state of internet marketing 2012 - session 1

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to marketing your business online? Once you have a website, what's next? You are not alone. Many business owners - both those starting out and even seasoned professionals - experience frustration when it comes to internet marketing. Where do you start?


2012 State of Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing is Permission Marketing

• Statistics tell the story

• Encourage your input & questions

• Take one thing that you can apply to your company

• Walk away with components small business websites should embrace!

For the full presentation and handouts go

Marketing Yesterday

Statistics Tell the Story

Statistics Tell the Story

More than 3/4 of the total population will be online in 2012.

Statistics Tell the Story

Online video viewers will reach 169.3 million in 2012.

Statistics Tell the Story

88.1% of US internet users ages 14+ will browse or research products online in 2012. 

Statistics Tell the Story

Content Marketing is the cheapest cost per lead for inbound marketing channels, while trade shows have the highest cost for outbound channels.

Statistics Tell the Story

Consumers are using multiple devices on a daily basis depending on the time of day and their current location.

Statistics Tell the Story

Conversion rates are 105% higher when consumers interact with reviews and ratings.

What Does This Mean for You?

The Truth:

• Online marketing is not optional.

• Google is the new Yellow Pages.

• It will take work.

What Does This Mean for You?

The Benefits:

• Internet marketing is scalable.• If your website is built right you can make changes on

the fly without knowing how to program.• You can track real-time

results.• You can compete with

businesses bigger than yours and still remain a 1-person operation.

What Does This Mean for You?

The Ugly:

• 65% of small businesses have a website, but only 19% update it once a week, and 10% update it once a year.

• 21% use tools to monitor web traffic, but astonishingly 63% don’t have tools tomonitor traffic.

What Does This Mean for You?

The Positive:

You are here and we are going to help you!

Time to Take Action!

Key Components Your Website Should Embrace

Internet Marketing is Like Dating…

You don’t ask someone to marry you on the first date.

You get to know each other first…then once you know the whole package is good you put a ring on it.

The following components will help in the initialphase of courting your online customers.

Key Component #1

A clear description of who you are. Your website visitor shouldn’t have to turn into an investigator to find out who you are and what you do.

Clearly state on the homepage:• Your business name• Your product and/or services.

Key Component #2

A Website URL that is easy to remember

and makes sense. Don’t make things complicated. Your domain is your brand. It should be easy for someone to remember and type into a web browser.

Recommendation – Use a .com URL, it’s what consumers are used to.

Key Component #3

Navigation that is user friendly.Clear navigation and links to pages that are important are crucial to not only user experience of your website, but it’s also important in building trust.

Your navigation and sitemap serves as a guide to a user on how to find what they are looking for.

Random Photo

This is Darby, he is my cat and he hopes you are paying attention!

Key Component #4

Easy to find contact information.Don’t lose a customer becausethey couldn’t figure out how to contact you.

Recommendation: Have your contact information in the upper left or right corner of your website. I’d also suggest having it in the footer on every page.

Allow visitors to contact you via telephone or email. Give them choices – as consumers we like to be given choices.

Key Component #5

Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Using testimonials helps to build trust with online visitors. • Your testimonials must be true and genuine, don’t

make them up. • Use the actual customer name if you can.

70% consult reviews or ratings before purchasing (BusinessWeek, Oct. 2008)

Key Component #6

Call to ActionWhat do you want your website visitors to do?

• Call for a quote?• Submit an inquiry form? • Request a coupon?• Shop specials?

You must guide them in their next steps if youwant them to take action.

Random Photo

Darby worked very hard to get this presentation done in time and he hopes you are enjoying it!

Key Component #7

Know the basics of search engine marketingIf you build it, they won’t come, unless you know the basics of search engine marketing.

• Use correct keywords throughout your text.

• Be sure and link pages within your site using those keywords.

• Create search engine friendly page titles and URLs.

Key Component #8

Fresh Quality Content ConsistentlyYour website will be the first impression of your business. Give them what they are looking for and give them a reason to come back.

• Content will help you become the expert in your industry.

• Content will also help with search marketing efforts.

• A website that doesn’t contain content will not only have a tough time getting ranked in search engines, but it will have a hard time staying there.

Key Component #9

Secure Hosting Platform

Having your website hacked can be a nightmare, especially after you have put so much effort, blood, sweat and tears into it.

Make sure that you are hosting your site on a secure platform, making updates to any open source software and backing up your website on a consistent basis.

Key Component #10

A User Friendly DesignWebsite users have short attention spans. Your design must be user friendly and encourage them to spend time on your website. Simplicity and basic colors are best. Your content should be the focus.

Recommended practices that will make your site easy to read:• Break down content into short paragraphs with headers if necessary.• Use bullet points.• Highlight important words and phrases.

Random Photo

Darby hopes you enjoyed today’s presentation!

Time for Questions


Please call or email with questions.

For the full presentation and handouts go

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