unity of merced's newsletter: march - april, 2013

Spiritual Leader: Jill Loving, Licensed Unity Teacher Office: 209-723-3427 Cell: 209-489-7533 Email: [email protected] Website: unity.org Facebook: unitymerced We are part of: Unity World Wide Ministries & Silent Unity March's theme is AWARENESS. Awareness is the first step for changing and improving anything. If you are not aware of an issue in your life, it's running on it's own program and may be undermining your best intentions! If you are not aware of what you eat it's difficult to manage a change in diet. If you are not aware of how active you are, or are not, why would you im- plement an exercise plan? If you are not aware of what you spend your money on, making a workable budget is nigh impossible. If you are not aware of your spiritual connection why would you medi- tate and pray? Being unaware in any of these areas of your life will have consequences. Poor eating habits and lack of exercise will usually show up as poor health. Lack of financial awareness will likely put you into unmanageable debt. Lack of spiritual awareness will show up when you have a cri- sis in your life. So it behooves us to be aware of as many aspects of our life as possible to ensure we have, as Oprah says, 'the best life possible.' Loving Letter for March & April 2013 Page 1 of 7 What is true for you as an indi- vidual, is also true for us as a spiri- tual community. So recently the board and I decided to increase our awareness of our financial position. We are all very familiar with where the money goes so we thought we should look at where it comes from. Our income has stubbornly remained at about $6,000 a month for as long as I can remember. $6,000 a month is, as you know, enough to maintain the status quo but not enough to save or to have any development such as outside speakers, workshops, classes, or offer significant training opportuni- ties. So we looked at our source. We have in the region of a dozen, what I will call, PLATINUM givers who give between $250 and $500 every month. Then a similar number of GOLD givers who give between $80 and $250 every month and a similar number of SILVER givers who give between $20 and $80 a month. Finally there is a large number, about the same as these three groups combined, BRONZE givers who give UP TO $10 a month. This group is missing out on claiming tax relief on their gift as we are only required to issue that notice to those who give $200 or more a year. So we ask you to be aware of which group you are in? If you are in the Platinum, and Gold group, thank you. Our spiri- tual community is grateful to your generous and unfailing support. The challenge we put to you ALL is two fold. 1st To all of you we ask ARE YOU TRULY TITHING? i. e. cal- culating your income each month and giving a tenth to where you receive your spiritual good (which may or may not be to Unity Merced) and put tithing to the test!. Malachi 3:10 “Bring the whole tithe into the store-house, that there may be food in my house, and test me now in this," says Yahweh of hosts, "if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough for.” 2nd We bless and honor all gifts and the next time we do this analy- sis we would like to see all of you in the above groups of givers, put tithing to the test and enable us to give you ALL a tax break letter next January! 2 Chronicles 31:5 As soon as the commandment came abroad, the children of Is- rael gave in abundance the first fruits of grain, new wine, and oil, and honey, and of all the increase of the field; and the tithe of all things brought they in abun- dantly. Love peace and blessings Jill Loving.

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Page 1: Unity of Merced's Newsletter: March - April, 2013

Spiritual Leader: Jill Loving, Licensed Unity Teacher ❧ Office: 209-723-3427 ❧ Cell: 209-489-7533Email: [email protected] ❧ Website: unity.org ❧ Facebook: unitymerced

We are part of: Unity World Wide Ministries & Silent Unity❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧

March's theme is AWARENESS. Awareness is the first step for changing and improving anything. If you are not aware of an issue in your life, it's running on it's own program and may be undermining your best intentions! If you are not aware of what you eat it's difficult to manage a change in diet. If you are not aware of how active you are, or are not, why would you im-plement an exercise plan? If you are not aware of what you spend your money on, making a workable budget is nigh impossible. If you are not aware of your spiritual connection why would you medi-tate and pray? Being unaware in any of these areas of your life will have consequences. Poor eating habits and lack of exercise will usually show up as poor health. Lack of financial awareness will likely put you into unmanageable debt. Lack of spiritual awareness will show up when you have a cri-sis in your life. So it behooves us to be aware of as many aspects of our life as possible to ensure we have, as Oprah says, 'the best life possible.'

