
Giveology … A Gift Giving Survival Guide For the Budget-Conscious Consumer 2009-10 By Jennifer Melnick Carota, The Gift Therapist

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A gift giving survival guide for the budget conscious consumer. Learn how to spend less on gifts but give more! By Jennifer Melnick Carota, the Gift Therapist.


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Giveology …

A Gift Giving Survival Guide

For the Budget-Conscious Consumer


By Jennifer Melnick Carota, The Gift Therapist

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2 What is Giveology? | Giveology 2009-1


Giveology …

The process of spending less but giving more!

Thank you for downloading your copy of “Giveology: Giving the Best You Can with What You’ve Got!” I hope you find this information very helpful and I encourage you to share this with your friends, family, colleagues, social networking groups and anyone else in need of shopping advice. I am very proud of this publication and had a lot of fun piecing it together over the last few months. I would love to hear from you and please share your thoughts, advice, and bargain shopping strategies too! In case you are not familiar with the concepts of Giveology, here is a little primer from my first edition that was released last year…

How I Became an Expert Giveologist

I’ll never forget the day when I realized that I was onto something pretty big. I was preparing for our annual holiday gift swap at the office and I had to find a $20 gift for the gift exchange. I was pretty low on cash but couldn’t risk the embarrassment of giving an “el-cheapo” or uninspired gift. It just wasn’t my nature. The department stores were way out of my price range, so I figured I’d give the discount department stores a shot--And so the reluctant challenge began.

I proceeded to our local Big Lots store and did a bit of window shopping. Doing the math in my head, I realized that I could give a fabulous gift well under $20. I couldn’t believe it…I was saved!

When the day of the party arrived, I must admit I was a bit nervous. We each took turns opening our gifts one at a time… My gift was coming up next. Fingers crossed and palms sweating, I was really hoping she would like it. I prayed that I didn’t look like a cheapskate!

Liking the gift was an understatement…she loved it!

The gift was a hit! As a matter of fact, she and the girls scolded me for spending too much money!!! Giveology was born!

Jennifer Melnick Carota

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3 What is Giveology? | Giveology 2009-1


What is Giveology? .................................................................................. 2

What the Experts Have to Say! .................................................................. 4

How to Give Great Gifts… in a Bad Economy ............................................. 5

Getting Started Without the Guilt ........................................................ 6

How to Give the Perfect Gift ................................................................. 7

Still Stumped? Try The social networking Strategy! .................................... 8

Super Secret Gift Giving Strategy: ............................................................. 9

The Gift of Three (3) ................................................................................. 9

Money Saving Strategy: Give in Groups! ................................................. 10

Black Friday Shopping Tips .................................................................. 11

Holiday Savings When You’re Short on Cash ........................................... 12

How to Jazz Up a Gift Card ..................................................................... 14

Gifts for mom From the Heart…Not the Wallet ................................. 15

The Gift of Food with a Twist ................................................................... 16

Super Simple Recipes That Make Great Gifts! .......................................... 16

Serve-ware Gift Ideas ............................................................................. 22

Fashion And Beauty Bargains Online! ...................................................... 25

Post Holiday Savings and Safety Tips ...................................................... 28

Regift, Reuse, Resell .............................................................................. 29

Cures for the Holiday Shopping Hangover .......................................... 31

About the Gift Therapist .......................................................................... 32

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4 What the Experts Have to Say! | Giveology 2009-1


I am honored to include articles and advice from some of the savviest bargain shoppers on the planet in this issue of Giveology! From New York to LA, these ladies have us covered! Only the best in the business will do for Giveology readers, so I encourage you to visit them online for even more bargain shopping tips. Without further adieu, meet the savvy shopping dream team!

Stevie Wilson Stevie Wilson pens the blog on Southern California lifestyle and trends and contributes to Her blog includes videos, podcasts and a sassy attitude featuring an eclectic mix of topics. While completing her master’s degree, Stevie began contributing to online beauty and fashion sites, eventually starting her own prestige online magazine, Privilege. She’s worked for a slew of publications from

contributing writer to senior editorial positions in both online and print magazines. Follow Stevie on twitter @LAStory.

Aly Walansky A real-life sexy single blonde in New York City, Aly has worked as a shopping expert for iVillage and a style and beauty writer for many markets, which have included and Her budget shopping advice has been sought by myriad web and print publications, and she currently contributes regularly to nine blogs and a long roster of magazines, including

ShopaholicsDaily, eBeautyDaily, and her own A Little Aly-Tude. Follow Aly on twitter @ alywalansky.

Kim Danger Kimberly Danger is author of the upcoming book Instant Bargains: 600+ Ways to Shrink Your Grocery Bills and Eat Well for Less and creator of Her savings tips can also be found on and Follow Kim on twitter @mommysavers.

Julia Scott helps readers save money on everyday expenses like groceries, household bills, meals out, travel, and more. After writing about saving money for almost two years, Julia has become a real cheapskate. She has been profiled by NBC, and written about in the Washington Post, Reader’s Digest and the LA Times. She lives in Los Angeles. In July, Julia launched a second site,, which uses Google maps to help Angelenos find and share local deals. Follow Julia on twitter @bargainbabe.

