the n.i.j.c. cardinal review 15 (3) nov 2, 1960

Democrats Win Most Offices In JC Mo ck Electio n Ruulta ot lhi! modt hdd IUt Fnd&y .... ,.. a dear 0.-mOCT&Uc victory. Konno<!)' a.nd J Qh.n,l(,n J'lf'Ceh:ed 13'4 1.'0lU, "bllu !'<ut0n and Lodge , .... ,1vrd 112 1ncumben1 i; s Scorultor Dwor.hak dclnt..fd Vcmocrouc Bob . )t r .. I Aui:blln by a 120 to 60 mar· "111 1.ncumbtont CHrnoc-rahc Cr&C1f' Ptwt dcf"•ttd Tom V.upp. 1 iC tu 63 Olht':r ruult.. an· u tt1lt"1w• (.)cmq.. l'tltllr !nt \ unb(>nt. CllX Hi f«· publican 01lMlclalc Smith. 32 St.Alt> f>e:m(>o craur .Wotynuux. ll 1 .ior. HU. n.,publlcan• Cum· prl'<lllt. Jim, JoblUIQn, s:t O>un· ly Oomml• Parat Dl•nrtrt lk'mocntt Co?<', lll can l"rMJntni;tr, 91, SHund l>Uilr1<1, l>•moerat Mull" 13.'.i. R<lpubllc:an Morrow, gi Sh•nrr· O.,mocrat Ruor H%; Republlran 107. COUnty Trcuurt<r Ocmo- crAt, Schmt"'(Srr. 19& Probatt' Ju411c: MuOQnald. U.-mb<ral 1911 Pro.teeuUng A u .( U"n")" Oe.mocral. Re&Kan, 14V; R,. .. publican. )fftch•U. 80. Counl AUt'11*>t O<imotral , Nf'Jdrr, J OD. County Coronrr · Rrpubll· •.an, Wood, lllG County Surv•)I· or lt<>publlc..a.n, 173 Ju..-UC.('t of tht't Pcncr rrnf••. 176; Fr..nd- •·n. Jlill, l6G Con9loblc John.,,n, J3ll On lb!! cvn•UluUonal Hrnf'nd· tho voUng WC"nt ,,.. fu1- R.J n Nu 3 !ID y .. U' olrl vt1U1111 afl•I Yt•. JOB No, ri<o 8 J It No. I ldlat11IN•ll Yro, :Cll Nv. 8.J It No (I ft()un ty •urvoyor'a qlllc•I Yra, 130 Nu, Jt>:I rt•gllllh•n·d hum· l><•rcd 270. APPl'C>•imaw•h· vni.d. Ca nd idates S peak At Politi cal M eeti ng s On Oct. 1 7, UH PnllU "' !:lr.lflnc:e Club hnd two •Jl4•1:t-k••1 Ulll thv lnl'Unl'"'"' 1 Wn1ot\rttUo •UUt• ICuc>lf"nnl C n\1nt) ' alld }\Id• th'Y r-unn\n,; on I h1· I t..- vuhlh . nn th·klH (tJI 1td.h: 1 hHh men u1 .. tll«' hHll lHUt'fl whh Jl wlll hl· \ t>I Mt u1ti1•H ln thfl ••ll"t'llun 1"h1· l.J."'Ut o"" lu \'}UU\t{fl th(\ vnt In., hum :zt )'t'iU''W' ln 1\t H';\f. "htJ oh1r \ll rJCt•mt Uw ttf lhti llftl<'t'"• S.1 lnCf<'""' the OOn1I tndcb••,h11•n '" J• nml to I he or NWUl) •Ur\('l\'\\r ... " ron•ll\U llonn1 ofrh nnd mnl(,. It •l'· pc1lnlh'f' &th n\t"11 AOI\\ "r•·-4 quulle\na pf'\"aN\h\tJ b' th .. •hi· rl1•nt mrmbeni On (),:t :n PohU\:•I Club J.LM:u..,.,.u h• ..-m, \•Al(lhl lhl' ['\al\A for lhft nlOl"k• fM.llUl('1'1 rall;. to b<" htld Thura Ort ln the at 7 p m Dr Janf Oumbrtichl tht.: •rn·aktr for tho niccuna Sh\: on both th• atELlt'I ""J na t ional affalra and thtn &JU\\'trflt the QUSUona; ()f lh\" at udmu,a Three Tapped F or Phi T heta Kappa Phi Th<l.a Kappa bad a 1ur- prtao ec-... mony Oc:L Zl, tn whJch t.brH' Re\\ membe.ra \\ere tapptid. The nrw mNnbcra &rt'! Dft.Ua J ca.n W•pplor. t.nd Rutul (look .nudmu y, m be 1•lod1tod ""d lnlliatod •t a ban· qu<l whl<.h "111 be> h<ld on N O\' T"hi Thtl• KapP" no'' baa m('mbenUup or t':' 1tude.nlti out ot a poNiblf' or 10. VOLUME '/;'I. NO. l COEUR D ALENE. IDAHO WCDNESDAY. NOV 1, lf60 ,...oll i\\lns: thr r-M •·nt rMlrt,.. D. "' '!l-l'mbll..-.. le• h;--...r 1 1-utlth'u.I ,..,ntUd1•1"""' huUt l)fotni)C'rath nn1I R- ftll h1h dH ... tntUtluV. 11..t't '' llb <"OUf"lt"' 'Wdtfth1 und luN•tl\ mrm•..,,... •t lt-u... In th,. lop 11tf-tm•.,. un· ll w ltr-1mhllf"a.n randlfla1-. l\ ntl ••on1r farnll\ 1111•mh 1•r- ' lar1tnr; "'' th,. b..r1 .. m and nMund lht h•hlr. th• S W"(t rtl• art" Ur Jnnt" (1Um llrf'4•M, 1 •1m l ..rupp, \ tr. ( HJll, ,, ,..._ J 'lnc<b, ,11 .... 11.-rt '1r .. 'Ira ah 1n \lr f hrht rn-1n ft• 11 t ... n l'"'1mincrr 'lr. • llonl mul Hiii lu ttu- .._111orn a•t ... ,,.,. I,. fl'U)("NUr t \11111 ••••"'"' ant .. fuJrnt' I "'"'"' l1•ft '"' r-lih1: ,, .. ,, .. ......U.. 't r '( '°'"• t) .. us: \\ r ll, ''"· L.tmr,\ 0 (.olllr J. "t' 1,r:ul,.. Ph ..1 f:ll .- n lli·al>, 'lr ( hrl ... ll•f't-& ad \tr l"fn ,t n,.,th lri:\ .. \\t"n h1•ld ln lb• 'lud• at I aJon.. Democratic Rally Is Impressive :-t un\ •ha.:tt·al e uor, tonlC"d &H:al fur U rtrdt' r&Utc aoJ ttanqwt bt Id la !\ ,\rt:i h \::t.h.&1. a.llht'\O¢h onl,_\ l\ob \•1"("4"1\ l "' ln t h' "' ph au,,. t ot tar rfs:hl )ia,...t bc-IU\"\ ..p a..kf"ro.' Uthlrl. \ ,...n tc• rlatbt M the:- ... ft<'aa..,<',..,.. tablf' a,,..: \\ m. <.. .. tJa.nvr. C'o1t) a. .. n-. ">· .1uhn \\ aJh ,. .. , \\ all. Uob \fcL a.u.1:;:h.lh:t. R r-p .. '--melt Jl'fO'll l, .tt-,kbol. "':lt'D. \. lao 8.ib&r "' ' f"'\"111.dA ..,,..,., 1 nL!l.S... C1m.rda.. \' m.. 11. :rn '111:......_ E U<: n J h .aJ), a.UJJ \ m •W \\ auam....., Journalism Class Meets Tuesdays Tbt' JOUf"!" f• e:la mttt. Tu.f'&d.a,.· :in 1rom 3 1:. lO " lO 1' rn The: ('b.u, rnttU on .. hour a \\H-k and m«-m.bc.-i r..Cd\'f' onl" , irJll Bftltdt!'9 th one- hour n ..-it nctuJ outaid.e work oompn.c. not JOUr- n.all&m .. nt.t but at.u \\Vr'k <m lb.,. nt"' Th" nC\\ ofi &Jk"r atafr "...,, to tt".Tl('mbt.-r p a.bout thrtr \"-""" hf'( k f t :u- a!pment.s .at ua A d and U&l;:nmeei.. on t.lDM'.. It LI t.oped t..na1 by re- thae UUn&:>. IM •lALt! will be a.MIC' to pt'OlfUt'C' i..Wn.; lea nd u tth mtJr'f' t!ff1ete:nC)" l=or ei gn Policy Will !le S:-cake r's To p ic Or Robcf't ao-:-it dln:<'tor of t.bc for lntC'm&Uona.1 .\lt.auw at .Har\'llrd will •pt'&)c: a.t :-:tJC f at P His loplc will be •.\Inking Fore;p Re la here un. dcr I.he auspiceo of I.ho Bo!'Oh Foundauon and ti.• c:ommunll)I dll0CU8>0n proi=nms. The public U ID>llod Without charge_ and a que-tlion pcnod will folio\' th1.• addttu Ul<e Sfll Borah. Dr. Bov.•lo i. an attorney attracted to lhe tJd ot ouuawry of war. A!te:r mJUtary kT\1cc In WWII, ho ,...,. poclal advl.lur to I.he U. S. High Commtuloner IJI Connany F'oUow1ng Wt,. tor ftvo yturw h• •ru .-po.Wble for policy plaruung In O..partmmt of St.,tt Mock R ally Held ; S tude nt Sp eak ers Pl!shed Fav orit es demon- M1Uon..-t, and a mlxe.r W('tt tn- cludod 111 lht- pohU<tt! rally hold Thm·sday overuns- I"t..-opll" who turn('d out to support their J?Srl) W("re \.rt')' A1t.. r lht w!lrgc band plnycd tbc Star Spangled S•nner, ci..•moMt nlf'" ""nh•r,• I the gym, \\.Wlft,::' lhC!'tr flldC"t'rd• Md ptC'· tut"Cll and C'httrtr.g- tor lh<"lr pa.rt> c-VC?tyf'n<" waa 1ocatc•l EJ :\1urtcul lhf' •"! Introduced lbe ot tln· C\ CtUnt'· r.t\. utt; non-r"rtial\n apcechell Rob Md Bob n ember. or t.l1t" Indc· p. n !rht pohtkfll ;:roup. Tho bcn1lwrata spoke hnl wlU' f:<.1,Un.1 on behalf or <':rnch., t'fo1t. candJd,to c, ns:;ttJW1111.n fNm F1n.t l l!ltr1ct. ancl Jc.,hn \lilt.. ln on bclla.ll of Lyndon .John· f nn11l1latf"I Cur vlclt' pre.aldrnt 1-i cir H ... • lofn.x l on bchall or It• or CJ.ho l LuJ..:1 ca.ndldat..: ,1, rn• th·nt Th }cc.•\ noh "l"'f.! hen ot lht' ' nin W<"ro \Vn.yno , n • whn John l.h'-· Utu1 ocrutlc cantlt· utc:o fur pr .. ·fthlC"nt. and .Doug '\'c-1111 who gti\·c tho main ad· for JUduard NLXon, lh,. HrpubHcun cunJlclato for tho hli;h• I otflc• In I.ho !And. F'Olluwln;- t,h(I "pc-ctchC9 n.rttl t .uJldlni; lll'OUnd In uemonatra- tlon, u dunce wu heJd for tho 1tuJent11 Government C loss S up: rvised All "hction Acti vities Dr ., ..el%'• AmNiCD.11 Covcm- m('nt C)(LQ, Wllh lb(• 8.ll&J.8UU\Ctl nl th• Polltton! SCl<JlCO Club. conducted lhe mod< poHUC4l nllly. 11nt1 mock concluded hlBL week. To make lh(' muck clce:Uon t much Uk.- n n..oat 'ltt"Uon u lblc. wtutltints were lo rt"g111ter In certain pn!elncta.. b•!or•• lboy could vole. Reg1ll- tmU<tn waa held In the gym, ,1urln$;' tht" act\\'1ty -period. on Ort 17 lO. Z1 nnd 25. prttincLI n.nd Ute t r11n wtorto· l.i.\nco1n. Rothn Rut.· MJI Koutenat, num, C«".ntrn.1. Jim Conrow: C0ttur d"Alt'nf". &m Cumnunp; Ronaovtolt, John Showen: Bryan, Jc>hn AdAm1; l..tlkeahon-, Rnndy !'lt>l'bel; IA<vU.. Lyndell Craue: RhonnM, Kay ChApmAn; l>Od- Town. cy: Aca.dcmy, C4rol A.rplund; Fernan, Mary Eddtn•: l'lardlng, )fArjor1o T Ol"- k•laon: Eut Side, .JoNcU Mo.r- un PoUatcll. C'bArlca Adama: Bonih. Bonnie Tate; SUJ111et. r ....auna Erwtn. For UIOllC student.a from out ot dly and •tAto, •pcclAI pr • · cincto wore crrcatod. Tbuo P""" c.tnct.a wcro: out of atato. Bello Davis: Nc>rlh, B"'1 Fulton: EUt. lr1• South, Lot. FllZSunmoDJ1: Weot. Bonnie F<rgu80ll. ----- - -- AD\ !SOit LJ S'.l'S l'OSTED Tho lltta o! 4'1vl"°ra are now i>Mted on tho buUcUn boardl ID Utt IW19. StudonLa lhoul d chock I.ho llsU to """ who I.heir Ad\•far t.s.

