legendary heroes en · self- defense sports, but i have found my delight in watching bruce...


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Page 1: legendary heroes en · self- defense sports, but I have found my delight in watching Bruce lee's movies, the well-known Chinese artist then. I have sometimes tried to imitate him,


Page 2: legendary heroes en · self- defense sports, but I have found my delight in watching Bruce lee's movies, the well-known Chinese artist then. I have sometimes tried to imitate him,



- Introduction 6

Chapter 1 Idea - 11

- Chapter 3: Most well-known Martial Arts Styles.

Islamic Silat 26 1-

2- Kung Fu . 31

3- Taekwondo .. 37

Jujitsu .. 4- 40

5- Judo . 47

6- Karate .. 51

Muay Thai .. 7- 55

8- Brazilian Jujitsu 59

Kickboxing . 9- 66


- Conclusion. 76

- References. 85


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Special Thanks to:

1- Dr. Ibrahim Fouad Abbas (my father) and Prince Mashhour Bin Saad Al Saud.

2- Mr. Makarem Sobhi Batterjee (owner of Gold's Gym chains in Saudi


3- Mr. Ahmed Rozi (General Manager of presidency office of youth care

in Jeddah governorate).

4- Dr. Walid Al-Kassas (Founder of Kowat Alrami Martial Arts Style).

5- Coach Mohammed Noah (Manager of Sport's Tech Club and

president of Kowat Alrami federation in Saudi Arabia).

Finally, my grateful thank you is extended to trainers and members of

Legendary Heroes' Academy.


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In the name of Allah, the most beneficial, the most merciful


Praise be to Allah the all – strong, the – all high, the all-mighty who

defeated every mighty arrogant to his worshippers, and peace be upon

his selected prophet who gave him Quran and twice. He is as Quran

described, "Nor does he speak of his own desire, it is only and

inspiration that is inspired, he has been taught by one mighty in power".

In addition, he is who says – peace be upon him – " The strongest

believer is better and closer to llah than the weak believer

peace be upon him.

This is a legend I'd like to write in this beneficial book – inshallaa – upon

the request of his author with the aim of illustrating for the good reader

that Islam is a religion concerned with all kinds of sports, and encourage

practicing all types of sports wherein nothing prohibited is committed.

For example, those who hunt axes till death or those who make some

animals targets for their shooting and etc

All of know saying of Allah in Quran" And make ready against them all

you can of power, including steeds of war(tanks, planes, missiles,

artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and

others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know.

And whatever you shall spend in the cause of Allah shall be repaid unto

you, and you shall not be treated unjustly". Allah makes power indefinite

word for the sake of spreading all kinds of powers: physical, scientific,

sport and martial etc I already gave mention in the preface to a

part of Hadith of our prophet (Peace be upon him), as a reference to

that Allah wants the believer to be stronger, where he ( Peace be upon

him) said," The strongest believer is better and closer to Allah than the

weak believer".


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Our good reader, I think all of us know the fabulous examples the

prophet's companions gave in courage, power and bravery. In addition, I

am sure you are aware of what the companions have done in Badr

battle, and if we gave a mention to one of them, we shouldn't forget Om

Omara – may Allah be pleased with her – and what she has done as a

defense of our prophet (peace be upon him). Add to that we should

refer what Safia bint Abdulmatlib – may Allah be pleased with her – has

done too. So, courage and power aren't confined to men, but they are

features for women too.

From this our valued reader, I present this book and I am all hope that it

will be of a great benefit to you. And we put this simple introduction to

explain that this isn't a fad, but Muslims outran those in power, courage

and bravery.

I ask Allah to benefit all of us with all what we say and do.

Mr. Sheikh/ Abd-Alrouf Magid, Master of learning Quran by heart –

Tahfiz Quran.


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Sound mind in sound body


In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful and peace

be upon the seal of prophets and messengers, our intercessor

Mohammed. I start off my speech with elaborating on the self – defense

academy that I have established in March 2009s; as a result of the

support of my brother Mr. Makarim Sobhi Al-Batterjee. First and

foremost, I'd like to mention some things that I have gone through since

my childhood till my return back from the United States of America after

completing my university study in Summer 2007s to my homeland, the

bride of the Red Sea, Jeddah governorate, after a decade wherein I

haven't stopped even for day practicing fight arts which are the hobby I

have been infatuated with since my childhood and that has formed a

main pivot in my life.

Since my childhood, I have been a distinguished student in Model Faisal

generation school, and till the grade three, I haven't been aware of the

self- defense sports, but I have found my delight in watching Bruce lee's

movies, the well-known Chinese artist then. I have sometimes tried to

imitate him, and then I have been affected to a large degree by the

animation dubbed "Faris, the courageous boy" that have been about

boxing. Once I have remembered that my father has taken me to the

child's island (a kids playground), where I have accompanied my cousin,

Ayman, whom I have regarded him as my little brother, searching for the

toys we were going to buy then. Luckily, my eyes have dropped on

boxing gloves. After that, I have taken them with eagerness to my father

whom I have begged him to buy them for me. He then accepted with

reluctance, but my uncle Zuheir (Ayman's father) whispered in his ear,

warning him that “This was dangerous; he might beat up his little sisters

with them. Consequently, my dad has changed his mind and asked me

not to be persistent in my demand, to the extent that I have burst into



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After a couple of months, the school has announced training classes of

karate sports with the Indian trainer, Mohammed Bashir (Shotokan

Style), on the consideration that these trainings should have started

afternoon, three times a week. After that, I have informed my father

who have welcomed my registering in this program. This was my starting

point of my journey with self-defense sports. So, May Allah award him

paradise for the long years, wherein he has driven his car to and from

school in a time when the majority of parents were sleeping; for the

sake of providing me the chance to learn this sports with all its ethics,

principles and elevation.

Young Mohammed Abbas

I have practiced this style since that time without intermission till getting

the general secondary certificate. After that I left to the United States of

America to study electrical computer engineering. At that time, I thought

the karate days were over. I did not expect to find karate gym in the

university. I did not know that the most powerful karate program in

Virginia State was in my university, Old Dominion University, under the

supervision of the renowned Japanese Sensei Hekori Hamada, black belt


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holder 9 Dan. By the way, Sensei in Japanese means master of self-


After a couple of years, I joined Kung Fu classes at another school that

was half an hour away from the university. There, I have received my

trainings at the hands of a famed Chinese teacher named " Sifu Hoy K.

Lee" and learned the southern Chinese way called " Jowga Kun Fu. By

the way, Sifu in Chinese also means the master. After that, I have joined

the Brazilian Jujitsu School at the hand of discrete Brazilian trainer

named Gustavo Machado, holding the black belt from the Gracie school

in Brazil, Gracie Barra. I was doing karate twice week, kung fu twice a

week and Brazilian Jujitsu twice a week as well. Furthermore, I have

been studying in the university and working simultaneously as a trainer

of aerobics. In summer seasons, I used to try newfangled sports like

boxing, kick boxing in addition to my three basic sports I already practice

that are Karate, Kung Fu and Brazilian Jujitsu.

I have spent about ten years in Virginia between studying, training and

working. Sometimes, I studied a semester and worked a semester, with

a view to learning how to depend on my self. Furthermore, my work

hasn't been confined to just training, but it has included working in

numerous restaurants, once as a chef and another as a dishes washer.

You can fancy that I have been working for sixteen hours on daily basis;

in order to save money for the university fees as well as subscriptions of

Martial Arts Schools. Add to that, I have minored in Health and wellness

in addition to plenteous credit hours of physical education classes like


There has been a witty story I always feel like narrating. A big number of

people think that sports affects study passively, and this is not right at

all. Because when I took physical education classes like Karate in the

university every semester, the class was added to the accumulated total

GPA like any class of general major. As a result, my grade in Karate has

always been excellent, A. And in a period of time, my total GPA dropped

but without first Allah's care, then my A grades in Karate classes for

fours years running at that time, I would have been expelled from the


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university. From that, it is evident that Karate extended its hand to help

me stay in college and complete my studies in it, in addition to

supporting my general GPA till I passed that critical period of study and

graduated. Thanks Allah.

Old Dominion University

I came back to Jeddah holding the black belt in Karate, an intermediate

level in Kung Fu and Brazilian Jujitsu and a lot of medals and cups in

addition to appreciation certificates for a number of championships I

competed in such arts. I have obtained an engineering bachelor's degree

with a minor in health and wellness as well as physical education. I have

thought that the journey of self – defense sports have ended and I

would have never thought of establishing an academy of self-defense,

creating a slogan for it, or even this academy would be a starting point

of future hopes and tomorrow dreams for building a robust generation

of youths who is able to challenge, build and defend the Arab world and

triumph for issues of our soon to be a united nation. This is the essence

of the book and its basic axis.


