the genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 ·...

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 3 The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the Szekler Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 1 Miklos Botha, 1,2,3 I. Valentin Petrescu-Mag, 1 Claudiu Gavriloaie, 4 Cristian O. Coroian, 5,6 Zsigmond Rákossy 1 SC Bioflux SRL, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 2 Department of Environment and Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 3 University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania; 4 Faculty of Animal Science an Biotechnology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 5 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania; 6 DSVSA Harghita, Romania. Corresponding author: Z. Rákossy, [email protected] Abstract. In the last 1.5 decade in Romania has launched a few very important breeding programmes in the field of rabbit breeding. Namely three rabbit breeds were created in a period of ten years (this period represents the time from the start of the first project until the three breeds were officially recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development through the National Livestock Production Agency "Prof. Dr. K. G. Constantinescu"). Before 2016 Romania had no certified rabbit breed. The three rabbit breeds we are talking about are: Rabbit of Cluj, Giant of Transylvania and the Szekler Rabbit. The latter (Szekler Rabbit) has its breed standard published in 2016, were three color variety is mentioned (the black sallander, the havana-sallander, and the blue-sallander color variety). The creation of the black sallander Szekler Rabbit was previously described in 2015. So far there is no publication concerning the creation/development of the havana-sallander and the blue-sallander color variety. Therefore the present paper aims to describe in detail, step by step the havana color variety breeding programme. Briefly havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit descends from the black sallander Szekler Rabbits, which was infused with havana color gene (bb). The infusion crossings involved the French Lop and Giant Papillon (the solid color variety) and California (havana-himalaya) breeds certainly all of them havana colored. During the breeding programme, beside the new/external blood infusion through the three breeds mentioned (havana gene carriers) also consaguinization was used in order to stabilize the color pattern. From here it can be deduced that the havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit has a polyphyletic origin. Although the havana- sallander Szekler Rabbit is a very recent creation, it is already present in the rabbit shows, attaining very promising results even in a national show in Romania in 2017. Key Words: polyphyletic, O. cuniculus, taxon, color variety. Rezumat. În ulimele 1,5 decade, în România s-au lansat câteva proiecte foarte importante în domeniul zootehniei care au vizat punerea bazelor pentru cele trei rase cunicule autohtone actuale. Concret, în decursul a zece ani de zile s-au creat trei rase de iepuri (Iepurele de Cluj, Uriașul de Transilvania și Iepurele Secuiesc). Menționăm faptul că înainte de 2016 România nu avut rasă de iepure omologată/recunoscută. Cele trei creații cunicule românești au fost atestate în martie 2016 de către Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale prin Agenția Națională pentru Zootehnie „Prof. Dr. G. K. Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate trei varietăți de culoare (sallander-negru, sallander-havana (ciocolatiu) și sallander-albastru). Publicarea standardului a fost precedat de o publicație în 2015, care descrie în amănunt etapele creării Iepurelui Secuiesc varietatea sallander-negru dar nu și a varietăților sallander-havana și sallander-albastru. Din această cauză am considerat oportună, descrierea amănunțită a proiectului Iepurele Secuiesc varietatea sallander-havana. Pe scurt Iepurele Secuiesc varietatea sallander-havana descinde din populația de bază Iepurele Secuiesc standard cu infuzie de gene havana (bb) din mai multe surse (diferite rase). Rasele care au concurat la aportul de gene havana au fost: Marele Berbec (variatatea de culoare havana), Pestriț Uriaș German (Janet-havana) și Californian (Himalaya-havana). Programul de creare/ameliorare a Iepurelui Secuiesc varietatea sallander-havana a implicat atât încrucișări de infuzie (cu aport de gene străine cu ajutorul celor trei rase purtătore de gene havana) cât și consangvinizare, cel din urmă, în vederea fixării caracterului culoare. Din cele menționate anterior se deduce faptul că Iepurele Secuiesc varietatea sallander-havana este de origine polifiletică. Cu toate că vorbim despre o creație foarte

