the n.i.j.c. cardinal review 16 (10) feb 28, 1962

Low Construction Bids Mi ke Other Buildings Possib le II .. no1 onJ, Ow ... .,..,. Karcb •WI Wludl b.u i..,n 1lnll• on tbe •AmPOI Ille IA•! '"' Wf'Cb Ltd1 lad: bu t..<n ""•line. IA>O One mlibt .. " ... , lbat bQJbod witb m All or tbil mrmmtnl Is ca-.! by tbe f•'l'Onble bid U... recrivod ror 1M .- •trucUon or u... Llbrar7-dam- ,_.. ud .bop WMa u... $411:1.000 bond ·- WU nm pc'OpoMd, It hopod, but DOI lbat would be cnwp moocy ldt tc. do .1<>•tb1nc with tbe old F'arr1cu1 buildlnc now be- tn1 ti.Md by t"" tlec'lton!Cll d<>- IUl"-ftL Now that lbe bldo hove bffn awarded, II 1ppe.vy. that not only Wiii lbtnt be enouch mon- ey to put 1 modern woodwork· tnc &bop bulltlln1 where th• f'1rn11UI bulld1n1 now fl.Inda. but lh•rc .. n allo bl! built 1 concrttf' block 11n10 and atonce 111...S 1dJ0111tna tbe new lhop bulldlnr Th• toll<lt board bu ln- otructod the arclutect. J11MS • llirb, to plln.t 1od •l*'tnt1t10111 ror 1 concreto block blllldlnc to replace tM prftf'nt electronlca bulldlnc. to be 1bou1 28 Ce.-1 by 120 Cwt lo 11u Th• n•w blllldlnc will be med •••hulttly r or wood -iunc ind pcrtiapo1 £1111111""' Tbf' areblt«U art Ibo pr .. puinc plula for a plain ton- c:ttt• block bulldlnr wllboot windOWI and •bout 40 rttt b)' eo fttt, which wiU bouae lbe two coll•C< trveb and provide oome mUfh nttdf'd otorap room. In 1dtllUon to the tour build lnp the Coll•s• Boord Hl*'\I lo hove contlnlrted. lbtl"t' wOI be money avall1ble to provide .ciu1pmtnt the bu1ldtop wtll need Errollment Of SJ) For Spri ng Se mester Sets New Record Al thr or re1iatrallon ror lhla M'mr•trr, 030 1tudtnta had \'nrolltd n111 hrure rtp- resentt 1n oC 103 O\'tr 14' t •nd •n ln<rt&M' o( 1111 o•"l'r tht oame lllOO datt P'r<'>hm<n num!Kr W. the oophomurt <IU• hll :u Th<l'f •ra t•o 1ud11on .and orw lal atudent f'l"nbman .,..1., outnumber l<malH, 183 to 101. la tbe oophomor•, tbtro .,.. 158 mrn and &4 "OCDC'A T1..-a1y-on• are •NOllecl "' aulo mttb&nlta, 31 lo 1ndll$- 1nal <l«'lrorua. Tb<r• are 37 pa..'1 Junc &ludcnu.. Some 80 atudtcu an eo- rollt'd ln CYCIUQ ct ..... T'twy are not anduded tn abo•,, f (to uru. CO!'J,'UNIST STUDY GROUP WILL MEET TWICE EACH MONTll A--llud)oprocram wtll be ... Id 00 tbe MtoDd and founh TUud&ya at .. cb month In tbe tvtlllq. F'uturinc recordtd taptt, .... iono. ind 'U'IOUJ lOPICll rel11od to communl&tn, the snm will 1tn·e to ln!onn 1tudtn11 on th<> •Yll•m ot com munllm. Toplco of etiwral am portanco wtll .,. th- con ... nr Sovltt U S relallono on matttrs 1n 1pee1no areu of tbo world Tbt P<Otrnm ,.,U be auptr· vi...i by lM NUC 11&1r A•)· OM may •tt•nct VOLUME XVI. HO. 10 COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY la, 1962 41 Wimers In Coll ege Tourney ready •o leive for P man to e-e..!:.,. he Rr.!; on 11 bowJ· nit tou I ::UC f!t .._h '"" U:"lt9 ht.m• wtftii tep ,...or. .., M o,.., brio"). left to r ght: i'trry !rn I!\. t: Ml•r, "" Ott..,, g,•1 J.acc'"'•"'• Doi:t Arthur Cfto wen f nt '" t'-.e dna c-v ,... -::I Wa1 1 !.1n.i=nerm .,._ Firs t Half Ch0fl1>S . .... On F'eb. &Del 18. sut bowl· ..... i,_ :-ouc pa1>apolod "' I Kmi filial tounwnezat oJ the N alional lnlCr<Ollesl&tt Bowl- in< lew"n.ament Tbt" -I WU held It Pllllman and 17 teams from II atend lbe loumamerL Si mon, Barnard Head Dea n's List - T!.o N:JC 1kftt tt,m &h:t'fm .. "''«' .-on tht fi"t t...itf i."a1p '" •"- d•Al•""e P -1.s :tff't at tt:• Hjyden Ltk• C""" C ub. In t"-• ,, er.: h df'''°' win the- nd h•lf. th.toy •II h••• :a.'oo!.af ror ,,., t I• •.th '"'• 1.cond htlf w1nn.n. T•am m..,,-ben, left ta .... .,,. 8 k f"(hw-G•f'Y }.anons. Ed .... UC. t.lle o"1y JUDI« ooll<"lt ID Ille l'lltCL compt'led apuut bowler& rep..-nlJ.lll mdl Khoob u Ille UmV'USlty ot. w..iun11.... the CDJ"'"'IJ' o1 WaMWlatcm. tbe Umftr'Slty ot CaUlorma at Berkeley, the Unhenuy ct Ort&on. ed Wuhinttoo 1'111-y Tbll - r.nt woe sue bu eotend a team. llecallM ot tltll. and bl!cawe or me ot NUC. the bowltn from NUC had lo C•I tbemothel ID· .-n<d. •a ID JJ>('U, lo lbc loW' namtot Th• Iii •bo rtpreHnted l'iUC were Don Anbur. Mike !'ccscr, 8'U Jo..i.oo. Tu17 Saulb, Jun Oloon. &J>d Walt Zimmtraao lo lbc "1-.t .-•-e:t lb•> 111, usm com- ptlltJon 14th lo lbc aat e•enl lbc doW>leo, U...) u;i.• u KW :-OfflCt"" ll. Tiie 1&11 ......... 1o •bicb lbe !'>"t.IC paruopated. .metes. proftd lo be the tap 1'111" tlMe.. 11wy .. p!Ured tint. MCOOd.. founlt.. ud peUlon !ram - o! the tarc...i ldaoob la u.c - Finl pbtt WUlllOI" - Don Anina, w1tb a f.ualalUt 1183. a -1bl• GIUoaal recon1. s.e.,. Clod platt to lil.ikr l\eeRr wllll e1s. flKltt.b pi .... to Walt z. ... _,,,.., Willi ll07, and lbr number eaibt llol to Jun oi.aa willl '11$ The bisbnt pine rolltd by 1 bowler from the other coll- wuYUS>ll<s WU A 812. Don'• b.i&b .... ,.. In lb. ainslH ..uiel booottd blJ tc0re 1D tb.e enouch to take l<COnd an tlw .