sistemas embutidos – versão modificada 1.1 interrupts and exceptions (traps, aborts)

1.1 Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada Interrupts and Exceptions (Traps , Aborts)

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Page 1: Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada 1.1 Interrupts and Exceptions (Traps, Aborts)

1.1Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada



Exceptions (Traps , Aborts)

Page 2: Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada 1.1 Interrupts and Exceptions (Traps, Aborts)

1.2Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

Lecture outline

Interrupt vectors

Software interrupts

Hardware interrupts

8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller

Writing your own handlers

Installing handlers

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1.3Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

Why are interrupts important

Interrupts let you use the operating system (run your programs, manage your files, access your peripherals etc.)

Interrupts help peripherals “talk” to your microprocessor

Interrupts help you measure time and control the timing of certain tasks in your microprocessors

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1.4Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

Interrupts from a pedagogical perspective

By learning interrupts you learn important concepts such as:

Concurrency: how your processor manages to service interrupts while your program doesn’t know anything about them and how multiple interrupts are serviced at the same time

Preemptability and priorities, how can a low priority-task be preempted by a high-priority task

Scheduling: how can we assure that both low and high-priority tasks get the service they deserve from the processor

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1.5Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

Defining Interrupts on a PC

Triggers that cause the CPU to perform various tasks on demand

Three types: Software interrupts – initiated by the INT instruction in your

program Hardware interrupts – initiated by peripheral hardware Exceptions – occur in response to error states in the processor or

during debugging (trace, breakpoints etc.)

Regardless of source, they are handled the same Each interrupt has a unique interrupt number from 0 to 255. These

are called interrupt vectors. For each interrupt vector, there is an entry in the interrupt vector

table. The interrupt vector table is simply a jump table containing

segment:offset addresses of procedures to handle each interrupt These procedures are called interrupt handlers or interrupt service

routines (ISR’s)

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Conceito Geral de Interrupção:

É uma maneira de tratar eventos, onde a sequência de instruções que se está executando é temporariamente interrompida de forma a executar uma outra sequência de instruções mais importante.

Eventos não programados (assíncronos ao programa) alteram a sequência do programa. São geralmente requisições de serviço por dispositivos externos (E/S).

Prog x

Estou tratando algo

ou verificando variáveis

Rotina Trata_Int

Salva Contexto



Restaura Contexto

Retorna de Int

É possível gerar interrupções por software (síncronas com programa e consideradas exceções) através do uso da instrução INT n. É uma maneira alternativa de executar uma rotina, diferindo de um CALL

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1.7Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada


Maneiras de Tratar Interrupção:

1. Ignorá-la até que não haja nada mais prioritário a fazer. Isto pode ocorrer se eu estiver atendendo uma interrupção de mais alto nível e estiver com interrupções de mais baixo nível inibidas. Também pode acontecer se o programa principal inibir todas as interrupções por um certo tempo.

2. Atendo parcialmente o pedido, ou seja, ao receber Int, seto um flag ou incremento um contador para indicar que Int ocorreu e o programa principal (quando puder) vai tratar o evento.

3. Processo Interrupção Imediatamente.

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1.8Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada


Como resolver os seguintes Problemas? Enquanto estou atendendo a interrupção de uma chamada

telefônica, toca a campainha do apto. Enquanto atendo a porta, sinto um cheiro de queimado vindo da


Interrupções de 1 só nível Embora possam existir diversos pinos de interrupção no

microprocessador, só atendo uma nova interrupção quando terminar de atender a anterior. E se a rotina de interrupção ficar em loop?

Interrupções de Múltiplos Níveis É possível ter diversos níveis de prioridade no atendimento das

interrupções e principalmente poder atender interrupções mais prioritárias dentro das rotinas de interrupções menos prioritárias (interrupções aninhadas).

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1.9Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

Interrupções no AT802051(ou similar)

Pergunta: Quando Ocorrer uma Interrupção, para que endereço devo desviar (Hardware força um CALL para onde?)?

Pergunta: Onde na Memória Fica a Rotina de Tratamento da Interrupção?


push ACC

push Status (PSW)

mov ACC, Contador

inc ACC

mov Contador, ACC

pop Status

pop ACC



Interrupt 2

8-byte data area

Interrupt 1

8-byte data area

Interrupt 0

8-byte data area

Reset Vector





Cabe ?

Preciso salvar ACC e PSW

aqui ?

