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mm i^itnuL , tUJUI * JRiinoiuiKi 2A& &j ii"| J m My ». owrvmfc p«.lit«Mi^ to thlS^^w^eWie off not long >ii:c^ at rfHlMptoaa oafl. Frin, «bo kaaal/jWNctaM n gao<l thing, if *cenip tJiM unQ guy Lothario, in oro«»*atfth« room to requeni HriJg tCi Itaod in tba Ml rad,itumbletl over 'h> ouuirAtchod foot of Mr. Tarrenco O.'Ordf, -who proinytly art*a, and in U>« p>hl«g» matofr mm! : -1 bip rour pardon. »ir.n \[ f " No w««t.no offence, air. at all.' --A a .L.' «L it 2* #_..!»»» imu wiiw,- ik wh» my ihuh "JAiri four pardon. sir, it was my (* entirely," « » this reaponso, accompanied with a graceful Uetid of the body ml wwi of ibc hand. "If®, sit," answered Mlstber QToole, ' yet entirely To lb® wrong, sir, I tell ftvm altogether my fault I" - " I tell ys it was not, air," responded IQilher 0*0rady; ** do yoa mean to any I'd be telfie a lie, sir!" * Had luck to ye, sir, <l'y mane to >ay IM telling a lie, sir, wlien I tell t wasn't jrer fault!" responded O'Toolc idle wtotb. *Bad luck to yer breeding, ye polhrooo !-.d'ye tbink ye'd be getting t' e ®.ter nr me in manners ?" shouted Histher O'Gredy, as with a tip and n low he laid the unfortunate O'Tooko 3at as a pancake ! The latter rallied, and a rough and tumble ensuod, which ended In toe expulsion of botjj jinllctnon to Ik 3 ball-ro®^- K New Vr®to*^Thc Bnlile RocrtVd refers in high teitSilo^ll ««rniot>>tl6livered by a preacher in-OToVtW7* lie took. David and Golifth for thc'tcxt, and. vriih a sufficient "quantum of " rauHng "and thumping,"' expounded after ^this fashion : 44 Now, my hearers, what de you suppose was the reason that David was so mighty willin' to go out an' fight Goliah? Was it because he wanted to serve God ? No ! Was it because lie had religion in l»im ! No ! Was it because he wnnled to do good ginnerllv ? No I I'll tell you what he did it for, ami there ain't no use of anybody's deny in' ou't : he was stuck after one of Saul's gals. !' 0 Av ingenious down-east individual, who has invented a kind of " love-letter' ink," which he hne been seeding as a safe guard against all action fur breach of marriage, inasmuch as it entirelv fades from the paper iu two months after it was written, was done brown hv a brother down Caster, who purchased a hundred boxes of the arti.-le, and gave him Jjjsi uou. for ninety days. At the rsxpi ation of the time tire inveutorcdled for payment, but on unfolding theaoipt found nothing but a piece of blank paper. The note had been writua with his own ink ! A ci.KRCVMAN in Concord, N. IT., met n little bov of his acquaintance on the cars, and said to him : " This is quite a stormy day, my SOD." " Yes, sir,"said the boy, " this is quite a ipet rain.*' Ths clergymnn, thinking to rebuke such hype»bole. asked if ho ever knew of any other than a wet rain. * I never knew personally of any other," snid tie bov. hut I have read in a certain hook of a time when it rained fire and brimstone, and I guess that wasn't a wet rain," Somk persons in conversation are for ever telling that "you know." At a party, one evening, a question arose between cerlain individuals as to whether a somewhat dashy perron had said yes, or no, to an interrogatory. One of his particular friends, who knew, thus remarked : ffe knows, you know, that I know, you know, that yoxt know, you know, that he said no, you know." u Mt brothers," said n good old backwood* preacher, 44 I'm gwine to preach you * plain aarminl. that even wiinmen can understand. You can find my text in the fiive verse* of the two eyed chnp tw of one eyed John." Il was some time before it wa« per oeWed that he meant 1 John, chaptei 11 Tom, during hi* laat tour to Niagara in company with "Smash, saw an Intliar bowing a small piece of timber, with < view of making canoe*. 44 Pray, air.1 said Smash, 44 to what tribe do yor belong!" "The Chip-a w*v tribe, re plied the Tndinn, without 'ooking up t( give hi« interrogator one smile. " Why don't you wn-h the lottom o your feet, Johnv ?" asked a grandmoihe of a boy when he was performing tin operation before retiring for the night To which he gravely replied : 44 Why, grannn, doesn't think T's go ing to aland up in bed, does ye 7" A minirtkk called at the house of friend of his. the « ther day, and foiiru the wife in tear*. 44 What is the matter, my good si* t«r. 44 O, dear, John, my good husband La* run awny with widow Smith, an« I'm out of muff." A fabmi'r «a»d to a barber that )> ought to reduce his prices, now tlia corn w«« cheap. " No, eir-ee," said th th«*«r, ft>r when corn is low fnrtnei n.nke Mich long faces tint 1 have twi< the ground to go ov jr." A man- from the ennntrv, whose wil had eloped ; nd carried off the teathei bed, was i I otifcviile in seat oh of llwi .not tlint i « cared s«v thing al*H the wife, I til the feathers," said hi * thcin's worth forty eight cents pound.* A fki.iow down End iMnVs the da .may yet come when men will he pr« I viloU hv Ktcain pnw»r.the boilers b< yuu pineal in their coat tail pockets.-dRUb " hosting" times the will * > P| « UBWJ^ » A^ti^ti'i ] ' ll> ^*1-1 l* of tjK! Wo<* U iBTllW. April a iiHtt John w. u*Ai>y. ' Fancy and Staple : ,v*\ nuY «ooi>s. JUST received. > ftitt line ol Dum Ueoax. fur ladles and jf?ntl«m«a, etaWnseiag «0 grades. frum a Very wainw tu the W»« P»k rie* kept in this Market, among which la many j of the novel tiss of the day. Alao, » good Una j of White Mood*. Embroideries, la«« Uoods. 7 4*. : Handkerchiefs, Iloaiery, Ac; Btr ached ( antl Ilrewn Shirtings And Sheeting*, Drillings, Ticking *«, Fur anJe hy . n April b^ 4$-tf , JOHN VT. OKADti * 5 Hardware, Cutlery, fte. J GBL A GENERAL assortment of Table VvunH Docket CUTLERY, together with W all description* or Shelf II AKDWAJtK . uanally kept in thin market. Alao, Axes, Oral* 1 and Grass Scythca, Sneatlia, Cradka, and ' Renphouk*. Spader and Shovel*. Roping. Trace ( Chains, Nails, do. Just received and for dale by ' , JOHN W. URADY. April 5 ** 48" * tf Rendy-iTIadc Clothing. A FULL Assortment ofSUMMEK CLOTH- li ING, Cunts, Vesta. Pants, Shirts, and / I adur Garments, Collars. Cravats, Stock* and t. I Ties. Just received and for sajo by A|»rU b 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. bonnets. ^ A FULL Lfne of Triiniaed and Un-'j i<S>trinimcd BONNETS and FLATS, ilu. chcs. Flower*, Wreath*, Ribbons, Ac. j Just received and for *alc bv April 6 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY, jfi HATS. fl * A VERY lurge Stock of Dress, Soft and N XTL ^Summer HATS, for Mon and Boys. Juat received and for sale bv April 5 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. ^carpetsT^iattings, Oil Cloths, &c. SOME linndsomo Cnrpc'ta, Mattings, Oil . Cloths, Ruga, Attoiuans, Ac. Just received and for sale by April b 4S-tf JOHN W. GRADY. "{ t wall paper. ti (,) pif U \ PIECES new and handsome pnttjV JVf terns of Wnll Paper. Bordering. Window Shades. Fire-place Screens, Ac. Just received and lor sale bv April b 48-tf JOHN IT*. GHADY. _ ' ' f]' wooden ware. h CI ED A R, varnish paint«*d Buckets, -Vtll ) Buckets, Tuhsand Heelers, Corn llroouis, L f t. 1 1 X « c I. , | April 5 4.s-tf JOHN \Y. OBADY. ,Jl DRUGS & DYJ^-STIIFFS, ! I! ^-J2 WINDOW GLASS. Pntly. Points,Oils, < \"jt Ac. Just received ami for salo br ' CA JOHN W. GRADY. < | April 5 48 tf < W RITINGPA PER, BLANK BOOKS, &C. ' I T ETTF.R and Ct*p Paper. lilunk and Mem! J oriuuluni Rooks, Spelling Hooka, Inks, j Gold ami Steel Pom>. Bouuet Hoards, 4te. I Joat received and fi»v sale by April b'> 48-tf JoilN W. GRADY. BOOTS MI) SHOES. A WKI.l. assorted Stoek of Ladies', H , il1 r~ 'Mil ami Cbild'i Roots, Gutters, Ruckskiu and Slippers, heeled ami unheeded. Men's. Boy's. ami Youth's Roots ami Hbubs of everj1 variety. Just received and