analysis for q magazine

Front cover analysis for Q magazine The masthead for this issue of Q magazine has been edited to make it look like it’s been smashed by the person on the cover. As Q is a well-recognised magazine they can slightly change Instead of advertising what’s in the magazine or any special features, the skyline tells the reader that they are reading the UK’s best The image of the band member of Muse is used to show the reader what the main article of the magazine is about. They have used editing to make it look like the person is smashing the masthead with his guitar, this is intended to go with the image of the band and make them look wild and out of control. Also the model is positioned slightly behind the masthead but coming forward to give it a 3D effect. The lead article goes directly in with the main image to further suggest what the main feature of this issue is as well as reinforcing the The cover lines are dotted around the front cover instead of typically at the bottom. They feature the names of different artists who belong to different music genres which The house style is consistent throughout the front cover; the main colours are black, red, white and grey. Some words are in red font to emphasise the section of the text along with some being underlined or highlighted to focus the reader’s attention to certain parts.

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Post on 20-Aug-2015



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Page 1: Analysis for q magazine

Front cover analysis for Q magazine

The masthead for this issue of Q magazine has been edited to make it look like it’s been smashed by the person on the cover. As Q is a well-recognised magazine they can slightly change the masthead and people will still recognise it as Q magazine.

Instead of advertising what’s in the magazine or any special features, the skyline tells the reader that they are reading the UK’s best music magazine to further entice them to buy it.

The image of the band member of Muse is used to show the reader what the main article of the magazine is about. They have used editing to make it look like the person is smashing the masthead with his guitar, this is intended to go with the image of the band and make them look wild and out of control. Also the model is positioned slightly behind the masthead but coming forward to give it a 3D effect.

The lead article goes directly in with the main image to further suggest what the main feature of this issue is as well as reinforcing the image of the band through a quote from the article and the line ‘Matt Bellamy is out of control’.

The cover lines are dotted around the front cover instead of typically at the bottom. They feature the names of different artists who belong to different music genres which suggest that the magazine is not specific to one music genre like many others are.

The house style is consistent throughout the front cover; the main colours are black, red, white and grey. Some words are in red font to emphasise the section of the text along with some being underlined or highlighted to focus the reader’s attention to certain parts.

Page 2: Analysis for q magazine

Contents analysis for Q magazine

The contents is condensed down to one page, this has been done by using images from the main articles in the magazine with the page number listed on them for the reader to find what they are looking for conveniently. The regulars list is used running

down the length of the page to give the reader an order of what’s in the magazine. The readers can expect a list like this in all issues of Q hence why it is titled regulars.

The house style again is the same as the front cover, along with the masthead which is featured at the top and bottom of the page. The small masthead icon is featured on every page next to the page number.

Page 3: Analysis for q magazine

Double page spread analysis of Q magazine

The DPS is laid out in a text led format; all of the information in the article is featured on one page. There are 3 columns on the page divided by gutters with one broke up with a small image of the band and a pull quote.

There are 2 images used in the DPS, one is of the band when they were younger, the other is them in the present. The lead singer is positioned facing towards the reader with his guitar to make it clear that he is the lead singer. The other members are placed either side with their instruments to show the reader their positions in the band.

The main image makes the lead singer look serious and professional as his pose is upright and facing the reader whereas the other band members are slightly slouched, relaxed and calm to make appear more in the background instead of the key selling point of the band. The image of them as teenagers is intended to show what they were like when the first got together as a band, the smaller image is also in black and white and slightly tilted to make it look like a nostalgic photograph.

The article is introduced using a drop cap and begins with the author describing his time with the lead singer of the band, Matt Bellamy. This suggests that the main focus of the article is the lead singer of Muse and his thoughts and ideas of the band.

The journalist uses many quotes from the lead singer as the article is focused on him. These quotes and the article as a whole give a fair representation of the band and Matt Bellamy. The quotes tell the reader about what strange things Matt has done or does which gives a representation the band might like to be seen as weird and strange.

The DPS suggests that VALs of the readers of Q might be focused on music as an experience; they like to listen to music from their favourite artists and learn about them too.