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Interrupções AT802051

Exemplo em C para fazer o “Debounce” de um Botão, Usando Interrupções e Timer:ButInt() { // Interrompe ao Apertar botão

SetTimer (20msec); // Seta o Timer p/ atraso 20msec

ResetTimerOverflow(); //Reseta Ovf do timer


} // End ButInt

TImerInt() { // Interrompe qdo timer overflow

DisableTimer Int() // Inibe Interrupcao do timer

if (Button == Low) // Se botão ainda apertado

ButtonFlag = 1; // Indique que botão estava apert.

} // End TimerInt

main () { // Progr. Principal do botão

TimerSetup(); // Timer0 em modo 1, entrada /4

EnableButtonInt(); // Enable Int. do botão

while (1==1) { // Loop p/ sempre (ou outra coisa)

while (Button ==0); // Espere botão ser liberado

ButtonFlag = 0; // Resetar flag do botão

while (ButtonFlag ==0); // Espere o botão ser apertado

LED ^= 1; // Inverta o estado do LED


} // End main

O Problema:






Page 11: Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada 1.1 Interrupts and Exceptions (Traps, Aborts)

1.11Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

Interrupções no AT802051

Exemplo em Assembly para fazer o “Debounce” de um Botão, Usando Interrupções e Timer:

clock = 4MHz

Flags EQU 20h ; botão apertado qdo bit 0 setado

org 000h ; origem do programa na memoria

ajmp MainLine ; Desvie p/programa principal

org 003h ; codigo da interrupção zero (0)

mov TH0, #2*256/3 ; Espere 20msec p/botao ativo

setb IE.1 ; Enable Interr. Timer

clr TCON.5 ; Assegure-se overflow desligado


org 00Bh ; codigo da interrupção timer 0

clr IE.1 ; Libere só interrupç. Do botão

jb P3.2, IntT0_End ; Se bot. n/apertado, n/marque

setb 0 ; Setar interrupção do botão

IntT0_End: ; Fim da Interrupção de overflow T0


Org 20h ; Programa Principal


mov CKCON, #%00001000 ; Use ck/4 Timer0

mov TMOD, #%00000001 ; Timer0 – Int clock

; - roda em modo 1

mov TCON, #%00010001 ; Inicíe Timer 0

; Interrupções de borda

mov IE, #%10000001 ; Enable Interr. botão


jnb P3.2, MainLoop ; Esp. Apertar botao

clr 0 ; Limpa flag botão


jnb 0, ButtonLoop ; Espere setar bit

cpl P1.0 ; Inverte estado LED

ajmp MainLoop ; Espere para decr.

; na proxima vez

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1.12Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

Interrupções no PC

Rotina de Tratamento de Interrupção num uP 80x86Procedure Trata_Int_M; Far; Assembler;ASM

Push Ax ; Acumulador PrincipalPush Bx ; Reg. End. Base- - - - - - - -Push Bp ; Reg. Ponteiro Base da PilhaMov Bp, SpSub SP, Tam_LocalMov Ax, Seg_Data ; Aponta Novo segmento de dadosMov Ds, AxSTI ; Enable outras Interrupções (OPCIONAL) !!!!!!Call Serve_Int_M ; Chama Rotina que serve InterrupçãoMov Sp, Bp ; Pop Bp- - - - - -Pop BxPop AxIRET


NOTA: Se Trata Interrupções de Hardware não usar Rotinas de I/O nem Funções DOS pois DOS não é reentrante

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1.13Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

Interrupções no PC

Funções Para Tratamento de Interrupção em Borland Pascal (C é parecido) – Apenas como exemplo

Procedure Trata_Int (Flags, CS, IP, Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx, SI, DI, DS, ES, Bp:Word): Interrupt;var - - -Begin // Salva todos os registros passados como parâmetro, mas

- - - - // pode não ser necessário salvar todosEnd;

Procedure GetIntVec // Retorna End. Especificado num vetor Int EspecificadoDeclaração: GetIntVec (IntNo: Byte; var Vector: Pointer)OBS: IntNo especifica vetor de Interrupção (0 .. .255) e o end. é retornado em vetor

Procedure SetIntVec // Associa a um vetor de Interr. Especificado o Endereço// da rotina de tratamento

Declaração: SetIntVec (IntNo: Byte; Vector: Pointer)

OBS: IntNo especifica No. do vetor (0 .. .255) e Vector especifica endereço

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Interrupções no PC - 80x86 A - Geradas por Hardware

End (Hex) No.(Hex) Nome

0 - 3 0 Div. Por Zero

4 - 7 1 Single Step

8 - B 2 NMI

C - F 3 Overflow

14 - 17 4 Print Screen

- - - 5

24 - 27 9 Keyboard

34 - 37 D Hard Disk

38 – 3B E Floppy

3C – 3F F Printer

40 - 43 10 Video

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Interrupções no PC - 80x86 B - Por Software – Instruçao INT n (exceções)

