april/may 2014 issue 9


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The Lemonade Stand is a free publication that highlights the people, places and businesses in Fayette and Coweta counties. We shine a spotlight on the good things in life– the accomplishments of our amazing youth, inspirational stories, charities & non-profit organizations, and the residents and local businesses that make up the heart of our community.


Page 1: April/May 2014 Issue 9
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Page 3: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Frozen Meatballs (1 lb. )

8-10 Gingersnaps

1 cup Brown Sugar

1/4 Vinegar

1 Teaspoon Onion Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Salt

28 ounces V8

Italian Rolls

Provolone Cheese

Put 8-10 gingersnaps in a crockpot. Add your vinegar. Mash up the gingersnaps with a fork. Add the onion powder, garlic salt and brown sugar. Next, add your V8 Juice and mix. Finally add meatballs. Allow to cook on high for about 3-4 hours. Then, turn down heat to low for about 1 hour. Let cool for about 20 minutes or until thickened. Serve on Italian bread with provolone cheese. ENJOY!

1 small can Sweetened Condensed Milk

1/8 cup Chocolate Chips

1/2 Tablespoon Sea Salt Heat oven to 425 degrees. Put condensed milk in oven proof container. Cover the container with aluminum foil and set it in a second oven proof bowl. Fill the second oven proof bowl with water so that it is at least 1/2 of the way up the first bowl. Bake for about 90 minutes, stirring every 30 minutes. Remove and stir until lumps are gone. Let cool, then put in refrigerator. When ready to serve, melt a 1/8 of a cup chocolate chips in the microwave. Drizzle on melted chocolate and sprinkle sea salt before serving with sliced apples. ENJOY!

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Page 5: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Death and suffering have come to thee.

And all this pain you bring to me.

Let us roam free. Let us roam free.

There is no great difference from you and me.

Black and white or shades of grey,

We must not let it stay this way.

Let us be free. Let us be free.

Guns crack shots like breaking branches of a tree.

Page 6: April/May 2014 Issue 9
Page 7: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Spring Garden safety for your pets: --- Please be aware that many insecticides, herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers can be harmful and even fatal to pets. --Beware of compost, snail and mole baits, pesticides, and many types of mulch, when you have pets running around outside. --Not all flowers are safe when animals are concerned - daffodils are toxic to cats. Easter decorations that pose a potential hazard to pets: --The Easter Lily is highly toxic to cats. --Stringy things like Easter grass can be a deadly threat if ingested. Trying to pull out visible grass or string is not recommended, as this can cause more damage if the piece is long and trapped far inside the body. --Chocolate can be deadly to pets. The level of toxicity is based on the type and quantity of chocolate consumed. If you suspect your pet may have come in contact with a potentially

poisonous substance, contact your local vet or the ASPCA at (888) 426-4435

Hiccups are little more than muscle spasms. They’re a reflex, or a nerve twitch, that cycles through your body when something has irritated your diaphragm or one of the vagus nerves that run from the brain to the abdomen. Being over-full, eating spicy foods, and eating or drinking quickly are all known to cause hiccups. Here are some tried-and-true remedies you can try that may actually interrupt the twitch cycle and banish those hiccups forever! --Although there is no proof of this, swallowing a teaspoon of dry sugar may do the trick. Its graininess could slightly irritate the esophagus, causing the phrenic nerves to "reset" themselves. --Take a teaspoonful of vinegar. The sour taste could end your hiccups. --Eat a big spoonful of peanut butter. In the process of chewing and getting it off your tongue and teeth, your swallowing and breathing patterns are interrupted. --Stir 1 teaspoon of honey in warm water, place it on the back of your tongue, and swallow. This could potentially tickle the vagus nerve enough to make the hiccups stop. --Chew on an antacid tablet (or two) – many of them contain magnesium–and magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer. --Take a deep breath and exhale forcefully, then inhale and exhale really tiny breaths.

