hazeldean times issue 19

[email protected] Sept/Oct 2015 Issue 18 As part of the Curro Hazeldean Primary School’s (CHPS) vision to continuously improve the scope and coverage of its curriculum, CHPS has partnered with C&M Consulting Engineers (PTY) Ltd in the establishment of an ambient air quality monitoring station on the CHPS grounds in Hazeldean, Pretoria. C&M Consulting Engineers, along with Mr. Håkan Tornevik of Opsis AB in Sweden, donated an ambient air quality monitoring station along with its accompanying data management systems to the school in order to increase environmental awareness among the learners. The monitoring station and the data generated by it will further add to and enrich the existing curriculum on offer at the CHPS. What is being measured? The monitoring station measures a combination of ambient pollutants as well as meteorological parameters. The parameters measured are: Wind speed & direction; Ambient temperature; Relative humidity; Rainfall; SO2 (Sulphur dioxide) – formed when fuel containing sulphur, such as coal is burned; NOx (Nitrogen oxides) – primary sources include motor vehicle emissions, electrical utilities and other industrial, commercial and residential sources that burns fuel; CO (Carbon monoxide) – formed by several combustion sources such as motor vehicles, industrial processes, residential wood burning, wood stoves, gas stoves and natural sources such as forest/veld fires; Curro Hazeldean Primary School establishes an ambient air quality monitoring station Populêre oggendmark keer binnekort terug na Die Retreat aftree-landgoed Top left and right: Curro learners standing at the impressive monitoring station; The entrance to Curro Hazeldean Primary School. PM10 (Particulate matter less than 10 micron) – a mixture of solid particles found in the air which is generally emitted from sources such as vehicles travelling on unpaved roads, wind-blown dust and forest/veld fires. Why are they monitoring? The measurement of the above parameters will serve to inform the school, learners, their parents and the immediate residents in the area on: Current levels of air pollution; Exposure to these pollutants; Track air quality trends; Assist the school in planning extramural activities by monitoring the heat index, to name but a few benefits. In addition to the above benefits, the school will have the ability to enrich its current curriculum in the areas of: Natural sciences – by creating an awareness of the environment around us in real-time; Numeracy – learners will be able to work with real- time, real-world datasets; Literacy – learners will be able to present their data monthly in the school’s newsletter. The school’s eco council will present their data monthly during school assemblies thereby also increasing their exposure to public speaking. Op Saterdag, 21 November keer Die Retreat se jaarlikse oggendmark terug na Hazeldean. Die mark vind hierdie jaar later plaas as vorige jare om in te skakel by die publiek se kersinkopies. Daar sal ‘n wye verskeidenheid stalletjies wees, met heerlike tuisgemaakte snuisterye, modes en juweliersware, ‘n reisagent en die ewig-populêre Wit Olifant Tafel. Die mark begin om nege uur die oggend en vind plaas by Die Retreat Klubhuis in Top Flight Laan, Hazeldean. Uitstallers wat graag wil kom uitstal by die mark is welkom om ‘n epos te stuur aan Sue Schipholt by [email protected] of Mariana van der Merwe by [email protected]

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Hazeldean Times Issue 19


Page 1: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

[email protected] Sept/Oct 2015 Issue 18

As part of the Curro Hazeldean Primary School’s (CHPS) vision to continuously improve the scope and coverage of its curriculum, CHPS has partnered with C&M Consulting Engineers (PTY) Ltd in the establishment of an ambient air quality monitoring station on the CHPS grounds in Hazeldean, Pretoria.

C&M Consulting Engineers, along with Mr. Håkan Tornevik of Opsis AB in Sweden, donated an ambient air quality monitoring station along with its accompanying data management systems to the school in order to increase environmental awareness among the learners. The monitoring station and the data generated by it will further add to and enrich the existing curriculum on offer at the CHPS.

What is being measured?• The monitoring station measures a combination

of ambient pollutants as well as meteorological parameters. The parameters measured are:

• Wind speed & direction;• Ambient temperature;• Relative humidity;• Rainfall;• SO2 (Sulphur dioxide) – formed when fuel

containing sulphur, such as coal is burned;• NOx (Nitrogen oxides) – primary sources

include motor vehicle emissions, electrical utilities and other industrial, commercial and residential sources that burns fuel;

• CO (Carbon monoxide) – formed by several combustion sources such as motor vehicles, industrial processes, residential wood burning, wood stoves, gas stoves and natural sources such as forest/veld fires;

Curro Hazeldean Primary School establishes an ambient air quality monitoring station

Populêre oggendmark keer binnekortterug na Die Retreat aftree-landgoed

Top left and right: Curro learners standing at the impressive monitoring station; The entrance to Curro Hazeldean Primary School.

