bon secours annual report 2011

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  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

    Turning the Corneron Clinical Transormation

    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

    Annual Reportto the Community

    Fiscal Year Ending 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    ourmissionThe Mission o Bon Secours

    Health System is to bring

    compassion to health careand to be Good Help to

    Those in Need, especially

    those who are poor and dying.

    As a system o caregivers,

    we commit ourselves to help

    bring people and communities

    to health and wholeness as

    part o the healing ministry

    o Jesus Christ and the

    Catholic Church.

    our visionInspired by the healing ministry

    of Jesus Christ and theCharism of Bon Secours

    As a prophetic Catholic health

    ministry we will partner with

    our communities to create

    a more humane world,

    build health and social justice

    or all, and provide exceptional

    value or those we serve.

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    WE TITLED THIS 2011 ANNUAL REPORTTurning the Corner on Clinical Transormation

    because, ater all o the hard work to change how we provide care to the communities we serve,

    we are at last seeing substantial results. We are experiencing meaningul improvements in many

    patient care indicators, including signicant reductions in health care-acquired inections, mortality,

    readmissions, resident alls, and hospital-acquired pressure ulcers.

    Creating sustainable change like this in any health care organization, especially one the size o Bon

    Secours, can oten eel as daunting as turning a battleship. With a sta o over 21,000 and well over

    60 acilities in six states, creating change can be slow and hard-ought. However, the continued

    emphasis on systemness and the charge to reduce variation and conorm to best practices is

    nally paying dividends. The best part o these changes is that, as they have gathered momentum,

    the drive or innovation and improvement has become a way o lie around the system. Thus,

    having achieved one target or better quality care, we dont rest on our accomplishments, butinstead we raise the target even higher, and add new targets.

    As health care reorm changes the old way o doing business by introducing new requirements and

    incentives, our ability to change and raise our level o perormance becomes extremely important.

    At the same time as we have shown substantial improvements in clinical care and saety, we

    have also shown improvements and eciencies in our ecological stewardship, purchasing, and

    employee, physician, and patient engagement.

    Another area where we have turned a corner is in our commitment to healthier communities.

    While our successes are not as quantiable as those in clinical transormation, and in many

    cases, the results will not be seen or many years, these eorts are bringing health and hope to

    communities where those commodities have been in short supply. Bon Secours St. Francis Health

    Systems commitment to transorming the Sterling, South Carolina, community is perhaps the

    most poignant example. Bon Secours New York Health System continues to be a bright spot in the

    Bronx, as it grows plants, fowers, vegetables, and ruits in its community garden, and sponsors the

    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

    ... as changes have gathered momentum,

    the drive or innovation and improvement has become

    a way o lie around the system.

    (continued on next page)

    Turning the Corneron Clinical Transormation

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    YouthMarkets where city residents can purchase resh produce in a arm market setting. And, Bon

    Secours Baltimore keeps chipping away at the multitude o urban issues that plague Southwest

    Baltimore through new low-income housing projects, teen parenting programs, and healthy living

    events, and city clean-up projects through its Clean and Green initiative.

    A newer undertaking that we are condent will show positive and quantiable results is the

    Stewardship Program. In preparation or the cost reductions anticipated in health care reorm and

    the demands o purchasers o health care (e.g., employers, government, and other payers), Bon

    Secours is seeking to become a leaner, more ecient provider. The kinds o quality improvements

    and eciencies that have been demonstrated through clinical transormationalready producing

    an estimated $100 million in savingsare being replicated in operational areas.

    As we attain these measurable improvements and continue to reap ever increasing benets, the

    nancial perormance o Bon Secours Health System will become ever stronger. Despite continued

    weakness in the national economy, Bon Secours is on a path to clinical and operational excellence.

    We want to thank the Sisters o Bon Secours, Bon Secours Ministries, the Bon Secours

    Health System Board o Directors, the health system leadership, and each o our dedicated

    co-workers who live our mission every day. Your guidance, your leadership, and your hard

    work have helped us turn the corner to a brighter uture.


    Sr. Patricia A. Eck, C.B.S.Chairperson, Board of Directors

    Bon Secours Ministries

    Bon Secours is on a path to clinical

    and operational excellence.

    Donald G. Seitz, M.D.Chairperson, Board of Directors

    Bon Secours Health System

    Richard J. StatutoPresident and CEO

    Bon Secours Health System

    (continued from page 1)

    Working Together in Ministry

    Over the years, congregations o religious sisters have joined with the Sisters o

    Bon Secours to expand the healing ministry o Jesus and the Catholic Church.

    In these situations, the Sisters o Bon Secours and the other religious congregations are considered

    co-sponsors, sharing sponsorship responsibilities. Today, these co-sponsoring congregations are:

    Bernardine Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis

    Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, New Jersey

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

    In 2011,

    Bon SecoursHealth System

    entered the

    second year

    o a


    Quality Plan.

    The system



    to itscommunities

    and clinical


    o the way

    careis delivered.

    Increase its commitmentto community

    health to include the global community

    and the health o the environment;

    Form relationshipswithin the

    community o providers so that people

    who seek inormation or services romBon Secours can be linked with the best

    community resources;

    Create valueas perceived by the

    customer, which includes not only

    patients and residents, but also

    physicians, employees, and community

    members; and,

    Achieve nancial sustainability so

    that Bon Secours can ensure long-term

    relationships with and value or those

    it serves.

    Bon Secours is committed to faithfully

    respond to Gods gift of compassion,

    healing, and liberation through the

    following four goals for FY2010-2012:

    Createan Extraordinary Individual

    Experience o Care

    Liberatethe Potential o Our People

    to Serve

    Partnerwith Our Communities to

    Co-create a More Humane World,

    Improve Health and Model Social Justice

    Becomea Trusted Health Partner by

    Providing Exceptional, Lie-Long Value

    During FY2010 through FY2012, Bon Secours plans to:

    strategicgoals 3|TurningtheCor



  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Create an ExtraordinaryIndividual Experience o CareIn every way we touch those who come to us or care, we serve aithully as a

    Catholic ministry and a living expression o the Bon Secours Charism, and we hold

    ourselves to high standards set by the gospel and our proessional communities

    in order to contribute to the creation o a more humane world, build healthier

    communities, and transorm the way we deliver care.

    Clinical Transformation

    Clinical transormation and Bon Secours ConnectCarethe systems

    computerized clinical inormation system/electronic health record

    continue to grow and expand across Bon Secours. As ConnectCare continues

    its aggressive roll-out across Bon Secours, clinical transormation acts as a means

    to drive improvements in care and eciency whether a acility has ConnectCare

    in place or not. During FY2011, new Learning Communities have been added

    to help drive improvements in key areas o ocus including the Emergency

    Department and Critical Care Unit as well as service lines, such as General

    Surgery, where there are opportunities to share and implement best

    practices system-wide.