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Page 1: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 3

The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the Szekler Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 1Miklos Botha, 1,2,3I. Valentin Petrescu-Mag, 1Claudiu Gavriloaie, 4Cristian

O. Coroian, 5,6Zsigmond Rákossy

1 SC Bioflux SRL, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 2 Department of Environment and Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 3 University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania; 4 Faculty of Animal Science an Biotechnology, University of Agricultural Sciences and

Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 5 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj,

Romania; 6 DSVSA Harghita, Romania. Corresponding author: Z. Rákossy, [email protected]

Abstract. In the last 1.5 decade in Romania has launched a few very important breeding programmes in the field of rabbit breeding. Namely three rabbit breeds were created in a period of ten years (this period

represents the time from the start of the first project until the three breeds were officially recognized by

the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development through the National Livestock Production Agency "Prof. Dr. K. G. Constantinescu"). Before 2016 Romania had no certified rabbit breed. The three rabbit

breeds we are talking about are: Rabbit of Cluj, Giant of Transylvania and the Szekler Rabbit. The latter (Szekler Rabbit) has its breed standard published in 2016, were three color variety is mentioned (the

black sallander, the havana-sallander, and the blue-sallander color variety). The creation of the black

sallander Szekler Rabbit was previously described in 2015. So far there is no publication concerning the

creation/development of the havana-sallander and the blue-sallander color variety. Therefore the present paper aims to describe in detail, step by step the havana color variety breeding programme. Briefly

havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit descends from the black sallander Szekler Rabbits, which was infused with havana color gene (bb). The infusion crossings involved the French Lop and Giant Papillon (the solid

color variety) and California (havana-himalaya) breeds certainly all of them havana colored. During the breeding programme, beside the new/external blood infusion through the three breeds mentioned

(havana gene carriers) also consaguinization was used in order to stabilize the color pattern. From here it can be deduced that the havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit has a polyphyletic origin. Although the havana-

sallander Szekler Rabbit is a very recent creation, it is already present in the rabbit shows, attaining very promising results even in a national show in Romania in 2017.

Key Words: polyphyletic, O. cuniculus, taxon, color variety.

Rezumat. În ulimele 1,5 decade, în România s-au lansat câteva proiecte foarte importante în domeniul zootehniei care au vizat punerea bazelor pentru cele trei rase cunicule autohtone actuale. Concret, în

decursul a zece ani de zile s-au creat trei rase de iepuri (Iepurele de Cluj, Uriașul de Transilvania și

Iepurele Secuiesc). Menționăm faptul că înainte de 2016 România nu avut rasă de iepure omologată/recunoscută. Cele trei creații cunicule românești au fost atestate în martie 2016 de către

Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale prin Agenția Națională pentru Zootehnie „Prof. Dr. G. K. Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

trei varietăți de culoare (sallander-negru, sallander-havana (ciocolatiu) și sallander-albastru). Publicarea standardului a fost precedat de o publicație în 2015, care descrie în amănunt etapele creării Iepurelui

Secuiesc varietatea sallander-negru dar nu și a varietăților sallander-havana și sallander-albastru. Din această cauză am considerat oportună, descrierea amănunțită a proiectului Iepurele Secuiesc varietatea

sallander-havana. Pe scurt Iepurele Secuiesc varietatea sallander-havana descinde din populația de bază Iepurele Secuiesc standard cu infuzie de gene havana (bb) din mai multe surse (diferite rase). Rasele

care au concurat la aportul de gene havana au fost: Marele Berbec (variatatea de culoare havana), Pestriț Uriaș German (Janet-havana) și Californian (Himalaya-havana). Programul de creare/ameliorare a

Iepurelui Secuiesc varietatea sallander-havana a implicat atât încrucișări de infuzie (cu aport de gene străine cu ajutorul celor trei rase purtătore de gene havana) cât și consangvinizare, cel din urmă, în

vederea fixării caracterului culoare. Din cele menționate anterior se deduce faptul că Iepurele Secuiesc varietatea sallander-havana este de origine polifiletică. Cu toate că vorbim despre o creație foarte

Page 2: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 4

recentă, varietatea sallander-havana a Iepurelui Secuiesc este prezentă deja în expozițiile cunicule, având deja în palmares rezultate foarte promițătoare obținute chiar într-o expoziție națională în România

in anul 2017. Cuvinte cheie: polifiletic, O. cuniculus, taxon, varietate de culoare.

