chapter 10 - territory

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    CHAPTER 10: TERRITORYPublic International Law

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory



    Modes of Acquisition of Sovereignty over Territo Component of Territory

    Contiguous zone

    The Continental (Archipelagic) Shelf

    The Deep Seaed! "Common #eritage of Man$in

    The #igh Seas

    The Archipelago Doctrine

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    T&''T'* + +T&'+AT+A, ,

    Territory as an eleent o! a state eaarea o"er w#ic# a state #as e$ecti"e contrin t#e Las Palas case& control o"er territoryt#e essence o! t#e state& T#e e'act boun(

    i)#t be uncertain& but t#ere s#oul( (e*niti"e core o"er w#ic# so"erei)nte'ercise(% As entione( by +u()e Huber iLas Palas case ,so"erei)nty o"er a -ort

    t#e sur!ace o! t#e )lobe is t#e le)al con(itit#e inclusion o! suc# ortion in t#e territo

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    MD&S AC/0ST+ S1&'&21&' T&''T'*

    Discovery and Occupation is an oro(e o! ac/uisition by w#ic# territorybelon)in) to any state& or terra nullius& is -un(er t#e so"erei)nty o! t#e (isco"erin) sta

    Occu-ation is t#e ac/uisition o! terra nulliusis& territory w#ic# -rior to occu-ation belon)no state or w#ic# ay #a"e been aban(on-rior occu-ant%

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory



    Possession! ust be claie( on be#al! o! t#e

    re-resente( by t#e (isco"erer an( ay be e$ecte( t#r!oral -roclaation an( t#e sybolic act o! raisinational a) in t#e territory%

    Administration! In t#is case& ere -ossession wsu2ce& as only an inc#oate title o! (isco"ery is ac/u

    t#e claiant state% Inc#oate title o! (isco"ery -er!or!unction o! barrin) ot#er state !ro enterin) t#e territot#e la-se o! a reasonable -erio( wit#in w#ic# t#e (iscostate ay establis# a settleent t#ereon an( coea(inister it% I! claiant be)ins e'ercisin) so"erei)n

    inc#oate title ri-ens an( is -er!ecte( into !ull title%

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    Dereliction: Territory is lost by (ereliction t#e state e'ercisin) o"er it -#ysically wit#!ro it wit# t#e intention o! aban(oni

    alto)et#er% Two con(itions ust concur& t#e wit#(rawal an( intention to aban(on%Prescription: Also reco)ni4e( as a o

    ac/uirin) so"erei)nty o"er territory% occu-ation& #owe"er& -rescri-tion ree$ecti"e control% 6ut unli5e occu-ationob7ect o! -rescri-tion is not terra nullius% re/uire( len)t# o! e$ecti"e control is lon)ein occu ation%

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    Cession: Ac/uisition o! territory t#rou)# treaty is ao(e% Cession is a et#o( by w#ic# a territtrans!erre( !ro one state to anot#er by a)rebetween t#e%

    Conquest / Subjugation: in earlier (ays t#e -ossession o! a territory t#rou)# are( !orcac/uisition o! con/uere( territory& it was necessat#e war #a( en(e( eit#er by treaty or by in(ication t

    resistance #a( been aban(one(%

    Accretion and Avulsion: 9o"erei)nty by o-eranature% Accretion is t#e )ra(ual increase o! territoryaction o! nature A"ulsion is a su((en c#an)e result

    instance !ro t#e action o! a "olcanic eru-tion%

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    CM3+&+T T&''T'*

    T#e territory o! t#e state consists usually terrestrial (oain& t#e aritie an( (oain& an( t#e aerial (oain% 9oe

    consi(er continental s#el! as -art o! t#eir terli5e in t#e P#ili--ines%

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    !ivers: Can be classi*e( into national& national& international& an( boun(ary%

    National ri"ers are t#ose t#at are sitco-letely in t#e territory o! one state

    ultinational ri"ers in w#ic# t#at ow t#

    t#e territories o! se"eral states%

    International ri"ers is one t#at is na"!ro t#e o-en sea an( is o-en to t#e u"essels !ro all states%

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    "ays:T#e waters o! a bay are consi(ere( internal waa coastal state% T#e rule on bays is !oun( in Article 101 LO9%