• PM10 (Particulate matter less than 10 micron) – a mixture of solid particles found in the air which is generally emitted from sources such as vehicles travelling on unpaved roads, wind-blown dust and forest/veld fires.

Why are they monitoring?The measurement of the above parameters will serve to inform the school, learners, their parents and the immediate residents in the area on:

• Current levels of air pollution;• Exposure to these pollutants;• Track air quality trends;• Assist the school in planning extramural activities

by monitoring the heat index, to name but a few benefits.

In addition to the above benefits, the school will have the ability to enrich its current curriculum in the areas of:

• Natural sciences – by creating an awareness of the environment around us in real-time;

• Numeracy – learners will be able to work with real-time, real-world datasets;

• Literacy – learners will be able to present their data monthly in the school’s newsletter. The school’s eco council will present their data monthly during school assemblies thereby also increasing their exposure to public speaking.

Op Saterdag, 21 November keer Die Retreat se jaarlikse oggendmark terug na Hazeldean. Die mark vind hierdie jaar later plaas as vorige jare om in te skakel by die publiek se kersinkopies.

Daar sal ‘n wye verskeidenheid stalletjies wees, met heerlike tuisgemaakte snuisterye, modes en juweliersware, ‘n reisagent en die ewig-populêre Wit Olifant Tafel.

Die mark begin om nege uur die oggend en vind plaas by Die Retreat Klubhuis in Top Flight Laan, Hazeldean.

Uitstallers wat graag wil kom uitstal by die mark is welkom om ‘n epos te stuur aan Sue Schipholt by [email protected] of Mariana van der Merwe by [email protected]

Page 2: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 2

Nodal Maintenance Team is cleaning up in Hazeldean The Abreal maintenance team, under guidance of Marianne Botes, have been extremely busy during the past few weeks with various initiatives to clean up the node, and get all the gardens ready for summer.

The team, in conjunction with residents at The Retreat, recently did a massive clean-up of the beautiful Greenbelt in the estate. A big thank you to all of those involved.

The team is available to do landscaping for anyone who is interested in the area.

For more information contact Marianne Botes or Remona van Seventer on 012 809 5702 or send an email to [email protected]

Die span by Sable Homes is hard aan die werk aan ‘n verskeidenheid nuwe produkte in Hazeldean. Die konstruksie van sestien nuwe woonstelle in Die Retreat sal vroeg in 2016 begin, tesame met die installering van dienste by die volgende fase, Fase 7, van Die Retreat Huise.

Pebble Lane, ‘n splinternuwe produk, sal ook vroeg in 2016 bekendgestel word aan die publiek. Hou hierdie spasie dop vir meer inligting.

Konstruksie en verkoopsterugvoering teen druktyd is as volg:

Daar is slegs 18 erwe steeds beskikbaar in die eksklusiewe Ridge landgoed. Konstruksie in hierdie landgoed vind tans teen ‘n snelle pas plaas, met 22 huise reeds voltooi, 23 huise tans onder konstruksie.

Konstruksie en verkoops-terugvoering in Hazeldean

Erwe in Die Meadows is ‘n geruime tyd reeds uitverkoop, met 176 huise reeds voltooi, 33 huise tans onder konstruksie.

Fase 4 van Die Oukraal Huise, ‘n innoverende produk waar kopers kan kies uit ‘n verskeidenheid ekstras om hul huis aan te pas by hul unieke behoeftes verkoop tans.In Fase 3 is daar ses huise reeds voltooi, met ‘n verdere agt huise onder konstruksie en agt huise wat nog gebou moet word.

Die bekroonde Retreat aftree-landgoed is steeds ‘n baie populêre keuse vir afgetredenes wat wil afskaal in terme van spasie maar nie gerief nie. Fase 6 verkoop tans vlot, met agt eenhede reeds onder konstruksie.


