piramides en las canarias

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  • 7/23/2019 Piramides en Las Canarias


    22/8/2015 (14) Facebook

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    Ancient Enthusiastagreg 18 fotos nuevas al lbum Canary Island Pyramids.

    These pyramids in the Canary islands have only been really known in the las t 25 years. While searching for evidence

    of a connection between the Mediterranean and Mesoamerican pyramids a res earcher named Thor Heyerdahl, known

    to have demonstrated the poss ibili ty of ancient trans Atlantic crossings in primitive boats, believed he had found such

    evidence on Tenerife on the early 1990's. During the Spanish colonization of the Canary is lands, 1402 and 1496, the

    is land was inhabited by a native people called the Guanche. It is thoughtthat the Guanche migrated there during the

    1st millennium BCE. Did they build these pyramids? They left other structures, petroglyphs and artifacts behind but the

    most impressive might have been these pyramids.

    The most intact and best known of the Canary Island Pyramids is in the town of Gmar on Tenerife. Stunning s tepped

    pyramids corner in exquisite platformed plazas and enclosures with spectacular terracing.

    These also line up to the seasonal sols tices. One section of this complex also lines up with the sunset, which occurs

    in a dis tinctive spot in the mountains on the horizon. The sun disappears behind the mountains, then appears again,

    and then sets a second time through a crevice that was either specifically carved out of the mountains to produce thisdouble sunset, or it is a grand natural alignment and possibly a reason for the location of the complex.

    There have been claims by the local farmers that these are simply piles of useless stones piled up after being cleared

    from fields for planting crops. If so, then these were s ome pyramid build ing farmers or farmers in the last century were

    trying to protect their lands from what they might of thought were encroaching archaeologists.

    There are other locations in San Marcos, Santa Barbara and La Palma.

    More structures on Tenerife... https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?


    ...and more here... https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=984474914946375&id=849710048422863


    Essas pirmides nas ilhas Canrias s foram realmente conhecido nos ltimos 25 anos. Enquanto procurava por

    evidncias de uma ligao entre o Mediterrneo eo Mesoamericano pyramides um pesquisador chamado ThorHeyerdahl, conhecido por ter demonstrado a possibilidade de travess ias do Atlntico trans antigos em barcos

    primitivos, acreditou ter encontrado tais provas em Tenerife no incio de 1990. Durante a colonizao espanhola das

    ilhas Canrias , 1402 e 1496, a ilha era habitada por um povo nativo chamado de Guanche. Pensa-se que o Guanche

    migraram para l durante o primeiro milnio aC. Ser que eles construir estas pirmides? Eles deixaram outras


  • 7/23/2019 Piramides en Las Canarias


    22/8/2015 (14) Facebook

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    estruturas, petroglifos e artefatos para trs, mas o mais im pressionante poderia ter sido es tas pirmides.

    O mais intacto e mais conhecida das Ilhas Canrias Pyramids na cidade de Gmar em Tenerife. Impressionante

    canto pirmides escalonadas em requintados platformed praas e gabinetes com terraceamento espetacular.

    Estes tambm fazem fila para os sols tcios sazonais. Uma s eo deste complexo tambm se alinha com o pr do

    sol, que ocorre em um local distinto nas montanhas no horizonte. O sol desaparece por trs das montanhas, em

    seguida, aparece novamente, e em seguida, define uma s egunda vez atravs de uma fenda que se quer

    especificamente esculpida nas montanhas para produzir este duplo pr do sol, ou um alinhamento natural grande

    e possivelmente uma razo para a localizao das o complexo.

    Houve alegaes por parte dos agricultores locais que estes so apenas pilhas de pedras Usless empilhados

    depois de ter sido elim inado do campos para o plantio de culturas. Se ass im for, ento, esses foram algunsagricultores de construo de pirmides ou agricultores no sculo passado estavam tentando proteger suas terras a

    partir do que eles poderiam de Pensado foram invadindo arquelogos.

    Existem outras localizaes em San Marcos, Santa Barbara e La Palma.