the n.i.j.c. cardinal review 17 (12) mar 27, 1963

Pro,-om Changed For Anood Serior Guidance Meeting 'r.' 15!" /\·-.,.. G .. W.> Coeu: d'Alme Kl•anla Club, Coeur d'Alme Chambu o! Ca::mezce, donors and NIJC"111 be beld •I ),'!JC lhdnesda7, A;rll 10. n:e cc.::!trence p rova::i to: lbl• 1•r bu been ctan1ed rza:: !lat o! prn1ou• Lo ll:c PUI a spnku C)f &Pnh:o •Ut lll'1t..i 10 lalk to :ht Mr.1011 dur'lo1 lbe morn· Ille. Lllnch •u aerTtd at noon, •l:ll a collece en11&nce tat beln1 cl•tn ID the after- noon. Thi• 7ear : here •Ul be no 1eauns. Tbe time will be deYoted to amall 1roup dla· cue1lon1 •lib rumbere o! varloua occupatlon1 In the com111unl!J'. The dlacuHlon 1roup1 will be rocallonal , teller• and 1ctrnce (bachelor or aclcince>, letters and 1clence. (bachelor or an1). bu11ne11, medical, enslnter- lnc and lducaUon. Each aenlor *Ill r•clt1er tor one or Ille dlacu11lon cr oup1. To make poulble ar::aller dl1cu11lon 1roup1, Ille unlors rrom DUI Acad1m7, Poat Falla, Lakeland, Kootenel, 11orle1 and Plurr.mer wlll attend on lb• mornlna o! April JO and lb• aenlor• rrom Co•11 d • Alene In IM artemoon. Both 11 011111 wUl be en1er· talned at a J 2:00 noon lune •· eon. pro•ldld b7 tbr Coeur d' Alllllt Cbarnbtr or Commerce. Prtiared and HITed b7 lbe NIJC Economlca O..pan· rttnl. TheSUC Circle K Club •UI be In ahalc• •! arranp- mtnta. Both rnom1n1 and af1tmoon aect1on1 .. 111 mee1 In lht um fo1 a brief o rlenta· lion mttllna before brtllltln1 up Into dl1cu11l on 1roup1. 01011• Blakel7, of lhe Ernploymenl Sraurlcy Asency In Coeur d'Altn• II UI IPHlt on "8t&1l1Ucal Reaaona llhy Poll lllJh &chool Tralnln1 ., Ntu11ary". The overall pu111011 ot lht conferenc• 11 10 rt·tmphulu lbe neaeulcy fDr Ult hl1h 1cbool 1radua1t 10 obtain 10m• kind ot POii hl1b acbool tralnln1 tither a coll•1• de- aru, coll•1• l•year ttrm- lnal courst, trade, apprenllct· 1blp or anad Hrvlcta courH. O\tr eo member• o! urt ou1 occupation• 1n lbe communlt.Y •Ill 1&hcan 1n lb• dl1cu11lon u1alon1, 1rttb 30 ot 1bem balna members ot lb• Coeur d' Al•n• Kt· .. n11 Club. Sch0larshlp1 •Ill be d lemilnCo<! on hlsb acmol and hlV,1c!lool D n rs arc ll'uhlncton v.111er Peno r C'omp1.111 (2 arnlo1& planntni to lake «1clncertnr , H me D ns111111 Co di 1 • nlOr rh nlnE to ta kc b le ), II• I d' Ale .. Ctlal=ber l Co<'Ur d'Al<'n Kh•anla C'lub, F.ql Lodt:t', l:lla Lc>dce, Idaho 1'1n11 :>nu nal .. D. \\. Oaher. Latrertr 1ranapo11.a· lion Co., R<ll&t) Club (:! , Coou1 <I' \lenr Laundry, l.'haptN AO, Cl><'ur d' llu.inosa nd l'ri>• foulonal \lo en, coeur o• Altnr Ptesa, SIU>& Phi, A.A.u.11 .. Anon' oua non ra, U.S. 1 t3su mer work .ch lar&hlPI to •wdrnts In tnalnurnnt and t It' try), Mid•Ol lN C\ a S '"lll b•,ln \p11I I. xv ... o. '2 New Advisor Lists Hove Been Pos ted \l&l!Y r J"lll •n l!Je adv1.>or U.i.t on :be bulle- Un boatdl ID lbe llall. Each Illa beell a.ul.cned the ad'1110r •bo i. appiopriate !01 11111 1tudem '1 The IOdTIM>ra are ualsned IO help t he a!lldelltl "11b a;JJ" 1>roblem1 w-ldcb lbe:r have ooncemlns tbelr atudfea. courtt 0!11u1l7,or. 111 1enua!, &n>1hlnc which ClltJ are bamr c1Jtncul1y •lib 1h1 COllfJe. Tllt advlaors art h•PP1 IO h>tlp !ht 11ude1111 and they render a nn Ice \\ l\lch la trr.r lrr.pCl'laJll Ill our 11udtnll. Do not tetl that 7ou are liz:- poaln1 uN>n 1 bml bJ tUJns advanta .. or Ihle 1tn1ce. Lo motl GalH, lbt problc::a a a1uden1 tncowitere can be IO!Yed Qi:! di.Ir and easl.b b;r a>DIWl!ll( lll• adV:llOr u: :.-.a.: •<J<lant. Potr10N H•- Pr••r 01 Conlino l s.,,..,n C/wl> Tile .... , S•mce °'1b a'U ID a pollack dl:me: In t!:e Student U!!lon b7 Ille !>era of tile Soro:ic;;. a: Club .. di •POllAC:. Ille SU· '1ce Club al '\c.:tb ldabo J nl : Alltr tbe dlnne:, &:lllr.5 f\la1"4 a:id \lie or• ! •tro llulallrc!. Sl:az:uc, 1>tnldrn1 Pal \'lee J.arilJ'n Caee:i, rccordh:l: Sacc.r OtOlr, lftt!!Ultt and BellJ ca aec- KU 1> t. KOl 'O' Cl.l:..\.S To croun ·n " kdt ii;; nut stud nll '4b., •At lun h ln thc.b- can an- r"'1l\trl ('(I lbat ttnp•y N.Cks. ..,.,. pt-n., •nd aott dnnk baltl ..... t d<paalled n pn;ptr " tct cont&lrwra nti n.1mln.b:trat an tt)1C'C.\.a net to rt ., oe.. • Ellt;ESDAY, MA'l0171, l9ill 5' SNEA Sponsors QueenContest Trat !e/ogue "°""""a, .... , Rapllul G:H:i, a ccted lee· ni•r, presente<S tis ::aul· oe::e, ''Rutala acd !ta lo!arc:b 19 at th !>iJC a:d.!- t=riu::. Kr. G:em ls wl:.ll Ult U1tl· 'Tera!:, of i:s :c S?!?d-JCUOll •t:t. He b c:ar- m:U, a: aere:a; C&Det: raeard:I lll::u. H!• i::eae::t toe:: l::c:bdlld L-...elOCllD " twe o:ie d:a11. ft.a t1s t t:i R::u1a a Iopa a: ti:. K: D t:e ar. C&.111 dJ cu· taties r:: o! Ill r Ci=::a:Its.. Tl:• n a Id Ill cement lere o!!:an L'll! lllnr !Id 'fee C! l:i =ac!:bes ll!ld e; lllL Re also tried cl"e tin : tbr ulll!l pec;i e u t dr b1s ·s. He d :ed nri;,daJ' Ute! l:l lrnlon. Slid 0:1 l'&ZUdl'Jltlon al lbr au -t:.J ..... Dir ab) t I Ill< or Ill• Stude:i1 Bod,1. full Mo.,1eo SI.ow• The Cirst '1r llJ)On :ed by the i,:udrnt Union C nil ttce qs bdd In the SU 8 OD 1-!arcb 8. Tbe llllr< Of 100 wu .. Th• ouse That kCllred." nnd •u " II rr- "•h'ed b.Y the awd ta. lla>rlac tl:t> D.I " Iser . oa.s bold ... 1111 p es acd danclns. S!laron Sal•k.r 1el1ced u QOHll o! !be Nrsl annual SL Patrtct 'a Day Fea11val on 11rlrcb u. The runnrrupa were '\ elda Uea. Sbaroo O'Conadl, Coanle Uen. Janet Thomu, Joell 1l:t1ch, Olanr Au1Unaon, aad Diane DI.Ion. Eacb atrl had dlsplued her taltnl at pre'1oua uaemblJ'. Tb111 \'Cl• •ere laken by pennlft. Eacb orpnlzatton 1poJ110rlc1 a orl took care o! be: camP&Jin and ea• 10 II lbat a Jar ,. ... ou1 tor collec1- 1aa ClOner. Tbs one wllb lbe sr•1111 number of peonies wu 10 bea>me quun. 'tl:e dancebecan al 8 o 'clock. The Da::iea Club took care of tbe coal ctackla1 and re· !tn!:::enta. T ba SUB l\'ls dtce:ated with sbtmrocka and o !her St. Pa:'1 di.)' arranae· ccta. Tiie da:ic:t bll!ld wu Ille DelRaJS. Ooc1 Bale, preal· de::t or s:s£A. =•n•d :lit S!:a=>11 Saluk7. A box ot ca11C:,. wu 1l•e:: to the TI:e •ere Mr. and IL:L Bc:!a, I>!• and J.t.'S. E'Ta.J:s. K:. ':s. C .. :.o·. a:c acd Mrs. Sea,rares. ne S!>"EA 1 11 e:iJ01tt1 llUttl::C Ille dacte a d bolle w1ll be ,eulr a!talr. o .... C..i dort• la r .1 .. .. Sloow ..... bly The aliow prnezted ll1 lhe for q:ieen oftl::efirst •=•ISt.. Pa:nck'a Da.r dar:ce ns beld In I • C1ll d:::lns acun11 period Fr1d.:r. llccb 15. Cl.Jee V.ellM wu mailer of cere- axmlea !or U:e abow. Tbe candldalea and their talent •tre JaMl Tbo:::u, Shazon saleek;r, bucoroua rudln1,Jodl lluerch, alndns. Seid& Urn, '1oUn. Connie Lien, o rpn, Sharon lllmorous readlnc. Diane Auaunson, JIJIOlher can· dldai.e, w to luld planned to llln1 AB btr tal«>I wa11 unable to per!onn becauscr or a of lat;rn&Jlls. Chorus And Bond Announce Sdtedule Of Spring Programs Tt.o chocu.a 111d b&lld lit plancllls a V'&rletr or pertom:· ancu duda1 tllcspdnc months. on APrll 5. the cborua •lll a:akt Its &MUAI Illar. Thia y .. r tber .. w •1a1t 1he hlch s chools lo Poat Falla and SL \larles. For nrtet1 Jn the procram lbe cborua will bave Gay Nlnellea aofl .. hoe num· ber In coaluma. Dancers will be Terry Stranahan. Ed Elcherl, John Ctrule, Carl Chapin, Vince Voelker, Pete Dunbar, Verrene Lucas, Marpret El· der, Diane Aust!naon, Helen llewion, Florence Peek, and L111na Mono ... The bis number or the chorus aho1r wUI be "I Am An Amer- ican" which Is a readlnc fe&1urln1 Oene Kraller with cboial bactrroand. The ac- co:::panlst 11 Mra. Robert '1111cht. Connie Llen Is the accompanla t for all other Lut 7ee.:s popular piano doo or \'trsene Lucas and Delor• DtLuca unde r the dl:ec:.Wn of Flo Da\'la Is wc;rk.lcs on aeveral nlecllonL The band wUl make 115 tour on APlll 30 and lhe7 •Ill rtall l'J lb ad1oala In Sand· polllt and Bonne,.. Ferry. The wesiu or botb !he cbor. and t.and will be com· b1ned wh<rl lbe7 p ruenl Ille annual Sprln1 Coo cNt on t.a1 z_. _______ _ SNEA Delegates Al Boise Convention 1beSIUdent )l.E.A. del•ples went to Bolsel<latch 21 for tho siate convellllon. Those lh•I went werP l<lllhJ Conrow, Dou1 8Aln. Ge111ld Shriner. \Ira. '.lytle \111.Uace and \Ins. CUiton. The were Arleata JoWrt. Shirley \\oemp- nrr. Mrs. Helen Marona. and DorOll\1 Bolton. Them wlll be a report or the con• en lion tn lllt' next Issue.

