birdlife western andrew kehoe...

Meeting Open Time: 5:30pm Attendance Present: Mike Bamford, Alasdair Bulloch, Andrew Hobbs, Viv Read, Jen Sumpton, Lou Scampoli, Beverley Winterton (Zoom) Apologies: Max Goodwin Visitor/Staff: Peter Jacoby Declaration of Interest: ITEM POINTS OF DISCUSSION ACTION REQUIRED BY WHO EST. COMPLETION DATE Discussion with the Chair Open Discussion: Allocate costings to BWA Strategy. Ensuring consistency with WA based BirdLife Australia staff. National office updating their fire policy. Finance Committee meeting 22 nd January, Wednesday, 10:30am to develop the 5-year Finance Plan and sustainability model expenditure. Plan for a series of meetings in consultation with National office to develop effective relations with WA-based staff. Social event with staff on 31 st Jan 2020 to be arranged. BWA policy development BW VR & LS JS MH & PJ BirdLife Western Australia Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – January to March 2020 MINUTES Date 13 th January 2020. Location: Peregrine House, Floreat

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Page 1: BirdLife Western Andrew Kehoe – email regarding plans for housing development at Mosman Park golf course 5.7

Meeting Open Time: 5:30pm

Attendance Present: Mike Bamford, Alasdair Bulloch, Andrew Hobbs, Viv Read, Jen Sumpton, Lou Scampoli, Beverley Winterton (Zoom)

Apologies: Max Goodwin

Visitor/Staff: Peter Jacoby

Declaration of Interest:



Discussion with the Chair Open Discussion:

Allocate costings to BWA Strategy.

Ensuring consistency with WA based BirdLife Australia staff.

National office updating their fire policy.

Finance Committee meeting 22nd January, Wednesday, 10:30am to develop the 5-year Finance Plan and sustainability model expenditure.

Plan for a series of meetings in consultation with National office to develop effective relations with WA-based staff.

Social event with staff on 31st Jan 2020 to be arranged.

BWA policy development





BirdLife Western Australia Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – January to March 2020


Date 13th January 2020. Location: Peregrine House, Floreat

Page 2: BirdLife Western Andrew Kehoe – email regarding plans for housing development at Mosman Park golf course 5.7

Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia


1.0 Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Motion: That the minutes from the December 2019 meeting be accepted.

Moved: AB Seconded: LS Carried

2.0 Business Arising Action List from Previous Minutes

2.1 EC members to be confirmed for lead roles in developing and delivering actions of the Strategic Plan.

2.2 Treasurer to liaise with Vicki Stokes regarding the expenditure of the Buchanan donation.

2.3 Appointment of Alfred & Heidi Lau in role of WA Bird Conservation Network Coordinator role.

2.5 Network Governance and Policy Document.

2.6 VR to write to National Office expressing concern based on Sue Mather’s observation of Wildlife protector being encouraged as desired membership option.

2.7 Mail outs – MH to ring Samantha Vine in National Office regarding the problems with mail-outs. (i.e. the costs attached to.

2.8 Awards – JS to investigate who has received the Distinguished Service Award. 2.9 Cape to Cape Group funding request – VR to inform Christine Wilder that the request could not be


LS to email documents to Paul Sullivan

VR has written to them. No response to date.

MH spoke to S. Vine and A. Parks.

Further investigation warranted.

Confirmed DSA not awarded.

VR has contacted CW.



Meeting on Tuesday 14th January.




Write bio for review by VR prior to submission to Birdlife Australia.


VR & JS.


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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

considered as no specific amount of funding was made available.

2.10 Volunteer of The Year



Nominated: Libby McGill. Anne Bondin.

AB & LS to provide bio for nominees.

3.0 Treasurer’s Report The full financials for 2019 will be available at the AGM. 2020 Budget now complete. .

Approved to open Westpac term deposits as recommended by Finance Committee

Move: AB Second: JS


4.0 Out of Session Decisions for Ratification

5.0 Correspondence In 5.4 Celia Hammond MP, Member for Curtin – invitation to apply for 2019/20 volunteer grants, copy attached. 5.5 Mark and Vivienne Hillyer – email raising concerns about water being pumped from Yenteyerrup Lake in Jerramungup.

Discussed if grant only applies to expenditure not incurred.

Can we use it for CEC binocular purchase?

Shire of Jerramungup has become the sixth area in WA to be declared water deficient.

Options to be investigated.

Follow up with VS contact with Hillyer’s.



6.0 Correspondence Out

7.0 Priority and Standing Items

7.1 Regional Group Support

7.1.1 MoU’s

7.1.2 WA Bird

Meet with Alfred & Heidi to discuss the role and achieving

Contact Christine Wilder to advise that this new role is not intended to


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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

Conservation Network

such as friends of groups becoming affiliated or partners with BWA.

impact on her role as regional group mentor.

