Page 1: Teaching Teenagers to Drive - The Dos And Don'ts


Page 2: Teaching Teenagers to Drive - The Dos And Don'ts

supportive,instructional atmosphere despite the fear and apprehension you may feel. This is one of the biggest steps your child takes while still in your care.


Teaching a teenager to drive a car is a challenge you must face as a parent. You need to offer a

Page 3: Teaching Teenagers to Drive - The Dos And Don'ts

Keep your senses so you can facilitate a smooth transition. Here is a list of Dos and Don’ts for when that magic age of 16 rolls around in our teens lives, and they come running home with their permit!


Page 4: Teaching Teenagers to Drive - The Dos And Don'ts

Do hire a driving instruction school to be the first people to teach your teen to drive. Major benefits to this are you get a discount on your new insurance rate and you get to keep your sanity.


Page 5: Teaching Teenagers to Drive - The Dos And Don'ts

Do require your child to have at least ten hours behind the wheel with you BEFORE he/she takes their driving test. By requiring more time of practice, you will eliminate their false sense of security and you will also feel more secure.


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Do draw up a contract between you and your teen. Stipulate new responsibilities that go along with the new privilege of driving.


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Do set limits. A lot of accidents happen at night, so limit nighttime driving. Put these limits in the contract.


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Don’t take your child out on the road the first time he/she is behind the wheel. If you can't find a driving school, start in an empty, large parking lot. Then gradually move up to the road.


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Don’t let them learn from a friend. Most states require a permit driver to be with a driver that has had their license for at least one year. They shouldn't be driving with friends, as this is a leading cause of accidents among teens.


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Don’t set a bad example. Adhere to all the safety rules, (seat belts, speed limits, etc.), while you are driving with your teen. Enforce these rules on them.


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Don’t scare them to death. The more security they feel from you, the more secure they will be. Hence they will be able to make the quick decisions needed for driving. So when they just miss the fender of the car in front of them, take a deep breath and count back from 10 (or 20 or 100).


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