talent development maersk

7/23/2019 Talent Development Maersk http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/talent-development-maersk 1/82 INDEPENDENT STUDY TALENT DEVELOPMENT IN MAERSK GROUP THAILAND SASIKAN NESTSAWAT GRADUATE SCHOOL, KASETSART UNIVERSITY 2009

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Independent Stud

T!"ent De#e"$p%ent &n M!e'() G'$up T*!&"!nd


An Independent Stud &n P!'t&!" +u"&""%ent $ t*e Re-u&'e%ent(

$' t*e M!(te'.( De/'ee $ u(&ne(( Ad%&n&(t'!t&$n

G'!du!te S1*$$", K!(et(!'t Un&#e'(&t


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Sasikan Nestsawat 2009: Talent Develo!ent in Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&. Maste" o'

$siness &!inist"ation* Ma+o" 'ile&: $siness &!inist"ation* Inte"national M)

P"o,"a!* In&een&ent St$&- &viso": M"s. Ha"$t%ai N$!"ase"t%ai* P%.D.  a,es.

T%is "esea"% ai!e& to st$&- t%e onet o' talent &evelo!ent i!le!ente&

in Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&. T%e "oe&$"es o' talent &evelo!ent '"o! va"io$s so$"es we"e

ollete& to o!a"e wit% talent &evelo!ent "oe&$"e o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&. T%is st$&-

was &one 1- $sin, "i!a"- &ata '"o! in&et% inte"view. Seon&a"- &ata was o1taine& '"o!

"esea"% ae"s* t%eses* te3t1ooks* +o$"nals an& we1site "elate& to talent &evelo!ent.

T%e "es$lt o' t%e st$&- s%owe& t%at Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& %a& a s$ess'$l talent

&evelo!ent "o,"a! w%i% was alie& 'o" 1ot% new e!lo-ees an& $""ent e!lo-ees. T%e

talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& e3ten&e& to two ,"o$s o' e!lo-ees

w%i% we"e Mana,e!ent T"ainee (M.I.S.E) an& Hi,% Potential e!lo-ees (HIPO). T%e

o!an- %a& t%e s-ste!ati "oe&$"es to !ana,e* i&enti'-* $tili4e an& "etain talent in o"&e" to

'ill in t%e talent ,as 'o" s%o"t an& lon, te"! 1$siness nee&s.

Even t%e o!an- %a& e''etive talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! w%i% wo$l& 1e t%e

 1ene'iial ,$i&eline 'o" ot%e" o",ani4ations t%at wo$l& like to al- talent &evelo!ent  "o,"a!

in t%e o!an-* it was i!o"tant to note t%at &i''e"ent o!anies %a& &i''e"ent $lt$"es. In o"&e" 

to ,ain t%e !ost 1ene'it '"o! t%e "o,"a!* t%e st$&- o' a&vanta,es an& &isa&vanta,es o' t%e "o,"a! s%o$l& 1e &one t%o"o$,%l-.

  /  / 

St$&ent5s si,nat$"e &viso"5s si,nat$"e

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P"o1le! State!ent 6

O1+etives 2

E3ete& ene'its 2

Soe o' t%e St$&-



7onet o' Talent Develo!ent 8

Talent Develo!ent P"oess 6

7onet o' E!lo-ee En,a,e!ent 22

Ove"view o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& 2

elate& St$&ies 0


Data So$"es 2

nit o' St$&-

Tool o' t%e St$&-

Data 7olletion ;

Data nal-sis <

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Talent Develo!ent P"o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& 8

P"oess o' Talent Develo!ent 9

ene'its o' Talent Develo!ent P"o,"a! <2

T%e 7%allen,es an& Di''i$lties o' Talent Develo!ent P"o,"a! <<

Dis$ssion <8


7onl$sion   8;

eo!!en&ations 8<


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6 Sa!le o' o"e o!etenies 6

2 Sa!le !eas$"e!ent sale 'o" t%e o!!$niation o!eten- 6<

E3a!le talent o!eten- assess!ent 6B

; Sa!le o!eten- assess!ent 69

< St"ate,i a"oa%es 1- e!lo-ee t-e 20

8 C$estions #$i&eline ;2

Pe"'o"!ane ,"o$in, ;<

B Pe"'o"!ane !ana,e!ent ,$i&eline ;8

9 Mana,e!ent t"ainee t$"nove" <6

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RE P!/e

6 ?o$" &i!ensions o' e!lo-ee en,a,e!ent 28

2 H$!an eso$"es o",ani4ation %a"t 29

MISE otation

; Pe"'o"!ane )"aisal ;6

< Potential atin, ;6

8 Pe"sonal Develo!ent lan ;

Pe"sonal Develo!ent Plan a"ea no.6 ;B

B Talent Develo!ent P"oess in t%e T%eo"- 82

9 Talent Develo!ent P"oess o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& 8

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It is wi&el- "esete& t%at skill o' t%e e!lo-ee is one o' t%e to ke- to s$ess

'o" an- "o'it o" non"o'it o",ani4ations ,lo1all-. Skill is t%e a1ilit- o' t%e e"son in

&oin, o" e"'o"!in, sei'i t%in,s. Eve"- o",ani4ation t"ies to i!"ove e!lo-ee5s

skills wit% !an- !et%o&s i.e. t"ainin,* +o1 "otation* et.

In t%e !o&e"n o",ani4ation* t%e te"! skill %as 1een e3ten&e& into talent

w%e"e it inl$&es t%e attit$&e inte,"ate& to,et%e" wit% skill. Mo"eove"* t%e talent also

!eans t%e a1ilit- to a&at t%e!selves wit% t%e %an,es w%ile still 1e a1le to &elive"

t%e i!"essive "es$lts '"o! t%ei" +o1s.

In 1"ie'* t%e !o&e"n o",ani4ations to&a- seek 'o" wa-s to i!"ove an& !ana,e

t%ei" e!lo-ees5 talent "at%e" t%an na""owl- 'o$s on skill like it &i& in t%e ast.

P'$4" e % S t!te%en t

T%is st$&- takes t%e ase o' MESF #OP THI>ND* t%e wo"l& la",est

s%iin, line (a vessel oe"ato") '"o! Den!a"k* w%o ontin$o$sl- a-s a '$ll

attention on e!lo-ees5 skill &evelo!ent. t its %ea&G$a"te" in 7oen%a,en*

Den!a"k* t%is s%iin, o!an- %as sta"te& $ a s%iin, s%ool 'o" its e!lo-ees to

st$&- va"io$s i!o"tant a"eas o' s%iin, knowle&,e '"o! vessel onst"$tion to

inte"national !a"iti!e an& lo,isti "e,$lation* '"o! t%e s%i oe"ation !ana,e!ent to

t%e 'inanial !ana,e!ent.

D$"in, !an- &ea&es o' t%is s%ool in "$nnin,* it %as "o&$e& !o"e t%an

60*000 ,"a&$ate& st$&ents w%o a"e e3ete& to 1e t%e -o$n, skille& wo"k'o"es 'o" t%e

 1$siness e3ansion ,lo1all-. T%e E3e$tive T"ainee P"o,"a! %as 1een esta1lis%e& 'o" 

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!o"e t%an 60 -ea"s to 'o"!ali4e t%e lea"nin, !et%o&s 'o" t%e -o$n, ,ene"ation wit%

 otential !ana,e!ents w%o %ave asse& t%e to$,% s"eenin, an& "e"$itin, "oesses.

ntil t%ese &a-s* t%e o!an- sta"ts to "eali4e t%at 'o$sin, onl- on skill

&evelo!ent is not s$''iient to ,et a '$ll ont"i1$tion '"o! e!lo-ees. T%e attit$&e o' 

t%e e!lo-ees is also "$ial to t$"n t%e skill into visi1le "es$lts to t%e o",ani4ation.

Mo"eove"* t%e e!lo-ee &evelo!ent %as to 'o$s not onl- on t%e selete& ,"o$ o' 

t%e ,oo& "o'ile sta''s 1$t also on all e!lo-ees t%"o$,%o$t t%e o",ani4ation.

T%e"e'o"e* t%e talent &evelo!ent %as 1een 'o$se& an& t%e s%e!e settle!ent

%as 1een sta"te& $ to&a-. T%e talent is e3ten&e& to t%e skill on t%e &ail- wo"k* t%e

a1ilit- to a&at to %an,e* t%e inte"e"sonal inte"ation* t%e "eativit-* an& t%e attit$&e.

Talent is st"on,l- 1elieve& to 1e t%e ke- to s$ess an& to st"en,t%en t%e

o!etitiveness 'o" MESF #OP in lon, "$n.

O4 6e1t& #e( $ t*e S tud

ase& on t%e "aties o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&* t%is st$&- ai!s to:

6) =e"i'- t%e soe o' talent &evelo!ent

2) E3a!ine t%e 1ene'its o' s$ess'$l talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!

) Sea"% 'o" 1est "atie 'o" talent &evelo!ent

E7p e1ted ene&t(

6) T%e st$&- will 1e 1ene'iial 'o" H$!an eso$"es Dea"t!ent o' Mae"sk 

#"o$ T%ailan& 'o" '$"t%e" &evelo!ent.

2) T%e st$&- will 1e 1ene'iial 'o" ot%e" o",ani4ations w%i% wo$l& like to

&evelo talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!.

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S 1$p e $ t* e (tud

6) T%e st$&- 'o$se& on e!lo-ees in t%e talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk 

#"o$ T%ailan& &$"in, t%e -ea" 200B2009.

2) T%e onte3t o' t%e st$&- e!%asi4e& on t%e ativities o' H$!an eso$" es

Develo!ent o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&.


T*e 1$%p!n

Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&

A8P8 M$""e' M!e'() G'$up

T%e %ea&G$a"te" o' Mae"sk w%i% is loate& in 7oen%a,en* Den!a"k 

M!e'() Inte'n!t&$n!" S*&pp&n/ Edu1!t&$n M8I8S8E3

Mae"sk Inte"national S%iin, E&$ation P"o,"a! (M.I.S.E) is 2 -ea"s

!ana,e!ent t"ainee "o,"a! to &evelo t%e '$t$"e lea&e"s 'o" Mae"sk #"o$


Peole w%o wo"k 'o" Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& &$"in, t%e e"io& o' 200B  


L$/&1!" Ind&1!t$' Te(t LI3

It is an e!lo-!ent test w%i% will on&$t 'o" eve"- an&i&ate al-in, 'o" 

 +o1 at Mae"sk. It 'o$ses on "easonin, an& lo,ial o' in&ivi&$al eole.

Pe'($n!" Ind&1!t$' Te(t PI3

It is an e!lo-!ent test w%i% will on&$t 'o" eve"- an&i&ate al-in, 'o" 

 +o1 at Mae"sk. It is t%e tool to anal-4e t%e 1e%avio" an& !otivatin, nee& o' ea%



T%e otential* skill o" e"'o"!ane o' e!lo-ees w%o s%ow s$e"io" to ot%e"s.

T!"ent De#e"$p%ent

T%e "oess o' "e"$itin,* i&enti'-in,* an& "etainin, t%e talente& e!lo-ees in

o"&e" to a%ieve an& !aintain a o!etitive a&vanta,e 'o" t%e o!an-.

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ot% inte"nal an& e3te"nal t"ainin, o$"ses "ovi&e& 1- H$!an eso$"es

Dea"t!ent o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& in o"&e" to en%ane its e!lo-ees5



T%e at$al e''o"t t%at an e!lo-ee $n&e"takes in o"&e" to a""- o$t t%e wo"k.

Pe'$'%!n1e App'!&(!"

!eas$"e!ent o' at$al wo"kin, "es$lts in t%e a"ea w%e"e e!lo-ee is

ao$nta1le. Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& on&$ts e"'o"!ane a"aisal 2 ti!es a -ea":

!i& -ea" e"'o"!ane a"aisal an& -ea"en& e"'o"!ane a"aisal.


T%e !ana,e!ent an& "$nnin, o' all "oesses o' a "o&$t '"o! "o&$tion to

t%e ons$!e"s %an&s. It involves t%e wa"e%o$sin,* t"anso"tation* invento"-*

 $"%asin,* aka,in,* oe"ations* an& t%e lannin,/oo"&ination o' all ativities.

Re1'u&t%ent P'$1e((

T%e "oess o' so$"in,* s"eenin,* an& seletin, eole 'o" a +o1 o" vaan-

wit%in Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&.

:$4 R$t!t&$n

n a"oa% to talent &evelo!ent w%e"e an e!lo-ee is !ove& t%"o$,% a

s%e&$le o' assi,n!ents &esi,ne& to 1"oa&en t%e knowle&,e an& e3e"iene.


n e!lo-ee te!o"a"il- "esi&in, in a o$nt"- an& $lt$"e ot%e" t%an t%at o' 

t%e e"sons $1"in,in, o" le,al "esi&ene to lea"n t%e $lt$"e an& 1"oa&en t%ei" 

wo"kin, e3e"iene.

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T%e onets an& lite"at$"e involvin, t%is st$&- as 'ollows:

6. 7onet o' talent &evelo!ent

2. Talent Develo!ent P"oess

. 7onet o' E!lo-ee En,a,e!ent

;. Ove"view o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&<. elate& st$&ies

C$n 1ep t $ T !" en t De#e " $p %en t

Powell (2008) &e'ines t%e te"! o' talent t%at talents a"e eole* w%o %ave

e"tain skills* e"sonalit- o" nat$"e t%at &"ives t%e! to s$ee& at a %i,%e" level o' 

 e"'o"!ane t%an t%e ave"a,e e"son.

So"ensen an& 7"a1t"ee (2000) &is$ss t%e %a"ate"isti o' talent t%at talent

"e'lets %ow -o$"e %a"&wi"e&. T%ats w%at sets t%e onet aa"t '"o! t%at o' 

knowle&,e o" skills. Talent &itates -o$" !o!ent1-!o!ent "eations to -o$" 

envi"on!ent t%e"es instintiveness* i!!e&ia- i!lie&. Talent "es$lts in

onsistentl- "e$""in, atte"ns o' t%o$,%t o" 1e%avio". To &eviate '"o! t%ose atte"ns

"eG$i"es onsio$s e''o"t* an& s$% &eviations a"e &i''i$lt to s$stain.

J%eele" (2008) &e'ines talent as t%ose e!lo-ees w%ose ont"i1$tions a"e vital

to a1ilit- to "o&$e "o&$t o" &elive" se"vie. E3ellent talent t%en "e'e"s to t%ose

w%o "o&$e an a1oveave"a,e a!o$nt o' "o&$t an& oo" talent !eans t%ose w%o

&o !$% less t%an ave"a,e.

One t%e te"! talent %as 1een i&enti'ie&* talent &evelo!ent w%i% is one o' 

t%e ke- s$ess'$l 'ato"s o' t%e o!an- s%o$l& 1e !entione&.

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?"ano-s (699<) "ovi&es t%e !eanin, o' Talent &evelo!ent t%at

i&enti'iation o' t%ose w%o s%ow s$e"io" nat$"al a1ilities as well as atit$&es 'o" a

 a"ti$la" &o!ain an& e!%asis on &eveloin, t%ose seial skills.

a"low (2008) i!lies t%at talent &evelo!ent is a1o$t t%e "e"$it!ent*

"etention* an& &evelo!ent o' an elite 1an& o' eole.

Mat%is an& Kakson (200<) "eveals t%at talent &evelo!ent one"ne& wit%

en%anin, t%e att"ation* lon, te"! &evelo!ent* an& "etention o' ke- %$!an


ot%well an& Fa4anas (200;) "eveal t%at Talent Develo!ent* a"t o' %$!an

"eso$"e &evelo!ent* is t%e "oess o' %an,in, an o",ani4ation* its e!lo-ees* its

stake%ol&e"s* an& ,"o$s o' eole wit%in it* $sin, lanne& an& $nlanne& lea"nin,* in

o"&e" to a%ieve an& !aintain a o!etitive a&vanta,e 'o" t%e o",ani4ation. Talent is

"eo,ni4e& as eit%e" otential o" e"'o"!ane.

T%e te"! LTalent Develo!entL is 1eo!in, in"easin,l- o$la" in seve"al

o",ani4ations* as o!anies a"e now !ovin, '"o! t%e t"a&itional te"! LT"ainin, an&

Develo!entL. Talent Develo!ent eno!asses a va"iet- o' o!onents s$% as

t"ainin,* a"ee" &evelo!ent* a"ee" !ana,e!ent* an& o",ani4ational &evelo!ent*

an& t"ainin, an& &evelo!ent. s we "oee& t%"o$,% t%e 26st ent$"- !o"e

o!anies will 1e,in to $se !o"e inte,"ate& te"!s s$% as LTalent Develo!entL

Talent Develo!ent "e'e"s to an o",ani4ations a1ilit- to ali,n st"ate,it"ainin, an& a"ee" oo"t$nities 'o" e!lo-ees.

Mat%is an& Kakson (200<) i&enti'- nat$"e o' talent &evelo!ent as 'ollows:

6) 7"eatin, an& !aintainin, an o",ani4ation $lt$"e t%at val$es eole

2) I&enti'-in, '$t$"e nee&s an& &eveloin, in&ivi&$al to 'ill t%ose nee&s

) Esta1lis%in, wa-s to on&$t an& !ana,e ativities to s$o"t talent &evelo!ent

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;) Develoin, a ool o' talente& eole w%o an s$l- '$t$"e +o1 nee&s

In o"&e" to lassi'- talent* talent !ana,e!ent assess!ent tools a"e "eG$i"e&.

T !" en t M!n !/e %en t A( (e((%en t T $$" (

P e"' o " ! a n e " a i s a l : !eas$"e!ent o' at$al "es$lts a%ieve& wit%in t%ose a"eas

'o" w%i% t%e e!lo-ees is %el& ao$nta1le an&/o" t%e o!etenies &ee!e& "itial

to +o1 an& o",ani4ation s$ess.

P o te n ti a l ? o "e a s t : "e&ition o' %ow !an- levels (o",ani4ation/+o1) an e!lo-ee

an "ea% wit%in t%e o",ani4ation 1ase& on %is/%e" ast/$""ent e"'o"!ane

a"aisals* t"ainin, an& &evelo!ent nee&s* a"ee" "e'e"enes* an& at$al an&

 "o+ete& o!eten- levels.

M ea s$ "e ! e nt s a l e s ' o " P e"' o " ! a n e a n& P o te n t i a l : T%e st$&- o' <0 o",ani4ations

involve& in so!e t-e o' s$ess'$l talent !ana,e!ent "oess s%owe& t%at t%e vast

!a+o"it- $se& a 'iveoint sale 'o" e"'o"!ane !eas$"e!ent is: ,"eatl- e3ee&s

e3etations (<)* e3ee& e3etations (;)* !eet e3etations ()* 1elow e3etation

(2)* ,"eatl- 1elow e3etations (6).

M a i n, a n& J e i , % ti n , 7 o ! e t e n i e s: Main, o' o!etenies is t%e "oess $se&

to '$"t%e" &i''e"entiate o!eten- &e'initions into ,lossa"ies o' 1e%avio"s assoiate&

wit% ea% level o' an& o",ani4ation. T%e- "ovi&e a!li'iation* la"it-* an& ,"eate"

sei'iit- to o!eten- &e'initions. ,"eate" level o' sei'iit- an 1e a%ieve& 1-

assi,nin, n$!e"ial wei,%ts to ea% +o1 o!eten- level in t%e ,lossa"- o' 


O",ani4ations* &een&in, on t%ei" level o' talent !ana,e!ent so%istiation*

$lt$"al tole"ane* an& "eso$"e s$o"t* ,ene"all- take one o' t%"ee otions to t%e

!ain, an& wei,%tin, "oess:

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Otion 6: No !as* ,lossa"ies* o" wei,%ts a"e $se&. T%e "atin, sale 'o" e"'o"!ane

 "evio$sl- ite& is alie& to o!etenies &e'inition.

Otion 2: ,lossa"- o' 1e%avio"s is $se& as a s$le!ent to o!eten- &e'inition

Otion : Mas an& wei,%t a"e $se& to "e'ine o!a"isons o' e!lo-ee 1e%avio" wit%

t%e sei'i e3etation 'o" $""ent an& '$t$"e +o1s

T%e !a an& t%e wei,%t &is$sse& a1ove !$st a,ain 1e "eviewe& an& a&+$ste&

 1- t%e senio" sta'' wit% t%e 'inal !o&i'iation an& a"ove 1- 7EO.

7o!eten- &e'inition* &eveloe& 'o" inte"nal talent assess!ent* an also 1e

$tili4e& in t%e e3te"nal seletion "oess. T%e inte"nal e"'o"!ane !eas$"e!ent

sale* w%en $se& to aess e3te"nal an&i&ates* is !o&i'ie& in t%e 'ollowin, wa-:

,"eatl- e3ee&s ot%e" an&i&ates (<)* e3ee&s ot%e" an&i&ates (;)* eG$al to ot%e"

an&i&ates ()* 1elow ot%e" an&i&ates (2)* ,"eatl- 1elow ot%e" an&i&ates (6).