    A bay is a well;ar5e( in(ention w#ose -enetratiosuc# -ro-ortion to t#e wi(t# o! its out# as to contailoc5e( waters an( constitute ore t#an a ere cur"ecoast% An in(ention s#all not& #owe"er& be re)ar(e( aunless its area is as lar)e as& or lar)er t#an t#at o

    circle w#ose (iaeter is a line (rawn across t#e t#at in(ention%

    8or t#e -ur-ose o! easureent& t#e area o! an in(et#at lyin) between t#e low;water ar5 aroun( t#e st#e in(ention an( a line 7oinin) t#e low;water ar5natural entrance -oint%

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    Contiguous #one: is an area of water not exceeding 24 miles from the baseline% It t#us extends 12 nautical miles fedge of the territorial sea% T#e coastal state e'ercises ao"er t#at area to t#e e'tent necessary to -re"ent in!rin)e

    its custos& *scal ii)ration or sanitation aut#ority oterritorial waters or territory an( to -unis# suc# in!rin)ee

    Exclusive Economic Zone or Patrimonial sea is a (e"elo-ent% Prior to t#e acce-tance o! t#is (octrine& allbeyon( t#e conti)uous 4one were consi(ere( as #i)# se

    w#ic# no state #a( control% T#e (octrine (e"elo-e( owin)(esire o! coastal states !or better conser"ation an( anao! coastal *s#eries%

    T#e exclusive economic !one is an area e'ten(in) not o2"" nautical miles beyond the baseline% T#e coastal st

    ri)#ts o"er t#e econoic resources o! t#e sea& seabe( an(

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    T$e Continental %Arc$ipelagic& S$el': Rto seabe( an( subsoil o! t#e subarine

    a(7acent to t#e coastal state but outsi(territorial sea& to a (e-t# o! two #un(re( or beyon( t#at liit& to w#ere t#e (e-t# ae'-loitation& an( t#e seabe( an( subsoil o!

    a(7acent to islan(s% T#at coastal state #ari)#t to e'-lore an( e'-loit its natural resoto erect installations nee(e( an( to erect s4one o"er its installation wit# a ra(ius oeters%

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    T$e Deep Seabed: (Common )eritag


    T#ese are areas o! t#e sea;be( an( t#e oor an( t#eir subsoil& w#ic# lie beyon(

    national 7uris(iction% T#ese are t#e co#erita)e o! an5in( an( ay not be a--ro-by any state or -erson% Acti"ities in t#e)o"erne( by Article 1@? to 1?@ o! t#e con"ention%

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    T), )-.) S,AS

    All -arts o! t#e sea t#at are not inclu(e(

    territorial sea or internal waters o! a state%

    T#e #i)# seas are sub7ect to si' !ree(os:1% 8ree(o o! na"i)ation>% 8ree(o o! o"er i)#t@% 8ree(o o! *s#in)% 8ree(o to lay subarine cables an( -i-eli?% 8ree(o to construct arti*cial islan(s

    structures an(

    B% 8ree(o o! scienti*c researc#%

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    )OT P!S-T

    Article 111 allows #ot -ursuit o! a !orei)n "esselt#ere is )oo( reason to belie"e t#at t#e s#i- #as "laws or re)ulation o! a coastal state% T#e -ursuicoence w#en t#e !orei)n "essel is wit#in t#e inwaters& t#e arc#i-ela)ic waters& t#e territorial wat#e conti)uous 4one o! t#e -ursuin) state%

    It ay continue into t#e #i)# seas i! t#e -ursuit #been interru-te(% I! t#e !orei)n s#i- is in t#e cont4one& it ay be -ursue( only !or "iolation o! t#e rit#e coastal state in t#e conti)uous 4one% Hot Pursusto- as soon as t#e s#i- -ursue( enters t#e ter

    waters o! its own state or o! a t#ir( state%

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory



    6e!ore t#e 8irst Worl( War& T#ere were w#o #el( t#at t#e airs-ace was co-letely

    T#e outbrea5 o! t#e 8irst Worl( War brou)#t t#e reali4ation t#at t#e use o! t#e air #a( se

    i-lications% Out o! t#is reali4ation caa--roac# w#ic# consi(ers t#e air abo"e e'tension o! t#e territory below% Eac# state'clusi"e 7uris(iction o"er t#e air s-ace aboterritory% T#ere!ore& consent !or transit u

    obtaine( !ro sub7acent nation%

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    T#& A'C#3&,A24A'C#3&,A2DCT'+&

