liot sports slants morris given big sciires...

AGE. SIX . - | SPORTS SLANTS - Ov 'MELANCHOLY' JONES Muiiis BioFluiida, Langstoil Shaw ^ Nation; Sottthern, Wilbefforce. Alabama, Va. State iDrop FrojmsTop Class > - (L'urreht National Standings) ~~ TEAM O. PTS. I'CT Shaw. IT. 3 0 0 82 19 1.006 Morris Brown ..a..:.....,..... 3 0 0 74 .18 1.000 norma . 3 o 0 m. 0 1000 LanjgTfljT:.....>. . ........ 8 0 44 ~20 1.000 gZXane jj 8 0 0 - 28 j. 7 1.000 Tillo^on . :;;-2 0 .0 113 . 7 1.000 |^Pw4TOj|lllill. v./'.fT. 2 0 0 61 - 12- 1.000 Hampton ... 2 n.ii 5* u- i ooo 2 41 0 41 13 1.000 C. state 2 0 0 28 0 1.000 - Prairie View l i 4 1.000 ^a^xaa i ./"y i *r z. I: AHc.SUie / y. o r 22 0 1.000 Morgan 7 1 0 0 25 0 1.000 L 2 1 J) frL,._..25_ .... .667 t jXatl*r ........ .?' 2 \ 0 25 33 "" .067 AS PREDICTED through this column a week ago, some .drastic changes took place the pas tr week end when a 11111x1bar of the unbeaten and un,tie<T members of the ''charmed circle" was taken into camp rudely by tough early-season opposition. . . In the week's biggest upset, Tangston moved along ip the national football derhv by spanking mighty Southern in J «:the latfer's hn*»kv«rH 10.1/1 Ii»1» nwnrt f1 QmW K'a ^ #\l#lnt* Hull^ ... . f m -mm V/ KJllllt. ll H VH'lllt-il lliHl^ ... dropped Virginia State from the undefeated class by shading tjhe tough Men of Troy 14-13 at Petersburg. Unbeaten. Alabama lost her select rating when she look a 22-0 mauling ffrfltt Florida's flaming Men m Grange at, Montgomery^ Mighty Wilbetforce.feafure attraction in lasiyear's Orange Blossom and Steel Bowl Classics, was dropped from the un. beaten class,by Tuskcgee^-Chicago 2fi-7Jn what many regard as an upset. However, this observer called Tusfcfrgee over the Green Wave, three touchdowns io one, several days rf':- ahead of the contest^ , ' Sy' v * « < With Southern, Virginia State, Alabama, and Wilber* force departing The ranks of the unbeaten, t Morris .Brown [; nosed -out Lincoln (Mo.) 10-12 r't Jefferson City, Florida _.tamed Alabama as sUlml, Langston pulled her previously" p.- mentioned upsel over So ulh ern. andXane shaded » threaU ening South Cai^lina State eleven 14-7 at Jackson, Tennessee, to form a special class of clubs boasting three wins, no ties, and no losses in three starts to date. The Shaw University Bears also kept pace with the nation's leaders by V togging Howard 20-6. Ijl the two wins class are Tillotsoh, West Virginia, Hamptoib J- C. Smith? aiuHfr-C.State. TheJpast week, Tillotson routed Paul Quinn 40-7, Wegt" Virginia shaded Lincoln (Pa.) 44^, U^mpton got by A. and T. 0-0, T. C. Smith nosed out Virginia. State/and N. C. State ekedBiuefield 9-6. 'Tillotson IcadhrNegm football Fri scoring with 113 points in two games - against only seven points allowed. Still other members' of the unbeaten class are Wiley, ¥exas, Arte..State, Morgan, and Prairie View. However, all biit Morgan have been tied- Morgan beat Virginia Union 25-0 in her first-1941 start last Saturday. Wiley: and Prairie View were Idle the past Saturday, nwatt.fng their Bnwl SBE nfilalliiH _day afternoon, Otcober 13, but Ark.- State improved her po- bitioii wirn a 13-U decision over tough Alcorn at Pine Bluff. Texas was idle the past Week. 7. Ranking high hut noFTinhealen are Southern, Tuske gee, and Xavieivntt wtth two wins against a single setback. Langston upset Southern, Morris Brown mauled Tuskcgee. ' and Tuskegee spanked Xavier. The column journeyed to Columbia, Sv.C, the past Friday afternoon to team with Prof. R. T. Harve.v and Lief L. Cain in handling the Benedict-KnoxviHe night gartie. It travelled in party with 6mel Scott. Ike Ramsey, and Riehard Rembert. ~ From Columbia, the column moved on to Frankfort, Ky.s aa guest of Coaches I.eHlie N. SfaHworfh and jliirrory Walker, w.ho. carried along three of their star-players at Benedict as they scouted lltg^houdiiedH whom they fnye Thursday. Ortober 30, in the annual S, C. State Fair at .Columbia. The tVib of star hacks also in the car were Captain George Sheats, a hard blocking and running -halfback^Sam .lenkins, a plowLeake, deerfoofed climax runner. The column toiled in Jthe. Morehouse-Ky. State game Saturday afternoon as umpire, with Frank I.. Stanley, Atlan - ta University AH-American, referee: FJlsworth .Marshall of ^-v Frankfort, head iinemrvUi; "and Paul W. L. Jones, .the Cinjjl cinnati secondary school principal and .Negro football his- TQn&jL.lielcI judge. Coach-Henry Arthur Kean was host at lip buffet supper and contract bridge after the game. Five Rubbers were played that lasted till about three o'clock Suri|« day morning. ufy-~ Returning to the Gate City, Lu Jo travelled by bus from o°dirt^-^(^|/ uTun " invitation of Head Coach Frank L7 Forbes. ^His canny as' * Student Manager Marshall Arnold, Trainer J. I. Washington, and Statistician Charles MaxeyT The Morehouse coaches had been fcted^y Arnold L., Wright, ex-Maroon personality,-the ^f-night bcfpnL^v ...y.1 :. ". The 'Morehouse football delegation entrained at Lexington on the L. & N., arriving in,Atlanta late Sunday evening at T^>«n|y R'Sft nVWlf.^r :. . Making I he (rip for the Kentucky State gamp and parf_;- taking of 4he deuicfotis meals served hig^time style in the diner on t he fast-train wete Captain Leon Elani. fullhuck, ~ Co-Captafn Mdrray Townsend, guard, Krnest Ahhott, Robert Jenkitfs, Charles Lanier, Stephen Maxwell, Hots Owens, and . Earl Rohtnson, ends; RoheiI If ving. Warren Parsdna. Paul VrjdAt amT Frank Lester, tackles; EdmondKemp, Hoselle Smith, Harry Miller, and John Turner, guards; Harvey Beech and lWnry Jackson, renters: Felix (Chin) Evans and A. T. Robinson, quarterbacks: Clarence (Sl|p) Anderson, Homer Hill, Wftfjftr JOftes, CTiuiIch (Red) Stmmpna, J. Y. Moreiand, and Sam Washington, halfbacks; and Clarence Henderson, "7" " "V. . v | J .James (Pinky) Haines-grrtrHsnn Whatley, ends, albng with Jimmte Washington, halfback, alt lettermen and stars ' of the j .'41 club; failed to make the trip. TTninoa was inyjf ittWd fn the Xat^ier game. "Washington's fathef,passed-and "7; pc vent to Monroe, La., to be at-bis-funeral, while critical * -.'».« > " ~ «_ . , Liot MORRIS »£?C i !' ',1',.* -r4 ... ^ 4. J-z.