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CITY AFFAIRS. .liEETIS'G S TB2S DAY. Board of Examiners of Charleston County, at ia A. M. AJJ.CUON SADES THIS DAT. William McKay will sell at 7 o'clock P. M. at bia store, plated ware, cutlery, 4c. '" THERMOMETRIC AL. The folio WIDE was the range of the ther¬ mometer yesterday, April 4tb, at the drug oto re' ol Hr. Joseph Blackman, on the south Bidrof Broad street : 8 A. M., 63; 10 A. M., 68; 12 M., 73; 2 P. M., 75; 4 P. M., 74; 6 P. M. 71;8-P. M.; 68. _ J THECHUTZENFE8T. Ia ocr advertising columns this morning wu? be found the foll programme of the Qer- mar>BooaUöüfe9t which will be given daring the week, commencing on Monday the 21st Instant. The programme ls very full and at- tractive, and includes one novelty-the Punch and Judy exhibition-which promues a large rnátf of amusement to all the visitors. Full iriormatloo In regard to tre places lor obtain- lug tickets, the regulations for the festival, 4c'., Will be found in tbe advertisement. A DOST CHILD. Mrs. Sarah Turner, of Columbia, writes to Trna Naws lu great distress at the loss ol her lop. Samuel Turner, a white boy thirteen years of age, who bas been missing from bis home for tbe pas six weeks, and who, as she bai been informed, has come to Charleston, and Is now working lor a gentleman on King street He ls rather short and stout for his years, and bas been employed In selling news¬ paper! In Colombia. His mother ls ILL, and ls greatly troubled by her son's continued ab¬ sence, and any one who may know of the Doy's whereabout! would confer a great favor bj scuding him back to bis home, .-.rini. - ? THE FLORAL FESTIVAL. '.Tbe executive committee of the Agricultural Association met last evening at HolmesV Book House to receive the report of the com- mltiea of ai rangements for tbe coming floral exhibition to De given under the auspices of tbe society. Upon thia report, willoh waa unanimously adopted, lt was decided to hold the fair on Tuesday, Wednesday end Thursday, April 29tb, 30tb and May 1st, on the campus of the College of Charleston. The . post band will be engaged for the festivities, and tbe grounds brilliantly Illuminated with Chinese abd other lanterns, and also by a large number of gas jets. Premium lists may be obtained from the committee of arrange¬ ments, which consist of the following named gentlemen: Dr. A. B. Bose, chairman, and Messrs. S. L. Boche, A. Barron Holmes, C. A. Chlaolm and 8. P. Bavenel. RVRQLART AND GRAND LARCENY. Tbe. barroom of Mr. John Hanlon, at the comer of Bute and Queen streets, was en¬ tered on Thursday night and robbed of a gold j watch and chute valued at one hundred dol¬ lars, a gold pencil case valued at ten dollars, and sixty-five dollars in greenback!. Entrance waa elected through the door, which was opened by a pair of nippen, by which the.koy, that bad been carelessly left In tbe look on the Inside' of the door, was . seized and turned. A whits mar named Oampbellton Matheson, who bad jean fre¬ quently seen in the vicinity during tbe night by a policeman, was arrested on suspiolon and i carried befóte Trial J UBI lee Levy. A search I of bis person brought to light tbe missing pencil case and a torn five dollar bill, which Mr. Hanlon was able to identify. Matheson I was committed to jail for trial before tbe In-1 ierioxCourt on a charge of burglary and grand j larceny._ jj g \ ... LOCAL LACONICS. I : U i :. . ». f; 6iyjUu. I -The Mi eh aw Zouaves had aa undress drill ti iii ll tars Hall lost evening. -The new wooden pavement bas been nearly completed on King street,,_? between I Wentworth and ;aas«i.- i -Ttie steamship Ashland, Captain Hunter1 of tbe Glyde line, sails et noon to-day for Philadelphia. -The German Hussar Tilting Club had al parade and Ult in the suburbs, yesterday afternoon.. r+iC ' -The Hon. B. B. Cox, the representative in j the last Congres" of the Sixth District or New York, ia ipending a few days in the city on 11 bia way North. - -»Two ne wane, handsome flags have been received from Washington for the Poitofflce I and Customhouse, respectively, and were fly- j lng over the Postoffloe building yesterday. -Dr. B. A. Bosemon, tbe new postmaster of Charleston, bas executed hts official bond j for 176,000, and forwarded it to the Postofflce j Department at Washington for approval. -Tho Bural CaroUnlan for AprU has come I to band well mi 3d aa usual with attractive, valuable and rueful article! upon subjects I connected with tbe farm, garden and house- J hold. -It ii said that it single-mile dash baa been arranged to take place at the Washington Bace Course, on tba 21st Instant between two I \ promising colt! named respectively Jonoe Hooper, Jr., and Lady Alice. The stake will be five hundred dollars, one-half of which bas been put up aa a forfeit -Captain Norton, the Inspector of the I lighthouse board at this station, has been or-11 " dared to Ban Francisco as a member of a naval court-martial for the trial of Paymaster I Bogart After the trial, he will return to this j city and resume the position which he now j, filia so acceptably. -Last Thursday evening, while a party of young gentlemen were playing bolt near the I : west end of Broad street some colored roughs appeared and endeavored te raise a disturb¬ ance, in doing which one of the lads was struck by t, colored man with, a brickbat and seriously injured. -Trial Justice Levy Is about to desert bis 1 old office fer a more spacious and comforable I tani situated on the south side of Broad I ?Met, about midway between Slug and Meet-1 lng. irhe new office ls now Atting up. It will I' have a front apartment lor the trial of oases, j and an innor apartment for the private medl-1 tationi ot laeJuBtlce. -Professor Cromwell will commence an-1 otter brief season of his elegant art enter- 1 talnmenta at the Academy ot Music, next ' Thursday evening, A special feature of this 1 serlea of entertainments, which wm continue through Easter week, will be the exhibition : of the splendid collection of statuary views i taken in Italy an* the art galleries in other parn ol tte old world. ¡ -Captain Hamlin, the ikilful and genial commander tho United States revenue cut¬ ter Bacer.Tiai been ordered North to take tte command of a larger vessel, and to be succeeded by Captain Warner, of the revenue ; lervlce, who ls now stationed at one of the I ! Connecticut porto. Lieutenant Travers, of the aame vessel, ls about to be relieved at bis \ own request for tte purpose of making a visit i Baltimore. I. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Holy WeellC in St. Patrick's Church. Tbe office of Teuebrse will begin at 7 P. H. on Wednesday, Thoreday and Friday. Each evening a sermon will be preached by the pas¬ tor on tbe following subjects, viz: On Wednes¬ day evening, Jesus Christ, the High Priest ot the New Covenant ; on Thursday, Jesus Christ really present In the Blessed Sacrament; on Friday, the Passion of Jesus Christ the sacri¬ fice of atonement lor the etna of the world. On Holy Thursday, at 8 A. M., High Mass, followed by the procession, In which tbe blessed sacrament ls carried around the aisles of the church to the repository, previously prepared for Its reception. On Good Friday the mass of the presaootlfled begins at 9 o'clock; in the afternoon, at 3 o'clock, there will be the devotion of the Btatlons, or the holy way of tbe cross. On Holy Saturday the services will begin at 8 o'clock. On Easter Sunday the usual masses will be said at 7, 9 and 10.30 o'c.ock, and Vespers will be at 7 P.M. The Churches To-Morrow. Al St. Stephen's Churcb, Anson street, the morning service will commence at the usual hour, 10.30. There will be no afternoon ser¬ vice; but In the evening, night service will take place at 7.45. In the Plymouth Congregational Churcb, Pitt street, services will be conducted at 4 and 3 o'clock, P. M., by the pastor. The Union Prayer meeting at Zion Church, Glebe street, will be conducted at 4.30 P. M., by Bev. G. R. Bracket!. In the Orphans' Chapel,divine service will be conducted at 4 P. M. by the Bev. J h. Girardeau, D. D. At the Citadel Square Baptist Church servi¬ ces will be conducted at 10.30 A. M. and at 8 P. M. by Bev. J. A. Chambliss. In tbe Unitarian Cburoh services will be held at 10.30 A. M., Bev. James Boyd offici¬ ating. The Et. Bev. Bishop Lynch will deliver a lecture to-morrow evening at half-past 7 o'clock In St. Patrick's Church on "Bismarck and the Churcb." Tickets of admission fifty cents; can be had at the church door. A CALEDONIAN FESTIVAL. Programme for the Annual Picnic of | the Burna Charitahle Association. The annual spring picnic of the Burns Char¬ itable Association ls announced to take place at Mount Pleasant, on tbe 29th Instant. It will Include the usual exhibition of skill and strength In tho athletic sports of Scotland,' agreeably varied by dancing, which will be commenced on the arrival at the grounds and continued throughout the day, except during the time allowed lor games. Quoits will be considered a side game, and rinks will be formed to suit competitors. At one o'clock P. M., the games will be com¬ menced as follows: 1. Throwing the heavy hammer; 2. Putting the stone; 3. Bunning Jutnp;4. Standing leap; 6. Hop, step and Jump; 6. Throwing the light hammer; 7. Throwing the light hammer tor ladles; 8. Walking match; 9. Bace three hundred yards; 10. Three legged race; ll. Sack race over hurdles. 12. Wheelbarrow race. THE COLUMBIA COTTON CLAIMS. The testimony tor tbe claimants against the United States lor damages on Recount of loss¬ es Incnrred In the destruction of Columbia In 1866, has now been* presented before the mixed commission appointed for that pur- pose, and the witnesses for the defendant, the United States, have also been examined. The claimants, wbo are represented by George R. Walker, Esq., ot the firm of Messrs. Walker à Bacot, have now tbe opportunity ot present¬ ing testimony in rebuttal of that produced by the United States, and a sitting will be held In the Charleston Library Building, In this olty, on Thursday next, the 10th Instant, for tbe purpose of taking this test mo ny. Another session will be held at Columbia on the 15tb Instant, another at Baltimore on tbe 23d In¬ stant, and another at Savannah on the 1st proximo._ A MILD MURDER CASE One of those curious cases which occasion¬ ally turn np belore magistrates and in the courts, presented ltsell at the office of Trial Justice Levy yesterday. A colored woman, named Beady Simons, made an affidavit for the arrest of her husband, Joe Simons, on a charge of attempting to murder their four children. The curious part of the case is tbe manner In which the attempt to murder was alleged to bave been made. The woman stated that her husband and herself had been married for many years, during which time they bad been blessed with sigh; children, loor or whom wer» still living, tbe youngest being a boy nine years old. The husband bas of late become Indifferent to the affections of his wile and the necessities of his children, and has relnsed to oontrlbiite any¬ thing to their support, and so the wife prays that he may he arrested and tried on the charge of attempting to mnrder, in the man¬ ner above set forth. A warrant was Issued for the arrest of the recreant Joseph, and he will have a hearing to-day. HOTEL ARRIVAI S -APRIL 4. Charleston. H B Banting, Philadelphia; W H Young and lady, San Fradciaoo; 0 K Dllkes, T P Wallton, Philadelphia; H & Johnson, J Mccord, Columbia' H O Bannemacher, Pennsylvania; W B Clark and lady, A Looker, Hartford; J M Stephenson and lady, Michigan; Urs A A Carpenter, Chicago; j H Baldwin, Massachusetts; T M Knowles, Wilming¬ ton; J B Backer, Albany; J B PI cse t and lady, Boston; Miss Rollins New Hampshire; a M Ogden md lady, New York; W o Snell, Boston; s To wie, New York; E P Ontter, Chicago ; J Purcell, Brook¬ lyn; AL Farrington, A Smith, J O Woodruff, T J Latham, E L Paddock and lady, p Herzog, New York; M McLeod, Detroit; J Mackay, Miss H M Jordon, Montreal; J M Coburn, Jr, and lady, New York; W Euantli and lady, Master 3 nanci 1, H Heed and lady, Chicago; J S Wood, lady and maid, the Misers Polhemas, Miss M B Van Wyck, Miss J F Wood, S S Wood, F