sobo meeting october 26, 2011 agenda

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  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


    Downtown Oak la nd Ass oc ia tio n/Lake Merr itt-Up town D is tr ic t Assoc ia tion

    J oin t (S .O .B .O .) S id ewalk Operatio ns Bea utific atio n O rd er Comm itte eO ctober 26th, 2011 at 2:30am

    2121 Har ris on S tr ee tP arish C onference R oom -C athedral of C hrist th e Light

    Agenda1. Introductions2. Creation of 2012 Budget/Staff Recommendations3. Review RFPissued by City of Oakland for Parklets4. Other

    Action Item

    5. Adjournment into Executive Sessionfor Personnel/Contractual Issues




    BROWN ACT:Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to betransacted or discussed be posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting. The Corporationposts Agendas at 388 19th Street, Oakland CA 94612. Action may not be taken on items notposted on the agenda. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If yourequire special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify the CBO office at 510238-1122 atleast 48 hours prior to the meeting.388 19thStreet Oakland, California 94612

    DOA Phone 510.238.1122 . LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax

  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


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  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


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  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


    Budget Notes:


    PRICING Safety Team Leader Ops ManagerPay Rate $ 14.S0 $ 16.50 $ 33.47FICA $ 1.11 $ 1.26 $ 2.56WC $ 0.57 $ 0.65 $ 1.33Uability $ 0.37 $ 0.42 $ 0.85Unemployment $ 1.02 $ 1.16 $ 2.34Overhead $ 2.01 $ 2.01 $ 2.01Benefits $ 1.20 $ 1.20 $ 1.20Profit $ 1.90 $ 1.90 $ 1.90

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  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


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  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


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  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


    Budget Notes:


    PRICING Safety Team Leader Ops Manager-Pay Rate $ 14.50 $ 16.50 $ 33.47

    FICA $ 1.11 $ 1.26 $ 2.56WC $ 0.57 $ 0.65 $ 1.33Liability $ 0.37 $ 0.42 $ 0.85Unemployment $ 1.02 $ 1.16 $ 2.34Overhead $ 2.27 $ 2.27 $ 2.27Benefits $ 1.20 $ 1.20 $ 1.20Profit $ 1.90 $ 1.90 $ 1.90

    'siff iRii ' tel ~ $ ~~22':93_l_ $ ,25:36 $ ~4!t.g'2:OT BiII!RateL $ '6il.~2! $ 35.35 l$ 66~i9Weekly Hours 191.00 21.82 18.18Annual Hours 9,932.00 1,134.64 945.36Annual Billing $ 227,766.52 $ 28,769.70 $ 43,407.76Annual Billing $ 299,943.98

    1. A reduction in hours was required to come within the requested $300K annual budget A total of 81 weekly Ambassador hours were subtracted from the deployment schedule

    2. Several other cost saving were employed in order to come in at required budget Ambassador and Team Lead rates were capped at current average allowing for no

    wages increases beyond listed rates Healthcare participation was forecasted at the current levels of participation Allocations for Of we reduced Allocations for uniform expenditures were reduced Capital equipment loans are set to expire 2/1/2012

    3. Some elevation payroll taxes were necessary for BBB to cover cost Cumulative State/Fed SUI rates increased from 5.9% to 7% W/C insurance increased from 3.94% to 3.96%
  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


    Budget Notes:


    PRICING Safety Team Leader OpsManager-Pay Rate $ 14.50 $ 16.50 $ 33.47

    FICA $ 1.11 $ 1.26 $ 2.56WC $ 0.57 $ 0.65 $ 1.33Liability $ 0.37 $ 0.42 $ 0.85Unemploy rrent $ 1.02 $ 1.16 $ 2.34Overhead $ 2.18 $ 2.18 $ 2.18Benefits $ 1.20 $ 1.20 $ 1.20Profit $ 1.90 $ 1.90 $ 1.908i U Rate $ i2.:f84~ $' 125.27 1$' 45.83-QJ" BiIIJRate '1$1 ~i.63l $' 3-5.26 _ i~ 1 : ; 6 o _ : 1 0Weekly Hours 218.00 21.82 18.18Annual Hours 11,336.00 1,134.64 945.36Annual Billing $ 258,963.95 $ 28,669.61 $ 43,324.37Annual Billing $ 330,957.93

    1. A reduction in hours was required to come within the requested $330K annual budget A total of 54 weekly Ambassador hours were subtracted from the deployment schedule

    2. Several other cost saving were employed in order to come in at required budget Ambassador and Team lead rates were capped at current average allowing for no

    wages increases beyond listed rates Healthcare participation was forecasted at the current levels of participation Allocations for OT we reduced Allocations for uniform expenditures were reduced Capital equipment loans are set to expire 2/1/2012

    3. Some elevation payroll taxes were necessary for BBBto cover cost Cumulative State/Fed SUI rates increased from 5.9% to 7% W/C insurance increased from 3.94% to 3.96%
  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


    From: Harold DeesSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:03 PMTo: 'Andrew Jones'Subject: DOA/LMUDA budgetGood Afternoon,Here are the budget numbers for 2012;DOA- The budget not to exceed $210,000.00 annually and a reduction of all DOA staff on Wednesdays,this reduction will not hinder PSC's delivery of services at the same level as 2011.LMUDA-PSC is seeking approval of 3% annual increase from $257,339.27 to $265,059.45, with noreduction to staff and the same level of service delivery as 2011.Feel free to contact me i f there are any addit ional quest ions.