-v•nt. Ills _,,n4-pl1ce flnlsb ean>ed blm I U'IJ> to lbc IUIUOnal f1a- al.I In Du !ololn•. Iowa. ID April f\n1 _,,,.d place linlln plaquu are beloc ...,. sr•••d. &lid wtll be mall«! to sue Ace '.di. • t 11&U1t1c1 re· 1eufd by uw te1U11&r'1 o!· nee. a:.XU'-111 t:ll•tlme a Cl• dt:!c 1tllde:ta &lid HTOll lct- d .. lrl&l atud1111a n.:11ed rra.S. pol111 u.-racca o! c: ltlc!wr :b• t1zst H::H· ta: ot the acbool J'e&f At the head of list •tre two "'al!a!sht A" H.l denta, Ana ll&nia.rd aod Bruct Sl=u;t., bo:b tres!:=.•n. O:bera wlt!i ntraua of 3. 5 or abot"e ••re Jud!tb Andtraon, Dian. AWJU.caon, sonna11 Coe· tello, Dan Dear.. Ttrtaa Good· Wlrl, Thrall L&M. Jea:i )IQQI• ball, Michael NtHtr. Ja-u 0' C null. J.dltb Doll· ald Ptoa1, Joen:i Pleltaratl, 1.a\tr::a kl:a:er. co:in:e 61•· be:::!laltr, alld MJ.drecl b!u. T!:oae a. to a rt £:!ward cuao:. \era Colli::s. C'Wlea Dalty, lola:y De.!b7. t.:•1:!:1 O.· Tls.lo!mUJ oa'1.a. n.:b 0e111111. Jaclt oert!:ic. Di:::ald D ecr!cb, Dlue DUCJI, E.atbn.u Dull· can. Bnlet £r1cbo:i, Rodpr f'eGC:!, Lota 1'1::slic:oca.Stt· G&!la!wr. S:e!Ua Cu•t:.tber. R. llal:sOll,. Sa:d:& Har· c!d, R&1 Har:. Belco. Jore• fl•l::e. L:rim JobcaQJI. C'an>! l.Ai.c=, Ldlu· tt:. lllc:lla• ll! llcl>Clloorh. C•· rc:ne l!ct:.t.rte. Ji: TOc llay,lr'.a llo:ICo:t•tJ. Jc· l!e 1.l::ra:o, DollAld, Etar· c:: 0"Cc.!:.!:t:1. C!';eatt: Park. RA!;;b Pore. Rc:l>t:': Rackell, SllarccS&leskJ, ).larll SCl:toc:k. Jack Sespuea. Patrick sea:c. PatrkJ.a S1lce, l\.aren sueeier Mar1 Anc C:idorwood, Glenn \"c", Matll111 llataon, Cb'de \teller,TheoAno \\Ullar:a.S&ra ll'ood, ltld Johll Yea11er. lcduaulal Electrontca atu· de111a "ho did "B" or btlter work ••rt O.llotd Adair.a, Hor- ace Barber, Ronald Crove,Jol111 Renfro, Jar.:u Shively, Oerald Sa:lth, Richard lllm::er. '\f'n, J•m Ac"U leapt.a "). O• · And•Mon. F'ont ro-w--K•rk Kutt• •r. Monte Fenct.r, Don Aleunder. LIBRARIAN RELEASES STATEUENT OF POLICY »n. Cbn1U11>10n, librarW>, .... ,.nlly releued a atalemtnt OD library policies 10 be ol>- Mncd b7 atudeota WIAC lbc libn.ey raoh11"' A""°rdlOI to :lln. ChnslJID• IOl1. tbe rollowt"' p..,,..,dure wllJ sovern lbe u .. or reaervc books: "Raerve boob ore b&- 1.oc handled tho aame as lut ltmtst.or Tbere b • llmlt or two houn durinc lbc day oo lb&lt boolr.J, but they tn11 be tbttked out II 3.15 ID •lac af. lC'rDOOn. Tbe7 ore to be returned be/ore fl am lbe n .. 1 momlna. U l.lley are returned late lll•re b • clurao ol 25 ccw toe lb• fll'lt hour o.-•r- wne ed fhe rtnt.s per hour alter WL lln.. Cbnstlallson alto ""'tcd that a omnber of blocnpblea cm ltadlni people cl our times are aY&i!Ab!c upon request. She aim ur1cd llUd<rlt.s to w.tcb btllltihl boards toe• Of OTUdlle boob, and ukcd toe tbe help ol otud•nt.a lo ltoppin& boot stulln,c IA llbnTT SENIOR HIGH GIRLS TO BE HOME EC GUESTS Sulc>r r:lrla from tbe bida ocboola near :.1JC are ll>Ull 1o be suesta or tbe H.,_ Ee Club u lbe dlllnn mtttilll on Mareh :e The of lbc dimaer ls 10 oequ11n1 lbc prlo wbo are col!.lldenq bome ee- ononu.,. u • carttr with the -1blllues In lbr field. Cb.Urman of I.lit din DU IJ Evel) n La•nt, Janel Ponoo .... Clono Prafke. and Sue Colll•r are comtnlttee members.. CLUB SITS M&l!TINGS Tho meeunp ol the Roe•• WllUauru Club (&ptlsll will be held du.rtn1 ocuva1y penoda • ...,..,. tint ind tblrd Friday o! llM! month. TbA! club m .. 11 an room 30 Music Deportment Receives Records To Cof11Jlete Coll e cti on Mr. &J>d Mn. W.,..i< Knudt..- ICD a! Coeur d'Alene lave p,... ltDtcd the coll•£• musle cS.- P>tUn•nl wilh SO 78 rpm clu- tical mUS&C albuma, containl.DS rKOtdlngs Crom Bach In Wac· ntr. Th•se records, alooc wtth pre•·1ous gl11 made by lbe couple some >can aso. i'"' tbe library a compl!lc Uon of Bcelbo\'llD 1 works tor and chamber musk, u weU u represenlllll•'ll worta from compo..,.. of 111 ptnods, lnclucllnf tontemponf) arusu. l\evual complc le sell ol OJ>- cn. lll'llh ... u.kJlo...,, tondlJt'o 10.-s and aolouu. are amons Iba choice tlellU The ..,..,r.s. anp are now beUll catalogutd and m11 be eboc:kcd out by su.dcota and taoully liltc Ill)' book Anotber addltloo to tbe ....,. on! llbru]r. wblcb will be anll1ble as soon as H .. ""' album ol popgW- mlUlc rclnsec! by tbc lkadc:n 011811 ua LP rttareh. MSU JUBILEERS ARE SCHEDULED FQq NEXT .1\SSEMBL Y '.IARCI! 2 TbA! Montana Sl•lt UniYt,.. ••t.J Jabllttn are xb.tdukd (or the Jttxt aSKmbly oa Fri• day, Marcb 2. Tbe Jubilttn, chonui ot auud vo1.u, all<> have an t:nP(t"mC'nl at the SpoU.111> Ctt)' Club on lhe ,...,. ntnc of the .. me day viJ>lUJI dlonui II SOI.DI In be the CUHI oC the NUC 1tudent.1 at a luncheon In lhe Studen1 Union before th•7 loave tor Spol<one. Tho •ludcnt body b ul<td to note tlaal wlU be three dNa penoda bef ore Ill• .. aembl7, wbkb will be&Jn al JO 15.