T%e talent &evelo!ent will 1e t%e !e%anis! to st"en,t%en eit%e" t%e %i,%

 e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e o" t%e "est o' t%e e!lo-ees.

53 H $; t$ !tt'!1t T!" en t<

5853 C'e! t&n / H& /* Pe' $' %!n1e W$ ') $'1e

Ove" t%e -ea"s* Hewitt ssoiates (200B) %as wo"ke& wit% !an- ,"eato",ani4ations to %el t%e! takle t%ei" talent iss$es an& on&$te& e3tensive "esea"%

into t%e "aties o' &o$1le&i,it ,"owt% an& Best Employer o!anies* an& t%e-

lea"n t%at in t%e !ost s$ess'$l o!anies* 1$il&in, a %i,%e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e is

a o"e aa1ilit-.

In a %i,%e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e* eole at eve"- level an& '$ntion a"e

'o$se& on t%e "i,%t "io"ities an& $n&e"stan& t%at t%e- a"e ao$nta1le 'o" &elive"in,

st"on, "es$lts. T%e- a"e ene",i4e&* en,a,e& an& e"'etl- ositione& to ,ive t%ei" 1est.

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T%e- a"e &e&iate& to 1$il&in, t%e neessa"- skills to ,"ow t%e 1$siness. In s%o"t* t%e-

a"e a o!etitive &i''e"entiato".

T%ese o!anies not onl- n$"t$"e a %i,%e"'o"!ane o!an- $lt$"e* t%e-

also ens$"e t%e- "eate an envi"on!ent an& in'"ast"$t$"e t%at ena1les t%e! to 1$il& a

%i,%e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e. T%is stea&'ast attention to 1"in,in, t%e "i,%t eole on

 1oa"& an& keein, t%e "i,%t talent sta"ts wit% t%e to lea&e"s%i. Most &o$1le&i,it

,"owt% o",ani4ations %o$se "i,o"o$s "oesses an& o!!itte& "eso$"es to !at% t%e

"i,%t eole to t%e a"o"iate 1$siness oo"t$nities.

Howeve"* t%e o",ani4ation annot e3et t%at it will alwa-s "e"$it t%e ,i'te&

 eole into t%e 'i"!. T%is !eans t%e o",ani4ation nee&s to t%ink o' t%e wa- to ,et t%e

e!lo-ee a%ieve t%e sta,e o' Hi,%Pe"'o"!ane Jo"k'o"e.

T* e C'&t&1!" P! t* t$ ! H& /* =Pe' $' %!n1 e W$' ) $'1e

T"ea- (200;) "eveals t%at o!anies nee&s to ,et t%"ee '$n&a!ental 'ato"s

"i,%t a"oss t%e o",ani4ation i' t%e- a"e to 1$il& a %i,%e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e.

T%e st"on,est o",ani4ations a"oa% t%ese 1$il&in, 1loks in a ve"- &i''e"ent

wa- to t%ei" less s$ess'$l o!etito"s. T%e- a"en5t satis'ie& wit% si!l- %avin,

 "o,"a!s* "oesses an& t"ainin, !o&$les in lae: t%e- $n&e"stan& it takes a ve"-

&i''e"ent level o' 'o$s to ,et t%e! "i,%t an& "eali4e t%ei" otential "et$"non

invest!ent 'o" t%e 1$siness. T%ese o!anies s$stain a o!!it!ent to &ee !ana,e" 

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aa1ilit- in o"&e" to ens$"e t%ei" e3e$tion is sot on. T%e- &on5t +$st &o t%e!: t%e-

&o t%e! well eno$,% to "eate a "eal o!etitive a&vanta,e.

In o"&e" 'o" o!anies to 1$il& a t"$l- %i,%e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e* t%e- !$st

not onl- st"en,t%en ao$nta1ilit- 'o" "es$lts* 1$t also att"at* !otivate an& "etain ke-

 eole in an in"easin,l- o!etitive talent !a"ket* an& ,"ow lea&e"s at all levels.

o"&in, to n&"ew ell* e,ional Hea& o' Talent an& O",ani4ation 7ons$ltin, at

Hewitt ssoiates T%e ,oo& news is we now know e3atl- w%at nee&s to 1e &one in

o"&e" to ,et t%e a1sol$te 1est o$t o' all o' o$" eole. He e3lains* Je now %ave a

lea" 1a"o!ete"an& "ealwo"l& wa-s to st"en,t%en an& s$o"t t%e !ana,e"

aa1ilit- t%at5s "$ialto "eali4e t%e t"e!en&o$s OI in 1$il&in, a %i,%

 e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e.

5823 E %p" $ %ent '!n d&n /

e",e" (200;) "eveals t%at "eatin, a !ost &esi"a1le wo"k envi"on!ent

o"o"ate i!a,e t%"o$,% 1"an&in, is viewe& 1- !o"e an& !o"e o!anies as t%e i&eal

!eans 'o" att"atin, an& "etainin, s$e"keee"s. 7o!anies "eali4es t%at* to sta-

o!etitive* o!a"a1le !a"ketin, an& 1"an&in, "aties $se& to "o&$ts an&/o"

se"vies !$st 1e alie& to "e"$it!ent an& "etention "o,"a!s. T%e la1o" !a"ket5s

 e"etion o' t%e e!lo-!ent val$e "oosition o' t%e o!an- t%e i! " ession

!a&e on e!lo-ees an& t%e la1o" !a"ket is as vital as its view o' se"vie o" "o&$t

inte,"it-. H$!an "eso$"es &ea"t!ent will in"easin,l- t"eat e!lo-ees like

ons$!e"s w%o an s"ea& t%e wo"& a1o$t a o!an-5s ositive att"i1$tes t%"o$,%o$t

t%e !a"ketlae. S$ess'$l e!lo-ee 1"an&in, inl$&es a onsistent an& o!!on

t%e!e t%at e!lo-ees "elate a1o$t t%ei" wo"k e3e"iene. It also inl$&es a $1li

i!a,e o' o",ani4ation5s $lt$"e t%at in&$es t%e 1est otential an&i&ates to al- 'o"

 ositions w%ile allowin, t%e o!an- to "etain its s$e"keee"s.

e",e" (200;) oints o$t t%e a&vanta,es o' lea&e"s%i 1"an&in,* 1- &eveloin,

an& t%en "ewa"&in, %i,% otential in&ivi&$als* o",ani4ation an 1$il& a "e$tation as

t%e kin& o' lae lea&e"s want to wo"k. t t%e sa!e ti!e* t%ese e''o"ts $lti!atel-

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!ake t%e! st"on,e" o!etito"s 'o" lea&e"s%i talent 1ea$se 'ew 'i"!s an !at% t%e

st"en,t% o' t%ei" lea&e"s%i 1"an&* w%i% not onl- ai&s t%e! in s$ess'$l i&enti'-in,

t%ose w%o will 'ill t%e ke- osition to!o""ow* 1$t also in $,"a&in, t%e ali1e" o'

talent a"oss t%e o",ani4ation.

23 H $; t$ d ete' %&n e t! '/et /'$up $ T !" en t De#e" $p%en t<

One t%e 'i"! a%ieve& its task on s$o"tin, its e!lo-ee to a%ieve Hi,%

Pe"'o"!ane* it also nee&s to &ete"!ine t%e ta",et ,"o$ 'o" Talent Develo!ent

 "o,"a!. e",e" (200;) &ete"!ines t%e ta",et ,"o$s as 'ollows:

6) ole1ase& "o,"a! 'o$se& on sei'i ke- ositions* w%i% a"e eit%e" &i''i$lt

to 'ill o" "itial to t%e 1$siness5 s$ess.

2) In&ivi&$al 1ase& "o,"a! 'o$se& on a"ti$la" eole wit% t%e otential 'o" 


) Pool 1ase& "o,"a! 'o$se& on a n$!1e" o' %i,% otential eole w%o

oneiva1l- o$l& !ove into an- o' seve"al lea&e"s%i ositions wit%in t%e


>8 H $; t$ &d en t& t!" ent<

e",e" (200;) "eveals t%at an i!o"tant 'i"st ste in i&enti'-in, s$e"keee"s is

$nove"in, t%e "o'ile t%at will 1est !es% wit% osition "eG$i"e!ents an& o",ani4ation$lt$"e. It is lea"l- t%at one si4e &oes not 'it all. Ea% o",ani4ation %as its $niG$e

$lt$"e an& ea% osition %as sei'i "eG$i"e!ents. n in&et% an& onise

assess!ent o' t%e ke-s ele!ents o' o",ani4ation $lt$"e an& +o1 st"$t$"e is a "$ial

'i"st ste. e &e'inin, t%ese ele!ents* -o$ a"e a1le to !at% an&i&ates w%o %ave

sei'i 1ak,"o$n&s* wo"k e3e"ienes* an& inne" e"sonal G$alities t%at will !ake

'o" a ,oo& 'it. T%e $lt$"e onte3t s%o$l& 1e lea"l- a"ti$late&. T%e 'i"st ste is to

&e'ine t%e $lt$"e (val$es* o!etenies* skills) an& to !at% it wit% t%e an&i&ate5s

G$ali'iations. T%e seon& ste is to look at ta",et o!anies t%at %ave si!ila" 

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$lt$"es. T%e t%i"& ste is to i&enti'- t%e in&ivi&$als %ol&in, t%e ositions in t%e

ta",ete& o!anies an&* t%"o$,% netwo"kin,* &ete"!ine i' t%e- %ave t%e te%nial*

!ana,e!ent* lea&e"s%i* an& innovation skills an& t%e a"o"iate st-le to 'it -o$" 


To oti!i4e an o",ani4ation5s a1ilit- to a%ieve s$stain e3ellene* it !$st

"eo,ni4e& t%e nee& 'o" "oative talent !ana,e!ent an& %ave a s-ste!ati wa- o' 

ao!lis%in, t%e ativit-. e",e" (200;) i&enti'ies t%at t%e s$ess'$l o!anies

eit%e" a"ti$late o" int$itivel- 'o$s on t%"ee o$to!es:

6) T%e i&enti'iation* seletion* &evelo!ent an& "etention o' S$e"keee"s.

S$e"keee"s a"e a ve"- s!all ,"o$ o' in&ivi&$al w%o %ave &e!onst"ate& s$e"io"

ao!lis%!ent* %ave insi"e& ot%e" to attain s$e"io" ao!lis%!ent* an& w%o

e!1o&- t%e o"e o!etenies an& val$es o' t%e o",ani4ation. T%ei" loss o" a1sene

seve"el- "eta"&s o",ani4ation ,"owt% 1ea$se o' t%ei" &is"oo"tionatel- owe"'$l

i!at on $""ent an& '$t$"e o",ani4ation e"'o"!ane. ill #ates one sai&* Take

o$" twent- 1est eole awa- '"o! $s an& I an tell -o$ t%at Mi"oso't wo"l& 1e$ni!o"tant o!an-

2) T%e i&enti'iation an& &evelo!ent o' %i,% G$alit- "elae!ents 'o" a s!all

n$!1e" o' ositions &esi,nate& as ke- to $""ent an& '$t$"e o",ani4ation s$ess.

#as in "elae!ent ativit- 'o" ke- ositions a"e %i,%l- &is"$tive* ostl-* an&

&ist"atin, to t%e o",ani4ation.

) T%e lassi'iation o' an& invest!ent in ea% e!lo-ees 1ase& on %is/%e" at$al

an&/o" otential 'o" a&&in, val$e to t%e o",ani4ation. T%e e!lo-ee ,"o$s a"e

s$e"keee"s* t%ose e!lo-ees w%o ,"eatl- e3ee& e3etation keee"s* t%ose

e!lo-ees w%o e3ee& e3etation Soli& 7iti4ens* t%ose e!lo-ees w%o !eet

o",ani4ation e3etation an& Mis'its* t%ose e!lo-ees w%o a"e 1elow o",ani4ation

e3etations. Poo" alloation o' o!ensation an& t"ainin, an& &evelo!ent "eso$"es

an lea& to $nwante& t$"nove" an& !o"ale an& e"'o"!ane "o1le!s* a"ti$la"l- on

S$e"keee" an& Feee"s ,"o$.

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T !" en t De#e"$p %en t P' $1e((

One a %i,%l- &eveloe& a"oa% to talent !ana,e!ent 1ase& on e3tensive

"esea"% an& "atitione" e3e"iene %as 1een ill$st"ate&* t%e esta1lis%!ent o'

a"oa% to aess t%e o!etenies o" G$alities t%at a"e onsi&e"e& &esi"a1le in a

%i,%otential e"son s%o$l& 1e i&enti'ie&.

e",e" (200: 222B) lassi'ie& t%e "oess o' talent &evelo!ent into a 'o$"ste as


Step 5 De#e"$p ! "&(t $ $u' $'/!n&?!t&$n.( 1$'e 1$%peten1&e( !nd !((e((%ent

t$$"( $' %e!(u'&n/ t*e%

T%e &evelo!ent o' an o",ani4ational talent !ana,e!ent lan "eG$i"es t%e

assess!ent o' ea% e!lo-ee 1ase& on a '"a!ewo"k o' aete& &e'initions an&

!eas$"es o' o!eten- e"'o"!ane an& otential. T%ese o"e/instit$tional

o!etenies a"e e3etations o' 1e%avio"s/skills/val$es t%at a"e "$ial to t%e s$ess

o' ea% e!lo-ee an&* t%e"e'o"e* to t%e s$ess o' t%e enti"e o",ani4ation. set o'

"e"esentative o"e o!etenies an& wo"ks%eet as s%own in ta1le 6 as 'ollows:

T a 1 l e 6 Sa!le o"e o!etenies

C$%peten1 C$%peten1 De&n&t&$n

tion O"ientation Ta",ets an& a%ieve "es$lts* ove"o!e o1stales* aets

"esonsi1ilit-* esta1lis% stan&a"&s an& "esonsi1ilities* "eates

a "es$lto"iente& envi"on!ent* an& 'ollows t%"o$,% on ations

7o!!$niation 7o!!$niates well 1ot% ve"1all- an& w"itin,. E''etivel-

onve-s an& s%a"es in'o"!ation wit% ot%e"s. >istens a"e'$ll-

an& $n&e"stan& va"io$s viewoints. P"esents i&eas lea"l- an&

onisel- an& $n&e"stan&s &etail in "esente& in'o"!ation

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T a 1 l e 6 (ontin$e&)

C$%peten1 C$%peten1 De&n&t&$n

7"eativit-/Innovation #ene"ates novel i&eas an& &evelos o" i!"oves e3istin, an&

new s-ste!s t%at %allen,e t%e stat$s G$o* takes "isks* an&

eno$"a,es innovation

7"itial K$&,!ent Possesses t%e a1ilit- to &e'ine iss$es an& 'o$s on a%ievin,

wo"ka1le sol$tions. 7onsistentl- &oes t%e "i,%t t%in, 1-

 e"'o"!in, wit% "elia1ilit-



>istens to $sto!e"s* 1$il& $sto!e" on'i&ene* in"ease

$sto!e" satis'ation* ens$"e o!!it!ent a"e !et* sets

a"o"iate $sto!e" e3etation* an& "eson& to $sto!e" 


Inte"e"sonal skill E''etivel- an& "o&$tivel- en,a,es wit% ot%e"s an&

esta1lis%es t"$sts* "e&i1ilit-* an& on'i&ene wit% ot%e"s

>ea&e"s%i Motivates* e!owe"s* insi"es* olla1o"ates wit%* an&

eno$"a,es ot%e"s. Develos a $lt$"e w%e"e e!lo-ees 'eel

owne"s%i in w%at t%e- &o an& ontin$all- i!"ove t%e

 1$siness. $il&s onsens$s w%en a"o"iate. ?o$ses tea!

!e!1e"s on o!!on ,oals.

Tea!wo"k Fnows w%en an& %ow to att"at* &evelo* "ewa"&* an& $tili4e

tea!s to oti!i4e "es$lts. ts to 1$il& t"$st* insi"e

ent%$sias!* eno$"a,e ot%e"s* an& %el "esolve on'lits an&

&evelo onsens$s in "eatin, %i,%e"'o"!ane tea!s.

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T a 1 l e 6 (ontin$e&)

C$%peten1 C$%peten1 De&n&t&$n



De!onst"ates st"on, te%nial/'$ntional "o'iienies an&

knowle&,e in a"eas o' e3e"tise. S%ows knowle&,e o'

o!an- 1$siness an& "o'iien- in t%e st"ate,i an&

'inanial "oesses* inl$&in, P> lannin, "oess an& t%ei" 

i!liation 'o" t%e o!an-

So$"e: e",e"* 200B: 2

Ea% o!eten- an 1e &es"i1e& an& so"e 1ase& on its "elative ont"i1$tion

to an o",ani4ation. "e"esentative sale is as s%ow in Ta1le 2.

T a 1 l e 2 : Sa!le !eas$"e!ent sale 'o" t%e o!!$niation o!eten-

De'initions o' 7o!!$niations 7o!!$niates well 1ot% ve"1all- an& in w"itin,.

E''etivel- onve-s an& s%a"es in'o"!ation an& i&eas wit% ot%e"s. >istens a"e'$ll- an&

$n&e"stan& va"io$s viewoints. P"esents i&eas lea"l- an& onisel-

6 2 ; < 8

7lea"- an&a"o"iatel-



&esi"es an&




o' an&


,oo& o"al


an& w"itin,



to a$&iene

"eG$i"e!ents to



tivel- "esents


an& i&eas

to all


levels an&


ot%e"s to &o

t%e sa!e

P"o!otes oene3"ession o'

i&eas an&





Is "eo,ni4e&as one w%o


la"i'ies an&




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So$"e: e",e"* 200B: 2

In t%e e3a!le a1ove* si3 levels o' o!!$niation a"e &es"i1e& an& assi,ne&

a n$!1e" '"o! 6 to 8* in&iatin, t%e ont"i1$tion to t%e o",ani4ation.

 Now t%at t%e o"e o!etenies %ave 1een &ete"!ine& an& &e'ine&* a

 e"'o"!ane a"aisal an& otential 'o"east s%o$l& 1e &eveloe&. e"'o"!ane

a"aisal is a !eas$"e!ent o' at$al "es$lts a%ieve& wit%in t%ose a"eas w%e"e t%e

e!lo-ee is %el& ao$nta1le an&/o" t%e o!etenies &ee!e& "itial to +o1 an&

o",ani4ation s$ess.

otential 'o"east is a "e&ition o' %ow !an- levels (o",ani4ation/+o1) an

e!lo-ee an "ea% wit%in t%e o",ani4ation 1ase& on %is/%e" ast/$""ent e"'o"!ane

a"aisals* t"ainin, an& &evelo!ent nee&s* a"ee" "e'e"enes* an& at$al an&

 "o+ete& o!eten- levels. T%e !ost o!!on sale $se& 1- o",ani4ations 'o"

 otential assess!ent is %i,% otential (<)* "o!ota1le (;)* late"al ()* !a",inal (2)*

none (6). (en&i3 )

Step 2 De#e"$p t'!&n&n/ !nd de#e"$p%ent ($"ut&$n( t*!t (upp$'t $u'

$'/!n&?!t&$n.( 1$'e 1$%peten1&e(

In o"&e" to "eate an i!"ove!ent "o,"a! 'o" in&ivi&$al e!lo-ees* t%e

o",ani4ation !$st !a a set o' a"o"iate t"ainin, an& &evelo!ent otions 'o" ea%

selete& o!eten-. J%en a ,a e3ists 1etween an e!lo-ee5s &e!onst"ate&

 "o'iien- in a o!eten- an& an o",ani4ation "eG$i"e!ent* a s$e"viso" an $se

t"ainin, an& &evelo!ent to %el eli!inate t%e ,a. T%e 'ollowin, t"ainin, an&

&evelo!ent an 1e alie&.

A8 C$!1*&n/

Fe"!all- (200;) in&iates t%at t%e lea"nin, o",ani4ation a&ots t%e onet o' 

oa%in, in t%e si"it o' &eveloin, in&ivi&$al talents. oa% 'ailitates in 1"in,in,

o$t t%e 1est e"'o"!ane '"o! t%e sta''. 7oa%in, involves e3lainin, t%e &"ive"s

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 1e%in& e"'o"!ane* takin, sta'' t%"o$,% t%e sta,es o' %ow to a%ieve s$e"io"

 e"'o"!ane* o1se"vin, an& ,ivin, 'ee&1ak* ,$i&in, towa"&s i!"ove& e"'o"!ane.

E''etive oa%in, is a talent in itsel'. It involves listenin, skills* G$estionin, skills*

inte"e"sonal skills an& t%e a1ilit- to esta1lis% "ao"t. It t$"n it t"ans'o"! in&ivi&$als

w%o t%en aG$i"e seial awa"eness o' w%at is %aenin, a"o$n& %i! o" %e"* an& it

in+ets t%e sense o' "esonsi1ilit-. lti!atel-* it is to see eole in te"!s o' t%ei" 

'$t$"e otential* not ast o" "esent e"'o"!ane.

