creative seeds of hope project.pdf · forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and...

the Seed Project Trinity Saints Pioneer Projects Written by Aleka Gutzmore - Trinity Saints Pioneer 03.2020 Creative Seeds of Hope © Aleka Gutzmore

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Page 1: Creative Seeds of Hope project.pdf · forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.’ Galatians 5:22-23 I have used the New Living Translation Bible in this text

the Seed Project

Trinity Saints Pioneer Projects Written by Aleka Gutzmore - Trinity Saints Pioneer


Creative Seeds of Hope

© A





Page 2: Creative Seeds of Hope project.pdf · forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.’ Galatians 5:22-23 I have used the New Living Translation Bible in this text

the Seed Project Written by Aleka Gutzmore - Trinity Saints Pioneer

3 Guidance and Notes

4 Jesus told a story of a Farmer scattering seeds

5 Plant a seed & Pray

6 Stages of Growth

7 Watch and Wonder

8 Colour your World

10 Grow with GOD Introduction to Bible Journaling and Study

13 Meet the Pioneer

Pioneers connect with people outside of Church, creating new ways of doing Church together in their community. Pioneers are leaders of innovation, with

a gift for seeing what God is doing and responding creatively to it.

Released from the expectations of classic parish roles, they are able to minister in places where the Church is not present.

Aleka works in the parish church of Holy Trinity and All Saints Haggerston affectionately known as Trinity Saints. Pioneering is a big part of the Church's

mission to be a growing church for all people in all places and at all times.

Page 3: Creative Seeds of Hope project.pdf · forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.’ Galatians 5:22-23 I have used the New Living Translation Bible in this text

Seed Project Guidance & Notes My hope is this project will provide you with a resource that assists with the

challenge of finding things to do in this time of self-isolation, and social distancing.

I wanted to offer inspiration and creative ways to engage with your faith and lead

children with easy to follow tasks and activities, that combine art, science, english

and theology.

As church pioneer I asked three questions…

How can we reduce the fear and anxiety being felt?

How can we engage with the entire family and bring faith into the picture?

How can we explore new ways of expressing our faith and sharing with others in

a safe environment?

And an answer came back, it filled me with excitement and hope.

‘Let your roots grow down into him and let your lives be built on him’

Our instructions are given in this, our lead scripture, Colossians 2:7. In these turbulent times, we need to allow our roots to grow down in to the love of God. Our faith needs to be strong and our daily lives need to be built on God. This means we have trust and hope rather than find ourselves in despair and worry. Life may have changed but it doesn’t have to change for the worse. As Christians, we live in hope and our faith needs be strong in these times. If our roots are deep, we need not worry when the storm comes, for we may shake but we shall not fall.

The start of this cycle is the seed

Actively growing a seed will help you to explain this scripture to all ages and levels

of understanding. The seed first sprouts, this being the first sight of the growth.

The plant grows down before it grows up. Things are happening in the dark, the

things that we cannot see are essential for life. When the roots are formed and the

seeds have fully germinated, it starts to sprout up and you see the seedling. A sign

of life and a new beginning. With careful handling and the right amounts of water

the plant will grow.

Further Topic & Discussion Ideas

• Cycles and stages of growth from seed to plant

• Vegetables we eat (grow courgette seeds)

• God created the heaven and earth looking at Genesis 1

• Name the Fruits of the Spirit (see reference below)

• Labelling plants with correct names

• Growing a closer relationship with God

As we share, I pray that the seeds we scatter will flourish and bear fruits much like

the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. ‘Those being love, joy, peace,

forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.’ Galatians 5:22-23

I have used the New Living Translation Bible in this text but feel free to use your

preferred version and remember to take pictures and share via Facebook

@Trinitysaintunited #seedprojectunited

Page 4: Creative Seeds of Hope project.pdf · forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.’ Galatians 5:22-23 I have used the New Living Translation Bible in this text

Jesus told many stories known as parables to help people gain wisdom, knowledge,

insight and even instruction. A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or

a spiritual lesson.