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5 How to Give Great Gifts… in a Bad Economy | Giveology 2009-1


The years of auto-pilot gift giving are now over. You know—the act of buying gifts and not really paying attention to the price tag or genuine interests of the gift recipient. You found a decent gift, put it on your credit card, and just kept on spending what you didn't have until your gift list was complete. I remember those days all too well. When the bills rolled in during the month of January, I wanted to run and hide. What was I thinking? Yep...been there, done that. Never again!

Many of us (not all!) have all been guilty of this practice at one time or another. I always admired folks who would pull out their wallets and pay in cash for things. Too bad I never felt that satisfaction until after I hit rock bottom and was forced to pay EVERYTHING with cash. It was tough, but I made it through--and learned a thing or two. For families who are facing this dilemma for the first time, I encourage you to see the gift in this valuable lesson. Accept the challenge to give more meaningful gifts (rather than expensive ones!) and watch the magic happen. It's a safe bet that not only will your gift giving skills improve, but your relationships with the giftee as well as your bank account will improve as well. You can't put a price tag on that!

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6 Getting Started Without the Guilt | Giveology 2009-1

GETTING STARTED WITHOUT THE GUILT If you find yourself in panic mode, don't fear! Before you run off to the mall, please consider the following gift giving truths:

*Gift giving is optional! When it becomes an obligation in your mind, it is no longer a gift. Think about it and re-visit your gift list. Are you giving gifts in order to avoid conflict, keep up with the Jones's, or keep the family peace? Never put the needs or expectations of others ahead of your own financial stability. There is no shame in speaking your truth and changing the rules this

year. Speak up now and make no apologies. For example..."Our family is not in the position to buy gifts for extended family this year, but would love to have you over for a pizza and movie night when it fits your schedule." See how easy that was?

*Not all gifts are created equal. Be aware of what types of gifts are the most meaningful to important people on your gift list. Would your best friend prefer a sterling silver bracelet or a laid-back lunch at your favorite local cafe? Does your Grandmother really need an expensive gift set from Macy's or would she prefer an afternoon spent scrapbooking with you? If you don't know, ASK! You just might create a new tradition in the process.

*Gift giving is about them, not you! How many times have you given a gift expecting rave reviews but in return you get a luke-warm response? Odds are pretty good that you have probably violated this rule. Just because you would love to receive cashmere sweater coat does not mean everyone else wants one too. Take the time to research and find out what really makes them smile and do your best to give a gift that reflects it. A $25 gift card to Macy's is a great gift if you know that your BFF is saving up for that "must have" leather jacket she's been talking about. Just jot a note in the card that will add meaning to giving the gift card--"You are going to look great in that new leather jacket...hope this helps you make that big purchase!"

*Great gifts come in many shapes, sizes, and price tags. But never forget that the very best gifts strengthen our personal connections with one another, never to weaken them. Buying an expensive gift that misses the mark can really do some damage and change the dynamic of your relationship if not careful. Just stop, think, plan, and do your best connect while minding your budget. I promise you, you'll never lose.

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7 How to Give the Perfect Gift | Giveology 2009-1


A good friend and colleague of mine recently introduced me to a wonderful and inspiring book that seeks to help couples enhance their relationships by examining the various "love languages" that people often use to express their love and gratitude for one another. After reading "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman, I had what Oprah would call an "Ah-ha" moment and quickly realized that these principles also apply to gift giving tangible gifts is identified as a love language in and of itself! What are the 5 languages and how do they apply? Let’s first look at the love languages. 1. Words of Affirmation- Desires to hear kind words and positive feedback. 2. Quality Time-Desires to spend quality time with people they love. 3. Receiving Gifts – Desires to receive tangible gifts or symbolic tokens. 4. Acts of Service- Desires to make a difference in the lives of others. 5. Physical Touch-Desires close physical and/or intimate contact.

What love language do you speak? How do you show appreciation to people around you? Because we as humans tend to project our needs and desires onto others, the way we choose to give (and what gifts we tend to give) are usually reflective of the needs or affirmations we seek for ourselves...What we tend to "give" is a clear indicator or what we "desire".

How does this relate to gift giving? It actually impacts successful gift giving in a major way. I believe it's safe to say that if you are reading this you are very interested in giving "the perfect gift" to someone you love, which requires creativity, inspiration, and often times a lot of thought.

By paying attention to the RECIPIENT’S love language, you can pretty much ensure that your gift will be wanted, appreciated and a success. Never assume that because you prefer to receive tangible gifts that the recipient does so as well...they may have a completely different love language! Can you see how this relates to couples but also relates to showing our love to the world around us? The moral of the story is that the gift giver be open, observant, and sensitive to other's needs around you. Please don't buy an extravagant gift for someone who would much prefer an experiential gift with you, or a well thought out note of appreciation. By finding out the love language of another, we can take gift giving to the next level...and hit a home run every time! Happy Giving!

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8 Still Stumped? Try The social networking Strategy! | Giveology 2009-1


Here's a little trick to consider if you have to purchase a gift for someone you may not know very well. This could include colleagues, distant relatives, or business contacts that you'd like to recognize with a meaningful gift.

