smart building technologies

Smart Building Technologies A means for fostering sustainability Presented by Mr. Stanley Agbonifo Paper Presentation at the West Africa Building & Construction, Abuja 2012

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A paper presented by Mr Stanley Agbonifo at the 2012 West Africa Building and Construction and Exhibition at the International Conference Center Abuja. visit for more info.


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Smart Building TechnologiesA means for fostering sustainability

Presented by Mr. Stanley Agbonifo

Paper Presentation at the West Africa Building & Construction, Abuja 2012

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Buildings are the largest consumer of energy worldwide. In the US, buildings are responsible for

39% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 70% of electricity consumption

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Proper implementation of smart building technologies and a centralized building

management system (BMS) can reduce a building’s energy consumption by 30% or more compared to

a similar building without a BMS.

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Building a single integrated system that accommodate security, safety, lifestyle, energy saving, control and other systems is the goal of many estate management developers in Nigeria

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A selected few have adopted the concept of advanced technology in modern buildings , & majority have not due to lack of information and technical support to all professionals involved at the design stage of a project

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With the rising economic and other social challenges, the promotion of intelligent

buildings is regarded as means of fostering sustainability

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Intelligent or smart building is the answer to the growing needs and desires of the market in today’s high-tech world of 21st

century as it takes into account the challenges and the opportunities brought about by technological, environmental

and societal changes in the emerging world

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Integrated Smart Building Technologies

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Why Intelligent Building?

An intelligent or smart building provides a productive and cost-effective environment through optimization

of its four basic elements - structure, systems, services and management - and the interrelationships between

them through an automated system.

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A smart house is a building whose energy, technology, telecommunications and other building systems are

all interconnected in a way that allows them to communicate with, and be controlled by, a central


For instance, in a smart building, various sensors, such as occupancy sensors, CO2 sensors, and temperature

sensors feed data into the BMS, which is essentially a centralized computer loaded with building

management software

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This multi-billion dollar industry technology has been in America since 1980s is over due to becoming the in-thing in the leading black

country in the worldcountry in the worldSmart building technologies will soon become the standard

for new residential and industrial buildings. Most modern in several part of the world contain some form

of automation. For how long must we wait?

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Why is Smart Buildings different from traditional buildings?

• It uses technology and processes to reduce its environmental impact, protect occupant health and safety, improve employee

productivity, and become more operationally efficient for its productivity, and become more operationally efficient for its owners.

• An intelligent building is run by a “system of systems” that is integrated to deliver a higher level of operational efficiency and an improved set of user-interface tools than are usually found in

traditional building automation.

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How does it work?The BMS processes the information sent to it

by the sensors and other devices and uses that information to control pumps, fans, that information to control pumps, fans, vents, appliances, as well as the security, lighting, power management and HVAC


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What can a Smart building do for me?• They put off lights (light and shade control)

• Shut down air conditioners• Check the water storage tanks• Check the water storage tanks

• Recharge the central UPS in case of a power failure• Switch on the alarm in case of fire outbreak

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Lutron EcoSystem: digitally addressable dimming ballasts communicate with daylight sensors to automatically adjust electric lights & shade in response to available

Lutron Light and Shade Control

adjust electric lights & shade in response to available daylight.

Reduce HVAC demand by 10 - 30%*. Occupancy/vacancysensors and personal controls are installed throughoutthe space to ensure that lights are not left on when anarea is vacant

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Dimming the light about Saves Electricity Extends bulb life

10% 10% 2 times longer

Diming Saves energyWith Lutron Systems you can dim all the lights in your home with the touch of a button.

10% 10% 2 times longer

25% 20% 4 times longer

50% 40% 20 times longer

75% 60% 20 times longer+

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Major aspects of intelligent building include:

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The primary goal for a smart building is to minimize the long-term costs of facility ownership to owners,

occupants and the environment where all components of the building are integrated in order to work together

through automation

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Most building automation networks consist of a primary and secondary bus which connect high-level automated

controllersThe primary and secondary bus can be BACnet, optical fiber, ethernet, ARCNET, RS-232, RS-

485, powerline or a wireless network

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Some newer building automation and lighting control solutions use wireless mesh open standards (such as ZigBee). These systems can provide interoperability,

allowing users to mix-and-match devices from different manufacturers, and to provide integration with other

compatible building control systems

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Basic Elements of a Smart Home: • Internal network – wire, cable, wireless

• Intelligent control – gateway to manage the systems• Home automation – products within the homes and links to

services and systems outside the home

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When is the ideal time to plan for any technological installation?

The ideal situation is to enter the planning process at an early stage when constructing new at an early stage when constructing new

buildings while cables drawn to fixed points in all units are being installed. This makes it simpler,

cheaper and neater Note: Before any type of technological equipment is installed, a guideline and

standard is followed and maintained in order to enhance its efficiency, beauty and durability

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What happen to the equipment during power outage?

An emergency power unit called UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply), which can serve (Uninterrupted Power Supply), which can serve

the central unit, transmission systems, lights and door openers long enough.

Note: All the equipments are energy saving

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Now, think of an electrical installation that simplifies your life, an installation that gives you full access to your home. One

that makes your home safer and monitors your energy consumption with just one touch of a button, allowing you to take good care of your family, yourself, your budget, and the

environment. Is it worth your having?

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Also think of an electrical installation that simplifies your life. An installation that gives you full access to your home. One

that makes your home safer and monitors your energy consumption with just one touch of a button, allowing you to take good care of your family, yourself, your budget, and the


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Benefits to living in and owning a smart home with a fully interconnected BMS

• The convenience comfort of being able to monitor and manage everything with one device

• the peace of mind that comes from not having to worry about • the peace of mind that comes from not having to worry about energy being wasted by devices when they are not required

• Increased energy efficiency• A BMS increases the safety of its occupants by integrating

security and safety systems, such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide sensors, fire alarms, and surveillance equipment

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Smart home technologies are cost-savings whether they are fitted into a new home or retrofitting an existing

building and has a low payback period and a high return on investment.

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With the increasing levels of sophistication in technology, communications and connectivity, smart buildings will become an integral part of our lifestyles – something

that the construction and real estate industry in Nigeria must embrace.

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If we look at cars over the last 20 years, the technology has moved on massively; ABS, power steering, climate control

etc. Our cars are used for commuting in, not living in. It seems strange that our homes, the places where we live with

our families, have not undergone the same improvement

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I am mostly persuaded that the use of smart home technologies provides the perfect platform for the

delivery of life-time cost savings through sustainability.

I know that we can!

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If our buildings can be better, then good is not enough

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