world war z anaylsis

The poster is in a simplistic layout design and they do this so that the poster doesn’t give away too much leaving the story ambiguous. The font used in the film is presented in capitals in effect to catch the eye of the audience. The colour scheme is black, white and red. The black and white is to create a silhouette effect as there is no background behind the main image. It also gives the whole shot a chiaroscuro effect as it shows the contrast between light and dark. The letter ‘Z’ is printed in a bigger font which has a sort of bloody red effect as a way to symbolise death and fear to the meaning to the word which is ‘Zombie’. The USP of this poster is probably the way they used a unique shot of the zombies shown in a pyramid position. Another USP of this poster is the way the title stands out on the poster making it more appealing to the audience as the title itself is mysterious. The protagonist name is also present right on top of the poster which sends out a message to the audience about the star of the film by which they already know, Brad Pitt. The genre of this film is a Dystopian, Apocalyptic Horror film. I know this because from looking at the main image, we see something as a bunch of abnormal people trying to destroy the helicopter. The helicopter could be a symbol of the army and the government as supposed to them being attacked by things like being consumed by ants. This relates to the genre of the film and that the apocalypse has led to the world coming to

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Post on 01-Dec-2014




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Page 1: World war z anaylsis

The poster is in a simplistic layout design and they do this so that the poster doesn’t give away too much leaving the story ambiguous. The font used in the film is presented in capitals in effect to catch the eye of the audience. The colour scheme is black, white and red. The black and white is to create a silhouette effect as there is no background behind the main image. It also gives the whole shot a chiaroscuro effect as it shows the contrast between light and dark. The letter ‘Z’ is printed in a bigger font which has a sort of bloody red effect as a way to symbolise death and fear to the meaning to the word which is ‘Zombie’.

The USP of this poster is probably the way they used a unique shot of the zombies shown in a pyramid position. Another USP of this poster is the way the title stands out on the poster making it more appealing to the audience as the title itself is mysterious. The protagonist name is also present right on top of the poster which sends out a message to the audience about the star of the film by which they already know, Brad Pitt.

The genre of this film is a Dystopian, Apocalyptic Horror film. I know this because from looking at the main image, we see something as a bunch of abnormal people trying to destroy the helicopter. The helicopter could be a symbol of the army and the government as supposed to them being attacked by things like being consumed by ants. This relates to the genre of the film and that the apocalypse has led to the world coming to an end.

Page 2: World war z anaylsis

The target audience could be aimed at anyone above the ages 15+ suitable for a apocalyptic horror. Also the main character (protagonist) is Brad Pitt who we know as being a very popular actor within the genre of action films, therefore it appeals more to the audience as they would be more likely to watch it. Furthermore the film is about an apocalypse of the world coming to an end, and this makes it effective in relation to the audience as the film is based on a modern day war. Usually world wars involve countries against other countries but in this film, the scenario is completely different as the perpetrators of the world war ties to the zombies.

The campaign or individual posters could be seen inside and outside the cinemas. Transport links such as underground stations, bus stops and also big billboards around busy areas making it more aware to the audience. It could also be seen through posters outside corner shops and retail stores which makes it easier to attract the audience.

The stars of the film are scattered amongst each other in the composition to form some sort of pyramid figure to show the zombies destroying the helicopter . This shot is unique because the zombies almost looks like ants consuming it’s prey. Normal human beings won’t act this way which appeals to the audience as they would like to know what has caused this to happen.

Page 3: World war z anaylsis

The main character’s name is presented at the top of the poster ‘Brad Pitt’ which is effective as we already know that he is a very popular actor within the genre of action films, therefore it appeals more to the audience as they would be more likely to watch it. There are no other names or stars apart from Brad Pitt on the poster which means that he is the most important character in the film.

In this establishing shot we see the protagonist starring down amongst the world as if he’s a Goddess figure. By the way he leans over, his body posture tells us that he plays part of being a powerful character in the film. In terms of mise en scene, Brad Pitt is wearing casual clothing which appeals to the audience as we see him as being a normal human being through which we don’t actually know the skills that he possess till later on in the film.

The layout design is pretty unique by the way they used less text on the poster as a way to not give away too much information leaving the story of the film, ambiguous. The font used on the poster is printed in capital letters to make the title and the name of the actor stand out. The letter ‘Z’ is presented in the colour red and is presented bigger in the title to show that the ’Z’ stands for something important which we actually don’t know the meaning to. I think they have used the big ‘Z’ at the end of world war to leave the audience to think about what the ‘Z’ actually stands for , which in this case stands for ‘Zombies’. But the audience doesn’t know that which makes it more effective.

Page 4: World war z anaylsis

From looking at the main image, it is clear that the world is getting destroyed due to the fact that the buildings are collapsing, vehicles are on fire and people are dying. In terms of iconography there are many helicopters hovering above the city which indicates that everyone is in danger and is in need of a lot of help.

The unique selling point of this poster could be the main image which displays an establishing/ariel shot of the whole city. In this shot we can clearly see that there is something terrible happening to the world which we don’t actually know about. The poster is left ambiguous towards the audience and makes them think about what the story could be about. When the audience sees the poster, they immediately look at the word ‘war’ and the main image itself which both links in to the genre of the film. Another unique selling point of this poster could be the layout of it which makes it more appealing to the audience allowing them to concentrate on the main image.

From looking at this poster the target audience looks as though it could be aimed at either men and women. In terms of the mans aspect it could appeal more to them due to the fact that the genre of the film looks like an action which most males are interested in. It could also appeal to women as they are aware of ‘Brad Pitt’ being a famous actor who they admire watching. The target audience isn’t gender specific meaning that anyone can watch it. Also the film is about the world therefore it appeals to everyone.