Luke 8 : 4 - 15

Jesus told a story of

the Farmer scattering seeds 4 One day Jesus told a story in the form of a parable to a large crowd that had

gathered from many towns to hear him: 5 “A farmer went out to plant his seed. As

he scattered it across his field, some seed fell on a footpath, where it was stepped

on, and the birds ate it. 6 Other seed fell among rocks. It began to grow, but the

plant soon wilted and died for lack of moisture. 7 Other seed fell among thorns that

grew up with it and choked out the tender plants. 8 Still other seed fell on fertile

soil. This seed grew and produced a crop that was a hundred times as much as

had been planted!” When he had said this, he called out, “Anyone with ears to

hear should listen and understand.”

What does this mean?

Read on in the text and Jesus explains what he meant. Luke 8 : 11 - 15

11 “This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is God’s word. 12 The seeds that fell

on the footpath represent those who hear the message, only to have the devil

come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and

being saved. 13 The seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message

and receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they believe for a

while, then they fall away when they face temptation. 14 The seeds that fell among

the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message

is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never

grow into maturity. 15 And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest,

good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a

huge harvest.

These verses are talking about growth and in particular our actions, character and attitude in life and the word of God, which is represented as the seed. Children: Think about a time when you may have scattered seeds like in the story. Write or draw a story to illustrate it and explain how you felt. Adults: Which seeds are you scattering and what impact do your thoughts, attitude or actions have on your life? Draw a picture or journal some thoughts on what you did and how you can scatter seeds on good soil that grow and flourish


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Plant a Seed & Pray

A Planting Prayer Father God you have planted within us all we need to love and care for one another and our world. Thank you that you help us grow. As we plant this seed help us to remember that you provide for all we need. Amen

Remember to keep washing your hands they will get dirty in this task but it will be fun

My Courgette seed success Last year I had the most amazing experience when I decided to plant some seeds, what I got from it was more than I could of imagined. I like the courgette seeds as they are easy to grow and once mature and planted out. The produced a steady supply for about eight weeks; creating a garden to pot experience for the family to enjoy in a meal. I will share my pictures to show you what to expect. You can plant any seeds for this project. Courgette, cucumber, lettuce, mustard seeds, spring onion and sunflower you choose what ever you can get your hands on. Available online or from your local garden store.



You will need:

• Plant pots or plastic cups If you feel creative you can make pots from newspaper • Potting soil—if you get tomato grow it will have all

the nutrients needed for 6 weeks or any potting soil will do

• Seeds of your choice

• Labels for the pots or lolly sticks

1. Fill the pot with soil leaving roughly 3cms from the top

2. Place the seed on the edge of the pot, at the top of the soil

3. Cover the seed with 1.5cm of soil

4. Water well for the first time and place in a warm position or you can cover with clingfilm until you see the shout. The seedling will appear in approx., 7-14 days

5. Water the soil well but don’t over water (every other day)

Top Tips Be careful not to get water on the plant. It is the roots that need the water to grow aim the water towards the edge of the pot away from the plant steam. The plant may break if the stem is water logged. When big enough and all frost has gone you can repot into a bigger pot and introduce to outside gradually. Courgettes like water so give them plenty when planted out. Fruit will appear in July to Sept; enjoy your harvest.

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Stages of Growth







A seed has everything it needs to grow into a plant, hidden inside. You have to patiently wait because this doesn't happen instantly, it happens over time in what is known as a cycle. Do you recognise the stages of growth? Growth is inevitable in the right conditions, as explained in the story Jesus told about the farmer who scattered the seeds. Growth is not something you hear or at first see natheless something you experience. As you watch your seed grow you will identify the different stages of the cycle. At first the growth is underground, you know something is happening but you can not see it. As you wait with patience and anticipation, excited to see new life emerge. Suddenly, you see and feel the joys of spring, as the shoot pushes up from darkness to light.



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Watch and Wonder As your seeds start to grow, date the stages.

Use another sheet of paper to write down what

you have done with your seedling

at different stages

Seedling - a young developing plant that has been

grown from a seed

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Guidance for Parents - This page is an introduction to colour. Help to further expand the creative

mind and learning. The diagram below will help you talk about the message.