Loving Letterfor

March & April2013

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What is true for you as an indi-vidual, is also true for us as a spiri-tual community. So recently the board and I decided to increase our awareness of our financial position. We are all very familiar with where the money goes so we thought we should look at where it comes from. Our income has stubbornly remained at about $6,000 a month for as long as I can remember. $6,000 a month is, as you know, enough to maintain the status quo but not enough to save or to have any development such as outside speakers, workshops, classes, or offer significant training opportuni-ties. So we looked at our source. We have in the region of a dozen, what I will call, PLATINUM givers who give between $250 and $500 every month. Then a similar number of GOLD givers who give between $80 and $250 every month and a similar number of SILVER givers who give between $20 and $80 a month. Finally there is a large number, about the same as these three groups combined, BRONZE givers who give UP TO $10 a month. This group is missing out on claiming tax relief on their gift as we are only required to issue that notice to those who give $200 or more a year. So we ask you to be aware of which group you are in? If you are in the Platinum, and Gold group, thank you. Our spiri-

tual community is grateful to your generous and unfailing support.

The challenge we put to you ALL is two fold.1st To all of you we ask ARE YOU TRULY TITHING? i. e. cal-culating your income each month and giving a tenth to where you receive your spiritual good (which may or may not be to Unity Merced) and put tithing to the test!.Malachi 3:10 “Bring the whole tithe into the store-house, that there may be food in my house, and test me now in this," says Yahweh of hosts, "if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough for.” 2nd We bless and honor all gifts and the next time we do this analy-sis we would like to see all of you in the above groups of givers, put tithing to the test and enable us to give you ALL a tax break letter next January!2 Chronicles 31:5 As soon as the commandment came abroad, the children of Is-rael gave in abundance the first fruits of grain, new wine, and oil, and honey, and of all the increase of the field; and the tithe of all things brought they in abun-dantly.

Love peace and blessingsJill Loving.

Page 2: Unity of Merced's Newsletter: March - April, 2013

At our January Board Meeting, we discussed the selection of a new Spiritual Leader.  I was pleased by the high quality of discussion. I was also left with a feeling of thanksgiving, as I believe the influ-ence of our current Spiritual Leader over the past ten years showed greatly.  Thank you, Jill!That led me to another thought, “When faced with change, what do I do?”  Then it came to me!  When faced with change I manage it by managing my choices.Whether change is inside our con-trol or outside our control; whether it?s inner directed by what we want, or outer driven by a change in circumstance; we must our choices in our thoughts, words, and actions. Why?  Because, we are choosing our future!When faced with change, we can complain or we can offer solutions.  Change brings the pres-sure of time. But, luckily, Jill thought of that as well.  She gave the Board enough time to deter-mine the possibilities.Usually, I meet change with ex-citement.  So, I ask, what is the Board capable of achieving from the selection of a new spiritual leader? The Board has the gift of time to manage this change and achieve the best outcome.I predict a happy, healthy outcome that will raise us up, as a congrega-tion, to a higher realization of our God self.  So here are some ques-tions for all of us to consider.What change do we want to see? What changes do outer forces drive? 

BoardChaplain’sCornerBy: Dr. Judith Hartman

PRAYER Our Prayer ministry continues to thrive on Tuesdays at noon. Betty Parker sends out our new prayer cards every Tuesday morning and the 2013 Prayer Angels were sent out Tuesday, February 26th.

✉ email Prayer Requests to:

[email protected] ✉Every TUESDAY at 12 Noon Prayer Service in the Office

Meditation Room.

Please hold your Prayer Angel’s intention daily. An occasional note, card, or small gift is also appreciated. Use the Angel Drop Off Point (book shelves under the bulletin boards at the back of the sanctuary) or our church address as your return ad-dress to preserve your anonymity!