End (Hex) No. (Hex) Função

80 - 83 20 DOS Program Terminate

84 - 87 21 DOS Function Call

88 – 8B 22 DOS Terminate Address

- - - - - - - -

94 - 97 25 DOS Absolute Disk Read

- - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - -

A0 - FF 33 Driver de Mouse

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Níveis de Interrupção

Os primeiros uP só Possuíam 1 nível de Interrupção, ou seja, o uP não distinguia interrupções com Diferentes Prioridades ou níveis. Caso fosse necessário usavam hardware externo. Uma das poucas exceções era o sinal de interrupção NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt)

Como é feito no PC ? Controlador de Interrupções 8259 (antigamente era externo ao uP) Prioridade em Níveis – Nível 0 = Mais Prioritário; Nível 7 = Menos Prioritário Se UCP permitir (Enable Interrupt ou EI), interrupções podem ser atendidas dentro

de outras, obedecendo as prioridades

Prioridade Rotativa – O periférico que acabou de ser atendido passa para o fim da fila

Prioridade Especificada por Software – Neste modo não há interrupção – UCP faz “polling”

Prioridade em Níveis, mas Com Possibilidade de Liberar/Inibir níveis + baixos – (Semelhante aos microprocessadores SPARC e MC680xx)

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Interrupções de Múltiplos Níveis

Quais os Problemas a Tratar ?

Permitir que Possa Haver Tratamento de Chamadas de Interrupção de um Certo Nível, Dentro de Uma Rotina de Interrupção, ou seja, Tratamento de Interrupções Aninhadas.

Fazer com que o Procedimento Descrito Acima Possa ser Facilmente Controlado pelo Programador

Permitir que um Sistema Possa ter Diversos Periféricos Dentro de um Mesmo Nível de Interrupção, mas com Subníveis, Fazendo com que o Sistema Possa Atender Muitos Periféricos de Forma Estruturada

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Tratamento de Interrupções no SPARC (Estações SUN) e Processadores Similares - I

Conceito Importante: Processador tem 3 bits na PSW indicando o nível de Interrupção Atual

Passos Automáticos do Hardware numa Interrupção:

Se a Prioridade da Interrupção é Maior do que a Prioridade Corrente do uP, Desvia para Rotina da nova Interrupção, ao Final da Instrução

O Registro de Status do uP é Salvo, o Estado de Privilégio vai para Supervisor e o Nível de Prioridade do uP é Tornado Igual à Int Atendida.

O uP Busca o Valor do Vetor de Int. no Dispositivo que Interrompeu, Indicando IACK e Indicando o Nível de Int. nas linhas de Endereço. O Periférico Insere Vetor de Interrupção.

O uP Salva o PC e a PSW na Stack do Modo Supervisor

O PC é Carregado com a soma do Vetor de Interrupção e do Endereço Base. O uP Passa a Executar a Rotina de Interrupção a Partir Deste Endereço.

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Tratamento de Interrupções no SPARC (Estações SUN) e Processadores Similares - II

Conceito Importante: Processador tem 3 bits na PSW indicando o nível de Interrupção Atual

Passos em Software numa Interrupção:

O Programador Deve Salvar o Contexto Não Salvo pelo Hardware

Caso Outras Interr. de Nível mais Baixo Devam ser Atendidas (O que não é usual), o Programador Deverá Alterar o Registro de Nível de Interrupção do uP.

O Programador Deve Ler o Registro De Estados da Interface que Causou a Interrupção e Desligá-lo.

A Rotina de Interrupção Deve Realizar as Operações Necessárias

Ao Final da Rotina de Interrupção, Deve ser Executada a Instrução de Retorno de Exceção (RTE), que Carregará de Volta o PC, a PSW, Voltando ao Nível de Interrupção Anterior

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1.20Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

EXCEÇÕES – Armadilhas (Traps)

Exceções Ocorrem Quando o Processador Detecta uma Condição de Êrro (Causado por Software ou Hardware)

TRAPS – Causam um Desvio Imediato para a Rotina de Tratamento (Não Esperam o Final da Instrução) Instrução que as causou é abortada antes que mude o estado da

UCP. Êrro de Memória Exceção de Ponto Flutuante (e.g. divisão por zero) Exceçaõ de Có-Processador Instrução Ilegal Instrução Privilegiada em Modo Usuário End. Memória Não Alinhado uP SPARC e 68020 permitem reiniciar a instrução do ponto onde


