fssa 2011 food adulteration

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  • 8/9/2019 FSSA 2011 Food Adulteration



    Prevention of FoodAdulteration Act

    Bharat SubramonyAUT 2014-1

    !oimbatore Branch

  • 8/9/2019 FSSA 2011 Food Adulteration


  • 8/9/2019 FSSA 2011 Food Adulteration


    !ha#ter 1$ Title%& '(tent&!ommencement& )e*nition%

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    Short Title%& '(tent&!ommencement

    1/ Thi% Act may be called

    if the article had been #re#ared& #aced or e#t under in%anitarycondition% hereby it ha% become contaminated or inuriou% to health3

    the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act& 14

    2/ It e(tend% to the hole of India

    ,/ It %hall come into force on %uch date a% the !entral overnment

    may& by noti*cation in the 56cial a7ette& a##oint

    )e*nition%1/ Adulteration 8 Adulterated may be de*ned a% belo

    i/ If the article %old by a vendor i% not of the nature& %ub%tance or 9ualitydemanded by the #urcha%er or i% not of the nature& %ub%tance or 9ualityhich it re#re%ent%

    ii/ If the article contain% any other %ub%tance hich a:ect%& or if the articlei% %o #roce%%ed to a:ect the com#o%ition89uality

    iii/ if any inferior or chea#er %ub%tance ha% been %ub%tituted holly or in#art for the article

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    1/ Adulteration 8 Adulterated may be de*ned a% belo

    iv/ If any con%tituent of the article ha% been holly or in #art ab%tracted%o a% to a:ect inuriou%ly the nature& %ub%tance or 9uality thereof

    v/ If the article had been #re#ared& #aced or e#t under in%anitarycondition% hereby it ha% become contaminated or inuriou% to health

    vi/ If the article con%i%t% holly or in #art of any *lthy& #utrid& rotten&decom#o%ed or di%ea%ed animal or ve"etable %ub%tance or i% in%ect-

    infe%ted or i% otheri%e un*t for human con%um#tionvii/ If the article i% obtained from a di%ea%ed animal

    viii/If the article contain% any #oi%onou% or other in"redient inuriou% tohealth

    i(/ If the container of the article i% com#o%ed& hether holly or in #art& ofany #oi%onou% or deleteriou% %ub%tance

    (/ If the amount% of the #re%cribed colourin" matter hich i% #re%ent inthe article are not ithin the #re%cribed limit% of variability

    (i/ If the article contain% any #rohibited #re%ervative or #ermitted#re%ervative in e(ce%% of the #re%cribed limit%

    (ii/ If the 9uality or #urity of the article fall% belo the #re%cribed %tandard&but may or may not be inuriou% to health


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    2. Central Food Laboratory; any laboratory or in%titute e%tabli%hed or

    %#eci*ed under %ection 43. Committee; !entral !ommittee for Food Standard% con%tituted

    under %ection ,

    4. Director of the Central Food Laboratory- any #er%on a##ointedby the !entral overnment in lie manner to #erform all or any of thefunction% of the )irector under thi% Act

    5. Food any article u%ed a% food or drin for human con%um#tion otherthan dru"% and ater& includin"& colourin" or

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    $%.&ac'a(e - bo(& bottle& ca%et& tin& barrel& ca%e& rece#tacle& %ac&

    ba"& ra##er& or other thin" in hich article of food i% #laced or#aced

    $$.&remi)e - include any %ho#& %tall or #lace here any article offood i% %old or manufactured or %tored for %ale

    $2.&re)cribed mean% #re%cribed by rule% made under thi% Act

    $3.&rimary Food - mean% any article of food& bein" a #roduce ofa"riculture or horticulture in it% natural form

    $4.*ale - %ale of any article of food& hether for ca%h or on credit orby ay of e(chan"e and hether by hole%ale or retail& forhuman con%um#tion or u%e& or for analy%i% and include% an

    a"reement for %ale& an o:er for %ale& the e(#o%in" for %ale or

    havin" in #o%%e%%ion for %ale of any %uch article& and include% al%oan attem#t to %ell any %uch article

    $5.*am+le - a %am#le of any article of food taen under the#rovi%ion% of thi% Act

    $6.,nhole)ome= o/iu)- re%#ectively that the article i%harmful to health or re#u"nant to human u%e