    ThanksHarold DeesGeneral Manager/Property ManagerPeralta Service CorporationA Social Enterprise of the Unity Council3411 E.12th Street Suite 116Oakland, Calif. 94601510-535-5027 Office510-533-6564 Fax510-377-8092 Cell.
  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


    l o

    SaBa Committee Recommendations for 2012Downtown Oakland Association and the Lake MerriH Uptown District AssociationStaffing:Staff feels as though the committee should explore the possibility of ajoint/hybrid version of the security ambassador program. One that addressesbudget differences between the 2 districts, and the elevated need for theprogram within both districts.Landscape Projects:~ Medians on Broadway between 20th and 24th,. Medians on 20th~ Hanging Plants on Webster/Franklin~ Tree well enhancementsPROW Projects:.:. Sidewalk Grinding~ Find areas in both districts where the sidewalk is cracked and uneven,grind down until smooth and level.:. Security Cameras~ Work to incentivize landlords to install systems that integrate with oursystem,. Work with OPD on the development of a collaborative program.:. Enhanced lighting~ Focus on high traffic areas where we have relationships with landowners,. Focus on nightlife hotspots~ Explore relationship with PWA to increase wattage to street lights in certainareas~ Explore the possible upgrades to LEDlights in certain areas.:. Signage Enhancements~ Welcome to the district~ Parking Landmarks Freeway exits> - Neighborhoods

    388 19thstreet Oakland, California 94612DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax .
  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


    I I

    CITY OF OAKLAND250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA, SUITE 5313 0A KL AND, CA L IFOR N I A 94612-2034Community and Economic Development AgencyRedevelopment Division

    (510) 238-3015FAX (510) 238-3691TDD (510) 839-6451

    September 26, 2011Thank you for your interest in applying to the City of Oakland's Pilot Program for Parklets!A Parldet is the temporary use of space in the dedicated public right-of-way (parking spaces,unused bus stops, and other types of vehicular and non-vehicular zones) for public usessuch asseating or bicycle racks. Parklets will be publicly accessible space for the enjoyment and use ofall Oakland citizens, and are privately constructed and maintained. It isenvisioned that theParklets will be located in areas with pedestrian activity, asadditional seating areas for retailpatrons, and in areas where there is a desire to create a more pedestrian-friendly environment.Parklets are intended to be seen as pieces of street furniture, providing aestheticenhancements to the overall streetscape. In place of car parking, a platform is built to extendthe grade of the sidewalk into the street. Once the platform is installed, benches, tables, chairs,landscaping, and bike parking can all be placed on top in order to create a Parklet. Parkletsmust remain publicly accessible and will require signage to this effect. Table service is notpermitted. Commercial signage and advertising are not permitted.Eligible Applicants to the Parklet program may be BusinessImprovement Districts, storefrontbusiness owners, non-profits, and community-based organizations. Pleasecontact the ProjectManager, Blair Miller, at 510-238-2055 or if you have questionsregarding eligibility.Number and LocationThere will be up to eight Parklets selected in this pilot program. As much as possible, theselected Parklets will be distributed throughout the City.Parklets must be located away from a corner and cannot be along a street with a speed limit ofmore than 25 mph. They may be allowed in white and green zones if the entity that originallyrequested the white or green zone agrees to repurpose that curb area. Parklets are notpermitted to be placed in front of a hydrant or in a way that restricts accessto any private orpublic utility. Parklets shall not be placed in front of or adjacent to a multi-space parking meter(Kiosk) and a minimum clearance of six (6) feet shall be maintained around all Kiosks.

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  • 8/2/2019 SOBO Meeting October 26, 2011 Agenda


    / z _ResponsibilitiesThe Permit Holder for each Parklet will be required to:

    1) Carry Insurance. Provide evidence of at least $1 million in general liability insurancenaming the City of Oakland asadditional insured.2) Sign a Maintenance Agreement. Sign a Maintenance Agreement with the City of

    Oakland that will require the Permit Holder to do the following:a. Keep all plants in good healthb. Keep the Parklet free of debris and grimec. Adequately maintain the surface.d. Twice a month, or more often if needed, sweep out debris from under the

    Parklet.e. Once a year before the rainy season, move the Parklet to allow street sweepers

    underneath. The Watershed and Stormwater program coordinator can providemore information to selected Permit Holders at refundable security deposit may be required as part of the Maintenance Agreement.Unsecured furniture is not permitted after business hours if the Permit Holder is abusiness. If the Permit Holder is not a business, the hours for unsecured furniture willneed to be included in the Maintenance Agreement.