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1.21Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

EXCEÇÕES – Abortos

ABORTOS – Também Causam um Desvio Imediato para a Rotina de Tratamento (Não Esperam o Final da Instrução)

Não Permitem Reinício da Instrução S.O. Deve Assumir o Contrôle ( mensagem PANIC ! Do UNIX)

Exemplos: Duplo TRAP ou Outros Êrros Sérios do Hardware Duplo Bus Error Dupla Instrução Ilegal Time-Out do Barramento

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1.22Sistemas Embutidos – Versão Modificada

Interrupt vectors – x86 and Pentium

The first 1024 bytes of memory (addresses 00000 – 003FF) always contain the interrupt vector table. Always. Never anything else.

Each of the 256 vectors requires four bytes—two for segment, two for offset

Memory address (hex) Interrupt function pointer

003FC4 * x000080000400000


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Software interrupts

Essentially just function calls using a different instruction to do the calling

Software interrupts give you access to “built-in” code from BIOS, operating system, or peripheral devices

Use the INT instruction to “call” these procedures

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The INT and IRET instructions

Syntax: INT imm8Imm8 is an interrupt vector from 0 to 255INT does the following:

Pushes flag register (pushf) Pushes return CS and IP Far jumps to [0000:(4*imm8)] Clears the interrupt flag disabling the interrupt


IRET is to INT what RET is to CALL Pops flag register Performs a far return

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Things to notice

The interrupt vector table is just a big permanently located jump table

The values of the jump table are pointers to code provided by bios, hardware, the os, or eventually 291 students

Interrupt service routines preserve the flags – the state of the computer should be completely unaltered by an ISR

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Hardware interrupts

Alert the processor of some hardware situation that needs tending to A key has been pressed A timer has expired A network packet has arrived

Same software calling protocol

Additional level of complexity with the interrupt “call” not coming from your program code

Can happen at any time during the execution of your program

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The 80x86 interrupt interface

Device generates request signal Device supplies interrupt vector number on data bus Processor completes the execution of current

instruction and executes ISR corresponding to the interrupt vector number on the data bus

ISR upon completion acknowledges the interrupt by asserting the INTA signal

80x86 processor

Some device

INT Request (INTR)

INT Acknowledge (INTA)

Data bus

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But wait there’s more…

The above setup could get complicated with multiple devices generating multiple interrupts connected to the same few pins on the processor

Enter the 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller

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The 8259 PIC





Interrupt outputs from peripheral


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The 8259 PIC

The PIC is programmed with a base interrupt vector number “0” corresponds to this base “1” corresponds to this base + 1 “n” corresponds to this base + n

For example, if the PIC is programmed with a base interrupt vector of 8, then “0” corresponds to interrupt vector 8

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Master-Slave Configuration










Base vector is 78h

Base vector is 08h

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Typical IRQ assignments IRQ 0: Timer (triggered 18.2/second) IRQ 1: Keyboard (keypress) IRQ 2: Slave PIC IRQ 3: Serial Ports (Modem, network) IRQ 5: Sound card IRQ 6: Floppy (read/write completed) IRQ 8: Real-time Clock IRQ 12: Mouse IRQ 13: Math Co-Processor IRQ 14: IDE Hard-Drive Controller

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Interrupt priority

Lower interrupt vectors have higher priority

Lower priority can’t interrupt higher priority ISR for INT 21h is running

• Computer gets request from device attached to IRQ8 (INT 78h)

• INT 21h procedure must finish before IRQ8 device can be serviced

ISR for INT 21h is running• Computer gets request from Timer 0 IRQ0 (INT 8h)• Code for INT 21h gets interrupted, ISR for timer runs

immediately, INT21h finishes afterwards

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Servicing an interrupt

Complete current instruction Preserve current context

PUSHF Store flags to stack Clear Trap Flag (TF) & Interrupt

Flag (IF) Store return address to stack

PUSH CS, PUSH IP Identify Source

Read 8259 PIC status register Determine which device (N)


Activate Interrupt Service Routine Use N to index vector table Read CS/IP from table Jump to instruction

Execute Interrupt Service Routine usually the handler immediately re-

enables the interrupt system (to allow higher priority interrupts to occur) (STI instruction)

process the interrupt Indicate End-Of-Interrupt (EOI) to

8259 PIC mov al, 20h out 20h, al ;transfers the contents of AL to I/O port 20h Return (IRET)

POP IP (Far Return) POP CS POPF (Restore Flags)

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Interrupt service routines

Reasons for writing your own ISR’s to supersede the default ISR for internal hardware interrupts