8 :$4 R$t!t&$n

e",e" (200;) onl$&es t%at +o1 "otation is one o' !ana,e!ent &evelo!ent

 "o,"a!* It "ovi&es 1"ea&t% an& &et% o' e3e"iene t%at se"ves to 1$il& soli&

knowle&,e o' an oe"ation o" 1$siness se,!ent. T%e "ate o' lea"nin, an& assi!ilation

o' new tasks is $s$all- !o"e "ai& a!on, %i,% otential t-es so it is i!o"tant to

!at% t%e o!eten- level o' in&ivi&$al to t%e %allen,es o' knowle&,e an& skill.

otations a"e !ost e''etive w%en t%e"e is ti!el- assess!ent an& 'ee&1ak on t%e

st"en,t%s an& &evelo!ental nee&s "eveale& &$"in, t%e assi,n!ent. otationassi,n!ent "eG$i"es !o"e ti!e to "o&$e ,"owt% ao"&in, to t%e level o'

"esonsi1ilit- involve& in t%e "ole Movin, even to e"'o"!e"s into anot%e"

assi,n!ent in less t%an 6B !ont%s will not "o&$e &et% o' lea"nin,.

C8 Inte'n!" Edu1!t&$n !nd T'!&n&n/

e",e" (200;) "eveals t%at o!anies a"e 1e,innin, to "eate inte"nal o"o"ate

$nive"sit- t%"o$,% &evelo!ent o' $sto!i4e& $""i$l$!* o'ten in a"tne"s%i wit%

loal olle,e o" ot%e" e&$ational instit$tion. T%e $""i$l$! availa1le t%"o$,% t%is

ve%ile %as t-iall- 1een "eate& as a "es$lt o' a t%o"o$,% "eview o' 1$siness

o!eten- "eG$i"e!ents.

D8 E7e1ut&#e P'$/'!%( !nd E7te'n!" C$u'(e W$') 

e",e" (200;) "eo!!en&s t%at t%e 'ive o" ten &a-s intensive "o,"a! %as "oven to 1e a ,"eat wa- to 'ill in "e&ential ,as. Man- $nive"sities now o''e" -ea" 

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lon, e"ti'iate "o,"a!s on weeken& t%at o''e" o"e onent"ation in o",ani4ation

&-na!is* lea&e"s%i* an& a %ost o' ot%e" s$1+ets &esi,ne& to s$o"t t%ose !ovin,

$ G$ikl- o" "ossin, ove" into anot%e" 'iel&.

Step > A((e(( e!1* e%p"$ee.( 1$'e 1$%peten1&e( !nd p$tent&!" $'e1!(t

T%e assess!ent tools* 1ase& on -o$" o!an-5s o"e o!etenies "eate& in

t%e 'i"st ste* "ovi&e t%e '"a!ewo"k 'o" e!lo-ee assess!ent* w%i% is now t%e task 

at %an&. T%e sa!le wo"ks%eet "ovi&e& in t%e ste 6 an 1e $sto!i4e& to assess

ea% e!lo-ee. S$1stit$te -o$" o",ani4ation5s o!etenies an& &e'inition 'o" t%e

sa!le o!etenies. T%e e3a!le o' talent o!eten- assess!ent is as sown in

ta1le .

T a 1 l e E3a!le talent o!eten- assess!ent

ssesso": Kane Doe

In$!1ent: S!it%* Mi%ael Potential:6 Ove"all Pe"'o"!ane: 2

7o"e 7o!eten- Pe"sonal So"e 7$""ent Position Statistis

tion O"ientation 2 elow E3etations

7o!!$niations 6 #"eatl- elow E3etations

7"eativit-/ Innovation 2 elow E3etations

7"itial +$&,!ent 2 elow E3etations

>ea&e"s%i Meets E3etations

Tea!wo"k  Meets E3etations

Te%nial ?$ntionE3e"tise

6 #"eatl- elow E3etations

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Total 20

T%is 'o"! "ovi&es ,"eate" &etails a1o$t ea% in&ivi&$al an& allows !ana,e"s

to ta",et 1est "atie oa%in,* t"ainin,* an& &evelo!ent to sei'i o!eten-


?o" all o!etenies t%at a"e 1elow e3etations o" ,"eatl- 1elow e3etation*

t%e s$e"viso" s%o$l& al- t%e o""eson&in, o!eten- &evelo!ent ,$i&e "eate&

in ste 2 to ,ene"ate an in&ivi&$al &evelo!ent lan. See (Ta1le ;).

T a 1 l e ; : Sa!le o!eten- assess!ent


In1u%4ent  P$(&t&$n  P$tent&!"

O#e'!"" Pe'$'%!n1e C$'e C$%peten1 

Pe'($n!" S1$'e  @  Cu''ent P$(&t&$n E#!"u!t&$n 

St'en/t*( !nd De#e"$p%ent!" Need(

 Describe specific behaviors and skills that are strengths and/or development needs

associated with the competencies listed above, particularly when employee

assessment exceeds or is below expectations. List specific actions that will be taken to

enhance performance and/or prepare the employee for advancement when the

employee does not meet expectations. Please make your comments as specific as


A'e!( $ (t'en/t* A'e!( t$ 4e de#e"$ped 

A1t&$n( (t"ainin,* &evelo!ent* oa%in,* seial "o+ets* "o!otion* t"ans'e" et.)

So$"e: e",e"* 200B: 2

Step B P'ep!'e !1t&$n p"!n(

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'te" ea% e!lo-ee is assesse& $sin, t%e assess!ent tools in ste *

o",ani4ation an& in&ivi&$al ation lans an 1e "ea"e&. T%e"e a"e $nli!ite& n$!1e"s

o' a"oa%es t%at an 1e "ea&il- a&ate& to -o$" o",ani4ation. T%e ke- ele!ents

o",ani4ations !$st onsi&e" to initiate ation lans to i&enti'- an& a&&"ess ke-

st"ate,i iss$es involvin,:

6) T%e $ltivation o' s$e"keee"s (a ve"- s!all ,"o$ o' in&ivi&$als w%o %ave

&e!onst"ate& s$e"io" ao!lis%!ents %ave insi"e& ot%e" to attain s$e"io"

ao!lis%!ents* an& w%o e!1o&- t%e o"e o!etenies an& val$e o' o",ani4ation)

2) ak$s 'o" ke- ositions (+o1 "itial to o",ani4ational $""ent an& '$t$"e s$ess)

) lloation o' "eso$"es 1ase& on e!lo-ee ont"i1$tion (e"'o"!ane an&


- $sto!i4in, an& $sin, t%e tools "ovi&e&* an o",ani4ation an take a

&isiline& an& "oative a"oa% to talent !ana,e!ent. T%is an si,ni'iantl-

i!at e!lo-ee e"'o"!ane t%"o$,%o$t t%e o",ani4ation. In a&&ition* t%e"e !a- 1e

seial ,$i&elines in &ealin, wit% t%e 'o$" lasses o' talents. Ta1le < "ovi&es a

o!osite o' %ow e3ellent o",ani4ations "ovi&e ,$i&ane to t%ei" !ana,e"s in

a"oa%in, ea% e!lo-ee ,"o$ in te"!s o' "ewa"&s* t"ainin, an& &evelo!ent*

a"ee" at%s* an& "eo,nition.

Ta 1l e < St" ate,i a "oa%es  1- e! lo-ee t-e

E!lo-ee t-e 7o!ensation T"ainin,/Develo!ent

7a"ee" Pat%s =isi1ilit-

S$e"keee" ele"ate

!$% 'aste" t%an a- !a"ket



=e"- "ai& =e"- %i,%


Feee" ele"ate

'aste" t%an a-




ai& Hi,%


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Ta1l e < (ontin$e&)

E!lo-ee t-e 7o!ensation T"ainin,/

Develo!ent7a"ee" Pat%s =isi1ilit-

Soli& 7iti4en ele"ate




level is "ea%e&


onl- to en%ane






Mo&e"ate to



Mis'it No in"ease Onl- to

i!"ove 'itnow o" 'o" ne3t

 +o1 i' it %as a


 "o1a1ilit- o'



So$"e: e",e"* 200B: 2B

Sea"s (200) !ention talent "oesses t%at:

Talent 'low "e'e"s to Peole at t%e "i,%t ti!e wit% t%e nee&e& o!etenies.

T%e "oesses o' Talent ?low a"e:

6) elatin, P"e"e"$itin, "oess 'o" i&enti'-in, ke- talent an& esta1lis%in,

"elations%is oste!lo-!ent "oess 'o" !aintainin, "elations%i

2) e"$itin, Talent aG$isition "oess

) etainin, P"oesses &esi,ne& to e3ten& t%e talent en,a,e!ent -le

a"t '"o! o!eten- &evelo!ent* t%e "etention o' t%e Hi,%Pe"'o"!e"

!$st 1e a"e'$ll- onsi&e"e& an& a""ie& o$t. It is wi&el- aete& t%at t%e E!lo-ee

En,a,e!ent is t%e ke- to "etain t%e talente& eole wit% t%e o",ani4ation. T%e

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En,a,e!ent is not +$st to !ake e!lo-ee satis'- on t%e a-s* 1$t it also ove"s all

'ato"s t%at s%ae $ t%e o",ani4ation an& wo"klae.

C$n 1ep t $ E %p" $ee E n/!/e%en t

?o" seve"al -ea"s now* E!lo-ee en,a,e!ent at$"e& t%e attention o' H 

!ana,e"s* as well as t%e e3e$tive. Its a toi t%at e!lo-e"s an& e!lo-ees alike

t%ink t%e- $n&e"stan&* 1$t t%e- ant a"ti$late ve"- easil-. It t$"ns o$t t%at all t%at

e!lo-ee en,a,e!ent "esea"% $n&e"taken ove" t%e ast 'ew -ea"s %as &e'ine& t%e

te"! &i''e"entl-* an& as a "es$lt* a!e $ wit% &i''e"ent ke- &"ive"s an& i!liations.

Pat"iia (200) &e'ines e!lo-ee en,a,e!ent as La %ei,%tene& e!otional

onnetion t%at an e!lo-ee 'eels 'o" %is o" %e" o",ani4ation* t%at in'l$enes %i! o" 

%e" to e3e"t ,"eate" &is"etiona"- e''o"t to %is o" %e" wo"kL. S%e onl$&es t%at t%e

ei,%t ke- &"ive"s o' E!lo-ee En,a,e!ent o!oses o' t%e 'ollowin,:

6) T"$st an& inte,"it- %ow well !ana,e"s o!!$niate an& walk t%e talk.

2) Nat$"e o' t%e +o1 Is it !entall- sti!$latin, &a-to&a-

) >ine o' si,%t 1etween e!lo-ee e"'o"!ane an& o!an- e"'o"!ane Does t%e

e!lo-ee $n&e"stan& %ow t%ei" wo"k ont"i1$tes to t%e o!an-s e"'o"!ane

;) 7a"ee" #"owt% oo"t$nities "e t%e"e '$t$"e oo"t$nities 'o" ,"owt%

<) P"i&e a1o$t t%e o!an- How !$% sel'estee! &oes t%e e!lo-ee 'eel 1- 1ein,

assoiate& wit% t%ei" o!an-

8) 7owo"ke"s/tea! !e!1e"s si,ni'iantl- in'l$ene ones level o' en,a,e!ent

) E!lo-ee &evelo!ent Is t%e o!an- !akin, an e''o"t to &evelo t%e

e!lo-ees skills

B) elations%i wit% ones !ana,e" Does t%e e!lo-ee val$e %is o" %e" "elations%i

wit% %is o" %e" !ana,e"

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Sea"s (200) !entions a1o$t talent en,a,e!ent t%at talent en,a,e!ent "e'e"s

to t%e "oess o' "ea"ation* !otivation* an& "ewa"& 'o" st"ate,- 1ase&

a%ieve!ent. It is lassi'ie& as 'ollows:

6) Pe"'o"!ane Mana,e!ent P"oess ?o" "ovi&in, 'ee&1ak an& &i"etion on wo"k 


2) >ea"nin, 7o!eten- an& e"'o"!ane 1ase& lea"nin,

) ewa"&in, Moneta"- an& non!oneta"- "ewa"&s t%at "ein'o"e $sto!e"'o$se&

 e"'o"!ane as well as &e'inin, t%e talent / e!lo-!ent val$e e3%an,e

Fe"!all- (200;) "eveals t%at t%e"e a"e t-es o' o!!it!ent t%at o",ani4ations

,et '"o! t%ei" e!lo-ees:

6) 7ontin$o$s o!!it!ent: It involves e!lo-ees ontin$in, to wo"k 'o" t%ei"

o",ani4ations 1ea$se 'o" a va"iet- o' "easons t%e- annot leave. T%e- !i,%t 'in& it

st"ess'$l to %an,e +o1s o" t%e %an,e o' +o1 !a- involve "eloation.

2) No"!ative o!!it!ent: It involves e!lo-ees w%o ontin$e to wo"k 'o" t%ei"

o",ani4ations 1ea$se t%e- 'ae "ess$"es '"o! ot%e"s to &o so. It !a- 1e t%at t%ei"

o!an- %as investe& in t"ainin, 'o" t%e! o" sonso"e& t%e! to st$&- M o$"se.

T%e- 'eel o1li,e& to sta- wit% t%e o!an-.

) ''etive o!!it!ent: It involves e!lo-ees w%o ontin$e to wo"k 'o" an

o",ani4ation 1ea$se t%e- a,"ee wit% t%e o"o"ate st"ate,- an& t%e- want to 1e a"t o' 

it. E!lo-ees take t%e !ission o' t%ei" o",ani4ation on 1oa"& an& t%e- s$1s"i1e to

o"o"ate val$es.

''etive o!!it!ent is t%e t"$e t-e o' o!!it!ent. J%en so!e

o",ani4ations "o&$e t%ei" sta''t$"nove" 'i,$"es an& lai! t%at t%ei" e!lo-ees a"e

%a- to sta- wit% t%e!* s$% 1elie' o$l& 1e ve"- &e"eiate& i' t%e e!lo-ees sta-

wit% t%e o!an- 1ea$se o' ontin$o$s o" no"!ative o!!it!ent.

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 Nowa&a-s o!anies !is$n&e"stan& t%e "easons w%- t%ei" e!lo-ees leave.

?"o! t%e Soiet- o' H$!an eso$"es Mana,e!ent on'e"ene (SHM) "eveals t%at

e!lo-e"s t%ink t%ei" eole leave 'o" !o"e !one- 'o" B9Q. E!lo-ees w%o at$all-

&o leave 'o" !o"e !one- a"e onl- 62Q. T%e &ata i&enti'ie& seven %i&&en "easons

e!lo-ees "esi,n as 'ollows:

6) Ko1 is not as e3ete&.

2) Ko1 &oes not 'it talents an& inte"ests.

) >ittle o" no 'ee&1ak/oa%in,

;) No %oe 'o" a"ee" ,"owt%

<) ?eel &eval$e& an& $n"eo,ni4e&

8) ?eel ove"wo"ke& an& st"esse& o$t..

) >ak o' t"$st o" on'i&ene in lea&e"s.

Fa-e an& Ko"&an (2006) onl$&e 66 'ato"s 'o" s$ess'$l e!lo-ee "etention

as 'ollows:

6) E!lo-!ent se$"it-

2) Oo"t$nities 'o" t"ainin, an& skill &evelo!ent

) e"$it!ent an& "o!otion '"o! wit%in

;) 7a"ee" &evelo!ent an& ,$i&ane

<) Oo"t$nities 'o" skill &evelo!ent an& seiali4ation

8) $tono!- an& &eent"ali4ation o' &eision!akin,

) Oo"t$nities 'o" tea!wo"k an& a"tiiation

B) EG$al 1ene'its an& aess to e"G$isites 'o" all t%e e!lo-ees

9) E3t"a "ewa"&s an& "eo,nition 'o" %i,% e"'o"!ane

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60) Oenness o' in'o"!ation a1o$t o"o"ate ,oals* o$to!es an& intentions

Pat"iia (200) inl$&es t%e 'at t%at la",e" o!anies a"e !o"e %allen,e& to

en,a,e e!lo-ees t%an a"e s!alle" o!anies* w%ile e!lo-ee a,e &"ives a lea"

&i''e"ene in t%e i!o"tane o' e"tain &"ive"s. ?o" e3a!le* e!lo-ees $n&e" a,e ;;

"ank L%allen,in, envi"on!ent/a"ee" ,"owt% oo"t$nitiesL !$% %i,%e" t%an &o

ol&e" e!lo-ees* w%o val$e L"eo,nition an& "ewa"& 'o" t%ei" ont"i1$tionsL. $t all

st$&ies* all loations an& all a,es a,"ee& t%at t%e &i"et "elations%i wit% ones

!ana,e" is t%e st"on,est o' all &"ive"s.

T%e"e a"e lea" evi&enes t%at %i,% levels o' e!lo-ee en,a,e!ent keenl-

o""elates to in&ivi&$al* ,"o$ an& o"o"ate e"'o"!ane in a"eas s$% as "etention*

t$"nove"* "o&$tivit-* $sto!e" se"vie an& lo-alt-.

?inall-* t%e"e is so!e evi&ene t%at o!anies a"e "eson&in, to t%is %allen,e

 1- 'lattenin, t%ei" %ains o' o!!an&* "ovi&in, t"ainin, 'o" 'i"stline !ana,e"s an&

wit% 1ette" inte"nal o!!$niations. 7%an,es will not %aen ove"ni,%t* 1$t wit%

s$% si,ni'iant $si&e to t%e 1otto! line t%e- !i,%t %aen G$ikl-.

Pat"iia (200) onl$&e& t%at !ana,e" %a& t%e &i"et e''et towa"& e!lo-ee

en,a,e!ent. E!lo-ees !a- %oose to wo"k to t%e o!an- 1- seve"al "easons s$%

as ino!e* "easona1le wo"kin, %o$"* 1ene'its 1$t t%e- $n%esitatin,l- leave t%e

o!an- i' !ana,e" is not satis'ie&.

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? i , $ " e 6 ?o$" Di!ensions o' E!lo-ee En,a,e!ent

So$"e: #all$ Mana,e!ent Ko$"nal* 200.

So!e %a"&o"e !ana,e"s %ave s$,,este& t%at all t%is talk a1o$t ositivit- in

t%e wo"klae is not%in, !o"e t%an a 1$n% o' 'l$'' wit% little "eal aliation in t%e

$tt%"oat wo"l& o' 1$siness. J%en %$!an nee&s a"e !et* t%e ositive e!otions t%at

"es$lt eno$"a,e e!lo-ees to look 1e-on& t%e wo"k in '"ont o' t%e! an& to a"e

a1o$t t%e ove"all wel'a"e o' t%e 1$siness. Mo"e i!o"tantl-* it is %a"& to "eate

 assionate* en,a,e& $sto!e"s wit%o$t assionate* en,a,e& e!lo-ees.

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O#e'#&e; $ M!e'() G' $u p T* !&" !nd

Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& is t%e wo"l& la",est s%iin, line '"o! Den!a"k $n&e" 

.P.Molle"Mae"sk. T%e o!an- is seiali4e& in s%iin, an& lo,istis 1$siness

wit% 1"an%es wo"l&wi&e. T%e o!an- %as s$staine& ,"owt% t%"o$,% t%e "o$tin,

&esi,n* !a"ket enet"ation* an& aG$isition o' !an- wellknown i.e. E..7.* Sealan&*

an& "eentl- PO Ne&llo-& in 2008. a"t '"o! t%e s%iin, line* w%i% is t%e !ain

 1$siness 'o" Mae"sk* .P.Molle"Mae"sk also &ive"si'ies itsel' eit%e" ve"tiall- an&

%o"i4ontall- s$% as Oil#as e3lo"ation 1$siness* s%i !an$'at$"e" 1$siness*

ai"line* so'twa"e 1$siness* %a"!ae$tial 1$siness* "etail sto"e* et. T%e val$e o'

.P.Molle"Mae"sk ats as t%e ,oal o' t%e o!an-. It onsists o' onstant a"e*

%$!1leness* $"i,%tness* o$" e!lo-ees* an& o$" na!e. T%ese val$es will 1e t%e

&i"etion o' t%e ea% e!lo-ee to 1e%ave in t%e o!an-5s val$e. Eve"- &ea"t!ent

$ses t%ese sa!e 'ive val$es 1$t t%e &e'initions will 1e &i''e"ent &een&in, on ea%

&ea"t!ent ,oal. H$!an "eso$"es &ea"t!ent also %as its own val$es as 'ollows:

6) 7onstant 7a"e: Pa"tne"in, wit% o$" stake%ol&e"s* we "oativel- "ovi&e

e''etive eole sol$tion in ti!e* all t%e ti!e.

2) H$!1leness: eset an& listen to o$" stake%ol&e"s* aknowle&,e an& lea"n

'"o! o$" !istakes* an& 1e oen to i&ea.