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (3) Nov 2, 1960

Democrats Win Most Offices In JC Mock Election

Ruulta ot lhi! modt ~l~n hdd IUt Fnd&y ....,.. a dear 0.-mOCT&Uc victory. Konno<!)' a.nd J Qh.n,l(,n J'lf'Ceh:ed 13'4 1.'0lU, "bllu !'<ut0n and Lodge ,....,1vrd 112 ~publican 1ncumben1 i; s Scorultor Dwor.hak dclnt..fd Vcmocrouc CN1dJdat~ Bob .)tr ..

IAui:blln by a 120 to 60 mar· "111 1.ncumbtont CHrnoc-rahc Con~oma.n Cr&C1f' Ptwt dcf"•ttd Tom V.upp. 1 iC tu 63

Olht':r ~JKUon ruult.. an· u tt1lt"1w• ~nat.or. (.)cmq.. l'tltllr !nt \unb(>nt. CllX Hi f«· publican 01lMlclalc Smith. 32 St.Alt> fUpr~u.uvn f>e:m(>o craur .Wotynuux. ll 1 W~b· .ior. HU. n.,publlcan• Cum· prl'<lllt. Jim, JoblUIQn, s:t O>un· ly Oomml• Parat Dl•nrtrt lk'mocntt Co?<', lll ~bll· can l"rMJntni;tr, 91, SHund l>Uilr1<1, l>•moerat Mull" 13.'.i. R<lpubllc:an Morrow, gi Sh•nrr· O.,mocrat Ruor H%; Republlran Co•l~llo, 107. COUnty Trcuurt<r Ocmo­crAt, Schmt"'(Srr. 19& Probatt' Ju411c: MuOQnald. U.-mb<ral 1911 Pro.teeuUng A u .(U"n")" Oe.mocral. Re&Kan, 14V; R,. .. publican. )fftch•U. 80. Counl AUt'11*>t O<imotral, Nf'Jdrr, J OD. County Coronrr · Rrpubll· •.an, Wood, lllG County Surv•)I· or lt<>publlc..a.n, Kl.ndl~r. 173 Ju..-UC.('t of tht't Pcncr f>~mo· rrnf••. 176; Fr..nd­•·n. Jlill, 1~111•, l6G Con9loblc

John.,,n, J3ll

On lb!! cvn•UluUonal Hrnf'nd· n~nt•. tho voUng WC"nt ,,.. fu1-l~w• R.J n Nu 3 !ID y .. U' olrl vt1U1111 afl•I • Yt•. JOB No, ri<o 8 J It No. I ldlat11IN•ll Yro, :Cll Nv. 20~ 8.J It No (I ft()un

ty •urvoyor'a qlllc•I Yra, 130 Nu, Jt>:I Tho~ rt•gllllh•n·d hum· l><•rcd 270. APPl'C>•imaw•h· 24~ vni.d.