Left top and bottom: The nodal maintenance team joining forces with Retreat residents to clean the greenbelt area at The Retreat.Top: A local, enjoying the tranquility of the greenbelt; A lot of hard work has gone into preparing gardens in the node for Spring and Summer.

Bo: Andre Schwartz het onlangs die inwoners van die Retreat bekoor met sy lieflike sangstem. ‘n Wye verskeidenheid van sosiale aktiwiteite word op ‘n gereelde basis by Die Retreat aangebied. Baie dankie aan Sabreal wat die vertoning moontlik gemaak het.

Onder links en regs: Konstruksie is onderweg in Fase 3 van die Oukraal Huise; Fase 6 van Die Retreat huise is tans onder konstruksie.

Page 3: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 3

Hazel’s Nature Nook“Good governance is all about preparation for when you’re hit by the unexpected. It’s about planning for the future, doing the boring stuff when you can, so that as challenges emerge – as they always do – you can ride the turbulence. Like we say in the Scouts: “Be prepared”.

South Africa is getting quite a lesson in this reality. After four hours of loadshedding in our suburb last night, we are now having to contemplate water shortages.

This in the city that markets itself as the commercial centre of the continent that’s home to a billion souls. “Those who fail to plan really do plan to fail.” - Alec Hogg

It’s funny how quickly we take utilities like electricity and water supply for granted. Loadshedding has surely opened our eyes to the fact that we need to use these resources sparingly. With El Nino being measured at its highest level over the Pacific Ocean, droughts and water restrictions become a distinct possibility.

Hazeldean has been hit with pressure, or water-supply problems in the recent years and we quickly realized that we need to value this precious resource and manage how and when we use it. We have to learn how we can help save this resource. If every home makes a little saving, imagine the vast amount of water we can conserve.

Here’s some useful water-saving tips from our sustainability partners at the World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa (WWF-SA):

By Jean Jonker

Developed by:

Managed by:Lee-Anne Talbot Liza Kruger Hazeldean Sales Office

082 448 8219 084 548 2830 012 809 5700

We would like to inform you, that Sable Homes as the developers of Hazeldean, has a dedicated sales team that can assist you with the resale of your stand, home or apartment. Our sales office will gladly share their years of experience with you in finding the right buyer at a competitive price to offer you complete peace of mind. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your resales needs, or visit us at the sales office next to The Retreat.

Dedicated sales team On site and easy to contact

Friendly and informed

22 Years of experience

Comprehensive database of buyers

Specialists in the area

Dear Hazeldean resident,

Dedicated sales team on your doorstep

Why use an agent when you have us?

1. Be aware of your direct water footprint. Conduct a water audit at home, determine your monthly water use from your municipal bill and set goals to become more water efficient. Monitor your use and keep track of your progress.2. Fix leaks at home and report public water leaks to your local municipality. An estimated 37% of water is lost from leaks in urban supply systems, and last year, water leaks costs South Africa about R7.2 billion.3. Make your garden water-wise by planting indigenous drought-resistant plants which require minimal watering. Additionally, only water your garden very early in the morning or after sunset to reduce unnecessary evaporation.4. Capture rain water from gutters to use in your garden and invest in a rain water tank. Using rain water minimizes the losses from piped systems and this is untreated, so has a lower carbon-footprint. 5. Install a grey-water system and recycle water at home. Generally, 40-60% of household water is used for non-essential purposes, such as watering gardens and filling swimming pools.6. Do not pour toxic paint, solvents, chemicals, poisons or pesticides into storm-water, sewer drains or normal rubbish. Find out where your nearest hazardous waste site is and dispose of polluting substances responsibly.7. Identify and remove invasive alien vegetation from your garden and local wetland. Protect and keep your local freshwater ecosystems pollution-free. If you see someone polluting water call the Blue Scorpions on 0800 200 200.8. Be water wise and purchase water-efficient devices and water-saving appliances. Use the economy cycle on your dishwasher and washing machine to save water and energy.