    Saety is a oundational component o the clinical transormation work and

    reducing hospital-acquired inections has been a key component o the work

    since the beginning. During FY2011, Bon Secours has reduced hospital-acquired

    inections in the acute care acilities by 31% rom prior year, a total o 62%

    reduction since FY2008. Additional improvements include a 16% reduction

    in coded hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (40% reduction rom when eorts

    started in FY2008), the implementation o best practices or all prevention inlong term care services, and standards o care or obstetrics patients to better

    care or both mother and baby during and immediately ollowing delivery. The

    clinical transormation improvements to saety and patient care have resulted

    in over $43 million in savings or Bon Secours in FY2011. Over the our years,

    FY2008 through FY2011, clinical transormation has saved over $100 million.

    Learning Communities

    Cardiovascular Surgery

    Critical Care Unit (new in FY2011)

    Emergency Department (new in FY2011)

    General Surgery (new in FY2011)

    Hospital-Acquired Infections



    Pressure Ulcers

    Transitions of Care

    Heart Failure

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011




    Bon SecoursConnectCare

    Bon Secours ConnectCare is now

    ully operational in seven acute care

    hospitals. Additionally, over 23,000

    patients have accessed MyChart,the patient portal or ConnectCare,

    allowing patients to access

    inormation rom their medical

    record, request appointments,

    and send messages to their care

    providers. This unctionality is

    helping to improve communication

    and transparency around healthcare and allows patients to be more

    actively engaged in their care.

    Bon SecoursConnectCareImplementation

    Acute Care St. Francis Hospital-Eastside,

    Greenville, South Carolina

    St. Francis Hospital-Downtown,

    Greenville, South Carolina

    Memorial Regional Medical Center,

    Mechanicsville, Virginia

    Richmond Community Hospital,

    Richmond, Virginia

    St. Francis Medical Center,

    Midlothian, Virginia St. Marys Hospital, Richmond,


    Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital,

    Ashland, Kentucky

    Emergency Department

    Good Samaritan Hospital,

    Suern, New York

    Ambulatory Care

    Primary care practices, Hampton

    Roads and Richmond, Virginia

    Primary care practices,

    Ashland, Kentucky

    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    ConnectCare Delivers Results

    Acute Care

    In FY2011, Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, Greenville,

    South Carolina, began to see substantial benets rom ConnectCare.

    ConnectCare was implemented at the two-hospital system in June 2008.

    The capture o improved documentation is resulting in more comprehensive

    and accurate coding, leading in turn to enhanced reimbursements. There is

    also a signicant, positive impact on Case M ix Index and Length o Stay.

    Using ConnectCare capabilities to transmit documentation electronically

    (i.e., Case Management referrals) has markedly decreased sta time spent

    in administrative unctions and increased time that can be spent

    or patient care.

    Meaningful Use

    The national health care reorm statute gives health care providers

    nancial incentives to improve patient care, reduce costs and

    create the inrastructure and processes to realize the ull value ointegrated health records. To qualify, providers must demonstrate

    stringent meaningul use o certied electronic health record

    technology to be eligible or incentive payments rom the Center

    for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS). Of the seven hospitals

    live on ConnectCare, ve have attested to meeting meaningul use

    criteria (top 1% of U.S. hospitals) and two have registered with the

    CMS. In Richmond, Bon Secours Virginia has successfully attested

    meaningul use or 105 physicians in a number o specialties.

    The Health Inormation and Management Systems

    Society (HIMSS) has conrmed all seven o Bon Secours

    inpatient acilities that are live on ConnectCare have

    met Stage 6 criteria (out o 7 possible stages) or

    achieving complete implementation o electronic

    medical records. This achievement places Bon Secours

    in the top ve percent o hospitals nationwide.


    For the second year in a row, Bon Secours HealthSystem has excelled in the 2011 Center or Medicare

    and Medicaid Services Hospital Quality Incentive

    Demonstration (HQID) pay-or-perormance project.

    Bon Secours as a system received a total o 70 awards in

    Year 6, the most o any system in the project. Memorial

    Regional Medical Center, part o Bon Secours Virginia-

    Richmond, Mechanicsville, Virginia, was one o only two

    hospitals with 12 out o 12 possible awards and theonly hospital with six Top Perormer awards. Memorial

    Regional was also the only hospital to repeat this

    achievement rom last year. The HQID project involves

    272 hospitals across 36 states. The project was designed

    to determine i economic incentives to hospitals are

    eective at improving the quality o inpatient care.

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011




    Nursing Excellence

    The chie nursing executives and

    vice presidents or medical aairs

    serve as partners and clinical leaders

    in their commitment to providingconsistently high quality care or

    all patients and in all communities.

    With a commitment to patient-

    centered care and achieving the

    goal to create an extraordinary

    individual experience o care,

    the nursing leadership team is

    implementing standards, practices,and protocols to encourage the

    development o nurses and practice

    at the optimal level o their licensure.

    The nursing leaders have sponsored

    and developed the Caring Advocate

    Train-the-Trainer program to

    develop ront-line unit champions inleading the mission. The nurses are

    trained in Dr. Jean Watsons Theory

    o Human Caring and Relationship

    Based Care principles that highlight

    caring practices ocused on sel,

    colleagues, and patients/amilies

    to build a more caring and healing

    environment both or employees

    and the community. The charism

    o the Sisters o Bon Secours and

    the mission and values o BSHSI are

    oundational to the program.

    Pathways to Excellence

    St. Francis Medical Center and

    Richmond Community Hospital were

    designated this year by the American

    Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC)

    as Pathway to Excellence Hospitals,

    recognizing them or creating

    environments where nurses can

    excel in their practice.

    DePaul Medical Center, Mary

    Immaculate Hospital, and Maryview

    Medical Center in Hampton

    Roads, Virginia, are working on

    the Pathways to Excellence with

    anticipated application in

    spring 2012.

    As clinical leaders, our role is to create transormation by

    challenging current state and adopting the latest evidence, innovation,

    and best practice to achieve clinical practice excellence.

    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    In 2011, the rst Bon Secours Health

    System Nursing Annual Report

    was published. This documenthighlights the strong ocus Bon

    Secours has on the practice o

    nursing and the increased eorts

    to ensure nursing excellence

    throughout the system. The Annual

    Report is organized around the

    elements o the Proessional Practice

    Model and presents the initiativeso the system and all o the local

    systems under the domains o

    the model.

    Bon Secours Health System was recognized by Premier, a national healthcare

    performance improvement alliance, for its commitment to excellence and leadership in

    providing high-quality, efcient care. Bon Secours received the inaugural Premier healthcare

    alliance Excellence Award.