Kivonat. Romániában az elmúlt 1,5 évtizedben, az állattenyésztés terén, néhány mérföldkőnek számító kezdeményezés látott napvilágot, melyek a nyúltenyésztés szakterületén valósultak meg. Konkrétan tíz

év alatt három nyúlfajta lett kitenyésztve (a Kolozsvári Nyúl, az Erdélyi Óriásnyúl és a Székely Nyúl). 2016 előtt Romániának nem volt saját elismert nyúlfajtája. A fentebb említett három Romániai nyúlfajta

2016 márciusában hivatalosan is el lett ismerve a Romániai Földművelési és Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium által, a „Prof. Dr. G. K. Constantinescu” Nemzeti Állattenyésztési Ügynökségen keresztül. A Székely Nyúl

fajtastandardja 2016-ban lett publikálva, melyben három színváltozatot említenek (a standard fekete szallandert, a havanna szallandert és a kék szallandert). A Székely Nyúl fajtastandardja publikálását,

2015-ben megelőzte egy részletes publikáció, amely a standard fekete szallander színváltozat kitenyésztéséről számol be, viszont nincsenek megemlítve a havanna szallander és a kék szallander

színváltozatok kitenyésztésének eljárásai. A jelenlegi dolgozat ezt a hiányt kívánja részlegesen pótolni és célja a Székely Nyúl havanna szallander színváltozat kitenyésztési programjának részletes leírása.

Röviden, a Székely Nyúl havanna szallander színváltozata kitenyésztésében, a standard fekete szallander populáció szolgált alapul, amelyet különböző fajtákkal való cseppvér keresztezése, majd kismértékű

beltenyésztés követett. A cseppvér keresztezésben a Nagy kosorrú (kosorrú óriás) (havanna színváltozata), a Német tarka óriás (havanna-zsanett színváltozata) és a Kaliforniai nyúl (havanna-

himalaya színváltozata) kapott szerepet. Az említettek alapján, azt a következtetést vonhatjuk le, hogy a

Székely Nyúl havanna szallander színváltozata polifiletikus eredetű. Romániai országos kiállításon először

2017 decemberében volt bemutatva havanna szallander kollekció, ahol a nyulak 95, 96 pontos eredményeket értek el. Ezt követően több helyi, valamint zonális kiállításon is sikerrel szerepeltek.

Kulcsszavak: polifiletikus, O. cuniculus, taxon, szín változat.

Introduction. The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) proved its socio-economic importance worldwide since ancient times (Petrescu et al 2013; Petrescu-Mag et al 2012;

Dalle Zotte & Szendrő 2011; Mailafia et al 2010; Moreki & Seabo 2011). In Romania, O. cuniculus was introduced before 1900, for hunting purposes. In

most of the European countries where it was introduced O. cuniculus populations are extinct in the wild. Among the reasons for these extinctions are mentioned the nature of the soil, cold winters, predators and pathogens (Oroian et al 2014).

Although Romania possesses all geo-pedo-climatic conditions for rabbit meat production (even for export), the only profitable rabbit farming activities in Romania are oriented to brood-stock production and pet animal production (Blaga & Burny 2014).

Many researchers has been conducted experiments on the genetic determinism of O. cuniculus colors, just to mention a few of them: Robinson (1958), Vintilă (1981), Sandu (1986), Griffith et al (2000), Botha et al (2011, 2013, 2015), Pusta et al (2013), Petrescu-Mag et al (2012, 2016), Covrig et al (2013), Oroian et al (2016), Grădinaru (2017), Grădinaru & Petrescu-Mag (2017). The comprehensive work of Ilyés et al (2016) presents the Romanian cuniculture achievements concerning breed creation up to date, which proves the current and continuous avocation of the researches in the field of the rabbit breeding/improvement.