*- -«-* -.1 1 Southern Line But £ 5= By R. J A MRS S< O'I'LANDVILLE. f,a. Menco ami two omlx. Pin re* ni fortjs and lit orally led their tea: 2\7W. 1STnniToidS-; Southern Un 2,500 awe-stricken Southern f ^ Southern 4raw-f-irs44dQod rab Barnw, sriM^lIatinp- tTfifbn sped 55 yards over tackle into giving Southern a 7*0 lead. GORDW DASHES - 73.SHARPS A few minutes iater. Lang-ston punted from their own '34-yafd line to Southern's five and Earne#^retuyned the putxJ^Tt) the Cats' 23yard stripe. On tjie first play. Flash Gordon. Southern's bid for Ail-American honors at fullback, ripped over"-guard, cut to the left, picked UP two blockers who led hinton a 77rynrd jump to score the second touchodwn of th0 contest, Mitchell's trusty toe again.annexed the exirp points Riving the Cats a 14-0 lead which they held at halftime. ... ' . ... -LA&fGSTDX'S- passes RArn t: With undaunted spirit and pulfatinp hearts, the. Langston Lions returned to the field in the second -half a determined team and in the first two minutes of play recover Qcl - aouloivN f\«npl? on ^Southern's. mm J ^ _A "" 11 Kentuck 24 Tn 7 Bv LUCIUS JONES (SNS Sports Editor) FRANKFORT Ky. -- ^iNS')Rolling up 17 first clowns to hef opponent's five and displaying a baffling and varied attack, Kentucky State ripped Morehouse here Saturday afternoon 24-7- itv a -stirring aerial duel. Coacp -Henry Arthur Koaw moulder of two »of the greatest teams In Negro,' football.iiistorj back in 924 and 1937, has no. spct personnel as of old. But Saturday reveajed he has a bunch of untried ypungsters who are willing to plaj for big stakes. , The inexperienced Tliorobred backs, moving behind a "seasoned 200 pound forward wall, got an eterly jump on Coach Prank Forbes grepn' coniblnatlon. i Kentucky's first score came hi the first five :minutes when Fred Ranks, "ant size dtalback, sparked a determined drivr. trnm the Morehouse 46'to thc>ucmy 10 yard line. Benedict' ' r*v " > Kuns lvn< COLUMBIA'S. C.Coach *Leslje N. Stallworth and'hls canny young 7 assistant--Liorov. H. (Po Bellv> Walker, former star »f t.tie Purple and Gold clad Tigers, turned loose H.hrl.i»l iip,» freshmen ^eps:if.inp here Friday night and that little known youth proceeded to yive 'one of ttie .most'spectacular touchdowngalloping, exhibit tons lamped"'n the SIAC In recent, years to bewilder nnd flatten KnoxvlUe Bulldogs 240. ' , ' The brilliant" first-year num. Marion I^ake by-name, shooli.Tils ton second*4 speed. 130: potrnds of ribbed steel, and sixth sense of B2B tlmin^tntrrthrronen time and again . y:throw cnnluaion. into the ranks of Coach Wallace O.. Hawkins' unusually gveen 1941 combination. GHOST GALLOPS The firiiL quarter was. accides.-; but fur- from devoid of action, put """ITivmyryrks got underway with a 1;ang rrt tho secod period. Leake on a 21 yard sprint to the lOT&xvillp. 39. came back swiftly with a 35 yard gallop on a sweet reverse uto-plant the hall on the four yard -««-the very- next T>iey [ knifed off tackle for .a touchdown. Benedict led (1-0, There wiHTrto fm> "rther scoring in the first half. Benedict W11.1 MII'tihHrgM for Uie. closing' tin if-- however., and struck llki* lightning TfT the third period when Leake-got loose on a spirited with Sam Jenktnsi_the plowing fullback, going over from the Tour yard fetrln. m 1 _ The rxtm prut -wirs agnni nhovt end Benedict led at 12-0. Just before ^hc thlid-quq^ter ended, Leak/?, carrying the ball almost exclusively, sea tied his way TOY' S succession ©f TiFst downs that resFed the pigskin on the Knoxvllle iTTneHH of hi« own father ctirri Wnncirll Jf. Smith, crackr rouniKn, .wna. at- I'Yfinkfort. _ kegee-'FVircc ria^sir }n Ohicag friendship wmi-a:uiewed. ; .. v '' : > * " ithouse and informer, ci .^ :...J. t. .< . -^--. LINCOLN -I'.. 1 >»,» ^ % ! ".' ; '> ,.i ; y Reaches C Gets Ups< rjiAMU/roN ..V i zziSNS).A fullback-hapicd 1 i id Stewart, combined their ef- ^ mtnatcH tn a 19-14 victory nvor y veisity Cats jis approximately- f ans looked on. , V ..' - c ' f i v 4ri (ftiartcf an >*en- c pay dirt.' Mitcholl ropverteri. y M-xarcl stfipe. flerc the vguutod t pasSfpg attack of i^n«*ton wem u ieto action as King, Fling-shot ar- c tirt. beg^ui to-fire passes to his two £ tali ends Three straight .* passes It placed the ball on Southern's three- t yard stripe, from which point, v Mencc, brufelng back, chased over j guard to seore. Pierce failed in the r attempted conversion. V TEMPORARY ESCAPE After receiving the. ball op their "j own. 35-yard line, « result of an 11-yard punt.., by Scott, Lnngston's passing attack went into.action c ngaiti to carry tho ball to South- £ em's thrcc-yard litre with first and 41 -fepolr V ' 1 Southern's stalwart litv braced 'and held taking (h,. bull on downc * Scott, deep.»n his own end zone, was rushed and got off a poor kick. f which was grounded on Southern's y Lashes In Aeria From there a Cyrus to Hackley to ; Cyrus pass- j)roduced a touchdown. Thc Thorobreds 'struck pay dirt agufiTIafcr" in the initial quarter when Freshman WilltmmBaSs. after doing mast of thc ball carrying in the particular march, skirted end for seven yards, v .- tnc nnr«. KentucKy touonaown cam? in thesecond quarter when " ick Saunders ThorobredgUATd. ocked Jones' kick recovered ii^ the Mtiroon '20. und raced the ' remaining distance to goal. All exr tra,-joints were missed and the ' spirited' Keanmen paced the visir tots 18-0 at intermission. .Kfcan took no chances against the l offensive minded Mofehouse eleven, which, even 'though scoreless, had i thrilled the fans up to this point. witlv its wide open, devil-may-care uf attack. Th^^lContucK^ e mentor sent his big team rightI back lntn the -fray as the third j quarter started. The Thoiobred? struck again and Bass i.cpcatcd i his poison.. Kentucky counting in s Fresh mar oxville Di; 110. In ;t single spirited olfM.icklo ; sweep lie was ( vci t'>r hi', tfiini'ithird tnakn* and .7ftrr.^lIT~lTu)tl3rr wide jriacrmrm ktck Benedict l^d 1 ! 18-0. , i III the middleof tin; tourMy and find quarter, Knoxvilie's brilliant triple-threat quarterbac k. Eoarl [ Henderson kn'led through j hole in iiie middle of ihn Ronrdirt linn-lu-L-his own 20, ana cra'xv-icg^od his] was 55 niad yards upiield u> the] home club's 25-yard strip » .. KNOXVIILF TURK AT I Spelling .paydirt at. last, Henderson mates went thPT snap ; Henq£rson whipped a short flat --pH»s--Prteirfk>d W-his rriSs-nnsitac^ Jj£lt_cnd iifar_t.ilc cauLrudcliaes. But Leake, traveling wlCIT the speed of lightning, tucked in the puss on the dead run and galloped bark 80 yards ,fOr Benedict's fourth touchdown The coiwerson failed-Jor the fqurth j time and the Tigers led at the ftr><» 1 ynnrk nf OA-O .FFor Benedict Leake was ably abet- j ted by Captain George S heats, whose punt-returning was spectncu- j lar, and by Fullback Jenkins who i mowed his way through the visit- j: ors' line for many kftPft italnes. | Defensively, Bencdicrk stars were,' Iieroy Fair,- Calvin Carreft, T. F Thompson, T. Ritchie Charlesvf Brooks unri Hmrir rrfnntl I sub at left end, Knoxvttic's ^dvnjirrtrTOire Ted byi ; Henderson with Bennett and Car- penter stading out brilliant op i tiefenw. _ The Kcxville club had road. trouble nnd did not arrive in Colpin- Iija Willi fOlli o elbf-k.. tlie. mbrnm^ j of the Raine, in nil fairness to tlreT Bulldogs it, must be admitted that, except for this unfortunate develop- -I mcnt, .the visitors may have given ..Benedict the dogged fight that has i | ****<!