With the majority of folks currently using social networking and community sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Myspace, getting to know their personal preferences is as easy as a few clicks of the mouse.

To get started, run a name or e-mail search on one or more of these sites and you’ll be amazed at the information that you can find. Often you can find basic information as well as their favorites in books, music, restaurants, movies and sports. Can't find a social networking profile? Try a Google search on their e-mail address. This will often times bring up online groups that the person actively participates’ve hit PAYDIRT! The goal is not to become a stalker! The goal is to give a gift with meaning using the information that is available to you ...doing your research will make your gift more memorable and much more appreciated!

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9 Super Secret Gift Giving Strategy: | Giveology 2009-1


Now that you’ve learned how to identify a fabulous gift for that special someone, it’s time to shop. I bet you’d like to make a splash on your next gift giving occasion but don’t want to spend a fortune? Try my super secret gift giving technique called “The Gift of Three” and make your gift giving experience more personal, affordable, and memorable. Better yet, the Gift of Three strategy is fun and easy…anyone on any budget can do it!

The Gift of Three (3)… 1. *Think of an experience that you would like to give rather than a specific gift. For example, if you would like to give the experience of relaxation to a special lady on your list, you can begin you build a theme around a home spa or pampering experience.

2. *Choose one central gift that will be the foundation or centerpiece of the gift experience. Remember, you are building a gift with three crucial components. This gift should be the main focus.

3. *Choose two smaller gifts that will tie the theme together. To save major moolah, consider making gift items by hand, baking gifts from your kitchen, or pull from your emergency gift stash. Re-gifting is OK, but make sure the item is in excellent condition or has a clear sentimental value. Just make sure they fit in with your theme, and you’ll be amazed at the results!

For Example: The Gift of Family Time Gift One: A family friendly DVD the entire family can watch together Gift Two: A board game or jigsaw puzzle the family can build together Gift Three: A disposable camera to take pictures throughout the evening and capture precious memories at the same time!

For more great gift ideas please visit my blog at for creative gifts and gift giving themes using “the Gift of Three (3)” technique.

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10 Money Saving Strategy: Give in Groups! | Giveology 2009-1


With budgets shrinking and families growing, gift giving for the holiday season can be quite the challenge. If you can no longer afford to buy an individual gift for everyone on your gift list this year, why not consider giving one large gift to the entire group? This strategy works extremely well for large families and workplace gift exchanges. For example, rather than buy each family member one small gift, why not put together a thoughtful gift basket filled with toys, games, or activities that the family can do together? For the office, why not suggest everyone pitch in small gifts for the “office survival basket”…have each person bring a practical gift that can be shared by everyone in the office! This can be lots of fun and extremely funny!

I recently found a new website that is perfect for collecting money for group gifts. The folks over

at have made collecting for a group gift a cinch! The next time you are put in charge of collecting money for a teacher, coach, or long-distance gift, head on over and get your collection started. Once everyone has contributed, you can even buy the gift right from their website, saving even more time, energy and stress. Gift Therapist approved!

Create Treasured Memories By Reading Together as a Family

Kathy Stupar 412-897-5838

[email protected]

One Gift Gives So Much To A Child! Education…Inspiration…Friendship…Legacy

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11 Black Friday Shopping Tips | Giveology 2009-1


1. Get organized! Clean out your wallet to include only the cash, credit cards and photo identification that you will need to make your purchases. Leave all unnecessary items at home to lighten your load, resist the urge to overspend, and protect against loss or identity theft. Creating a separate shopping wallet is a simple and effective way to keep your lists, cash, cards, and receipts organized throughout the holiday shopping season.

2. Play it safe! Keep a detailed list of the credit/debit cards that you keep in your shopping wallet in a safe place at your home. Be sure to include the card name, account number and customer service phone number. Should you lose your wallet or have it stolen, having quick access to this information will save you valuable time and stress should this unfortunate experience happen to you. 3. Pack a snack! The old rule "never go shopping hungry" still rings true, especially while holiday shopping. During a long day of shopping, keep your blood glucose balanced by nibbling on a granola snacks, protein bar, or homemade trail mix. These are healthy and filling treats that will boost your stamina, mood, and budget! 4. Dress for success! Minimize your morning primping and select your most comfortable clothes and sneakers to get the job done! Leave your bulky coat in the car and rely on a fleece pull-over or hoodie to shield you during your long walk to and from the parking lot. You can always tie your hoodie around your waist later and still have two hands to manage all of your shopping bags! 5. Prioritize your list and shop backwards! Buy the small gifts first and big gifts last. Find great bargains by taking 10 minutes to browse the clearance racks first. Challenge yourself to come in under budget. Applying your savings toward the bigger purchases on your list, next year's gift budget or your favorite charity!

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12 Holiday Savings When You’re Short on Cash | Giveology 2009-1


The holidays are quickly approaching, and many people out there are looking for creative ways to stretch their budgets on decor, gifts, and food. The good news is that saving money can be easy if you simply know where to look. Sometimes bargains can be found right in your own home!

