july august newsletter unity 2016

Unity of Delray Beach Newsletter July & August 2016 Volume 29, Issues 7 & 8 Let There Be Light! By the Reverend Nancy Norman “And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light. (Gen. 1:3) What a powerful affirmation on which to base our lives. Light symbolically represents the creative energy of God. Light is not stagnant but radiant, flowing, and expanding. Light is the essence of all matter and is pure creativity. It is through light, the language of God, that we become totally aware of God as our source of all good. We become illumined and therefore open and receptive to divine guidance and inspiration. We develop an innate knowingness of something greater: we begin to feel secure, loved, filled with new life, new vitality and a closeness to God. “The glow of inspiration warms us; it is a holy rapture.” (Ovid). When we experience fear, uncertainty, doubt or confusion it is like being in a darkened room. We stumble, creep hesitantly, feeling our way not knowing what obstacles will block us and little by little we are overcome by a sense of discouragement. And thenwe find the light switch, or light one small candle, and in the blink of an eye all darkness disappears. We no longer have to hesitantly feel our way around the room, we move with confidence, ease and agility. “Let there be light” is our light switch, “Let there be light” is our small candle. In the face of fear, doubt and confusion, affirm “Let there be light”, knowing that God’s radiance is shining in and through us, healing, prospering, guiding, directing and protecting us. “I am the light of the world.” “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) “And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.” (Gen. 1:3) When we affirm light we are illumined, a sense of confidence washes over us, for we know that the Presence and Power of God is at work in our lives and our success, happiness, health and serenity are assured. Shine in and Through Me, Living Light of God, That I May Be a Light in My World From The Daily Word Shine in and through me, living light of God. Flood my being with pure light, radiant light, glowing light. Shine in and through me, living light of God. Dispel darkness, dispel doubt, dispel confusion. Illumine my thinking, bring into focus my perceptions, my insights. Shine in and through me, living light of God. Illumine me with pure wisdom. Shine in and through me, living light of God. Shine rays of light throughout my being. Quicken and transform me with healing light. Shine in and through me, living light of God. Shine in and through my heart as lovelove that brings peace and forgiveness; love that brings harmony and understanding. Fill me with divine love. Make me a blessing to others. Shine in and through me, light of God, that I may be a light in my world. “You are the light of the world.” (Matt. 5:14)

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Unity of Delray Beach Newsletter                      July & August 2016                                      Volume 29, Issues 7 & 8


Let There Be Light! By the Reverend Nancy Norman

“And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light. (Gen. 1:3) What a powerful affirmation on which to base

our lives. Light symbolically represents the creative energy of God. Light is not stagnant but radiant, flowing, and expanding. Light is the essence of all matter and is pure creativity. It is through light, the language of God, that we become totally aware of God as our source of all good. We

become illumined and therefore open and receptive

to divine guidance and inspiration. We develop an innate knowingness of something greater: we begin to feel secure, loved, filled with new life, new vitality and a closeness to God. “The glow of inspiration warms us; it

is a holy rapture.” (Ovid). When we experience fear, uncertainty, doubt or confusion it is like being in a darkened room. We stumble, creep hesitantly, feeling our way not knowing what obstacles will block us and little by little we are overcome by a sense of discouragement. And then―we find the light switch, or light one small candle, and in the blink of an eye all darkness disappears. We no longer have to hesitantly feel our way around the room, we move with confidence, ease and agility. “Let there be light” is our light switch, “Let there be light” is our small candle. In the face of fear, doubt and confusion, affirm “Let there be light”, knowing that God’s radiance is shining in and through us, healing, prospering, guiding, directing and protecting us. “I am the light of the world.” “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) “And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.” (Gen. 1:3) When we affirm light we are illumined, a sense of confidence washes over us, for we know that the Presence and Power of God is at work in our lives and our success, happiness, health and serenity are assured.

 Shine in and Through Me, Living Light of God, That I May Be a Light in My World                                                                           ─From The Daily Word

Shine in and through me, living light of God. Flood my being with pure light, radiant light, glowing light. Shine in and through me, living light of God. Dispel darkness, dispel doubt, dispel confusion. Illumine my thinking, bring into focus my perceptions, my insights. Shine in and through me, living light of God. Illumine me with pure wisdom. Shine in and through me, living light of God.