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Page 9: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Sometimes it's hard to find quality media: websites, movies, etc. that are entertaining yet thoughtful. A quick google search of "best movies/books for teens" made me painfully aware that someone had to come up with a better lineup. So here is my (hopefully) non-intelligence-insulting list of some of my favorite websites, singers, books, and movies. 1. Blimey Cow. A YouTube channel created by three young-adult siblings, Blimey Cow releases weekly videos that discuss issues such as bullying, American consumerism, and relationships. Both perceptive and humorous, these siblings employ a heavy dose of sarcasm to critique all aspects of society-and even themselves. 2. The Outsiders. Not only is this young adult novel focused on the lives of teens, but it also was written by a high school student. S. E. Hinton penned The Outsiders to reflect the socioeconomic divisions and their resulting cliques that she had seen form in her own high school. Published in 1967, The Outsiders is poignant, gripping, and timeless. 3. College Prowler. With student-written information on practically everything you could want to know about each American college, this website (colleges.niche.com) has been invaluable in helping me make college decisions. Sign up for a free account for unlimited access to information on everything from a college's campus dining to admissions to weather. 4. Plugged In. For those of us tired of being slimed by unexpectedly profane media content, PluggedIn.com provides reviews of movies, music, TV shows, and video games. Analyzing content as well as artistic quality, Plugged In is always my go-to resource before I watch a movie or purchase a song.

5. 42. Released last year, this biographical film of Jackie Robinson is about so much more than baseball. Take it from someone who doesn't like sports movies, 42 manages to tackle issues like racism while applauding bravery and perseverance and being thoroughly entertaining throughout. 6. Lorde. At last, a teenager who sings about issues regular teens can relate to, Lorde is a 16-year-old singer from New Zealand. You've probably heard her hit songs "Royals" and "Team," but the rest of her music is similarly filled with insight on teen issues and catchy indie-electro melodies, making it just as worthy of attention. Some songs contain profanity and references to drinking; for cleaner listening, I suggest "White Teeth Teens," "Bravado," and "Buzzcut Season." 7. Beth Evans. Addressing topics ranging from her favorite TV shows to her struggle with mental illness, Beth Evans posts comics on her blog, butthorn.tumblr.com, that are both amusing and relatable. Sweet, simplistic drawings combined with acute perception make issues as solemn as worrying about one's future, procrastination, feeling lonely, and struggling with anxiety comical, or at least communal.

Page 10: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation in San Antonio, Texas was founded by Lynn Cuny in 1978. Their mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and release orphaned, injured and displaced wildlife. For the animals that have been deemed non-releasable, WRR gives permanent care in large natural habitats. I found each of the thirty one stories in this book to be fascinating and often heartwrenching. Cuny takes the reader through each rescue, step by step, allowing us to witness a small glimpse into what she goes through to help these animals. This book will certainly dispel the myth that animals are devoid of reason, compassion or emotion. For more information on WRR, go to www.wildlife-rescue.org BOTTOM LINE: Each story will touch your heart and help you to see “through animals’ eyes.” --Review by Dolores D’Agostino

Page 11: April/May 2014 Issue 9

This month I’m sharing a homemade chocolate face mask that is

really simple and will leave your skin looking fresh and clean.

Instructions: 1. Mix water & brown sugar in a small bowl 2. Heat until sugar is dissolved. 3. While still warm, mix in baking soda and cocoa powder 4. In separate bowl, mix together egg yolk & milk 5. Combine egg mixture with chocolate mixture 6. Apply to your face and leave on for 30 minutes 7. Wash your face with warm water. Pat dry

Elizabeth D’Agostino is a 7th grader at Rising Starr Middle School. Each month, she shares with us a low-cost beauty treatment that you can

make using simple ingredients found in your home or from the local grocery store.

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Page 13: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Instructions: On a sunny day, go outside and grab the garden hose. To form a rainbow, you will want the water to be a mist, so if your hose has a nozzle, remove it. Now, turn on the water. Put your finger over the hose so that the water is coming out in as fine of a mist as possible. Be prepared to get a little wet trying this out. Stand with your back to the sun. Spray the water onto a dark surface like a driveway or the grass. You’ll find the best times of day to catch a rainbow are early morning before 9am and late afternoon after 4pm when the sun is lower in the sky. Try moving your finger letting out more or less water to see if you can create a variety of beautiful rainbows. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation: Rainbows form in the sky when sunlight refracts (bends) as it passes through raindrops. It acts in the same way when it passes through the water from the hose. The sunlight refracts, separating it into the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Page 14: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Granite and Marble Warehouse would like to invite you to visit

us and tour our facility. Why travel all the way to Atlanta,

when the best prices and finest selection of gorgeous granite

slabs are available to you right here in Peachtree City!