(e.g., division by zero)

to chain your own ISR onto the default system ISR for a hardware device, so that both the system’s actions and your own will occur on an interrupt (e.g., clock-tick interrupt)

to service interrupts not supported by the default device drivers (a new hardware device for which you may be writing a driver)

to provide communication between a program that terminates and stays resident (TSR) and other application software

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Interrupt vectors and the 8259 PIC










Base vector is 78h

Base vector is 08h

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Interrupt service routines

DOS facilities to install ISRs

Restrictions on ISRs Currently running program should have no idea

that it was interrupted. ISRs should be as short as possible because lower

priority interrupts are blocked from executing until the higher priority ISR completes

Function Action

INT 21h Function 25h Set Interrupt vectorINT 21h Function 35h Get Interrupt vectorINT 21h Function 31h Terminate and stay resident

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Interrupt Service Routines

ISRs are meant to be short keep the time that interrupts are disable and the total length

of the service routine to an absolute minimum remember after interrupts are re-enabled (STI instruction),

interrupts of the same or lower priority remain blocked if the interrupt was received through the 8259A PIC

ISRs can be interrupted ISRs must be in memory

Option 1: Redefine interrupt only while your program is running

• the default ISR will be restored when the executing program terminates

Option 2: Use DOS Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) command to load and leave program code permanently in memory

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Installing ISRs

Let N be the interrupt to service

Read current function pointer in vector table Use DOS function 35h Set AL = N Call DOS Function AH = 35h, INT 21h Returns: ES:BX = Address stored at vector N

Set new function pointer in vector table Use DOS function 25h Set DS:DX = New Routine Set AL = N DOS Function AH = 25h, INT 21h

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Installing ISR

Interrupts can be installed, chained, or called

Install New interruptreplace old interrupt

Chain into interruptService myCode first

Call Original InterruptService MyCode last

MyIntVector Save Registers Service Hardware Reset PIC Restore Registers IRET

MyIntVector Save Registers MyCode Restore Registers JMP CS:Old_Vector

MyIntVector PUSHF CALL CS:Old_Vector Save Registers MyCode Restore Registers IRET

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Interrupt Driven I/O

Consider an I/O operation, where the CPU constantly tests a port (e.g., keyboard) to see if data is available CPU polls the port if it has data available or can accept data

Polled I/O is inherently inefficient

Wastes CPU cycles until event occurs

Analogy: Checking your watch every 30 seconds until your popcorn is done, or standing at the door until someone comes by

Solution is to provide interrupt driven I/O

Perform regular work until an event occurs

Process event when it happens, then resume normal activities

Analogy: Alarm clock, doorbell, telephone ring

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Timer interrupt example

In this example we will replace the ISR for the Timer Interrupt

Our ISR will count the number of timer interrupts received

Our main program will use this count to display elapsed time in minutes and seconds

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Timer interrupt - main proc skeleton

;====== Variables ===================; Old Vector (far pointer to old interrupt function)oldv RESW 2count DW 0 ;Interrupt counter (1/18

sec)scount DW 0 ;Second counter mcount DW 0 ;Minute counterpbuf DB 8 ;Minute counter;====== Main procedure =====..start…;----Install Interrupt Routine-----call Install ;Main program (print count values) .showcMov ax, [mcount] ;Minute Count…

call pxymov ax, [scount] ;Second Count…call pxymov ax,[count] ;Interrupt Count (1/18

sec)… call pxymov ah,1int 16h ;Check for key press jz .showc ;Quit on any key

;---- Uninstall Interrupt Routine-----call UnInst ;Restore original INT8…call mpxit

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Timer interrupt – complete main proc


mov ax, cs ;Initialize DS=CS

mov ds, ax

mov ax, 0B800h ;ES=VideoTextSegment

mov es, ax

call install ;Insert my ISR


mov ax, [mcount] ;Minute Count

mov bx, pbuf

call binasc

mov bx, pbuf

mov di,0 ;Column 0

mov ah,00001100b ;Intense Red

call pxy

mov ax,[scount] ;Second Count

mov bx,pbuf

call binasc

mov bx, pbuf

mov di,12 ;Column 6 (DI=12/2)

mov ah,00001010b ;Intense Green

call pxy

mov ax,[count] ;Int Count (1/18th sec)

mov bx,pbuf

call binasc

mov bx, pbuf

mov ah,00000011b ;Cyan

mov di,24 ;Column 12 (DI=24/2)

call pxy

mov ah,1

int 16h ;Key Pressed ?