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College


Low Construction Bids Mike Other Buildings Possible

II .. no1 onJ, Ow ... .,..,. Karcb •WI Wludl b.u i..,n 1lnll• on tbe rollt~ •AmPOI Ille IA•! '"' Wf'Cb Ltd1 lad: bu t..<n ""•line. IA>O One mlibt .. " ... , lbat bQJbod witb m All or tbil mrmmtnl Is ca-.! by tbe ~ly f•'l'Onble bid U... coUoc~ recrivod ror 1M .­•trucUon or u... Llbrar7-dam­,_.. ud .bop ballcll~

WMa u... $411:1.000 bond ·­WU nm pc'OpoMd, It ·~ hopod, but DOI «"l*t~ lbat ~c would be cnwp moocy ldt tc. do .1<>•tb1nc with tbe old F'arr1cu1 buildlnc now be­tn1 ti.Md by t"" tlec'lton!Cll d<>­IUl"-ftL

Now that lbe bldo hove bffn awarded, II 1ppe.vy. that not only Wiii lbtnt be enouch mon­ey to put 1 modern woodwork· tnc &bop bulltlln1 where th• f'1rn11UI bulld1n1 now fl.Inda. but lh•rc .. n allo bl! built 1

concrttf' block 11n10 and atonce 111...S 1dJ0111tna tbe new lhop bulldlnr

Th• toll<lt board bu ln­otructod the arclutect. J11MS • llirb, to pre~ plln.t 1od •l*'tnt1t10111 ror 1 concreto block blllldlnc to replace tM prftf'nt electronlca bulldlnc. to be 1bou1 28 Ce.-1 by 120 Cwt lo 11u Th• n•w blllldlnc will be med •••hulttly ror wood -iunc ind pcrtiapo1 £1111111""' re~lr

Tbf' areblt«U art Ibo pr .. puinc plula for a plain ton­c:ttt• block bulldlnr wllboot windOWI and •bout 40 rttt b)' eo fttt, which wiU bouae lbe two coll•C< trveb and provide oome mUfh nttdf'd otorap room.

In 1dtllUon to the tour build lnp the Coll•s• Boord Hl*'\I lo hove contlnlrted. lbtl"t' wOI be money avall1ble to provide .ciu1pmtnt the bu1ldtop wtll need

Errollment Of SJ) For Spring Semester Sets New Record

Al thr ••~,... or re1iatrallon ror lhla M'mr•trr, 030 1tudtnta had \'nrolltd n111 hrure rtp­resentt 1n tntl"t•~ oC 103 O\'tr

14' t ~ ~•r. •nd •n ln<rt&M' o( 1111 o•"l'r tht oame lllOO datt

P'r<'>hm<n num!Kr W. the oophomurt <IU• hll :u Th<l'f •ra t•o 1ud11on .and orw :1~ lal atudent

f'l"nbman .,..1., outnumber l<malH, 183 to 101. la tbe oophomor•, tbtro .,.. 158 mrn and &4 "OCDC'A

T1..-a1y-on• are •NOllecl "' aulo mttb&nlta, 31 lo 1ndll$-1nal <l«'lrorua. Tb<r• are 37 pa..'1 Junc &ludcnu..

Some 80 atudtcu an eo­rollt'd ln CYCIUQ ct..... T'twy are not anduded tn abo•,, f (to uru.


A--llud)oprocram wtll be ... Id 00 tbe MtoDd and founh TUud&ya at .. cb month In tbe tvtlllq.

F'uturinc recordtd taptt, ind 'U'IOUJ lOPICll rel11od to communl&tn, the ~ snm will 1tn·e to ln!onn 1tudtn11 on th<> •Yll•m ot com munllm. Toplco of etiwral am portanco wtll .,. th- con ... m· •nr Sovltt U S relallono on matttrs 1n 1pee1no areu of tbo world

Tbt P<Otrnm ,.,U be auptr· vi...i by lM NUC 11&1r A•)· OM may •tt•nct


Wimers In College Tourney

~'lino ready •o leive for P man to e-e..!:.,. he Rr.!; on 11 bowJ· nit tou ~f'~I I tt~• ::UC f!t .~·o:'\., .._h '"" U:"lt9 ht.m• wtftii

tep ,...or. .., M o,.., brio"). left to r ght: i'trry !rn I!\. M~k• t: Ml•r, "" Ott..,, g,•1 J.acc'"'•"'• Doi:t Arthur Cfto wen f nt '" t'-.e dna • c-v ,... -::I Wa11 !.1n.i=nerm .,._

First Half Ch0fl1>S

. .... On F'eb. ~ &Del 18. sut bowl·

..... i,_ :-ouc pa1>apolod "' I Kmi filial tounwnezat oJ the N alional lnlCr<Ollesl&tt Bowl­in< lew"n.ament Tbt" -I WU held It Pllllman and 17 teams from ~lion II atend lbe loumamerL

Simon, Barnard Head Dean's List

- T!.o N:JC 1kftt tt,m &h:t'fm .. "''«' .-on tht fi"t t...itf ch~rn;Mon i."a1p '" •"- C~ur d•Al•""e P -1.s :tff't Tc-..,.,um~nt at tt:• Hjyden Ltk• C""" C ub. In t"-• ,, er.: h ~ df'''°' win the- ~ nd h•lf. th.toy •II h••• • :a.'oo!.af ror ,,., t I• •.th '"'• 1.cond htlf w1nn.n. T•am m..,,-ben, left ta • .... .,,. 8 k f"(hw-G•f'Y }.anons. Ed J.Ko~

.... UC. t.lle o"1y JUDI« ooll<"lt ID Ille l'lltCL compt'led apuut bowler& rep..-nlJ.lll mdl Khoob u Ille UmV'USlty ot. w..iun11.... the CDJ"'"'IJ' o1 WaMWlatcm. tbe Umftr'Slty ot CaUlorma at Berkeley, the Unhenuy ct Ort&on. ed Wuhinttoo ~ 1'111-y

Tbll - ~ r.nt woe sue bu eotend a team. llecallM ot tltll. and bl!cawe or ~ me ot NUC. the bowltn from NUC had lo C•I tbemothel ID· .-n<d. •a ID JJ>('U, lo lbc loW' namtot

Th• Iii •bo rtpreHnted l'iUC were Don Anbur. Mike !'ccscr, 8'U Jo..i.oo. Tu17 Saulb, Jun Oloon. &J>d Walt Zimmtraao lo lbc "1-.t .-•-e:t lb•> pal'\Jt.~ted 111, usm com­ptlltJon Ila~ ~ 14th lo lbc aat e•enl lbc doW>leo, U...) ~ u;i.• u KW :-OfflCt"" ll.

Tiie 1&11 ......... 1o •bicb lbe !'>"t.IC ~ paruopated. .metes. proftd lo be the tap t•~DI 1'111" tlMe.. 11wy .. p!Ured tint. MCOOd.. founlt.. ud eldilll~~-­peUlon !ram - o! the tarc...i ldaoob la u.c -

Finl pbtt WUlllOI" - Don Anina, w1tb a f.ualalUt 1183. a -1bl• GIUoaal recon1. s.e.,. Clod platt ~DI to lil.ikr l\eeRr wllll e1s. flKltt.b pi.... to Walt z. ... _,,,.., Willi ll07, and lbr number eaibt llol to Jun oi.aa willl '11$ The bisbnt pine rolltd by 1 bowler from the other coll- wuYUS>ll<s WU A 812.

