the n.i.j.c. cardinal review 17 (15) may 8, 1963

Dance Classes Plan Dance Pageant In Gym Monday Night On Mond•,. \lo •t 7:30 p.m •• Int ' llr .. clnnc" C'l asan. und<1 the dlwctioa of lit. and J.t r • OnD will preseit Ille Sea>Dd 111DUal " 0..ncf' Pelini " ID II colleE<• a udlwnum. The proira::i •UI tau D• separatr S<!ctloa one la cou;pnat'd ' dances: "M un1ai11 Mualc " atld " Thr Jt'SSJP Polka SCIU&ll' ... T he second attllon .. 11, CODsl&l. ,11 1 folk danCt'S. Th · la " Llltlr In .. nad Yto !.Di Orn rt. "'!""- la " lb" Daudet> Pol. a." ::..:In tr; Cztcb:r- alovakla. mtlllod " Tl'. . lral Splendor " la a pedal ael«· ll on and "111 pan three. 1ncludtnc thfl conu. cha cha. and R: uk · al Jaak, an l::att•lllan da11ce, will eottPr\ &f' part four. T he llnal HCllOD Of tile PIOCTaCI "111 CODalat Of u al ballroom af'lt<:tloos. T t>ev 1.1..: " Tbe Al Ice Blue Cown ll altz." tilt! 1&ci:u. Ille ·'s. mt. MJJN.** and H'Tbc 84-auut ul t.ady Il a! t.. " First Serurity Bonk Gives Scholarship T• C!r1lor •.. J.1 1f t .!Q0.00 each 1a\t bu.;.. , t lr-d lo S U C by Ill n fol rat 6t>Cl.IUI > Baut In Co"'' rl 'All'ne. Thea,. acbolar&hlpa at to bn .,, .,,,.d IO buslntsa and rlnao<c lllu· drnt a e ,.l .,cll'd from lhn Ir. h· man tl ue 11nd . , ,. to b' u ,..d ln thrlr &11{tho 11 urn Yt•ar. NIJ C W UB alliO pl t'Sl'nl••d with • $100. 00 llbrurr srant . •IUch la In br u .,.i lnr PUchealna nnan •' and rconomlc Bf'IVlcl'S, bo<>ka, and Ptrlod· lr al a. TM r.1cult• ol th" busln"8& d partml'ftl will ••l«l l h.,... l>ooka and pertod- l<"ala which Ill b., 1uallablr In lb• Ubra n- to r : . drnl us<'. Engineer's Boll Scheduled May 10 A f1 win .a. •\• ! l hl' :oilJC la th<! l:)i. &ln••r ' Dull. Thia I& It• la11" l done• 111 n rtd b• Il l • n ... dance ta 1>t'ITIH um111I , o rd r •1 11 bu u 1 10 1•• r &on- fo r &hl l e\ 1•nt. a.,cau• • lhr collr1• raclh · Iles .. 1 11 bo u "' for olhN PU ll'oar on t hl' I lol• v 10. th,. II r r th danc I lda rnr'a <.I an "111 b hold In t he F "(1"5' Ila.II In c l!llr d 'Alm r. Tht- baud •Ul bf' lb al I C'llllld" lob'ht<'. Tbf' blurs ol l hC" danr "111 bf' lrt >rn 9 I • . Oahlta Bulb Sale Proceeds Go To Improve Grounds A II rled aupplJ I da!il.• tubt ra • Ill n salt •Ith.. lht- nc>I I• " ka. Thfl dahllao, • II and fare n- n"ti ". •t.c c- £N•n on the collt'r campua. The tubo . \fl ) rr.uonabh p11c<!d, rna.r b l' In lhr SU!denl Umon. Aft In ) eatt put , proect'ds from plant anrl bulb aal .. I ll b<' ID buJ ah111ba I r lht &IOUll cb. 49 Students Exceed 3.0 Average Graci1 At Mid-Term Point A 11;... I' It I r II lrat' (11eo •tatea llla1 fllll· u.m" · admta ••t• do!ni: 3. or · " it at lbe last mtd· 6c:l'5le! .. coc:pa:e<! to 6' iu lhe n::>P Um• l&s! feat. TID&f' •llh "'at:a cbt A" H. aoreraaea •t Jodllh Pedtr n a::d Pamela SUC<'. b<Kh of COPUr d'Alrne. Tl:oAr •II h & radt' PD Int Tho I w 1111 arade PDlnt (>( 3.S r we"' Diane Auallnaon. Elane rrod· nctson, F'lank and C.11 &br:u:rrk, of COe11r d' Al•nt' Chesler Pall<, Dclo•es Psrt, llftd Br AC.. SL=oG of Ralbdrum carol Bacwell, \'eradal•. WuhlDcton. COe, Plarlw1111 and S!lat;>:i Parrlou. Earnl nc avrrac!'S berwecn 3. and wrrr> Judith An- d'"""'· Sh•rron Capaul, Terrr Carlb<'rt. l'rt:d Cllllk, &le O>lllN. Normau Coa1.. no. Elt'anor Car•t'.1, Penn.r Oooc:· w1c. Jon HJppll'r. IJ.-lhA l<lllcr, )olai!De Nel&oD. Cr&lll Peraco, Judd Bouy &111irave:. Latt1 Tnti..n. Ronald ll'arr"", and Cl11!• llollrr. all or Co""' d'Alf'ti• Lenort' Abscc. and Marylo• lllnn tra. Sall I• l•nlll•'. Llnd!-n Q>le and Thom ... /.Ullu. Kelloic. ROD· aid Katll'.T and \'lc:tar Uud c. &andl>Olnl, Joan Elli•. """' Ula Malt'r and Patnc1a Koaenberc•r. I'• den l.alle JaD•I Pl nu... l'osl "'-!la Lynn Rf'dd"1' pp, Q. >tllrle:, B<'llJ' &lrnli.lna and Constanct' lltllll. l'rir I RhN Rou llllson. l 'Jne1111r&1, TbamH Bl'ckl'r. l ltomu I ls:ll'n•. Mary Ann Llndl'l'•OOd, and .. , llllal!IJ, llasb- ln&IC>n Jara I Thomas, Pleur .-......i. )' ntsna; and Dt&llae n. B.C •• CU.ada.. S NEA W ill E lect New Officer Slate At May 10 M eeting Th•• Stull nl aUonal EGie:.· lion A c:latlon I •l•Cll• na r r Its 19G pr<" Id• r11 Ma.• ID . S ar l\alh) Conrow 11nd Mt11. lol)'rl• lhlla""· Tho no Ing miller d Ir fDr natl o. Tb ,.. •tll bf! a F'nda Iola 10 l.:4S. Al lh ti •111 ht' n r. ElocU n r turns " 11 b QJunl<'d nd .. 111 bt" PQSll'd \I : > aft : the t'lttctlua. SNEA Banquet Scl1eduted M ay 8 ASB Nominees For President I Mo· I• si.-• la SUB Th!'! r:.oTI "Fro II re to Et<mli," "u abl"11 01 Ill<' Stud 11t Uni n on >Jay 3. 1• m;rocsor..d lit' Ille d I t..111 DC 111.,... Record Class Of 153 Will Graduate May 31 At NIJC CnamiatJon >N 1 < this fillnD' llan been scht'dulrd re: 10:00 a. .• F"rtday. :.tar 31. >Jr. T. H. Kt'nnnh, As date D<'DD or lllt' Coll<'&e Of aud Arts, 'ihshln,uin SUtc t!nh·e:s111. "111 the comrneocl'!llcnt alldroa&. Tht' title or his add1CS$ , WI wt'll !Ill tbe 11!&1 or IM PrD&nllll and lnstrucUona tor 1raduate,, wlll be publl&hl'd In a later IBSUI! al lho papor. The,.. wUJ b(' an acadanlc procession ltd by mrmbtra of lht' B.,.nl of TtusletS rand lhc PacullJ". SIDdcnl.S wlll llDP UP In alPb&beUcal o:d•l and mateh Ill slna;lt' !II('. of 'rad · uates ll91t'd t'lacwbtr<' In this ISSUC or tbn rap ... An) one who bell('vrs hP la Pll · '!bl r for a diploma but w ln•c n111nc has b•"" 11'11 orr tho !<hould In a< lh<> "'i:istrar ' .s omc .. 110 111:11 a corrttUon 111111 b" mado and cap tu1d SD•n o roortd. Those whoae n111:1es llPPl'lll OD 1161 but •ID hau not ,..,1 ordrrtd caps and '°"n• slnuld do so tmm<"dlateh. Tl\ o kinds of diplomas "\II bl' I •nuod. An of Arts df'Jlt't' will be a"ardl'd co all atudcots who tin•·•· nll§· faclOnly con:pl<ll'd arrnt'· &ttl boul!I Of "'Ork •llb & IUad<' Point &Y IBCt' 0 I Crad<' Cl or bt'lter. lncludlnc 6 aes:iesltr houn<: llCltnc ... 8 llC'ml"lSI r h ur : or mblht'Olllllcs. 6 ellll'SIN bours: or social aclcnCt', 6 semester houn.: and ph;11lcal ...iucaUon. In an actl \'ltJ coursr. A CNUOeall' ol Complettoo .. 111 b" i:f\en to any •tudent .. ho bas com· pitted SS Stml'Slt'I hours er wcirk with a a:radP pclDt DTt'l'llJe of GI !Pa.St l.7S, er complctf'd a ter:llw 'ocallooal course .._. prescnbt'd br that depart· menl • PllrUclpntton tn lh" crawa· Uon IS rrqulrl'<I or all crad· uatea. · -- ----- Grades 1'11 11 Not Be Mailed Th is Semester BedMIDI " lh th• end ol lb arr•nt ler. crades I C&<'l "'Ill bo llf'd t dmt ReP<:rt Cl.Ids I r 0 I &t St'ITI ler will be lll<CI tn th<' s:lslrar'a anrt •tudrnta wUI be uk•'ll to pick lhtm up n SPOCI l'll· Sludrnl• will be rutnbhf'd unorrlcllll roples ol Ul•lr comp! In J:m!or cxrllece rec :d at th<! •!ld of esch 1.cadernlc II th<'Y repo:I ID the Re;1a1 1:1r ' rrlcc bt'f4:eJime I and !eve a atai::oed .. ,ddr aed er. · vdc,pr '1vln1 Lbdr eummer addrfl!:l. Those st udent ho •PPh fOI ll•l>dmt •SIDA fOI lhO lollow· Inc achool l " ·" will 111 " " • eeh roPl•S cl thei r If rd io1.,1brr lib thl r ptrrntt reclatr r.