Hunt, Miss M Hnnt and maid, Brooklyn; Miss A Foster, Hartford; s Vail, Q Q Harens, Mrs O L Wildley and maid, J H Led- Ile and lady, New York; E K Harris, Mrs LA Harris, D Stetson and lady, Miss AA Hood, Boa- con; R 0 Mitchel; and lady, A M Mitchell, F Mar¬ tin, New Tork; J H Madden. Columbia A Dally, Providence; J D M urges, Augusta. Pavilion. J L Grumpier, Santee; J F Early, Darlington; W Wilson, Beaufort; T H Cooke, Greenville; j J de 3ran Atlanta; B McCarty, New York; W N Cause, Leesville; M. s eh cm lia. Oreen Pond; s J Marden, --; W 3 McKcenan, Marlon; O B Collins, New fork- C O Merriman, Locust Grove, N Y; J Bates, Saltlmore; J H Howard, ocala, Fia; j Lee, Mem¬ phis; Cal Wagner, J L Wagner, J H Haverly, E aaveriy, J Booker, E M Hall, O Heywood, Jean | < Daulfleld, Harry Booker, Jr, Ben Brown, Charlie Welling, j w Freeth, Albert Welling, WUUam freiling, william Barbour, cal Wagner's Troop; aeorge Barbour, J H Moreau, Henry Miller, Geo Bouok. J A shafer, Messrs Harry Clapham and D 3 Hodges, agents, cal Wagner's Troupe; S Frank < tad lady, st Louis; s M Sanders, Halifax; N B | Jlarkson, P s BsawelL Geonretown; the MlsstB Leonard, Lanshi ibnrg; J T Walker, Peter Wal¬ ter, Chester; J Bell, M Bell, Virginia; Mrs Dr G D Jhase, MUledgeville; JB Bragdon, Marlon; Thos i Latham. New York. THE MORRIS-STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL. Annual Exercises and Award of Prices- A Creditable Exhibition. The cloalug exercises of ibis lnstitulion for the education of the colored yoma took place oo Thursday forenoon. Tbe ball was crowded with the lrlends and relatives of tbe pupils. Appropriate addresses were delivered by Mr. A. L. Tobias, tba attending commissioner, and Mr. J. D. Geddings, a veteran teacher. Tbe following is the list of prizes awarded: GRAMMAR DEPARTMENT. Principal, A. Doty, Jr.; vice-principal, J. B. Haskell-oue hundred and fifty-five pupils. First CIUSB-Teacher, J. B. Haskell-tweuty- one pupils. Premiums, James Wbite, Made¬ line Connor, Bosalle Jones. Teacher's prize for cunduct, Margaret Conyers. Honorable mention, Margaret Williams, Louis Ariuon. Distinguished for good conduot. attention to studies and proficiency, Alfred Caboule, Mar¬ garet Conyers. " . " Second Class-Teacher, Mrs. S. J. Robinson -thirty-three pupils. 1st premium, Bon Robinson; 2d premium, Peter Gibbes. Hon¬ orable mention, Edward Sanders, Catherine Conyers. Distinguished for good conduct, attention to studies, and proficiency, Kills Green, Gracia Lord. ¡ Third Class-Teacher, Miss Josie M. O'Neill -twenty-nine pupils, lat premium, Henry Nesbit; 2d premium, Sarah Smith. Honorable mention, Charles Smith, Sabina Lockwood. Distinguished tor good conduct,' attention to studies, and proficiency, Ida Parker, Harriet Bingley. m Fourth Class-Teacher, Miss Jane D. Wright -forty pupils, lstpremlum, Georgiana Wea- cou; 2d premium, William Edwards. Honor¬ able menilon, isaiah Beed, Catherine Perry. Distinguished fer good conduct, attention to studies, and proficiency, Benjamin Morrison, Emeline Johnson. FUth Class-Teacher, Mles Julia L. Mous- seau-Thirty-two pupils. 1st premium. Eco¬ rna J. Pritchard; 2d premium. Benjamin Pinck- ney. Honorable mention. Edward Washing¬ ton. Jane Keeley. Distinguished for gocd conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, Rosanna Kelley, Taomas Brown. Grammar Department-Prize for perfect conduct, Boss RobluBun. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Principal, Mrs. Elvira L. Oxlalde; vice-prin¬ cipal. Mrs. Amelia Parker-Two hundred and forty pupils. First Class-Teacher, Mrs. Amelia Parker- Thirty-five pupils. 1st premium, Nathaniel dinkier; 2d premium, Marla Smart. Honora¬ ble meutlon, Bosa Green, Moses Brown. Dis¬ tinguished for good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, Helen Rivers, Thomas Brown. Second Class-Teacher, Mrs. M. M. Clarke- Tbiriy-nine pupils. 1st premium, Lydia McCall; 2d premium, Adrienne Anson. Hon¬ orable mention, Cuarles Robinson, Harriet Miller. Distinguishïd fur good conuuet, at- Uun to studies und t roflciency, Harriet Smith, Charlotte Moore. Tnird Class-Teacher, Mrs. Julia 8. Brails- ford-Forty-seven pupils, let premium, Celestine Colchester; second premium, Estelle Johnson. Honorable mention, Isabella Perry, Tnomas Williams. Distinguished for good conduct, attention to studlea and proficiency, Ellz. Connor, Margaret Prloleau. Fourth Class-Teacher, Miss Mary P. Jef¬ fords-Fifty-six pupils. 1st premium, Mary ABb; 2d premium, Louise Elliott; 3d premium, James Barrow. Honorable mention, Francie Fitch, Cecilla Cardoza, John Singleton. Dis- unguished for good conduct, attention to stu¬ dies and proficiency, Elizabeth Large, Marga¬ ret Plnckney, Ann Mucneli. Fifth ClaSa-teacher, Miss Elizabeth McKen¬ zie-Sixty-three yupiis. 1st premium. Rosa almonds; second premium, Bettie Pierce; 3d premium, Harrison De wees. Honorable men¬ tion. Rebecca Jackson, Sophia Middleton, Mo¬ ses Brown. Distinguished for good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, Cecilla Patterson, Charles Simpkin, Mary Allen. PRIMART DEPARTMENT. Principal, Miss Sarah A. Weldon; vice-prin¬ cipal, Mles Virginia Webb-six hundred and forty-two pupils. . First Class-Teacher, Miss Virginia Webb- Sixty-six pupils. 1st premium, Mary Green; 2d premium, Fanny Hall; 3d premium, Solo¬ mon Moultrie. Honorable mention, William Suares, Hilda Grant, Dora Slater. Dlslluguieh- ed for good conduct, attention to studies and protlcltinoy, Harriet Rivera, Abram Smith, Mary Elizabeth Brown. Second Ciasi-Teacher, Miss 8. E. Blngley- Seveniy-seten pupils. 1st premium, Daniel Blley; 2d premium, Cecilia St. Clair; 3d pre¬ mium, Kebeoca Bell. Honorable mention, Susan Dart. Mary Mitchell, E ward Robinson. Distinguished for good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, Henry Holman, Rob¬ ert Morris, Augustus Brown. Third Class-Teacher, Miss M. E. Roberts- Sixty-five pupils. 1st premium, Anna Gail- lard; 2d premium. Florella Tucker; 3d pre¬ mium- Margaret Robinson. Honorable men¬ tion, ,'aue Simpson, Sarah Green, Laura Sav¬ age. Distinguished for good conduct, atten¬ tion to studies and proficiency, Clinton Robin¬ son, Geo. Boblnsoo, Lydia Lee. Fourth Class-Teacher, Miss Ida Ham- Sixty-five pupils. 1st premium, Henrietta Dart; 2d premium, Geraldine Palmer; 3J pre¬ mium, Frank Adams. Honorable mention, Eliza Wilson, Daniel Hymes, Catharine Alston. Distinguished lor good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, Josephine Mitchell, Edward Elliott, Henrietta Miller. Fifth Class-1 escher, Miss Helena Mclndoe - Sixty-six pupils. 1st premium, Thaddeus Snead; 2d premium, Emma Seabrook; 3d pre¬ mium, William Johnson. Honorable mention, Cornelius Parker, Emma Ward, William Wes- cott. Distinguished for good conduct, atten¬ tion to studies and proficiency, Henry Frazer, Bell Chichester, Sarah Miller. Sixth Class-Teacher, Misa -Sixty-six pupils. 1st premium, Nancy Laurens; 2d pre¬ mium, Daphney Clinton; 3d premium, ida Hope. Honorable mention, Lottie Dozier, John Edwards, William Holmes. Distinguish¬ ed for good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, Josephine Spann, Phillis Noble, Rebecaa Archer. Seventh Class-Teacher, Miss Kate A. Lu¬ cas-Fifty-eight pupils. 1st premium, Rebec¬ ca Laurens; 2d premium, Sally Rodgers; 3d premium, william Laurens. Honorable men¬ tion, Samuel Barron, Thomas Murray, Alice Smith. Distinguished for good conduct, at¬ tention to studies and proficiency, Mary Macl¬ ean lt, Julia Capers, Eugenia Toomer. Eighth Class-Teacher, Miss Mary Flynn- Seventy-five pupils. 1st premium, Eddy Mi¬ chell; 2d premium, Maryjane Talbert; 3d pre¬ mium, Alfred Loyd. Honorable mention, Henry Holmes, Charlotte Cono way, Francis Fraser. Distinguished for good conduct, at- tentlon to studies and proficiency, Eugenia Cole Storrence, Henry Williams, Daniel Uuest, Ninth Class-Teacher, Miss S. A. Small¬ wood-One hundred and four pupils. 1st pre¬ mium, Bachel Ann Pierce; 2d premium. Joseph Smith; 3d premium. Harry Aiken. Honorable mention, Jepse Middleton, Mary Calaway, Ella Hall. Distinguished for good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, 11 Mary Smith, Ned Walker, Hagar Robertson. The exhibition was of a very creditable character. The pupils in attendance nura- j bered 1037, and are ot both sexes. LITE OAK SOCIAL CLUB. At the anniversary meeting of the Live Oak Social Club, the following officers were elected to Berve for the ensuing year: E. W. Gradick, president; F. B. Salvo, vice-president; V. Donahoe, secretary; L. H. Dadln, treasurer. Committee on Finance-E. W. Gradick, W. J. McCaffer, J. C. Koennecke. Committee on Letters-G. Worrell, J. Seel, I. Dixon. BUSINESS NOTICES. A PINE ASSORTMENT of Children's Straw Hats at Plenge'B, No. 201 King street, below Market street. FOR À STYLISH and elegant Sprlag Hat, at a reasonable price, go to Plenge's, No. 201 King street. WM. MCKAY IS closing out stock of fine Plated Ware and Cutlery at private Bale, this lay, as the owner is leaving to-night. The joods will be sold at auction prices. Call and sxamine. ALL THE new styles of Parasols, also an ex- :ellent assortment of light colored Kid 31oves, Just unpacked. A full supply of Wln- iow Shades, also Lase Curtains, at Furch- iott, Benedict & Co.'s, No. 276 King street. THERE IS no excuse for poor Biscuits, Rolls, I ! Bread, Griddle Cakep, Muffins, Waffles, <fcc, ' tvhen Dooley'«; Yeast Powder is used. Gro¬ an sell lt. apr3-thslu3 fila rr ico. GANTT-MOCRÀET.-At Anderion, March 27, >y nev. E. p. Hyde, Mr. B. F. GANTT and Mina M.ICE MCGEARY. Selig 10ag JSot\x¡¡9. ßO* UNITARIAN CR^C^-DVTÏSÊ Service will be held In this Church TO MORROW M ORNING, at half-past io o'clock, toe Rev. JAMES B >YO officiating. All strangers are cordially In¬ vited to attend. aprs ft** ZION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Gl LEBE STREET.-Divine Service will be held in this Cbnrch (D. V. ) TO-MOBROW MORNING, at half- past io, and at MÜHT, at 8 o'clock. Preaching by the Pastor, Rev. J. L. GIBARDEAU, D. D. ap&* THE MARINERS' CHURCH WILL btu pen for Divine Service every SABBATH MOBK- IMO, at hair-past io o'clock, corner of Obnrch and Water streets, Rev. W. B. YATES, officiating. Receipts per Railroad April 4. sorra CAROLINA RAILROAD. 571 bales cotton, 71 bales goods, üoo bbls floor, 2 cars stoce. To Railroad Agent, Cumpsen A co, E Willis, w M Bird A co, ft M Butler A Son, u Fun in A Son. Brewer A Kohnke, Wagener, Mon- sees * co. Quackeabuah, EstUl A co. U O'Neill, Steffens, Werner A Docker. D H Sllcox. J cant- well, P Macqueen, P U Trenholm, JOH Claussen, H Bischoff A co, Street Bros A co, W u Cenrtney A co, Bolimann Bros, W B Smith A co, Wtss A co, A B Mulligan, Sloan A Slegn.ous, R 0 aharp. A J Salinas, T H smith, W P uowllog, W W smith. W B williams A Son, Shackelford A Kelly, Prin¬ tie A soo, Pelzer, Rodgers A co. NORTHKASTBBN RAILROAD. 44 bales cotton, 139 bbls rosin, ia bbls spirits turpentine, 2¿0 bushels runga rice, cara lumber, mdse, AC 'Jo Wm Johnson. 