Home-style Décor and Gift Ideas

There’s no need to go broke buying holiday décor. By simply looking around your home and using what you have, you’ll be able to create attractive displays for your home or for gift giving. Evergreen boughs, dogwood branches, and pine cones that you may have in your own backyard look great this time of year in just about any arrangement. An old-fashioned sled looks

great by your front door. Fluffy woolen mittens look great on tabletops or walls (a scarf can be used as a table runner). A hardcover holiday book – whether a children’s book or a cookbook -- looks great on side tables and coffee tables. Frame attractive holiday cards and use as wall decorations or on tabletops. Ornaments Making a homemade ornament for each of your children every year is a great tradition. As they get older, they can help you with the project and make ornaments to give cousins and friends. Here is a simple recipe for dough ornaments that costs just pennies: 2 cups flour 1 cup of salt 2 tablespoons of Vegetable oil 1/3 - 1 cup water

Mix flour and salt together. Add oil. Add water until flour becomes dough like. Roll out dough and use cookie cutters to cut the dough. Add metal ornament holders or puncture dough with ice pick so that a ribbon can be strung after baking. Put on cookie sheet and bake for about an hour at 250 degrees. Remove from oven and let cool. When cool, paint (make sure you use gloss craft paint, or metallic, they yield the best results). Adorn with google eyes, sequins, beads, or anything else in your craft stash. Don’t forget to write your child’s name and the year on the back.

Supermarket Promotions

This time of year, grocery stores compete for your business more than ever. Many offer turkey, roast or ham as loss leaders. Some even run promotions such as spend $50 get a free turkey. Be sure to take advantage of these deals to maximize savings. If you enjoy cooking, you can even take your supermarket savings one step further and give an elderly neighbor or relative a “Soup of the Month” or “Dessert of the Month” club. When you cook for your own family, make a double batch and bring the other to them. Wrap up a calendar (You can find them at any Dollar Store) and mark the dates of when you’ll bring over the goodies. Just be prepared to follow through!

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13 By Kimberly Danger | Giveology 2009-1

Cash In for Gifts

Most households have at least $50 in spare change just sitting around. If you’re having a hard time coming up with money for gifts this holiday season, now is a great time to cash in. Either take your loose change to the bank and get cash to use for presents, or take to a Coinstar kiosk and redeem for gift cards to give babysitters, teachers, or family members. Their service is free when you redeem your change for gift cards to, iTunes, JCPenney, Lowe's, and other participating retailers.

DIY Gift Wrap Gift wrap is an expense that most people don’t figure into their holiday budget. Instead of breaking the bank, consider using what you have available to you. Look for red, green or holiday fabric from the clearance section at your local fabric store. Tie with a spool of inexpensive ribbon. What’s great is that this can be used over and over again.

• The comics section from your Sunday paper • Use your child’s artwork to wrap smaller gifts • Use a craft scissors to cut designs from holiday cards to use as gift


* For unique gift wrapping ideas please visit for free tips and tricks to make gift wrapping easy, unique and affordable!

Redeem Rewards for Stocking Stuffers

Many stores offer rebate and rewards programs to keep members coming back. Members who have mastered the ins and outs of how these programs work can save loads of money – even get items for free! Be sure to shop stores like CVS and Walgreens for stocking stuffers and toiletries that can be used as stocking stuffers or part of a gift basket.

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14 /How to Jazz Up a Gift Card | Giveology 2009-1


Giving gift cards doesn’t have to be boring! Use them as a complement to a fun, creative and practical gift. Use them like a gift tag and tie them onto a plate of homemade cookies, cuddly stuffed animal, or new bestselling novel. For example, for the book lover, wrap up a book or CD and use the gift card as the gift tag. For the coffee lover, slip the gift card and a sample sized gourmet coffee into a holiday gift mug. Super easy, super thoughtful, indeed!

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15 Gifts for mom From the Heart…Not the Wallet | Giveology 2009-1


1) Breakfast in bed – doesn’t matter if this has been done a million times, it still pleases. 2) Make a video – ask each of her children what they love about her on DVD. 3) Frame a picture - choose a picture of you and her or better yet, of her grandchildren. 4) Memory jar – write a dozen of your favorite memories of your Mom on slips of paper. This works best if you can get siblings to contribute.

5) Help in the garden/around the house – do a few hours of work that she might not be able to do herself anymore, or just doesn’t want to do! 6) Make her dinner – have fun with it by creating a special menu and table setting. 7) Talent show – if you have a big family that lives nearby, enlist their help to perform short skits for your Mom. The skits don’t have to be about her or her life because the act of everyone working hard to entertain her will be a fabulous gift. 8) Personalized tote – purchase a blank tote and decorate it yourself (or have her grandchildren do the honors). Fill the tote with gifts. 9) A Small Indulgence – Erin at’s Frugal Living blog suggests finding “out what your Mom has been denying herself, and then buy it for her.” Perhaps it is a particular beauty product, type of chocolate or magazine. 10) Print coupons - go online and sift through recent newspapers for coupons you know your Mom uses. 11) Picnic lunch – pack a lunch and take her on a hike, to the beach, or to a park. 12) Write a letter - tell your mom what you appreciate about her. Bonus points for special stationary or a hand-decorated envelope.