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I pray Allah that I have been able to achieve the target of this work; in

order to be an incentive for children, youths and the aged people to

involve in such sports that make them strong in their thinking, bodies,

wells and determination, in addition to enabling them to stand up to

challenges and uplifting the country to be the developed countries that

take much pride in their children, pride itself on its message and finally

build its generation's future on stable foundations of belief and



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First chapter- THE IDEA

Legendary Heroes Martial Arts Academy beginning

When I got back to Jeddah in 2007s, I worked for Zahid Tractor Company

in power generators field. By the way this company is famous for its

sports history as well as supporting and sponsoring various sports and

championships, including Gold's Gym and its academy. I have pondered

working in evening period in the hobby that I am in love with. I have

settled on going to Gold's Gym and started training there as a free lancer

(Aerobics instructor) in the evening. After an elapse of a year, the gym

manager asked me – based on his recent knowledge back then of my

being a good martial artist to establish a Martial Arts Academy.

I pondered the issue for a long time and desired to create a novel thing

without any imitation of the west as most Arabs do who dream of just

getting any western passport. Moreover, I have put in my consideration

the following targets to achieve the uniqueness for this academy:


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First: it should include more than one sport of self defense sports at the

same locus.

Second: the academy member should have the chance to practice one

style or some styles or even all of them with one and comprehensive

subscription. Add to that, the academy should open its gates for the

members seven days a week.

Therefore, the member won't go through the experience of wasting time

and money; due to the monthly subscriptions in many places; in order to

learn and be knowledgeable of self- defense sports. Undoubtedly, I have

suffered long years from moving from one gym to another to learn more

than one way. As a result, I have learnt from miscellaneous experiences

and have acquired some experience of this spiritual, physical and ethical

sport. So, this ambitious project has formed the first attempt for an

academy starting from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

This idea was grasped by every one who deals with things from many

angles. They got stoned and astonished by the idea that melts the

racialism between Martial Arts Styles. Some Martial Artists are fanatic

for their style and would whip another Martial Artist from a different

style just to prove his style is better!!! And regarding that who has a

narrow mind towards the idea of this academy (enabling students to

learn more than one style at a time), thought that learning more than

one style will bewilder and hinder the student to concentrate and excel

in a specific style. This is completely untrue for the following reasons:


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Legendary Heroes, 2009, after official opening

1- It is up for students to choose to focus on one style or more. The

academy does not force you to learn more than one style, it is optional.

2- In school, for example, we took a mathematics class then a geography

class then a grammar class and so on. So, did you ever hear of a

student answering a mathematics equation in a geography exam or the


3- Learning more than one style depends on how able the student is to

assimilate. Some students can master more than one style while others

study a style for many years and can barely master it.

4- Practicing a specific Martial Arts Style may lead to strengthening and

helping mastering another style!!! For instance: mental and physical

flexibility I have acquired from practicing kung fu, assisted me much to

improve my performance in Brazilian Jujutsu which is a ground style

Martial Arts and escape painful submissions. Moreover, learning

another style like Taekwondo that focuses greatly on kicks, may give


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support for the player to polish up his skills in Karate, for example,

improve his kicking techniques and excel others in it.

5- A Taekwondo fighter may try, for example, Brazilian Jiu jitsu. The Jiu

Jitsu fighter uses this style after he takes his opponent down to the

ground and forces him to submit by either twisting joints or chocking

him. So for the Taekwondo fighter to practice some Jiu Jitsu and then

encounter one, he would know that his opponent will try to grab him

to the ground. So, he will try to keep standing through delivering hard

punches and quick kicks as well as keeping a specific distance with the

opponent, in order not to get nearer and get taken to the ground. And

even if he gets taken down, he has an idea on how to defend himself.

So basically it does not hurt to learn other styles on Martial Arts just in


Gold's Gym Jeddah Outdoors area


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Mixing amongst styles isn't existent or semi-existent. To prove that, at

the night of academy’s inauguration in March of 2009, I did karate, kung

fu, then a Brazilian jujitsu demo without mixing between them. I'd also

like to assert that one of the main targets of establishing this academy is

to generally produce better generation of students who excel their

instructors! The instuctor may be specialized in one style, but the

student of this academy may learn more than one style. Moreover, there

is another advantage that is when the student attends more than one

class with more than one instructor, he will get out the best of his

instructor and may take some exercises that another instructor can't do

or even know. At the end of year, this student becomes a cyclopedia of

sports exercises, philosophies of Martial Arts and Martial Arts Styles. He

would also be able to defend himself standing or on the ground.

Lastly, some may ask: we understand the idea and it appeals to us, but

how do we pay instructors salaries and on what basis knowing that the

members pay only one fee for all? Here, I will explain the method in

order to help spread the legend all over the Arab world:

1) Suppose the academy made twenty thousand riyals in one month in

membership’s sales. And after the gym claims its 50% share of

returns for supplying the place for training, electricity, sports

equipment and so on, there will be ten thousands riyals left for

trainers. Now suppose the sum of the total hours that all instructors

trained is one hundred hours in that month, divide ten thousand

riyals over one hundred hours and get one hundred riyals per hour.

2) Suppose the Karate instructor trained twenty hours in that month,

multiply twenty by one hundred, salary will be two thousands.

Another example is if the kung fu instructor trained twenty five

hours, multiply twenty five by one hundred and get two thousands

and five hundred riyals and so on.

3) As a general rule, the trainer who has more member’s attendance in

his classes, has the right to train more classes weekly, while the


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trainer whose has less members and even consequently take less


Academy's Boxing Rings (Everlast)

This method proved its effectiveness in the academy – thanks Allah – so

far. The success of it depends on how the instructors persuade the

trainees with teamwork, in addition to their desire that science,

knowledge and welfare will reach all as well as how aware they are of

Martial Arts philosophies and its noble deed. I opine that this is the only

way that will empower us to make students train in whatever styles

they'd like by one comprehensive subscription. Add to that, this is the

only initiative of its kind all over the world as well as being an Arab idea

of no match in the west especially after adding two Quran study classes

to it as to enhance the trainees manners and empower them spiritually

as Martial Arts Studies preaches. Also no instructor can say "my students are better than someone else's students, because the students are Everybody's. . If you go to China, for example, you will find it difficult that they learn

Japanese Karate in their schools, and if you go to Japan, you won't find


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them learning Chinese kung fu in their schools. There is a vehement

enmity amongst these styles and most styles of self – defense or martial

arts. Moreover, if you go to America, you could find them training more

than one style in the same place but with different subscriptions, in

addition to that the trainers themselves in the same school aren't in

harmony with each other. On the contrary, in this pioneering Arab

academy that Allah blessed its trainers with the blessing of Islam, you

find that they are brothers and sometimes encourage trainees to attend

classes with other trainers for more benefit! In deed, this was my

beginnings to put the foundation of a self – defense philosophy derived

from the ethical principles that we acquire under the umbrella of Islam.


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Chapter 2: Most well-known Martial Arts Styles

1) Islamic Silat

Before providing a definition for Silat, I'd like to narrate a small story

unknown by many people. This story reads that in the age of the famed

martial artist, Bruce Lee, there was a man who was famous for being the

strongest in both Malaysia and Indonesia in a sport dubbed “Silat". This

rumor could have wiped out the fame of Bruce Lee then. I'd like to shed

much light on that a Muslim of Malaysian origin who practices Silat was

called Silat Guru, namely, Master of Silat. Bruce Lee invited Guru to a

fight with the aim of putting an end to him.

They sat the date to face each other on a Friday morning. In that day and

that time, people gathered, and then Bruce Lee showed up. After that,

Guru came with calmness and sobriety to stand before Bruce Lee. Then

Guru asked Bruce Lee to give him five minutes before fighting. Bruce Lee

agreed. During these minutes, he prayed and recited Al-Fatihah (from

Quran) then he started the battle. With the distance of three meters

when Bruce Lee tried to jump on him with his well-known jump, Guru

waved with his hands in the air towards Bruce Lee, as a result he

retreated and fell down Then Bruce tried to lash out once again,

and they fought fiercely where Guru triumphed at last after dropping

him many times mightily on the ground. Bruce Lee then asked for

putting the match to an end and said loudly “I can’t fight you, you are

guarded heavens”


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What is this Silat that could defeat Bruce Lee? Where did it start? How

did it start? Where did it become famous?

Silat word means an art and has another meaning that is lightning as an

indication of its speed, flexibility and danger. While other people say

that this word is of an Arab origin derived from "prayer / Salat". It has

been said that the Arab Muslims who were merchandizing in Indonesia

and were originally fighters, counted on this style in self – defense, then

the Indonesians and Malaysians developed this style to what it is now.

It has been known that Muslims were sea leaders; because they have

already known every thing about the sea through traveling. In pre- Islam

era, the Arab merchants have reached those places, nearly fifteen

hundred years ago, and then the Muslim Arabs followed their footsteps.