0 M, H BA co. W S Whilden A Joaei, E Welling, N ER R Agent, P Walsh, J F O'Neill, W K Ryan. J Meyer, SAO Railroad Agent, H Cooper, Bardin. Panter A co, s o RR Agent, Martin A Mood. J M Fredsberg, J E Adger A co, S R Marshall A co, W K Ryan, Wagoner, Mousees A co, Adams, Damon a co, E H Frost A co, T P Smith, Kinsman A Howell, W o Dake« i co, W c Bee A co, Howard a Bro, T T Chapeau A co. A S Smltb, E Dodiogton, G W Wil¬ liams A co, Caldwell A Son, Reeder A Davis, J cosgrove, Bart A co, M Triest, w F Wietels, u Lleoenrood, G E Gibbes, D Talmadges' sons, and others. Passengers. Per steamship Charleston, from New York-W Smith, Jno Thacher and wife, A L Fannlogton, ï O Woodruff. H Beidy, W G schnell, J B Pickett and wife, S Towlea l ev Jno Purcell, Mrs S T Jennings, G M Ogden and wife, E P cutler. Per steamer Km nie, from Georgetown-Mrs E A u en nmg, Kev J J Hartley and wife A Mor¬ gan, J Gnsquie, J K Blackman, J A Atkinson, A Lucas. P E braswell, J Bell, F Bell, N B UlarKsoo, and 7 on deck. MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, 8. C.APRIL 5, 1873. Lat32deg46min33 sec. Lon 79deg67 min 27 sec ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Charleston, Adkins, New York-left 1st Inst. Mdse. To Jas Adsrer A co, J S Adger A co, J Appie. DA Am me, C D A tuena, B Boyd, T M Bristoll A CO, GA Bowman, Sgt, E T Bro wu, C Bart A co H Bischoff A CO. a Baies A co Mrs M L Buckley, U J Uenoo, Chase A Cuttlao, Jno Cam.mtl., Jno Campsen A co, « G Cnisolm, W H du fee A co, Crane, Bo>lston A co, L Ouhea A co, J C H Claussen, Cohen A Wells. Cameron, Barkley A co, nowie. Moise A Davis, W Douglass. J T hrwin, E.LE Bros, D F Fleming A co. H Fehrenbach, A D Fleming, Mrs M Finley, I L Falk A co, Jno S Fairly A cu, W C A R J F r- sythe, Fm chg tr, Benedict A co, Fogartle'a Book atore, U L Gamble, wA Gib on, H uerdta A co, C 8 Gadsden, 0 U Gllduen, N A Bunt, J B Hall A co, A llammerschmidt, T M Horsey il Bro, Jno Belan, Bart A co, Holmes, earner A co, F Uo.mes, A Ult g. Jeffutus A co, Johnston, ere * s i co, t ü Jackson A co, Johnsen A Brown, c L Kornahreus, Klinok, Wicxenuerg & co, Kinsman Bron, Kinsman a Howell, Knooeloch A small, K'esstl A Brandes, Monsieur Lefdrre, E Lafitte, Lauroy, Alexander A co, H Lolling, P Loi z, C murs a co. Jno G Mllnor A co, E W Marshall A co, Wm McKay, Mclnnis A co, wm Mattolessen, S R Mat shan A co, Martin A Mood, M Mai ks, W Marscher, Mauiuue A cu. Melchers A Muller, E C Metz, McLoy A Klee, P Macqueen, Nactimaa A co, orphan asylum, W M o'connor, P PlakerpohL E Perry, Paul, Welch A co. C >' PauKuln, Quacken- bush. Emili a co, J Keid, J R Head A cu, B Kellen, Kavenel A co, Kavenel, Holmes a co. Blecke A i'eiermaa, so Ex to, J R Solomon, o F achwet- munn, DH .-lieux. G u sohmeizer, W B Smith A cu. Smith A Vaik, >i K MliiL.au, J Sohota, WA akrine, Wm t-beplierd leo Eil stoddard A co, W steele, »ell * Foster, L schnell, A ilefenthsl, iledemau, Calder A co, Thomas A Lannean, s Thompson, Terry A Nolan, K S Taylor, K K Tay¬ lor, Mrs a Watts, S U Wilson A Bro. L Weiskopff, K White, Wageuer, Montees A co, Walker, Evana A Cogswtl, P Wiuemau A co, and otu. rs. steamer Emilie, Wnite, Georgetown, S 0. 180 tes noe. 60 bags teed rice, mdse and tundrles. T) -hucke.fi.rd A Kelly, J K Pringle A Son, W e Bee A co. t raser A DUI, J E Adger A co, B F Unger, F F Thurston, sell A Foster, E P Toomor, o aul A co, M Goldsmith A son, Cameron, Bark¬ ley A cu,'S Emanuel, R Graham A CO, and others. Received from ..hisoltn's MILL 78 tienes rice. To oto A Trenholm A Son. Received from Bennett's Mill. 104 tierces rice. W C Bec A CO, and Jas R Pringle A SOU. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Sehr Sophia Godfrey, Godfrey, Palladelpbla, via Jacksonville. Fia-E F aweegan, agt. sehr Albert L Butler, Butler, North Weymouth -Alfred J creighton. SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr E L Trefeihen, Sterling, Baltimore, sehr ulara Merrick, uand, a Northern Port. FROM THIS PORT. Spanish steamship Jose, Alblzure, at Liverpool, April l. steamship Champion, Lockwood, at New York. April 1. Br bark J B DuAnt, Killam, ot Liverpool, April 4. MARINE NEWS BY TELE3RAPH. LIVERPOOL. April 4. Arrived, Royal standard, Naomi, Nile, uubron- lake, from New Orleans; Geneva, J B Duffus, .'rom Charleston; Bard, from Gal verton. MEMORANDA. Tue sehr B J Hazzard, Brewster, for George- own, S C, cleared at New York, April 1. The sehr Eagle, from Georgetown. S C, for ftennebunk, Me, ai rived at Yiueyard Hivcn, March 31._ EJrnyo at tDlicleaale. W I N E M A N'S W I N E M A N'S W I N E M A N'S W I N E M A N'S W I N E M A N'S IMPROVED SUGAR COATED IMPROVED SUGAR COATED IMPROVED SUGAR COATED IMPROVED SUGAR COATED IMPROVED SUGAR COATED LIVER PILLS LIVER PILLS LIVER PILLS LIVER PILLS LIVER PILLS A RELIABLE SPRING MEDICINE. A RELIABLE SPRING MEDICINE. A RELIABLE SPRING MEDICINE. A RELIABLE SPRING MEDICINE. A RELIABLE SPRING MEDICINE. 80LÜ BY SOLD BY 80LD BY 80LD BY 80LD BY ALL RETAIL DRUGGISTS IN CHARLESTON. ALL RETAIL DRUGGISTS IN CHARLESTON. sLL RBTAIL DRUGGISTS IN CHARLES I ON. ALL RETAIL DRUGGISTS IN CHARLESTON. aLL RETAIL DRUGGISTS IN CHARLESTON. PRICK-35 CENTS PER BOX. PRICE--ir, CENTS PER BOX. PRICE-AO CENTS PER BOX. PRICE-M CENTS PER BOX. PRICE-3¿ CENTS PER BOX. mchîo-stu-lmo N" O GUEE, NO PAY FORREST'S JUNIPER TAR :o positively warranted to cure Cough, Croup, îoarseness. Sore Throat, Spitting of Blood, Asth na. Bronchitis, and Long Diseases, immediate elief produced. Look out for counterieiw I The lenuine ls put up by Dr. JAMEÍ MASuN FOR- ."icSX A CO. Sold by G. W. AIM AR, Agent. Corner King and Vanderborst streets. And all Druggists, febl4-fmw2mo ûjrugo at Wholesale. FOR Moth Patches, FRECKLES AND TAN, USE PERRY'S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION. IT IS RELIABLE AND HARMLESS. PIMPLES ON THE FACE, BLACKHEADS AND FLE8HWORM8, Dre PERRY'S IMPORTED COMEDJNE ANO PIMPLE REMEDY-the Great Skin Medicine. Prepared only by Or. B. C. PKRRT, Dermatulo* ?.at. No. 40 Bond street, New Torie. At Whole¬ sale by DOWIE, MOISI A DAVIS, and retail by every Druggist In Charles on and all through the sooth._apr5-tnthB3nos GETTYSBURG KATALÏSINE WATER. It has been demonstrated, by a series or prac- cal experiments conducted by eminent phpsiclans and attested t>y thousands or grate int people who have been relieved from tneir sneerings by 1rs use. that the GETTYSBURG KATALYSINE WATER is the nearest approach to a specific ever discovered for Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Rheuma¬ tism, Guut, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Urinary Diseases generally, lt restotes muscular power to the paralytic. >t cures Liver Complaint, Chron¬ ic uiarrDcca, Piles, Constipation, Astnma, Ca¬ tarrh and Bronchitis, Diseases of the skin, Gen¬ eral Debility, and Nervous Prostration from men¬ tal and physical excesses, lr. is the great est. an¬ tidote ever discovered lor Excessive Eatlogor Drinking. It corrects the stomach, promotes di¬ gestion, and relieves ¡he head almost immediate¬ ly. No household should be without lr. Every hotel should keep lt on hand. «F-For a history of the Springs, for medical re¬ ports of the power of the water over disease, for marvelous coree, and for testimonials frem dis¬ tinguished men, send for pamphlets. ' .WHITNEY BROS., General Agents, No. 217 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Gettysburg spring Company. Formale by DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, And Druggists generally. reb2&-tuths3mo3* ot Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago. Sciatica, Kidney and Nervous Dis¬ eases, after years of suffering bv taking Dr. FiTLEK'S VKUi-TABLB RHEUMATIC SYnUP- the scientific discovery or J. P. Fitter, M. 0.,a regular graduate physician, with whom we are personally acquainted. Who has fur 30 years treated these diseases exclusively with astonish¬ ing results. We believe lt our Christian duty, aiter deliberation, to conscientiously request suf¬ ferers to nse lt, eapoclatly persons In modérai e circumstances who cannot alford to waste money and time on worthless mixtures. As clergymen we seriously feel the deep respons . nilli y resting on us In pu hi cly endorsing inls medicine. But our knowlege and experience of its remarkable merit mily Justifies onr ac ion: Rev. c. H. Ewing, Media, Peno., suffered sixteen tears, became hopeless; Rev. Thomas Murphy, D. D , Frankford Philadelphia; Rev. J. B. Davis, Uightstown. New Jersey; Rev J. S. Buchanan, Clarence, iowa; Rev. G. G. Smith, Plttaford, New York; Rev. Josrph Beggs. Fall Onurcb, Philadel¬ phia. Other testimonials from Senators, Gover¬ nors. Judgos, Congressmen, Physicians. Ao., for warded gratia with pamphlet exp arning thone diabases. < mthousand dollars will be present¬ ed to any medicine for sa ue diseases showing equal merit under est, or that can produce one- fourth as mauy living cures. Any person send¬ ing by letter description of affliction will receive grails a legally signed guarantee, naming the number of bottles to cure, agreeing to refund money upon sworn statement or Its failure to cure. Afflicted invited to write to Dr. Fi ILE il, Philadelphia. Ul» valuable advice costs nothing. Du WI E. MI USE A DAVIS, Sole Wholesale Agents for South Carolin». For Baie at Retail by H. BA ER, w. A. SK KINE. A. W. ECKEL A CC, Dr. G KO. CA ULI ER, G. J, LÜHN, JOS. BLACKMAN, E. H. KELLERS. Janl8-8tnt,hly PAP_?_ THE GREAT CUBAN BITTERS ! A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIO AND APPETIZER, Composed of the best Liquor and West Indian Roots and Spices. CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION AND WEAK STOMACH. Prevents CHILLS and FE VEE, AND CREATES APPETITE, And in Warm Latitudes proves and almost INDISPENSABLE TONIC, Pleasant to the Taste, exhilarating to the Body, and a pow- rf ul aid to the Weak and Ner¬ vous System, enervated by disease. These BITTERS are sold at SIX DOLLARS per dozen, and wh»n packed in barre's of 6 and j dozen delivered at Depot tree or dray age. DOWIE, NIOI8E SL DAVIS. Wholesale Agen is for the Som hern States. novS-sth Astral COU. pRA1T8 ASTRAL OIL. SAFE, PURE, UNIFORM, ODORLESS. BURNS IN ANY LAMP, WITHOUT DANGER OF EXPLOSION OR TAKING FIRE. Recommended by the leading Scientific Men, the Press, and hundreds of thou¬ sands of families. THE INSURANCE CO '6 HAVE NEVER PAID i loss arising from Its nse; while millions of dol¬ ara have been saved them on account or Its gen- ¡ral Introduction. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, Charleston. S. C. feb22-Batamos 3 rna 3, £ «emita is, 0t. jyjEDICINE AND FOOD COMBINED. VALENTINE'S MEAT JUICE. TESTIMONY OF CHARLESTON PHYSICIANS. This valuable preparation, recently discovered, lias been extensively tested here and throughout the country during the past summer, and has folly merited the character claimed for lt. Each bottle contains the Juice of four pounds Of the best be. r, exclusive ol' rat. Mr. Valentine, the pat entee and proprietor of thia preparation, has in lils possession numerous testimonials from the best and most experienced physicians of the land. Among them the follow¬ ing are presented to the readers of THE NEWS, who will need no further assurance of the quality and efficacy of the article here offered: CHARLESTON, S. C., September 26,1872. Dear Slr-some time ago l had the honor to re¬ ceive by express specimens of your "Meat Juice" for trial. I have not thus far acknowledged y oar kind communication lor the simple reason that I never certify to things of which I Know nothing. I have, In thu meantime, tested yonr "Prepara¬ tion," full; and cautiously, and the result or my experience has been, that. In all cases whsre sup-. pott t3 demanded, whether In the teething child or the adult worn down by disease, your "Prepa¬ ration" has, nnder my observation, proved far more efficacious than all the farrago of farina¬ ceous articles and so-called extracts, which often do more harm than good. I um, very respectfully, your obedient servant, E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Mr. M. S. VALENTINE, Richmond, Va. CHARLESTON, S. C., September ll, 1872. MR. M. S. VALENTINE Dear Mr-1 have made qnlte an extensive trial of your "Meat Juice" during the past summer, particularly in t nose protracted and exhausting dueises incident to Infancy and childhood, so familiar to our Southern physicians. The trial has resulted lu a preference for yonr "Meat Juice" ab uve all the Extracts which I nave hither¬ to need. Solar, it has tully come np to all that bas been claimed for lt, and if Its preparation ls conducted with the same case, and the purity of the materials maintained aa heretofore, I have no doubt ita nie will oe greatly extended. Very respectfully your obedient servant," F. M. ROBERTSON, M. D., Professor of Gynecology and eua leal Obstetrics in the Medical college of the State of sooth Carolina. QUARANTINE PFFICB. ) CHARLESTON, tsovember au, 1872. J MB. M. S. VALENTINE,: Dear Slr-Your samples of "Meat Juice" were received through the politeness of yonr agent, and used very freely daring the sommer in cho¬ lera infantum, low forms or fever and other dis¬ eases peculiar to this climate. Icheerrolly add my testimony to its dietetic value, and regard your "Meat Preparation" of great benefit, not only in lnfanil e, bnt also In adult practice, it ls with pleasure mat l can recommend Its use to the profession generally from pa-1 experience and the happy results In my practice. Very respectrully, Ac. ROBEKT LEBBY, Ii. D., Health Officer. Harbor of Charleston. CHARLESTON, S. C., September 20, 1872. Mr. M. S. VALBNTINB: Dear Slr-During the past summer I have had a full opportunity of testing your "Preparation of Meal Juice." particularly amongst children suf¬ fering from Darrhcea from "Teething." I flud that as soon as they lose their appetite and com¬ mence to deteriorate generally, your Preparation administered ls weil retained and mont often en* joyed by the Uti le s a frere. s. They Improve rapidly in health and strength. Other preparations are Lot so easily tolerated, on account of their nn> plea-ant odor and taste. I consider the cements of your little bottle most invaluable in all acute wasting ducasea. Very respectfully, W. M. FITCH, M. D. Dr. S. Barueb, of Camden. S. C.. writes: "I am usina Valentine's Me u Juice with excel¬ lent effect In the case of a child, who ls exceed insly fond of lt, while he positively refuses all other food." A fresh supply of the Meat Juice jost received and for sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. H. BAER, No 131 Meeting street, Charleston. decT-slyrpcAW_ DR. FITLER'S VEGETABLE RHEU¬ MATIC SYRUP. Warranted nnder oath never to have failed to cure. 28,600 Certificates or testimoníala or cure, including Rev. C. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania; Kev. Joseph Beggs, Kails or Schuylkill, Philadel¬ phia; the wire or Rev. J. B. Davis, Hlghtstown, New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia; Hon. J V. Greeley, member Con- gresa from Philadelphia; Dou. Judge Lee, Cam¬ den. New Jersey; cx-Scnator stewart, Baltimore: ex-Governor rowell, Kentucky, and thousands of others. Warranted to euro or money refunded. IK Gi: O.CAUL1KR, Agent, 'nlyl-lvr <marleston, s.e. UttUrooös. NORTHEASTERN KalLROAD COM¬ PANY. CHARLESTON, s. C., January 20,1872. Trains will leave Charleston Dally at 10.00 A. M and 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Charleston 6.46 A. M. (Mondays ex¬ cepted) and 3.30 P. M. Train does not leave Charleston 8 00 P. M. SUN- DA VS. Train leaving 10.09 A. M. makes through connec¬ tion to New York, via Richmond and Acqnla Creek only, going through In 44 hours. Passengers leaving by 8.co p. M. Train have choice01 route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FRIDAY cy this Train lay over on t-TODAY in Bal¬ timore. Those leaving on s ATC« DAY remain SUN¬ DA? lu Wilmington, N. C. This is the cheapest, quickest and most pleas¬ ant route to clnclonatl, chicago and other points Westend Northwest, both Trams making con¬ nections at Washing.0 with Western Trams of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S.S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent P. L. CLEAPOR, Gen. Ticket Agent. may21 SAVANNAH AND CHABLE9TON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, March 16, 1873. On and alter TUESDAY. March 18, the Pas¬ senger Trains on thia Road will run as follows: NIGHT PASSE NO HR-DAILY. Lr-ave Charleston.4.00 P. M. Arrive at savannah.10.16 P. M. Leave Savannah.11.30 P. M. Arrive at charleston.7 A. M. DAY PASSENGER-SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leave Charleston.7.40 A. M. Arrive at Savannah.3.30 P. M. Leave Savannah.ll A. M. Arrive at Charleston.6 60 P. M. Both trains make connection with Port Royal Railroad tor ail Stations on that Road west of Yemassee and for Augusta, Atlanta and thc West. Both trains make close connection at savannah for Jacksonville, Fla. Time through to Jackson¬ ville, 23 H honrs. Day train connects at Yemassee for Beaufor* aud Port Royal. G. g. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent S. C. BOYLSTON, uen'l Ft, and Ticket Agent. mchl7 gOUTH CAROLNIA RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, S. C., December 14, 1872. On and after SUNDAT, December 15, the Pas¬ senger Trains on the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows: FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.9.30 A M Arrive at Co ombia.6.20 p x FOE AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.9.30 A M An ive at Augusta.... .5 20 r M FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Columbia.9.00 A M Arrive at Charleston.4 46 p M L-ave Augusta.0.00 A M Arrive at cuarlestou.4 45 px COLUMBIA NIGHT KXPR3S8. (.-undays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.30 p M Arrive at Columbia.6.30 A II Leave Columbia.7 30 p M Arrive at charleston.6 46 AX AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.8.30 p a arrive at AngnBta.7.35 A M Leave Augusta.6.16 p u Arrive at charleston.6.60 A 11 SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Summeivllie an.7.25 A H Arrlxeat charleston.8.40 AM Leave Charleston.3.36 r M Arrive at Summerville.4 60 px CAMDEN TRAIN. Leave Camden..7.20 p x Arrive at Columbia.11.66 A M Leave Colombia.2.10 px Ar ive at i amden.6.66 p M Day and Night Trams connect at Angusta with Macon and Augu-u Railroad, Central Railroad and Georgia Kalin <ad. This is the quickest ad most direct r ute and as com urtable and cheap ss any 0 her route to Lom-ville, Cincinnati, Chli-auo, s i. Louis and ull other points West and Northwest. Colum-'la NightTraiu connects witn Greenville and tolumb a railroad; aud Day and Night Trains connect wu h Charlotte Road. Through tickets ou sale via this route to all points North. Camden Train connects at Ringville dally (ex¬ cept Sundays) with Day Passenger Tralj, and runs through to colombia. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. S. B. PI0KEN8, G. T. A. declO m.. . ....?/...ri..,iiïZ£ O R LIVERPOOL. The c Upper Iron Bark "TIBER," claseed^ffcn, 3 3 11 French, and flrdt-class In LiverpoolSmmL Underwriters Registry for Iron Vessels. D* Lewis, Commande -, having a large portion of her onrgo engaged, and going on board, wld have .dispatch lor the above port. For balance room, apply to HENRÏ CARb. ! mcb.27_Atlantic Wharf. U O R FORT SUMTER, BATTERY WAGNER, FORT MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING FOI NTS AROUND THIS HAf.BOR. '-. Tbe fast, sure and cnmfort&'tlv appointeduA* Yacht ELEANOR, wm leaveSouthern wharrgOt EVERY UAY.at io o'clock morning, and half-past" afternoon. For engagements, uppiy to- - CAPTAIN THOU AS YOUNO, febtf ' on Board.- pLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA LINE. The ASHLAND, Captain Hunter, ls appclnted to Ball fr. m Brown's Wharf on SATURDAY, iRh or April, at ia o'clock M.. making cloee connections With CLY LI h's SThiAM LINE to PROVfUENOE, and ihence by Rail to all the NEW ENGLAND COTTON MILLS. No car tate anywhere on-thia great Cotton Route. .--.^ /. For freight engagements apply to - KM WM. A; COURTENAY, A geht, % aprö -I Corner East Bay and Vendue Range. JOB NEW YORK. The Splcnd'd side-wheel Stear^^ TAN, M. s. Woodhall Commander, will sall for the above port oa SATURDAY, April fi, at 10 o'clock P.M. . For Freight or PasBagoengagements apply to aprt a JAMES ADuKR A co.. agenta. jp O B B A L T J M O S E. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS OF LADING ISSUED . - TO^ Iii .'UlSSiSfe PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTH Wi 3T. The Fine Steamship FALCON, J. F. Haynle, Commander, makmg close connection with a Tri¬ weekly Line or One steamships to Boston, will tall for Baltimore on SATURDAY, sn April at 11 o'clock. «-Philadelphia Freights forwarded to'that elly by railroad from Baltimore wlthoat addi¬ tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed ample time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. Fer Freight or Passage apply to PAUL C. THE s HOLM, Agent. aprl-5 No. 2 Union Wharvei. A LLAN LINE OP STEAMSHIPS. UVERPOOL TO NORFOLK. PREPAID TICKETS FROM EUROPE. GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES.* The Magnificent Steamers or the ALLAN LINE will leave Liverpool for J Norfolk, Va., every alternate TUKSDVY, outing the spring and summer of 1878. * . PERUVIAN.TUSSDAY, March 26. HIBERNIAN.TUESDAY, Apnl' S. NHISTORIAN.TUI8DAY, April 22. Connecting with Coast Line RalU-oad to chines- ton, steerage and Intermediate Passage aa fol¬ lows: ..-.» Liverpool Queenstown, ) Steerage.......$84 76 Glaagow.LondouorBris > Intermediate... 66 76 toi to Charleston, S. C..) to........... 67 76 Hamburg. Antwerp. Hoi-) Steerage....'.. 138 76 land or Havre to Charles-1 Intermediate.. 67 76 ton...:.....) Paris, Norway or Sweden! Steerage...".$42 75 To charleston.) Intermediate., el 67 Steamers equal to any on the Atlantic. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. '. Parties wishing to send for friends win anply to RAVENBL A CO., charleston, ». 0. WM. LAMB, General Anent, mc hil-Imo Norfolk, Va, QHANGEOPSAlJJNG BAYa ^ Sw INCREASED SERVICE. 3 » - PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANYS THROUGH UNE ZO r CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. .!,--: FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers or the above line lea?e Pier No. 42. North River, foot of canal ittlMMB New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the luth, pRä and soih of every month, except when tbeeedates fall on Sunday, tben ihe saturday preceding. 1' All departures connect at Panama' with. Steam¬ ers for South Pacific and Central ¿menean porta. For Japan aud China Steamers leave San. Fran- cl-C'i first of every month, except whoa lt fais ott sunday-then on the day preceding. "..* No california Steamers touch at Havana, bal; go direct Irom New York to AsplnwalL ? One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Me deine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information. apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OF Flux, on tbe wharf foot of Canal street, North Hiver, New York. F. E. BABY, Agent. anglO-lyr piOR LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENSTOWN. CARRYING UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AMD GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY Will dispatch one of their nrat-claas,ufgrfMrn. full power Iron screw steamships rromSBiHE PIER No. 46 N. R., EVERY WEONESdí^Y, | Ca oin Passage $8C, gold, steerage Passage (Office No. 29 Broadway) $30, currency. For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A G DION, No. 63 Wall street. N. Y. I N. B.-Thiongb Bills Lading to Liverpool hauet by the Charleston and Nsw York Steamers, which make close connection with i he above Une. 1 For particulars and ra te of Freight apply to ' JAM SS AUGE rt A 00., WAGNER, HUG KR A CO., maya Or Wit A\ COURTENAY^ * ' jpOR GARDNER'S BLUFF, AND INTERMEDÍATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE¬ DEE RIVER VI A GEORGETOWN. At the request or Shippers tbe - ^¡-dT^w Steamer PLANTER, Captain J. J dkKEESii Flinn, will continue to receive Freight *t ZSowE- modatlon Wharf THIS BAY, the 6th instant, and leave 'i o -NIGHT. Freight most be prepaid. 'ajj Should the River be low, Freight will be trans¬ ferred to the Light Draft steamexfSwan. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board, or to RAVENEL, HOLME- A CO., aptfii_No. 80 East Bay F OR FLORIDA. VIA BAYANN AH, Ti; splendid side wheel steamers, DICTATOK, captain L. M. Coxetter,._" and CITY POINT, Captain Fltxgerald. wul SSS Charleston every TUWDAT, THURSDAY aud'-SuN- DAY EVENING at 8 o'clock precisely, for sava.v nah Fernandina. Jacksonville, Magn Ua, G.aon cove Springe, st. Augustine, Paiatka and all Lmdings on St. John's River. Connecting at Paiatka with steamers for the Ociawaha-River and with the Steamer STARLIGHT lor Enter¬ prise, Mellon vine, and au points on tbe Upper at. John's and Indian Rivers. Connect at Fernandina with Florida Railroad for all points in tue inferior, and with Railroad for New Orleans and Havana, via Cedar Keys.. AU Way Freight mast be prepaid. ' For Freight or Passage, auply to K A VEN FL A co.. Agenta, dec2 Cor. Vanderhor-t'e Wharf and East Bay. NOTICE.-THREE MONTHS AFTER da e application will be made to Bank of ui Hrlesto.i for renewal of Cen Moates of stock In said Bank, ttandlng m the name of .JABFZ NORTON, Guardian WM. R. NORTON, lo Certlfl- cate No. 8 tes, one Whole Share. Certificate Na. 3SCJ. three Half shares, original Certificate -being ¡oat or destroyed. mch33-UuJW*