Candidates Speak At Political Meetings

On Oct. 17, UH PnllU "' !:lr.lflnc:e Club hnd two •Jl4•1:t-k••1 Ulll \V~U.H•r. thv lnl'Unl'"'"' 1Wn1ot\rttUo •UUt• lt'Jlft•Mnt"l~\' t

frou~ ICuc>lf"nnl C n\1nt)' alld }\Id• th'Y ~mllh. r-unn\n,; on I h1· I t..­vuhlh.nn th·klH (tJI 1td.h: ~~1n1tl 1·

1hHh men u1 .. ·u~~t tll«' hHll lHUt'fl whh Jl wlll hl· \ t>I Mt u1ti1•H ln thfl 1w~t ••ll"t'llun 1"h1· l.J."'Ut

o"" lu \'}UU\t{fl th(\ vnt In., A~' hum :zt )'t'iU''W' ln 1\t H';\f. "htJ oh1r \ll rJCt•mt Uw ~-.:1nUnully

ttf lhti ~Iott· llftl<'t'"• S.1 lnCf<'""' the OOn1I tndcb••,h11•n '" J• nml t o ~llmlnl\tc- I he J~•b or NWUl) •Ur\('l\'\\r ... " ron•ll\U • llonn1 ofrh ~ nnd mnl(,. It •l'· pc1lnlh'f' &th n\t"11 AOI\\ "r•·-4 quulle\na pf'\"aN\h\tJ b' th .. •hi· rl1•nt mrmbeni

On (),:t :n th~ PohU\:•I Scrl~n1.:r Club J.LM:u..,.,.u h• ..-m, \•Al(lhl lhl' ['\al\A for lhft nlOl"k• fM.llUl('1'1 rall;. to b<" htld Thura Ort ~1. ln the ~yin at 7 p m Dr Janf Oumbrtichl Wl~• tht.: •rn·aktr for tho niccuna Sh\: •t"'uk~ on both th• atELlt'I ""J national affalra and thtn ah~ &JU\\'trflt the QUSUona; ()f lh\" at udmu,a

Three Tapped For Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Th<l.a Kappa bad a 1ur­prtao t.ap~lnJ ec-... mony Fri~ Oc:L Zl, tn whJch t.brH' Re\\ membe.ra \\ere tapptid. The nrw mNnbcra &rt'! Dft.Ua J ca.n MUl~r. ~rn W•pplor. t.nd Rutul (look Th~ thrc'~ .nudmu y, m be

1•lod1tod ""d lnlliatod •t a ban· qu<l whl<.h "111 be> h<ld on NO\' 1~. T"hi Thtl• KapP" no'' baa • m('mbenUup or t':' 1tude.nlti out ot a poNiblf' t~lal n\Om-1~ or 10.


,...oll•i\\lns: thr r-M •·nt rMlrt,.. D."''!l-l'mbll..-.. le• h;--...r 11-utlth'u.I ,..,ntUd1•1"""' huUt l)fotni)C'rath nn1I R­ftll h1h dH t· ... tntUtluV. 11..t't ' ' llb <"OUf"lt"' 'Wdtfth1 u n d luN•tl\ mrm•..,,... •t lt-u... I n th,. lop 11tf-tm•.,. un· llw ltr-1mhllf"a.n randlfla1-. l\ntl ••on1r farnll\ 1111•mh 1•r- ' l ar1tnr; "'' th,. b..r1 .. m and ~"'"'"' nMund lht h•hlr. th• SW"(trtl• art" Ur Jnnt" (1Um llrf'4•M, 1 •1m l..rupp, \ tr. ( HJll, , , ,..._ J 'lnc<b, ,11 ....

11.-rt '1r .. 'Ira ah 1n \lr f hrht rn-1n ft• 11 t ... n l'"'1mincrr 'lr. • llonl mul Hiii \h~tr•n\. lu ttu- .._111orn a•t ... sur~ ,,.,. th~ I,. fl'U)("NUr t \11111 ••••"'"' ant .. fuJrnt' I "'"'"' l1•ft '"' r-lih1: '"~d ,, .. ,, .. ......U.. 't r ' ( '°'"• t) .. us: \\ r ll, ''"· L.tmr,\ 0 (.olllr J. "t' 1,r:ul,.. Ph .. 1 f:ll .-n lli·al>, ' l r ( hrl ... ll•f't-& ad \tr l"fn ,t n,.,th lri:\ .. \\t"n h1•ld ln lb• 'lud• at I aJon..

Democratic Rally Is Impressive

:-tun\ C"Ollea:~ •ha.:tt·al l~ euor, tonlC"d &H:al fur ~at U rtrdt' r&Utc r.lll~ aoJ ttanqwt bt Id la !\ ,\rt:i h \::t.h.&1. a.llht'\O¢h onl,_\ l\ob \•1"("4"1\ l "' \l~tt.h ln t h'"' ph au,,. t ot tar rfs:hl )ia,...t bc-IU\"\ ..p a..kf"ro.' Uthlrl. \,...n tc• rlatbt M the:- ... ft<'aa..,<',..,.. tablf' a,,..:

a -~. \\ m. <.. .. tJa.nvr. C'o1t) a. .. n-. ">· .1uhn \\ aJh ,. .. , la~ \\ all. Uob \fcL a.u.1:;:h.lh:t. R r-p .. '--melt Jl'fO'lll , ~ .tt-,kbol. "':lt'D. \.lao 8.ib&r "' ' f"'\"111.dA ..,,..,., 1 nL!l.S... C1m.rda.. \' m.. 11.:rn '111:......_ E U<: n J h .aJ), a.UJJ \ m •W \\ auam.....,

Journalism Class Meets Tuesdays

Tbt' JOUf"!" f• e:la mttt. Tu.f'&d.a,.· :in 1rom 3 1:. lO " lO 1' rn The: ('b.u, rnttU on .. hour a \\H-k and m«-m.bc.-i r..Cd\'f' onl" , irJll

Bftltdt!'9 th one- hour n "~k ..-it nctuJ c~ um~ outaid.e work oompn.c. not \,lf\l~· JOUr­n.all&m aia.i~nm .. nt.t but at.u \\Vr'k <m lb.,. nt"' ~pa~r

Th" nC\\ ofi &Jk"r atafr "...,, u~e4 to tt".Tl('mbt.-r t~ p a.bout thrtr \"-""" hf'( k f t :u-

a!pment.s .at S~t ua A d and ha\~ U&l;:nmeei.. ~ on t.lDM'.. It LI t.oped t..na1 by re­m~ thae UUn&:>. IM •lALt! will be a.MIC' to pt'OlfUt'C' • bc-tt~r n~~ptr i..Wn.; lea t."'1~ nd u tth mtJr'f' t!ff1ete:nC)"

l=or eig n Polic y Will !le S:-cake r's Top ic

Or Robcf't ao-:-it dln:<'tor of t.bc ~ltt for lntC'm&Uona.1 .\lt.auw at .Har\'llrd Cnt""~nit)'. will •pt'&)c: a.t :-:tJC ~ov f at P ~ :;.. His loplc will be •.\Inking

Fore;p Polley.~ Re la here un. dcr I.he auspiceo of I.ho Bo!'Oh Foundauon and ti.• c:ommunll)I dll0CU8>0n proi=nms. The public U ID>llod Without charge_ and a que-tlion pcnod will folio\' th1.• addttu

Ul<e Sfll Borah. Dr. Bov.•lo i. an attorney attracted to lhe tJd ot ouuawry of war. A!te:r mJUtary kT\1cc In WWII, ho ,...,. poclal advl.lur to I.he U. S. High Commtuloner IJI Connany F'oUow1ng Wt,. tor ftvo yturw h• •ru .-po.Wble for policy plaruung In lh~ O..partmmt of St.,tt

Mock Rally Held; Student Speakers Pl!shed Favorites ~eo. demon­M1Uon..-t, and a mlxe.r W('tt tn­

cludod 111 lht- pohU<tt! rally hold Thm·sday overuns- I"t..-opll" who turn('d out to support their J?Srl) W("re \.rt')'