) "i,%tness: 7o!!$niate %onestl- an& &elive" o$" o!!it!ents wit%


;) O$" E!lo-ees: Hel "eate a t"$stin, envi"on!ent w%e"e ollea,$es a"e

val$e&* en,a,e& an& e!owe"e&* ena1lin, t%e! to !aintain wo"kli'e 1alane

<) O$" na!e: e assionate an& "o$& o' o$" na!e 1- livin, o$" val$es an&ontin$o$sl- i!"ovin, o$" H sol$tions

e'e""in, to t%e val$e o' H$!an "eso$"es &ea"t!ent* t%e o!an- ,ives a

%i,% val$e on its %$!an "eso$"e w%i% !eans t%e %$!an "eso$"e &evelo!ent is

one o' t%e !a+o" !issions 'o" t%e o"o"ate. Seve"al talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!s

%ave 1een la$n%e& s$% as esta1lis%!ent o' t%e s%iin, s%ool in 7oen%a,en*

E3e$tive T"ainin, P"o,"a!* E!lo-ee En,a,e!ent P"o,"a!* 7o!an-5s o"e

val$es a!ai,n* et.

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It %as 1een o1vio$sl- "eo,ni4e& 1- t%e to !ana,e!ent o' t%e o!an- t%at

%$!an is t%e ke- to o!etitiveness 'o" t%e ,"o$ in an- i"$!stane. T%e"e'o"e* t%e

Talent Develo!ent %as 1een 1"o$,%t $ in t%is o",ani4ation 'o" '$t$"e ,"owt%

ass$"ane an& also to ens$"e t%e o!an- will kee walkin, 'o"wa"& w%ile t%e

e!lo-ees a"e &eveloe& an& "etaine&.

?o" t%e ase o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&* H$!an eso$"es &ea"t!ent is in

%a",e o' talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!. T%e- al"ea&- 'i,$"e o$t %ow to i&enti'- t%e

%i,% otential wo"k'o"e t%en &esi,n t%e "o,"a! to intensivel- 1"in, t%at in&ivi&$al

"eso$"e o$t 'o" &eveloin, '$"t%e". ll "o,"a!s t%is o!an- %as 1een &oin,* t%ee''o"t is to ,et t%ese ,"o$ o' eole &eveloe& an& "ea"e t%e! 'o" t%e ne3t

,ene"ation e3e$tive. T%e $nit o' st$&- is lassi'ie& as 'ollows:

6) Mana,e!ent T"ainee o" M.I.S.E. T%e .P. Molle" Mae"sk #"o$ 1elieves t%at

talent &evelo!ent sta"ts at Ent"- >evel P"o,"a!!s w%i% will "ovi&e t%e "i,%t

'o$n&ation 'o" a '$t$"e lea&e"s%i in t%e o!an-. Mae"sk Inte"national S%iin,

E&$ation (M.I.S.E.) is t%e 'i"st ste towa"&s 1eo!in, one o' t%e '$t$"e ,lo1al

lea&e"s o' t%e .P. Molle"Mae"sk #"o$.

2) Hi,% Potential e!lo-ee (HIPO) w%i% a"e t%e e3istin, e!lo-ees w%o %ave

 otential to ,"ow $. T%e !eans 'o" e!lo-ee eval$ation o' e3istin, is to $se

 e"'o"!ane a"aisal* e"'o"!ane &is$ssion an& e!lo-ees5 FPI. T%e o! an-

%as "eali4e& t%at on a s!all ,"o$ o' talente& eole alt%o$,% an 1"in, t%ei" "eso$"e

into ,oo& "es$lts. It is also i!o"tant t%at t%e "est eole in t%e o",ani4ation a"e also

well&evelo. T%is is to ens$"e t%e o",ani4ation will kee !ovin, 'o"wa"& 1- talent o' 

!a+o"it- ,"o$ o' eole "at%e" t%an "el- on a s!all ,"o$ o' selete& eole.

) H$!an eso$"e Dea"t!ent is t%e ke- "ole la-e" in t%e Talent Develo!ent

e''o"t. T%e inte"view will 1e on&$te& wit% ke- e"sons in t%e &ea"t!ent w%o

ativel- involve& wit% Talent Develo!ent.

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T%is '$ntion is "esonsi1le 'o" e!lo-ee 1ene'its* "ewa"&* an& o!ensation.

<) E!lo-ee elation

T%is '$ntion is one"ne& wit% e''etive o!!$niations a!on, o!an-

!e!1e"s. It also involves in &ealin, wit% t%e $nion an& 'ollowin, t%e la1o" 


Re" !ted S tud& e(

T%e "esea"%e" %as st$&ie& an& ollete& "esea"%e"s* t%ese* in&een&ent

st$&ies as well as ot%e" "elate& $1lis%e& ae"s as 'ollows:

7%$ta"$t Mokasak (200B): t%is st$&- ai!s to st$&- t%e onets an& t%e t%eo"ies o'

t%e lea"nin, o",ani4ation $sin, t%e T"$e 7o"o"ation P$1li 7o!an- >i!ite& as a

ase st$&-. s t%is st$&- is &one 1- $sin, "i!a"- &ata '"o! in&et% inte"view an&

sel'o1se"vation 1- t%e a$t%o"* t%e "esea"%e" ,ets t%e ,$i&elines o' %ow to &o t%e

in&een&ent st$&- 1e $sin, t%e in&et% inte"view. Mo"eove"* t%is st$&- also 'o$ses

on %$!an "eso$"es &ea"t!ent w%i% is 1ene'iial 'o" "esea"%e" w%o also 'o$sin,

on %$!an "eso$"es &ea"t!ent as well. In a&&ition* t%is st$&- ,ives t%e i&eas o' %ow

%$!an "eso$"es &ea"t!ent s$o"t e!lo-ees5 aa1ilities* t%ink ositivel- a1o$t

%an,in, an& ,ive t%e! %anes to s%a"e t%ei" i&eas t%"o$,% t%e ativities.

 Nitta-a oonsi"isa!an (200B): t%e st$&- ai!s to eval$ate $sto!e" satis'ation

towa"&s se"vie G$alit- e"eive& '"o! Mae"sk >ine (T%ailan&) 7o.* >t&. in

&i!ensions o' tan,i1les* "elia1ilit-* "esonsiveness* ass$"ane* an& e!at%- an& to

&ete"!ine t%e &e,"ee o' $sto!e" satis'ation on se"vie G$alit- e"eive& '"o!

Mae"sk >ine (T%ailan&) 7o.* >t&. T%is st$&- is 1ene'iial 'o" "esea"%e" as t%e ase

st$&- is t%e sa!e o!an- o' t%e "esea"%e". T%e "esea"%e" an st$&- t%e $lt$"e o' 

t%e o!an- 1- $sin, t%is st$&-in, as t%e ,$i&eline.

ennet an& Nell (200;): T%is st$&- ,ives i&ea 'o" t%e "esea"%e" o' %ow to &evelo

 eole '"o! wit%in "at%e" t%an %i"in, '"o! e3te"nal. It $ses P"ote" #a!1le as anase st$&- 1- sa-in, t%at P"oto" #a!1le "e"$its at t%e ent"- level onl- an&


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,o o$tsi&e to %i"e senio" ositions. lea" &istintion 1etween 1est e!lo-e"s an&

ot%e" o!anies is t%at t%e 1est ten& to "o!ote '"o! wit%in* "at%e" t%an %i"e e3te"nal

an&i&ates 'o" !i&&le an& senio" ositions. T%e 1est 1$il& talent* w%ile t%e "est 1$-

talent. P"ote" #a!1le "ovi&es an envi"on!ent t%at ,ives ea"l- "esonsi1ilit-*

&evelos in&ivi&$al aa1ilities G$ikl-* an& "ovi&es soe to a&vane. J%ile so!e

 eole !i,%t a",$e t%at t%e"e a"e a&vanta,es to "e"$itin, e3te"nall- t%e

o",ani4ation 1ene'its '"o! a 1"eat% o' '"es% ai"* e3e"iene ,aine& '"o! ot%e"

o!anies* new i&eas* an& %allen,es to t%e wa- t%in,s a"e &one "esea"% at$all-

 "ove t%at to !ana,e!ent t%at o!es '"o! wit%in %as a ,"eate" %ane o' s$ess.

 Nonaka (699<): T%is st$&- is 1ene'iial 'o" "esea"%e" in te"!s o' talent !ana,e!ent.

It e3lains %ow talent !ana,e!ent involves in t%e o",ani4ation. >ea&in,

o",ani4ations ,ene"all- view t%e talent !ana,e!ent "oess as an on,oin,* %olisti

an& "oative e3e"ise. It is a1o$t i&enti'-in, to talents an& alloatin, "eso$"es to

&evelo t%e! in t%e !ost e''iient wa-. J%ile talent !ana,e!ent in ,ene"al is a1o$t

all o!onents o' t%e wo"k'o"e* inl$&in, t%e otential wo"k'o"e t%at e3ists o$tsi&e

t%e o",ani4ation* it is "iniall- an inte"nall- 'o$se& &isiline. n'o"t$natel-* !ost

o",ani4ations ten& to a- ins$''iient attention to inte"nal +o1 !o1ilit- t%at an 1oost

o!etitiveness* in"ease e''iien- an& ai& e!lo-ee "etention e''o"ts. t its o"e*

talent !ana,e!ent !eans a o!!it!ent to invest in t%e o",ani4ation5s %ie' asset* its

%$!an aital.

T%ese "elate& st$&ies ,$i&es t%e "esea"%e" not onl- t%e knowle&,e "elate& to

talent &evelo!ent 1$t also t%e i&eas to &o in&een&ent st$&- 1- $sin, in&et%

inte"view. T%e st$&ies also s$,,est t%e i&ea o' 1$il&in, talent in o",ani4ation "at%e"

t%an %i"in, '"o! o$tsi&e.T%e ont"i1$tion o' t%ese ae"s ats as t%e ,$i&elines 'o" t%e

"esea"%e" to $n&e"stan& t%e onet o' talent &evelo!ent an& t%e "esea"% G$estions

as 'ollows at as t%e ,$i&eline 'o" w"itin, %ate" ;

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In t%e "evio$s %ate"* t%e "esea"%e" %as &e'ine& w%at will 1e t%e iss$e to

&is$ss "e,a"&in, t%e Talent Develo!ent P"o,"a! 'o" Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&. T%is

%ate" &is$sses %ow t%e st$&- is on&$te& an& w%at tool is $se&.

T%e Talent Develo!ent st$&- 'o" Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& is on&$te& wit%

t%e G$alitative "esea"% in o"&e" to "o1e 'o" t%e ke- to s$ess on Talent

Develo!ent !ission 'o" t%is o",ani4ation. T%e st$&- involves t%e inte"view o' ke-

!ana,e!ent w%o %ol& t%e &"ivin, an& stee"in, o' t%is !ission. In o"&e" to a$"atel-

aG$i"e t%e &ata 'o" t%is st$&-* t%e !et%o& o' &ata olletion an& anal-sis a"e

&es"i1e& 1- t%e 'ollowin, stes:

. Data So$"es

. nit o' St$&-

7. Tool 'o" t%e St$&-

D. Data 7olletion

E. Data nal-sis

D!t! S $u '1e(

5853P'&%!' D!t!T%e "i!a"- &ata is ollete& '"o! t%e o",ani4ation w%i% a!e '"o! t%e in

&et% inte"view wit% t%e !ana,e!ent an& t%e wo"kin, tea! in Mae"sk #"o$

T%ailan& w%o ativel- involve wit% t%e Talent Develo!ent on 1ot% oliies an&

 "aties. T%is !eans t%e "i!a"- &ata ,ive t%e &etails '"o! oliies* st"ate,ies*

t%"o$,% t%e i!le!entation an& t%e %allen,es. T%e"e'o"e* t%e inte"view is on&$te&

wit% va"io$s '$ntions in H$!an eso$"e Dea"t!ent '"o! t%e oli- !ake" t%"o$,%

t%e i!le!ente" wit% totall- 8 %o$"s on Nove!1e" 200B.

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5823 Se1$nd!' D!t!

T%e seon&a"- &ata is t%e t%eo"ies t%at a"e t%e "e'e"ene to 1ak $ t%e st$&-

an& Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&5s ,$i&elines in ea% %$!an "eso$"es "elate& toi s$%

as talent &evelo!ent* e"'o"!ane a"aisal a"e also $se& to !ake to lea"e" to t%e

"ea&e"s. T%e"e'o"e* t%e seon&a"- &ata so$"es a"e te3t1ook* +o$"nal* "esea"%* t%ese*

o" an- we1site "elate& to t%e H$!an eso$"e Develo!ent* Talent Develo!ent* o" 

H$!an eso$"e Mana,e!ent iss$es.

Un& t $ S tud

T%is st$&- onent"ates on t%e H$!an eso$"e &ea"t!ent w%o a"e t%e ke-

"ole la-e" in t%e Talent Develo!ent e''o"t. T%e inte"view is on&$te& wit% ke-

 e"sons in t%e &ea"t!ent w%o ativel- involve wit% Talent Develo!ent.

T $$" $ t* e Stud

T%e inte"view is not in "eall- a st"$t$"al o" an aa&e!i 'o"!. In o"&e" to

 "o1e 'o" t%e neessa"- &ata t%at "eisel- "e'let t%e Talent Develo!ent* t%e

inte"view ,$i&eline %as to 1e &eveloe&. T%is inte"view ,$i&eline "events t%e

inte"viewe" '"o! 1ein, lose t%e t"ak w%ile also ens$"e t%e &ata "eG$i"e& &oes not 1e


T%e ,$i&eline 'o" t%e inte"view ,oes t%"o$,% t%e ; ele!ents. T%ese ; ele!ents

see! to 1e t%e o"e ele!ents o' talent &evelo!ent. T%e ; ele!ents o!ose o' t%e

'ollowin, a"eas:

a. T%e ove"view o' talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! in Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&

 1. T%e i&enti'iation o' talent

. T%e "oess o' talent &evelo!ent

&. T%e o$to!e o' talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!

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D!t! C$"" e1t&$n

T%e &ata olletion 'o" t%e "i!a"- &ata is ollete& '"o! t%e inte"view o' ke-

 e"sons involve& wit% talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! inl$&in,:

6. M"s.Ni-awan Fa!olt%a! Na anon,* H$!an eso$"e Develo!ent Mana,e". s

t%e H$!an eso$"e Develo!ent Mana,e"* Ms. Ni-awan is in %a",e o' all iss$es

"elate& to talent an& o!eten- &evelo!ent 'o" all o!anies wit%in Mae"sk #"o$

T%ailan&. S%e is "esonsi1le 'o" o!!$niatin, t%e o"o"ate5s oliies an& st"ate,ies

to all !ana,e!ents an& e!lo-ees w%ile also onve"t t%e oliies an& st"ate,ies into


2. Ms.Ka"$nee 7%e"&%oo* ssistant H Mana,e"T"ainin, an& Develo!ent. s t%e

ssistant H Mana,e"T"ainin, an& Develo!ent* Ms.Ka"$nee is in %a",e o' 

&eveloin, t%e t"ainin, "o,"a! w%i% will s$o"t t%e st"ate,ies o' t%e o",ani4ation.

T%e in&et% inte"view is on&$te& askin, t%e G$estions "e,a"&in, talent

&evelo!ent "oess. T%e "oesses o' in&et% inte"view a"e as 'ollows:

. Make aoint!ent wit% t%e inte"viewees

T%e aoint!ent wit% M"s. Ni-awan Fa!olt%a! Na anon, an& Ms.Ka"$nee

7%e"&%oo is on&$te& 1- %one. T%e int"o&$tion a1o$t t%e toi o' t%e st$&- is


. Inte"view t%e inte"viewees

T%e inte"view o' Ms. Ka"$nee 7%e"&%oo is on&$te& on 66 Nove!1e" 200B an& M"s.

 Ni-awan Fa!olt%an Naanon, is on 2< Nove!1e" 200B. T%e inte"view a$!$latin,

%o$"s is on&$te& a"o$n& 8 %o$"s in T%ai lan,$a,e at E!i"e Towe"* So$t% Sat%o"n


7. ?ollow $ t%e !issin, tois

I' so!e tois a"e !issin, &$"in, t%e inte"view* t%e &is$ssion 1- tele%one is

on&$te& to la"i'- t%e !issin, tois.

T%e &ata olletion &$"in, t%e inte"view is &one 1- %an& an&/o" "eo"&e".

not%e" so$"e o' &ata is '"o! t%e o!an- inte"net an& int"anet %annels. Mae"sk 

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>ine is selete& in t%is st$&- &$e to its "e$tation as t%e wo"l& la",est s%iin, line. Its

si4e is "anke& in t%e wo"l& 66st

la",est 'i"! 1- ?o"1s Ma,a4ine. s t%e wo"l& la",est

an& lea&in, s%iin, line* Mae"sk >ine was !ostl- 1ein, t%e t"en& sette" 'o" t%is

in&$st"- w%i% eve"- s%iin, line alwa-s kee its e-es on t%e !ove!ents o' Mae"sk 


D!t! An !"(&(

T%e &ata anal-sis is in &es"itive anal-sis $sin, in&et% inte"view as a

 "i!a"- &ata an& "esea"%* +o$"nal* t%esis* te3t1ooks* o" ot%e" aa&e!i ae" as

s$o"tin, &ata. T%e anal-sis 'o$ses on %ow Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& &eveloe& t%e

e''etive talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!. T%e &ata '"o! t%e inte"view is o!a"e& wit%

t%e t%eo"- "eviewe& in %ate" 2. T%e o!a"ison 'o$ses on t%e si!ila"it- an&

&i''e"ene o' talent &evelo!ent "oess. ?$"t%e"!o"e* t%e 1ene'its an& %allen,es o' 

talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& a"e i&enti'ie& as well.

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MESF #OP THI>ND ,ives t%e '$ll ont"i1$tion 'o" Talent

Develo!ent 'o" ove" 60 -ea"s. Seve"al Talent Develo!ent P"o,"a!s %ave 1een

la$n%e& to &evelo t%e lea&e"s o' to!o""ow an& also t%e otential e!lo-ees. T%e

o!an- 1elieves t%at Talent Develo!ent is t%e ke- to s$ess an& to st"en,t%en t%e

o!etitiveness 'o" Mae"sk in lon, "$n.

T ! " e n t D e # e " $ p % e n t P ' $/ ' ! % $ M ! e' () G ' $ u p T* ! &"! n d 

Talent Develo!ent P"o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& o!oses o' 2 !ain o$"ses:

58M!e'() Inte'n!t&$n!" S*&pp&n/ Edu1!t&$n M8I8S8E3 is a 2 -ea"s !ana,e!ent

t"ainee "o,"a! to &evelo t%e '$t$"e lea&e"s 'o" t%e o!an-. M.I.S.E 1eo!es t%e

inte"national talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! o' .P. Molle" Mae"sk #"o$. B0

o$nt"ies '"o! total 62< o$nt"ies o' .P. Molle" Mae"sk #"o$ a"tiiate in t%e

 "o,"a! inl$&in, T%ailan& an& eve"- o$nt"- $ses t%e sa!e stan&a"& o' lo,ial

in&iato" test an& e"sonalit- test to selet t%e t"ainees. Ea% -ea" t%e"e a"e ;<0

t"ainees '"o! !o"e t%an B0 o$nt"ies en"oll in t%e "o,"a!. T%e "o,"a! is 'o$n&e& in

T%ailan& 'o" 6 -ea"s sine 699<. <; Mana,e!ent t"ainees '"o! T%ailan& s$ess'$ll-

 ass t%e "o,"a!. T%e n$!1e" o' t"ainees will &i''e"entiate ea% -ea" 1$t sine 200<

t%e n$!1e" o' t"ainee e" -ea" is 'i3e& to 1e 8 e"sons. T%ese 8 t"ainees a"e selete&

'"o! ove" <*000 new ,"a&$ate& an&i&ates ea% -ea" an& t%e- will 1e en"olle& into 2

-ea"s "o,"a! w%i% onsists o'  "atial e3e"iene an& alie& t%eo"etial st$&-.

?i,$"e ill$st"ates t%e "otations o' "atial ositions an& t%eo"etial st$&ies

o' t"ainee &$"in, 2 -ea"s in T%ailan&. P"atial e3e"iene onsists o' at least two to

t%"ee ositions in t%e t"ainees %o!e o$nt"ies w%e"e t%e t"ainees aG$i"e knowle&,e

o' t%e &i''e"ent 1$siness a"eas in t%e ,"o$ t%"o$,% wo"k.

