ex'ectations o( 'olicy action=

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    a certain ateism in Hact it deends on it to HortiH te bo!ndaries beteen te M!st !nM!st and te ri+teo!s!nri+teo!s. In oter ords en a Cristian enco!nters te ido# oH antiDb#ac&ness se m!st ass!me an ateistic ost!re toard tis ido# to remain HaitH!# Eor as Carter o!#d describe it to be 3ort o!r sa#t.

    8tr%))lin) is necessary to overcome anti/blacness=Harren 1J ECa#"in ?. ;arren $eor+e ;asin+ton 9ni"ersit 3B#ac& Nii#ism and te 6o#itics oH >oe 8eNe Centennia# ?e"ie [o#!me 15 N!mber 1 rin+ 2)15 . 215D24' =ici+an tate 9ni"ersit 6ress

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    9ltimately it is im'ossible to end meta'hysics itho%t endin) blacnessand the blac nihilist ill never be able to ithdra (rom the 7oliticalcom'letely itho%t a certain death/drive or bein)/toard/death=

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    K Lins

  • 7/25/2019 Biometrics Aff and Neg - Northwestern 2015 Sophomores


    Lin7ano'ticon7ano'ticism is the root ca%se o( s%rveillance hich 'romotes)overnmentality and discrimination in both race and )ender=Ball 1 EKirstie Ba## Ke"in (. >a++ert and (a"id Lon ?o!te#ed+eD!r"ei##ance >andboo& 3Co#onia#ism and

    !r"ei##ance 6o#itica# ocio#o+ist 6+ 2,2D2,%$re+ -#mers cater addresses tis J!estion abo!t te #ace oH anotic mode#s in te st!d oH s!r"ei##ance and te #ace oH Fo!ca!#ts or& in tis e#d more +enera##. -#mer

    concentrates on the three ey theme s o( 'ano'ticism disci'line and controlto ar)%e(or the contin%in) relevance o( Fo%ca%lt2s or to the st%dy o(s%rveillance = e does so by ret%rnin) to the ors o( Eeremy Bentham teori+ina# creator oH te anoticon mode#in order to mae a distinction beteen %nderstandin)s o(s%rveillance that (oc%s on the reality o( monitorin) vers%s the moreFo%ca%ldian em'hasis on the lielihood o( bein) atched. -#mer ar+!es tat Fo!ca!#ts tr!# !niJ!econtrib!tion as to emasi/e disci#ine ic entai#s a &ind oH a!tomatic doci#it and se#HD+o"ernment. Oter a!tors a"e dran !on diferent comonents oH Fo!ca!#ts ider bod

    oH or& to ad"ance o!r teori/in+ oH s!r"ei##ance.ere Ayse Ceyhan2s contrib%tion (oc%ses %'onFo%ca%lt2s notions o( +bio'oer, and +)overnmentality, and ho theyrelate to contem'orary (orms o( al)orithmic s%rveillance hich involve a

    'oer over li(e itsel(. 8is oHten re#ies on o!#ation statistics and robabi#it ca#c!#ations. 8he demonstrates therelevance o( Fo%caldian conce'ts to contem'orary iss%es shoin) in'artic%lar ho s%ch s%rveillance is no central to neoliberal re)imes %sedto mana)e 'o'%lations and reass%re an o(ten anxio%s '%blic = 8e Frenc teoretica# traditioncontains oter ric reso!rces tat can !seH!## ad"ance o!r teori/in+ oH s!r"ei##ance. ;i##iam Bo+ard o!t#ines some oH tese or&s detai#in+ o insi+ts Hrom i#osoers s!c as

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    LinNeolibBiometrics and the s%rveillant assembla)e are 'art o(neoliberalism@%ller 1-EBenMamin