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (12) Mar 27, 1963

Pro,-om Changed For Anood Serior Guidance Meeting

'r.' 15!" /\·-.,.. G .. '!~·""t< Conte.:~nc.- aponavz~ W.> ~ Coeu: d'Alme Kl•anla Club, Coeur d'Alme Chambu o! Ca::mezce, acllola11~ donors and NIJC"111 be beld •I ),'!JC lhdnesda7, A;rll 10.

n:e cc.::!trence p rova::i to: lbl• 1•r bu been ctan1ed rza:: !lat o! prn1ou• ,.~. Lo ll:c PUI a spnku C)f

&Pnh:o •Ut lll'1t..i 10 lalk to :ht Mr.1011 dur'lo1 lbe morn· Ille. Lllnch •u aerTtd at noon, •l:ll a collece en11&nce tat beln1 cl•tn ID the after­noon.

Thi• 7ear :here •Ul be no 1eauns. Tbe time will be deYoted to amall 1roup dla· cue1lon1 •lib rumbere o ! varloua occupatlon1 In the com111unl!J'. The dlacuHlon 1roup1 will be rocallonal, teller• and 1ctrnce (bachelor or aclcince>, letters and 1clence. (bachelor or an1). bu11ne11, medical, enslnter­lnc and lducaUon. Each aenlor *Ill r•clt1er tor one o r Ille dlacu11lon croup1.

To make poulble ar::aller dl1cu11lon 1roup1, Ille unlors rrom DUI Acad1m7, Poat Falla, Lakeland, Kootenel, 11orle1 and Plurr.mer wlll attend on lb• mornlna o! April JO and lb• aenlor• rrom Co•11 d • Alene In IM artemoon.

Both 11011111 wUl be en1er· talned at a J 2:00 noon lune •· eon. pro•ldld b7 tbr Coeur d' Alllllt Cbarnbtr or Commerce. Prtiared and HITed b7 lbe NIJC Economlca O..pan· rttnl. TheSUC Circle K Club •UI be In ahalc• •! arranp­mtnta.

Both rnom1n1 and af1tmoon aect1on1 .. 111 mee1 In lht ~IJC um fo1 a brief o rlenta· lion mttllna before brtllltln1 up Into dl1cu11lon 1roup1. 01011• Blakel7, ~ana111 of lhe Ernploymenl Sraurlcy Asency In Coeur d'Altn• II UI IPHlt on "8t&1l1Ucal Reaaona llhy Poll lllJh &chool Tralnln1 ., Ntu11ary".

The overall pu111011 ot lht conferenc• 11 10 rt·tmphulu lbe neaeulcy fDr Ult hl1h 1cbool 1radua1t 10 obtain 10m• kind ot POii hl1b acbool tralnln1 • tither a coll•1• de­aru, coll•1• l•o·year ttrm­lnal courst, trade, apprenllct· 1blp or anad Hrvlcta courH.

O\tr eo member• o! urtou1 occupation• 1n lbe communlt.Y •Ill 1&hcan 1n lb• dl1cu11lon u1alon1, 1rttb 30 ot 1bem balna members ot lb• Coeur d' Al•n• Kt· .. n11 Club.