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? i , $ " e : MISE otation* So$"e: H$!an eso$"es Dea"t!ent* Mae"sk #"o$


T%e t%eo"etial st$&- is on&$te& in En,lis% an& takes lae at Mae"sk 

S%iin, a&e!- in 7oen%a,en t%"o$,% !o&$les o' 6; &a-s ea% (; !o&$les in

two -ea"s)* &$"in, w%i% t"ainees atten& lessons* tea! 1$il&in, t"ainin,* tests an&

e3a!inations. ?$"t%e"!o"e* T%e .P. Molle" Mae"sk #"o$ also o''e" a va"iet- o' 

o$"ses* inl$&in, sales te%niG$es* eono!is* "esentation te%niG$es* 1$siness

et%is* !a"iti!e law an& te%nolo,-* invest!ent* s%iin,* lo,istis* eo!!e"e an&

 o"t !ana,e!ent. In t%ese sessions* !o"e t%an 2<0 t"ainees '"o! !o"e t%an B0

&i''e"ent o$nt"ies an& $lt$"es a"e !i3e& in o"&e" to in"ease t%e inte"national

$n&e"stan&in, an& at t%e sa!e ti!e &evelo a netwo"k a!on, ea% ot%e". on t%e

o!letion o' t%ese 2 -ea"s* s$ess'$ll- ,"a&$ate& t"ainees %ave t%e oo"t$nit- to 1e

e3at"iate& to ove" 2< .P.Molle" Mae"sk o''ies wo"l&wi&e. T%e &$"ation 'o" 

e3at"iation will 1e 2 -ea"s. D$"in, t%ese -ea"s* t"ainees will 1e a1le to lea"n t%e

inte"national wo"kin, '"o! t%e "eal e3e"iene. T%is is t%e a"t o' a"ee" &evelo!ent.

One t%e e3at"iation is o!lete& an& t"ainees "eat to T%ailan&* t%e o!an- will

,$a"antee t%e osition o' at least ssistant Mana,e".

C$ali'iations o' aliants inl$&e t%e 'ollowin,:

6) ,e 1elow 2; -ea"s ol&

2) Hol& 1a%elo"s De,"ee in an- 'iel&s

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) #oo& o!!an& o' soken an& w"itten En,lis%

;) Sel'!otivate& an& ossess st"on, lea&e"s%i

<) Have inte"national !in&set

T%e seletion o' an&i&ates is as 'ollowin,:

6. ll aliants take t%e tests as 'ollows:

) >o,ial In&iato" test (>I): Mae"sk &evelos its own lo,ial test to $se ,lo1all-

'o" seletin, t%e aliants at all level an& osition. It onsists o' <0 G$estions wit%in

62 !in$tes. It is not aa&e!i test 1$t testin, on easonin, an& >o,ial o' in&ivi&$al

 eole. Jit%in li!ite& ti!e '"a!e* w%o an &o 1ette".Mae"sk 1elieves t%at eole w%o

,et %i,%e" so"e will %ave ten&en- to lea"n 'aste" w%en &oin, +o1s* solvin, "o1le!s

et. s t%e test ove"s 1ot% !at% an& lan,$a,e G$estions* its &esi,n to see w%o an &o

L!ostL an& L!o"eL t%an ot%e"s. (No one an ,et '$ll !a"k) nive"sal G$estions

so t%is t-e o' test is Lsee&L test. T%$s* t%is is t%e test 'o" all "e,a"&less t%ei" 

aa&e!i &isiline (siene/ en,inee"/ a"t) It tests "easonin, an& lo,i o' eole.

) Pe"sonalit- Test (PI): Mae"sk &evelos t%is e"sonalit- test to $se ,lo1all- as

well as lo,ial test. PI is $se& as a !ana,e!ent tool 'o" anal-sis o' "elate&

1e%avio"s an& !otivatin, nee&s. It ,ives t%e !ana,e!ent tea! t%e knowle&,e o'

%ow to

$tili4e eole wit% ea% 1e%avio". PI looks t%"o$,% e"sonalit- t"ait o' eole. T%e

"ationale o' PI o!es '"o! sienti'i s-%olo,ists an& 1eo!e w%at we all %$!an

 1e%avio" ?"o! Ps-%olo,- onet* Pe"sonalit- T"ait tells $s t%e ten&en- o' t%e

t-e o' eole a"e i.e. o$t,oin,* "ese"ve&* a!1itio$s* lea&e" et. J%en t%e- live in

soiet- an& inte"at wit% eole. PI &oesnt ove" Intelli,ene (>I will tell). E&$ation*

t"ainin,* e3e"iene* Skill an& +$&,!ent o' t%ose eole a"e not ove"e&. T%ese

latte" will o!e '"o! Inte"view. PI onl- !eas$"es e%avio"* Motivatin, Nee&s*

D"ives* tit$&es St-les.

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T%e"e a"e 'o$" !ain asi ?ato" in PI:

?ato" : In&iatin, >ea&e"s%i* es$lt O"iente&* !1itio$s* sse"tiveness

?ato" : Initiative* Non s-ste! t-e* Soial Skills..Peole Skills

?ato" 7: Pae o' wo"k (w%et%e" wo"k 'ast o" slow)

?ato" D: Detaile& o"ientation* onse"vative* "$les ,$i&eline* &isiline.

Mae"sk &evelo o$" inte"nal an& selet t%e PI t%at s$its 'o" O",ani4ation 7$lt$"e.

2. T%e aliants w%o ass t%e test (1ot% PI an& >I) will 1e inte"viewe& 1-

'ollowin, e"sons:

6) H Dea"t!ent (ssistant Mana,e"/ H Mana,e")

2) 7o$nt"- ?$ntional Mana,e" 

) T%ailan& 7o$nt"- Mana,e" 

Ea% -ea" onl- 8 selete& aliants will 1eo!e T%ailan& Mana,e!ent T"ainees.

28 H&/* P$tent&!" T!"ent De#e"$p%ent P'$/'!%: T%is "o,"a! is la$n%e& in

T%ailan& sine 200. T%is "o,"a! is &esi,ne& 'o" t%e $""ent e!lo-ees w%o %ave a

%i,% otential wit% t%e 'ollowin, o1+etives:

2.6) To &evelo t%e s-ste!ati "oe&$"e in !ana,in, e"'o"!e"s at all levels.

2.2) To ens$"e ontin$it- in i&enti'iation* $tili4ation* &evelo!ent* an& "etention o' 

talents in o"&e" to 'ill t%e talent ,a ali,ne& wit% 1ot% s%o"t an& lon, te"! 1$siness


P'$ 1e(( $ T !" en t De#e" $p %en t

In o"&e" to !ana,e e"'o"!e"s at all levels* !ana,e"s nee& to ens$"e t%e

'ollowin, a"e in lae:

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538 P'$&"e, Pe'$'%!n1e, !nd P$tent&!" PPP3 Re1$'d(

P"o'ile "e'e"s to e!lo-ee "o'ile to,et%e" wit% e"sonalit- in&iato" so"e (PI)

an& >o,ial test so"e (>I). Eve"- e!lo-ee will %ave t%ei" own "ee!lo-!ent

e3a!ination "es$lts. >I an& PI so"es will 1e $se& as t%e "i!a"- in&iato" 1$t &oes

not li!it t%e oo"t$nit- to t%ose wit% a won&e"'$l so"e "o'ile. lt%o$,% so!e

e!lo-ees a"e "e"$ite& wit% an o"&ina"- so"es (not o$tstan&in,)* t%e- still %ave

oo"t$nit- to ente" t%e talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!.

Pe"'o"!ane an& otential "e'e"s to e!lo-ee e"'o"!ane "eo"& (?i,$"e ;)

an& otential "atin, (?i,$"e <) '"o! "eent -ea"s. T%e e!lo-ee otential will 1e

assesse& as 'ollowe&:

6) 1ilit- to ont"i1$te at a %i,%e" level

2) 1ilit- to view sit$ations '"o! !$ltile e"setives an& to tole"ate an& navi,ate

t%"o$,% !o"e o!le3it- an& a!1i,$it-

) Jillin,ness to lea"n new o!etenies in o"&e" to e"'o"! $n&e" new on&itions

;) Potential to ass$!e ,"eate" "esonsi1ilit-

a. Jit% 'o$s on t%e o!1ination o' t%e innate %a"ate"istis an& lea"ne&

skills t%at an e!lo-ee $ses to a""- o$t %is/%e" &a-to&a- wo"k* &oes

t%e e!lo-ee asi"e to !ove to a !o"e "itial osition

 1. In w%i% wa- &oes t%e e!lo-ee s%ow otential (in&ivi&$al

ont"i1$to" ("o+et !ana,e") lea&in, ot%e"s* lea&in, lea&e"s*

1$siness lea&e" o" '$ntional lea&e"* et.)

<) Potential to !ove $ in osition wit%in t%e ,iven ti!e '"a!e o' 62 !ont%s

Pe"'o"!ane a"aisal an& otential "atin, a"e a""ie& o$t twie a -ea"* !i&

-ea" "eview an& -ea" en& a"aisal.

Pe'$'%!n1e App'!&(!" S1$'&n/ C'&te'&!

Out(t!nd&n/  T%is so"e is assi,ne& 'o" t%e e!lo-ees w%o an &elive" !o"e t%an

<0Q a1ove t%e e3etation.

E71eed( E7pe1t!t&$n(  T%is so"e is assi,ne& 'o" t%e o1+etive t%at t%e e!lo-ee

an &elive" 20Q to <0Q a1ove t%e e3etation.

Meet( E7pe1t!t&$n(  T%is so"e is assi,ne& 'o" t%e o1+etive t%at t%e e!lo-ees an

!ostl- &elive" as e3ete& (not less t%an B0Q).

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Meet( ($%e, 4ut n$t !"" e7pe1t!t&$n(  T%is so"e is assi,ne& 'o" t%e o1+etive t%at

t%e e!lo-ees a"tiall- !eet t%e e3etations (<0B0Q o' e3etation).

+!&"( t$ %eet e7pe1t!t&$n  T%is so"e is assi,ne& 'o" t%e o1+etive t%at t%e

e!lo-ees &elive" less t%an <0Q o' t%e e3etations.

? i , $ " e ; Pe"'o"!ane "aisal

So$"e: H$!an eso$"es Dea"t!ent* Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&

? i , $ " e < Potential atin,

So$"e: H$!an eso$"es Dea"t!ent* Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&

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23 Pe'$'%!n1e G$!"(

Pe"'o"!ane ,oals "e'e" to t%e o1+etives o" FPIs o' ea% e!lo-ee. It nee&s to

 1e set wit% t%e oo"&ination 1etween !ana,e" an& e!lo-ee to ens$"e t%at t%e

!eas$"e!ents a"e a,"ee& $on. E!lo-ees s%o$l& 1e awa"e o' %ow t%ei" e"sonal

o1+etives a"e linke& wit% t%e &ea"t!ent ta",ets.

>3 Pe'$'%!n1e D&(1u((&$n

7o$"a,eo$s onve"sations 1etween e!lo-ee an& !ana,e" will 1e on&$te&

to %ek e"sonal e''etiveness stat$s an& 1oost e"'o"!ane. E!lo-ees s%o$l& 1e

a1le to answe" 1asi G$estions on w%- t%ei" +o1 e3ists* %ow t%e- a"e e"'o"!in,* %ow

t%e- an i!"ove* an& w%at t%e- will "eeive in "et$"n et. C$estions #$i&eline

(Ta1le 8) is $se& as a ,$i&eline 'o" 1ot% !ana,e" an& e!lo-ee &$"in, e"'o"!ane

&is$ssion. It will assist !ana,e" an& e!lo-ee to 1$il& a o!!on $n&e"stan&in, an&

in"ease e!lo-ee en,a,e!ent

T a 1 l e 8 C$estions #$i&elineT*e ue(t&$n( Gu&de"&ne(

58 W*!t !% I !11$unt!4"e $'<

+$' E%p"$ee

R T%is G$estion is to $n&e"stan& w%at -o$ a"e "esonsi1le 'o" &elive"in,

R Ens$"e -o$" +o1 &es"ition a$"atel- "e'lets w%at -o$ &o* talk to -o$" !ana,e" i' an-"esonsi1ilities %as %an,e&

+$' M!n!/e'

R Jo"k wit% tea! to ens$"e +o1 &es"ition is $ to &ate

R P"io"iti4e e"'o"!ane a"aisal o1+etive

R Set lea" e3etation wit% tea! !e!1e"s

28 H$; !% I %e!(u'ed<+$' E%p"$ee

R Jo"k wit% -o$" !ana,e" to esta1lis% an& a,"ee to e"'o"!ane o$to!es 'o" ea%o1+etive (FPIs)

R Esta1lis% !ilestone 'o" ea% o1+etive

+$' M!n!/e'

R Ens$"e t%at e"'o"!ane a"aisal a"e on&$te&

R E3lain %ow o1+etives a"e wei,%te& an& so"e& in t%e e"'o"!ane a"aisal "oess

R e,$la"l- %ek e!lo-ee5s "o,"ess on t%ei" o1+etive

R Set lea" 1e%avio"al e3etations 'o" t%ei" &ail- inte"ation wit% t%ei" tea! an& $sto!e"s

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Ta1l e 8 (ontin$e&)

T*e ue(t&$n( Gu&de"&ne(

>8 H$; !% I pe'$'%&n/<

+$' E%p"$ee

R @o$ s%o$l& 1e a1le to &is$ss wit%-o$" !ana,e" -o$" $""ent e"'o"!ane

an& %ave la"it- on w%e"e -o$ a"e

R a%ievin, an& a"eas -o$ nee& to

R se ann$al* !i&-ea" e"'o"!ane

Ra"aisals an& oneonone !eetin,s to &is$ss -o$" e"'o"!ane wit% -o$" !ana,e" 

R e willin, to listen to onst"$tive 'ee&1ak an& at ao"&in,l-

R It5s a two wa- onve"sation* so ask %ow a! I e"'o"!in,5* an& 1e "ea"e&to e3"ess -o$" view w%e"e neessa"-

+$' M!n!/e'

R eo,ni4e tea! o" in&ivi&$al ao!lis%!ents an& ,ive ositive 'ee&1ak 

R S%e&$le "e,$la" 'aeto'ae

&is$ssion wit% ea% tea!


B8 W* &( ;*!t I d$ ($ &%p$'t!nt<

+$' E%p"$ee

R n&e"stan&in, -o$" "ole an& %ow -o$

ont"i1$te to t%e en&toen& s%iin,

 "oess will %el -o$ $n&e"stan&

w%- w%at -o$ &o so i! o" tant

R Talk to -o$" !ana,e" a1o$t %ow -o$"

o1+etives i!at -o$" tea!5s o$to!es*

an& t%e 'lowon e''et t%e- %ave on ot%e" 


+$' M!n!/e'


E3lain %ow ea% tea! !e!1e"5s +o1 i!ats t%e &ea"t!ent5s 1$siness lanR ein'o"e t%e en&toen& s%iin,

 "oess wit% -o$" tea! an& e3lain t%e ost o' e""o"s

R Eno$"a,e tea! !e!1e"s to &is$ss t%ei" i&eas on "oess i!"ove!ents

R S%a"e $sto!e" 'ee&1ak* 'inanial "es$lts an& o!ass "ose5

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Ta1l e 8 (ontin$e&)

T*e ue(t&$n( Gu&de"&ne(

8 W*!t !% I d$&n/ t$ &%p'$#e % pe'$'%!n1e<

+$' E%p"$ee

R esonsi1le 'o" t%ei" own e"'o"!ane an& &evelo!ent

R >ook 'o" oo"t$nities 'o" i!"ovin, wo"k "oess

R ,"ee on a e"sonal &evelo!ent lan &$"in, -o$" e"'o"!ane a"aisal "oess an&take "esonsi1ilit- to ation it

+$' M!n!/e'

R ,"ee on &evelo!ent nee&s an& esta1lis% e"sonal &evelo!ent lan


ein'o"e in&ivi&$al "esonsi1ilit- 'o" t%ei" &evelo!entR e,$la"l- assess ea% tea! !e!1e"s5 aa1ilities an& &is$ss

n- skills ,as

F8 W*!t (upp$'t d$ I need '$% % %!n!/e' t$ &%p'$#e % pe'$'%!n1e<

+$' E%p"$ee

R sk -o$" !ana,e" %ow -o$ an en%ane -o$" aa1ilities an& i!"ove $""ent e"'o"!ane

R Seak wit% -o$" !ana,e" a1o$t -o$" ,ene"al a"ee" a!1itions an& "o'essional&evelo!ent

R sk -o$" !ana,e" %ow t%e- a"e ,oin, to s$o"t -o$ in a%ievin, -o$" ,oal

+$' M!n!/e'R ,"ee wit% ea% tea! !e!1e" %ow -o$ will s$o"t t%e! in a%ievin, t%ei" e"sonal

&evelo!ent lan

R S%a"e -o$" skills/knowle&,e

R >ook 'o" oo"t$nities to &ele,ate

8 W*!t &( &n &t $' %e & I pe'$'% /'e!t, /$$d , !#e'!/e, 4e"$; !#e'!/e<

+$' E%p"$ee

R Seek '$"t%e" 'ee&1ak o" "eo,nition 'o" wo"k -o$ a"e &oin,

R 7la"i'- wit% -o$" !ana,e %ow -o$" e"'o"!ane i!at on -o$" "e!$ne"ation an& a"ee"  "oset

+$' M!n!/e'

R E3lain t%at e!lo-ees5 e"'o"!ane is "e'lete& in t%ei" sala"- "eview

R Talk a1o$t a"ee" oo"t$nities

R 7"eate lea"nin, oo"t$nities 'o" tea! !e!1e" e.,. "o+et

B3 Pe'$'%!n1e R!n)&n/

Pe"'o"!ane "ankin, s%ows so"es o' all e"'o"!e"s 1- "ankin, '"o! t%e

%i,%est so"e &own to t%e lowest a"oss &i''e"ent 1$siness $nits* &ea"t!ents* o" 

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tea!s. e"'o"!ane "eview "oess t%at $ses !$ltile "ite"ia &e'ine& 1- t%e

o",ani4ation* 1$siness $nit* o" &ea"t!ent .T%e "ite"ia an 1e wei,%te& &i''e"entl- to

a$"atel- "e'let +o1 e"'o"!ane an& i!o"tane o' ea% a"a!ete".

ankin, #$i&elines

One t%e e"'o"!ane "ankin, %as 1een &one* e!lo-ees in t%e o!an- will

 1e ate,o"i4e& into "ankin, ,"o$s:

#"o$ 6 is e!lo-ees w%o ossess %i,% e"'o"!ane. T%e 'i"st 0Q in t%e %i,%est

"ankin, so"e will 1e ate,o"i4e& in t%is ,"o$. T%is ,"o$ ontains t%e e!lo-ees

w%o &elive" an e3ee&in, t%e o1+etives "es$lts.

#"o$ 2 is e!lo-ees w%o ossess s$ess'$l e"'o"!ane. T%is ,"o$ ontains t%e

e!lo-ees w%o e3atl- !eet t%e +o1 o1+etives set 1- t%e o!an-.

#"o$ is t%e e!lo-ees w%o osses less e''etive e"'o"!ane. T%is ,"o$ ontains

t%e e!lo-ees w%ose "es$lts a"tiall- !eet t%e +o1 o1+etives.

Ot%e" t%an t%e e"'o"!ane ,"o$in,* t%e "o!ota1ilit- o' t%e e!lo-ees is

also eval$ate&. T%e "o!ota1ilit- !eans t%e otential o' t%e e!lo-ee to ass$!e t%e

%i,%e" osition.

Hi,%l- P"o!ota1le (P2) !eans t%e e!lo-ees w%o %ave t%e otential to ass$!e t%e

%i,%e" osition wit%in 6 -ea".

P"o!ota1le (P6) !eans t%e e!lo-ees w%o %ave t%e otential to ass$!e t%e %i,%e" 

 osition wit%in 62 -ea"s.

 Not P"o!ota1le (P0) !eans t%e e!lo-ees w%o a"e not "ea&- 'o" "o!otion. T%e

e!lo-ees will "e!ain in t%e sa!e osition 'o" t%e ne3t 62 !ont%s

Ta1le 1elow ill$st"ates t%e e"'o"!ane ,"o$in, "es$lts o' 92< e!lo-ees in

Mae"sk in 200B.

Ta1l e Pe"'o"!ane ,"o$in,

Pe'$'%e'( Hi,%l-P"o!ota 1le

P"o!ota1le Not P"o!ota1le

P'$%$t!4&"&t P2 P6 P0

G'$up 5 H&/* >03 5E >B 200

G'$up 2 = Su11e((u" F03 2E EE

G'$up > = Le(( Ee1t&#e 503 9>

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3 Pe'$'%!n1e M!n!/e%ent T$$"(

'te" o!letin, e"'o"!ane "ankin,* t%e 'ollowin, tools will 1e $se& to &eal

wit% &i''e"ent t-es o' talent.

. 7oa%in, 7oa%in, t%e ke- skills will 1e on tea%* set ,oals* listen* solve

 "o1le!s* ,ive 'ee&1ak an& !aintain "elations%i. It will 'o$s on !i3 o' $""ent an&

'$t$"e "oles. T%e st-le o' 'ee&1ak will 1e !i3 o' ositive an& onst"$tive. Hi,%

 e"'o"!ane e!lo-ees nee& less ti!e on oa%in, as

. Mento"in, t%e ke- skills will 1e on tea%* set ,oals* listen* ,ive 'ee&1ak*

!aintain "elations%i an& a"ee" a&vie. It will 'o$s !ostl- on '$t$"e "ole. T%e st-le

o' 'ee&1ak will 1e !ostl- ositive.