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    alto)ether=B!t this romantic %ltra/le(tism o%ld coexist c%rio%sly eno!+ it a britt#eessimismDDHor te Hact is tat iH te sstem is a##DoerH!# ten tere can be b denition notin+ beond it an more tan tere can be antin+ beond te innite c!r"at!re oH

    cosmic sace. I( there ere somethin) o%tside the system then it o%ld beentirely %nnoable and th%s inca'able o( savin) %s> b%t i( e co%ld drait into the orbit o( the system so tat it co!#d +ain some efecti"e Hooto#d tere its otherness o%ld beinstantly contaminated and its s%bversive 'oer o%ld th%s dindle to

    nothin). Hhatever ne)ates the system in theory o%ld th%s be lo)icallyinca'able o( doin) so in 'ractice. Anythin) e can %nderstand can byde&nition not be radical since it m%st be ithin the system itsel( b%tanythin) hich esca'es the system co%ld be heard by %s as no more thana mysterio%s m%rm%r= 8%ch thinin) has abandoned the hole notion o( asystem hich is internally contradictory//hich has that installed at itsheart hich can 'otentially %ndo it . Instead it thins in the ri)ido''ositions o( inside and o%tside here to be on the inside is to becom'licit and to be on the o%tside is to be im'otent= 'essimism beca%seone o%ld be m%ch too blealy conscio%s o( the omni'otence o( la and'oer to believe that s%ch a dream co%ld ever be reali6ed= IH one sti## be#ie"ed in s!b"ersionb%t not in the existence o( any ;esh/and/blood a)ents o( it then it mi)htbe 'ossible to ima)ine that the system in some ay s%bverted itsel(deconstr%cted its on lo)ic hich o%ld then allo yo% to combine acertain radicalism ith a certain se'ticism= I( the system is everyhere tenit o!#d seem lie the Almi)hty himsel( to be visible at no 'artic%lar 'oint and ito%ld there(ore become 'ossible to believe aradoxica## eno!+ that hatever aso%t there as not in (act a system at all= It is only a short ste' (romclaimin) that the system is too com'lex to be re'resented to declarin)

    that it does not exist= In the 'eriod e are ima)inin) then some o%ld nodo%bt be (o%nd clamorin) a)ainst hat they sa as the tyranny o( a realsocial totality hereas others o%ld be b%sy deconstr%ctin) the holeidea o( totality and claimin) that it existed only in o%r minds . It o%ld notbe hard to see this as at least in 'art a com'ensation in theory (or the(act that the social totality as 'rovin) di:c%lt to crac in 'ractice= I( novery ambitio%s (orm o( 'olitical action seems (or the moment 'ossible i(so/called micro'olitics seem the order o( the day it is alays tem'tin) toconvert this necessity into a virt%e//to console onesel( ith the tho%)htthat ones 'olitical limitations have a ind o( ob#ective )ro%nd in reality inthe (act that social ]tota#it] is in an case M!st an i##!sion. E]=etasica#] ill%sion maes yo%r 'osition

    so%nd rather more im'osin)=" It does not matter i( there is no 'oliticala)ent at hand to trans(orm the hole beca%se there is in (act no hole tobe trans(ormed= It is as tho%)h havin) mislaid the breadni(e onedeclares the loa( to be already sliced= B%t totality mi)ht also seemsomethin) o( an ill%sion beca%se there o%ld be no very obvio%s 'oliticala)ent (or hom society mi)ht 'resent itsel( as a totality=

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    str%ct%re ith hich their on immediate sit%ation intersects= Local and%niversal are not ere sim#e oosites or teoretica# otions as they mi)ht be (or thoseintellect%als ho 're(er to thin bi) and those more modest academicsho lie to ee' it concrete. B!t iH some oH tose traditiona# o#itica# a+ents are in tro!b#e then so ill be theconce't o( social totality since it is those a)ents need o( it that )ives it