Basic tips in plant selection from Water-Wise:

1. Careful consideration must be given to the species (type), size and condition of the plant, before selecting it.2. Indigenous plants are most suited to our dry conditions in South Africa and should therefore cope better during periods of prolonged drought. Some indigenous plants originate from areas that receive a very high rainfall and should therefore only be utilized in or around a water feature or in the high water use zone. 3. Plants must be selected to serve specific functions. 4. Grow plants that are adaptable to the site rather than watering more to make up for the stressed condition the plant is experiencing due to this incompatibility. 5. Use indigenous plants (local to your area) as they are normally most suitable to cope when conditions are dry. 6. Exotic plants can also be successfully used in each water zone in the garden, but care must be taken to match the water requirements of each plant in a zone. 7. Group plants to create dormant areas for example: deciduous trees with highveld bulbs which could be covered by attractive mulch during the dry winter season/period. All highveld plants particularly bulbs tolerate similar water regimes. 8. In the hot dry areas, mostly drought resistant plants are required. Select those which tend to be succulent, have thick waxy cuticles or grey foliage, or are covered in fine hairs, to achieve the best results. An example being Lavendula spica.

Let us all make a difference and help to stop our taps from running dry this summer.

Page 4: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 4

Retirement Estate - Houses available from R 1 845 000beautifully situated within a country estate in Pretoria East

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Page 5: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 5

Die beste tuiskoms - The Ridge gaan oor individualiteit, en die boukundige riglyne bied jou genoegsame vryheid om jou droomhuis te ontwerp.Die beste wat die lewe kan bied - The Ridge het ‘n grensmuur met elektriese heinings, sy eie waghuis en 24-uur-beheerde toegangskontrole.Om aan te sluit by jou leefstyl word daar ook beplan om tennisbane, ’n swembad en ‘n gimnasium te bou in toekomstige fases. Oor Hazeldean - The Ridge is sentraal geleë in Hazeldean, die nuwe 900 hektaar-gemeenskapsontwikkeling in Pretoria-Oos. Hazeldean bestaanuit skole, parke, ’n kliniek, winkelsentrums en kantore, ideaal geleë in ‘n eko-vriendelike parkagtige omgewing.



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Making sense of Environmental Compliance

Environment Services

Environmental Advisory Services

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Basic Assessment Applications

Water Use License Applications

Environmental Management

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Page 6: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 6

Cnr Silver Lakes &Lynnwood Road, Hazeldean

25°40’49"S | 28°14’53"E

Tel 012 809 3122



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Fish & Chips Pizza PerfectBurger Perfect

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Page 7: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 7

Virgin Active’s mission is to ‘get South Africans active and healthy’ and since 2007 they have been doing that at the Hazeldean Health Club. This 3,600m² Club, built on two levels, has been helping members on their path to health and wellness through a combination of fun, interactive exercise solutions.

One of the latest exercise programmes - exclusive to Virgin Active - and proving to be an ‘energy centre’ of the club (you can burn up to 500 calories in half an hour here!) is ‘The Grid’ . It is all about going back to basics but in a whole new way. Through simple, stimulating group classes you learn to get fit and move better through six basic movements we use every day: push, pull, squat, bend, twist and lunge. It is suitable for everyone no matter what your fitness level.

Apart from The Grid, the Hazeldean Club packs a substantial punch in other areas of fitness and lifestyle offerings:• There is indoor cycling in the V-cycle studio where you can feel the burn without taking to the roads and also prepare for the 94.7 through simulated classes.• If you’re mad about an all over body workout then functional training is probably your choice – here you can use kettlebells, ViPR, Kinesis and a bunch of other equipment to work out at your own pace.• If you want to ‘mix it up’, the heated 25m2 pool is perfect for laps and a low impact cardio workout or try taking a Splash class.• Studio 1 is the location for group exercise with classes ranging from Kick and Shape to Step, TwentyFour and Zumba.• If you prefer something gentler there’s a mind body studio – a private space where you can stretch, strengthen and chill out with yoga, pilates, Kineses and Nova.• The modern Technogym equipment includes powerplates and a pure strength circuit and the club is in the process of upgrading its cardio machines.• To freshen up after a workout there are modern, clean

Getting active in Hazeldean

change rooms and showers with hairdryers as well as steam and sauna facilities. • The poolside Kauai café, with free wi-fi and internet stations, is a relaxing space to enjoy a smoothie, surf the web or watch some television.

Not forgetting the kidsIf your life is busy and time for exercise is tight but you have your child’s wellbeing at heart then don’t forget Club-V which is a fabulous, fun, fitness space for junior members. They are kept active and busy while you train or take some timeout.

Our Active Play programme teaches them to run, throw, play, catch and have a huge amount of fun at the same time. Plus we offer structured ‘Kaos’ classes. Club-V is like an ‘exercise guardian’ to ensure your kids get moving and active – to stay healthy and happy.