/ a tpoUiWCi " Hwtr samra of t ' tire past. The teams tied G»0 in cd Whatley out bl town, spirts scribe of the Pittsburgh motoring down from itfeTils-j o thtf night before. A pleasant ._ - t i i'... ... GIVEN i ^ ^ 5ne Yard at 19-14 8-yard strirc by. Barnes/ -Foin (raight passes faHcd to (rain lh< Jqns ft first down and * bp bal TStft"over'to Southern 0n the nineard st»lpe. Af!ain, S'cott Rot.^ff t K>or kick which. w:ui prounuwl ui he Cats' 27-yard line. Two passe; arrled the ball to. S U 's two ard stripe where Menr e Vas anali ailed upon to takc it over, bu louthcin led 14-12.. "With the halt mi tr.oir omr^T^ 'nrd strife, Scott of Southern at empted la-kick. -Lut 'hi*- fnatjwn docked-and Langfitdn recovered 01 Southern's 24-yard stripe.' 1V( WM6K, the last. one 1q Pierce, net edr a- touchdown and, Lougstot vent, into the lead 18-14. 'Adnmc substitute,' kicked the extra poin nnking the score 19-14. With three jnlrtutfcs to pla; ?outbein uncorked lwn passes am hrec runs to place the bqll o he two-yard stripe with 80 sec mds left to nlav. A sutvstitmc wa ;ent In 'to stop the cloek am Southern received n five-yard p.»n ;Ity and Ooroon. on line buck, in he"ball »o the one-vaid ilnr as t.h tame ended.tofi: by qt'ain fiitv} totai Lanes tun .> H .0 0 l.'».1 Southern ........... 0 14 0 0.1 'House I Duel -lust 10 well selected play.; to leu 2A-0. . But. RSbrchouse. .always ^dangn ous from any point on a footba field,.struck good early in the fin* quarter after recovering u cost! Kentucky fumble 'ntrd initiating long- march. Th£._tiiive swas elimai ed with a- sweet'10 yard pass. Lee Elam to Maxwell in the. end zon Jones place kicked the extra-poll and thefinal.count tvas on tt books at 24-1. Morehouse raidecj tl Kentucky defense with 2$ pass and "the completed with three b i'|g intercepted. Kentucky hurl 15 herself, completing eight, wi tWo getting intercepted. Officials: Rbferoe", Frank Sta fey, (Atlanta TJ.);. Umpire Luci .Tones, t Clark;; head Ihustha Ellsworth Marshall. t.prank fort field jUdgn, Paul U". I. Joni Cincinnati?) ^ Si* l Tailback tzy 1 1»10 Knwayiile fcenpdjrt 12 I t.Ross I j tT--Beniictt Ritrh LO--Srr upjcr. Tlinnipsf t'--t»iUeim:atcr .^ .Bntoi HG-VVi'l.'anw * Oplrsl RT--Mitc?irll .Williams.,: RE-Carpentfr - Ciairr <t--lfpntlorson M ) Shrats i( I.II--Al9xandcr ... Ia-al Kit--Sutton l"lrl< 1 B--&1Jllcr V-. Jchk'.i 'Swing T'HifhfTowri- l.rakr l.'j Jrnkiils lltfecc-JI, X lUrv^T -M 'Mjitr I mpirr-«|,. I, TIaTn (JVforehntisr Xcadflnp^in.-kt^l.uriitN Jours << larl Versatile ^ I 'Met .< o-taptain Howard Hunter, A. < T, A**kv guard, tfc one of the moi \ Hue men in ihe I> A. A 11.1 % irtf served at every Unr post o> cept Ihe pivot *pot- BIG SCi TIGERS Missouriar ni i aru nays -s ---y-;- BjrsAM 3 (Special to Scott P L__: JEFEEltSOK CITY', Mo ' a single touchdown in the ef r li'd H3O, Morris Ijrown'a niij rt I heir way toward a second st j conquering a dazzling I.inco I Saturday night at. Municip largest crowds ever to wftno? A short circuit put out - and it was 00 minutes later *- -The game was not oyer unt MOODY BREAKS LOOSE 3 r It was late. Lu »the Second, quai tcr that Morris Brown found -tf range. ATtcr John (Big) Tral '/ Moody, the 207-pound All-America fullback and 1940 high scorer wit 109 points* in nine games, sparkc «* a bruising Purple ,drive wit hi '1 scoring range. Jolting Joe Jenkii h j skirted right end for a touchdow - A penalty of the Lincoln team 1 s ! its own 10 yard line figured in tl rl -. 'Miimi luniMh WIIU'll saw .JeilKlt - speed 10 yards to strlkeoJpay dir1 L[ Moody's piacc-mcnl kick-was «ddi u 1 OpenThg up -the. second lmlf, "Li* Iccln kicked off:-to Morris Browi I t After two galnirrg-tfne plnyrr: Moor i.Uncorked a pass intended' f< ^ Charles Bookert. but It -wfts lnte: reptcd by Richardson. Lincoln Tul - back, on his own 29 vard'^ lln» Richardson^ picked his way thron? a broken field and dashed 71 sti ritf,' yards fdr^a' ToucKdown. T1 _Lr' Aversion effort wa»; wide buLti f <eore stood deadlocked at g-6' .| WOrVKRINES, FIGHTING MAI> Infuriated at the-uppity condu TUT the. Mlssourians, Morris Brow "pLVrTryf TolTirui on~vestalh " 1 power. Moody. Jenkins, and Bull Joe Mitchell took turns at literal [cracking skulls and. with a mixtu of battling passes inserted, movi their way to the Lincoln 20. 1 * offside penally advanced thc pi v skin to the 15. ' * From this pofnt, the inevital L~ Mr Moody toulHed lilB wfty ; t n entire 15 yards to a touchdown, b e. lru. placement was again wide, lea Yt Ing. Morris Brown ahead by'non I too-safe margin of 12-6. * i jenkins gets in clear I After an exchange of punts ft Sa fumble by White of Linco ed \ -* , ' . th ) _ . I Florida m us . » Alabama! Cfrl ' By J. M. (Slim) REYNOLDS j MONTGOMERY..Ala. (SN4 I A powerful and "Heavier Flo da A. and M Cbllcpre team l\an V id A In ha ma Mute Teachers C< ley-e her worst defeat in fo i years here this afternoon' whi >! they rolled up a 2*2-0 win aj?hir t it serappy hut outclassed Horn ill fitfhtinir with their hacks the wall almost "from the start. Valiant Hot net resistance he l».i hhe ry is* tors t»» tia^.fl^ ir the" first ((uai trr, 'b\if with \V j,, l lianis and Gant leading the wi ,n j in the second the men in ctran lt*_ Jild on a power drive which m 1v toil thi m.a.'euiehdown af-he-r-^ j.j_ <>0-yd. march when Gnnt we tt over fur the i^arker from t ~ Hornet TTI TTaTit drove over f the Vxtrsr point and the half en -IS etl Florida 7.-State 0. ns FIND RANGE AGAIN The Florit ians losj no. tin tuLiiur.the-, ball. over fl^m. tl 0, Hornets who received -the kic if in 1 he third (|Ufl-i r 'ill ""..mat'ehin^ m t heir core wlv Sims passtsl I7» Sherfteld for *; yards, and" a rdnrtftlow p -fo et off -a !<» yard drive. Harrisi drove over the extra point! (>nTthe ftdoAvinp kickoff, t Hornets allowed the ball t<» ri ~ rh'nrl.rrrr rtrrrr One foot- line- -tp Florida too,k a short Hornet pu on Ikt 2 1 ami marked to' the li only to be hp,Id. for downs. He I Tate was rushed in to kick i the Hornets, but the pass frc out of the. end zone giving Flo; I da a safely. A mixture of. pass | ami power netted the final Umc " dowfi TTTTrrr i ourth quarter wi I Williams taking a pasts from Su t tM l 1 .ysrdJKVTdt the payoff plfl J Sinfrlctnn'n attempt from plac 1L _iueut u'iw am fmd Kr» -f fri B scor owns Florida '.V2, Alahgi State 0. The Hornet; lnie whs no mat for the ncavicr, more powerfi line, a nil th » Home* hacks d not have a eha"hcre. The loss ttictf powerful rufttoe of.last fi and more experienced Flori< was keenly fvlt us the scrap] remnants a'irted , l>y pronlisii freshmen strove valiantly all fe: way to stave off disaster. Floi £ da's big- hacks, Sim's, Williatr *t Harrison a nil OiVtF drove tl i.. hriliter Horned 'line tune ni attain. pulling: ibeir fcaeklors*alcj 1 with them, with Gam,the leatfi] f v 1 4 . ': tr IRES BP nil i HTF : IS Score Ob i In last Tw \ r**" .. % a McKIBfcEtf 7 .