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Page 1: historicnewspapers.sc.edu...CITY AFFAIRS..liEETIS'GS TB2SDAY. Board of Examiners of Charleston County, atiaA. M. AJJ.CUONSADESTHISDAT. William McKaywill sell at 7 o'clockP. M. atbiastore


Board of Examiners of Charleston County,at ia A. M.


William McKay will sell at 7 o'clock P. M.

at bia store, plated ware, cutlery, 4c.


The folioWIDE was the range of the ther¬

mometer yesterday, April 4tb, at the drugoto re' ol Hr. Joseph Blackman, on the south

Bidrof Broad street : 8 A. M., 63; 10 A. M.,68; 12 M., 73; 2 P. M., 75; 4 P. M., 74; 6 P. M.

71;8-P. M.; 68._


Ia ocr advertising columns this morningwu? be found the foll programme of the Qer-mar>BooaUöüfe9t which will be given daringthe week, commencing on Monday the 21stInstant. The programme ls very full and at-

tractive, and includes one novelty-the Punchand Judy exhibition-which promues a largernátf of amusement to all the visitors. Fulliriormatloo In regard to tre places lor obtain-

lug tickets, the regulations for the festival,4c'., Will be found in tbe advertisement.


Mrs. Sarah Turner, of Columbia, writes to

Trna Naws lu great distress at the loss ol her

lop. Samuel Turner, a white boy thirteenyears of age, who bas been missing from bishome for tbe pas six weeks, and who, as shebai been informed, has come to Charleston,and Is now working lor a gentleman on Kingstreet He ls rather short and stout for his

years, and bas been employed In selling news¬paper! In Colombia. His mother ls ILL, and ls

greatly troubled by her son's continued ab¬

sence, and any one who may know of the

Doy's whereabout! would confer a great favorbj scuding him back to bis home,


'.Tbe executive committee of the AgriculturalAssociation met last evening at HolmesVBook House to receive the report of the com-mltiea of ai rangements for tbe coming floralexhibition to De given under the auspices oftbe society. Upon thia report, willoh waa

unanimously adopted, lt was decided tohold the fair on Tuesday, Wednesday endThursday, April 29tb, 30tb and May 1st, on

the campus of the College of Charleston. The. post band will be engaged for the festivities,and tbe grounds brilliantly Illuminated withChinese abd other lanterns, and also by a

large number of gas jets. Premium lists maybe obtained from the committee of arrange¬ments, which consist of the following namedgentlemen: Dr. A. B. Bose, chairman, andMessrs. S. L. Boche, A. Barron Holmes, C. A.Chlaolm and 8. P. Bavenel.


Tbe. barroom of Mr. John Hanlon, at thecomer of Bute and Queen streets, was en¬

tered on Thursday night and robbed of a goldj watch and chute valued at one hundred dol¬

lars, a gold pencil case valued at ten dollars,and sixty-five dollars in greenback!. Entrancewaa elected through the door, which was

opened by a pair of nippen, by whichthe.koy, that bad been carelessly left Intbe look on the Inside' of the door, was

.seized and turned. A whits mar namedOampbellton Matheson, who bad jean fre¬quently seen in the vicinity during tbe nightby a policeman, was arrested on suspiolon and i

carried befóte Trial J UBI lee Levy. A search Iof bis person brought to light tbe missingpencil case and a torn five dollar bill, whichMr. Hanlon was able to identify. Matheson Iwas committed to jail for trial before tbe In-1ierioxCourt on a chargeof burglary and grand jlarceny._ jj g\

... LOCAL LACONICS. I: U i :. . ». f; 6iyjUu. I

-The Miehaw Zouaves had aa undress drillti iii ll tars Hall lost evening.-The new wooden pavement bas been

nearly completed on King street,,_? between IWentworth and ;aas«i.- i-Ttie steamship Ashland, Captain Hunter1

of tbe Glyde line, sails et noon to-day forPhiladelphia.-The German Hussar Tilting Club had al

parade and Ult in the suburbs, yesterdayafternoon.. r+iC '-The Hon. B. B. Cox, the representative in j

the last Congres" of the Sixth District or NewYork, ia ipending a few days in the city on 11bia way North.

- -»Two newane, handsome flags have beenreceived from Washington for the Poitofflce Iand Customhouse, respectively, and were fly- jlng over the Postoffloe building yesterday.-Dr. B. A. Bosemon, tbe new postmaster

of Charleston, bas executed hts official bond jfor 176,000, and forwarded it to the Postofflce jDepartment at Washington for approval.-Tho Bural CaroUnlan for AprU has come I

to band well mi 3d aa usual with attractive,valuable and rueful article! upon subjects Iconnected with tbe farm, garden and house- Jhold.-It ii said that it single-mile dash baa been

arranged to take place at the WashingtonBace Course, on tba 21st Instant between two I

\ promising colt! named respectively JonoeHooper, Jr., and Lady Alice. The stake will befive hundred dollars, one-half of which basbeen put up aa a forfeit-Captain Norton, the Inspector of the I

lighthouse board at this station, has been or-11" dared to Ban Francisco as a member of a

naval court-martial for the trial of Paymaster IBogart After the trial, he will return to this jcity and resume the position which he now j,filia so acceptably.-Last Thursday evening, while a party of

young gentlemen were playing bolt near the I: west end of Broad street some colored roughsappeared and endeavored te raise a disturb¬ance, in doing which one of the lads was

struck by t, colored man with, a brickbat andseriously injured.-Trial Justice Levy Is about to desert bis 1

old office fer a more spacious and comforable Itani situated on the south side of Broad I?Met, about midway between Slug and Meet-1lng. irhe new office ls now Atting up. It will I'have a front apartment lor the trial of oases, jand an innor apartment for the private medl-1tationi ot laeJuBtlce.-Professor Cromwell will commence an-1

otter brief season of his elegant art enter-1

talnmenta at the Academy ot Music, next 'Thursday evening, A special feature of this 1

serlea of entertainments, which wm continuethrough Easter week, will be the exhibition :of the splendid collection of statuary views itaken in Italy an* the art galleries in otherparn ol tte old world. ¡

-Captain Hamlin, the ikilful and genialcommander oí tho United States revenue cut¬ter Bacer.Tiai been ordered North to takette command of a larger vessel, and to besucceeded by Captain Warner, of the revenue


lervlce, who ls now stationed at one of the I !Connecticut porto. Lieutenant Travers, ofthe aame vessel, ls about to be relieved at bis \own request for tte purpose of making a visit it° Baltimore. I.


Holy WeellC in St. Patrick's Church.

Tbe office of Teuebrse will begin at 7 P. H.on Wednesday, Thoreday and Friday. Eachevening a sermon will be preached by the pas¬tor on tbe following subjects, viz: On Wednes¬day evening, Jesus Christ, the High Priest otthe New Covenant ; on Thursday, Jesus Christreally present In the Blessed Sacrament; on

Friday, the Passion of Jesus Christ the sacri¬fice of atonement lor the etna of the world.On Holy Thursday, at 8 A. M., High Mass,

followed by the procession, In which tbeblessed sacrament ls carried around the aislesof the church to the repository, previouslyprepared for Its reception. On Good Fridaythe mass of the presaootlfled begins at 9

o'clock; in the afternoon, at 3 o'clock, therewill be the devotion of the Btatlons, or theholy way of tbe cross. On Holy Saturdaythe services will begin at 8 o'clock. On EasterSunday the usual masses will be said at 7, 9and 10.30 o'c.ock, and Vespers will be at 7P.M.

The Churches To-Morrow.

Al St. Stephen's Churcb, Anson street, themorning service will commence at the usualhour, 10.30. There will be no afternoon ser¬

vice; but In the evening, night service willtake place at 7.45.In the Plymouth Congregational Churcb,

Pitt street, services will be conducted at 4 and3 o'clock, P. M., by the pastor.The Union Prayer meeting at Zion Church,

Glebe street, will be conducted at 4.30 P. M.,

by Bev. G. R. Bracket!.In the Orphans' Chapel,divine service will

be conducted at 4 P. M. by the Bev. J h.

Girardeau, D. D.At the Citadel Square Baptist Church servi¬

ces will be conducted at 10.30 A. M. and at 8

P. M. by Bev. J. A. Chambliss.In tbe Unitarian Cburoh services will be

held at 10.30 A. M., Bev. James Boyd offici¬ating.The Et. Bev. Bishop Lynch will deliver a

lecture to-morrow evening at half-past 7o'clock In St. Patrick's Church on "Bismarckand the Churcb." Tickets of admission fiftycents; can be had at the church door.


Programme for the Annual Picnic of |the Burna Charitahle Association.

The annual spring picnic of the Burns Char¬itable Association ls announced to take placeat Mount Pleasant, on tbe 29th Instant. It willInclude the usual exhibition of skill andstrength In tho athletic sports of Scotland,'agreeably varied by dancing, which will becommenced on the arrival at the grounds andcontinued throughout the day, except duringthe time allowed lor games.Quoits will be considered a side game, and

rinks will be formed to suit competitors.At one o'clock P. M., the games will be com¬

menced as follows: 1. Throwing the heavyhammer; 2. Putting the stone; 3. BunningJutnp;4. Standing leap; 6. Hop, step and Jump;6. Throwing the light hammer; 7. Throwingthe light hammer tor ladles; 8. Walkingmatch; 9. Bace three hundred yards; 10.Three legged race; ll. Sack race over hurdles.12. Wheelbarrow race.


The testimony tor tbe claimants against theUnited States lor damages on Recount of loss¬es Incnrred In the destruction of Columbia In1866, has now been* presented before themixed commission appointed for that pur-pose, and the witnesses for the defendant, theUnited States, have also been examined. Theclaimants, wbo are represented by George R.

Walker, Esq., ot the firm of Messrs. Walker àBacot, have now tbe opportunity ot present¬ing testimony in rebuttal of that produced bythe United States, and a sitting will be held Inthe Charleston Library Building, In this olty,on Thursday next, the 10th Instant, for tbe

purpose of taking this test mo ny. Anothersession will be held at Columbia on the 15tbInstant, another at Baltimore on tbe 23d In¬stant, and another at Savannah on the 1st


One of those curious cases which occasion¬ally turn np belore magistrates and in thecourts, presented ltsell at the office of TrialJustice Levy yesterday. A colored woman,named Beady Simons, made an affidavit forthe arrest of her husband, Joe Simons, on a

charge of attempting to murder their fourchildren. The curious part of the case is tbemanner In which the attempt to murder wasalleged to bave been made. The womanstated that her husband and herself hadbeen married for many years, duringwhich time they bad been blessed withsigh; children, loor or whom wer» still living,tbe youngest being a boy nine years old. Thehusband bas of late become Indifferent to theaffections of his wile and the necessities of hischildren, and has relnsed to oontrlbiite any¬thing to their support, and so the wife praysthat he may he arrested and tried on thecharge of attempting to mnrder, in the man¬ner above set forth. A warrant was Issuedfor the arrest of the recreant Joseph, and hewill have a hearing to-day.


Charleston.H B Banting, Philadelphia; W H Young and

lady, San Fradciaoo; 0 K Dllkes, T P Wallton,Philadelphia; H & Johnson, J Mccord, Columbia'H O Bannemacher, Pennsylvania; W B Clark andlady, A Looker, Hartford; J M Stephenson andlady, Michigan; Urs A A Carpenter, Chicago; j HBaldwin, Massachusetts; T M Knowles, Wilming¬ton; J B Backer, Albany; J B PI cse t and lady,Boston; Miss Rollins New Hampshire; a M Ogdenmd lady, New York; W o Snell, Boston; s Towie,New York; E P Ontter, Chicago ; J Purcell, Brook¬lyn; AL Farrington, A Smith, J O Woodruff, T JLatham, E L Paddock and lady, p Herzog, NewYork; M McLeod, Detroit; J Mackay, Miss H MJordon, Montreal; J M Coburn, Jr, and lady, NewYork; W Euantli and lady, Master 3nanci 1, HHeed and lady, Chicago; J S Wood, lady and maid,the Misers Polhemas, Miss M B Van Wyck, MissJ F Wood, S S Wood, F Hunt, Miss M Hnnt andmaid, Brooklyn; MissA Foster, Hartford; s Vail,Q Q Harens, Mrs O L Wildley and maid, J H Led-Ile and lady, New York; E K Harris, Mrs LAHarris, D Stetson and lady, Miss A A Hood, Boa-con; R 0 Mitchel; and lady, A M Mitchell, F Mar¬tin, New Tork; J H Madden. Columbia A Dally,Providence; J DM urges, Augusta.