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (15) May 8, 1963

Dance Classes Plan Dance Pageant In Gym Monday Night

On Mond•,. \lo ~o. •t 7:30 p.m •• Int ' llr .. clnnc" C'l asan. und<1 the dlwctioa of lit. and J.t r • OnD will preseit Ille Sea>Dd 111DUal

" 0..ncf' Pelini" ID II colleE<• a udlwnum.

The proira::i •UI tau D• separatr H~tiona..

S<!ctloa one la cou;pnat'd ' l•Ollll~ ~I<' dances: " M un1ai11 Mualc" atld " Thr Jt'SSJP Polka SCIU&ll' ...

T he second attllon .. 11, CODsl&l. ,11 1 folk danCt'S. Th · !Ir~ la" Llltlr In a~ .. :· nad Yto !.Di Orn rt. "'!""- • •~nd la " lb" Daudet> t~ Pol. a." ::..:In tr; Cztcb:r­alovakla. Adan~ mtlllod " Tl'. . lral

Splendor" la a pedal ael«· llon and "111 ~n•lilu~ pan three. Thre<'110m~ danc~ . 1ncludtnc

thfl conu. cha cha. and R:uk· al Jaak, an l::att•lllan da11ce, will eottPr\ &f' part four.

T he llnal HCllOD Of tile PIOCTaCI "111 CODalat Of a~· u al ballroom af'lt<:tloos. T t>ev 1.1..: " Tbe Al Ice Blue Cown ll altz." tilt! 1&ci:u. Ille ·' MJJN.** and H'Tbc 84-auutu l t.ady Il a! t.. • "

First Serurity Bonk Gives Scholarship

T • C!r1lor • .. J.1 1f t .!Q0.00 each •1a\t bu.;.. , t lr-d lo S U C by Ill n fol rat 6t>Cl.IUI > Baut In Co"'' rl ' All'ne. Thea,. acbolar&hlpa at to bn .,, • .,,,.d IO buslntsa and rlnao<c lllu· drnta e ,.l .,c ll'd from lhn Ir. h· man t lue 11nd . ,,. to b' u ,..d l n thrlr &11{tho 11 u rn Yt•ar.

NIJ C WUB alliO p lt'Sl'nl••d with • $100.00 llbrurr srant . •IUch la In br u .,.i lnr PUI· chealna nnan •' and rconomlc Bf'IVlcl'S, bo<>ka, and Ptrlod· lrala. TM r.1cult• ol th" busln"8& d partml'ftl will ••l«l l h.,... l>ooka and pertod­l<"ala which • Ill b., 1uallablr In lb • Ubran- to r : .drnl us<'.