Virgin Active Hazeldean welcomes everyone - young, old, fit and unfit - the enthusiastic, well trained staff, which includes ten personal trainers, will help you on your wellness path and ensure each workout is memorable.

Virgin Active Hazeldean is situated at the corner of Silverlakes and Lynnwood Rds, Tijgervallei Extension 16, Hazeldean.

Opening times: Monday to Thursday: 5am to 9:30pm, Friday: 5am to 8pm, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays 6am to 7pm.

For more information go to: http://www.virginactive.co.za/clubs/hazeldean

Did you know?

When you receive a major electric shock, it is not the electricity that throws you across the room it is the force of your muscles contracting. Basically, you are strong enough to instantly throw yourself across the room.

Page 8: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 8

New medical suites opening in October15 October sees the opening of a brand new development from Abland in the Hazeldean Office Park. Specifically designed for medical professionals, the consulting rooms feature lift facilities and a paraplegic ramp, all less than 100 meters from the Intercare Day Hospital and Step Down Unit.

There is a growing need for medical consultation suites, particularly in the East, and the proposed 8 consulting rooms, pathology lab and a specialist sessions’ room will definitely fill this gap.

Furthermore, the new infrastructure in the area, including the projected residential development, shopping centre and lots more, makes this a prime facility for any medical professional looking for new consulting rooms.

It is in a safe, secure office park with ample parking for both patients and staff. Do not miss this opportunity to get a foot in the door of this well designed medical facility!

For any information, please do not hesitate to contact the directors of Hazeldean Medical Pty (Ltd).

For more information send an email to Dr Philda de Jager at [email protected], or Thys Fourie at [email protected].

Did you know?October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The incidence of breast cancer among South African women is increasing and it is one of the most common cancers among women in South Africa. It is the most prevalent cancer amongst White and Asian women and the second most common cancer among Black and Coloured women.

Page 9: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 9

Nissan Trailseeker Series continues to boost mountain biking growth

The immensely popular Gauteng Nissan TrailSeeker Series sold out yet another event this past weekend with 3200 mountain bikers taking to the trails at Round 3 at Hazeldean, east of Pretoria. Incredibly, one in six riders that took part were doing their first mountain bike race. This statistic was revealed by SASeeding, a national mountain bike race seeding and ranking system that tracks virtually every mountain bike race on the calendar and records the details of every rider that enters and finishes those events. According to Fritz Pienaar from Advendurance, organisers of the Nissan TrailSeeker Series, it’s confirmation that the Series is achieving its goal.

“We designed the Nissan TrailSeeker Series as an introduction to mountain biking to help grow the base of the sport without having to travel outside Gauteng. We set out to find – or help create – incredible trails right on our doorstep and find the balance between enjoyable routes that suit beginners and trails that still challenge experienced mountain bikers,” said Pienaar.

Now in its seventh year, the Nissan TrailSeeker Series in Gauteng sees entry sell-outs well in advance of each race, with riders drawn to the high quality organisation, family-focussed environment and various event distances to suit riders of all fitness levels and all ages. Advendurance is one of the leading mountain bike event organising companies in South Africa, placing a great deal of focus on ensuring safety and high enjoyment factors are our priorities. One of the recent additions they have made to the Nissan TrailSeeker Series is the use of dust retardants at and around the race start/finish venues to ensure a more pleasant experience for supporters and spectators.

Gauteng’s winters are incredibly dry and spraying the dirt and gravel roads around each venue, as well as certain

and are close to home to sharpen up for the second half of the season,” said De Groot.“If we look at the times from last year the route was a bit tougher this year, but with all that winding, flowing singletrack it was such an enjoyable day out,” remarked runner-up Ralph.