Don'• b.i&b ....,.. In lb. ainslH ..uiel booottd blJ tc0re 1D tb.e 111~'"'"" enouch to take l<COnd an tlw .-v•nt. Ills _,,n4-pl1ce flnlsb ean>ed blm I U'IJ> to lbc IUIUOnal f1a­al.I In Du !ololn•. Iowa. ID April

f\n1 a~ _,,,.d place linlln plaquu are beloc ...,. sr•••d. &lid wtll be mall«! to sue

Ace '.di. • t 11&U1t1c1 re· 1eufd by uw te1U11&r'1 o!· nee. a:.XU'-111 t:ll•tlme a Cl• dt:!c 1tllde:ta &lid HTOll lct­d .. lrl&l el.ctt~lllca atud1111a n.:11ed rra.S. pol111 u.-racca o! ~. c: ltlc!wr :b• t1zst H::H· ta: ot the 1961·:~: acbool J'e&f

At the head of list •tre two "'al!a!sht A" H.l ar~· denta, Ana ll&nia.rd aod Bruct Sl=u;t., bo:b tres!:=.•n.

O:bera wlt!i ntraua of 3. 5 or abot"e ••re Jud!tb Andtraon, Dian. AWJU.caon, sonna11 Coe· tello, Dan Dear.. Ttrtaa Good· Wlrl, Thrall L&M. Jea:i )IQQI•

ball, Michael NtHtr. Ja-u 0' C null. J.dltb ~dtrae::. Doll· ald Ptoa1, Joen:i Pleltaratl, 1.a\tr::a kl:a:er. co:in:e 61•· be:::!laltr, alld MJ.drecl "rtt~· b!u.

T!:oae ne:ao~ a. to a ~ • rt £:!ward a.1~:. !)(.:~::, cuao:. \era Colli::s. C'Wlea Dalty, lola:y De.!b7. t.:•1:!:1 O.· Tls.lo!mUJ oa'1.a. n.:b 0e111111. Jaclt oert!:ic. Di:::ald D ecr!cb, Dlue DUCJI, E.atbn.u Dull· can. Bnlet £r1cbo:i, Rodpr f'eGC:!, Lota 1'1::slic:oca.Stt· •r~ G&!la!wr. S:e!Ua Cu•t:.tber. ~II R. llal:sOll,. Sa:d:& Har· c!d, R&1 Har:. ~;, Belco. Jore• fl•l::e. L:rim JobcaQJI. C'an>! l.Ai.c=, ~1,j Ldlu· tt:. lllc:lla• ll! llcl>Clloorh. C•· rc:ne l!ct:.t.rte. Ji: J.:&::..~. TOc llay,lr'.a llo:ICo:t•tJ. Jc· l!e 1.l::ra:o, DollAld, Etar· c:: 0"Cc.!:.!:t:1. C!';eatt: Park. RA!;;b Pore. Rc:l>t:': Rackell, SllarccS&leskJ, ).larll SCl:toc:k. Jack Sespuea. Patrick sea:c. PatrkJ.a S1lce, l\.aren sueeier Mar1 Anc C:idorwood, Glenn \"c", Matll111 llataon, Cb'de \teller,TheoAno \\Ullar:a.S&ra ll'ood, ltld Johll Yea11er.

lcduaulal Electrontca atu· de111a "ho did "B" or btlter work ••rt O.llotd Adair.a, Hor­ace Barber, Ronald Crove,Jol111 Renfro, Jar.:u Shively, Oerald Sa:lth, Richard lllm::er.

'\f'n, J•m Ac"U leapt.a "). O• · And•Mon. F'ont ro-w--K•rk Kutt• •r. Monte Fenct.r, Don Aleunder.


»n. Cbn1U11>10n, librarW>, ....,.nlly releued a atalemtnt OD library policies 10 be ol>­Mncd b7 atudeota WIAC lbc libn.ey raoh11"'

A""°rdlOI to :lln. ChnslJID• IOl1. tbe rollowt"' p..,,..,dure wllJ sovern lbe u .. or reaervc books: "Raerve boob ore b&-1.oc handled tho aame as lut ltmtst.or Tbere b • llmlt or two houn durinc lbc day oo lb&lt boolr.J, but they tn11 be tbttked out II 3 .15 ID •lac af. lC'rDOOn. Tbe7 ore to be re• turned be/ore fl am lbe n .. 1 momlna. U l.lley are returned late lll•re b • clurao ol 25 ccw toe lb• fll'lt hour o.-•r­wne ed fhe rtnt.s per hour alter WL •

lln.. Cbnstlallson alto ""'tcd that a omnber of blocnpblea cm ltadlni people cl our times are aY&i!Ab!c upon request.

She aim ur1cd llUd<rlt.s to w.tcb btllltihl boards toe• Of OTUdlle boob, and ukcd toe tbe help ol otud•nt.a lo ltoppin& boot stulln,c IA ~ llbnTT


Sulc>r r:lrla from tbe bida ocboola near :.1JC are ll>Ull 1o be suesta or tbe H.,_ Ee Club u lbe dlllnn mtttilll on Mareh :e The p~ of lbc dimaer ls 10 oequ11n1 lbc prlo wbo are col!.lldenq bome ee­ononu.,. u • carttr with the -1blllues In lbr field.

Cb.Urman of I.lit din DU IJ Evel) n La•nt, Janel Ponoo .... Clono Prafke. and Sue Colll•r are comtnlttee members..

CLUB SITS M&l!TINGS Tho meeunp ol the Roe••

WllUauru Club (&ptlsll will be held du.rtn1 ocuva1y penoda • ...,..,. tint ind tblrd Friday o! llM! month. TbA! club m .. 11 an room 30

Music Deportment Receives Records To Cof11Jlete Collection

Mr. &J>d Mn. W.,..i< Knudt..­ICD a! Coeur d'Alene lave p,... ltDtcd the coll•£• musle cS.­P>tUn•nl wilh SO 78 rpm clu­tical mUS&C albuma, containl.DS rKOtdlngs Crom Bach In Wac· ntr. Th•se records, alooc wtth • pre•·1ous gl11 made by lbe couple some >can aso. i'"' tbe library a compl!lc coll~ Uon of Bcelbo\'llD 1 works tor orcbe.slr~ and chamber musk, u weU u represenlllll•'ll worta from compo..,.. of 111 ptnods, lnclucllnf tontemponf) arusu.

l\evual complc le sell ol OJ>­cn. lll'llh ... u.kJlo...,, tondlJt'o 10.-s and aolouu. are amons Iba choice tlellU The ..,..,r.s. anp are now beUll catalogutd and m11 be eboc:kcd out by su.dcota and taoully liltc Ill)'

book Anotber addltloo to tbe ....,.

on! llbru]r. wblcb will be anll1ble as soon as H am·~ .. • ""' album ol popgW­mlUlc rclnsec! by tbc lkadc:n 011811 ua LP rttareh.


TbA! Montana Sl•lt UniYt,.. ••t.J Jabllttn are xb.tdukd (or the Jttxt aSKmbly oa Fri• day, Marcb 2. Tbe Jubilttn, • chonui ot auud vo1.u, all<> have an t:nP(t"mC'nl at the SpoU.111> Ctt)' Club on lhe ,...,. ntnc of the .. me day ~ viJ>lUJI dlonui II SOI.DI

In be the CUHI oC the NUC 1tudent.1 at a luncheon In lhe Studen1 Union before th•7 loave tor Spol<one.