Shine rays of light throughout my being. Quicken and transform me with healing light. Shine in and through me, living light of God. Shine in and through my heart as love―love that brings peace and forgiveness; love that brings harmony and understanding. Fill me with divine love. Make me a blessing to others. Shine in and through me, light of God, that I may be a light in my world.

“You are the light of the world.” (Matt. 5:14)

         UNITY OF DELRAY BEACH BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nancy Norman, Minister and CEO

Harvey L. Brown, Jr., President Charlene Wilkinson, Vice President

Joy Prouty, Secretary David Rogers, Treasurer

Don Horine, Director Anthony H. Holliday, Jr., Director 


Nancy Norman

Associate Minister, Youth Education  Laurie Durgan

Head of Unity School Louis St-Laurent

Assistant Head of Unity School Laurie Houghton

Chief Financial Officer Phil Seaman

Assistant Controller Paul Meadows

Staff Minister, Logistics  Hallie Hopper

Staff Minister/Prayer  Linda Hurley

Director of Protocol Gayl Brown

Lessons in Living Amy Wiseman

Music Director D. Shawn Berry

Soloist Daniel Cochran

Bookstore Manager Jill Reid

Licensed Unity Teachers Lynn VanDyke-Lee, Madaline Lawrence

Fellowship Greeters and Prayer Chaplains Madaline Lawrence

Public Relations, Newsletter Editor                                                Brenda Robinson

Administrative Assistant Kathleen Cronin

Church Office Assistants Herlinda Vera, Dymin Dyer

Maintenance Andre Spedaliere

Youth of Unity Sponsor Lynn VanDyke-Lee

Family Ministry & Uniteen Consultant, UWWM, S.E. Region; Youth Education Assistant, Unity of Delray Beach  

Ytonna Finnegan Uniteen Co‐sponsors D.J. Lee, Ytonna Finnegan 

Nursery Lynn Leath

Head Ushers, 9:25 a.m. LeaAnne DeRigne, Dymin Dyer Head Ushers, 11 a.m. Joey Romero, Liz Shaw


Sound Technician Frank Hawkins


We are collecting backpacks andschool supplies for local children in need. Please bring i t e m s in on Sundays now through August 14 and place them in the baskets in the Narthex inside the south entrance to the church. Or, come to the church office during business hours, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, except12 noon to 2 p.m. when the office is closed. Some very grateful families in our community will now have students begin the school year happily equipped with your wonderful donations!

Kleenex Pencils Ruler Post-it notes 3-ring binders Spiral notebooks Composition notebooks

Pens blue, black, red

Colored pencils Glue Sticks Pink Erasers Washable Felt Markers

Pencil Case Lined Paper Plain Paper Crayons 




Thank you for your loving kindness!



                JULY CLASS THOUGHTS

Power: Understanding Color: Gold

Disciple: Thomas Body Location: Front Brain/Forehead

Idea: Within each of us is the spiritual light to Understand―

Understanding gives us a clear insight into everything. When we are truly seeing clearly,

we are beholding the Christ in ALL things.


God is the sustaining loving force behind all things and God wants only good for me.

The mind that knows ‘where’ is leading me there.


I am shown exactly what to do under all circumstances in all places.

The mind that knows ‘how’ is showing me now.


The light of understanding enables me to see clearly and to take right action.

The mind that knows ‘when’ will tell me then.


Power: Will Color: Silver-Gray Disciple: Matthew

Body Location: Front Brain

Idea: WILL, linked with understanding, completes the connection

between the invisible world of thought and the visible world of the outer.

What we WILL, or decree, comes to pass in our experience.  


I relax and release people and events to the perfect will of God. What God wills, He also fulfills.

I let go and let God.


I am the creation of the Master Designer. I am healed because I am whole. I do all

things with order and harmony. I let go and let God.


I am willing to do the good will of God, which is the open door to fulfillment of all my dreams.

I let go and let God.



There is nothing to fear. Divine love prevails in all weather conditions. The earth is blessed, and harmony, order and protection are assured.