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Affirmation for new leader

We give thanks for the new leader of Unity Merced. This leader is committed to leading Unity Merced through Christ

light and love and Unity princi-ples to be all that it can be.

What changes do we want to be protected from?  If you have an answer, a sugges-tion, or a question, share it with a Board Member!Remember, you are encouraged to ask for information, take account-ability for your spiritual needs, and ask for help.  Remove all blocks to spiritual oneness.  Do not pretend that you already know.  Instead, ask for what you need.This is how you influence change whether it?s inner directed or outer driven.Look into what is possible!  What at first may seem insurmountable may reveal ideas or options not yet considered!  I invite us all to face any change or challenge with an expectation of fulfillment.  And so, I let it be!  God bless you every one!

TEACHINGBook ClubTuesdays 4:30 p.m. in the office with Janine “The Power of Now” by Ekhart Tolle is the current selec-tion

A Course in MiraclesTuesdays 7-9:00 p.m. with Randy and Mattie Lane - this is a long es-tablished class so please call 628-6383 before joining these gifted spiritual souls

Youth EducationWe have had a great start to our year!  We've talked about insights from the Dalai Lama, karma, and the basics of Buddhism in January with Jereme.  In February, Mattie kept with the theme of relationships and talked about the different types of relationships we have and the importance of them.  In March, Sarah and Jereme will be teaching the youth, followed by Ida in April.  We have a great group of children here at Unity!  We are so proud to see them learn and grow spiritually!  If you would like to volunteer, or help out in anyway, please let me know! - Sarah      

STAFFING NEWSOur office manager Janine Adcock is now in the office Monday 9-11 a.m. Tuesday 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Wed 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Thursday 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Page 3: Unity of Merced's Newsletter: March - April, 2013

2013 Spring Into Come-Unity – Joy-fully

Are you prepared to bloom? I have said before that I really flow with the season when it comes to my inner life. The winter is great time to let everything recede and be within the still and dormant sea-son. Time for reflecting on what has been. As we get closer to spring I begin to notice and focus in on the nature of life’s new buds and the promise of their bloom. As the Cosmos has delivered us into a fresh era it is the season to go into our deepest soul calling. This is the time to get clear on what we are here to be for the Highest and Best and send this into the fertile atmosphere around us. Focus the essence of our present budding life and align it with the season of Spring. What is the seeds that you have in the truest, deepest heart of your being? Tend these seeds above all else. The bounty of the Source blooms from the seeds of the heart. The world is full of distractions that would suggest that there are more important issues than the tending cultivating of your deepest soul desires. I say “don’t take the bate” that would call you away from your truest harvest. I am here to encourage all of us to take this

time as we finish winter stillness and really get clear what we are calling into this next fruit-bearing season. Mine is that we experience our whole world healing together embracing creative and whole-sum soul-utions for blooming from the heart in every land, culture and tongue. Beginning right here in Merced.

Take and make the time to con-nect with the joy of your souls spring dawning from dormancy. Notice the stillness giving way to new life. Focus your love and in-tention in the Spirit. Focus your love and intention within your daily activities. Inwardly tending yOur commitment to peace, har-mony, and joy is a gift to the world. In this way we nourish the space within and around us. As we extend our inner prosperity like new branches on the tree of life, making the world a beautiful gar-den with the blooms of our sacred growth for all to see. Look for Spirit like you look for spring blooming all around us. Love blooms in my heart and covers the landscape with beauty!

And sow it is. iBlessed!Peace & Love~

(I/Eye) iiJoy!

Board Member Biography Joy Widmark is a lover of the cosmos and a student of life. A vi-sionary, dreamer and artist pulling for the manifestation of “We the People” (a.k.a. the 99%), An evolu-tionary advocate practicing and cultivating the universal healing arts and sacred entertainment in the fresh new age.