Tho •ludcnt body b ul<td to note t laal wlU be three dNa penoda before Ill• .. aembl7, wbkb will be&Jn al JO 15.

~s.~:~.!~8!~~ ~ 11 .. .-....-.. ...... NOATH IDAHO JUNIOR COLU6E ~ I cow•• IYAl.BIE. IDAHO

Editor ---- Jim Manni.,. Aa-1• .. Edlto< _ Morllyn Wotwn Pl>ol09,.p1.wo Gerold Boan. Poul Wo,_,-9.,.1,,... M•.._,.r Robert Mod~'n Clrcufat;:.n ~.,c~r _ Joh" Camie REPORT ERS: JCNnM .!>c.,!u.on. Ron G•ary., Dof'Othr CoJ.. ton, Ann• Muie C••n,, Ann Bernard., Dlane Dixon, Jim o·ConneU, Guy Pharnnt.. Rof'i1 J.,' n.s.on. Jud,. Ande,... "°"" ICatf.r Ounc• n. Joann Pi..Urtlcl.. Terry Goodwin. LM !WwklM

In rettDl •eds. 1 numb<r DI UldJ>1duab b .. u·e rpoten lO tlae 11ud•nll or NUC utll•lf 1h1t •tudenta partletpa&e more Ktl<"dy Ill txlna-<'WTlcular !unetlon1. Thue lnd1Vldu1la b••• btto nWnly coa«rntd with 1eUlo1 • larscr •ludent turnout 11 the ~ bulttlboll pmea.

Tb~ ld•M ~nd lbe pleu c f thHe 1ndi'ridoala •~ ('ft't..ain,lJt sound onee, 1lntt 1l It <•ldt-nt lb•• bella tbe Kbool ud the nud•nlt IH-nnfil rrom alhl<ll< pro"1' on nd other oalrll<U:rll» lar ~ttl\lll~ !hot ••• ~ cll·•Upportrd by l~ stu~~nto.

C<r' •int) the·~ tu ' . ' ' l•::dor1 •hould I>< COlllm.nd•d rar u.. ~!ton.s lhc) .,_.J'C nio11d · · d .,. r tlras: t.!:.e Ltwkcl Uunout at 1'.> <"boll i:on1 .. and Iott...,. nr ~ -.nMnl>it;11 of tlae nr-11uckM club It 11 eneo11ra11n: lo note the tr~ 1-10 allend•r:<'· al b~111• ba>f.••t.U r•rMS Ibis 1eor-.. 1 tnabOll lb•l I • dJrttl l"Cllllt or t ~. 1mpr0Hmtnt In tJae tam 11114 Uleir ~bedu!<:.

!IJ •c•<r. ono of lhe 1rcumcnl1 wh1eb lh•1e studrats han w:d to ltnd support lo thtlf 1dNs 11 dd1rutdJ not IOCID4. Ja.. rittd, 11 It t&Llttly 111 .... That ..-,umcnt la lhe n:e:Uoo tlaot studen , bl\ e •n obllrauon 10 !UJ>l>Orl the ~•tball tum by >ller.dor.~ th• vmcs and lD h•lp the •ano11.1 ICbool o~ by p .. r1:clpaun1 •CU•·•ly in them.

The pnmary rcuon why 11udents 1ucnd coll•&• la 10 ....e.., acadrmu~ tra1ninc. Bf!<'1u·~ no ~ll!"Ct' scudtnt r'~ pa)"I tbt ea-. lire coot or ha coll<i:c lu1n111( himsdf ll could be ari:ucd lllat a 1tudont LI obll~•ted 10 make th• ma.t or ha collef<" eduatioa. t· en lo lb• tJtteat or par11cip•Un& in Uu-a......rricular llC'llnlleS that uc pertinent lo h,. Ocld ot 1tudy.

Ho· •Hr. b•· no rt'3 "'n•ble •!retch or t.hc lmo~inollon CIJ1 •lk'ndir • b" kctb:lll '""' ~ comtrued to be! a Dfttaary part o! 1 col :• co oducallon. The same can br wd con..,m1nr pubd­poUon on """l of the clubo and oth<r orpniDllons at •II) colkce

It un be 1ttn. th•n. lh11 lhos<! 1nd1V1duw who bnc been l><•WIC lhc drums for ouch thuig., as b<llcr allcnd&D<e at basket· ball pmca hl\00 veered OH lhc trick or locJcal lhOllChl wtth t.htir "•lem•nto t.hal 1ludon1& bl\·t an obllgation to alltod the Cardtnab' pma and to bo acU•·c In enra-curncuur runcuam. Sud> stalc!Mnll aound cood al pep nallies. bul lhey jun don'I -bold W•ler"

T'bc Id .. or • "•tud•nl obllgallon" 11 on old one. and sen.,.. ally il wouldn' I merit co111idtt1Uon In an edJlorual llowcvor, In ""'""I WOtlka ll NIJC, lhla ldCI hu formed lhc b..U f..- I OUC1· b<r of dcro~11ory lnslnualloiu thot hi'< bttn brouchl out at lluclent UM'mblJes and which •'ttt' umed al t.h- " udeol& wbo don't all•nd the pep rallles. cames. and 11udmt bocb mtttln&a. and who don·1 partJe1pal• 1n llChool orpniUuons.

It Wlll completely unfolr of tht Individuals "ho mode these inslnualJoos lo imply lhol 1om• lludcnca wrre lc1una down th• NIJC lludcnl body b)' nol acth·r In lludcnt atralnl. >.. bu t.e.n SUled. ll la not nttt-.ils a duly of coll•"' 11ucltnt1 to al· tend funcuoru and )01J1 rtucknt dot..

II 1ttma lo lllb writer lllat the pep rallies and lludeat body mttl1J1p 11 NIJC h.-c bttomc 1arply 10nlimeoW aob 161>aaa 11 which lbe •tllvt studcnia assert lhe .. holl•Nban·lbou" •llltude which lbcy bold towuTd lh< Inactive llUdtDlL Bttausc lhe lnac­U•·· atudcnu ore never lh•.,. lO ddtnd t.hcm,.hu. tbe ICtl"" tudents find 11 lD put on tbeir •in of ouper ICbool Spull

and dtnounc• th• lJll<tJ•• .iudcnts with •ucb emplJ arsumcnts u lilt 1lud•nt obllpoon ldeL

Tb• ayatcm. wblcb IJ lO ptt..,ltnl at NlJC. of encouncuis 1tudcnt1 to I>< active In student funcUons by tdl1n1 th=. ln dfttl. tlaal lbey ""' slot. If lhey rdllSe to be aeti\·e la not ~t­ine With mucb suttea at lhla coll~ Two reasons for this lad: ol lll<ttllf are II) Sllldentl doal lib to b« told they are alabs. 12> Onl1 the fllllible studo.oto ""' taken 1n by lbe "ll!Udeot obb­poon "bou.

Since the aforementioned l)'Slem 1.111'1 C<llinC students lD pu­Uclpote In lchool •<llvlllos il ..,..... thot a new "11t= should .,. tried.

In oplllJon of lhla wnter, there la on1Y OD< Qllem lhal will rttult an ... ID~ In student LDlensl ... sdlool ICllYIUeL Thal ml<'m as on• U1 •lucb each orpalzauoa 111 w sdlool cam­,.u. _,th the ot.bu orpn\uuoru: for the atuduts• interest. Under lb.ii •n••m. each or1anlulioo would attempt lO pill po.r­Ueipanl& (or •~toton. u the ....,. ~) by o!ftnnll ....,.,.. lllinc lO the lludeots tlaol the>y would really <JQoy. rather tban oCftntti • mecboett prop-am bocked by llCllWDmt&I 1ppeals to llle Alldtnia' loJ&)IJ and Khool splnl.

