new2016 sustainable ieq for high performance...

4911 Creekside Drive, Suite C Clearwater, FL 33760 (800) 422-7873 Sustainable Indoor Environmental Quality for High Performance Buildings Francisco Aguirre, CIEC, CIAQP

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4911 Creekside Drive, Suite C Clearwater, FL 33760


Sustainable Indoor Environmental Quality for

High Performance Buildings

Francisco Aguirre, CIEC, CIAQP

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4 HPB Magazine Resourceful By Nature, Spring 2012 † National institute of Building Sciences

• Sustainability is a term associated with cost-effectiveenvironmental responsible practices for facilities thatprovide comfort, well being and productivity.

• A sustainable building maximizes day lighting; hasappropriate ventilation and moisture control; optimizesacoustic performance; and avoids the use of materialswith high VOC emissions.†

• The highest return on the construction dollar is humanproductivity4.

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Indoor Environmental Quality


• Americans spend an average of 90% of their timeindoors1 and for this reason, the quality of the indoorenvironment has a significant influence on the wellbeing, productivity and quality of life.

• The public and building owners are becomingincreasingly aware of the hazards related tocontaminated air2.

• As we increasingly spend more time indoors, theimportance of IEQ is becoming a valuable commodity.

1 2 LEED v4 Practices, Certification and Accreditation Handbook p303

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Indoor Environmental Quality


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Indoor Environmental Quality


And adults too!

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Indoor Environmental Quality


• Indoor Environmental Quality is a term referring to thesuitability of the environment as it relates to the comfort,safety and health of the occupants.

• IEQ relates back to Biblical times (Leviticus 13 and 14)

• The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimatedthat approximately of all buildings are afflicted byindoor air quality problems.

• Good indoor environmental quality is a Key goal of highperforming buildings3.


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High Performance Buildings


• The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007defines a high-performance building as a building thatintegrates and optimizes on a life-cycle basis all majorhigh-performance attributes, including energyconservation, environment, safety, security, durability,accessibility, cost-benefit, productivity, sustainability,functionality and operational considerations.

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High Performance Buildings


• The Challenge is how to measure High Performancebecause the actual goals and metrics for demonstratinghigh performance do not exist5.

• However, most authors suggest that high performanceis about understanding current performance makingimprovements and validating the success.


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Sustainable IEQ for High Performance Buildings




Energy Management



Wall Covering



Space Utilization Maintenance Odors

Occupants Air-conditioning Ventilation



Construction Type




Air Distribution


Outdoor Air Quality

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• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

• World Health Organization (WHO)

• US Department of Health and Human Services

• American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

• American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)

• American Conference Governmental of Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)

• Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR)

• American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI)

• Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)


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Health and IEQ


• We can go weeks without food, Days without water, but only minutes without an adequate supply of clean air.

• The most common and effective pathway pollutants enter your body is through the respiratory system, and through the skin secondly.

• The risk of health effects depends principally on the toxicity of the contaminants, concentration, duration of exposure but most importantly on the susceptibility of the occupants.

• Symptoms related to indoor air pollutants are mostly idiopathic.

• EQ professionals deal not with the health of individuals but the salubrity of the environment.

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Sick Building Syndrome • Term used to describe a combination of non-specific

ailments temporarily associated with the work place in which a substantial amount of occupants are afflicted without apparent causative agent.

• Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, fatigue, headache, lack of concentration, dry skin, etc. are examples of non-specific ailments.

Health and IEQ

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Health and IEQ


Legionnaires Disease Characterized by fever, chills and cough, Legionaries is an infectious and potentially fatal disease caused by the inhalation of droplet nuclei containing bacteria Legionella pneumophila. Cooling towers and water heaters are places commonly infected. 90 to 105 ºF water temperature is ideal for proliferation. Avoid water stagnation.

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Marked by symptoms similar to those of Legionnaires disease and the inflammation of the lung tissue, hypersensitivity pneumonitis is one of the most common illnesses associated with inhalation of organic dusts such as mold yeast1 .


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Health and IEQ


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Is a chronic medical condition of hypersensitive or sensitized individuals whose symptoms are attributable to exposure to low levels of chemicals


Marked by shortness of breath, wheezing and chest tightness, asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways triggered by a combination of environmental and genetic factors.

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HVAC and

Indoor Environmental Quality


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HVAC and IEQ Air-conditioning System is the assembly of equipment for air treatment to simultaneously control its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the requirements of a conditioned space1. Indoor Environmental Quality is a perceived indoor experience of the building indoor environment that includes aspects of design, analysis, and operation of energy efficient, healthy, and comfortable buildings2. (energy health and comfort)


1 2 ibid

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Temperature: Temperature is an objective comparative measure of hot or cold and is measured with a thermometer.