for sale l.y . JOHN W- GRADY. April 5 - .43 tT ' GROCERIES. rt'i ' a JAVA ami RtoCoflucs, Loaf. Crush- |jLf icyj od and Brown Sugars, No. 1 ami \Vest India Molasses, Tons, Gaudies, Candies. Mackerel, Ac. For sale l>v April a 48-tf JOHN W. GHADY. j Croclirry jiimI 4 IT'LL assortment of China. Granite /\ and Common Ware, tliitsswarn, Ac. Just received and for sale by April s 4S-tf JOilN W. GRADY. Tho State of South Carolina, GRKENYILI.E DISTR1CT. Alexander GiufHAM. who is in the eustody of the Sheriff of Greenville T>is- irici, ny virtue 01 ft writ 01 ranio* on mm/n' oiVtirfarw, it tlto *uit of Knthanlol Pmitli and Michael M. Smith, Executors of William Smith, Ji'ccnnd, having filed in my office, together with n schedule, on oath, of Jiia estate anil effects, hi* petition to Iho Court of Common Pleas, praying thnt he may be admitted to tho benefit of the Act of ! the (IcniTiil AwciiiIiIt, made for the relief of insolvent debtor*: It is Ordered, Tlml the said Nathaniel Smith and Michael M. Smith and all other*, tho creditor*, to whom the said Alexander tlrishwn is in anywise indebted, be, »nd they are hereby, summoned, and have notieo to H)ipear before the .-aid Court, at Ureenvillc Court House. on tho fourth Monday-in Ociohrr ur.rt, to shew cause, It any they can. why the prayer of the petition aforesaid should not he granted. W. A. Mi'I>AN1BL, r. r. p. A o. a. Office Court of Common Plea*, tlroou villa . District, July IS, 18fi0. 11 3m The State of South Carolina, GKEKNYILl.B DISTRICT. WK. POWERS, who is in the enstody of tho KhorifT of tireenville District, 1 liy virtue of a wiit of cirpiYmnit »ati*f<triruilitm, i at the putt of Prccnnii A lleinston, having filed * in n»y office, together with a schedule, on oath, of hi* estate and effects, his |vrtitiou to the Court ol Common Picas, praying that he tnay * he admitted to the benefit of the Act of the > tionoral Assembly, made for the relief of iiteolvont debtors! It is Ordered, That the said Freonan A lleinston, and all others, the cred-' f iters, to whom tho said W. K. Powers is in auywi*o indebted, bo, and they arc hereby, r summoned, and have notice to appear before P the said Court, attlrecnrf)le Court House, on I the fourth Monday in Ottohrr urrt, to shew cause, if any then can, why the prayer of the petition aforesaid shonbl not be granted. W. A. McPANIKI., c, c,>. * a. s. Omrf Conrt of ( ninmon Plena, uncnville District, July IH, 11 3m 1 Tho Stnto of Sonth Cnrolina, » GREEKVILLI? DISTRICT. JEREMTAT! KLPRTTXIK, who is in tho rwtodyof the Sheriff itf Green vMlo 1>I*triet, by vlrtne of a writ of rrtpiu* *H knthfu-' rienrfum. nt tho Wit of Kreenan A ileinrton, having filed in my office, together witli ». I aehednfp, on oath, of hi* estate and effects, hta petition tn'tho Court of Common Plea*. praying that ho may he admitted to the benefit of P the Act of the General Ajpeaildy, made for (he . relief of insolvent dehtorfi f it is Ordered, ThAt the anJd Froenan A Jteinrton, and nil other*, f the creditors, to whom tho raid .Toiymioh Kla dridgo in anywise ludcliM, bo, and they are hereby, summoned, and have notiee to appear before tho aaid Court, at Orcenrflle Court ilunae, on the Fr/ttrlh .WWwy in Ortobrr ar.rf. to shew cnn*o, if any they can, why the prayer if of the petition aforesaid should not he granted. r- W. A.M. PAXTKC.r. < r. Ao.fi, Office Court of Common Plefia, Greenville II Dieted, July lfi, JfiliO. U 3n« ». J. A. PEARSOTT ATCO., « GREtNVlL^E, S. MANd'ACTCRKItS of, »ad Wholesale and Reffiil Dealer* in J Tin Warep Sheet Iron, Zinc, ftc, > TIX ROOFING, GT'TTKRIXO. 11KPAIRb >NO, and all other Work in oar lino dono cheaply and promptty. ~ J. A. T»EAR«1N A CO. II Jtrty-18 * A -v" -V " lfg iujjm"u i »u . "r-^mwaeaiJ M % & 2t 'i^r!L i& ,,'SB * S5|?¥ WJ t , a a ov » \m m » L (| w, . H'rv vqvqwir^pp (> « tbiuk.) N CANNOT BE SURPASSED. '. " -o If 700 wiah to secure the groatoet BAH 3 A IN ha vo aver offered, . CALL EARLY. Wo do hot conflder ft nwfwry tA tnauM ate Articles or PrieW,* ha crory body kuow .hat wo keep always a I.A EG K AM) SELECT STOCK OF MS nour line, at h* JIOUKK.Vl'K PRICKS a ran bcaffordod. Therefore we say, C DIfl'il OHS 1 .$©12$ A1X: And examine, mid see if wlmt wo say bo so. We bnvo also for sale, A ©clave lTVelodcon, 1 perfect order; a 6 OCTAVE PARIS MAlVl ilexandrk Parlor oh cntrircn or I AN, and two good wroond-barqT PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. April 8 « -If EMPORliiM OP mmm .. NOW IS THE TIME / o Fit Oi V vornW*unn<)M v im Fnixpn and E.nui.ikii Roods, ok lrrhAct^ * Importation! £E3SSh Tm:SK (100 dorere' pirreljnsc'l f£c.TZZone ot our Firtn, from Blrccl ^I mphvting lloiiM- ir» Ctifttlestoii .eXbteotiB. G., and bnvo been selectc* rim grcftf enro.. They cannot fail fo^plcnsi lie lUOSt'tHstidiou*. The assortment comprises p lYtll variety of VElNTt.l.MEVS Furnishing Goods, '. ^r.- 1 ,, . 8vcn AH ?roach, and English Bhi .-k'niiil olnrcd Cloths and Casaiim-jv*. 5ilU and Marseilles Vesting*, T);-np d'Etcs Linens, Water Proof Twevds. Ac., Ac. All nf-whiek wc will innlce tip to order in th H*st nnd Intest styles, nod in « manner tbn sill compete with any work in an tt factored bcr >r elsewbero, oitlier as regards i/unlitt/. urntnrn fmtibiiily or dico/mm.from u Slurl t<i Hi Incrl French Cloth Cout, and warrant nil wor lone hv nr. » . . . f All we a«U 1j» t/» give \*ft a trial. We Jtleo offer a neat Assortment of Ready Made Clothing RrrH AS. CnaU. Panto, Yentr, Shirts and Collar* Cravats,Ties, (llovc*. Suspender*, Hosiery. A' I>rws noil ItiiMuires ll.it*. All of which wo will sell nt price* to su the tinioo. ,DYEH & PICKLE. April 211 M if SPQK.ES AND: LUMBER wanted. rI~,lIE Pwl>*oiiher* want 100.000 list X While flak and llli-kery SI*OKKS, f«i which lhey will pay a liberal Price, if d< livered by (lie tii-st of May next. ....'also....: A largo lot of A*h. Hiokorv, White Oal and vnrioua other kinds of i'l.ANlv, nil < the KEriT QUALITY, wanted, for w hie we will pay a fair price for nil tlmt offer SEASONEt> LILMHEll preferred. HOW Kit, COX. M A 11K LEY A CO. Jnu 12 36 u tf 100,000 3K>n. \tanlci AW J.A.PEARSOW&CO.'J TIN SHOP, KEEN VILLK. S. C. "IT7"E will nxclianpf Tin Ware, Hnmootic ft Print*. Shoe*. Hat*. Ac., for HA f/S t ?a*li price*. Thankful for part pntroiing* w hope to merit a coulltiunm-o of the sain*. J. A. I'KARSON A CO. April 19 aO tf SPAuToING^S PRtPARED GLUE. USEFUL IN EVEHY HOUSE. jT^LUIJi, and rewll for use all tlm time. nr . » strong a* Cabinet Maker*' glue. Prl per buttle ami briuli. 2."> cent*. For *nlo hv J. B. gllBKMAN, Agent. 1 ; . '17 . tf umm painting, r 1IIK snharrpxr is prepared to KXECIH i promptly all order* for HOUSE painting: upon the uioet reasonable terms. T. C. GOWF.lt. April 10 f.O tl : ORR & price", ATTORNEYS: AT LAW, GliEENVILLE, S. 0. J**FS T.. ORR..,,\ W. P. PPTI May IS 1 tl E. P. JOStm, ATTORNEY AT LAW and eor.icrnm in equity i;itr.knvil.i r. a. r. OflW Fast side of Court House f*r\n* wlu-ro ho may he found daily, from ft. A. 1 to. J, P. >1. S7-1y .Ian 11 t. P. UKBO a. i>. coniiia; REED Sc GOOD LETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAN '' SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GKKKN V IIXK, S. C. OflSrr Xnrth-Eo*t Corner Court Horite Sqmt Juno 4 _ ^ 4 tl C. P. .JACKSON & CoT FASHIONABLE CLOTBJN WHOLESALE AN 1) JtJJTAlL, No 100 Kinff fctreet, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Nov 24 *> * Dyspeptic Rented; FOR SALE BY JOHN W. tiRADI ORF.KNY1LLB, 8. C. Warranted to cure, tf .iIhth uro followed, ony eono of DVSP] HIA, LIVER DISEASE nnd .1AUNDICE. rupoclKlly tfloplfl to FEMALE CotnpUii k TRY IT 4^1 I. V | %mi t m mmm sterns MAeiim [ - ihirttf, v 1 For ftaaty, aed 8}mpJlc1W «f <S>«»»t*wtlon|' > tad KOScicacy In VorlthA ir* (TtaJJn i PirsgPALLED BY A»T.. lew of Ike MauT'll«;»8©«» Why tbcao Machine* AR13 FH^rFEHR?2I> '< ABOVE AIX OTUUKS. ; ># I. Thrr art ,*o rem4rkaMy In their construction. A child can operate them and understand their mechanism. m c - 2. Tli»y in the Bwrhj M*Wiw K made. It Is almost impossible to break or get * I hem out of ureter. 