When matching apples to apples, our bottom line prices are

the lowest. Tour our warehouse during the months of March

and April and enter to win a Spring Gift Basket, or up to

10% off your granite purchase. Everyone’s a winner!

Page 15: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Just as we are with people in making first impressions, we tend to do it with places we visit. We've all, at some point, walked into a room, feeling that it does or doesn't feel right. But for some reason we are unable to place a finger on why that is so. And then we may go on our way without giving any more thought to it, though the impression we acquired would accompany us for a very long time. According to Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese philosophy, the feeling we harbor is derived from the cumulative energy in the room. Called Ch'i, the energy is furnished by the inclusion, exclusion and arrangement of objects. When positive energy is present, it can help foster a harmonious environment in our lives. It's paramount to channel the flow of Feng Shui from the outside toward the interior of a home. For hallways and lobby that are closest

to the front door, a mirror should not be placed in the entrance way facing the door. That would allow needed energy to bounce back to the exterior when the aim is to have that energy flow uninterrupted though all rooms, especially the 'main energy centers' such as the bedroom and the kitchen.

In a bedroom, Feng Shui can enable restful sleep and a nurturing relationship between a couple. Certain objects and their arrangement are important to achieve this. Walls should be in colors of 'the flesh', and soothing. Lighting of different intensities can create various ambiances while opened windows will permit the circulation of air. And the bed should be positioned so as to not face the main door. Feng Shui advises against the presence of TV and exercise equipment in a bedroom. Generally, running water in the form of a fountain can introduce good Feng Shui to a home. Flowing water is best in the front of the building or in an open space. Here it allows for the ceaseless flow of energy. It is considered bad Feng Shui though to have a water feature in a bedroom as the 'water energy' is said to bring 'worry' into the

room. Without even knowing the 'science' behind it, we may tend to intuitively practice Feng Shui in our homes - increasing the flow of positive energy, and directly and indirectly creating a world of outer and inner harmony in our lives.

Page 16: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Dear Clemontine: I would really like to start teaching my five-year old son to start taking responsibility. What chores would be realistic for me to expect of him and how could I get him to do them? --New Mom Dear NM: A good way to start is by having your son pick up his own toys when he’s done playing with them. Try using a bin that he can toss his toys into, making it seem like a basketball game! You could also ask him to help you with something. Young kids like to feel important, they like to act like the “big kids,” and helping mom with something will make him feel really important. Ask him to help when you’re cooking by stirring ingredients in a bowl or he can help you set the table at dinnertime. Remember to praise him when he does things on his own. By doing this, it will encourage him to not always wait to be told what to do. And, don’t expect perfection–especially when he is young. What matters is that he is putting forth the effort and trying his best.

Page 17: April/May 2014 Issue 9

Despite its name and threatening appearance, the earwig is a harmless and interesting creature. They mostly thrive in wet or moist soil, in open areas like lawns and gardens. It was once commonly believed that earwigs would burrow into people's ears at night and lay eggs in their brains. In fact the story still circulates as an urban myth. But we can all feel safe in knowing that Earwigs are not parasitic and would rather lay their eggs under a stone. The human ear, though about the right size for an earwig, is not an ideal resting place. So if one were to crawl into someone's ear it would not be typical behavior, but rather the actions of one very confused and lost earwig. The earwig possesses six legs, an antenna, claws, forceps and they crawl very fast. Some species emit a foul odor when they are disturbed. It is a special chemical compound that earwigs use as a defense mechanism against larger predators.

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Cart Logic is a new brand of golf cart accessories with a mission to help to make golf carts a bit more comfortable, and a lot more convenient. Cart Logic is committed to providing intelligent and practical solutions for comfort, organization and convenience. Presently, they offer a comprehensive line of innovative seat covers and blankets, with a few new accessories on the way. Cart Logic's cart cover innovations include a very practical seat blanket that features an effective attachment system and pockets for accessories and cell phones. The seat blanket is a portable seat cover solution for those renting carts and still want the comfort of a cover. They are available in five colors and two moisture-wicking fabrics. The original Cozi Covers are now available customized to fit most golf cart brands and are available in the same five colors and two fabrics. The seat covers are a beautiful fitted cover designed to cover damaged or discolored seats, or simply to decorate and add comfort to the standard vinyl seats. Deirdre Cook, President of Cart-Logic, comments: "The response to our original covers was a bit surprising. It wasn't long before we realized we needed to produce much larger volumes to keep up with demand. We have been told repeatedly that they are unhappy with the current options. We found the best microfiber and fleece fabrics, made sure the cut and fit were very good, and answered the need with a long-lasting comfortable cover." Cart Logic plans to introduce more than 4 new products in the near future, including a unique trash container and a cigar clip, with even more in the pipeline. Until then, the new line of covers and blankets will be available in retailers and on line, and all come with a beautiful storage and transport bag. The blankets and covers are easily custom- embroidered with course or club logo, and can be personalized as well.

