rni no: uphin/2008/30446 nofa a times times aug 2018 .pdfiztk lirkd vol.-8 august , 2018 rni no:...

iztk lIrkd August , 2018 WWW.NOFAA.IN Vol.-8 RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOIDA | GREATER NOIDA | NOIDA EXTENSION | EXPRESS WAY “Voice of AOA” 2019 - 20 LEGAL OPINION : Co - Owner Neither can vote nor can be candidate for AOA elecon NOF A A TIMES 1. A couple of owners of apartments in Group Housing Sociees in Noida have sought my opinion on the implicaons of the expanded/extended definion of an 'apartment owner' as enunciated by the Hon'ble Allahabad High Court on 14th Nov 2013 in the common order covering 4 Civil Misc. writ Peons Nos. 33826 of 2012, 46099 of 2012, 15782 of 2010 and 12110 of 2013. 2. Prior to the enactment of U.P. Apartment Act 2010, there was U.P. Flat Owners Act, 1975, which stood repealed aer the enactment of the new Act of 2010. Under the old Act of 1975, there used to be Residents Welfare Associaons (RWAs) which were expected to look aer the welfare/ interests of all the residents-owners, their family members, lawful tenants, employees of lease companies etc etc. 3. Things have drascally changed aer the enactment of U. P. Apartment Act, 2010. The main Act envisages an Apartment Owners Associaon for which Model Bye- Laws have been framed and nofied. The Act, Rules and Model Bye-laws all speak of Apartment Owners. 4. In Civil Misc. Writ Peon No 12110 of 2013 filed by Olive County Apartment Owner's Associaon against the State of U. P. and others (one of the 4 Writ Peons referred to in Para 1), one of the issues raised by the Peoners was “ whether apartment owner would include spouses/ major children/ family members of apartment owners so as to enable them to become members of RWA ( it is Apartment Owners Associaon under the New Act of 2010) or shall it be limited to blood relaves on the basis of SPA or no one can be passed on the power” 5.In Chapter III of the Act, Rights and Obligaons of only Apartment Owners to the exclusion of Rights and Obligaon of other residents have been clearly defined. Secon 5 (5) reads as follows:- “Each Apartment Owner may use the common areas and facilies in accordance with the purposes for which they are intended without hindering or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other apartment owners” 6.Neither the Act, Rules or Bye-Laws menon anything about the Rights and Obligaons of Residents viz. family members of apartment owners, lawful tenants, employees of lease company etc. ..to be continued on page 4 -By MM Mathur, IRS (Rtd.) Advocate , Patron, NOFAA (M)9213563296

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Page 1: RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOFA A TIMES Times Aug 2018 .pdfiztk lIrkd Vol.-8 August , 2018 RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOIDA | GREATER NOIDA | NOIDA EXTENSION | EXPRESS WAY “Voice of

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August , 2018 WWW.NOFAA. INVo l . - 8

RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446


“Voice of AOA”

2019 - 20

LEGAL OPINION : Co - Owner Neither can vote nor can be candidate for AOA elec�on


1. A couple of owners of apartments in Group Housing Socie�es in Noida have sought my opinion on the i m p l i c a � o n s o f t h e expanded/extended defini�on of an 'apartment owner' as enunciated by the Hon'ble Allahabad High Court on 14th Nov 2013 in the common order covering 4 Civil Misc. writ Pe��ons Nos. 33826 of 2012, 46099 of 2012,

15782 of 2010 and 12110 of 2013.

2. Prior to the enactment of U.P. Apartment Act 2010, there was

U.P. Flat Owners Act, 1975, which stood repealed a�er the enactment of the new Act of 2010. Under the old Act of 1975, there used to be Residents Welfare Associa�ons (RWAs) which were expected to look a�er the welfare/ interests of all the residents-owners, their family members, lawful tenants, employees of lease companies etc etc.3. Things have dras�cally changed a � e r t h e e n a c t m e n t o f U. P. Apartment Act, 2010. The main Act envisages an Apartment Owners Associa�on for which Model Bye-Laws have been framed and no�fied. The Act, Rules and Model Bye-laws all speak of Apartment Owners.