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    !ha#ter 2$ !entral Food +ab

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    2/ !entral Food +ab1/ The !entral overnment %hall& a% %oon a% may be after the

    commencement of thi% Act& con%titute a committee called the!entral !ommittee for Food %tandard% to advi%e the !entral = Stateovernment% on matter% ari%in" out of the admini%tration of thi% Actand to carry out the other function% a%%i"ned to it under thi% Act

    2/ The committee %hall con%i%t of the folloin" member%&

    1/ The )irector eneral& >ealth Service% e(-o6cio& ho %hall be the chairman

    2/ To e(#ert% nominated by the !entral overnment,/ 5ne re#re%entative each of the )e#artment% of Food and A"riculture in the

    !entral .ini%try of Food and A"riculture and one re#re%entative each ofthe !entral .ini%trie% of !ommerce& )efen%e& Indu%try and Su##ly and?ailay%& nominated by the !entral overnment

    4/ 5ne re#re%entative each nominated by the overnment of each %tate

    / To re#re%entative% nominated by the !entral overnment to re#re%entthe UT%

    @/ 5ne re#re%entative each nominated by the !entral "overnment tore#re%ent the a"ricultural& commercial and indu%trial intere%t%

    / Five re#re%entative% nominated by the !entral overnment to re#re%entthe con%umer% intere%t& one of hom %hall be from the hotel indu%try

    / 5ne re#re%entative of the medical #rofe%%ion nominated by the Indian

    !ouncil of .edical ?e%earch and ISI& each

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    2/ !entral Food +abThe re#re%entative%& unle%% their %eat% become vacant earlier by re%i"nation& death or

    otheri%e& be entitled to hold o6ce for three year% and %hall be eli"ible for renomination

    ,/ The !ommittee may a##oint %uch and %o many %ub-committee% a% itdeem% *t and may a##oint to them #er%on% ho are not member% ofthe !ommittee to e(erci%e %uch #oer% and #erform %uch dutie%dele"ated

    The committee may mae bye-la% for the #ur#o%e of re"ulatin" it% on#rocedure and the tran%action of it% bu%ine%%& a% a##roved by !entralovt

    4/ The !entral overnment %hall& by noti*cation in the 56cial a7ette&e%tabli%h one or more !entral Food +aboratory or +aboratorie% to

    carry out the function% entru%ted to the !entral Food +aboratory bythi% Act

    1/ The #rocedure for the %ubmi%%ion to the %aid laboratory of %am#le% foranaly%i% or te%t%& the form% of the +aboratoryC% re#ort% thereon and the fee%#ayable for %uch re#ort%

    2/ Such other matter% nece%%ary to enable the %aid +aboratory to carry out it%function%

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    !ha#ter ,$eneral Provi%ion% of Food

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    ,/ eneral Provi%ion% of Food5. &rohibition of im+ort of certain article) of food - Do #er%on can

    im#ort into India1/ any adulterated food

    2/ any mi%branded food

    ,/ any article of food for the im#ort of hich a licen%e i% #re%cribed& e(ce#t inaccordance ith the condition% of the licen%e

    4/ any article of food in contravention of any other #rovi%ion of thi% Act

    6. A++lication of la relatin( to )ea cu)tom) and +oer) of Cu)tom01cer)

    1/ The +a for the time bein" in force relatin" to Sea !u%tom% and to "ood%& theim#ort of hich i% #rohibited by %ection 1 of the Sea !u%tom% Act& 1

    2/ A##lie% in re%#ect of article% of food& the im#ort of hich i% #rohibited underSection of thi% Act& and o6cer% of !u%tom% and o6cer% em#oered underthat Act to #erform the dutie% im#o%ed thereby on a !u%tom% !ollector

    ,/ other o6cer% of !u%tom% %hall have the %ame #oer% in re%#ect of %uch article%of food a% they have for the time bein" in re%#ect of %uch "ood% a% afore%aid/

    4/ Eithout #reudice to the #rovi%ion%& the !u%tom% !ollector& or any o6cer of theovernment may detain any im#orted #aca"e hich he %u%#ect% to containany article of food the im#ort of hich i% #rohibited under %ection of thi% Act