    T#e national territory co-rises t#e P#iarc#i-ela)o& wit# all t#e islan(s an( waters ebt#erein& an( all ot#er territories o"er w#icP#ili--ines #as so"erei)nty or 7uris(iction& consisits terrestrial& u"ial an( aerial (oains& inclu(

    territorial sea& t#e seabe(& t#e subsoil& t#e s#el"es& an( ot#er subarine areas% T#e waters abetween& an( connectin) t#e islan(s o! t#e arc#i-re)ar(less o! t#eir brea(t# an( (iensions& !or t#e internal waters o! t#e P#ili--ines%

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    Article 5 of the rati6ed Constituof 5789

    T#e Arc#i-ela)o octrine on territorial licountries !urt#er states t#at t#e baselinesw#ic# t#e territorial sea o! t#e arc#i-ela)obe (eterine( consist o! t#e strai)#t connection t#e outerost -ortions o! t#e isWaters wit#in t#e baselines are P#ili--ine inwaters an( waters outsi(e t#e baselinewit#in t#e e'tent o! t#e international treaty co-rise t#e countryDs territorial sea%

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    T#is (octrine eans& t#ere!ore& t#at our cowit# its t#ousan(s o! islan(s an( any s#oul( be consi(ere( as a -olitical un

    reasons o! #istory& law& )eo)ra-#y& econoan( security% Also& w#en /uestions in"territorial conicts arise& t#e P#ili--ines #a(octrine to su--ort its clais%

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory



    6ernas 9%+%& +oa/uin % #ntroductioPublic #nternational %aw% anila: R6oo5 9tore& >0000@%

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    Chi Phili

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    China v. Philip

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    i"ision o!clais:

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    C#inaGs clai:

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory



  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory



    3hilippine stance!T#e P#ili--ines is conten(in) t#at t#e

    (otte( line clai by C#ina is in"ali( becit "iolates t#e NCLO9 a)reeents ae'clusi"e econoic 4ones an( territorial It says t#at because ost o! t#e !eatur

    t#e 9out# C#ina 9ea& suc# as ost o9-ratly Islan(s& cannot sustain li!e& cannot be )i"en t#eir own continental as (e*ne( in t#e con"ention%

    Chinese stance!

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    C#ina re!uses to -artici-ate in t#e arbitration& st#at se"eral treaties wit# t#e P#ili--ines stit#at bilateral ne)otiations be use( to resol"e b

    (is-utes% It also accuses t#e P#ili--ines o! "iot#e "oluntary eclaration on t#e Con(uct o! Part#e 9out# C#ina 9ea& a(e in >00> between Aan( C#ina& w#ic# also sti-ulate( bine)otiations as t#e eans o! resol"in) bor(e

    ot#er (is-utes% C#ina issue( a -osition -a-eceber >01 ar)uin) t#e (is-ute was not sto arbitration because it was ultiately a atso"erei)nty& not e'-loitation ri)#ts% Its re!us

    not -re"ent t#e Court !ro -rocee(in) wit# t#e

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory



  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    On +uly J& >01?& case #earin)s be)an witP#ili--ines as5in) t#e Peranent CouArbitration at T#e Ha)ue to in"ali(ate C#

    clais% T#e #earin)s were also atten(eobser"ers !ro In(onesia& +a-an& alaT#ailan( an( Kietna% T#e case #as co-are( to Nicara)ua "% nite( 9tates

    to siilarities o! t#e -arties in"ol"e( sut#at a (e"elo-in) country is c#allen)-eranent eber o! t#e nite( Na9ecurity Council in an arbitral tribunal%

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    T#e Court !oun( in its "er(ict t#at t#e nite(

    in breac# o! its obli)ations un(er custoary inlaw not to use !orce a)ainst anot#er 9tateinter"ene in its a$airs& not to "iolate its sonot to interru-t -eace!ul aritie coerc

    breac# o! its obli)ations un(er Article I o! t#8rien(s#i-& Coerce an( Na"i)ation betweensi)ne( at ana)ua on >1 +anuary 1

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 10 - Territory


    On >< October >01?& t#e court rule( t#at it #a(to #ear t#e case% It a)ree( to ta5e u- se"ensubissions a(e by anila& in -articula9carborou)# 9#oal an( low;ti(e areas li5e ican be consi(ere( islan(s% It set asi(e se"en clais ainly accusin) 6ei7in) o! actin) unlawconsi(ere( at t#e ne't #earin) on t#e caseDsalso tol( anila to narrow (own t#e sco-e

    re/uest t#at t#e 7u()es or(er t#at C#ina s#all !urt#er unlaw!ul clais an( acti"ities%

    T#e arbitral tribunal sc#e(ule( t#e #earin) o

    t#e case !ro No"eber > to @0 >01? T#e