4. In Civil Misc. Writ Pe��on No 12110 of 2013 filed by Ol ive County Apartment Owner's Associa�on against the State of U. P. and others (one of the 4 Writ Pe��ons referred to in Para 1), one of the issues raised by the Pe��oners was “ whether apartment owner would include spouses/ major children/ family members of apartment owners so as to enable them to become members of RWA ( it is Apartment Owners Associa�on under the New Act of 2010) or shall it be limited to blood rela�ves on the basis of SPA or no one can be passed on the power” 5.In Chapter III of the Act, Rights and Obliga�ons of only Apartment

Owners to the exclusion of Rights and Obliga�on of other residents have been clearly defined. Sec�on 5 (5) reads as follows:-“Each Apartment Owner may use the common areas and facili�es in accordance with the purposes for which they are intended without hindering or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other apartment owners”6.Neither the Act, Rules or Bye-Laws men�on anything about the Rights and Obliga�ons of Residents viz. family members of apartment owners, lawful tenants, employees of lease company etc.


-By MM Mathur, IRS (Rtd.) Advocate , Patron, NOFAA


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NOFAATIMES 2www.nofaa.iniztk lIrkd







J.C. Kala IFS (Retd.) 9811501946

M.M. Mathur IRS (Retd.) 9213563296

Col. Subhash Chandra 9810164820Prof. Rajesh Sahay 9810494477Vinod Agarwal 9899437350

Mahendra Singh 9810247267(Retd. MD. NAFED)

Share your views with Editors

Rimaa Taneja 8447161870

Rajiva Singh President

Prof. Rajesh Sahay Secretary General

J.C. Kala IFS (Retd.)Patron

M.M. Mathur IRS (Retd.)Patron

NOFAAOf�iceBearers&FounderMembersList available at www.nofaa.in

Q. What is the concept behind developing McXtra?Ans. Insurance is perceived to be a complicated subject by many. Out of the people who have bought some kind of personal insurance policy in the past, very few understand its features, advantage & benefits. McXtra acts as your personal insurance assistant, that not only helps you understand your exis�ng insurance policies be�er, but also helps you get freedom from all insurance related hassles e.g claims, renewals, grievances etc. It is completely tech enabled and also provides emergency assistance whenever and wherever required.Q. What kind of Emergency Services does McXtra provide?Ans. McXtra provides Road Side Assistance, Ambulance Services, Doctor on Call facility and travel insurance related assistance. All these services are 24x7. Q. What is Road Side Assistance?Ans. Motor problems come unannounced. McXtra helps you get your vehicle back on track, incase of car breakdown, flat tyre, ba�ery problem, lost or locked keys, empty fuel tank etc, by simply pressing the RED BUTTON on McXtra app, which is GPRS enabled and helps in tracking your exact loca�on. Q. Is Road Side Assistance available for 4 Wheelers only?It is available for 2 Wheelers as well 4 Wheelers, but for private vehicles only.Q. Can I avail Free Road Side Assistance on one vehicle or more?You can avail it on mul�ple vehicles, which are registered

in your name or that of your immediate family members.Q. What is Emergency Ambulance Service?Ans. It would be rarely that anyone would have ambulance numbers handy incase of medical exigency. When every single minute counts, the individual has to simply press the RED BUTTON on McXtra and seek support. Q. What kind of Ambulance will McXtra provide?Ans. McXtra will either provide Basic life support or Advance life support ambulance, depending on the type of exigency. This facility is presently available in 12 ci�es only including Delhi NCR.Q. Are there any charges to be borne by me as and when I avail any of the Emergency Services? Ans. These services have already been paid for by NOFAA and are absolutely free for 1000 NOFAA privilege card holders for a period of 1 year on first come first serve basis. You do not have to pay anything for availing any of the emergency services, except for the cost of consumables if a n y . Q. What is the Process to avail these services?Ans. You have to download the McXtra app which is available on Android and IOS pla�orm and register using a unique code which is NOFAA followed by last 4 digits of your NOFAA privilege card number. Subsequently, you need to upload a copy of your exis�ng motor or health insurance policy or both, on McXtra or e mail the policy copy to from your registered e mail [email protected].