Be!orc any real pro.,.... c>11 be 1111cle lolftl'd lncruslnf atudont 1ntertll •nd p.trtic1paUon, two d>111sea must OCC11T. f\nt. 1ndJVldu11t ,.ho kttp brinconc up lhc Jtudcnl obU,.llon llCU· inenl mlbl rttOIJUS<' It for what u ii-a inaw>dlea. Wo&iell •du-and !My must scrop 11 far new. oohd ~1111. Sttoad. lhc \'1ln<>UI atudent or:•nwiUoGS must otrcr new and Ill~ procnma wfllch "'" •tlnel •ludeots on lbetr =nll aloae. wUJ>. out the pennonl·wa• on; appull lO Sludcnt.1' ICbool oplnl.

ll unnol I>< dcDJcd lhat the studonl a1Utude toward estna· • UIT1c:ula.r funrtaoo.s ti an tmpOrl.AJlt factor lD the formataon ot lh• "publ>c unace" of a.117 coll•s• !'or lb.a re.uon. !Ill.JC ....Wd p'Ut1J profit &om an aell•e , bedy -JM


MISSOURI LUNCH 110 SM-n ... .- A.,-• • Co....r IAH-.e


leooer Printing Co. 216 fol.-~ St .• M°""-' <..:l lot

Your Officers Km Benuta Uca, NUC'o

atuclent bod7 -..,.. &Dd - ol tile mo.t lntn­ntlns. and lrlmdly ltllclenca on cam.pua, WU boni urlr U1 llN2 ... XelJoa.

llenuta bu h....S - ol bcr Ilk In and llnMIDd c:o.ur cl' Alene and bu a.llcdlecl lbl lrade ldloolL SM snduaW!cl from Coeur d'AJ- Rieb Scbool In 1ll80 and wtll owto-

au from NlJC thll opnJI&. Ill lalP Kbool.. Ille ..... • twirler fJrr tlae be"4, Wiii ID IM °" c'-n. G.S.O.. Nmw'1 Cab, Uld G.C.A.. She at.o toot piano and .saw. 1._ and tau.cbt I ~ adaool c1- ol four­TUMJldo. whldl &be llill do4I DOW lier tan'al llobbiea ._

- ol - bliuiac. ........ bor-. and people. Benilta b ~ In -uJ

wnrlt 1114 plom 10 co Oii fer two mart )'Ura ot co~ at Caldwdl. Sba pi..., lO com­plete t- )'UJ"I ol. cradula wort after ,.....,,... w bacll. elor deci-.

She now ~1pataa 111 oe .. en! 1'1JC llC'llnl141: LSA. cbor­ua. ~141. drill tum. md A .-S. u -U u 11r:M'1A1 u •ludlm boanl .....r&f1 la Ille I.oiler cap.c17, .» a­the dtslrt for more ltlldtnll lo l&lle l.D lnier.t In adlool and partldpau In acthitleo

SOUVENIR RECORDS " /l(oop A Roe.,./ Ol /1"

- M~ 4.559'1 ?U si..-.. A-.



P .. O• C M01111••~ .._...5J6

100 H ''"' 5T•"n cocu• 0°AL CN~ IO"-"O







IU.J.C. REVIEW. Coeur cl'AI-. ldoho, F.twuory 21, 1'62 G


11le Spuu1h Oub m•l Feb. 19 to elect iww oltt""" and to mall:e pl.ona ror a cand)o &&le. Past Y-Pr.lclent 8W Jacob­IUI WU 1A11aJkc1 II pcwjdc.Dt

toe the -.i - and members el~led Co11111e Sie­bct.baler u .ice prw;deot.

!lfemben d«lded lD Mil cao47 In order lo rai.w mooey Medad lD bQ)' • dock rcr the St:. A .-..ult"' ~ o1 Lela Pol.and. Fw l'Mlell. Coo­Ille Si.ebenl.b.Uu. Uld lllartlyn w- ... 1ppolllted to ....... ~ tbe ..UYllJ

n.e D<Xl ~ ol tbe clull wtll be beld X.-la s In


The Rome F.<oaomla Club recctl7 crdored club puu far memben ud theu 1dvuon. n. pill la 1 ai.erhJ11 11.hv tl!pha ol the lleUJ Lamp. ~hlnf pllll .... Loll .,.,..

Simm0111, Jurt Andcnoo. DI· llM -.i. l>IA1>e Duoa.. Amil Howl&lld. \.'tta Colllm, Sllm'oa O°CoGAdl. S.-.. J.,.. ....._ Motl1JD :-i1", N &JIC7 <:nmloa. ~ Carmen. J1n41 Po....,.., Marl\lerilo 'l'bclter, LllaAI Enria. Glom ~ Dana lldl•k Marr DeU Ruld. S.. ODllior, !lfn. Sllualwa. and Jin f'ndrik. -. lhal are anllol>Jc to them.

Tbio IWIUDU BenUll will ln"1 wlLll hu ~Ill ~. wi..r. &lie wtll llAve opponw1!17 to .,_ lier ~arellll-andlO - the CUllOIJll Ind oJ&hl& Df a fottlp land. 'Ille _, of ber cnndmothcr WU ldllad ID the Wlr IJ1d Jaio pkwre la DOW ~ In a cothednl Ill Ella· land. 8enuta ber inn~ mother at.o pl.all lO •bit llle Cl~

Woodcock's Drug Store Conch1 - Sundre

PrHcriptio<ls nl H. Fewoh SI •• C.- 4'Ale ..

French Che Will Convert SU Into Cafe For bquet

Tiie ~ Olul> la ba1J wlth for their an-a banquet whldl wtll be bald OD Korcb SI In the SU bulldlns. Mn. Stbrock wlU ~ tJae moal of IJplcal htndl food.

Tiie •tudtnt omloo wtll ba '*"nted UM a 17P1<a1 ~ l"Mtaunlll With road dMdad table dotha, CH4141 bum! ... ID belUel. and -- ol l'uta ell.blbllcd around lhe room. n wW be • mldclle<t.. ..... ... rant Willi the food oo lbe table ad • ...,.....,. ........., blm9oll '1'kn Will be th1" ...... and thrw WOCMll walllra and wait.­...-., who wlll be d~ In htncb cootumn. 111e~ will be a Door lbow

followtnf llle dlnDer. ud plam are be111& mad. for oe--1 dance numbera. n-tndl folk ..,..,. will alto be ~

All -~... .... urred lo 1uend U.. bt.nquel, and tbeJ cu bri"' a cu• for 111 add!· uoD&J s1 so. nrM -~ •bo p&ld !Mir d-111d dropped OUI ol P'reftdl are remlllded U..l they have paid for th<lr lldret lO U.. bonqucl and are wekome lo 111end..

Tbll 7ur the "'°~b Club bu IP'OWll conoldtnb\J In a. and the benq11«l will be bluer and b«lter lll1I yur. (Slnc:enment. Votn nporter)

PLAN RUMMAOI SALi Delta Kappo cbopler ot Pbl

Thell Kappe la plan.nlq a rummaio aale 1n the near fut· uro lD raile money lo aend del•ll•lea lo Ille nollonal coo­~nuon In BIJoJU, Stud· call are asked lo aave their rull\tM(a for thia ll&le.