~ Daily Word

******************** “Fill us now with richness of spirit and purpose …

God bless this church with substance so that success and prosperity are the order of every day.”

–Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity


                                Selections from the Bookstore  By Jill Reid  Memories of Heaven Children's Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth

By Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dianna (Dee) Hicks-Garnes Readers familiar with Dr. Wayne Dyer know he is laughing joyously from Heaven as his final book is

released in the world: this book about Heaven. He loved hearing stories from children especially when they were spiritually motivated. This book is no different. His good friend and assistant Dee told him about a moment

with her son regarding his memory of God and what came before he was born. That singular moment led to this compilation of stories of children from all over the world as their parents/grandparents recall similar moments of child-inspired insight. This book is a joyous celebration of the innocence and mystery of life. If you as a reader are looking for documented, factually tested scientific proof of an existence beyond this life, you will have to look elsewhere. If you already believe that there is existence prior and after this life, this book is a wonderful collection from people all over the world sharing their experiences.

The stories are arranged in chapters such as Memories of Heaven, Memories of Choosing Parents, Memories of Family Reincarnations and Role Reversals, Memories of Spiritual Connections to Our Source, Mystical and Precognitive Wisdom, Invisible Friends and Spiritual Visitations, and Angel Stories. At the beginning of each chapter Wayne writes an introduction and anecdote that relates to that chapter. To read of the sincerity of these children is a precious gift for those needing to hear these heartfelt stories. It is a way to lighten the hearts of adults and give them that pause to feel the love and light from a child’s heart. Wayne urges all adults to look at children as “spiritual beings,” not merely inexperienced humans. No one can claim to have more wisdom simply because of a chronological age and “wizened” adults can learn much from the innocence of unfiltered youth. If everyone were to reclaim their non-judgmental innocence that we had as children and return to the loving light that is childhood, this world would be better for us all. Sometimes the immaturity of youth teaches so much more than the hardness of age.


Incredible You! By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has taken the 10 concepts from his book for adults

10 Secrets for Success & Inner Peace and interpreted them for children. He believed that it's never too early for children to know that they're unique and powerful beings, and they have everything they need within themselves to create happy, successful lives.


NO Excuses! By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer focuses on the topic of excuses and how they can do more harm than we realize. The book demonstrates how excuses go far beyond “my dog ate my homework,” and can actually become words that prevent your child from reaching his or her potential. The book follows a boy with a seemingly impossible dream who almost lets excuses (“I’m not smart enough” . . . “It’s too hard,” and so on) get in his way. He discovers that by following a few simple ideas and eliminating excuses . . . anything is possible!

Always Remember Who You Are! By the Reverend Laurie Durgan

When someone asks you who you are…you answer by telling them your name. Your name is what you are

called, but who you are is a beautiful CHILD OF

GOD. Do you know what it means to be a CHILD OF GOD? It means that everything you know God to be you are too, and that everything you need is right inside of you. Being a CHILD OF

GOD means that you are honored and loved by God. It means that God ALWAYS loves you—no matter what! Nothing you could ever do can stop God from loving you. You are like a treasure to God, sparkling and beautiful. God is with you and for you all the time; God is your best

friend in the whole world. Being a CHILD OF GOD means everything is possible for you! God created you to be you…unique and special…there is no one like you! Within you is great power to be a great you! You are creative, kind, gentle, loving, wise, powerful and peaceful. When you remember who you are, you remember how much God loves you. When you remember how much God loves you, you remember that you can do anything and that God is always with you! So as you begin a whole new school year, try new things, meet new people, go new places, remember who you are. In a second, you will feel courageous, calm and confident. When you remember who you are and say either out loud or silently, “I am a CHILD OF GOD,” you are praying. When you remember that you are a CHILD OF GOD it helps you to see and feel that everyone else is a CHILD OF GOD…we are one family. Don’t forget to tell your pet that he or she is a CHILD OF GOD too! So…beautiful CHILD OF GO…I love you and bless you! You are my treasure too!

Ask a parent to laminate this prayer. Carry it with you on your first day of school! 

I’ll be praying for you! 

I am a CHILD OF GOD. I open my eyes. It’s a new day. Today what I think is important. All that I do is important.

