the n.i.j.c. cardinal review vol 19 no 8 jan 27, 1965

Cblb Orpheru Will Open In s. U. Tonight al 7:30 p.m. Ull a Ill• 5t:1d<'O I Uni OD =:u uanator.ofd lot.> Club btaJ acc:o rdn& IO Pa ul •• 11POk•SZllllll ! Of the ' dram• ciua ..tltch I> s pon· sodnc ill• atraJr. Tbcr t 11 Ill bl' a few uckrl> av111lablt> al tilt dOOf, llamrt •.aid. 0 ' lbos• who h••• not yet pur· cb.,.ed tllrl is car $till bavt • dlallCI! 1o a11 .. nd, allhOu cb • bl! 811.,. s ed 111a1 Ille nuci..r is Umllt'd. eora d',,('11\ff'S •'111 oo •tr<td at 7:30, •Ith dlnn•r a trnm 8;00 to 10:30. ThP menu will tncludr Se" York cat s tt&I<. b111>eqUed cblcken. 1:1d Inn:! a htl c:p. lol al!t e& d • hotel wil l be pr esent to SISl suete. 1b•Y 11'!11 bl! Paul v.amtr. f' ratll< f"ioRl t.o . ThDI" Ttioir.pson. Ol cll Rt> ll, and Pat Kauflnan. 11a111e .• 51!$ Wiii bv PIOVldl'd Ill' lbc Vlkellcs lrum Co j'lll d'Al ene IU&b SC:hoo l u wlll lhe 'i ll check ctrl. Entertal nml!n l " Ill bcp n al 8:30 •Ith a n oo r show, fol · lowed by a ocond show at 10:30. Thr nrsl act " Ill be a numbt•r by thal nn trun or vaudevill e, Mi as Sopble Slldd tr back. T h" RarblBJ Ch S1 11l t-1 • a profos· 'IJo nal nllhl clu b llOUP, wil l >Inc. Student & who will ' peif o rm ar e C a tht Wl li;on and Jani c l' COlllpwn whO tr ll l sin& and Joycn a nd Ca rul Qsc.>n who wll I dDncc. Oanclna wlll be gin al 9:0 0 and conllnur uni.JI 12: 00 . lolJsJc •Ill by Paul Greco Dnd h1 11 band. Gree 1 .. pl1111'd tor at many ul the nratbJ cOJIP(ca . Tbr IN" nllhl club a lft o • phrr<' wll l b111·nrc1PCI in drcorutlons u111I th <' StudPnt Union will hnvo n " kllr h<•n " black t'CI o rr bl'hlnd thn p ll tar>.. :.r. C. 111· ton ll atch, Stud .. nl Unlon ma hu c andlr !o r U11 t abl"" · ac · cordlnt to ll amr r. 011.. 11111 br. amu · lo rr,. a l, hr H id, oldl nnr niah t club nUltt· • nnd 1h1· ntmo•phN•'. 1' lni.•nd•'CI to b• Cll!IUPl and "'lax Pd. Chapri,. nc'S .. 111 bl \Ir. C. lll'Sll>n llalch a n! Mr . liaPitt Oal<". DlllDa cblsa Ou•· L 'i 1' 111 oo Mr. am Mr,. U111111rd $rt.lolN and Mr. 111d \lnr,1 n Rt·•·d. Tlllllntenanr•• A tut "" nl fMn llnmN 11 0 "do com• and ha• r a ,rand ... Cha;ges Are Made In Publ tcallons Ofhces Thrrt• ha n bt l'" n•m l chan1w. In n1 bod) 11N· sonncl, ucCt.l rdina lo R ub&1• ll Brown, Slud1·n1 Boch ptcst· drnt. :>H llB C11 th•nn.., Jl'lln m• t hb bct'll asatgnrd t b•• pusl· u on or a • r tat <' Mtl t r uf 111 .. .. Cardinal I! \ 'I.,,. ". lol· lll• 1t t snalion ol \11'5 Barbuto S<"ral!ord h Bub T\ fl ho fl l'- plar ••d l{I CJ< f\Ck< •rma n ll H pho lo 1ru1 h) l"!lll or Of l h" n• .,.111 u11er & tall. 11.nd Man R ho t ..,rn na \'<I hrad Of I.Ill f'u lll leil,.T C i:.lll<'• r H w.tni: t ilt' r a.1,. r. >11 S; un h. >It "- uE XIX. NO. CO(UR OA«D TV Int erviewer Visits Ca mpus Stud,.nts were ghl'n tbe oppon unlb recl'llUJ to learn llClttlt' lhlne; a bout Liie worklnp ol a t.l! l eVlslon "' hen B<!>lt.l" Ol'llnla of KREIJ ·T\' ,.lalted tbe Jan. 11. Siie came at Ult' In· •1 ta uon ol Ille c:botr, '°"'" ot whose c:..,,bcrs h1ue appeaied on hN SPokane Vibllt' on the campu• , Mi ss Ol'nnlS poke to both !hi! cbot• and thP home rc:onomtca classes. Htr p ra&rai:; 111 prcsc111l'd dill lY and f<'atur•"' Inter> it'Ws 111th pt'rsun tram Y&rlous walks of Ure. Shi' C!llll'bHl7cd tha t she I a B1lua1cd ntmr "l'vr.ral coll•Res rrom which tn dm. intt•r\'l('IW•'f'I&. Be- cautic her chlrl lnkr••i<t Is octal problenz11, hu ofl<n oho&l'n 110cloloo pro· fts1111n1, ahe said. cn atu<l<!nlll au• Ire· qurnUy lntl'l'Vle•ed, bill Uwre lU'' no rr tncu ns oft 10 math 1. "Th•• man on the IU\ 1 ••l ottt•n mak• s n mrJ H' tntN•tlnK tnl1 1 nlt wrer l11n11 lbt' prnlo•oalonol." a<l ded. Amonc htr nnrd l!lr l'S, Ml an Ornnla bn plt'&enwd an tllll' f' ll'• •llh D younc •uman abou 1 ti.. di achari;ed Imm a w 'Cltcal I.Ilk• 1naUtu Uon, and au lnlN\11•w at a s11nkan<> mt•n'll mis ton. llNman Prula,.tdt, cuunl\ rxlrnal n """ I, has b""'1 a lll:'Quenl "'' I ll h"" ).Us. t•hrt uan st'Altn. In rht>r& I tht- forelc:n lan'1!RIX' pr at th<' :;pokan<' l'llbllc I 11.>ra11, ah" 1101d, Ml U1·nn1s said 111 nl II'&"' on th•• l<111ko111 lvr In "rt: unc 5Ub eel.'§ nnd Lba.L on 1n1i·u1e..- on n ll'llda to tbl'1$. O<'nnhi r:ioal CI00'6 thOSC'I 1'b0 dl&CU1i5 liOdnl pro bl ti , i;;nld, b:' C11U6t! I hrr o .. n llltNCS I In lbb. llnhl. She hua plannid Piil· on Ct 'H flt:hl5, un .. ed m<>th•·r.s ll.lld ad plt'd l!abl"'5. alli ba,, had mm:b<ra ol lbr Spallllc llul!llln ht'hatl ns Cwncll 1o& brr r.u ""· "Th•N> ""' no tab n u bJtitct math: r . •• she .. plalnt•d, n ld1ni;, .. I lrv lot> ll1• lhti rdue2uon:al \i t •\\<' r • •• stud tha t "as pl:annln' pr "2lm11 1 ardl c " rid e11l <'d11cau C"1l b t:1:1etl 11 a lok'llN .. type» .. " men upreo t-d n d"6lr w rrturo to :-; I.JC and d..clared tbat tbe lb uidll lhe f <d I s-ir-· Unlllll ...:. STAGE 8AtlD OFFERED Sl b.. ti v r J t.d f' " aeme;IN, a«<•rdlnc 10 w. Ja:nm Bum • dlrecwr. tJ&I· Ml und r Enarmbk', 65·66·U.·68a. .t will 1><1>• de rt'dll pei s 1':5ter, be Bum said that &Ill· santm' m in rma· ar e<' hi:.:. The band CHOIR IMVITED TO SlHG E•rr' ••ar lhe Eas tr ru lra.;hlncton Stat<• SOdrr;r piesents oulslllnd· Ina croups and an! st& from lllr N-Orlll•""I dunnc lhelr )Jasl'Um Concrns. This Y<'U, aCQlnlJD& lO )Ir . Lou K<'lly, director. the NIJC n cappcl la chol r has been chol>C!O to prrform ra r this coocen. The CODCrn will held o\pn I 11. Mt. ;..rllr $Gld. and lbat tllls 1nv11a· uon was an honor tor the cou.. Kick - off Dance Will Feature Two Ba n ds The f"lt>.ter ltlck· vlf dancr .. 11. bf' b•ld f'eb. ti In Ille SIJC srm. Featured "111 be tile l'Hl'"PCl'U lar "tmpennls " and "Shadows" . The Social Ac111·1ttes COID· mi ltl!t and lhe :-! UC SO aster Club arr cool)<>mUn& in tbr .)Olnt 11 r... provld" Ille collecr "'Ith a lrtt U' MOU sic dance and also tx>o:.t lhe scbolan<hlp fund with !l"net31 admlss1on from the non-colle1c The bands "111 perform al alternaUn& llalt-llour inter\'als tram 9: 00 p.m. ID I Ra..• Hansen. SAC cbauman . calls bu1n s lbe 1 wo loc:al bands at the ,,,,.rri e dance "the best drawln«i Uckl'l of th• ca•ual danc• proarnm this y•'&r. •· Ther.t' band:! Include 11>.rJamnkrr. l'Nt Sheppenl , J Fram"· Jlr Html S•an and K1&1h\ 111ls 'n. sue st::denui. All eoll•J" 111uden1s wtll bf' 2dtrUUrd LO thr dnnCI' on their atud.-nl bocb and pubUc 11< inl'lled ror 75C a ptuon. monry will IP to lb«- Booster Club .. ctiolar· ship fund. E••ryone "" 1n· led b ad\anta,t' or "' ·• bllllnc. Drafti ng And Design Course Will Begin A 1> 11 " .. Heclmlcal CO-n>r 1$ pumn _ r Dr1fbna.. I. 0 ..... stan at Ill" beclnnloi: o! u, lll!COnd Br1::eilC! o: SO thernnN. Tll<! c:oume Is arl'llDCl'd thlllUlh the adrlce and i:uld· ance of an a:!Ylaof) commit· 1ee c poled r empl 111:e and m bers In ndustrr. The pr EJlllll la pc.naortd II)" lb" State Board lt>r \ ocn· II nal Educauon In coope111· lion •I Ill s rib ldah· Junior Collei:e and II ... 111 me"l th" tfqllltt'Clt'l'llS under the Voca· U 11al! n Act ol 1963. Tbe propast'd Ualnlnit course ..-111 prepa,., lndh1duals tor t'llt:y into lbe dralllnc lllld des.&Cll llrld. A two.,-t'at curnculum 18 planntd. Valmat I- for· m\'fl> a dn1cn •Ith enc an A ,;auon C P8llY In Loa Ancelt's, wt .I ll'llcll thr course. H«' now lJr.-a In Corur d 'A leo.,. Ray mond Stone New Academic Dean Of NIJC p,., .ld<'lll P. A. Chl\sUan· n announced that the Boan! of Tru•tees of tbP Nor th Idaho Junior Colleae ha.a appro 1!'CI th<' oppolntmrnt or Mr. R_, · mond Slane u. dPan ol the acadrmlc division or NIJC. 1115 Dpp:>lnllllenl la effecUve •llh the Stall Of tht! &oa»nd semester of the 196'1· 65 school )l'&r. Mr. SIOM ha& i..<'n on lhl' staff of the •Ince St'ptember or 19S8 and Is cu r rtntlv bead or lhe llOctal 0.0,, ' sci encl'S di vu1lon. He hllS Ill• B.A.. s. Ed .. and \I .Ed. all !tom \\ hllv. >rib Coltec<'. Re has don• o.d· di ti on al "11dua1e wo rlt a I thl' Unl\'N'Sllles of C&llfoml11, nnd Iii• tuchlnc <'•Perlence. in addtllon to hi• yeun< at NlJC. or nt ne ) t'a1'l of hip 'chool It'll Ch· In&. st'VC'n or which .. ., .. DI the COl'UI d'Alent' HI i:h SChool. .\l?. SU>n• In paat prf'sldenl of the f'lf I 01> Incl Cla,.,room TcnchN' Asso· clnuon . He is ncll 1·p In the 1<orlt or the F'lr.i Church. the M1u1onlc t.o<hte. and th• A.A.t,;.P. H• Is a ir.-mber or lbe Pacific Socio· 1'1i;scal As.>n. and lhl' Ame t- lean Anthropolo11cat As:m. \Ir. Stone .. 111 conunue 10 tuch cert:lln cta .. that his duties n• Acudem l c OeDn will be to him In retnuonsluo 10 the ume hlch he will ha-r avaJlabll'. CHANGES MADE IN TEACHING STAFF \U. Stan le.y Hui:h' Coeur d' Alene. wtll kach o clos• In weldln1 second semestN and \lr5. 8t11Y Cordon wll I ll'nch CMld Dev .. lopmt'l'lt In lh!! tlomr Economics depar1111en1. 80111 Mr. l!UK!ll!s and ll rs Cordon have tauchl at S IJC Srw to th .. fac:ultv will be the Revctrnd Or>rPlll. Pos to r or Christ the; Kins Lutherun Cllutcb. Coeur d' Al•n<', •bo will teach Rell,;hn and Ut· ra .u af tn• S ,. Tr tal'\C"nL BOOK SALE SLATED Tn• Catdinol Sr1"tc1 Club l a u ed book ftale betwec;n Jon. 28 ond F'eb. 8. Tbe exchonc• w m 00 OIM'n from 00 a.m. lo 00 p . m. Thrre will bf' a t'll'entY · fl\·• cent ch:11ce for t'ach booli:.