Sch0larshlp1 •Ill be d lemilnCo<! on hlsb acmol 1rad~ and hlV,1c!lool t~b. D n rs arc ll'uhlncton v.111er Peno r C'omp1.111 (2 arnlo1& planntni to lake «1clncertnr , H me D ns111111 Co di 1 • nlOr rh nlnE to ta kc b

le ), ~'o,..alQ' II• I d' Ale .. Ctlal=ber

l cr~e Co<'Ur d'Al<'n Kh•anla C'lub, F.ql Lodt:t', l:lla Lc>dce, Idaho 1'1n11 :>nu nal ~n~. ~r .. D. \\. Oaher. Latrertr 1ranapo11.a· lion Co., R<ll&t) Club (:! , Coou1 <I' \lenr Laundry, l.'haptN AO, P~O. Cl><'ur d' ~lenv llu.inosa nd l'ri>• foulonal \lo en, coeur o• Altnr Ptesa, 11~1• SIU>& Phi, A.A.u.11 .. Anon' oua non ra, U.S. ~'ote 1 Stnic~ t3su mer work .ch lar&hlPI to •wdrnts In tnalnurnnt and t It' try),

Mid•Ol • lN C\ a S '"lll b•,ln \p11I I.

VOl.~ xv ... o. '2

New Advisor Lists Hove Been Posted

\l&l!Y r J"lll •n 'XIUC~ l!Je adv1.>or U.i.t on :be bulle­Un boatdl ID lbe llall. Each Dl~dtnl Illa beell a.ul.cned '° the ad'1110r •bo i. appiopriate !01 11111 1tudem '1

The IOdTIM>ra are ualsned IO help t he a!lldelltl "11b a;JJ"

1>roblem1 w-ldcb lbe:r have ooncemlns tbelr atudfea. courtt 0!11u1l7,or. 111 1enua!, &n>1hlnc which ClltJ are bamr c1Jtncul1y •lib 1h1 COllfJe. Tllt advlaors art h•PP1 IO h>tlp !ht 11ude1111 and they render a nn Ice \\ l\lch la trr.r lrr.pCl'laJll Ill our 11udtnll.

Do not tetl that 7ou are liz:­poaln1 uN>n 1 bml bJ tUJns advanta .. or Ihle 1tn1ce. Lo motl GalH, lbt problc::a a a1uden1 tncowitere can be IO!Yed Qi:! di.Ir and easl.b b;r a>DIWl!ll( lll• adV:llOr u· Ilene~ u: :.-.a.: •<J<lant.

Potr10N H•- Pr••r 01 Conlinol s.,,..,n C/wl>

Tile C.~ • ...., S•mce °'1b a'U l:eat~ ID a pollack dl:me: In t!:e Student U!!lon b7 Ille

!>era of tile Soro:ic;;. a: Club .. di •POllAC:. Ille SU· '1ce Club al '\c.:tb ldabo J nl : COll~e.

Alltr tbe dlnne:, &:lllr.5 •e.~ f\la1"4 a:id \lie or• ! •tro llulallrc!. Sl:az:uc, 1>tnldrn1 Pal Mttk~:. \'lee pr~!drnl J.arilJ'n Caee:i, rccordh:l: secr~1uy, Sacc.r OtOlr, lftt!!Ultt and BellJ ~"ltclmt:, ca rtt~l'ODcl:t:i: aec­r~tar).

KU 1> t.KOl 'O' Cl.l:..\.S To •

croun ·n " kdt ii;; nut stud nll '4b., •At lun h ln thc.b- can an­r"'1l\trl ('(I lbat ttnp•y N.Cks. ..,.,. pt-n., •nd aott dnnk baltl ..... t ~ d<paalled n pn;ptr " tct cont&lrwra

nti n.1mln.b:trat an tt)1C'C.\.a • net a..Sher~f' to I· rt ., r~cutat oe..

• Ellt;ESDAY, MA'l0171, l9ill 5'

SNEA Sponsors QueenContest


"°""""a,...., Rapllul G:H:i, a ccted lee·

ni•r, presente<S tis ::aul· oe::e, ''Rutala acd !ta P~>:t" lo!arc:b 19 at th !>iJC a:d.!­t=riu::.

Kr. G:em ls wl:.ll Ult U1tl· 'Tera!:, of ~eso1a i:s :c S?!?d-JCUOll •t:t. He b c:ar­m:U, ~I a: aere:a; C&Det: raeard:I lll::u. H!• i::eae::t toe:: l::c:bdlld

t•e::~ L-...elOCllD " twe o:ie d:a11.

ft.a t1s t t:i R::u1a a Iopa a: ti:. K: D ·~re t:e ar. C&.111 dJ cu· taties r:: • o! Ill r Ci=::a:Its.. Tl:• n a Id Ill cement lere o!!:an c::.l~:e L'll! lllnr !Id 'fee C! l:i =ac!:bes ll!ld e; lllL Re also tried cl"e • tin : tbr ulll!l pec;i e u

t dr b1s ·s. He d :ed nri;,daJ' Ute! l:l lrnlon.

Slid 0:1 l'&ZUdl'Jltlon al lbr au -t:.J ..... Dir ab) t I Ill< or Ill• Stude:i1 Bod,1.

full Mo.,1eo SI.ow• The Cirst '1r llJ)On :ed

by the i,:udrnt Union C nil ttce qs bdd In the SU 8 OD 1-!arcb 8. Tbe llllr< Of 100 movi~ wu .. Th• • ouse That kCllred." nnd •u " II rr­"•h'ed b.Y the awd ta.

~ lla>rlac tl:t> D.I " Iser .oa.s bold ... 1111 p es acd danclns.

S!laron Sal•k.r 1el1ced u QOHll o! !be Nrsl annual SL Patrtct ' a Day Fea11val on 11rlrcb u. The runnrrupa were '\ elda Uea. Sbaroo O'Conadl, Coanle Uen. Janet Thomu, Joell 1l:t1ch, Olanr Au1Unaon, aad Diane DI.Ion.

Eacb atrl had dlsplued her taltnl at • pre'1oua uaemblJ'. Tb111 \'Cl• •ere laken by pennlft. Eacb orpnlzatton 1poJ110rlc1 a orl took care o! be: camP&Jin and ea• 10 II lbat a Jar ,. ... ou1 tor collec1-1aa ClOner. Tbs one wllb lbe sr•1111 number of peonies wu 10 bea>me quun.

'tl:e dancebecan al 8 o 'clock. The Da::iea Club took care of tbe coal ctackla1 and re· !tn!:::enta. T ba SUB l\'ls dtce:ated with sbtmrocka and o !her St. Pa:'1 di.)' arranae· ccta.

Tiie da:ic:t bll!ld wu Ille DelRaJS. Ooc1 Bale, preal· de::t or s:s£A. =•n•d :lit ~ftll, S!:a=>11 Saluk7. A box ot ca11C:,. wu 1l•e:: to the

TI:e cl'a~~nea •ere Mr. and IL:L Bc:!a, I>!• and J.t.'S. E'Ta.J:s. K:. r.:~ ':s. C .. :.o·. a:c K· acd Mrs. Sea,rares. ne S!>"EA 1 11 e:iJ01tt1

llUttl::C Ille dacte a d bolle ~· w1ll be • ,eulr a!talr.

o .... C..i dort• la r .1 .... Sloow ..... bly

The t:Ll~I aliow prnezted ll1 lhe ca~dldatts for q:ieen oftl::efirst •=•ISt.. Pa:nck'a Da.r dar:ce ns beld In I • C1ll d:::lns acun11 period • Fr1d.:r. llccb 15. Cl.Jee V.ellM wu mailer of cere­axmlea !or U:e abow.

Tbe candldalea and their talent •tre JaMl Tbo:::u, •lnaL~i:: Shazon saleek;r, bucoroua rudln1,Jodl lluerch, alndns. Seid& Urn, '1oUn. Connie Lien, o rpn, Sharon O'Conn~ll. lllmorous readlnc. Diane Auaunson, JIJIOlher can· dldai.e, w to luld planned to llln1 AB btr tal«>I wa11 unable to per!onn becauscr or a cas~ of lat;rn&Jlls.

