success secrets of the bible


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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Graphic presentation of a book by John Edmund Haggai Take the next step toward your God-ordained destiny. Secret #1: Know Where You’re Headed. “Thousands, probably millions, have great ideas and high ambitions. Yet they come to nothing because they don’t have the single-minded determination to realize their goals.” Secret #2: Attract a Winning Team. “Being a visionary isn’t about having a clear and driving goal. It’s also about attracting others into a program so you have the means to achieve that goal.” Secret #3: Check the GPS. “Life throws opportunities your way. It’s not always obvious which are worth pursuing. Using opportunities requires you to focus on your life plan. Focus that is founded on your key life goals will deliver you from the capriciousness of conventional thinking and changing fads.” Secret #4: Ditch the Word ‘Impossible’.“A willingness to attempt the impossible is a key ingredient of success—not because impossibilities are possibilities in disguise, but because the God in whom we place our confidence has no limitations.” Secret #5: Never Waste a Failure. “Not everyone has experienced success, but failure strikes everyone at one time or another. Often it strikes many times. You can accept failure as final, or you can regard it as only a setback, a temporary defeat.” Secret #6: Achieve and Build. “Think how many people achieve conventional success—money, position, respect, publicity—and then fritter away the precious opportunity to influence the world for good and for God.” Secret #7: Before Everything, Pray. “Get yourself in sync with God at the beginning of the day, and throughout the day, and everything else will tend to fall into place.” Secret #8: Keep it Simple. “In the Bible, complexity marks the character of Satan, whereas simplicity marks the character of God. Consider for instance the phrase “the fruit of the spirit.” It is singular and simple. In the same passage in Galatians 5, we read. “The works of the flesh are… (plural). Secret #9: Put Character Before Career. “The Bibles points out that winning in itself has limited value and doesn’t deliver lasting satisfaction. The Bible’s emphasis isn’t on building your resume but on building your value as a person.” Secret #10: Give and Be Wealthy. “The wisest man of all time, Solomon, said, ‘The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself’. (Proverbs 11:25). You will never achieve true success without generosity.” Secret #11: Train Your Mind. “When the imagination has a battle with the will, the imagination always wins. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Because your mind is the track that determines which way your life runs.” Secret #12: Treat Time Like Gold. “You must decide if you will compromise with mediocrity or daringly shoot for the stars. You must decide whether to obey the biblical mandate to redeem the ti


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