Engineer's Boll Scheduled May 10

A f1 w in .a. •\• !

lhl' :oilJC ~lllj)Ua la th<! l:)i. &ln••r ' Dull. Thia I& It• la11" l done• 111 n rtd b• • colh•~ · ~· Ill • n ... dance ta 1>t'ITIH um111I , o rd r raa~ •111 bu u 110 1•• r arr~ &on­fo r &hl l e \ 1•nt.

a.,cau• • lhr collr1• raclh · Iles .. 111 bo u "' for olhN PUll'oar on t hl' ••min~ I lol•v 10. th,. II r r th danc • I lda rnr'a <.Ian "111 b hold In the F "(1"5' Ila.II In c l!llr d 'Alm r. Tht- baud •Ul bf' lbal I C'llllld" lob'ht<'. Tbf' blurs ol l hC" danr "111 bf' lrt>rn 9 1· I • .

Oahlta Bulb Sale Proceeds Go To Improve Grounds

A II r led aupplJ I da!il .• tubt ra • Ill n salt •Ith.. lht- nc>I I• " ka. Thfl da hllao, • II and fare n ­n"ti" . •t.c c- £N•n on the collt'r campua. The tubo . \fl) rr.uonabh p11c<!d, rna.r bl' PUIChH~ In lhr SU!denl Umon.

Aft In ) eatt put, proect'ds from plant anrl bulb aal .. I ll b<' ~ •rd ID buJ ah111ba I r lht &IOUllcb.

49 Students Exceed 3.0 Average Graci1 At Mid-Term Point

A 11;... I' It I r II lrat' (11eo •tatea llla1 ~9 fllll· u.m" · admta ••t• do!ni: 3. or

· ~"' " it at lbe last mtd· 6c:l'5le! .. coc:pa:e<! to 6' iu lhe n::>P Um• l&s! feat.

TID&f' •llh "'at:a cbt A" H. aoreraaea • •t Jodllh Pedtr n a::d Pamela SUC<'. b<Kh of COPUr d'Alrne.

Tl:oAr •II h & radt' PD Int Tho I w 1111 arade PDlnt

awrrac~ (>( 3.S r abov~ we"' Diane Auallnaon. Elane rrod· nctson, F'lank M.ath~. and C.11 &br:u:rrk, of COe11r d' Al•nt' Chesler Pall<, Dclo•es Psrt, llftd Br AC.. SL=oG of Ralbdrum carol Bacwell, \'eradal•. WuhlDcton. D~rald COe, Plarlw1111 and S!lat;>:i Parrlou. Hard~ l.u~.

Earnl nc avrrac!'S berwecn 3. and J.~ wrrr> Judith An­d'"""'· Sh•rron Capaul, Terrr Carlb<'rt. l'rt:d Cllllk, &le O>lllN. Normau Coa1 .. no. Elt'anor Car•t'.1, Penn.r Oooc:· w1c. Jon HJppll'r. IJ.-lhA l<lllcr, )olai!De Nel&oD. Cr&lll Peraco, Judd h~C'd. Bouy &111irave:. Latt1 Tnti..n. Ronald ll'arr"", and Cl11!• llollrr. all or Co""' d'Alf'ti• Lenort' Abscc. and Marylo• lllnn tra. Sall I• l•nlll•'. Llnd!-n Q>le and Thom ... /.Ullu. Kelloic. ROD· aid Katll'.T and \'lc:tar Uud c. &andl>Olnl, Joan Elli•. Ba,~

"""' Ula Malt'r and Patnc1a Koaenberc•r. I'• den l.alle JaD•I Pl nu... l'osl "'-!la Lynn Rf'dd"1' pp, Q. >tllrle:, B<'llJ' &lrnli.lna and Constanct' lltllll. l'rir I RhN Rou llllson. l 'Jne1111r&1, TbamH Bl'ckl'r. l ltomu I ls:ll'n•. Mary Ann Llndl'l'•OOd, and r~., .. , llllal!IJ, &pakan~. llasb­ln&IC>n Jara I Thomas, Pleur .-......i. ) ' ntsna; and Dt&llae \lu"~r1. ~,. n. B.C •• CU.ada..

SNEA Will Elect New Officer Slate At May 10 Meeting

Th•• Stull nl ~ aUonal EGie:.· lion A c:latlon I bo~lnc •l•Cll• na r r Its 19G ·~N pr<" • Id• r11 Ma.• ID . S Ina~ ar l\alh) Conrow 11nd Mt11. lol)'rl• lhlla""· Tho no Ing miller d Ir fDr natl o.

Tb ,.. •tll bf! a F'nda Iola 10 l.:4S. Al lh ti ~ •111 ht' n r.

ElocU n r turns " 11 b QJunl<'d nd .. 111 bt" PQSll'd \I : > aft : the t'lttctlua.

SNEA Banquet Scl1eduted May 8

ASB Nominees For President


Mo·I• si.-• la SUB Th!'! r:.oTI "Fro II re to

Et<mli," "u abl"11 01 Ill<' Stud 11t Uni n on >Jay 3. 1• "•~ m;rocsor..d lit' Ille d I t..111 DC 111.,...

Record Class Of 153 Will Graduate May 31 At NIJC

CnamiatJon >N 1 < this fillnD' llan been scht'dulrd re: 10:00 a. .• F"rtday. :.tar 31.

>Jr. T. H. Kt'nnnh, As • date D<'DD or lllt' Coll<'&e Of Sclt'n~ aud Arts, 'ihshln,uin SUtc t!nh·e:s111. "111 i;l~t' the comrneocl'!llcnt alldroa&. Tht' title or his add1CS$ , WI wt'll !Ill tbe 11!&1 or IM PrD&nllll and ~eneral lnstrucUona tor 1raduate,, wlll be publl&hl'd In a later IBSUI! al lho papor.

The,.. wUJ b(' an acadanlc procession ltd by mrmbtra of lht' B.,.nl of TtusletS rand lhc PacullJ". SIDdcnl.S wlll llDP UP In alPb&beUcal o:d•l and mateh Ill slna;lt' !II('. ~""'es of proapt'~th• 'rad ·

uates ll91t'd t'lacwbtr<' In this ISSUC or tbn rap ... An) • one who bell('vrs hP la Pll · '!bl r for a diploma but w ln•c n111nc has b•"" 11'11 orr tho 11~1 !<hould ~port In a< lh<> "'i:istrar '.s omc .. 110 111:11 a corrttUon 111111 b" mado and cap tu1d SD•n o roortd. Those whoae n111:1es llPPl'lll OD t~ 1161 but •ID hau not ,..,1 ordrrtd caps and '°"n• slnuld do so tmm<"dlateh.