The populations have converted to Islam when they have touched the

following in Muslims: truthfulness in dealings, cleanliness of body and

clothes, generosity, bravery, power, right defense and honesty. As a

result, the inhabitants got moved by the aforesaid habits and converted

to Islam. By this method, Islam spread in that area without any fight.

Due to the fact Jihad is an integral part of Islam religion; those

merchants have taught the Islamic and Arab fighting arts along with

praying, fasting and Islam rules to the citizens of those areas.


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Consequently, the fighting art became an indispensable part of their

daily lives.

This fighting art depends on the trick of hand motions as well as the

multiple movements of it in a style that gets any fighter puzzled;

because he doesn't know where the strike is coming from. The second

thing on which it depends on is the direct and swift attach with pushing

or dropping the person to the ground or even using both ways. Its

philosophy depends on breaking and hitting the sensitive areas. We can

add that it is a merciless style. With the passage of time, this style

rampantly spreaded, varied and included more than seven branches, in

addition to the different folk dances that are available in states of

Indonesia and Malaysia. In this sport, there have been uses of swords,

daggers, arrows, shafts as well as some other weapons for expressing

power, bravery and readiness to defend their lands against invaders.

Before starting practice, they sit cross legged for reciting Al-Fatihah Sura,

al Maouztin , ayat Al-Kursi and Al-Ikhlas Sura three times (Quran). After

finishing with this mission, they start training. After finishing the training

period, they sit down again and put their hands on their thighs and each

one of them prays for his family and the Muslim nation. Finally they

finish training.

The most famous types of Silat is the Silat of Syning Yung. It is an

excellent, sensitive, robust, calm and a tricky style. A few years ago, Sufis

(a branch of Islam so spiritual) started practicing it. It was found by them

that this style was an indescribably and an unimaginative style; in as

much as any one can beat someone from behind a wall without having

to see him; he can beat with his sensation!!!!!!!!!!! The same theory is

available in Kung Fu styles and it is not a myth or superstition.

Generally speaking, Silat counts 80% on hand strikes and 20% on foot

strikes. Regarding its propagation, it spreads in Malaysia and Indonesia

plentifully, and so does in Singapore and parts of Thailand and

Philippine. There are currently bids for propagation Malaysian Silat

across the world and they already succeeded in America, Japan, China


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and Britain. This sport is now in use also in Syria and some of Arab


A shape of their weapons

Here we should make a mention to the nature of citizens in such areas;

in as much as in Malaysia and Indonesia there are a mix of races as a

consequence of much immigrations to those countries. However, the

main race is the tribes of Malawi who are the indigenous populations for

those islands and countries. They are featured with being peaceful,

robust, brave, open-handed and peace lovers and right defenders.

Of course, many battles and fights have taken place amongst those

races. When Malawi folks have converted into Islam and have learned

the Islamic fighting arts that they become later skillful at, they

overpowered their enemies and defeated them. As a result, they

conquered most parts wherein Islam has spread. It is incumbent upon us

to learn that the prosperity Islam cared much for was based on three

fundamental factors: faith, science and Martial Arts.

We are going to observe while exhibiting majority and most well-known

self defense sports that belief or faith was always coupled with Martial

Arts and the people learn such arts in or around places of worship!!! We

will also grasp that one of the causes of Japan’s prosperity was in the

philosophy of Martial Arts and Samurai principles.


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Southeast Asia


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2) Kung Fu:

Kung Fu is a violent fighting art with multi styles. It includes more than

one thousand and five hundred styles mosly taken from some of animal

fighting styles like tigers, snakes, monkeys, birds, hawks and so on. Kung

Fu contains Forms (a group of individual fake fighting movements and

techniques, fast and slow) and tactics varying from one style to another.

A lot of people misunderstand the meanings of Kung Fu and Wushu; in

as much as they think that Kung Fu means the Martial Arts but this is


Kung Fu is a term that is composed of two syllables that are: Kung

meaning skill and Fu: meaning effort. It is a Chinese expression used to

describe any craft or behavior wherein the individual is in want of

practice and drill; to be able to be skillful at. It is the idealism in any thing

or in any behavior. If you are skillful, for example, in cooking, we can

assert that you have Kung Fu and this applies to smith, trailer and for

sure to that who practices Martial Arts. Wushu is composed of two

syllables that are Wu: meaning fighting and Shu: meaning art. It is a

Chinese expression meaning the fighting art (the whole Chinese word

means martial arts in English) and this is the reason of the now naming:

Kung fu-Wushu.

This ancient art is deemed as one of the oldest fighting arts. It dates back

to 460 B.C. This art was first came into being at the hand of Chinese

emperor's son named Sedharta Kutma. It has a special philosophy at that

time: Keeping distance from violence and austerity (asceticism) and

inviting love. So a big number of people followed this prince, and for that

reason the emperor hit the roof and asked him to break his group or

leave the country. By the way, this prince used fast and ponder much.

He fasted under a holy tree dubbed "Buddha tree" (tree of awareness or

enlightenment) for 49 days.


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He started to comprehend life then with all its hardships and agonies,

and from that time on, he was named Buddha " the enlightened" and

took on teaching his companions. When they were in the mid of the

desert, they ran out of food and began to send some of them of them to

bring food from china. Amid their journey, they were robbed by

gangsters for the sake of food. Due to that, Buddha sat contemplating

over the matter and asked himself who is the fiercest on earth? Then

gave an answer: the animal. After that he posed another question: who

is the most intelligent on earth? Then he gave an answer: the human. So,

what do you think if we gather both, human thinking and animal

ferocity? Indeed, he asked all his followers to fetch all the animals or

birds available in the area, and they managed to get five animals:

monkey, tiger, snake, white crane and white dragon).

Tigers Fighting

After that, he ordered his men to monitor all sounds issued by those

animals. For example, he asked a specific person to monitor, keep and

learn movements of a monkey's hand and so for each organ of other

monkey. He concluded that persons were good at playing via a style of a


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specific animal. And so for all animals to the extent that they became

strong and built a temple called trainers' temple or Shaolin

temple(Shaolin means small forest as an attribute to training that is an

imitation of animal fighting ways as if they are in a small forest). But

when the emperor got to know their matter, he ordered the temple

burnt and to kill all monks there. In deed, his soldiers managed to flatten

the temple with the ground, though some of his son's followers tried to

defend it and as a result some of them were killed and the rest fled to

different countries holding the nucleus for other Martial Arts Styles such

as karate and Ninja that developed and spread until nowadays.

Shaolin Tiger Style

The surviving monks have managed to rebuild the temple for the second

time, and as before, the Chinese emperor demolished it. But they have

had it rebuilt once again after helping the Chinese emperor through just

eighteen monks to defeat and expel Mongols.

Regarding development and propagation of Shaolin style fifteen

hundred years ago, it dates back to the era where China had witnessed

fights amongst the kingdoms and was called by historians an era of


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northern and southern families. During that time a number of Indian

Buddhist seniors have shown up in China in as much as the prosperity of

Buddhism in China because of people's desire to achieve peace in life,

even if it is achieved only in their hearts in accordance the principles of

Buddhism. The Indian monk named Budhidharma was at the lead in 527

B.C. This prominent Indian monk has reached Shaolin temple after

sailing the sea for three years and gathered a big number of followers

for spreading Mahayana doctrine (one of the Buddhist doctrines)

amongst them. By the way, this doctrine blesses all features of rank and

file, with objection to murder, lewdness, despoliation and thievery.

When Budhidharma reached China, he got depressed about the status of

Chinese monks represented in feebleness and health state deterioration.

This for sure, in his point of view, was in contradiction with the

Buddhism principles. It was supposed that, the Buddhist monk was well-

built and robust, to be able to propagate this faith on earth

(contemplate over the physical state of Islam sheikhs generally and

remember how they were in the past). He committed himself to

worshipping and teaching monks for nine years. He based the art or the

style of Shaolin on Indian practices for improving health, like Yoga. From

this, the well-known Shaolin started (he combined religion and sports).

Shaolin arts have gone through plenteous and varied development till

the appearance of art-of state ways. It is worth mentioning that Shaolin

style is very strong and quick. Furthermore, there are other styles of

Kung Fu in addition to Shaolin, but most of them were derived from

Shaolin. There are, for example, Taichi, Wushu, Sanda and Wing Tsun.

Plus, Shaolin exercises are among the strongest exercises. Some monks

can dig rocks with their finger, while others can walk on embers or put

their tongues in fire or even break a big number of bricks with their



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Shaolin temple

Nearly all styles, philosophies, imaginative and contemplating

movements of Kung Fu focus on three aspects: mind, body and spirit.

Also many weapons are used in practice such as sword, staff and spear.