With two events left in the series, the final standings are still very much undecided. Bell and De Groot have two wins each but are both lying second in total accumulated series points to Combrinck (men) and Adrienne Moolman (women). Round 4 of the Nissan TrailSeeker Gauteng Series takes place on 3 October 2015 at Hakahana, Pretoria West. To enter, or for more information, visit www.trailseekerseries.co.za

2015 Nissan TrailSeeker Series, GautengRound 3, Hazeldean, Pretoria, 29 August 2015Leading results Overall men – 70km marathon:1 Nico Bell (RECM) 2:43:282 Gawie Combrinck (EAI Cycling) 2:46:593 Arno du Toit (SCOTT LCB) 2:50:364 Thinus Redlinghuys 2:50:395 Josef Bester 2:53:546 Andrew McLean (CycleLab) 2:53:597 Fanie Venter 2:54:008 Pierre Smith 2:55:169 Kai Pritzen 2:58:0110 Hennie Kriek 2:58:06 Overall women – 70km marathon:1 Robyn de Groot (Ascendis Health) 3:04:082 Theresa Ralph (RBS) 3:10:543 Vanessa Bell 3:15:244 Adrienne Moolman 3:21:215 Michelle Benson 3:24:276 Mariette Hattingh 3:25:117 Marisa van der Linde 3:25:288 Janine Rawlinson 3:25:559 Rozalia Kubyana 3:31:0810 Janice Venter 3:32:17 Overall male – 40km half-marathon:1 Martien Venter 1:20:582 Henry Liebenberg 1:20:593 Wessel Botha 1:21:00 Overall female – 40km half-marathon:1 Rimari Sutton 1:39:462 Christina du Toit 1:40:513 Tanielle Mandy 1:41:50 For full results and Nissan TrailSeeker Series standings, visit www.saseeding.co.za

parts of the race routes, helps ensure less discomfort for supporters and higher visibility levels which assist in rider safety.

“You have to experience the volume of dust generated by over 3000 mountain bikers to understand why we’ve partnered with Dust-a-Side to make the race village experience as comfortable as possible,” said Pienaar. “While the riders are expecting the dust, the spectators and supporters waiting at the finish area shouldn’t have to deal with it too. We have a reputation for catering as well for the supporters as we do the riders and this is just another way that Advendurance, in conjunction with Nissan, are improving the mountain biking experience,” added Pienaar.

The marathon event at the weekend was won by Nico Bell (RECM) followed home by reigning South African marathon champion, Gawie Combrinck (EAI Cycling). Arno du Toit (SCOTT LCB) rounded out the men’s podium places.

“The Dunlop hotspot early in the race really got the race off to a fast first 10 kilometres. Gawie managed to split the group in the singletrack and I managed to get clear on the rocky climb and keep the gap to the finish,” recalled Bell. “It was a really enjoyable course with lots of singletrack. It was dusty and fast but it is a great time of the year to race against all the youngsters,” commented Combrinck afterwards.

In the women’s race, national marathon champion Robyn de Groot (Ascendis Health) showed her class by galloping home in just over 3 hours, well clear of runner-up Theresa Ralph (RBS), with Vanessa Bell in third.

“Hats off to the organisers who logistically managed to avoid any congestion on the route. It is really great to be able to compete at these races that don’t last too long

Top: Reigning South African marathon champion, Gawie Combrinck in action. Photo credit: www.zooncronje.com

Bottom right: TrailSeeker Hazeldean Ladies winner Robyn de Groot. Photo credit: www.zooncronje.com

Page 10: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 10


Cnr Silver Lakes &Lynnwood Road, Hazeldean

25°40'49"S | 28°14'53"ETel 012 809 3122



Burger Perfect

Doppio Zero

Fish & Chips Co.

Isabella’sCake & Food


Pizza Perfect

TrannaIndian Restaurant

Page 11: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 11

Hazeldean Office Park construction update

Top: An aerial photograph of the Hazeldean Office Park.Below and inset: The layout of the park; some completed buildings in Hazeldean Office Park.

Abland is glad to report that construction of the Hazeldean Office Park continues and is well under way with two more buildings. The A-grade office space which is both modern and spaciously designed will be sold on a sectional title basis with prices starting at R15,500/m². The first 3 buildings are fully let and the only space available to purchase is in the new phase which will be ready for occupation in December 2015. Office suites are available from 250m² to 4500m². Landscaping within the office park has been well thought through to accommodate the birdlife in the area, this includes the wetland which adds a unique feature to the park.

Contact Monique Williams on 072 662 5661 for more information or send an email to [email protected]

Page 12: Hazeldean Times Issue 19

Sep/Oct 2015 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 12

Willows Office Park offering great value

Top: An artist’s impression of the office park.

Right: The office park is ideally located opposite The Grove Shopping Centre in Pretoria East.