Tl\ o kinds of diplomas "\II bl' I •nuod. An A•~oclal" of Arts df'Jlt't' will be a"ardl'd co all atudcots who tin•·•· nll§· faclOnly con:pl<ll'd 6~ arrnt'· &ttl boul!I Of "'Ork •llb &

IUad<' Point &Y IBCt' 0 I ~ Crad<' Cl or bt'lter. lncludlnc Encl~~b. 6 aes:iesltr houn<: llCltnc ... 8 llC'ml"lSI r h ur : or mblht'Olllllcs . 6 ellll'SIN bours: or social aclcnCt', 6 semester houn.: and ph;11lcal ...iucaUon. ~ ~rm••O!Nd In an actl \'ltJ coursr. A CNUOeall' ol Complettoo .. 111 b" i:f\en to any •tudent .. ho bas com· pitted SS Stml'Slt'I hours er wcirk with a a:radP pclDt DTt'l'llJe of GI !Pa.St l.7S, er complctf'd a ter:llw 'ocallooal course .._. prescnbt'd br that depart· menl •

PllrUclpntton tn lh" crawa· Uon IS rrqulrl'<I or all crad· uatea. ·-------Grades 1'11 11 Not Be Mailed This Semester

BedMIDI " lh th• end ol lb arr•nt ler. crades

I C&<'l "'Ill bo llf'd t dmt

ReP<:rt Cl.Ids I r 0 I &t St'ITI • ler will be lll<CI tn th<' Rt~ s:lslrar'a of!lc~ anrt •tudrnta wUI be uk•'ll to p ick lhtm up n SPOCI II~ d~ l'll· Sludrnl•

will be rutnbhf'd unorrlcllll roples ol Ul•lr comp! In J:m!or cxrllece rec :d at th<! •!ld of esch 1.cadernlc 1~• II th<'Y repo:I ID the Re;1a11:1r '

rrlcc bt'f4:eJime I and !eve a atai::oed at"!~ .. ,ddr aed er. · vdc,pr '1vln1 Lbdr eummer addrfl!:l.

Those student • ho •PPh fOI ll•l>dmt •SIDA fOI lhO lollow·

Inc achool l " ·" will 111 " " • eeh ~ roPl•S cl their If rd io1.,1brr • lib thlr ptrrntt reclatrr.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (15) May 8, 1963

THE ~.I. J.C. REVIE\'\ Pvbfit~ S."' .,U..-.thf.r Ovrtfll9 f).• C. -1• YNt

9y Jo"''""' "" Sh1d•"'h •' rt.e


Ed· •0t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• J.,4, Aftd..taOl'I

"4Pa•vP E'1to•.. • • . • . . • • • • • • •••••••. A. F. c;,,w.., Phototte;ih.n...... • ••••••• J.,,., Dtc.L•t Rtell AcS.e,.._." Cu .ulot1on M.Npn • • • • • • • Di...,. D •• .\ '"" .:,,...,,,. Cu•~••,.._.,.,.,• . . . ..... .. ... c-t (h.spm R.,..,..,., Do 0te1 C.0:.ur Jo. Mt· -... R~• .... ......_ E .-ic

Frfftlc."•• Sh. • Jc1lvn.Oft. • RMlff'bt·~'• Srd1 ~ "oi-4" KOl'la .... P•te °"'"i:m, JG~ C...,N. ~.m,. Bo~ Cl.Mro [); . "'" en4 J.,.,, L, ch.


SNEA Officers

. I' .• \I: • 6 66

Folk Si11r?,ers ..


' ur od ~r I too.

lay thin! b ..:U n. al •conomlc, lllkes F rm !CHO, d"~ annuall1 on Apr.I J 5. I obJ..ct to aubsldu:lns walh l~d.,ral lund.• tudrnl •bu bt' acoompllaht<I COP • 1•15 or Cat·AlCbt~ lt'al-lak 1'5.

Bui haw d you wuie tlet G.nd e1ont•1' Supp P u do11"1 chel\t. lllouEb U bl>" t'lb• ns d-l. Your lt'Sts a• lreque1111.T matted lb 1!111\'t' wll.b JOlll bOD I plotted 111 .. lib dabl a • Yo11 c:a) c:o1111• al wllh a C


MISSOURI LUNCH . c.-... ('JiiJ.,..

0' ~4 IC • Ji..OST COlD

OR. PEPl'ER n. J.;•-4'

,.,.'" ""''"


''-"~ ~IL-" ~ tpaa lf~~~1 f't, "!'U!. tYi~~~~ S~~~S. ~~ ®



llEHT · SAlES REPAIR 0,.11.1"19 & r,,.,., 541,,11 ••

hrlCRSTATC TrPcw•tnA Co 417 SJ.. ,_ ... >,,.. • ~- •·l•••


,.,. .... ... (). ••• •~!.' t)

226 -· ..... CO£U• D'A.U·~E IOAHO

Woodcock 's Drug Store r .,., • ·d· •

p. , O' •

12• N F-evrta. S• c....,. 4 "--••


100"" '"" s, .. •f(f Cocu• o·.-. ... c-.<. IOAHO

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (15) May 8, 1963

Little Bits 6y Elane Fretlt1ch M

Students Entertlin With Varied Talent

SoTClll ""°""'"' a1 SUC ban bt!t"ll rtlU!:aiAl::i n: s ·csm:r:a u ns tt:~ out COPUr d 'All!ll<' ed tl:e s:irr cdil>c area. A b:.e! l'Jodo.,, .,~.d reveal .Janrt Tboi:::u. .-oeallc; Ii: .. - t UdJcl llld ~,. •IK> dn rac:lt:P aQO red t&Uo::r. Bn1111 Hes • •bo Plll1& tbe c:Jltar &d slnp; SWI f'cl • aac. allo ~.,.. thr accc:dta:l:


~ n::ina C; Ucs r Edut"llU n IO Bllllap. SIAD l uod ld<d " th r b<' Will att d sue

: 1i .s.t: • ....,,, 1e~: 1100 BrJ .. p a IO at: i:d t U. : L

Thia i:roup l:a da:; ll!U t r tllP coll 1c :and ,. Up

: bats lllld ....... "'Thank ... t : don1111~c lbe tlm u:d co· 1:1;: to tt:c lNubl e btl1;1 lb co 11 •i:• tllbll all " cood RP· u11at1on. sue an hr prolld D1 tl:ls 1:oui>. as 1 • r 8C\'Cral :b!• . 1rfl IU~ au .. COOd rrs>:e$nit&UY.S t l:::Sltutl ~.