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16 The Gift of Food with a Twist | Giveology 2009-1


Giving the gift of food does not have to be boring! To make gift giving tasty, we use the “Gift of 3” strategy:

• One food item

• One piece of serve-ware

• One small gift to tie the theme together.

It is a super simple formula and so much fun to put together. And as a bonus, you don’t have to worry about getting your favorite dish back! So dust off your recipe box and start pulling your favorite recipes! Can’t cook? That’s OK! Did you know that discount department stores like Lots, TJ Maxx and Marshalls carry a wide assortment of gourmet gifts at bargain basement prices? No-bake gift ideas include:

• Gourmet Dipping Oils

• International Coffee Beans

• Belgian Chocolates and Truffles

• Exotic Bread and Muffin Mixes

• Flavored Syrups for Desserts and Coffee

• Herbal Tea Assortments

• Pre-packaged Dry Soup and Chili Mixes

• Jarred Salsas, Tapenade’s, and Marinated Veggies

Don’t forget to check the kitchen clearance section for discounted serve-ware to give along with the food item you choose. To tie the theme together, look for a cookbook or unique serving utensil to add some extra pizzazz and thoughtfulness to your next gift of food! Check out for more fun, food and recipes!

SUPER SIMPLE RECIPES THAT MAKE GREAT GIFTS! The following recipes are just a few of my favorites that do double duty when using “the gift of three” strategy. Consider making and taking these crowd pleasing recipes to your next dinner party, family gathering or potluck get-together. Be sure to tell the hostess to “Just keep the dish!”

Disclosure: The following section contains affiliate links to my online Amazon store. Should you choose to purchase products through these links, a small commission would be paid to me by Amazon through our affiliate agreement at no additional cost to you. Prices and availability are subject to change. The following prices were accurate at the time of posting on November 1, 2009.

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17 Super Simple Recipes That Make Great Gifts! | Giveology 2009-1

Classic Beer Bread

After trying many different recipes, this recipe is by far the easiest and most versatile. Depending upon your taste, choose 12oz of a beer of your choice. Light beer will result in a lighter bread, whereas a dark beer or lager will result in a heavier, more dense bread. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a standard sized loaf pan with your favorite non-stick cooking spray or grease with butter (my favorite!)

In a large bowl, mix the following dry ingredients together with a wooden spoon:

* 3 cups of all-purpose or self-rising flour * 1 Tablespoon of baking powder * 1 Tablespoon of sugar * 1 Teaspoon of salt

Add 12oz (usually one bottle) of your favorite beer to the dry mix. Stir gently until dough forms into a ball. If dough is too stiff, add 1/4 water. Do not over-mix! Place into loaf pan.

Bake for 45-50 minutes at 375 or until toothpick pierced in the center comes out clean.

Cool on a wire rack for 15 minutes and remove from pan. Cool an additional 10 minutes.

Cut and serve with your favorite cheese spread, dip, or hearty soup. This bread also tastes wonderful toasted with cream cheese! Enjoy!

Make it a Gift: Find the perfect loaf pan at your favorite discount department store and make it part of the gift. Choose another small gift to compliment the recipe. For example, a cookbook, magazine, or Mason jar filled with the dry ingredients with a recipe card attached. For example:

The Beer Lover’s Cookbook


A Bread Basket Warming Set


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18 Super Simple Recipes That Make Great Gifts! | Giveology 2009-1

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Love chicken wings but hate the mess? Dip away into this luscious recipe that is a staple in our home and a crowd favorite all year long. The recipe is very easy, forgiving, and economical if you choose to use fresh chicken that you have on hand (or in the freezer) instead of the canned that can be expensive. I have also substituted with Ranch dressing and mozzarella cheese and it was fantastic as well! The recipe is as follows: Ingredients: *1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened *1/2 cup blue cheese salad dressing *1/2 cup Hot Pepper Sauce or Buffalo Wing Sauce *1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese or shredded mozzarella cheese *2 (9.75 ounce) cans of chunk chicken breast in water, drained *Assorted fresh vegetables or crackers


_ Heat the oven to 350 degrees _ Stir the cream cheese in a 9-inch deep dish pie plate or 8x8 baking pan until it's smooth. _ Stir in the dressing, pepper sauce and blue cheese. Stir in the chicken. _ Bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken mixture is hot and bubbly.

_ Stir before serving. Serve with the vegetables and crackers for dipping.

If taking this dish to a party, you may want to double the will be gone in no time! Enjoy and happy sharing!

Make it a Gift: Along with the dish, include an appetizer cookbook, six pack of beer, or bottles of gourmet hot sauce! For example:

Oster Platter with Warming Pot


Gourmet Hot Sauce


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19 Super Simple Recipes That Make Great Gifts! | Giveology 2009-1

Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball

This is one of my favorite and most popular dessert recipes to date! I can't tell you how many times I have given out this recipe after bringing it to a party or having a little on hand for guests at home. If you like chocolate chip cookie dough, you are going to love this! If you don't have the mini-chips, go ahead and use what you have. You can even use chopped Hershey bars if you like :) Let the drooling begin! Ingredients:

* 1 pkg. 8oz. cream cheese (for a healthier version you can use low-fat) * 1/2 cup butter * 1/4 tsp. vanilla * 2 Tbs. brown sugar * 3/4 cup confectioners’ sugar * 3/4 cup mini chocolate chips * 3/4 cup finely chopped pecans (optional...I usually leave them out)


Bring cream cheese to room temperature or microwave on 50% power for approximately one minute to soften. Beat cream cheese, butter and vanilla until creamy. Slowly add sugars until blended. Stir in chocolate chips. Spoon the batter into your favorite serving dish and sprinkle with pecans (if you are using them, if not, just sprinkle a few chips on top for a lovely presentation). You can also form into a ball by chilling the cheese ball for 15 minutes in the fridge before gently forming into a ball and rolling in pecans and/or chocolate chips.