    Bon Secours Virginia Hampton Roads has recently expanded its Palliative Care program

    and further developed its complementary therapy offerings. Cancer programs successfully use

    the nurse navigator model and offer support groups to improve the overall patient experience.

    nursing excellence at bonsecours healthsystem | 1

    Nursing Excellenceat Bon Secours Health System

    Developing Seeds of Transformation with

    2010 Annual Report on Nursing

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    Non-Acute CareTransorming care in non-acute

    care settings, such as skilled

    nursing acilities, home health,

    and ambulatory care services, is

    also a priority or Bon Secours.

    The skilled nursing acilities rom

    across the system meet regularly

    to discuss process improvements

    and create Bon Secours standards

    o care. Preventing alls has been a

    specic ocus or the group and is

    an example o how the acilities are

    sharing and implementing practice

    improvement. In support o this

    work, the acilities have adopted a

    standardized all risk assessment tool

    and a alls competency program

    or sta. These improvements have

    resulted in an 8% reduction in alls

    or long term care.

    The systems home health agencies

    also meet on a regular basis and

    continue to collaborate on eorts

    to reduce hospital readmissions,

    improve transitions rom hospital

    to home, and meet the needs o

    primary care patients who are

    candidates or home health care. All

    Bon Secours home health agencies

    have now implemented telehealth

    monitoring. Plus, all agencies use

    technology to support wound

    classication and treatment or home

    care patients which has resulted

    in a 28% reduction in home health

    readmissions or wound inections.

    Collaborate on eorts to reduce hospital readmissionsand improve transitions rom hospital to home.

    Bon Secours

    Maria Manors

    clinical team


    this year in


    residents useof psychotropic


    and decreasing

    signicantly the

    incidence rate of

    resident falls.

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  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    At Bon Secours Hospital,

    Baltimore, Maryland, the

    Clinical Transformation journey

    has seen four projects achieve

    over $1 million in cost savings in

    2011. These includethe Care of the Ventilated

    Patient with Tracheotomy,

    Care of the Patient Undergoing

    Small and Large Bowel

    Procedures, Care of the

    Behavioral Health Patient,

    and Emergency Department

    Throughput. Other clinical

    ventures included the

    institution of an Antimicrobial

    Stewardship program, hospital-

    acquired infection reductions,

    length-of-stay reductions, and

    case mix index improvement.

    For the period December

    2008 through the end ofFiscal Year 2011, there were

    zero Ventilator Associated

    Pneumonia infections at Good

    Samaritan Hospital, St.

    Anthony Community Hospital,

    and Bon Secours Community

    Hospital, all part of Bon Secours

    Charity Health System. Since

    September 2009, there were zero

    hospital-acquired infections at

    St. Anthony and Bon Secours

    Community and only seven over

    the course of that two-year period

    at Good Samaritan. Additionally,

    there were signicant reductions in

    Catheter-Associated urinary tract

    infections with zero at Bon Secours

    Community and St. Anthony and

    0.08 at Good Samaritan.

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    Transforming the

    Delivery of CareBon Secours is making gains in

    other health care sectors such as

    physician/clinical services and

    home care/rehabilitation. The

    number o physicians is expected

    to grow as health care reorm,

    quality improvement initiatives,

    and other actors drive health

    systems to develop high-quality

    primary care networks.

    The patient-centric ocal

    shit, involving the entire

    spectrum o care, will help to

    ensure the delivery of quality

    care, care timeliness, patient

    saety, workow efciencies,

    eectiveness, and overall

    caregiver productivity.

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Liberate the Potentialo Our People to ServeIn all our interactions, we strive to create an environment that invites the best in

    each o us and all we touch to join our ministry to create a more humane world,

    build healthier communities, and integrate and provide the best care.

    Employee Health and Well-being

    Improved employee health has been shown to result in better productivity, less

    absenteeism, lower turnover, and o course, healthier employees. Bon Secours

    has begun to work with employees to improve their health and well-being. In2011, employees were incentivized to get a ull biometric screening and personal

    health assessment to help them identiy potential health issues. The data rom the

    personal health assessments will help Bon Secours determine where best to put

    its resources to support improved employee health. In March 2011, Bon Secours

    kicked o the Healthy Me, Healthy You employee program to encourage individual

    commitments to a healthier liestyle. A director o Employee Health and Well-Being

    was hired in 2011 to grow this initiative.

    Benets Expansion

    In 2011, Bon Secours Health System began

    oering benets to Legally Domiciled Adults

    and Legally Domiciled Children of employees.In all, coverage was expanded to 149 adults

    and 38 children.

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Employee Benets

    Consistent with a small but growing

    number o organizations, Bon

    Secours Health System expanded

    its medical, dental, and vision

    health benets to include Legally

    Domiciled Adults and Legally

    Domiciled Children, eective

    September 1, 2011. This is the rst

    time that Bon Secours has provided

    much-needed coverage or those

    who may not have been able to

    obtain or aord coverage elsewhere.

    At Bon Secours, higher

    compensated employees are asked

    to pay a greater amount or their

    health care coverage in order to

    alleviate the increasing cost o

    health premium increases on lowerincome employees. This allows

    Bon Secours to preserve jobs and

    help low-income employees access

    high quality, aordable health care


    Ensuring a Just Wage Rate

    Bon Secours Health System continues its commitment

    and investment in programs that support lower

    paid, entry level employees. The National Just Wagerate increased from $9.70 to $9.83 per hour. Using a

    geographical adjustment actor to determine

    system-wide changes by market, three local system

    minimum Just Wage rates were increased. The increases

    ranged rom 15 to 39 cents. Approximately 225

    employees received an increase due to the

    increase in Bon Secours Just Wage.

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  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Employee, Patient,and PhysicianEngagement

    Employee, patient, and physician

    engagement are key aspects o

    Bon Secours FY2011 Strategic

    Quality Plan. This year s employee

    engagement survey remained

    at a grand mean o 4.36, which

    represents the 77th percentile

    of Gallups National Work Unit

    database. When measured againstGallups National Healthcare

    Company database, Bon Secours

    is at the 97th percentile. Nursing

    engagement or the system

    increased to a grand mean o

    4.29 which is the 84th percentile

    of Gallups National RN

    Workgroup Database.

    The physician engagement survey

    was conducted or the second time

    with an overall grand mean o 4.00

    which corresponds to the 67th

    percentile. The patient engagement

    survey takes place continuously

    throughout the year. Year-to-date

    results are at the 95th percentile or

    the core eleven questions

    Gallup monitors.

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Employee Compensation

    Bon Secours Compensation Center o Excellence,

    established in August 2010, continues to work to

    create a common compensation program system-wide,

    which assures both optimal and equitable compensation

    policies and practices. This team provides compensation

    consulting services to the local systems in such areas

    as planning, design and updates o compensation

    programs, market base pay/pay or perormance,

    executive compensation, and labor expense control.