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 19 No 8 Jan 27, 1965

• Cblb Orpheru Will Open In

• s. U. Tonight S~ODIDI al 7:30 p.m. Ulla

• ~ Ill• 5t:1d<'O I Uni OD =:u ~s. uanator.ofd lot.> Club btaJ acc:o rdn& IO Pa ul

~~mt• •• 11POk•SZllllll ! Of the ' dram• ciua • ..tltch I> spon·

sodnc ill• atraJr. Tbcrt 11 Ill bl' a few uckrl> av111lablt> al tilt dOOf, llamrt •.aid. 0

' lbos• who h••• not yet pur· cb.,.ed tllrl is car $till bavt • dlallCI! 1o a11 .. nd, allhOu cb

• bl! 811.,.s ed 111a1 Ille nuci..r is Umllt'd.

eora d',,('11\ff'S •'111 oo •tr<td at 7:30, •Ith dlnn•r

a trnm 8;00 to 10:30. ThP menu will tncludr Se" York cat s tt&I<. b111>eqUed cblcken. 1:1d Inn:! a htlc:p. lolal!te& d •

• hotel will be present to u· SISl suete. 1b•Y 11'!11 bl! Paul v.amtr. f' ratll< f"ioRlt.o . ThDI" T tioir.pson. Olcll Rt>ll, and Pat Kauflnan. 11a111e .• 51!$ Wiii bv PIOVldl'd Ill' lb c Vlkellcs lrum Co j'lll d'Alene IU&b SC:hoo l u wlll lhe 'ill

• check ctrl. Entertalnml!n l " Ill bcp n al

8 :30 •Ith a noo r show, fol · lo wed by a ocond show at 10:30. Thr nrs l a ct " Ill be a numbt•r by thal ~loved nn trun o r vaudevill e, Mias Sopble Slldd tr back. T h" RarblBJ Ch S111l t-1 • a profos· 'IJonal nllhl clu b llOUP, wil l >Inc. Student & who will

' peifo rm are C a tht Wlli;on and Jani c l' COlllpwn whO trll l sin& and Joycn llalla~o a nd Ca rul Qsc.>n who wll I dDncc.