A1t .. r lht w!lrgc band plnycd tbc Star Spangled S•nner, lh~ ci..•moMt nlf'" ""nh•r,• I the gym, \\.Wlft,::' lhC!'tr flldC"t'rd• Md ptC'· tut"Cll and C'httrtr.g- tor lh<"lr pa.rt> \\11~n c-VC?tyf'n<" waa 1ocatc•l EJ :\1urtcul lhf' maa~r •"! c.:rt.:m"nlt'~ Introduced lbe r11.."4k~ra ot tln· C\ CtUnt'·

r.t\. utt; non-r"rtial\n apcechell \\er~ Rob ~l~ddm Md Bob '~rc~t.-n.. n ember. or t.l1t" Indc· p. n !rht pohtkfll ;:roup. Tho bcn1lwrata spoke hnl wlU' ~tor)· f:<.1,Un.1 1-peak~ on behalf or <':rnch., t'fo1t. candJd,to c, ns:;ttJW1111.n fNm Ma.ho'~ F1n.t l l!ltr1ct. ancl Jc.,hn \lilt.. •peak~ ln on bclla.ll of Lyndon .John·

f • nn11l1latf"I Cur vlclt' pre.aldrnt 1-i cir U11~ H ... • lofn.x

l ru·l~t~ apok~ on bchall or It• or CJ.ho l LuJ..:1 ca.ndldat..:

,1, rn• th·nt Th }cc.•\ noh "l"'f.! hen ot lht'

' nin W<"ro J..~\'cn b~ \Vn.yno , n • whn ad\O("rtl~t John

~t·nn'!"d~, l.h'-· Utu1ocrutlc cantlt· utc:o fur pr .. ·fthlC"nt. and .Doug

'\'c-1111 who gti\·c tho main ad· Y~ for JUduard NLXon, l h,. HrpubHcun cunJlclato for tho hli;h• I otflc• In I.ho !And.

F'Olluwln;- t,h(I "pc-ctchC9 n.rttl t .uJldlni; lll'OUnd In uemonatra­tlon, u dunce wu heJd for tho 1tuJent11

Government Closs Sup: rvised All "hction Activities Dr ., .. el%'• AmNiCD.11 Covcm­

m('nt C)(LQ, Wllh lb(• 8.ll&J.8UU\Ctl nl th• Polltton! SCl<JlCO Club. conducted lhe ~J-"latraUon mod< poHUC4l nllly. 11nt1 mock cl~Ut.>n concluded hlBL week.

To make lh(' muck clce:Uon t much Uk.- n n..oat 'ltt"Uon u ~ lblc. wtutltints were ~uln:d lo rt"g111ter In certain pn!elncta.. b•!or•• lboy could vole. Reg1ll­tmU<tn waa held In the gym, ,1urln$;' tht" act\\'1ty -period. on Ort 17 lO. Z1 nnd 25. Th~ prttincLI n.nd Ute re~l8-

t r11n wtorto· l.i.\nco1n. Rothn Rut.· MJI Koutenat, ~tnrlcnc num, C«".ntrn.1. Jim Conrow: C0ttur d"Alt'nf". &m Cumnunp; Ronaovtolt, John Showen: Bryan, Jc>hn AdAm1; l..tlkeahon-, Rnndy !'lt>l'bel; IA<vU.. Lyndell Craue: RhonnM, Kay ChApmAn; l>Od­Town. Bt~ve Sta.nlcy: Aca.dcmy, C4rol A.rplund; Fernan, Mary Eddtn•: l'lardlng, )fArjor1o T Ol"­k•laon: Eut Side, .JoN cU Mo.r­un PoUatcll. C'bArlca Adama: Bonih. Bonnie Tate; SUJ111et. r....auna Erwtn.

For UIOllC student.a from out ot dly and •tAto, •pcclAI pr • · cincto wore crrcatod. Tbuo P""" c.tnct.a wcro: out of atato. Bello Davis: Nc>rlh, B"'1 Fulton: EUt. lr1• ~foot.i;omcry; South, Lot. FllZSunmoDJ1: Weot. Bonnie F<rgu80ll. ------ --

AD\ !SOit LJS'.l'S l'OSTED Tho lltta o! 4'1vl"°ra are now

i>Mted on tho buUcUn boardl ID Utt IW19. StudonLa lhould chock I.ho llsU to """ who I.heir Ad\•far t.s.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (3) Nov 2, 1960

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW r•IN..i..d s-..Moothly 0...-. ti.. Col ~· T .. ,

1y ,.__r""" SNdetith ., th.


N•""Cf ..... 94'. P•t.n11 ... •"d '-Den• a.a ..... ..._,, Auoc.;.t• Edi,on rhotoq'•PY Editor Cttcul• t.o" M.n•9•r '•' e. .. >!'o9 Sporfl Editor Oov9 Well. A•port•n. t.."ct• Wu•l'Ml..-. '•ttict• E~9.v. a.. Anh•rt. U ri. ~"· Aftl't• M•r•• e.u1. J•r S.rftett. bi.d G1rr•. Hot•c. L.. ,.,.,,~ Jucl7 M.t.,._

p;. INTEi.1 Al COEUR l ALU~· I f_ ~ , , f"'I ' .......


LET'S HAVE ONE MORE CAMPAIGN C<1mpo,9n, compo19n. " m1><1 91 • om to be o

hoor lotely. Democrotic, R .-" co , c;i._ ieen t~-oen• l)CXI

officers. momborsh1p dr ....,., ond mo'y more. Whot ~u _ th1nl oboul ono moro huge umpo gn !hot you wo. d eoch c duct within younell. It would 1nvol•e most y m<>M~S ond pe ol core. Th1nl of the oroo• in which you Joel tho spoc o touch thot cor101n somolh1ng tho! mo<os lour dato opproc oto you ono your cons1dorot.on. The touch !hot lots you teol copoblo ond ot c<1so 1n ony sitU4t•C>n: tne 1Cmothin9 thot mo•ct you sure oi yo.r. sell ond sure !hot those ~pie oround you oam ro you

Th1nl soriously obout 1n s.. It con be flltl <1nd nlere •ing be. sides vo uoblo. ii 'fO" ho .... e ony ae.. c ~le them o"'Ong your ' o •h. lots ge• •h • .how °"' the rood - Po Ser. ng

Two Candidates For Congress Speak At College Assemblies

Tbc Jun or coueg~ \,.,_ boat to two candJJ&t.., tar th• off .o ot Oongruanan trom Idaho'• Fil" l O!Jllrlct .-.eenUy T!h Youn!;' Oemocrata Club ln\'ltod Con~ Gracie Pr .. l to ~to an aaembly d\IJ'il\l' Ulo act1,1ty per10d Oct. lS

MIS. Pfoet pvo a no:i·partt· an l.alk to a ~ £"""'P of otudcnta about U.. nnoua cam· mlttea th&l abo lo on 1n Con· l:J'CD an.I allout Lbct admlalon ot A1aalca ... atate.

J,(n. Pfoat and Ellen a...iy, the 0.mottaUc :SAtlonal Com­mltl- trom Idaho. Wert pruenl<od Wllll co.._ by Pat Bonin&". Followtn; the a.d4ruo. • toe W1l.a held Ill Mra. pt-·· Mnor l.n tho atu~t unJoa..

On Oct. :?I, Mr. T om Loupp. mayor ot Nampa and Republi­can candidate Cor Co-an from Ille F'lnt Dl.uict. ...S.U-· cd lll• ._bly on the oubS-Ct or \'OtlnJ and th• ''ollnlr age tnldabo,

Katlly Grow promted lil.r Leupp With a C"&m&Uoa. ID tum. Mr. Leupp -•eel Douj; \\ ella, Lbct 1t1troducer, with • Rcpublkazl emblem. ~Y~R~&Dtbdd

a tea ln Ulc:o at\Jdcol \&Ilion !or litr. J..eupp and other RejNblJca.a candulat.. tor local and •I.ate


AF Recruiters Will Visit NIJC Nov. 2 ~ Thayne I.. TbomaJi

and TCICluucal Seri; &dward O Call~ Air F'o~ ofiiett •lcctloo rt_t.&U..... Will Ttail :O.'l.JC s '" : to ci;..,..

u.. AU' FOn>e ~ Scbool _,...,,. •"Ith Into-tee! ~­

de.ala f,_ I to 4 In :lie am, S;t. GaU.. cxplaU>ed th&t U..

