cardiovascular system bio 120 official


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Diagnostic tests for the cardiovascular system

Diagnostic tests for the cardiovascular system

----- Meeting Notes (2/17/15 19:37) -----eluminate the importance of the cardiovascular system

diagnostic tests allow for a proper diagnosis and potential treatment for this system1The Cardiovascular System

Function: Circulates blood throughout body

Organs: Heart and blood vessels

----- Meeting Notes (2/17/15 19:37) -----What is the CV system?

purpose is to circulate blood throughout the body

2 organs associated... Heart=pump that moves the blood through the vessels

blood vessels= highways to bring blood to and away from the heart

2The Heart

----- Meeting Notes (2/17/15 19:37) -----this slide shows the heart in an anatomical position

CV system (circulatory system) works in one constinuous motion--pump the blood, the heart is dependent on electical activity that tells the heart to pump the atria or ventricles

heart =very intricate organlots of opportunities to have many complications with the heart

may need diagnostic testing to diagnose the problem3Electrical Activity of the Heart

This slide shows the electrical pathway of the heart. The electrical activity begins in the SA node triggering the L &R atria to contract. It also sends signals to the AV where the signals are continued down to the L&R ventricles .promoting ventricular contractions4Diagnostic Tests Echocardiography

Holter Monitor

Stress Test

Echo cardia graphy5EchocardiographyUses sound waves (ultrasound technology) to view the structure of the heartDetectsAbnormal heart valvesAbnormal heart rhythmsCongenital heart disease (ie. Ventricular septal defects)Damage to the heartInflammation of the pericardiumSource of blood clotTypes of EchocardiogramsTransthoracic echocardiogram (TTE)Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) More invasive

----- Meeting Notes (2/17/15 19:37) -----good for detecting abnormalities in the heart structure, which may be due to congenital heart disease such as...hole in the heart

noninvasively observe the structure of the heart by placing the ultrasound probe on the chest of the patient

involves an ultrasound probe that goes in the mouth down the esophagus of a patient6Holter MonitorRecords the electrical activity and rhythm of the heart over an extend period of timePortable DetectsPalpitationsArrhythmiasAtrial fibrillation or flutterHeart irregularities that cannot be detected by an electrocardiogram (ECG)

electrodesEcg=snapshot of a heart rhythm=> cant always record the irregularity----- Meeting Notes (2/17/15 19:37) -----electrodes 7Stress TestMonitors the blood pressure and electrical activity of the heart under stressful conditionsUse electrocardiography to monitor the rate and rhythm of the heartDetectsIschemia during exertionLocation of myocardial Infarction TypesExercis/Treadmill stress testDobutamine/Regadenoson stress testStress echocardiogramNuclear stress test

----- Meeting Notes (2/17/15 19:37) -----Unique ischemia= lack of oxygenated bloodinfarction=death of cells

localize myocardial infarction

simulate exertion on the heartCardiologist 8