    / If re9uired by him8her& forard the #aca"e or %end %am#le% of any %u%#ectedarticle of food found therein to the %aid +aboratory

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    ,/ eneral Provi%ion% of Food. &rohibition of manufacture )ale etc. of certain article) of

    food1/ any adulterated food

    2/ any mi%branded food

    ,/ any article of food for the im#ort of hich a licen%e i% #re%cribed&e(ce#t in accordance ith the condition% of the licen%e

    4/ any article of food the %ale of hich i% for the time bein" #rohibited by

    the Food >ealthG Authority/ any article of food in contravention of any other #rovi%ion of thi% Act

    @/ any adulterant

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    !ha#ter 4$Analy%i% of Food

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    4/ Analy%i% of Food$%.&oer) of Food n)+ector)

    / Ehere any boo% of account or other document% are %ei7ed under %ub-%ection@G& the food in%#ector %hall& ithin a #eriod not e(ceedin" thirty day% from thedate of %ei7ure& return the %ame to the #er%on from hom they ere %ei7ed after

    co#ie% thereof or e(tract% therefrom a% certi*ed by that #er%on in %uch mannera% may be #re%cribed have been taen

    @/ Ehen any adulterant i% %ei7ed under %ub-%ection @G& the burden of #rovin" that

    %uch adulterant i% not meant for #ur#o%e of adulteration %hall be on the #er%on

    from ho%e #o%%e%%ion %uch adulterant a% %ei7ed

    / Any food in%#ector may e(erci%e the #oer% of a #olice o6cer for the #ur#o%e ofa%certainin" the true name and re%idence of the #er%on from hom a %am#le i%

    taen or an article of food i% %ei7ed

    Any food in%#ector e(erci%in" #oer% under thi% Act& ho/ He(atiou%ly and ithout any rea%onable "round% of %u%#icion %ei7e% any article

    of food

    / !ommit% any other act to the inury of any #er%on ithout havin" rea%on to

    believe that %uch act i% nece%%ary for the e(ecution of hi% duty

    %hall be "uilty of an o:ence under thi% Act and %hall be #uni%hable for %ucho:ence

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    4/ Analy%i% of Food$$.&rocedure to be folloed by Food n)+ector)

    Ehen a food in%#ector tae% a %am#le of food for analy%i%& he %hall1/ ive notice in ritin"& then and there& of hi% intention to have it %o analy%ed to the

    #er%on from hom he ha% taen the %am#le and to the #er%on

    2/ )ivide the %am#le& then and there& into three #art% and mar and %eal or fa%ten u#

    each #art in %uch a manner a% it% nature #ermit% and tae the %i"nature or thumbim#re%%ion of the #er%on from hom the %am#le ha% been taen

    ,/ Ehere the #art of the %am#le %ent to the #ublic analy%t +>A i% lo%t or dama"ed& the+>A %hall& on a re9ui%ition made to it by the #ublic analy%t or the food in%#ector&

    di%#atch one of the #art% of the %am#le %ent to +>A for %tora"e& to Public Analy%t

    4/ The food in%#ector %hall& by the immediately %ucceedin" orin" day& %end a%am#le of the article of food or adulterant or both& a% the ca%e may be %hall be#roduced before a ma"i%trate a% %oon a% #o%%ible and in any ca%e not later than

    %even day% after the recei#t of the re#ort of the #ublic analy%t

    / If it a##ear% to the ma"i%trate on tain" %uch evidence a% he may deem nece%%ary&food i% adulterated to be forfeited to the !entral overnment& the State overnment or the local authority to be de%troyed at the co%t of the oner or the #er%on from hom it a% %ei7ed %o a% to

    #revent it% bein" u%ed a% human food

    to be %o di%#o%ed of a% to #revent it% bein" e(#o%ed for %ale or u%ed for food under it%dece#tive name

    to be returned to the oner& on hi% e(ecutin" a bond ith or ithout %uretie%& for bein" %oldunder it% a##ro#riate name or here the ma"i%trate i% %ati%*ed that the article of food i%ca#able of bein" made to conform to #re%cribed %tandard% for human con%um#tion after


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    4/ Analy%i% of Food$$.&rocedure to be folloed by Food n)+ector)

    If it a##ear% to the ma"i%trate that any %uch article of food i% not adulteratedor adulterant hich i% #ur#orted to be an adulterant i% not an adulterant