Chorus And Bond Announce Sdtedule Of Spring Programs

Tt.o chocu.a 111d b&lld lit plancllls a V'&rletr or pertom:· ancu duda1 tllcspdnc months. on APrll 5. the cborua •lll a:akt Its &MUAI Illar. Thia y .. r tber .. w •1a1t 1he hlch s chools lo Poat Falla and SL \larles. For nrtet1 Jn the procram lbe cborua will bave • Gay Nlnellea aofl .. hoe num· ber In coaluma. Dancers will be Terry Stranahan. Ed Elcherl, John Ctrule, Carl Chapin, Vince Voelker, Pete Dunbar, Verrene Lucas, Marpret El· der, Diane Aust!naon, Helen llewion, Florence Peek, and L111na Mono ...

The bis number or the chorus aho1r wUI be "I Am An Amer­ican" which Is a readlnc fe&1urln1 Oene Kraller with cboial bactrroand. The ac­co:::panlst 11 Mra. Robert '1111cht. Connie Llen Is the accompanla t for all other numt~:a.

Lut 7ee.:s popular piano doo or \'trsene Lucas and Delor• DtLuca under the dl:ec:.Wn of Flo Da\'la Is wc;rk.lcs on aeveral nlecllonL

The band wUl make 115 tour on APlll 30 and lhe7 •Ill rtall l'J lb ad1oala In Sand· polllt and Bonne,.. Ferry.

The wesiu or botb !he cbor. • and t.and will be com· b1ned wh<rl lbe7 pruenl Ille annual Sprln1 Coo cNt on t.a1 z_. _______ _

SNEA Delegates Al Boise Convention

1beSIUdent )l.E.A. del•ples went to Bolsel<latch 21 for tho siate convellllon. Those lh•I went werP l<lllhJ Conrow, Dou1 8Aln. Ge111ld Shriner. \Ira. '.lytle \111.Uace and \Ins. CUiton. The al1emn1~s were Arleata JoWrt. Shirley \\ oemp­nrr. Mrs. Helen Marona. and DorOll\1 Bolton. Them wlll be a report o r the con• en lion tn lllt' next Issue.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (12) Mar 27, 1963

THE N.I.J.C. REVIEW PvbfiitJ.9' s.~ .. Mo"thly 0111r••9 tti. Cou.,. y .. ,

., J.Hr,..(~ SfvM41t ., •'-•


£t11ror. ••••• ••••••• ••• J..,Jy ~i:f..t&O'\ ~Ii•""' [fl tor •••••••• • • •• • ••• • • •••••• A.. F. c;..~., Pho'ot'••'• ••..• • ••••.•.•. J.r,., O.Ci.e1, Roe• A.c•t!""'IOt11

C"c"lo11.,. Mol'liO"''' •••••••••••• Oiot'9 01a0ft0 A ._ Kr0t.ou a.,., ... ,. tloM;• t •••••••••••••••••••••••• c. Ol;ip R.-poo.-fa Oo oru c.o,i., •• ,.. Joe Mc•"ll L Q'Of'Wtl• 'Wer...-a. E...,.. f1e4f1Co°"'- ~ I• Johro.t Oft, Po11 o R0to..,btr091', S.cify !<:ro..r1oo 1(.,..., H9ft••· Poro Owrtblf, .Jofvt Cc"" • · O.,ottiy Bo ':ft. 0~ • Di • Oft •"" 1 .. ,., l11W:h.


·~· 0 IV I e>ag<!S.

I ti 't O•OC' y " have, but ' WO$- not 1n f COU

ts yeet boca .. •o as1 yoar's st..dto•· board a:»:<c· Pf c·cd ' oney to r none any • OS ')'PO of an arrua. Severa vears ago, 1ne stud""' body 01· cors de-coded • he--. •his kind of a yoar:ioak t:.>causc cl •no sccruty 01 stu::l.,,-·1 who wore w1 ng • ., work 01 pub ishong a r a an"1UO • post, 1nsteod c' • o S'udon·s. Or" • o cnnw c:•cwf co ,.., tho 1ob ''1C' trey had urid«1aken, •no actual ob 1 "

roge'hP.r on 011n1Ja NO~ ef1 10 •he 0'(1c~ stafl. 'P' r(IOI rec~on we ove our ~re•ont ty;>o of yoar!lOOk.

v.e could hova o doffereol lund oi an.-.,o .,.,. year, but hos 10 co decoded before rhe •Prong rorm s over and · ,,.,a "ave gol 10 be onaug 5rucenrs wno are nreres•oa and oeoe...:loo c 8"0Ul1" 10 WO<< on l"C pro10C1 ,,.": )'eat ""''' t s CO"'P e·~. ,\9 now have o 1or~er ontOllll'onl from whoch 10 obroon wOt•er,

and pguiblv on annual could be p•mted w 1nou• •oo "luch exira offo<' by 1u•r a fe~ people. S"t I · n n• •~a· everyone s!iould o. modo oc~roly o;.oro oi •he ma:'ly !>ours o' "'°" on OIYWOI WI I ·ake before WO ge · 1nvo v.d '" SO.,..eff" ns; ,.,0. cc.,no1 or or br 'n <f-..-!.



1. The hnltb or tbe a1uden1s I In our care: therefore \\e will ap&111 no ettort In ::ie&!s canlai:llcc lbt 11cbl kinds ol rood la lb! nclll amounts.

2. Sp""dlnc the c:afettrta dollar '° set the most !o: !t Is ocr Job: tberetore

l\e wUI cbao&e foods !rum a •Ide noel.]'. \-St!oasl3' prtcfd La save money ,.ltbout aacnndn; bealtll.

3. Tbe Slodtnta• m]0.)'111tnl ol !ood I» ou: :t5pocslblliQ' tbere!o...,

we •lll lncrpue tbelr pleasure bJ a \1UlrtY o! dlabes au:actl•c lo color and l<lr:i a:irl pleasUic In nu r and ttlt'tHt.

~. The studenta' bnlll1. aecunty. and pleasure depend on oil! s\.IU ln plann1nc m~la, lhert!ote

lie ,.Ill 1rm1 our Job •11b the regpect dae it.

Office Ho • Lhr Of Locol Job Oponong•

Thi :O:IJC dct.,w tum •Ill mc•"t l·'O h 1•·.~ tr m thr Unl· \'NMI) of l<b ttO I 1dui II 11 00 mnd 12 30. The r.,.,m .. 111 be ann •unr•d. An><>n<> •ho '" ln11·""'°" Is In' !It'd to an end I~ dr,..

Collog• T ... Ho> O.loatu Today

'Ii :u>dn Myhre Leone Patzn

se•ora\ O"\ployera from th• Cl unll 'av• called lhl" o'lllc~ looklnr for pl!<lple to •ork. If \"OU ar., Interested, the p01\1Uon1 and people tQ

contuc1 am H&lcd In the ma!n hull.

Your Officers NI .C. R ·'"I

Worle_) Stude11ts i ,•i sit

lta.:en R. Ha::u: ,. .. btl:r. ~ S-00. Mus.~ lt43. Ill £161 ate ~ac!Wed r· ch

K l lc Oleu: d' Al e f:a:!!:'l Ille a p or.

clan aeceur1 and h eta! r-f e ~ t:>drnl Ii nla

Forme1 Students Make U of I Dean's List

For::tr SUC' SI denta Ann Bamard and UJaneJo l&!t!ta= were amo.o' 11 tUJder'1&d:a~ slUdents In the collece o! education at :he U111'ersllJ' at Idaho •bo maunalned a 4 .0 1rade point aYerace !or the Call semester. Thia Is the hl"'es1 posatbl1 n1111e.

A 3.3 a•erace I& re;ulred LQ make the dn.n'a list and t e student must be resla1e1ed !or H credit&.