Serve with assorted graham crackers (I vote for cinnamon), vanilla wafers, or strawberries!

Make it a Gift: Is the hostess a chocoholic? Along with the pretty serving dish, bring a bottle of Godiva chocolate liqueur or gourmet hot chocolate for the kiddos! For example:

Fiestaware Chip and Dip


Serendipity Gourmet Hot Chocolate


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20 Super Simple Recipes That Make Great Gifts! | Giveology 2009-1

Mojito Martini Recipe

If you can't be in the Caribbean, bring the Caribbean to you! This elegant recipe is super easy and will make quite an impression on your dinner guests this holiday weekend. Let the fun begin...


*3oz light rum

*A handful of fresh mint leaves

*2 oz of lime juice (fresh is best!)

*1 tablespoon of sugar


Wet the rim of a cocktail glass and press down in sugar to get it on the rim. Put mint leaves, remaining sugar, and lime juice in a cocktail shaker. Mash ("muddle") the mint with spoon. Add light rum and ice. Shake, strain, pour. If it's too tart, add more sugar to the shaker. This recipe makes 1 Mojito Martini (double, triple or quadruple as necessary!).

Make it a Gift: Bring a basket or large metal bucket filled with a bottle of light rum, bottle of lime juice, fresh mint leaves and decorative sugars to rim the glass. Be sure to include a stunning set of martini glasses for the host and hostess as well! For example:

A Travel Friendly Beverage Dispenser


A Modern Set of Acrylic Martini Glasses


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21 Super Simple Recipes That Make Great Gifts! | Giveology 2009-1

Bacon -Wrapped Water Chestnuts

These are always a huge hit when I make these for the holiday. But make every day a holiday and whip up a batch of won't be disappointed! Let the fun begin!

Ingredients: *1 pound sliced bacon *2 cans (8 ounces each) whole water chestnuts, drained *1/2 cup Dark Brown Sugar *1/2 cup mayonnaise *1/4 cup chili sauce


Cut bacon strips in half. In a large skillet over medium heat, cook bacon until almost crisp; drain. Wrap each bacon piece around a water chestnut and secure with a toothpick. Place in an un-greased 13-in. x 9-in. baking dish. In a small bowl, combine the brown sugar, mayonnaise and chili sauce; pour over water chestnuts. Bake uncovered at 350° for 30 minutes or until hot and bubbly. Yield: about 2-1/2 dozen.

Tips: Rather than fry the bacon in advance (and dirty another pan) I wrap the chestnuts in the raw bacon, then broil for about 15 minutes until crisp. (You can also get the kids involved and make the wraps the night before and toss in the fridge for next day baking.) Carefully drain the bacon grease from the baking dish, then pour the sauce mixture over the bacon. Reduce oven temperature to 350 and cook an additional 15-20 minutes until hot and bubbly.

Enjoy and Happy Sharing! They will not last long!

Make it a Gift: Wow the hostess with a lovely serving platter that she can keep after the party has ended! Include stainless steel serving tongs or a high quality slotted spoon for ease in serving! For example:

Decorative Serving Platter


A Must Have Set of Appetizer Serving Tongs


Page 22: Giveology

22 Serve-ware Gift Ideas | Giveology 2009-1


Take a look at the following serving items and get inspired to give your favorite recipe in your own creative way! Many of these products can be found at deep discounts at your local discount department store like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Big Lots, or Home Goods. If you don’t have time to shop on your own, click through on the description and browse my Amazon Store for even more gift ideas that won’t bust your budget. Happy Giving!

Square Copper Hammered Trays $24.99

Blue Glass Pitcher $29.00

Tiered Bowl Set $50.00

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25 Fashion And Beauty Bargains Online! | Giveology 2009-1


Do you have a fashionista on your gift list but can’t afford the retail prices? Scarves, hats, purses and some girlfriend “bling” are now available at bargain basement prices, never having to worry about paying full price again—for you or the designer diva on your list! is just one of many sites. Click on that link and you can register to go shop at a variety of great sales! — that link will get you invited too. I have bought numerous things from this online site (and awaiting another shipment). is a great site— but has two tier shopping: the $7.00/month paid per annum that gives you first crack at serious bargains and the second tier which is free and thus you run the risk of not having any good left or nothing in your size. You do need an invite to shop. Regarding their tier system, unless you plan on REALLY shopping a lot or aren’t in an accessible area, don’t worry about

it. is another sale site that has ANOTHER site that’s a lower price point. At, you have to register on giltgroupe first. You MUST register with first before you can get into

Try — an off-shoot of Top Button with limited sales and a special of the day— that’s often a real steal. It’s invite only and the link will get you into the site to register.