Otfl<t< ~ Scbool -mom o!CU'S bolll male and !~ malt> cnduala an opportUDJ.ty to ncciepl A.Jr Fore. commJ.9.. doru of 811'C'Cnd at· ter compl•Un~ a moa.Lb.t tr&lnlnl; COUr9<' n. pn>lf"L!ll IJI d .. l£'"ed to obl&ln "'ell quail· ti~ you:n.: offtttrw to fill k~ eJU!CUU\'O po.iUOD.a 1n" ~pld-1)' J:T<'"1nJ; Ul'OOJ"Ll'<' fortt

N ft J C REV•EW C.-otr 4 A.-.. 14• .... WM .. N..,. 1 lffO 10

Young Republicans 1\leet i¥uh Leupp

Tilr ""-'......_ ati.u· ......... t' I• TGm l.A"Vpp.. ~U· dat .. t • r ( -~rr-o..,.... t~m ,...,.,, .... tl""""t l~ .... t rita • ..., IDf'mbr" 4 ttwo \. .-°"c lll-rtul\JM"&A a... Lrfl h t ttthl \la" l"naJ• •lf" ·~I~ \\f'"U ...

rc.. ... 1un llu .. .-u. '"·• I uUon. ''*"'' nu..,-o. u~\f\ l n-.k<a. Ooona D~•r •·na: t\41" U uJ ... on. a.nll Un.da \\ •nlunAkrr.. rth" du" hil<oi .,,,...n \rr\ " ' lhr lhl' f~l.11

Candidate Is Speaker

()f J ,,... '••mprHhl It fl"lblwaa C'°llUkUJ..ll,. , ,.,. "'lttff r• 1•r,,-~ nl • lhr .... ..:be:Na ,.ub lh. ·~ \\ •U, p~•I o f thr l; ICq•uh ll C"aa .. ( 1ub ... --rlpii"'- ... ha .. piioau. !ll Uw Ot I • ., Ult . fine " ' l hf j • ...... (I ...

Over Half Of NIJC Students Come From Coeur d' Al~ne Area

T' n:.. ntr1 11

1nd Uw nu.m~ or at.ucknta rrom c:a.cb lorauty C.ot"ur d • Alt!'ne 245 POllt Y•lla ~ .Sl-.Q. - Z& K•Doi:r 15 \ \ 'all&tt 1: Prlmt Rh'u 10 ftalbdrum 10. CataJdQ II S&ndpom I ; Rarrt.ocm ; Oollum ; PIM hl>nl ~ ean..s. :. s· )lu

~ S::i:ar t~ • Sptnt 1.Ak 4 Boa.!wn Fury 4 Atllol : Iran 3 Cbatlet"7 \\uh 3

'I'iroo arc c::ral.le<I Cram ...a. o1 u.. r~ tt.:.~ td&bo Gan. Idaho !\aJ:I< lolabo .lapan :sllnrton, ld&bo Col· ,-w •• \\am. Rockford wui.. \\'a.rdn•r ldabo

One rtud«nt CGCl>ell from .,...h o! tile tollowu\11 Gllil!ord. Ind lndlanapolia, Ind Kauai. H•· W101l: Oo.totin• .tal&l>da; Well· ptn•l. "·uh., o. .... nport. \\uh.. P....-.J..&a. \\~a.ah.. • .Ml'&eham.. Ot'ir • &vi:eae Ort Ka:::la ldllho LrcU1<m Idaho Cr""""'1;:b, )lont. Ol&tttu. :t.l<>n~ Orw::· m<md. )I >Ct. W •!ey Idaho Den·... ldal>o' C...por, \\ )'O Eli; PlMY, W)'O llcd:moa' 1-. BlalDc. Wuh., Oarkatoc. Wuh., Tacul<\' Wuh., C'"" Elum. Wa&h. Kon~,...,.. Calli' Loo AlamlU., CIWt Tai' c.11! ; 'IVAulc-.., Wta. l'l>ocnlx ArU.

Home Ee Club Honors Foreign Students On U.N. Day With Dinner

Ol Gn1l.tld Nat n l u. -• t~ Hume Ee <.i1Jh r\!etl dla.ha fT.;.m Ol&ht OAtl NI l11 thrtr bonott"fi JrtJeaU Ouul • """" forttrn atud,.nl.I whl1 .,.,. •ll<n<llnC Ule CIOU•tJ~

Spedal .'(UCll WU .i.11 .. 5,_, XtUon. a atuM:nt •t Coeur d' Al•~< H¥1 School WM WU tho IHO 1"fllnn of ~ Odd Fcli­and RdJ«cu.Op<l<lOOred IJnJt ... :<a~ Y°"Lb Plll(l'lma'o Sh• P\• &ll UltcTUU::&' talk A.bout h<l' tnp &nd at.out Ul~ t; N

1':vit<d l\ICU ,.~,~ Fujita Pe••r. TNk. <:aroua. 111.anda. Jlobamm&d Aahrafl and .i.1.,.. tara ~Iran, C'hat1n G.-11:1. Hawaii, Mazuhlro Yuki and Katauhlko Hayuhl ./•pan, Tbeh.n William Harri-.. Stuart p.-_ Robort H.rria<.m, and William Vauclu1, Canada. and Kay SQZalQ and )tarleno 'Cy• Spokane

'T1'M" mmu !•lured pt.n~•Jir·14 Ju>ec 00< <t&ll, t-4 .. tad, F'rt'nd> bread. pl%Z&. _ ... \ and _,, opanrtb. otnrt& -....

"&et'b.....S. cdf .,. teo


11.£.,. SJ.W • U A'

t"TDISTATE TYl'C'*1t1tC11 co 411 S"'•l"""Lf• Jt•• • ,..._. c..).C t


COlD OR. PEPPER n.. n .. "'fl,., '•P~f·U,,,.t

African Youth Asks To Enroll At NIJC; Noeds Financial Aid

•·rom KC'n\" In Hr~U11h p,. •• \ C'1 J ff', ) U4 t 1f ~

1tudt!til to 011011 n_. ... 1 y•a.r •U ~ rlh ht.ho Junior C"ollvp

Pr •I nt c~ O Kil )4JW h;ui 1 " I a 1-clter rrom n \\ J.hthu J8. n tienur KRbt-h~. Kmya ruluni: for fHhnW1 n Sn tn NIJl'" filnhn,iflnl tllAt h uh l•lM ~urk or h lft lo Jinan " ht• rttut"Atl n '.\faUm Wrf•ht UuU h,. hntl 1•:0.Ut"c.i hi• Afrt '" ,.,., hmlnan a \Olllli\tlnn uut 1tnM In\ p'an II tu rm Uu r fl\'' "tu

• I 1111 In th,. •t••te IHI•,., th• pum1uri-h~1~ ol hl1~ho fH'flflh

I n1 1 umftlflt,.I) lhll"ll:ly ht i 1111 l


I JO nv An t'rh an J" o('h '"' IHI 1nnrrmo•l •yr11p 1th)' "-Hh l(c·n)'tl ,.._,.,, .,...,.. JIO•I s11 I• "' 1 morrow '" hn IH• Jong Io I h• poor tanull~• 1hOM"1 \.\hot rn 1 t •fr<•r I I.:> kr•p lhr l'n In hllh• •r 1lu.J1.,. \ fo•t ,.., I hr:m arf' n t al all wrt' ot f\o~ thny v.111

'"" their future a°"I ).l y ar•nta ere fJOrJt t1n"n lally •n•I

l 11; ''

THE PIT l<•rmole<>rn & c.ndy

Homo·mAdo p;,,..,

I H Shertl'lu Awt • C.."' d Af•,.•

SOUVENIR RECORDS .. "' s.Mrm..11 A we

COlU' D'.Alf'iE. IDAHO









Abo Orders To Go

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (3) Nov 2, 1960

Candid Camera ...