Other :\!JC crada on Ille dean's Uat were Gazy Healea. Arlece Oona:. &ad BoMle FerJUSOa. -

First A1d·S1ck Room Now Open Al NIJC

Ill cue &n.7 of )1>U plaMlllc 10 111 1lei at acbool lht adm111l11rauon la arranc· 1111 a QrJI aid-tick room ro: :be Mudenia. The suldance room la pl:I' La be dlvldtd a cot and ~Iller nrst aid auppl! I be pla~ d ~ pano'

DrPepper oa11<c fT nom


DR. PEPPER n.. ,., .~. ,., ..... u,,. .. -


Century Skirts. Su·eaters

Blouses. Capris. Coats,

Car Coats, S1'its. Accessories


E•ery1hlncltapptn1 La every· bOd)' •ooner or later II I hero la Um• enouch. - Shaw


REMT ·SALES· REPAIR Droh'"t & TJPl•t s..,,11.,

IHll llSTAT£ Tv, c,.A1u11 co 4 11 s.i..."" .... '""• . ,._.,. . ... ).411


l""O.-'• ..,.O""••k •-SS.~ 22• ~.Of\ A .n.


Woodcock's Drug Store Co~e - S. .. ,.,d•

P-c--t.r :>'.,.IJ:""'

11• 'I ~ .. ~l- S• • Coe .... dA •••


p.,.0•( ,WQ,..••• '4.'SI•

00 ,., .... s .. ,.,,' ~oc.u• a·A"c"'"c •o• ... o

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (12) Mar 27, 1963

A L il/le Practice Business Absorbs 41 Per Cent Of Grads

~ J.C. REVlE°tl, C-• l'Al .... , 14oho, o4 ,. .. , 2',

llwl.Do ao.i l""""tr- ""'

cellt u!. ech1cauon and ~~ Ptr c~nt LG tt'!-e otbt: ~rofeslou.

Baslness &Dd IDduallY •=· pl.oJ' 4.2 per CHI CICO o! the &Jaalll or tbe 83 1umu11C>t1a Ulan are encqed In ail or lhe pro!eulons combined. TbP r11:naJIWl1 alumAI ntPOrted upon lo lhe eouocll'a '""" a"' emplo1ed u lollowa: housewives. II. 7 percent; 1overmnnt semce, S.4 per ce111: sd!~ployed, 1.3 per ce111; and flt.nlllna. ianch1n1. coJ:Sel'ftUcn, 1.2 pc: cent. l"e!&blln.~ of 1tc ~cencaces does cot cb&Jtce Ille lladlac Ua: basic•• llnd lDdt:BtlJ', o! ll!l ecplo:rere. ba.-e Ille lsrses: aha:e o! the "p10-

duca" f U.S. hlcber edu·

tbo lre&\ca1 waetlelartea ol Amencu collecn &Dd on!· YemlU•. •flu the alwa.a.I 1beluelns, acccrc!lnc to a su"e1 report las ued by tbe Cocncll to: F'1naocW Aid to Edocal1oo. The council coo· ducted Ulr •~tJ IUllODI 83 colle1• 11.Dd tm!YemlUes •hlcb rcprrse111 a crou· aec:Uo:i o! Amcican bl&her edocaU?ll, botll b7 \JPC aad 111 ceoc:-11b.7. a ~71.000 ala::il •to.e occ~;iallooa 'L"t kmwo b7 the :op0r~ wt1tal1cna, 4:.8 pe:cect a.-e e::p ,...S b b1ala•s and Uld ... tr , u ap,...,. U.6 pn


How do 've thank such a man as this? ~ raill'03d hat ... 1l«cp11'-c. Bill Sdiupbach i. a hfo11me Standard Oalu, tttued H15 i;randfather, father and undo ""re Standard 01lrn befON him.

Before rcunns. Bill •u a mncry fottman. Ria comp&n) retirement plan '""him &«Urit~. and t ime for model railroad1nc. but his bil enthtwUm is

atill Standard Otl Company.

Bill keei- cl~ to l&S. and • '11 to ham. He is in•it.ed to our picnics and parti-. recei"es our pub)j<'lltions.

and ii still one ol the ~eo>•" at the refinery. He k:no-n that he ~ It 11n't the •poken thanb that do it; but your lut1nc 1ntet'Cllt Ill a man, )'OUr countini; bun u a pen;on and not a autistic, 11- are the r.hinp that !h'ell hl5 epint. We h:i\'e lhom.andi of such 6ne men and women on our retirement p:i) roll If you know 110me of them, you Imo" that they, too, are ardent Stand&rd Oilen..

Plann.1n1oh•"Cd 10, .. ,. ... )OU brttrr


Little Bits a ti toal\1 f1...;.. _ .. on

I.his w~. I a n'I colnc IO nt abcxl: beanls !or a chanJta. Bui Becky and A !ton r.:ause rorced me bad on lhe aub­Jeci. Alloa cballenct!ll mo to a sort of duel. Ho said he'd srOlf a beard 1: I •ould. V.ell, naturall7 I bad to decline hl1 oC!er. II 1'UD ':lack of spor-.a· oanahlp or cowardice or aa1· lblnE, on Q.1 part. It was Just l!Jat I felt Allon could llnd a llu.le be:ar cOClpeUllo;i for lhla &Ort or tb1111 II lie clal· lei~ a ma::. Hownu, I didn't want to lei Alt.on do..-n c:oeplew.r. ~o i asked around !or aome p::>iles, and I tomid olnl.' er ten fella•& •ho sllld lbey'd bt' more than happy lo bt' In a beard·;rowtn1 con1es1 •IUI Alton. Row alloul II, Mr. Krause? V.ould ~u like to enler 111r beanl·lro"1nc con· teal'

Th!s ts Juat an obstrYaUoo. There bas bl!eo qu11e a lot ol murnrunng aboul com1>11!10t)' uaembl.u u ot lale.. II aee=s tllat co:::pulsot)' au~· bllu re:nlnd p~lr of lllr!> achoo! and lnslll 1 ll>d r "cia· iurlly." Tb ere la also Lile feelln i;;: that no one Bbould be Corc..S to atlend uaemblll'll lhat don't Interest 'him.

So•. 110me or these prolesta Arc undcrat.andable. \'el whal happrnll "nun an aaunibly Isn't aompulaory? No one co1111!111. \\'lat happera to all lh0$e inalute oeoplf> who are above and bc>"nd hlcl:.·sclaool· 11111 tac!lca, •ho kno'li enoocb to co o to thlnss o:i their own tnlllalhe• Tiley don't do 11.'11ltllnJt ID p:UYe tlcl Ibey doo '1 need compulsory anr.:i· biles, •beo &Inn lh• clllacr.

f'or lnstancr. th~ audlr.Dllu waa prc:t1 souael7 POPU!aled on 1he llheenlh. •hm the $1. Patllelr. '• Day Queen caii· dldatl!lll presented lholr t.alen1. This wa$ a abame. becau~ lhe talent Wll!i ao well pro· aenlod and appeallne. It's too bad lhcpds dldn'I rocel•o a little mar.- o~ Ulls malure, \Olun1ar1studeo1 bOdy •nPPOrt lbatls said ID ex lat but seldom Is soen.

11 was tile sa111e for the lul lwnswri:illli session. It Was:l'I coz:::nilsc;v, So wllo ca c' Abtlul tc:i people. I hn:. I wasn't 1bl!re ellbc>r. 8'11 I shQlld bav~ bet'tl. and so IJ)a!d sevm1rn •e or

' 1J oth~ peopl•. II'• a "d as I ur and not u I do" ttuns •

And the rm Clhlbl~. JI l n'l c:omp11laor1 to loo~ al lb o 11 bGd1 looks al lb

And ... thr !lat aiuld ID on. But u kww what I m n. 1'111 cot In UTOr or co pulslon. But I' no1 In !Ho' or att '1· U and auc:nblJ... I act Ina aueio ce. '111lat'a the .. ,,.. ewer'>

I! a ldioo. O> Hll' I llPDDSO r aoc:!al l!T~ts IUld c111tuial proicnc:s a.nd •tudc 1 acu' I· UN-111:onla o! pote.I' H It doeto 111d mrsn 't =akr thorn c:ompul50Q'-nO re11pon1~. no allencbnce. so "1a1· • th~ anaw~•~r~'~~~~~~

A £DOd Uat~ner I• nol only popula: C\tlf"hNe, ~Ut anrr a while he kao•a ao:i:eUltnr.