    In FY2011, the Center instituted a common methodology

    or determining pay or new hires in local systems and

    put in place a common budgeting approach, createda design team to develop an annual system-wide

    merit increase policy, and established a standardized

    system-wide job description template.

    Human ResourceInformation System(HRIS)

    In 2011, Bon Secours implemented

    a Human Resource Inormation

    System throughout the system to

    provide employees on-line access to

    their payroll inormation. Through a

    sel-service portal, employees can

    view pay inormation and timeo accruals, change personal

    demographic data, and connect

    to other on-line systems such as

    the perormance evaluation system,

    the on-line learning system, and

    various benet vendors.



    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

    Employees now have on-line access to their payroll inormation,

    time o accruals, demographic data, and benets providers.

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    Providing an opportunity to grow capable ministry leaders.

    School at Work Program

    School at Work is a career ladder

    development program that prepares

    entry-level employees, many o whom

    are minorities and/or women, in

    health care or advanced positions

    and or enrollment in local community

    colleges and technical schools. This

    six-month program oers health carespecic education while developing an

    individual career and learning plan that

    helps students identiy and achieve

    personal career goals. The School at

    Work program has been oered by

    Bon Secours Virginia-Richmond or six

    years. The Health System Oce started

    the program in 2011 and Bon Secours

    Virginia-Hampton Roads will oer

    School at Work in FY2012.

    ExpandingMinistry Leadership

    In 2011, the Center or Ministry

    Leadership sought to expand

    ministry ormation rom

    leadership to rontline sta or

    rom board to bedside. In

    Bon Secours Baltimore (acute

    care) and Bon Secours St.

    Petersburg (long term care), anew program calledMinistry

    Footprints was piloted to bring

    rontline sta together or

    one-hour gatherings twice a

    month to refect on the seven

    commitments oA Shared

    Statement of Identity for the

    Catholic Health Ministry.

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    Developing Clinical


    In FY2011, the Center or Ministry

    Leadership and the Bon Secours

    Institute designed and oered two

    clinical leader-specic ministry

    ormation programs or the Vice

    Presidents o Medical Aairs

    and Chie Nurse Executives atBon Secours. Fiteen physicians

    completed a year-long program

    consisting o our sessions.

    In August 2011, eleven nurse

    executives gathered or the rst o

    several planned leadership ormation

    programs. Additionally, the Center

    oered the Foundations of Catholic

    Healthcare Leadership course to 23

    employed physicians in Bon Secours

    Virginia, with an additional day on

    vocation, community, and ethics as

    lived out in the physician-patient


    Education and Training

    The Bon Secours Institute and the

    Center or Ministry Leadership

    provide educational opportunities or

    all Bon Secours employees. The Bon

    Secours Institute oers educational

    programs to improve basic and

    advanced leadership skills and the

    Center or Ministry Leadership buildstheological competence to grow

    capable ministry leaders.

    Attendance at the Institutes

    Facilitative Leadership Program is

    now required o all Bon Secours

    senior and executive leaders. The

    Facilitative Leadership programpresents seven leadership practices

    and supporting tools to leaders that

    give them practical ways to lead with

    compassion, justice, and integrity.

    These practices also embody a deep

    belie in and respect or the dignity

    o each team member and the

    realization o the common good and

    community created in the workplace.

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    Called to Serve

    Early in FY2011, the Health System Oce introduced a

    Called to Serve initiative to provide sta with an opportunity

    to urther explore Bon Secours Health Systems mission and

    ministry. All Health System Oce employees attended one o

    our Called to Serve seminars. This program also introduced

    weekly Huddles at the Health System Oce. Bon Secours

    Virginia-Richmond introduced a similar Called to Serve program

    in FY2010. Bon Secours St. Francis Health System has created its

    own Called to Serve session, which is now being used by other

    Bon Secours systems. Most o the local Bon Secours systems are

    now conducting weekly or daily Huddles with employees as well,

    which have been shown to improve employee engagement,eciency, and communication.

    ... an opportunity to urther exploreBon Secours Health Systems mission and ministry.

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Bon Secours Charity Health

    System employees and physicians

    sustained considerable personal

    losses during a hurricane and ensuing

    ooding in the region. The system

    provided temporary quarters in the

    Suffern medical ofce building to one

    physician who sustained total loss

    of his clinic. Additionally, a special

    Facebook page was established for

    employees to post their needs so that

    others could help them recover from

    the crisis.

    Bon Secours St. Petersburg

    Health System created Sr.

    Josephines Food Pantry to help

    residents families and staff members

    meet their food security needs. School

    supply drives were also held to assist

    employees prepare for the start of

    their childrens school year.

    The Servant Leadership Team at

    Bon Secours Baltimore expanded

    its membership and its scope this

    year. The team now collaborates with

    Human Resources in the new hire

    interview process, helping to staff

    the interview panels and employ a

    values based screening process. Theteam continues to facilitate monthly

    lunch and learns where co-workers

    present on a servant leadership topic.

    In addition to these gatherings, the

    team now facilitates bi-monthly

    Management Council ministry

    formation gatherings, where servant

    leadership topics are further explored.




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    Our Communities

    Partnering Together

    We build Right Relationships and heal broken relationships

    that increase our capacity to create a more humane world, build healthier

    communities, and integrate and provide the best care.

    Community Commitment

    Especially during these challenging

    economic times when so many people

    have lost their jobs, and with it, their health

    insurance, Bon Secours Health System is

    committed to ensuring access to needed

    health care services or all. Community

    Benet Services are programs or activities

    that provide treatment or promote health

    as a response to community needs and

    meet at least one o the ollowing benet


    Improve access to health care services

    Enhance the health of the community

    Advance medical or health care


    Relieve a government burden

    Community BenetsFor the scal year ending August 31, 2011, Bon Secours Health

    System provided over $270 million in community benet services

    and community building activities at a cost well in excess o the

    value o its potential tax obligation.

    Fiscal Year Ended August 31, 2011 (Thousands of Dollars)

    Community Benet Services Charity Care at cost $ 128,309

    Government Sponsored Health Care net expense $ 84,216All Other Community Benet Services net expense

    Community Health Improvement Services

    and Community Benet Operations $ 18,141

    Health Professions Education 5,596

    Subsidized Health Services 20,133

    Community Building Activities 9,425

    Financial and In-Kind Contributions 4,238

    Total All Other Community Benet Services $ 57,533

    Total Quantiable Community Benet Services $ 270,058


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    Working to actively engage diverse individuals and organizations

    to create a common vision o holistic health.The Bon Secours Health System has

    continued to support eorts directed

    toward the provision o critical supplies

    and services to underserved or

    marginalized patients. One key program

    that continues to grow is the DrugIndigent Care Program which is in place at

    all local systems with acute care services.

    Through this program, Bon Secours

    hospitals register patients whose income

    is below the ederal poverty level with

    specic pharmaceutical companies.