7. Pe"'o"!ane 7o$nselin, t%e ke- skills will 1e on listen an& solve

 "o1le!. It 'o$ses on $""ent "oles onl-. T%e st-le o' 'ee&1ak will 1e !ostl-


D. Pe"'o"!ane elow E3etations (PEA) #$i&elines t%e ke- skill will 1e

sei'-in, t%e a"ea o' i!"ove!ent an& ,ive a lea" inst"$tion on %ow an t%e

e!lo-ees i!"ove t%ei" e"'o"!ane. T%e "itial a"ea o' i!"ove!ent nee&e& to 1e

'i,$"e& o$t an& o!!$niate& to t%e e!lo-ees so lea" t%at t%e e!lo-ees an

o1vio$sl- know w%at t%e- %ave to &o an& %ow to "io"iti4e t%e i!o"tane o' t%e a"ea

o' i!"ove!ent.

E!lo-ees an t%en 1e &eveloe& 1- $sin, t%e 'ollowin, &evelo!ental

,$i&eline as 1elow. ?"o! ta1le B* 1elow e"enta,es a"e +$st a ,$i&eline 'o" t%e

a!o$nt o' ti!e t%at s%o$l& 1e sent on ea% a"oa%.

 Ta1l e B Pe"'o"!ane !ana,e!ent ,$i&elinePe'$'%e'( G'$up 5 G'$up 2 G'$up >

P'$%$t!4&"&t >03 F03 503

7oa%in, 2<Q /<Q <0Q

Mento"in, <Q 2<Q 0Q

Pe"'o"!ane 7o$nselin, 0Q 0Q <0Q

?o" t%e e!lo-ees in ,"o$ 6* t%e- "oo' t%at t%e- an ,ene"ate t%e

o$tstan&in, "es$lts '"o! t%e ,$i&eline an& so!e s$o"t '"o! t%e o!an-.

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T%e"e'o"e* t%is ,"o$ nee&s least e"'o"!ane oa%in, t%an t%e ot%e" ,"o$s. T%e

oa%in, will e!%asi4e so!e essential skill 'o" t%e +o1s o" to 1"oa&en t%e skill.

?o" t%e e!lo-ees in ,"o$ 2* t%e- an a%ieve !ost o' e3etations. T%is

i!lies t%at t%e lea" inst"$tion is "eG$i"e& to ena1le t%is ,"o$ to &elive" ,oo& "es$lt.

Mo"eove"* t%e oa%in, is ve"- wo"ka1le 'o" t%is ,"o$ in o"&e" to i!"ove t%ei" skill

w%i% will 1e t%e ke- to $s% t%is ,"o$ $ to anot%e" level.

?o" t%e e!lo-ees in ,"o$ * t%e- !a- %ave iss$es on !an- a"eas i.e. t%ei"

!otivation* t%ei" o!!$niation* t%ei" skill* t%ei" attit$&e* et. T%e"e'o"e* t%is ,"o$

nee&s a ve"- lose o$nselin, to "o1e t%e iss$es t%at 1lok t%e e!lo-ees '"o! 1ein,


F3 Pe'($n!" De#e"$p%ent P"!n

In o"&e" to a%ieve e"sonal an& 1$siness o1+etives* Pe"sonal Develo!ent

Plan !$st 1e set. T%is is t%e "esonsi1ilit- o' 1ot% t%e !ana,e" an& e!lo-ee to

ens$"e i!le!entation o' t%e Pe"sonal Develo!ent Plan (PDP) 'o" ea% -ea".

Pe"sonal Develo!ent Plan (?i,$"e 8).T%e lan "ovi&es e!lo-ees a lea" an&

st"$t$"e& a"oa% to t%e $o!in, 62 !ont%s in t%ei" $""ent osition an& it !$st 1e

linke& to tan,i1le ativities.

. J%at t%e e!lo-ee !$st &o to s$ee&

. How t%e !ana,e" an &e!onst"ate s$o"t

7. In w%i% wa- t%e PDP an 1e a%ieve&

? i , $ " e 8 Pe"sonal Develo!ent lanSo$"e: H$!an eso$"es Dea"t!ent* Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&

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? i , $ " e Pe"sonal Develo!ent Plan a"ea no.6

So$"e: H$!an eso$"es Dea"t!ent* Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&

Pe"sonal &evelo!ent lan ats as t%e a,"ee!ent 1etween e!lo-ees an&

!ana,e"s on t%e a"ea o' &evelo!ent o' e!lo-ees an& %ow t%ese i!"ove!ent will

 1e s$o"te&. E!lo-ees an& !ana,e"s s%o$l& wo"k to,et%e" to answe" t%e 'ollowin,


6) WHAT a"eas an 1e i!"ove&

2) WHY is t%e"e a nee& to e''et i!"ove!ent

) HOW will &evelo!ent %el t%e e!lo-ee to a%ieve t%e a,"ee& ke- o1+etives

;) J%at PERSONAL COACHING an -o$" lea&e" "ovi&e

<) How is +EEDACK ens$"e&

8) J%at TRAINING J COURSES a"e nee&e&

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3 T!"ent Ut&"&?!t&$n M$4&"&?!t&$n

T%e talent $tili4ation/!o1ili4ation is te%niG$e $se& 'o" t%ose w%ose talent %as

 1een &eveloe& $ to t%e level t%at t%e o!an- 1elieves t%e- an &elive" so!e "es$lts

i' t%e- ,et t%e %allen,es. T%is i!lies t%at t%e e!lo-ees in ,"o$ (less e''etive)

a"e not "ea&- 'o" !o1ili4ation. nless t%at ase t%e o!an- e"eives t%at t%e

e!lo-ees a"e $t into t%e w"on, +o1s (!is!at%)* t%e +o1 "otation an 1e alie&

%e"e. T%e $tili4ation o' talente& will 1e as t%e 'ollowin, a"oa%es:

. Ko1 t"ans'e" / "otation

Hi,% otential (HIPO) e!lo-ees will 1e "ovi&e& "oss '$ntional e3os$"e

to "o!ote 1"eat% o' knowle&,e an& o",ani4ational e"setive. T%e ave"a,e ti!e t%at

HIPO sen&s in ea% osition &oesn5t 'i3 1$t no"!all- it won5t e3ee& .< -ea"s.

HIPO !$st "e!ain wit%in ositions lon, eno$,% to !a3i!i4e &evelo!ental

oo"t$nities an& t%e o!an-5s $se o' talent. 7onve"sel-* it is i!e"ative t%at

o!an- !ove HIPO '"eG$entl- eno$,% to ontin$e "ovi&in, &evelo!ental

%allen,e an& new 1$siness e3e"iene. Howeve"* M.I.S.E %as t%e 'i3 &$"ation 'o" +o1

"otation. D$"in, t%e 'i"st two -ea"s* t"ainee will %ave "otations an& ea% "otation is

&$e 'o" B !ont%s

. Ko1 "o!otion

It5s o1vio$sl- known t%at Ko1 P"o!otion is one o' t%e t-ial wa-s to $tili4e

t%e talent o' t%e e!lo-ees. T%e +o1 "o!otion will 1"in, o$t t%e talent '"o! t%e

e!lo-ees an& t"ans'o"! t%ei" talent into t%e visi1le "es$lts. ?"o! t%e Ko1 P"o!otion*

t%e e!lo-ees an "atie t%e skill t%e- &eveloe& in "eal "atie. T%e o!an-

ai!s to &evelo its own e!lo-ees 'o" t%e '$t$"e ,"owt% "at%e" t%an "e"$itin, new

e!lo-ees '"o! o$tsi&e. not%e" i!o"tant 1ene'it '"o! +o1 "o!otin, is t%at t%e "o!ote& e!lo-ees o!e to t%e osition wit% t%e o!an- $lt$"e. T%is !eans t%e

e!lo-ees will 1e "ea&- 'o" wo"k wit% least $lt$"e s%ok.

7. Ko1 en"i%!ent / enla",e!ent

Jit% Ko1 en"i%!ent* t%e o!an- will ,ive e!lo-ee t%e oo"t$nit- to $se

t%e "an,e o' t%ei" a1ilities an& to in"ease t%e "an,e o' tasks an& %allen,e. It also

!eans t%at o!an- allows e!lo-ee to lan an& ont"ol t%ei" wo"k wit% less

s$e"vision. Ko1 en"i%!ent in"eases inte"nal !otivation o' e!lo-ee as t%e- 'eel

t%at t%e- %ave otential to &o !o"e &i''i$lt task 1- t%ei" own. T%e e3a!le o' +o1

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en"i%!ent is t%at no"!all- Miss Pa$la* w%ose osition is $sto!e" se"vie w%i%

&eal wit% 1ookin, t%e ontaine" 'o" $sto!e"s onl-. He" +o1 soe is in"ease& to

wo"k as t%e telesales at t%e sa!e ti!e.

?o" +o1 enla",e!ent* t%e o!an- will in"ease t%e n$!1e" o' tasks wit%o$t

%an,in, t%e %allen,e. It also "e'e"s to a&& ,"eate" va"iet- to ativities to "e&$e t%e

"eetitive o' wo"k w%i% lea&s to t%e 1o"e&o!. T%e !onoton- o' wo"k will &e"ease

t%e e!lo-ee5s e''iien-. T%$s* +o1 enla",e!ent will !otivate eole wit% t%e new

an& va"iet- tasks. T%e e3a!le o' +o1 enla",e!ent is t%at no"!all- Miss Pa$la* w%ose

 osition is $sto!e" se"vie will %an&le onl- 6 $sto!e". Jit% +o1 enla",e!ent* s%e

will &eal wit% two o" !o"e ao$nts.

3 T!"ent Retent&$n

It is i!e"ative t%at !ana,e"s st"ive to 1$il& %i,% e"'o"!ane tea!s "es$ltin,

in a %i,% e"'o"!ane o",ani4ation. Je nee& to "ewa"& %i,% e"'o"!e"s in ao"&ane

wit% t%ei" %i,% e"'o"!ane. T%e s%e!e * * an& 7 1elow a"e 'inanial "ewa"&in,

a"oa%es w%ile D an& E a"e non'inanial "ewa"&in, a"oa%es.

. ewa"&s nn$al in"e!ent 1ase& on e"'o"!ane: T%is links to t%e sala"-

in"ease w%i% will "e'let t%e ont"i1$tion o' in&ivi&$al. T%is "ewa"& is also t%e

 "i!a"- "et$"n t%at t%e e!lo-ees e3et '"o! t%e o!an- as t%e "es$lt o' t%ei"

ont"i1$tion. T%e"e'o"e* t%e "ewa"&in, s-ste! will losel- link wit% "evio$s -ea"

 e"'o"!ane. In ,ene"al* t%e a- "ise an 1e "an,e& '"o! 0 to 60Q o' 1asi sala"-.

. Pe"'o"!ane ase& =a"ia1le Pa- (P=P): T%is links to t%e ann$al 1on$s

w%i% t%e o!an- ties t%e 1on$s wit% in&ivi&$al e"'o"!ane. It !eans t%at

e!lo-ees will 1e a"aise& an& ,"o$e& into va"io$s e"'o"!ane "an,es 'o" t%e&i''e"ent a-o'' $"ose. T%is P=P 1on$s an 1e "an,e& '"o! 0 to < !ont%s 1on$s.

7. etention on$s S%e!e 'o" HIPO (Hi,% Potential): T%is s%e!e wo"ks

&i''e"entl- '"o! P=P. T%e etention on$s S%e!e is e3l$sivel- ai& to t%e

e!lo-ees w%o "eall- ,ive a %$,e "o'its o" 1ene'its to t%e o!an-. T%is is to "etain

t%e e!lo-ees w%o a"e ve"- o$tstan&in,. T%is s%e!e is !ostl- alie& 'o" t%e

e!lo-ees in ,"o$6 wit% otential in P2. In Mae"sk* t%is s%e!e is 6 !ont% o' 1asi


D. HIPO Develo!ent P"o,"a!: T%is is an intensive a"oa% to ,ive a seial

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&evelo!ent o" t"ainin, to t%e HIPO e!lo-ees. ?o" instant* t%e o!an- !a-

aoint t%e HIPO e!lo-ees 'o" a wellknown o$"se at t%e 'a!o$s $nive"sit- o" 

instit$te ove"sea.

E. 7%allen,es an& oo"t$nities 'o" sel'&evelo!ent: T%is is t%e non!oneta"-

a"oa% t%e o!an- an !otivate t%e e!lo-ees wit% t%e !o"e %allen,in, +o1s.

It5s t%e e''etive a"oa% to !otivate t%e talent eole wit% t%e %allen,e +o1s w%o

no"!all- e"eive& t%e %allen,e as t%e oo"t$nit- 'o" t%e! to s%ow t%ei" a1ilities.

T%e s$ess'$l talent "etention o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& s%ows in t%e n$!1e" 

o' !ana,e!ent t"ainee sine t%e "o,"a! is la$n%e& in 699<. T%e o!an- "eates

<; t"ainees an& $ntil now 9 t"ainees (2Q) still "e!ain wit% t%e o!an- (Ta1le 9).

6< t"ainees (2BQ) "esi,n.; o' t%e! "esi,nation sta'' a"e still t%e t"ainee 1$t in Mae"sk

ove"sea. ?$t%e"!o"e* t%e talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! also lea&s to t%e &e"ease o' t%e

n$!1e" o' t$"nove" '"o! 26Q in 200 to 6BQ in 200B.

T!4"e 9 M!n!/e%ent t'!&nee tu'n$#e'

Des"ition N$!1e" o' sta'' 

Total n$!1e" o' MISE (Sine 699<) <;

e!ain wit% t%e o!an- 9

esi,n 6<

T!"ent M!n!/e%ent R$"e( !nd Re(p$n(&4&"&t&e(

elow a"e ,$i&elines 'o" t%e "oles an& "esonsi1ilities 'o" t%e one"ne& '$ntions.

Dep!'t%ent M!n!/e'( C+M( C$unt' +un1t&$n!" M!n!/e'3 a"e "esonsi1le 'o" 

t%e 'ollowin,:

6) Ens$"e all "elate& e"'o"!ane in'o"!ation an& &o$!ents a"e "eviewe& an&


2) Ens$"e e"'o"!ane ,oals a"e set wit% !eas$"e!ents an& ali,ne& wit% t%e


) tili4e o$"a,eo$s onve"sation an& a"ee" &is$ssion.

;) Ens$"e e"'o"!ane !ana,e!ent tools a"e $se&.

He!d $ u(&ne(( Un&t( a"e "esonsi1le 'o" t%e 'ollowin,:

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6) Ens$"e 'illin, o' t%e talent ieline.

2) Monito" ove"all e"'o"!ane !ana,e!ent 'o" 1$siness $nit.

) ?inal "eview o' talents to,et%e" wit% H 

HR Dep!'t%ent a"e "esonsi1le 'o" t%e 'ollowin,:

6) P"ea"e e!lo-ee &ata (PPP "eo"&s)

2) P"ea"e an& $&ate Talent Invento"-

) t as a ons$ltant 'o" !ana,e"s

;) ssist in 'ollowin, $ stat$s on &evelo!ent "o,"a!s

<) Eval$ate &i''e"ent &evelo!ent "o,"a!s

8) 7oo"&inate 1etween 1$siness $nits on +o1 !ove!ent

T*e ene & t( $ T !" en t De#e" $p %en t P'$/'! %

T%e talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! a"e 1ene'ial to t%e o!an- as 'ollow:

6) Hel to &evelo '$t$"e lea&e"s 'o" o!an-

E!lo-ees '"o! M.I.S.E "o,"a! an& HIPO ,"o$ will 1eo!e t%e '$t$"e

lea&e"s o' t%e o!an- w%o stee" t%e t%e &i"etion an& 1"in, s$ess to t%e

o!an-.Mo"eove"* t%a- a"e e3ete& to 1e !ain &"ive an& ont"i1$te to o!an-

o1+etive FPIs. Sine 699<* t%e"e a"e <; M.I.SE s$ess'$ll- ass t%e "o,"a! an& 2B

o' t%e! now ass$!e !ana,e"ial level o" a1ove w%i% is ove" <0Q.T%ese ,"o$s o'

e!lo-ee will "ovi&e a ool o' talens so t%at t%e o!an- an "el- on loal

e!lo-ees "at%e" t%an '"o! e3at '"o! ot%e" o$nt"ies. T%is will 1ene'it in ost savin,

an& loal eole &evelo!ent.

2) Hel to "eate o!an- 1"an&in,

Talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! like M.I.S.E 1eo!es t%e o!an-

 1"an&in,.e'o"e !ana,e!ent t"ainee "o,"a! %as 1een i!le!ente&* t%e "e$tation

o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& is li!ite& in s%iin, an& lo,istis in&$st"- onl-. Sine t%e

 "o,"a! %as la$n%e& in 699<* ove" 0*000 '"es% ,"a&$ate& al- 'o" t%is +o1 an& it

 1eo!es "eo,nise& a!on, $nive"sit- st$&ents.T%e- asi"e to 1e one o' o$" 

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!ana,e!ent t"ainee. In -ea" 200B* ove" <*000 '"es% ,"a&$ate& st$&ents al- 'o" t%is

 osition.T%e 1"an& o' Mae"sk ,"o$ T%ailan& is "e$ta1le a!on, an&i&ates an&

M.I.S.E an 1e 1"an&e& to att"at -o$n, an& loal talents.

) Hel to 1"oa&en t%e %oie o' %i,% e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e

Hi,% Pe"'o"!ane &evelo!ent "o,"a! (HIPO) &evelos %i,% e"'o"!ane

e!lo-ees to s$o"t t%e 1$siness ,"owt% not +$st "el-in, on M.I.S.E onl-.MISE

 "o,"a! ai!s to "ovi&e talent s$l- wit%in 2 -ea"s a'te" e3at"iation w%i% takes

so!e ti!es an& t%e o!an- is $nlikel- to 'ill in t%e ieline. el-in, on MISE

t"ainees alone will "eG$i"e ea% &ea"t!ent to wo"k %a"&e" in te"!s o' lannin, 'o"

'$t$"e lea&e"s. On t%e ont"a"-* %avin, HIPO* it is essential t%at we an lae loal

talents in t%e "o,"a!. Je will also %ave a 1ette" 'o$s on sta'' 'o" loal talent

&evelo!ent in ea% '$ntion 'o" t%e '$t$"e.

;) Hel to "e&$e e!lo-ee5s t$"nove" 

HIPO "o,"a! w%i% is i!le!ente& in 2008 lea&s to !o"e e!lo-ee

en,a,e!ent. Sine 2008 200B t%e e"enta,e o' t$"nove" a'te" i!le!entin, talent

&evelo!ent "o,"a! "e&$e '"o! 2Q to 26Q an& 6BQ "esetivel-.

<) Hel to i&enti'- talents in ea% '$ntion

HIPO "o,"a! %els to i&enti'- talents '"o! ea% '$ntion an& will assist in

seein, a 1"oa& ove"view an& 'o"esee o$" $""ent an& '$t$"e talents. nn$all-* t%e

o!an- will 1e a1le to esti!ate t%e e3istin, e"enta,e o' talents in ea% '$ntion

w%i% will assist in &ete"!inin, '$t$"e talent nee&e&.

Talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! a"e 1ene'ial 'o" e!lo-ees as 'ollows:

6) Hel to "eate a""e" oo"t$nit- to otential e!lo-ees

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HIPO "o,"a! is $tili4e& to "eate t%e a""e" oo"t$nnit- 'o" eve"-one w%o

 "o&$e ,oo& e"'o"!ane not +$st li!it to M.I.S.E. T%e "ite"ia 'o" seletin, M.I.S.E

is t%at new ,"a&$ate&s w%o s%ow %i,% so"es on "ee!lo-!ent test. In t%e ,ene"al

sta''5s oinion* M.I.S.E is "evile,e ,"o$ w%o will &e'enitel- 1eo!e t%e !ana,e" in

t%e '$t$"e an& none o' t%e ,ene"al e!lo-ee will %ave t%e oo"t$nit- to 1e "o!ote&.

Jit% HIPO "o,"a!* t%e !is$n&e"stan& will &isaea".Eve"- e!lo-ee w%o s%ows

%i,% otential will 1e &eveloe& an& "o!ote&.