Pavilion.J L Grumpier, Santee; J F Early, Darlington; W

Wilson, Beaufort; T H Cooke, Greenville; j J de3ran Atlanta; B McCarty, New York; WN Cause,Leesville; M. s ehcm lia. Oreen Pond; s J Marden,--; W 3 McKcenan, Marlon; O B Collins, Newfork- C O Merriman, Locust Grove, N Y; J Bates,Saltlmore; J H Howard, ocala, Fia; j Lee, Mem¬phis; Cal Wagner, J L Wagner, J H Haverly, Eaaveriy, J Booker, E M Hall, O Heywood, Jean | <Daulfleld, Harry Booker, Jr, Ben Brown, CharlieWelling, j w Freeth, Albert Welling, WUUamfreiling, william Barbour, cal Wagner's Troop;aeorge Barbour, J H Moreau, Henry Miller, GeoBouok. J A shafer, Messrs Harry Clapham and D3 Hodges, agents, cal Wagner's Troupe; S Frank <tad lady, st Louis; s M Sanders, Halifax; N B |Jlarkson, P s BsawelL Geonretown; the MlsstBLeonard, Lanshi ibnrg; J T Walker, Peter Wal¬ter, Chester; J Bell, M Bell, Virginia; Mrs Dr G DJhase, MUledgeville; JB Bragdon, Marlon; Thosi Latham. New York.


Annual Exercises and Award of Prices-A Creditable Exhibition.

The cloalug exercises of ibis lnstitulion forthe education of the colored yoma took placeoo Thursday forenoon. Tbe ball was crowdedwith the lrlends and relatives of tbe pupils.Appropriate addresses were delivered by Mr.A. L. Tobias, tba attending commissioner,and Mr. J. D. Geddings, a veteran teacher.Tbe following is the list of prizes awarded:

GRAMMAR DEPARTMENT.Principal, A. Doty, Jr.; vice-principal, J. B.

Haskell-oue hundred and fifty-five pupils.First CIUSB-Teacher, J. B. Haskell-tweuty-

one pupils. Premiums, James Wbite, Made¬line Connor, Bosalle Jones. Teacher's prizefor cunduct, Margaret Conyers. Honorablemention, Margaret Williams, Louis Ariuon.Distinguished for good conduot. attention to

studies and proficiency, Alfred Caboule, Mar¬garet Conyers. " . "

Second Class-Teacher, Mrs. S. J. Robinson-thirty-three pupils. 1st premium, BonRobinson; 2d premium, Peter Gibbes. Hon¬orable mention, Edward Sanders, CatherineConyers. Distinguished for good conduct,attention to studies, and proficiency, KillsGreen, Gracia Lord. ¡Third Class-Teacher, Miss Josie M. O'Neill

-twenty-nine pupils, lat premium, HenryNesbit; 2d premium, Sarah Smith. Honorablemention, Charles Smith, Sabina Lockwood.Distinguished tor good conduct,' attention to

studies, and proficiency, Ida Parker, HarrietBingley. m

Fourth Class-Teacher, Miss Jane D. Wright-forty pupils, lstpremlum, Georgiana Wea-cou; 2d premium, William Edwards. Honor¬able menilon, isaiah Beed, Catherine Perry.Distinguished fer good conduct, attention to

studies, and proficiency, Benjamin Morrison,Emeline Johnson.FUth Class-Teacher, Mles Julia L. Mous-

seau-Thirty-two pupils. 1st premium. Eco¬rna J. Pritchard; 2d premium. Benjamin Pinck-ney. Honorable mention. Edward Washing¬ton. Jane Keeley. Distinguished for gocdconduct, attention to studies and proficiency,Rosanna Kelley, Taomas Brown.Grammar Department-Prize for perfect


Principal, Mrs. Elvira L. Oxlalde; vice-prin¬cipal. Mrs. Amelia Parker-Two hundred andforty pupils.

First Class-Teacher, Mrs. Amelia Parker-Thirty-five pupils. 1st premium, Nathanieldinkier; 2d premium, Marla Smart. Honora¬ble meutlon, Bosa Green, Moses Brown. Dis¬tinguished for good conduct, attention tostudies and proficiency, Helen Rivers, ThomasBrown.Second Class-Teacher, Mrs. M. M. Clarke-

Tbiriy-nine pupils. 1st premium, LydiaMcCall; 2d premium, Adrienne Anson. Hon¬orable mention, Cuarles Robinson, HarrietMiller. Distinguishïd fur good conuuet, at-Uun to studies und t roflciency, Harriet Smith,Charlotte Moore.Tnird Class-Teacher, Mrs. Julia 8. Brails-

ford-Forty-seven pupils, let premium,Celestine Colchester; second premium, EstelleJohnson. Honorable mention, Isabella Perry,Tnomas Williams. Distinguished for goodconduct, attention to studlea and proficiency,Ellz. Connor, Margaret Prloleau.Fourth Class-Teacher, Miss Mary P. Jef¬

fords-Fifty-six pupils. 1st premium, MaryABb; 2d premium, Louise Elliott; 3d premium,James Barrow. Honorable mention, FrancieFitch, Cecilla Cardoza, John Singleton. Dis-unguished for good conduct, attention to stu¬

dies and proficiency, Elizabeth Large, Marga¬ret Plnckney, Ann Mucneli.

Fifth ClaSa-teacher, Miss Elizabeth McKen¬zie-Sixty-three yupiis. 1st premium. Rosaalmonds; second premium, Bettie Pierce; 3dpremium, Harrison De wees. Honorable men¬

tion. Rebecca Jackson, Sophia Middleton, Mo¬ses Brown. Distinguished for good conduct,attention to studies and proficiency, CecillaPatterson, Charles Simpkin, Mary Allen.


Principal, Miss Sarah A. Weldon; vice-prin¬cipal, Mles Virginia Webb-six hundred andforty-two pupils. .

First Class-Teacher, Miss Virginia Webb-Sixty-six pupils. 1st premium, Mary Green;2d premium, Fanny Hall; 3d premium, Solo¬mon Moultrie. Honorable mention, WilliamSuares, Hilda Grant, Dora Slater. Dlslluguieh-ed for good conduct, attention to studies andprotlcltinoy, Harriet Rivera, Abram Smith,Mary Elizabeth Brown.Second Ciasi-Teacher, Miss 8. E. Blngley-

Seveniy-seten pupils. 1st premium, DanielBlley; 2d premium, Cecilia St. Clair; 3d pre¬mium, Kebeoca Bell. Honorable mention,Susan Dart. Mary Mitchell, E ward Robinson.Distinguished for good conduct, attention to

studies and proficiency, Henry Holman, Rob¬ert Morris, Augustus Brown.Third Class-Teacher, Miss M. E. Roberts-

Sixty-five pupils. 1st premium, Anna Gail-lard; 2d premium. Florella Tucker; 3d pre¬mium- Margaret Robinson. Honorable men¬

tion, ,'aue Simpson, Sarah Green, Laura Sav¬age. Distinguished for good conduct, atten¬

tion to studies and proficiency, Clinton Robin¬son, Geo. Boblnsoo, Lydia Lee.Fourth Class-Teacher, Miss Ida Ham-

Sixty-five pupils. 1st premium, HenriettaDart; 2d premium, Geraldine Palmer; 3J pre¬mium, Frank Adams. Honorable mention,Eliza Wilson, Daniel Hymes, Catharine Alston.Distinguished lor good conduct, attention tostudies and proficiency, Josephine Mitchell,Edward Elliott, Henrietta Miller.

Fifth Class-1escher, Miss Helena Mclndoe-Sixty-six pupils. 1st premium, ThaddeusSnead; 2d premium, Emma Seabrook; 3d pre¬mium, William Johnson. Honorable mention,Cornelius Parker, Emma Ward, William Wes-cott. Distinguished for good conduct, atten¬tion to studies and proficiency, Henry Frazer,Bell Chichester, Sarah Miller.Sixth Class-Teacher, Misa -Sixty-six

pupils. 1st premium, Nancy Laurens; 2d pre¬mium, Daphney Clinton; 3d premium, idaHope. Honorable mention, Lottie Dozier,John Edwards, William Holmes. Distinguish¬ed for good conduct, attention to studies andproficiency, Josephine Spann, Phillis Noble,Rebecaa Archer.Seventh Class-Teacher, Miss Kate A. Lu¬

cas-Fifty-eight pupils. 1st premium, Rebec¬ca Laurens; 2d premium, Sally Rodgers; 3dpremium, william Laurens. Honorable men¬tion, Samuel Barron, Thomas Murray, AliceSmith. Distinguished for good conduct, at¬tention to studies and proficiency, Mary Macl¬ean lt, Julia Capers, Eugenia Toomer.Eighth Class-Teacher, Miss Mary Flynn-

Seventy-five pupils. 1st premium, Eddy Mi¬chell; 2d premium, Maryjane Talbert; 3d pre¬mium, Alfred Loyd. Honorable mention,Henry Holmes, Charlotte Cono way, FrancisFraser. Distinguished for good conduct, at-tentlon to studies and proficiency, EugeniaCole Storrence, Henry Williams, Daniel Uuest,Ninth Class-Teacher, Miss S. A. Small¬

wood-One hundred and four pupils. 1st pre¬mium, Bachel Ann Pierce; 2d premium.Joseph Smith; 3d premium. Harry Aiken.Honorable mention, Jepse Middleton, MaryCalaway, Ella Hall. Distinguished for goodconduct, attention to studies and proficiency, 11

Mary Smith, Ned Walker, Hagar Robertson.The exhibition was of a very creditable

character. The pupils in attendance nura- jbered 1037, and are ot both sexes.


At the anniversary meeting of the Live OakSocial Club, the following officers were electedto Berve for the ensuing year: E. W. Gradick,president; F. B. Salvo, vice-president; V.Donahoe, secretary; L. H. Dadln, treasurer.Committee on Finance-E. W. Gradick, W. J.McCaffer, J. C. Koennecke. Committee onLetters-G. Worrell, J. Seel, I. Dixon.


A PINE ASSORTMENT of Children's StrawHats at Plenge'B, No. 201 King street, belowMarket street.

FOR À STYLISH and elegant Sprlag Hat, at areasonable price, go to Plenge's, No. 201 Kingstreet.

WM. MCKAY IS closing out stock of finePlated Ware and Cutlery at private Bale, thislay, as the owner is leaving to-night. Thejoods will be sold at auction prices. Call andsxamine.

ALL THE new styles of Parasols, also an ex-:ellent assortment of light colored Kid31oves, Just unpacked. A full supply of Wln-iow Shades, also Lase Curtains, at Furch-iott, Benedict & Co.'s, No. 276 King street.

THERE IS no excuse for poor Biscuits, Rolls, I !Bread, Griddle Cakep, Muffins, Waffles, <fcc,


tvhen Dooley'«; Yeast Powder is used. Gro¬an selllt. apr3-thslu3

filarr ico.GANTT-MOCRÀET.-At Anderion, March 27,

>y nev. E. p. Hyde, Mr. B. F. GANTT and MinaM.ICE MCGEARY.

Selig 10ag JSot\x¡¡9.ßO* UNITARIAN CR^C^-DVTÏSÊ

Service will be held In this Church TO MORROWM ORNING, at half-past io o'clock, toe Rev. JAMESB >YO officiating. All strangers are cordially In¬vited to attend. aprs

ft** ZION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH,GlLEBE STREET.-Divine Service will be held inthis Cbnrch (D. V. ) TO-MOBROW MORNING, at half-past io, and at MÜHT, at 8 o'clock. Preaching bythe Pastor, Rev. J. L. GIBARDEAU, D. D. ap&*

THE MARINERS' CHURCH WILLbtupen for Divine Service every SABBATH MOBK-

IMO, at hair-past io o'clock, corner of Obnrch andWater streets, Rev. W. B. YATES, officiating.

Receipts per Railroad April 4.sorra CAROLINA RAILROAD.

571 bales cotton, 71 bales goods, üoo bbls floor,2 cars stoce. To Railroad Agent, Cumpsen A co,E Willis, w M Bird A co, ft M Butler A Son, uFun in A Son. Brewer A Kohnke, Wagener, Mon-sees * co. Quackeabuah, EstUl A co. U O'Neill,Steffens, Werner A Docker. D H Sllcox. J cant-well, P Macqueen, P U Trenholm, JOH Claussen,H Bischoff A co, Street Bros A co, W u CenrtneyA co, Bolimann Bros, W B Smith A co, Wtss A co,A B Mulligan, Sloan A Slegn.ous, R 0 aharp. AJ Salinas, T H smith, W P uowllog, W W smith.W B williams A Son, Shackelford A Kelly, Prin¬tie A soo, Pelzer, Rodgers A co.