    The #er%on & %hall be entitled to have it re%tored to him and it %hall be in thedi%cretion of the ma"i%trate to aard %uch #er%on from %uch fund a% theState overnment may direct in thi% behalf& %uch com#en%ation& note(ceedin" the actual lo%% hich he ha% %u%tained a% the ma"i%trate may thin#ro#er

    $2.&urcha)er may hae food analy)ed

    1/ Dothin" contained in thi% Act %hall be held to #revent a #urcha%er of anyarticle of food other than a food in%#ector from havin" %uch articleanaly%ed by the #ublic analy%t on #ayment of %uch fee% a% may be#re%cribed and from receivin" from the #ublic analy%t a re#ort of hi%analy%i%

    2/ Provided that %uch #urcha%er or reco"ni%ed con%umer a%%ociation %hallinform the vendor at the time of #urcha%e of hi% or it% intention

    ,/ Provided al%o that if the re#ort of the #ublic analy%t %ho% that thearticle of food i% adulterated& the #urcha%er or reco"ni%ed con%umer

    a%%ociation %hall be entitled to "et refund of the fee% #aid by him or it

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    4/ Analy%i% of Food$3.e+ort of &ublic Analy)t

    1/ The #ublic analy%t %hall deliver& in %uch form a% may be #re%cribed& are#ort to the +ocal >ealthG Authority of the re%ult of the analy%i% of anyarticle of food %ubmitted to him for analy%i%

    2/ 5n recei#t of the re#ort of the re%ult of the analy%i%& to the e:ect that thearticle of food i% adulterated& the +ocal >ealthG Authority %hall& after thein%titution of #ro%ecution a"ain%t the #er%on from hom the %am#le of thearticle of food a% taen and the #er%on forard& a co#y of the re#ort of

    the re%ult of the analy%i% to %uch #er%on or #er%on%& informin" %uch #er%onor #er%on% that if it i% %o de%ired& either or both of them may mae ana##lication to the court ithin a #eriod of ten day% from the date of recei#tof the co#y of the re#ort to "et the %am#le of the article of food e#t bythe +ocal >ealthG Authority analy%ed by the !entral Food +aboratory

    ,/ The certi*cate i%%ued by the )irector of the !entral Food +aboratory %hall%u#er%ede the re#ort "iven by the #ublic analy%t under %ub-%ection

    4/ Ehere a certi*cate obtained from the )irector of the !entral Food+aboratory& no need to #re%ent any re#ort of analy%i%

    / Any document #ur#ortin" to be a re#ort %i"ned by a #ublic analy%t unle%%it ha% been %u#er%eded& or any document #ur#ortin" to be a certi*cate%i"ned by the )irector of the !entral Food +aboratory may be u%ed a%evidence of the fact% %tated therein in any #roceedin" under thi% Act or

    under %ection 22 to 2@ of the Indian Penal !ode

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    !ha#ter $.i%cellaneou%

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    / .i%cellaneou%$4.#anufacturer) Di)tributor) Dealer) to (ie arranty

    1/ Done %hall %ell8di%tribute article to any vendor unle%% he al%o "ive% a arranty inritin" in the #re%cribed form about the nature and 9uality of %uch article to thevendor

    2/ 'very vendor of an article of food %hall& if %o re9uired& di%clo%e to the foodin%#ector& the name& addre%% = #articular% of the #er%on from hom he #urcha%edthe article of food

    $5.otication of Food &oi)onin(

    The overnment& by noti*cation in the 56cial a7ette& re9uire medical #ractioner%carryin" on their #rofe%%ion in any local area %#eci*ed in the noti*cation to re#ort alloccurrence% of food #oi%onin" comin" ithin their co"ni7ance to %uch o6cer


    6-month) to 3-year) im+ri)onment term +lu) ).$%%%7 ne

    1/ Ehether by him%elf or by any other #er%on on hi% behalf& im#ort% into India ormanufacture% for %ale& or %tore%& %ell% or di%tribute% any article of food adulterated

    2/ Ehether by him%elf or by any other #er%on on hi% behalf& im#ort% into India or&manufacture% for %ale& %tore%& %ell% or di%tribute% any adulterant hich i% notinuriou%