8. They arc «wrr ta their operation t finishing work in a uniformly perfect manner. 4. They mako A tight loth sfs>»*, alike on both sides of tbwurtvrk, Which cannot be uoraf teled. -A- .* *. mp rj | 5.a Tpcy- switch, hem, bind, fell, run ami | gather, without basting. 6. They fcrir equally well the lightest and. heaviest thhrW. .7: Thoy sow over the henriest scams with- , out ebanging the tension or breaking the finest t 11> road. , V K. They use any No. of Cotton, Thread or ' Silk, directly from the spool. ' a. They use a straight needle) curvod ones are liable to break. 10. The needle lins n perpendicular motion. This is absolutely necessary for heavy work. 1). Tliey-hn*e a wheel feed ; nvuo other* are in constant contact with the week. t 12. Thoy run easily and arc almost noiseless. lit; They arc not liable to oil tbo dross oT the i operator. ( 14. They do not require a Strcw-driror to I set live needles. 15.'They do not barn to Mb taken apart to . oil or clean. ' >10. They do not ferpt ritlgss en Jho under side of the wjpi'W, nor r»v*l out, "uor are,they wasteful of thread, n$ is the c&c ;with *afl gbain-stlfcliTng machines; v *- * * » J I. o 17. They are cppublo of doing .a greater > range of work, and in a more perfect manner than any other .Sowing Machine. < We warrnht thcuo Machines, and much for the recommendation oi' the above. '"1 DVKU & PICKLE, i ,*r» .. .CKEENVrLLK, S. C. April JO 50 1y WAGON MAKING AND KEPAIRING. r I If E subscribers respectfully inform the pubJL lie that thev intend cntrvingon the business of AVAtlOV MANTIKACTLIUNU, and M'AtlON and IiUHOT HKPA111INU. in the ' town of (Jruenviile. Tlie best of Timber will be used, and the work warranted to bo well done. e Mr. POOL, who will superintend the work,is a ' workman of considerable oxperirnee. liaving r learned the business under the best workmen at ' the Carriage Factory of Messrs. tSower, Cox. *' Ma'rkley k Co. All work will l»o done upon k the most reasonable terms, and on short notice. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. WANTED. A lot of FKASONKt) LL'MKER wanted, . for which a fair iirico will lie l>uid. 7 / J.,A. TOWNES. < W. P. POO Ik . . » W. A. TOWNER. Greenville, February 2,18(i0. 39 tf " NEW 'CARPET STOKE. JAJIES ST RAILTH, nu'uuxKu, and dealer in AT,I, KINDS OF : CARPETING,: s- RUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, ; AMI J CUmiN GOODS OF EVKflY DKSriUPTTOX. sff ©- &®4\ JKrrwu ©TcjR^air,, CHARLESTON, S. C.. A.vn J. G. BAILIE & BRO., . 20ft BROAD ST., . . AUGUSTA. DA. ' Nov 3* 2tf ly 5 JAS."3tt^LLEN, iKJL&BX»S - DEALER, GREEMVaLIiE,S.C. £> All Ofilffi for Ma Mir.* Work !v Mtlendfil to, 4"-tf Feb 9 millinery! aaxaa- s>Ama» aYow&mw f IT AVE returned from New Tork with it large and complete nwurtinfllt of handsome Hoods, which tliey v«3.r,.. ,;j:i WH.L OPEN fry wanyrsnar.tjia 11th i^st. nit<l.to which they invite tho attention of tho ladies of HrecuI'E. villc and vicinity. ' Among their stock mny ho fVinnd tho Clo... tilde. Adelaide niid Pove-Hnpe Huts; a great variety of Misses' Enney lints: Korthn Cs)»c«, Head-Presses ; Hair T'faits and flnrls: Kuge' nia MnypTe, Rridnl and Mourning Veils# A large stock of Ribbon* nt reduced priee*| lints clouned and trimmed ; Presses out and basted. L April 5 48 If "HANDSOME JEWELRY h , ;ErK* 3: 1 OXSALE. A VERY-UEXKKA ASSORTMENT ot 6 finc and other JB IVKt,HY insy bo Inw ' of the Hubseribcr, who makes toordor AV/nys\ mum lliuy. and any other article required in bis line. RKPAIRIXtl faithMly done 0*0 Throe Doors below tho HoofTlett House J II. RANDOLPH, f Greenville, 8. C., Rep. 15, 1858. ltl-tf The Assembly House, Uj OiMt PqrAMi Wear or TMS Post Orvtcg, Plain Street, . . . Columbia, 8. C. r#MU8 well known Kstatdishmont has Keen J. thoroughly re-fitted and improred,' and , is now permanently opened fbr tlic aeqr.ntmo, tlailnn tif the* Pnitiit* ! ".vrrv aif/friItnn mill Lit O. T. M A SOW, Rmfrkto*. y, T)<4 I i tf Jambs f LEOK* f. IIOITHE&BION PAINTER, Filler llun^r A Gln/.l«;r, OREFK VrLLE,^. C.t ei'- wiu. rAirnrrLLT fxwtt* At. womtrmrutief It to m*. nt*. Re*i«l*nee on AnguM* Rlro«t, n«wr Dspnt. ,i FihM 42 . 17 . I . - . - % I II" > »>! ,1 i.i in aJjasLrd; W*LJ, ADAPTED TO THIS iWMTf. lit th* nxvnrtincnt will be found " J| t-ss£we,*2T,rt aSm*"d Ditchers Hoot*.an excellent article. * .<J A Hrngan* of nil «Hc» and mwt duruN# make. . In An(, a# fall aw assortment of Avtfcle# lir I hit Ilne/as can be fmtnd In any MttUllbMBi fc in * town of tbs agmh a4m. lib also respectfully tdu an examination of bis Prices for-Cash, satisfied that hUtJootlanm At the Lowent Pomble Fi^re, Persons in want of anything .of the kind will flouo give kin a call ALSO, OX NASD, A Good Stock of Leiither, < At w uoLisale Xicb Altail. ; * Boot and ShoeKaking. Tills brancli of blfkadnaMfastillmiti«aw> tmIot Ilia personal raptrvisioh. atxlnvsty pure fl will bo taken to guarantee sAtiafbctioa tQ tboso srh* patronixe hint. 27-tf N'uV 10 ^ SPRING AND SUMMER, i 11HR subscriber rc»pact/ullv informs Ms ^ friends nptl customer*, that ho 1* now fl VL«4Tiog Afi ^EW STOCK OK 8 mm> & SUMMER GOODS, CONSISTIM! OK Fancy and Staple Dry tloods, Bonnets and Flat a, lints mid Cups, Boots and taboos, jf and Lots of Clothca, Hardware, , Crockery, Groceries, Ao., An or which will ho told at tho I QWEST , I'MVlgS. 1 l'lcsso -call and examine before pur- ( having elscwlicrc. CHAS. MERRICK. April 12 . 4U W THE W OR11) OUT DON E! I f *.. i Tim MMDItMNK CAT.l.KD " Viifliunmntory KxilrpnUr,1' j TIT 11 It'll fens mdddnringCeurl in thUplaea, i YY is itow ou wHe, by J. W. tlRADY, of J tircenville. it cannot now bo louger doubted I bnt this Modictno is the most efficacious remedy i ever in this place, for Kidney Discuses, Piles, J Neitrulgiu. Lung Djsoascs, Dyspepsia A Rlieu- < matisui. Numerous ruses of the above diseases have been cured this present week. Head- i ache. Toothache, Knrai he, Hprains, and nil Hour- J el Aflbction*. disappear before it as If by the j touch of maple.' Try if, and keep it iu jottr ' families, for sickness comes when you lonst expert it. J. W. tJHADY, Agent for Orocnvlllc, P. C.; Dr. K. KI 1.1,. Wholesale Ag't oM'oluiubla; also I by all Wholesale Druggists in Charleston, S. C- { (1. W. DAY18, Proprietor, Box 4520, New York Post Office. j Nov 3 2ft^ tf I i.oOATrrn « Comer of Baltimore and Charles Streets, BALTIMORE, Ml). T1IE Largest, Most Elegantly Famished, ami Popular CUnmcreinl College in the lliltd States. Designed expressly for Ynnng Men desiring to obtain a Tlmmuijh Poicfirni Edit -iiiitth in tho lea.it possible time and nt the least expense. A Lurgc and Beautifully Ornamented Circular, containing upwards of Six Square h'rrt, with specimens of Pettinansliip, uml a Large Engraving, (the finest of the kind ever made , in this country,) representing tho Interior View of tho College, with Catalogue stating terms, Ac., will ho Beitt to eycty Young Man on application, J'ter *f rhury. Wrlto immediately and yon will receive tho package by return mail. Address, K. K. LOS TEH, March 1 43-,1y , Baltimore, Md. 11OWAKl> ASSOCI ATION, 1'III LA DELPHI A. A Benevolent Institutidliestablished hy special Endowment, for tbo Belief of tlit Pick and * Distressed, aifiluted with Virulent awl Kp4- s demic Disowns", and especially fot tho Cura of Diseases of the Sexual Orgnno. MEDICAL Advice ^iveit gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with n description of their condition, (ago, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Mcdieiuos furnished free of charge. Valuable Ueports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, ji ml on the New llewiodje* employed in the Dispensary, seii t t.i tho afflicted in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for Postage wilt bu acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN JIOUQHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, Xo. 2 South Ninth Street; Philadelphia, l'a. By order of the Directors. EZRA I). II BART WELL, President Gro. Faiikiiii-jj, Secretary. Feb 9 40 1y l7 i7 F ALK & CO., WIIUMCSA1.K AXI> tRAIL nRAf.KIM IX cXjiOtec iisro, * » AXU Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO. 266 KINO BTBEXT, CHARLESTON', S. C. MnnufMelory hh<1 Wholesale WlW-j house. 