Do you think Charlie can win a ribbon? That'& ., Joan Ander.IOn. .C·H girl. atn• n bluo ribbon for Charlie at the County Fair


\\' orkini: for exccllcna! ia one of man) fine pnnap "hich the ~-H Club and Future Farmets of Amcm:a inspire in their }out.hful memberl.

Honoring their purpooe~ our Company anou11ll)' pro•ide 7~ fin>l·)dl.rtolle~sdwlarshlps !or4·H and

FFA 10 a"ard &o dcsrrving men~rs in the Weal, Al.ub and Hawaii..

Joan Andns 11 plam to appl' for one of th ... ~.

Thill is pGrt of the nearly $11~ million we contribute 11nnW1Uy for 11Chol:inih1p!. felloW!!bipa. gTDnt5. -ervices ond m11teriols for schoohl. We deem 1t n pn•ilege to give this support.

Planrun1 ah~ to un'f! \'OLo bnl<'r


Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (15) May 8, 1963

N.t..J.C. REVIE•. CoNt ;•Aten.. td "'"'· W•d •• MGJ • 19' 1 Kaustic Korner

br A.rtr Candidates For Gradua tion Treaty Suggested

On 8e11"d Sd>ject A " hort llmt' nco r vt'ra.l mt'mbN• or tht' Studrnl Union •t'nl on a fact-findlna lt1p io th,. l'nh•O!lty of Idaho. Tbrlr Qur&I was r •r lu>o•ll"dt<' con­Ct'rnl na lht' operation ot lht' Slud<·nt Union Bulldtna and ho" lo ~ .. 1 th~ mo•I usr for the lnvestmf'11t. Th • search to r llll ann·rr was partially ans• er~ but lt ldt a p1:1ble::i In lht' m•ll10d bttausr of anolhN m•lhod bNn1 ual'd on our czunpua lo pmmo&.i' and eaJt-ndar ,.,., nt5.

Otl•• or lbt' most I pori.nt pro'11lm• r und wu a lll'W

lnno\ aUun lhat lhr U. of Idaho OO~an last )'l'D f. Tilt• lnflO .. -llon round was • Cf• nUon or a.n Actl\11lf'S Cow1dl. Tbn IO'·eum:o nt (&lud1•nl atruc­turt' con<:o•mln& Ulla COlllldl b •• t.>llo•s: th<' atudt'at leadol'lJhlP ls at lhf' tor •Ith lhe o!Qcl'" of lh•• ASB: crt'\\lfd Crom thl'•r otact"S I~ "bal ts cal!Nl an E1ecuU\ e Coundl wluch ho.~ lilt- PD•<'r 10 •<'lo action takrn b.Y !hOti<' orranl -7.aUon" b~ncnth It. The Executh r 0>1111cH 111 lb(' u. or I. crt•ated th<' Ac11\1Ues Council I.:> ell rcct lht' phy1•kal 1'0rk or ..,,tudcot ,cn\tomtn<'Ol 1'bJCb lf'DV..,. lbt' Elf'CUlh t' Council lrt•(' to be lht' think­ing and rullfll! body of the ASS.

TbP Acthtue.. O>undl Is m.i~ up or active r.llldents wttb backarouncb In student so,·emmmt lllld of lho•r ln-1e1estrd In dolna a Job for their colli•a<. It Is theo;r aludl'nlll who be<:omt' the att'a dlreewr.: lh~l art nch rf'­•P<>n!llble !or 1 certain Pl'Cl­nt'd art"a or :,tudcn1 acu•·tuea. These dltootnr. as lnte.­vl "'" eri; choo .e lhcl r ~tafls for Heh ar.-a rrom th" Mudrrn.. al large. •er. ...... ,.w..,

It ,...,. round b1 !hJ. •rllt'r lbal tbt• ACUVI Cle:. Council did more ttan our SUB com­m! ltCE' but It has th• orp.nt­zaUonal 11ruc1ure and ad1111n­'51ratl\'O backlnc lo aclto•<' tht' destr«I runctton•. As or the present Ume the SUB oorn­mlltee ln our colleae trlr.a to utilize !hf' lwicllon• or 1he SUB on!} , •!tch mllJ' be quite correcl, but some comlllllltt :;hould b<· crull!d bfnttth and under the supervl!llon or the BOC tn order to sroom "peclallsts In the Qeld or :-tudent 'ovemmen1 and at tbe •Ami' lime lUI' some or lbe p~·stcal work Ort Of the O\U•

"ork4'd BOC. In the Unh·er­al ly or Idaho tbb oommluee I!< lbe ACU\·IUes Cowie!!.

T U'i11 Lakes Trio

A slt~bl p1>lat r m.t Pt'D IO those Moru.- r.s •Itch foe.I It ls neces•ary to vandallzl' campnJflJI pooters In on!" lo " In o.n elecUon. One or lhe candldat• a has lost Sl'\'l'tal l'OSl<'ts IO lhl'St' SlUdtDI.'< of !Diile lll&h achoo! 1b11 roraet this I• a democracy end musck wUI not "'In an t'lec ­l!on.

-M..- ,-ic-c-,.-.-P-• -r-.... -ie-,-Th .. ~ "'' omc•rt tdd on

»&~· 2 wa •e"1111tended end eolhustasuc&lll rec<'l\'ed. Arter the concNt, lht' choru~ and band u t>m!J<,1~ and lh<-lr dates •l'nt to Templt'lls. wbel<' lhr, • t'O' Ir Pated b;r J.l r. and >tr,.. Finch.

Tltesr ~ludont> ha' e shown v.ondertul lalenl 1L11d ha\, ct.>ne much lO promolP !lchool •Plrtt In lh~ &1Udt'11\S of SUC and I.:> ID< rtaH• i111eresl of lht' W...nspec;plt' ln lbf' colltc:<>.

PA.RR/OTT SPEAKS A - I !bn,_.,, ..nd "JSl:l

..OW• •ti ni.J JtP ~ 'h 111 Sllaron Pamou 1.:1 the Child Psych Class on •\Ptll ~5. Tbe l4plc or the ape~b ..... "Pbciullcs o.nd Pbonlcs". Sharon r.iplalntd tbe dl!­l•h!llc:.> bel .. t't'll pbont'Ucs and

PbonlCI. and shr dl'QOll&t "'led Ille use or tbt'm u a at'tilod lot ICDChlnc ,)'OUll!IU d:lldtl't:. Sc,cnaI points •ere sh"" "hlch .. 111 1re11t1' belp tboSl' maJonn& In ~ducallon. Shar­on '• spef'Cb .-u e:ilhullu­Ucallr rrcel>Nl aod e:Uo1ed bJ' the class.