Oanclna wlll begin al 9:0 0 and conllnur uni.JI 12:00 . lolJsJc •Ill ~ by Paul Greco Dnd h1 11 band. Gree 1 .. pl1111'd to r ~ ancc:1 a t many ul the nratbJ cOJIP(ca .

Tbr IN" nllhl club a lft o • phrr<' wlll b1• 11·nrc1PCI in drcorutlons u111I th <' StudPnt Union will hnvo n " kllrh<•n " black t'CI orr bl'hlnd thn pll tar>.. :.r. C. 111· ton llatch, Stud .. nl Unlo n ma ra~"'· hu purcha~•·d candlr !o r U11 tabl"" · ac · cordlnt to ll am r r.

011.. 11111 br. amu· lo rr,. a l, hr H id, • oldlnnr)· niah t c lub nUltt· • nnd 1h1· ntmo•phN•'. 1' lni.•nd•'CI to b• Cll!IUPl and "'lax Pd.

Chapri,.nc'S .. 111 bl \Ir. C . lll'Sll>n llalc h an! Mr . liar· Pitt Oal<". D lllDa cblsa tn•IN~lbr. Ou•· L'i 1' 111 oo Mr. am Mr,. U111111rd $rt.lolN and Mr. 111d Mr~. \lnr,1 n Rt·•·d. Tlllllntenanr•• d1·11ortm~n1.

A tut " " nl fMn llnmN 11 0 "do com• and ha• r a ,rand uir.~ ...

•Cha;ges Are Made In Publ tcallons Ofhces

Thrrt• ha n bt l'" ·~ n•m l chan1w. In ~tud1 n1 bod) 11N· sonncl, ucCt.l rdina lo Rub&1• ll Bro wn, Slud1·n1 Boch ptcst· drnt. :>H llB C11 th•nn.., Jl'llnm•

t hb bct'll asatgnrd t b•• pusl· uon or a • r ta t<' Mtlt r uf 111 .. .. Cardinal I! \'I.,,. ". lol· tov.1n~ lll• 1t tsnalion o l \11'5 Barbuto S<"ral!o rd h •~hto r. Bub T\ •fl ho fl l'­plar ••d l{I CJ< f\Ck<•rman ll H

pho lo1ru1 h) l"!lllo r Of lh" n • .,.111 u11e r &tall. 11.nd ).11s~ Man R ho t ..,rn na \'<I hrad Of I.Ill f'u lllleil,.T C i:.lll<'• r H w.tni: t ilt' ra.1,.

• r.>11 ~All) S; u nh.


TV Interviewer Visits Campus

'· Stud,.nts were ghl'n tbe

oppon unlb recl'llUJ to learn llClttlt'lhlne; a bout Liie worklnp o l a t.l!l eVlslon brJadca~t. "'hen ~Usa B<!>lt.l" Ol'llnla of KREIJ·T\ ' ,.lalted tbe collr~e Jan. 11. Siie came at Ult' In· •1 tauon ol Ille c:botr, '°"'" ot whose c:..,,bcrs h1ue appeaied on hN SPokane &ho~. Vibllt' on the campu•, Miss Ol'nnlS

poke to both !hi! cbot• and thP home rc:onomtca classes.

Htr p ra&rai:; 111 prcsc111l'd dill lY and f<'atur•"' Inter> it'Ws 111th pt'rsun tram Y&rlous walks of Ure. Shi' C!llll'bHl7cd tha t she I a B1lua1cd ntmr "l'vr.ral coll•Res rrom which tn dm.• intt•r\'l('IW•'f'I&. Be­cautic her chlrl lnkr••i<t Is

octal problenz11, ah~ hu ofl<n oho&l'n 110cloloo pro· fts1111n1, ahe said.

~·oto11l cn atu<l<!nlll au• Ire· qurnUy lntl'l'Vle•ed, bill Uwre lU'' no rr tncu ns oft 10 aub)~'CI math 1. "Th•• man on the IU\1 ••l ottt•n mak• s n mrJH' tntN•tlnK tnl11nlt wrer l11n11 lbt' p rnlo•oalonol." lih~

a<l ded. Amonc htr nnrd l!lr l'S,

Mlan Ornnla bn plt'&enwd an tllll' f' ll'• •llh D younc •uman abou 1 ~l ti.. di achari;ed Imm a w 'Cltcal I.Ilk• 1naUtu Uon, and au lnlN\11•w at a s11nkan<> mt•n'll mis ton.

llNman Prula,.tdt, cuunl\ rxlrnal n """ I, has b""'1 a lll:'Quenl "'' I ll h"" ).Us. t•hrt uan st'Altn. In rht>r&

I tht- forelc:n lan'1!RIX' pr ~111m at th<' :;pokan<' l'llbllc I 11.>ra11, ah" 1101d, Ml U1·nn1s said ~ha1 ~ht' 111 nl II'&"' on th•• l<111ko111 lvr In "rt: unc 5Ub eel.'§ nnd Lba.L on 1n1i·u1e..- on n ll'llda to


~"" O<'nnhi r:ioal CI00'6 thOSC'I 1'b0 dl&CU1i5 liOdnl pro bl ti , lih~ i;;nld, b:' C11U6t!

I hrr o .. n llltNCS I In lbb. llnhl. She hua plannid Piil· ~rum11 on Ct 'H flt:hl5, un .. ed m<>th•·r.s ll.lld ad plt'd l!abl"'5. alli ba,, had mm:b<ra ol lbr Spallllc llul!llln ht'hatl ns Cwncll 1o& brr r.u ""·

"Th•N> ""' no tab n u bJtitct math: r . •• she ~ ..

plalnt•d, n ld1ni;, .. I l rv lot> ll1• lhti pl\1~r•n rdue2uon:al \it•\\<' r • •• ~l' stud that

"as pl:annln' p r "2lm11 1 ardl c " rid e11l

<'d11cau C"1l • • b ~ t:1:1etl

11 a lok'llN


.. type» ..

llD~ih " men upreo t-d n d"6lr w rrturo to :-; I.JC and d..clared tbat tbe lb uidll lhe f <d I • s-ir-· Unlllll


STAGE 8AtlD OFFERED Sl b.. ti ~

v r J t.d f' " aeme;IN, a«<•rdlnc 10 w. Ja:nm Bum • dlrecwr. tJ&I· Ml und r M~t<J.c Enarmbk', 65·66·U.·68a. .t will 1><1>• de

rt'dll pei s 1':5ter, be

Bum said that &Ill· santm' m ~ in rma· ar e<' hi:.:. The band

CHOIR IMVITED TO SlHG E•rr' ••ar lhe Eas tr ru

lra.;hlncton Stat<• llt~tortcal SOdrr;r piesents oulslllnd· Ina croups and an! st& from lllr N-Orlll•""I dunnc lhelr )Jasl'Um Concrns. This Y<'U, aCQlnlJD& lO )Ir. Lou K<'lly, director. the NIJC n cappcl la chol r has been chol>C!O to prrform ra r this coocen.

The CODCrn will ~ held o\pn I 11. Mt. ;..rllr $Gld. and a~..i lbat tllls 1nv11a· uon was an honor tor the cou .. ~e. ~

Kick-off Dance Will Feature Two Bands

The ~"° ~d f"lt>.ter ltlck· vlf dancr .. 11. bf' b•ld f'eb. ti In Ille SIJC srm. Featured "111 be tile l'Hl'"PCl'U lar "tmpennls" and "Shadows" . The Social Ac111·1ttes COID· mi ltl!t and lhe :-! UC SO aster Club arr cool)<>mUn& in tbr .)Olnt pr~t'Dlall 11 r... provld" Ille collecr stud~t." "'Ith a lrtt U' MOU sic dance and also tx>o:.t lhe scbolan<hlp fund with !l"net31 admlss1on from the non-colle1c &lud~nl!<.