34 1»et ^Tii»:>rr, Now York. lir All Orders prompt ly attended to. K«v 44 4it ly* HADDLK & HARNESS MAN UFACTOKY. TUB funwribcr vrotitd rerpoetlbUy inform tlto nubllo generally Mint lie f^^^^vulintie* tbo above Business, Ttpo Door* uhnre the UveeurilU Hotel, ami if pitpared to furnish customer* with any description of UOMK iIAN*t:PA(TURBI>'PAi»nLK8. Carriage, Bujrjt.v and Nfagon If A11NF88 made to order, an<l jp tbc bust style*. JtRIT>T.Kt<. WHIP, Ac., on bend, and for sale t HE A P. Saddles and Iiunices REPAIRED at abort notice. A. M. (iIIKEATTI, . j>. BUACKSMITHING, ^ Tbo concern of TOWNlfS A HAWK l having been fllsMvy Wt i ilMllPlod by mutual consent, tbe boslness will lw carried ou at I bo sains 8bop.br tha undcraigncd. 0, \f. BROOK8. v vain * , YW nmuw/i lOiiy. «l. li, UAH AXUD. NOTICE. THE aiWUrrtgneri Imving ImMfrrnxl lit* (n. tw»t in Ibe Iiln«k*mi(b HWp ncnr Wil. llama' Rtpw, to McAAr*. Kmookh A IIawkixh, l«kN pleasure In recommending Ibcin l<> n share f public p^tnmaga, Ibety^iH be prepared to attrfrf BrnuiutfY ami jatiiToatorlly to »U rails lotHirlMo. :Thcjr4»»oO»pe 'l»H*iijfc.frVtU. Ail ftaaith* J+ JJoraaafcmng. Repairing ami . bmUK Vifwi, PjiMfii Work, and tl) otber onliMMry work of.a OI»ek smith 8 bop. -r* . < .inwunr.r, u*e. it-tr a. r. tow***. hHAVJ NO HAIR TRIMMING, DRESSING* DYING, Mftkpyii * ^iMni*!*& UAZOH *STPTTKfi AND- *11 AMPOOtKG, AT Tint twtfgtgj I Sooond Door aboia Mr. MbFkW<Hon>, WILSON* COOK. Has t 10 _ -* 4* r~ fc " "J-1 ' i. if «. , l.JllitLli J j. BM«^SSy?i^,;., GASDENXBS TOOL#, >n hahd uiuL to fti'riwa^w^^^ J. B. SnEttJtfAN, Agent. ;.*. * o !IP8§!51© B5®Sa Wo are irtanufacturiiig KjftOtfR 3elebrntod Spring Red. They ari ill that can l>o desired. Comftrrh ible, cheap and durable. Call ind see thom. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. A largo Jot of those "first-rate ^on-Wheel Wheelbarrow, just completed. J. B. SnERMAN, Agent. fcsi THE ORIENTAL S i COFFEE-POT Pj»{ "\V© are manufacturing, tin~*=. dcr authority from the I'hfcaw ! ten tees, gl TIIE ORIENTAL. UjCOEFBE-POT. which heats the Old Domin* ion, and nil other *.11" clear out of sight," while it is sohl nt hut little more than TrrH the common coffee-pot. ifg If you love GOOD COFFEE, try an Oriental. J. B. SIIEUMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. Wc lire prepared to "put up all kinds niul styles of Gilt nd Rosewood Picture Frames, ns cheaply ns tlicy Can he purchased in Charleston. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. o ^^fe&2&L " ^ ° are c<»nstautly receiving additions to ^ **our Stock, end hn*c just effected arrangements with an extensive Manufactory, Which will enable lis to offer jt at much lower prices than over. * AVe intend to keep as good an assortment as tlib markot-demnndi, and to sell if lower than it can procured from either Charleston or Columbian v^^ar g.' J. B. SHERMAN, Agedt. a»- ' v m- -cr «jfcTJBQ) ^ ALARM CLOCKS, warranted to keep good time, wwi to wake yon hh At any time ot*Jthc night or morning Hurt 3-0* wish, rriwj 81.75. J; 11. SttBRMAN, Agent A ITANP60Sn? A&ORTMKNT OF > WALL PAPEfllXGy BORDERING. FIRE SCREENS, ,**. >, 1 YINDO If' SHADES) kc inet received and for Attic ttf.*. v J. & SHERMAN, Agent. '1 ' , .* ® .. ».« .. stereoscopes And Stereoscopic "Vtews. A good assortment V Bfcfcto Hoopoe, aom© as low » .SOyiw&i very 1m*© and tmnattAliy-«h<»tec*e loction of Vicwa just received. KEROSENE LUIPS. "We lmr« juat opened a now lo \vitj» on Ira proved Rorae^i tl»o beat wo have over bad. "^ssSiaft line, from a $100 (^bktrtfr Bto* to a ffi&b rent Tin Co{>, ui»y 1> found nt the Store of J. B. SHEB&&N, greeruie, kc, March 20 47 « . thill of our tunes can (Wi.se for thia ttefjS.U1H »otu -4t« deatrnctive consequent**. ^ we should ^be cnnployed fortKpnij^P Bt.OT< iij s. 1"'I Alxs im<l Holt.*, Tl'M(in(, TlSTTlt* mid Shtt.T Rnjtr* jSf «fc» HkaO, 2liK«woi«fc #11kOmatism, Syvhu-ITIC una MebccjUAI, DisVHKS, I)*«V>tT, DyrFEI'MX, Difl»tM"tr, mad, V ?.::r;1; A^r^Y{sa 1 particular purpose and virtue of thin ftanspa* rilln ia to purif/ imd regenerate this vital fluid, srith<ju,tS*Jik'h sound health U imposaibto In contaminated constitution* - ^ " Ayer's Cathartic Pills,^ FOR All IRE PURPOSES OF A FUSIL? FHTWC, are so coihpossd that disease *UMa the nam sf their action can rarely withstand or evadf thsas. their penetrating properties nearoh. and clsagas, mid nvy(£Hle everr portion of the human prganf*n», correcting it* Vliassscd action, and restoring Us healthy titalUiea. a consequents of thesa Aropoytioi, the invalid who is bowed down With I pnin or jdijaicnl debility » astonished tf And his health or enerfev restored by a remsdy at ones an simple and v /sjc * . * dunoerous diseases. Vl'he agent below named Is plotted to firnish gratls-iuy Anatitui AdHMmae, nn taming ceitlHvatoeof their cturaa and flirtations *r their n.« iu thy .fallowing sptpUiata: ft.stim. \ Vest, JIfHIOUlU, iUutffk'Mart9inp|fl'mrMMM XovnuA. S<tus«a, ludiyctlidn, J'am in and jktfbid V Junction o f ih» JlowcU, Fiultilo>«-y, £,ON o/ Afr*- V acinic ftr^A^qw state oftMf botty or oUtruottoa. J Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rott tkr hatid ccbb or -Con*>»s Celrf?, Honrsfmes*, 1 Croup, Bronchitis, Incip;e»t Consswp* tinn,»«d for tk« relief of Conkuniptira """" * Rq wide {s the Arid of it* usefulness and *o mrrous are tha ea*es of i«* cam, that slant erc-rjr section of country abounds in persona publicly "known, nho bare been restored from sUrmisf sntl sren desperate diseases of the limp* by its us*. When once tried, its superiority oraffmy pulmonary orgarS that are incident toour rlijuata. While many inferior remedies thrust upon Us community nave failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by ersry trial, conferrad bsnsftts on the afflicted tbsy «»n nover fbrgst,and .pro1 > .t n> a, okJ dun uaktntbaktn la tftllCMMK CHrW lOO nulQtivul ftlMl fOvTWMWOIV I# .... «T dr. jt. c. ayeb co. : ft-" jf.. town Mn «> s V* jriJ-ppr esh* GroenvflU >>y J. 1!. D^AW »n«t CTOKE^|S>S33 f'jiu «* TII^: * [ IMS nsrtwdy CMim when »U Ottar pfvpar* V*iM*<»it. U is cmtiroljr m.liko srery vttMur ovmpound; (-ouutoing qo taitier»l poi- T5 Kin <>r tiiuM0Mi» «tritj- { M it is popped solely lfsmiort down, Tj«p 'me generationto simtbcr, by th« Ch*rok<?» Indian*. It i* «>i*4 to tba jmfylio OB lju o»r» Intrinsic merits, it perform* . H: ffs I* qftftj? ih»4 tLonq»4>il>. Thtjpforr t«nftt«; «f cHU<r so:s, *f»T1 PS^rppw'\|^%uitng ths^crcy of soiiy ijxtHcfc <<r Th'* but to remors »Uo ctv%»e <<tl *].(rh it dspedds. j ft >'uU (Hrt't'tioii* ib | uwi 1 ! dkil ,, /jUULMuu M|M*** tlfn#l*^nMMlre »V. %* n 11 iSjw*^1* '- *£$&*&t~ ti. .': -' - A ^ , ^ ^Fi|MET|fg ? * Jgf nflillii 0Ahii1H. WyTHroJiHeU * * 11 11 1" iNBTn »!;Miw7iBw<iiii ii """ "yTt' ''«* 4 J mnutitw* JIm<rwr»r M.mrT> ** ' B^^TtSSCS!SS5J|Liu'. tr WW to mV3»th% - -. Miy »»a wHj jK i®lfi<rli I en a lUr u4M«#o th« Hh4 2 Mfci» wmHnmJlimt (w fTY'^ML ' W Ott i ft fB. K JH * VIl' * -*.<' WZm 'jr* v. 9^H '* * * ^jy