-f Newspaper Syndicate) > ^(SNS) Hold surprisiaglyLj^ itire first half after which they or hi v Pnrplf Wolverines rnarpd raijrht national championship by hi university eleven 19-12 here 4s a colored game in this section. the lights in the first quarter before play could be resumed. il mlHwltrtn- r~*~ -*rr. * : ^ > »a ii»iu«ii|^ lit/* wMch Morris' Brofrn recovered on the- Lincoln 28. the Purple Wol' " r.verities mixed three "line plays arid -then sent the crazy-legged Jenkins in on a madcap flight across the n enemy j^oal for the national £ham^ pions' third touch-town.- T M«pdy ** rplil tltp crossbars with' his placeln kick and Morris Brjwn led 19-6. 18 . The fans were brought* to their n. fPrt parly in the fourth and final »° quarter when, p.iter Moody kicked ie off following the last..touchdown *s White took the ball on the Lincoln ^ five and stepped 25 yards'to his own 30:.. 1 i- SENSATIONAL PLAY l At tliat poli\fc. White,.,swaxmed by. ly bngrfed Wolvetlnes. lateralted beaiP" tifully to Rabbit Thompson, scatr- totted Lincoln halfback, who ran 1- the remaining 65 yards for a * touchdown to complete- a dazzling :hl ^5-yarch scoring-play. The piacrf- mj>nt kick was, low and the score ^ read 19-12, ic Thu« threatened and penetrated on .two .occasions, "Morris Blown brought into play her niggardly ct tir-ht defense and handcuffed, the nungerou.s Mtssouuans the rest of ~ -the way-, . >g sroiiTtwi ion «»*»«! . . Morris Brown had entered th2 ][ game a prohibitive favorite, but, scouted ,by Assistant Coach Herman Green -against Titskegec. the Purplo Wolverines found the Lincoln g" Tigers knew plenty about their . "pet" maneuvers and. In the final analysis. they had to get downright berserk and barbaric to bull their way through the stiff, defensive patterns of the alert' Missouri of Cosudi Ray Kemp.. SCORE BY QUARTERSTOTAL nd MorriK Brown 0 6 13 0.19 In, Lincoln (Mo.) 0 0 6 6.1£ ittlers Rip State 22-0 ' ' i "* gainer. Florida gained 200 yards i)--uh the :ground. made.ft* first ij. .downs,, and completed -1 passes fi_ for <50 yards, while State 20 yds. >1. from scrimmage, 55 first dowmd ur was ruled complete account inL.n 15 yards. Another Hornet pass iSt and completed one pass good for ttir-f+na-nee.for .r» yards^ to CJriggs. Mason, Sullingcr, and A Jackson stood out in the Held not line.' and Wilson, Ellis, atid ng Robertx worked 11acd ttt fh e hirelril- fielfTT'Wilson on the offense, and hi;:. ...... !>..!.- J-*' « r 1/.IIC- mm IWUI'IU) "!l Ul'ieilS". I Mil^w^dwards, nntl Sherfield >t- \Ci»n^®Rlwarts in the visiting I Inn W tremendous nt kidc6ff» kept the. Hornets pinned he hack airrtiim or ALABAMA (0) FLORIDA (22) d* POS..ALA. FLA. LE..WKTle . i ...... . . Goodwill LT.Grift £ » j Gontrv rtO LG.dackion Edward* C .M**on ......... DowdelL k- RG.L«f*wicl» R. Gknt liLjU? W..fthi .... MfifcF!>n Rj£.SuMjnjjnr , , So or fie id QB.Crowe .. ....... OKletby I.H.Joirer-. . . . .i.. 7-t-t.Smjtmr>n RH-.Cbpktbmn William* FB.Elli* Hartiion 1 Offici»1»: Refero*: T. E. .Cra,H von (Clark); Umpire, J. W; Hill llt| ( Atlanta) ; Linesman, J. Nay Xavier dps To Ran IeM 7y. MFMPf UiL Tciuk- i'8 N B) VThe tj, Xavier University Gold Rush of rttli' liniliwiana -FRmir->lrtmmxn h«"«nr .... . yvrwovuif, ,ia » :.ophomore juid freshman team, veterans <>i »ihe first two games of the.cuneht rtrTrtitcrt the, v. famous "Mad Mrtglehma4^ of Memp>, phis, Tenn., LcMoyne College, 12-6, . hero, at Booker T Washington High ! j. School Stadium. The' Gold _Rush 1 ' dominated the game from the start °* of the whistle, presenting a ground f offensive of hafTllrig power. 1 In the first half Th« Y«vUri»« py inarched from their own 37 to LeMoyne's 8 yd. stripe before being he halted on one occaslOn, however a ri- LoMoync fumble by halfbffclt Carey h, on their own 26 gaVe Xavier the Ktr ball tn the second quarter. Ralph fid' Rivere find RJmon Rogers carried ug the hall to the ft where Rii&re went! ng Over for Xavier s initial ^core, Harry ***. T .A~., « 1 .. ' ; ' NPAY, OCTOBER 19, 1911 1 n hi i v . KALLT **_ I * s. ^5^ Kf.8ttW« ' M«r*hoon 1 Xavler 12 I^eMoyne « M Knoxrttte p Ftek 9 * Tmmui Kile i . Morgan *5 Va. Union I J C. Smith 14 Va. State IS N. c. State 9 r Bluefleld * 1 West Va. 14 Lincoln <Pa.) 6 Shaw 20 Howard 0 Langs ton io Southern M . Arkansas State 13 Alcorn Allen 6---. Bethune Cookman 2 Fayette vi He t4' Swift 8 Ga, State 12 Voorheee 6 TtUotfou 40 Paul Qnlnn 7 > Jarvis 13 La. Normal Hampton 6 A. and T. 0 Morris Brpwn 19; Lincoln 12 .Lane 14; S. C. state 7, , ? Prairie View 32 Wiley, .7 » Tuskoyee 88 >V Ubfforcc 7 A JL fi-i- I- air. jwte in Tough Alcorn . :.PY MAIUUBON 1HJP8QN 'Special).The fast Alcom Indians invadeef Arkansas territory. here Saturday afternoon to meet the Arkansas State Lions whete the Indians were defeated <13-0. The shifty MississLppians kept the ball in Arkansas territory and outclassed Arkansas throughout the * first half of the game. Their only real threat came in the frst quartpad an Alcorn punt which Cofbgiei of Alcorn recovered. The rejuvenated Lions | came back in the second half with lavson, Arkansas' Mack Truck. White and Termyman ripping off substantial yardage to keep the ball in Alcoorn's territory. Arkansas' 1st touchdown came in the third quarter as a result of penaittas against the visitors. Lawson- carried the twrft over from the one yard version by Lawson was good. The^ Lions' second touchdown .came in tlic last ]few minutes of t hp camp when ppntivmnn rtrnvo off-tackle for the imal two yard#. The try 4R>r extra point galled.. Outstanding' for the Indians were Anderson. Battles jftnfl Lenoir in the" backfield and Harrison" Mnrlip and Dofdon on the line; for Arkansas, Sutton," Edwards. Greene and Smith' on the, line and Lawson, Pcnnyman and White la the backfield." Arkansas (13) Alcorn f> .. iTaS^fifflESw"...;Mar^n ' "' LT--Greene Harris LG.Williams Borden Cfetirge WttObde . RG.Smith Harrison RT--Murphy " Fielder RE.*-Ed Wards Gerdob QB.JPeno y mi an. Henderson LH.White 1 * Gaines * j| RH-Wilson Harris FB.UwSftn Battle Official: Johnson (Clark) reefree; Wolr (Philyider Smith) umpire; Goo p<- (Tusk&gee) headlines/nan. f TallaHotraT: FiohLJudge. -) owlkri (A*Unt«>. L * ,Score by periods; '* * Alabama.. 0 O 0.# 0. Florida' 0 7 9 6 22 Scoring touchdowns: Gant, SKerfield, William* for Florida. Conversions: Gant, Harriaon. -^afeiui Florida. ..... *'. * ' Jf * ; -w 1 '* ^ ' Barton's attempted Pace kiqjk for. conversion was too abort. LpMov tie's tally came In the third quarter when an aerial attacit from ^a^vlerjBK^jca^ie^Uie tWrtt Ktrickld scored, j(Hall's at- tempted conversion by placa (tick was short. ' ; ' , « V- VTW-.* -T-.-TH; - f A kicking duel i«v the fourth fumble On LeMoyne* 13 by Hajj . gave Xavier the ball In the final three minutes of the game. A desperate LeMoyne line threw Roger* 'for a four yard loss. However a 1 yard pass, Roger* to H_ DctervlHe waa good for a ecore as Deterville ran the'remalnihg TO ynrd* through the i^Moyae secondary. Hls phu.^o for oonvenrtoh was stopped. . .v '/-.»* * .. « . .: jl .j ' , ' v.« - j