Joy Sundee Widmark is a true child of the sixties in that she was born Oct 19,1965. Born into the faith and family of fundamental Christianity (Her first education), with the Jewish heritage an also in her lineage. By 16, Joy arrived at a stand and departure from the fund-a-mental religion, sending her on a journey of self-discovery and self-recovery. This ignited an ongoing sacred life study. Having the name Joy from birth, the journey turned into a quest and inquiry of… What Is?... Essentially Whole-Sum and Beautifully True?.. In the coarse of the last 25 years Joy has experienced the sa-cred in all atmospheres being espe-cially at home with The Tao Te Ching, and the mystic traditions. She appreciates the pure and com-mon thread within all traditions believing that all traditions speak of the One from different places and times. She is committed to cul-tivating universal values through the joy of meditation, new science, and ecstatic calm-passion. (A life long coarse.) Joy is a speaker and educator of Sacred Enerchi Fitness, and an evolutionary advocate who pro-motes well-being through universal alignment. She has been guided by Spirit to weave all that she finds together, and forgive that which stands apart. Living the joy of Come-Unity principles and whole-sum entertainment. Simply Rich-A Cosmic Romance is her first book intended to illumi-nate the universal perspective where “We the People” can stand united within these changing times. Her 2nd book “The World Accord-ing to Joy” is in development.

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A Spiritual Competitive Advantage?     If you have never experi-enced both the stress and

pleasure of working and competing in a highly competitive industry or performing on the athletic field, then consider the idea that tiny de-tails can often ultimately make or break a person’s success.  This is easily observed in the Olympics or any other high stakes competition where winners are crowned based on 1/100th or 1/1,000th of a second.      Spiritually speaking, it has been observed that competitors who have done something small and invisible—those who are racing and dedicating their performance for their home country, their fam-ily, or any larger entity than their own personal self—tend to exhibit a tiny, but seemingly significant competitive advantage.  It appears their start times are quicker, their performance is stronger, and ulti-mately they end up winning more races.     So what is the difference among the competitors?  As is often the case in analyzing one’s spiritual power (or lack thereof), it comes down to one’s intentions.  Are they pure (unselfish=strong) or impure (selfish=weak).  In other words, we wish to answer the question “what is the true reason behind a person’s [or my own] actions?”  Is it for the advancement of my own self, for fame, notoriety, and ultimately amassing more worldly wealth and power; or am I dedicated to the ad-vancement of something larger than me and I allow all the worldly stuff to flow to me on its own?     The highest levels of spiritual power are naturally and freely given to those whose true inten-tions are towards less suffering and

the higher spiritual evolution of all of life.  This intention coincides with God’s.  However, these are rare inten-tions in this world and are likely those of one who has formally and person-ally dedicated his or her self to serv-ing a higher power, namely God, Source, Self, the eternal Father of life, etc. and doing it’s will (and not their own).      This kind of dedication can exist beyond a particular group or gathering.  It may be done in one’s private life and it comes about by grace when karmic propensities allow it to naturally manifest.   In other words, if one’s intentions are divinely pure, then there will naturally be di-vine assistance in one’s life since the will of the Lord is being done through this being.  There will also be greater clarity and awareness in one’s every intention, thought, and action since  each of these items have already been determined well beforehand.  The goal will always be towards the bet-terment and advancement of the whole.      To juxtapose this scenario now if one’s intentions are for personal gain, whether one consciously knows this or not (usually not), then there will often be tricks and games played upon “the unsuspecting.”  Because of this phenomenon, this person is thrust squarely in a position of feeding off of others, especially trying to obtain oth-ers energy since their divine energy is lacking, and overall in a spiritual power deficit.         In the world of spiritual advance-ment, although there really is no com-petition among peers, typically the furthest along can be observed as the one who constantly has the goodness and healing of the whole in mind.  Personal will in the world has been surrendered to God, but spiritual joy, ecstasy, and enlightenment take its place.  I bless that this little article will contribute to this end.  Lovingly, Jereme      

Unity of Merced’s 2ndt Annual High Tea Social

Saturday May 4, 2013

Starts @11:00 amCost: Adults - $10.00 by April 29th

(At the door - $15.00) Children- $5.00

Dress Attire: Wear your favorite fancy Hat or create one!