Beyond the Rack is another members-only site and it features ”Luxury brands at Exclusive prices.” Their sales run 48 hours and sell out fast.

New kid on the block Retail Happy Hour is definitely one that should be on your list. Retail Happy Hour is free to join and aims to ease buyer’s remorse by running private, 72-hour sales from Thursday at 4pm PST to Sunday at 4pm PST on women’s contemporary fashion, beauty and other goods at up to 80% off. Right now this site is on hiatus as they get ready for holiday.

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26 By Stevie Wilson | Giveology 2009-1

Another online sample sale site: . Sales are one day only and they do have a clearance section — but if you snooze— you lose. REALLY!! now has become — and because of the change you might have to check on your password. If you don’t have an account, click the link and make sure you register— because BDB’s is known for having killer sales — they used to do live sales in LA, NYC and SF. a no invitation required site that has great bargains too. You can shop right now! This site is overseas— just an FYI because everything is in Euros! doesn’t require membership either! However there is a VIP level that’s $20. 00/ 6 months that gives you first crack at the goods and additional discounts. is a website that features home decor items at a serious discount. No invites needed. Check the link! has a list of various sample sales in various cities and you can subscribe to those sale/emails and also you can subscribe to the ONLINE sample sales too. It’s a win-win - in case you are in those areas that they list. is a spin-off of the sample sale. Rather than a conglomeration of sales under one masthead, they get the scoop on various clearance sales for different brands and give you some extra goodies: free shipping or an even greater discount on the prices. Stuff for men and women too!

The Savvy is a “not so well-known” online & brick/mortar sale site. Price points run under $50 for jewelry that would make for great gifts for birthdays and holidays. It’s a “no invite” site so have a blast. I Don’t know if this site is going to continue or if it’s just fading slowly into the sunset— however, it’s worth bookmarking or signing up for email newsletter.

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27 By Stevie Wilson | Giveology 2009-1

Are you a beauty junkie? Check out these sites for more fabulous gift ideas!

The has an amazing array of cosmetics, skincare and other products with brand names you will love! However it’s a members-only site so you must register. Their sales can be a 24 or 48 hour sale, so if you find something you are dying to have, buy it and don’t think about it. Because hesitation

can make you lose it. There is a beauty panel on board including noted make-up artist, Beau Nelson! is similar in flavor but a different voice . Featuring a “steal of the week” and lots of brands that you covet (Smashbox, Annick Goutal, YSL, and more) featuring in skincare, fragrance, haircare, cosmetics and even “grab bags” by brand or gift sets that are definitely a bargain! There is a beauty panel on this site as well and the products tend to move out quickly—so if you spot something you love, buy it fast!

Scout these sales regularly and find amazing shoes, jewelry, handbags, clothing, beauty products that would make fabulous gifts for very little money.

Every site here has great potential for pre-holiday fashion and beauty as well as gifting! We all love a bargain and why not gift someone something fabulous that just happens to cost less, or fill in those gaps in your wardrobe (or test out new skincare) without paying full price!

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28 Post Holiday Savings and Safety Tips | Giveology 2009-1


Here are just a few tips to ensure that you start off 2010 in the black and begin your smart shopping for an entire year of gift giving with a solid plan and strategy!

*Establish an annual gift budget in addition to your annual household budget. Set up a separate debit card account that you can deposit into regularly throughout the year so you can snag up great bargains when you see them without the guilt or stress!

*Eliminate the evidence! Never put boxes that contained high ticket items out for the trash. Doing so is an invitation to get robbed! Either break the boxes down or take them to a dumpster off-site to ensure your family safety.

*Snag up on the post holiday sales right now and get your pick of holiday cards, wrapping, bags, and decor at a minimum of 50% off. Selection is best right now, so stock up now on red, silver, and gold wrapping, bags and tags that are multi-seasonal and can be used for all occasion gift giving.

*Use gift cards from obscure shops and retailers ASAP just in case they close their doors. I wouldn't worry too much about the bigger retail chains, but play it safe and use the cards and treat yourself to a shopping spree now!

*Organize your gift closet. Clean out the gifts that you know you'll never give, including some of the awful gifts that you may have received this year that didn't come with a gift receipt. Donate them to your favorite charity or Goodwill store. Make room for up to date and dazzling items that you find on the clearance racks now for great gift giving later.

*Send Happy New Year Cards to folks who didn't make your holiday gift list. Surprise them with a heartfelt 2010 greeting.

*Never overlook sending "thank you" notes to relatives who may have sent you a long-distance gift. Better yet, call and thank them personally!

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29 Regift, Reuse, Resell | Giveology 2009-1


Think twice before you stuff that unneeded gift into the back of your closet this holiday season: It could translate into cash, or become the perfect present for someone else!

With financial concerns weighing on Americans' minds this holiday season, consumers are becoming more resourceful than ever. To cope, they are learning how to manage unwanted gifts. Over half (54%) of U.S. adults who have resold gifts online plan to do so this year, a 10 percent increase from last year (45%) according to new research recently released by eBay conducted on its behalf by Harris Interactive.