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AGE. SIX. .» -


Muiiis BioFluiida, Langstoil Shaw ^

Nation; Sottthern, Wilbefforce.Alabama, Va. State iDrop FrojmsTop Class

> - (L'urreht National Standings) ~~

TEAM O. PTS. I'CTShaw. IT. 3 0 0 82 19 1.006Morris Brown ..a..:.....,..... 3 0 0 74 .18 1.000norma . 3 o 0 m. 0 1000LanjgTfljT:.....>. . ........ 8 0 44 ~20 1.000gZXane jj 8 0 0 - 28 j. 7 1.000Tillo^on . :;;-2 0 .0 113

. 7 1.000|^Pw4TOj|lllill. v./'.fT. 2 0 0 61 - 12-1.000Hampton ... 2 n.ii 5* u- i ooo2 41 0 41 13 1.000C. state 2 0 0 28 0 1.000

- Prairie View l i 4 1.000^a^xaa i ./"y i *r z.I: AHc.SUie / y. o r 22 0 1.000Morgan 7 1 0 0 25 0 1.000L2 1 J) frL,._..25_ .... .667

t jXatl*r ........ .?' 2 \ 0 25 33 ""


AS PREDICTED through this column a week ago, some.drastic changes took place the pas tr week end when a 11111x1barof the unbeaten and un,tie<T members of the ''charmedcircle" was taken into camp rudely by tough early-season opposition.. .

In the week's biggest upset, Tangston moved along ipthe national football derhv by spanking mighty Southern inJ «:the latfer's hn*»kv«rH 10.1/1 Ii»1» nwnrt f1 QmW K'a ^ #\l#lnt* Hull^.... f m-mm V/ KJllllt. ll H VH'lllt-il lliHl^

... dropped Virginia State from the undefeated class by shadingtjhe tough Men of Troy 14-13 at Petersburg. Unbeaten. Alabamalost her select rating when she look a 22-0 maulingffrfltt Florida's flaming Men m Grange at, Montgomery^Mighty Wilbetforce.feafure attraction in lasiyear's OrangeBlossom and Steel Bowl Classics, was dropped from the un.beaten class,by Tuskcgee^-Chicago 2fi-7Jn what many regardas an upset. However, this observer called Tusfcfrgeeover the Green Wave, three touchdowns io one, several daysrf':- ahead of the contest^ ,


Sy' v *«

< With Southern, Virginia State, Alabama, and Wilber*force departing The ranks of the unbeaten, t Morris .Brown[; nosed -out Lincoln (Mo.) 10-12 r't Jefferson City, Florida_.tamed Alabama as sUlml, Langston pulled her previously"p.- mentioned upsel over Soulhern. andXane shaded » threaU

ening South Cai^lina State eleven 14-7 at Jackson, Tennessee,to form a special class of clubs boasting three wins, noties, and no losses in three starts to date. The Shaw UniversityBears also kept pace with the nation's leaders byV togging Howard 20-6.

Ijl the two wins class are Tillotsoh, West Virginia, HamptoibJ- C. Smith? aiuHfr-C.State. TheJpast week, Tillotsonrouted Paul Quinn 40-7, Wegt" Virginia shaded Lincoln (Pa.)44^, U^mpton got by A. and T. 0-0, T. C. Smith nosed outVirginia. State/and N. C. State ekedBiuefield 9-6. 'TillotsonIcadhrNegm football Fri scoring with 113 points in two games

- against only seven points allowed.Still other members' of the unbeaten class are Wiley,¥exas, Arte..State, Morgan, and Prairie View. However, allbiit Morgan have been tied- Morgan beat Virginia Union25-0 in her first-1941 start last Saturday.Wiley: and Prairie View were Idle the past Saturday,nwatt.fng their BnwlSBE nfilalliiH

_day afternoon, Otcober 13, but Ark.- State improved her po-bitioii wirn a 13-U decision over tough Alcorn at Pine Bluff.Texas was idle the past Week.

7.Ranking high hut noFTinhealen are Southern, Tuskegee, and Xavieivntt wtth two wins against a single setback.Langston upset Southern, Morris Brown mauled Tuskcgee.' and Tuskegee spanked Xavier.

The column journeyed to Columbia, Sv.C, the past Fridayafternoon to team with Prof. R. T. Harve.v and Lief L.Cain in handling the Benedict-KnoxviHe night gartie. Ittravelled in party with 6mel Scott. Ike Ramsey, and RiehardRembert. ~

From Columbia, the column moved on to Frankfort, Ky.saa guest of Coaches I.eHlie N. SfaHworfh and jliirrory Walker,w.ho. carried along three of their star-players at Benedict asthey scouted lltg^houdiiedH whom they fnye Thursday. Ortober30, in the annual S, C. State Fair at .Columbia. ThetVib of star hacks also in the car were Captain George Sheats,a hard blocking and running -halfback^Sam .lenkins, a plowLeake,

deerfoofed climax runner.The column toiled in Jthe. Morehouse-Ky. State game Saturdayafternoon as umpire, with Frank I.. Stanley, Atlan

-ta University AH-American, referee: FJlsworth .Marshall of^-v Frankfort, head iinemrvUi; "and Paul W. L. Jones, .the Cinjjlcinnati secondary school principal and .Negro football his-

TQn&jL.lielcI judge. Coach-Henry Arthur Kean was host atlip buffet supper and contract bridge after the game. FiveRubbers were played that lasted till about three o'clock Suri|«day morning.ufy-~ Returning to the Gate City, Lu Jo travelled by bus from

o°dirt^-^(^|/ uTun "

invitation of Head Coach Frank L7 Forbes. ^His canny as'* Student Manager Marshall Arnold, Trainer J. I. Washington,and Statistician Charles MaxeyT The Morehouse coaches hadbeen fcted^y Arnold L., Wright, ex-Maroon personality,-the^f-night bcfpnL^v ...y.1 :. ".

The 'Morehouse football delegation entrained at Lexingtonon the L. & N., arriving in,Atlanta late Sunday eveningat T^>«n|y R'Sft nVWlf.^r :..

Making I he (rip for the Kentucky State gamp and parf_;-taking of 4he deuicfotis meals served hig^time style in thediner on t he fast-train wete Captain Leon Elani. fullhuck,~ Co-Captafn Mdrray Townsend, guard, Krnest Ahhott, RobertJenkitfs, Charles Lanier, Stephen Maxwell, Hots Owens, and. Earl Rohtnson, ends; RoheiI If ving. Warren Parsdna. Paul

VrjdAt amT Frank Lester, tackles; EdmondKemp, HoselleSmith, Harry Miller, and John Turner, guards; Harvey Beechand lWnry Jackson, renters: Felix (Chin) Evans and A. T.Robinson, quarterbacks: Clarence (Sl|p) Anderson, HomerHill, Wftfjftr JOftes, CTiuiIch (Red) Stmmpna, J. Y. Moreiand,and Sam Washington, halfbacks; and Clarence Henderson,"7" " "V. . v |J .James (Pinky) Haines-grrtrHsnn Whatley, ends, albngwith Jimmte Washington, halfback, alt lettermen and stars

' of the j .'41 club; failed to make the trip. TTninoa was inyjfittWd fn the Xat^ier game. "Washington's fathef,passed-and"7; pc vent to Monroe, La., to be at-bis-funeral, while critical* -.'».« > " ~

«_ .

, Liot


!' ',1',.* -r4 ... ^4. J-z.*- -«-* -.1 1

SouthernLine But£ 5= By R. JAMRS

S< O'I'LANDVILLE. f,a.Menco ami two omlx. Pinre* ni

fortjs and lit orally led their tea:2\7W. 1STnniToidS-; Southern Un2,500 awe-stricken Southern f

^ Southern 4raw-f-irs44dQodrab Barnw, sriM^lIatinp- tTfifbnsped 55 yards over tackle intogiving Southern a 7*0 lead.GORDW DASHES - 73.SHARPS

Afew minutes iater. Lang-stonpunted from their own '34-yafd lineto Southern's five and Earne#^retuynedthe putxJ^Tt) the Cats' 23yardstripe. On tjie first play.Flash Gordon. Southern's bid forAil-American honors at fullback,ripped over"-guard, cut to the left,picked UP two blockers who led hintona 77rynrd jump to score the secondtouchodwn of th0 contest,Mitchell's trusty toe again.annexedthe exirp points Riving the Cats a14-0 lead which they held at halftime....