305 W. 26th St. 209-723-3427

PROSPERITY Our Income goal for each month is $7000. Income January was $6.007 and expenditure was $5,234. The good news is we spent within our income. However until we have at least a month in hand balance in the bank we will not consider any development work. If we continue to have income below our goal we will have to consider changes to our spending and this would directly impact our Sunday Service experience.

Daylight Savings Time BEGINS

Sunday, March 10, 2013. So set your clocks ahead one (1) hour before

you go to bed on Saturday night.

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plus the Unitarians share our building. Please see our Weekly Calendar for scheduled meetings and office hours.

BRANDING Calling all members! You are cordially invited to help Unity of Merced fully move into the 21st century. We are forming a group to put together information about Unity of Merced for the web site, bulletin, and packet to appoint a new leader. We plan to meet ini-tially after service on Sunday, March 24th. We need all the ex-pertise we can muster!

BOARD NEWS Joy and Kate are running for a second term to give the board con-tinuity as we move through this period of transition as we search for a new leader. Remember we have established a Scholarship Fund to pay tuition costs for members who further their Unity Education through at-tending Regional weekend courses (check Notice board in church) or SEE at the Village or online. It now stands at $3,000. Apply to the Board in writing for a scholarship.

Board Member Biography I've had the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors a couple times over the 23 years I've been a member.  During my years of membership, most of them active in volunteering, music, platform, office, board member, prayer team and speaker I've experienced many changes, both personal and within the spiritual community.  I am confident this current board will be effective in the search and success-ful transfer of spiritual leadership this year, and I would love to be a part of that very special process.  I believe my good foundation in Unity Principles and positive

prayer will be an asset to the Board and the congregation at this posi-tive transformation time in our church history.  I cannot believe my one year alternate position is already coming to a close, and so I'm happy to submit my name for a three year spot now.  Thank you for your spiritual consideration.  Kate Jackson

H.Q and Association NewsDon’t forget we belong to an inter-national organization. Keep in touch with all they do, and offer for your personal growth, through the web site www.unity.org, sub-scribe to Unity magazine and The Path the regular email newsletter

SERVICEHospitality Ministry meets 12 noon 1st Sunday of the month.Next event: Sunday, Mar. 31st for EasterLead: Susan BenesCall: 209-777-7771Email: [email protected].

Bookstore Ministry:View our inventory at:http://www.librarything.com/home/UnityMercedVolunteers needed to help staff the bookstoreLead: Mattie LaneEmail: [email protected]

Youth of Unity Teachers Lead: Sarah Anderson Email: [email protected]

Newsletter Deadline for theMay / June 2013 issue is Sunday, April 28th, 2013at 11:59 p.m. PDTThemes: Music / HealthLead: Janet Hay OverbeyEmail: [email protected]

Nehemiah Ministry meets most Saturdays. Their Honey-Do-List is at the back of the sanctuary. Please add any repairs you notice that need attention.Lead: Mike FraguliaEmail: [email protected]

Sunday Service Support Ministry greeting, sound, scribe, and offertory collection. Another sound ministry person would be welcome.Lead: Lamech Howard

Birthday Cake MinistryOur year is complete. Thanks to all who signed up!

Sharing our PremisesCurrently AA and RCA meetings

Revs. Kate and Roddy Jackson will lead our Easter service this year with a bit of the Irish Leprechaun spirit through insightful lessons and powerful, encouraging music.  “The message of Easter is defi-nitely greater than the greatest story ever told.  It is what’s beyond that story that becomes OUR story here on earth.   The story of our own inner resurrection and passage to enlightenment IS the sequel.” Blasphemy or Truth? You decide! Join us for a thought provoking and joy filled Sunday morning, as we explore “THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD, THE SE-QUEL” March 31st 10:30 a.m. 