Shaolin Staff

One of the masters of this art and game is the Chinese fighter "Bruce

Lee" who showed the world the greatness of Chinese Kung Fu and how

excellent it is amongst other Martial Arts Styles, through what he has


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shown in movies, whereas he removed much obscurity away from this

art which is considered one of the holiest secrets in China. This

Youngman of less than 32 years of age was the only artist at that time

who could put a complete style of Martial Arts together name – Jeet Kun

Do (JKD)- i.e., the interception fist way . He could develop what he has

learned and acquired from his master, Ipman- well-known master of Win

Tsun till he reached the fabulous level incredible in the eyes of many

people so far. Furthermore, he learnt more than ome style such as

taekwondo, boxing along with Wing Tsun Kung Fu and then created the

"intercepting fist". And this style is taught in many Martial Arts schools

to these days.

Bruce Lee

Indeed, except for that man, Chinese kung fu will remain a closed book

in the face of strangers.


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3) Taekwondo

People gravitate to Taekwondo in order to build the self-confidence and

stand up to enemies with high confidence. This sport supplies the

individual with a mental balance status, power, decency and virtue. This

was the basic essence of self confidence rule for taekwondo players.

Moreover, taekwondo constitution prevents unfair attack for the sake of

showing power and assaulting others or showing off might to terrify

others. Taekwondo seeks building the body, activating the mind and

bringing up the soul. Taekwondo is defined as a style of using hands and

feet for self-defense.

- Tae: foot

- Kwon: fist

- Do: style or method

Korea Map

Some people think that taekwondo came into being and spread through

Chinese Kung Fu, depending on allegations and Chinese documents.

While others think that it has nothing at all to do with the Chinese art.

Anyways, according to a discovery of archaeologists in 1935 of the old


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stony drawings on the ruling dynasty's graves walls in Korea which date

back to 37 B.C, the age of this style would be about two thousands.

Taekwondo in the Olympics

So, this game appeared in South Korea and was developed by citizens as

a style of self- defense; due to the plenty of civil wars and hardships

amid the fierce animals in a style that obliges the Korean to think of

defending himself against invaders and animals wherefrom they have

learnt self defense arts and quick attacks. Owing to ineffective weapons

back then, the human being took on his shoulders the responsibility of

strengthen his hands and legs to be used in fighting. This was the reason

of surfacing self –defense style dubbed "Taekwon", and this is the old

name of taekwondo. Moreover other self – defense ways have surfaced,

such as Yunku, Tut gaming, meshown , Mahan – kamali. All these ways

are defense ways depend on using and strengthening hands and legs for

self-defense. Regarding Taekwondo, it dates back to the ruling dynasty

in Kogduriow country, where Taekwon art for self defense started to

take a traditional mode to be actively practiced in religious rituals on

common musical rhythms in such ages, and it was practiced by men,

children, women and elder people; due to that it appealed to them for

its special movements on the one hand and its best use in self - defense

on the other hand. That's why they weren't interested in Taekwon style


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only as an art of self – defense but also as a traditional culture and daily

sport activity as well as a mode of living and co-existence.

Taekwondo is famous for the skill of its players in fighting using their legs

and high kicks. This art depends basically on using kicks, especially the

high and flying kicks, in addition to less use of hands like punches, hand

hits in sword like positions and both of elbow hits and blocking

techniques. Likewise, using some weapons or defending against them.

Taekwondo fighter differs from the Karate fighter in that his kicks are

higher and his flying hits are more, and than a kung fu fighter in that he

doesn't practice much floor movements and finger hits. Moreover, he

doesn’t practice ways of animal imitation such as the style of monkey or

snake, etc. The appearance of the Taekwondo fighter is closer to the

Karate fighter, with the exception of using much more kicks.

Taekwondo High Kicks


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4) Jujitsu:

Jujitsu is composed of two syllables, Ju that means giving a way and

(Jitsu) means an art, while the whole word jujitsu means the art of

softness or smoothness pathway or gentle art. To understand the

meaning of that unfamiliar name, let's see together this example

mentioned by Jigoro Kano, founder of judo “imagine you are under

attack by one who is stronger than you with about ten points and yours

is seven points. So, if this person pushes you back, for sure you will go

back because he is stronger than you. But if that person pushes you and

you give him way and move with him for the sake of helping him

complete his move by attracting him in the same direction then you are

adding let us say 3 points of your power on that 10 points of his he is

using and get a total of 13 points to throw him down on the ground.

Therefore, you use his full power against him and your power becomes

equivalent to sum of your power and his power that he used. In

addition, you saved some of your power and can use it for another


To understand the history of jujitsu it is incumbent upon us to start off

with the Samurai and Pushy era.

Pushy or Samurai:

There is sometimes unintentional confusion between the pushy and the

samurai words. These two words date back in their meanings to

different epochs of the Japanese history. Moreover, they have discreet

jobs too. Role of Pushy people – fighters –appeared in 1185s. They were

the real rulers of the country during anarchy era. The most important

thing that characterized their appearance was wearing armors; for the

fact that they don't do nothing but fight wars. By the way, their destiny

was always determined in the heart of the battles they have gone

through. They invariably worked to expand the tribes' areas whereto

they belonged to.


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Regarding Samurai, their role appeared in the 1615s.They were officials

holding weapons after the fashion of peace keeps armies (police)

nowadays. They have often worn light clothes (Kimono). Each one of

them was under the control of one of the top shoguns. They formed an

independent class that was at the service of shoguns (big lord or military

leader) with the aim of settling country security. Moreover, the other

basic missions they shouldered were lands administration and caring

much for their seniors' interests in provinces.

Samurais are promoted in different military rankings. In addition, every

one of them has its appropriate share of rice. But after Japan has quitted

the feudal system in 1871s (civil wars and non unified Japan), Samurais

lost their powers. Samurais have been the strongest fighters of the

world at that time. The Samurai sword was the strongest sword the

human being ever known at that time; it was made of diluted steel that

was characterized with solidity, consistency and alacrity, in a way that

helps Samurais use it. The Samurai could with the aid of such swords cut

an adult in two halves with one hit!!! Even the west led by England

couldn't defeat the Samurais at that time and the English soldier was no

match to him.


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Recently, despite the fact that Samurais' old role in wars has ended, men

of Samurai class have continued playing leading roles in Japan and

formed the ruling elite. This status has continued till the end of the

Second World War. Amongst them, founders of big industrial

corporations and commercial banks in Japan. They had a great share in

transforming Japan into an industrial power.

Back to Jujitsu, we will see that in the Samurai age we just discussed and

in the ear of the Japanese empire, Samurais were in want of an art of

self – defense without weapons or light weapons against enemies armed

with heavy weapons, swords and shafts. Samurais were in need of

wrestling arts or grappling; especially if it is very difficult to use foot and

hand hits with sword armed and shaft protected enemy. The solution for

that was to approach such opponent quickly in order to avoid the sword,

disarm him and have a wrestle with him, twist his joints or drop him to

the ground and make a control over him. In this period, many fighting

arts have emerged, including sword fencing, shooting, arrow use, hand

fighting and miscellaneous fighting arts. Jujitsu was one of these arts and

included arts of hand beat, kicking techniques, take downs, breakings,

fixings and cuttings with weapons. And what made this art more special


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than other arts or styles is that it doesn't need the use of monster power

as much as the use of skills, fitness, flexibility, max benefit of powers and

equilibrium in addition to agility. Despite that Jujitsu tactics were known

long ago, training on them started regularly in the second half of the

sixteenth century, then the art developed and became much

complicated. Add to that, it has been learnt via experts in numerous

schools, and each school differs from other schools in terms of fighting

strategies and used tactics according to the its creator's vision. Some

schools focused on take downs, others focused on hand and foot hits

while others focused on floor fighting and straight submissions. And

according to variations amongst the strategies, we will see that some

schools have encouraged super attach on the opponent, before he starts

fighting. And some schools have encouraged super attack on the

opponent's attack defensibly, while others have encouraged killing the

opponent once he starts to move and not to allow him to defend or

attack back, once he starts attacking, it will be the point of finishing him.

In this period there was a civil war Japan went through as we

mentioned. At that time, Jujitsu schools have tried out their fighting

styles in the battle ground. Therefore, each school has tested the power

of its styles through getting to know who could triumph in the end. The

survival was for the best. And after the civil was, Japan enjoyed three

centuries of peace. And In 1872s carrying sword was prohibited, and as a

result, Jujitsu fighters should adjust to the new era. So, in lieu of fighting

people armed with weapons and shafts, the encounter became with

individual in plain clothes. In that period, the interest in fighting arts

became less because there was no longer a need for fighting after peace

spread. Names and strategies of many fighting arts have changed to

adjust to the new status, whereof are Aikijutsu that turned into Aikido

and jiujitsu turned into judo and karate (Wado – Ryu style ).