7.1.3 Employment of PT Coordinator

7.2 Development Applications and Permits

Proposed Browse to North West Shelf Project. Public Environmental Review closes 12 Feb 2020. Review Lake Disappointment submission. Did BWA have any influence?


VR and SQ

8.0 Committees 8.1 Office Manager Report – attached

8.2 Community Education CEC to purchase 33 pairs of small binoculars for primary school visits. EC to investigate Grant funds.

Purchase approved with or without grant in place. AP to be contacted.


8.3 Excursions – Excursions for approval, see attached spreadsheet

January/February excursions reviewed.

Approved. Moved: MB Seconded: JS. Carried.

8.4 Sales Meeting minutes submitted.

8.5 GWW Meeting minutes submitted.

8.6 Bittern Project Committee

8.7 Accommodation Committee

MG met with Town of Cambridge Duty Planner.

Project progressing.

Meet with Consultant about progressing Stage 2.

Investigate ‘Foundation Funds’, how initially set up and process to



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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

amend Branch Working Arrangement document by members at AGM.

8.8 Finance Committee

8.8.1 BWA Strategic Plan

9.0 Projects 9.1 Program Manager Report

10.0 Other Business 10.2 Position development for Western Ground Parrot

10.4 New request for funding from Christine Wilder.

BWA to develop a strong position and proposal.

Discussed if there will be a monitoring program assessing the effectiveness of the signs.

How many signs will be installed.? What area and full costings required as this is a major investment. Do the signs form part of an overall strategy and processes?

Produce dot point document of our concerns.

Meet with DBCA Head of Research and Minister early February to discuss our concerns.

Contact Christine Wilder for further information.



11.0 Next Meetings 11.1 General Meeting Monday, 20th January 2020. 7:30pm.

Kiran Dhimal will be speaking about the Birds of Nepal.

11.2 Volunteer of the Month N/A

11.3 Next EC Meeting 10th February 2020. 5:30pm.

Meeting Closed 8:02pm.

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

Meeting Open Time: 5.30pm

Attendance Present: Alasdair Bulloch, Andrew Hobbs, Viv Read, Jen Sumpton, Lou Scampoli, Beverley Winterton, Max Goodwin, Mark Henryon (via Skype)

Apologies: Mike Bamford

Visitor/Staff: Beth Walker

Declaration of Interest: None



Discussion with the Chair Open Discussion Actions on the strategic plan by individual committee members and the 4 goals.

EC support for the Wren Project.

Relationship between BWA EC and National Office.

Discuss with Tegan.

Chair to discuss staff relations with Birdlife CEO.

Chair to discuss with PM how to better integrate in 2020.

Construct a communications protocol with NO.

Consider options for BWA to be represented at the NO leadership






BirdLife Western Australia Executive Committee Meeting


Date 10 February 2020 Time: 5.30pm Location: Peregrine House, Floreat

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia


1.0 Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Motion: That the minutes from the January 2020 meeting be accepted.

Moved: JS Seconded: AB Carried

2.0 Business Arising Action List from Previous Minutes

2.1. Finance committee to develop 5-year Finance Plan and sustainability model expenditure - BW

2.2 Plan for series of meetings in consultation with NO to develop effective relations with WA-based staff – VR & LS

2.3 BWA fire policy development – MH & PJ

2.4 Distinguished Service Award bio for SA for review by VR prior to submission to BirdLife Australia - JS

2.5 Volunteer of the Year nominees – AB and LS to provide bios

2.6 Options for 2019/20 volunteer grants to be investigated – JS

2.7 Water issues in Jerramungup, follow up with VS contact with Hillyers – VR

2.8 Regional group support, contact Christine Wilder to advise that this new role is not intended to impact on her role as regional group mentor - VR

2.9 AP to be contacted to advise binoculars purchase has been approved – JS

2.10 Meet with accommodation Consultant

2.1 Completed

2.2 Ongoing

2.3 Completed

2.4 Completed

2.5 Completed

2.6 Completed

2.7 Completed

2.8 Completed

2.9 Completed

2.10 Completed

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

about progressing Stage 2 - MG

2.11 Investigate ‘Foundation Funds’, how initially set up and process to amend Branch Working Arrangement document by members at AGM - LS

2.12 Western Ground Parrot – MB to produce dot point document of EC concerns

2.13 Meet with DBCA Head of Research and Minister early February.

2.14 Contact Christine Wilder for further information about new funding proposal - BW

2.11 Completed

2.12 Completed

2.13 Ongoing

2.14 Completed

3.0 Treasurer’s Report 3.1 Finance Committee to table documents for discussion

3.2 Treasurer – discussion on preliminary financial planning to support BWA’s strategic plan

3.3 Invoicing and donations

The 2019 financials will be available for the AGM.

Feedback from finance committee meeting on preliminary plan.