jz showc

Call UnInst ;Restore original INT8

mov ax,4c00h ;Normal DOS Exit

int 21h

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Timer interrupt – PXY and Install interrupt

;pxy (bx = *str, ah = color, di = column)pxy

mov al, [bx]cmp al, ‘$'je .pxydonemov es:[di+2000], axinc bxadd di,2jmp pxy


;====== Install Interrupt =====

install ;Install new INT 8 vector

push es

push dx

push ax

push bx

mov al, 8 ;INT = 8

mov ah, 35h ;Read Vector Subfunction

int 21h ;DOS Service

mov word [oldv+0], bxmov word [oldv+2], esmov al, 8 ;INT = 8mov ah, 25h ;Set Vector Subfunction

mov dx, myint

;DS:DX point to functionint 21h ;DOS Service

pop bx pop axpop dxpop esret

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Timer interrupt – uninstall interrupt

;====== Uninstall Interrupt ===========

UnInst ; Uninstall Routine (Reinstall old vector)

push ds

push dx

push ax

mov dx, word [oldv+0]

mov ds, word [oldv+2]

mov al, 8 ; INT = 8

mov ah, 25h ; Subfunction = Set Vector

int 21h ; DOS Service

pop ax

pop dx

pop ds


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Timer interrupt – ISR code

;====== ISR Code =========myint

push ds ;Save all registerspush axmov ax, cs ;Load default segmentmov ds, axpushf ;Call Orig Function w/flagscall far [oldv] ;Far Call to existing routine

inc word [count];Increment Interrupt

countcmp word [count],18jne .myintdone

inc word [scount] ;Next second mov word [count], 0cmp word [scount], 60jne .myintdoneinc word [mcount] ; Next minutemov word [scount], 0

.myintdonemov al, 20h ;Reset the PIC out 20h, al ;End-of-Interrupt signalpop ax ;Restore all Registerspop dsiret ;Return from Interrupt

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The complete code with exe

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Replacing An Interrupt Handler

;install new interrupt vector

%macro setInt 3 ;Num, OffsetInt, SegmentInt

push ax

push dx

push ds

mov dx, %2

mov ax, %3

mov ds, ax

mov al, %1

mov ah, 25h ;set interrupt vector

int 21h

pop ds

pop dx

pop ax


;store old interrupt vector

%macro getInt 3 ;Num, OffsetInt, SegmentInt

push bx

push es

mov al, %1

mov ah, 35h ;get interrupt vector

int 21h

mov %2, bx

mov %3, es

pop es

pop bx


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Replacing An Interrupt Handler

CR EQU 0dhLF EQU 0ah

SEGMENT stkseg STACK resb 8*64stacktop:


Warning DB “Overflow - Result Set to ZERO!!!!”,CR,LF,0

msgOK DB “Normal termination”, CR, LF, 0

old04hOffset RESWold04hSegment RESW

New04h ;our new ISR for int 04

;occurs on overflow

sti ;re-enable interrupts

mov ax, Warning

push ax

call putStr ;display message

xor ax, ax ;set result to zero

cwd ;AX to DX:AX


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Replacing An Interrupt Handler

mov ax, msgOK

push ax

call putStr


;restore original int handler

setInt 04h, [old04hOffset], [old04hSegment]

mov ax, 4c00h

int 21h

..startmov ax, csmov ds, ax

;store old vectorgetInt 04h, [old04hOffset], [old04hSegment]

;replace with address of new int handlersetInt 04h, New04h, cs

mov al, 100add al, alinto ;calls int 04 if an overflow occurredtest ax, 0FFhjz Error NOTES INTO is a conditional instruction that acts only when the overflow flag is set With INTO after a numerical calculation the control can be automatically routed to a

handler routine if the calculation results in a numerical overflow. By default Interrupt 04h consists of an IRET, so it returns without doing anything.

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Why are interrupts important

Interrupts let you use the operating system (run your programs, manage your files, access your peripherals etc.)