Before broaching the topic of turning Jiujitsu into Judo, let's display

Jiujitsu tactics in details.


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Joints twisting:

Ways of twisting all joints, such as fingers, elbows and the neck can be

learned. Such ways have been in use to control the opponent and make

him surrender or submit (tap out) or as to take him down or throw him


Suffocation or chocking:

It was taught with or without using proper clothes (suit or Gi). These

techniques were used for the purpose of killing, where the windpipe is

separated from the vocal cords connected to them in a way that causes

death. Add to that, it can make the opponent sleep by separating the

blood for a period that ranges from three to seven seconds, to the

extent that it may lead to fainting or a comma. For killing person via

preventing the blood to reach brain, you need more than a minute to

cause death for the brain cells.


It includes arts of using kicks and hand strikes, but for the fact that

Jujitsu styles are concerned with equilibrium, so most foot kicks don't

exceed epigastric area, in order to make it difficult to catch the foot and

make a counterattack.


Was used by Samurais during fighting, and it has been currently

developed to be part and parcel of Judo and Brazilian Jujitsu. However,

the old wrestling practices were different because in battle field, there

were biting and eye piercing, and therefore there were different tactics

designed to protect the fighter from such attacks, in contrast with the

present when Judo and Brazilian Jujitsu take a sport side wherein such

attacks are prohibited.


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It was as a final alternative when the fighter loses his weapons. He

started to drop the opponent to the ground or break his arm and try to

take his weapons.

Biting tactics according to eyes:

Such tactics were used to overpower the opponent and abruptly get rid

of him or as it has been called "dirty ways" during wrestling with him.

Biting was for the sensitive areas, such as eye, nose and fingers.

Moreover, it was possible that biting was the solution before the fighter

to get rid of suffocation and different tactics of breaking. Furthermore,

there are other tactics dubbed "pulling tactics", such as pulling hair,

testicles or even the sensitive areas in the human body, in a way that

obliges the opponent to escape.

Atemi tactics:

They are tactics for delivering strikes to the sensitive areas of the human

body, in a way that leads to causing physical effects that affect his

balance and distract his attention. As you see, Jujitsu was a fighting art

whose target was to kill only and did not have any a sport shape till the

arrival of Kano, the Judo founder.


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Map of Japan


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5) Judo:

Jigoro Kano is the founder of Judo (soft art). He was born Oct 26th,

1860s in Mikage, Japan. He started training Jujitsu when he was young.

He was regarding the fighting arts as a mean of peaceful co-existence

with others not as a mean of overpowering other people. In his youth,

he learnt Jujitsu at the hand of a lot of experts in many schools. His first

trainer was Teinosuke Yagi and at the age of eighteen, he heeded for

training in Tenshin-Shinyo school under the leadership of Master

Hachinosuke Fukuda. Before graduation from Tokyo University, he learnt

traditional Jujitsu art at the hand of Likubo and when he reached mid

twenties, he has learnt many secretes of the two schools.

He has conducted a big number of researches as a bid to develop and

revise Jujitsu, till he reached a principle whereby he could develop this

art and make it more organized. This is, for sure, the optimal use of mind

and body power. Kano has removed Jujitsu tactics that were too violent

and called the new art "Judo", in addition to that he established a school

for his teachings with the name of “Kodokan, that means the place

where training can be infinitely done, i.e., with open and enlightened

mind in Ishugi temple in 1882”. As regards to the above mentioned

issue, Jigoro Kano said “in my youth, I received trainings on Jujitsu with

many masters and got much benefits from their plentiful and different

experiences. In this period, each master was teaching Jujitsu as a group


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of special tactics without giving a mention or throwing light on Jujitsu

principles. Therefore, I have cudgeled my brains and thoughts of a

principle applicable to hand, foot and throwing techniques. After much

deliberation, I have reached the optimal use principle for mind and body

powers, and have ruminated over what I have gained from my mentor.

After that, I contrasted it with this principle and as a result I have

removed any tactics that wasn't in harmony with this principle”. Some

said Kano derived most of throwing movements from Kito Ryu School

and have taken the floor game from Tenshin-Shinyo Ryu School for

fighting. Furthermore, strikes in Judo sports is composed of fist strikes,

elbow strikes, hand edge strike, fingers strikes, knee strikes and leg

strikes. However, such tactics were for higher levels of students due its


Kano has added many lofty principles and humorous features to Judo,

with the aim of departing from Jujitsu mould in with his new fighting

technique. It was incumbent, therefore, on both students and mentors

of Kodokan to be good example for others in behavior, and any one

intervenes this and goes into any battle outside the walls of the school

or teaches Judo for the sake of earning money or even does any thing

that could cause shame for his school, will be expelled. In addition, Kano

was interested in society and individuals and developing them for the

best. This, in turn, has reflected over training in Judo and whereof this

principle, he reached a second principle of Judo sport: mutual benefit.

He thought that the individual can’t develop over other people's

expenses, but he should give and take at the same time. He believed

that his mission in life was to instill this principle in his students; so he

monitored the practice at point blank range.

In 1900s, Judo has largely matured in tactics after establishing the

Kodokan institution for black belts. In 1905s about eighteen mentors of

old Jujitsu schools have gone together in Potokokai to join Kanor and

Judo education. Judo development has taken place in late eighteenth

century, when Kano have been on many journeys to Europe and America

in 1889s; to of spread Judo till he died on May 4 , 1938s. th


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Judo training in Kodokan 1912s

Between 1912 and 1952, the international Judo Union or Federation was

established and a big number of experts travelled to different continents

for propagating this modern art. Mentor Gunji Koizumi holding seven

dans traveled to Britain in 1918s, and opened the first school there with

the name of “London Budokwai". Mentor Mikinsuke Kawaishi holding

seven dans and who is considered one of the best Judo experts in forms,

travelled to France in 1922s. Mentor SumiyunkiKotani holding eight dans

travelled to U.S.A in 1952s and trained the team of the American air

forces who became later the nucleus of the American Judo Federation.

In addition to the development of Judo and its spread in most of the

world’s continents, it started to crystallize in its final form with entrance

in Olympiads for the first time in 1964s.


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Judo in the Olympics


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6) Karate:

It is a Japanese word that divides into two parts: "Kara" that means

empty and "Te" that means hand, so the complete word means empty

hand. Karate is hand fighting art without using weapons, even if the

opponent carries a weapon. History of karate dates back to elapsed


There was a story that said five hundred years ago, the ruler Shu Hasheo

who controlled with the aid of his men Okinawa Island, ordered that it

was prohibited to carry weapons in his island. This matter was a true

image for how much humility the Okinawa people have suffered at that

time, especially religious people who got motivated to think of means to

defend themselves. As a result the Okinawa people have started to train

themselves on mountains in a specific type of fighting without weapons,

through pondering and monitoring the animals and birds. Moreover,

Okinawa people learnt from them their style of defending and they

turned their legs and hands into strong fighting tools and a sharp knife,

whereby they can stand up to the real weapon in their enemies' hands

(a principle elicited from Shaolin Kun fu). It was also said that Karate

branched off of Jiu Jitsu.

Karate in Legendary Heroes Martial Arts Academy


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This type of fighting has been known as Okinawa fighting style, as an

attribute to the people who thought and called it old Karate. However,

this fighting style has developed as it was affected by the Chinese

culture and its styles such as Wushu, especially when Okinawa people

used to travel to China for trade. Regarding modern Karate, Gichin

Funakoshi, founder of the modern Karate called Sotokan and taken from

Okinawa Island in Kyoto, was the first one to display it in Japan in 1917s.

Funakoshi has carried out subsequent shows that were of much interest

for Japanese people, among them was the vice –crown Hero Hayto who

was very eager for the authentic Okinawa art. In 1922s, Kano, the

founder of Judo sent an invitation to Funakoshi for presenting a show in

famous Dojo Kodokan (Dojo means the place of learning the Japanese

arts of self defense), and has encouraged him to stay in Japan to teach

Karate. This is the lofty spirit of sports. By the way, the care presented to

Funakoshi was of much benefit to form a base for Karate in Japan. There

are four major styles for Karate do (Do means style or the way) in Japan:

Fuji Ryu – Sheto Ryu – Shoto Kan and Wudu Ryu.


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Japan and Okinawa Map

The karate game is divided into two parts as following:

A) Kata:

A group or a connected and subsequent series of quick and slow or light

and strong movements in a form of defensive or offensive techniques

with the use of hands and legs done by the player before fake persons.

KATA contributes to gaining the player physical fitness and high agility, in

addition to its support for him in the following: building muscles,

teaching the basic skills of Karate and developing the mental capacities.