-11 Jlaon lllzner

Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (12) Mar 27, 1963

Production Of The Annum T c*es Many long, Herd Hours

New Library Books Ho .... on.? T'. ~1Jc .1bran II..$ ...,. Brother Adds The

. '. It. a r~cmt uac=bi7 tJcjd at

SIJC, llOIH IO«'tlllOn "" made ol 111..,,punc to pr~\1de • d1!lrr<!nt lYP• annml !or tbe coU•EC ••• t , .... r. The atu• dl':lta should ~ made a•lf"

f llOm• Of lhP fact.• COnrtm• lni: tile collrsr 1ear·book.

Put allecpia to secure an n.nnual alatt at SIJC: ha\• p11:•«"n c:omplet<'h lrulllesa. To date, tbr aMU•I la. and .,.,. bttn, unmblf'd bv D '"" or the pap<r aiarr with lb<' hrlp Of D r .. \Oluntrt11.

\\Ith rach ll<•U• or th• p:opN .. hlch comu out, th• foUo,.inl mu•t br dOM I J

PIO\'ld• tho nN"C&Sftl\ mal<ln1 ror tile annual. t1r t, tlir euna pates n11111t bl' prlnt<'d. Thi~ re1•rearnls • coupln hours "Olk b) ~Ir. l~•ndt. Second, the PDQC• must h••• !he holes punoh•d In them. Ttlla process tak•' appmsl· matrh one to one and on<>­hall houn" dcpendln' upon the al.%e o r th~ paper. The pa~•• are then assembled. This takes three or lour peopleapprotlniately ah hours at the end or the )ear. Then come tile little curh~q·a

"hlch bald the &Mual 111-cothcr. APPi )in~ these to the assembled PDCe& requires about anotb<r all hour>1 by throe or lour Pl'OPIC. s. und ala:pl•' llbat about

£~Hin~ tin ad•ertlscment& !or t~o acnual? Each aMual CDll'IU appr ilm&1•h !llt) ada. Th• Um• r4'qulrl.'d to obt41n tlleae ads "Ould &!nount IO a eood 1wcn1y hours work, due to the Cact that lhll bua· ln«!uea •hlch take out theH ad. are ..-1d•l1 acparatrd throu1t11ut Coeur d'Alene and t.h• •urroundlnc area. Thet1 >1hon )'Ou conalder that 1ou muat 110metlmee return to tho same bualnma &e\'etal times to catch tho mana,er or othor person authorized to bu> tho 11d, \'OU may ond up •P<ndlnc a ro\\ OXlf'll hour: ..

Thia 11nd much moro IDl~ Into tho dC\'OIOPm<nl or t.he NIJC iotu·book. ~or • nan· da..n. It looks like t-aoh~auc ooat& three Mdono·hnlr houri>. To d1110 "' have had IZ lsaues, "hlch "ould ro1111!-8t'111 ~~ houn; or \\Ork. This. addod to tho ttlllli ·h•'O hotrs u~od In u"omblln' tM lal"' book and In obULlllln' the neceas11ry ad•onisements, Hl'r.'IS to add UP to ~ult• a llttlo bit C>! ti •· Ir th•

Study Ards -

Q rl"d o -umb,·r r ne-• boc this 1nr. Amon' cu t>. r~uod !he rollostnir.

111 W'Atle Godd,. •, aatl>c:. On"""· Coll~clcd P«:- • auw.H. ona ... s Tkc Joanials of 1,, in m:d C!ar.t, auUI !

Ile\ oto En11A1 Blt1c Beed. outbor, MJUer Ttc r.n , • . a tbor, ~'lllllknt'< CA!c/ Mock re /WI of CCl)llZ~d ad Awnrc.

tllor.5Clnde:s li.e<U • aa •• Coh1o. Plcur ad I. authll:. J CDf".Z I!~ ,._ Cad.. G' "'• Sch Ill :9 llmc • at:th r, P<d<"tl SI " f a '*" c:. au :. Lazd.·u • •

I• addlU n to U-e boo • th re

Oro90• Col1•9•• O.o•fO Ad11111u10" R_..u111•t11ts

•l!N adrnlaalon requ r ml.a v.111 m11k" It rr dltllcult fl:r out-<>!· tato alUdtlrJ to get In~> lb• Unher1lt1 ! Crepn, Orrcort ~tat<> Unl~t::slt.r aDd ronland Stale Colleg..,.. A hlch •chool cradua!~ •Ill aow nrcd a srad,, point .,,..,,.ce ! ~. 7~to entn rro out o! •late. \ t111narcr atudent •Ill •t'ftl a 2.:!5 D\'trllf;~.

The Orcaor: txar~ o! ..Cea· lion dtd not ra.IH entrance ~ qulrements !or othtr atate acbools.

matcrtal used lo an a:mll&l •ere uparate !rJ tt:e ::a· trrtal Ulk'd ~ r tile paper. It •ould r.:qulre m...,- ma· hours or •or• tor aomeonr.

\Ibo' To date there ha~e been anh a fow Pt"OPle W"ho ha' e 1''01ilf'd on Ille am cal other l.'lan tbo•e trho ..ar1 on the achool raper. The Ca.rd!· nal Sfrvlce Club. lhe Plll!tr atarr. and a re ... lndl•ldt:als. auch .,. Piil! S::lt h and Ron:i.ld S'lllth, ha\ o lhua tar done tbe "or1' on the &Mual.

l!lbcFruhmanclau "'!shes to hne a dlrterent annual the ro110 .. 1ns y .. r. 11 •'Ould be •l&e 10 make the dcclalon no" and to not only make this reQUl'llt Of thl PIOPN people In chllC< ol the collesc. but to 1ursent a plaull&blc pion or acuon v.tth "tllch 10 mtl;e tha desired :lMual. \11th proor or a proper annual bill If. there Is a posslblUt) t.hat there ma) ~ a d1rrerent 1,)-pe or a.Mual used at SIJC neu )ear. But remom~r. your 'Aork I& tree. 11 ls baud v.ork, and It takes a crcat de:i.I or Ume. Man,y acu vlty penod~ oro required to prHide t~.e

nocesury ti e to 11Saecb!e lbe .rear-t>ook r r SIJC. lfho will dQ It n~lt ymr1

Colle; • Our/in• Series

Ho w To Stutly

How To Toh Eums

How To W1ito Term Papers


laughter In Life 0

.-u pure inean •:Ll an ••rcn·bustr1••.

3uc: h has bcec a blE help to Ille lo colle'c tlll111ea:. He supplies <ne 11rl!h 1 he •t lb· tereatlnc Inf "1!r>Uon. ~I tbe be~nnln ! tile ycnr, ho told e tlllt Gear Kr•Hor aui sound llh u ••ooi:i;r>h hem." lie said," Y ha• 't

H l.J.C. REV1£•. C •vr 4'A .,. •• ;e. "•o.. . ._,ct- r. 1%3

Skills Learned

A'o S Spoeson A.u .. I Scd1e Ho-..1ia1 Oaac•

saa1 fla•l<lns Dance ~;. re<! l:q • t Auodated a"om~ s:,ideru. was held In tbf6t11dentun1cm on M:uc:b 22.

The s:lrJ·ulH101 al!alr •u blcllllil:ted b; tbe praence o! "Ma:Qinc SUI" and the other tradltl oal anuca o! the cbA:aeLer~ lr.>1:1 OoKPatch. The decoratJou and alma&· phcrc could t.a•e made !eel tb:u th<'.!' •ern them with Lil' Abar: hi aelr.

C:alat:HY I& t"" teat al lnteirtt,.