The bands "111 perform al alternaUn& llalt-llour inter\'als tram 9: 00 p.m. ID I ~:00. Ra..• Hansen. SAC cbauman . calls bu1n s lbe 1 wo be~t loc:al bands at the ,,,,.rri e dance

"the best drawln«i Uckl'l of th• ca•ual danc• proarnm this y•'&r. •·

Ther.t' band:! Include Dou~ 11>.rJamnkrr. l'Nt Sheppenl , J Fram"· Jlr 81om~1ad . Html S•an and K1&1h\ 111ls 'n. sue st::denui.

All eoll•J" 111uden1s wtll bf' 2dtrUUrd LO thr dnnCI' on their atud.-nl bocb ~ord and L~ pubUc 11< inl'lled ror 75C a ptuon. T~ monry will IP to lb«- Booster Club .. ctiolar· ship fund. E••ryone "" 1n·

led • b ad\anta,t' or "' ·• bllllnc.

Drafting And Design Course Will Begin

A 1> 11 " .. Heclmlcal CO-n>r 1$ pumn _ r Dr1fbna.. I. 0 ..... 1~ Teduu~i:1Jls ~ stan at Ill" beclnnloi: o! u, lll!COnd Br1::eilC! o: SO thernnN.

Tll<! c:oume Is arl'llDCl'd thlllUlh the adrlce and i:uld· ance of an a:!Ylaof) commit· 1ee c poled r empl 111:e and ~l07u m bers In

ndustrr. The pr EJlllll la pc.naortd

II)" lb" State Board lt>r \ ocn· II nal Educauon In coope111· lion •I Ill s rib ldah· Junior Collei:e and II ... 111 me"l th" tfqllltt'Clt'l'llS under the Voca· U 11al! n Act ol 1963.

Tbe propast'd Ualnlnit course ..-111 prepa,., lndh1duals tor t'llt:y into lbe dralllnc lllld des.&Cll llrld. A two.,-t'at curnculum 18 planntd.

~Ir. Valmat I- ~!llrUn , for· m\'fl> a dn1cn t'll&ln~r •Ith :-;~rtll .~ enc an A ,;auon C P8llY In Loa Ancelt's, wt .I ll'llcll thr course. H«' now lJr.-a In Corur d 'A leo.,.

Raymond Stone New Academic Dean Of NIJC

p,., .ld<'ll l P. A. Chl\sUan· n announced that the Boan!

of Tru•tees of tbP North Idaho Junior Colleae ha.a appro1!'CI th<' oppolntmrnt or Mr. R_, · mond Slane u. dPan o l the acadrmlc division or NIJC. 1115 Dpp:>lnllllenl la effecUve •llh the Stall Of tht! &oa»nd semester of the 196'1·65 school )l'&r.

Mr. SIOM ha& i..<'n on lhl' staff of the coll~&~ •Ince St'ptember or 19S8 and Is cu rrtntlv bead or lhe llOctal

0.0,, RQ"~ '

sci encl'S di vu1lon. He hllS Ill• B.A.. s .Ed .. and \I .Ed. dcrret"~. all !tom \\ hllv. >rib Coltec<'. Re has don• o.d· di ti on al "11dua1e wo rlt a I thl' Unl\'N'Sllles of ll)onun~. C&llfoml11, nnd Ot<'~on.

Iii• tuchlnc <'•Perlence. in addtllon to hi• ~l'ven yeun< at NlJC. con•l•t~ or nt ne ) t'a1'l of hip 'chool It'll Ch· In&. st'VC'n or which .. ., .. DI the COl'UI d'Alent' HI i:h SChool. .\l?. SU>n• In paat prf'sldenl of the f'lf I 01> Incl Cla,.,room TcnchN' Asso· clnuon. He is ncll 1·p In the 1<orlt o r the F'lr.i Pn·~bytArian Church. the M1u1onlc t.o<hte . and th• A.A.t,;.P. H• Is a ir.-mber or lbe Pacific Socio· 1'1i;scal As.>n. and lhl' Ame t­lean Anthropolo11cat As:m.

\Ir. Stone .. 111 conunue 10 tuch cert:lln cta .. ~.s ~o that his duties n• Acudemlc OeDn will be dele~uted to him In retnuonsluo 10 the ume

hlch he will ha-r avaJlabll'.


\U. Stan le.y Hui:h' • Coeur d 'Alene. wtll kach o clos• I n weldln1 second semestN and \lr5. 8t11Y Cordon wll I ll'nch CMld Dev .. lopmt'l'lt In lh!! tlomr Economics depar1111en1. 80111 Mr. l!UK!ll!s and llrs • Cordon have tauchl at S IJC ~ror~.

Srw to th .. fac:ultv will be the Revctrnd Or>rPlll. Posto r or Christ the; Kins Lutherun Cllutcb. Coeur d 'Al•n<', •bo will teach Rell,;hn and Ut· ra .u af tn• S ,. Tr tal'\C"nL


Tn• Catdinol Sr1"tc1 Club l .,ponborln~ a u ed book ftale betwec;n Jon. 28 ond F'eb. 8 . Tbe exchonc• w m 00 OIM'n from 9· 00 a .m. lo ~ 00 p .m. Thrre will bf' a t'll'entY · fl\·• cent ch:11ce for t'ach booli:.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 19 No 8 Jan 27, 1965

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ,........... s-; ll oo+w, 0..-, tlie c.a... Y­

• e,~~ .. IM


Eduor ••••••••••••.•.••••••••••••••• Lonolne °'••I Auo<1ot• Edltot •••••••••••••••••••• Kottteun• Joffnt-i Sport• EdjtOf •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ftus1 Jokt Adwrtl1.1ng Manc:igrr •••••••••••••••••••• •. Tom Gilbet1 Ch«1loticin Monoeer• ••••••••••• Al'Mfreo Ron, Glen Nlckeuon Pho•og•ophy E<fh<>< .• •••••••••••••••••••••• Bob Ty•'"'

Reportert! RoHmory Honun, Jo AM Ov1u1by* Sonja Carlson, MotQf' McCormicSc;. Ardith Johnson, Stu k1fl'lboll, TOM A1\(1n1, So!> L•igt.ty, Worrtn Alf•r·


-r,,,.. ·o o.~ nq ,..,,~,,, wo~ r~ ...., · ~v to :ftc od ·ors NO' ""9 rhe ptinr1ng or " t:°' 1\-v•y C h'0'."9S ", ~uch was used Nov. 25 in this co/urm. \lr'h,fo "For /,u··f Cons ,,_ at1ves " wos used only as •11/or mo•<Jno/ ond wos no• mrendee ':> retlec• ed1tot10/ opm•qti, we beliov llHS /er•er o' P"O'r.>f wos mreres11n9 enouefi to Shoff• ond to b. 91von ed1•or10/ spocc. - The ed1rors

To •he od110ts: I om s~ding you my reply 10 your od1tor1ol, " For Nunr

( r<Mvollves," printed 1n tho NIJC Cordi no I, •oken from rhe ''°' 11 T loq.-opli end printed 1n tho Coldwol I News· T ribu,,,..