NORTHKASTBBN RAILROAD.44 bales cotton, 139 bbls rosin, ia bbls spirits

turpentine, 2¿0 bushels runga rice, cara lumber,mdse, AC 'Jo Wm Johnson. 0 M, H BA co. W SWhilden A Joaei, E Welling, N ER R Agent, PWalsh, J F O'Neill, W K Ryan. J Meyer, SAORailroad Agent, H Cooper, Bardin. Panter A co,s o RR Agent, Martin A Mood. J M Fredsberg,J E Adger A co, S R Marshall A co, W K Ryan,Wagoner, Mousees A co, Adams, Damon a co, EH Frost A co, T P Smith, Kinsman A Howell, Wo Dake« i co, W c Bee A co, Howard a Bro, T TChapeau A co. A S Smltb, E Dodiogton, G W Wil¬liams A co, Caldwell A Son, Reeder A Davis,J cosgrove, Bart A co, M Triest, w F Wietels,u Lleoenrood, G E Gibbes, D Talmadges' sons,and others.

Passengers.Per steamship Charleston, from New York-W

Smith, Jno Thacher and wife, A L Fannlogton, ïO Woodruff. H Beidy, W G schnell, J B Pickettand wife, S Towlea l ev Jno Purcell, Mrs S TJennings, G M Ogden and wife, E P cutler.Per steamer Km nie, from Georgetown-Mrs

E A u en nmg, Kev J J Hartley and wife A Mor¬gan, J Gnsquie, J K Blackman, J A Atkinson, ALucas. P E braswell, J Bell, F Bell, N B UlarKsoo,and 7 on deck.



Lat32deg46min33 sec. Lon 79deg67 min 27 sec

ARRIVED YESTERDAY.Steamship Charleston, Adkins, New York-left

1st Inst. Mdse. To Jas Adsrer A co, J S Adger Aco, J Appie. D A Am me, C D A tuena, B Boyd, TM Bristoll A CO, GA Bowman, Sgt, E T Bro wu, CBart A co H Bischoff A CO. a Baies A co Mrs ML Buckley, U J Uenoo, Chase A Cuttlao, JnoCam.mtl., Jno Campsen A co, « G Cnisolm, W Hdu fee A co, Crane, Bo>lston A co, L Ouhea Aco, J C H Claussen, Cohen A Wells. Cameron,Barkley A co, nowie. Moise A Davis, W Douglass.J T hrwin, E.LE Bros, D F Fleming A co. HFehrenbach, A D Fleming, Mrs M Finley, I LFalk A co, Jno S Fairly A cu, W C A R J F r-sythe, Fm chg tr, Benedict A co, Fogartle'a Bookatore, U L Gamble, w A Gib on, H uerdta A co,C 8 Gadsden, 0 U Gllduen, N A Bunt, J B HallA co, A llammerschmidt, T M Horsey il Bro, JnoBelan, Bart A co, Holmes, earner A co, FUo.mes, A Ult g. Jeffutus A co, Johnston, ere * si co, t ü Jackson A co, Johnsen A Brown, c LKornahreus, Klinok, Wicxenuerg & co, KinsmanBron, Kinsman a Howell, Knooeloch A small,K'esstl A Brandes, Monsieur Lefdrre, E Lafitte,Lauroy, Alexander A co, H Lolling, P Loi z, Cmurs a co. Jno G Mllnor A co, E W Marshall A

co, Wm McKay, Mclnnis A co, wm Mattolessen,S R Mat shan A co, Martin A Mood, M Mai ks, WMarscher, Mauiuue A cu. Melchers A Muller, E CMetz, McLoy A Klee, P Macqueen, Nactimaa A co,orphan asylum, W M o'connor, P PlakerpohL EPerry, Paul, Welch A co. C >' PauKuln, Quacken-bush. Emili a co, J Keid, J R Head A cu, B Kellen,Kavenel A co, Kavenel, Holmes a co. Blecke Ai'eiermaa, so Ex to, J R Solomon, o F achwet-munn, D H .-lieux. G u sohmeizer, W B Smith Acu. Smith A Vaik, >i K MliiL.au, J Sohota, WAakrine, Wm t-beplierd leo Eil stoddard A co,W steele, »ell * Foster, L schnell, A ilefenthsl,iledemau, Calder A co, Thomas A Lannean, sThompson, Terry A Nolan, K S Taylor, K K Tay¬lor, Mrs a Watts, S U Wilson A Bro. L Weiskopff,K White, Wageuer, Montees A co, Walker, EvanaA Cogswtl, P Wiuemau A co, and otu. rs.steamer Emilie, Wnite, Georgetown, S 0. 180

tes noe. 60 bags teed rice, mdse and tundrles.T) -hucke.fi.rd A Kelly, J K Pringle A Son, W eBee A co. t raser A DUI, J E Adger A co, B FUnger, F F Thurston, sell A Foster, E P Toomor,o aul A co, M Goldsmith A son, Cameron, Bark¬ley A cu,'S Emanuel, R Graham A CO, and others.Received from ..hisoltn's MILL 78 tienes rice.

To oto A Trenholm A Son.Received from Bennett's Mill. 104 tierces rice.W C Bec A CO, and Jas R Pringle A SOU.

CLEARED YESTERDAY.Sehr Sophia Godfrey, Godfrey, Palladelpbla, via

Jacksonville. Fia-E F aweegan, agt.sehr Albert L Butler, Butler, North Weymouth

-Alfred J creighton.SAILED YESTERDAY.

Sehr E L Trefeihen, Sterling, Baltimore,sehr ulara Merrick, uand, a Northern Port.

FROM THIS PORT.Spanish steamship Jose, Alblzure, at Liverpool,

April l.steamship Champion, Lockwood, at New York.

April 1.Br bark J B DuAnt, Killam, ot Liverpool,

April 4.


Arrived, Royal standard, Naomi, Nile, uubron-lake, from New Orleans; Geneva, J B Duffus,.'rom Charleston; Bard, from Galverton.

MEMORANDA.Tue sehr B J Hazzard, Brewster, for George-own, S C, cleared at New York, April 1.The sehr Eagle, from Georgetown. S C, for

ftennebunk, Me, ai rived at Yiueyard Hivcn,March 31._

EJrnyo at tDlicleaale.











:o positively warranted to cure Cough, Croup,îoarseness. Sore Throat, Spitting of Blood, Asthna. Bronchitis, and Long Diseases, immediateelief produced. Look out for counterieiw I Thelenuine ls put up by Dr. JAMEÍ MASuN FOR-."icSX A CO.

Sold by G. W. AIM AR, Agent.Corner King and Vanderborst streets.

And all Druggists, febl4-fmw2mo

ûjrugo at Wholesale.FOR






PIMPLES ON THE FACE,BLACKHEADS AND FLE8HWORM8,Dre PERRY'S IMPORTED COMEDJNE ANOPIMPLE REMEDY-the Great Skin Medicine.Prepared only by Or. B. C. PKRRT, Dermatulo*?.at. No. 40 Bond street, New Torie. At Whole¬sale by DOWIE, MOISI A DAVIS, and retail byevery Druggist In Charles on and all throughthe sooth._apr5-tnthB3nosGETTYSBURG

KATALÏSINE WATER.It has been demonstrated, by a series or prac-

cal experiments conducted by eminent phpsiclansand attested t>y thousands or grate int people whohave been relieved from tneir sneerings by 1rsuse. that the GETTYSBURG KATALYSINEWATER is the nearest approach to a specific everdiscovered for Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Rheuma¬tism, Guut, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and UrinaryDiseases generally, lt restotes muscular powerto the paralytic. >t cures Liver Complaint, Chron¬ic uiarrDcca, Piles, Constipation, Astnma, Ca¬tarrh and Bronchitis, Diseases of the skin, Gen¬eral Debility, and Nervous Prostration from men¬tal and physical excesses, lr. is the great est. an¬tidote ever discovered lor Excessive EatlogorDrinking. It corrects the stomach, promotes di¬gestion, and relieves ¡he head almost immediate¬ly. No household should be without lr. Everyhotel should keep lt on hand.«F-For a history of the Springs, for medical re¬

ports of the power of the water over disease, formarvelous coree, and for testimonials frem dis¬tinguished men, send for pamphlets.

' .WHITNEY BROS., General Agents,No. 217 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa.,Gettysburg spring Company.Formale by DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS,And Druggists generally. reb2&-tuths3mo3*

ot Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia,Lumbago. Sciatica, Kidney and Nervous Dis¬eases, after years of suffering bv taking Dr.FiTLEK'S VKUi-TABLB RHEUMATIC SYnUP-the scientific discovery or J. P. Fitter, M. 0.,aregular graduate physician, with whom we arepersonally acquainted. Who has fur 30 yearstreated these diseases exclusively with astonish¬ing results. We believe lt our Christian duty,aiter deliberation, to conscientiously request suf¬ferers to nse lt, eapoclatly persons In modérai ecircumstances who cannot alford to wastemoney and time on worthless mixtures. Asclergymen we seriously feel the deep respons .

nilli y resting on us In pu hi cly endorsing inlsmedicine. But our knowlege and experience ofits remarkable merit mily Justifies onr ac ion:Rev. c. H. Ewing, Media, Peno., suffered sixteentears, became hopeless; Rev. Thomas Murphy,D. D , Frankford Philadelphia; Rev. J. B. Davis,Uightstown. New Jersey; Rev J. S. Buchanan,Clarence, iowa; Rev. G. G. Smith, Plttaford, NewYork; Rev. Josrph Beggs. Fall Onurcb, Philadel¬phia. Other testimonials from Senators, Gover¬nors. Judgos, Congressmen, Physicians. Ao., forwarded gratia with pamphlet exp arning thonediabases. < mthousand dollars will be present¬ed to any medicine for sa ue diseases showingequal merit under est, or that can produce one-fourth as mauy living cures. Any person send¬ing by letter description of affliction will receivegrails a legally signed guarantee, naming thenumber of bottles to cure, agreeing to refundmoney upon sworn statement or Its failure tocure. Afflicted invited to write to Dr. Fi ILE il,Philadelphia. Ul» valuable advice costs nothing.

Du WI E. MI USE A DAVIS,Sole Wholesale Agents for South Carolin».

For Baie at Retail by H. BA ER, w. A. SK KINE.A. W. ECKEL A CC, Dr. G KO. CA ULI ER, G. J,LÜHN, JOS. BLACKMAN, E. H. KELLERS.Janl8-8tnt,hly PAP_?_THE GREAT



Composed of the best Liquor and West IndianRoots and Spices.




And in Warm Latitudes proves and almost

INDISPENSABLE TONIC,Pleasant to the Taste, exhilarating to the Body,

and a pow- rf ul aid to the Weak and Ner¬vous System, enervated by disease.

These BITTERS are sold at

SIX DOLLARSper dozen, and wh»n packed in barre's of 6 andj dozen delivered at Depot tree or dray age.

DOWIE, NIOI8E SL DAVIS.Wholesale Agen is for the Som hern States.novS-sth

Astral COU.





Recommended by the leadingScientific Men, the Press,and hundreds of thou¬sands of families.

THE INSURANCE CO '6 HAVE NEVER PAIDi loss arising from Its nse; while millions of dol¬ara have been saved them on account or Its gen-¡ral Introduction. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS,

Wholesale Agents, Charleston. S. C.feb22-Batamos

3 rna 3, £ «emita is, 0t.




This valuable preparation, recently discovered,lias been extensively tested here and throughoutthe country during the past summer, and hasfolly merited the character claimed for lt.Each bottle contains the Juice of four pounds Of

the best be. r, exclusive ol' rat.Mr. Valentine, the pat entee and proprietor of

thia preparation, has in lils possession numerous

testimonials from the best and most experiencedphysicians of the land. Among them the follow¬ing are presented to the readers of THE NEWS,who will need no further assurance of the qualityand efficacy of the article here offered:

CHARLESTON, S. C., September 26,1872.Dear Slr-some time ago l had the honor to re¬

ceive by express specimens of your "Meat Juice"for trial. I have not thus far acknowledged y oarkind communication lor the simple reason that Inever certify to things of which I Know nothing.

I have, In thu meantime, tested yonr "Prepara¬tion," full; and cautiously, and the result or myexperience has been, that. In all cases whsre sup-.pott t3 demanded, whether In the teething childor the adult worn down by disease, your "Prepa¬ration" has, nnder my observation, proved farmore efficacious than all the farrago of farina¬ceous articles and so-called extracts, which oftendo more harm than good.

I um, very respectfully, your obedient servant,E. GEDDINGS, M. D.

Mr. M. S. VALENTINE, Richmond, Va.

