nt experience guide week01

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  • 8/13/2019 NT Experience Guide Week01


    2012 Week 1 Reading

    date reading family focus

    John 1 John 1:1-5

    John 2 John 2:1-11

    John 3 John 3:1-21

    John 4 John 4:42-54

    John 5 John 5:16-24

    Genesis 1 Genesis 1:1-3

    Reading Tips

    1• The gospel of John is breathtaking to read. It shows a

    pit!re of Jes!s !nlike an" other gospel ao!nt. #pringing o!t

    of John$s loseness with %hrist &he was in Jes!s$ inner irle'(

    this gospel reinfores aspets of the #a)ior$s life that the other

    gospels don$t *ention. In fat( he referred to hi*self as +the

    disiple who* Jes!s lo)ed, &John 13:23 2:2'.

    2• The p!rpose of this gospel is two-fold - apologeti and


    3•  /s an apologist( his desire was to on)ine his readers ofJes!s$ tr!e identit" - na*el" the +#on of God, - e*phasi0ing is


    4•  /s an e)angelist( John states that he wrote his gospel

    so people wo!ld belie)e Jes!s is the #on of God and ha)elife thro!gh i* &John 2:3-31'. The word +belie)e, o!rsapproi*atel" 1 ti*es in this one book

    5•  /s "o! read( notie the +I /, state*ents that identif"

    Jes!s as God( the +signs, or proofs that Jes!s is who e sa"s e

  • 8/13/2019 NT Experience Guide Week01


    lai*s to be and the fasinating ontrasts between of death and

    life( light and darkness( and lo)e and hate. /ll of these( like a laser(

    point people to belie)e in Jes!s( the one and onl" essiah.

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  • 8/13/2019 NT Experience Guide Week01


    What to Look for (chapter by chapter):

    1• ohn 1: ow long Jes!s &i.e. +the 8ord,' has eisted 

    2• ohn 2: 8hat *irale was the first e)er that Jes!sperfor*ed 

    3• ohn !: 8hat Jes!s sa"s happens to those who belie)e ini* 

    4• ohn ": 8hat the #a*aritan wo*an did after *eetingJes!s 

    5• ohn #: 8hat fo!r things ser)ed as witnesses to whoJes!s is 

    6• $enesis 1: ow John 1:1-3 and Genesis 1 o*pare 

    %amily &orner 

    'ystery uestion:

     /t what ti*e of da" did 9iode*!s o*e to )isit Jes!s

    inner iscussions:

    Grae %h!rh pro)ides ;inner ;is!ssions alendars to helpfailitate

  • 8/13/2019 NT Experience Guide Week01


    *eet with Jes!s and lai* is identit" for fear of what people

    *ight sa" If

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  • 8/13/2019 NT Experience Guide Week01


    so( pra" and ask God to gi)e "o! the o!rage to li)e o!t "o!rfaith p!blil".

    1• John 3:3 reords John the ra" and ask God to *ake that "o!r dail" pra"er

    2• The wo*an at the well in John 4 tried to steer the

    on)ersation with Jes!s to dis!ss +religion, and +tradition.,

    Jes!s boldl" replied that tr!e worship in)ol)es +spirit, and +tr!th,.

    a)e "o! allowed +religion, and +tradition, to lo!d "o!r worship

    of Jes!s In what wa"s ;o "o! worship in the wa" that God


    3• 8hat hanges will I *ake to *" life to please God in *"


    -mall $roup &on*ersation $uide

    1•#ine the word +

  • 8/13/2019 NT Experience Guide Week01


    that Jes!s sees !s e)en when we don$t see i*. e is searhing

    for !s and knows !s inti*atel" e)en when we are not searhing for

    i*. Bead John 1:44-51 and dis!ss this in "o!r gro!p.

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  • 8/13/2019 NT Experience Guide Week01


    John 5:3-4 is a powerf!l re*inder that we an +know, allabo!t the

  • 8/13/2019 NT Experience Guide Week01


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