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Page 23: April/May 2014 Issue 9

There are so many different things you can do with your flip-flops! The embellishments I used I made myself from ribbon, and scrap fabric. If you go to Pinterest and search for 'fabric flowers', 'ribbon flowers' or 'felt flowers' you'll find all kinds of tutorials to help you out. Now, if you're not that crafty just head over to Hobby Lobby and look for the aisle that has the supplies to make baby girl headbands and you’ll find all kinds of bows, flowers and feather embellishments that you can use on your flip flops.

For this one, I wrapped a black and white gingham ribbon around the straps. As you go, overlap the ribbon so the rubber isn't showing and dab some glue every few times around on the back to make sure it doesn't shift. For the flower I used an old black t-shirt that I cut into small circles, folded into quarters and layered then glued a rhinestone in the center.

For this pair I glued a strip of white ric-rac on the straps with the E600 glue. I made the bow from some ribbon I had at home and glued that to the center.

I did the same with these as the blue ones. Just glue the ric-rac on the strap using the E600 glue and add the embellishment to the center.

I glued the strip of ribbon on these instead of wrapping it like I did the black pair. The yellow ribbon I had was polka dot so I thought the polka dots would get lost if I wrapped the straps. The bow I made by tying strips of yellow and yellow and white polka dot ribbons together.

Page 24: April/May 2014 Issue 9

1/2 cup merlot (or any low alcohol wine) 2 tablespoons maple syrup 6 blackberries Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix. Slowly pour your mixture into a popsicle mold. Insert the plastic sticks. Freeze until solid. ENJOY! * for adults only - contains alcohol

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HOW TO PLAY : Solve the hidden quote by dropping the correct letter into each

square. The list of available letters is given at the top of each column. Cross off the letter you use as you go through the puzzle.

Black squares mark where each word ends. ------------------------ Last month’s puzzle:

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go.

They merely determine where you start



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Granite & Marble Warehouse - www.GraniteAndMarbleWarehouse.net Jackie Begg,Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices - www.jackiebegg.com

Kids R Kids / Robinson Rd. Peachtree City - www.kidsrkids.com Fairytales & Photographs - www.fairytalesandphotographs.com Sarah’s Home - facebook.com/SarahsHomeDesignAndGiftHouse Bee Yourself Photography - www.beeyourselfphotography.com Itsy Bitsy Creative Designs - www.itsybitsycreativedesigns.com Peachtree Oral & Facial Surgery - www.PeachtreeOMFS.com Peachtree City Orthodontics - www.mcphersonbraces.com

The Georgia Renaissance Festival - www.garenfest.com Angelic Arms Home Hospice - www.angelicarms.com Wade Lester/Keller Williams Realty - wadelester.com

The Music Garden - www.themusicgardenptc.com Arbor Terrace - www.at-peachtreecity.com It's A Bee Thing - www.itsabeething.com Saville Studios - www.savillestudios.com Star of India - www.starofindiaptc.com

M&R Print - [email protected] Jena Richards - jenarichards.com Cart Logic - www.cart-logic.com

Belan - www.belanflair.com D & V Nails/Kedron Plaza - 770-486-9905

The Lemonade Stand is an independent monthly magazine. All efforts are made to

assure factual accuracy within each issue published, but The Lemonade Stand, LLC

cannot be held responsible for changes, omissions or errors. All rights reserved. No

part of this publication may be reprinted without the publisher’s permission.

Disclaimer: The publisher has put forth its best efforts in preparing and arranging

this publication. The publisher is not a licensed doctor and you should consult your

doctor before engaging in any medical activities. The publisher and The Lemonade

Stand disclaim any liabilities or personal damages resulting from the use of

information contained in this magazine.

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