Now Residents will get 24X7 Roadside Assistance - Q&A

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InNOFAATIMESandtoconnectyourselfwith uksQk jDrnku f”kfoj

uksQk us jksVjh Dyc ds lkFk feydj jDrnku f”kfoj dk vk;kstu fnukad 18 vxLr 18 dks lSDVj 50 fLFkr ekuo jpuk Ldwy esa fd;kA ftlesa 80 ls vf/kd yksxks us jDr nku fd;kAbl ekSds ij uksQk v/;{k Jh jkthok flag] lg laiknd Jh vafdr JhokLro] Ldwy iz/kkuk/;kid Jherh fuafn;k lkdsr vkfnyksx mifLFkr jgsA

uksQk jDrnku f”kfoj&uksQk laoknnkrk u{k=k pkSgku

Page 3: RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOFA A TIMES Times Aug 2018 .pdfiztk lIrkd Vol.-8 August , 2018 RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOIDA | GREATER NOIDA | NOIDA EXTENSION | EXPRESS WAY “Voice of

NOFAATIMES 3www.nofaa.iniztk lIrkd

Sur Sandhya : A Marvel Homes Musical Sojourn

In the musical essence of Monsoons, an eveningdedicated to ragas, songs and instruments –“SurSandya”washeldintheclubhouseofMarvelHomessector61on19thJuly2018.Themusicalambiencewas supplemented by �lower decorations, candlesand beautiful banners.Many talented residents ofMarvel Homes unfurled the musical side of their

p e r s ona l i t y. T h e e ven i n gcommenced with a SaraswatiVandana sung by little girls,settingthemoodforthethingstocome. Little tots and sprightlyteens mesmerized the audiencewith the rendition of beautifulsongs and some foot tappinginstrumental music, showcasingapooloftalentintheapartmentcomplex. With accompanyingstrainsfromtabla,drums,guitarand harmonium the adults toomatchedtheyoungbroodstepbystep in talent. In hauntinglysimilarvoices,tributeswerepaidto the songs of S.D Burman,

Kishore Kumar,Mohd. Ra�i, LataMangeshkarandAshaBhonsle.AppreciableeffortwasputinBy Ms. Anita Keshkar and Ms. Richa Bajaj,members of the Marvel Homes culturalcommittee toensure that theeveningwasanunforgettableandenjoyableoneforall.

NOFAA is an Associa�ons of Apartment Owners Associa�ons for the complete welfare of the Apartments and Residents of Gautam Budha Nagar . It is a Federa�on managed by Apartments Residents. NOFAA is having following Key Issues for Apartment and Residents.1) Proper maintenance of Roads, Service lanes, flyovers, under-passes, footover bridges. Widening of Roads where required and repair of pavements outside socie�es. 2) Proper traffic management par�cularly in traffic prone areas. 3) Parking problems in Commercial and residen�al areas. 4) Marking and management of road crossing. 5) Remove all encroachments on roads, pavements and public land. 6) Organize proper blocking of all road crossings near Metro Sta�ons. 7) Waste management. 8) Sanita�on in general. 9) Sewage system water logging, open drains. 10) Water supply-Ganga water. 11) Pollu�on Control. 12) Street l ights, traffic l ights. 13) Hor�culture public parks and their maintenance. 14) Increase of green cover. 15) Pruning of trees on roads and public

What is NOFAA ..? Its Key Issues for AOA’s & Residents

parks. 16) Play grounds for children. 17) Check illegal adver�sing by Pain�ng on public walls, pillars and sign boards. 18) Removal of stray animals on the roads. 19) Menace of stray dogs in public Parks and residen�al colonies. 20) Covering of “open nallahs”/drains and construc�on of approved Kiosks on the covered space (as done by NDMC in New Delhi. 21) Markets-upkeep and maintenance. 22) Builders' and Buyers' disputes. 23) Illegal construc�on of gates on public roads inside sectors by R WA s /A O A s . 2 4 ) B e g ga r M e n a c e . 25)Governance by RWAs/AOAs-compliance with statutory requirements under U.P. Apartment Act, 2010, U . P . Apartment Rules, 2010, Model Bye-l a w s a n d o t h e r enactments



Your generous donation will be highly appreciated.

Contact Person : Mr.MMMathur,IRS(Rtd.)Sr.Advocate,PatronNOFAA


- By NOFAA Correspondence

- By Apartment Journalist : Ms. Vandna Zutshi Bhat

Page 4: RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOFA A TIMES Times Aug 2018 .pdfiztk lIrkd Vol.-8 August , 2018 RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOIDA | GREATER NOIDA | NOIDA EXTENSION | EXPRESS WAY “Voice of