" FOR EVEN NUTTIER LIBERALS" /1hot krnd of o nuttier 1< he? He runs his o,,,n bus•"""· Ho "'lec•s i,,, own doc•0<. no mo~cs h s o"'" borgoons. He ruys his own insurance He selec·s his Own reeding mc"or. Ho i:<ov1des for hrs otd ogc. Ho mokos h1S own contracts. He o;olec!S his ov.ri chorit1es. He oducotos his chrldron os ho .. ,shes. He ma~,e'- h1!i- own 1nvcstrneni,.. Ho sel.,cis his own frier<ls. He provides. h1 s own tocreoHon. Ho compotos freely 1n 1ne morkot ploc<. Ho grows by h15 own oHori- . He prc,f1ts from h., own rrrors. H tokes por 1n th., com~11t1on of 1doo'>. H , ~ o rr'On cf g:io:l Nil!. If you~ bst1tute '' Non1s ro'' oh r .. He,'* you .viii hove tr

ongrno or•aclc "For Nurtf ConsNvollve~." This ""1S dotv­to how yoi.. that articles cc'> be qi;.-o s lonred~nd I meo. be.• """"an:! •he one 1• answers. Cons.,rvo·1ves ond L1~rol• or Ari.means end bos1colty, ll>oy hove ·ht- some goo s 1n

nc!. What kind c• a ""t 1s tho author of this or11cle, "F.,.. ~ ... ny

Con•orvc• vos," •o try to build such on 01M•POren1 image of of one port c' American pal111cs? Ho "'Dy know bi>"er "lOl'l

who · "' rel low Am!ncons ore who ore supposedly tr1•"9 !.O od to dostroy the American way. Tho <;u.,<t1on to hrm i<:

"llho oro you 1ry1n9 to ; 1d, fol lo,,,?" The thing "1! should All fight ogo1ns1 " tho greo• vo•

of unonswcrod moteriol. Some of 11 contains subtle imp' co­tJons, whole "10<1 of It 1s 1vsl occusohon m1nu' foe-. T • <ii!d of doub1 con blossom and burs 1 1n our lmogonorion !!'rough

lo • •f$0 f. Rcr.,ember, 1he Bogeyman does ex1s· an ma•

"' If. Thero ore 1ho•e who wont you •o be! on "1ndiv1duol Am!r-co , " b.11 °" y in ::>e1t way. Some rotl1col groups an ri11s °"1Try •odov cons dor you holfwoy ·~ the Comnun S' awnp f

do no• •ee eye •o eye wt'" them. s r ly •r,;io everyono evcrywl>e<e to •r Ii:> hi! OC>1ec· v

like o gourme•. 1110· do~ nc·

, ldono

an I er reod "Ii· 0 gest oll P' "ed mo•cr a • ' I


,1 0 "'' ~ ,l/f a~ ,,ot1ce of t··~:ur ..- 01 ti JC 'P '' IO Ille home

bcn• •ooll gomos this S<'rncs• '· n CIY oddod l:>QI 'TlOre sup­• " 1 nooded or out of town games. (Tf.c o 1n the v1c1n1 r~, ,. •01d, not 1110 for onos ) So horn 1.'.andy, Lynn, Koron,

,odCor ,"T I• •< rtondl.eep11


Tt ,. \"N,.ran'• Club, can­al t1n~ or clil!bl• mt'!Db•11; ol :oil.JC. held IL~ fourth mCt>l· Inc Jan. 20 1n the Student t:nlon. accord.In~ to Bob Oahl~ri:.

OHlcNa are ~Ilk• Carey, Pt.,•ld<·nt, Bob Poutre, v1ct>· pu-sld1•nl. Phil Spcldman, •ccroiu:v·trMl~uter . EIPcll on "I nt•w orOcN~ will bt> hf'ld th•• fir. 1 m•Ning or lhc com· lnc Hf>mt'Strr nnd ot lh• club "ill be plAnnt'd. Mr. \\am'fl K~una ls club , .. ,.,...,r,


A fa! ·• alal!l' was 50undEd on Ille 11111 .. • side or tbe dormtt.ory January 18 at 1:?"30 Lm. Bollt bo)li and llrla c:lcared Ill• dormitory. l.'pon tetumlnc the IUd nou Ct'd a buzZln g eound and clllled "'" fir<• department. Tht> Ore dcparunent usured lhl'ltl lhal tber<' was no reason rot alatm. ll WllS lhel r II rSl arr dnll or tb" se....on .

Tht•u"• somNhlni: so final • b •ul nnllll< lhal when lhey 're nnal ly OYN, YOU can ftnlllh r"all7r. bO\\ final lhe:r "ere.

Debaters Enter U of I Tourney

N.IJ.C. REVIEW. Coov• d"A •••· J!.4ho, Wed •• .lanuo.-, 27, 1'16S

Tht' Cardinal Dela ters at­tended tbe first tournament or lbt' 101 at the unt ~t'rsltr or Idaho Januaiy lS and 16. A two-man team of T.:>m Gil­bert and Phil Eneltson, and a three-man team or Jim Brooks. Gary O"cstrn. and Bob l..t'lcbtY allended the Jr. Division tounuunmt soonso~ by the university or ldtlbo. • Tht' debatt'rs met number one l'!llJllS rrom Gonzai:a Uni vet-

111. u. or 1 .. )lontana Slate lkl!ver&IU'. 'Abltman Colle~. Columlia Basin Colleltf'. and hablnJtOn Sate UnlHrslU' In tile two da,y t'\ent &bat bad 29 teems rei::!5'ered.

It was tbt' Orst anempt at tbe Creeoa C11>a&~1Ullnauon 11tyle or debate fat tbC' loctls. Tbl11 al.lie hu an t'lght minute ftr6l afllrm.U'<e con­MNCll ve followed by a five minute qunllontnc pedod by Ille nepU •'e. el aht mtnute constNCU •e by the ti rst nepu.-e followed b) five minute que11tJonln1 period by lite atnmiau ve. the same ptocedu re .. 1111 the Mtcond s;>eakers or each side and t~n a On mlnuto sum­rnan rrom one mem~r or m• nu:a11.-e follo..,fd by amr:::al.IH•. "Th!! IDUmL'lll!nt pt.:i•1ded ncC'llMl Hper· ll'OCt' and a chance IO test lltt' :-OIJC teams .inder true compeuuon," Bvb Lell!hty said In rc-potuni: ll.

·Mr. Read or th<> English oeparuno.11t sened AS the tt'Ml c•COtL

Business Students Given Recognition

A numbt't Of tudenLS have been Cl'en recosnJlioa for outatanltiac wori In tbe buslnes depe.rtmenl. Judy lrwln. 0111 JCar student. recet ved a Greu ~horthand Pin In Thf!OI).

Students wnllnR JOO wotds per minute are· Sancy Rhodes. Slndm La Vole, CW re HIJ "ni:a , Jud.• Oehlen. Bnrbatu Scharll. and Sharon Catlso11.

Three bualnei;i; 86 i;tudents have completed \\Ori! on lbe Burroulhs St'ns!mauc Ac­coununc machine. The) art' Sandia SC011.. Sharon SCou. and Sandna Stelsen. •ho also dad a set on lllltomatlon.

Dave Atcblaai and Jim Helcrsoo ha• e CD:llP lt'ted the Sen51r:atlc M>rlt u did Barlam Hall.

Ort Dec. I 0. loll6S Gen rude GI lbert and )!ls& u>retta 0un­nlt:1n. bualness 1nstruc10rs, auend~d a discus..ion al the Untveull,) of Ida.ho lf'C! b)> Or. Kendrick, Dean or lite School or Bu•lness AdmlDl­at1Btlon. ~~~~~~~~

A "s.rubbv" danct' ,...a held Sa1Un11J. Jan. 16. benreeo 8:30 and I 0 .m. n tbe StudMl li 1lon

Woodcock's Drug Store Co·o P S,nd•.,


t1• N fo"'••k St Co'hlf d Aloe

New Librarian

Mt1. Mory or•n1or, C r • Al.,,. ,..., cJ.,,., I I .,. .,..._. hicn occ•phfd o I r m•

""" " the Nl}C l•t><ory. ~' • Sor•ntort has one tor. Rod . tO'mor NUC 11lld.rtt ..... ~ "

.>re• ,,, "1f "'""'"O 4ill. PMO· t llo.