    its (orce= ras'in) a com'lex totality involves some ri)oro%s analysis> soit is not s%r'risin) that s%ch stren%o%sly systematic tho%)ht sho%ld be o%to( (ashion dismissed as a##ic scientistic or at a"e o! in the sort o( 'eriod e are ima)inin). Hhenthere is nothin) in 'artic%lar in it (or yo% to &nd o%t ho yo% stand//i( yo%are a 'ro(essor in Ithaca or Irvine (or exam'le//yo% can aford to beambi)%o%s el%sive delicio%sly indeterminate= To% are also ?%ite liely ins%ch circ%mstances to ax idealist Dto!+ in some s!itab# neDHan+#ed rater tan tedio!s# o#dDHasioned sense.Forone 'rimary ay in hich e no the orld is o( co%rse thro%)h'ractice> and i( any very ambitio%s 'ractice is denied %s it ill not be lon)be(ore e catch o%rselves onderin) hether there is anythin) o%t thereat all=One o!#d exect tenthat in s%ch an era a belie( in reality as somethin) thatresists %s !istory is hat h%rts as Fredric Eameson has '%t it" ill )iveay to a belie( in the constr%cted nat%re o( the orld. 8is in t!rn o%ld nodo%bt )o hand in hand ith a (%ll/blooded ]c!#t!ra#ism] ic !nderestimated at men and omen ad in common asmateria# !man creat!res and s%s'ected all tal o( nat%re as an insidio%s mysti&cation= Ito%ld tend not to reali6e that s%ch c%lt%ralism is #%st as red%ctive as sayeconomism or biolo)ism= Co)nitive and realist acco%nts o( h%manconscio%sness o%ld yield )ro%nd to vario%s inds o( 'ra)matism andrelativism art beca!se tere didnUt an #on+er seem m!c o#itica## at sta&e in &noin+ o it stood it o!. -"ertin+ o!#d become an interretation inc#!din+tat statement itse#H. And hat o%ld also )rad%ally im'lode alon) ith reasonablycertain noled)e o%ld be the idea o( a h%man s%b#ect]centered] and !nied eno!+ to ta&esi+nicant action. For s!c si+nicant action o!#d no seem in sort s!# and the res%lt once more o%ld be to mae avirt%e o%t o( necessity by sin)in) the 'raises o( the dif%se decenteredschi6oidh%man s%b#ect//a s%b#ect ho mi)ht ell not be to+eter]eno%)h to to''le abottle of a all et alone brin) don the sate b%t ho co%ld neverthelessbe 'resented as hair/raisin)ly avant )arde in contrast to the sm%)lycentered s%b#ects o( an older more classical 'hase o( ca'italism=

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    rationali6in) o'erations threaten to %nderc%t its on meta'hysical claims=It is clear hoever that itho%t 'ra)matism and 'l%rality the systemco%ld not s%rvive at all= 5iference hybridity hetero)eneity restlessmobility are native to the ca'italist mode o( 'rod%ction and th%s by nomeans inherently radical 'henomena= 8o i( these ays o( thinin) '%t the

    sids %nder the system at one level they re'rod%ce its lo)ic at another= I(an o''ressive system seems to re)%late everythin) then one illnat%rally loo aro%nd (or some enclave o( hich this is less tr%e//some'lace here a de)ree o( (reedom or randomness or 'leas%re still'recario%sly s%rvives=6eras o! mi+t ca## tis desire or disco%rse or the body or the%nconscio%s= One mi)ht 'redict in this 'eriod a ?%icenin) o( interest in'sychoanalsis//(or 'sychoanalysis is not only the thinin) 'ersonssensationalism blendin) intellect%al ri)or ith the most l%rid materialsb%t it ex%des a )eneral excitin) air o( radicalism itho%t bein) 'artic%larlyso 'olitically= I( the more abstract ?%estions o( state mode o( 'rod%ctionand civil society seems (or the moment too hard to resolve then onemi)ht shi(t ones 'olitical attention to somethin) more intimate andimmediate more livin) and ;eshly lie the body. ConHerence aers entit#ed ]7%ttin) theAn%s Bac into Coriolan%s o%ld attract ea)er crods ho had neverheard o( the bo%r)eoisie b%t ho ne all abo%t b%))ery=

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