Thi- \H"f"k ·(a.ndJd ( amrf'll • Jir""""1lh l''40 , , ,(

•lhlrUr lrtttlruC't<•"'· \tr ... Vltlh and 'fr. Jv-91· h••· tk'•f1fWltttratlnc a S>fJpular 1.alln \ rftfriraa Jlar1)' pm ... " IJmho .. UtJlh ) In.. ~t,.. tr. t\raUn• 111uft,.rfl'd bu.4 ka.rb' ~ UH f t1flu" "t:' da).

Al""' tfll .. •~le a bmnnro.a' ..ti..t •f 'h"'"' '"'• llnnit"11. a \ 1.rr:;laJa {11)" pta,ir-r. • tU.11t OD l '-" Turnrr" ... lap donas; a .. (f-a1-'tnrtl,,..... .• ,.,..,,) •"""-' . R umt1r ha• It U1at Tim e"OOpt"nalrd ... \I rll lllat ""'° P"PJ>Cd a rlpprr.

Speak To Political Science Club

l\Ht \\I'""°" t', It fl, and ""tfrU \ '°"01Jlb, rl~:hl. tt '1" CUI°'-' •pra.$..rr-. al Ho Ckl 11 l 'nllthal""•" "'' t luhmttU"I· \\ .-t ... ,,.,...,,a...u.tal~ for "''"'' u I"' ... nf.tth1 a111I ... utlth t• , .. ,...1..i. 1,. for .. tal-r" """1halt•r lront k ooh .... ( ullnh



111 Cd A A•• MOhe•I 4 iOH


Your Exclu•l•o Yord•Q• Shop

101 N fo•rth $1 MOh••I • .... COlU~ O'AUNl IDAHO

fr Lato.i Stylo Jewelry

tt New Hit Records

l~ Golt ltonu for All Occo.-on1

.... p

Modern Drug Ce nter 1101 N I~ F. . ~ ~ ·



11• SHllM .. N .. v1 ... u , . .. lt• .... ~ •• o. •• n~~.1

Bvy • s.n . T r•de

Ope" Mo~.l•r •"c:I w.c1-..ut., ll te I p "' ••Ill 4 •o 1 lO 1> "'

l'f•tda.,, l~w"d•t •"ci Fr.~•Y I I• 1 , ,..

S.httlfey 10 • M. 10 S lfll• !ft

SNEA Officers Are f\'amed At Group's Opening Meeting

Tl Ill \rlU 'O

otu4..nt NAHvftAI F u -'a-•11('" ••'°n .,...., l'"'•hJC"Tlt.. ~

}'~rru.eort, \11f'! rtHldalt G .. ru Mt lnl\'r'f" D;an­\\ ahtnt , and trawr~r, <la Anlh~n)

Th~ <tub held Ila nnt -tlf'M snctUntr 0..:L- 11 The man tier. d«ldtd lo ha'~ a i..a. ln lbt" Din C'\'ft\ •t"t ' ty pt>nod f1 r about a month to coU«.t '1urs.. Club duff l.M Pl"'

>-· .M•mb<n ~ rbna f r a banqu•I In llM .,..,. tuturr \ mnunitlH ...... appolr.!<d l«ld< U>e l and u... pbc

":110 ... •iD 'be • ..,. ..

lt •'U drctdcd h:l.\e a pa:11 I l ~ OCllOO!o In Ullo al'"

n order t lltlp t~ odooob ornnw> •"=till• T-tn ed. 'mnka ~ ~ p&D<l

b<n ban not bttn C:-.. .. yet

SprU:u (or tho ~ .... u... Klrecl:.D<r put ~ f tM ,_ &dl>Cl!IOll .Auoda·

1-. :,ho opoll• about llM lEA ~lion


Del Gittel

Ralph Donat Will Head Engineers; Cl:..b ls Active

Th ~!JC IWPt. th \I" ~ A I EnJ:1 r,.een Ws:an LU m""~• tlWt fall by •l«tln!I' offk<C1' P:J lP

fT"' elm! ..... Ralph [)Qnat

\ k• prHJd""l 1" M!J::ld Aellraf ~ Jim K nch­rwr a U'f'&Wttt la :-Zril C,.,.. ri..14 n... ...,,,.,.,, r !hr h LI .Mr Drx••r

ThtO<li:t-1 tbr .. b.


\' ORA('.0 L' P\RJ,; !-'iA atuckn ~.. . Park d".:rinc Ille llU!lllDer ,,,_

atudcnta 1Lnt a.. Fulton 6 Wrtsbt. :Sancy Tant= Kar B Tille. and



Co.ti • Ore. ... • f.ound•t;ons SporiswHr

:0. N - S C- lAlooo



LAUNDRY Coeur d 'Alene Loundry

& Dry C leoners JC .. ,.__ . MOt ... . 4 :t ..

"'- P--..p -' o.tvwy





S.rt "-9 Yov Fol 0.- 4) Y•ut

COCUR D ALE.•C CRUllCltY t 11 G..•d• • MOh,ew, 4-lS U

C..1..1r 0 AJe11•. IGelo.e

N f J C l('VIE'W C.0.vr cfAJ•,._ tdeho. W.o_. N.ov 2. S.60

Senator Church Visits

f"" .fa.rhrU:a.,. ('rr-.!J.oat or lb~ roUC""CW- \9

ouoi: l~mO<'nh Club. l .. ..hnnn '"'Uh l. ' · ~.n. r rank C"hureh "2.t: a l'\"("t'Qt poUllt'l:l.I 1"G.lll of '\11rtb hi.a.hit l h-0t11i11-at .. h<"W Us C'Of'Ut" d\\J('Jl(<.

Contact Burns To Get Polio Shots

Tbc uru ll..IW ho 10~ h4\'a d tc J re:r r cne

polio ahola IO ~ Ch "'1 :S 0' l>.

IHO II rou w\ah ''"' name removed from or adckd to th.LI 11.ot. pl.,..., ndv\ac Mr Duma ln b ology -. \II m unde!r • 1 or 'A:Omen und 1 1 UlSt ban a partnl.&1 .-. cue • Ip 01>­aln lhl• altp rro l bl

I!ftt. S.. Al.1•ft4•r C A•Gar '°" I 4,....._,, M Alhtef C A•Po Ev-4. L' H I.a·~ J lot., 1. let J lru M lr"'\ ..., J t.a.c.• J htf'.-9..... 0 C.Me'91" I C••"""-"'- M.. O•p•_.., D et. P ;:QerylC.0....e RC.'"'l c.,.~ I: Dell S De•ettperl 0 0• WC• l 0.e• A 0.-•t I 0,... .... 0 o.."t ., .. O,. .. u c o." flu"'- M ldtl" I ltf•••4la. a E91• J (JI.I," A E.•u1 M heftt,, L J:e '04 M Fe •"'•-.c.h I. Fe~ '°" J FWK'k. I AMJ-.. L F.1 L fv ... J Go ........ ~ God· , Gfftr..• u Gr••"'• K G,. .. ,.~d

D H•llllYI• J Heb.r I H•lA• J HetN N Hu"'W', D HH9•. K.. Hult-


"•r. Jt T. Jew•tl, I. JoJ.,.. '"'"· L Jo .. ttt.o., A. Jou1••n•"· K. ~•vt•r. S.. KftwtM,., G. Kr•:tu, K. kvl'll. C.. Lehu.1.m. T. L• .. "•. I. lM•. D. U•<fl•y. M. Metlocl. K. Mc­c°""·cl M. Mc:G'lli.~ J. M•9"'"on· J, J_ "-'ilt•:rd l. Moftard. S. MouiL G N .. ti119. M. N•wtori. E.. 0 ••r. I(, '•fmtt, H. '•thr. P. '•d•t• on J '•"°"· J. P•ler. K.. Pet•rs. ~ Hen• J. 'h ip1. J p;.i.. .. u .. A. Proti•r.