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B) Kumite:

Strikes: it is an art of fighting with hands and legs where the fighter

stands before a real opponent. There are points to be registered

between them and the fighter who gets more points is deemed the


Karate Kick


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7) Muay Thai:

It is called Muay Thai or sometimes Thai Boxing. It is a fighting art

created for soldiers. This art helped Thai people drive back the invaders.

The Muay word is derived from Mavya word. And this word comes from

a historical old language, Indo- Aryan, and it means to make things

united, with reference to using all eight weapons: fists, kicks, elbows and

knees. And the word "Thai" is derived from the word "Thailand". In

1411s after the death of king "San Mwung ma", his sons “Kee and

Fang”, wanted to seize the rule, and in so much as the battle between

two armies was undecided, they decided to put an end the conflict

through a fight. Each army chose the best boxer in it and at the end the

boxer of "Fang" was defeated and consequently Kee came to the throne.

The fighting technique of the Kee's boxer has caused this art.

The legend said that in 1767s and during the war between Birmanian

forces and Thai forces, a boxer soldier with the name of " Nai Khanoum

Tom" was a prisoner in the Opponent's camp and was confronted with

ten Birmanian soldiers whom he defeated all. After he became a

national hero, Thais started to commemorate him annually with an

occasion called "Boxers' Night".


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Thailand Map

In the sixteenth century, Muay Thai became a part of the military

training, and it became highly famed with the beginning of the

eighteenth century during the rule of Bra Shao Swa "The tiger king". For

him, Muay Thai was the favorite amusement of his people. And each

village arranged regular fights. And the king who was a first class strong

boxer found his amusement in challenging the country’s best fighters. At

that time, boxers have protected themselves by covering their hands

with horse feet. Later, horse feet were replaced with rolls of gummed up

cotton. The oysters or trees trunk are used as shells, and sometimes

upon the agreement amongst the boxers, pieces of glass were added to

the gum of rolls! And fights were held between fighters regardless of

weight class.

In as much as Thai boxing was a fatal sport, it has been banned in 1921s.

In 1930s, Muay Thai has appeared once again with the adoption of

match rules and techniques of English boxing (gloves and rings, etc). The

development of tourist sector in Thailand helped the western people


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discover this art that is considered a big social bet for the youth. Fights

are carried out according to magical rituals. And before fights starts,

fighters kneel down and pray. The match is carried out in a direct

musical atmosphere played by a band of Thai musicians.

A kick block with an elbow strike

Match organization:

Matches are done in five rounds of three minutes each preceded by a

ritual dance called “Algham Muay". During such matches, the boxer

wear a band of clothes around his head as a sign of his respect to his

trainer and as a bid to improve his mental awareness during the game.

The highly used kicks were the kicks of shin bones. The latter beat is

deemed the main beat for the Thai boxer.

Thai boxing is currently in use all over the world on the part of the

individuals of all age brackets and all levels. This art described as a

dangerous art and a descendent from Krabyi Krayoung as a Thai boxing,

requires physical fitness like the following: agility, quick reactions,

ability and power, in addition to mental fitness like respect.


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Furthermore, the Thai boxing is regarded as a formal sport of Thailand;

in as much as there are many training clubs called the camps that

receive boys starting from seven years age. And the most important

matches are regularly broadcasted on Saturdays and Sundays by T.V

stations. It is worth mentioning that most famous playgrounds in

Bangkok are Lumpinee and Ghajad Amon. They are renowned all over

the world, to the extent that they are considered a reference for Muay


Knee block with an elbow strike


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8) Brazilian Jujitsu:

Brazilian Jujitsu implies Brazilian Japanese wrestling. It varies in its

writings. For example it can be written Jiu-jitsu or Ju-Justu or Ju-Jitsu. It

is an art and a system used to teach ground fighting techniques in the

traditional suit or Gi that is similar to the Judo suit with a difference in

its design and measurements.

This fighting style descends from the oldest and the best in floor fighting

Japanese Jujitsu schools. And this art includes three main pillars that

break up into three elements as following:

First pillar: Ne waza| Katami Waza

It means wrestling and floor fighting. Fighting depends on take downs,

suffocation and all kinds of breaking for joints. For knowledge, this pillar

has championships and international and national contests.

Second pillar: Goshi Jitsu

It is self –defense techniques against weapons like sticks and knives. In

addition to such techniques, there are other floor fighting tactics and

both punches and kicks.

Third pillar: Vale Todo

It is fighting without a laid law through mixing the aforesaid techniques

together (first and second pillars). By the way, it is the original and basic

pillar for Brazilian Jujitsu. This pillar has contests and champions too, but

they are oftentimes held on rings or in cages.

Brazilian Jujitsu – as mentioned before – was of a Japanese origin;

because it was known as an integrated art of fighting during encounter

with unarmed persons. Some of Japanese fighters have been prominent,

amongst them; someone called Metsuyo Meada that was known with

his fighting ferocity and overpowering many persons. He was fiercer

than any Jujitsu fighter in Japan back then.


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Master Matswi

Japanese Master Matswi whose life ranged from 1880 till 1941,

immigrated to Brazil and spread this fierce art. He was one of the

premiers and his most prominent student was Carlos Gracie who lived

from 1901 till 1995 who practiced boxing art and searched for an

integrated fighting art that support his fighting efforts and develop his

skills. Carlos was always asking challengers (through posting

advertisements in streets and laneways) from muscular fighters such as

wrestlers and other fighting arts men, to stand before him, putting into

the consideration

that his weight didn’t' exceed sixty kilo grams! He taught his full four

brothers this art and inaugurated the first academy for Gracie Jujitsu in



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Carlos Gracie

Of his greatest and most prominent student was his brother Master

Helio Gracie that was famous for challenges and floor fighting in both his

childhood and youth.

He was followed suit by his sons taking the example of the greater

founder, Matswi Media that was known for his going about the

countries for challenging, fighting and money earning via that way. And

for that reason, he was dismissed from Kodokan; as this work contrasts

sharply with Samurai principles and beliefs.


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Helio Gracie

Helio and his children have immigrated to U.S.A where he could find

fame and money. His elder son, Ronion has arranged Ultimate Fighting

Championship in early nineties (UFC). By the way, this championship was

a solid reason for that fame of Jujitsu was more than before, in as much

as they overpowered other fighting arts like kung fu, Karate, Boxing,

kickboxing Tia Boxing, Judo, Romani and free wrestling. This art was

called Brazilian Jujitsu or Gracie Jujitsu, as an attribution to the Brazilian

family of Gracie that developed and propagated it.

Master Junior Carlos has established the most famous academy with the

name of Gracie Barra, after his leadership of education, International

Union of Brazilian Jujitsu and the academy presidency in Redo de janero

in Brazil. Moreover, he was one of the late Master’s sons Carlos Gracie in

addition to being one of the best trainers of this art.


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Brazil Map


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Rickson Gracie was the best known fighter of open fighting in the World

in eighties and nineties (MMA: Mix Martial Arts). Rickson Gracie retired

over the age of forty and had more than four hundred wins without any


Rickson Gracie


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Al Shareef Faisal and Faris Al Shafea in the first open MMA tournament

in Legendary Heroes Martial Arts Academy, 2009


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9) Kickboxing

It is a style that depends mainly on hands and legs strikes. There are

various stories for establishment of this style. More than twenty

countries allege that they established this art. But the most famous story

was that of the Japanese media man of boxing sport, Osamu Noguchi

who was deemed founder of this art. In mid sixties Osamu has decided

to gather amongst Muay Thai, Karate and Boxing. This was the start.

Another version is an American version that said the following: the

starting point of kickboxing was the idea of integrating boxing; in as

much as this sport includes strong and effective punches in delivering

hand strikes that have no matches in any other sport of this field in

addition to other fighting sports in east of Asia that is the spring of arts

like Japan, China, Korea and Thailand. It was started by an American

Karate fighter in the seventies. In so much as he got fed up with the

Karate way of fighting that doesn't allow for any thing except light

striking or touching for the sake of winning points in championships. He

wanted a sport that permits full and complete striking and more

challenge that is nearer to reality. This was the start of that style. It has

been tried in the period that ranged from 1973s till 1976s in North

American (U.S.A and Canada). From early nineties, experts of the field

started to create laws prerequisite for appearance in a distinguished

fighting technique including hands and legs, in addition to coordinating

amongst them, in a way that gathers all boxing skills by hands and

fighting skills by legs till the start of application.

It is a sport falling under challenge sports, where two opponents fight to

win either by a technical excellence (scores) or by knock-outs. For this

purpose, the fighters use hand and leg strikes that are supposed to be

delivered to the frontal and lateral sides of the body, specifically on

waist and head, not to the posterior side nor the lower one (under



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Kickboxing Match


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10) Throwing Power ( KOWAT ALRAMI ):

It is an Arabic Islamic Martial Arts Style. I leave you now with an article

by its founder Dr. Walid Al-Kassas.