All that I say is important. I am important to my school. I am important to my family. I am important to the Universe.

I expect good today. Thank you God. I am happy to be me!       


Entered at Printer’s 




the Reverend Hallie Hopper  

                                         Prayer Shawls and More 

Along with the shawls, fleece or yarn, we can work on caps for premature babies. Prayer Pal dolls also. For the shawls you do not need to be able to knit or crochet; we also work with fleece. For those who want to color, supplies will be available.

Thursdays, July 7 and August 4   Mary Kupferle Hall, 7 to 9 p.m. 




Painting Glasses                                                                              We are going to be painting on glassware, cups, glasses, even wine glasses. I will have some options for the glassware in the bookstore from which to choose.

$5 for the first piece; $2 for additional ones.

Thursday, July 21 

                                                    Mary Kupferle Hall, 7 to 9 p.m. 


                                                               Crafting for Christmas We can make angels and ornaments. Keep an eye out for examples in the Narthex. Here are examples of what we created last year. Cost: $5

Thursday, August 18, Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall, 7 to 9 p.m.

                         You Are Here to Let God Express Through You  By the Reverend Linda Hurley

Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, says, “Prayer concentrates our attention upon the Truth of God, and the truth of our own being―God wants all of us to manifest His life, His radiant glowing health, His joy. You are here to let God express through you His own perfect plan of life. To work is to render living service following the law of giving and receiving. Divine Order will be expressed in your work when you have faith in God. You are where you are because there is a need to be supplied. The power that created you is always at work to restore you and to maintain you in wholeness. There really is no limit to spiritual unfoldment! Here, in the silence, we shall know the Presence of God, and see clearly just how we are to go about living the life that He is giving us.” Please join us in the Prayer Room at 10:00 a.m. Tuesdays for our weekly prayer time together.

Ideas from Teach Us to Pray, By Charles Fillmore, co‐founder of Unity: 

“But now that not only psychology but medical therapy is giving attention to the effect of the emotions on the health, the systematic cultivation of joy is looked upon favorably as a healing agent.

‘A glad heart maketh a cheerful countenance; But by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.’

In our modern practice of spiritual healing we find sadness and sorrow to be the cause of many physical

ills. We also find that happiness is natural to man and that he can release it from his inner life through an understanding of Truth. The study of the spiritual side of life awakens in mind, and even in body, emotions that convince one of the reality and eternal continuity of life, regardless of the changes that take place in outer manifestation.”

[Editor’s note: Teach Us to Pray, written 75 years ago by Charles and Cora Fillmore, fits perfectly with today’s thinking.]


Linda Hurley

The Lessons in Living Program Nurtures Love, Peace, and Greatness in Unity School Families 

Unity School has devoted an entire department, called Lessons in Living, to educate, nurture and embrace our students, staff, and families in the vision of love, wisdom and DIVINE GREATNESS that lies deep within each person. This philosophy is based on peace, acceptance, tolerance, compassion, non-violence and reverence for ourselves, the human family and all life on this planet. Children are inspired to believe they have their own unique contribution to give and they can be a powerful influence for bringing forth great and needed change in our society and our world. As a non-denominational school, we encourage an appreciation for religious and cultural diversity. Starting as young as Toddlers and through 8th Grade, students are taught a formal 45-minute lesson once a week. Self-awareness of body, mind, emotions and spirit (love) are taught with the understanding of the function of each aspect, and when they are working together, they can bring balance and harmony to ourselves and others. Emotional Intelligence tools are taught and practiced with the students to assist them in making good decisions, and handling stress in their lives. Students are instructed on the connection between the brain and the “heart.” When our heart and our brain are in coherence, stress is relieved in our lives and we are able to make better choices. Weekly lessons impart universal principles, virtues, which enhance moral reasoning development, as well as conflict resolution skills. Earth Stewardship, nurturing a deep love and respect for our world, is another very important part of our curriculum for all grades. Children are taught that we are all responsible for the quality of life on this planet. This is reflected in the on-campus recycling program (uniform recycling for our families, recycled cell phones and ink cartridges), many butterfly gardens, vegetable gardens, as well as rain barrels to water the gardens. Our students are also involved in causes that address the rain forest, oceans, and endangered animals, to name a few. Lessons in Living is a multi-faceted department. Our primary function is to provide students, staff & families with education and support. The department staff serve