Ml.'mbets or lht \lelhOd.~

Class, Educa11on O<!paranent. taucht tr.- Dr. E."Va Frtz. dc­parl:!'eot bead. will bt>sln pmcUcC' ll'&chlnc at the nn. ,.e::;51er. accoldlnc to Alr.i. Ocryn Rocstad, mmib<'r or lite 1roup.

Students will bt'llln by ob· srn1ng, &he ntd, and will "Ork Into purt·umr ll'achlng °" lht'Y PNll<SS. When lhe supenilllna teach1•r reel11 thev are n•tldy, ahe tldded. the.- w111 oe11n leacrunc ru II ume, plannlni:: lesson6, l[lad­lni P•P"r•. and doln& U1e actua 1 1nsiruc110 n.

The.Y 'Oilll ~ placed In th<> schools of Col!'Ut d'Alene and sum>undinc comrnuo!Ues and and "'111 teach 1101:1 the tlrst lo tbt' 1...,th ~rad•·. ICCOJd-lDI tJ 11 r ))IA.:'"· !1e .,,...fd.


Govt-mot Sm»ll!' proposed ID lite Leo,l111Ur~ Jan. 7 thal a state srst"ltl or Junior col· leces be e.r.lablishl.'d. "Such a system 1>ould peimll more people lo '"' mo re In the way or t'ducatlonal opponunlty bt'yond llte hlch school than 805 olltt': systCC1 ..,., could dense ... h• said. lte auess­ed lite ll:lllortAnct' or eicel­lence-. rather lban eipanalon. wblelt hr aald •as alrnd)" clear. Ke also sU~ed tbe eont1oua11on or alroni. er­rectl, e. hnanclal aupp()rt or lite ~l I>"· !!Ible proarams at the r11sun1 lnaUtuuons.

Support Yo"' Adveu1uu

LOUIS n ownts GREENHOUSE ~USH -SPl.lfS &llotll.

..-TS-DallliJ ~ $11nt,of\ -.•-# ~'A""

fw"'W"'Oi tOOOlt• o,. .. ,, TUDUU~ UTllllJ( • ra _,

• i..-•o a.a21•


llf '4T ~A ES REPAIR Oroh·ttt & h••""t $1.ip•li• •

1'4TC~srorc T••cwRITCR Co .. • sa.. • .-...... •· · • '"'•· • 4 1•••

DrPepper • r:tO TY COLO


Ptr ~ . ••OT

Debate Banquet Set For Feb. 2

Tbe NIJC Oobat• Blll(l'Jtl will be held ~-ebruary 2 1 • tbe Sludmt Union eo clh:ia~ the llelnt!llttr aCU\1Ues. Phil Ed cir.son and Bob Lot lhh wilt take on a lelllfl r~,,.' Eastern lloshlnceon Slat• Colleae In th mnln ltttutf' on lltls yc1.1'11 sub)1•c1. Rr· 110lved: tbai the f'•d• .. I' Government should tolabllih a progrnm or publtt' wolf( lor llte unemployed. Sll<'dal readlacs arc also blllf'd lo! lite enter1a.lnlnc runcuoa.

Al a t~enl mtt1Jn1 a Clft "'ll.S prt-nnttd b• the club IQ,

Dave Port 11 ho Wiii ~ Int· IDS tbe aquad to ant'lld 11.s.u. second scmmlN. In Pfl'st .. 1111100 remarks Or. Pnddy !llnt{'d It ... ,. "JU~I I IOkfll Of Qlr nppreclal.lon for OU<h nne worll Md rnthu•laollc efforts to makl' the dt•bMe troms better." The ll':l111 will "really mis~ out Cllllh!\11 secre1111y and collea111e" said Bob Lt-l(lhty club pm· tdent.

Se••eral ne• 1tud111t1 hl\• e1ptesst'd an lntiotest 1n 1 Jolnlna llte club and.,,. slp­ln r; up for Spt'edt 32 whl ch .Slresst'S debalt' pt.xedu". Tht' Della~ chtb meets ""17 Tuesda.Yart~moon at 3.00 p.m. In Room 32. lntN~tf'C! 1111· dents and racutc.r arr 1nv11'9 ID watch and parllclpnh• .. ,th, th!> acndemlc 1eom.

Pep Band To Go To Lewiston, Moscow

The Cardinal A!' Band Is plrulnln1 a 1np lo ._..,. l sll>n and MOSCOW, F'eb. 19~0. ac-. cordlnc to ).Ir. James Bums, director. Th~.y will leave lor L...,lston F'ddaJ mominc and will pltJ for tht' chlldtl'll 'a , bomt' ud bo~llal lb•r~.

F'dda1 nlaht Ibey •Ill pla1 ror the pme betwetn L~wll and Cl.tull sormal and SIJC. • S.lUrdl)' tbey Wiii l'nttrl:aln at lite SIJC-U or I Frosh come and durlnc tht' halHlme or the Idaho-Western 11uh1nc- • ton game. The bMd hol)<.'S to take the dnll team alon~. Bum.- said.

Stt us for

W.ddinq lnvil•lio<>s


LOOK! You can clean

everytblae safely , la a


'f •1. J ....

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 19 No 8 Jan 27, 1965

• Sanding Auto

Campus Chatter r

Man; :>!JC stud~nt.; at• moum1ns th11 loss ol a chN· 15bf!d m""'btr of our commuo­hJ··The Ralhskellff Inn. But rrrt&ln citb•'f lndnldual11 ar~ Just walllnt paUenlb' fur lb" nr .. ulr. 1 had no ld-:oa bJmed would caua" aucll a sur.

11atnl4f7 to uamblus non•t l>c/ roar hart tAa/ lht Sl•drn/ /Jod~ Pfl 1drnt can't :ralk cm h19 hand /Ir can-and q1nU a dlB t11n11 , /<Jo 1

Kootmal Count} J 965 II· Cl"Rhf• rlule numbrr onr &oes 10 Jim I· ramm. who spent a nlfhl In a lllt't'l'lng bai: DUI· Sid" lht' COUii hOUIW' lo !:Cl II.

Ur vur at /A, A·Jrar::~ Aar'<" •rt upa• a n<"lll ruapoa­qaurta" uata 111 1•ltzr.r bot· ti••· \01 lh1. ,.,, T• crvtlhrn r n/ nt•, r /or th1 c 11 anup.

A <Ir t·r run Into ~UkP Bart· h •n • cn r. •·aulh•t ". uH·r lht w• ;ok111d. G111•11R lhnl' Ull' Rnil llin1• u liul 11'1 ho ,..., r b1·111 hit bl 1 di'< r•


Ski Club Enters Winter Ski Carnival At Schweitzer Basin

A r :. · \tz. Fu 1azd ChL"CPoUJ. ad•1Hr, the Slrl Clab "'111 partldpllle In an outlna al SChweltzt'r Buln. Clllled th,. ll'lnler Sid Cami· 'al, II I a aponaored by lbe \\a hln£tnn SI.lite OUUnc Club, and ... 111 bl! h"ld f t•b. :?6. ~7. and 28.

Tb" club ha.s IM't>n invited to 11~nd a als·= raCUI& teaiz;. Ch:imlJQls 1111ld. He said thlll any akle:s t. lahl~ to nccoii:pany the c:mbe:s. may do eo aml lhe club will P01 the ent111nce tee for any non-.:=bt-r who l'llCe l'ar the rlub.

A two-ran alalo wt U be beld on Fnday at 11 00 a.c:. The rh..-nhlll will be rull at noon So cu Ill n 7. F'Ou r race Ill from ellcb school will be allowrd ID cx.mptl» In '"ach racr, •lib the top tlu e" Ume; belna computed rur tl!'P. fi na I reau Ila. An allcmall.' m~ Ablilllut.e before race Umc.