Relative Humidity: Is not humidity, but it is a measure of the amount of moisture air contains compared to the saturation point (100%).


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HVAC and IEQ !"#$"%&'(")*+'

19 ©ASHRAE, 2013 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals.

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30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95


3/12/2015 7:00

3/12/2015 19:00

3/13/2015 7:00

3/13/2015 19:00

3/14/2015 7:00

3/14/2015 19:00

3/15/2015 7:00

3/15/2015 19:00

3/16/2015 7:00

3/16/2015 19:00

3/17/2015 7:00

Temp ºF

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30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95


10/7/14 12:00 PM

10/7/14 6:00 PM

10/8/14 12:00 AM

10/8/14 6:00 AM

10/8/14 12:00 PM

10/8/14 6:00 PM

10/9/14 12:00 AM

10/9/14 6:00 AM

10/9/14 12:00 PM

From 10/7/14 12:00 PM to 10/9/14 3:00 PM Temp ºF


Temperature Relative Humidity

% of Test Period Range Comments % of Test Period Range Comments

99% <69.5 Markedly cold 0% <20% Markedly Dry

0% 69.5 to 70.9 Cold 0% 20 to 29.9% Dry

0% 71 to 72.4 Slightly Cold 1% 30 to 60% ASHRAE Recommended.

0% 72.5 to 75.5 (74+-1.5) ASHRAE Recommended 37% 60.1 to 65% Slightly humid.

0% 75.6 to 77 Slightly Hot 28% 65.1 to 75% Humid, Increased propensity to support mold growth.

0% 77.1 to 78.5 Hot 29% >75% Markedly Humid, likely to support mold growth.

0% >78.5 Markedly Hot

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HVAC and IEQ ,*-./0*'12#343&5'67/#2#'(")*''


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HVAC and IEQ Ventilation: •Is the process of introducing fresh air and exhausting stale air with the intent of diluting contaminants, thus, providing and maintaining a suitable level of indoor air quality. IAQ Procedure (ASHRAE 62.1)

•Is a performance-based design approach in which the building and its ventilation system are design to maintain the expected contaminants within certain limits.


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HVAC and IEQ Ventilation: Rate Procedure: (ASHRAE 62.1) Is a prescriptive approach where the outdoor air rate depends on space/type application, occupancy level and floor area. ASHRAE Table

For people-related sources in office buildings, 5 cfm per person plus 0.06 cfm /ft are required.

Minimum Physiological Requirements for Respiration Air. •For physiological contaminants (body odor), CO2 used as a surrogate measure for ventilation adequacy. •The inside air concentrations should not rise more that 700 ppm over the outside air levels.


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Pollutants And

Indoor Environmental Quality


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Bacteria Bacterial Colonies • Most bacteria are beneficial or part of the normal flora of

the skin and gut of humans but few are pathogenic • Many produce objectionable odors • Disseminate by contact, droplet nuclei, or attached to

aerosols • Normal concentrations in the indoor air range from 175

to 350 CFU/m • Primary concern species:

• Legionella spp (Legionnaires) • Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Meningitis) • Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Tuberculosis) • Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) • Bacillus cereus (skin infections) • Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)


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Fungi Fungal Colonies • Ubiquitous in the every habitat • Colonize moist environments rich

in carbon • Feed of dead matter (saprophytic) • Many produce objectionable

odors (MVOCs) • Multi-cellular microorganisms that

contain chitin sometimes coated with mycotoxins

• Reproduce by spore germination and filament fragmentation

• Disseminate by aerosolization principally

• Normal concentrations in the indoor air range from 350 to 700CFU/m


Outside Air Indoor Air

Blank -Control

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Aerosols are microscopic dust composed of organic and inorganic materials that can be inhaled or absorbed by the skin and based on their nature may cause adverse health effects. The most common types are: • Fungal fragments (1,000 cts m3; 50 cts cm2)

• Pollen (15 cts m3; 4 cts cm2)

• Skin Cell Fragments (7,500 cts m3; 600 cts cm2)

• Fibers (500 cts m3; 120 cts cm2)

• Insect Biodetritus (200 cts m3; 4 cts cm2)

• Opaque Particles (3,500 cts m3; 3,000 cts cm2)

• Black Particles (6,000 cts m3; 650 cts cm2)


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Air Inside Building

Air Outside Building

Spore Trap Method

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Respirable–size dust

0.3 to 5.0 micron or PM-10 • Expressed as particle counts per

volume of air or micrograms per cubic meter of air.