Do not request invoices for donations, GST free tax invoices are not an option.

4.0 Out of Session Decisions for Ratification

5.0 Correspondence In 5.1 Jason Hick, Environmental Consultants Assocn –invitation to Viv for New Year 2020 breakfast

5.2 Pauline Winrow – email regarding concerns about

VR has responded.

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Corella culling

5.3 Pauline Winrow – further comments on Corella culling

5.5 Madeleine Challender - concerns about proposed North Kimberley bauxite mine

5.6 Andrew Kehoe – email regarding plans for housing development at Mosman Park golf course

5.7 Max Goodwin – advising will not be re-nominating for the EC in 2020

5.8 Vivienne Hillyer and Mark Jefferey – further update on pumping of water from Lake Yenteyerrup, attached

6.0 Correspondence Out 6.1 Environmental Consultants Assocn. – RSVP from Viv

6.2 Clive Napier – get well card

6.3 Mavis Norgard – get well card

6.4 Pauline Winrow – response to email regarding Corella culling

6.5 2020 25 Year Members – invitation to AGM to receive 25 Year badge

6.6 Madeleine Challender – response to email re proposed bauxite mine, too late to comment as email received on day that public comment closed (26 Jan)

6.7 Andrew Kehoe – response to email re Mosman Park golf course

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

6.8 BirdLife Australia – Distinguished Service Medal nomination

6.9 Christine Wilder, BirdLife Cape to Cape group – request for more information regarding Hooded Plover funding proposal

7.0 Priority and Standing Items

7.1 Regional Group Support

7.1.1 MoU’s

7.1.1 MoU’s

7.1.2 WA Bird Conservation Network

Alfred and Heidi have been appointed.

7.1.3 Employment of PT Coordinator

7.2 Development Applications and Permits

7.3 Occupational health and safety – risk assessment

The process is progressing. A member with General Practice experience is available to assist.

AH to provide feedback from his meeting with Sue.


8.0 Committees 8.1 Office Manager Report – attached

Report was provided and discussed.

8.2 Community Education

8.3 Excursions – Excursions for approval, see attached spreadsheet

All excursions as written were approved.

8.4 Sales – minutes from May meeting attached

Approval to proceed with obtaining quotes for expenditure of less than $2,500 per annum.

JS to draft amendments to the Terms of Reference for the Sales Committee..


8.5 GWW A further bird skills course is planned for Spring.

8.6 Bittern Project Committee

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

8.7 Accommodation Committee

MG provided an update and recommendations on accommodation. Advised on need to mature the relationship between BWA and WA Naturalist’s Club. Legal advice is required regarding leasing arrangements and Lotterywest funding. Stage 2 will require a methodical approach. Max recommends:

- Developing a core proposal for BGPA, Lotterywest and WA Naturalists Club.

- Seek volunteer coordinator role to take over from Max.

- Meet with Paul Sullivan for provisional endorsement.

Enable all EC members access to SharePoint

Renewed timeline for stage 2

Chair of committee to arrange a calling of quotes resubmission.




8.8 Finance Committee

8.8.1 BWA Strategic Plan

9.0 Projects 9.1 Program Manager Report

10.0 Other Business 10.1 Hooded Plover

10.2 Western Ground Parrot

Possible workshop in Margaret River to consider current position.

BWA has a paper representing their views written by MB, however, a government submission has already been made by others.

Chair to investigate the opportunity for a Hooded Plover workshop in the Greater Cape.

Form WGP committee for advocacy, ask MB to lead.

Approach Allan Burbridge and Paul Wetton to discuss current situation.

Discuss with Friends of the WGP.

Circulate letter from National Office.






11.0 Next Meetings 11.1 General Meeting Monday 24 February 2020 Dr. Kris Warren from Murdoch

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

University will be speaking.

11.2 Volunteer of the Month

11.3 Next EC Meeting Monday 9 March 2020. 5.30pm

Meeting Closed 8.05pm

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

Meeting Open Time: 5.30pm

Attendance Present: Alasdair Bulloch, Andrew Hobbs, Viv Read, Jen Sumpton , Beverley Winterton, Mark Henryon, Mike Bamford, Beth Walker, Peter Jacoby

Apologies: Lou Scampoli

Visitor/Staff: Allan Burbridge, DBCA

Declaration of Interest: None



Discussion with the Chair Open Discussion Allan Burbidge, DBCA – discussion regarding Western Ground Parrot.

1.0 Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Motion: That the minutes from the January 2020 meeting be accepted.