NOFAATIMES 4www.nofaa.iniztk lIrkd

Monsoon is here and so being the �me to enjoy a cup of hot tea with garam-garam pakoras. Not really! Wonder why? Rains do provide respite from the scorching heat and dripping sweat but this season puts you at risk of various diseases that are spread through food and water. So this monsoon keeps a tabon what you eat and drink to lower your risk of infec�ons. Here is a quick list of foods to avoid in monsoon.FRIED FOODS: Fried food (pakora, chaat, samosa etc.) is loaded with oil, which makes it difficult to digest, especially in the monsoon when your diges�ve system is already sluggish. Hence, avoid outside fried foods.SUGGESTIONS: You may try homemade fried or baked foods to enjoy the monsoon.SEA FOODOne of the reasons to stay away from sea food during monsoon is because it's the breeding season for sea creatures. As a result, fresh sea food is scarce, so you might end up having stale & contaminated food which can cause food poisoning & stomach infec�onSUGGESTIONS: Only buy fresh sea food from quality stores if you s�ll wish to consume.LEAFY VEGETABLESMonsoons turn leafy vegetables damp and dirty as they are grown in swampy areas moreover, these veggies are not stored in hygienic places, which expose the leaves to worms & other pests that spread infec�onSUGGESTIONS: Properly clean and boil vegetables for at least 10 minutes in salt water before cookingPRE-CUT FRUITS & FRUIT JUICESStay away from raw and chopped fruits, which are kept open, as the risk of


contamina�on through flies and other pests is high. This can lead to food poisoning and stomach infec�ons.SUGGESTIONS: Consume whole- foods and fresh juices insteadPANI PURI/ GOL GAPPAYou may want to avoid this savoury snack during rains. Think of the dust and flies hovering around roadside stalls and contaminated water which increases the risk of diarrhoea. So even if your 'gol-gappa' vendor is using bo�led water for the 'paani', the water used in the ice may n o t b e f r o m t h e s a m e s o u r c e . SUGGESTIONS: Try homemade 'gol-gappas' or alterna�veDAIRY PRODUCTSA cup of chai in the morning can make your day, especially during monsoon. Unpacked milk is suscep�ble to quick contamina�on due to it being non-pasteurized. Since milk is extremely perishable item, avoid buying unpacked milk this monsoon.SUGGESTIONS: Go for packed milk to avoid stomach infec�onsWATER-RICH FRUITSMonsoon is not the right season to enjoy summer f ru i ts such as mangoes , muskmelon and watermelon. These fruits have high water and sugar content, which increases the chances of fungal and bacterial growth.SUGGESTIONS: Keep the fruits in dry storage and cold places if you s�ll wish to consumeSALADS/RAITARaw foods are major sources of germs. D u r i n g m o n s o o n s , t h e r i s k o f contamina�on is very high. It is best to avoid raw vegetables in the form of salads and raitas.SUGGESTIONS: If you s�ll wish to consume it, then boil or steam the vegetables before making raita.

7.Apprehending that some 'crazy' Apartment owners might deny access to common areas facili�es and services to other residents on the Hon'ble High Court, in its wisdom, expanded the defini�on of 'apartment owner' to “include the s p o u s e a n d c h i l d r e n o f t h e apartment owner and a lawful tenant o f t h e a l l o �e e /ow n e r o f t h e allotment which will also include o ffi c e r o r e m p l o y e e o f t h e company/firm or associa�on which owns an apartment under a valid allotment le�er and its tenant. It will also include a person holding valid p o w e r o f a � o r n e y o f t h e allo�ee/owner or associa�on”. (Para 65(3) of the judgment).8.With the expanded/ extended defini�on of an 'apartment owner,' no owner can now legally object or challenge the right of other residents to the free and unhindered access of common areas, facili�es and services. 9.Doubts have been expressed whether residents (as per the extended defini�on of 'apartment owner') could also vote and or seek elec�on to the Board of Management of Apartments Owners Associa�on or not.10.There is not a single word in the en�re judgment of the Hon'ble High Court about the

typeofpopulationexplosion.Therefore,adequatearraignmentswerenotmadefor garbage dumping or processing.Nowthereisnolandleftforthispurpose.A peculiar situation has developed.Residentsdonotwantgarbagedumpingground within a kilometre or so fromtheirhouses.AndNoidaAuthoritycan'tobligeasithasnolandwhichisisolatedtosuchanextent.Apossibleshorttermsolutionseemstobe that Societies and residents shouldprocessthegarbageandconvertitintomanureattheirlevel.Suchmachinesarenow ava i l ab l e tha t c an do th i sprocessing . Noida Federat ion ofApar tment Owners Assoc ia t ion(NOFAA)hasdoneacommendablejobinspreadingawarenessaboutthissystem.AtleastApartmentOwnersAssociations(AOA)shouldtakealeadinthisdirectiontosolvetheproblemtoanextent.