Although the Breed Standard of the Szekler Rabbit (Botha et al 2016) mention the havana-sallander color variety beside the standard black sallander (Figure 1), and blue-sallander, there is no mention so far concerning the creation/development of the havana-sallander color variety, of which individuals were at low number at that time, and were

present mainly only in the possession of some breeders, but was not exhibited in rabbit shows. Once the havana-sallander Szekler Rabbits population increased, and they are consistently present in rabbit shows, there is a need for more knowledge concerning its background, and a detailed description of its breeding agenda.

Therefore the present paper aims to describe in detail, step by step the havana-sallander color variety breeding programme of the Szekler Rabbit.

Page 3: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 5

Figure 1. The standard black sallander (original).

Because there are significant differences between the nomenclature of the rabbit breeds according to different standards (European Standard – Entente Europeenee _ European Association of Poultry, Pigeon, Cage Bird, Rabbit and Cavy Breeders (; American Standard - The American Rabbit Breeders Association (; British Standard -The Rabbit British Council ( it is important to mention that the present paper uses the nomenclature of the breeds according to the Standard for the judgment of the

exhibition rabbit acknowledged by the European Association (2003, 2012), and Standard (1991, 2005 Vol I & II, 2010). First stage. As a first step the genitors were chosen. It was obvious that the starting biological material will be the standard black sallander Szekler Rabbit population. Secondly, we needed the havana gene (bb), and therefore we had to choose a breed which was available in our country (Romania) in a high quality, and exhibit the havana

color phenotype. In this order the first attempt of havana gene (bb) infusion has been performed in March 2013 applying an infusion crossing, using a French Lop buck of havana variety (aabbCCDDEE) (Figure 2 - Cuba) upon a standard black sallander female (aaBBcchdcchdDDee) (Figure 3 - Ludmilla). From this mating, a black colored male was kept, which already was a chinchilla and havana gene carrier (aaBbCcchdDDEe) (Figure 4 - Ludovic).

Page 4: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 6

Figure 2. French Lop, havana variety (aabbCCDDEE) buck (original).

Figure 3. aaBBcchdcchdDDee female (original).



Page 5: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 7

Figure 4. aaBbCcchdDDEe buck (original).

Second stage. Shortly after the first stage, in July 2013, a standard black sallander female (aaBBcchdcchdDDee) (Szeplő – Figure 5) was bred with a silver fox/frosty (in German: schwarzgrannen) colored male (Rizsa - AaBbcchdcchdDDee) (Figure 6), which was a havana gene carrier. From this breeding a standard black sallander female (aaBbcchdcchdDDee) (Figure 7 - Mystral) was kept for further breeding. This female (Figure 7 - Mystral) was bred with a son of Ludovic and gave birth to several havana-sallander colored kits (Döbrögi (Figure 8) x Mystral -> Menyét (Figure 9), Habakukk (Figure 10)) in

December 2014.

Figure 5. aaBBcchdcchdDDee female (original).


Page 6: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 8

Figure 6. Silver fox/frosty (in German: schwarzgrannen) colored male (AaBbcchdcchdDDee) (original).

Figure 7. aaBbcchdcchdDDee female (original).



Page 7: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 9

Figure 8. Döbrögi, son of Ludovic.

Figure 9. Döbrögi x Mystral breeding.



Page 8: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 10

Figure 10. Döbrögi x Mystral breeding.

Third stage. In the spring of the 2014 a standard black sallander offspring of Ludovic and a standard black sallander female, were bred (Döbrögi x Nymeria) (consangvinization), and this way was obtained the first havana-sallander individual (Ingrid) (aaBbcchdcchdDDee x aaBbcchdcchdDDee -> aabbcchdcchdDDee) (Figure 11).

Figure 11. The first havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit (doe) (aabbcchdcchdDDee) (down), and its genitors (up) (original).

