ha02 gentleness


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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•  The first and foremost thing in habits is “Narmi” or Gentleness!

ر ف ! To give

advantage to someone


Used for whom help is required for advantage

Soft, easy, Gentle



Group of friends,

Friends are made when you

are gentle


Gentle behavior



ر ف !



Friend is always gentle to his friend

Always show good behavior




Small pillow used while sleeping to

put up under cheeks


The place where pillow is placed Jannat

(Hasunat Murtafaka)

/(12,- 4567


(Sa’ar Murtafaka)

:/ءت -,12)/

The people who show gentleness

The place where

there is gentleness

•  Excellent morals

•  Kind behavior •  Polite and appropriate speach

Jarir (R.A) narrated: Allah’s messenger (SAW) said, “He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of goodness.”

•  How can I be gentle always? •  It’s so difficult!


•  If you know who you are, there’s no need to try and convince another person who you are and what you stand for.

•  Know that your ego is every bit as abusive as another damaging individual.

•  Your ego loves to trick you into thinking that you can win the argument, that you can convince it and resolve the issue, and that you'll receive peace after having this struggle with yourself.

Our ego is the part of our personality that loves manufacturing ‘less than’ experiences.

Our ego feeds on fear, doubt and pain.

The more we attach ourselves to our ego thoughts,

the further we move away from our soul truth.

•  Re-Hash past experience •  Replay it

•  Makes believe drama •  Judges matters ownself

•  Takes matters very personally.

Hazrat Aisha (RA) wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)narrated, Allah messenger said:

“Whenever gentleness is added to something, it adorns it and when ever it is withdrawn from something , it leaves it defective”

•  We don’t move on! •  We don’t create new positive experiences!

•  End up back at square one! •  Our ego clings to injustice and creating injustices!

•  Inflated Ego does not allow person to be gentle

•  kindly; amiable: a gentle manner. •  not severe, rough, or violent; mild: a gentle wind; a gentle tap on

the shoulder. •  to tame; render tractable. •  to mollify; calm; pacify. •  to make gentle. •  to stroke; soothe by petting. •  to ennoble; dignify.

Allah is giving advise to Muhammad (SAW) to be kind to children so there is a lesson for us

•  In Qur’an the ability of Sahaba Karam is shown that they are gentle to elders,

youngers and children as well

•  Be gentle to elders as well as youngers

•  Meekness •  Door Mat

•  Gets people's attention.

•  It's radical.

•  Our untapped power and potential under Allah's control.

In the matters of Allah!

Remain firm, fix in your own matters.

Show gentleness to others!

To get success in life

To make life easy

To awaken some body’s qualities

Hazrat Aisha (RA) wife of Hazrat Muhammad

(SAW)narrated,The prophet (SAW) said: “O Aisha! Indeed Allah is gentle and He loves gentleness and He gives due to gentleness and He does not give due to

harshness, and he does not give upon any thing else besides it.”

•  Abdullah Bin Masud (RA) narrated: Allah’smessenger said: “Shall I not to infrom you who is forbidden upon the (Hell) Fire and whom

the fire is forbidden upon? Aman who is always accessible, gentle and easy going.”

•  P – Personality (character traits) •  O – Outlook (attitude and action towards people)

•  W – Words (tame the tongue) •  E – Expectations (judgmental)

•  R – Response (proactive or reactive)

•  Gentleness is a strong hand with a soft touch.

•  It is a tender, compassionate approach toward others' weaknesses and limitations.

•  A gentle person still speaks truth, sometimes even painful truth, but in doing so guards his tone so the truth can be well received.