mentors to the teachers and provide them with curriculum, reference materials, and workshops. Classroom teachers present a weekly Peace Education lesson and endeavor to integrate the lesson objectives throughout all subject areas. The teachers are required to adhere to set criteria and are formally evaluated once a year as Peace Ambassador Teachers. All students are given the opportunity to be contributing citizens within their community on a regular basis. Middle School students volunteer monthly at a local child development center or visit with the elderly at a local assisted-living facility. Many Middle School students go above and beyond the required service hours and several are honored each year for earning over 100 hours. Their hours are earned each year in a variety of ways, such as preparing and serving lunch at the local Caring Kitchen, Forgotten Soldier Collection, Special Olympics, Race for the Cure, etc. All students are offered many opportunities to serve and help both locally and globally with food collections each week, Trick or Treat for UNICEF, clothing collections, humanitarian aid to Ghana, Solar Ovens for Haiti, hurricane relief, Heifer Project, “Clean Your Desk Campaign” to aid less fortunate students, and Habitat for Humanity, to name a few. The school experience embraces the whole person and the entire family. Our families overwhelmingly meet our school’s expectation of parent involvement. Almost without exception, our parents regularly volunteer at our school. The largest volunteer committee is our Lessons in Living committee, which plans and organizes “Peace on Earth Day”, the Angel Tree, (which provides gifts at the holidays for over 250 people), food drives, outreach programs, and assistance in making curriculum materials that enhance the program and bring application of these lessons into the home. In addition, we have a team of over twenty-five parent volunteers who serve on our Care and Support Team. Our goal is to raise global citizens who live in harmony with themselves, others and their world, and who value the importance of serving humanity.

Care & Support                                                           Care and Support is a unique program that sets Unity School apart from other schools. The Care and Support Team was established in 1996 as an extension of Lessons in Living. It is the sincere hope of Unity School that each family be given support when needed in order to promote the concept of unconditional love, acceptance and

support as practiced at Unity School. Our Care and Support Team consists of one or two parent volunteers from each classroom. These volunteers work closely with and under the direction of Lessons in Living and the U.S.S.O. Care and Support Coordinator. Care and Support is offered in a number of different

ways. For example, meals may be provided for individuals that have physical limitations or that are experiencing a prolonged illness. Assistance with carpooling or grocery shopping may be offered to those who are unable to drive due to injury or illness. Care and support cards are sent when there is a death in the family, for healing thoughts and prayers when there is an illness, and even for joyous occasions such as the birth of a child. Last year alone, over 100 Care and Support cards were sent to Unity families and Unity alumni. We also have a Care and Support lending library with books and resources that are available on loan, at any time. There are many articles and handouts regarding children and grief/loss, as well as books on parenting, peace, Earth keeping, emotions, conflict resolution, and self-help.                                                                         

                                                                       Special Events   The Lessons in Living Department, with assistance from the Lessons in Living Committee, sponsors several special events each year. In the fall, all students participate in our Peace on Earth Day celebration. Each year a new theme is chosen. The children participate through special songs, skits, and creative projects. Families are encouraged to get involved in the celebration as well. Our other annual events focus on serving our local and global community. These events include Angel Tree, Community Food Drive, UNICEF, and an Earth conservation project.

                                                                    Community Service All Unity Middle School Leadership Students are required to perform community service. Ten hours are required for 6th Grade, fifteen hours for 7th Grade, and twenty hours for 8th Grade, with at least half of the required hours earned off campus.                                                           A Daily Call to Focus on Peace  Unity students begin each day ringing the Unity School Peace Bell. Each time the bell rings, they are invited to “think peace in their minds” and “feel peace in their hearts.” Following the bell, they affirm their greatness within, as they recite the Unity School Peace Prayer.

                            Student Comments 

In Lessons in Living I learned… 

The importance of a Heart Lock-in to calm myself or to visualize success.

How to get along with people who are different from me.

I can make a difference in the world. How to be a better friend. It is my responsibility to protect the environment. Ways to create Peace. I can handle any situation if I stop and take the time

to take some deep breaths, and then think it through before I react.