• Microscopic dust that can reach the alveolar region of the human lungs.

• Exist in the environment in greatest concentrations.

• Pose greater risk than visible dust. • Measured with handheld instruments.


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• Saliva, Dander, Feces, Biodetritus • Allergic reaction usually characterized by

coughing, wheezing, chest tightening, itching, nasal congestion, skin rash, watering eyes, sneezing and similar symptoms.

• Wash hands after handling • HEPA Vacuum Regularly • Housekeeping • Keep Rh 30 to 60% • Use MERV 8 air Filters

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Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) • Sources include wood products, new

furniture and cabinetry, roofing materials, adhesives, solvents, paints, cleaning agents, pesticides, microbial colonization, cooking, bioefluents, personal care products and others.

• Symptoms include conjunctival irritation, nose and throat discomfort, headache, allergic skin reaction lethargy, nosebleed, dizziness fatigue, etc.


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Chemicals Volatile Organic Compounds (cont)

• Expressed in parts per million or micrograms

• Typically, several orders of magnitude lower that those found in occupational settings

• Measured with handheld instruments and expressed as ppm

• Total VOC Guideline for IAQ 0.64 ppm (Molhave)

• Samples collected using sorbent media and analyzed by GC, MS

• Remedial actions include principally ventilation and removal of source or source control. Use low emitting VOC products.


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Chemicals Ozone (O3) • Strong oxidizer and reacts with many substances • Irritant of the mucous membranes • Long-term exposure can reduce lung function • May aggravate asthma and other respiratory

symptoms • Increases susceptibility to respiratory infections • Ozone generators are not approved by any

agency for improving IAQ. Vendors are sometimes misleading.

• Ground-level Ozone is generated by chemical interactions between NOx, VOCs, Heat, Sunlight.


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Chemicals Radon • Odorless, radioactive gas

• Second leading cause of cancer in the lungs killing 21,000 in the US each year.

• Radon comes from radioactive degradation of uranium in soil, which may infiltrate under homes

• Testing and remediation is easy and inexpensive

• Measured in pCi/l (4 pCi/l recommended action level)

• Should be considered in real estate transactions


Radon is estimated to cause thousands of long cancer deaths each year

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The Building And

Indoor Environmental Quality


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The Building and IEQ

Building Pressurization: • The makeup air plus the fresh air needs to be equal or slightly greater to

the exhausted air. This will maintain the pressure within the building slightly positive with respect to the outside air (~ 1 Pascal).

• Building pressure goes negative with AC setback. • Supply and return air balance between rooms (<2 Pascals).


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The Building and IEQ

• Roofing • Insulation • Vapor and air barriers • Fenestration • Suspended ceilings and attic

ventilation • Elevators • Stack effects


Infiltration (Air, Heat and Moisture):

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The Building and IEQ

Housekeeping: • Vacuum cleaners • Fans • Flooring buffers • Mops • Brooms • Dusters • Cleaners chemicals • Schedule • Techniques • Storage


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The Building and IEQ Maintenance: Cleaning of the air handlers using the steam cleaning method makes sense


• Restores cooling capacity • Enhances IAQ •Reduces absenteeism

•Reduces operation costs •Extends the life of the equipment

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Conventional Cleaning Method

371 cfm

PURE-Steam Cleaning Method

631 cfm

With PURE-Steam a 70% Improvement

The Building and IEQ'

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• Estimated Cost to Steam Clean Coils: 14 cents per sq ft (building floor space) • Estimated Energy Savings by Steam Coil Cleaning: 22 cents per sq ft (building floor space) • Return on Investment: 157% ROI (.22/.14) • Estimated Payback: 8 months

Based upon FSU Facilities maintenance statistics


As for ROI if you use the most conservative numbers we have paid approximately $0.14 per square foot for coil cleaning to date. We have saved about $0.22 per square foot annually. So the payback is less than 8 months and the ROI 157% annually. —FSU Facilities Management

)USF( ytisrevinU etatS adirolFEnergy Savings Summary:

The Building and IEQ'

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Operations and Maintenance

Everything we do in our buildings affects the IEQ Occupancy Schedules and Controls • HVAC• Plumbing• Electrical• Life Safety• Maintenance• Housekeeping• Emergency protocols• Etc.


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©2015 Pure Air Control Services

Four Divisions

• Nationally recognized IndoorEnvironmental Quality firm.

• 20 years experience on diagnostics,remediation and laboratory services.

• Provider for Building Health Checkand Do-it-yourself Test Kits

• Microbiology Laboratory• Full statement of Qualifications at