2) Hel to "ovi&e t%eo"etial st$&- an& "atial e3e"iene to e!lo-ees

M.I.SE "o,"a! w%i% onsitsts o' 1ot% t%eo"etial st$&- an& "atial

e3e"iene t%"o$,% e3at"iation an& +o1 "otation "ovi&e knowle&,e t%"o$,% t%e

on&ense& o$"ses an& also "ovi&e t%e inte"national e3e"iene an& !in&set. T%is

%a"& skill an& so't skill will in"ease wo"k "o&$tivit- an& e!lo-ee e''iien- 'o" 

t%e o!an-

) Hel to !at% 1etween e!lo-ee5s +o1 an& skills

Talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! in"eases a 1ette" 'it 1etween eole5s +o1 an&

skills. T%e "oess o' talent &evelo!ent i.e e"'o"!ane a"asial an& e"'o"!ane

&is$ssion ena1les e!lo-ee to "ealise t%ei" own skills an& ena1les !ana,e" to !at%

it wit% t%e a"o"iate +o1. T%e 'it 1etween eole5s +o1 an& skills "es$lts in %i,%e"


;) Hel to 1$il& e!lo-ee5s ent%$siati to wo"k 

E!lo-ees a"e !o"e en,a,e& *!o"e ent%$siase an& t%e- a"e !o"e willin, to $t

'o"t% a&&itional e''o"t to wo"k. E!lo-ees an 'o"esee t%e a"ee" oo"t$nit- wit% t%e

o!an- w%ile t%e- "eali4e t%e a"ea o' &evelo!ent t%e- nee& to 1"i,%ten $ t%ei"

oo"t$nit-. ?$"t%e"!o"e* talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! ena1les e!lo-ee to "ealise

t%ei" own a1ilit- . T%e e"'o"!ane "ankin, ena1les e!lo-ee to "ealise t%at w%at

,"o$ t%e- a"e in o!ain, wit% ot%e" e!lo-ees. E!lo-ees will %ave ea% own

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 e"sonal &evelo!ent lan so t%e- an $tili4e t%ei" val$a1le ti!e on t%e t"ainin, t%at

is "eall- 1ene'iial 'o" o!an- an& e!lo-ees in t%e '$t$"e.

T*e C* !"" en /e( !n d D& & 1u"t&e( $ T !" en t De#e"$p %en t P'$/'! % $ 

M!e'() G'$up T* !&" !nd

6) MISE T$"nove" 

Hi,% otential e!lo-ee an& !ana,e!ent t"ainee* w%o a"e e"'o"!e&* a"e

alwa-s att"ate& '"o! ot%e" o!anies wit% 1ette" o''e" an& "e!$ne"ation. Howeve"*

Mae"sk will not ,ive !o"e sala"- an& ot%e" 1ene'it in o"&e" to "etain. I' !ana,e!ent

t"ainees w%o a"e eit%e" in 2 -ea"s st$&-in, "o,"a! o" o!lete& "o,"a! "esi,n* t%e

o!an- %as no ont"at 'o" t%e! to a- 1ak 'o" t%e o$"se w%en t%e- "esi,n. T%e

ost o$""e& &$"in, talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! will a1sol$tel- lose. ?"o! t%e

st$&-* t$"nove" ost o' !ana,e!ent t"ainee w%o no"!all- ,oes 'o" inte"national

assi,n!ent "$n 2.< ti!es o' ann$al ea"nin,. J%ile t$"nove" ost o' e3istin, e!lo-ee

"$n 0.< ti!es an& 6.< ti!es o' ann$al ea"nin,.

2) P"o,"a! &esi,nin,

Mana,e!ent T"ainee (M.I.S.E) "o,"a! is t%e ,lo1al "o,"a! w%i% is %el&

 1- %ea&G$a"te" o' Mae"sk in 7oen%a,en* Den!a"k. s it is t%e ,lo1al "o,"a!*

so!e o$"ses &o not al- loall-. Mana,e!ent t"ainee will ,et t%e 'o$n&ation an&&isiline '"o! t%e inte"national s$1+ets. T%e- will ,et t%e 1i, it$"e o' t%e

 1$siness 1$t t%e- will lak o' in &et% knowle&,e to a&at 'o" t%ei" own o$nt"-.

) 7ost &$"in, eono!i "isis

T%e o!an- "ovi&es "e!i$! t"ainin, 'o" talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! an&

it is ve"- &i''i$lt to see "es$lts in a s%o"t ti!e t%$s* &$"in, t%is eono!i slow&own

an& &e"easin, "o'it nowa&a-s* it also a''ets t%e o!an- as t%e "o'it &e"ease 'o" 

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0Q. Talent Develo!ent "o,"a! is ostl-. It is ont"ove"sial in an o",ani4ation

w%et%e" t%is s%o$l& ontin$e o" %ol&.

;) 7a"ee" at%

Talent e!lo-ees a"e alwa-s 'ast !ovin, .T%e- an 1e "o!ote& to 1e to

!ana,e!ent in ea% 1$siness $nit "ai&l-. It is &i''i$lt 'o" t%e o!an- to &esi,n

a"ee" at% 'o" talent as t%e- ,et st$k wit%in ; -ea"s.

D&(1u ((&$n

?"o! t%e st$&-* it is 'o$n& t%at talent &evelo!ent is not onl-

&eveloin, elite ,"o$ o' e!lo-ees in o"&e" to a%ieve ,"owt% an& "eate

o!etitiveness in t%e o",ani4ation. Talent Develo!ent "e'e"s to t%e w%ole "oess

inl$&in, att"atin, talent* &eveloin, %i,% otential e"'o"!e"s an& "etention. Talent

is alwa-s in s%o"t s$l-. T%e a1ilit- to "e"$it talente& eole is t%e 'i"st o1vio$s skill

to aG$i"e in t%e o",ani4ation. T%e "esea"%e" 'o$n& t%at !ost "oe&$"es o' talent

&evelo!ent o' Mae"sk ,"o$ T%ailan& a"e si!ila" to t%e "oe&$"es in t%e t%eo"-.

T%e "esea"%e" will ,o t%"o$,% one 1- one 'o" !o"e &etails. T%e si!ila"ities 1etween

t%e "oe&$"es o' Mae"sk an& t%e t%eo"- a"e as 'ollows:

53 T!"ent Att'!1t&$n

?"o! t%e t%eo"-* 1$il&in, %i,% e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e an& "eatin,

e!lo-!ent 1"an&in, a"e t%e o"e aa1ilit- to att"at talents. Hi,% Pe"'o"!ane

Jo"k'o"e in t%e o",ani4ation is t%at t%e o!an- "eates an& n$"t$"e %i,%

 e"'o"!ane $lt$"e t%at eve"-one in t%e o",ani4ation "eali4es t%ei" ao$nta1ilities

an& 1e a1le to &evelo t%ei" skills 'o" t%e $"ose o' t%ei" own "o,"ess an& t%e

o!an-5s ,"owt%. T%ese o!anies also ens$"e t%at t%e- "eate an envi"on!ent an&

in'"ast"$t$"e t%at ena1les t%e! to 1$il& a %i,%e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e w%i%

 1eo!es att"ative to e3te"nal an&i&ates as well. Not onl- $sin, %i,% e"'o"!ane

wo"k'o"e to att"at an&i&ates* t%e o!an- %as to "eate e!lo-!ent 1"an&in,

w%i% is to answe" all t%e G$estions in t%e an&i&ates !in& i.e. w%- &o t%e- %oose

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o$" wo"klae ove" anot%e" T%e o!an- s%o$l& osition itsel' in talent !a"ket as

 "o&$ts an& se"vies a"e ositione& in t%ei" !a"ket. T%e o!an- !$st know t%e

an&i&ate an& onvine t%e! t%at we a"e &i''e"ent. $il& 1"an& lo-alt-.

J%ile Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& s%aes o!an-* +o1s o" even t%e st"ate,- to

aeal talente& ool. Mae"sk 1elieves t%at "e"$itin, talente& is like !a"ketin,. T%e

vital a"oa% is to "eate e!lo-!ent 1"an&in,. T%e aliation o' e!lo-!ent

 1"an&in, o' Mae"sk s$o"t t%e t%eo"- o' e!lo-!ent 1"an&in, o' e",e" >. (200;).

H$!an "eso$"es &ea"t!ent will in"easin,l- t"eat e!lo-ees like ons$!e"s w%o

an s"ea& t%e wo"& a1o$t a o!an-5s ositive att"i1$tes t%"o$,%o$t t%e !a"ketlae

an& t%e o!an- an att"at t%e an&i&ates '"o! t%is a"oa%.

T%e o1+etive o' t%e o!an-5s talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! is to &evelo

'$t$"e lea&e" 'o" t%e o!an-. Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& is s$ess'$l in "eatin,

e!lo-!ent 1"an&in, eseiall- 'o" t%e osition o' Mana,e!ent t"ainee (M.I.S.E).

Ea% -ea" "e"$it!ent tea! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& ,o t%"o$,% !an- "e$ta1le

$nive"sities in eve"- a"t o' T%ailan& to "o!ote t%e talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! an&

also selet an& "e"$it an&i&ates 1- $sin, t%e "ee!lo-!ent test as t%e 'i"st ste

s"eenin,. M.I.S.E "o,"a! 1eo!es t%e "eo,ni4e& 1"an& a!on, $nive"sit- st$&ents.

T%e o!an- an att"at ove" one t%o$san&s new ,"a&$ates ea% -ea" to al- 'o" t%is

 +o1. It "eates to$,% e3a!ination an& inte"view in o"&e" to selet t%e to otential

an&i&ates. It $ses t%e %allen,e an& %i,% s$ess'$l a"ee" at% to att"at t%e

an&i&ates. Mana,e!ent T"ainee "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& is wellknown

an& 1eo!es t%e asi"ation a!on, new ,"a&$ates w%i% !eans t%at t%e o!an-

ao!lis%es on 1$il&in, e!lo-!ent 1"an&in, to att"at talents an&i&ates.

Mo"eove"* t%e o!an- is also s$ess'$l on 1$il&in, %i,% e"'o"!anewo"k'o"e $lt$"e 'o" talente&. T%e ,"o$ o' talent sta'' o" we all M.I.S.E a"e

en"olle& in t%e 2 -ea"s "o,"a! w%i% onsists o' "atial e3e"iene an& t%eo"etial

st$&-. T%is two-ea" "o,"a! 1$il&s %i,% e"'o"!ane wo"k'o"e 'o" talente& ,"o$.

T%e- an &evelo t%ei" skill in eve"- assi,n!ent an& +o1 "otation. ?$"t%e"!o"e*

Mae"sk t"ies to "eate t%e wo"klae t%at is sti!$latin, an& e"sonall- "ewa"&in,.

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23 C$%peten1&e( Ident&&1!t&$n

T%e t%eo"- !entions o!etenies i&enti'iation t%at t%e o!an- s%o$l&

i&enti'- t%e o"e o!etenies i.e. lea&e"s%i* o!!$niation* ation o"ientation*

te%nial e3e"tise. Ea% e!lo-ee will 1e eval$ate& 1- $sin, t%ese o"e

o!etenies as "ite"ia an& t%en 'ollow wit% t%e e"'o"!ane a"aisal an& otential

'o"east. Howeve"* t%e "oess o' i&enti'-in, o"e o!etenies o' Mae"sk is in t%e

 "oess o' olletin, E!lo-ees5 "o'ile. E!lo-ees5 "o'ile is nee&e& 1ea$se t%e

so"es o' e"sonalit- test an& lo,ial test a"e $se& to o!a"e to,et%e" wit% t%e

 e"'o"!ane a"aisal an& otential "atin,. Pe"sonalit- test w%i% Mae"sk $se& is like

t%e o"e o!etenies o' t%e o",ani4ation. Pe"sonalit- test an in&iate t%e

o!etenies into 'o$" !ain 1asi 'ato"s: ?ato" In&iatin, >ea&e"s%i* es$lt

O"iente&* !1itio$s* sse"tiveness* ?ato" Initiative* Non s-ste! t-e* Soial

Skills. Peole Skills* ?ato" 7 Pae o' wo"k (w%et%e" wo"k 'ast o" slow)* ?ato" D

Detaile& o"ientation* onse"vative* "$les ,$i&eline* &isiline. T%e 'ato" in

 e"sonalit- test an in&iate t%at w%at kin& o' e"son a"e !at%e& to ea% +o1. ?o" 

e3a!le t%e an&i&ate 'o" t%e osition o' $sto!e" se"vie o' !ain &$ties a"e &ealin,

wit% eole s%o$l& ontain 'ato" in t%ei" "o'ile. Howeve"* t%e lo,ial test so"e

eit%e" %i,% o" low &o not a''et t%e e"'o"!ane a"aisal. T%e so"e o' lo,ial test is

$se& to %ek t%e ten&en- to lea"n an& e"sonalit- test is $se& to see t%e !otivation

nee&s. Pe"sonalit- test will also in&iate %ow to !otivate ea% e!lo-ee.

>3 A((e(( 4 u(&n/ pe'$'%!n1e !pp'!&(!" !nd p$tent&!" $'e1!(t $' p$tent&!"


Pe"'o"!ane "aisal is t%e tool t%at is $se& to eval$ate e!lo-ee. Ea%e!lo-ee will 1e eval$ate& on at$al "es$lts a%ieve& wit%in t%ose a"eas w%e"e t%e

e!lo-ee is %el& ao$nta1le an& t%e o!etenies &ee!e& "itial to +o1 an&

o",ani4ation s$ess. In a&&ition* t%e e"'o"!ane a"aisal will 1e eval$ate& 1-

o1+etives* FPIs w%i% ea% e!lo-ee is ao$nta1le '"o! t%e "eent -ea"s. Potential

'o"east will 1e eval$ate& on %ow !an- levels (o",ani4ation/+o1) an e!lo-ee an

"ea% wit%in t%e o",ani4ation. Potential 'o"east is like t%e tool o' Mae"sk alle&

 otential "atin,. Potential "atin, will 1e assesse& on t%e "o!ota1ilit- to ass$!e t%e

%i,%e" osition o' ea% e!lo-ee. It is lassi'ie& into P2* PI* P0: Hi,%l- P"o!ota1le

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(P2) !eans t%e e!lo-ees w%o %ave t%e otential to ass$!e t%e %i,%e" osition wit%in

6 -ea". P"o!ota1le (P6) !eans t%e e!lo-ees w%o %ave t%e otential to ass$!e t%e

%i,%e" osition wit%in 62 -ea"s. Not P"o!ota1le (P0) !eans t%e e!lo-ees w%o a"e

not "ea&- 'o" "o!otion* an& "e!ain in t%e sa!e osition 'o" t%e ne3t 62 !ont%s.

Howeve"* t%e sale !eas$"e!ent in t%e t%eo"- will 1e ,"eatl- e3ee&s e3etations

(<)* e3ee& e3etations (;)* !eet e3etations ()* 1elow e3etation (2)* ,"eatl-

 1elow e3etations (6).

B3 P'$#&de t'!&n&n/ 1$u'(e(

T%e '$"t%e" ste o' talent &evelo!ent in t%e t%eo"- is to &evelo t"ainin, an&

&evelo!ent sol$tion t%at s$o"t o",ani4ation5s o"e o!etenies. T%e o",ani4ation

!$st !a t"ainin, an& &evelo!ent o$"se wit% t%e o!an-5s o!etenies. J%en a

,a e3ists 1etween e!lo-ee5s "o'iien- an& o!an- "eG$i"e!ent* t"ainin, an&

&evelo!ent will %el to eli!inate t%is ,a. T"ainin, an& &evelo!ent an 1e

oa%in,* +o1 "otation* inte"nal e&$ation an& t"ainin,* e3e$tive "o,"a! an& e3te"nal

o$"se wo"k. T%is ste is si!ila" to Mae"sk5s 1$t Mae"sk lassi'ie& t"ainin, an&

&evelo!ent into 2 a"t. ?i"st a"t is alle& e"'o"!ane !ana,e!ent w%i% is

'o$sin, on skills like oa%in,* !ento"in, an& e"'o"!ane o$nselin,. T%e seon&

 a"t is alle& talent $tili4ation an& !o1ili4ation .T%e $"ose o' talent $tili4ation is to

 1$il& %allen,e an& a%ieve!ent an& to "e!ove t%e &$llness o' "eetitive wo"k. It

involves +o1 t"ans'e"/ "otation* +o1 "o!otion* +o1 en"i%!ent / enla",e!ent.

3 Oe' t!"ent 'etent&$n

T%e $lti!ate ste in t%e t%eo"- is talent "etention. Eve"- o",ani4ation &esi"est%at e!lo-ee will %ave a''etive o!!it!ent to t%e o",ani4ation as it is t%e t"$e t-e

o' o!!it!ent (Fe"!all-* 200;) ?$"t%e"!o"e* Pat"iia (200) "eveals t%at e!lo-ee

en,a,e!ent is t%e s$ess'$l a"oa% 'o" talent "etention. T%e s$ess'$l o!an-

s%o$l& 1e a1le to answe" t%ese G$estions w%i% see! to 1e t%e 'o$" !ain &i!ensions

o'  e!lo-ee en,a,e!ent: w%at &o I ,et J%at &o I ,ive Do I 1elon, How an we

,"ow I' t%e o!an- is a1le to answe" t%ese G$estions* t%en t%e o!an- %as 1$ilt

t%e ,"eate" wo"klae.

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Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& also &evelos < "etention s%e!es 'o" talent. T%e

o!an- nee&s to "ewa"& %i,% e"'o"!e"s in ao"&ane wit% t%ei" %i,% e"'o"!ane.

It onsists o' 1ot% 'inanial "ewa"& an& non'inanial "ewa"&s: ann$al in"e!ent 1ase&

on e"'o"!ane* e"'o"!ane 1ase& va"ia1le Pa- (P=P)* "etention 1on$s s%e!e 'o" 

HIPO* "eo,nition "o,"a! (e!lo-ee o' t%e -ea"* et.)* %allen,es an& oo"t$nities

'o" sel'&evelo!ent.

a"t '"o! t%e si!ila"ities* t%e"e a"e t%e si,ni'iant stes w%i% Mae"sk 

ontains in talent &evelo!ent "oess 1$t it is not !entione& in t%e t%eo"-.

53 Pe'$'%!n1e D&(1u((&$n

Pe"'o"!ane &is$ssion is t%e "$ial "oess 'o" talent &evelo!ent 1ea$se it

"eates twowa- o!!$niations '"o! e!lo-ee to line !ana,e". Pe"'o"!ane

&is$ssion "ovi&es an e3ellent oo"t$nit- 'o" !ana,e" to &is$ss an e!lo-ee5s

wo"k e"'o"!ane* t%ei" st"en,t%s an& &evelo!ent nee&s* an& %ow t%ei" &$ties

s$o"t t%e &ea"t!ental ,oals an& t%e st"ate,i ,oals o' t%e o!an-. Mana,e" an&

e!lo-ee will a"tiiate in "o1le! solvin, an& it will in"ease e!lo-ee

en,a,e!ent. T%e e"'o"!ane ,oals w%i% a"e t%e o1+etives o" FPIs will 1e $se& as

t%e "ite"ia in t%e e"'o"!ane &is$ssion. Mae"sk &evelos its own ,$i&elines alle&

G$estions ,$i&elines to 1e t%e toolkits 'o" !ana,e" an& e!lo-ees &$"in, t%is

in&ivi&$al &is$ssion.

23 Pe'$'%!n1e R!n)&n/

Pe"'o"!ane "ankin, is t%e "oess o' "ankin, e"'o"!ane a"aisal so"e o' ove"all e!lo-ees in t%e o!an-. Mae"sk ontains e"'o"!ane "ankin, in talent

&evelo!ent "oess so t%at !ana,e" an see t%e level an& t%e aa1ilities o' t%ei"

s$1o"&inates o!a"in, wit% e!lo-ees in ot%e" &ea"t!ent. ?$"t%e"!o"e* "ankin,

%els !ana,e" to esti!ate w%at e"'o"!ane ,"o$ t%ei" e!lo-ees a"e "anke& w%i%

an tell %ow 'a" t%is e!lo-ee will 1e "o!ote&. It "eates t%e 1i, it$"e o' total

so"es to !ana,e". T%e so"e will 1e ate,o"i4e& into "ankin, ,"o$s.

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#"o$ 6 is e!lo-ees w%o ossess %i,% e"'o"!ane. T%e 'i"st 0Q in t%e

%i,%est "ankin, so"e will 1e ate,o"i4e& in t%is ,"o$. T%is ,"o$ ontains t%e

e!lo-ees w%o &elive" an e3ee&in, t%e o1+etives "es$lts.

#"o$ 2 is e!lo-ees w%o ossess s$ess'$l e"'o"!ane. T%is ,"o$

ontains t%e e!lo-ees w%o e3atl- !eet t%e +o1 o1+etives set 1- t%e o!an-.

#"o$ is t%e e!lo-ees w%o osses less e''etive e"'o"!ane. T%is ,"o$

ontains t%e e!lo-ees w%ose "es$lts a"tiall- !eet t%e +o1 o1+etives.

Talent &evelo!ent in t%e t%eo"- &oesn5t ontain t%is "ankin, 1$t it also

lassi'ie& t%e e!lo-ees in ,"o$ as well. e",e" (200;) lassi'ie& e!lo-ees into ;

,"o$s: s$e"keee"* keee"* soli& iti4en* an& !is'it. S$e"keee"s a"e t%ose

e!lo-ees w%o ,"eatl- e3ee& e3etation keee"s* t%ose e!lo-ees w%o e3ee&

e3etation Soli& 7iti4ens* t%ose e!lo-ees w%o !eet o",ani4ation e3etation an&

Mis'its* t%ose e!lo-ees w%o a"e 1elow o",ani4ation e3etations.