Pl..,,. Mote

Students Reninded Of Librcry Closing

' , Llbf1lt7 books mu l be 1n by

lU7 17, end tlnf'!> must be paid be! "' laklas l1nal ••ams. The llb"'t7 •UI be OP"" ror study llUJW&ff. llul no boolr.s WUI be dlecked QUI anor the 171h. II lb~ above Unu look lam­

lllaz to .YOU. lbe 1~11 la I .. .,...,Plied" taiem h~c lb" laau" or th" R~vt"'. B~ause 1 mneH fo111>I aboul lhe Ubra17 clo&Jnc. I thouchl that per1>apa .rou could also use a rrmlJlder.

Wben I wu t:o-.!nc tllro~ lbe, lbe otbts 1&7, I ran lnlO :\Cr~. Balter and Mrs. Hacrn. Allboucb I ,.., not rulllllns •e11 fast. I 1nanartd to tnod: all Uae book.a tioc lll«lr 1Lr.:O• to tbe aoo i. Bdnc a lady, I natur.Uly olrtred to pick tb= up. And lht.Y let me. But. 1'bal I 'm 1.tlln1 at Is, I &ald. "F'anc.Y meeU::c TO<I bttr... A:;d they aal d, "We're &Gt-.:7. ~ •e forcc-t aboul lbat Pa+o~r llltJclr we •e~ l'llnl IO •rltP." So 1oa at't'. I.,., not r~lybr wsln~. I •as lbt'rr on purpoH.

lie came UP wllb &0mr l:l­tert'S:!n; •tail£t1ta tbal •r lhoQSlll .1011 di;lit enJ01 raad· Inc aboat. I! 1ou do not 1111nt .YOU would, 1ou had b.-t1er r.r.op '""dine th1• 001:111.11 n&1i1 no• bt'Cauar I am about to quote lt<e. Ac:tcallJ', I did

DOlbelplllmiawcl!ID p1Mn n1 lb<!se 1tatlallas. J let :.ins. BakN and "''• · 11-.~n d<> al l lbe coJoUnc. and I Just wrote MWD lhr n1C1be1a. Old 7ou too• !ha! lbe llbrar1 bu ct .­c:ula~ over I 0,000 booka and mao zlne~ lt.l Yt'tlt' Of cour~ll' you C:1dn' 1, but 7ou do now. Over 70 cllrter~nt cur­te=t "'llP22" · ave been added :o i.: .. t,.,. • .• and 41:? oew book.a llllYI' be<!!! PU I • cbMt'd. Br ntlt 1•ar, n•K L~elvea •Ill be pat In the ltaPZIDe IOOl:l ao lltlll lhe C.PJ:ln~ •UI be easier IO ll11d.

I ulted our lltranans I! lbe1 1<01111 Uh 10 mole a .statmient and aner final CCJ>llOrlDC • • • N . .. r1ou6l7 l.he1 •e·r mo1e kind lo cs than •e deserved. J.11:>. &ter eald. "I aPPt<'date lbr atU ­todr f !ht' r.tud<1U ~prdlnc arr oual1 uslni; thr library tor study. " l!r . llA1tea Hid, "I bue enjoyt'd • rllm1 In Ille llbmry a.od a:i~· lale lbe atudt"ats• coop rauun. ••

Page 5: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (15) May 8, 1963

Interviews Will Be Held For SU Offices 0 "


th St:Jdrnt U Ion Cocmllkr b Id Int rr1..,.a

I tl'O JU s lb C'O - !Irr. alnl7 lbr cllalr.:anal:lp. Ttla

• b<- r r DUI 1!'1Ua' Sladttl !inion Co llrr.

Thelitudf'::S t:nl mlllr<! " I ldnc r Pl'Olllr •Ill arr D _,,, d In thf' •t"llatr OI

tbr atudenl and I: a aclh1Un. Tiils • II ~ oc,co:ipllwd lhroucb lt:trrncsa Ju ID lb<' lntrnu•a brld t r ll:r AtUYllira Cottndl at tbr Unlvrfl.llY or ldabJ.

Thr ln11'rt1r• ea "111 be cmat'n n 1111 .. Ju 1. ablh11. and rr.dt"ll. Tbr1 •Ill be ••k"d QUf'.lllCICa ab>ut lbr Student Union CbmmlttoP. "'"" Id..,. • and cnlldszu of lhf' C'OmmrU•I'.

All ttioae ln1"11 •~·d ar< ok<dt>rynuL ------DAMES CLUB DONATES BOOKS TO LIBRARY

t.a t r • · unr for th• yur mun lud• ntn r~llltr.r Iha! 111Jmmrr YaraUon •Ill aoon bt" hN,•. Su<'h a m~"una wu th•• Daml'B ' Club luacheoa h•·ld Mar I al thr Student llnron Bulldlnc.

Th•• oar.i., .. Club annotmc~ 11131 It hu done.led ID lhP coll,.111 library tbr"" boob. Th ae hlavr b o,n pr rnl.-d to lht> buftln,.,. , l'ducauon and F.ndl&h d"roortmrnta.

ThtY rw•, In order: TAr Ymr•o 11 oaGll 11 IJfl!llar by a .. lh 8&111 Mel <"All and Jt!llnDr Pa1J1, /'Aouc• b)' t .oular Btnder 11ai11. and Tr•V• I of c;Aatllct b)' Jo~.n

Sldnb• ct. T•o moll' boob hav~ b<>Ni ordtrt>d. nc tor lhr rJ)gJnrt nnc d<i>artmmt 1A11d onn t '' th• drvartmont or btoloalcal grl111rcs. Thf'S<' ar' ' l flt d • d ~ atrl H 11 l>cfort­thr duiw ul th• 8rl> ol tNm.

11 .. h sni Mai I .. , u I I• ~ll•••n~ an~ \ rlln 111 '"

THE PIN CUSHION r .... 1 t".j\ 'rot a

l..•~ry •h•"v . .., Th 310 L.o• · <'­

C.0..iM d \I

m '"'· ,\ , .