'. ...

-LA&fGSTDX'S- passes RArn t:With undaunted spirit and pulfatinphearts, the. Langston Lions

returned to the field in the second-half a determined team and in thefirst two minutes of play recoverQcl - aouloivN f\«npl? on ^Southern' J ^ _A "" 11

Kentuck24 Tn 7

Bv LUCIUS JONES(SNS Sports Editor)

FRANKFORT Ky. -- ^iNS')Rollingup 17 first clowns to hefopponent's five and displaying abaffling and varied attack, KentuckyState ripped Morehouse hereSaturday afternoon 24-7- itv a -stirringaerial duel.

Coacp -Henry Arthur Koawmoulder of two »of the greatestteams In Negro,' football.iiistorjback in 924 and 1937, has no. spctpersonnel as of old. But Saturdayreveajed he has a bunch of untriedypungsters who are willing to plajfor big stakes. ,

The inexperienced Tliorobredbacks, moving behind a "seasoned200 pound forward wall, got an

eterly jump on Coach Prank Forbesgrepn' coniblnatlon. iKentucky's first score came hi

the first five :minutes when FredRanks, "ant size dtalback, sparkeda determined drivr. trnm the Morehouse46'to thc>ucmy 10 yard line.

Benedict'' r*v

" >

Kuns lvn<COLUMBIA'S. C.Coach *Leslje

N. Stallworth and'hls canny young7 assistant--Liorov. H. (Po Bellv>Walker, former star »f t.tie Purpleand Gold clad Tigers, turned looseH.hrl.i»l iip,» freshmen ^eps:if.inphere Friday night and that littleknown youth proceeded to yive 'oneof ttie .most'spectacular touchdowngalloping,exhibit tons lamped"'n theSIAC In recent, years to bewildernnd flatten KnoxvlUe Bulldogs 240.'


The brilliant" first-year num.Marion I^ake by-name, shooli.Tilston second*4 speed. 130: potrnds ofribbed steel, and sixth sense ofB2B tlmin^tntrrthrronen timeand again . y:throw cnnluaion. intothe ranks of Coach Wallace O..Hawkins' unusually gveen 1941 combination.GHOST GALLOPSThe firiiL quarter was. accides.-;

but fur- from devoid of action, put"""ITivmyryrks got underway with a1;ang rrt tho secod period. Leake

on a 21 yard sprint to thelOT&xvillp. 39. came back swiftly witha 35 yard gallop on a sweet reverse

uto-plant the hall on the four yard-««-the very- next T>iey[ knifed off tackle for .a touchdown.

Benedict led (1-0, There wiHTrto fm>"rther scoring in the first half.

Benedict W11.1 MII'tihHrgM for Uie.closing' tin if-- however., and struckllki* lightning TfT the third periodwhen Leake-got loose on a spiritedwith Sam Jenktnsi_the plowing fullback,going over from the Tour yardfetrln. m 1 _

The rxtm prut -wirs agnni nhovtend Benedict led at 12-0. Just

before ^hc thlid-quq^ter ended,Leak/?, carrying the ball almostexclusively, seatied his way TOY' Ssuccession ©f TiFst downs that resFedthe pigskin on the Knoxvllle

iTTneHH of hi« own father ctirriWnncirll Jf. Smith, crackr

rouniKn, .wna. at- I'Yfinkfort._ kegee-'FVircc ria^sir }n Ohicagfriendship wmi-a:uiewed.

; ..v''

: >*"

ithouse and informer, ci

.:̂...J. t. .<.*» -^--.

LINCOLN-I'.. 1 >»,» ^ % ! ".' ; '> ,.i ; y

Reaches CGets Ups<rjiAMU/roN ..V i

zziSNS).A fullback-hapicd 1 iid Stewart, combined their ef- ^mtnatcH tn a 19-14 victory nvor y

veisity Cats jis approximately- fans looked on. , V ..' - c

' f i v4ri (ftiartcf an >*en- c

pay dirt.' Mitcholl ropverteri.y

M-xarcl stfipe. flerc the vguutod tpasSfpg attack of i^n«*ton wem u

ieto action as King, Fling-shot ar-ctirt. beg^ui to-fire passes to his two £

tali ends Three straight .* passes Itplaced the ball on Southern's three- tyard stripe, from which point, vMencc, brufelng back, chased over jguard to seore. Pierce failed in the rattempted conversion. VTEMPORARY ESCAPEAfter receiving the. ball op their "j

own. 35-yard line, « result of an11-yard punt.., by Scott, Lnngston'spassing attack went into.action c

ngaiti to carry tho ball to South- £em's thrcc-yard litre with first and 41

-fepolr V ' 1Southern's stalwart litv braced'and held taking (h,. bull on downc *

Scott, deep.»n his own end zone,was rushed and got off a poor kick. fwhich was grounded on Southern's

y LashesIn Aeria

From there a Cyrus to Hackley to ;Cyrus pass- j)roduced a touchdown.Thc Thorobreds 'struck pay dirt

agufiTIafcr" in the initial quarterwhen Freshman WilltmmBaSs. afterdoing mast of thc ball carrying inthe particular march, skirted endfor seven yards, v .-

tnc nnr«. KentucKy touonaowncam? in thesecond quarter when" ick Saunders ThorobredgUATd.ocked Jones' kick recovered ii^the Mtiroon '20. und raced the

' remaining distance to goal. All exrtra,-joints were missed and the' spirited' Keanmen paced the visirtots 18-0 at intermission.

.Kfcan took no chances against thel offensive minded Mofehouse eleven,

which, even 'though scoreless, hadi thrilled the fans up to this point.

witlv its wide open, devil-may-careuf attack. Th^^lContucK^

e mentor sent his big team rightIback lntn the -fray as the third jquarter started. The Thoiobred?struck again and Bass i.cpcatcd ihis poison.. Kentucky counting in

s Freshmaroxville Di;110. In ;t single spirited olfM.icklo ;sweep lie was ( vci t'>r hi', tfiini'ithirdtnakn* and .7ftrr.^lIT~lTu)tl3rrwide jriacrmrm ktck Benedict l^d 1

! 18-0. ,

i III the middleof tin; tourMy andfind quarter, Knoxvilie's brillianttriple-threat quarterbac k. Eoarl [Henderson kn'led through j hole iniiie middle of ihn Ronrdirt linn-lu-L-hisown 20, ana cra'xv-icg^od his]was 55 niad yards upiield u> the]home club's 25-yard strip »


KNOXVIILF TURKAT ISpelling .paydirt at. last, Hendersonmates went thPT snap ;Henq£rson whipped a short flat

--pH»s--Prteirfk>d W-his rriSs-nnsitac^Jj£lt_cnd iifar_t.ilc cauLrudcliaes. ButLeake, traveling wlCIT the speed oflightning, tucked in the puss on thedead run and galloped bark 80 yards,fOr Benedict's fourth touchdownThe coiwerson failed-Jor the fqurth jtime and the Tigers led at the ftr><» 1ynnrk nf OA-O .FForBenedict Leake was ably abet- jted by Captain George Sheats,whose punt-returning was spectncu- jlar, and by Fullback Jenkins who imowed his way through the visit- j:ors' line for many kftPft italnes. |Defensively, Bencdicrk stars were,'Iieroy Fair,- Calvin Carreft, T. FThompson, T. Ritchie CharlesvfBrooks unri Hmrir rrfnntl Isub at left end,

Knoxvttic's ^dvnjirrtrTOire Ted byi; Henderson with Bennett and Car-

penter stading out brilliant op itiefenw._

The Kcxville club had road.trouble nnd did not arrive in Colpin-Iija Willi fOlli o elbf-k.. tlie. mbrnm^ jof the Raine, in nil fairness to tlreTBulldogs it, must be admitted that,except for this unfortunate develop- -Imcnt, .the visitors may have given..Benedict the dogged fight that has i

| ****<!/a tpoUiWCi " Hwtr samra of t

' tire past. The teams tied G»0 in

cd Whatley out bl town,spirts scribe of the Pittsburghmotoring down from itfeTils-j

o thtf night before. A pleasant._ - t i


GIVENi ^ ^

5ne Yardat 19-148-yard strirc by. Barnes/ -Foin(raight passes faHcd to (rain lh<Jqns ft first down and * bp balTStft"over'to Southern 0n the nineardst»lpe. Af!ain, S'cott Rot.^ff tK>or kick which. w:ui prounuwl uihe Cats' 27-yard line. Two passe;arrled the ball to. S U 's twoard stripe where Menr e Vas analiailed upon to takc it over, bulouthcin led 14-12..