    The companies provide the hospitals

    with ree drugs to administer to thesepatients at no charge. The total

    annualized value o the drugs provided

    to patients in FY2011 was $730,000, an

    increase o 23% over last years total.

    In May 2011, government ofcials

    cut the ribbon on Wayland Village

    Senior Apartments, an 89-unit

    affordable housing apartment

    complex in northwest Baltimore.

    Co-developed by Bon Secours

    Baltimore Health System and

    Enterprise Homes, the four-story

    building consists of 72 one-bedroom

    and 17 two-bedroom units and

    is designed to house low-and

    moderate-income seniors and

    adults with disabilities. A division

    of Bon Secours will own and operate

    the building.



    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    As part o its community

    commitment, Bon Secours Health

    System is participating in healthy

    community initiatives that are

    ounded on long term, collaborative

    relationships in which service

    organizations engage and empower

    members o a dened geographic

    community to support them in

    improving their quality o lie

    and holistic health. Bon Secours

    operates a Healthy Community

    Initiative in each o the eight

    local systems. Dedicated Healthy

    Community Initiative leaders are

    working to actively engage diverse

    individuals and organizations to

    create a common vision o holistic

    health and to identiy the priorities

    or improving the quality o lie to

    which all can contribute.

    Shareholder Advocacy

    The health systems priorities since FY2009 havebeen to support access to health insurance

    through national health reorm, to increase

    access to medications or HIV/AIDS as well

    as tropical diseases in developing nations, to

    protect human rights or laborers in corporate

    supply chains, including an end to human

    trafcking, and to promote environmental

    protections and sustainability or the planet

    and international communities. Health systemrepresentatives worked with members o the

    Interaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

    (ICCR) to engage corporations in dialogues

    to urther Bon Secours goals, particularly in

    the areas o U.S. health reorm and access to

    medications or developing nations.

    Bon Secours St. Petersburg Health System, St. Petersburg,

    Florida, was recognized in 2011 by the city of St. Petersburg Leisure

    and Community Services Department for its dedicated participation in

    supporting health and wellness in the downtown St. Petersburg area.

    Bon Secours provided nancial and staff support for a community

    survey on local health and social service needs.


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    CommunityInvestment Program

    The Bon Secours Health System Community Investment

    Program became operational in FY2009, and committed

    another $3.15 million in FY2011. The total investment

    stands at $9.25 million through low interest loans to 17

    organizations across eight local system communities

    and within the nations o Peru, Haiti, and South Arica.The program makes investments through nancial

    intermediaries with the purpose o creating jobs,

    aordable housing, providing necessary inrastructure,

    micronance loans and other benecial economic

    activities. In addition to the xed annual return o 2.3%,

    the social return will be measured through impact

    on the development o the community. The program

    expects to have $12 million invested by the end o



    The system-wide and local

    Ecological Stewardship

    Green Teams continue to

    play key roles in steering the

    Greening Initiative orward.

    This work is acilitated

    through an inrastructure which includes: System-wide Green Team,

    Local System Green Teams, Green Team Leaders with direct access to localsystem leaders, and a system-wide Greening database. The Green Teams

    are working on a wide variety o green initiatives, including recycling,

    energy management, waste stream management, and distribution o

    surplus medical supplies and equipment.

    Green Team eorts include an eective Waste Stream Management

    program and the development o a new Energy Management eort.

    The Waste Stream program resulted in over 7.3 million pounds o recycled

    waste being diverted rom community landlls, while simultaneously

    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

    Your actions are making a



    The Green Team thanks youfor being eco-friendly by:



  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    reducing the systems waste disposal

    expense by 20 percent. Initial Energy

    Management eorts have been ocused

    on more eective energy purchasing

    practices and the implementation o

    no-cost/low-cost energy conservationmeasures across all acilities. These eorts

    have resulted in annualized energy

    cost decreases o $1.5 million and Bon

    Secours is targeting a decrease in energy

    consumption over the next year ranging

    rom three to ve percent.

    At the 2011 Clean Med Conerence allBon Secours acilities received Practice

    Greenhealth recognition awards. Bon

    Secours St. Francis Health System

    was inducted into the Environmental

    Leadership Circle which honors acilities

    that exempliy environmental excellence

    and are setting the highest standards or

    environmental practices in health care.This was a major accomplishment or

    all involved and it refects a signicant

    reduction o the systems carbon ootprint.

    Bon Secours St. Francis Health

    System, Greenville, South Carolina,

    won one of the rst Hospital CharitableService Awards in 2011 for its community

    outreach efforts in Greenvilles

    Sterling neighborhood. In the Sterling

    neighborhood, where 40% of residents

    earn less than $15,000 a year, Bon Secours

    provided leadership to facilitate efforts to

    engage the community as partners to help

    transform the neighborhood, and providedon-site resources to help improve health

    and social issues for residents.

    The health o the world aects the health o all communities.

    Global Ministries

    Bon Secours Health System believes

    that the health o the world aects the

    health o all communities. The system

    currently invests in three international

    regions where the Sisters o Bon Secours

    are active, including Peru, Haiti, and South

    Arica. In Huancayo and Trujillo, Peru,

    the system continues to oer support

    or a amily health clinic and a womens

    micro-clothing business, remediation oindustrial pollution, and a collaborative

    eort to decrease morbidity and mortality

    in children under ve years o age. In Haiti,

    Bon Secours works in concert with other

    American organizations to provide clinical

    training or midwives, mobile clinics, and

    birthing centers in the Hinche region o the

    country. In South Arica, the system helpssupport a shelter or HIV-inected, poor, and

    orphaned boys in Louis Trichardt, where

    some o the Sisters o Bon Secours teach.

    25grants and gits

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    grantsand gits

    Bon Secours Charity Foundation

    Community Gardens $ 66,300

    Bon Secours Hampton Roads Health SystemCare-A-Van $ 55,000

    Family Focus $ 7,500

    Lie Coach Model at Maryview Medical Center $ 45,000

    Bon Secours Kentucky Health System

    Community Services $ 50,000

    Healthy Communities, Ironton $ 20,000

    Healthy Communities Walking Trail $ 50,000

    Van Ministry $ 15,000

    Bon Secours of Maryland Foundation

    Open Space Management $ 50,000Womens Resource Center $ 44,000

    Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Program $ 50,000

    Bon Secours New York Health System

    Community Garden Nutrition Program $ 40,050

    Healthy Community Initiative $ 29,100

    Inwood Go Green $ 30,550

    Bon Secours Richmond Health System

    Access in Motion Creighton Court $ 100,000

    SEEDS Initiative with LISC $ 25,000

    Bon Secours St. Francis Health System

    Community Garden Sustainability Coordinator $ 40,000

    Faith Ministries Social Worker $ 60,000

    Sterling Fitness Center $ 48,000

    Bon Secours St. Petersburg Health System

    Community Action Stops Abuse $ 30,000

    Free Clinic Dental Services $ 50,000

    Healthy Community Collaboration $ 50,000

    Roper St. Francis Hospital Foundation

    Hope Housing $ 45,000

    Total Grant Dollars Awarded $ 1,000,500

    Bon Secours Health System Mission Fund

    In 1999, Bon Secours Health System created a special fund

    for the sole purpose of meeting the needs of those who are

    poor and underserved in the communities served by the

    health system. Health care and womens and family support

    services are an important focus. The purpose of the Bon

    Secours Health System Mission Fund is to assist local systems

    in their efforts to (a) develop healthier communities, (b)

    address health conditions in conjunction with public health

    initiatives, and (c) improve access for uninsured populations.