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mm i^itnuL , tUJUI

* JRiinoiuiKi2A& &jii"|J m My ».

owrvmfc p«.lit«Mi^ to thlS^^w^eWieoff not long>ii:c^ at rfHlMptoaa oafl.

Frin, «bo kaaal/jWNctaM n gao<lthing, if *cenip tJiM unQ guy Lothario,in oro«»*atfth« room to requeni HriJgtCi Itaod in tba Ml rad,itumbletl over

'h> ouuirAtchod foot of Mr. TarrencoO.'Ordf, -who proinytly art*a, and inU>« p>hl«g» matofr mm! :-1 bip rour pardon. »ir.n \[ f" No w««t.no offence, air. at all.'--A a .L.' «L it 2* #_..!»»»

imu wiiw,- ik wh» my ihuh

"JAirifour pardon. sir, it was my(* '» entirely," « » this reaponso, accompaniedwith a graceful Uetid of the bodyml wwi of ibc hand."If®, sit," answered Mlstber QToole,

' yet entirely To lb® wrong, sir, I tell?« ftvm altogether my fault I" -

" I tell ys it was not, air," respondedIQilher 0*0rady; ** do yoa mean to anyI'd be telfie a lie, sir!"* Had luck to ye, sir, <l'y mane to

>ay IM h® telling a lie, sir, wlien I tellt wasn't jrer fault!" responded O'Toolcidle wtotb.*Bad luck to yer breeding, ye polhrooo!-.d'ye tbink ye'd be getting t' e

®.ter nr me in manners ?" shoutedHisther O'Gredy, as with a tip and n

low he laid the unfortunate O'Tooko3at as a pancake ! The latter rallied,and a rough and tumble ensuod, whichended In toe expulsion of botjj jinllctnonto Ik 3 ball-ro®^-K New Vr®to*^Thc Bnlile RocrtVd

refers in high teitSilo^ll ««rniot>>tl6liveredby a preacher in-OToVtW7* lie took.David and Golifth for thc'tcxt, and. vriiha sufficient "quantum of " rauHng "andthumping,"' expounded after ^this fashion:

44 Now, my hearers, what de you supposewas the reason that David was so

mighty willin' to go out an' fight Goliah?Was it because he wanted to serveGod ? No ! Was it because lie hadreligion in l»im ! No ! Was it becausehe wnnled to do good ginnerllv ? No II'll tell you what he did it for, ami thereain't no use of anybody's deny in' ou't :he was stuck after one of Saul's gals. !'0

Av ingenious down-east individual,who has invented a kind of " love-letter'ink," which he hne been seeding as asafe guard against all action fur breachof marriage, inasmuch as it entirelvfades from the paper iu two months afterit was written, was done brown hva brother down Caster, who purchaseda hundred boxes of the arti.-le, and gavehim Jjjsi uou. for ninety days. At thersxpi ation of the time tire inveutorcdledfor payment, but on unfolding theaoiptfound nothing but a piece of blank paper.The note had been writua withhis own ink !

A ci.KRCVMAN in Concord, N. IT., metn little bov of his acquaintance on thecars, and said to him :

" This is quite a stormy day, mySOD."

" Yes, sir,"said the boy, " this is quitea ipet rain.*'Ths clergymnn, thinking to rebuke

such hype»bole. asked if ho ever knewof any other than a wet rain.

* I never knew personally of any other,"snid tie bov. hut I have read ina certain hook of a time when it rainedfire and brimstone, and I guess thatwasn't a wet rain,"

Somk persons in conversation are forever telling that "you know." At a

party, one evening, a question arose betweencerlain individuals as to whethera somewhat dashy perron had said yes,or no, to an interrogatory. One of hisparticular friends, who knew, thus remarked:

ffe knows, you know, that I know,you know, that yoxt know, you know,that he said no, you know."

u Mt brothers," said n good old backwood*preacher, 44 I'm gwine to preachyou * plain aarminl. that even wiinmencan understand. You can find my textin the fiive verse* of the two eyed chnptw of one eyed John."

Il was some time before it wa« peroeWed that he meant 1 John, chaptei11

Tom, during hi* laat tour to Niagarain company with "Smash, saw an Intliarbowing a small piece of timber, with <

view of making canoe*. 44 Pray, air.1said Smash, 44 to what tribe do yorbelong!" "The Chip-a w*v tribe, re

plied the Tndinn, without 'ooking up t(

give hi« interrogator one smile." Why don't you wn-h the lottom o

your feet, Johnv ?" asked a grandmoiheof a boy when he was performing tinoperation before retiring for the nightTo which he gravely replied :

44 Why, grannn, doesn't think T's going to aland up in bed, does ye 7"A minirtkk called at the house of

friend of his. the « ther day, and foiiruthe wife in tear*.

44 What is the matter, my good si*t«r.

44 O, dear, John, my good husbandLa* run awny with widow Smith, an«I'm out of muff."A fabmi'r «a»d to a barber that )>

ought to reduce his prices, now tliacorn w«« cheap. " No, eir-ee," said thth«*«r, ft>r when corn is low fnrtnein.nke Mich long faces tint 1 have twi<the ground to go ov jr."A man- from the ennntrv, whose wil

had eloped ; nd carried off the teatheibed, was i I otifcviile in seat oh of llwi.not tlint i « cared s«v thing al*Hthe wife, I til the feathers," said hi* thcin's worth forty eight centspound.*

A fki.iow down End iMnVs the da.may yet come when men will he pr«

I viloU hv Ktcain pnw»r.the boilers b<yuu pineal in their coat tail pockets.-dRUb" hosting" times the will b«


P| «UBWJ^ »

A^ti^ti'i ]' ll> ^*1-1 l* of tjK! Wo<* U iBTllW.April a iiHtt John w. u*Ai>y. '

Fancy and Staple : ,v*\nuY «ooi>s.

JUST received. > ftitt line ol Dum Ueoax.fur ladles and jf?ntl«m«a, etaWnseiag «0

grades. frum a Very wainw tu the W»« P»krie* kept in this Market, among which la manyj of the novel tiss of the day. Alao, » good Una

j of White Mood*. Embroideries, la«« Uoods. 74*. : Handkerchiefs, Iloaiery, Ac; Btrached (antl Ilrewn Shirtings And Sheeting*, Drillings,Ticking *«, Fur anJe hy . nApril b^ 4$-tf , JOHN VT. OKADti * 5

Hardware, Cutlery, fte. JGBL A GENERAL assortment of TableVvunH Docket CUTLERY, together withW all description* or Shelf IIAKDWAJtK .uanally kept in thin market. Alao, Axes, Oral* 1

and Grass Scythca, Sneatlia, Cradka, and '

Renphouk*. Spader and Shovel*. Roping. Trace (Chains, Nails, do. Just received and for daleby


, JOHN W. URADY.April 5 ** 48" *tf

Rendy-iTIadc Clothing.A FULL Assortment ofSUMMEK CLOTH- li

ING, Cunts, Vesta. Pants, Shirts, and /I adur Garments, Collars. Cravats, Stock* and t.

I Ties. Just received and for sajo byA|»rU b 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY.

bonnets.^ A FULL Lfne of Triiniaed and Un-'ji<S>trinimcd BONNETS and FLATS, ilu.

chcs. Flower*, Wreath*, Ribbons, Ac. jJust received and for *alc bvApril 6 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY, jfiHATS. fl

* A VERY lurge Stock of Dress, Soft and NXTL ^Summer HATS, for Mon and Boys.Juat received and for sale bv

April 5 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY.

^carpetsT^iattings,Oil Cloths, &c.

SOME linndsomo Cnrpc'ta, Mattings, Oil. Cloths, Ruga, Attoiuans, Ac. Just receivedand for sale by

April b 4S-tf JOHN W. GRADY. "{ t

wall paper. ti(,) pifU \ PIECES new and handsome pnttjVJVf terns of Wnll Paper. Bordering.Window Shades. Fire-place Screens, Ac. Justreceived and lor sale bv

April b 48-tf JOHN IT*. GHADY._

' ' f]'wooden ware. hCIEDA R, varnish paint«*d Buckets, -Vtll

) Buckets, Tuhsand Heelers, Corn llroouis, L ft. 1 1 X « c I. ,

| April 5 4.s-tf JOHN \Y. OBADY. ,JlDRUGS & DYJ^-STIIFFS, !

I! ^-J2 WINDOW GLASS. Pntly. Points,Oils, <

\"jt Ac. Just received ami for salo br '


| April 5 48tf <


I T ETTF.R and Ct*p Paper. lilunk and Mem!J oriuuluni Rooks, Spelling Hooka, Inks,j Gold ami Steel Pom>. Bouuet Hoards, 4te.I Joat received and fi»v sale by

April b'> 48-tf JoilN W. GRADY.

BOOTS MI) SHOES.A WKI.l. assorted Stoek of Ladies',

H , il1 r~ 'Mil ami Cbild'i Roots, Gutters,Ruckskiu and Slippers, heeled ami unheeded.Men's. Boy's. ami Youth's Roots ami Hbubsof everj1 variety. Just received and for salel.y . JOHN W- GRADY.

