social media scheduling apps

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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Whether for private usage or corporate, social media is an integral part of everyone’s lives.

Drastic changes in ways of communication have evolved over the past few years due to social media.

Besides traditional marketing, social media now provides the most prominent platform to marketers.

Handling marketing campaigns on social media might get a bit hectic and tiring.

Keeping up with everything and posting on time might just be time consuming and overwhelming.

To make things easier we have apps to schedule social media posts.

These apps help you keep a check on and organize marketing campaigns while saving you a lot of time which can be utilized elsewhere.

Create a list of updates to post later, reach out to audiences in various times zones. Could it get any easier?

We mention a few social media scheduling apps here for you to choose from as per the needs.

BUFFER Schedule posts for the entire day with

this app. Lets you organize your posts, has the

option to attach different photos, links, text or videos with the posts.

Select social media platforms of your choice to share your posts on and customize the context of each post prior to posting

The set posts are collected in a buffer and released at set time

LATERBRO Easy to use and does not require sign up Lets you use the app through your

existing Twitter or Facebook profiles Create and schedule posts either

through Twitter or Facaebook and share either on one or both platforms at different times on the same or altered days.

TIMELY Want to keep with your audiences on

Twitter? Check this app out. Exclusive for Twitter hence it’s a lot

more sophisticated and well-made. Schedule your tweets as you would like

them to appear. The app selects the highest impact time

of your tweets by analysing your last 199 tweets and posts accordingly. How cool is that!?

POSTCRON With a rather effortless interface without

any complicated features, the app allows you to schedule posts without any hassle.

Devoid of a lot many options to choose from the app attracts casual users

It’s easy to use and boasts an interface similar to Facebook but a lot simpler.

Organize your marketing campaigns through these apps. These are free.

Check out the detailed article here:

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