    The seed money provided by the Mission Fund has allowed

    many programs to ourish and succeed. The Mission Fund

    distributed $1,000,500 through 23 grants across all local

    systems in FY2011.

    Bon Secours Community Grant Fundfor Southwest Florida

    The Bon Secours Community Grant Fund for Southwest

    Florida provides grants to the communities of Peace River

    Regional Medical Center in Charlotte County and the

    communities of Venice Regional Medical Center in south

    Sarasota. The fund was established when Bon S ecours Health

    System sold its health care facilities in those communities.

    In FY2011, the Bon Secours Health System Community

    Grant Fund for Southwest Florida awarded $163,110

    through nine grants in the communities of Venice and

    Port Charlotte, Florida.

    Peace River, Charlotte County, Grant Requests

    Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies (C.A.R.E.)

    Augmented Services or Victims o Domestic Violence $ 22,500

    Charlotte County YMCA

    Kids in Motion $ 25,000

    Manasota SOLVE, Inc.

    Our Mothers House $ 11,250

    Total Grants Funded $ 58,750

    Venice, Sarasota County, Grant Requests

    Habitat for Humanity

    Women Build Initiative $ 25,000

    The Community Pharmacy

    Prescriptions or Uninsured $ 43,500

    Boys and Girls Club of Sarasota

    Kids Ca and Culinary Arts Program $ 15,000

    Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice

    Our Mothers House $ 10,000

    The Cancer Support Community

    (formerly The Wellness Center)

    South County Support Group $ 7,850

    Venice Area Pregnancy Care Center

    Cribs, Bassinettes, and Inant Supplies $ 3,000

    Total Grants Funded $ 104,350

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    Financial Sustainability

    Operating results or Bon Secours

    Health System in FY2011 improved

    over FY2010. The system reported

    excess o revenues over expenses

    o $115.2 million during FY2011

    as compared to $33.3 million or

    FY2010. This avorable perormance

    was driven by operations, investment

    income, and a gain on the sale o

    the reerence laboratory services

    business in the systems Virginia

    markets. Operating income o $85.5million represented a 2.6% operating

    margin in FY2011, compared to the

    $101.7 million o operating income

    and a 3.3% operating margin or


    Investment markets contributed

    positively to perormance o excesso revenues over expenses during

    FY2011, with net non-operating

    realized and unrealized investment

    gains o $75.5 million compared

    to $42.0 million during FY2010. In

    addition, unrealized gains/losses and

    payments related to the systems

    derivatives were a net loss o $10.0million or the 2011, as compared to

    a net loss o $83.2 million or 2010.

    Sustainability Become a Trusted Health Partnerby Providing Exceptional, Lie-Long ValueWe careully steward the gits we have been given by God so that we live in

    harmony with those gits and bring them to create a more humane world,

    build healthier communities, and integrate and provide exceptional lie-long care.

    Investment returns nished the year

    with year-to-date net gains o $32.6

    million avorable to budget.

    Days cash on hand at the end

    o FY2011 were 110.0, which

    represented a slight decrease rom

    days cash on hand at the end

    o FY2010 o 110.5. Operations

    and investment gains generated

    approximately $156.1 millionduring FY2011. However, capital

    expenditures, an increase in daily


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    operating expenses, the timing

    o working capital changes and

    scheduled debt and swap payments

    conversely reduced reported days

    cash on hand as o August 31, 2011.

    Fiscal Year 2011 Financials

    By continuing to ocus heavily

    on Clinical Transormation, Bon

    Secours has shown both quality

    and nancial improvements. Primary strategies o

    Clinical Transormation include implementation o Bon

    Secours ConnectCare, acquiring and integrating primary

    and specialty care physician practices, and intense

    engineering and operational eorts to understand and

    redesign the systems care delivery models in all areas

    o practice. Clinical Transormation eorts saved the

    system $43.3 million in FY2011 alone. The incremental

    operating investment in Clinical Transormation in

    FY2011 included $29.4 million in ConnectCare and $29.2

    million in the acquisition o physician practices.

    Signicant savings have also been achieved through

    benet changes, including a $14 million savings in lie

    and disability benets and $5 million in insurance over

    the next ve years. Retirement plan changes have

    resulted in savings to employees o $1 million in the rst

    year and $1.5 million in subsequent years.

    Ater the all 2011 meeting with the bond rating

    agencies, Standard & Poors armed Bon Secours

    A- rating (stable outlook) and Moody s armed its A3

    rating, but changed the outlook rom positive to stable.

    Both ratings put Bon Secours bonds in the upper

    medium grade quality. The agencies were impressedby the systems strategies toward health reorm, clinical

    transormation eorts, and overall governance.

    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

    Operating Income $ 85.5 million

    Total Net Revenue $ 3.3 billion

    Acute Discharges 132,054

    Adjusted Discharges 290,407

    Total Community

    Benet Dollars $ 270.0 million

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    Looking Forward Into the Future

    A Journey of ClinicalTransformation

    To achieve long-term

    success, Bon Secours

    Health System has been

    on a journey o Clinical

    Transormation and

    business restructuring,

    even beore health reorm.

    These undertakings

    have been signifcant

    investments, but better

    position the system or the

    new world o value-based

    medicine that ocuses on

    cost and quality. Going

    into FY2012, Bon Secours

    continues the journey by

    adding a third ocuscost

    and revenue management.

    Following are some o the

    issues the system will be

    addressing in FY2012.


  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Health Care Reform

    The implementation o national health carereorm will aect all health care providers or

    the next fve years or longer. Part o the reorm

    provisions include the voluntary development

    of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) to

    participate in the Medicare Shared Savings

    program. As a group o providers and suppliers

    coordinating care or specifc patient populations,

    an ACO would be accountable or meeting orexceeding set quality performance standards to

    be eligible to receive any shared savings.

    Bon Secours is still considering the regulations

    and its participation in the ACO concept.