April 5 - .43 tT '

GROCERIES.rt'i ' a JAVA ami RtoCoflucs, Loaf. Crush-|jLf icyj od and Brown Sugars, No. 1 ami

\Vest India Molasses, Tons, Gaudies,Candies. Mackerel, Ac. For sale l>v

April a 48-tf JOHN W. GHADY.

j Croclirry jiimI4 IT'LL assortment of China. Granite/\ and Common Ware, tliitsswarn, Ac.Just received and for sale by

April s 4S-tf JOilN W. GRADY.

Tho State of South Carolina,GRKENYILI.E DISTR1CT.

Alexander GiufHAM. who is in theeustody of the Sheriff of Greenville T>is-

irici, ny virtue 01 ft writ 01 ranio* on mm/n'oiVtirfarw, it tlto *uit of Knthanlol Pmitliand Michael M. Smith, Executors of WilliamSmith, Ji'ccnnd, having filed in myoffice, together with n schedule, on oath,of Jiia estate anil effects, hi* petition toIho Court of Common Pleas, praying thnt hemay be admitted to tho benefit of the Act of !the (IcniTiil AwciiiIiIt, made for the relief ofinsolvent debtor*: It is Ordered, Tlml thesaid Nathaniel Smith and Michael M. Smithand all other*, tho creditor*, to whom the saidAlexander tlrishwn is in anywise indebted,be, »nd they are hereby, summoned, and havenotieo to H)ipear before the .-aid Court, atUreenvillc Court House. on tho fourth Monday-inOciohrr ur.rt, to shew cause, It any theycan. why the prayer of the petition aforesaidshould not he granted.

W. A. Mi'I>AN1BL, r. r. p. A o. a.Office Court of Common Plea*, tlroou villa

. District, July IS, 18fi0. 113m

The State of South Carolina,GKEKNYILl.B DISTRICT.

WK. POWERS, who is in the enstodyof tho KhorifT of tireenville District,

1 liy virtue of a wiit of cirpiYmnit »ati*f<triruilitm,i at the putt of Prccnnii A lleinston, having filed* in n»y office, together with a schedule, on oath,

of hi* estate and effects, his |vrtitiou to theCourt ol Common Picas, praying that he tnay

* he admitted to the benefit of the Act of the> tionoral Assembly, made for the relief of iiteolvontdebtors! It is Ordered, That the said

Freonan A lleinston, and all others, the cred-'f iters, to whom tho said W. K. Powers is in

auywi*o indebted, bo, and they arc hereby,r summoned, and have notice to appear beforeP the said Court, attlrecnrf)le Court House, on

I the fourth Monday in Ottohrr urrt, to shewcause, if any then can, why the prayer of thepetition aforesaid shonbl not be granted.

W. A. McPANIKI., c, c,>. * a. s.Omrf Conrt of ( ninmon Plena, uncnville

District, July IH, 113m

1 Tho Stnto of Sonth Cnrolina,» GREEKVILLI? DISTRICT.

JEREMTAT! KLPRTTXIK, who is in thorwtodyof the Sheriff itf Green vMlo 1>I*triet,by vlrtne of a writ of rrtpiu* *H knthfu-'

rienrfum. nt tho Wit of Kreenan A ileinrton,having filed in my office, together witli ».

I aehednfp, on oath, of hi* estate and effects, htapetition tn'tho Court of Common Plea*. prayingthat ho may he admitted to the benefit of

P the Act of the General Ajpeaildy, made for (he. relief of insolvent dehtorfi f it is Ordered, ThAt

the anJd Froenan A Jteinrton, and nil other*,f the creditors, to whom tho raid .Toiymioh Kladridgo i« in anywise ludcliM, bo, and they are

hereby, summoned, and have notiee to appearbefore tho aaid Court, at Orcenrflle Courtilunae, on the Fr/ttrlh .WWwy in Ortobrr ar.rf.to shew cnn*o, if any they can, why the prayer

if of the petition aforesaid should not he granted.r-W. A.M. PAXTKC.r. < r. Ao.fi,

Office Court of Common Plefia, GreenvilleII Dieted, July lfi, JfiliO. U 3n«

». J. A. PEARSOTT ATCO.,« GREtNVlL^E, S.MANd'ACTCRKItS of, »ad Wholesale

and Reffiil Dealer* inJ Tin Warep Sheet Iron, Zinc, ftc,> TIX ROOFING, GT'TTKRIXO. 11KPAIRb>NO, and all other Work in oar lino dono

cheaply and promptty.~

J. A. T»EAR«1N A CO.II Jtrty-18 1°*A

-v" -V " lfg

iujjm"u i »u . "r-^mwaeaiJM % & 2t '£

'i^r!Li& ,,'SB* S5|?¥ WJ

t , a a ov » \m m » L (| w, .

H'rv vqvqwir^pp(> « tbiuk.) N


-oIf 700 wiah to secure the groatoet BAH

3A IN w« ha vo aver offered,

. CALL EARLY.Wo do hot conflder ft nwfwry tA tnauM

ate Articles or PrieW,* ha crory body kuow.hat wo keep always a I.A EG K

AM) SELECT STOCK OF MSnour line, at h* JIOUKK.Vl'K PRICKS aran bcaffordod. Therefore we say,

C DIfl'il OHS 1 .$©12$ A1X:And examine, mid see if wlmt wo say bo so.

We bnvo also for sale,A ©clave lTVelodcon,

1 perfect order; a 6 OCTAVE PARIS MAlVlilexandrk Parlor oh cntrircn orI AN, and two good wroond-barqTPIANOS.

W. H. HOVEY.April 8 «-If



NOW IS THE TIME /o Fit Oi V vornW*unn<)M v im Fnixpn

and E.nui.ikii Roods, ok lrrhAct^ *


£E3SSh Tm:SK (100dorere' pirreljnsc'lf£c.TZZone ot our Firtn, from Blrccl^I mphvting lloiiM- ir» Ctifttlestoii

.eXbteotiB. G., and bnvo been selectc*rim grcftf enro.. They cannot fail fo^plcnsilie lUOSt'tHstidiou*.The assortment comprises p lYtll variety of

VElNTt.l.MEVSFurnishing Goods,'. ^r.- 1 ,, . 8vcn AH

?roach,and English Bhi .-k'niiil olnrcd Clothsand Casaiim-jv*.

5ilU and Marseilles Vesting*, T);-np d'EtcsLinens, Water Proof Twevds. Ac., Ac.

All nf-whiek wc will innlce tip to order in thH*st nnd Intest styles, nod in « manner tbnsill compete with any work inan ttfactored bcr>r elsewbero, oitlier as regards i/unlitt/. urntnrnfmtibiiily or dico/mm.from u Slurl t<i HiIncrl French Cloth Cout, and warrant nil worlone hv nr. »

. . . f

All we a«U 1j» t/» give \*ft a trial.We Jtleo offer a neat Assortment of

Ready Made ClothingRrrH AS.

CnaU. Panto, Yentr, Shirts and Collar*Cravats,Ties, (llovc*. Suspender*, Hosiery. A'I>rws noil ItiiMuires ll.it*.

All of which wo will sell nt price* to su

the tinioo.,DYEH & PICKLE.

April 211 Mif


rI~,lIE Pwl>*oiiher* want 100.000 listX While flak and llli-kery SI*OKKS, f«iwhich lhey will pay a liberal Price, if d<livered by (lie tii-st of May next.

....'also....:A largo lot of A*h. Hiokorv, White Oal

and vnrioua other kinds of i'l.ANlv, nil <

the KEriT QUALITY, wanted, for w hiewe will pay a fair price for nil tlmt offerSEASONEt> LILMHEll preferred.

HOW Kit, COX. M A 11K LEY A CO.Jnu 12 36 u tf

100,000 3K>n. \tanlciAW


KEEN VILLK. S. C."IT7"E will nxclianpf Tin Ware, Hnmooticft Print*. Shoe*. Hat*. Ac., for HA f/S t

?a*li price*. Thankful for part pntroiing* w

hope to merit a coulltiunm-o of the sain*.

J. A. I'KARSON A CO.April 19 aOtf


jT^LUIJi, and rewll for use all tlm time. nr

.» strong a* Cabinet Maker*' glue. Prl

per buttle ami briuli. 2."> cent*. For *nlo hvJ. B. gllBKMAN, Agent.

1 ; . '17.


umm painting,r 1IIK snharrpxr is prepared to KXECIHi promptly all order* for

HOUSE painting:upon the uioet reasonable terms.

T. C. GOWF.lt.April 10 f.Otl


GliEENVILLE, S. 0.J**FS T.. ORR..,,\ W. P. PPTI

May IS 1tl


and eor.icrnm in equityi;itr.knvil.i r. a. r.

OflW Fast side of Court House f*r\n*wlu-ro ho may he found daily, from ft. A. 1to. J, P. >1. S7-1y .Ian 11

t. P. UKBO a. i>. coniiia;


GKKKN V IIXK, S. C.OflSrr Xnrth-Eo*t Corner Court Horite SqmtJuno 4

_ ^ 4tl


WHOLESALE AN1) JtJJTAlL,No 100 Kinff fctreet,

CHARLESTON, 8. C.Nov 24 *>*

Dyspeptic Rented;FOR SALE BY


Warranted to cure, tf .iIhthuro followed, ony eono of DVSP]

HIA, LIVER DISEASE nnd .1AUNDICE.rupoclKlly tfloplfl to FEMALE CotnpUii

k TRY IT 4^1

I. V| %mi t m mmm

sternsMAeiim[ - ihirttf,v 1 For ftaaty, aed 8}mpJlc1W «f <S>«»»t*wtlon|' >

tad KOScicacy In VorlthA ir* (TtaJJn i

PirsgPALLED BY A»T..lew of Ike MauT'll«;»8©«»

Why tbcao Machine*

AR13 FH^rFEHR?2I> '<


I. Thrr art ,*o rem4rkaMy In theirconstruction. A child can operate them andunderstand their mechanism. m c -

2. Tli»y in the Bwrhj M*WiwK made. It Is almost impossible to break or get* Ihem out of ureter.

8. They arc «wrr ta their operation t finishingwork in a uniformly perfect manner.4. They mako A tight loth sfs>»*, alike on

both sides of tbwurtvrk, Which cannot be uorafteled. -A- .* *. mp rj |5.a Tpcy- switch, hem, bind, fell, run ami| gather, without basting.