C. R•od. G. RMd. S Reid. P • Rh•i"""' S liqq1,, M. R1,1Do .... J ly•"­N S. ... •'"* J Sc"ot•M'Q•r J Sc.1..oleL W. Scr•lfoon:I C. S.•+o ... R SJ>.,i..n. J. si,...., 0. Sh.... 0 si...i., H. S... 1h D s • .,.i., F Stepfte .. ,o., K 5,,..,.."' J S• "t•' V Stori'toe11 R T .:. N h"l-9•~ I T .. t. H Toa1e J Torq•no-. M: y,..,...w .. , w r-.''b:!'I L w.".,...•"'· L Vubb M W•hl- E W .. \s.. M 'WI\, D '""'•!:m.. S. Win•""" S w"'"' G w,r,. 1 z:~.11



.... ~ '" o&.64, l'll Slot ,.,..._"' A... C.0.Hf cf"Aloe

WIUI IL • d tall \ -ta«Ud and ~CASlml, In ~cl>doWi: wool &J>d mohair

"6.95 S . H ,t,h r

~tau H .. !Mr Slonril H eat.her

I. X. L. T 0 G G E R Y

Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (3) Nov 2, 1960

lntemalional Dinner Honors NIJC Students

..,tmJr nh frum out,.ldr ttu I ~. and "",,.,... JfU("'h \\rf'r hom;ff'd u t thr rumu..-1 int# m»l ln-r.a l

""'"' ' tllnrtf't u t lh• "™"'" '"' f luh \ 1 d10· 1wr o .-r-·. 1'-1-uff•d , ti rt to rt~h l : ....._nd,. '-"'ho11.•lrr,

Ir.a• t u • I.At~ f il '~'; ... taJlldae;- tr"f\ I• r1r;1't : Be-th (~'.' "' 0. llUoa.. 8'0 \ auc.ha. ll lbrr1...n,. \"~ 'l •..J:al• , ..,.,,.81, ... ,1

1'11trll1J l..wh . Kit' , . .,,-"~"· "ultiAn , ,.,. n \f ... • aJUa rMrr. '\ f ·41iarnmaJ Ta c-hi '-"'-"'fl• h.a t-..u9-t..n 11a~a.-.b.J . (1iut..r ...... haa4l.~ ' la''\ t-.. r ,.,,.,...,"

BO WJ...lNO NE\\ 8 ori""l<<'<I •nd In lull • In~ T ~d bow ll.nit r lub I l.AN"n l..lpt1n Thr \\ f"dnNdoy tary I• Dlltin(" Kunz. th..- Tt11n.Uy nl,dlt H uckllb•y

The \\ MSnr!'ldtt)' no:ht Ii u.:11~ result• ar u t ,amt: bo) . Krn\ HrtM-1 -:.?10 J:irl Olllne I{ Ci• H ffr1 .. : bo>- Dl<k Boyl.I '.of!, i:Jri.. Dian• l<w:z. 4 I H i;b krla Unt.ou hl\blMI. Z3~"- Hl«h t.ean ' me t!ntaucbablrs. High •'·•ratt~ bo) •· John llnond•'Old, 170 i;irl.I. Ill&nr I< ·•

\'OLLF.\'BAl.L. \'o•ll<' b>ll ,....,,. ,. ,... ~ \\<dca-da). Oct 26 wnh a1x h'An 111 ro bro pa.rt un: T'bc r...nt ~ ~er• played on WC"llM1t bi) f:d Mnrical • -rurtks plav-ed :s: \\'l"J;I•"• •·Rau•n• Thr Turtl'"» "' n two ,g&m6 • lako tllo t :-lr~t l"'l"T I "tll publ m n 11"1 I lhr teams and pla)"lf"D •11<' lb("! llO•hn,: t~m »landlns:

l A~h.£"TH .. \Lt.. Tht" f nt h.uJu·1bA1 t mout " .l1 ~ OcL 24 .Ab'Mll :?·· hti)1J t1..1rnC'd out Abt ut S:. an: f'Xptctf"d t try out for tbri tc:ama In ahnut thrt"C V.C'C"ka )Ir f.\rall"- t.i. "111 pkk ll1~ ,.. w 11 t nn tt\.oi \"arail\ And Iha tunk r \"an!'T lt"&ms. Th(' fir • 1

Dames Cl ub Headed Cy Pat Pederson

T' [\ OLr 0 Lt: I t. f" "'

n... '°"""' q- otrkon ,..,.. IK'""' ~l Pal l'Ntt-

a:m "~ pnsWc>nl. )I ldud' wcn:'..AT1 l.NUw'~I' lrme S..-tl •nd I c:h&lr """' Judy l'llllll;»

,,,. ~ cf u.. ub .... o.p!:ah:<d lO D"' bPh b)

-- ).In La~~ n.. lnn:lbU'I W.-J'CI talJ tbt th~ !Jam ('lub


atUJ.cml,a Of lheolr ..:A\&n lgn• na('nl.11 tar nllo<ll)11ccu uaemtih(';li, U1tt taculty IL&k"nlbly C"ommn tM" haa aakod 11ic> Hr\ itM lo rub1 h t.hla U•t. It b Uu.t AJI ah1df!nla thp lhia box and k("('p ll (or ttfc1tntt Th~ nAmu ure li•tN b) e«

l•on ruul ro" a.n11 th numbC"r fl.111.u~·tng mdl nallit!' I• thfl •Nlt nun·bt'r of lh1 duur to lw- '""°u p1Nl b)' the r\•ai1~UH pu 0n• Ui 'uch '°" n.n1I •«l Ion ~­Uon1 IUl•l tO\\ 1 ""'HI bt' de11,;:nal•

"'on 8.1£nA ~tctiol'I A. Rei• I - Ac'filo,J I

Ad•"' .. C 2 AJ• ... a. J ] Ad•m•. G ..... Ad•'"t.. fl., 5. Ad•"'•· W • Alt1uder 0 ... 1: Ak1at'ldet S I A I 1Nt1., 9 Amothoa I 0, A11J•no,. C 11 A"deno11, 0,. 11 A1'dnM4'. K I),

Ro• 2 - Mth.o"r T I Atehart : A'1tuf l A1plwlld "'• S ........ • • •••• ,. J 1 ... • .. f H , 41. &.1ber 10 Lf111ttt. I .. , fttlfl"I fl .... .,,,I)

lo- l - le• ,,9 I lt•JM•t 2 a.,.,~.oa. l Atrtlriefty 0 4, lu1t•l• S ler•td • .., 1 l<4M I lo 1-9 • 11o-.., 10 ... .. r .. ,d. It 12 """-• A. IJ

a!:ew '4 - lu:fbv,., I lra"'<f•oJd 2, .... ,. 1. a...;, ... 4 .... s ••• ., •• It .. ,s.,, ~ '"'-•·I '-• 9, loolloU. J 10, ... I It. II, l.tdo. 12 '"""........ IJ

Ro• 5 - '"''"' t· c .. l C•~ J, c.._.. 4 C."'!'IMll. S c.,... 6 c.,,..,.,.., 7 Cltial""''"'-' I C~-. o.n.. •· o.-• ., 10 c ... r-•• 11. 12 ci. • u

l.o""t-CA.pp, l1C.t\ l Cta'l" l c1- 4 Clo- 5 Com .. • c-. ,..f>r. 1 C....,w t C..l F. ' Cool R 10 eo.,.., 11: c.,o;. R I ti C .. b·• It. K I)

ko• 1 - Crowder I: Cflil~"''"'9' 2, O.h.1 l Oa 11:i.I .c Oe tl•"9 S o ..... • c • o. ••• ,.n. s. 1 o, .. ;"' I: Oa•.oll, t· D•"''•· 10· D•lt.10 11 OeM•e,fet fl De"'"•' 0. I l.

Ro w I - De""'~' R. I: O.t:'f;"'q• 1 0".t,k:\ l: Donat. A. -4 o..... R 5: Doolittle 6: Oon• H, 7· 0o .. ,_;,.q I: °'• 9•'• t: Du111ce111. 10· Owrtfi• "' 11, bcl.o•. 11: E<l1M'9. IJ.

Row ' - Eddi"'· t. Edqo• l Ed w1tch, I,. l: ~ ... arch. K " · Eq9t, S E.fteft.,.. ': &;ch o111 C 1 Ei ~\u,,

< I &id.o• .,. 9 E '...- ..., 0 tr• 111 E ..._ A f.