In the verse John 15:5 God is using a tree to explain the relationship God has with us.

The benefit of having a connection (vine and branches) and the rewards, being the fruit. You can

explore each part of the tree looking at topics such as: How the tree gets food from nutrients in

the soil, the process of Photosynthesis, the production of the Oxygen and the use of water from

the rain. You could go deeper and explain how trees help the environment and work to combat

climate change. As a family, explore online sources of information and discuss God’s Creation;

God saw what God made and said was good. Read Genesis Chapter 1

What does this mean to you?

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the

branches. Those who remain in me,

and I in them, will produce much fruit.

For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

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Colour your World

The benefits of colouring

As an adult, coping with all the changes and lifestyle adaptations, you may have a million things going on in your mind right now. Colouring can reduce stress and relax the mind; it is a way of taking the mind out of fight or flight mode. Experts have told us that the process of colouring reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Children love to colour so let them paint pictures of bible stories that will inspire and build their faith. Colour is used a lot in the bible as symbolic reference and to show the presence of God. In the same way when you colour you can allow yourself to experience the presence of God in that moment. An ideal tool to help you ‘mediate on the word of God’ In the very beginning of the bible a rainbow is used to show God’s presence and provide reassurance, explore Genesis 9:12 - 13 12 Then God said, “I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. 13 I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth.

Personal Invitation This is a personal invitation to draw closer to God in a creative way. How many times have you been told to be still and trust God? but don’t know how especially when things seem upside down? This is a way for you to connect, spend time and relax with God’s word at the center. Colour as you are led in the moment. Art is a form of expression and a way to focus only on what you are doing at that moment. You also have permission to go outside the lines of man made perfection. Enjoy it and enjoy being with God Use the bible journaling suggestions to help you study and create a visual image of the verse you are reading. I have provided a GROW guide to help you start your journey in four easy steps. Use this as a way to study the scriptures and go deeper with God. If you are not artistic don’t worry the internet has some downloads that you can print and colour yourself. Have fun and remember to share your pictures

“The best use of imagination is creativity. The worst use of imagination is anxiety” Deepak Chopra

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Grow with GOD Introduction to Bible Journaling and Study





It’s time to grow in faith and understanding. Bible journaling is a fun way to connect with the verses you read. You only need a pen, paper, coloured pencils or pens and the chosen scripture. In this season we invite you to grow and draw near to God. Using the GROW guideline you will take in, bite sized portions and explore what the verse means to you and what God is saying to you in the scripture. You don’t need to be a theology expert or a member of a church to do bible study or journaling. What is required is an open heart and desire to learn more. More of Gods love, promises, instruction and wisdom. Bible journaling is intended to document your personal relationship with God and what he is saying to you. As you write, draw or colour you will be enlightened by the words. Be free to make notes, write letters to God, write a prayer or a poem. Enjoy this season, allow yourself to GROW

WRITE write out the verse, your observations and a prayer

OBSERVE what stood out to you as you read this verse?

READ the verse silently or out loud a few times

GREET welcome God into your quite-time by opening in prayer

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Bible study suggestions

The word ‘seed’ is mentioned in the bible over and over again from the beginning right through to the end. Seeds are mentioned in relation to plants and nature, women and men, words and attitudes, the church and in our bodies. As you study you will find some profound verses, some will jump out and make sense immediately and others will have you perplexed. Bible journaling will provide a process for you to reflect and understand the message and the parts most relevant to you, your situation and your place with God. Give it a try using the GROW structure to guide your thoughts with the verses below. I have used the New Living Translation Bible in this text but feel free to use your preferred version

Seed themed verses for you to explore

Hosea 10:12 12 I said, ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’

Genesis 1:11-12

11Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened. 12The land produced vegetation—all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.