    ,/ Prevent% a food in%#ector from tain" a %am#le authori%ed by thi% Act

    4/ Prevent% a food in%#ector from e(erci%in" any other #oer conferred on him by orunder thi% Act

    / Bein" a manufacturer of an article of food& ha% in hi% #o%%e%%ion& or in any of the

    #remi%e% occu#ied by him& any adulterant hich i% not inuriou% to health

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    / .i%cellaneou%$6.&enaltie)

    6-month) to 3-year) im+ri)onment term +lu) ).$%%%7 ne@/ U%e% any re#ort or certi*cate of a te%t or analy%i% made by the )irector

    of the !entral Food +aboratory or by a #ublic analy%t or any e(tractthereof for the #ur#o%e of adverti%in" any article of food

    / Ehether by him%elf or by any other #er%on on hi% behalf& "ive% to the

    vendor a fal%e arranty in ritin" in re%#ect of any article of food %old

    by him

    6-month) to 2-year) im+ri)onment term +lu) ).$%%%7 ne

    f any #er%on in ho%e %afe cu%tody any article of food ha% been e#t&tam#er% or in any other manner interfere% ith %uch article

    $-year to 6-year) im+ri)onment term +lu) ).2%%%7 ne

    / Any #er%on hether by him%elf or by any other #er%on on hi% behalf&im#ort% into India or manufacture% for %ale& %tore%& %ell% or di%tribute%

    any article of food adulterated

    / 5r im#ort% into India& any adulterant hich i% inuriou% to health

    3-year) to life im+ri)onment term +lu) ).5%%%7 ne

    If %uch article of food or adulterant& hen con%umed by any #er%on i%liely to cau%e hi% death or i% liely to cau%e %uch harm on hi% body a%ould amount to "rievou% hurt ithin the meanin" of %ection ,20 of

    the Indian Penal !ode

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    / .i%cellaneou%$6.&enaltie)

    f any #er%on convicted of an o:ence under thi% Act commit% a lieo:ence afterard% it %hall be laful for the court before hich the %econdor %ub%e9uent conviction tae% #lace to cau%e the o:enderC% name and#lace of re%idence& the o:ence and the #enalty im#o%ed to be #ubli%hed atthe o:enderC% e(#en%e in %uch ne%#a#er% or in %uch other manner a% thecourt may direct

    The e(#en%e% of %uch #ublication %hall be deemed to be #art of theco%t attendin" the conviction and %hall be recoverable in the %amemanner a% a *ne

    $.08ence) by Com+anie)

    1/ Ehere an o:ence under thi% Act ha% been committed by a com#any

    1/ The #er%on& if any& ho ha% been nominated to be in char"e of and

    re%#on%ible to the com#any for the conduct of the bu%ine%% of the com#any

    2/ here no #er%on ha% been %o nominated& every #er%on committed& a% in-

    char"e of& and a% re%#on%ible to& the com#any for the conduct of thebu%ine%% of the com#any

    The com#any %hall be deemed to be "uilty of the o:ence and %hall beliable to be #roceeded a"ain%t and #uni%hed accordin"ly

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    / .i%cellaneou%$.08ence) by Com+anie)

    2/ Any com#any may& by order in ritin"& authori%e any of it% director% ormana"er% %uch mana"er bein" em#loyed mainly in a mana"erial or%u#ervi%ory ca#acityG to e(erci%e all %uch #oer% and tae all %uch%te#% a% may be nece%%ary or e(#edient to #revent the commi%%ion bythe com#any of any o:ence under thi% Act and may "ive notice to the+ocal >ealthG Authority& in %uch form and in %uch manner a% may be#re%cribed& that it ha% nominated %uch director or mana"er a% the

    #er%on re%#on%ible& alon" ith the ritten con%ent of %uch director ormana"er for bein" %o nominated

    ,/ The #er%on nominated under %ub-%ection continue to be the #er%onre%#on%ible& until further notice cancellin" the a##ointment& or cea%e%to bear the #o%t& or may re9ue%t in ritin" to cancel the nomination& tothe +ocal >ealthG Authority

    4/ Ehere an o:ence under thi% Act ha% been committed by a com#anyand it i% #roved that the o:ence ha% been committed ith the con%entor connivance of& or i% attributable to& any ne"lect on the #art of& anydirector& mana"er& %ecretary or other o6cer of the com#any& %uchre#re%entative %hall al%o be deemed to be "uilty of that o:ence and%hall be liable to be #roceeded a"ain%t and #uni%hed accordin"ly/