There is a strong unrest amongst theresidents of Noida because garbagedisposalsystemherehasalmost failed.Onecanseegarbage litteredanywhereand every in various sectors of Noida.Thereason is thatNoidaAuthorityhasdidnotenvisagethatgarbagedisposalisanessentialpartofcityplanning.Noidawas essentially developed as anindustrial township. However, due tovested interest of somepoliticians andbureaucrats, it has now become aresidential city. The land reserved forindustrial use was converted forr e s i d e n t i a l p u r p o s e t h e r e b yjeopardising the entire planning.Accordingto2011census,itspopulationwas6.37lakhs.Nowitisaround20lakhsand with the speedy development ofresidentialsectorsinandaroundNoida,itmaygoupto30lakhsinnearfuture.Thecityplannerscouldnotforeseethis

Con�nue from page 1

right to vote or right to seek elec�on. In fact, these issues were not raised in any of the 4 writ pe��ons referred to in Para 1 above. Hence the Hon'ble High Court did not deal with these issues at all. There is not even an obiter dicta on this issue nor is there any whisper in this regard.11. The provision regarding right to vote is contained only in Clause 5 of the Model Bye Laws and nowhere else, reads as follows:-“ Jo int Apartment Owners-where apartment has been purchased jointly by two or more persons, they shall be jointly en�tled to the apartment and the share cer�ficates shall be issued in their joint names but the person whose name stands first in the share alone have the right to vote.” The Hon'ble High Court did not examine Clause 5 in its en�re judgment.12. The Government of U�ar Pradesh, had long a�er the judgment of Hon'ble High Court was delivered on 14th Nov 2013,

issued the following clarifica�on on a reference made by me, on 05th Nov, 2015:-“Thus, Clause 5 of the Model Bye-Laws is self-explanatory i.e. in case of joint ownership of an apartment, the right to vote, and hence, the right to seek elec�on accrues only to the person whose name stands first in the joint ownership deed whereas, other co-owners have neither right to vote nor eligible to seek elec�on.You are advised to comply with Clause 5 of the Model Bye-Laws in accordance with above clarifica�on.”13. It would thus be clear that persons falling within the expanded/extended defini�on of an apartment owner have neither the right to vote nor are they eligible to seek elec�on.14. To draw inference that the Hon'ble High Court has given a go ahead to all the residents in a society to vote and or seek elec�on is not only ridiculous but also absurd, in the eyes of the law, to say the least.

Original Copy signed by

Justice Gupta (Rtd.) Judge

Allahabad High Court



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NOFAATIMES 5www.nofaa.iniztk lIrkd

thOn 15 august NOFAA & JWC organized a kite fes�val at Meghdutam Park from 3.00 pm onwards and residents of surrounding apartments were invited to par�cipate in this community sport with their families, friends and children. The tradi�onal kite flying on Independence Day caught up a bit late in the evening due to not so good weather condi�ons. The children along with their kites and strings started walking into the park around 04.30 p.m. Several residents of NOFAA socie�es par�cipated in the customary kite flying at Meghdutam park. The Kite Flying Fes�val has been celebrated for last 5 years in Meghdutam park.Salute to all our freedom fighter who made exemplary sacrafices and made th i s f reedom poss ib le . And salute the real heroes who par�cipated in building the founda�ons for our country.








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- By NOFAA Correspondence

HCL TOWERS RWA, Sector-62 of Noida is immensely happy and proud to announce that they achieved a major milestone of 100% solid waste segregation at the place of its source i.e. individual homes in a short span of just 60 days. A journey which was conceptualised two months ago got

stcompleted on 1 August 2018 when the target of ZERO DEFECT was achieved. Recalling the whole journey Mr Vijay Malhotra RWA Gen Secretary & Ms Manpreet Kaur Treasurer HCL TOWERS said:How it started...The RWA teamed up with a few like-minded residents and initiated the daunting project of waste segregation. A Core Volunteers Committee (CVC) was formed comprising of 4 addit ional members Ms Anamika, Chaturvedi, Maya Menon, Indira Serathy and Mr. Rachit Jain


The Process...A bottoms up approach was initiated by involving the little children taking a lead role. A poster making and painting competition by children was organized, with waste segregation and clean environment as the theme. Every child was given a prize in the form of an eco-friendly seed pencil. The first step achieved a fair level of success since the parents of the children automatically became involved. In parallel the RWA management committee signed agreement with a vendor SVM who could collect and process the waste on daily basis. A demo of waste processing was organised for residents, before the formal agreement was signed. To further thrust the message a meeting in HCL Towers by NOFFA offic ia ls was a lso he ld on So ld Waste management subject.