"With the halt mi tr.oir omr^T^'nrd strife, Scott of Southern atempted la-kick. -Lut 'hi*- fnatjwndocked-and Langfitdn recovered 01

Southern's 24-yard stripe.' 1V(WM6K, the last. one 1q Pierce, netedr a- touchdown and, Lougstotvent, into the lead 18-14. 'Adnmcsubstitute,' kicked the extra poinnnking the score 19-14.

With three jnlrtutfcs to pla;?outbein uncorked lwn passes amhrec runs to place the bqll ohe two-yard stripe with 80 secmds left to nlav. A sutvstitmc wa;ent In 'to stop the cloek amSouthern received n five-yard p.»n;Ity and Ooroon. on line buck, inhe"ball »o the one-vaid ilnr as t.htameended.tofi:by qt'ain fiitv} totaiLanes tun .> H .0 0 '» l.'».1Southern ........... 0 14 0 0.1

'HouseI Duel-lust10 well selected play.; to leu

2A-0. .

But. RSbrchouse. .always ^dangnous from any point on a footbafield,.struck good early in the fin*quarter after recovering u cost!Kentucky fumble 'ntrd initiatinglong- march. Th£._tiiive swas elimaied with a- sweet'10 yard pass. LeeElam to Maxwell in the. end zonJones place kicked the extra-polland thefinal.count tvas on ttbooks at 24-1. Morehouse raidecj tlKentucky defense with 2$ passand "the completed with three bi'|g intercepted. Kentucky hurl15 herself, completing eight, witWo getting intercepted.

Officials: Rbferoe", Frank Sta

fey, (Atlanta TJ.);. Umpire Luci.Tones, t Clark;; head Ihustha

Ellsworth Marshall. t.prank fortfield jUdgn, Paul U". I. Joni



l Tailbacktzy 11»10Knwayiile fcenpdjrt 12I t.Ross I jtT--Beniictt RitrhLO--Srrupjcr. Tlinnipsft'--t»iUeim:atcr .^ .BntoiHG-VVi'l.'anw * OplrslRT--Mitc?irll .Williams.,:RE-Carpentfr - Ciairr<t--lfpntlorson M ) Shrats i(I.II--Al9xandcr

... Ia-alKit--Sutton l"lrl<1 B--&1Jllcr V-. Jchk'.i

'Swing T'HifhfTowri- l.rakr l.'jJrnkiils

lltfecc-JI, X lUrv^T -M 'MjitrI mpirr-«|,. I, TIaTn (JVforehntisrXcadflnp^in.-kt^l.uriitN Jours << larl

Versatile>» ^



.< o-taptain Howard Hunter, A. <

T, A**kv guard, tfc one of the moi\ Huemen in ihe I> A. A11.1 % irtf served at every Unr post o>cept Ihe pivot *pot-


nii aru nays

-s ---y-;- BjrsAM3 (Special to Scott P


a single touchdown in the efr li'd H3O, Morris Ijrown'a niijrt I heir way toward a second st

j conquering a dazzling I.incoI Saturday night at. Municip

largest crowds ever to wftno?

A short circuit put out- and it was 00 minutes later*- -The game was not oyer untMOODY BREAKS LOOSE


r It was late. Lu »the Second, quaitcr that Morris Brown found -tfrange. ATtcr John (Big) Tral

'/ Moody, the 207-pound All-Americafullback and 1940 high scorer wit109 points* in nine games, sparkc

«* a bruising Purple ,drive wit hi'1 scoring range. Jolting Joe Jenkiih j skirted right end for a touchdow- A penalty of the Lincoln team 1s ! its own 10 yard line figured in tlrl -.

'Miimi luniMh WIIU'll saw .JeilKlt- speed 10 yards to strlkeoJpay dir1L[ Moody's piacc-mcnl kick-was «ddiu 1 OpenThg up -the. second lmlf, "Li*Iccln kicked off:-to Morris BrowiI t After two galnirrg-tfne plnyrr: Moori.Uncorked a pass intended' f<

^ Charles Bookert. but It -wfts lnte:reptcd by Richardson. Lincoln Tul

- back, on his own 29 vard'^ lln»Richardson^ picked his way thron?a broken field and dashed 71 stiritf,' yards fdr^a' ToucKdown. T1_Lr' Aversion effort wa»; wide buLti

f <eore stood deadlocked at g-6'

.| WOrVKRINES, FIGHTING MAI>Infuriated at the-uppity condu

TUT the. Mlssourians, Morris Brow

"pLVrTryf TolTirui on~vestalh" 1 power. Moody. Jenkins, and Bull

Joe Mitchell took turns at literal[cracking skulls and. with a mixtuof battling passes inserted, movitheir way to the Lincoln 20. 1* offside penally advanced thc piv skin to the 15. '

* From this pofnt, the inevitalL~ Mr Moody toulHed lilB wfty ; tn entire 15 yards to a touchdown, be. lru. placement was again wide, leaYt Ing. Morris Brown ahead by'nonI too-safe margin of 12-6. *i jenkins gets in clear

IAfter an exchange of punts ftSa fumble by White of Lincoed \ -*




th ) _.

I Florida mus. »

Alabama!Cfrl '

By J. M. (Slim) REYNOLDSj MONTGOMERY..Ala.(SN4I A powerful and "Heavier Floda A. and M Cbllcpre team l\an

V id A In hama Mute Teachers C<ley-e her worst defeat in fo

i years here this afternoon' whi>! they rolled up a 2*2-0 win aj?hir

t it serappy hut outclassed Hornill fitfhtinir with their hacksthe wall almost "from the start.

Valiant Hot net resistance hel».i hhe ry is*tors t»» tia^.fl^o.ret_.dnr.ilir the" first ((uai trr, 'b\if with \Vj,, l lianis and Gant leading the wi

,n j in the second the men in ctranlt*_ Jild on a power drive which m

1v toil thi m.a.'euiehdown af-he-r-^j.j_ <>0-yd. march when Gnnt wett over fur the i^arker from t~ Hornet TTI TTaTit drove over f

the Vxtrsr point and the half en-IS etl Florida 7.-State 0.ns FIND RANGE AGAIN

The Florit ians losj no. tintuLiiur.the-, ball. over fl^m. tl

0, Hornets who received -the kicif in 1 he third (|Ufl-i r 'ill

""..mat'ehin^ m t heir core wlvSims passtsl I7» Sherfteld for

*; yards, and" a rdnrtftlow p -fo etoff -a !<» yard drive. Harrisidrove over the extra point!

(>nTthe ftdoAvinp kickoff, tHornets allowed the ball t<» ri

~ rh'nrl.rrrr rtrrrr One foot- line- -tpFlorida too,k a short Hornet puon Ikt 2 1 ami marked to' the lionly to be hp,Id. for downs. He

I Tate was rushed in to kick ithe Hornets, but the pass frcout of the. end zone giving Flo;I da a safely. A mixture of. pass| ami power netted the final Umc

" dowfi TTTTrrr i ourth quarter wiI Williams taking a pasts from Sut tM l 1 .ysrdJKVTdt the payoff plflJ Sinfrlctnn'n attempt from plac1L _iueut u'iw am fmd Kr» -f friB scor owns Florida '.V2, Alahgi

State 0.

The Hornet; lnie whs no matfor the ncavicr, more powerfiline, a nil th » Home* hacks dnot have a eha"hcre. The lossttictf powerful rufttoe of.last fiand more experienced Flori<was keenly fvlt us the scrap]remnants a'irted , l>y pronlisiifreshmen strove valiantly all fe:way to stave off disaster. Floi

£ da's big- hacks, Sim's, Williatr*t Harrison a nil OiVtF drove tli.. hriliter Horned 'line tune ni

attain. pulling: ibeir fcaeklors*alcj1 with them, with Gam,the leatfi]

fv 1 4

. ': tr



IS Score Obi In last Tw

\ r**" .. %a

McKIBfcEtf 7 .-fNewspaper Syndicate) >^(SNS) Hold surprisiaglyLj^ itirefirst half after which theyorhi v Pnrplf Wolverines rnarpdraijrht national championship byhi university eleven 19-12 here

4s a colored game in this section.the lights in the first quarterbefore play could be resumed.

il mlHwltrtn- r~*~ -*rr. * : ^>»a ii»iu«ii|^ lit/*

wMch Morris' Brofrn recovered onthe- Lincoln 28. the Purple Wol'" r.verities mixed three "line plays arid-then sent the crazy-legged Jenkins

in on a madcap flight across then enemy j^oal for the national £ham^pions' third touch-town.- T M«pdy** rplil tltp crossbars with' his placelnkick and Morris Brjwn led 19-6.18

. The fans were brought* to theirn. fPrt parly in the fourth and final»° quarter when, p.iter Moody kickedie off following the last..touchdown*s White took the ball on the Lincoln^ five and stepped 25 yards'to his

own 30:.. 1i- SENSATIONAL PLAYl At tliat poli\fc. White,.,swaxmed bngrfed Wolvetlnes. lateralted beaiP"

tifully to Rabbit Thompson, scatr-totted Lincoln halfback, who ran1- the remaining 65 yards for a* touchdown to complete- a dazzling:hl ^5-yarch scoring-play. The piacrf-mj>nt kick was, low and the score^ read 19-12,ic Thu« threatened and penetrated

on .two .occasions, "Morris Blownbrought into play her niggardly

ct tir-ht defense and handcuffed, thenungerou.s Mtssouuans the rest of

~ -the way-, .

