notices to mariners, sweden swedish maritime administration · 2016-05-26 · sweden. northern...

14 Ufs No 600 2016-05-26 Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration Editorial office Swedish Maritime Administration Ufs 601 78 NORRKÖPING Sweden tel: 0771 630 605 e-mail: [email protected] Publisher: Hydrographer Patrik Wiberg

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Page 1: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Ufs No 6002016-05-26

Notices to Mariners, SWEDENSwedish Maritime Administration

Editorial officeSwedish Maritime AdministrationUfs601 78 NORRKÖPINGSwedentel: 0771 630 605e-mail: [email protected]:Hydrographer Patrik Wiberg

Page 2: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Affected charts and Notices

Underrättelser för sjöfarande (Ufs) is an official Swedishpublication which provides information pertaining to shippingin the Baltic Sea Area and Kattegat, as well as Skagerrakeast of a line drawn between Hanstholm and Lindesnes.

The information on foreign waters is largely confined tosignificant occurrences which may affect Swedish charts.Ufs is thus wholly unsuited for the purpose of keeping BA-charts and/or other national charts updated.

An asterisk (*) in front of the number denotes that the noticeis based on information obtained from Swedish sourcematerial and that the details contained therein affectSwedish waters.When the letter (P) is adjacent to the notice number itserves as an indication that the notice is of a preliminarynature. Such notices will later be replaced by correspondingones containing definitive information.Similarly, when the letter (T) is placed adjacent to the noticenumber it denotes that the notice is of a temporary nature.In case no period of validity is given, this type of notice willbe rendered invalid either when a new Temporary Notice ispromulgated or if pertaining conditions cease to exist.

Bearings are true and given clockwise from 000° to 360°and, when given in conjunction with lights, indicate adirection from seaward.

Featured chartlets are primarily intended to simplify chartcorrection work and are not always true to scale. In general,they show the largest charted scale available for respectivearea.

Responsibility for the factual content published in Ufs restswith the informant.

Chart corrections and other information attributed to aspecific geographical area can be found under NOTICES.Other information is found under ANNOUNCEMENTS,starting on pg. 3.

The periodical Ufs is normally published every Thursdayand can be downloaded as a PDF-file from the homepage ofthe Swedish Maritime Administration. Note that as the file isautomatically generated from a database unintentional pagebreaks may occur at random.

Further information on the use of Ufs can be found in theannual publication Ufs A.

Reporting dangers and errorsAll observations concerning floating aids to navigation, unlitbeacons and lights, objects adrift or any other occurrencewhich may have a detrimental impact on safety at sea are tobe forwarded to MSI Sweden at the earliest possibleopportunity.Call: MSI SwedenVHF Channel: Appropriate working channelPhone: +46 771 630 685 (24/7)E-mail: [email protected]

Affectedcharts Notice no Si


4 11214

5 11214

6 11176

10 11217 (T)

13 11184

41 11210 (T)

42 11214

53 11210 (T)

61 11176

62 11210 (T)

74 11210 (T)

83 11210 (T)

92 11210 (T)

111 11016

111 11217 (T)

112 11217 (T)

113 11196

113 11217 (T)

131 11184

134 11184

135 11007

414 11210 (T)

429 11214

512 11214

534 11210 (T)

612 11155

616 11218 (T)

731 11210 (T)

741 11216 (P)

839 11210 (T)

921 11210 (T)

1133 11217 (T)

1353 11211

6141 11213 (T)

6142 11213 (T)

6144 11159

6163 11185

6163 11186

Affectedcharts Notice no Si


6163 11192

6163 11193

6163 11218 (T)

6181 11217 (T)

7411 11216 (P)

2016-05-26 2 No 600

Page 3: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

ANNOUNCEMENTSNo Announcements in this booklet.

Time: May 31 - June 13, June 28 - 30 and July 8 - 11, 2016.Marine geological surveys will be performed in the designated areas below by research vessel 'S/V OceanSurveyor/SBJO'.Measuring equipment will be towed and drilling operations on the sea floor will be undertaken.Additional information can be obtained on ph:+46 (0) 10-279 1878, +46 (0)70-227 0253, +46 (0) 18-179194 and +46(0) 18-179186.Mariners are requested to show consideration and to keep well clear of the vessel when passing.

