world breastfeeding-week nl ppt presentation sept 11 2013

World Breastfeeding Week Theme: “BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT: CLOSE TO MOTHERSOctober 1-7, 2013 Credit: Rhonda Roebotham

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  • 1.World Breastfeeding Week Theme: BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT: CLOSE TO MOTHERS October 1-7, 2013 Credit: Rhonda Roebotham

2. Make sure you get the facts about breastfeeding before your baby is born. Let all your family and friends know about your decision and how they can support you. Infant Feeding So, You Have a Decision to Make Credit: Malin Enstrom 3. Breastfeeding is natural but it may take time for you and your baby to learn to breastfeed together. #Keepin-it-real Credit: Melissa Pelley 4. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed provided they have accurate information, and support within their families and communities and from the health care system (WHO 2003) BreastfeedYou Can Do it! 5. Babies are born to breastfeed Be Confident! Credit: Melissa Halford 6. Investing in breastfeeding will benefit: children families our economy A Great Investment Credit: Dawn Marshall 7. You have the right to breastfeed anytime, anywhere. 8. Breastfeed You wont regret it! Check out the NL videos on YouTube 9. Nutrition in the early months and years of life has a significant impact on long-term health Credit: Leisha Sagan 10. Get breastfeeding off to a good start with skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth Mothers and babies should room-in (stay together) throughout the day and night Credit: Amber Snow Skin-to-Skin and Rooming-in 11. Breastfeeding Helps Women: Heal after birth Bond closely to their babies Return more quickly to their pre-pregnancy weight Lower their risk of breast and ovarian cancer Lower their risk of postpartum depression 12. The World Health Organization and UNICEF recommend that no other foods besides breastmilk be given to your baby until six months of age. Credit: Meaghan Milley 13. Health Canada recommends that you continue to breastfeed after you start giving your baby solid foods at six months. Credit: Craig Anderson 14. It is recommended that you breastfeed for two years or longer Credit: Diane Coombs 15. The longer you breastfeed, the better the health outcomes for you and your baby. Credit: Paula Warren-Gallant 16. Breastfeeding in NL Credit: Kirstin Kennedy 68% of women in NL breastfeed in hospital however less than 15% continue to feed their baby only breastmilk until 6 months of age 17. As a baby grows, a mothers breastmilk changes to keep up with the babys needs and continues to have just the right amount of nutrients for optimal growth and development. Credit: Getty Images 18. Did you know? If every baby were exclusively breastfed from birth for 6 months, an estimated 1.5 million lives world wide would be saved each year UNICEF Credit: Whitney Pye 19. Breastfeeding helps prevent a variety of infections and many chronic diseases, including ear infections, pneumonia, diarrhea, vomiting, asthma, di abetes, and certain childhood cancers. Credit: Aynslie Maher 20. Credit: Colette Dawson Breastmilk saves lives 21. Human milk is a living fluid that changes at every feeding to meet the needs of your growing baby #breastmilkisAMaZinG Credit: Saralynn Cheeseman Power 22. In hot weather breastfed babies do not need extra water Credit: Cassondra Spetter Garner 23. Breastfeeding protects adults too! Adults who were breastfed have a reduced risk of: Heart disease High blood pressure Diabetes Obesity 24. Surround yourself with support from your health care provider, fa mily, partne r and friends. Breastfeeding Support Credit: Bay of Islands Breastfeeding Support Group 25. #Mother-to- mother- support = breastfeeding success! Credit: Bay of Islands Breastfeeding Support Group 26. What partners can do to support breastfeeding Work as a team with the mom; every family benefits from a loving and involved partner Show respect and understanding of the moms ability to make the perfect food for your baby Credit: Andrew Orsborn 27. What can friends and families do to support breastfeeding? Support mothers to reach their breastfeeding goals; encouragement can make a big difference Help mothers find good information before baby arrives Credit: Janie Lynn Kean 28. Breastfeeding support from Grandparents is very important 29. Have You Spotted the NL Breastfeeding Promotional Posters? 30. Share the Baby- Friendly business cards in your community 31. Now thats what I call a roadside scoff! 32. Where can you go for help & information about breastfeeding? Public Health Nurses Dietitians Doctors Midwives Nurses Doulas Lactation Consultants La Leche League Groups/Leaders Healthy Baby Clubs/Family Resource Centres The NL Breastfeeding Handbook Baby-Friendly NL 33. BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT: CLOSE TO MOTHERS Credit: Aimee Chaulk