Interrupts help peripherals “talk” to your microprocessor

Interrupts help you measure time and control the timing of certain tasks in your microprocessors

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Interrupts from a pedagogical perspective

By learning interrupts you learn important concepts such as:

Concurrency: how your processor manages to service interrupts while your program doesn’t know anything about them and how multiple interrupts are serviced at the same time

Preemptability and priorities, how can a low priority-task be preempted by a high-priority task

Scheduling: how can we assure that both low and high-priority tasks get the service they deserve from the processor

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Interrupts and our everyday lives

We will spend at least two lectures to explain how to measure and track time in your microprocessor and you will be wondering why don’t we just look at our watches…

But we will also learn that looking at your watch all the time is not a good thing to do, especially if you’re a microprocessor…

We all have priorities E.g. you do your ECE291 homework and your

girlfriend/boyfriend calls, there’s a high-priority interrupt While you talk to your girlfriend/boyfriend you get another

incoming call from your mom, there’s an interrupt that you decide how to handle

• High priority: put the girlfriend/boyfriend on hold• Low priority: put your mom on hold or don’t even bother to

switch to the other line

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Interrupts…seriously defined

Triggers that cause the CPU to perform various tasks on demand

Three types: Software interrupts – initiated by the INT instruction in your

program Hardware interrupts – initiated by peripheral hardware Exceptions – occur in response to error states in the processor or

during debugging (trace, breakpoints etc.)

Regardless of source, they are handled the same Each interrupt has a unique interrupt number from 0 to 255. These

are called interrupt vectors. For each interrupt vector, there is an entry in the interrupt vector

table. The interrupt vector table is simply a jump table containing

segment:offset addresses of procedures to handle each interrupt These procedures are called interrupt handlers or interrupt service

routines (ISR’s)

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The 80x86 interrupt interface

Device generates request signal Device supplies interrupt vector number on data bus Processor completes the execution of current

instruction and executes ISR corresponding to the interrupt vector number on the data bus

ISR upon completion acknowledges the interrupt by asserting the INTA signal

80x86 processor

Some device

INT Request (INTR)

INT Acknowledge (INTA)

Data bus

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It is not that simple…

What if we want to connect more than one devices to the processor ?

What happens if multiple devices generate multiple interrupts at the same time ?

We need a way to share the two interrupt lines among multiple devices

8259 Programmable Interrupt ControllerThe 8259 PIC operates as an arbiter for

interrupts triggered by multiple devices One 8259 serves up to 8 devices, but multiple

8259 chips can be “cascaded” to serve up to 64 devices

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The 8259 PIC





Interrupt outputs from peripheral


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Master-Slave Configuration










Base vector is 78h

Base vector is 08h

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The 8259 PIC

PIC is very complex to program, fortunately the BIOS does most of the work needed

Programmed with the I/O address 20h-21h (master) and 0A0h-0A1h (slave)

I/O instructions yet to be discussed… in reads from an I/O address out writes to an I/O address

Consider them as two registers the status register and the interrupt mask register

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The 8259 PIC

The mask register is addressed from 21h It lets you enable/disable specific hardware interrupts Counterintuitive: a 0 ENABLES an interrupt and a 1

DISABLES the interrupt Never load a value immediately to the mask register Always read the previous value and use and/or

instructions to set the new maskin al, 21h ; this one reads the value of the mask register

and al, 0efh ; this zeroes out bit 4 i.e. IRQ4

out 21h, al ; this actually disables the interrupt in IRQ4

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The 8259 PIC

When an interrupt occurs and the processor starts executing the ISR all further interrupts from the same device are blocked until the ISR issues an end of interrupt instructionmov al, 20hout 20h, al

You must end exactly one interrupt! Not sending one will block all interrupts from the save device Sending two or more means that you might accidentally

acknowledge the end of a pending interrupt! Two more registers track pending interrupts received

at the PIC and interrupt priorities You must be careful when you’re patching existing

ISR’s (because the end instruction sequence may already be included in the ISR)

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The 8259 PIC

IRQ mapping Interrupt vectors 8 through 0Fh map to IRQ0-IRQ7 Interrupt vectores 70h-77h map to IRQ8-IRQ15

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Interrupt vectors and the 8259 PIC










Base vector is 78h

Base vector is 08h

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Typical IRQ assignments

IRQ 0: Timer (triggered 18.2/second) IRQ 1: Keyboard (keypress) IRQ 2: Slave PIC IRQ 3: Serial Ports (Modem, network) IRQ 5: Sound card IRQ 6: Floppy (read/write completed) IRQ 8: Real-time Clock IRQ 12: MouseIRQ 13: Math Co-Processor IRQ 14: IDE Hard-Drive Controller

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Interrupt priority

Lower interrupt vectors have higher priorityLower priority can’t interrupt higher priorityHigher priority can interrupt lower priority

ISR for INT 21h is running• Computer gets request from device attached to IRQ8 (INT

78h)• INT 21h procedure must finish before IRQ8 device can be


ISR for INT 21h is running• Computer gets request from Timer 0 IRQ0 (INT 8h)• Code for INT 21h gets interrupted, ISR for timer runs

immediately, INT21h finishes afterwards

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Priority in the 8259

8259 supports several priority schemes On PC’s the 8259 uses the simplest form of fixed

priorities Each IRQ has a fixed priority Lower IRQs has higher priority The timer interrupt (IRQ0) has lower priority than any

other IRQ If you really need higher priority than the timer (e.g.

connecting a nuclear reactor to your microprocessor) it is possible to use a NMI (non-maskable interrupt)

NMI has the highest priority among all hardware interrupts and cannot be disabled by the program

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Interrupt enabling/disabling

You can enable/disable all maskable hardware interrupts

The CLI instruction disables all maskable hardware interrupts

The STI instruction enables all maskable hardware interrupts

Be very careful if you ever need to use them Many deadlock scenarios!