Not shown in ENC.Bsp Kalmarsund 2014/s06, s07, Bsp Sydkusten 2012/s23, s24, s25, s27, s28, s29

NOTICESBay of Bothnia

* 11210 (T) Chart: 41, 414, 414S, 53, 534, 62, 731, 74, 83, 839,92, 921

Sweden. Bay of Bothnia, Sea of Bothnia, Central Baltic, Southern Baltic, Kattegat. Marine geologicalsurveys.

Survey areas between a) and i)

Svalans grund / Falkens grund a) 65-03,0N 022-39,2E

Finngrunden b) 60-57,7N 018-14,8E

Salvorev c) 58-01,8N 019-21,7E

Södra Midsjöbanken d) 55-37,6N 017-22,3E

Klippbanken e) 55-50,3N 015-35,5E

Sandhammaren f) 55-19,5N 014-08,3E

Kriegers flak g) 55-03,5N 013-06,1E

Sandflyttan h) 55-19,3N 012-47,4E

Stora Middelgrund i) 56-33,8N 012-06,3E

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Page 4: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Marine Geological Survey Areas

2016-05-26 4 No 600

Page 5: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Following buoys and spar buoys in the traffic separation scheme have been re-established after the winter.

Bsp Bottenhavet N 2013/s34, s35Sjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 26 maj 2016

Bsp Stockholm N 2016/s29

Research vessel S/V Ocean SurveyorSGU. Publ. 20 maj 2016

The Quark

* 11214 Chart: 4, 42, 429, 5, 512Finland, Sweden. The Quark. TSS in Norra Kvarken. Buoyage re-established after winter.Expired notices: 2016:583/10938(T)

port hand spar buoy a) 63-35,40N 021-03,33E

port hand spar buoy b) 63-33,50N 020-52,35E

north cardinal light buoy, Östra Kvarken c) 63-32,89N 020-51,03E

port hand spar buoy d) 63-32,71N 020-45,38E

port hand spar buoy e) 63-32,24N 020-41,09E

starboard hand spar buoy f) 63-32,29N 020-46,25E

starboard hand spar buoy g) 63-31,18N 020-43,77E

port hand spar buoy h) 63-28,13N 020-37,93E

east cardinal light buoy, Odelgrund i) 63-25,53N 020-33,93E

Northern Baltic

* 11155 Chart: 612Sweden. Northern Baltic. Finnhamn. St Jolpan. Amended depth.

Delete depth 2,8 m a) 59-28,56N 018-48,45E

Amend 3 m depth contour according to chartlet

2016-05-26 5 No 600

Page 6: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Bsp Stockholm M 2016/s30, s38

Depths, FinnhamnHydrographica. Publ. 25 maj 2016

* 11159 Chart: 6144Sweden. Northern Baltic. S of Runmarö. Lilla Bäckskär. Underwater rock.

Insert underwater rock a) 59-13,74N 018-47,92E

Underwater rock, Lilla BäckskärHydrographica. Publ. 25 maj 2016

* 11176 Chart: 6, 61Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Huvudskär. Buoyage

2016-05-26 6 No 600

Page 7: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Bsp Stockholm M 2016/s05, Bsp Stockholm S 2016/s05SMHI. Publ. 25 maj 2016

A depth survey between islands "Aspön" and "Korsön" has shown other depths than charted. Important amendmentsare shown below, and will be published in the next print of affected charts. The changes are available as an update inENC.

Bsp Stockholm M 2016/s44, Bsp Stockholm S 2016/s06, s09

A depth survey between islands "Segholmen" and "Trätholmen" has shown other depths than charted. Importantamendments are shown below, and will be published in the next print of affected charts. The changes are available asan update in ENC.

Bsp Stockholm M 2016/s44, Bsp Stockholm S 2016/s06, s09

Move ODAS boj Fl(5) Y 20s till a) 58-56,02N 019-09,86E

* 11185 Chart: 6163Sweden. Northern Baltic. S of Dalarö. N of island "Aspön". Hydrographic survey. Amendements to depths.

Amend 3 m depth contour according to chartlet approx. position: 59-07,48N 018-25,39E

AspösundSjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 26 maj 2016

* 11186 Chart: 6163Sweden. Northern Baltic. NE of Ornö. Islands "Segholmen" - "Trätholmen". Amendements to depths.Hydrographic survey.