CHARLESTON, S. C., September ll, 1872.MR. M. S. VALENTINEDear Mr-1 have made qnlte an extensive trial

of your "Meat Juice" during the past summer,particularly in t nose protracted and exhaustingdueises incident to Infancy and childhood, sofamiliar to our Southern physicians. The trialhas resulted lu a preference for yonr "MeatJuice" abuve all the Extracts which I nave hither¬to need. Solar, it has tully come np to all thatbas been claimed for lt, and if Its preparation lsconducted with the same case, and the purity ofthe materials maintained aa heretofore, I haveno doubt ita nie will oe greatly extended.Very respectfully your obedient servant,"

F. M. ROBERTSON, M. D.,Professor of Gynecology and eua leal Obstetrics

in the Medical college of the State of soothCarolina.


MB. M. S. VALENTINE,:Dear Slr-Your samples of "Meat Juice" were

received through the politeness of yonr agent,and used very freely daring the sommer in cho¬lera infantum, low forms or fever and other dis¬eases peculiar to this climate.Icheerrolly add my testimony to its dietetic

value, and regard your "Meat Preparation" ofgreat benefit, not only in lnfanil e, bnt also Inadult practice, it ls with pleasure mat l canrecommend Its use to the profession generallyfrom pa-1 experience and the happy results In mypractice. Very respectrully, Ac.

ROBEKT LEBBY, Ii. D.,Health Officer. Harbor of Charleston.

CHARLESTON, S. C., September 20, 1872.Mr. M. S. VALBNTINB:Dear Slr-During the past summer I have had

a full opportunity of testing your "Preparation ofMeal Juice." particularly amongst children suf¬fering from Darrhcea from "Teething." I fludthat as soon as they lose their appetite and com¬mence to deteriorate generally, your Preparationadministered ls weil retained and mont often en*joyed by the Uti le s a frere. s. They Improve rapidlyin health and strength. Other preparations areLot so easily tolerated, on account of their nn>plea-ant odor and taste.

I consider the cements of your little bottlemost invaluable in all acute wasting ducasea.

Very respectfully, W. M. FITCH, M. D.

Dr. S. Barueb, of Camden. S. C.. writes:"I am usina Valentine's Me u Juice with excel¬

lent effect In the case of a child, who ls exceedinsly fond of lt, while he positively refuses allother food."A fresh supply of the Meat Juice jost received

and for sale, wholesale and retail, byDr. H. BAER,

No 131 Meeting street, Charleston.decT-slyrpcAW_


Warranted nnder oath never to have failed tocure. 28,600 Certificates or testimoníala or cure,including Rev. C. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania;Kev. Joseph Beggs, Kails or Schuylkill, Philadel¬phia; the wire or Rev. J. B. Davis, Hlghtstown,New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford,Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton,Philadelphia; Hon. J V. Greeley, member Con-gresa from Philadelphia; Dou. Judge Lee, Cam¬den. New Jersey; cx-Scnator stewart, Baltimore:ex-Governor rowell, Kentucky, and thousands ofothers. Warranted to euro or money refunded.

IK Gi: O.CAUL1KR, Agent,'nlyl-lvr <marleston, s.e.



CHARLESTON, s. C., January 20,1872.Trains will leave Charleston Dally at 10.00 A. M

and 8.00 P. M.Arrive at Charleston 6.46 A. M. (Mondays ex¬

cepted) and 3.30 P. M.Train does not leave Charleston 8 00 P. M. SUN-

DA VS.Train leaving 10.09 A. M. makes through connec¬

tion to New York, via Richmond and AcqnlaCreek only, going through In 44 hours.Passengers leaving by 8.co p. M. Train have

choice01 route, via Richmond and Washington,or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leavingFRIDAY cy this Train lay over on t-TODAY in Bal¬timore. Those leaving on sATC« DAY remain SUN¬DA? lu Wilmington, N. C.This is the cheapest, quickest and most pleas¬

ant route to clnclonatl, chicago and other pointsWestend Northwest, both Trams making con¬nections at Washing.0 with Western Trams ofBaltimore and Ohio Railroad.

S.S. SOLOMONS,Engineer and Superintendent

P. L. CLEAPOR, Gen. Ticket Agent. may21


On and alter TUESDAY. March 18, the Pas¬senger Trains on thia Road will run as follows:

NIGHT PASSE NO HR-DAILY.Lr-ave Charleston.4.00 P. M.Arrive at savannah.10.16 P. M.Leave Savannah.11.30 P. M.Arrive at charleston.7 A. M.

DAY PASSENGER-SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.LeaveCharleston.7.40 A. M.Arrive at Savannah.3.30 P. M.Leave Savannah.ll A. M.Arrive at Charleston.6 60 P. M.Both trains make connection with Port Royal

Railroad tor ail Stations on that Road west ofYemassee and for Augusta, Atlanta and thc West.Both trains make close connection at savannah

for Jacksonville, Fla. Time through to Jackson¬ville, 23 H honrs.Day train connects at Yemassee for Beaufor*

aud Port Royal. G. g. GADSDEN,Engineer and Superintendent

S. C. BOYLSTON, uen'l Ft, and Ticket Agent.mchl7


On and after SUNDAT, December 15, the Pas¬senger Trains on the South Carolina Railroad willrun as follows:


Leave Charleston.9.30 A M

Arrive at Co ombia.6.20 p xFOE AUGUSTA.

Leave Charleston.9.30 A MAn ive at Augusta.... .5 20 rM

FOR CHARLESTON.Leave Columbia.9.00 A MArrive at Charleston.4 46 p ML-ave Augusta.0.00 A MArrive at cuarlestou.4 45 p x

COLUMBIA NIGHT KXPR3S8.(.-undays excepted.)

Leave Charleston.7.30 p MArrive at Columbia.6.30 A IILeave Columbia.7 30 p MArrive at charleston.6 46 A X

AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS.(Sundays excepted.)

Leave Charleston.8.30 p aarrive at AngnBta.7.35 A MLeave Augusta.6.16 p uArrive at charleston.6.60 A 11

SUMMERVILLE TRAIN.Leave Summeivlliean.7.25 A HArrlxeat charleston.8.40 A MLeave Charleston.3.36 r MArrive at Summerville.4 60 p x

CAMDEN TRAIN.LeaveCamden..7.20 p xArrive atColumbia.11.66 A MLeave Colombia.2.10 p xAr ive at i amden.6.66 p MDay and Night Trams connect at Angusta with

Macon and Augu-u Railroad, Central Railroadand Georgia Kalin <ad. This is the quickest admost direct r ute and as com urtable and cheap ssany 0 her route to Lom-ville, Cincinnati, Chli-auo,s i. Louis and ull other points West and Northwest.Colum-'la NightTraiu connects witn Greenville

and tolumb a railroad; aud Day and Night Trainsconnect wu h Charlotte Road.Through tickets ou sale via this route to all

points North.Camden Train connects at Ringville dally (ex¬

cept Sundays) with Day Passenger Tralj, andruns through to colombia.

A. L. TYLER, vice-President.S. B. PI0KEN8, G. T. A. declO

m.. . ....?/...ri..,iiïZ£

O R LIVERPOOL.The c Upper Iron Bark "TIBER," claseed^ffcn,3 3 11 French, and flrdt-class In LiverpoolSmmLUnderwriters Registry for Iron Vessels. D* Lewis,

Commande -, having a large portion of her onrgoengaged, and going on board, wld have .dispatchlor the above port. For balance room, apply to

HENRÏ CARb. !mcb.27_Atlantic Wharf.



Tbe fast, sure and cnmfort&'tlv appointeduA*Yacht ELEANOR, wm leaveSouthern wharrgOtEVERY UAY.at io o'clock morning, and half-past"afternoon. For engagements, uppiy to- -

CAPTAIN THOUAS YOUNO,febtf ' on Board.-


The ASHLAND, Captain Hunter, ls appclntedto Ball fr. m Brown's Wharf on SATURDAY, iRh orApril, at ia o'clock M.. making cloee connectionsWith CLY LI h's SThiAM LINE to PROVfUENOE,and ihence by Rail to all the NEW ENGLANDCOTTON MILLS. No cartate anywhere on-thiagreat Cotton Route. .--.^ /.For freight engagements apply to - KM

WM. A; COURTENAY, Ageht, %aprö -I Corner East Bay and Vendue Range.


The Splcnd'd side-wheel Stear^^TAN, M. s. Woodhall Commander, will sall forthe above port oa SATURDAY, April fi, at 10 o'clockP.M. .

For Freight or PasBagoengagements apply toaprt a JAMES ADuKR A co.. agenta.

jp O B B A L T J M O S E.




The Fine Steamship FALCON, J. F. Haynle,Commander, makmg close connection with a Tri¬weekly Line or One steamships to Boston, will tallfor Baltimore on SATURDAY, sn April at11o'clock.«-Philadelphia Freights forwarded to'that

elly by railroad from Baltimore wlthoat addi¬tional insurance, and Consignees are allowedample time to sample and sell their Goods fromthe Railroad Depot in Philadelphia.Fer Freight or Passage applyto

PAUL C. THE s HOLM, Agent.aprl-5 No. 2 Union Wharvei.




The Magnificent Steamers or theALLAN LINE will leave Liverpool forJNorfolk, Va., every alternate TUKSDVY, outingthe spring and summer of 1878. * .

PERUVIAN.TUSSDAY, March 26.HIBERNIAN.TUESDAY, Apnl' S.NHISTORIAN.TUI8DAY, April 22.Connecting with Coast Line RalU-oad to chines-

ton, steerage and Intermediate Passage aa fol¬lows: ..-.»Liverpool Queenstown, ) Steerage.......$84 76Glaagow.LondouorBris > Intermediate... 66 76toi to Charleston, S. C..) to........... 67 76

Hamburg. Antwerp. Hoi-) Steerage....'..138 76land or Havre to Charles-1 Intermediate.. 67 76ton...:.....)

Paris, Norway or Sweden! Steerage...".$42 75To charleston.) Intermediate., el 67

Steamers equal to any on theAtlantic.Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. '.Parties wishing to send for friends win anply to

RAVENBL A CO., charleston, ». 0.WM. LAMB, General Anent,

mchil-Imo Norfolk, Va,





Steamers or the above line lea?e PierNo. 42. North River, foot ofcanal ittlMMBNew York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the luth, pRäand soih of every month, except when tbeeedatesfall on Sunday, tben ihe saturday preceding. 1'

All departures connect at Panama' with. Steam¬ers for South Pacific and Central ¿menean porta.For Japan aud China Steamers leave San. Fran-

cl-C'i first of every month, except whoa lt fais ottsunday-then on the day preceding. "..*

No california Steamers touch at Havana, bal;go direct Irom New York to AsplnwalL ?

One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult.Me deine and attendance free.For Passage Tickets or other information. apply

at the COMPANY'S TICKET OF Flux, on tbewharf foot of Canal street, North Hiver, NewYork. F. E. BABY, Agent.anglO-lyr



Will dispatch one of their nrat-claas,ufgrfMrn.full power Iron screw steamships rromSBiHEPIER No. 46 N. R., EVERY WEONESdí^Y, |Ca oin Passage $8C, gold,steerage Passage (Office No. 29 Broadway) $30,

currency.For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to

WILLIAMS A G DION,No. 63 Wall street. N. Y. I

N. B.-Thiongb Bills Lading to Liverpool hauetby the Charleston and Nsw York Steamers, whichmake close connection with i he above Une. 1

For particulars and ra te of Freight apply to '


maya Or Wit A\ COURTENAY^ * '



At the request or Shippers tbe - ^¡-dT^wSteamer PLANTER, Captain J. J dkKEESiiFlinn, will continue to receive Freight *t ZSowE-modatlon Wharf THIS BAY, the 6th instant, andleave 'i o -NIGHT.Freight most be prepaid. 'ajjShould the River be low, Freight will be trans¬

ferred to the Light Draft steamexfSwan.For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on

board, or to RAVENEL, HOLME- A CO.,aptfii_No. 80 East Bay


Ti; splendid side wheel steamers,DICTATOK, captain L. M. Coxetter,._"and CITY POINT, Captain Fltxgerald. wul SSSCharleston every TUWDAT, THURSDAY aud'-SuN-DAY EVENING at 8 o'clock precisely, for sava.vnah Fernandina. Jacksonville, Magn Ua, G.aoncove Springe, st. Augustine, Paiatka and allLmdings on St. John's River. Connecting atPaiatka with steamers for the Ociawaha-Riverand with the Steamer STARLIGHT lor Enter¬prise, Mellon vine, and au points on tbe Upperat. John's and Indian Rivers.Connect at Fernandina with Florida Railroad

for all points in tue inferior, and with Railroadfor New Orleans and Havana, via Cedar Keys..AU Way Freight mast be prepaid. '

For Freight or Passage, auply toKA VEN FL A co.. Agenta,

dec2 Cor. Vanderhor-t'e Wharf and East Bay.

NOTICE.-THREE MONTHS AFTERda e application will be made to Bank of

ui Hrlesto.i for renewal of Cen Moates of stock Insaid Bank, ttandlng m the name of .JABFZNORTON, Guardian WM. R. NORTON, lo Certlfl-cate No. 8 tes, one Whole Share. Certificate Na.3SCJ. three Half shares, original Certificate -being¡oat or destroyed. mch33-UuJW*