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HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SOCIETY Mr. - Surender Baweja - President

Mr. - Vice PresidentM.K. Agrawal

Mr. Devendra Sharma - General Secretary

Mr. - Rajendra Popli Joint Secretary

Mr. - Saumendra Mohanty Treasurer

Mr. - MemberVinay Kaul

Mr. - MemberN K GUPTA

Mr. - MemberSanjeev Mehra

- MemberDr. Rekha Mohanty

- MemberMr. Chandrahaas Sharma


No. of Towers 05 Towers

9 Floors (Each)

135 Units

Total Occupancy 93%

9825 Sq. Mtr.

No. of Floors

No. of Units

Total Project Area

125+No. of families

Swimming pool Open badminton courtClub houseGymBilliards roomChildren playing area24*7 water supplyLifts 24*7 power back upSHUBHKAMNA APARTMENTS

SOCIETY OF THE MONTH : SHUBHKAMNA APARTMENTSThe 5 towers of Shubhkamana Apartment is located in sector 50, is an apartment that houses about 125 plus families. Shubhkamana apartment was built by kendriya Niketan welfare society 12 years before and currently occupancy is 93%. In 2006 when we took the handover from the builders we didn't face major challenge we already handed over by the builder. All due of Noida paid by builder. Our contribu�on in waste management to make society clean or hygiene is very much like waste are segregated into wet waste , dry waste and E waste. Daily it is carried by agency. We have Resident welfare Associa�on duly elected as per bye laws of society takes care water supply and maintenance issues, Power supply & maintenance issues, Club management, Seepage management, Fire protec�on and periodical drills, Security issues, Gymupkeep, DG Set maintenance, Individual flat maintenance /repair. Cultural programme during Dewali, New year, Independence and Republic Day celebra�on besides celebra�on of other fes�vals. We have Ladies club which conducts get together every month with cultural programme. Management are very suppor�ve to handel the problems of residents. We are very concern about the safety and security of the society ,our society is well protected with trained security guards and

c a m e ra s a t n o o f places. We have fire ex�nguishers and Fire water supply w i t h b o o s t e r

pumps to prevent the fire.

I n s h u b h k a m n a apartment all fes�vals are celebrated with the

ac�ve par�cipa�on of ladies and children. We are self sufficient now to maintain the society inc luding collec�on of monthly subsricp�on from

residents. To m a k e t h e

s o c i e t y e c o friendly, lot of trees

a r e p l a n t e d a n d maintained. The goal of 2019 is pain�ng of outside structure of blocks and to maintain our garden besides rou�ne maintenance. All residents are alert in ques�oning outsiders and security does not allow anyone with o u t c h e c k i n g a n d a s k i n g f ro m individual residents

A LT I T U D E T H O U G H TEarly this morning , I spoke to a friend who was leaving rather early to work, I think I pressed the wrong nerve by probing as pat came the reply “ The Boss is back from his overseas mee�ngs and wants to meet the team to discuss and appraise him of what happened when he was gone ( but isn't that always the case ). However on further probing and ofcourse to his irrita�on there was more to it.I understood it was a case of ALTITUDE THOUGH T.. in my dic�onary and my interpreta�on the "literal meaning" of which is : The number of thoughts which one gets in the subconscious mind while one travels in the aircra� .These thoughts come due to various reasons and differ per person per profession. Why these thoughts come is however very interes�ng and I have a theory for it, which needs to be understood. I donot know if any reputed scholar or university has given it a serious thought, this could be a Ph.D study for someone..!! But to keep it