Two nldita lodcinp In Sandpoint wtU coat between $3 and 54.2!> per p~ o:i, Cl;iur.poux said. Sl<!ePlDC bacs on !be noor-·S:?. ( Bnni:: an Dlr l:lllUresa • A cl<rposll m1LY be nee 1111?)' be!oretia:id, h~ od1ed.

All d1aJ chair lift tlckeia wl ll bf! $3 l'<'f d:IJ tor &!I •ho come. Food, chill !ttd, danct', '' /rcahment~. trans· porta uon, and othu acu,·lllP.S .. 111 cost <'llrn, he r.xplaJned. Thi\ Iola! rspenae ta f'JPl'Cll'd to como betwel'll SIJ aud $20 ptr po•rson. 51111 up sh..ets wlll be pos11.'d.

SC:bool11 parUclpatlnc ar<" Cenllal l\aahlni:ton Stal<' Collei:t', C nzac:i. Unl\N· •llY of Puirel swad, l.&lthcran Unl\rr&lly. 111tllworth. \\Sl'. EWS".:, U. of I •• Ob'mplc and :o; nh Idaho JWll r Colles;f'.

Clouo<ol Record• lo l lbrooy Are looooblo

r\ 1 .I , U •n of rerords Ir thr· library for the u e r 1ud1•n~ arl'I mll,Y ~ cltociu.d

uut, areordlni tf1 Mr Hug~tll &1'11•rltnt. llbrurlw1 M I or the r• curda aru cla&.atcal OUllCNtna llhd fUl:l.lrll 1Wd ll:" lnrs:1· t numb.-r 1u .. by Bi>e· lll• "'"· Thr) nro mural. 08 rpm., Ir uld.

Allo•r oil I& aald and don mi rn la aDJd lh n oonr.