I' 'IO


, • and 11.r • 8';"*11 aro "'°""" cbnc1f'.19 Ir t I coti ,..,,,. or :"i. Fr~ ... ~,'lh C c~ dO"Ce.. H:o t cos r.,.,...i. -.e"' COl'tplet• • l.1-' • 8 9""0 1 •, •hlht

Ir be •• p..,:r,~

'· H .. t Ee Clou Enler'lainl Partah

On TlH!..claJ , Apnl 30, lhe memb· rh of thl! sophomor• Home £ccnomtca Flloda claaa <'nt•nalnod thrlr panota at a formal dlnnPr.

Tb• dlMrr. •rthDl•nc Dison aa chainMn. ,..,. P"'P•rod and l<r• .cl by Janet Poosn""5 . Anita flo•land. Sle Collie:, Dlanr .\a~a11J110n, Sbar;n O 'Olnnrll, Kal!lr GaDDO", Dons MrDol• and Judy Ar.· drt1Cn und•1 Ille dl"'cU n or loll•. FIO\lrlkfion. The "'""" oe>nslsted of at.rtc:p cockl&ll; •al41r1 oal&d; ~st bet': ball:~<>rs ,..llh sour ura=, clll•u and baco:. ''""° bra.ns •lib mullll'JO~. hot rolls. dlocolate \1 Mna can~~ aad bt",·eracea..

SOrdt.1 1urots at the dln!itr •ere Dt. and Mm. O' Cb1111ell. Dr. and Mr-.. F"rcdr!ll.80:! . M"'. GllllDOD and Muprtt Mary Gannoe: wra. eom... Mr11. nai:;:i.donr. loll. and l!rs. PC11•· Dea .. . ,., .. AulllllSOD. Mrs. llowland. Mr. o.nd \Ir,.. A:ido•r-

n •d \lr. and \Im. D • ...


eo . ... er...-. Focmd• liom Sf>Orls-

* N ,_,. St. • C..- d' .U.-



Cofts A Sp•ciolty

Ti.. • "'OO•'Y proc..c., - 1,.,,,, you<

'""'·~r ~'°"'""° 001ry.

VAN'S CREAMERY, INC. Jot H • .• I .... , - PHONE ~ •• i.. • ·1111

C C. t U It '.> A L E N f, I 0 A II 0

Sound Sysf em News

Bello all roa Pt!OPlto oca tbrre •ll!l .JOQ! tone dl;af """' w&1J)fd TOC:al conls, •t're back ~n cllscuulni Ill" oat.alaodla& albu=:s t:iat ate in our t:nlo:i Bulldlnc.

O:ie of t!:e•<' at.alandl.~& albi;:ia ID aur S.t:. la t~r '"" weed trOCP of Petti Pa:ll and Mary. ll'h:tt evtr Prter and i.t:ar1 b2vl' 1111dt't­tlim llO faz l:::ls bcrn dl)n<' ••11 well and o brloalll1 • th 1belr wbol<' hearts.. 111!s 1110 b&.& ~n descnbrd u '"The t•O bHided PIOPbl'~ or lhr rolk Idiom In a '"""'" wllb a bnctt rounc blond• and-a· half"' . and vocal I~ u ··An Anctl. and two cellos pl&>1nc ottau.•·. Tlll•album lnclud•-s such 111>n~• u "'Earl\· In th~ Momin•"'· "Tlli• Tra111" . "'Lemon Tree". ·· 11 I had • Hammof" and olhtr oul.stand· Inc rlorctr1f)'ln1 sounds. Thia 15 truely an album, ruu&lnc and real w1 Ill Petor Paul a id Man oa ~arner B10s. lab<'I. Moth~r 11.lbum In th~ Studc

CnJon la tbf' """rsaUJe Htnr' :.ianclaJ and his Orch..,.tra thl' U~rtr l~I. lfr. Manda dlos,. u bts l!"'t mate the brl!Ua:n •ultan111. Alct<tla. To lb• Mancini t uch, Mr. Al ..S a ba.• br 111hl hi• own tldlh- tri.t• and unlQUc lntf't;::ttatt f the ••TroplC' Mood". l.d u Jt':lc '.\ n:oan adds C:<' a=d WO nt:t b wl th b<t braDll I bhcito on •• f1amla •• and "'Moon ol :a". Bob Bain"• i., c::i IU aad Lou l!&u n 'a tun rpu JilJl.c.~• oln 3.!r. i.: ... ~ io rrrate lhr mood or ttP ath Se~. ltop c t!f't-Zes and ,,.-uy a•artnc ral111a.

.H<'• t lbr crNt rreordlnca on lhl5 alblllD ur •·eau Hal", "Tb,. 'llblaperlnc $('&"". "Slee;>)' La&00n". "Ebb nd•" aJld OlbN fPlallnC Dll'Cf"S. Tbil 11 lr""I)' a

Ira.sine and :•lulnc albu::i r an:l!lda or lh• SJ111 h S.-113

bJ Henry :llandnl and bis Or~bestra. DD tb<' Llbt117 label.

ll'e would Ilk<' 10 brC"all ·~ I"' m our oaual c:o=e11 ta a boat

o..r •tal albo::s Ill lhr S.U. rn ut a quralloa.. "" ba•e b a llr1cklnc aboal awtlnc a R."'°n! P II ol SIJC ID Ulla ai w=. 'l't would Uh e top I.ell alb a anll r rcls ! !be a!Ddmta c ce llat~ <'Vtr7 <d!Ucm. /1117 CU both pr and coo d be ,,...u, a.-p ~datrd b1 bolll orca.. _______ _

TtlllKco - a plant found In many Sautllttn atald and le acme pnttn. T~ a w""""'1ld ID­

atra.D:ftlt ! COlln«ta JOU W1th ... ,,,..,,,.~ .... ~ wllo

bow-a lib at







SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Dry Cleaners FrM Piclup •nd DeGvwy

)07 Fto•t MO .. ••~ 4-JS"

J C Disc J ockeys

l mguage Lab Added For NIJC Stud rots

A n ddlt n t<> II<> tan111aae d•Partmt•nl la lhll lancuoac lab<Jrat r) , local~ on the arcond noor or the Admlnlsuatton Bulldln~.

Thr lanauac<' la borat ry l lhe culmtnallon or t•o \l'al of llllrn•l'" rlanalllc on th part or the l&llCUU<' pro­lessora. :llr. John l.tcf'arland, ,.bo for oil <f'&ro ""'plo3"'2 a 1ap11 r~ronln u a laborat IY aubsotutt', and Mo. Bllaa B1i;nall vlalted &c,crt.I lab· cratort<":t ln thr rc-slon b~!:nto -.J..cuna the presmt t'qulp­ml'nt. Th• laboratons ol GJnzai:a, EHtNn ll uhlnston Stat• Coll<';", Chrnl'y Hieb School. Mull1111 IU•h School, Col'UI d ' Alen ti llh1h SC boo I. and thl' Anny Lan11t1Gll' School at Mont<'l•'J', Callfomla. "•re all I D\'t'SUp U•d.