Fourth stage. In 2015 the havana allele was infused from a new source. A havana colored doe obtained from the crossing of a havana French Lop and a havana-himalaya Californian, was bred with a phenotypically standard black sallander buck, but havana gene carrier (aabbCchDDEE x aaBbcchdcchdDDee). From the mentioned mating a blue

Döbrögi Nymeria



Page 9: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 11

eyed, phenotypically havana colored but sallander gene carrier female (self chin havana – aabbcchdchDDEe) was kept for further breeding (Figure 12 - Boglár). This doe was bred with a phenotypically standard black sallander, but havana gene carrier (aabbcchdchDDEe x aaBbcchdcchdDDee) buck, and in a percentage of 25% gave birth to havana-sallander


Figure 12. Havana colored female (self chin havana – aabbcchdchDDEe) (original).

Fifth stage. In 2017, in order to improve the body size and ear posture, infusion crossing was performed, using a solid-havana Giant Papillon buck (Figure 13 - Ion) upon havana-sallander and standard black sallander females. The result of these matings has materialized in obtaining havana and black colored females (Figure 14) of which descendants in a proportion of 25 and 12.5% respectively were already havana-sallander colored (Figure 15).

Figure 13. The solid-havana Giant Papillon buck used in the havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit breeding programme for phenotypic (morphological) improvements (original).



Page 10: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 12

Figure 14. Direct descendants of the solid-havana Giant Papillon buck (Ion) and havana-

sallander and standard iron-grey sallander females (original).

Figure 15. A produce of the second generation (F2) after solid-havana Giant Papillon infusion (original).

Barni Havana F1B

Black F1A

Page 11: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 13

The so called “by-products” and their utility. During the havana-sallander breeding programme, numerous black (aaBbCcchdDDEe), thuringer (aaBbCcchdDDee), havana (aabbCcchdDDEe), and havana-thuringer individuals were obtained (aabbCcchdDDee). These so called “by-products” were successfully used for further breeding, because for

example the havana-thuringer (aabbCcchdDDee) individuals were havana-sallanders by only one allele lacking (Figure 16).

Figure 16. The so called “by-products” (aabbCcchdDDee) obtained during the havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit breeding programme (original).

First show up at a national show/exhibition. In the case of any new biological creation, in order to be well known and recognized by the authorities, it is a mandatory action to present as many individuals as possible in official exhibitions and shows, where the animals are subjected to qualified evaluation (judging). These kinds of evaluations are important to establish the genetic value of the subjects, and helps in the further breeding programmes planning. This is the only way to obtain genetic progress, and to be sure that the breeding schedule don’t get to a wrong way or get stock on a blind alley. In this order one collection of the havana variety of the Szekler Rabbit has been presented for the first time in the history, in a national show, in December 2017. A “collection” consisted of four individuals of both sexes. After the judging commission evaluation, the results were more than promising; the exhibited individuals get a score ranging from 95.00 to 96.00 points, which qualified the rabbits in the Very Good category (Figure 17).

After this first successful performance, the Szekler Rabbit havana color variety, participated at several local and regional shows with the same eminence.

Page 12: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 14

Figure 17. Szekler Rabbit (havana variety) judging cards from the Romanian National Exhibition, December 2017 (original).

Genealogy. Since the Szekler Rabbit project started, a Breed Registry was prepared. Nowadays, the Breed Registry is conducted under the auspices of the FNCPPAMR (Federația Națională a Crescătorilor de Porumbei, Păsări și Animale Mici din România -

National Federation of Pigeons, Poultry and Small Animal Breeders from Romania) (Ilyés et al 2016). In 2018 more than fifty havana-sallander individuals were officially registered at national level.

Page 13: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 15

The most recent quality and uniformity of the havana-sallander variety of the Szekler Rabbit. At the time when the breed standard for the Szekler Rabbit was published (2016), the individuals of the havana-sallander variety, did not exhibited a clear and drastic drawing/color pattern (see Figure 18). That time havana-sallander

Szekler Rabbit population exhibited a wide range of tones (from very light to very dark) and irregular characteristic body drawing. We can say that in 2016 a heterogeneous state characterized the obtained individuals.