6. They fcrir equally well the lightest and.heaviest thhrW.

.7: Thoy sow over the henriest scams with-,

out ebanging the tension or breaking the finestt

11> road., V K. They use any No. of Cotton, Thread or' Silk, directly from the spool. '

a. They use a straight needle) curvod onesare liable to break.

10. The needle lins n perpendicular motion.This is absolutely necessary for heavy work.

1). Tliey-hn*e a wheel feed ; nvuo other* arein constant contact with the week. t

12. Thoy run easily and arc almost noiseless.lit; They arc not liable to oil tbo dross oT the i

operator. (14. They do not require a Strcw-driror to I

set live needles.15.'They do not barn to Mb taken apart to

. oil or clean. '

>10. They do not ferpt ritlgss en Jho underside of the wjpi'W, nor r»v*l out, "uor are,theywasteful of thread, n$ is the c&c ;with *aflgbain-stlfcliTng machines; v *- * * » J I.o 17. They are cppublo of doing .a greater >

range of work, and in a more perfect mannerthan any other .Sowing Machine. <

We warrnht thcuo Machines, and much forthe recommendation oi' the above. '"1


April JO 501y

WAGONMAKING AND KEPAIRING.rI IfE subscribers respectfully inform the pubJLlie that thev intend cntrvingon the businessof AVAtlOV MANTIKACTLIUNU, andM'AtlON and IiUHOT HKPA111INU. in the

' town of (Jruenviile. Tlie best of Timber willbe used, and the work warranted to bo well done.

e Mr. POOL, who will superintend the work,is a' workman of considerable oxperirnee. liavingr learned the business under the best workmen at' the Carriage Factory of Messrs. tSower, Cox.*' Ma'rkley k Co. All work will l»o done uponk the most reasonable terms, and on short notice.

A share of patronage respectfully solicited.WANTED.

A lot of FKASONKt) LL'MKER wanted,. for which a fair iirico will lie l>uid.

7 / J.,A. TOWNES.< W. P. POOIk

. . » W. A. TOWNER.Greenville, February 2,18(i0. 39 tf


nu'uuxKu, and dealer inAT,I, KINDS OF




sff©- &®4\ JKrrwu ©TcjR^air,,CHARLESTON, S. C..


J. G. BAILIE & BRO.,. 20ft BROAD ST., . . AUGUSTA. DA.' Nov 3* 2tfly

5 JAS."3tt^LLEN,

iKJL&BX»S- DEALER,GREEMVaLIiE,S.C.£> All Ofilffi for Ma Mir.*Work

!v Mtlendfil to, 4"-tf Feb 9

millinery!aaxaa- s>Ama» aYow&mw

f ITAVE returned from NewTork with it large and completenwurtinfllt of handsome Hoods,which tliey v«3.r,..

,;j:i WH.L OPENfry wanyrsnar.tjia 11th i^st.nit<l.to which they invite thoattention of tho ladies of HrecuI'E.villc and vicinity.

' Among their stock mny ho fVinnd tho Clo...tilde. Adelaide niid Pove-Hnpe Huts; a greatvariety of Misses' Enney lints: Korthn Cs)»c«,Head-Presses ; Hair T'faits and flnrls: Kuge'nia MnypTe, Rridnl and Mourning Veils# Alarge stock of Ribbon* nt reduced priee*| lintsclouned and trimmed ; Presses out and basted.

L April 5 48If


A VERY-UEXKKA J» ASSORTMENT ot6 finc and other JB IVKt,HY insy bo Inw' of the Hubseribcr, who makes toordor AV/nys\mum lliuy. and any other article required in

bis line. RKPAIRIXtl faithMly done0*0 Throe Doors below tho HoofTlett House

J II. RANDOLPH,f Greenville, 8. C., Rep. 15, 1858. ltl-tf

The Assembly House,Uj OiMt PqrAMi Wear or TMS Post Orvtcg,

Plain Street, . . . Columbia, 8. C.r#MU8 well known Kstatdishmont has KeenJ. thoroughly re-fitted and improred,' and

, is now permanently opened fbr tlic aeqr.ntmo,tlailnn tif the* Pnitiit* ! ".vrrv aif/friItnn mill Lit

O. T. M ASOW, Rmfrkto*.y, T)<4 I i tf


Filler llun^r A Gln/.l«;r,OREFKVrLLE,^. C.t

ei'- wiu. rAirnrrLLT fxwtt* At. womtrmrutiefIt to m*.

nt*. Re*i«l*nee on AnguM* Rlro«t, n«wr Dspnt.,i FihM 42. 17

.I .


- %

I II" > »>! ,1 i.i in


lit th* nxvnrtincnt will be found " J|t-ss£we,*2T,rt aSm*"dDitchersHoot*.an excellent article. * .<J A

Hrngan* of nil «Hc» and mwt duruN# make. .

In An(, a# fall aw assortment of Avtfcle# lir Ihit Ilne/as can be fmtnd In any MttUllbMBi fcin * town of tbs agmh a4m.

lib also respectfully tdu an examination ofbis Prices for-Cash, satisfied that hUtJootlanmAt the Lowent Pomble Fi^re,Persons in want of anything .of the kind

will flouo give kin a callALSO, OX NASD,

A Good Stock of Leiither, <At w uoLisale Xicb Altail. ; *

Boot and ShoeKaking.Tills brancli of blfkadnaMfastillmiti«aw>tmIotIlia personal raptrvisioh. atxlnvsty pure flwill bo taken to guarantee sAtiafbctioa tQ tboso

srh* patronixe hint. 27-tf N'uV 10 ^


11HR subscriber rc»pact/ullv informs Ms ^friends nptl customer*, that ho 1* now fl

VL«4Tiog Afi ^EW STOCK OK 8


Fancy and Staple Dry tloods, Bonnets andFlat a, lints mid Cups, Boots and taboos, jfand Lots of Clothca, Hardware,

, Crockery, Groceries, Ao.,An or which will ho told at tho IQWEST ,

I'MVlgS. 1l'lcsso -call and examine before pur- (

having elscwlicrc.CHAS. MERRICK.

April 12 . 4UW


Tim MMDItMNK CAT.l.KD" Viifliunmntory KxilrpnUr,1' jTIT 11 It'll fens mdddnringCeurl in thUplaea, i

YY is itow ou wHe, by J. W. tlRADY, of Jtircenville. it cannot now bo louger doubted Ibnt this Modictno is the most efficacious remedy iever in this place, for Kidney Discuses, Piles, JNeitrulgiu. Lung Djsoascs, Dyspepsia A Rlieu- <

matisui. Numerous ruses of the above diseaseshave been cured this present week. Head- iache. Toothache, Knrai he, Hprains, and nil Hour- Jel Aflbction*. disappear before it as If by the jtouch of maple.' Try if, and keep it iu jottr '

families, for sickness comes when you lonstexpert it.

J. W. tJHADY, Agent for Orocnvlllc, P. C.;Dr. K. KI 1.1,. Wholesale Ag't oM'oluiubla; also Iby all Wholesale Druggists in Charleston, S. C- {

(1. W. DAY18, Proprietor,Box 4520, New York Post Office. j

Nov 3 2ft^ tf I

i.oOATrrn «

Comer of Baltimore and Charles Streets,BALTIMORE, Ml).

T1IE Largest, Most Elegantly Famished,ami Popular CUnmcreinl College in the

lliltd States. Designed expressly for YnnngMen desiring to obtain a Tlmmuijh PoicfirniEdit -iiiitth in tho lea.it possible time

and nt the least expense.A Lurgc and Beautifully Ornamented Circular,containing upwards of Six Square h'rrt,

with specimens of Pettinansliip, uml a LargeEngraving, (the finest of the kind ever made ,

in this country,) representing tho Interior Viewof tho College, with Catalogue stating terms,Ac., will ho Beitt to eycty Young Man on application,J'ter *f rhury.

Wrlto immediately and yon will receive thopackage by return mail. Address,

K. K. LOS TEH,March 1 43-,1y , Baltimore, Md.

11OWAKl> ASSOCIATION,1'III LADELPHI A.A Benevolent Institutidliestablished hy specialEndowment, for tbo Belief of tlit Pick and *

Distressed, aifiluted with Virulent awl Kp4- sdemic Disowns", and especially fot tho Cura ofDiseases of the Sexual Orgnno.

MEDICAL Advice ^iveit gratis, by the ActingSurgeon, to all who apply by letter,with n description of their condition, (ago, occupation,habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extremepoverty, Mcdieiuos furnished free ofcharge.

Valuable Ueports on Spermatorrhoea, andother Diseases of the Sexual Organs, jiml on theNew llewiodje* employed in the Dispensary,seii t t.i tho afflicted in scaled letter envelopes,free of charge. Two or three Stamps for Postagewilt bu acceptable.

Address, DR. J. SKILLIN JIOUQHTON.Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, Xo. 2South Ninth Street; Philadelphia, l'a.By order of the Directors.