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April 2013Sunday Service Line-up

10:30 AMApril 7thSpeaker-Jill LovingMusic-Kate&Roddy JacksonPlatform-Sound-Mike/JeremeFlowers-Dee DeeLead Usher-Lamech HowardBookstore-UniTots-WhitneyUniKids-Ida FraguliaUniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen DammeHospitality-Lamech & Janine

April 14thSpeaker-Amy Moffat (tbc)Music-Allan SpencerSpecial Music-Cheryl LocketPlatform-Dan AlemanSound-Mike/JeremeFlowers-Charlotte Mak

Lead Usher-Lamech Bookstore-UniTots-WhitneyUniKids-Ida FraguliaUniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen DammeHospitality-Lamech & Betty P.

April 21stSpeaker-Randy LaneAccompanist- John Albano Special Music-Lorraine WalshPlatform-Rich GipsonSound-Mike/JeremeFlowers-Twila StoutLead Usher-LamechBookstore-UniTots-Whitney

UniKids-Ida FraguliaUniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen DammeHospitality-Frank & Janie

April 28thSpeaker-Rev. Nancy McNatt (tbc)Music-Ed Benes&Allan SpencerPlatform-Jill LovingSound-Mike/JeremeFlowers-Rosemary&Betty JoLead Usher-LamechBookstore-UniTots-WhitneyUniKids-Ida FraguliaUniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen DammeHospitality-Lamech&Rosemary F.

March 2013Sunday Service Line-up

10:30 AM

March 3rdSpeaker-Jill LovingMusic-Kate&Roddy JacksonPlatform-Dan AlemanSound-Mike/JeremeFlowers-Dee DeeLead Usher-Lamech HowardBookstoreUniTots-WhitneyUniKids-Sarah/JeremeUniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen DammeHospitality-Lamech & Janine

March 10thSpeaker-Joy WidmarkAccompanist-Allan SpencerSpecial Music-Cheryl LochettPlatform-Rich GipsonSound-Mike/JeremeFlowers-Charlotte MakLead Usher-Lamech HowardBookstore

UniTots-WhitneyUniKids-Sarah/JeremeUniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen DammeHospitality-Lamech & Betty P.

March 17thSpeaker-Randy LaneAccompanist-John AlbanoSpecial Music-Lorraine WalshPlatform-Ida FraguliaSound-Mike/JeremeFlowers-Twila StoutLead Usher-Lamech HowardBookstoreUniTots-WhitneyUniKids-Sarah/JeremeUniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen DammeHospitality-Frank & Janie

March 24th Palm SundaySpeaker-Karen DammeMusic-Ed Benes&Allan SpencerPlatform-Jill LovingSound-Mike/JeremeFlowers-Rosemary&Betty JoLead Usher-Lamech HowardBookstoreUniTots-WhitneyUniKids-Sarah/JeremeUniteens/Y.O.U.-TBAHospitality-Lamech&Rosemary F.

March 31st Easter SundayService-Kate&Roddy Jackson*Potluck luncheon after service*

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Affirm: “The transforming power of God now frees me from every limitation.”

Affirm: “I am in awe of Earth’s bountiful blessings.”

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

10:30 a.m.Worship Service----------------4:00 p.m.U.U. every2nd & 4thSunday

7-8:00 a.m.AA Meeting----------------9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.Office Open----------------6:30-8 p.m.RCA Meet-ing

7-8:00 a.m.AA Meeting----------------11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Office Open----------------12:00 NoonPrayer Service----------------Book Club4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.----------------7-9:00 p.m. A Course in Miracles w/ Mattie and Randy Lane

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Office Open----------------BellyFusion6-7:00 p.m.Dance Fit-ness----------------also6-7:30 p.m.AA Meeting(Children Welcome)

7-8:00 a.m.AA Meeting----------------11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Office Open

7-8:00 a.m.AA Meeting----------------10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Office Open

8-9:00 a.m.AA Meeting

March / April 2013 Weekly Calendar & Scheduled Meetings

305 W. 26th StreetMerced, CA 95340