Figure 18. Havana-sallander (color) variety of the Szekler Rabbit at the time of the breed standard publication in 2016 (Botha et al 2016). Some very recent obtained individuals (2018 breeding) reflect the state of the breeding programme and the quality of the havana color variety of the Szekler Rabbit (Figure 19). Although even nowadays a slight difference in the color shade and in the characteristic drawing can be observed, in two years (from 2016 to 2018) a significant genetic improvement was achieved, which gives to the population a more homogenous aspect (Figure 19). The stabilization of the phenotypic characteristics (color and drawing) was obtained by applying a very strict breeding programme, where only the outstanding individuals were promoted for further breeding (selection = reproductive discrimination). Of course this kind of measure always leads to a limited number of individuals, but it is absolutely necessary in order to improve the population quality from generation to generation.

As the selection pressure is performed through the male individuals, it is mandatory to breed the selected females with a male which is at least a class quality better. Therefore the selection intensity is always higher for males than for females. Only this way it is ensured a genetic progress through generations. Since the chosen methodology proved to be more than satisfactory, there are all the reasons to follow this trend, at least for the near future. Although the havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit population is large enough to avoid repeated inbreeding, there is not excluded future infusion crossings.

Page 14: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 16

Figure 19. The most outstanding havana-sallander Szekler Rabbits up to date (original).

Köpcös Anubis

Hérics II. Kömény

Auss Coboly

Kökörcsin Krimhilda

Page 15: The genetic base of the havana-sallander color variety of the … · 2019-01-22 · Constantinescu”. Standardul rasei Iepurele Secuiesc a fost publicat in anul 2016, unde sunt menționate

Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 17

According to Pusta et al (2013), we recommend rabbit breeders to solicit the advice of specialists so that by cross-mating to obtain the desired results. Conclusions. Beside the coat color, the main conspicuous reliable mark between the

standard black sallander and havana-sallander Szekler Rabbits is the color of the eyes, which are bright, of dark gray color for the standard black sallander, and light blue for the havanna-sallander color variety. In only two years of improvement, a drastic positive change can be observed in the color phenotype of the individuals; the color pattern/marking is clearer, and the contrast is evident.

Considering the path of the havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit, it can be deduced that it has a polyphyletic origin. Although the havana-sallander Szekler Rabbit is a very

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Rabbit Gen, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1. 19

Received: 05 October 2018. Accepted: 28 November 2018. Published online: 04 December 2018. Authors:

Miklos Botha, SC Bioflux SRL, Romania, Cluj, 400488 Cluj-Napoca, 54 Ceahlău Street, e-mail: [email protected]

I. Valentin Petrescu-Mag, SC Bioflux SRL, Romania, Cluj, Cluj-Napoca 400488, 54 Ceahlău Street; Department

of Environment and Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania, Cluj, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, 3-5 Calea Mănăştur Street; University of Oradea, Romania,

410087 Oradea, 1 Universitatii Street, e-mail: [email protected] Claudiu Gavriloaie, SC Bioflux SRL, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 54 Ceahlau Street, 400488 Cluj-Napoca, Romania,

e-mail: [email protected] Cristian Ovidiu Coroian, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Science

and Biotechnology, Romania, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, 3-5 Calea Mănăştur Street, e-mail: [email protected]

Zsigmond Rákossy, DSVSA Harghita, Romania, 530240 Miercurea Ciuc, 14 Progresului Street; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania, 400372 Cluj-Napoca,

400372, 3-5 Calea Mănăştur Street, e-mail: [email protected] This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which

permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

How to cite this article: Botha M., Petrescu-Mag I. V., Gavriloaie C., Coroian C. O., Rákossy Z., 2018 The genetic base of the havana-

sallander color variety of the Szekler Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Rabbit Gen 8(1):3-19.