short - The mind which is far from daily rhetoric pressures of life is not confined to the boundaries of the plane and starts to rise like a helium filled balloon.. The mind thinks of elevated thoughts ( read as not elevated due to height from sea level ) but because the mind thinks of more of....what a�er me?, The deadly combina�on of mind and heart work together through the boundaryless labyrinth at this �me and then it starts to germinate the thoughts of changing the world. Another reason is that there is no paucity of �me. The mind is easy on heart too to decide. The body has already been resigned into a buckled up seat with jostling of the plane. When I think of it .. does it connect to our roots? Did our Rishis move to mountain top for medita�on for the same reason? Does al�tude make one think wisely or so to say? Not sure if these dots join to complete the circle. The difference is ,the Rishis used it to gain wisdom and pass the learnings to people

while a common man uses it for his growth and development alone. With the descend of the plane the body which was cap�vated is released and person walks out of the plane but these thoughts and thus starts the shoo�ng of emails and messages. This only happens to some people ,rest of us while in air can pass our �me having a drink or ge�ng into inconsequen�al bantar with a fellow passenger and some�mes even watch back to back movies of Salman. As a life coach and Counsellor my sugges�on and advice to the former group of people is to not share their thoughts with others on immediate or soon a�er landing of plane. Just like jet lag, let it take �me and let you body get adjusted to the new you...and if thoughts donot evaporate or go away like helium balloons then maybe color other lives with it. These thoughts are original , yours and completely sane.. you must only know when to share.

Makeup Studio


Let the World

See you GLOW



By: Ramita Taneja , Mahagun Maestro(M) 8447161870

Page 7: RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOFA A TIMES Times Aug 2018 .pdfiztk lIrkd Vol.-8 August , 2018 RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOIDA | GREATER NOIDA | NOIDA EXTENSION | EXPRESS WAY “Voice of

NOFAATIMES 7www.nofaa.iniztk lIrkd

JM AROMA, Sec. 75 Exp. Zenith, Sec. 77 Mecon Apt., Sec. 62

72nd Independence Day Celebration in NOFAA Societies across GB Nagar

ATS Green, Sec. 50 Shubhkamna Apt., Sec. 50 Stellar Kings Court, Sec. 50

Agulshan Vivante , Sec. 137 Mahagun Maestro , Sec. 50 HCL Tower , Sec. 62

Silver City , Sec. 93 Shivalik Apt , Sec. 51 Meghdootam Park , Sec. 50

NOFAA Run for Unity Prateek Wisteria , Sec. 77 Paras Tierea , Sec. 137

Page 8: RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOFA A TIMES Times Aug 2018 .pdfiztk lIrkd Vol.-8 August , 2018 RNI NO: UPHIN/2008/30446 NOIDA | GREATER NOIDA | NOIDA EXTENSION | EXPRESS WAY “Voice of

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Tree planta�on under NOFAA's 'Dadi-Nani Planta�on drive'

Tree planta�on conducted in Shivkala Apartments, Sector-51, under NOFAA's 'Dadi-Nani Planta�on drive' was done on

thSaturday 11 August 2018 at 7.30 am. Mr.Rajiva Singh was invited by the RWA to gracethe occasion. The RWA had invited some senior ci�zens of the society for planta�on. The saplings and tree guards were provided by NA, courtesy NOFAA. In all, 10 saplings were planted which included Sita Ashok, Amaltaash, Mango and Amla, to name a few.

The event was inaugurated by Mr.Rajiva Singh and a�ended by a number of members of the society including ladies, children and staff members. ShivkalaApartments had already done some planta�on on its own about a fortnight back in order to make Noida Clean and Green. Waste segrega�on

stscheme is already being followed by the society since 1 of July and doing well. To conclude the event Mr.Singh said few words to the members present and applauded their efforts. Mr.M.M.Jain, president RWA thanked him for gracing the occasion, Col. Munjal and Ritu Singh for excellent coordina�on and management of the event, and RWA members for their wholehearted support. He assured that the society will leave no stone unturned in mee�ng the goals and objec�ves of NOFAA.

thOn 15 August, flag hois�ng was done with full fervour by the residents at 10 am. Two senior ci�zens, Mr LoknathKaul and Mr R.C. Kaushal were invited to do the honours of flag hois�ng. A�er the na�onal anthem, a short cultural programme was presented by the children who recited poems and sang songs full of patrio�sm. The RWA members also felicitated the society staff by giving them some cash award for their hardwork. The fes�val of 'Teej' was also celebrated by the ladies of the society in the evening. Both the senior and young ladies par�cipated in the event. A wonderful rampwalk was also done by the ladies followed by some other scin�lla�ng performances which were judged by a team comprising of three senior ladies of the society. Various �tles like best costume, best smile etc. were given away.