EZRA I). IIBARTWELL, PresidentGro. Faiikiiii-jj, Secretary.Feb 9 401y


cXjiOteciisro,* » AXU

Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,NO. 266 KINO BTBEXT,

CHARLESTON', S. C.MnnufMelory hh<1 Wholesale WlW-jhouse. 34 1»et ^Tii»:>rr, Now York.

lir All Orders prompt ly attended to.K«v 44 4it ly*HADDLK & HARNESSMAN UFACTOKY.

TUB funwribcr vrotitd rerpoetlbUyinform tlto nubllo generally Mint lief^^^^vulintie* tbo above Business, TtpoDoor* uhnre the UveeurilU Hotel, ami if pitparedto furnish customer* with any descriptionof UOMK iIAN*t:PA(TURBI>'PAi»nLK8.Carriage, Bujrjt.v and Nfagon If A11NF88 madeto order, an<l jp tbc bust style*. JtRIT>T.Kt<.WHIP, Ac., on bend, and for sale t HEA P.

Saddles and Iiunices REPAIRED atabort notice. A. M. (iIIKEATTI, .


^ Tbo concern of TOWNlfS AHAWK l having been fllsMvyWt i ilMllPlod by mutual consent, tbe boslness

will lw carried ou at I bo sains 8bop.br tha undcraigncd.0, \f. BROOK8.v vain * , YWnmuw/i lOiiy. «l. li, UAH AXUD.

NOTICE.THE aiWUrrtgneri Imving ImMfrrnxl lit* (n.

tw»t in Ibe Iiln«k*mi(b HWp ncnr Wil.llama' Rtpw, to McAAr*. Kmookh A IIawkixh,l«kN pleasure In recommending Ibcin l<> n sharef public p^tnmaga, Ibety^iH be prepared to

attrfrf BrnuiutfY ami jatiiToatorlly to »U railslotHirlMo. :Thcjr4»»oO»pe 'l»H*iijfc.frVtU.Ail ftaaith* J+ JJoraaafcmng. Repairing ami

. bmUK Vifwi, PjiMfii Work, and tl) otberonliMMry work of.a OI»ek smith 8 bop. -r*

. < .inwunr.r, u*e. it-tr a. r. tow***.hHAVJ NO


AT Tint twtfgtgjI Sooond Door aboia Mr. MbFkW<Hon>,



-* 4*r~ fc

" "J-1 ' i. if «. , l.JllitLli J


>n hahd uiuL to fti'riwa^w^^^J. B. SnEttJtfAN, Agent.;.*. * o

!IP8§!51© B5®SaWo are irtanufacturiiig KjftOtfR

3elebrntod Spring Red. They ariill that can l>o desired. Comftrrhible, cheap and durable. Callind see thom.

J. B. SHERMAN, Agent.

A largo Jot of those "first-rate^on-Wheel Wheelbarrow, justcompleted.

J. B. SnERMAN, Agent.

fcsi THE ORIENTALS iCOFFEE-POTPj»{ "\V© are manufacturing, tin~*=.dcr authority from the I'hfcaw! ten tees,gl TIIE ORIENTAL.

UjCOEFBE-POT.which heats the Old Domin*ion, and nil other

*.11" clear out of sight," while itis sohl nt hut little more than

TrrH the common coffee-pot.ifg If you love GOOD COFFEE,try an Oriental.

J. B. SIIEUMAN, Agent.

PICTURE FRAMES.Wc lire prepared to "put up all

kinds niul styles ofGilt nd Rosewood

Picture Frames, ns cheaply ns tlicyCan he purchased in Charleston.

J. B. SHERMAN, Agent.o

^^fe&2&L " ^ ° are c<»nstautlyreceiving additions to

^ **our Stock, end hn*cjust effected arrangements withan extensive Manufactory, Whichwill enable lis to offer jt at muchlower prices than over.


AVe intend to keep as good anassortment as tlib markot-demnndi,and to sell if lower than it can l»procured from either Charleston orColumbian v^^ar g.'

J. B. SHERMAN, Agedt.

a»- 'v m- -cr «jfcTJBQ) ^

ALARM CLOCKS,warranted to keep good time, wwito wake yon hh At any time ot*Jthcnight or morning Hurt 3-0* wish,

rriwj 81.75.J; 11. SttBRMAN, Agent



1YINDO If' SHADES) kcinet received and for Attic ttf.*. v

J. & SHERMAN, Agent.'1 '

, .* ®.. ».« .. -»

stereoscopesAnd Stereoscopic "Vtews.A good assortment V Bfcfcto

Hoopoe, aom© as low » .SOyiw&ivery 1m*© and tmnattAliy-«h<»tec*eloction of Vicwa just received.

KEROSENE LUIPS."We lmr« juat opened a now lo

\vitj» onIraproved Rorae^i

tl»o beat wo have over bad.

"^ssSiaftline, from a $100 (^bktrtfr Bto*to a ffi&b rent Tin Co{>, ui»y 1>found nt the Store of

J. B. SHEB&&N,greeruie, kc,March 20 47« .

thill of our tunes can (Wi.se for thia ttefjS.U1H

»otu -4t« deatrnctive consequent**.^we should ^be cnnployed fortKpnij^PBt.OT< iij s. 1"'I Alxs im<l Holt.*, Tl'M(in(, TlSTTlt*mid Shtt.T Rnjtr*jSf«fc» HkaO, 2liK«woi«fc#11kOmatism, Syvhu-ITIC una MebccjUAI, DisVHKS,I)*«V>tT, DyrFEI'MX, Difl»tM"tr, mad, V

?.::r;1; A^r^Y{sa 1particular purpose and virtue of thin ftanspa*rilln ia to purif/ imd regenerate this vital fluid,srith<ju,tS*Jik'h sound health U imposaibto Incontaminated constitution*

- ^ "

Ayer's Cathartic Pills,^FOR All IRE PURPOSES OF A FUSIL? FHTWC,are so coihpossd that disease *UMa the nam sftheir action can rarely withstand or evadf thsas.their penetrating properties nearoh. and clsagas,mid nvy(£Hle everr portion of the human prganf*n»,correcting it* Vliassscd action, and restoringUs healthy titalUiea. A« a consequents of thesaAropoytioi, the invalid who is bowed down WithI pnin or jdijaicnl debility » astonished tf And hishealth or enerfev restored by a remsdy at ones ansimple and v /sjc *

. *

dunoerous diseases. Vl'he agent below named Isplotted to firnish gratls-iuy Anatitui AdHMmae,nntaming ceitlHvatoeof their cturaa and flirtations*r their n.« iu thy .fallowing sptpUiata: ft.stim. \Vest, JIfHIOUlU, iUutffk'Mart9inp|fl'mrMMMXovnuA. S<tus«a, ludiyctlidn, J'am in and jktfbid VJunction of ih» JlowcU, Fiultilo>«-y, £,ON o/Afr*- V

acinic ftr^A^qw state oftMf botty or oUtruottoa. JAyer's Cherry Pectoral,

rott tkr hatid ccbb or

-Con*>»s Celrf?, Honrsfmes*, 1Croup, Bronchitis, Incip;e»t Consswp*tinn,»«d for tk« relief of Conkuniptira

"""" *

Rq wide {s the Arid of it* usefulness and *omrrous are tha ea*es of i«* cam, that slanterc-rjr section of country abounds in persona publicly"known, nho bare been restored from sUrmisfsntl sren desperate diseases of the limp* by itsus*. When once tried, its superiority oraffmy

pulmonary orgarS that are incident toour rlijuata.While many inferior remedies thrust upon Uscommunity nave failed and been discarded, thishas gained friends by ersry trial, conferrad bsnsfttson the afflicted tbsy «»n nover fbrgst,and .pro1> .t n> a, okJ dun uaktntbaktn latftllCMMK CHrW lOO nulQtivul ftlMl fOvTWMWOIV I#

.... «Tdr. jt. c. ayeb co.

: ft-" jf.. townMn «> s V*jriJ-ppr esh* i» GroenvflU >>y J. 1!. D^AW »n«t

CTOKE^|S>S33f'jiu «* TII^: *[IMS nsrtwdy CMim when »U Ottar pfvpar*V*iM*<»it. U is cmtiroljr m.liko sreryvttMur ovmpound; (-ouutoing qo taitier»l poi- T5Kin <>r tiiuM0Mi» «tritj- { M it is popped solelylfsmiort down, Tj«p 'me generationto simtbcr,by th« Ch*rok<?» Indian*. It i* «>i*4 to tbajmfylio OB lju o»r» Intrinsic merits, it perform*

. H: ffs |« I* qftftj? ih»4 tLonq»4>il>. Thtjpforrt«nftt«; «f cHU<r so:s, *f»T1 PS^rppw'\|^%uitngths^crcy of soiiy ijxtHcfc <<r Th'*

but to remors »Uo ctv%»e <<tl *].(rh it dspedds. jft >'uU (Hrt't'tioii* ib | uwi

1! dkil,, /jUULMuu M|M***tlfn#l*^nMMlre »V.

%*n 11 iSjw*^1* '-*£$&*&t~ ti..': -' - A ^, ^ ^Fi|MET|fg? * Jgf nflillii 0Ahii1H. WyTHroJiHeU

* * 11 11 1" iNBTn »!;Miw7iBw<iiii ii""" "yTt' ''«* 4 J

mnutitw* JIm<rwr»r M.mrT> **' B^^TtSSCS!SS5J|Liu'. trWW tomV3»th% -


Miy »»a wHjjK i®lfi<rli I en alUru4M«#o th« Hh42Mfci» wmHnmJlimt (w fTY'^ML ' W

Ott i ft fB. K JHt« * VIl'* -*.<' WZm'jr* j» v. 9^H'*


* ^jy