It is OK to be myself. I can do anything I put my mind to. I can be a good role model for others. The importance of love and respect. To love the land and the oceans and respect all life. To use my assertive voice to solve

problems or conflicts peacefully. I have the gift of imagination and creativity.

Web article reprinted with permission from the Unity of Delray Beach School. http://www.unityschool.com/

Unity School Peace Prayer

Dear God of my heart,

I intend to radiate peace from the greatness within me.

As I… listen with the ears of understanding,

Speak with the voice of kindness, and Feel with the heart of compassion.

And when I greet another

I behold the truth…

I see only love.

Written by Judith Carter and Terri Stec

Ongoing Services and Activities


Meetings & Classes  Family Worship Service 9:25 a.m. Sanctuary  Worship Service 11 a.m. Sanctuary  Sunday School Uniteens/Unitots 9:25 a.m. Various classrooms  Infant Care 9:25 & 11 a.m. Prayer Room  Youth of Unity 11 a.m. N. of church office  Fellowship Following the 11 a.m. service Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall

SUNDAY continued  CODA (Codependents Anonymous) 6 p.m. Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall  TUESDAYS 10 a.m., Prayer Service Prayer Room With Rev. Linda Hurley   WEDNESDAYS AA 5:30 p.m. Big Book Study Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall  Meditation Service 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary Mid-week Guided Meditation with Rev. Laurie Durgan

THURSDAYS Prosperity Coffee 7 to 8 a.m. in Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall. Lessons in well-being and prosperity. Goodies, coffee, and tea. With Rev. Nancy Norman  Prosperity Lunch 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. in Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall. Bring your own lunch; tea, coffee, and desserts are provided. With Rev. Nancy Norman  SATURDAYS CA (Cocaine Anonymous) 6 to 7 p.m. Big Book Study and Open Discussion Meeting Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall Members of any 12-Step Fellowship are welcome.



Share Your Answered Prayers Will you share with us some of the answered prayers that have meant a lot to you? We would love to consider them for our Answered Prayers newsletter feature. Please write down and send us your big and small major experiences that answered your prayers. True stories of the everyday miracles that happen to you and to me. How do you submit your story? Include your name and phone number. The submission should be approximately 300 words, clearly typed or handwritten, double-or single-spaced, in a Microsoft Word or .pdf format. Please email the stories to: [email protected] Put in the subject line: STORIES Newsletter. Attach one or two .jpg photos, if you wish, and your phone number. What if you don’t use a computer? Handwrite or print your submission, and send it along with your phone number to the church office to the attention of Brenda Robinson. Thank you.


Shelter Animals Helped via New Book by Church Member Julia P. Hart 


Julia P. Hart, a long time active member of the congregation, has become an author since retiring from Palm Beach County School System administrative roles. Julia and her dog Georgia, a shelter rescue and the book’s namesake, also serve as a philanthropic team! Together they help other shelter dogs… one book at a time!

Julia’s book, Through The Eyes of Georgia ‐ A Rescue Dog, follows Georgia's real-life journey and how she finds her "forever home". The book shines a light on what a shelter dog like Georgia might go through as life takes its unpredictable twists and turns. It’s for both kids and grownups.

Julia grew up on a farm in North Carolina, and dogs have always been a part of her life. She has rescued many from our local shelters. She knew that creating and making this book available to the public would be a unique way to help both adults and children learn how a rescue pet must feel. The book is a special way to convey this story. Proceeds from the book give back to several animal organizations that protect and find homes for dogs and cats alike.

 Georgia  The local shelters that the book is


helping are Amber's Animal Outreach, Animal Aid, Inc., Big & Little Dog Ranch Rescue, Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League, Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue, and Tri-County Animal Rescue.

Since the book was released, Julia P. Hart and Georgia have toured


 Julia Hart and Georgia 



Reading to the children in the Spady Elementary School Library 

schools reading to students, been guests at Pet Supermarket functions, supported the rescue shelters at various events, and appeared in TV news segments. The students of Spady Elementary now have her book in their school library.