In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most gracious

From our long experience of various fighting arts that are more than a

quarter of century as well as our practice for most various techniques

holding miscellaneous names of each nation or country that has a

specific style and creates every style of above mentioned ones via

philosophy, belief and language of it Despite the fact that all

these arts and fighting styles vary and graduate from semi contact to

light contact to full contact, we got much practical experience out of

participation in various tournaments and championships locally and

internationally. From our vast knowledge and supervision over

miscellaneous games and fighting locally and internationally in addition

to their different trainings, I can say that such ways and arts of fighting

miss many features that can enable the practitioners to be distinguished

fighters and heroes; due to the fact that past fighting included punching,

kicking, catching and misbalancing with knocking down. This for sure

means the full power in fighting, but these widespread modern styles

are partial ways. Each way addresses one part of fighting word that

contain various and comprehensive meanings.


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Kowat Alrami match

So, we decided a long time ago to establish and find special Arabic styles

whose components to be derived from our ancient heritage, and for

sure the majority of us don't know that the beginnings of such arts were

in our Arab areas B.C, namely, in Papal as has been established by some

historical research and studies. After that it took various and many forms

and shapes during the Arab and Islamic era, but due to our neglect and

eastern and western interest of such sports, such miscellaneous fighting

ways come back to us but in various styles and different names coupled

with a certain philosophy and specific religious beliefs for each way. I

don't give examples for such ways from Buddhist philosophy and belief

that has stuck to many of those ways, not to mention many and

different philosophies and beliefs. On the contrary, our determination to

show and establish this way is out of our pride in our nation and its

legacy, in addition to my feelings that we lack neither capacities nor

technical expertise nor the prerequisite skill that enable us to excel in

this field, prove for all we are able with the aid of Allah to find a unique

comprehensive way that includes and gathers most if not all of those

ways represented in punching, kicking, catching, misbalancing, throwing

and knocking down, demonstrate what miscellaneous meanings and vast

vocabulary word “fighting" holds and finally refer to what is derived

from our Arab legacy and mixed with meanings and ethics that were

features of our nation for numerous centuries. If it is destined for our


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new way to succeed, we will contribute, even with a share to elevate our

Arab nation on sport level. Instead of going to eastern or western

countries to lean the newest ways in such countries that add updates to

those ways, many world sportsmen will come to us; for learning our new


It is obvious that this way is in a universal and continuous emergence. By

the way it will be possible for you to add some modifications and

amendments after the fashion of the rest of similar sport ways that with

the passage of time they add modifications and improvements. It is

worth mentioning that this sport of Arab origin became well-known all

over the world; due to that eagerness of countries of all five contents to

register in it. The number of the registered countries in this sport

amounted to seventy countries For sure, every rab is invited to

contribute in showing and propagation, giving the advice and

consultancy and contribution with efforts for development and

improvement, especially those exerted much of their times and

dedicated themselves to practice, learn and teach various fighting ways

hither and thither.

We should mention here that our learning and teaching the aforesaid

style doesn't our ignorance of various and miscellaneous ways available

in other world countries or those that will appear in future, but our

continuous trial to get benefit of what is new, beneficial and scientific

ways with keeping our private in this distinguished style. After great

suffering in reaching an appropriate name for this style, we don't find a

definition and naming better than" Throwing Power". Furthermore, if we

look up the linguistic meaning of those two words, we will find that their

meanings are similar and indicative of style content as well as they

include training mind, spirit and body. Moreover, throwing may be with

hand, leg, opponent thrown on floor, sword or with shaft in addition to

many other tools. There is no doubt that training on such tools give their

players an additional power necessary for the integrated fighting.

Furthermore, throwing power is a succinct definition, and despite being

short it includes many matters and meanings. We were concerned that


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this style should be an integrated system of fighting arts. It depends on

the basic trainings in learning the technical skills for the foundations of

wrestling, boxing, karate, Judo, ikido, Jujitsu etc , in terms of the

general similarity with adoption of movements and special, developed

technical skills, in a way that grants its players the full power in facing

any way of aforesaid ways, along with giving much care to developing

mental and body capacities, raising general physical fitness necessary for

performing this fighting art, and this in turn contributes much in

producing fabulous fighting including good technical movements and

various fighting skills.

It will include a number of ways: light combat, intermediate combat and

full combat; to satisfy most tastes of sportsmen. For example, some of

them rather full combat; others rather intermediate combat while

others rather light combat. We have prepared a law for regulating the

championships and matches under this style (Throwing power), in

addition it bears semis various resemblances to other full contact

systems, in terms of protecting players against any potential injuries

during matches and noble competitions in various sport championships.

Moreover, this law was laid for non friendly matches, and there is no

doubt that the essence of its success is the abiding of sportsmen by such

laws and having sport spirit and good ethics done

His royal excellence prince Sultan bin Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud with

Dr.Waleed Kassas


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Style of special greeting in throwing power:

First, greeting style is a symbol of sport fighting arts symbols and it takes

on various forms according to the fighting way that belongs to it and

indicative of it rather than other ways The greeting for the

Japanese and the Chinese, for example, expresses their Buddhist

philosophies and beliefs, and they have special style of performing it

represented in the specific position the trainers and the players take on

the floor, then prostrating on it as a symbol of consecration of that place

where they receive their trainings (Dojo), then the players turn their

backs in the direction of their trainer to kneel down glorifying his status.

This greeting, either kneeling down or prostrating for a place or

someone is somewhat glorification and sanctification. And this humility

or submission, for sure, isn't permissible except for Allah. This matter

most of trainers aren't aware of and it is considered a mistake they –

trainers - shouldn't commit and pass down to their offspring and

students. Consequently, the followings were necessary for throwing

power: a special greeting in harmony with traditions and customs of the

Arab society, a good meaning, a reciprocal respect between trainer and

his players or amongst the contestants in sport matches in addition to

discipline and organization the fighting arts are characterized with.

After concerted efforts, we concluded that the appropriate greeting for

this way will be as following:

A) Greeting at the beginning of the class:

1- Trainer and players stand in ready position, where hands are up

adjacent to the two jaws, and the two legs are divergent at the level

of shoulder width.

2- Trainer say a greeting to his players, where he holds his right hand to

the left of his chest and says Salam then the right hand returns

and so does the right leg – ready position –. By the way, he should

regard non - bending the head down much when greeting.


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3- At the end of lesson, all stand in ready position illustrated in the

paragraph number 1, then the paragraph number 2.

B) Greeting amongst the players during the competitions

and sport combats:

Referee says to the players facing each other (ready) as illustrated in

paragraph (A), number (1), (2). Then, he follows that with the word

"Greeting", therefore the prayers do as illustrated in paragraph (A),

number (3).


Movement of hand holding to the chest illustrated in paragraph (A),

number (3), symbolizes and means a greeting from the heart with all

love, brotherhood and tolerance. "Salam" word refers to that we get

training and fight if needs be; for the sake of peace achievement with all

its lofty meanings.


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KOWAT ALRAMI founder: Master Dr. Walid AL-Kassas

Lastly, I'd like to say that KOWAT ALRAMI art and in its trainings, to the

best of my knowledge of this noble art, the students get trainings on

horse riding and arrow shooting along with training on fighting arts. By

the way on the ring, it seems to be different in comparison with the free

fighting. It is generally considered learning kickboxing tactics. And during

contact, the player has got six seconds to throw his opponent down

unless the referee stops them and make them start once again to throw

punches and kicks. And if they are in full contact, and one of them throw

the another down on the floor before six seconds, he will have another

six seconds to knock him down or twist his joints ( as in Brazilian Jujitsu)

without hand strikes on the floor as it is with the free fighting ( it may be

an insult to his opponent). If he doesn't finish the match for his sake

either by knocking down or submission, the referee stops them to start

over from the standing position. This modern way trains the fighter in

fighting in following positions: standing position, throwing on the floor


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position or wrestling and fixing on floor position; with the aim of

defeating the opponent as quickly as possible.


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In conclusion, and according to what I have read about KAWAT ALRAMI -

this noble way - in its training camps the students are training in horse

riding, arrow shooting and swimming along with training in fighting arts.

This is for sure an integral and complementary part of our way in the

academy, wherefrom we aim to reach an Islamic and Arab way of self-

defense. KAWAT ALRAMi depends on gathering many fighting arts,

majority of which can be attributed to Islamic and Arab heritage, not to

mention other fighting arts.

At the present, there are two classes a week in the legendary heroes'

academy for reciting and memorizing Quran. Moreover, memorizing

Quran is considered an item in the membership program of self-defense

and is considered a novel and unique initiative. Oftentimes, in such

episodes we deal with the most prominent Islamic characters, such as

Omar bin Al-Khatab- May Allah be pleased with him, Hamza bin

Abdulmatlib or characters that led the Islamic conquests like Khaled bin

Al-Walid, the drawn sword of Allah and Al-Kouka bin Amro Al-Tamimi,

the man who equals one thousand men. Then, we start the exercise.