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    / .i%cellaneou%$!.Forfeiture of &ro+erty

    1/ Ehere any #er%on ha% been convicted under thi% Act for thecontravention of any of the #rovi%ion% of thi% Act or any of rulethereunder& the article of food in re%#ect of hich the contraventionha% been committed may be forfeited to the overnment

    $".Defence) hich may or may not be alloed in

    +ro)ecution) under thi) Act1/ To alle"e merely that the vendor a% i"norant of the nature& %ub%tance

    or 9uality of the food %old by him or that the #urcha%er havin"#urcha%ed any article for analy%i% a% not #reudiced by the %ale

    2/ A vendor %hall not be deemed to have committed an o:ence #ertainin"to the %ale of any adulterated or mi%branded article of food if he

    #rove%& that he #urcha%ed the article of food from a duly licen%edmanufacturer& di%tributor or dealer or that the article of food hile inhi% #o%%e%%ion a% #ro#erly %tored and that he %old it in the %ame %tatea% he #urcha%ed it/

    ,/ Any #er%on by hom a arranty i% alle"ed to have been "iven& %hall beentitled to a##ear at the hearin" and "ive evidence

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    / .i%cellaneou%2%.Co(ni9ance and :rial of 08ence

    1/ Do #ro%ecution for an o:ence under thi% Act& not bein" an o:ence underSection 14 or Section 14-A& %hall be in%tituted e(ce#t by& or ith the rittencon%ent of the !entral overnment or the State overnment& or a #er%onauthori%ed in thi% behalf& by "eneral or %#ecial order& by the !entralovernment or the State overnment

    2/ Do court inferior to that of a .etro#olitan .a"i%trate or a Judicial .a"i%trateof the *r%t cla%% %hall try any o:ence under thi% Act

    ,/ Dotith%tandin" anythin" contained in the !ode of !riminal Procedure 1,&2 of 14G an o:ence #uni%hable under %ub-%ection 1-AAG of %ection 1@Penaltie%G %hall be co"ni7able andnon-bailable

    4/ Ehere at any time durin" the trial of any o:ence under thi% Act alle"ed tohave been committed by any #er%on& not bein" the manufacturer& di%tributoror dealer of any article of food& the court i% %ati%*ed& on the evidenceadduced before it& that %uch manufacturer& di%tributor or dealer i% al%o

    concerned ith the o:ence& then the court may notith%tandin" anythin"contained in %ection 20& may #roceed a"ain%t him a% thou"h a #ro%ecutionhad been in%tituted a"ain%t him under %ection 20/

    2$.#a(i)trate;) +oer to im+o)e enhanced +enaltie)

    It %hall be laful for any .etro#olitan .a"i%trate& any Judicial .a"i%trate of the*r%t cla%% to #a%% any %entence authori%ed by thi% Act& e(ce#t a %entence ofim#ri%onment for life or for a term e(ceedin" %i( year%& in e(ce%% of hi%#oer% under the %aid %ection

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    / .i%cellaneou%22.&rotection of action ta'en in (ood faith

    1/ Do %uit& #ro%ecution or other le"al #roceedin"% %hall lie a"ain%t any #er%on foranythin" hich i% in "ood faith done or intended to be done under thi% Act

    2/ The !entral overnment may "ive %uch direction% a% it may deem nece%%ary toa State overnment re"ardin" the carryin" into e(ecution of all or any of the#rovi%ion% of thi% Act and the State overnment %hall com#ly ith %uchdirection%

    23.&oer of the Central

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    / .i%cellaneou%23.&oer of the Central

  • 8/9/2019 FSSA 2011 Food Adulteration


    / .i%cellaneou%23.&oer of the Central ealthG Authority

    2/ Pre%cribe the form% of licen%e% for the manufacture for %ale& %tora"e& and di%tributionof article% of food or any %#eci*ed article of food or cla%% of article% of food& the formof a##lication for %uch licen%e%& the condition% for %uch licence% to be i%%ued& theauthority em#oered to i%%ue it

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    / .i%cellaneou%24.&oer of *tate