Invest in your own office today! Forty two sectional title offices of 100m² each are available for sale, or they can be combined to increase office space.

The Willows Office Park is strategically located in the east of Pretoria on the corner of Lynnwood and Simon Vermooten Roads and is in close proximity to the N4 highway. The park is also within walking distance to Life Wilgers Hospital and The Grove Shopping Centre which comprises of 30,000m² of retail space.

Purchase Option:The Developers will sell individual 100m² sectional title offices which can be combined.

The purchase price of the Ground and First Floor offices are R16, 500.00 per m² excluding VAT.

This price also includes semi-basement parking bays, open parking bays and a back-up Generator.

Additional Parking may be purchased at R30, 000.00 per bay.

The above rates are based on:Block A – October 2015 occupationBlock B – November 2015 occupationBlock C – February 2016 occupation

Contact Monique Williams on 072 662 5661 for more information or send an email to [email protected]

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Did you know?The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October every year as World Habitat Day.

The idea is to reflect on the state of our towns and cities and the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of our cities and towns.

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and thought-provoking. Today Gerart paints full time for various major galleries in the heart of the art capital of South Africa. His inspiration comes from the human body, which as he states” Is the Epitome of Creation”.

He brings canvas, acrylic paint and the human body into aesthetic union.

In short, Gerart’s signature style and masterful execution, is rapidly making him a rising star in the world of art and expressionism.

Vibrant, colourful, bold and exciting! These are a few of the words that spring to mind when considering the paintings of Gerart.

This hugely talented young artist from Pretoria has a knack for combining excellent drawing with a confident and expressive style of painting that is his own. Gerart’s paintings hang in private and corporate collections throughout South Africa and he is well represented in many top art galleries. It is truly difficult to walk past a painting by this artist without turning one’s head!

-In the words of his artist friend, the late Robert Badenhorst:

“Every colour carries an emotion, the flow of vibration is a creative expression that reflects being and brings forth the truth of who you really are!”“Some of my best work was created by using my worst brush! “

Gerart is a true South-African artist, with a very unique universal appeal.

One of four siblings, he attended a boarding school when an Art and History teacher there recognized his talent and bought him his first pastel set and drawing book. Gerart started drawing more and copying art from real life, magazines and his own imagination.

Gerart - Expressionist at heart

At age 16, his father enrolled him in a well-renowned Art school, but he found it difficult to adapt as there were no sports which he loved. This prompted him to go back to his small town boarding school where he spent the rest of his education in an academic high school which did not have art in its curriculum. This however did not stop him from utilizing every opportunity to put pencil to paper, spending many hours developing his drawing skill. After serving in National Service he started working on his talent, honing his skills on cartoons for newspapers. He then worked as a clerk in the government in order to save towards acquiring an Art Diploma. The requirements were to have three pieces of art. Out of more than 400 submissions he was successful in his application.

He proceeded through the basic first year and won himself a scholarship for his second and third year. The second year brought him to a crossroad and he had to choose between a career in the fine arts or the safer option of graphic design. He chose the latter.

He became a graphic designer and started his own business. Word of mouth helped Gerart establish himself as a chameleon in the art and business world. From doing wall murals and classic Franciscan nude collections,

he made a name for himself in the business community in Pretoria. His talent is apparent in everything he has touched around him. He designed and built his own house, where he lives and breathes his talent.

Whilst enjoying the success he was having in illustrating children’s educational literature for one of the major publishers in South Africa, he still longed to paint.

In January 2002 Gerart visited his younger brother in Vancouver, Canada. There he became hugely inspired by the work of the Canadian artist Joanne Corno.

After returning Gerart got married to Yolandi. She inspired Gerart to focus on the one thing he really loved, painting! In 2004 she bought a few canvasses, paints and brushes and he started flexing his right brain. Soon after, she took the first few pieces to Hartbeespoort (a renowned art community) in the North West province where his first paintings were sold.

Gerart gave up graphic design and illustrating in January 2006 after the birth of his daughter Amore.