    Design ParametersParklets are intended to be aesthetic improvements to the streetscape, and materials will berequired to be of high quality, durable, and attractive. The width of the Parklet must notextend beyond six feet from the curb line. Safe hit posts and wheel stops, or approved equals,are required. A visible edge is to the Parklet is required, which may consist of planters, rail ing,or cabling. The edges should be visually permeable or "see-through." Access panels must beincluded in order to maintain the gutter and area underneath the Parklet and the design mustallow for drainage along the gutter to pass underneath the Parklet. Please see attachedHandout for additional design information.If bike parking is provided, the bike racks can be at street grade.Parklets must be accessible to individuals with disabilities per the Americans with DisabilitiesAct Accessibility Guidelines {ADAAG}. People who usewheelchairs must be able to enter theParklet and accessall the primary features of the Parklet. Parklets shall not reduce the adjacentpedestrian travel way (Sidewalk) width to lessthan four feet clear. Parklets shall not interferewith the use of designated disabled parking zones; passenger loading zones; curb ramps; ACtransit stops or other accessfeatures of the public right of way.

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    1 7Where the Parklet utilizes parking spaces,the Parklet shall not exceed the length and width oftwo (2) curb parallel parking spaces with a setback of a minimum of one (1) foot from eitherend of the parking space regardless of the length of the space. Parklets shall not be erected inparking spaceswhen parking spaces are either angled or perpendicular to the curb.FeesThere will be a non-refundable Application Feeof $150 per Applicant made payable to City ofOakland. Once selected, the application will be processed as a Minor Encroachment Permit fora Permit Feeof $1,133.73. This fee will cover staff time for processing and a site inspection fee.In order to qualify, a project shall be designated as Revenue neutral, which means: a) No loss ofparking revenue at the selected location; or b) City staff has identified and created newmetered spaces to bring in equivalent revenue asto what is being lost; or c) An annual lostmeter revenue fee of $1,680 shall be paid to the City. The Applicants will not be required toidentify alternative meter locations; however, suggestions will be taken.Demonstrated Community SupportAs part of the application process, Applicants will be required to demonstrate communitysupport for their Parklet. Evidence can be provided in the form of letters of support or a signedpetition that should include the location ofthe parklet, the home or business address of thesupporter, and any comments.Selection Process and Public NoticingThe projects will be ranked according to the following criteria:

    I} Good location - the proposed Parklet is likely to be well used and active2} How it enhances the aesthetic quality of the streetscape3} Demonstrated community support for public space at the proposed location4) Evidence that the Parklet will be well-maintained

    Once the initial eight Applicants are selected, the Planning Department will provide copies of aPublic Notice and the Applicant will be required to post them on site for 17 calendar days,informing the public that a permit is being considered to allow the installation ofthe Parklet atthe proposed location. Planning staff wil l provide mailing labels and notices to Applicants tomail to property owners within a 300 foot radius of the proposed location. If there are noobjections from the public, the Applicants will submit detailed plans and drawings showing alldetails, including finishes, plant species, and furniture types, aswell asa Maintenance Plan andproof of insurance. Upon review and approval of a complete set of plans, a permit will beissued.If there are objections from a resident, business owner, or property owner who lives or workswithin 300 feet of the proposed Parklet, the City Administrator's office will hold a specialhearing.

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    1 ' 1

    PermittingThe permitting will be done as a Minor Encroachment Permit. As part ofthat permit, theBuilding Department will review and approve the plans forthe Parklet. Parklets that areelevated to be level with the sidewalk will have to meet the minimum distributed live loads inthe 2010 CABuilding Code Table 1507 A.l {50 pounds per square foot}. The Parklet will needto meet standards for flooring gaps, rail gaps, and handrail height that will be determined bythe Building Department.If the program is successful and the City allows more Parklets, the Municipal Code may beamended to add a specific section on Parklets.

    , Why a Pilot Program?Parklets can be an innovative way to improve the pedestrian experience of the City. We hopeall residents will benefit from the creativity and initiative of private businessesand communitygroups in the creation of unique, attractive urban spaces. Parklets have been very successful inSan Francisco. Please see! for more detail. SinceParklets are new to Oakland, a pilot program will allow us to work out what is best for Oakland.There will be "before" and "after" surveys at the Parklet locations to gather data about theeffects of Parklets. Parklet sponsors will be asked to participate inthe survey.Why a Temporary Program?A Parklet is a temporary structure and is not meant to be permanent. It needs to be movable,have access beneath for cleaning and for drainage and also to be re-movable. The initial permitwill be for one year, with up to two annual renewals contingent upon the Permit Holdermeeting its Maintenance Agreement. Parklet renewals will be charged an annual Renewal Fee.After three years, the Parklet permit may be rescinded and offered in another suitable location,in order to make this temporary street enhancement available throughout the City.ScheduleSeptember 25: Issue Notice of Parklet OpportunityOctober 24 : Applications dueNovember 4: Initial selections announcedNovember 8: Public Works Committee Hearing on Pilot Parklet ProgramNovember 15: City Council Hearing on Pilot Parklet ProgramNovember 15: Applicants post Public Notice and mail noticesDecember 5: Detailed plans due, with Permit Application and FeeJanuary 2012: Permits issued to Permit Holders for Parklets

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