?i,$"e B an& 9 s%ows t%e '$ll ste o' t%eo"etial talent &evelo!ent "oess

an& talent &evelo!ent "oess o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&.

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T*e$'et&1!" T!"ent De#e"$p%ent P'$1e((

 Att ractTalent

R Creating high

performance workforce

R Creating employment branding

Determine target group

Identif ies competencies

Develop tools

R Performance appraisal

R Potentialf orecast

R Training and development program

Employee assessment

Prepare action plan

Talent retention byeach

type of employee

?i,$"e B T%eo"etial Talent Develo!ent P"oess

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T!"ent De#e"$p%ent P'$1e(( $ M!e'() G'$up T*!&"!nd

 New E! lo-ee

Att'!1t T!"ent

7$""ent E!lo-ee

P'ep!'e e%p"$ee.( p'$&"e PI,

LI, Pe'$'%!n1e App'!&(!",

P$tent&!" R!t&n/

P'e=e%p"$%ent Te(t P'ep!'e pe'$'%!n1e /$!"

Ident& t!"ent Pe'$'%!n1e D&(1u((&$n

Attend &nten(&#e 1$u'(e(Pe'$'%!n1e R!n)&n/

Pe'$'%!n1e M!n!/e%ent

T!"ent Ut&"&?!t&$n

T!"ent De#e"$p%ent

T!"ent R etent&$n

?i,$"e 9 Talent Develo!ent P"oess o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&

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C $ n1 " u ( &$ n (

T%e o1+etives o' t%e st$&- a"e to ve"i'- t%e soe o' talent &evelo!ent* to

e3a!ine t%e 1ene'its o' s$ess'$l talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! an& to sea"% 'o" 1est

 "atie 'o" talent &evelo!ent. T%e in'o"!ation is ,at%e"e& 1- in&et% inte"view

wit% M"s. Ni-awan Fa!olt%a! Na "anon,* H$!an eso$"es Mana,e" an& Ms.

Ka"$nee 7%e"&%oo* ssistant Mana,e" T"ainin, an& Develo!ent '"o! Mae"sk

#"o$ T%ailan& w%o a"e ativel- involve& in talent &evelo!ent on 1ot% oliies an&

 "aties an& ot%e" so$"es t%at involve wit% talent &evelo!ent.

Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& %as a s$ess'$l talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! w%i%

an al- 'o" 1ot% new e!lo-ees an& e3istin, e!lo-ees. Talent &evelo!ent

 "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& e3ten&s to two ,"o$s o' e!lo-ee w%i% a"e

M.I.S.E (Mana,e!ent T"ainee) an& HIPO (Hi,% Potential e!lo-ees). T%e o!an-

%as t%e s-ste!ati "oe&$"es to !ana,e* i&enti'-* $tili4e an& "etain talent in o"&e" to

'ill in t%e talent ,as 'o" s%o"t an& lon, te"! 1$siness nee&s. T%e s$ess'$l talent

&evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk lea&s to t%e e"enta,e o' t$"nove" &e"ease '"o!

26Q in -ea" 200 to 6BQ in -ea" 200B. Talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! is 1ene'iial 'o"

not onl- t%e o!an- itsel' 1$t also t%e e!lo-ees. T%e 1ene'its o!an- ,ains '"o!

talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! a"e t%at t%e "o,"a! "eates ,"o$ o' eole w%o will 1eo!e t%e '$t$"e lea&e"s o' t%e o!an-. T%e "e$ta1le talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!

o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& 1eo!es t%e o!an- 1"an&in, w%i% 1$il& t%e

o! an-5s i!a,e to 1e !o"e "e$ta1le an& aeta1le to e3te"nals. In a&&ition* %i,%

 otential &evelo!ent "o,"a! 1"oa&ens t%e %oie o' talent wo"k'o"e in t%e

o!an-. T%e "o,"a! o' M.I.S.E nee&s t%e e3at"iation 'o" 2 -ea"s t%en "et$"n 1ak

to %o!e o$nt"-. D$"in, t%ese -ea"s* t%e o!an- still %as t%e inte"nal talent ool

'"o! HIPO e!lo-ees to "eate t%e o!an- s$ess an& ,"owt%.

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Talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& is 1ene'iial 'o"

e!lo-ees in te"!s o' a"ee" oo"t$nit- 'o" ,ene"al e!lo-ees. It is to s%ow t%at t%e

 "o!otion is not li!ite& to M.I.S.E onl-. Hi,% otential e!lo-ee will 1e a1le to 1e

 "o!ote&. In a&&ition* e!lo-ees will ,ain 1ene'it '"o! t%e t%eo"etial st$&- an&

 "atial e3e"iene w%i% will "ovi&e 1"ea&t% an& &et% e3e"iene 'o" e!lo-ee5s

&evelo!ent. ?$"t%e"!o"e* talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! will ena1le e!lo-ee to

"eali4e t%ei" own skills an& a1ilit- an& also ena1le !ana,e" to !at% it wit% t%e

a"o"iate +o1 w%i% will "es$lt in %i,%e" e''iien-. lti!atel-* talent &evelo!ent

 "o,"a! ena1les e!lo-ees to 1e !o"e ent%$siasti an& !o"e willin, to $t 'o"t%

a&&itional e''o"t to wo"k as t%e- an 'o"esee t%ei" own a"ee" oo"t$nit- wit% t%e


Re1$ %%end! t&$ n(

Even Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& %as an e''etive talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!*

t%e"e a"e still so!e oints t%at s%o$l& 1e i!"ove& to 1$il& a 1ette" talent &evelo!ent


6) eo!!en&ations 'o" H$!an "eso$"es &ea"t!ent o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&

6.6) T%e o!an- s%o$l& !ake an a,"ee!ent wit% M.I.S.E

s a'o"e!entione& in "evio$s %ate"* t%e o!an- "ovi&es %i,% invest!ent

on !ana,e!ent t"ainin, &$"in, t%ei" 2 -ea"s o' st$&-in, an& anot%e" 2 -ea"s o'

e3at"iation. E3l$&in, t%e sala"-* o!an- sen&s !one- ove" TH ;00*000 'o" 

ea% M.I.S.E 'o" t"ainin, o$"ses* t"avelin, e3enses to atten& !o&$les at

7oen%a,en* Den!a"k (; ti!es wit%in 2 -ea"s). T%is is t%e %$,e !one- w%i% will

o!letel- lose one M.I.S.E "esi,n '"o! t%e o!an- a'te" o!lete& t%e "o,"a!.

To solve t%is "o1le!* t%e"e s%o$l& 1e an a,"ee!ent 1etween M.I.S.E ,"a&$ate& an&

o!an- t%at t%e- will sta- 'o" t%e"e o!an- wit% at least 'ive -ea"s. Ot%e"

o!anies w%i% "ovi&e !ana,e!ent t"ainin, o$"ses like nileve" a"e also &oin,

t%e ont"at as well.

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6.2) >oal o$nt"- s%o$l& a"tiiate in &eveloin, M.I.S.E "o,"a!

M.I.S.E "o,"a! is "eate& an& &eveloe& 1- .P. Molle" Mae"sk #"o$ at

%ea&G$a"te"* Den!a"k. Even t%e "o,"a! o''e"s t%e intensive s$1+ets inl$&in, sales

te%niG$es* eono!is* 1$siness et%is* !a"iti!e law* s%iin,* lo,istis* eo!!e"e

an& o"t !ana,e!ent* it is 'o$n& t%at so!e o$"ses &o not al- loall- . To solve t%is

 "o1le!* Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& s%o$l& a"tiiate in &esi,nin, t%e o$"ses to !at%

wit% t%e 1$siness nee&s wit% t%e o$nt"- an& also "ovi&e t%e ase st$&- w%i% "eall-

%aen in T%ailan&.

6.) T%e "i,%t 1alane o' talent &evelo!ent 'o" M.I.S.E an& ot%e" e!lo-ees

T%e talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& is lassi'ie& into

two ,"o$s: M.I.S.E an& HIPO e!lo-ees. M.I.S.E see!s to 1e t%e "ivile,e

e!lo-ees in t%e o!an-. Ea% -ea" t%e o!an- sen&s %$,e a!o$nt o' !one- on

t%ese ,"o$s i.e. e3enses o' ove"sea st$&- (200*000 TH e" e"son ea% -ea")* <0Q

a1ove 1asi sala"- o' ot%e" e!lo-ees* ,$a"antees sala"- s%e!e in"e!ent 2<Q ea%

-ea". T%is is an $neG$al invest!ent t%at o!an- "ovi&es to M.I.S.E "at%e" t%an

"e,$la" e!lo-ees. 7o!a"in, wit% "e,$la" e!lo-ees* t%e o!an- on&$ts

t"ainin, o$"ses !ostl- in loal onl-. T%e !a3i!$! sala"- in"e!ent o' "e,$la"

e!lo-ees is 60Q. E!lo-ees will t%ink t%at o!an- t"eats M.I.S.E 1ette" t%an

"e,$la" e!lo-ees w%o a"e la",est o$lation in t%e o!an-. In o"&e" to solve t%is

 "o1le!* t%e o!an- s%o$l& "ovi&e !o"e invest!ent on &eveloin, "e,$la"

e!lo-ees. ?$"t%e"!o"e* t%e o!an- s%o$l& 1e sine"e to s$o"t t%e otential

e!lo-ees w%o s%ow %i,% otential an& 1$il& t%e 'eelin,s t%at t%e "o!otion &oes not

"ese"ve onl- 'o" M.I.S.E.

6.;) ette" o!!$niation to all e!lo-ees "e,a"&in, t%e talent &evelo!ent


Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& s%o$l& o!!$niate t%e !issions an& o1+etives o' 

talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! to all e!lo-ees so t%at t%e- lea"l- $n&e"stan& t%e

atte!t o' o!an- to 1$il& t%e talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!. Even Mae"sk %as t%e

e''etive "oess o' talent &evelo!ent* oo" o!!$niation &oes not !ake talent

&evelo!ent "o,"a! s$ess'$l. T%e o!an- s%o$l& $se va"io$s !e&ia to

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o!!$niate talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! an& t%e o!!$niation s%o$l& inl$&e 1ot%

$wa"& an& &ownwa"&. T%e &ownwa"& %annels inl$&e lain, a&ve"tise!ent o"

a"tiles on 1$lletin 1oa"&s o" o!an- newslette"* sen&in, &i"et e!ail to e!lo-ees*

an& %ol&in, a "e,$la" !eetin,. wa"& %annels o' o!!$niation inl$&e one on

one &is$ssion wit% e!lo-ees* G$estion ose& 1- e!lo-ees t%"o$,% o!an- we1

 1oa"&. T%ese two wa-s o!!$niations 1$il& t%e lea" !$t$al $n&e"stan&in, 1etween

o!an- an& e!lo-ees. T%e 1ene'it o!an- "eeives is t%at t%e o!an- an 1"in,

s$,,estions an& i&eas '"o! e!lo-ees to 1$il& an& i!"ove t%e 1ette" talent

&evelo!ent "o,"a! w%i% e!lo-ees a"tiiate in &eveloin, t%e e''etive

 "o,"a!. ?$"t%e"!o"e* t%e o!an- s%o$l& "ovi&e t%e lea" ,$i&ane to !ana,e"s on

%ow to o!!$niate talent &evelo!ent so t%at t%e- will know %ow to %an&le t%e

G$estions '"o! e!lo-ees.

6.<) T%e lea" aliation o' e"'o"!ane !ana,e!ent tools

One t%e e"'o"!ane o' ea% e!lo-ee %as 1een "anke&* an e!lo-ee wit%

ea% t-e o' e"'o"!ane will 1e &eveloe& 1- $sin, &i''e"ent t-es o' a"oa% an&

&i''e"ent a!o$nt o' ti!e t%at s%o$l& 1e sent on ea% a"oa%. T%e a "oa%es

onsist o' oa%in,* !ento"in,* e"'o"!ane o$nselin,. T%e &i''e"ene 1etween ea%

a"oa% is t%e ke- skills t%at t%e !ana,e" nee&s to 'o$s i.e. t%e ke- skills o'

oa%in, will 'o$s on tea%in,* settin, ,oals* listenin,* solvin, "o1le!s* ,ivin,

'ee&1ak an& !aintain "elations%i w%ile t%e ke- skills o' !ento"in, will 'o$s on

tea%in,* settin, ,oals* listenin,* ,ivin, 'ee&1ak* !aintainin, "elations%i an& a"ee" 

a&vie. T%e"e is "a"el- &i''e"entiation 1etween ea% a"oa% an& t%e o!an- still

%as no lea" ,$i&eline 'o" !ana,e" to al- t%ese a"oa%es. It is &i''i$lt 'o"!ana,e" to al- to e!lo-ee an& also &i''i$lt 'o" e!lo-ee to $n&e"stan& w%at

!ana,e" is ,oin, to e3"ess.

2) eo!!en&ations 'o" o",ani4ations w%i% wo$l& like to al- talent &evelo!ent


2.6 One "o,"a! 'o" all e!lo-ees

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Jit% "e'e"ene to talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan&* t%e

o!an- on&$te& 2 o$"ses 'o" new sta'' an& $""ent sta''. T%e &i''e"enes

!ana,e!ent 1etween t%ese 2 "o,"a!s aa"entl- see '"o! $neG$al invest!ent in

te"!s o' t"ainin, an& &evelo!ent* sala"-. It lea&s to t%e !is$n&e"stan&in, 'o"

e!lo-ees t%at t%e o!an- t"eats ot%e" ,"o$ 1ette" t%an t%e ot%e" ,"o$. T%e

o",ani4ations t%at wo$l& like to &evelo talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! an !i3 t%ese 2

o$"ses an& al- into one "o,"a! in o"&e" to ,ain !ost 1ene'it '"o! it wit% less


2.2 Sa!e "o,"a! 1$t &i''e"ent o$to!e

It is i!o"tant 'o" t%e o",ani4ations w%i% wo$l& like to al- talent

&evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$ T%ailan& to note t%at even t%e o!an- al-

t%e sa!e "o,"a!* it &oes not ,$a"antee t%at t%e o$to!e o' t%e "o,"a! will 1e t%e

sa!e as Mae"sk. Di''e"ent o!anies %ave &i''e"ent $lt$"e. One "o,"a! w%i%

 1eo!es s$ess'$l in t%e o!an- !i,%t not wo"k 'o" t%e ot%e" o!anies. In o"&e"

to ,ain t%e !ost 1ene'it '"o! t%e "o,"a!* t%e o!an- s%o$l& st$&- t%e a&vanta,e

an& &isa&vanta,e o' t%e "o,"a! $n&e" t%e o!an-5s $lt$"e t%o"o$,%l-.

Re1$%%end!t&$n( $' u't*e' (tud

It is o1vio$s t%at t%e "esent st$&- sets t%e sta,e 'o" "esea"%e"s to 1e a1le to

$n&e"stan& t%e onet o' talent &evelo!ent an& "oess o' 1est "atie o' talent

&evelo!ent. ?$"t%e" "esea"% s%o$l& 1e 'o$se& on e!lo-ee "etention. One t%e

o!an- is a1le to att"at an& &evelo talente& e!lo-ee* it is "$ial 'o" o!an- to

 1e a1le to "etain t%e talente& e!lo-ee as well. >osin, t%e talente& e!lo-ees

!eanin, t%e o!an- %as 'aile& to $tili4e t%e talent 'o" '$t$"e ,"owt% an& o''e" t%e

weaon to t%e o!etito".

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non-!o$s. A4$ut M!e'() L&ne.vaila1le: %tt ://www. ! ae" sklin e . o!

non-!o$s. AP M$""e'.vaila1le: %tt:// e n a 1l e o " ta l. a ! oll e" .n e t

non-!o$s. Talent Develo!ent. vaila1e:%tt:// e n.wiki e &i a .o " , /wiki/


1&$l*#. 200<. HRD $' De#e"$p&n/ St!te( !nd C$%p!n&e(8 Sin,ao"e: Instit$te o' 

So$t%east sian St$&ies

a"low* >. 2008. Talent Develo!ent: t%e new i!e"ative . De#e"$p%ent !nd

Le!'n&n/ &n O'/!n&?!t&$n(. in,le- : E!e"al& #"o$ P$1lis%in, >i!ite&.8

ennet* M. an& ell* 8 200;. Le!de'(*&p !nd T!"ent &n A(&!. Ko%n Jille- Sons

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e",e"* >. 200;.T*e T!"ent M!n!/e%ent H!nd4$$)8 New @o"k: T%e M#"awHill7o!anies

oonsi"is$!an* N.200B.A Stud $ Cu(t$%e' S!t&(!1t&$n $n Se'#&1e u!"&t

A C!(e Stud $ M!e'() L&ne T*!&"!nd3 C$8, Ltd. Maste" o' $siness

&!inist"ation (Inte"national M)*Fasetsa"t nive"sit-.

?"ano-s* #. 699<. H&dden Me!n&n/( $ t*e T!"ent De#e"$p%ent C$n1ept.

(Online).vaila1le:%tt:/ /e" i .e & . , ov/E I 7J e 1 P o " ta l/ $sto ! /o " tl e ts/ "e o " &D


#illen* T. 200. Pe"'o"!ane !ana,e!ent an& a"aisal. CIPD t$$")&t. 2n& e&.

>on&on: 7%a"te"e& Instit$te o' Pe"sonnel an& Develo!ent.

Hawle-* 7. 200;. 205 ;!( t$ tu'n !n e%p"$ee &nt$ ! (t!' pe'$'%e'. New @o"k:T%e M#"awHill 7o!anies

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Ho$l&swo"t%* E. an& Ki"asin,%e* D. 2008. M!n!/&n/ !nd %e!(u'&n/ e%p"$ee

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Fe"!all-* S. 200;. De#e"$p&n/ !nd M!n!/&n/ T!"ent8 St-l$s P$1 >I.

>eviss* F. 200<. H&/*=M!&nten!n1e E%p"$ee(. Illinois: So$"e1ooks* In.

Mat%is* . an& Kakson* K. 200<. Hu%!n Re($u'1e( M!n!/e%ent. Po"tlan&:

7en,a,e >ea"nin,

Mokasak*7.200B.>ea"nin, O",ani4ation: A 1!(e (tud $ Hu%!n Re($u'1e(

Dep!'t%ent $ T'ue C$'p$'!t&$n Pu4"&1 C$8,Ltd. Maste" o' $siness

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 Nonaka* I.(699<).T*e )n$;"ed/e C'e!t&n/ C$%p!n. New @o"k: O3'o"& nive"sit-P"ess

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ot%well* J. an& Fa4anas* H.7. 200;.T*e St'!te/&1 De#e"$p%ent $ T!"ent.

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%tt:// , ! +. , a ll$.  o ! / o nt e nt/;62/E 3 a tl - J % a t T a le nt n - w a - .a s3

St"in,e"* H. 2008. T!"ent +$'1e. New Ke"se-: Pea"son E&$ation >t&.

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vaila1le:%tt://www.% e witt a sso ia te s.  o ! / I ntl/ P /e n 


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(Online).vaila 1le:%tt :/ /www. e"e.ne t/2008 /0; /28 /w%a tis ta lentan & %ow &o we 


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C$estions 'o" an Inte"view

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T%e "i!a"- &ata in t%is in&een&ent st$&- is ollete& 1- $sin, t%e in&et%

inte"view askin, t%e G$estions "e,a"&in, talent &evelo!ent "oess. T%e !ain

G$estions o' inte"view a"e as 'ollows:

?o" M"s. Ni-awan Fa!olt%a! Na anon,* H$!an eso$"e Develo!ent Mana,e" :

6. Please "ovi&e t%e onet o' talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$


2. Please e3lain t%e sta"tin, oint o' ea% "o,"a!

. How &oes Mae"sk &e'ine t%e ta",et ,"o$s o' e!lo-ee 'o" Talent


;. How &oes t%e !ana,e!ent s$o"t t%e Talent Develo!ent

<. J%at a"e t%e e3etations '"o! t%e Talent Develo!ent "o,"a!

8. J%at is t%e a%ieve!ent '"o! t%is "o,"a! t%at %as 1een "eali4e&

. J%at is t%e %allen,e towa"& t%e Talent Develo!ent P"o,"a!

?o" Ms. Ka"$nee 7%e"&%oo* ssistant H Mana,e"T"ainin, an& Develo!ent:

6. Please "ovi&e t%e "oess o' talent &evelo!ent "o,"a! o' Mae"sk #"o$


2. s -o$ a"e wo"kin, in T"ainin, an& Develo!ent '$ntion* w%at is t%e soe

o' T"ainin, an& Develo!ent tasks in Mae"sk

. How &oes t%e T"ainin, an& Develo!ent s$o"t t%e Talent Develo!ent


;. J%at is t%e s$ess sto"- o' Talent Develo!ent P"o,"a!

<. J%at is t%e %allen,e on Talent Develo!ent atte!t

8. In w%i% wa- o" w%at tool Mae"sk $se in talent &evelo!ent "o,"a!