Of U.S. adults who receive gifts during the holidays, more than four in five (83%) receive unwanted items and almost half (46%) of those adults resell or re-gift, that is, give the unwanted gift to someone else as a gift. Additionally, nearly two-thirds (64%) of adults feel that re-gifting or reselling gifts is more socially acceptable now than it was several years ago.

"We're seeing the trend in re-gifting and reselling unwanted presents becoming more commonplace in this economic climate," said Marsha Collier, author of "Santa Shops on eBay" and "eBay for Dummies." "For those seeking to make the best of an unwanted gift and maybe even start a small business, eBay is a great place to sell items and make some extra money; it's also a destination for amazing deals for everyone on your holiday list."

According to the survey, the most popular items adults would re-gift include wine, champagne or spirits (21%); trinkets or collectibles (21%); beauty or bath products (21%); DVDs, CDs or books (16%); electronics/appliances (14%); and the infamous fruitcake (14%). The most popular items adults resell online include personal electronics (12%); DVDs, CDs or books (11%); home technology (10%); event tickets (10%); trinkets or collectibles (8%); and sporting or fitness equipment (6%).

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30 By Aly Walansky | Giveology 2009-1

Trends in Re-gifting and Reselling:

Re-gifting in the Air: Three in five adults said they have received an item that they believe someone re-gifted.

Green is Good: Nearly three in four (73%) adults view re-gifting or reselling as a form of recycling, up from 69 percent last year.

The End Justifies the Means: More than one-third (37%) of adults who have resold gifts would feel less guilty about reselling a gift if a portion of the profit benefited a charity.

Re-entrepreneurs Emerge: 30 percent of adults said they would rather receive a gift that they could re-gift or resell than not receive a gift at all.

Know Your Recipient: Adults who have re-gifted listed these as the top reasons for doing so:

• 68 percent said the item was a better match for someone else

• 66 percent said they didn't think they would use the item

• 61 percent said it wasn't their taste

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31 Cures for the Holiday Shopping Hangover | Giveology 2009-1


Did you blow your holiday shopping budget? Do you dread the arrival of large credit card bills that you racked up this holiday season? If so,

then you are one of many generous hearted souls suffering from a post-holiday shopping hangover! No good deed goes unpunished and the holiday season is certainly no exception. Have no fear! There are several things you can do right

now to knock off your holiday debt and become a debt free shopper once and for all! Use the following tips year-round to save time, stress and bring enjoyment back to your shopping experiences:

*Sell or Consign items that you no longer have use for! Sell new or gently used items on EBay, Craigslist or Amazon to sell your items online. If you prefer more traditional methods, find a consignment shop that specializes in what you have to sell and sign up to become a member. If you have a lot to sell, start organizing your wares now and plan a springtime yard sale. You’ll be surprised how much extra income you can earn from stuff that’s probably collecting dust in your closet! The key is to earn extra income and pay that directly toward reducing your debt!

*Retrain your brain to shop strategically rather than impulsively. This requires planning, discipline, and consistency! Evaluate your current shopping style and create a plan that you can stick with when you get the urge to shop. What is your shopping goal? What is your budget? Where can I find the best bargains? Can online shopping save me both time and money? Answer these questions before you leave the house and only take as much money as you can afford to spend. Establish a separate shopping wallet if you have to! Leave the credit cards at home! Put yourself up to a challenge! Who said shopping can’t be a sport?

*Shop for gifts year-round! Designate a closet or bin somewhere in your home where you can stash gift items throughout the year. I usually allocate $10-20 per shopping trip toward the purchase of timeless clearance items I find while shopping for other things. Check out store clearance areas first before making any purchases at full price! Use this strategy and never be caught empty-handed or financially challenged for the next birthday, baby shower, or special occasion!

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32 About the Gift Therapist | Giveology 2009-1


A native of Pittsburgh, Jennifer Melnick Carota credits her struggles with credit card debt as inspiration for her evolution into the Gift Therapist. Forced to cut back on spending, Jennifer used her counseling expertise to devise a system that enabled her to regain control of her spending and inspire others to do the same.

Her trademark “Gift of Three” strategy has helped hundreds of consumers give fabulous gifts within their spending limits, allowing them to give more to people and causes they are passionate about.

An author, speaker, and community champion, Jennifer is the founder and volunteer director of the “Black Pants

Project,” a program that supports women and girls seeking employment. Jennifer explains, “My credit card debt began when I needed to buy clothing for my first job. If I can save one woman from repeating my mistakes, I will feel like I’ve made a difference.”

Expert advice from the Gift Therapist has been featured in local and national media including WTAE Action News, The Jennifer Antkowiak Show, and National news syndicates and online publications including AOL Finance, Bankrate, Clear Channel Radio, FatWallet, and iVillage. Jennifer currently serves as an expert lifestyle contributor on Carolyn Kepcher’s premier website for women, as well as contributing regular gift giving podcasts and videos for

Her first book, “Shop Smart GIVE MORE” is available for purchase at major online outlets including Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Media inquiries and speaking engagement requests are welcome.

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Jennifer Melnick Carota, MS, LPC


[email protected]