MO· , .. 223


S..1vut9 Your Stvtlent Union

Coeur d'Alene CREAMERY



SUBtJersion I s.tJ.c. 11ev1<• c • ,.... • ,

~~~.~~0;,,08 ; 1; 10 ,:~: I COEDS' CORNER t.orr a.d tk or.blop o/ 1/lc a11dca1." Do ro• /eel con­ur a11oa Aue Ac kn lo r0tr•

TOl\I" EDWARDS. Elttln· cal £ns:1nttr1Dc, Sophomor"

"Dellruttly J<'B. Conver· aauon bu enllcllt".n~ me In many wa.ra. News Items rt'Pf'&ted In convt'r.saUorw have, at tlmc:i, lnronned rae or liOmtlhln& l hid missed lO' news media. and dlscuuton or collete cour es hu br->achl out Items mlas('d o: mlsundtrstood to- 1:1e "hlle ll!adlnc or studJtnc."

\'ICKEY S!JrrH. Qlacaueon. soitiomore· "l havr f und ao::ie or the

conn!"lation bere qu te nluable btcacse It bu bel~d me blth le and oat of scbool"

RUSS OSBOR!'i, :.:.ntn~

2. :. .:. ~. o.

ti . '" .. ,.

Enonecnnr. Freshman • "" ·o n " '. "I mua1 a pep with Em er· b 0 d • d" .,.. '.

aon •a H owt'v~r. 1 ....:c.....,=..::_ ___ ==--,-,-:;,,-,;;.....:;,,,.;;,...~-.,,,,....--==-=----do not ~Pl tht SUB I •herl' we mlcht llnd con trucuve co.~•ersatlon Slnct 11 UH'!d pnmanlr tor a t .:of center tr=i thouct.1. 1:1 fac1, many con\N&atlon:s ovcroerud lllrte coald be consider~ drtn· mtolal ID m&.'11 11ludf'D1S. This. or ccc:se, ,..ould d,.. pend OD the a:udl>nt and his aUllndt. The most valuable converiiatlor.s to m• have bern trllh ad• and the t'ducl.ID1'5 of collrg" con· c<'mtnl <n.r educalion. A flN all. lhal'6 what I'm hNe for not to discuss what a "onder· fut lim" I had laat Satulday c•·l'llln1."

JUDY RESSLER. P11vs1caJ Edu.:"alion, f'rl'llhmau

•·The ronve1511 tions •I lll other studr.nla alld 1:17 .ii· vise: ha•e llN'n vcf\' llelptul to e. Th<'JI h11\'t' ghe: ce Cu• pponuntl) to .. al:! and acx:ellt other dru. I ba ve not nl.Y lra."llt'd IO a~~t others ldras. but I ha• i><'rn ~ I P"<I •nib llllY : m.r

:Ins on \;l n «! .., b rcts."

Stage Design Proiect Interesting Display

•M~~LY~ ~ S~RF-11'S~~MY f'L~~ 10 S€e A ~ ~ITH SO< Nt/IP&}tO(JS QISl0!6.•

M<'mbers or th<' dnama clas "b did not h••• 11prak111 p:arts In thf' Cbnsll:lu pr • ~l&lll liUb;UlUlf'd a :.taCI' d..,,lsn pra) Thr1 haTe d...U ~<'d mlnlature stai;e aC'lunp or •anous tilll,Ts. ThPSP .,.. D di 8'11 "7 lo lbc

l:all ID 111lDI Of lbl' IJbnu)'. ··a1di::r1 .. ••a cad .. cy .klha B4rlliadnu, "Thrtt Pl'DQJ


()pr ra" cy Pam St&lf id. "Death r a Salum au" b.r Pat Po• rs. ··n1 lllr Slllo or Qir Tf'•lll" bJ' Pal Nesser. and "ADth QJ L'ld Cleopallll" b) Th T




belnc plann~ II) a .,roup who mes TnesdtJ a1 ~ .oo p.111. tn r.:o::i 28. acco:dlDc to Miss Cn.rolJn '."lr:!lo!s • .\LSS ).1Cb· ols said thi? hue not n1 com:i:rted pllUlS nor set a r~~ !a: e•t:ac time and datr. Sl:e said 30 P">Ple ba~e expressed 1111 lntere5t lo ~loDS::DC to lb~ croup and she r1p«1ro 1t:A1 more would actua!IJ attend. W6. Benr Gordon, :"IJC faailey member, ll'lll be the ad118f'I,

Tbe tr.:lllP will br nnndl'­oon:S nauonal. Purther plan& '11'111 b<J :lnnounctd, 1111• aoJd.

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Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 19 No 8 Jan 27, 1965

Joe Leads Cards Over EWSC JV' s The Cuds roullht to a 11-&1

\1CtoO" O\'N lbe Eai;tern 11 ashlntnon Siatc Sanees on the sa''aAe·,. homt- court to s tretch lbelr "In total to nine.

Tbt> game opened slo" and turned Into a dull batlle or defense and a more destr ... -able orrcn&1,·e atiack as both teams had trouble nndin& basket. Jlmm) Joe, Can! suo.111. led the Cul atlllek and teamed 'Atlb Stan Oberf;h and Btll Smith to build th" Cards a 7 point half.time I ead, 33-26.

The Sa\'aees never threaten­ed , but the closeness or lbe score Indicates the o ll-t;hool· Ing by the Canla. Bl& steve Bdxen kept' Canis sup­plied with man.1• attemplJI, o.s lbe Can! rorwanl dominated the boards on rebound.Ina.

Late In the sl'Cond hntr. the Cords went to thctr bench strength lo nnish the gnme a 7-polnt favorite, 71-6-1. EWSC's Les Olos'°w WBS a s tandout for the Savages . OS the hot shooUn; flllOrd pumped In 17 paln18 ror the home te:un. BOX SCORES

N JJC. Bil I Smith I I. Jimmy Joe 15, Les oardn er 11. Steve Bdxen 9. Stan Ober&h 10, Bob Bralnanl 7. Vern Bengston 4. F'rank DarllnttLOn 2. Wal lY Smallel<I 2.

EllSC J. \I. 's: Let; 0 lasll!>" I 7. Bob C ordon 11. J~ Undow 6. Bryan Dill b 2. s. Kenne) I 1. Ja> \\eucr 1. Sten• Brown 4, Bob Scama­born 4. BIU Blutchl!r 3, Ra} Orloh 2. -------

In 1962-63. the second >ear that Rolb \\'illlami; was head coach at North Idaho, the vtirslcy hoopste"' posted a 15 win and 3 loss record. The cards lost to wen atchee. \\ asblncLOn stale F'rosh and the Uni verslty or ld11bo F'rosh.

Bill Smith. Canllnal hot· :.ho t center. sco red the most points In a single pme ever rl'Corded by o Cordtnnl basket· bnl le r In lhll 1963 VICI.of)' over the University o r Idaho Frot;h. Smith Ullll~'CI 36 points In the 102-85 win.





Ploy Pool At Co .. 80 - I Rott'\ 60c p..,, How'

111c Cardinal loalnc a lot or tougb ones. and th elr prt'sent win-loss r cord or ~6 Is not l.00 lai ­presshe. But It must be remem~rf'd that l.b~ Cards .,,. p la)'lni ualnat '5Dllle or the t.oulltest COll:!M'tltloo ln the Junior college Cl rcuJt.

There &<'elllll to be sooe need or clanlicatlon as to <'UC tly how the Caalinal.s 'A1 I I get Into the !IOJCAA t.oumo.ment, If at all. First. the,y do not have to beat llJl1 one o r the teams scheduled ror this season t.o make a tourney app&nrnnce . The scnson won-lost reconl has to be good, ror sure, wt the Canis cannot be eliminated during the season. The decision t.o So LO the NJCAA Regionals "111 be larsels up to Head Conch RoJ.b· WU· Unms. COllCh Willlnms lt-ma!Xed. ..I don't .. ant to lake a team with a poor sea:.on recon! . 1r "<' can CO!ll(' on strong ln the later pill\ o r this ~ear. we v;iJI l!J>. If "e don't .•. ••

Unfortunate I) , Cards 'Alli ract' some touch compe­tition In the trallin~ "eeks or thr schedule. Two games aplnst ~nlllna Stair Frosh on the Crlzzhes home Ooor. and a du ' " Ith II hi !WO rth 'S J .\' -'" ,.~II pro,ide some rn,,t acl!on ror thl' Canis.

A two-pme senes With not·"° stroni; Idaho F'rosh and a rewrn match wllb Blue Mcuntnln nod Lewis and Clari. Normal cou Id help the cards In the "In department, but they wt! I have LO bu·e l!Ood result:o with ~!SU and llhll'Aorth to mllke ll t1 better thwi a»Nni;e season.

The Cards also stand a ~oro chaoce to Increase their "in total nglllnst the ll'hltman J .V _.,, and return g11me with EllSC. Looking ahead "Ith a prayer lo m1od and a lot o r confidence, the Cards could linlsb the sea · son at 19 1111d s. Go i;et ·em Cards!' -------,,.d thrown ll> pound lost.­

A lea G. Shaw

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Cards Reverse Form; Swamped By Coubabes

Tb· \\..,.hln t Stat C ,_ babe f'rosh tn1:i:plrd the C111d1nals In a l't'tum c:>lCb llftf'r d~wrun' lbe cuts a

eclt e11Jller (90-89). I a::·sq. The Coues ~re too bl£ and too fasl for the Can!~ on 'll'St:' hom<' noo·. and full­court pressed tile •islt.ocs lnto defmL C uicar i;ua:d Bill F'b'nn wnrktd the Cou­babe attack and It'd the Coup to an earlJ I ~-3 lead 'lrllicb QU!ck11 ~read to a I 2<>-polnt mar11n mld-wo.r tbroulth the nr~t bait.

The Cards stuoibl~ thNOi;ll the Qr.;t half. l.bNwtna the ball away and Calling t.o cet Into scoring pos!Uon. By balf ume. the Coucs hlld IEtll a 31'901nt lead. 61-30. with littlt' erron . Thi' cou~ 6·8 centrr. Jim \lcKean dominated the boards and played brtlltenl dPll'll!d V<' ball.

The second h11lf look•d I Ille a rec11p o f the nrst, as the Coubabcs conUnut'd their pre.>sing defonse and brtl· liant ,hootlnl\- EarlJ In lh<' second hair. both t..ams had i;l'Cond units pl&) In,, but tht> Coucs retu>f'd an\llllnc le:is than a :?!>-point !"ad. J Imm' Joe, Can! i:uard, led 11 quick Can! dn'e !all' In lht- i:11mP, but hot llhootlni; r~ .... vds John :-Orbel and Dick l\aUNs kPpl the Coui:s ndlnc hlch n till' ble lead.

Late In tbe seccnd hair with 87·57, th all· Ccui: cro•d bei;an to chant for 100 points. For..-anl Dick Watters a.~s•ered th<" lhlr ty ran~ \\Ith a long jumper wllb a mmute left to rtach the ma1:1c number. Th" Coucs ballhawkcd lbe bal I r r another scort." to m:ikr It lo:?-59 with th•' hJm.

N R V" ,

Bullpups Nip Cards In Closing Seconds

A I Cf' I r JI Sffeod elock Fro a • lbe fall sw~t lb

r th z.a s t:i.50 lh Bu I Ip th ca ro. 86-83. 1'1H'&f'Q

the W8J' and Ued doznUes shot evt'n fro ll!" n 1 and nlmost so from lbo "harlty line. Bill S-'nlllr. C:ird c ntcr, led C•nllno.111 with shal!l dr\\1ni; shot • and c mbinro with Stlln ObNi;b'S set~hot tali>nls to put the C111th In lrJot Dl half time, ~6--15.

The Canl.1 rnn a well· balanced nr~t heir nhnck with B b enunartl, \'Nn Benuton and .Hmmy Joie oddina lo lhe Cnllltnal cur· Inc ~am<'. Ool\latta. 11lavln11 on thrlr hom•· noor, ke1>t the aamr cl .se 111th Darrvl Oell~rd and Ran Brt•e1,_.s pro' 1dinc hut outsld~ ahoot· In;.

The sf.'Cor.d hol r mo close, \\ IUI the I ad chandn~ hand:! 1111 ldlr In o hit and I

conni: duel. A li"11 Za.e delcnsc stopped Cu:I i:uarrl Jlm1111 Joe and the Bullpup ..-er ab! to keep "'~ reach of. lbe Card .

Bill Sr:!l 1.b and Sl~Vc Brix.~ earned l.b Canl5 In lb

Frank O rll111: 0 rdnC! 5. Mlile Car~ •. Sam Bry11:1t I. Dav Oanln r 1.

\\'SL FROSH· J bn Nebel 11. Bl:une Elli 3. JI &le: Kean 9. Bill .4, Ra l>leln 8, D?UI Kl kt' i, Groritl" O:lbrie , D ek W I· ler5 13. Da•e I\ !er 1. Ro~r CramN '· Bob l.Db-drll 3, ~n I 2. Ri Holm11n :?.

The Coubnbt's 'lrtn O\·et thl' Cards :>!retched th .. 11 gc:ison reoord to l O "in.i 1100 o losses. Thi' Cardinal loss puts lb~ Card at 9 •llns Md 6 losses. BOX SCOR!;l;



aououn~ CORSA6£S ' 61m COEUR O'ALEllE'S


Fo, Q..,.1 ly .,.4 S."iou NIJC: Bl U Smt th I 2. Jim~ Joe 15. Stel'f' Bnx~n 8 , :>tan Obergh 4. \'cm Ben• b.

. ... lOS Sh•rm•• A••· - MOhawl '·S721 l l SJ..•,..,..."' A•• • C.0.1o1t 4fAf•"• 0

............... - ..... ····~······· ... _ .... ,_ -exam .•• pencil ••• paper proctor .... time ••• begin think .•. blank ... tick tick guess .• "tick tick ••• write tick tick .. mhurry ..• finish time ... pause •••

things go

b~~th Co Ke •

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