REHT SAi.ES REPAIR o .. 1t101 & Typl•1 S..,,11••

INTIRSTATC Tv,1w•1rr• Co. 4 17 S".,,..._ A.... • ....... 4-)411

DrPepper Dl lHI( IT F• OSTY


Ort PEPPER n.. ..... 4,, ,.,,.,.u"*"'

SPECIAU Coin Operated Ory Cleanlne

Wed. & Thurs. Are NIJC

Dollar Savines Days! Full 9 It. Load

only SI.SO

Typical Looi/ Co•a/111 01 J Slt/ rt1, 3 s .. ocrtors c$ L l9h1 Jocko1

"' J SIOJC, 2 Sport Shlr11 & L l9h1 Jociol


IUH. 4ti.

8 :00 - 5:30



,_ I , •• •eat~se••

4noqNEY ouruNEs Assembly Speaker LEG4L pqQFESSION 111n Ueal. the Gold1noom .. ot FQq srnv1cE CLUB Descr1"bes Tour Of the KremJJa and a number or

l&moua cbatcbu •blcb bu1 Al • rettnl mttU~ ~ tbe bu n CODYtrted Into lllUllWU,

~;~~~ ~~~ Russia's Moscow ~~1~~11a"i:::.u:.~:~·. • loul otio.mey Mr Haaulton Tbe februorr 14 aaacmblJ' Jet alrpon and a cremetorr en• an 1ntornuu>e Wl: on marked a chaos• In 1b1 usual •here 40,000 bod! ea ore th• lepl proleaion procedure or coodacUac tb btoucht each 1nr.

Studying At NIJC plelllltl (" Ibo Ul11Yera.lt1 ol

At lb• m•<llftl:. p11111 were atudent pthertnp. On t~ Mr. l.lcGlade revealed a num· aho mode tor tbe dub to rent quest or tho 1roup or 1overl1ln& bcr or atartUnc racte . SJ ace ao plllowo to 1pe<:t.ators at forth· ortlcera Crom each claea. the Cod Is •orablpped In Rueala, «>mu>a bukttboll pm~ ui tile atud•nt bodt Proeld•nt •111 no runerala are held but thou sue &Ynt. now bell a Heh uumbl1 b1 tor lllcb mlUta17 otncJala. Med·

Mr lbebe. spo,,_ or the lndla1 rh atudeata In the lcal science la deal111ed tor dub. relal<'d plans lot' llw ale Pledce ,r Alleslanct and tbe muau. •lrh crude proce-or pop by tum.s !or tbc ~ pfa1tr. dares ud 1.Datrumenta and a<>-K Club and w Card.ual ..,.... atertle co!ldll1oaa. Nuraea re-

~~. 0 ~ .... ,., ,.., dub. CranrMcO.adewaatbeaput· ce!Ye $IS to n 4 per lllODlh. At>0lbe1 sr.:dent Crom All1ca 5'ntt w rant .. _,. er at tte recent f'tbrt:&JY U doctois, sa~ to $130 per monrh.

haa 111.10Ued 11 SIJC tllla u::· tnda havt bttn relused. tbe aasecbb at S!JC B• related Man la considered ror b1a ma· eater Sh la A;:;eU• B. II* Cir<le K Oub as mabnc p1am th• !acta ot a ••cent atp to tertal use olll.r and women Corm tenia frot11 Ta:p.nytka, Eaar for t'fttlYUlC ....., -.nben. Ibo 1:.S.S.R. tbroucb the ase la art or the •orlttna Alr!ca qatntb' 01111 a tow a:• able to or colored •lldea and locnue. ~orc:~l~c be&Y1 wort ln Rua·

LUI st"'eater lollH Wbetenp attend colltae there. \II. and Mra. McGlade vlal· sla. attended Rol1 Sames Collect Mlaa Mbtker.p la :altJ11r a led Mo.cow, Rwlsla, Mr. llcGlade alao commented In Spolrane. She tranare11ed to senora.I cour•c at sue. Sb• 117 :o p1her lnrora:artoa about on orber ooHceable tacta In NlJC btca11ae she tboucb1 •h• plans 10 return to Alr!ca. •bere Ruoslan runeral cua1oma. While Mosco•. There le • coneral would Ute 11 hue. bor rather owna a coffee pla<>- lo lbe SOY!tt Ul1lon. tbe1 were lack or cars and other Hema we

Mlae Mbeten1a came to rhe 1&!1011,aC..1cor.:ple:inrbers1u· l.l1 Moecow •hlch Ibey uiured deem nccessltlca In rhe u . s. u. S. In Sep1embe1 or 1961 be· dies at NIJC In a rent~ car baY!nc a driver There Is 70 eq. n. per pera.on cauoe ahe •ant.ed IO receive a A 1ra.n1 Crom !be u. s. Sl&te and wo:un au1de. Lenlncrad In Moscow.and lhet:ulde 11&1· collue education. She pointed Depancenr laaldlcc Illa• Mbe· A>enut wu the main uiplc or "'•"' llcGlod• ed tbatahe Uved In her "own" out thar East Attica b.aa onlJ' tenp In her erron to recelYe !be l&lt, and alldu Included atudea1sl. the CtmeteQ" tor 2· room apartment - with two _o_n_•_u_n1_•_e_ra_1_11_._•_n_d_c_o_ne_•· __ co~l-le~s~•-1ra._1n1~n~s~------'M~os~c~o~•:.....c·~·~bl~ch!.!...~ba~•!....:l4~·~0~00~~0~u~ta==la=n=dl~n~1~P~e~o~p~lt~(~•~b=•~·e~L=•~--~oc~b~e~r-'~·~m~11-1_e•_· _____ _

when Jim.m.y grows

as big as

his shadow

.•. the frtt v.orld he lives an will be using almost • million g•llons or pcrroleum c>ery minure.

Th•t's abour 60" mon: th:in 11 UJC$

lod.&)-by 1971.

When: v. all 11 all come from?

From hundreds or places on earth ) ou might nc•er eJtpcct oal to cxm. R1gh1 now, ror eumplc, Standard's eAplorn taon teams arc probing 1hc ocean noor mony males out to sea .•• trekking across Arnbaan dcscns, mor~cd "inaccessible"' on maps.

01hcrs arc chmbing over gl•c1ers an Al;»ka. pushing through the snow into lhe rroun interior of unad:i, slogging through the jungles or Latm Amcnca

In lhe ten years. gcologisrs from Srandard and its affiliates explored an 47 countnes on sax continents.

11 rhe acarch paymg off?

Yes In 1hc Unatcd States alone, we round two new barrels or oil rorcvcry b3m:I we took out of the ground.

The scorch will conunue to help make certain that Jimmy nnd his gcncrauon will have rhc oil 1hey need ror an evcr·eJtpandang number or, mechanized farms and 1ndu11ncs .•. a.nd provide chcmacals from perrolcum th:u .. ;u help iMkc po.sable mon: cxating new producu..