1 Corinthians 3:6-8

6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. Get creative with your notes make them colourful

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‘Let your roots grow down into him and

let your lives be built on him’ Colossians 2:7

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Meet the Pioneer

Who is Aleka Gutzmore I live in Hackney, East London, Uk. I have lived in the area for over 40 years and love being here. I am a mother to a teenaged boy and work as a self-employed financial advisor and mentor, founder of The Financial HUG™ I first attended Holy Trinity Church aged 4 and grew up going to Sunday school. I was confirmed in 1988 and water baptized in 2014 my relationship with God grows year on year. Taking on different forms, in recent years I have found creative ways to connect with my faith in my life through knitting, sewing, colouring and participating and now leading bible studies. Becoming a Lay Pioneer I accepted the challenge of Lay Pioneer and promised to use the gift and skills given to me by God to help our vicar, Rev Laura Fawcett in her mission. Laura wanted to re-open Holy Trinity Church in Dalston as a once a month service to welcome the community. Our Holy Moly it’s Monday service started in Jan 2020 and has proved a great success. We have the service built along the lines of an Eucharist and Choir Church with a follow on meal that will build on work and relationships already started within the school and surrounding community. My particular role in this will be keeping an eye out for those on the margins of this group and looking for ways in which we can further support their involvement within our community projects. I am working closely with Chanelle Paul, who looks after a wide range of activities as Community Outreach Co-Ordinator. Chanelle also grew up in Hackney and attended Holy Trinity School and Church. At the trinity center our roots run deep, placing us perfectly in the heart of the community.

What excites you about pioneer ministry? The possibilities of NEW – welcoming new people and new ideas. I have a natural passion for evangelism and creativity. I had left my home church to grow my faith in a more Pentecostal tradition. Now I feel God has called me back to my home church. I come with a passion to use my skills to lead with the priest and team to do something new and creative, to share my faith and encourage others in theirs. This kind of work takes place on the sides of church and community, the places I gravitate to naturally and find opportunities to share faith.


The Church of England describe the role and character of lay pioneer ministers as ‘firsts’. Being the first to lead ministry into new places for and with others. Pioneers are able to see a new future, and have the skills and gifts needed to make it a reality now. Pioneers connect with people outside of Church, creating new ways of doing Church together in their community. Pioneers are leaders of innovation, with a gift for seeing what God is doing and responding creatively to it.

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How has the current situation changed your plans? My passion and call is to create hubs and spaces for those who may be in this community, or on the fringe of it. The vision for this space was to establish an open environment to meet others and be met, perhaps for the first time, the word of God. I was calling this ‘The Friendship Circle’ The first circle, a new Christian community connection started in Feb 2020 with a 6- week structured bible study titled ‘fall in love with your bible’. We should have meet for week six but I became unwell and all public gatherings suspended. Not able to continue or meet in the ways planned with the request for social distancing and the closure of schools, precautions were taken. Now, I am here and we have the Seed Project to share with our community and hopefully worldwide. Put together to bring hope and inspiration to many, individually and eventually collectively via online channels, sowing seeds of love. I believe the words in Hebrews 4:12 to be true; and send this booklet out as a seed to grow and flourish in the hearts and homes across the nations. The word of God brings life where once was dry land and light where there is darkness.

12 For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

The days can seem longer when you are isolating, finding ways to fill the time and not allowing negative thoughts to occupy your mind can be a challenge. This has provided the perfect opportunity for me to give what I have been given and allow people to ‘bide’ time in a creative way with God. Meaning of: Bide - to wait calmly for a good opportunity to do something - Bring the word of God alive and make it active in our lives - Illuminate text to provide colour and clarity - Discover a friendship and build friendships - Embark on an adventure that has no end Have fun with this and see what fruits you are rewarded.

© Aleka Gutzmore 03/2020

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Thank you for downloading this resource. We at Trinity Saints wish you well,

we pray together that you can find peace in the midst of this situation & beyond.

Please share your pictures with us on our

Facebook page and join in with the prayers and readings we have planned for you

We are here to support you, pray with and for you,

offer guidance and share resources Stay safe and stay connected

All Saints Church

Livermere Rd, Haggerston, London E8 4EZ

Aleka - [email protected] Office - [email protected]

Rev Laura Fawcett - [email protected]

Let your roots grow down into the love of God

Colossians 2:7

© A