    However, the heart o an ACO is the patient-

    centered medical homea model or the

    delivery o medical care centered on the

    primary care provider (the patients home)

    and designed to provide long-term, coordinated

    care to patients to both reduce the cost and

    improve the quality of health care. In June 2010,

    Bon Secours Health System piloted its frst

    medical home project, and to date, has a

    total o ten medical homes in progress.

    Additionally, through its Clinical Transormation

    journey, Bon Secours has paralleled the goals

    o national health reorm and ocused on the

    creation o a comprehensive, interdisciplinary

    approach to redesign care delivery to achieve

    excellence throughout the care continuum.

    Clinical Transormation sets the rameworknecessary or Bon Secours to provide

    patients and residents with evidence-based,

    extraordinary care and service. As a side beneft,

    Clinical Transormationin particular, the

    implementation o ConnectCaremakes

    Bon Secours eligible or fnancial incentives.

    Bon Secours appears to be well-positioned or

    the looming changes in the American health

    care system.




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    HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10

    In January 2009, the U.S. Department

    o Health and Human Services

    announced two regulations that

    are intended to acilitate the

    transition to electronic health

    records through adoption o a

    new generation o diagnosis and

    procedure codes and updated

    standards or electronic health

    care and pharmacy transactions.

    The rst phase, called HIPAA

    5010, requires new standardsor certain electronic health

    care transactions. The second

    phase requires the replacement o the

    existing coding sets or diagnoses and inpatient

    hospital procedures with greatly expanded code sets. The diagnosis

    and procedure codes are being updated rom the ICD-9 coding set to

    the ICD-10 coding set. Bon Secours is well underway in implementing

    the requirements o HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10 code sets in compliancewith the deadlines.





    adoptionoa newgenerationodiagnosis



    transactions. Thisisessentialbecausethe











    orcertainelectronichealthcaretransactions. Thisnew







    withgreatlyexpandedcodesets. Thediagnosesand





    agencies, internalreports).DeadlinesorComplianceHealthcareprovidersandhealthplansmustcomplywith


    onJanuary1,2012. Providersandhealthplansmust














  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011





    Stewardship Program

    In late FY2011, Bon Secours

    launched a two-year eort to

    reduce xed costs o $150 to $200

    million over multiple years. The

    work o the Stewardship Program is

    ocused on improving systemness,

    increasing eective use o resources,

    minimizing duplication, reducing

    payroll through attrition, and

    building on existing talent. This

    program presents an enormous

    opportunity to redesign the

    organization, improve operations,

    and ensure the long term health

    o the Ministry and success o

    the Mission.

    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

    Bon Secours Health System has been on a journey o Clinical Transormation

    and business restructuring, even beore health reorm.


    Program Teams Biomed

    Case Management

    Clinical Transormation


    Employee Health andWellbeing

    Facilities and PlantOperations

    Finance Human Resources

    Inormation Technology

    Organization Redesign

    Physician Integration

    Planning, Marketing,and Communications

    Procurement Logistics

    Purchased Services

    Revenue Cycle Supply Chain


  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Bon Secours Charity Health System

    Schervier Pavilion

    was awarded a

    5-Star Quality Rating rom the Centers

    or Medicare and Medicaid Services

    (CMS), the highest that can be awarded

    to a nursing home.

    The Northern Metropolitan Hospital

    Association presented Bon Secours

    Charity Health System with the 2010

    NorMet Quality and Patient Saety


    St. Anthony Community Hospital

    was recognized by HealthGrades with

    the 2010/2011 Outstanding Patient

    Experience award.

    Bon Secours Community Hospital

    was the only Bon Secours hospital

    named to The Joint Commissions 2010

    list o top-perorming hospitals.

    In determining the winner o the inauguralPremier healthcare alliance Excellence Award,

    Bon Secours stood out as havingdemonstrated a consistent drive or excellenceand superior perormance.


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    Bon Secours Kentucky Health System

    Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospitals HomeCare Services

    was named a gold agency by the Home Health Quality

    Improvement National Campaign.

    Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital has been rated among

    the top ve percent in the nation or patient experience by

    HealthGrades. The hospital has received the Outstanding

    Patient Experience Award or our consecutive years.

    Bon Secours St. Francis Health System

    The Leapfrog Group named Bon Secours St. Francis Health

    System or the second consecutive year as one o the national

    Top Hospitals or achieving high level standards o patient

    saety, quality o care and operational eciency.

    The Accreditation for Cardiovascular Excellence (ACE)

    program awarded its rst ever accreditation to the cardiac

    catheterization laboratory and angioplasty/stenting program

    at Bon Secours St. Francis Health System.

    St. Francis Hospital-Eastside was one o six hospitals

    nationwide to receive the Premier, Inc., inaugural QUEST Award

    or High Value Healthcare with top perormance in the areas

    o mortality, cost o care, evidence-based care, reduced harm,

    and patient experience.

    St. Francis Hospital-Downtown, also earned an honorable

    mention or top perormance in three o the QUEST areas o

    initial ocus: evidence-based care, mortality, and cost o care.

    Bon Secours St. Francis Health System was the rst in South

    Carolina to receive accreditation o the STAR (Survivorship

    Training and Rehab) program, a research- and evidence-based

    program that helps cancer patients optimize their health during

    medical treatment and recovery, as well as rehabilitate them

    ollowing the medical treatments.

    Bon Secours St. Francis Health System won one o the

    rst Hospital Charitable Service Awards, sponsored by Jackson

    Healthcare, or its community outreach eorts in GreenvillesSterling neighborhood.

    Bon Secours St. Petersburg Health System

    St. Petersburg Home Care, part o Bon Secours St. Petersburg

    Health System, St. Petersburg, Florida, was named to the 2010

    HomeCare Elite, a compilation o the most successul Medicare-

    certied home health care providers in the United States.

    Bon Secours Virginia

    Bon Secours Virginia, located in Hampton Roads and

    Richmond, Virginia, received the 2011 Gallup Great Workplace

    Award recognizing the diversity and engagement o its


    In a ranking of the Best Hospitals by Metro Area for 2010-2011,

    U.S. News & World Reportlisted ve Bon Secours Health System

    hospitals among the best. In the Richmond metro area,

    Memorial Regional Medical Center was top ranked in sixspecialties, St. Marys Hospital was ranked in ve specialties,

    and St. Francis Medical Center was recognized in three

    specialties. In the Virginia Beach metropolitan area,

    Mary Immaculate Hospital and Maryview Medical Center

    were each recognized in one specialty area.

    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Bon Secours Virginia-Richmond

    HealthGrades named Memorial Regional Medical Center

    and St. Marys Hospital Distinguished Hospitals in Americas

    Top Cities or Hospital Care.

    St. Marys Hospital and Memorial Regional Medical

    Center were named among the top ve percent in the nation

    or emergency medicine in a study released by HealthGrades.