Page 5: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (12) Mar 27, 1963

Dancers Present Program

Becky Krause Gives Readings To Class

In falllll "'·""t ol th• baalc requllemtnt or Jn1cr~reta11on

G. Becky Knwse r"cenUy save ab readlniai In the 10:15 llpt•ch 51 clan.

HN ael•cUona fo'tl~: IWO

ahort atoll•• by Thurber, "Th• Unicom In I lle Otudcn" and "The Turtl~ and the !lain''. two poems b) unknown aulhors. "How f'albN Cal'Y1'9 U10 Duck" an<l "How Jimmy T~ndod tho &by". llb<t con­cludnd wllh lwo etol1C'!ll. "Ponc1" Ill' an unknown nulh<n and "Tt10 Laet L<'al" bY O. lltnry. ll~r rcndlUon wu ent lnl·

•lll•llcallf rtr~lnd, and Cll'al••d • ~r11lllN lnlcrt!lll In lt'l\dln ~ lnl"fl"etallon.

On< Of tho OlhN clDHH C&ll tonk Corward lo • 11lmlla1 PN· lormancn b) l.ar1y White In the n1'81 lu~lu~r;..n';_ ___ _

1 h•I\' are 103 aludenl4 en· 1ollod In education 11111 iw11n1. aboul 31 or the atudcnt body.

THE PIN CUSHION E"clu11ve "' ·• .o• )p

Ew1tyrlurigFor 7no.lo!Jllll;tross 310 loke1 do Ave.

Coeur d' Alme, Idaho

On :.!ardl 20, l~e Destine Dancers from HalU per!Jr.ued to: tb• :;uc students at tbc assembly. The dancen did both rclllloas and traditional dances or lhrl: nllll•e land, and also aanc natt•e aonp.

The dance1s were ael'Yed lunch In the Student Union whtr<> lh• Bludenl• lr:id aa opportunl t1 IO talk •Ith 1 be::.

Mn. Scotu Spooh To Hoat Ee Cl•b

On · urd,.y, ·•arch 25, the Hou" o_ a "" Club bt'ld lhdr monlhl1 dlnnt:, which this tnonlb feuur"'1 • MHican l.h .. ruc. L!rs. li•-..tca, N!JC 10· clructor apou nn bot rcce:it lrlp to M01lco. Gaeslll ol the club wf:c the ll'U•bcrs o! Ille Sl>ani&b and P rencb Clubll. Th~ enu conauted or tone:!

r;rtt'D salad, rtfr!td bu.ns. 1aooa. l!llcltUadan. air. a d"9ll<rl aabd. Chalr:nlll for th~ dinner •111 Judr And =n and th<' rommlllff bera ""'o lkU..v Scasra•es, Nanc llrlu'I and \\'llUcn• P11Faltl.

l"llrl A «lrf wllo Col J<l1 )'OU ..,,.., in In& to set.


Co.+. - o..un . "'-laliona spcw1rn ...

:0. N -~ St • C:-~-

MODERN DRUG CENTER Pt.,ctlptlon Specloli1i. - Gl/11 A s,..c101tr

1101 M, Fwnll


VAN'S CREAMERY, INt 30I N . F°""m. St'"' - PHOft.lE M()ho. .. -'•2111

C 0 £ U o D' A l E Ii E, ID Ao; O

SNEA Selling Candy To Finance Delegates

3een •o"4~rln • 1Y all o tho S.'"i:." mem...,rs hllY• be~ IWllllns nbout fo•rrish!J 1rrin; 10 nil lllclr ca.~d•'

Here's I.he ana" tr. The ico top aclle::. w UI be chosen u the delep.1es to attelld the Boise eonvecllon. An.vmonev l~ft o•cr o: taken lo on other projects •DI be 115ed to apons~: 111Ds. school ncthl­Ues. and 10 pay debts ln­c:urred ,rear.

To ahe Ille :-;uc campus Sl>me more social life. I: las beet! dl'Cided tpat s:";EA will s1><1nsor a St. Patrick 'a [lay Festi..U. It will be ~­!'or1111l and 11 quetn "ill be cb:J~n from represt"otatlves s:>a nsored by e11ch school club. JC lt !s a, II wl 11 be cade an annual p:o1 .. ct.

Poetry Corner ----"Th•"· ... " Jin t:Tt:MOUS

Pl t:llJl/1 Ur~•ab l!a:kntir$ and atl:Tacud "' a Strrct hgAt. So-r read tU /lot, glorll:a bll!b aad !An Fall. i.iu:t, Sl•ocd de t:~cd ~ tbttt 111cl dl:sirtd 11ocL Va.I. A • c1·c- a• uo~ptd sl~rt. s:nb•a I.kc O•ter 11lobc Aort'l' t:r1'Ud IA< lloM. !osuo ultahllr 11

Tl c·wd Ard a fr ~t? ~ .Ill t 1!1ds tAot art <!• fcrc:i.c. II ts aa 11IDll 1 r l.b117, ULS di 'faocr oft! tt • It IS a AC'llA !led II, •let u ao/blllJJ lltrr

·ar a..d ac-Oj/ /ro , th

..,, • ., to a , bat 1u.t u::agtae If 1101.

t to ·~ad Ual St:: r

35 ll.1lhon Are Enrolled In Fusi £1g!JI Grades

A!Jtldpa el:! , ill pabllc am! n llbllc achocls ham k11zl ·i::uw11 tl:t ell ~de I an t1Uale4 at U

llllo tor 1 nn,. 1tatn and Ille Dlstrlc& or Col l:la, llJI ~· ~ soo 000. la. ~lll!u II ll'..-ociA 12 t ID­crcuc s eipected to bo DOO,OOG--froai 10.a llllllll ID ID II o ill . Rlslo; eJ>o : ell kllldt!Pl'tell &lid el and sec:m0..7

C II C !ellJ' to ll>' creued blnb rates R receal yun. Tlte b rt!I rate l:u a~­' llOl!d ln t l'll:a since !HS.

O.oo ..

°"' Corofu/


SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur cf .AJeae Laundry

& Dry Cleaners Fr.. l'lcln.i:> and Dellvwy

101 "'-• ... o~ .. 1 .. n,.

"· . t. Tcth To Stolon

Mr. Chrts:laoaon tmvtled IO PrlHt R!Ye~ on Mud! '.?() to condad a tuid&nce day at t ~ Prlcat h1 ,., lllih School.

Kousfic Korner

oy Arty


As .,,·oryone ltoows, all colle;ca have aomo 10"11 or &lud•ia govemmenl. l\lJC lllLs Its In the otrlcea or the rroab 1.nd aopbornolt' classes. ll Is rrom tht'se o!llcet8 that ltic blllk or the membNS O! tho Boatd of Control ;ut dmwn . This ,roup ol slillwatt lcado1s can be tl.lded In their work by tbepttstdento!the AAsoclated Student l!Od.Y. who sits u cbalr.ntu1 or the BOC meeuacs.

Oenemlly spea.klllc the ... are improvements which should be madl'on all collese aunpuse&. on our campus l11eo.e l1DPro•c­meats are di rec1"'1 rrom the cood otnces o! the BOC. One or ou1 amen1 problems Is in mlslnG our status of lhe sw­dent body to thAl of a collc­ldate slUdent boil!·. The solu­tion lo· I.his Is In th• students themselves. To Improve ~ctL­dem lcally I~ dlrtc:tly up to each lndl•ldual scb:Jlar. we have an excellent core or proleaors; tho co!le~e tac:ll· Ille& a1e ovedy adl!Qualo DI orcsent, and the poUcy of the admiolstmllon seem5 to be lbat II the atudonts can tllke lhc lnlllo.llYe and accept the r~1ponslblllty th~ studenlll can allaln thrtr ~talu.a as collese atudenta do else­where.