Julia and Georgia want to play a part in helping shelter animals as much as they can. If you have a thought or idea on where they can spread the word, call or write. If you

are in need of an auction item for an event, please ask. You can learn more about Georgia and the book on the website at


Author Julia can be reached at 561-271-4697 or by email at [email protected]  

Information in this article courtesy of Dana Lee Csutoros and Julia P. Hart

In the midst of a record 23rd year, this group that meets Thursday mornings from 7 to 8 in Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall grew from a solid 15-18 attendees to thecurrent 65-80 who gather each week. The theme is the same as in the beginning days − Rev. Nancy Norman presents a lesson using a solid, inspiring book related to prosperity in all phases of our lives. Those present have achance to talk as well. Coffee, tea, and goodies are served. And for the past few years, a Prosperity Lunch has been added at 12:15 and that’s equally popular. Many now good friends have met for the

first time at one of these two gatherings. The book iscovered a chapter at a time, extending sometimes for several months. Many have said this hour sets the tone for their coming week; most people try to avoid missing Prosperity. It’s that special! On these two pages, group members have expressed a lot of feelings about our weekly Thursday morning visits. Please join us soon, and see what we mean. And feel free to bring interested friends and neighbors. You don’t have to attend our church to go to Prosperity. Our current book is a new edition of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.

 “Fellowship with beautiful, like-minded and like-hearted people. Prosperity Coffee is a time of renewal, love and fun.” ─N.K.

“For me, Prosperity Coffee has become a fountain which I return to, to be refreshed.” ─Dan Carballeira

“Prosperity Coffee is a dynamic opportunity towards wholeness.” −Bob McCann

“Prosperity Coffee means laughter, guidance, wisdom, and caring people.” ─P.N.

“I’ve been attending meetings and “groups” for more than 60 years. This is the best group and helps me more than any I’ve ever attended!” –John R. Spannuth

"Friendship; being with like-minded people." ─BobHausbach  

"Prosperity Coffee means the world to me. Nancy and everyone is so supportive of each other's dreams. I feel blessed to be a part of such a powerful empowering group of people. Knowing we are all connected is really felt in this group. Holding the vision for others is such a gift for me. Love and Blessings." ─Herlinda Vera


The Prosperity Coffee is Prosperous Itself! 22‐Year Tradition Moves Forward Stronger Than Ever 

By Brenda Robinson


"Prosperity is the high point of the week. Observing people enveloped with the love and faith of Christ is so rewarding. Love the people of Prosperity with all my heart." ─Mike Murray

"It's a collective consciousness of abundance. It keeps me focused on the good. It is an Rx for good." ─Carol Purdy

"Like a popular commercial says, 'Once you go, you get it...' But beyond that, once you go, you can't not go, it's that good. And you never know the extent of the good you will get." ─Maggie Stewart

“It inspires my spirit weekly. It's an upliftment coffee klatch of like- minded people!” ─Janet Falbo

"I come to prosperity for positive energy, fabulous people, peace and happiness, and prosperity consciousness! —E.L.

"Prosperity Coffee is my favorite part of the week. Each week I am enlightened and my spirit is lifted. Prosperity Coffee has changed my life by giving me tools to make it through all my life experiences. ─Doreen Zic-Hock

"Prosperity Coffee is my spiritual refueling during the week. Keeps me nourished and

healthy." ─I.A.  

"Prosperity Coffee is a high point of my week. I learned that prosperity is our good manifesting in every area of our lives." —Christine Nagy

"Prosperity Coffee is my motivation for the week for positive living." —S.H.

"The energy, love, and total acceptance of the group is of primary importance to my life. Most of my friends are now drawn from the group at Prosperity Coffee. It has become a very necessary part of my week that always sustains me throughout the week."

"I was brought up as a Methodist. In 2001, was invited to Unity of Delray Beach. I became very interested in the Unity Principles and eventually started to attend the Thursday morning gathering. I am convinced that without those principles and the support of this special group, I would not be prepared to meet those challenges that we are now faced with." —Enez Powell

"This church has helped me believe in God at a much deeper level."—J.S.

"Prosperity Coffee is an inspiring and uplifting experience that I can'tget by just reading a book on my own. C.U. 

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And read and hear the Weekly Wisdom at www.nancynorman.net



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