“Some artist found peace in painting animals, some in landscapes, for me it’s the living mechanism of the human body that is my muse. The emotion that can be captivated within the language of the body is extraordinary. Men and women have for centuries become intoxicated by the awe of a healthy human figure. We have made idols of men and women alike. My communication is merely what I paint.” He is seen by several major artists in South Africa to be a great up and coming artist. His work is fascinating and vibrant and the life captured in his work is very interesting

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Regs: Vlnr, Rohan Breytenbach (Hoofseun) Bianca Holtzhausen (onderhoof meisie), Itumeleng Chiloane (Hoofmeisie) en Meyer Botha (onderhoof seun)

Curro Kollege Hazeldean groei!Curro Kollege Hazeldean is besig om uit sy nate te bars en ons bou dus nou twaalf nuwe klaskamers aan, insluitend ‘n groot IT laboratorium en ‘n moderne nuwe Wetenskap laboratorium. Die administratiewe blok word ook verdubbel.

Goeie vordering is ook reeds gemaak met die konstruksie van Curro Kollege se eie FINA standaard, binnenshuise, verhitte swembad, sowel as 30 nuwe kamers vir die koshuis.

By Louise Werner

Bo links na regs: Die nuwe admingebou; Die twaalf nuwe klasse wat aangebou word ; Die FINA Standaard swembad in wording.Onder links en regs: Curro Kollege het die Dans-, Instrumenteel en Vokaal afdelings gewen by die onlangse Curro Cuesta Eistedfodd en is eerste gerang onder die twaalf Curro skole wat deelgeneem het. Dit is aangebied by die Brooklyn Teater.Heel onder links na regs: Geluk aan die o/16 dogters hokkie span (links), sowel as die o/14 dogters hokkie span (regs) wat onlangs aangewys is as Noordvaal kampioene.

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A W O M A N , I S L I K E A G R E A T B O T T L E O F R E D W I N E - S H E J U S T K E E P S G E T T I N G B E T T E R W I T H A G E !

This counts for Isabella’s as well. Yes, we’ve had a lot of changes (that’s kind of how life works) but those changes and the challenges we have faced have made us smarter, more resilient and even more committed to creating the best brand in South Africa!

Our new look is about more than just fi nishes and material - it’s about being the best. Being on trend. Surprising our guests and showing South Africa that we are, the cool girls! And that is exactly, what we are going to do for the next few months at Isabella’s! Our fi rst “new look” store opened on the 1st of September in Waterkloof Corner - now also serving dinner! The “new look” ISABELLA’S HAZELDEAN SQUARE OPENS EARLY OCTOBER! We can’t wait to serve you!

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A wonderworld of Bohemian, trendy and colours awaits! In true Isabella’s Style...

Our fi rst “new look” store opened on 1 September! Waterkloof Corner - now serving dinner!

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Events calender23 – 25 September Klitsies in Lekkergoed land at the Atterbury Theatre25 September Diamonds Kings and Queens at the Centurion Theatre27 September Karlien van Jaarsveld en Musikante at the Atterbury Theatre28 – 30 September Sound of Music at the Atterbury Theatre30 September Andre Schwarz (aandete en vertoning) at Die Blou hond1 October Karlien van Jaarsveld (aandete & vertoning) at Die Blou Hond2 – 3 October The Prince of Egypt at the Atterbury Theatre4 October Klopjag Album 3, Tien Jaar at the Atterbury Theatre5 October Nataniel - Lentekombuis at the Atterbury Theatre6 – 7 October Goue Lokkies en die drie bere at the Atterbury Theatre9 October Rocco de Villiers – Beautiful Hymn at the Atterbury Theatre12 – 16 October Atterbury National Klavier kompetisie at the Atterbury Theatre13 October Singing Chef with Kevin Leo (dinner and show) at Die Blou Hond15 October Heuning (aandete en vertoning at Die Blou Hond17 October Mathys Roets en Anna Davel – In konsert at the Atterbury Theatre19 October Emo Adams (aandete en vertoning) at Die Blou Hond20 – 21 October Chris Cameleon en drie vriende at Die Blou Hond23 October Nataniel in Concert – Aula Theatre25 October Danie Niehaus - Parys in die somer at the Atterbury Theatre29 October Mathys Roets – Cohen & Koos du Plessis at Die Blou Hond

OPENING 10 OCTOBER 201510h00 to 16h00

*and every Saturday & Sunday thereafter

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Sudoku challenge4



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Did you knowThe moon is moving away at a tiny, although measurable distance from the earth every year. Do the math and you will clearly see that 85 million years ago it was orbiting the earth at a distance of about 35 feet from the earths surface. This would explain the death of the dinosours; the tallest ones, anyway.