Insert underwater rock and extend 3 m depth contour a) 59-06,40N 018-25,32E

Amend 3 m depth contour b) 59-06,49N 018-25,25E

Amend 3 m depth contour c) 59-06,83N 018-25,02E

Amend 3 m depth contour d) 59-06,93N 018-25,31E

Replace depth 4,2 m to 3 m depth contour e) 59-06,86N 018-25,21E

Amend fairway according to picture

2016-05-26 7 No 600

Page 8: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

A depth survey between islands "Ersholmen" and "Sandskär" has shown other depths than charted. Importantamendments are shown below, and will be published in the next print of affected charts. The changes are available asan update in ENC.

Bsp Stockholm M 2016/s42, Bsp Stockholm S 2016/s09

A depth survey between islands "Ersholmen" and "Sandskär" has shown other depths than charted. Importantamendments are shown below, and will be published in the next print of affected charts. The changes are available asan update in ENC.

Segholmen - TrätholmenSjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 26 maj 2016

* 11192 Chart: 6163Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Ornö. Islands "Ersholmen" - "Sandskär". Amendements to depths.Hydrographic survey.

Amend 3 m depth contour accorsding to picture approx position: 59-05,78N 018-22,47E

Ersholmen - SandskärSjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 26 maj 2016

* 11193 Chart: 6163Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Ornö. Island "Strömmingsholmen". Amendements to depths. Hydrographicsurvey.

Insert underwater rock 59-04,96N 018-22,38E

Amend 3 m depth contour according to picture

2016-05-26 8 No 600

Page 9: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Bsp Stockholm M 2016/s43, Bsp Stockholm S 2016/s10

Time: June 11, 0100 - 0600 LTBridge 'Danviksbron' will remain closed for repairs. Vertical clearance is reduced to 11.8 m.

Bsp Mälaren - Hjälmaren 2016/s52, Bsp Stockholm M 2016/s06, s10Trafikförvaltningen, Stockholm läns landsting. Publ. 25 maj 2016

Gunnery exercise will be carried out within Utö firing range. The current extention of the closed area is given in thetable.Information during practice times VHF channel 16, call Utö skjutfält, or phone +46 (0)8 501 570 45. Information aboutupcoming practice times, phone: +46 10-823 18 23.

Not shown in ENC.Bsp Stockholm S 2016/s18, s37

Försvarsmakten, Utö. Publ. 26 maj 2016

Bsp Mälaren - Hjälmaren 2016/s48

StrömmingsholmenSjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 26 maj 2016

* 11213 (T) Chart: 6141, 6142Sweden. Northern Baltic. Stockholm. Canal 'Danvikskanalen'. Bridge 'Danviksbron'. Bridge will not beopened due to repairs.

Bridge 'Danviksbron' 59-18,82N 018-06,29E

* 11218 (T) Chart: 616, 6163Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction.Expired notices: 11209(T)

Position: Approx. 58-54N 018-20E Utö Firing Danger Area

June Time Range from shore

17 - 19 0900 - 1900 2.7 M

20 0900 - 1900 3.8 M

21 0900 - 1900 3.2 M

Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal

* 11016 Chart: 111Sweden. Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal. Görväln. N of Ekholmen. Submarine power cable.

Insert submarine power cable between a) and b)

landing point Kummelvik (north-west) a) 59-26,388N 017-44,590E

landing point Görväln (south-east) b) 59-25,830N 017-46,235E

2016-05-26 9 No 600

Page 10: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Bsp Mälaren - Hjälmaren 2016/s20, s21

Time: April 30 - end of June 2016.Cable vessel 'PLEIJEL/SMWY' will be undertaking work in connection with the removal of disused cables from theseabed. Diving work with the additional use of ROV's is planned. When/if needed the ship will be displaying applicableday signals and/or the diving flag 'ALPHA'.Mariner are requested to maintain a safe passing distance, showing due consideration, and paying special attention tothe display of signals as per above.

Submarine power cableATS Kraftservice AB, Katrineholm. Publ. 21 maj 2016

* 11196 Chart: 113Sweden. Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal. Västerås. Lövudden. Buoyage.