... IJ •0o• 10 - e-.,,,..._ l' I £.,. 9 2

f• fdh d ) f•'•"'•'\C." • f., 911M"' ~ Fer11tH •. Ftac.k 1 F;ta.S..m~

I f ''"""•"' t F t•ch..r 10 ~ 11. hu 11 f,.,.\ tl

l<>• II - fmtff I• • Fw"h l f.., • ., "' .c G. t • ti. s G•ll•"'•' • G.,,,. 1 6 ._..,. 5 G·'""' " • God·•" 10 Go•ta. 1 t Goocho- G 1 ? GoodlOA V. ll

lo• I: - G••"'•"' I I Gtet<it"" , 1 G,.111• l Gr•~ .a G''""" S G1H1t R .. '· G.u" R. L l. G1ffft • - . • Gt•"'· t ' GtO•• 10 Grill"' II Gru ... Hvd n G1.1.c:f1 I)

•o· I J - G"•"''"" a H•1•. ~ Hall•d•y )' Ha ned ~ rt.Ma• 5 H•"'l., • H ......... l H•'"lO"' C I Hefttoro K ' H•"""'°" '0 I-Mi~~ f I H•''"•"' • tJ' Hen-~ ¥.; fl

•o• 14 - H•n • Ha•c.t.. 1 Ha,,pt ) tihH .C H • • t !'!.'- 5 Hey uN • t4a1••9• 1 H .. •• I Heb•f' ' H• u I 'Q rte•• J I Ha4•1 l Hu,., '3

R • IS-rte .. tt I Mod'f•: .... u ........ ) ... oko ..... .. He · •'d S• H • • A • Ho-1 C.. 1 H>oid .~.. I Hi..cho- t ..... t,.... 0-1 .. 1\0 11 J.c ....... •e I? Jacotw• I)

Ito• I• - J•c.o-bt.o" f Jnoe. .. , : J.•• ...._ ) JeU: ag' .C J.l'IM• S J.-•tt •• L. 7 Jo-to" C I Joh•aO!'I L. t Jot!~ia i 10 Joht1SM. S I I• Joli."'!IO'\. W 11 Jot. t•"~"' I)

Sect'°" I a..., I - K.oi--.-r. I: (...,+., ~ !(,.\ti,.... )· <•- ti. c I( ~-r S W:"'oz+v~ 6 ICoe~ptr't ... ICo. I IC1a •• 9: 1(1eba 10! (~ ""'•U,. II K .. u. I? t..'1 • .., IJ

Ao• 2 - h"• I l..l'SoO-"I 2 t.. F.a.,_cn J Lalv!oo... -4 Udloiiftl, 5 Luo. • t.. .... ttOotia. J Lr.. is. I ltu • ur .. f!"t ..... p 10 l> .. dei.1 11 1.i ... d ., t? l,;pfa I)

Ito• l - L.o-9 I L .. "'Gq,..,,.• 1 ly••• l · "4.C-;d • • "4cCo., ;i_ S McCo-... T ... 6 UcD•"'~h.. "~ M~ OoM)v.9h I McG:iftt 9· ..,.cl•tyre. 10 Mc.t.: .. ri.... 11 • M•<l 11• ~ • .oo;n I)

A.ow 4 - M•911tn0"' I M•""i"q 2 Met•et ) Me""°"' <t M" o"' S: M•tloc.l 6• "-Aelltc\ 7 ~.,..,. ! .. M ... tt •· Mman:J tO: MiH•ot 11 • Mlnl. 12: MoH1d. fl.

lo• S - Mo,.tqo""• f"J. I: MOOf•, IC l Me>of e. M ) Mortc..1 •· ._,o"';" S MOli•"' .. "'· 6.•lo

* ., '• ..... I I Ne•'•• ' "- I ,..., ,.. ...__ 1:

S•M• tr- • - "'>e t N .,....~, : N ..

a.d J o.&..ta.. ' Ot ••' S> 01 .. .., • Cit.i-111 7 o-., .... Or· . ' Pe - 0 ,, ...... , 11 '•''-' .. )

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• ·~~· ''"' A 10 '•'•rs•• k t I '•••~". U IJ' P•..c.t I)

.Row I - ,_.°'' I ~ ~ 2 "••t e•H ) P'lG-!IJ,_ .C , .., ... •e S Po.J 6 p, ""e 7 ,roU•' I ,,111d•"t• ' t ... c;~J 10 •• ph 11 •·•-•l. t2 Rood C II

Jlv- 9 - R .. d 6 I ~. d. l 2 Jt,id a J S • R• d T S lti."""' 6; JI: d• t 1 l i<119• I Rob•• '°"' 9 Rocf9•ri 10· R 1" br f I 1to' 12 Ito'"•~.-. 1).

Ro· 10 - fh1k• I J.,.o• 2 l ... ,i:u l R .•. uot , ' 1 .. ne I s .,.."' • s.~ 1 s. ... 'k~• • "'"' _, Sc_h• •t.. I 0 S<"-«•'-"•' Sc:li1 ou.. 12 Sc-iwt-eboo"9'1' IJ.

le• f I - Xh.o!u I Sc.ho.le• : Sc.r•f-ford J S.a9r• •H.. 4 s.4-•1 • s s. • s,....d, 1 s....... • S .. -.... y • $>,opo.Q. 10 ~·•• 11 Slore•e 11· Sc!.toct I) 'c· 12 - s,i,.,. •" I 5.ppert J s.;... ) S.1t1l•CJ' s,...'" s s., cie,. !).,. " S.-,d•' ,.,. 7 S-,..,. S I So.Do ' Sp..-.-. 10 Spooc.o f I So.•S.-, 2 S-• ...... .... I) it~ I) - ~~~I S•• pk..,._

;: 1 S•sp••--se- P J S•••..- " s-:;:i;...,.. s 5,..,. ' s-......... 7 ~I S..-..h• ...... 10 iH 9"" It ... .. 2 • ••• 0 IJ

lo• 1.c. - i•1• S. I -~ it.. :z .... .o.oi-.. JP ) ·~ . ... " t""' -~--' S Too•• 6 TOf"1...,.. : !.., .. ~ I 101.!- V •·•~'~ 0 Tl'9t"" It ;n'"•"' t2 i"~c • ).

Row 15 - itii1;r.,_.,. l. I" T1o•ur • 2 ul' .. "-••• J v .... '9"'-'i L .. ' ;,o, .,,.q• \-.: 5 Vb • V09• ' .N,\ct,, 8· Wea.arNl~ ~ w •• a C : Y.:.,d H. 11 We,.,..• U w.w., B. ll

Q ,.. 1• - W•bc., '-A,. I Weitt'•' l w .. h J· w.nt .c Wepp •t s W),.t.,.., o- w:.._ •• 7, W.ero-. • W;\ ,. 9 W. -..i~ JO .. W, ,,.""' 11 W:t ,._ 12· wn...-~. J L. IJ

Ro• J7 - ~'°'"· J. V I W.od Z Won• l W"9;~· 4 w., ,. S WynKOOp, '· Yee9er, J 1 Yut•· ft I v .... J t 'rfl• 10 Y"'I


Fellow Democrats

f ' t-.ituln ~ 'UC .... u·lrnt .. "Ith t•md,· l"fo•I , tnn1mtH'11I ' ttrwr1 .... ntit l 1\ t· lr.101 ' nr ttl hJ ,h,, itnil 1)..· in••t·mt.1 ,. m dhlM•

h•r "' • 1 .. , I I n .. ~. t om J" h1 t i"'" lf'f t. aml t .. •I ' 1or lr at hdfh ~11 ~,. \ (~uni.;. I k·m ~ rM C 1uh oHld•I'-

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It was sad. •• •* tha t pnt ahlp weal down and the lu:t thu>s to lea•·~ tlw lillldnc 1lup wu

a bottle o! C«a-<:ola. That'• btca- all

handa llU~~ 10 Cokf to IM end. ~- th<'l'e'I

popularity! That'• the kind of loyalty

tb~ rparklin1 lift, w sood wu of Coke

enitndt·ra. llan w liffba.ll, havea Cokel • I E ~ REfRE.SHlll

8otlkd under o~ of The C--Colo C-pooy by