Moved: JS Seconded: AB Carried

2.0 Business Arising Action List from Previous Minutes

2.1. Discuss Wren project with Tegan - MB

2.2 Chair to discuss staff relations with BirdLife CEO – VR

2.1 Ongoing

2.2 Completed

BirdLife Western Australia Executive Committee Meeting


Date 9 March 2020 Time: 5.00pm Location: Peregrine House, Floreat

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

2.3 Chair to discuss with PM how to better integrate in 2020 – VR

2.4 Construct a communications protocol with NO – VR

2.5 Consider options for BirdLife WA to be represented at the NO leadership - VR

2.6 Occupational Health & Safety – AB to provide feedback from his meeting with Sue

2.7 Amendments to be made to the Terms of Reference for the Sales Committee - JS

2.8 Enable all EC members access to SharePoint for accommodation documents – LS

2.9 Renewed timeline for stage 2 of accommodation project – VR

2.10 Chair of committee to arrange a calling of quotes resubmission for accommodation project – VR

2.11 Investigate the opportunity for a Hooded Plover workshop in the Greater Cape – VR

2.12 Western Ground Parrot Committee to be formed for advocacy, ask MB to lead - VR

2.13 Approach Allan Burbidge and Paul Wettin to discuss current WGP situation – AH

EC August meeting, MB to lead.

2.3 Ongoing

2.4 Ongoing

2.5 Ongoing

2.6 Completed

2.7 Ongoing

2.8 Completed

2.9 Ongoing

2.10 Ongoing

2.11 Ongoing

2.12 Completed

2.13 Completed

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and MB

2.14 Discuss with EC position with Friends of the WGP - MB

2.15 Circulate Western Ground Parrot letter from National Office - VR

2.14 Completed

2.15 Completed

3.0 Treasurer’s Report 3.1 Finance Committee to table documents for discussion

3.3 Invoicing and donations

The 2019 financial statements were tabled at the AGM.

GST free invoices for donations are not to be used, BW has developed a new document for this purpose.

4.0 Out of Session Decisions for Ratification

5.0 Correspondence In 5.1 Sally Lawry – email with concerns about removal of gum tree in Fremantle

5.2 Cherryl Oldham, Shire of Murray – response from Shire of Murray regarding planning approval at Lake Mealup, attached

5.3 Minister Stephen Dawson – response to letter regarding protection of Cocanarup, attached.

VR has responded.

6.0 Correspondence Out 6.1 Sally Lawry – response to her email regarding gum tree removal in Fremantle

6.2 CEO, Shire of Murray – comments on renewal of planning approval at Lake Mealup

VR has sent letter.

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

6.3 Dept. of Water and Environmental Regulations – concerns about water extraction at Lake Yenteryerrup

7.0 Priority and Standing Items

7.1 Regional Group Support

7.1.1 MoU’s

7.1.1 MoU’s

JS and VR to work with Bunbury group to resolve issues raised by that group.

7.1.2 WA Bird Conservation Network

Advertise in eNews for a volunteer to replace Suzie.


7.1.3 Employment of PT Coordinator

7.2 Development Applications and Permits

Nil VR to contact Eddie Wajun from the Wildflower Association about cooperative arrangements for approval assessments.


8.0 Committees 8.1 Office Manager Report – attached

Received, no decisions required.

8.2 Community Education

8.3 Excursions – Excursions for approval, see attached spreadsheet

All excursions approved and endorsed.

8.4 Sales Greeting card price has been increased to $2, with no reduction in demand.

8.5 GWW GWW surveys organized for autumn.

8.6 Bittern Project Committee

8.7 Accommodation Committee

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Executive Committee Meeting BirdLife Western Australia

8.8 Finance Committee

8.8.1 BWA Strategic Plan

8.8.1 Developing policy on climate change and burning.

9.0 Projects 9.1 Program Manager Report Alcoa black cockatoo project offset meeting workshop on 23rd and 24th March.

Conservation Action Plan meeting.

MB to develop 3-4 dot points and circulate.

MB to decide if available to attend, and to advise Chair if not.



10.0 Other Business 10.1 Review of the EPBC Act

10.2 A group has requested a $2000 donation for filming whales in Bremmer Bay

10.3 Funding to reprint Bunbury bird documents

10.4 Galaxy Ridge -native planting workday

Support National Office.

Motion: decline funding request. Moved: AB, seconded: PJ. Carried. Majority voted to decline funding.

BWA has teamed with Friends of Yellagonga National Park in Kingsley to plant 2500 native plants on 6 June 2020. Watering roster will be required over summer.

VR to report to Andrew Hunter, Birdlife WA looks forward to supporting their position.

VR will respond to the vert to the group.

Bunbury BirdLife to be advised to seek funding from the City of Bunbury in the first instance.




11.0 Next Meetings 11.1 General Meeting Monday 23 March 2020. Guest speaker – Claire Greenwell, Fairy Tern conservation in WA.

11.2 Volunteer of the Month Volunteer of the month has been suspended until a more structured process is in place.

11.3 Next EC Meeting Monday 13 April 2020, 5.30pm.

Meeting Closed 8.10pm