Move starboard hand spar buoy 80 m SW to a) 59-34,74N 016-31,47E

Move port hand spar buoy 70 m SW to b) 59-34,71N 016-31,48E

Move starboard hand spar buoy 80 m SW to c) 59-34,74N 016-31,68E

Move port hand spar buoy 70 m SW to d) 59-34,71N 016-31,69E

Move starboard hand spar buoy 80 m SW to e) 59-34,75N 016-31,91E

Move port hand spar buoy 90 m SW to f) 59-34,71N 016-31,92E

Lövudden, buoyageSjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 25 maj 2016

* 11217 (T) Chart: 10, 111, 112, 113, 1133, 6181Sweden. Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal. Kvicksund - Södertälje. Retrieval of cables on the seabed.

2016-05-26 10 No 600

Page 11: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Work is scheduled to be performed in the following areas: Torshälla huvud - Hjulstafjärden (Nybyholm) -Ekolsundsviken - Mariefred - Sundsörsviken - Södertäljeviken - Bockholmssundet - Kyrkfjärden - Fiskarfjärden -Lambarfjärden - Görväln - Brofjärden - Långtarmen - Svinsundet - Segeröfjärden - Strängnäsfjärden - Kalmarviken.Not shown in ENC.Bsp Mälaren - Hjälmaren 2016

Time: Until further noticeA new sector light will be built on the submerged western defence wall. RACON and floodlights on light 'VFörsänkningen' will switched off during one or two weeks. Work is also performed on light 'Ö Försänkningen'. Testdrilling and diving works are expected.Vessels are requested to ascertain a swell-free passage at all times.

Bsp Hanöbukten 2014/s16, s38, s41

Retrieval of cables, Lake MälarenBaltic Offshore Kalmar AB. Publ. 26 maj 2016

Southern Baltic

* 11216 (P) Chart: 741, 7411Sweden. Southern Baltic. Approach to Karlskrona. Island of Aspö. Drottningskär. Kastellet. New sectorlight.

Light 'V Försänkningen' at the end of the submerged defense wall 56-06,5N 015-34,5E

2016-05-26 11 No 600

Page 12: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Bsp Vänern 2014/s25, s34

Submerged defence wall south of Port of KarlskronaSjöfartsverket, Kalmar. Publ. 26 maj 2016

Lake Vänern and Trollhätte kanal

* 11007 Chart: 135Sweden. Lake Vänern and Trollhätte kanal. Dalbosjön. Hjortgrundet. Buoyage.

Move port hand spar buoy 120 m SE to a) 58-40,38N 012-39,46E

Move starboard hand spar buoy 50 m NE to b) 58-40,39N 012-39,60E

Move port hand spar buoy 70 m SE to c) 58-39,73N 012-39,87E

Move starboard hand spar buoy 70 m E to d) 58-39,80N 012-40,00E

Move starboard hand spar buoy 70 m N to e) 58-39,58N 012-40,15E

Move port hand spar buoy 40 m E to f) 58-39,25N 012-40,24E

Move starboard hand spar buoy 50 m E to g) 58-39,10N 012-40,72E

Move starboard hand spar buoy 50 m E to h) 58-39,03N 012-40,91E

2016-05-26 12 No 600

Page 13: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

Light Stevik has been permanently extinguished. The light structure remains and will be shown in the chart as abeacon.

Bsp Vänern 2014/s06, s11

Hjortgrundet.Sjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 21 maj 2016

* 11184 Chart: 13, 131, 134Sweden. Lake Vänern and Trollhätte kanal. Värmlandssjön. Staviken. Light withdrawn.

Replace light Stavik Fl WR 5s 13M with beacon a) 59-10,191N 013-09,544E

2016-05-26 13 No 600

Page 14: Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration · 2016-05-26 · Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. June 17 - 21, 2016. Correction. Expired notices:

The ice booms with belonging buoyage that were established S of Brinkebergskulle lock and N of Lilla Edet have beenremoved.

Note. Ice booms and buoys are shown in the chart.Bsp Göta kanal 2011/s43, s48

Sjöfartsverket Trollhättan. Publ. 20 maj 2016

Light Stavik decommisionedSjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 25 maj 2016

* 11211 Chart: 1353Sweden. Lake Vänern and Trollhätte kanal. Brinkebergskulle and N of Lilla Edet. Ice booms removed forthe season.Expired notices: 2015:575/10842(T)

Smörkullen, N of Lilla Edet a) 58-09,13N 012-07,78E

E of Bommen, in the fairway to Vargön b) 58-20,09N 012-21,37E

2016-05-26 14 No 600