    St. Francis Medical Center received Pathway to Excellence

    designation rom the American Nurses Credentialing Center


    The National Association for Female Executives (NAFE)

    named Bon Secours Virginia-Richmond a top ten non-prot

    organization or executive women or the th consecutive year.

    Bon Secours Virginia-Richmond was named among the best

    companies or hourly workers by Working Mothermagazine.

    Bon Secours Virginia-Richmond made Working Mother

    magazines 2011 list o 100 best companies or working

    mothers, or the 14th time.

    Hospital and Health Networks magazine named Bon Secours

    Virginia-Richmond one o the most wired health systems in

    the U.S.

    Bon Secours Virginia-Richmond was named by AARP as

    one o the top places in the country to work or people olderthan 50 or the seventh time. Bon Secours ranked ninth on the

    AARP Best Employers or Workers Over 50 li st.

    Soliant Health placed St. Francis Medical Center in the top

    spot in its 20 Most Beautiul Hospitals in America l ist or 2011.

    Bon Secours Virginia-Hampton Roads

    Bon Secours Home Care was named to the 2010 HomeCare

    Elite, a compilation o the most successul Medicare-certied

    home health care providers in the United States.

    The Heart and Vascular Institute at Bon Secours Maryview

    Medical Center was recognized as a UnitedHealth Premium

    Cardiac Specialty Center or Interventional Cardiac Care and

    received the top rating o three stars.

    Mary Immaculate Hospital outperormed the national

    average in seven o eight hospital-acquired conditions,

    according to a recent study by the Centers or Medicaid and

    Medicare Services (CMS).

    The Center or Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) report on

    hospital-acquired conditions rom 2008 to 2010 showed that

    Maryview Medical Center not only perormed much better

    than the national rate, but also ranked as the best hospital inHampton Roads, Virginia.

    Mary Immaculate Hospital was recognized by the Leaprog

    Group or its work in decreasing the number o early elective

    obstetrical deliveries.

    Maryview Medical Center earned the Mission: Lieline

    Bronze Quality Achievement Award rom the American

    Heart Association.

    The Surgical Weight Loss Center at Mary Immaculate

    Hospital was named a Bariatric Surgery Center o Excellence

    by the American Society or Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.

    Bon Secours Virginia-Hampton Roads Emergency

    Services received national recognition rom the Emergency

    Nurses Association (ENA) and the Board o Certication or

    Emergency Nursing (BCEN) or its commitment to increasing

    the number o nationally board-certied emergency nurses.

    Maryview Nursing Care Center received a high ranking ove stars overall in the 2011 Best Nursing Homes, produced by

    U.S. News & World Reportmagazine.


  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011





    Roper St. Francis Healthcare

    Roper St. Francis HealthCare was

    recognized as one o the 100 Best

    Places to Work in Healthcare by

    Modern Healthcare magazine.

    Roper St. Francis was ranked

    number 52 on the list.

    For the tenth consecutive year,

    Roper St. Francis Healthcare,

    Charleston, South Carolina, has received

    national recognition or achieving

    exceptional levels o patient, medical

    sta, and employee satisaction.

    This year, Roper St. Francis received

    157 awards rom Proessional

    Research Consultants (PRC).

    thehealth systems

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Today, Bon Secours more than21,000 caregivers help people in

    ten communities within six states.

    Operating facilities include:








    New York











    South Carolina






    health systems

    boardof directors

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    Board o Directors

    Bon Secours Health System, Inc.

    Chris AllenExecutive Director/CEO

    Detroit Wayne County Health Authority

    Detroit, Michigan

    Richard BlairRetired Chie Financial Ofcer

    Blaine, Minnesota

    Michael CareyRetired Human Resources Executive

    Warren, New Jersey

    Sister Elaine Davia, C.B.S.Director o Formation

    Sisters o Bon Secours

    Marriottsville, Maryland

    Marcia DushPrincipal

    Buck ConsultantsWashington, D.C.

    Elder Granger, M.D.President and CEO

    The 5 Ps, LLC

    Centennial, Colorado

    Roger HuangKenneth R. Meyer Proessor and Department Chair

    Department o Finance - University o Notre Dame

    Notre Dame, Indiana

    David JimenezRetired Health Care Executive

    Springboro, Ohio

    Gerard KellsRetired Human Resources Executive

    Skillman, New Jersey

    Laurie LaontaineVice President, Finance and Treasury

    Allina Health System

    Minneapolis, Minnesota

    Lucretia M. McClenneyDirector, Center or Minority Veterans

    Veterans Administration

    Washington, D.C.

    Susan SandlundPartner

    Veritas Partners

    New York, New York

    Donald G. Seitz, M.D., ChairpersonRetired Orthopedic Surgeon

    Richmond, Virginia

    Richard SerafniRetired CPA/Partner

    Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

    Myles N. Sheehan, S.J., M.D.Provincial

    Society o Jesus o New England

    Watertown, Massachusetts

    Sister Mary Shimo, C.B.S.Director o Volunteers

    Bon Secours Hospital

    Baltimore, Maryland

    Richard J. StatutoPresident and Chie Executive Ofcer

    Bon Secours Health System

    Marriottsville, Maryland

    Sister Alice Talone, C.B.S.

    Sisters o Bon SecoursMarriottsville, Maryland

    Board o Directors

    Bon Secours Ministries

    Charles H. Brown, IIITax Director

    Ellin and Tucker

    Baltimore, Maryland

    Regina ClitonRetired Health Care Executive

    Pinellas Park, Florida

    Sister Pat Dowling, C.B.S.Director o Vocations

    Sisters o Bon Secours-USA

    Marriottsville, Maryland

    Sister Patricia A. Eck, C.B.S., Chair/PresidentCongregation Leader

    Sisters o Bon Secours

    Marriottsville, Maryland

    Sister Rose Marie Jasinski, C.B.S., Vice ChairCountry Leader

    Sisters o Bon Secours-USA

    Marriottsville, Maryland

    Sister Anne M. Lutz, C.B.S., TreasurerExecutive Vice President, Sponsorship

    Bon Secours Health System

    Marriottsville, Maryland

    Donald G. Seitz, M.D.Chairperson, Board o Directors

    Bon Secours Health System

    Richmond, Virginia

    Bon Secours working

    to promote sustainable

    environmental practices

    While serving to promote sustainableenvironmental practices as part of the Bon

    Secours commitment to our communities and

    our environmentthis report has been prepared

    for electronic publication. Please consider the

    environment before printing. Thank you!

    All commercially printed copies of this

    report have been responsibly produced

    with environmentally active suppliers

    and materials.

  • 8/2/2019 Bon Secours Annual Report 2011


    r e s p e c t | c o m p a s s i o n | j u s t i c e | i n t e g r i t y | q u a l i t y | i n n o v a t i o n | s t e w a r d s h i p | g r o w t h

    1505 Marriottsville Road

    Marriottsville, MD 21104