analysis or regional magazines adverts

Analysis or regional magazines ADVERTS

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Post on 22-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Analysis or regional magazines adverts

Analysis or regional magazines


Page 2: Analysis or regional magazines adverts

The mode of address is indirect and therefore there is not a relationship established between the model and the audience. However, this is effective as the focus and attention is therefore on the jewellery which in the aim of the advertisement. The main image is a long shot which allows the jewellery to be displayed effectively. The model is attractive which establishes Mulvey’s ‘male gaze’ which will attract a male audience, who may be buying this product for their partners. It will also attract a female audience who aspire to be like the female in the photograph and will therefore purchase the product.

Both the clothing worn by the model and her make up, the dress and red lipstick, represent femininity which connects to the product. It relates to the idea of women purchasing the product in order to become feminine or the idea of the ‘perfect woman’.The colour scheme is simplistic. The two main colours used are white and black. The black background and black clothing represents a sleek and sophisticated look, which will appeal to the target audience as they may be aspiring to be this.The title of the product ‘AZURE’ is the largest piece of text on the page, immediately grabbing attention. The gold may represent affluence and superiority, which the brand is trying to portray through their product.

The advert provides contact details for the product, this will appeal to the target audience as it makes the product easily accessible. It also relates to the uses and gratifications theory of ‘surveillance’ as the audience are able to gain information.

Page 3: Analysis or regional magazines adverts

The mode of address from the female model is minimal, however this is effective as it puts attention onto the product as the idea is that the product will attract the females attention in this way.The image takes up the majority of the page, the minimal layout may reflect the identity of the product. The female’s body positioning and language is very suggestive and provocative. This relates to Mulvey’s theory of the ‘male gaze’ as the male audience may establish her as an erotic object. This is also an advertising strategy for the product as the brand is suggesting, from the photograph, that if you purchase and wear this product women will lust after you.

The male model is creating direct address with the audience and therefore developing a personal relationship which relates to the uses and gratifications theory. The male model is also making a connection as he represents the ‘ideal’ man as he is attractive and has women lusting after him. Because of his representation in this image the audience may aspire to be him and therefore purchase the product in order to fulfil this. This image relates to sexual semiotics – Ferdinand de sussure

The product’s name is in a sophisticated font which may reflect their target audience. It is also in a large size and white against a black background. This makes the products name easily accessible to the audience.

The colour scheme is very simple with just black and white used. This gives the product a very sleek and sophisticated look, which will appeal to it’s target audience as they may be aspiring to become sophisticated through this product.

Page 4: Analysis or regional magazines adverts

The model’s mode of address is indirect. This is effective as the eyes are emphasises however, as she is not looking directly into the camera it allows more emphasis on the product, which is the eyelashes in this case.

The person modelling the product is a well known actress named Lea Michele who is part of the cast of a very popular TV show. Because of the popularity of the show, using Michele as the model will attract a wider audience as her fans may buy the product.

The font used is bold and striking which represents the idea the brand is trying to portray, in which by purchasing this mascara, your eyelashes will have “length + impact”. The use of this font along with the white text against the black background will help the text stand out and therefore grab the audience’s attention.

The pull quote “HOW GOOD GIRLS CAN BE SHOCKING TOO” represents the idea of women aspiring to be more like Lea Michele. As she would be considered the ‘next door’ type woman, she is claiming that this product helps her break out of this barrier. A female audience may buy this product for the same reason and are using Lea Michele as an inspiration.

The L’OEWAL PARIS’ brand is recognisable and therefore their logo will be familiar with the audience. This may also create security with the audience as they have confidence in the brand and are therefore willing to try their new products.

Page 5: Analysis or regional magazines adverts

The advert displays a unique and modern living room. Because the living room has a unique design it will gain the attention of the audience. This image represents the company’s style and image and therefore the audience is able to immediately decided on whether or not they would like to find out further information on the company.

The company’s logo is in a very unusual font, which connects to the image and further establishes the image of the company as being unique and modern. The white text also stands out against the brown background and is therefore easily accessible to the audience.

The advert provides the companies information. This will appeal to the target audience as it allows an easy way for the audience to directly contact the company and gain further information on the products. This relates to the uses and gratifications ‘surveillance’ theory.

The colour scheme is mainly brown however there is red used in some of the furniture. These bold pieces grab the attention of the reader. They may also represent the boldness and modernity of the company.

Page 6: Analysis or regional magazines adverts

The main image is of a sophisticated and classy living room. The style of the living room is classic and traditional which reflects the company’s image. This allows the audience to have a clear representation of the company and therefore establish their opinion of it.

Both the main image and the strap line display how the company has a wide range of furniture, etc. to offer to the reader. This will appeal to the audience as it gives them a variety to choose from and are more likely to find something of interest to them.

The advert provides the audience with contact information for the company. This will appeal to the audience as they are then able to go to store or telephone them and find out further information which they did not gain from the advert. This relates to the uses and gratifications theory of ‘surveillance’.

The colour scheme mainly consists of browns and creams. These are typically classy colours and will therefore be visually appealing to the target audience. These colours may also relate to the target audience’s personal tastes which means they are more likely to buy one of the company’s products. The reader may also be looking to become more sophisticated, and the advert suggests that by purchasing their products they will be able to.

The company’s logo ‘Treasure Furniture’ is the only white text which makes it stand out from the rest of the advert. This makes the company’s name easily identifiable to the audience. The font of the text ‘treasurers’ is in italics portraying a sophisticated look.

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CONCLUSION After researching several adverts which could be found in regional magazines I have found that the main codes and conventions include: • Main Image – This will highlight the product which is

being advertised. • Colour Scheme – This will connect to the

representation of the product. • Contact Information – This makes the company easily

accessible to the target audience. • Logo – This will create brand awareness. • Model – The model will either be famous or seen as

an ideal woman/ man to the reader.