editing the descent

Editing Mitchell Purnell

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Mitchell Purnell

This is a wide shot of the car driving away showing they are leaving one place and going to another.

This is a shot taken over Beths shoulder while she is talking to her

daughter calmly in the car on the way back from white water rafting.

This view is a CU of Beth from a POV from her daughter still talking and also because the background is out of focus this could try and convince views nothing is going to

happen however you can see Paul looking in the rear view mirror checking them rather than the road.

This is a CU of Paul driving showing that he is concerned by his facial features and that he is thinking deeply about something and shows distance between him and the family. At this point the scene is still slow paced lasting for about six seconds.

This is a MS where you can see everyone in the car and Beth still not watching where they are going or what Paul is doing. This shot still maintains the slow

pace lasting eight seconds.

This is another POV from the child's point of view of Paul and Beth talking where Beth has seen that Paul is concerned and something isn't normal. This is still at a slow pace leading up to when you see the van on the other side.

This is when you know that they are going to collide and something is going to go wrong because its from the child's POV and that this is the first time

that Paul isn't either fully or semi concentrating on the road.

Editing pace

So far the scene has established that its been a fun normal day out and that the bond between Beth and her daughter is very strong, this is a big contrast to Beth and Paul and Paul and his daughter because he doesn't’t seem to have a connection with them at all. This throws views off so they don’t expect anything major to happen so when the accident then happens they are caught out when this calm normality is snatched away.

This is the view on the point of impact and this shot lasts less than a second and this is when Neil marshal turns the tempo up and turns the scene from a

calm car journey into a horrific accident.

Straight after you see the shot of the impact it cuts to the poles flying off the top of the van towards the windscreen again to raise the pace of the scene

this shot lasts for less than a second.

After the poles are dislodged and flying towards the wind screen it cuts to this scene where the poles smash through the wind screen. This is a a sunt and

isn't a effect.

This is the shot after the poles fly through the windscreen however this is a SGI shot because poles one and two are fake and have been added after however pole three is real

and has been stuck onto the back of the chair even though the poles haven't impacted Paul yet it appears that it has already gone through him.



This is a CU from behind the head rest after the poles have impacted and you see all the the blood and gore fly through the back of the head rest. This is a real pole that has been

smashed through a head rest and not special effects. This shot ends the action so this shot lasts for about one second and brings us back to the slower pace.

This is a crane shot and slowly brings us out of the chaos and we see what has happened properly for the first time and lets us take in the accident. This shot lasts for sixteen seconds and goes back to the slow pace from the start to create the shock of

the crash.

This is at the end of the crane shot when it is fully zoomed out and you see the puddle of blood at the back passenger side door to show the child died

and to increase the gore and the impact of the shot.


At the start of the scene it’s a fade from black to the car driving away showing they are moving away from one place to another. Also at the end of the scene after the cash it fades into black so we know we are moving on to another place and scene and wont see these cars again.

Editing Pace

The pace changes hugely in the second half of the scene when the accident happens because there are about five shots in as many seconds which creates panic , fear and confusion. Then at the end of the accident it reestablishes the slow pace so the audience can comprehend what the scale of the accident is and see to what extent the characters are injured and by the pole going through Paul's face and the blood that has come from the passengers back door both are dead however we are leaf wondering if Beth is still alive.