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The ugly details

ISRs for hardware interrupts clear the interrupt flag at the beginning to disable interrupts. They may include a STI instruction if they want to enable interrupts before they finish It’s all about performance! Keeping interrupts blocked for long is a


ISRs for software interrupts do not disallow hardware interrupts automatically at the beginning. If an ISR for a software interrupt needs to do that it must issue a CLI instruction This is what most ISRs do Again for the sake of performance a STI instruction must be issued

as soon as possible Note that when interrupts are enabled the priority rule applies

The CLI works only for maskable hardware interrupts Code enclosed between CLI/SCI is often called a critical section,

an uninterruptible piece of code

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Is there a way out of this mess ?

In many critical section situations (e.g. patching the interrupt vector tables) DOS helps us ensure the required atomicity

Convenient calls for Safely getting the value of the interrupt vector from the

interrupt vector table Safely storing a new value to the interrupt vector table

(patching the interrupt vector table)

In all difficult situations always examine what if scenarios What if a hardware interrupt occurs at different points of our

ISR ? Identify the points that need to be protected and protect them

with CLI/STI

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Servicing a hardware interrupt

Complete current instruction Preserve current context

PUSHF Store flags to stack Clear Trap Flag (TF) & Interrupt

Flag (IF) Store return address to stack

PUSH CS, PUSH IP Identify Source

Read 8259 PIC status register Determine which device (N)

triggered the interrupt Activate ISR

Use N to index vector table Read CS/IP from table Jump to instruction

Execute ISR usually the handler

immediately re-enables the interrupt system (to allow higher priority interrupts to occur) (STI instruction)

process the interrupt Indicate End-Of-Interrupt

(EOI) to 8259 PIC mov al, 20h out 20h, al

Return (IRET) POP IP (Far Return) POP CS POPF (Restore Flags)

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Interrupt service routines

Reasons for writing your own ISR’s to override the default ISR for internal hardware

interrupts (e.g., division by zero need not terminate the program)

to chain your own ISR onto the default system ISR for a hardware device, so that both the system’s actions and your own will occur on an interrupt (e.g., clock-tick interrupt, measure elapsed time)

to service interrupts not supported by the default device drivers (a new hardware device for which you may be writing a driver)

to provide communication between a program that terminates and stays resident (TSR) and other application software (maintain your ISRs)

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Impact of interrupts on performance

The frequency of occurrence and the latency of the ISR determine the impact of servicing interrupts to your program

The latency of the ISR is non-negligible! You may not notice it but you may be interrupted

several times while executing your program. The good thing is that you don’t notice it!

Always remember: When the processor starts executing an ISR there might be

other ISRs executing already Your ISR may be interrupted by a higher-priority interrupt Many devices expect low latency from your ISR (imagine

what happens if you hit a key in the keyboard and wait for a minute!)

Even those devices with high latencies (e.g. the disk) are not allowed to block other activity in the processor for long

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Interrupt Service Routines

ISRs are meant to be short keep the time that interrupts are disabled and the total length

of the service routine to an absolute minimum remember after interrupts are re-enabled (STI instruction),

interrupts of the same or lower priority remain blocked if the interrupt was received through the 8259A PIC

ISRs can be interrupted ISRs must be in memory

Option 1: Redefine interrupt only while your program is running

• the default ISR will be restored when the executing program terminates

Option 2: Use DOS Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) command to load and leave program code permanently in memory

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Interrupt Driven I/O

Consider an I/O operation, where the CPU constantly tests a port (e.g., keyboard) to see if data is available CPU polls the port if it has data available or can accept data

Polled I/O is inherently inefficient Wastes CPU cycles until event occurs Analogy: Checking your watch every 30 seconds until

your popcorn is done, or standing at the door until someone comes by

Solution is to provide interrupt driven I/O Perform regular work until an event occurs Process event when it happens, then resume normal

activities Analogy: Alarm clock, doorbell, telephone ring