>g sroiiTtwi ion «»*»«! .

. Morris Brown had entered th2][ game a prohibitive favorite, but,scouted ,by Assistant Coach HermanGreen -against Titskegec. the PurploWolverines found the Lincolng" Tigers knew plenty about their

. "pet" maneuvers and. In the finalanalysis. they had to get downrightberserk and barbaric to bull theirway through the stiff, defensivepatterns of the alert' Missouriof Cosudi Ray Kemp..SCORE BY QUARTERSTOTAL

nd MorriK Brown 0 6 13 0.19In, Lincoln (Mo.) 0 0 6 6.1£

ittlers RipState 22-0 '


i "*

gainer. Florida gained 200 yardsi)--uh the :ground. made.ft* firstij. .downs,, and completed -1 passesfi_ for <50 yards, while State 20 yds.>1. from scrimmage, 55 first dowmdur was ruled complete account inL.n15 yards. Another Hornet passiSt and completed one pass good for

ttir-f+na-nee.for .r» yards^to CJriggs. Mason, Sullingcr, and

A Jackson stood out in the Heldnot line.' and Wilson, Ellis, atidng Robertx worked 11acd ttt fhe hirelril-fielfTT'Wilson on the offense, andhi;:. ...... !>..!.-J-*'« r 1/.IIC- mm IWUI'IU) "!l Ul'ieilS".I Mil^w^dwards, nntl Sherfield>t- \Ci»n^®Rlwarts in the visitingI Inn W tremendousnt kidc6ff» kept the. Hornets pinnedhe hack airrtiim frp.ilor ALABAMA (0) FLORIDA (22)d* POS..ALA. FLA.

LE..WKTle . i ...... . . GoodwillLT.Grift £ » j Gontrv

rtO LG.dackion Edward*C .M**on ......... DowdelLk- RG.L«f*wicl» R. GkntliLjU? W..fthi .... MfifcF!>nRj£.SuMjnjjnr , , So orfie idQB.Crowe .. ....... OKletbyI.H.Joirer-. . . . .i.. 7-t-t.Smjtmr>nRH-.Cbpktbmn William*FB.Elli* Hartiion

1 Offici»1»: Refero*: T. E. .Cra,Hvon (Clark); Umpire, J. W; Hillllt| ( Atlanta) ; Linesman, J. Nay

Xavier dpsTo Ran IeM

7y. MFMPfUiL Tciuk- i'8 N B) VThetj, Xavier University Gold Rush ofrttli' liniliwiana -FRmir->lrtmmxn h«"«nr.... . yvrwovuif,,ia » :.ophomore juid freshman team,

veterans <>i »ihe first two games ofthe.cuneht rtrTrtitcrt the,

v. famous "Mad Mrtglehma4^ of Memp>,phis, Tenn., LcMoyne College, 12-6,. hero, at Booker T Washington High! j. School Stadium. The' Gold _Rush1 ' dominated the game from the start°* of the whistle, presenting a groundf offensive of hafTllrig power.1 In the first half Th« Y«vUri»«

py inarched from their own 37 toLeMoyne's 8 yd. stripe before beinghe halted on one occaslOn, however ari- LoMoync fumble by halfbffclt Carey

h, on their own 26 gaVe Xavier theKtr ball tn the second quarter. Ralphfid' Rivere find RJmon Rogers carriedug the hall to the ft where Rii&re went!ng Over for Xavier s initial ^core, Harry


T .A~., « 1 ..


; '

NPAY, OCTOBER 19, 1911 1

n hi i v. KALLT


I * s.



M«r*hoon 1Xavler 12 I^eMoyne «

M Knoxrttte pFtek 9 * Tmmui Kile i .

Morgan *5 Va. Union IJ C. Smith 14 Va. State ISN. c. State 9 r Bluefleld *

1West Va. 14 Lincoln <Pa.) 6Shaw 20 Howard 0Langston io Southern M .Arkansas State 13 Alcorn '§Allen 6---. Bethune Cookman 2FayetteviHe t4' Swift 8Ga, State 12 Voorheee 6TtUotfou 40 Paul Qnlnn 7 >Jarvis 13 La. NormalHampton 6 A. and T. 0Morris Brpwn 19; Lincoln 12

.Lane 14; S. C. state 7, , ?Prairie View 32 Wiley,.7 »

Tuskoyee 88 >V Ubfforcc 7

A JL fi-i- I-air. jwte in

Tough Alcorn. :.PY MAIUUBON 1HJP8QN

'Special).The fast Alcom Indiansinvadeef Arkansas territory. hereSaturday afternoon to meet theArkansas State Lions whete theIndians were defeated <13-0.

The shifty MississLppians keptthe ball in Arkansas territory andoutclassed Arkansas throughout the *

first half of the game. Their onlyreal threat came in the frst quartpad

an Alcorn punt which Cofbgieiof Alcorn recovered.The rejuvenated Lions | came

back in the second half with lavson,Arkansas' Mack Truck. Whiteand Termyman ripping off substantialyardage to keep the ballin Alcoorn's territory. Arkansas' 1sttouchdown came in the thirdquarter as a result of penaittasagainst the visitors. Lawson- carriedthe twrft over from the one yardversion by Lawson was good.The^ Lions' second touchdown .camein tlic last ]few minutes of

t hp camp when ppntivmnn rtrnvo

off-tackle for the imal two yard#.The try 4R>r extra point galled..Outstanding' for the Indians were

Anderson. Battles jftnfl Lenoir inthe" backfield and Harrison" Mnrlipand Dofdon on the line; for Arkansas,Sutton," Edwards. Greeneand Smith' on the, line and Lawson,Pcnnyman and White la thebackfield."Arkansas (13) Alcorn f> ..iTaS^fifflESw"...;Mar^n ' "'

LT--Greene HarrisLG.Williams BordenCfetirge WttObde .

RG.Smith HarrisonRT--Murphy


FielderRE.*-EdWards GerdobQB.JPeno y mian. HendersonLH.White 1 * Gaines * j|RH-Wilson HarrisFB.UwSftn BattleOfficial: Johnson (Clark) reefree;Wolr (Philyider Smith) umpire;Goo p<- (Tusk&gee) headlines/nan.

f TallaHotraT: FiohLJudge.-) owlkri (A*Unt«>. L


,Score by periods; '* *

Alabama.. 0 O 0.# 0.Florida' 0 79 6 22

Scoringtouchdowns: Gant,SKerfield, William* for Florida.

Conversions: Gant, Harriaon.-^afeiui Florida. ..... *'.

* ' Jf * ;

-w 1 '*^


Barton's attempted Pace kiqjk for.conversion was too abort.LpMov tie's tally came In the

third quarter when an aerial attacitfrom ^a^vlerjBK^jca^ie^UietWrtt Ktrickld scored, j(Hall's at-tempted conversion by placa (tickwas short. '

; ',

« V-VTW-.* -T-.-TH; -fA kicking duel i«v the fourth

fumble On LeMoyne* 13 by Hajj .

gave Xavier the ball In the finalthree minutes of the game. A desperateLeMoyne line threw Roger*'for a four yard loss. However a 1yard pass, Roger* to H_ DctervlHewaa good for a ecore as Detervilleran the'remalnihg TO ynrd* throughthe i^Moyae secondary. Hls phu.^ofor oonvenrtoh was stopped.

. .v'/-.»* * ..«

. .: jl .j'



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