We have seen that when the Buddhist gathered religion and self

defense, he extracted an art that is considered one of the most fabulous,

strongest and most beautiful art: Shaolin Kung Fu. So, What if we gather,

as Muslims, the right peaceful religion and such arts with the intention

of spreading peace and goodness on Earth?

Before fighting, we read Al-Fatihah, Al-Korsi, and three protectors suras

– AlIkhals, An -Nas and Al-Falaq. And we say In the name of Allah, the

most merciful, the most gracious before starting a Karate KATA for

example. This way proved its success in extending the hand of help to

promote the players' ethics and strengthen his self-confidence. We all

hope that this idea will be applied in all Martial Arts schools all over the

Arab and Islamic world and self-defense and its philosophy to be a

subject taught in schools since the childhood stage of students.


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I'd like to narrate a story of one of an Arab Muslim Kung Fu champion as

following: when he went to China, there was a Chinese master who had

the ability to see the halo or power around the body (when you look at

the car from the side towards the front of the car while it is hot, you see

something like fog or steam, and this is called halo), the Chinese master

ordered all to pray according their beliefs. Then all prayed their Buddhist

and Christian prayers, while this Muslim prayed his Islamic prayer. After

finishing prayers, the Chinese master came asking the Muslim"what is

your religion?" The Muslim answered him immediately" Islam". Then the

Chinese master told him that “I haven't ever seen a halo greater that this

halo I saw around you while praying".

Regarding pagan religions, we should give a hint to that there were good

men in the past, for example “Wed, Yaghouth, Yaouk, Nisra or even

Buda”. After their deaths, Satan tempted the people to make icons of

those good people. He didn't ask them to worship those icons directly,

but with the passage of time and after those who were in this

generation passed away, he came and tempted the next generation to

worship pagans. For sure, nothing is loveable to Satan more than that

human prostrates to a pagan.

It is obvious that Satan for long decades has exerted much effort to

separate religion from sports and Muslim religous men and Martial Arts

as much as possible; with the malicious intention of weakening our

nation. So we should remember Hadith of our prophet Mohammed –

peace be upon him – that is “The strongest believer is better and closer

to Allah than the weak believer”

It is incumbent upon us to work from that dogmatic logic. Furthermore,

we should remember that most prophets have strove, fought and been

of the strongest and the most intelligent inventing scientists. Their

thinking haven't been confined to just worshipping and calling for

worshipping one god who is the only god, but they reformed and built

the earth, spread the Islam message and fought the corruption and the

corruptors. Majority of companions and religious men in the past were

amongst the strongest and the wrestlers who were good at shooting,


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fighting with the sword, horse riding and general Martial Arts. These are

the Islamic and Arab traditions and customs that should be abided by

and strictly adhered to. So, where are we today from all this? Today, our

children see the sword as a masterpiece hanged at home or for


I wish we could make purposive movies and T.V shows that focus on

Martial Arts, Arab championships and separating battles where the

nation triumphed over invaders and occupiers with the passage of

history. Finally, I'd like to remind you of what Salah Alddin Al Aioubi used

to do and his view point too for the relation between religion and

Martial Arts. During the war, while his passage on tents, if he found

soldiers worshipping and praying, he immediately said “this would be

the reason of victory". But if he found them sleeping or playing, he

always said “this would be the reason of defeat". I hope that I could live

till the day I see Martial Arts taught in all schools and take its full right as

soccer ball, for example. When this happens we will witness

unprecedented Islamic, Arab, scientific and cultural prosperity in history.

Here I move to the last thing I contemplated over and I am all hope that

the youth will take the turn to think and develop this idea as well as

creating ways matching in their excellence Kung Fu ways, for example. I

will broach two kinds of animals widespread in the Arabian peninsula,

from our study their fighting ways we can create our own kung fu to

learn and teach for our children.

1) Monitors: They were known from long ago. They were also called

terrestrial crocodiles. They were amongst the biggest reptiles and

lizards. Some of them climb the trees, while others have the ability to

swim. Their four extremities are of strong construct and can help them

run quickly, in addition to the fact that these extremities have five

fingers with strong claws. The teeth and claws are the best self defense

ways in addition to the fact they are used to catch the prey. Regarding

the length of their tails, they were double the length of their bodies.

They rise their tails when running in addition to being an effective

weapon and of an effective role in directing those reptiles while moving.


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Due to the strength of monitor's tail strikes, when the camel sees it in

the desert, it gets scared and excited. Its tail's strike can break the

camel's leg!!!! It is a very dangerous animal, especially when it feels

besieged and therefore it can attack enemies whose sizes are bigger

than its size. It can make their enemies fear, if it opens its mouth, swells

neck area and blow air through the air. Moreover, it widens its chest

bones as Cobra does and it rears up before fighting.

Desert Monitor killing a snake

It exists in some areas of the world and in Arab peninsula. Arab

peninsula monitors are two types:

- Desert Monitor: it spreads in most environments. Its color turns from

grey color into umber. Its length is sixty centimeter and so. Regarding its

tail, it is as long as its body. It has white spots forming wide lines, and on

two sides there are dark lines. Its tail has black circles and the female


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lays a number of eggs ranges from sixteen to twenty five eggs and

hatches after five months.

- Yemeni Monitor: it spreads in mountain areas and hills of the western

southern part of Arab peninsula of Marba valley north of Abha and

mountain environments valley till Taez, Marib and Zebid valley in

Yemen. Its color is thick brown and there are dark lines on the rear part

of body and tail. There is a yellowish line on the muzzle whose length is

115 centimeters. It eats bugs, snails and young rabbits. Legends have

been woven around the monitors to be scaring animals for the human

being generally; due to its big body, power and speed. The slit tongue is

the common point between the monitor and the snake. By the way

some of monitors are fierce and don't think twice before attacking


Yemeni Monitor

It has been thought that it is venomous and so do its eggs, despite the

fact that some African tribes eat its eggs. There is another belief that

such reptile is a boat for Genies; however it is always hunted to be

exploited in many sides: eating, getting its eggs in some areas of world in

addition to obtaining its oil, grease and skin. It is akin to Dhub – lizard

that is its arch enemy.


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Monitor Eating Dhab

It can be killed by one of the weakest animals that is the wild lark.

2) Wild lark or (Um Salim): it spreads in the desert environment. Color of

its feathers is white and black. It sings wonderful melodies in desert.

Wild lark can attack monitor and peck it on its head two pecks or so,

then come more than one lark and do the same till it dies!!! Glory be to


Um Salim


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I suggest studying fighting ways like those of peninsula animals

(regardless of their behaviors) in the near future and reaching various

and authentic Arab ways; not to depend totally on others in learning.

We our selves can create and develop in various sciences and fields as

we proved before through our glorious history


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Finally, I leave you with eleven pieces of advice for all Martial Artists by

founder of Kyokashin KARATE presented as following:

1- Fighting arts start with respect and end with respect, so always abide

by this principle.

2- Fighting arts are similar to the process of ascending the slope-

continuity of ascending the slope without taking rest and committing

yourself with confidence and firmness to the mission in question.

3- Fight and always take the initiative in every thing and protect yourself

all the time without selfishness and bad ideas.

4- The matter of money for the fighter could be crucial, but he shouldn't

deal with the money as an end.

5- Fighting arts focus on firmness in everything. Fight for keeping

yourself firm in all times.

6- Learning fighting arts starts with one thousand days and mastery will

be after ten thousand days of non-stop exercises.

7- In Martial Arts, deep thinking generates wisdom. Always think of

your work and regard that a chance made available in order that

thinking leads you towards the best and towards wisdom.

8- The aim from Martial Arts is universal, burn all your selfish desires in

the fire emitted from your harsh exercises.

9- Martial Arts start from some point and end in a circle (universe

circle). Straight lines ensue from this principle.

10-The real essence of Martial Arts is realized through experiment only.

So if you learn that, learn not to get scared of its requirements.

11-Always remember that in Martial Arts the rewards of the loyal and

grateful heart are very plentiful.


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In addition to my modest personal experience, I got helped by Allah then

by various references, most important ones are the following:

1) http://www.kingdomofkarate.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1044

2) http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86%D8%AC_%D9%81%D9%88

3) http://www.kingdomofkarate.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1044

4) http://www.mwadah.com/t6660 /

5) http://tity.topgoo.net/t215-topic

6) http://forum.iraqacad.org/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=503

7) http://www.forum.eamaryu.com/showthread.php?t=424

8) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kickboxing

9) http://www.angelfire.com/rings/kickboxing/kbhis.html

10) http://www.al-batal.com/vb/showthread.php?t=482

11) http://www.alhsa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73108