The nnaJ Choice WU Q &fl up lnotalled by \ llJ sonic: St<r· Ylceir , Inc •• ur Spokane. Th• laborntory pl'f'a~nlh dCC:Om· l!lodatcs n, \' &ludent~. but can ea"llY bt1 Inc rrn•ed to l••n11. Approumatt'ly Cort' Spanhth 01nd f"rrneh 'tudt•nl•


Leixfer Printing Co. 11 6 H. ,_,.. S. .• MC>i..wl 4-21119

are expected to laltl' ad<nrta1e or the Jab. wtuch wtll be openf'd fo r usr bero.., th•• tnd of th<' R<mesler. Each studrnt .. 111 be •chl'dul,.d lor th:.., hlll!· hour se1<blOn9 a '"'•k.

The laboral<>rJ Is a llbrar) typ• ID which rach Uldent "ill have hl& O"'h ora5able tai>e. upan .. hlch he can lt­" rd hl• ' •Ice alone wtth a l n on a ma:;tN tapt•.

H•w Si90 Oo SJ.e,.oo Ad .. rtnu Coll•ge

s.,...,.·1rJn1 nt' i.s b<'en addod to C •~r d ' Alene. The public rela: ions !'!en on Shr:· man A\ enue• Thi& slcn ad· vert.J•~, l'WC . Th~ Plans ror thr 111 s:n we rr o ltJlnatl'd and prJ:noled throucb a combined trfort or man.v poople. Amon1 these P«>Plo a l'llttllll tranks p:irs lo Jom11r Mon111, ownrr or tbr Amt'ncan Sen·lcc Sta• uon . "ho donatf'd somrthlnc "!Uiout "ttch lhr "1cn could not rxlst - the !'PllCt' to put l1 on. A fine Job wa~ ~'"" by all conrrc ted .. . lh th1 proj~cl.



0l'l1y Fo..,, lloch: Fro"" C.""PVl

OPEN H IO A. M. 10 $ .JO P. M

Pepsi -- for those who think youfVJ


Page 6: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (15) May 8, 1963

Bond And Chorus Feature Specidties At Spring Concert

0 \la) ? r and bond comtinrd lh I r l&l<'nll lo prr •nt lhl' annual apnnc'!\. The c ru 111 dlr~ct· cd by Mn- . Charlt'B F Inch and l h< band bv ~Ir . Jame Buma.

Tbe ch rus pr S<'ntcd u numbe r ol I cttons Ir " F'rid•) A ll~m .n." Am<n~ lb<' <' 1< Nc "Se"'"" Dull Ch re", " CUckoo '', an~ "Al> tom S n>wn" , "B)'• , 8)e Slue " , "0~•slp, v•lfiSlp '', " A.•h Cirow" . "Tunlodo.r" and " \ 'enczul'I•" · Stan F'l'I • mun prt•M•nl t\d an nccordJ on ..,10, JunN T homu 1>an1 ·· summ<" rt iine" and thr m1'.lf.·

tiers o r lh<' cholll& PM1enll'd a l!Oll ahoc dllncr 10 "T"ll \It' P rel l.)· \ltUdtn" wllh chorul backcNund. \ lllo Harri and Colle<'ll Ounham prr:.<•n r. d '"""" follk numbers. Tn nnah• of t h" chorus 11ecll ,.L'I "I Aci An Amrrlcon' . a muslcol "''"linE b\ Orne 1'1all<'f.

Amonc lhc lnsl>lnni; n -b<r b' th<' bal>d ... , .. tb" "lolucb of tt F'lr 1" ,.ltb 11•1t!us ShA n Parr! u and ln•n Cunnlds n and "Tb" Macalnccnt &"V n.. •Ith L'nn pro and lillnd1

For a Lifetime of

PLE ASURE Learn to

BOWL While You Are Young

Lake City Lanes, Inc. 2414 N Fe\trth St .. C.• wt d A~ue

ir,,i11 This Boat

Johnson , .. rlln,. ot.M: Ke!tttlons • ., .. •·co e Back To S011'!1to" Ira! r.n, a trumpet 11<>!0 b" Dmnts -.;,,. • ton, ··T11>pk11! T:-.. ll"ts"' '"1th a uumprt mo or J, Catbcllll, Toci H11111<>a. and Dennis :oie•IOn. "Sc'llllc.-nta O\~r You" •11.b " till bl>nP oolo by R n ll"as?:buru. "RHf1n Tb" Blues" r~atunn' JI Oathcut, Dick LeFrands and Run 1'8 hbum. Jodi II c:c" anc "San FrolK'i6C\1". and the Bo•ulllnon b• M.lrl!llttl F.ldrr. A tno or Bruce SlmOD Barn Simon. and Bob 1.arson N~M·ntt*d a numbl·r vr s('l~ ll~ns .

Chde \\ rlkr lnlrodu«'d Ptl · rormrrs and numbel6 for th• chorua. Jim Cathron dld the swne for the band.

Al lht• clo~,, of the a>nctr' 1ht.• sophomt>rt' cb•ru!- and band membel'S \\e re gl\'en .. fure11ell 111d llY> SI IC llahl on, wa.~ playt~ .

Library Will Opu S•••c-r Moraingi

Tht library •• I I><' open in f nuntts dunns;

&ehool rrom 7:45 w 12:00. An• :ir who h~s nc: c:o:ip!et"'1 his psrcbolo1:1 rep ,,. by lh:lt tlCH! sbould s.irdy !:Ike advan!Aie Of 11115 QPPC:t!lr-IJ to u"" lhe Ub::ary.

F'lnll ua=ino: . ns o.:e scbedc!ed ID begin oo °!bu!'>· <1&1. 1>141 ':?3.

wo.,m•s HJ~b G=~= Jo~c Bubb, I U.

llomf'll ' a Hli:b S• ·lea . J )Ct' Bubb, ~02.


/IJ11 &l:J~CI ,. tK-comu W dunni lb.- sctr I day la re::11nded of IM uailabllll.r r tile a ... •lea -=- 1 21"il

at Ille bod r l' \;U:d:lnCP raa:.. Tile r; ... u1 conta n a IJQ6pl!AI ~ do11:11.,.i b1 the C~r d. Alellt' cumca.J Lal>­o:sl<:l"· aacl a rust aid ca ae eq~ed • lb a f •st aid bO and all nttess~ ,,. a:e rW •

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