Hawks Edge Clllfs In First Meeting

On f"•b 17 lb• Colwnbl• Bu1n H•wb ecli;ed th• :\1JC C.rdJn•ls. 63-61 Th• c.rdinw ltd throul!houl much or th• ~•mo. but IM lhwb ouueottd th•m In lb• second b>IJ Th• C•r<U robounclcd ••JI OD the orrenslve boudt. but ttpe•l• d­ly miJUd shots under the bHkH

Rich ...,,...,.. for lb• w!nnln1 Columb1.1 Basin tum were C•PPI and Bodford wilb 17 poants a pit'tt

Dour P•ters led all ..:ormo 1n th• cam• with 20 talUu Irv Du.c 1ddod C: polnla (or th• Clr<U Oilier Cmlin&J pt.) ers wbo ICOttd '"'" ••re 8111 ~lrttlc'r and Leroy VlcM with nine coch. Oo!ID Dua11 With r ... po.nia. Pat Seal• wllb !our pnlntt. and Jobn Pulcr Wllb IWO po1nti.


Pr<s1don1 K1ldo" lefl )t>l<r· d•y lo allond the annul.I meet In~ of the AA.JC •I ,O,,n,·er If• will Mlr'< on th• nomiaatanc commllltt Dr Klldow acn·td •• AA.JC pttsidoal ID I~

From Ibero he will ~ ID Portt.nd On Mao<h 3 he will mtt:t wuh :an 1nt~rim commit· ltt or the Wulunoilon lt 1ul•· tutt, wbicb u malting • itudy ot Wulwlston JllDlc>r colics• la" He r=nlly sen·ed u cbl.U"mln of a fh·~stat.r e\'a1u.· auon comm1Utt for t• ·o \\·uh· lngton 1unlor colleaes. ln 11.1 ttport the commiucc recom· mended some rcoppraisal o1 Wu h1n11Da's Junior college op­ouuna s>·stcnt.

On Mareh 5, Dr. Kildow wlll partlclpa1c in In • panel db­cu<\lon on coll•l6<0mmunJ\y relallona durlne a conventJon of the Northwest Collece Pub­lic R•t.Uona Assn . He will ...,. tum on MIU'Cb 6


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP f., Ouat.+y u d s.,..,;c:•

,. • MOt>e•• 4-lt45 Of' .._... ... ,

lrJ $.lie~• A.,,.. • Co.vt GAi•"•


h More Fun ....

~ r'f!,..t

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Dr fnnttl Ruzd. wbo l.lucbl at sue lut J<U, has ttlUMled 10 talt• OTU Kn.. $calol' VOCIDC)' She is teach· I°' thrtt aec!JOCU o1 ~ a and on• teC'lloa ol Bnlllh lllUllUtt

Dr. Heard .,.. born ln Elk· ton, ~Id., and has atldlded WtlleaJ•1 Colltr• and J ohna Koplllns Vruven.l:l' She hu taullbl "' N•w York Slat• Col-

l•ce fi. Teodaerl. Sew Jnwf Colltet fi. WGmCA, DOY

kDowa u Doadu ColJes<. a.a .... , Cotai•. 8.oba:1. .uad Wilham Smith CoU .. cr. lDdiana Ulll\'<nll)'. and M<Cot Coll• ua Johna Ropkins C

She and her family came ID Idaho fi•1' years a~ wbu llr Heard rellred. havan& solf!Cted Idaho o>er all the tbtn 48 1t11cs In which to ll••· i\lr Heard Is a retlred embryo!~ II.II Th• Hearda hA" OM Slrl aod t•o bo) s, ., .. 12. 10. an4 9 )tUS.

Dr Hoard"1 bobba .. ll> mounwo cllmbiQC, ~ and rtadlni. wtien JIM bm IUM

Sb• beloais lo the Coeur d"Al•no dl.lpter or Lbo WnW-1 Leacut. She It ,......,. lnluoc.d In bettor ld>oolin1-

Dr Hoard M• NIJC &Dd onJO) a be1ni back apu>. Sbr Ilk.. th• tn!ormahlt) and the frl•ndlln .. of the colltce. Sb.o wllbea more audoata wett moNO acadomle. but •pprtt1.11 .. tho difficulties under which m>n> of them labor


Tbe ch..,,. bas • l f!Cted ,,,... 0U1rers for tbi.. ~er. 'Ibey &re. Kenzut KJ•bert. pruulent; Bruce Sunmoas. vino pruidenl. .uid llike llcDonOQ&b, libnr-1>11

At ll.m< the group >1

wwkua& bard OD a procnm of h; ht musk ror Cwdantt DoJ. Nattb 14.. ln add1uo11, small band ensembles Will be featw-· ed. Al noon hour ~ will be a pr.,..01.1uon by duo p1anuu, Vor&••• Lucas and Delores De Lua, \ObO lft pupils Of

flo D>vu. The orp.n wtl1 al.lo be rea1ured. with R.uth Dton&s pbYUI&

Cords Lose To Gonzaga Frosh In Final Minutes

Lui F'rlda1 tbe 1'1JC c.rdl· ...a dropped • dOM conteot ID th• Conup rro.h. '1C).Q. Tbe cam• WU pla,red at NlJC u Ibo prellmlnary 10 th• ld&bo Slate eou.,..conQP u. cam•. woo b1 ISC, as. 7'7.

Doll£ Ptttra Pl>Otd NUC Wlth 21 polola l..oro) Vache a~ 19 and ltvin& Dual 14 for- tho Cord&. OOrr JCOnai .,.. dono by Pal s.ate with 8 and John PJJ<ler With 2..

Bit iun for the GoaQp f" tOlh .... t cinrard Cb..,lt liar­~ wilb :II r.!4 on lldd pot. ll<f"atl>nd bad H and Jobnioo adcltd 10.

1be cu lro&b plded "" •i:bl -.. po101.1 at lbe ,,..,. lbrow hM than did the Corda. Thal finre pro.-ed 10 be the •-I marcio or the GoDD.p ..,,._ Conup had 18 foula caJIPd on l~Jll and l';UC WU peaalucd 19 tamu

:00LJC bao Ont l'tllUll\UIJI pmt tbia 1ou10n. al Columbia Bul.o JC In I'-. this Solar da}

Ed M~ors Appe~ To Be Class Of lntrOJllJral league

Tlk ,,,... od>c"'1 HIDC<ler baa Msnalled the be""""'' ol lbe mo·1 unnmunl t...abtball l~e Gama ba•• boeo ldledultd at 1.2'30 pm. ••('!y Wood.ay, Wednuda1. a o d 'l'llunda)'. S11 teams are enter· od In lbe leaiuo thla , ....

WUh I be M<Ond Wftlt ol play jU>t flnlslltd. II loob hke Tum 3. w tduuuoo mafon. ..._, be th• ra.-ot11e. TbeJr m.anhaodl!o& ol the tnalnttr­IDC bo1S by a IC'Cml ol Ul2 Ill 1111 - ID lndlcala lots al powv Bob Emehiwr, Joe Pet­tit, and RoW.t JoblllOD led t.he Wllll>rn with 39. 28 an4 :!: pouits roopefll•el)'. 'TbeJ, too. are leadl.n& ocorers of the leaiue.

Othrr ac:tJOD dunlll tbe Wttlt &r'O<IWd spirited pt.1 u e>'identtd by the I.arc• nwnber ot apeetators on ba.nd for the pma u i. auuClled a11 par­t1oJ1W11.1 chock lb• achedwe 1.o tile ball ID noid aey forfvl.I. Tbert must be fhe playen on tile Door by 12 30 p.m.

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MODERN DRUG CENTER Prescription Sp~cialists Gifts A Spec.olty

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