The.More the bunlen of the pro~lem !UIS where 11 OUl:ht to: on the :Hud•nta lndlvld­uall• and aallecUvely. Pick Ufl the saunUet and support .rour co!lui:o. your bas~etbo.11 ll'lllft baa, your board or con­trol la tmnr. now !l com~" to the lnr!lvldual to plcdie hie and bc1 support. The office ol the Ailaoclatcd Student l!Ody 1>rN1ldent I& up !or elecUon soon . A total •ote or II ve hundred would sbo" llie atrenctb of lhe atudeol bods: II would also 111!1111 partof the duty .rou as.LndlY!d· ual studenis have as clt1zeaa or lh1s lnalltutioo or hl1he1 leamlns.

An a,.semhl.r dullnc acllvltY period on Aplil 3 will (ellure tb,• Conznp Glee Club.

Page 6: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 17 (12) Mar 27, 1963

Archery Experts

SoPTe of '"°- tnembetf ol our ,,.,,,..ty fO!t',.,..•d ou· ,. .. , c/oss o,. •howrt b.IOI• rocJilm9 th. bo-1 ( " onoth.r day. r1i • .,. or•: "Ol't' #C-. _,, ro, ""' Jo"'1 Comte, An91tlo Th01Ttpson, Tonr Z •'"-"· Bobbie Stoddorr:J, Koren Kr1.1e99r. Gt, Or•e~t•

OUT OF BOUNDS By loo Moth/s

Th1 1 w"" ''OUT OF BOUNDS" "'lode 11 \no-. 1f\c:• ,._. •u •ri • .,. ....

co .... n th. 10•1 but nor tho lco$-1 of bos1'etboll plo'f•"· Pot Wh .. 1et,•r \r.nown oa ' 'Wheeh '', h mon ol the wH'i.


0 Wh.el1" ~oil1 from Wolloc:e ond o-roduo1•cl frol'ft M;h tthoof 1hree y.ou o;o. Ahet NIJC, he hopu 10

Pot ttiuie ler

ouend o Ul'liV'9r •ifY on the coou. Hit hope • 1ome cloy 10 become o f'IOlll·

c•o"'. All we con aay 10 thof 11

''bc•f of lucl." to yw. Pot. Pot •to1ted w11h the le0-1'\ just thn

'l.terne•te-r tn thot 1ho11 t1mt- he

BOWLING NEWS Tcnm s14ndJngs: The Kln~s·

men. The Hlllblllles. The x·s. The Four/ Fifths. The Feeble Four. The Culterbui:s. The Alle1· Runners. ""The Team"".

Men·s Hlch Averai;es St~ »ens. 167. Maler . 162; Wilson. 159, WCllN, 159. Stran11lu1n, 15!.


MISSOURI LUNCH 201 ~•"""11'" A• • · • Coe wt 0 Ale 11•

fhh ,._...,. ,, oo.,.r;n9 9ve:•' ot honor .i R°" Bran'O"· Pr.-em od ~• onl~ tor f,.... Po,.,~.

to ""''"· Kc hk•• •"'- scf<loo1 •Ct)

mvch. He '••'* 1bo1 ' ' ' ,,., "'t to mo\:• o ft0-"'1• for us.elf. At lot o1

1chool om1, ,.,. '9.- • •'°lot 1 !'t~a lrr',.ed very ""wch. "I 11o1s• iliop.t

thot 1he u u4entt .... II cont ,..,,,. PO

&upp.011 ''°'• ••a"'J the,. ho·•· A •chcrol •• on.I., o' stronp os '""­uvd•fth ..-oru ti ro bt. ••

In ctos1ng "Wh•.,lt" uot•~. •• WOftl ,.,. 1'00ITI 10 t"-1" t •Ol

frf'OI pfoyin; with r~. The, o•c o ;,..-01 ~nc-~ of QVJl• • To -~• at,,;dcl'lt. h• 1oyJ th.ot'll., ior P·• ou~or suppon.

The bouboll IH'T', Urtdfr tn. coaching of R. Will ·o"''• ,, 1h:p no 1,.1p for 111 hru 90'"•• Ap1 I :' .. '" Cotu,,..l:uo Bo.un Coll•o- 01 Poco.

Co""- fo1r or fovl • eo•het, ,,._.,

ployen proc110 eccl\ oo.., ••'"-' e1

Memonol l1erd r •n the •"""°' •h Cord• ucond ;c"'e n 09""''' L•••• 111'14 Clo1i-- H19!\ School or ~oi(on..

At ., th b-o•••Pboll, ' " • rcpOrter w tfl th.e ou1c~e ol the ~te•

boll 901111i• •· For ,._e ''"' h•O oo~~. I p,.d1ct th• Cotd' ""•nn•nq oil '+le ~ ...

Men"s High G"1Tle· \!iuer. 210.

Men"s Hlitb SNles. \later, 513.

\\ omen's H•~ M·•rai::es Miller, Hl, Bubb, 122. Par· rlott. 121. 120. Meyer. 115.

ll"omen"s Hl~h Gamo M.>ler, 170.

Wornen"s RlahSer1es· \tiller, 425. ~~~~~~~~

The NJJC t:11Ck te= ente:ed their first c-0mpeUlion 'A'ben thel m1ered a meet at Pull· run.non \larch 23. The results ,. ere not received In time to be in this Issue o r tbe Re\'i.,... but wlll be In the neu one.

For a Lifetime of

PLEA SU RE Learn to

BOWL While You Are Young

Lake City Lanes, Inc. 241 4 N. Fou.rftt St. • Co.vt d·Alue

S!oce the •tan ol :he $CCOnd 111e1ea1er, arcbtr1 claaus hs\·e bc•n Mid lo the ~!JC i;yc. This ls a ocw apon aJlded to :'ilJC'a ph,Jslcal education proaiani and It "All enthllsiasUcall1 recel'ed bJ Ill• !>tudco:a. Bee&llbe ol U:nlled !actlltlea. It •u pos· slbl• to al.lo• ooh 20 atud•nt.s to enroll lo tbls claas.

Tbe lnst:uao r ts v>rdon Ormesbe1, o! C"eur d' Alent' •ho Is o.;sisted b1 \lrs. Seal s. The cla :.50S be an •1tb. t•> r threei PPnod~ or rleo:r:en1.a:y ln~tNC'.'U 1n on PIVPtr l'ondlln~ or th• ('C!UlP ·

f:nL A:t"'l thI~ the classes nl.l:l~ ::icht .ato shoouna and I' \U r tlltt! k110'•leda• Into Pta("UCf'. fbP studtlnls 31~ Hr.·

1 • ''°' ~. ldl1 •nd most r t ~re dnel rlnc Into .,....,d

ts t \ rr ne St'emS to ~n,oy

the' c.:.iss. uu:ludlni: the In· strJcl :. }Ir. Orm•sber. \\hen tbe 'llieattier be-oomes nice cnoQJt:. t t~ c!osses will "10' e our doors w tt llLll~r ·•hlch •tll be con.irucred In th<> area Just ~ e•t of :h~ colleu llulldlllu.

Tb.. JC i.a,,eball t~a."' 1s bus) £~Hin~ tn ~hape t I tM first i:a::i• 1<hich .. 111 be a;aln~t Columlllt Brunn C•J· !Pi:e •t on .o\prtl ~.

N.lJ.C. REVIEW, o,.., ...... .,.. 14oho, Wed., Mooch 27. 1'163

A Strike?

Going Up

Co.npl•t• Lin• Of

Hunting Equipment THE LIGHTHOUSE

SPORT/HG GOODS )OS s~.'"'•tt A~•~ .. MO~ ... \ •.• sn1


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP • Fo1 o~.1it., ud s.,...;c ....

~6re M()f.••' "')14S or 4 6-416 tu s~•'"'-" >i··•· • eo . .. , ct'AJ•"•

OPEN WIDE and SAY A -H-H-H! Get that refreshing new feeling with <:;ok~!

EMPIRE COCA.COLA BOmlNG CO. lotOtd • ..,, '""'°""•Inc_, Como1o7"' COEUR D'Al.EHL IDAHO